Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Elder abuse and neglect: how to recognize warning signs and intervene,1995,50,4,47-51 ,Paris Coping with the suicidal elderly: a physician's guide,1989,44,9,43-7 51,Richardson Male depression: a review of gender concerns and testosterone therapy,2004,59,10,24-30,Orengo Reducing fire and burn hazards among the elderly,1976,31,5,106-110,Beverley Burn accidents and the elderly: what is happening and how to prevent it,1989,44,3,26-7 32-6 48,Petro My elderly aunt's car accident: a James Bond thriller or a fight for independence,2005,60,8,5-6,Sherman Assessing falls in older adults: a comprehensive fall evaluation to reduce fall risk in older adults,2005,60,10,24-28,Nnodim Assessing older drivers for physical and cognitive impairment,1993,48,5,46-8 51,Carr Assessing older drivers: a primary care protocol to evaluate driving safety risk,2005,60,8,22-25,Murden The older driver: a handy tool to assess competence behind the wheel,1996,51,7,36-8 41-2 45,Wiseman High risk on the highway. how to identify and treat the impaired older driver,2000,55,10,32-4 37-8 41-2 passim,Rader Assessment and counseling of older drivers. a guide for primary care physicians,2003,58,12,16-8 21-4,Messinger-Rapport Motorist injuries among persons over 60,1955,10,9,425-427,Kulowski The cat's "MEOW": new mnemonic for diagnosis and management of falls in the elderly,2005,60,10,5-6,Sherman Driving: the ultimate IADL,2006,61,10,9-10,Sherman Assessment and counseling of older drivers,2004,59,3,12; author reply 12,Mahowald Alcohol use in the elderly: beyond the cage. Part 1 of 2: prevalence and patterns of problem drinking,2006,61,10,23-27,Culberson Driver safety in older adults. the physician's role in assessing driving skills of older patients,2006,61,10,14-21,Odenheimer Driving Mister Dement. A primary care toolbox to evaluate older drivers,2003,58,12,12,Sherman Age and Automotive Accidents,1961,16,6,271,Kent Are the Old More Likely to Have Automobile Accidents?,1961,16,6,317,Alvarez Harvard Study of Accidents and Aged,1963,18,4,257,Alvarez Health promotion in older adults: what clinicians can do to prevent accidental injuries,2008,63,4,12-17,Staats Depressive illness. Identification and treatment in the elderly,1968,23,11,149-152,Lippincott Recognizing the potential suicide,1967,22,5,175-181,Bennett Premature death and self-injurious behavior in old age,1971,26,7,71-81,Kastenbaum The treatment of the depressed and suicidal geriatric patient,1971,26,7,65-69,Wolff Elderly drivers: growing numbers and growing problems,1972,27,7,46-56,Freeman Reading the signals for suicide risk,1973,28,5,71-72,Niccolini Preventing self-destructive behavior,1974,29,11,115-121,Baker More consumer concerns--from dress to redress,1975,30,11,131-140,Beverley Treating the suicidal patient,1977,32,9,65-67,Kopell "Kneeling" buses and other aids simplify travel for the elderly and handicapped,1977,32,7,34-37,Laster Pinpointing the cause of disturbed behavior in the elderly,1978,33,12,26-30,Gfeller Emergency evaluation of head injuries in the elderly,1979,34,10,73-84,Greer Treatment of depression in the elderly,1979,34,10,51-57,Klerman The battered elderly,1982,37,7,115-6 121,Champlin Treating the violent elderly patient with propranolol,1983,38,3,29-30 34,Jenike Driver's license restrictions: approach with caution,1989,44,12,11,Butler Physicians and their elderly patients' legal rights Part I: Medicare Medicaid elder abuse. Panel discussion,1989,44,9,57-8 61-3 66,Butler Detecting elder abuse: a guide for physicians,1989,44,6,40-4 56,Bloom Alert physicians can break the elder abuse cycle,1989,44,6,11,Butler Accident hazards of old age; the physician's role in a program of prevention,1948,3,1,15-25,Zeman Accidents in the aged may be first clue to onset of acute disease,1969,24,9,34 passim, Mitral regurgitation from rupture of chordae tendineae due to "steering wheel" compression,1969,24,9,90-105,Hirose Causes of death in old