Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Traumatology of the traffic accident-dead people for the safety in traffic,2004,144,2-3,193-200,Mattern Gunshot injuries as a topic of medicolegal research in the German-speaking countries from the beginning of the 20th century up to the present time,2004,144,2-3,201-210,Pollak Fatality management in mass casualty incidents,1989,40,1,3-14,Noji Accidental death by gunshot wound--fact or fiction,1984,26,1,25-32,Copeland Firearms fatalities in Denmark 1970-1979,1983,23,2-3,93-98,Hardt-Madsen Firearm fatalities in Edirne 1984-1997,1998,95,3,231-239,Altun Medicolegal autopsies of violent deaths in northern Norway 1972-1992,1998,92,1,39-48,Nordrum The epidemiology of homicide-suicide (dyadic death),1995,71,2,117-122,Milroy Fatal firearm accidents in Sweden,1987,34,4,257-266,Ornehult Suicidal gunshot wounds,1994,67,1,41-47,Avis Firearm deaths in Yorkshire and Humberside,1992,57,2,181-191,Chapman Firearm fatalities,1992,56,1,59-64,Rouse An investigation into pellet dispersion ballistics,1992,55,2,105-130,Nag Female suicides in Berlin with the use of firearms,2001,124,2-3,178-181,Strauch Fatal neck injuries caused by blank cartridges,1999,101,2,151-159,Vendura Statistical analysis of impact parameters of soft nose bullet fired on windowpane,2003,135,3,181-187,Waghmare Fatal motorcycle accidents in the county of Funen (Denmark),1988,38,1-2,93-99,Hardt-Madsen The transfer and persistence of petrol on car carpets,2005,147,1,71-79,Cavanagh-Steer Inflicted head injury in infants,2004,146,2-3,83-88,Geddes Gunshot injuries to the head and brain caused by low-velocity handguns and rifles A review,2004,146,2-3,111-120,Oehmichen Fatal poisoning in childhood England and Wales 1968-2000,2005,148,2-3,121-129,Flanagan Investigation of sudden infant deaths in the State of Maryland (1990-2000),2005,148,2-3,85-92,Smialek Complex investigation of body injuries and clothing during the identification of the assault instrument,2004,146,Suppl,S59-60,Sitiene Harmful alcohol use of those who died a violent death (the extended region of Ljubljana 1995-1999),2005,147,Suppl,S49-52,Skibin Gunshot fatalities: suicide homicide or accident? A series of 48 cases,2005,147,Suppl,S37-40,Desinan Sharp force fatalities: suicide homicide or accident? A series of 21 cases,2005,147,Suppl,S33-5,Desinan Suicide accident? The importance of the scene investigation,2005,147,Suppl,S21-4,Ermenc Presence of alcohol in suicide victims,2005,147,Suppl,S9-S12,Skibin Suicide among adolescents and young adults,2005,147,Suppl,S41-2,Schneider Fatal suicide cases from 1991 to 2000 in Szeged Hungary,2005,147,Suppl,S25-8,Havasi Suicide and the war in Croatia,2005,147,Suppl,S13-6,Definis-Gojanovic Carbon monoxide-related deaths in a metropolitan county in the USA: An 11-year study,2005,149,2-3,159-165,Homer Death in the bathtub involving children,1995,72,2,147-155,Madea Homicide in the bathtub,1995,72,2,135-146,Madea Autopsied cases of drowning in Denmark 1987-1989,1991,52,1,85-92,Filskov Deaths during recreational activity,1984,25,2,117-122,Copeland Air bag injuries--a literature review in consideration of demands in forensic autopsies,2002,128,3,162-167,Sato The statistical variability of blood alcohol concentration measurements in drink-driving cases,2000,110,3,207-214,Fung Role of drugs and alcohol in impaired drivers and fatally injured drivers in the Strathclyde police region of Scotland 1995-1998,1999,103,2,89-100,Oliver Drugs and the impaired driver in Northern Ireland: an analytical survey,1986,32,4,245-258,Cosbey Roadside portable breath tests (PBT),1995,73,3,211-215,Hlastala Injury analyses of fatal motorcycle collisions in south-east Scotland,1999,104,2-3,127-132,O'Donnell Characteristics of fire victims in different sorts of fires,1996,77,1-2,93-99,Rogde The causes of death in fire victims,1984,24,2,107-111,Gormsen Blood carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide concentrations in the fatalities of fire and non-fire associated civil aviation accidents 1991-1998,2001,121,3,183-188,Chaturvedi Shotgun shooting in northern India: a review (1980-1999),2005,150,1,103-111,Singh Medicines and psychoactive agents in traffic users--the medico-legal problem in Poland,2005,147,Suppl,S53-5,Rygol Our experiences with fatal ecstasy abuse (two case reports),2005,147,Suppl,S77-80,Balazic Suspected suicide and suicide attempt with mysterious concomitant circumstances,2005,147,Suppl,S17-9,Darok The completed suicide as interplay of genes and environment,2005,147,Suppl,S1-3,Marusic Fatal traffic injuries among pedestrians bicyclists and motor vehicle occupants,2005,151,2-3,151-156,Hubay Homicide by ligature strangulation in Finland: Offence and offender characteristics,2005,152,1,61-64,Hakkanen Massive acute arsenic poisonings,2005,151,2-3,273-277,Lech Comparison of injuries caused by the pistols Tokarev Makarov and Glock 19 at firing distances of 10 15 and 25cm,2005,151,1,1-10,Lepik Drugs in injured drivers in Denmark,2005,150,2-3,181-189,Larsen Driving under the influence of drugs - evaluation of analytical data of drugs in oral fluid serum and urine and correlation with impairment symptoms,2005,152,2-3,149-155,Toennes Alcohol and drugs in drivers fatally injured in traffic accidents in Sweden during the years 2000-2002,2005,151,1,11-17,Holmgren Chest deflection tolerance to blunt anterior loading is sensitive to age but not load distribution,2005,149,2-3,121-128,Kent Forensic analysis of homicides on the basis of cases examined in the Forensic Medicine Department Medical University of Silesia Katowice in the years 1991-2002,2005,147,Suppl,S75-6,Rygol Traffic injuries of the pregnant women and fetal or neonatal outcomes,2005,159,1,51-54,Hitosugi Comparison of wound patterns in homicide by sharp and blunt force,2005,156,2-3,166-170,Ambade Forensic case profiling aspects on multiple homicides from the Cologne-Bonn Metropolitan Area 1985-2000,2005,153,2-3,168-173,Padosch Forensic assessment of survived strangulation,2005,153,2-3,202-207,Plattner Rib-cage injuries indicating the direction and strength of impact,1979,13,2,103-110,Schmidt Use of drugs of abuse in less than 30-year-old drivers killed in a road crash in France: a spectacular increase for cannabis cocaine and amphetamines,2005,160,2-3,168-172,Mura Self-inflicted injuries with negative political overtones,2005,159,2-3,226-229,Pollak Decapitation in road traffic accident--a case report,2003,135,3,237-238,Rautji Fatal poisoning in Nordic drug addicts in 2002,2005,160,2-3,148-156,Steentoft Fatal pedestrian-bicycle collisions,2002,126,3,241-247,Konig Suicide by carbon monoxide from car exhaust-gas in Denmark 1995-1999,2005,161,1,41-46,Gregersen Development of a simulation system for performing in situ surface tests to assess the potential severity of head impacts from alleged childhood short falls,2006,163,1-2,102-114,Cory Automated comparison of firearm bullets,2006,156,1,40-50,Puente Leon Adolescent homicides in Finland: Offence and offender characteristics,2006,164,2-3,110-115,Hakkanen A probabilistic approach to the joint evaluation of firearm evidence and gunshot residues,2005,,,,Biedermann Unusual homicide by air gun with pellet embolisation,2001,124,1,17-21,Ng'walali Mole gun--an unusual firearm a case note,2001,118,1,83-85,Uner Homicide-suicide in Hong Kong 1989-1998,2003,137,2-3,165-171,Chan Some samples of weapons and instruments used as weapon in criminal offenses in Turkey,2003,132,2,113-116,Uner Pistol image retrieval by shape representation,2005,155,1,35-50,Wen Indian homemade firearm--a technical review,2004,144,1,11-18,Singh Suicidal deaths in childhood and adolescence,2004,142,1,25-31,Agritmis Homicide-suicide in Hong Kong 1989-1998,2004,140,2-3,261-267,Chan Three dimensional visualization and comparison of impressions on fired bullets,2004,140,2-3,233-240,Banno Reference ballistic imaging database performance,2004,140,2-3,207-215,De Kinder Drowning: Still a difficult autopsy diagnosis,2005,163,1-2,1-9,Piette Fatal steamer accident; blunt force injuries and drowning in post-mortem MSCT and MRI,2005,152,1,65-71,Aghayev Dumping after homicide using setting in concrete and/or sealing with bricks-Six case reports,2005,159,1,55-60,Preuss The relationship between performance on the standardised field sobriety tests driving performance and the level of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in