Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A radio-based approach to promoting gun safety: process and outcome evaluation implications and insights,2003,15,3,299-318,Meyer Assessing the Get Real about ViolenceR Curriculum: process and outcome evaluation results and implications,2004,16,4,451-474,Meyer Using the theory of planned behavior and a stage model of persuasion to evaluate a safety message for firefighters,2005,18,2,141-154,Welbourne Sensation seeking and adolescent drug use: the mediating role of association with deviant peers and pro-drug discussions,2005,17,1,67-89,Yanovitzky Motivating women and men to take protective action against rape: examining direct and indirect persuasive fear appeals,2005,18,3,237-256,Morrison Social distance perceived drinking by peers and alcohol use by college students,2006,19,1,1-10,Yanovitzky Are "drink responsibly" alcohol campaigns strategically ambiguous?,2006,20,1,1-11,Atkin Effective message design targeting college students for the prevention of binge-drinking: basing design on rebellious risk-taking tendency,2006,20,3,299-308,Lee Finding the meanings of college drinking: An analysis of fraternity drinking stories,2001,13,4,427-447,Workman Friends talk to friends about drinking: exploring the role of peer communication in the theory of normative social behavior,2007,22,2,169-180,Real Assessing college students' attitudes toward responsible drinking messages to identify promising binge drinking intervention strategies,2007,22,3,265-276,Brannon Effects of risk-focused and recommendation-focused mental imagery on occupational risk communication,2008,23,5,473-482,Robertson Formative field experiments of a NIOSH alert to reduce the risks to firefighters from structural collapse: applying the cascade framework,2007,22,1,79-88,Welbourne Separating subjective norms university descriptive and injunctive norms and U.S. Descriptive and injunctive norms for drinking behavior intentions,2009,24,8,746-751,Smith The role of realism similarity and expectancies in adolescents' interpretation of abuse-prevention messages,2010,25,3,258-265,Pinkleton Communication inequalities during Public Health disasters: Katrina's wake,2010,25,3,221-229,Blendon Fraternity drinking as edgework: an analysis of perspectives on risk and control,2010,25,3,212-220,Cho The relationship between parents' verbal aggression and young adult children's intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration,2010,25,4,357-364,Roberto Storying the temporal nature of emotion work among volunteers: bearing witness to the lived traumas of others,2010,25,5,437-448,Thornton A study of quantitative content analysis of health messages in U.S. Media from 1985 to 2005,2010,25,5,387-396,Manganello Health advocacy by accident and discipline,2010,25,6,622-624,Mattson The impact of health communication on the culture of college drinking,2010,25,6,603-604,Lederman Suicide in the news: informing strategies to improve the reporting of suicide,2010,25,6,576-577,Pirkis Predicting intentions versus predicting behaviors: domestic violence prevention from a theory of reasoned action perspective,2002,14,4,429-449,Nabi Mixed emotional appeals in emotional and danger control processes,2010,25,8,726-736,Carrera The effects of self-efficacy statements in humorous anti-alcohol abuse messages targeting college students: who is in charge?,2010,25,8,638-646,Lee Teens' Attention to Crime and Emergency Programs on Television as a Predictor and Mediator of Increased Risk Perceptions Regarding Alcohol-Related Injuries,2011,26,1,94-103,Slater Order out of chaos: the self-organization of communication following the anthrax attacks,2006,20,2,141-148,Freimuth After 9/11: goal disruption emotional support and psychological health in a lower exposure sample,2007,21,1,11-22,MacGeorge Mechanisms of Child Abuse Public Service Announcement Effectiveness: Roles of Emotional Response and Perceived Effectiveness,2011,26,6,534-545,Paek Inoculation's Efficacy With Young Adults' Risky Behaviors: Can Inoculation Confer Cross-Protection Over Related but Untreated Issues?,2012,27,3,223-233,Parker Increasing the Effectiveness of Messages Promoting Responsible Undergraduate Drinking: Tailoring to Personality and Matching to Context,2012,27,3,302-309,Brannon Self-Monitoring as a Moderator Between Descriptive Norms and Drinking: Findings Among Korean and American University Students,2011,27,6,546-558,Jang "Above the Influence": How College Students Communicate About the Healthy Deviance of Alcohol Abstinence,2012,27,7,672-681,Romo The Blame Frame: Media Attribution of Culpability About the MMR-Autism Vaccination Scare,2012,27,7,690-701,Clarke Perceived Historical Drinking Norms and Current Drinking Behavior: Using the Theory of Normative Social Behavior as a Framework for Assessment,2012,27,8,766-775,Carcioppolo Are social norms campaigns really magic bullets? assessing the effects of students' misperceptions on drinking behavior,2003,15,4,481-497,Marchell Perceived message sensation value (PMSV) and the dimensions and validation of a PMSV scale,2002,14,4,403-428,Stephenson Predictors of exposure from an antimarijuana media campaign: outcome research assessing sensation seeking targeting,2002,14,1,23-43,Stephenson Optimistic Bias About H1N1 Flu: Testing the Links Between Risk Communication Optimistic Bias and Self-Protection Behavior,2013,28,2,146-158,Lee Normative influences and alcohol consumption: the role of drinking refusal self-efficacy,2013,28,5,443-451,Rimal Done 4: