Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Obstacles to firearm and violence research,1993,12,4,142-153,Kellermann Victim costs of violent crime and resulting injuries,1993,12,4,186-197,Cohen Policies to prevent firearm injuries,1993,12,4,96-108,Teret Public opinion polling on gun policy,1993,12,4,198-208,Teret Public health policy for preventing violence,1993,12,4,7-29,Mercy Cost of children's firearm injuries,1994,13,3,279,McAndrews Policy research on firearms and violence,1993,12,4,109-122,Zimring Shooting in the dark: estimating the cost of firearm injuries,1993,12,4,171-185,Rice No-fault compensation in New Zealand: harmonizing injury compensation provider accountability and patient safety,2006,25,1,278-283,Bismark Establishing And Refining Hurricane Response Systems For Long-Term Care Facilities,2006,25,5,w407-w411,Brown Health Care In New Orleans Before And After Hurricane Katrina,2006,25,5,w393-w406,Rowland Reductions in firearm-related mortality and hospitalizations in Brazil after gun control,2007,26,2,575-584,Marinho de Souza What's more dangerous your aspirin or your car? Thinking rationally about drug risks (and benefits),2007,26,3,636-646,Cohen The risk-benefit balance in the United States: who decides?,2007,26,3,625-635,Hu America's Health Care Safety Net: Revisiting The 2000 IOM Report,2007,26,5,1490-1494,Lewin Preparing racially and ethnically diverse communities for public health emergencies,2007,26,5,1269-1279,Andrulis School-based conflict resolution: give educators more credit,1994,13,4,163-164,DeJong Unconvincing evidence for condemning school-based conflict resolution programs,1994,13,4,165-7; discussion 174-7,Champion Comprehensive approaches to school-based violence prevention,1994,13,4,167-70; discussion 174-7,Wilson-Brewer The positive case for school-based violence prevention programs,1994,13,4,170-3; discussion 174-7,Hammond Violence prevention as a public health priority,1993,12,4,123-125,Satcher The unconvincing case for school-based conflict resolution programs for adolescents,1993,12,4,126-141,Webster Physicians and domestic violence: challenges for prevention,1993,12,4,154-161,Flitcraft Impact of violence on the nation's trauma care,1993,12,4,162-170,Trunkey Violence prevention: trends in foundation funding,1993,12,4,209-232,Strand Addressing the crisis of violence,1993,12,4,30-33,Shalala Violence prevention: criminal justice or public health?,1993,12,4,34-45,Moore Early determinants of delinquency and violence,1993,12,4,46-64,Earls Interactions among drugs alcohol and violence,1993,12,4,65-79,Fagan Inequality culture and interpersonal violence,1993,12,4,80-95,Hawkins Pediatric antidepressant use after the black-box warning,2009,28,3,724-733,Busch The Dangerous Shortage Of Domestic Violence Services,2009,28,6,w1052-65,Iyengar Publications and reports: violence and health,1993,12,4,237-244, Neighborhood socioeconomic conditions built environments and childhood obesity,2010,29,3,503-512,Kogan Mapping data shape community responses to childhood obesity,2010,29,3,498-502,Rao Racial disparities in involuntary outpatient commitment: are they real?,2009,28,3,816-826,Swartz Social marketing for public health,1993,12,2,104-119,Walsh Back From The Brink: War Suicide And PTSD,2010,29,7,1407-1410,Capps Applying lessons learned in communities to programs and policies at the federal level,2006,25,3,w192-4,Chang Helping nursing homes prepare for disasters,2010,29,10,1961-1965,Brown Special Challenges In Comparative Effectiveness Research On Children's And Adolescents' Health,2010,29,10,1849-1856,Peterson Mental health crises and public policy: opportunities for change?,2009,28,3,805-808,Hogan What Changes In Survival Rates Tell Us About US Health Care,2010,29,11,2105-2113,Glied Fragmented services unmet needs: building collaboration between the mental health and domestic violence communities,2003,22,5,230-234,Warshaw Bioterrorism public health and the law,2002,21,6,98-101,Bayer Bioterrorism public health and human rights,2002,21,6,94-97,Annas Public health law in an age of terrorism: rethinking individual rights and common goods,2002,21,6,79-93,Gostin You gotta draw the line somewhere,2005,24,3,811-816,Haidet Burden-of-disease estimates,2003,22,1,286; author reply 286,Gandjour The most expensive medical conditions in America,2002,21,4,105-111,Olfson Surrendering the keys: a doctor tries to get an impaired elderly patient to stop driving,2011,30,2,356-359,Reisman Applying comparative effectiveness research to public and population health initiatives,2011,30,2,349-355,Teutsch Evolution in state policy,2009,28,3,792, Dealing with the dangers of fear: the role of risk communication,2002,21,6,106-116,Ropeik Public health law: a communitarian perspective,2002,21,6,102-104,Etzioni Left out: immigrants' access to health care and insurance,2001,20,1,247-256,Ku The dwindling supply of empty beds: implications for hospital surge