blood,2005,155,2-3,172-178,Papafotiou Driving under the influence of Chlormethiazole,2005,153,2-3,213-217,Jones Oral fluid testing for driving under the influence of drugs: history recent progress and remaining challenges,2005,150,2-3,143-150,Verstraete Driving impairment on Buprenorphine and slow-release oral Morphine in drug-dependent patients,2005,152,2-3,323-324,Haaser Preparing for major incidents,2006,159,Suppl,S9-S11,De Winne Domestic violence: A complex health care issue for dentistry today,2006,159,Suppl,S121-S125,Kenney Child and elderly victims in forensic autopsy during a recent 5 year period in the southern half of Osaka city and surrounding areas,2000,113,1-3,215-218,Quan Fatal child abuse-maltreatment syndrome. A retrospective study in Ontario Canada 1990-1995,2002,126,2,101-104,Young Tasks of research in forensic medicine - different study types in clinical research and forensic medicine,2006,165,2,92-97,Madea Homicide-suicide-An event hard to prevent and separate from homicide or suicide,2006,166,2,204-208,Kiviruusu Carbon monoxide poisoning,1989,41,1-2,163-168,Bowen Cases of fatal poisoning in post-mortem examinations at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Greifswald--analysis of five decades of post-mortems,2003,133,1-2,125-131,Lignitz Intoxication at home due to carbon monoxide production from gas water heaters,1988,36,1-2,69-72,Thomsen Poisonings with diphenhydramine-A survey of 68 clinical and 55 death cases,2006,161,2,189-197,Pragst Nicotine and cotinine levels in body fluids of smokers who committed suicide,2006,168,2,102-105,Moriya Traffic deaths in western Norway. a study from the county of Hordaland 1986-1990,1994,64,1,9-20,Morild Incidence of xenobiotics among drivers killed in single-vehicle crashes,1999,104,1,37-46,Sironi Uncertainty of calculation results in vehicle collision analysis,2006,167,2,181-188,Wach A survey of buprenorphine related deaths in Singapore,2006,162,1,80-86,Lo Influence of rubber compound and tread pattern of retreaded tyres on vehicle active safety,2006,167,2,173-180,Reza Triad-related homicides in Hong Kong,2006,162,1,183-190,Broadhurst Disappearance Rate of Alcohol from the Blood of Drunk Drivers Calculated from 2 Consecutive Samples - What do the Results Really Mean,1990,45,1-2,107-115,Jones Cause of death and drug use pattern in deceased drug addicts in Sweden 2002-2003,2006,169,2-3,101-107,Holmgren Causes and circumstances of fatal falls downstairs,2007,171,2,122-126,Bratzke Forensic aspects of 40 accidental autoerotic deaths in Northern Germany,2005,147,,S61-4,Koops Criminal burning,2006,158,2-3,87-93,Fanton Homicidal and suicidal ligature strangulation--a comparison of the post-mortem findings,2003,137,1,60-66,Maxeiner Fatal falls from heights in and around Diyarbakir Turkey,2003,137,1,37-40,Goren Criteria for homicide and suicide on victims of extended suicide due to sharp force injury,2003,134,2-3,142-146,Haffner Recording acute poisoning deaths,2002,128,1-2,3-19,Flanagan Suicide in children adolescents and young adults,2002,127,3,161-167,Madea Suicide classification--clues and their use. a study of 122 cases of suicide and undetermined manner of death,2002,128,3,136-140,Lindqvist About morphological findings in fatal railway collisions,2002,126,2,123-128,Madea Unidentified bodies/skulls found in Danish waters in the period 1992-1996,2001,123,2-3,150-158,Jakobsen Intra-familial child homicide in Finland 1970-1994: incidence causes of death and demographic characteristics,2001,117,3,199-204,Karkola Suicides by jumping from Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul,2001,116,2-3,157-162,Fincanci Polymorphisms of the cholecystokinin gene promoter region in suicide victims in Japan,2005,150,1,85-90,Shindo Frequency of blood spatters on the shooting hand and of conjunctival petechiae following suicidal gunshots wounds to the head,1995,76,1,47-53,Betz A portrait of the juvenile arsonist,1995,73,1,41-47,Hakko Suicides in two Scandinavian capitals--a comparative study,1996,80,3,211-219,Hougen Homicidal and suicidal sharp force fatalities in Stockholm Sweden. Orientation of entrance wounds in stabs gives information in the classification,1998,93,1,21-32,Karlsson Intra- and perioral shooting fatalities,1999,101,3,217-227,Altun Multivariate analysis ('forensiometrics') -- a new tool in forensic medicine: Differentiation between firearm-related homicides and suicides,1999,101,2,131-140,Karlsson Questioning the psycho-socio-cultural factors that contribute to the cases of suicide attempts: an investigation,2000,113,1-3,297-301,Tüzün Homicide by sharp force in two Scandinavian capitals,2000,109,2,135-145,Hougen Child homicide in Cologne (1985-94),1996,79,2,131-144,Grass A case of Munchausen syndrome by proxy with subsequent suicide of the mother,2006,158,2-3,195-199,Vennemann What can a baby's skull withstand? Testing the skull's resistance on an anatomical preparation,2005,151,2-3,187-191,Holck Torture and its sequel--a comparison between victims from six countries,2003,137,2-3,133-140,Moisander Fatal firearm wounds: A retrospective study in Bari (Italy) between 1988 and 2003,2007,168,2,95-101,Di Vella Violent crime and substance abuse: A medico-legal comparison between deceased users of anabolic androgenic steroids and abusers of illicit drugs,2007,173,1,57 - 63,Thiblin Female drivers suspected for drunken or drugged driving,1995,75,2-3,139-148,Christophersen Driving under the influence in Greece: A 7-year survey (1998-2004),2007,174,2,157-160,Papadodima Injuries to law enforcement officers: The backface signature injury,2007,174,1,6-11,Bir Study of rearrests for drunken driving in Norway,1998,92,1,21-28,Christophersen Correlation of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations determined by LC-MS-MS in oral fluid and plasma from impaired drivers and evaluation of the on-site Drager Drug Test,2006,161,2-3,175-179,Samyn Meta-analyses in research in forensic medicine: Alcohol drugs diseases and traffic safety,2007,165,2-3,108-110,Berghaus Is Toxoplasma gondii a potential risk for traffic accidents in Turkey?,2006,163,1-2,34-37,Yereli Drugs and chronic alcohol abuse in drivers,2005,155,2-3,83-90,Schneider An epidemiological study on alcohol/drugs related fatal traffic crash cases of deceased drivers in Hong Kong between 1996 and 2000,2005,153,2-3,196-201,Mok Flunitrazepam: psychomotor impairment agitation and paradoxical reactions,2006,159,2-3,83-91,Skurtveit Drugs in oral fluid part ii. investigation of drugs in drivers,2005,150,2-3,199-204,Oliver Legal issues in oral fluid testing,2005,150,2-3,151-160,Kadehjian Concentration of drugs in blood of suspected impaired drivers,2005,153,1,11-15,Augsburger Demands on scientific studies in different fields of forensic medicine and forensic sciences: Traffic medicine--impaired driver: alcohol drugs diseases,2007,165,2-3,233-237,Drummer Cannabis and driving: Results from a general population survey,2007,170,2-3,111-116,Álvarez High concentrations of diazepam and nordiazepam in blood of impaired drivers: Association with age gender and spectrum of other drugs present,2004,146,1,1-7,Jones Poppy seed consumption and toxicological analysis of blood and urine samples,2004,143,2-3,183-186,Moeller On-site testing of illicit drugs: The use of the drug-testing device "Toxiquick",2004,143,1,21-25,Betz Driving under the influence of khat--alkaloid concentrations and observations in forensic cases,2004,140,1,85-90,Toennes The incidence of drugs in drivers killed in Australian road traffic crashes,2003,134,2-3,154-162,Robertson Comparison of the prevalence of alcohol cannabis and other drugs between 900 injured drivers and 900 control subjects: results of a French collaborative study,2003,133,1-2,79-85,Ludes Forensic cases involving the use of GHB in The Netherlands,2003,133,1-2,17-21,Lusthof Motor vehicle accident with complete loss of consciousness due to vasovagal syncope,2002,130,2-3,156-159,Varga Fatal versus non-fatal heroin "overdose": blood morphine concentrations with fatal outcome in comparison to those of intoxicated drivers,2002,130,1,49-54,Oehmichen Plasma oral fluid and sweat wipe ecstasy concentrations in controlled and real life conditions,2002,128,1-2,90-97,Lamers An unusual case of driving under the influence of enflurane,2002,128,3,187-189,Madea Evidential value of injuries useful for