Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sociodemographic predictors of firearm suicide among older white males,1996,36,4,530-533,Adamek Trends in firearm suicide among older American males: 1979-1988,1994,34,1,59-65,Adamek Advancing the field of elder mistreatment: a new model for integration of social and medical services,2004,44,5,703-708,Mosqueda Driving and dementia of the Alzheimer type: beliefs and cessation strategies among stakeholders,2005,45,5,676-685,Foley Transportation,1972,12,2,11-16,Lawton On becoming an exdriver: prospect and retrospect,1971,11,2,101-103,Carp Reasons given by older people for limitation or avoidance of driving,2004,44,2,237-244,Ragland Impact of a falls menu-driven incident-reporting system on documentation and quality improvement in nursing homes,2005,45,6,835-842,Sattin Driving cessation in older adults with dementia of the Alzheimer's type,2005,45,6,824-827,Carr Cross-sectional and longitudinal risk factors for falls fear of falling and falls efficacy in a cohort of middle-aged African Americans,2006,46,2,249-257,Miller Findings from an elder abuse forensic center,2006,46,2,277-283,Mosqueda The extent and frequency of abuse in the lives of older women and their relationship with health outcomes,2006,46,2,200-209,Fisher Effects of cognition on driving involvement among the oldest old: variations by gender and alternative transportation opportunities,2002,42,5,621-633,Freund Older People's Views of Falls-Prevention Interventions in Six European Countries,2006,46,5,650-660,Hauer Outcomes of community-based screening for depression and suicide prevention among Japanese elders,2006,46,6,821-826,Oyama Fall-risk evaluation and management: challenges in adopting geriatric care practices,2006,46,6,717-725,Tinetti Drawing on wisdom from the past: an elder abuse intervention with tribal communities,2007,47,2,248-254,Holkup Defining a fall and reasons for falling: comparisons among the views of seniors health care providers and the research literature,2006,46,3,367-376,Speechley The role of perceived control in explaining depressive symptoms associated with driving cessation in a longitudinal study,2007,47,2,215-223,Anstey Driving and dementia in older adults: Implementation and evaluation of a continuing education project,2006,46,5,680-687,Carr Traffic-related fatalities among older drivers and passengers: past and future trends,2001,41,6,751-756,Guyatt Step by step: Integrating evidence-based fall-risk management into senior centers,2007,47,4,548-554,Gottschalk When seniors are abused: an intervention model,1995,35,5,666-671,Reis Perceptions of elder abuse and help-seeking patterns among African-American Caucasian American and Korean-American elderly women,1993,33,3,386-395,Williams Severe family violence and Alzheimer's disease: prevalence and risk factors,1992,32,4,493-497,Cohen Perceptual dysfunction in hemiplegia and automobile driving,1991,31,6,807-810,Metter Age and Accident Rates Among Student Pilots,1964,4,3,39-39,Roberts Fall-related hospitalization and facility costs among residents of institutions providing long-term care,2008,48,2,213-222,Carroll The elderly driver: deciding when to stop,1993,33,1,88-91,Persson Racial differences in suicidality in an older urban population,2008,48,1,71-78,Casimir Examination of cognitive and instrumental functional performance as indicators for driving cessation risk across 3 years,2008,48,6,802-810,Ball Definition and classification of assisted living,2007,47 Spec No 3,,33-39,Zimmerman Transportation and aging: a research agenda for advancing safe mobility,2007,47,5,578-590,Bedard Utilization of the Seniors Falls Investigation Methodology to Identify System-Wide Causes of Falls in Community-Dwelling Seniors,2009,49,5,685-696,Speechley Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Reasons for Living--Older Adults Scale: A Suicide Risk Assessment Inventory,2009,49,6,736-745,Heisel Caregiver Mental Health and Potentially Harmful Caregiving Behavior: The Central Role of Caregiver Anger,2010,50,1,76-86,Williamson Suicide Experiences Among Institutionalized Older Veterans in Taiwan,2009,49,6,746-754,Lin Ten