Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A health inequalities perspective on violence against women,2007,15,2,120-127,Humphreys Shattered lives: Children who live with courage and dignity. Domestic violence and child protection: directions for good practice,2007,15,3,274-276,Armitage Workload in community pharmacies in the UK and its impact on patient safety and pharmacists' well‐being: a review of the evidence,2011,19,6,561-575,Hassell Systematic review of the perceptions and experiences of accessing health services by adult victims of domestic violence,2008,16,1,16-30,Robinson Streets ahead on safety: young people's participation in decision-making to address the European road injury 'epidemic',2008,16,3,322-328,Kimberlee Psychoactive substance use among Arab adolescent school dropouts in Israel: a phenomenon and its implications,2008,17,1,27 - 35,Bar-Hamburger Elderly women's experiences of living with fall risk in a fragile body: a reflective life-world approach,2009,17,4,379 - 387,Hallrup 'Nobody ever chooses this ...': a qualitative study of service providers working in the sexual violence sector – key issues and challenges,2009,17,3,295 - 303,Kelleher Recognizing the co-occurrence of domestic and child abuse: A comparison of community- and hospital-based midwives,2009,17,4,358 - 370,Lazenbatt Lesbian gay bisexual and transgender young people's experiences of distress: resilience ambivalence and self-destructive behaviour,2008,16,3,329-336,Roen Difficulties experienced by care managers who are care workers managing elder abuse cases in the Japanese long-term care insurance system,2007,15,6,569-576,Sakai Equine-assisted psychotherapy: a mental health promotion/intervention modality for children who have experienced intra-family violence,2007,15,3,265-271,Robbins Silenced voices: hearing the stories of parents bereaved through the suicide death of a young adult child,2010,18,3,241-248,Minichiello Psychosocial risk factors associated with falls among Chinese community-dwelling older adults in Hong Kong,2010,18,3,272-281,Chi Distinguishing neglect from abuse and accident: analysis of the case files of a hospital child protection team in Israel,2010,18,6,614-623,Chen Who tells and what happens: disclosure and health service responses to screening for intimate partner violence,2010,18,6,671-680,Zwi Is peer injecting a form of intimate partner abuse? A qualitative study of the experiences of women drug users,2007,15,5,417-425,Wright Filipino men's familial roles and domestic violence: implications and strategies for community-based intervention,2004,12,5,422-429,Lee Experiences of seeking help from health professionals in a sample of women who experienced domestic violence,2003,11,1,10-18,Bacchus Recruiting and retaining older persons within a home-based pilot study using movement sensors,2011,19,1,98-105,Bailey Pathways of disadvantage? Walking as a mode of transport among low-income mothers,2001,9,1,11-18,Bostock Knowledge and behaviours related to herbal remedies: a cross‐sectional epidemiological study in adults in Middle Anatolia Turkey,2010,18,4,389-395,Nur Good Practice in Safeguarding Children: Working Effectively in Child Protection,2010,18,3,326-327,Vincent Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and the Law,2010,18,3,327-328,Preston‐Shoot Safeguarding Children in Primary Health Care,2010,18,3,330-331,Davies Preventive home visits to older home‐dwelling people in Denmark: are invitational procedures of importance?,2010,18,6,563-571,Avlund Enabling independence: restorative approaches to home care provision for frail older adults,2009,17,3,225-234,Wells Staff experience and understanding of working with abused women suffering from mental illness,2009,17,5,459-465,Bengtsson‐Tops Contribution of child protection workers’ attitudes to their risk assessments and intervention recommendations: a study in Israel,2010,18,1,1-9,Benbenishty Forming partnerships with parents from a community development perspective: lessons learnt from Sure Start,2009,17,6,659-665,MacNeill A non‐randomised controlled trial of the Home Independence Program (HIP): an Australian restorative programme for older home‐care clients,2010,18,1,91-99,Lewin Social and structural barriers to housing among street‐involved youth who use illicit drugs,2010,18,3,282-288,Kerr The impact of domestic abuse for older women: a review of the literature,2011,19,1,3-14,McGarry Learning From Child Deaths and Serious Abuse,2011,19,1,109-110,Devaney 'Doubly deprived': a post‐death qualitative study of primary carers of people who died in Western Australia,2011,19,6,636-644,Rosenwax Counselling teenage girls on problems related to the 'protection of family honour' from the perspective of school nurses and counsellors,2011,19,5,476-484,Alizadeh Banned from working in social care: a secondary analysis of staff characteristics and reasons for their referrals to the POVA list in England and Wales,2009,17,5,423-433,Manthorpe Working with families in Tower Hamlets: an evaluation of the Family Welfare Association's Family