reconstruction of the pedestrian-vehicle location at the moment of collision,2002,128,3,127-135,Madro Alcohol illicit drugs and medicinal drugs in fatally injured drivers in Spain between 1991 and 2000,2002,127,1-2,63-70,Álvarez Drugged drivers in Norway with benzodiazepine detections,2002,125,1,75-82,Christophersen Knee joint injuries as a reconstructive factors in car-to-pedestrian accidents,2001,124,1,74-82,Madro Pelvis and hip joint injuries as a reconstructive factors in car-to-pedestrian accidents,2001,124,1,68-73,Madro The potential and limitations of utilising head impact injury models to assess the likelihood of significant head injury in infants after a fall,2001,123,2-3,89-106,Cory Traffic injury or attempted infanticide?,2001,122,1,73-74,Meng A comparison between on-site immunoassay drug-testing devices and laboratory results,2001,121,1-2,37-46,Lillsunde Practical aspects of roadside tests for administrative traffic offences in Germany,2001,121,1-2,33-36,Steinmeyer Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs in the Netherlands 1995-1998 in view of the German and Belgian legislation,2001,120,3,195-203,Smink Was the pedestrian hit in an erect position before being run over?,2001,119,2,217-220,Fuchs Ankle joint injuries as a reconstruction parameter in car-to-pedestrian accidents,2001,118,1,65-73,Madro Neck injuries as a reconstructive parameter in car-to-pedestrian accidents,2001,118,1,57-63,Madro On the diagnosis of hypoglycemia in car drivers--including a review of the literature,2001,115,1-2,89-94,Sprung The prevalence of analgesics containing dextropropoxyphene or codeine in individuals suspected of driving under the influence of drugs,2000,112,2-3,163-169,Thuen Alcohol in a series of medico-legally autopsied deaths in northern Norway 1973-1992,2000,110,2,127-137,Nordrum Hair analysis for driving licence in cocaine and heroin users. an epidemiological study,2000,107,1-3,301-308,Ricossa Simultaneous hair testing for opiates cocaine and metabolites by GC-MS: a survey of applicants for driving licenses with a history of drug use,2000,107,1-3,157-167,Groppi Hair analysis by using radioimmunoassay high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis to investigate chronic exposure to heroin cocaine and/or ecstasy in applicants for driving licences,2000,107,1-3,121-128,Marigo Drugged driving in the Nordic countries--a comparative study between five countries,1999,106,3,173-190,Christophersen Roadside oral fluid testing: comparison of the results of Drugwipe 5 and Drugwipe Benzodiazepines on-site tests with laboratory confirmation results of oral fluid and whole blood,2007,175,2-3,140-148,Lillsunde The benefits of seatbelt use in pregnant women drivers,2007,169,2-3,274-275,Hitosugi What shall we do with the drunken sailor? Effects of alcohol on the performance of ship operators,2006,156,1,16-22,Bilzer Site type and local mechanism of tibial shaft fracture in drivers in frontal automobile crashes,2007,175,2-3,186-192,Crandall The physical after-effects of torture,1995,76,1,77-84,Forrest A guide to writing medical reports on survivors of torture,1995,76,1,69-75,Forrest Evidence of physical torture in a series of children,1995,75,1,45-55,Petersen Risk of homicidal behaviour among persons convicted of homicide,1995,72,1,43-48,Tiihonen Imaginary constructions and forensic reconstructions of fatal violence against women: implications for community violence prevention,1994,64,1,21-34,Lerer Characteristics of imprisoned wife-beaters,1994,65,3,157-167,Brismar Rapists' behaviour: a three aspect model as a basis for analysis and the identification of serial crime,1992,55,2,173-194,Davies Women homicide and alcohol in Cape Town South Africa,1992,55,1,93-99,Lerer Medical appraisal of allegations of torture and the involvement of doctors in torture,1992,53,1,97-116,Petersen Alcohol and drugs (medical and illicit) in fatal road accidents in a city of 300000 inhabitants,1996,79,1,49-52,Dragsholt Drugs usage of drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. A study of one week's samples in 1979 and 1993 in Finland,1996,77,1-2,119-129,Lillsunde Blood alcohol concentrations of sudden unexpected deaths and non natural deaths,1991,52,1,77-84,Dankwarth Computer simulation of the accident with nine victims,2006,156,2-3,161-165,Balazic Cigarette burns in forensic medicine,2008,176,2,200-208,Schmidt Drugs in oral fluid in randomly selected drivers,2007,170,2-3,105-110,Drummer Commotio cordis as a result of a fight: Report of a case considered to be imprudent homicide,2008,177,1,e1-e4,Blanco Comparison of injuries caused by the pistols Tokarev Makarov and Glock 19 at firing distances of 25 50 75 and 100cm,2008,177,1,1-10,Lepik A controlled study of the time-course of breath alcohol concentration after moderate ingestion of ethanol following a social drinking session,2008,177,2-3,140-145,Barquín Patterned imprint mark due to the folded shoulder stock: A possible finding in contact shots from submachine guns,2008,178,1,e1-e5,Pollak Study of injuries combining computer simulation in motorcycle-car collision accidents,2008,177,2-3,90-96,Lei Determination of a newly encountered designer drug,2008,177,1,77-84,Kuroki Experimental tests for the validation of active numerical human models,2008,177,2-3,184-191,Graw Influence of ballistic and autopsy parameters on the manner of death in case of long firearms fatalities,2008,177,2-3,207-213,Aegerter A gas chromatographic analysis of phosphine in biological material in a case of suicide,2008,177,2-3,e35-e38,Preuss Salvia divinorum: an hallucinogenic mint which might become a new recreational drug in Switzerland,2000,112,2-3,143-150,Augsburger The epidemiology and the pathology of suspected rape homicide in South Africa,2008,178,2-3,132-138,Lombard Burn disasters in shooting range areas,2008,179,2-3,144-146,Yuksel Injuring potential of drinking glasses,2008,179,2-3,e19-e23,Kneubuehl Association between personality disorder and violent behavior pattern,2008,179,1,19-22,de Barros A fatal case of oleandrin poisoning,2008,179,2-3,e31-e36,Wasfi “I am flying to the stars”—Suicide by aircraft in Germany,2008,179,2-3,e75-e78,Grellner Criminal poisoning of commuters in Bangladesh: Prospective and retrospective study,2008,180,1,10-16,Toennes Fatal diving accidents: Two case reports and an overview of the role of forensic examinations,2008,180,2-3,e1-e5,Zinka Legal aspects of sexual violence-Does forensic evidence make a difference?,2008,180,2-3,98-104,Charles Using polychromatic X-radiography to examine realistic imitation firearms,2008,181,1-3,26-31,Austin Occurrence of ethanol and other drugs in blood and urine specimens from female victims of alleged sexual assault,2008,181,1-3,40-46,Jones It was not me: Attribution of blame for criminal acts in psychiatric offenders,2007,168,2-3,143-147,Merckelbach Cluster analysis of a forensic population with antisocial personality disorder regarding PCL-R scores: differentiation of two patterns of criminal profiles,2006,164,2-3,98-101,Arboleda-Flórez Bimodal distribution of violent assaults,2006,160,1,17-26,Kompus The use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances by victims of traffic accidents in Greece,1999,102,2-3,103-109,Koutselinis Unusual suicides with band saws: Two case reports and a literature review,2009,183,1-3,e7-e10,Gloulou Distribution and properties of gunshot residue originating from a Luger 9mm ammunition in the vicinity of the shooting gun,2009,183,1-3,33-44,Brożek-Mucha Forensic evaluation of occupational marks in establishing identity: A case report,2009,183,1-3,e17-e20,Shetty Accidental strangulation in a rickshaw,1996,78,1,7-11,Agarwal The fatal injuries of car drivers,2009,184,1-3,21-27,Chiron Complex suicide versus complicated suicide,2009,184,1-3,6-9,Pollak A fatal poisoning involving Bromo-Dragonfly,2009,183,1-3,91-96,Schumacher Death of a female cocaine user due to the serotonin syndrome following moclobemide-venlafaxine overdose,2009,184,1-3,e16-e20,Rojek A serial killer of elderly women: Analysis of a multi-victim homicide investigation,2009,185,1-3,e7-e11,Catanesi Current trends in drug abuse associated fatalities - Jordan 2000-2004,2009,186,1-3,44-47,Hadidi Five-year update on the occurrence of alcohol and other drugs in blood samples from drivers killed in road-traffic crashes in Sweden,2009,186,1,56-62,Jones Gender differences