age,1968,23,1,152-157,Sigurjonsson High "accident" risk among middle-aged drivers and pedestrians,1966,21,12,125-137,Waller The prevention of disability and disease in the aged,1966,21,1,193-196,Rodstein Hazards leading to accidents,1973,28,6,76,Alvarez Interrelation of heart disease and accidents,1973,28,2,87-96,Rodstein Home evaluation: an extension of comprehensive restorative care,1972,27,12,59-66,Bonner When the doctor smells a rat but is completely off the scent,1972,27,12,36 passim,Hurwitz Falls by hospitalized elderly patients: causes prevention,1977,32,4,101-108,Sehested Raising the retiree's level of safety consciousness,1976,31,6,120-125,Beverley Geriatric falls: assessing the cause preventing recurrence,1989,44,7,57-61 64,Tideiksaar Typical geriatric accidents and how to prevent them,1989,44,5,54-6 66-9,Gambert What causes falls? A logical diagnostic procedure,1986,41,12,32-50,Tideiksaar Avoiding mental changes and falls in older Parkinson's patients,1986,41,8,59-62 67,Schäfer Dizziness falling and fainting: differential diagnosis in the aged (Part I),1986,41,6,30-6 39 42,Venna Preventing falls: home hazard checklists to help older patients protect themselves,1986,41,5,26-28,Tideiksaar Falls in the elderly: a clinical perspective,1984,39,4,67-71 75-6 78,Rubenstein Falls in the elderly: more common more dangerous,1982,37,4,117-120,Gordon What does it mean when a patient falls? part II: evaluation and treatment of injuries,1981,36,10,101-111,Chipman What does it mean when a patient falls? Part I: pinpointing the cause,1981,36,9,83-95,Chipman Changes in sensory motor and intellective function with age,1951,6,4,221-226,Brožek Management and prognosis of suicidal attempts in old age,1955,10,6,291-293,Batchelor Falls among elderly people living at home,1955,10,5,239-244,Droller Accidents among old persons,1959,14,5,293-300,Boucher Accidents to the aged,1958,13,9,609-611,Chapman Community responsibilities in recreation programs for older adults,1958,13,8,547-548,Kaplan Aging and pilot pertormance,1961,16,,82-88,Mohler Further report on fractures of the hip in elderly psychiatric patients,1963,18,,903-909,Friedman Manual skill in parkinson's disease,1963,18,,613-620,Talland Prevention of femoral neck fractures in the elderly. A Singapore population study,1967,22,4,156-163,Wong Punitive approach to alchoholism,1966,21,6,213-216,McCormick Suicide patterns in the elderly,1967,22,12,68, Fractures about the hip in the elderly indigent patient. I. Epidemiology,1968,23,10,150-158,Niemann Femoral shaft fractures in the elderly,1969,24,1,100-105,Dencker The older alcoholic: recognizing the subtle clinical clues,1993,48,7,63-6 69,Egbert Osteoporosis: prevention is key to management,1993,48,Suppl 1,18-24,Levin Depression in the elderly: a treatable disorder,1993,48,Suppl 1,14-17,Khan Sleep disorders in the elderly,2007,62,12,10-32,Subramanian Low vision: the physician's role in rehabilitation and referral,1994,49,5,50-53,Fletcher Suicide in the elderly: how to identify and treat patients at risk,1996,51,3,67-72,Devons Hip protectors and prevention of hip fractures in older persons,2007,62,8,15-20,Holzer Elder neglect and abuse. A primer for primary care physicians,2003,58,10,37-40 42-4,Levine Warning signs of elder abuse,1999,54,3,3-4,Butler Patient handout. Winter safety tips for older adults,2007,62,2,15, Driving and dementia: dilemmas and decisions,1997,52,Suppl 2,S26-9,Adler After a stroke: strategies to restore function and prevent complications,1997,52,9,59-62 71 75,Reddy Driving is transportation for most older adults,1998,53,Suppl 1,S53-5,Eberhard 'Gerodesign': safe and comfortable living spaces for older adults,1994,49,11,45-49,Cannava Keeping an eye on vision: primary care of age-related ocular disease. Part 1,1997,52,8,30-41,Butler Recognition and differentiation of elderly depression in the clinical setting,1995,50,Suppl 1,S6-15,Reynolds Recognizing and reporting elder abuse and neglect,2009,64,7,13-18,Halphen Assessing capacity in