Years Down the Road: Predictors of Driving Cessation,2010,50,3,393-399,Edwards Behavioral health services utilization among older adults identified within a state abuse hotline database,2006,46,2,193-199,Schonfeld Retired people as automobile passengers,1972,12,1,66-72,Carp The dysfunctional effects of modern technology on the adaptability of the aging,1973,13,2,136-143,Golden An overview of public transportation and the elderly: new directions for social policy,1974,14,4,324-330,Bell Project Search: anatomy of a survey under disaster conditions,1974,14,2,100-105,Baldi Self-destructive crises in the older person,1975,15,4,333-337,Farberow Transportation and changes in life satisfaction,1975,15,2,155-159,Cutler Coping behavior of elderly flood victims,1978,18,6,541-546,Horton Disaster impact and response: overcoming the thousand natural shocks,1978,18,6,531-540,Bell Geriatric suicide: the Arizona study,1978,18,5 Pt 1,488-495,Miller Note: criminal behavior among the elderly,1978,18,2,213-218,Kobrin The transportation needs of the elderly in a large urban environment,1978,18,2,207-211,Stirner Note: toward a profile of the older white male suicide,1978,18,1,80-82,Miller Assessing long-term impacts of a natural disaster: a focus on the elderly,1979,19,6,555-566,Drabek Patterns of suicide among the elderly in Israel,1979,19,5 Pt 1,487-495,Shichor Discriminators of loneliness among the rural elderly: implications for intervention,1979,19,1,108-115,Kivett Neglect and abuse of older family members: professionals' perspectives and case experiences,1981,21,2,171-176,Hickey Participation of the elderly in a transportation system,1982,22,1,26-31,Matthews A crisis intervention service: comparison of younger and older adult clients,1983,23,4,370-376,Winogrond Transportation for the elderly: Sec. 16(b)(2) in Massachusetts,1983,23,2,155-159,Jackson Elder abuse reporting: limitations of statutes,1984,24,1,61-69,Pynoos An elder abuse assessment team in an acute hospital setting. The Beth Israel Hospital Elder Assessment Team,1986,26,2,115-118, Elder abuse: some questions for policymakers,1988,28,4,453-458,Callahan On the Pillemer and Finkelhor article,1988,28,2,273,Hwalek The prevalence of elder abuse: a random sample survey,1988,28,1,51-57,Pillemer Abuse of patients in nursing homes: findings from a survey of staff,1989,29,3,314-320,Pillemer Hurricane Elena and Pinellas County Florida: some lessons learned from the largest evacuation of nursing home patients in history,1989,29,3,388-392,Kosberg Physicians' mandatory reporting of elder abuse,1989,29,3,321-327,Daniels A community response to elder abuse,1990,30,4,560-562,Holland Predictors and consequences of aggressive behavior by community-based dementia patients,1990,30,2,206-211,Bergman A model community education program on depression and suicide in later life,1991,31,5,692-695,Pratt Availability of personal transportation in households of elders: age gender and residence differences,1992,32,1,77-81,Cutler Accidental injuries to the aged,1965,48,,96-100,Lawton Falls in dementia patients,1993,33,2,200-204,Meulenberg Suggestions for improving a falls prevention program,1992,32,6,859,Miller Attempts to prevent falls and injury: a prospective community study,1992,32,4,450-456,Lachenbruch Vision ignored in study of falls,1991,31,3,417,Verma A multidisciplinary falls consultation service in a nursing home,1991,31,1,120-123,Tideiksaar Visual barriers to prevent ambulatory Alzheimer's patients from exiting through an emergency door,1989,29,5,699-702,Namazi Characteristics of the fall-prone patient,1987,27,4,516-522,Morse The social epidemiology of accidental hypothermia among the aged,1985,25,4,424-430,Rango Age trust and perceived safety from crime in rural areas,1985,25,3,237-242,Donnermeyer Repeaters: inpatient accidents among the hospitalized elderly,1983,23,3,273-276,Catchen Seniors' Online Communities: A Quantitative Content Analysis,2010,50,3,382-392,Nimrod Gait and stepping as factors in the frequent falls of elderly women,1964,57,,83-84,Lawton Mobility in Older Adults: A Comprehensive Framework,2010,50,4,443-450,Porter Factors affecting the rate of elder