in Finnish homicide offence characteristics,2009,186,1-3,75-80,Holi Planned complex suicide by penetrating captive-bolt gunshot and hanging: Case study and review of the literature,2009,187,1-3,e7-e11,Puschel Lethal methemoglobinemia and automobile exhaust inhalation,2009,187,1-3,e1-e5,Morild Identification of GHB and morphine in hair in a case of drug-facilitated sexual assault,2009,186,1-3,e9-e11,Rossi Application of environmental magnetism on crime detection in a highway traffic accident from Yangzhou to Guazhou Jiangsu Province China,2009,187,1-3,29-33,Lizhong The neuropathology of infant subdural haemorrhage,2009,187,1-3,6-13,Squier Site of entrance wound and direction of bullet path in firearm fatalities as indicators of homicide versus suicide,1997,88,2,147-162,Druid Suicide by self-immolation in Berlin from 1990 to 2000,2001,124,2-3,163-166,Schneider The morphology of cutaneous burn injuries and the type of heat application,2009,187,1-3,81-86,Karger Quantitative analysis of victim demographics and injury characteristics at a metropolitan Medico-Legal Center,2009,188,1-3,46-51,Anders Age and gender differences in blood-alcohol concentration in apprehended drivers in relation to the amounts of alcohol consumed,2009,188,1-3,40-45,Jones Self-inflicted gunshot injury simulating a criminal offence,2009,188,1-3,e21-e22,Karger Pattern of injury in child fatalities resulting from child abuse,2009,188,1-3,99-102,Ross Finnish sexual homicides: Offence and offender characteristics,2009,188,1-3,125-130,Repo-Tiihonen A glass fragment for a dagger-Never mind your own hand,2009,188,1-3,e15-6,Karger Extended suicide using an atypical stud gun,2009,189,1-3,e9-12,Schyma Rib fractures identified at post-mortem examination in sudden unexpected deaths in infancy (SUDI),2009,189,1-3,75-81,Weber Suicide by a circular saw,2008,182,1-3,e7-9,Nushida Case report: Etizolam and its major metabolites in two unnatural death cases,2008,182,1-3,e1-6,Nakamura Simulation of an assault with self-tying and vaginal insertion of metal objects,2008,177,2-3,e29-33,Pollak A follow-up investigation on the quality of medical documents from examinations of Basque incommunicado detainees: the role of the medical doctors and national and international authorities in the prevention of ill-treatment and torture,2008,182,1-3,57-65,Petersen Segmental hair analysis in order to evaluate driving performance,2008,176,1,34-37,Groppi Concentrations of cocaine and its major metabolite benzoylecgonine in blood samples from apprehended drivers in Sweden,2008,177,2-3,133-139,Jones New Zealand's breath and blood alcohol testing programs: further data analysis and forensic implications,2008,178,2-3,83-92,Gullberg Accuracy and reliability of breath alcohol testing by hand-held electrochemical analysers,2008,178,2-3,e29-33,Zuba Elimination rates of breath alcohol,2007,171,1,16-21,Grubwieser Roadside detection of impairment under the influence of ketamine--evaluation of ketamine impairment symptoms with reference to its concentration in oral fluid and urine,2007,170,1,51-58,Mok Application of 3D documentation and geometric reconstruction methods in traffic accident analysis: with high resolution surface scanning radiological MSCT/MRI scanning and real data based animation,2007,170,1,20-28,Aghayev New autopsy signs in violent death,2007,165,2-3,172-177,Lignitz Suicide due to oral ingestion of lidocaine: a case report and review of the literature,2007,171,1,57-62,Rossi LC-MS/MS analysis of fentanyl and norfentanyl in a fatality due to application of multiple Durogesic transdermal therapeutic systems,2007,169,2-3,223-227,Cordonnier An accidental death due to Freon 22 (monochlorodifluoromethane) inhalation in a fishing vessel,2007,168,2-3,208-211,Ohtsu An unusual case of thermal injuries with a hot glue gun. Deliberate self-harm or maltreatment?,2007,167,1,53-55,Padosch Confirmation by LC-MS of drugs in oral fluid obtained from roadside testing,2007,170,2-3,156-162,Lopez-Rivadulla Post-mortem cases involving amphetamine-based drugs in The Netherlands. Comparison with driving under the influence cases,2007,170,2-3,163-170,Smink Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT): a reliable indicator of the risk of driving under the influence of alcohol when determined by capillary electrophoresis,2007,170,2-3,175-178,Tagliaro Ethylene glycol poisoning,2007,170,2-3,213-215,Lovrić Toxicological analysis after asphyxial suicide with helium and a plastic bag,2007,170,2-3,139-141,Schmidt Development and validation of the Cozart DDS oral fluid collection device,2007,170,2-3,117-120,Baldwin Inter- and intra-subject variability in ethanol pharmacokinetic parameters: effects of testing interval and dose,2008,175,1,65-72,White Alcohol and drug consumption among sexual offenders,2008,175,1,31-35,de Andrade Ingestion of pointed objects in a complex suicide,2007,171,1,e11-4,Pollak Neonatal death following clozapine self-poisoning in late pregnancy: an unusual case report,2007,171,1,e5-e10,Rojek Prevalence of psychoactive substances in truck drivers in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region (France),2008,174,2-3,90-94,Lhermitte Prevalence of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in serum samples of amphetamine metamphetamine and ecstasy impaired drivers,2007,173,2-3,112-116,Weinmann Full term normal delivery following suicidal hanging,2007,169,1,e1-2,Rautji Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome mimicking child abuse by burning,2007,168,1,e1-4,Porzionato Hair analysis for diphenhydramine after surreptitious administration to a child,2007,173,2-3,171-174,Evans Unusual suicides of young women with tentative cuts and fatal neck injuries by chain saw and circular saw,2009,190,1-3,e9-11,Grellner Comparative multibody dynamics analysis of falls from playground climbing frames,2009,191,1-3,52-57,Gilchrist Forensic evidence in apparel fabrics due to stab events,2009,191,1-3,86-96,Taylor A new case of Lazarus phenomenon?,2004,146,Suppl,S13-5,De Leo Estimating the shooting distance of a 9-mm Parabellum bullet via ballistic experiment,2009,192,1-3,e17-20,Bresson Intracranial sewing needle in a man with seizure: a case of child abuse?,2007,168,2-3,212-214,Yayci Sensitivity of autopsy and radiological examination in detecting bone fractures in an animal model: implications for the assessment of fatal child physical abuse,2006,164,2-3,131-137,Gentilomo Subgaleal hematoma in child abuse,2006,157,2-3,131-133,Puschel Planned complex suicide: report of three cases,2006,157,2-3,83-86,Altun Two simultaneous suicidal gunshots to the head with robbed police guns,2006,158,2-3,224-228,Padosch Consideration of some taphonomic variables of relevance to forensic palynological investigation in the United Kingdom,2006,163,3,173-182,Wiltshire Mortality statistics and autopsy: reliability of estimation of the mode of death in Copenhagen and a rural district of Sealand Denmark,1979,14,3,177-180,Asnaes The Guyana tragedy--an international forensic problem,1979,13,2,167-172, A suicide by ingestion of a mixture of copper chromium and arsenic compounds,1979,13,1,25-29,Smith A case of disguised suicide,1980,16,1,29-34,Gerdin The poisoned pen. A case report,1981,17,2,153-156,Vanstratt Hanging--a review,1982,20,3,247-249,Bowen Wife battering: a study of sixty cases,1982,20,2,163-166,Saravanapavananthan Toxicological findings in deaths due to ingestion of pentazocine: a report of two cases,1982,20,1,89-95,Poklis Deaths in police custody in England and Wales,1982,19,3,231-236,Johnson Homicide and suicide by aircraft,1983,21,2,161-163,Goldney Tentative injuries in self stabbing,1983,21,1,65-70,Vanezis Two unusual cases of suicide by hanging,1984,26,4,247-253,Goonetilleke Paraquat poisoning,1984,26,2,103-114,Heyndrickx Injury of the vertebral artery in suicidal hanging,1984,25,4,265-275,Saternus Driving and the combined use of drugs and alcohol in The Netherlands,1984,25,2,93-104,Neuteboom Neck markings and fractures in suicidal hangings,1984,24,1,27-35,Siegel Homicidal drowning,1986,31,4,247-252,Copeland An autopsy case of acute selenium (selenious acid) poisoning and selenium levels in human tissues,1986,31,2,87-92,Yamada Homicides of abused children prematurely returned home,1986,30,2-3,85-91,Hollander Hyponatremic seizures as a presenting symptom of child abuse,1986,30,2-3,213-217,Tilelli Battered child