capacity,2008,27,6,1688-1694,DeLia Lessons learned from flame retardant use and regulation could enhance future control of potentially hazardous chemicals,2011,30,5,906-914,Brown Growing Internet Use May Help Explain The Rise In Prescription Drug Abuse In The United States,2011,30,6,1192-1199,Jena 'Oh my father hit me',2011,30,7,1382-1385,Sherer Evidence Links Increases In Public Health Spending To Declines In Preventable Deaths,2011,30,8,1585-1593,Mays The Evidence Doesn't Justify Steps By State Medicaid Programs To Restrict Opioid Addiction Treatment With Buprenorphine,2011,30,8,1425-1433,Clark Rising closures of hospital trauma centers disproportionately burden vulnerable populations,2011,30,10,1912-1920,Shen Where health disparities begin: the role of social and economic determinants--and why current policies may make matters worse,2011,30,10,1852-1859,Braveman Prevention For College Students Who Suffer Alcohol-Induced Blackouts Could Deter High-Cost Emergency Department Visits,2012,31,4,863-870,Mundt Preventing child abuse: the author replies,2012,31,4,883,Sadler Preventing the exploitation and abuse of children,2012,31,4,883,Jenny A hospital system's response to a hurricane offers lessons including the need for mandatory interfacility drills,2012,31,8,1814-1821,Verni Mortality under age 50 accounts for much of the fact that US life expectancy lags that of other high-income countries,2013,32,3,459-467,Ho After Newtown: mental illness and violence,2013,32,3,447-450,Shern The determinants of homelessness,1987,6,1,19-32,Wright As sports fees rise a young athlete learns that if you can't pay you can't play,2013,32,7,1326-1329,Boyle The cost of overtriage: more than one-third of low-risk injured patients were taken to major trauma centers,2013,32,9,1591-1599,Bulger Learning from Japan: Strengthening U.S. emergency care and disaster response,2013,32,12,2172-2178,Parmar The U.S. emergency care system: Meeting everyday acute care needs while being ready for disasters,2013,32,12,2166-2171,Margolis A public-private trauma center network in Florida harnesses data to improve care quality for an aging population,2013,32,12,2139-2141,Duvernay A framework to extend community development measurement to health and well-being,2014,33,11,1930-1938,Jutte Building healthy communities: establishing health and wellness metrics for use within the real estate industry,2014,33,11,1923-1929,Trowbridge Case study: San Francisco's use of neighborhood indicators to encourage healthy urban development,2014,33,11,1914-1922,Bhatia A health-in-all-policies approach addresses many of Richmond California's place-based hazards stressors,2014,33,11,1905-1913,Corburn California emergency department visit rates for medical conditions increased while visit rates for injuries fell 2005-11,2015,34,4,621-626,Hsia Bringing researchers and community developers together to revitalize a public housing project and improve health,2011,30,11,2072-2078,Jutte Dependent coverage provision led to uneven insurance gains and unchanged mortality rates in young adult trauma patients,2015,34,1,125-133,Sommers Risky business: New York City's experience with fear-based public health campaigns,2015,34,5,844-851,Bayer Prevention program lowered the risk of falls and decreased claims for long-term services among elder participants,2015,34,6,971-977,Lipsitz Teen crashes declined after Massachusetts raised penalties for graduated licensing law restricting night driving,2015,34,6,963-970,Czeisler Most primary care physicians are aware of prescription drug monitoring programs but many find the data difficult to access,2015,34,3,484-492,Rutkow Homicides in Mexico reversed life expectancy gains for men and slowed them for women 2000-10,2016,35,1,88-95,Beltrán-Sánchez Workers without paid sick leave less likely to take time off for illness or injury compared to those with paid sick leave,2016,35,3,520-527,Stoddard-Dare Payments for opioids shifted substantially to public and private insurers while consumer spending declined 1999-2012,2016,35,5,824-831,Florence Suicide prevention: an emerging priority for health care,2016,35,6,1084-1090,Hogan Gun violence mental illness and laws that prohibit gun possession: evidence from two Florida counties,2016,35,6,1067-1075,Swanson Prescription drug monitoring programs are associated with sustained reductions in opioid prescribing by physicians,2016,35,6,1045-1051,Schackman Implementation of prescription drug monitoring programs associated with reductions in opioid-related death rates,2016,35,7,1324-1332,Jones Faith-based resources and suicide prevention,2016,35,10,1938,Mart Housing transportation and food: how ACOs seek to improve population health by addressing nonmedical needs of patients,2016,35,11,2109-2115,Rodriguez The risks of using workplace wellness programs to foster a culture of health,2016,35,11,2068-2074,Madison Government spending in health and nonhealth sectors associated