analysis of a failed social norms marketing campaign,2005,17,1,57-65,Clapp Communicating stigma: the pro-ana paradox,2013,28,5,499-508,Martins Applying the extended parallel process model to workplace safety messages,2013,28,1,29-39,Lavack Communicative challenges of bystander intervention: impact of goals and message design logic on strategies college students use to intervene in drinking situations,2014,29,1,93-104,White "Drinking Won't Get You Thinking": A content analysis of adolescent-created print alcohol counter-advertisements,2013,28,7,671-682,Greene The theory of active involvement: Processes underlying interventions that engage adolescents in message planning and/or production,2013,28,7,644-656,Greene #March for Our Lives: health activism diagnostic framing gun control and the gun industry,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zoller A crisis in counseling: Questioning the role of crisis counselors within police departments,2014,29,8,837-839,Jacobs Sensation Seeking as a Potential Mediating Variable for School-Based Prevention Intervention: A Two-Year Follow-Up of DARE,1991,3,4,229-239,Clayton Segmenting by Risk Perceptions: Predicting Young Adults' Genetic-Belief Profiles with Health and Opinion-Leader Covariates,2014,29,5,483-493,Smith Understanding Narrative Effects: The Role of Discrete Negative Emotions on Message Processing and Attitudes Among Low-Income African American Women,2014,29,5,494-504,Fu Easing reintegration: telephone support groups for spouses of returning Iraq and Afghanistan service members,2013,28,8,767-777,Nichols Vested interest disaster preparedness and strategic campaign message design,2014,30,3,271-281,Miller Parental mediation of media messages does matter: more interaction about objectionable content is associated with emerging adults' sexual attitudes and behaviors,2014,30,8,784-798,Radanielina-Hita The press coverage of celebrity suicide and the development of suicide frequencies in Germany,2014,30,11,1149-1158,Schäfer Terse messaging and public health in the midst of natural disasters: the case of the Boulder floods,2015,30,2,135-143,Sutton Emotional flow in persuasive health messages,2015,30,2,114-124,Nabi Long distance truck drivers and the structural context of health: a culture-centered investigation of indian truckers' health narratives,2015,31,2,230-241,Sastry When parents talk about college drinking: an examination of content frequency and associations with students' dangerous drinking,2015,31,3,287-298,Floyd The effects of fear appeal message repetition on perceived threat perceived efficacy and behavioral intention in the extended parallel process model,2015,31,3,275-286,Smith "Coming out" as an alcoholic: how former problem drinkers negotiate disclosure of their nondrinking identity,2015,31,3,336-345,Romo What do high school students say when they talk to their friends about substance use? Exploring the content of substance-use-specific communication with friends,2015,31,5,522-535,Kam Social stigma toward suicide: effects of group categorization and attributions in Korean health news,2015,31,4,468-477,Lee Measuring alcohol-specific communication with friends: conceptualizing and operationalizing communication as multidimensional,2015,31,6,695-706,Kam Effects of suicide awareness material on implicit suicide cognition: a laboratory experiment,2015,31,6,718-726,Niederkrotenthaler "That's what 'college experience' is": exploring cultural narratives and descriptive norms college students construct for legitimizing alcohol use,2015,31,8,917-925,Russell How fear-arousing news messages affect risk perceptions and intention to talk about risk,2016,31,9,1051-1062,Paek How mandated college students talk about alcohol: peer communication factors associated with drinking,2016,31,9,1127-1134,Carey Unrealistic hope and unnecessary fear: exploring how sensationalistic news stories influence health behavior motivation,2016,31,9,1115-1126,Nabi Crisis and emergency risk messaging in mass media news stories: is the public getting the information they need to protect their health?,2016,31,10,1215-1222,Lubell Young adults' information seeking following celebrity suicide: Considering involvement with the celebrity and emotional distress in health communication strategies,2016,31,11,1334-1344,Dillman Carpentier Impact of an alcohol poisoning storyline in a fictional television program: An experimental study with a live-to-air stimulus,2016,31,10,1258-1265,Bavin Suicide reporting on front pages of major newspapers in Taiwan: violating reporting recommendations between 2001 and 2012,2016,31,11,1395-1404,Lee Heavy sexual content versus safer sex content: a content analysis of the entertainment education drama Shuga,2016,31,12,1437-1446,Booker Violence in Gaza: an academic-activist agenda for health communication,2016,31,12,1579-1581,Dutta Integrating self-affirmation with health risk messages: effects on message evaluation and response,2016,32,2,189-199,Arpan Abyss or shelter? On the relevance of web search engines' search results when people Google for suicide,2016,32,2,253-258,Scherr "She gets me": forming a friendship from a place of vulnerability,2016,32,3,386-388,Field-Springer Suicide prevention public service announcements (PSAs): examples from around the world,2016,32,4,493-501,Pirkis NekNominate: social norms social media and binge drinking,2016,32,5,596-602,Veil Influence of incidental discrete emotions on health risk perception and persuasion,2016,32,6,721-729,Nan An exploration of