Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Factors associated with self-worth in young people with physical disabilities,2004,29,3,167-175,Antle Gun violence and children: factors related to exposure and trauma,2002,27,2,104-112,Slovak Perceptions of domestic violence: a dialogue with African American women,2004,29,4,307-316,Bent-Goodley Transgender health: findings from two needs assessment studies in Philadelphia,2005,30,1,19-26,Kenagy Significance of gender and age in African American children's response to parental victimization,2006,31,3,181-188,Hilarski The aftermath of road trauma: survivors' perceptions of trauma and growth,2007,32,2,129-137,Harms Intervention approaches to driving and dementia,2007,32,1,75-79,Adler School-based clinics: an opportunity for social workers to address youth violence,1994,19,2,82-83,Ross Cribs for Kids: risk and reduction of sudden infant death syndrome and accidental suffocation,2007,32,3,225-229,Carlins Coping with stressful events: influence of parental alcoholism and race in a community sample of women,2007,32,4,247-257,Griffin Fear of falling and activity avoidance in a national sample of older adults in the United States,2008,33,1,54-62,Bertera Intimate partner violence among midlife and older women: a descriptive analysis of women seeking medical services,2008,33,1,33-41,Shibusawa Intimate partner violence: A call for social work action,2008,33,4,309-314,Murphy Social work research on African Americans and suicidal behavior: a systematic 25-year review,2008,33,4,249-257,Joe Self-perceived risk of HIV among women with protective orders against male partners,2008,33,4,287-298,Cole Understanding rape survivors' decisions not to seek help from formal social systems,2009,34,2,127-136,Patterson Domestic violence shelters as prevention agents for HIV/AIDS?,2008,33,3,221-228,Pomeroy Biorhythms and social work,1976,1,4,11-37,Garzino Identifying the sexually abused child in a medical setting,1977,2,4,112-130,Terrell Children in limbo: a study of New York City "boarder babies",1977,2,4,131-146,Cerminaro Managing the psychosocial factor in disaster programs,1978,3,3,139-154,Krell Prevention and control of "drunk driving": lessons for social work,1979,4,4,84-106,Saunders child abuse: historical precedent and legal ramifications,1980,5,3,61-67,Cain Psychosocial dynamics of pediatric burn abuse,1981,6,4,27-32,Hight Causes of child abuse: a reexamination,1981,6,4,19-25,Sze Perinatal stress: a study of factors linked to the risk of parenting problems,1983,8,2,107-121,Ten Bensel Structured group treatment for sexually abused children,1983,8,4,299-308,Sturkie How physicians respond to child maltreatment cases,1986,11,2,95-106,Kim Elder abuse: ethical and practical dilemmas for social work,1986,11,2,85-94,Matlaw The many faces of violence,1986,11,2,82-83,Berkman Violence in America: an emerging public health problem,1986,11,2,153-155,Kissel Child abuse and neglect: an instrument to assist with case referral decision making,1989,14,1,60-73,Wilson Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1989,14,1,53-58,Sheridan An experimental evaluation of interdisciplinary training in intervention with sexually abused adolescents,1990,15,3,207-214,Clancy Elder abuse,1991,16,4,227-229,Ross Suicidal tendency and multiple sclerosis,1991,16,2,104-109,Miller Working with potentially assaultive clients,1993,18,4,307-312,Murdach Pediatric critical care social work: interventions with a special plane crash survivor,1990,15,3,215-220,Sefansky Personal assistance providers' mistreatment of disabled adults,2004,29,3,177-188,Oktay Re: Decision making by the child protection team of a medical center,2003,28,4,322-323,Clark Psychosocial characteristics of pregnant women with and without a history of substance abuse,1994,19,1,17-22,Marcenko Tailoring disaster mental health services to diverse needs: an analysis of 36 crisis counseling projects,2010,35,3,211-220,Norris Pregnancy: a time to break the cycle of family violence,2001,26,2,120-124,Pulido Protective services teams: the social worker as liaison,1985,10,3,191-198,Watt Custodial day care on military bases,1978,3,4,113-130,Spendlove Group therapy intervention for male batterers: a microethnographic study,2002,27,1,47-55,Pandya The ethics of assisted suicide,1994,19,4,237-244,Callahan Social work intervention and failure to thrive in infants and children,2001,26,2,90-97,Weinman The crisis of public health revisited: implications for social work,2002,27,1,56-60,Gorin Decision making by the child protection team of a medical center,2003,28,4,284-292,Benbenishty Head injury and battered women: an initial inquiry,1999,24,4,269-278,O'Leary Confidentiality after Tarasoff,1994,19,3,217-222,Kopels Documentation of client dangerousness in a managed care environment,1996,21,3,202-207,Callahan Sexual risk factors for HIV and violence among Puerto Rican women in New York City,2011,36,2,87-97,El-Bassel Social work services in a high-risk nursery,1976,1,2,86-103,Sheridan Hospital social workers and indirect trauma exposure: an exploratory study of contributing factors,2008,33,1,63-71,Badger Mild traumatic brain injury: a silent epidemic in our practices,2011,36,4,299-302,Buck Rape--a personal account,1976,1,3,83-95, The Peckham Experiment revisited: cultivating health,1976,1,3,27-38,Farber Depression among victims of south Mississippi's methyl parathion disaster,2000,25,1,33-40,Kolbo Intimate partner violence during pregnancy: best practices for social workers,2012,37,1,9-17,McMahon Incorporating discussion of sibling violence in the curriculum of parent intervention programs for child abuse and neglect,2013,38,1,53-57,Shadik Part of the job? Workplace violence in Massachusetts social service agencies,2013,38,2,75-85,Slayter Intimate partner violence exposure in early childhood: An ecobiodevelopmental perspective,2013,38,4,231-239,Herman-Smith Fathering after military deployment: parenting challenges and goals of fathers of