syndrome in a four year old with previous diagnosis of Reye's syndrome,1986,30,2-3,195-203,Brissie Child Medical Evaluation Program: a statewide system for the medical and mental health evaluation of abused and neglected children,1986,30,2-3,119-126,Hudson Childhood accident prevention strategies,1986,30,2-3,99-111,O'Shea The history of child abuse,1986,30,2-3,135-141,Knight Caffeine fatality: a case report,1985,29,3-4,207-211,Williams Psychical and physical symptoms after torture. A prospective controlled study,1985,29,3-4,179-189,Jacobsen Evaluation of breath-alcohol instruments. IV. Roadside tests with Alcolmeter pocket model,1985,28,3-4,157-165,Jones Evaluation of breath-alcohol instruments. III. Controlled field trial with Alcolmeter pocket model,1985,28,3-4,147-156,Jones Teenage suicide--the five-year Metro Dade County experience from 1979 until 1983,1985,28,1,27-33,Copeland Non-vehicular accidents among teenagers--the 5-year Metro Dade County experience from 1979 to 1983,1985,27,4,221-227,Copeland Drug levels found in cases of fatal self-poisoning,1985,27,2,129-133,Paterson Drugs in motorists traveling Swedish roads: on-the-road-detection of intoxicated drivers and screening for drugs in these offenders,1985,27,1,57-65,Holmgren Human rights abuses and the medical profession,1987,35,4,237-247,Jandoo Psychiatric expert testimony on aggressive offenders in juvenile court proceedings,1987,34,1-2,29-38,Heim Explosion-related deaths in Sweden--a forensic-pathologic and criminalistic study,1987,34,1-2,1-15,Rajs A retrospective study of drugged driving in Norway,1987,33,4,243-251,Bugge Fatal motorcycle accidents and alcohol,1987,33,3,165-168,Hardt-Madsen Two tricyclic antidepressant poisonings: levels of amitriptyline nortriptyline and desipramine in post-mortem biological samples,1987,33,2,93-101,Smith Autopsy findings in the eyes of fourteen fatally abused children,1988,39,3,293-299,Rao Organophosphate related fatalities--a violitional biohazard?,1988,39,2,155-162,Copeland Physical and psychological sequelae to torture. A controlled clinical study of exiled asylum applicants,1988,39,1,5-11,Hougen Patho-anatomic findings in neck structures in asphyxiation due to hanging: a survey of 80 cases,1988,38,1-2,83-91,Simonsen Relationship between the concentration of ethanol and methanol in blood samples from Swedish drinking drivers,1988,37,4,277-285,Jones Fatal intoxication by dextromethorphan: a report on two cases,1988,37,4,233-236,Holmgren Direction site and the muzzle target distance of bullet in the head and neck at close range as an indication of suicide or homicide,1988,37,3,223-229,Suwanjutha Study of fatal burns cases in Kanpur (India),1988,37,2,81-89,Gupta Acute organophosphorus insecticide poisoning in Sri Lanka,1988,36,1-2,97-100,Karalliedde Agrochemical poisoning in Sri Lanka,1988,36,1-2,81-89,de Alwis A pathologist's view of terrorist violence,1988,36,1-2,57-67,Marshall Sequelae to torture. A controlled study of torture victims living in exile,1988,36,1-2,153-160,Hougen Forensic medicine and human rights,1988,36,1-2,147-151,Voigt Pattern of acute poisoning in a medical unit in central Sri Lanka,1988,36,1-2,101-104,Karalliedde Drug identification problems in two suicides with neuromuscular blocking agents,1989,43,3,257-266,Varga Fatal and non-fatal methomyl intoxication in an attempted double suicide,1989,42,3,263-270,Kojima Injuries due to deliberate violence in areas of Argentina. II. Lesions. Copenhagen Study Group,1989,42,1-2,165-175,Katz Injuries due to deliberate violence in areas of Argentina. I. The extent of violence. Copenhagen Study Group,1989,42,1-2,151-163,Katz Injuries due to deliberate violence in areas of Denmark. V. Violence against women and children. Copenhagen Study Group,1989,41,3,285-294,Helweg-Larsen A fatal case of oral ingestion of toluene,1989,41,3,255-260,Fuke Injuries due to deliberate violence in areas of Denmark. IV. Alcohol intoxication in victims of violence. The Copenhagen Study Group,1989,41,1-2,181-191,Helweg-Larsen Injuries due to deliberate violence in areas of Denmark. III. Lesions. The Copenhagen Study Group,1989,41,1-2,169-180,Helweg-Larsen Injuries due to deliberate violence in areas of Denmark. II. Victims of homicide in the Copenhagen area,1989,40,3,291-297,Helweg-Larsen Injuries due to deliberate violence in areas of Denmark. I. The extent of violence,1989,40,2,183-199,Helweg-Larsen Death due to dextropropoxyphene: Copenhagen experiences,1989,40,2,143-151,Theilade Death and disaster,1989,40,1,1-2,Mason Sudden natural death at the wheel--a particular problem of the elderly?,1990,48,2,155-162,Bonte Injuries due to deliberate violence in Chile,1990,46,3,189-202,Danielsen Determination of the causes of fires and explosions by the analysis of biological materials,1990,46,1-2,47-50,Chambers Post-mortem drug redistribution--a toxicological nightmare,1990,45,3,253-263,Jones Disappearance rate of alcohol from the blood of drunk drivers calculated from two consecutive samples; what do the results really mean?,1990,45,1-2,107-115,Jones Screening for drug use among Norwegian drivers suspected of driving under influence of alcohol or drugs,1990,45,1-2,5-14,Christophersen Driving under the influence of toluene,1990,44,1,77-83,Morland Postmortem changes in the levels of monoamine metabolites in human cerebrospinal fluid,1990,44,1,61-68,Endo Non-fatal injuries due to interpersonal violence in Johannesburg-Soweto: incidence determinants and consequences,1991,52,1,35-51,Butchart Changing patterns of male suicide in Scotland,1991,51,1,79-87,Pounder Family violence and Asian drinkers,1991,50,1,43-46,Kua Impairment in drivers due to cannabis in combination with other drugs,1991,50,1,57-60,Gjerde A fatal case of parenteral paraquat poisoning,1991,49,2,215-224,Otero The manner and cause of death in a forensic series of chronic alcoholics,1991,49,2,171-178,Simonsen Comparing roadside with subsequent breath alcohol analyses and their relevance to the issue of retrograde extrapolation,1992,57,2,193-201,Gullberg Post-mortem toxico-kinetics of trazodone,1992,56,2,201-207,Martin Suicidal hanging in Cardiff--a 15-year retrospective study,1992,56,2,167-175,James Bupropion and alcohol fatal intoxication: case report,1992,56,2,151-156,Caplan Suicide by self-stabbing,1992,56,1,89-94,Milroy Sudden unexpected death due to Taxus poisoning. A report of five cases with review of the literature,1992,56,1,81-87,van der Ark Toxicological screen on gastric aspirates: the Singapore experience,1992,54,2,141-151,Chao Drugs and alcohol consumption amongst Spanish drivers,1992,53,2,221-225,Prada Thymus of abused/neglected children,1992,53,1,69-79,Yamamoto Chloral hydrate overdose: trichloroethanol detection by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry,1992,52,2,231-234,Caplan Distribution of malathion in body tissues and fluids,1992,52,2,223-229,Sharma The DC-10 air disaster in Chicago,1979,14,3,243-250, False positive reaction for carboxyhemoglobin in blood from liver tissue,1979,14,1,75-77,Lund The role of the forensic pathologist in the investigation of fatal traffic accidents--the Finnish system,1978,12,3,203-206,Karkola Increased viso-motoric reaction time of young tired drunk drivers,1982,20,2,121-125,Corfitsen Methadone-substitution and driving ability,1993,62,1-2,63-66,Gunther Drug abuse emergencies in Hamburg 1990/91,1993,62,1-2,167-171,Peters Comparison of drug abuse fatalities and emergencies,1993,62,1-2,161-166,Peters Undetected drug addict fatalities,1993,62,1-2,157-159,Schmoldt Etiology of accidental/unexpected overdose in drug-induced deaths,1993,62,1-2,129-134,Puschel Drug emergencies in Bremen in 1991 and 1992,1993,62,1-2,111-116,Lang Local measures for the reduction of drug emergency risks and drug mortality risks,1993,62,1-2,107-110,Lang Death in a head-down position,1993,61,2-3,119-132,Madea 'Rave' to the grave,1993,60,1-2,5-6,Cox Toxicological findings in military aircraft fatalities from 1986-1990,1992,53,2,143-148,Smith The reliability of cardiac haemodilution as a diagnostic test of drowning,1992,52,2,171-180,Jeanmonod A comparison of typical death scene features in cases of fatal male and autoerotic asphyxia with a review of the literature,1990,48,2,113-121,Byard The significance of detecting serum fluorine level in the diagnosis of drowning,1990,46,3,289-294,Chen Traffic accidents and drivers suspected for