with improvement in county health rankings,2016,35,11,2037-2043,Leider Racial and ethnic differences in the frequency of workplace injuries and prevalence of work-related disability,2017,36,2,266-273,Boden Seat-belt use In US counties: limited progress toward Healthy People 2020 Objectives,2017,36,4,636-639,Mokdad Controlled substance lock-in programs: examining an unintended consequence of a prescription drug abuse policy,2016,35,10,1884-1892,Roberts States with prescription drug monitoring mandates saw a reduction in opioids prescribed to medicaid enrollees,2017,36,4,733-741,Schackman The United States leads other nations in differences by income in perceptions of health and health care,2017,36,6,1032-1040,Blendon Chronic conditions workplace safety and job demands contribute to absenteeism and job performance,2017,36,2,237-244,Jinnett Opioid abuse and poisoning: trends in inpatient and emergency department discharges,2017,36,10,1748-1753,Asch Emergency department visits for firearm-related injuries in the United States 2006-14,2017,36,10,1729-1738,Sakran Mortality quadrupled among opioid-driven hospitalizations notably within lower-income and disabled white populations,2017,36,12,2054-2061,Song Child mortality in the U.S. and 19 OECD comparator nations: a 50-year time-trend analysis,2018,37,1,140-149,Forrest In Puerto Rico counting deaths and making deaths count,2018,37,4,520-522,Santos-Lozada What are funders doing to prevent violence?,2018,37,5,821-822,Prina Four states with robust prescription drug monitoring programs reduced opioid dosages,2018,37,6,964-974,Zaslavsky Locked down after a school shooting,2018,37,10,1701-1704,Reed Patient safety in inpatient psychiatry: a remaining frontier for health policy,2018,37,11,1853-1861,Delaney Does nursing home compare reflect patient safety in nursing homes?,2018,37,11,1770-1778,Brauner The architecture of safety: an emerging priority for improving patient safety,2018,37,11,1884-1891,Joseph Getting ready for health reform 2020: Republicans' options for improving upon the state innovation approach,2018,37,12,2076-2083,Chen Divergence in recent trends in deaths from intentional and unintentional poisoning,2019,38,1,29-35,Hempstead School safety: the author replies,2018,37,12,2101,Reed New evidence of the nexus between neighborhood violence perceptions of danger and child health,2019,38,5,746-754,Vaughn The impact of military parents' injuries on the health and well-being of their children,2019,38,8,1358-1365,Gorman Trends in public opinion on U.S. gun laws: majorities of gun owners and non-gun owners support a range of measures,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Webster Alcohol-related crimes and risk of arrest for intimate partner violence among California handgun purchasers,2019,38,10,1719-1726,Wintemute Creating safe and healthy neighborhoods with place-based violence interventions,2019,38,10,1687-1694,Zimmerman Mitigating negative consequences of community violence exposure: perspectives from African American youth,2019,38,10,1679-1686,Woods-Jaeger California public opinion on health professionals talking with patients about firearms,2019,38,10,1744-1751,Wintemute Violence and health,2019,38,10,1611,Weil Evolving public views on the likelihood of violence from people with mental illness: stigma and its consequences,2019,38,10,1735-1743,Monahan Keeping your guard up: hypervigilance among urban residents affected by community and police violence,2019,38,10,1662-1669,Voisin Social isolation loneliness and violence exposure in urban adults,2019,38,10,1670-1678,Hawkley Violence and the US health care sector: burden and response,2019,38,10,1638-1645,Grossman The effects of violence on health,2019,38,10,1622-1629,Rivara Linking public safety and public health data for firearm suicide prevention in Utah,2019,38,10,1695-1701,Barber Violence in older adults: scope impact challenges and strategies for prevention,2019,38,10,1630-1637,Conwell Behavioral health care and firearm suicide: do states with greater treatment capacity have lower suicide rates?,2019,38,10,1711-1718,Wickizer US firearm-related mortality: national state and population trends 1999-2017,2019,38,10,1646-1652,Cunningham Background checks for firearm purchases: problem areas and recommendations to improve effectiveness,2019,38,10,1702-1710,Wintemute Ending gaze aversion toward child abuse and neglect,2019,38,10,1762-1765,Krugman Federal funding for research on the leading causes of death among children and adolescents,2019,38,10,1653-1661,Cunningham Violence,2019,38,10,1612-1613, Declines in pediatric mortality fall short for rural US children,2019,ePub,ePub,101377hlthaff201900892,Probst Violence's effects on health,2019,38,12,e2115,Mostert To treat my patient I had to understand her trauma,2020,39,1,161-164,Rittenberg Firearm-related mortality in the US,2020,39,1,169-170,Budrys Guns in political advertising over four