abuse reporting to a state protective services program,1999,39,2,222-228,li Death as a research problem in social gerontology: an overview,1966,6,2,67-69,Kastenbaum Compliance and cognitive function: a methodological approach to measuring unintentional errors in medication compliance in the elderly. McGill-Calgary Drug Research Team,1993,33,6,772-781,Isaac A model abuse prevention program for nursing assistants,1993,33,1,128-131,Pillemer Suicide Ideation in Older Adults: Relationship to Mental Health Problems and Service Use,2010,50,6,785-797,Streiner A review and new look at ethical suicide in advanced age,1993,33,3,359-365,Carpenter Preventing falls among community-dwelling older persons: results from a randomized trial,1994,34,1,16-23,Hornbrook What's new in elder abuse programming? Four bright ideas,1994,34,1,126-129,Pillemer The investigation and outcome of reported cases of elder abuse: the Forsyth County Aging Study,1994,34,1,123-125,Anderson Health-related safety: a framework to address barriers to aging in place,2007,47,6,830-837,Lau Can data from the decennial census measure trends in mobility limitation among the aged?,1996,36,1,106-109,Rosenwaike Young and middle-aged adults' perceptions of elder abuse,2000,40,1,75-85,Hayslip Mental health status of home care elders in Michigan,2007,47,4,528-534,Conwell Sexual abuse of older adults: APS cases and outcomes,2004,44,6,788-796,Roberto Vulnerability to elder abuse and neglect in assisted living facilities,2003,43,5,753-757,Wood A model intervention for elder abuse and dementia,2000,40,4,492-497,Bass Validation of the indicators of abuse (IOA) screen,1998,38,4,471-480,Reis Preventing elder abuse: identification of high risk factors prior to placement decisions,1988,28,1,43-50,Kosberg Obstacles to implementing research outcomes in community settings,2003,43 Spec No 1,,29-36,Roenker The longitudinal impact of cognitive speed of processing training on driving mobility,2009,49,4,485-494,Cissell Do restricted driver's licenses lower crash risk among older drivers? A survival analysis of insurance data from British Columbia,2009,49,4,474-484,Caragata Nasvadi Does Fall History Influence Residential Adjustments?,2011,51,2,190-200,Murphy Perceived risks to independent living: the views of older community-dwelling adults,1997,37,6,729-736,Mack An analysis of emerging roles for recreation specialists serving older Americans,1969,9,2,151-153,Sessoms A timely recovery for literature on disasters and older adults,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fitzgerald Aggressive behavior directed at nursing home personnel by residents' family members,1994,34,4,528-533,Vinton Risk factors for reported elder abuse and neglect: a nine-year observational cohort study,1997,37,4,469-474,Lachs On the distinction of suicide ideation versus attempt in elderly psychiatric inpatients,1994,34,3,332-339,Schmid Violent crime victimization increases the risk of nursing home placement in older adults,2006,46,5,583-589,O'leary Dyadic vulnerability and risk profiling for elder neglect,2005,45,4,525-534,Guadagno Elder abuse: two Native American views,1998,38,5,538-548,Hudson Nursing aides' attitudes to elder abuse in nursing homes: the effect of work stressors and burnout,2009,49,5,674-684,Cohen Do we really need another meeting? Lessons from the Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center,2010,50,5,702-711,Wilber The association of elder abuse and substance abuse in the Illinois Elder Abuse System,1996,36,5,694-700,Hwalek The Illinois elder abuse system: program description and administrative findings,1996,36,4,502-511,Quinn Mental health correlates of aggression in nursing home residents with dementia,2002,42,2,169-177,Strumpf Validity of self-report screening scale for elder abuse: Women's Health Australia Study,2003,43,1,110-120,Schofield Themes from a grounded theory analysis of elder neglect assessment by experts,2003,43,5,745-752,Guadagno Factors associated with aggressive behavior among nursing home residents with dementia,2008,48,6,721-731,Whall Aging and homelessness,1999,39,1,5-14,Cohen Attempts to reach the oldest and frailest: recruitment adherence and retention of urban elderly persons to a falls reduction exercise program,2011,51,Suppl 1,S59-72,Grisso Falls After Discharge From Hospital: Is There a Gap Between Older Peoples' Knowledge About Falls Prevention Strategies and the Research Evidence?,2011,51,5,653-662,Haines The lifesaving function of humor with the depressed and suicidal elderly,1995,35,2,271-273,Richman Services for persons with dementia and their families: a survey of information and referral agencies in Michigan,1993,33,4,529-533,Goodman Pathologists' participation in postmortem examinations for patients with dementia,1993,33,4,461-467,Shope Social isolation interaction and conflict in two nursing homes,1972,12,3,230-234,Jones Organizational Climate Determinants of Resident Safety Culture in Nursing Homes,2011,51,6,739-749,Arnetz Social class and the senior citizen center,1971,11,3,196-200,Tissue Leisure-time pursuits among retired blacks by social status,1972,12,4,363-367,Lambing City Governments and Aging in Place: Community Design Transportation and Housing Innovation Adoption,2011,52,3,345-356,Lehning Hopelessness and suicidal ideation in older adults,1998,38,1,62-70,Osgood Growth of old people's clubs in Japan,1975,15,3,254-256,Maeda Recreation for the elderly: activity participation at a senior citizen center,1975,15,3,202-205,Pierce The elderly in the aftermath of a disaster,1975,15,4,357-361,Poulshock Life-span education and gerontology,1975,15,5 PT 1,436-441,Peterson Effects of an individualized activity program on elderly patients,1975,15,5 PT 1,404-406,Salter The older adult volunteer compared to the nonvolunteer,1973,13,2,215-218,Roth Internet Training to Respond to Aggressive Resident Behaviors,2012,52,1,13-23,Gates Resident-to-Resident Aggression in Nursing Homes: Results from a Qualitative Event Reconstruction Study,2012,52,1,24-33,Silver Extending gerontological research through linking investigators' studies to public-use datasets,2001,41,1,15-22,Hebel A prospective study of the relationship between feared consequences of falling and avoidance of activity in community-living older people,2002,42,1,17-23,Yardley Stages of change across ten health risk behaviors for older adults,1999,39,4,473-482,Dufresne Managing depressed and suicidal geriatric patients: differences among primary care physicians,1999,39,4,417-425,Adamek Patient Safety Culture and the Association with Safe Resident Care in Nursing Homes,2012,52,6,802-811,Hyer How Are the Costs of Care for Medical Falls Distributed? The Costs of Medical Falls by Component of Cost Timing and Injury Severity,2012,52,5,664-675,Phelan Risk Factors of Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Logistic Regression Tree Analysis,2012,52,6,822-832,Bailer Making Sense of Intimate Partner Violence in Late Life: Comments From Online News Readers,2012,52,6,792-801,Roberto Intimate partner violence in older women,2007,47,1,34-41,Reid Effect of low-impact aerobic dance on the functional fitness of elderly women,1990,30,2,189-192,Hopkins Psychological and cognitive effects of an exercise program for community-residing older adults,1990,30,2,184-188,Emery Time to get transportation on the aging policy agenda,2012,52,4,585-587,Silverstein Outdoor built environment barriers and facilitators to activity among midlife and older adults with mobility disabilities,2013,53,2,268-279,Rosenberg Integration of fall prevention into state policy in Connecticut,2013,53,3,508-515,Acampora Modeling causes of aggressive behavior in patients with dementia,2013,53,5,738-747,Snow Effects of the implementation of an evidence-based program to manage concerns about falls in older adults,2013,53,5,839-849,Rixt Zijlstra The evaluation of a fall management program in a nursing home population,2013,53,5,828-838,Brownell Obesity's effects on the onset of functional impairment among older adults,2004,44,2,206-216,Jenkins Giving up the keys: how driving cessation affects engagement in later life,2014,54,3,423-433,Proulx Unraveling Trauma and Stress Coping Resources and Mental Well-Being Among Older Adults in Prison: Empirical Evidence Linking Theory and