the associations of alcohol-related social media use and message interpretation outcomes to problem drinking among college students,2016,32,7,864-871,Pinkleton Memorable messages about the misuse of prescription stimulants,2016,32,8,921-930,Dailey Concussion knowledge and communication behaviors of collegiate wrestling coaches,2016,32,8,963-969,Parsons "She stopped me from killing myself": bullied bloggers' coping behaviors and support sources,2016,32,8,977-986,Emmers-Sommer Predictors of cell phone use in distracted driving: extending the theory of planned behavior,2016,32,9,1066-1075,Tian Social representation of cyberbullying and adolescent suicide: a mixed-method analysis of news stories,2016,32,9,1082-1092,Young Formative research with college men to inform content and messages for a web-based sexual violence prevention program,2016,32,9,1133-1141,Salazar News stories of intimate partner violence: an experimental examination of participant sex perpetrator sex and violence severity on seriousness sympathy and punishment preferences,2016,32,6,768-776,Carlyle Putting the fear back again (and within individuals): revisiting the role of fear in persuasion,2016,32,11,1331-1341,Shen Reducing resistance to narrative persuasion about binge drinking: the role of self-activation and habitual drinking behavior,2016,32,10,1297-1309,Shapiro Optimizing online suicide prevention: a search engine-based tailored approach,2016,32,11,1403-1408,Scherr The power of visualizing fear,2016,32,11,1434-1437,Elman The impact of locus of control and controlling language on psychological reactance and ad effectiveness in health communication,2016,32,12,1463-1471,Xu Justificatory information forefending in digital age: self-sealing informational conviction of risky health behavior,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Perceived neighborhood conditions and depression: positive local news as a buffering factor,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yamamoto Assessing youth-appealing content in alcohol advertisements: application of a Content Appealing to Youth (CAY) index,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jernigan Involvement of Family Members and Professionals in Older Women's Post-Fall Decision Making,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Friedman Does Yik Yak promote risky health behavior on college campuses?,2018,33,4,372-378,Johnson Indirect effects of loneliness on substance use through stress,2018,33,5,513-518,Segrin Detecting changes in newspaper reporting of suicide after a statewide social marketing campaign,2018,33,6,674-680,Ramchand The ideological and political dimensions of the anti-smoking and anti-drinking video advertisements in the Republic of Moldova,2017,32,6,667-675,Stanchevici The feasibility of utilizing a comic for education in the emergency department setting,2017,32,5,529-532,Drendel The influence of statistical versus exemplar appeals on indian adults' health intentions: an investigation of direct effects and intervening persuasion processes,2017,32,4,427-437,McKinley "How dark a world it is … where mental health is poorly treated": mental illness frames in sermons given after the Sandy Hook shootings,2016,31,12,1539-1547,Matusitz Medical narrative and the rhetoric of identification: the many faces of Anna White Dildane,2016,31,11,1318-1326,Crick Communication about problematic drinking between young adults and their parents: an application of inconsistent nurturing as control theory,2016,31,9,1135-1144,Glowacki Influences of mental illness stigma on perceptions of and responses to requests for favors,2016,31,7,863-872,Imai State psychological reactance to depression public service announcements among people with varying levels of depressive symptomatology,2016,31,1,102-116,Siegel The roles of prevention messages risk perception and benefit perception in predicting binge drinking among college students,2018,33,7,877-886,Chen Health-related disaster communication and social media: mixed-method systematic review,2018,33,12,1389-1400,Wilkins Guns culture or mental health? Framing mass shootings as a public health crisis,2018,33,10,1211-1222,DeFoster Designing anti-binge drinking prevention messages: message framing vs. evidence type,2018,33,12,1494-1502,Lee “It just kind of happens": college students' rationalizations for blackout drinking,2019,34,1,1-10,Wombacher An application of the reasoned action approach to bystander intervention for sexual assault,2019,34,1,46-53,Quick Suicide prevention media campaigns: a systematic literature review,2019,34,4,402-414,Pirkis The longitudinal association between poor sleep quality and cyberbullying mediated by anger,2019,34,5,560-566,Vandebosch Uplifting fear appeals: considering the role of hope in fear-based persuasive messages,2019,34,4,463-474,Nabi "Self" takes it all in mental illness: examining the dynamic role of health consciousness negative emotions and efficacy in information seeking,2019,34,8,848-858,Lee Emergency risk communication: lessons learned from a rapid review of recent gray literature on ebola zika and yellow fever,2019,34,4,437-455,Noyes Meth mouth white trash and the pseudo-racialization of methamphetamine use in the U.S.,2019,34,10,1173-1182,Gubrium Suicide stigma in online social interactions: impacts of social capital and suicide literacy,2018,ePub,ePub,1-10,Lee "It's better to be depressed skinny than happy fat:" college women's memorable body messages and their impact on body image self-esteem and rape myth