young children,2014,39,1,35-44,Rosenblum Impact of gender on reactions to military sexual assault and harassment,2014,39,1,25-33,Turchik Psychosocial concerns of veterans of operation enduring freedom/operation iraqi freedom,2014,39,1,17-24,Findley Helplessness and hopelessness among the institutionalized aged: an experiment,1979,4,1,91-116,Kane Role-playing in a rape crisis center,1980,5,2,65-68,Davenport The treatment of childhood sexual trauma in chronically mentally ill adults,1991,16,1,50-57,Den Herder Group meetings for families of burned children,1978,3,3,165-172,Cahners An initial response to rape prevention and control,1978,3,4,173-181,Hoggard Alcohol abuse programs in the military,1979,4,4,60-83,Marsh Alcohol and the elderly: a review,1979,4,4,128-143,Mayer Factors related to sexual abuse and forced sex in a sample of women experiencing police-involved intimate partner violence,2014,39,3,181-191,Messing Burn care: a social work perspective,1983,8,2,97-106,Weinberg Attributions of control by hip fracture patients,1988,13,1,43-48,Furstenberg Physical and mental health correlates of adverse childhood experiences among low-income women,2014,39,4,221-229,Gringeri Unequal Burden of Disease Unequal Participation in Clinical Trials: Solutions from African American and Latino Community Members,2013,38,1,29-38,Smith Factors Leading African Americans and Black Caribbeans to Use Social Work Services for Treating Mental and Substance Use Disorders,2013,38,2,99-109,Cheng The promise of public housing as a community-based model of health care,2004,29,4,335-339,Bowie How does intimate partner violence differ depending on level of rurality of residential area in Spain?,2015,40,2,108-119,Vives-Cases Suicide risk stress sensitivity and self-esteem among young adults reporting auditory hallucinations,2015,40,3,175-181,Devylder Caregiving and traumatic brain injury: coping with grief and loss,2015,40,4,325-328,Sanders A review of sexual assault information on college web sites,2015,40,4,275-282,McMahon Female genital mutilation is a violation of reproductive rights of women: implications for health workers,2016,41,1,25-31,Jungari Factors associated with self-worth in young people with physical disabilities,2004,29,3,167,Antle Living with paraplegia: tensions and contradictions,2004,29,3,207,O'Connor Curanderismo: demystifying the health beliefs and practices of elderly Mexican Americans,1995,20,4,247-53,Applewhite Social work practice with childbirth-injured women in Nigeria,1994,19,2,120-24,Ojanuga Stressors experienced by relatives of patients in an innovative rehabilitation program,1993,18,2,114-22,Quine Identifying risk for suicide,2016,41,3,205-207,Doherty Reproductive coercion by an intimate partner: occurrence associations and interference with sexual health decision making,2016,41,1,e11-e19,Messing Exploring intimate partner violence and sexual health needs in the southwestern United States: perspectives from health and human services workers,2016,41,1,e29-e37,Martinez Depressive symptoms and involvement in physical fighting among Portuguese adolescents,2017,42,2,e77-e85,Barros Seeing deaths resulting from interpersonal violence as a function of "state violence": time for a health disparities paradigm shift?,2017,42,2,125-128,Cornelius Physical and mental health disparities for young women with arrest histories,2017,42,2,e102-e110,Fedock Relationships between psychosocial difficulties and oxidative stress biomarkers in women subject to intimate partner violence,2017,42,1,41-47,Kim A comparison of risk and protective factors related to depressive symptoms among American Indian and Caucasian Older Adults,2017,42,1,e15-e23,Lee Invisible illness increases risk of suicidal ideation: the role of social workers in preventing suicide,2017,42,3,183-186,Pederson Implementation of a brief abuse and basic needs tool: impact on utilization of social services in ambulatory medical clinics,2017,42,4,223-230,Sherman Lifetime abuse and quality of life among older people,2017,42,4,215-222,Barros Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among women seeking treatment for substance use and trauma symptoms,2018,43,2,76-83,Resko The Safer Futures model: developing partnerships between intimate partner violence and health care agencies,2018,43,3,201-204,Rockhill The mediating role of posttraumatic stress disorder with tendency to forgive social support and psychosocial functioning of terror survivors,2018,43,3,147-154,Weinberg Safety fears held by caregivers about relatives with psychiatric disorders,2018,43,3,165-174,Solomon Health of women surviving intimate partner violence: impact of injury and fear,2019,44,2,87-94,Lo Barriers to mental health care for transgender and gender-nonconforming adults: a systematic literature review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerel Research practice and policy strategies to stop family violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rine Strengthening recovery: a burn injury-focused mobile app to improve outcomes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hickerson Interpersonal gun violence research in the social work literature,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,St Vil The aftermath of gun violence: implications for social work in communities,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Addressing gun violence: a social work imperative,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slovak The hidden epidemic of firearm suicide in the United States: challenges and opportunities,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaplan Fear of crime racial bias and gun ownership,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berg The association between firearm control policies and firearm suicide among men: a state-level age-stratified analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xuan The impact of state firearm laws on 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