Support Services,2002,10,2,112-122,Gray Applying intersectionality theory to understand female Arab art-therapists' experiences with child maltreatment mandatory reporting,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Enosh 'I could have just done with a little more help': an analysis of women's help-seeking from health visitors in the context of domestic violence,2003,11,3,275-282,Peckover The effects of social support on maternal anxiety and depression after stillbirth,2009,17,2,167-176,Cacciatore ‘It’s been really really hard’: a qualitative study of the health problems of people receiving emergency relief in Australia,2009,17,6,581-589,Goddard The potential of ecological theory for building an integrated framework to develop the public health contribution of health visiting,2009,17,6,564-572,Bryans Focusing upon children and men in situations of domestic violence: an analysis of the gendered nature of British health visiting,2002,10,4,254-261,Peckover Making an Impact: Children and Domestic Violence,2000,8,5,345-346,Hodgson Barriers to accessing generic health and social care services: a qualitative study of injecting drug users,2008,16,2,147-154,Sheard Choice in the context of informal care‐giving,2007,15,2,165-175,Arksey Family group conferences in youth justice,2008,16,3,262-270,Mutter Getting out of the house: the challenges mothers face when their children have long‐term care needs,2007,15,1,45-55,McKeever Health needs of prisoners in England and Wales: the implications for prison healthcare of gender age and ethnicity,2007,15,1,56-66,Harris Listening to children: gaining a perspective of the experiences of poverty and social exclusion from children and young people of single‐parent families,2008,16,4,429-436,Walker Listening to people with intellectual disabilities who misuse alcohol and drugs,2007,15,4,360-368,Taggart Mothers experiencing homelessness: mental health support and social care needs,2007,15,3,246-253,Vostanis Normalising the abnormal: Palestinian youth and the contradictions of resilience in protracted conflict,2008,16,3,291-298,Giacaman Safety vs. privacy: elderly persons’ experiences of a mobile safety alarm,2008,16,4,337-346,Gard Supporting working carers: do policies in England and The Netherlands reflect ‘doulia rights’?,2008,16,6,649-657,Arksey Where do people go when they first become homeless? A survey of homeless adults in the USA,2007,15,5,446-453,Hanusa Psychiatric morbidity and people’s experience of and response to social problems involving rights,2010,18,6,588-597,Pleasence The experience of community engagement for individuals: a rapid review of evidence,2011,19,3,250-260,Whitehead Childhood maltreatment and the risk of substance problems in later life,1998,6,1,35-46,Downs Good intentions increased inequities: developing social care services in Emergency Departments in the UK,2011,19,5,460-467,Swann Islam and Social Work: Debating Values Transforming Practice,2009,17,5,539-540,Guru Adolescent drinking academic achievement and leisure time use by secondary education students in a rural area of Crete,2012,20,1,61-69,Koutra Making sense of domestic violence intervention in professional health care,2012,20,4,347-355,Holma Elderly people's perspectives on health and well-being in rural communities in England: findings from the evaluation of the National Service Framework for Older People,2008,16,5,460-468,Iliffe 'She has made me feel human again': an evaluation of a volunteer home-based visiting project for mothers,2000,8,1,1-8,Barclay Youth Justice staff attitudes towards screening for self-harm,2012,20,5,506-515,Townsend Parenting issues that may be addressed through a confidential helpline,2002,10,2,106-111,Akister Supporting Women After Domestic Violence: Loss Trauma and Recovery - By Hilary Abrahams,2008,16,4,437,Chung Is elder abuse on the curriculum? The relative contribution of child abuse domestic violence and elder abuse in social work nursing and medicine qualifying curricula,1996,3,6,353-362,Penhale National survey of the injury prevention activities of children's centres,2014,22,1,40-46,Coupland Barriers and facilitators of disclosing domestic violence to the healthcare service: a systematic review of qualitative research,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eisma Suicide in Italy during a time of economic recession: Some recent data related to age and gender based on a nationwide register study,2014,22,4,361-367,Lester Economic solvency in the context of violence against women: a concept analysis,2014,23,2,97-106,Symes Social engagement setting and alcohol use among a sample of older Australians,2014,22,5,524-532,Allsop Communication and interpretation of emotional distress within the friendships of young Irish men prior to suicide: a qualitative study,2014,23,2,150-158,Owens Substance abuse and batterer programmes in California USA: factors associated with treatment outcomes,2014,23,6,642-653,Stuart Associations between falls and general health nutrition dental health and medication use in Swedish home-dwelling people