drug influence,1990,45,3,273-280,Nielsen Histological examination of the temporal bone in medicolegal cases of asphyxia,1990,44,2-3,135-142,Ito An unusual case of fatal accidental paraquat poisoning,1990,44,1,23-26,Fernando Plasmatic levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in drowning. A pilot study,1990,44,1,69-75,Lorente Differences in the intracranial pressure caused by a 'blow' and/or a 'fall'--an experimental study using physical models of the head and neck,1989,41,1-2,135-145,Fujiwara Fatigue in multiple-car fatal accidents,1989,40,2,161-169,Corfitsen Analysis of fatalities in road accidents,1988,36,1-2,91-96,Salgado Traumatic rupture of the cervical carotid arteries: an autopsy and histopathological study of 200 cases,1987,34,4,227-244,Moar Production of carbon monoxide in cadavers,1986,32,2,67-77,Kojima Acute toluene poisoning during painting,1986,32,2,109-115,Yamada Accidental non-commercial aircraft fatalities: the 7-year Metro-Dade County experience from 1977-1983,1986,31,1,13-20,Copeland Fatigue in single car fatal accidents,1986,30,1,3-9,Corfitsen Visual observations under marginal illumination and their forensic evaluation,1985,29,1-2,109-127,Lieskovsky Post-mortem estimation of gamma-glutamyl transferase in vitreous humor and its association with chronic abuse of alcohol and road-traffic deaths,1985,28,3-4,179-180,Dunbar Serum strontium estimation as a diagnostic criterion of the type of drowning water,1985,28,1,47-52,Abdallah The diagnosis of diffuse axonal injury in routine autopsy practice,1985,27,4,229-235,Shapiro A method for investigating specialised accidents with special reference to diving,1985,27,2,119-127,Calder Magnesium potassium sodium and calcium in post-mortem vitreous humour from humans,1985,27,1,1-13,Watson Experiments using high pressure fluid jets on human tissues,1984,26,2,123-129,Calder A speed and frequency substandard for tachograph calibration equipment,1984,24,1,81-86,Lambourn Fatal poisoning by 111-trichloroethane after prolonged survival,1983,23,2-3,249-253,Gresham The importance of medico-legal autopsies. An analysis of the complex problems regarding damages,1983,23,2-3,123-127,Asnaes Experimental study on postmortem formation of carbon monoxide,1983,22,2-3,131-135,Kojima Experimental evaluation of rigor mortis. VI. Effect of various causes of death on the evolution of rigor mortis,1983,22,1,1-9,Gujer Diatoms and drowning--once more,1983,21,2,153-159,Foged The value of the hospital autopsy. A study of causes and modes of death estimated before and after autopsy,1983,21,1,23-32,Asnaes Hyperpigmentation in the long bones of the lower limbs as a basis for vehicle identification and traffic accident reconstruction,1982,20,3,251-255,Marek Accidental methylene chloride fatality,1981,18,2,165-168,Winek Diagnosis of drowning by investigation of left heart blood,1981,18,2,149-153,Karkola Occurrence of barbiturate benzodiazepine meprobamate methaqualone and phenothiazine in car occupants killed in traffic accidents in the south of Sweden,1981,18,2,141-147,Krantz Poisoning deaths in China: Type and prevalence detected at the Tongji Forensic Medical Center in Hubei,2009,193,1-3,88-94,Zheng Multidrug poisoning involving nicotine and tramadol,2010,194,1-3,e17-9,Tsokos The relationship between serial sexual murder and autoerotic asphyxiation,2008,176,2-3,187-195,Myers Interpretation of neuropathological lesions: Its limitations in medico-legal experts' reports,2010,194,1-3,e1-3,Léonetti Modified blank ammunition injuries,2009,193,1-3,112-117,Uzar Classification of blunt aortic injuries a new systematic overview of aortic trauma,2010,195,1-3,6-9,Ermenc The influence of a possible contamination of the victim's clothing by gunpowder residue on the estimation of shooting distance,2010,194,1-3,72-76,Zeichner An injury subjacent to lac ornament in a case of lightning,2010,195,1-3,e9-12,Wankhede Relationship between blood and urine alcohol concentrations in apprehended drivers who claimed consumption of alcohol after driving with and without supporting evidence,2010,194,1-3,97-102,Jones Sharp force injuries in "clinical" forensic medicine,2010,195,1-3,1-5,Schmidt Death due to ingestion of nicotine-containing solution: Case report and review of the literature,2010,195,1-3,e19-22,Rosenbaum Classifying serial killers,1999,105,3,155-159,Lester Controlled research utilizing a basic all-metal detector in the search for buried firearms and miscellaneous weapons,2010,195,1-3,121-127,Smith The Finnish legislation on workplace drug testing,2008,174,2-3,95-98,Lillsunde Drug-free workplace programmes: New Zealand perspective,2008,174,2-3,125-132,Nolan Interpretation of hair findings in children after methadone poisoning,2010,196,1-3,51-54,Evans Demographics of suicide victims in Sweden in relation to their blood-alcohol concentration and the circumstances and manner of death,2010,198,1-3,17-22,Jones Quality assurance in road traffic analyses in Switzerland,2010,198,1-3,7-10,Augsburger Occupational asphyxiation by unknown compound(s): Environmental and toxicological approach,2010,197,1-3,e19-26,Di Vella Increased cannabinoids concentrations found in specimens from fatal aviation accidents between 1997 and 2006,2010,197,1-3,85-88,Dubowski Comparing ballistic wounds with experiments on body simulator,2010,198,1-3,e23-7,Bresson Hypothermia in a combined intoxication with doxepin and moclobemide in an adolescent,2010,195,1-3,e1-3,Rochholz 11-Nor-Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (THC-COOEt): unsuccessful search for a marker of combined cannabis and alcohol consumption,2010,196,1-3,78-84,Pragst A chloroform-related death: Analytical and forensic aspects,2010,197,1-3,89-96,Flanagan A tendency for re-offending in drug-facilitated crime,2010,196,1-3,14-17,Pepin Accidental circular saw hand injuries: Trauma mechanisms injury patterns and accident insurance,2010,198,1-3,74-78,Ekkernkamp Dissecting firearm injury to the head and neck with non-linear bullet trajectory: A case report,2010,197,1-3,e13-7,Can Development and standardization of a microalgae test for determining deaths by drowning,2009,184,1-3,37-41,Díaz-Palma A promising microbiological test for the diagnosis of drowning,2008,182,1-3,20-26,Campobasso Deaths involving serotonergic drugs,2010,198,1-3,110-117,Drummer Retrospective analysis of fatal falls,2010,198,1-3,92-96,Madea Injury biomechanics as a necessary tool in the field of forensic science: A pedestrian run-over case study,2010,198,1-3,e5-9,Forman Stab or throw? Biomechanical studies on the injuring potential of glass fragments,2010,199,1-3,e1-4,Bohnert Simultaneous screening for and determination of 128 date-rape drugs in urine by gas chromatography-electron ionization-mass spectrometry,2010,198,1-3,39-45,Adamowicz Two non-probabilistic methods for uncertainty analysis in accident reconstruction,2010,198,1-3,134-137,Liu Analysis of geometric moments as features for firearm identification,2010,198,1-3,143-149,Md Ghani First nationwide study on driving under the influence of drugs in Switzerland,2010,198,1-3,11-16,Augsburger Preliminary soilwater conductivity analysis to date clandestine burials of homicide victims,2010,198,1-3,126-133,Pringle May Toxoplasma gondii increase suicide attempt-preliminary results in Turkish subjects?,2010,199,1-3,15-17,Yagmur Homicidal and suicidal sharp force fatalities: Autopsy parameters in relation to the manner of death,2010,198,1-3,150-154,de la Grandmaison A forensic analysis on 53 cases of complex suicides and one complicated assessed at the Bureau of Legal Medicine of Milan (Italy),2020,319,,e110662,Zoja Characterization of a suspect nuclear fuel rod in a case of illegal international traffic of fissile material,2010,199,1-3,e15-21,Capannesi Evidence-based survey of the elimination rates of ethanol from blood with applications in forensic casework,2010,200,1-3,1-20,Jones Identifying the cutoff score for the PCL-R scale (psychopathy checklist-revised) in a Brazilian forensic population,2005,147,1,1-8,Arboleda-Flórez Analysis of hydrogen cyanide in air in a case of attempted cyanide poisoning,2012,222,1-3,e7-e12,Magnusson X-ray mapping technique: a preliminary study in discriminating gunshot residue particles from aggregates of environmental occupational origin,2004,143,1,1-19,Cardinetti The violent female perpetrator and her victim,2003,133,3,197-203,Viemero