Practice,2014,54,5,857-867,Maschi Physical function and fear of falling 2 years after the health-promoting randomized controlled trial: Elderly persons in the risk zone,2014,54,3,387-397,Lundin-Olsson An Elder Abuse Assessment Team in an Acute Hospital Setting,1986,26,2,115-118, Elder Abuse: Some Questions for Policymakers,1988,28,,453-458,Callahan Translating Falls Prevention Knowledge to Community-Dwelling Older PLWD: A Mixed-Method Systematic Review,2013,55,4,560-574,Hill The Role of Relevancy and Social Suffering in "Generativity" Among Older Post-Soviet Women Immigrants,2013,55,4,526-536,Rubinstein Caring for my abuser: Childhood maltreatment and caregiver depression,2013,55,4,656-666,Kong Societal response to mass dislocation of the elderly. Implications for area agencies on aging,1977,17,3,262-268,Cohen Recent legislative trends toward protection of human subjects: implications for gerontologists,1978,18,3,244-249,Wales Passive suicide ideation: an indicator of risk among older adults seeking aging services?,2014,55,6,972-980,Conwell The neighborhood environment: perceived fall risk resources and strategies for fall prevention,2014,55,4,575-583,Boltz Factors contributing to older persons' satisfaction with their communities,1978,18,4,395-402,Toseland Criminal victimization of the elderly: the physical and economic consequences,1978,18,4,338-349,Skogan Morale and informal activity with friends among black and white elderly,1979,19,6,544-547,Wright Using Video Capture to Investigate the Causes of Falls in Long-Term Care,2014,55,3,483-494,Chaudhury Rural-urban differences in senior center activities and services,1987,27,1,92-97,Krout The protective effects of religiosity on depression: a 2-year prospective study,2014,56,3,421-431,Porell Risk factors for self-reported driving under the influence of alcohol and/or illicit drugs among older adults,2014,56,2,282-291,Dinitto Holding Abusers Accountable: An Elder Abuse Forensic Center Increases Criminal Prosecution of Financial Exploitation,2013,53,2,303-312,Wilber The role of violated caregiver preferences in psychological well-being when older mothers need assistance,2013,53,3,388-396,Pillemer Depressive symptoms among older adults who do not drive: association with mobility resources and perceived transportation barriers,2015,56,3,432-443,Dinitto Need and unmet need for mental health care among elderly public housing residents,1997,37,6,717-728,German Putting residents first: strategies developed by CNAs to prevent and manage resident-to-resident violence in nursing homes,2015,55,Suppl 1,S99-S107,Beck Automated in-home fall risk assessment and detection sensor system for elders,2015,55,Suppl 1,S78-S87,Rantz The interplay of genetics behavior and pain with depressive symptoms in the elderly,2015,55,Suppl 1,S67-S77,Resnick Do canes or walkers make any difference? Nonuse and fall injuries,2015,57,2,211-218,Luz Till death do us part: the lived experience of an elderly couple who chose to end their lives by spousal self-euthanasia,2015,56,6,1062-1071,Goossensen Effectiveness of expanded implementation of STAR-VA for managing dementia-related behaviors among veterans,2015,56,1,126-134,McConnell Older people's discourses about euthanasia and assisted suicide: a Foucauldian exploration,2015,56,6,1072-1081,Lamers Inside the black box: the case review process of an elder abuse forensic center,2015,56,4,772-781,Wilber International comparison of firearm policy and fatal household violence,2014,54,,142,Salari Measuring driving-related attitudes among older adults: psychometric evidence for the decisional balance scale across time and gender,2015,55,6,1068-1078,Charlton Home and Community-Based Service Use by Vulnerable Older Adults,2015,57,3,540-551,Roberto Reporting policy regarding drivers with dementia,2015,56,2,345-356,Gergerich Alcohol consumption levels and all-cause mortality among women veterans and non-veterans enrolled in the Women's Health Initiative,2016,56,Suppl 1,S138-S149,Hoggatt Low vision rehabilitation age-related vision loss and risk: a critical interpretive synthesis,2016,56,3,e32-45,Laliberte Rudman How do hired workers fare under consumer-directed