aged 75 years and over,2015,23,6,594-604,Fonad Priorities concerns and unmet needs among Haitians in Boston after the 2010 earthquake,2015,24,6,687-698,Allen Supporting people with dementia to walkabout safely outdoors: development of a structured model of assessment,2015,24,4,473-484,Montgomery Children parents and risk,1998,6,1,16-24,Kelley Self-injury among trans individuals and matched controls: prevalence and associated factors,2015,24,4,485-494,Bouman General practitioners' perspectives on primary care consultations for suicidal patients,2015,24,3,260-269,Chantler Capacity of AIDS service organisations in Connecticut to respond to intimate partner violence,2015,25,2,329-337,Sullivan High school incompletion and childhood maltreatment among street-involved young people in Vancouver Canada,2015,25,2,378-384,Kerr Guidance for community-based caregivers in assisting people with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury with transfers and manual handling: evidence and key stakeholder perspectives,2016,25,2,458-465,Bragge Marginalisation discrimination and the health of Latino immigrant day labourers in a central North Carolina community,2016,25,2,527-537,Barrington The health status and well-being of low-resource housing-unstable single-parent families living in violent neighbourhoods in Philadelphia Pennsylvania,2016,25,2,578-589,Wiebe Attending to physical health in mental health services in Australia: a qualitative study of service users' experiences and expectations,2016,25,2,602-611,Patterson Recognising and referring children exposed to domestic abuse: a multi-professional proactive systems-based evaluation using a modified Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA),2016,25,2,690-699,Taylor Parenting for the promotion of adolescent mental health: a scoping review of programmes targeting ethnoculturally diverse families,2016,25,2,743-757,Lach Making the links between domestic violence and child safeguarding: an evidence-based pilot training for general practice,2016,25,6,1722-1732,Hester Men's perspectives on fall risk and fall prevention following participation in a group-based programme conducted at Men's Sheds Australia,2016,25,3,1118-1126,Lord Mobilising culture against domestic violence in migrant and ethnic communities: practitioner perspectives from Aotearoa/New Zealand,2017,25,4,1387-1395,Simon-Kumar Peer bullying in seniors' subsidised apartment communities in Saskatoon Canada: participatory research,2017,25,4,1439-1447,Goodridge Prevention of falls malnutrition and pressure ulcers among older persons - nursing staff's experiences of a structured preventive care process,2017,25,3,1011-1020,Ernsth Bravell Social work-generated evidence in traumatic brain injury from 1975 to 2014: a systematic scoping review,2018,26,4,433-448,Simpson Profile of consumers and their partners of a perinatal and infant mental health (PIMH) service in Australia,2018,26,1,e154-e163,Howe Perspectives of rural health and human service practitioners following suicide prevention training programme in Australia: a thematic analysis,2018,26,3,356-363,Ferguson 'Everyone has an agenda': professionals' understanding and negotiation of risk within the guardianship system of Victoria Australia,2018,26,4,581-589,Saunders The Vicarious Trauma Scale: confirmatory factor analysis and psychometric properties with a sample of victim advocates,2018,26,4,564-571,Benuto Is gender important? Victimisation and perpetration of intimate partner violence in mainland China,2019,27,1,31-42,Breckenridge Towards an ecological understanding of readiness to engage with interventions for children exposed to domestic violence and abuse: systematic review and qualitative synthesis of perspectives of children parents and practitioners,2019,27,2,271-292,MacMillan Understanding the profile of Personal Alert Victoria clients who fall,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barker Perceptions of falls and falls prevention interventions among Personal Alert Victoria clients,2018,26,6,970-978,Barker Exposure to community and collective violence during childhood and tobacco use patterns among young adults in Tunisia,2018,26,6,935-945,Lemieux A communication skills intervention to minimise patient perpetrated aggression for healthcare support workers in New Zealand: a cluster randomised controlled trial,2019,27,1,170-181,Gale Police response to individuals displaying suicidal or self-harming behaviours: an integrative review,2019,27,3,e112-e124,Grech The association between social cohesion and community disaster resilience: a cross-sectional study,2019,27,3,621-631,Arbon 'I need help': reasons new and re-engaging callers contact the PANDA-Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia National Helpline: HSCC-OA-18-0017,2019,27,3,717-728,Liamputtong Why are they reluctant to report? A study of the barriers to reporting to child welfare services among public dental healthcare personnel,2019,27,4,871-879,Bjørknes 'We're all wounded healers': a qualitative study to explore the well-being and needs of