acceptance,2018,ePub,ePub,1-9,Rubinsky Switched on: how the timing of aversive content in traffic safety videos impact psychophysiological indicators of message processing,2018,ePub,ePub,1-10,Ekman Measuring trivialization of mental illness: developing a scale of perceptions that mental illness symptoms are beneficial,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Myrick Integrating risk perception attitude framework and the theory of planned behavior to predict mental health promotion behaviors among young adults,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Kim Moderating effects of social norms and alcohol consumption on message framing in responsible drinking campaigns: value from deviance regulation theory,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Park #Selfharm on #Instagram: examining user awareness and use of Instagram's self-harm reporting tool,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Record Exemplification and stigmatization of the depressed: depression as the main topic versus an incidental topic in national US news coverage,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Wang Can empathy offset low bystander efficacy? Effectiveness of domestic violence prevention narratives in India,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Muralidharan Celebration drinking around the clock,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Smith Young adults' (mis)use of prescription opioid drugs: an exploratory study,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Cao Suicide coverage in the digital press media: adherence to World Health Organization guidelines and effectiveness of different interventions aimed at media professionals,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Acosta Exploring news media epidemiology of "embitterment": a content analysis of Korean news coverage between 1990 and 2018,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,You Lived experiences of unwed single mothers: exploring the relationship between structural violence and agency in the context of chinese reproductive health discourse,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Basnyat Stigma in the news: the representation and trivialization of stigma in U.S. news publications,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parrott The third rail of pediatric communication: discussing firearm risk and safety in well-child exams,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garbutt Friends over doctors? The influences of source and perceived customization on college drinking,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Willoughby Don't let the tornado get you! The effects of agency assignment and self-construal on responses to tornado preparedness messages,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ma Intervening through conversations: how instructions influence conversational valence and binge drinking determinants,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Bruijn Influenced by anonymous others: effects of online comments on risk perception and intention to communicate,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duong Social support and the rehabilitation of alcohol-impaired drivers: drinking motives as moderators,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dougherty A scoping review of "responsible drinking" interventions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shaffer How does family communication relate to adolescent dating violence and externalizing behaviors? 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The moderating role of hostile sexism,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baiocco Debunking mental health misperceptions in short-form social media videos: an experimental test of scientific credibility cues,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Han Suicide in song: a thematic analysis of 674 songs referencing suicide,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parrott Increasing organ donor registrations in motor vehicles offices through health communication,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feeley Association between pornography use sexism and sexual violence myth acceptance in Chinese men: the moderating effect of perceived realism,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yang Political affiliation moderates the effect of injunctive norms on freedom threat and behavioral intentions: limiting indoor gatherings to flatten the COVID-19 curve,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park The Battle Against Mental Health Stigma: Examining How Veterans with PTSD Communicatively Manage Stigma,2021,36,11,1378-1387,Roscoe Associations Between Social Media Use and Suicidal Ideation in South Korea: Mediating Roles of Social Capital and Self-esteem,2020,35,14,1754-1761,Noh Mental Health-Related Outcomes of Robin Williams' Death: The Role of Parasocial Relations and Media Exposure in Stigma Help-Seeking and Outreach,2018,33,12,1573-1582,Cohen Where trouble starts: communication breakdown in a complex emergency call,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nattrass "Saving us to death": ideology and communicative (dis)enfranchisement in misapplications of the 2016 CDC opioid prescribing guidelines,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hintz Culturally centering the voices of transgender sex workers in Singapore: health materiality and violence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dutta