personal care?,2005,45,5,583,Phillips Workforce implications of injury among home health workers: evidence from the national home health aide survey,2012,52,4,493-505,McCaughey Retirement differences by industry and occupation,1988,28,4,545-51,Mitchell The exercise plus program for older women post hip fracture: participant perspectives,2005,45,4,539,Resnick The CITRA research-practice consensus-workshop model: exploring a new method of research translation in aging,2006,46,6,833-839,Reid Moving forward: evaluating a curriculum for managing responsive behaviors in a geriatric psychiatry inpatient population,2009,49,4,570-576,Speziale The National Nursing Assistant Survey: improving the evidence base for policy initiatives to strengthen the certified nursing assistant workforce,2009,49,2,185-197,Harris-Kojetin The effect of licensure type on the policies practices and resident composition of florida assisted living facilities,2009,49,2,211-223,Street Functional recovery of older hip-fracture patients after interdisciplinary intervention follows three distinct trajectories,2012,52,6,833-842,Liang How do top cable news websites portray cognition as an aging issue?,2012,52,3,367-382,Friedman Updating the evidence for physical activity: summative reviews of the epidemiological evidence prevalence and interventions to promote "active aging",2016,56,Suppl 2,S268-S280,Merom Socio-emotional adaptation theory: charting the emotional process of Alzheimer's disease,2016,57,4,696-706,Halpin Assessment of activity priorities and design preferences of elderly residents in public housing: a case study,1985,25,3,251-257,Nasar Lessons learned from implementing CDC's STEADI Falls Prevention Algorithm in primary care,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eckstrom The influence of the transportation environment on driving reduction and cessation,2016,57,5,824-832,Vivoda Fitness-to-drive disagreements in individuals with dementia,2016,57,5,833-837,Devos Participant and public involvement in refining a peer-volunteering active aging intervention: Project ACE (active connected engaged),2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thompson Impact of fall prevention on nurses and care of fall risk patients,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mahoney Mandatory physician reporting of at-risk drivers: the older driver example,2018,58,3,578-587,Steiner What doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger: the long-term consequences of nonfatal injury for older adults,2018,58,4,759-767,Xu "I feel trapped": the tension between personal and structural factors of social isolation and the desire for social integration among older residents of a high-crime neighborhood,2018,58,1,79-88,Portacolone A systematic review of sexual assaults in nursing homes,2018,58,6,e369-e383,Bugeja Associations of environmental factors with quality of life in older adults,2018,58,1,101-110,Gobbens Prospective associations of local destinations and routes with middle-to-older aged adults' walking,2018,58,1,121-129,Owen Feeling better at this age? Investigating three explanations for self-rated health improvements among the oldest-old,2018,58,5,825-834,Vogelsang Fall risk supports and services and falls following a nursing home discharge,2018,58,6,1075-1084,Arling Physical health problems as a late-life suicide precipitant: examination of coroner/medical examiner and law enforcement reports,2019,59,2,356-367,Conwell Transportation and aging: an updated research agenda to advance safe mobility among older adults transitioning from driving to non-driving,2019,59,2,215-221,Bedard Short- and long-term impacts of neighborhood built environment on self-rated health of older adults,2018,58,1,36-46,Spring Fear of outdoor falling among community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults: the role of neighborhood environments,2018,58,6,1065-1074,Forjuoh What can elder mistreatment researchers learn about primary prevention from family violence intervention models?,2019,59,4,601-609,Mosqueda Older adults' utilization of community resources 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