Lethal child neglect,2002,130,1,8-12,Fieguth Chemical poisoning in three Telengana districts of Andhra Pradesh,2001,122,2-3,167-171,Gandhi Increased risk of suicide with exposure to pesticides in an intensive agricultural area. A 12-year retrospective study,1996,79,1,53-63,Villanueva Role of the odontologist in the investigation of domestic violence neglect of the vulnerable and institutional violence and torture,2010,201,1-3,68-73,Lincoln The significance of pontomedullar laceration in car occupants following frontal collisions: A retrospective autopsy study,2010,202,1-3,13-16,Nikolic Postmortem data related to drug and toxic substance use in the Federal District Brazil from 2006 to 2008,2010,200,1-3,136-140,Caldas Postmortem serum erythropoietin level as a marker of survival time in injury deaths,2010,200,1-3,117-122,Quan Urine tested positive for ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulphate after the consumption of "non-alcoholic" beer,2010,202,1-3,82-85,Perdekamp Tooth aspiration: Its relevance in medicolegal autopsies,2010,200,1-3,e25-9,Perdekamp Fatal facial-intracranial impalement injury in an accidental fall from a height: An autopsy case report with a review of the literature,2010,200,1-3,e21-4,Wang Cocaine and benzoylecgonine concentrations in fluorinated plasma samples of drivers under suspicion of driving under influence,2010,200,1-3,67-72,Madea The impact of data degradation and sample size on the performance of two similarity coefficients used in behavioural linkage analysis,2010,199,1-3,85-92,Bennell Murder-suicide: A reaction to interpersonal crises,2010,202,1-3,93-96,Lester Suicide registration in eight European countries: A qualitative analysis of procedures and practices,2010,202,1-3,86-92,Värnik An uncommon case of a suicide with inhalation of hydrogen cyanide,2011,204,1-3,e4-7,Madea Forensic medical examination of the corpse of General Władysław Sikorski a putative victim of assassination in 1943,2010,202,1-3,e29-33,Woźniak Fatal mercury poisoning and chelating agents,2010,202,1-3,e61,Minoia Suicide by hanging under the influence of ketamine and ethanol,2010,202,1-3,e23-7,Santos Alveolar macrophages and the diagnosis of drowning,1993,62,3,217-224,Betz Sudden death due presumably to internal use of methamphetamine,1993,62,3,209-215,Zhou Fatal poisoning due to snorting buprenorphine and alcohol consumption,2011,204,1-3,e8-11,Lacroix An unusual death of a masochist: Accident or suicide?,2011,204,1-3,e16-9,Di Vella In vitro study of possible microbial indicators for drowning: Salinity and types of bacterioplankton proliferating in blood,2011,204,1-3,80-87,Kozawa Unusual intracranial stab wounds inflicted with metal tent stakes for a case involving a family murder suicide,2010,202,1-3,e19-21,Hayashi Female genital injuries resulting from consensual and non-consensual vaginal intercourse,2011,204,1-3,27-33,White Planned complex suicide: Self-strangulation and plaster ingestion,2010,202,1-3,e35-7,Guenther Determination of firing distance and firing angle by neutron activation analysis in a case involving gunshot wounds,1993,61,2-3,75-84,Capannesi Differentiation between bruises and putrefactive discolorations of the skin by immunological analysis of glycophorin A,1993,61,2-3,111-117,Tsunenari Forensic study on stains of blood and saliva in a chimpanzee bite case,1993,61,2-3,101-110,Katsumata Juvenile delinquency and drug dependence in Hungary,1993,62,1-2,29-36,Antal Preliminary results of an interdisciplinary survey of drug victims,1993,62,1-2,147-149,Schneider Drug death autopsies at the Munich Institute of Forensic Medicine (1981-1992),1993,62,1-2,135-139,Betz Drug emergency patients are a burden for the medical care system: inadequate care for drug emergency patients,1993,62,1-2,117-120,Lang Forensic and police identification of "X" bodies. A 6-years French experience,2011,204,1-3,139-143,de la Grandmaison Bullets fragments identification by comparison of their chemical composition obtained using instrumental neutron activation analysis,2011,206,1-3,e5-7,Rossi Self-infliction of faked gunshot wounds in absence of overt psychopathology,2011,206,1-3,e1-4,Sinani The detection of petechial haemorrhages of the conjunctivae in dependency on the postmortem interval,1994,64,1,61-67,Betz Postmortem release of amitriptyline from the lungs; a mechanism of postmortem drug redistribution,1994,64,1,47-55,Mørland A fatal overdose with 34-methylenedioxyamphetamine derivatives,1994,64,1,57-59,Clark A simple method for diatom detection in drowning,1993,60,1-2,91-95,Matsumoto An unusual case of suicidal asphyxia,1994,64,2-3,181-184,Elfawal An unusual death by zipeprol overdose,1994,64,2-3,159-163,Kintz Case report: repeated neonaticides in Hokkaido,1994,64,2-3,147-150,Ikeda Fluoxetine and violent death in Maryland,1994,64,2-3,107-117,Smialek An autopsy case of osteogenesis imperfecta initially suspected as child abuse,1994,65,2,97-104,Matsumoto Vitreous alcohol is of limited value in predicting blood alcohol,1994,65,2,73-80,Kuroda Deaths due to forklift truck accidents,1994,65,2,121-134,Donoghue Are hip fractures caused by falling and breaking or breaking and falling? Photoelastic stress analysis,1994,65,2,105-112,Cooper An unusual morphine fatality,1994,65,1,7-11,Smialek Turpentine poisoning: a case report,1994,65,1,47-49,Vishwanathan Fatal overdose of 24-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (24-D),1994,65,1,13-18,Keller Amniotic fluid embolism as cause of death in a car accident--a case report,2003,137,2-3,231-234,Rainio Ethical legal and medical problems on the borderline between life and death,1994,69,3,291-297,Schewe Brain-death and pregnancy,1994,69,3,243-245,Wuermeling Biventricular measurement of blood strontium in real cases of drowning,1994,69,2,139-148,Sancho Guidelines for estimating the amount of alcohol consumed from a single measurement of blood alcohol concentration: re-evaluation of Widmark's equation,1994,69,2,119-130,Jones Fatalities due to intestinal obstruction following the ingestion of foreign bodies,1994,69,2,105-110,Betz Injury patterns of sharp instrument homicides in Hong Kong,2011,204,1-3,201-204,Beh Intracranial injuries by a screwdriver,1995,76,3,211-216,Balazic A fatal dothiepin overdose,1995,76,3,205-209,Kintz Tetrachloroethylene fatality: case report and simple gas chromatographic determination in blood and tissues,1995,76,3,161-168,Gaillard Study on electrocution death by low-voltage,1995,76,2,115-119,Zhang Postmortem serum catecholamine levels in relation to the cause of death,2007,173,2-3,122-129,Quan Fatal unintentional intoxications with tramadol during 1995-2005,2007,173,2-3,107-111,Ahlner An electrocution by metal kite line,2006,163,1-2,141-143,Wankhede Drug poisoning deaths in Sweden show a predominance of ethanol in mono-intoxications adverse drug-alcohol interactions and poly-drug use,2011,206,1-3,43-51,Jones Medical examiner and medical toxicologist agreement on cause of death,2011,206,1-3,71-76,Vlahov Fatal cases of acute suicidal sodium and accidental zinc fluorosilicate poisoning. Review of acute intoxications due to fluoride compounds,2011,206,1-3,e20-4,Lech Forensic medical lessons learned from the Victorian Bushfire Disaster: Recommendations from the Phase 5 debrief,2011,205,1-3,73-76,Leditschke Tetramine poisoning: A case report and review of the literature,2011,204,1-3,e24-7,Zhang Fatal poisoning with the antidepressive agent opipramol,1996,77,1-2,45-51,Miltner Traumatic ponto-medullary tear: a case report,1996,77,1-2,37-43,Fieguth Drug addict deaths in the Nordic countries: a study based on medicolegally examined cases in the five Nordic countries in 1991,1996,77,1-2,109-118,Steentoft "ADAM' or "EVE'?