helpline workers supporting survivors of domestic violence and abuse,2019,27,4,856-862,Feder Providing support following exposure to suicide: a mixed method study,2019,27,4,965-972,Maple Implementation of the Identification and Referral to Improve Safety programme for patients with experience of domestic violence and abuse: a theory-based mixed-method process evaluation,2019,27,4,e298-e312,Feder Low-income homebound older adults receiving home-delivered meals: physical and mental health conditions incidence of falls and hospitalisations,2019,27,4,e406-e416,Marti Exploring purpose-designed audio-visual falls prevention messages on older people's capability and motivation to prevent falls,2019,27,4,e471-e482,Haines Practitioner perspectives on the nexus between acquired brain injury and family violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pritchard Risk assessment practices among home visiting nurses and child protection caseworkers in Colorado United States: A qualitative investigation,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shimasaki A scoping review of adult survivors' experiences of shame following sexual abuse in childhood,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Breckenridge "Keeping Control": A user-led exploratory study of mental health service user experiences of targeted violence and abuse in the context of adult safeguarding in England,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cohen We are at Full Capacity": social care workers persisting through work-related stress in a new immigrant settlement context in the United States,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parrish Caring hours and possible need for employment support among primary carers for adults with mental illness: results from an Australian household survey,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harris Prevalence and predictors of psychological distress among primary healthcare service users in Mansoura district Egypt,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,El-Gilany Falls in community-dwelling prefrail older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shimada Responding to the health needs of trafficked people: a qualitative study of professionals in England and Scotland,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zimmerman Learning from domestic homicide reviews in England and Wales,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chantler Children's experiences and needs in situations of domestic violence: a secondary analysis of qualitative data from adult friends and family members of female survivors,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacMillan Examining fall risk among formerly homeless older adults living in permanent supportive housing,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pynoos Implementing a trauma-informed intervention for homeless female survivors of gender-based violence: lessons learned in a large Canadian urban centre,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stergiopoulos Navigating and negotiating meanings of child abuse and neglect: sociocultural contexts shaping Australian nurses' perceptions,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lines Differences in help-seeking behaviours and perceived helpfulness of services between abused and non-abused women: a cross-sectional survey of Australian postpartum women,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hooker Personalising safe sleep messaging for infant caregivers in the United States,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gittelman How can cities tackle hoarding? Examining an intervention program bringing together fire and health authorities in Vancouver,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Woody Language and stigmatization of individuals with mental health problems or substance addiction in the Netherlands: an experimental vignette study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,van de Mheen "Why do you stay? 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Attribution of causes of patient violence among exposed and unexposed community-based family physicians,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldblatt Prevalence and correlates of falls in a middle-aged population with osteoarthritis: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Soh Community care staff attitudes towards delivering a falls prevention exercise intervention to community care clients,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hill The impact of screen media portrayals of suicide on viewers: a rapid review of the evidence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Procter Nurses' and midwives' awareness of intimate partner violence-related mental healthcare and associated factors in Tanzania,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ohnishi A mixed methods systematic review of informal caregivers' experiences of fall risk among community-dwelling elders with dementia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Phelan