U.S. election cycles 2012-18,2020,39,2,327-333,Fowler Quantifying health systems' investment in social determinants of health by sector 2017-19,2020,39,2,192-198,Horwitz Interrupting violence from within the trauma unit and well beyond,2020,39,4,556-561,Goldman Most patients undergoing ground and air ambulance transportation receive sizable out-of-network bills,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ryan US firearm mortality: an update,2020,39,5,908,Cunningham State policies that treat prenatal substance use as child abuse or neglect fail to achieve their intended goals,2020,39,5,756-763,Durrance A novel health-transportation partnership paves the road for young driver safety through virtual assessment,2020,39,10,1792-1798,Romer Spreading fear: the announcement of the public charge rule reduced enrollment in Child Safety-Net programs,2020,39,10,1752-1761,Barofsky The macroeconomic consequences of firearm-related fatalities in OECD countries 2018-30: a value-of-lost-output analysis,2020,39,11,1961-1969,Shrime Mitigating health disparities after natural disasters: lessons from the RISK Project,2020,39,12,2128-2135,Lowe Admission practices and cost of care for opioid use disorder at residential addiction treatment programs in the US,2021,40,2,317-325,Frank Deaths of despair: adults at high risk for death by suicide poisoning or chronic liver disease in the US,2021,40,3,505-512,Olfson Adolescent exposure to deadly gun violence within 500 meters of home or school: ethnoracial and income disparities,2021,40,6,961-969,Brooks-Gunn What counts as 'safe?': exposure to trauma and violence among asylum seekers from the Northern Triangle,2021,40,7,1135-1144,Saadi 'Remain in Mexico': stories of trauma and abuse,2021,40,7,1170-1173,Venta Chilling effects: US immigration enforcement and health care seeking among Hispanic adults,2021,40,7,1056-1065,Venkataramani Firearm relinquishment laws associated with substantial reduction in homicide of pregnant and postpartum women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Theall Perinatal mental health care in the United States: an overview of policies and programs,2021,40,10,1543-1550,Davis Preventing pregnancy-related mental health deaths: insights from 14 US maternal mortality review committees 2008-17,2021,40,10,1551-1559,Ko Reimagining perinatal mental health: an expansive vision for structural change,2021,40,10,1592-1596,Davis Expanding services and tailoring outreach to prevent suicide,2022,41,1,8-12,Huff Structural racism and Black women's employment in the US health care sector,2022,41,2,265-272,Dill Neighborhood police encounters health and violence in a Southern city,2022,41,2,228-236,Anderson Prenatal substance use policies and infant maltreatment reports,2022,41,5,703-712,Maclean Health care spending effectiveness: estimates suggest that spending improved US health from 1996 to 2016,2022,41,7,994-1004,Dubois Associations between state TANF policies child protective services involvement and foster care placement,2022,41,12,1744-1753,Johnson-Motoyama Temporary assistance for needy families: sanctioning and child support compliance among Black families in Illinois,2022,41,12,1735-1743,Kaplan A randomized trial of letters to encourage prescription monitoring program use and safe opioid prescribing,2023,42,1,140-149,Powell Measuring the enduring imprint of structural racism on American neighborhoods,2023,42,10,1374-1382,Galea Age trends and state disparities in firearm-related suicide in the US 1999-2020,2023,42,11,1551-1558,Pollack Firearm injuries in children and adolescents: health and economic consequences among survivors and family members,2023,42,11,1541-1550,Zubizarreta Higher rates of homelessness are associated with increases in mortality from accidental drug and alcohol poisonings,2024,43,2,242-249,Bradford Mortal systemic exclusion yielded steep mortality-rate increases in people experiencing homelessness 2011-20,2024,43,2,226-233,Fowle Perinatal posttraumatic stress disorder diagnoses among commercially insured people increased 2008-20,2024,43,4,504-513,Zivin States' abortion laws associated with intimate partner violence-related homicide of women and girls in the US 2014-20,2024,43,5,682-690,Stoecker A promising approach for emergency departments to care for patients with substance use and behavioral disorders,2013,32,12,2122-2128,D'Onofrio Pandemic And Recession Effects On Mortality In The US During The First Year Of COVID-19,2022,41,11,1550-1558,Ruhm Dolores,2002,21,5,218-223,Derksen Improving population health and reducing health care disparities,2007,26,5,1281-1292,Keppel Mental health system transformation after the Virginia Tech tragedy,2009,28,3,793-804,Bonnie Students Shouldn't Merely 'Survive' Medical School,2019,38,9,1585-1588,Cahan Widening Disparities In Infant Mortality And Life Expectancy Between Appalachia And The Rest Of The United States 1990-2013,2017,36,8,1423-1432,Kogan