suspected cases of self-neglect,2008,63,2,24-31,Naik Abuse and neglect.... prevalent yet so elusive,2003,58,10,10,Paris Elder abuse. Using clinical tools to identify clues of mistreatment,2000,55,2,42-4 47-50 53,Benton Nursing home 'abuse' litigation is instructive,2000,55,2,11 15-6,Silverman Preventing aggression in persons with dementia,2008,63,11,21-26,Kunik Psychiatric emergencies: rapid response and life-saving therapies,1999,54,9,38-42 45-6,Lowinger Older women's health: 'taking the pulse' reveals gender gap in medical care,1995,50,5,39-40 43-6 49,Butler Hidden damage from electrical injury,1971,26,4,84-85,Moncrief Emotional problems in relation to aging and old age,1971,26,6,82-93,Kern Longevity and cause of death among Harvard College athletes and their classmates,1972,27,10,53-64,Polednak The effect of table wines on blood glucose levels in the geriatric subject,1972,27,7,93-96,Murdock A five-year study of 693 psychogeriatric admissions in Queensland,1972,27,4,132-4 passim,Daniel Externally and internally caused skin problems of aging,1983,38,1,71-3 77-8,De Villez Differential diagnosis of dizziness in the elderly,1983,38,2,89-92 97 101 passim,Bonikowski Some reflections on aging in the United States,1973,28,5,178 passim,Laury Updating the sleeping pill,1974,29,2,126-132,Modell The hidden faces of alcoholism,1975,30,3,99-102,Shropshire The beginnings of wisdom about aging,1975,30,7,117-128,Beverley Osteoporosis: detection prevention and treatment in primary care,1998,53,8,22-3 27-8 33 passim,Taxel Serotonin syndrome. A common but often unrecognized psychiatric condition,2001,56,1,52-53,Lantz Surviving suicide. How the deaths of two patients changed my approach to late-life depression,2002,57,2,3-4,Sherman Alternative medicine: what the data say about common herbal therapies,1999,54,10,33-8 40 43,Sherman Prevention of thromboembolism after hip fracture,1973,28,1,107-110,Lyon Disease-associated fractures: detection and management in the elderly,1990,45,3,48-54 59,Present Grapefruit juice and drug interactions. Exploring mechanisms of this interaction and potential toxicity for certain drugs,2006,61,11,12-18,Bressler Use and abuse of statistics,1967,22,2,112-120,Ungerleider Age and Crime: Medical and Sociological Characteristics of Prisoners Over 50,1961,16,,177-181,Adams Alzheimer's disease: a comprehensive approach to patient management,1994,49,8,20-26,Bennett How to treat and prevent drug toxicity,1981,36,2,64-73,Tandberg Geriatric emergencies,1980,35,6,32-33,Schwartz Drug/alcohol interactions: avert potential dangers,1979,34,10,89-102,Seixas Estrogen and exercise in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis,1982,37,6,81-85,Aloia Atypical presentations of neurological illness in the elderly,1988,43,1,35-37,O'Dell Medically serious and non-serious suicide attempts in persons aged 70 and above,2016,1,3,e23,Waern The use of antidepressants in long-term care and the geriatric patient: Primary care issues,1998,53,Suppl 4,S12-S21,Kelsey Aging and mental health: primary care of the healthy older adult. A roundtable discussion: Part I,1992,47,5,54 56 61-65,Butler Aging and mental health: diagnosis of dementia and depression,1992,47,6,49-52 55-57,Butler Late-life depression: when and how to intervene,1995,50,8,44-46 49-52 55; quiz 56-57,Butler Late-life depression: how to make a difficult diagnosis,1997,52,3,37 41-42 47-50,Butler Midlife crisis: helping patients cope with stress anxiety and depression,1997,52,7,55-56 59-63; quiz 64,Samuels Prevention for the older woman. A practical guide to assessing physical and cognitive function,2001,56,7,24-26 29-31 35,Messinger-Rapport Suicide in late life. Identifying and managing at-risk older patients,2001,56,7,47-48,Lantz "I want to die". Pseudo-death wishes and the search for joy in the older population,2002,57,10,8-9,Sherman Using interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) to treat depression in older primary care patients,2008,63,3,18-28,Schulberg