Recruitment and retention of older adults in assisted living facilities to a clinical trial using technology for falls prevention: a qualitative case study of barriers and facilitators,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stanmore Fear of crime is associated with loneliness among older adults in Singapore: gender and ethnic differences,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan Impact of mild traumatic brain injury on physical mental and cognitive functioning of abused women admitted to emergency units,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lau Early childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and teen depression symptoms in the U.S,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huang Assessing school-based intervention strategies to foster the prevention of choking injuries in children: the results of the CHOP (CHOking Prevention) trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baldas Suicidal behaviour in adolescents: educational interventions in Mexico,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hidalgo-Solorzano Trans and gender-diverse peoples' experiences of crisis helpline services,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brooks Implementing changes after patient suicides in mental health services: a systematic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davidson Social workers' 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encounters and predictors of non-transport at a US Emergency Medical Services Agency,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shippee Effectiveness of the training provided to healthcare professionals in Turkey to recognise the symptoms and risks of child abuse and neglect,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cevik Durmaz Perceived neighborhood environment and depressive symptoms among older adults living in urban China: the mediator role of social capital,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lu Co-designing being your best program-a holistic approach to frailty in older community dwelling Australians,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hutchinson Forms of sexual assault against older women in the context of acquaintance relationships: an intersectional perspective,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldblatt Falls in people post-Guillain-Barré syndrome in the United Kingdom: a national cross-sectional survey of community based adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davidson Violence and victimisation in the lives of persons experiencing homelessness who use methamphetamine: a 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during the first 6 weeks at home,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Intimate partner violence against women with intellectual disability: a relational framework for inclusive trauma-informed social services,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McConnell Suicide risk assessment fears attitudes and behaviours of lifeline crisis supporters,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hawgood Peer-led interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in college students: a scoping review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lavilla-Gracia Community perspectives on how decentralising an emergency shelter influences transportation needs and use for persons experiencing homelessness,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Canham Prevalence of falls incontinence malnutrition pain pressure injury and restraints in home care: a narrative review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lampersberger Collective value of Abiriwatia and protective informal social control of child neglect: findings from a Nationally Representative Survey in Ghana,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Emery Major sports events and domestic 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economic status social relations and depression among Chinese older adults: a structural equation modelling analysis,2023,2023,,1-12,Hu Understanding the home environment as a factor in mitigating fall risk among community-dwelling frail older people: a systematic review,2023,2023,,e8564397,Kim Erratum to "Developing new portals to safety for domestic abuse survivors in the context of the pandemic",2023,2023,,e9808904,Stanley Exploring experiences of a telephone crisis support workplace training program in Australia,2022,30,6,e4574-e4584,Reis Mental health social work and the use of supervision registers for patients at risk,1998,6,1,25-34,Davies Behavioural health outcomes in veterans compared to nonveterans by rural and urban areas in Alabama 2015-2018,2022,30,3,e636-e646,Albright From the community to the emergency department: A study of hospital emergency department nursing practices from the perspective of carers of a loved one with Borderline Personality Disorder,2022,30,5,1789-1797,Procter The health of Italians before and after the economic crisis of 2008,2021,29,2,535-546,Sarti