Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Baby walker safety -- baby's minder or parent's problem? A qualitative analysis of clients' knowledge attitudes and practices regarding baby walker use,2003,62,4,350,Woods Talking about baby walkers: insights about health education from the field,2003,62,1,41,Woods Men’s health promotion in Canada: Current context and future direction,2009,68,4,266-272,McCreary A Spanish language narrative simulation to prevent horseback riding head injury among rural youth,2009,68,1,63-74,Arrowsmith Tanning behaviour among young frequent tanners is related to attitudes and not lack of knowledge about the dangers,2009,68,3,232-243,Dennis Perceptions of physical activity by older adults: A qualitative study,2009,68,3,196-206,Jancey Older adults’ perspectives on home exercise after falls rehabilitation: Understanding the importance of promoting healthy active ageing,2009,68,3,207-218,Hawley How do child accidents happen?,1987,46,4,169-171,McCarthy Do we need to understand the technology to get to the science? A systematic review of the concept of computer literacy in preventive health programs,2009,68,4,296-313,Dominick Recommendations for health reporting: Proposal of a working paper,2010,69,1,48-62,Vercellesi The complexities of interprofessional learning/working: Has the agenda lost its way?,2010,69,1,4-12,Lewy The WellingTONNE Challenge Toolkit: Using the RE-AIM framework to evaluate a community resource promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours,2010,69,1,126-134,Caperchione Parents' and children's self-report of parenting factors: How much do they agree and which is more strongly associated with early adolescent alcohol use?,2010,69,1,31-42,Komro Evidence-based health policy: A preliminary systematic review,2010,69,1,43-47,Morgan Health beliefs about osteoporosis and osteoporosis screening in older women and men,2010,69,3,267-276,Nayak The feasibility of assessing alcohol use among college students using wireless mobile devices: Implications for health education and behavioural research,2010,69,3,311-320,Arriola Environmental constraints on health: listening to children's views,1996,55,4,363-374,Jones Perspectives of serving teachers on the respective importance of areas deemed suitable for inclusion in the health education curriculum for Cyprus schools,2001,60,2,173-183,Fontana College students' use of compliance-gaining strategies to obtain prescription stimulant medications for illicit use,2011,70,3,260-273,Checton Parents as educators of sex and relationship education: The role for effective communication in British families,2011,70,3,240-248,Van Wersch Teenage pressures,1978,37,2,171-178,Revill Re-visit to the school nurse and adolescents' medicine use,2011,70,3,274-284,Holstein Categorizing health websites: E-knowledge e-business and e-professional,2011,70,3,285-295,Usher Health professionals' perceptions of sexual assault management: A Delphi Study,2011,70,3,249-259,Meuleners Attitudes of young people toward driving after smoking cannabis or after drinking alcohol,2003,62,1,50-60,Done Practical child safety education in England: A national survey of the Child Safety Education Coalition,2013,72,4,450-459,Mulvaney Kindergarten teachers' and their assistants' knowledge of first aid in Slovenian kindergartens,2013,72,4,398-407,Fink Brief training of HIV medical providers increases their frequency of delivering prevention counselling to patients at risk of transmitting HIV to others,2013,72,4,431-442,Wilson The Relationship between Sugar-Containing Methadone and Dental Caries: A Systematic Review,2013,72,4,469-485,Freeman Adaptation of alcohol and drug screening brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) to a department of intercollegiate athletics: the COMPASS Project,2013,72,6,647-659,Walker Integrating mHealth Mobile Applications to Reduce High Risk Drinking among Underage Students,2014,73,3,262-273,Kelly Effects of a 2.5-year campus-wide intervention to reduce college drinking,2013,72,6,673-683,Seo Wasted potential: the role of higher education institutions in supporting safe sensible and social drinking among students,2014,73,2,192-200,Orme Training Medical Students about Hazardous Drinking Using Simple Assessment Techniques,2014,73,3,295-302,Bravo Farm-to-school programmes in the USA: an examination of state-level enacted pending and vetoed or dead bills,2014,73,4,394-402,Stewart Child injury prevention in the home: a national survey of safety practices and use of safety equipment in deprived families,2014,73,1,62-71,Coupland Falls prevention education for older adults during and after hospitalization: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,73,5,530-544,Haines Evaluation of a health education programme about traumatic brain injury,2014,73,5,588-599,Garcia Prevention of home-related injuries of preschoolers: safety measures taken by mothers,2006,65,3,211-222,Al-Khameesa Factors associated with women's antenatal plans to use a baby walker: a cross sectional study,2006,65,3,197-210,Dewey Characteristics of instructors at farm safety 4 just kids day camps,2006,65,2,180-192,Reed Community engagement for health promotion: reducing injuries among chinese people in new zealand,2011,70,1,76-83,Tse The salience of alcohol-related issues across the adult lifespan,2016,75,1,117-128,Pettigrew Tablet-based education to reduce depression-related stigma,2016,75,1,84-93,Lu Quality of Austrian and Dutch falls-prevention information: a comparative descriptive study,2016,75,2,220-234,Lohrmann Lifestyle and mental health correlates of psychological distress in college students,2016,75,3,370-382,Sharma Perceptions of 'evidence-based practice' among the consumers of adolescent substance use treatment,2016,75,3,358-369,Spirito Are older adults receiving evidence-based advice to prevent falls post-discharge from hospital?,2016,75,4,448-463,Haines Missed opportunities to keep children safe? National survey of injury prevention activities of children's centres,2016,75,7,833-842,Kendrick Helmet ownership and use among skateboarders: utilisation of the health belief model,2016,75,5,565-576,Peachey Development and evaluation of a leaflet for concerned family members and friends: 'It's safe to talk about suicide',2017,76,5,582-594,Owens Effectiveness of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HEADS UP coaches' online training as an educational intervention,2019,78,7,784-797,Daugherty Evaluation of a road safety educational programme for senior elementary school students in Cambodia: a pilot study,2022,81,4,451-462,An US college women's understandings of definitions of intimate partner violence,2022,81,3,251-264,Evans Whole-school interventions promoting student commitment to school to prevent substance use and violence: synthesis of theories of change,2022,81,5,614-637,Bonell Development and refinement of a corner-based injury prevention programme for Latino day labourers,2023,82,6,595-610,Field Men and health promotion in the United Kingdom: 20 years further forward?,2017,76,1,103-113,Baker A study of the gender-specific mortality rates in Korea and Japan for the formation of health promotion policy,2007,66,1,82-89,Nam The relation between adolescent self assessment of health and risk behaviours: Could a global measure of health provide indications of health risk exposures?,2012,71,1,39-52,Nkansah-Amankra Acculturative stress poor mental health and condom-use intention among international students in China,2018,77,2,142-155,Yang Creative health promotion methods for young LGBTIQA+ people,2018,77,6,680-691,Bellamy The effectiveness of QPR suicide prevention training,2018,77,8,964-977,Miller Recognising depression,1947,5,4,169-173,MacCalman