--a toxicological conundrum,1996,77,1-2,101-108,Williams Reflex mechanisms of death in missile injuries of the neck,1994,66,1,53-60,Madea The first fatal 26-di-isopropylphenol (propofol) poisoning in Singapore: a case report,1994,66,1,1-7,Chao Zopiclone poisoning: tissue distribution and potential for postmortem diffusion,1994,65,3,177-183,Pounder Relationship of spermatoscopy prostatic acid phosphatase activity and prostate-specific antigen (p30) assays with further DNA typing in forensic samples from rape cases,2011,206,1-3,111-118,Perez The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Disaster: The importance of Guthrie cards and other medical samples for the direct matching of disaster victims using DNA profiling,2011,205,1-3,59-63,Stock Comprehensive drug screening in blood for detecting abused drugs or drugs potentially hazardous for traffic safety,1996,77,3,191-210,Seppala Morphometrical analysis of retinal hemorrhages in the shaken baby syndrome,1996,78,1,71-80,Betz Fatal poisonings in young drug addicts in the Nordic countries: a comparison between 1984-1985 and 1991,1996,78,1,29-37,Steentoft 'Superwarfarin' poisoning leading to prolonged coagulopathy,1996,78,1,13-18,Bourke Case report. Delayed death after pressure on the neck: possible causal mechanisms and implications for mode of death in manual strangulation discussed,1996,78,3,193-197,Knight Risk of dying after a free fall from height,1996,78,3,187-191,Risser The effect of storage at various temperatures on blood alcohol concentration,1996,78,3,179-185,Winek Acute overdose of zolpidem,1996,78,3,165-168,Rozin Pathoanatomic findings and blood alcohol analysis at autopsy (BAC) in forensic diagnoses of undetermined suicide. A cross-cultural study,1996,78,2,157-163,Åsberg Endogenous methanol: variability in concentration and rate of production. Evidence of a deep compartment?,1996,79,2,145-154,Graw Stressful events as a trigger of sudden death: a study of 43 medico-legal autopsy cases,1996,79,1,1-10,Lecomte Fundamental studies on alcohol dependence and disposition,1996,80,1-2,99-107,Yoshimoto Suffocation and related problems,1996,80,1-2,71-78,Suzuki Current research and case work activities of criminalistics in Japan,1996,80,1-2,109-135,Seta Various mechanisms of death and their possible association with alcoholism,1996,79,3,199-204,Thomsen Concerning the article by D.W.K. Cotton et al. entitled: "Are hip fractures caused by falling and breaking or breaking and falling? Photoelastic stress analysis" (Forensic Sci. Int. 65 (1994) 105-112),1995,71,3,233-234,Vesterby Drug accumulation and elimination in Calliphora vicina larvae,1995,71,3,191-197,Pounder Psychosocial aspects of murder in Nigeria,1993,59,2,157-162,Ogungbemi Post-mortem radiological examination in infants: evidence of child abuse?,1997,90,3,223-230,Thomsen Thyreoglobulin and violent asphyxia,1997,90,3,165-170,Koch Forensic molecular pathology of violent deaths,2010,203,1-3,83-92,Ishikawa A forensic approach to fatal dog attacks. A case study and review of the literature,2011,206,1-3,e37-42,Introna The discrimination between overt and non-overt self-inflicted lesions,1997,89,3,203-209,Thomas Prison suicide in Finland 1969-1992,1997,89,3,167-174,Joukamaa Postmortem skeletal lesions,1997,89,3,155-165,Quatrehomme Exhumations: synopsis of morphological and toxicological findings in relation to the postmortem interval. Survey on a 20-year period and review of the literature,1997,90,1-2,139-159,Grellner Postmortem alcohol analysis of the synovial fluid and its availability in medico-legal practices,1997,90,1-2,131-138,Sato Electrically induced deposition of metal on the human skin,1997,90,1-2,85-92,Jacobsen Assessment of postmortem blood alcohol concentrations by ethanol levels measured in fluids from putrefactive blisters,1997,90,1-2,57-63,Grellner Pulmonary and serum surfactant phospholipids and serum catecholamines in strangulation. An experimental study on rats,1997,90,1-2,17-24,Kortelainen Fibromuscular dysplasia of the basilar artery: an unusual case with medico-legal implications,2007,173,2-3,188-192,Bajanowski Harm set harm get: hand injuries caused by vole captive bolt devices,2008,176,2-3,258-262,Ekkernkamp 15-Second conducted electrical weapon exposure does not cause core temperature elevation in non-environmentally stressed resting adults,2008,176,2-3,253-257,Ho Time of death of victims found in cold water environment,2008,176,2-3,e17-22,Karhunen Bear attack--A unique fatality in Finland,2007,173,1,64-67,Rainio Human cardiovascular effects of a new generation conducted electrical weapon,2011,204,1-3,50-57,Nelson Lactate and pH evaluation in exhausted humans with prolonged TASER X26 exposure or continued exertion,2009,190,1-3,80-86,Ho The neuroendocrine effects of the TASER X26: a brief report,2009,183,1-3,14-19,Ho Blood factors of Sus scrofa following a series of three TASER electronic control device exposures,2008,175,2-3,166-170,Jauchem Acidosis lactate electrolytes muscle enzymes and other factors in the blood of Sus scrofa following repeated TASER exposures. (Letter),2007,168,1,e17-8; author reply e19,Miller Acidosis lactate electrolytes muscle enzymes and other factors in the blood of Sus scrofa following repeated TASER exposures,2006,161,1,20-30,Jauchem The 2009 Victorian Bushfires Disaster: The role of forensic anthropology in Disaster Victim Identification (DVI),2011,205,1-3,29-35,Blau Homicide-suicide in the United States 1968-1975,2011,206,1-3,185-189,Lester Forensic aspects of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Disaster,2011,205,1-3,2-7,Cordner Lethal visceral traumatic injuries secondary to child abuse: A case of practical application of autopsy radiological and microscopic studies,2011,206,1-3,e62-6,Telmon Macroscopic observation of the morphological characteristics of the ammunition gunpowder,2008,175,2-3,179-185,Pun Fatal intoxication due to tramadol alone: case report and review of the literature,2008,175,1,79-82,Jacobs 3D documentation of footwear impressions and tyre tracks in snow with high resolution optical surface scanning,2007,171,2-3,157-164,Thali Death associated with volatile substance inhalation--histologic scanning electron microscopic and energy dispersive X-ray spectral analyses of lung tissue,2007,171,2-3,118-121,Byard Determination of drug exposure using hair: application to child protective cases,1997,84,1-3,123-128,Moore Homicide-suicide and other violent deaths: An international comparison,2011,207,1-3,70-76,Barber Esophageal injury in fatal rear-impact collisions,2011,206,1-3,e52-7,Gregersen Philemon and Baucis Death? Two cases of double deaths of married couples,2008,176,2-3,e7-10,Risse Cocaine-related deaths: an enigma still under investigation,2008,176,2-3,121-123,Bertol Presence of periorbital and conjunctival petechial hemorrhages in accidental pediatric drowning,2008,175,2-3,198-201,Somers Psychiatric morbidity in murder and attempted murder crime convicts: a Turkey study,2008,175,2-3,107-112,Akyuz A throttled hemophilic who died due to choking,2007,171,1,e21-3,Wankhede Airway obstruction by laryngeal masses in sudden and homicidal deaths,2007,171,1,e15-20,Rodriguez Two fatal cases of selenium toxicity,2007,171,1,67-72,Spiller A sudden death with lung embolism after inadvertent infusion of zinc oxide shake lotion,2007,170,2-3,207-212,Martin Distribution of dimethoate in the body after a fatal organophosphate intoxication,2007,170,2-3,129-132,Daldrup Fatal intoxication with tianeptine (Stablon),2007,170,2-3,200-203,Pinheiro Bullying behaviour and criminality: A population-based follow-up study of adolescent psychiatric inpatients in Northern Finland,2011,207,1-3,106-110,Hakko Relation between alcohol consumption and traffic violations and accidents in the region of Ribeirão Preto São Paulo State,2011,207,1-3,164-169,Pereira Toxicological analysis of 17 autopsy cases of hydrogen sulfide poisoning resulting from the inhalation of intentionally generated hydrogen sulfide gas,2011,207,1-3,91-95,Fukui Death caused by cardioinhibitory reflex cardiac arrest-A systematic review of cases,2011,207,1-3,77-83,Mangin Computerized forensic assistance software (FAS 1.0) for training and standardized investigation in distributed and disconnected services,2003,132,2,125-129,Crispino Situations of poisoning and analytical toxicology in Japan,2000,113,1-3,331-338,Suzuki An unusual fatal injury due to tyre burst: a case report,2003,138,1-3,111-113,Rautji A reported case involving impaired driving following self-administration of xylazine,2003,134,1,25-28,Stillwell Methadone substitution: medicolegal problems in Germany,2003,133,1-2,118-124,Madea Ethyl glucuronide concentrations in two successive urinary voids from drinking drivers: relationship to creatinine content and blood and urine ethanol concentrations,2003,133,1-2,86-94,Jones A case of aortic dissection caused by blunt chest trauma,2003,132,1,5-8,Nata Cannabis and driving: the use of LC-MS to detect delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta9-THC) in oral fluid samples,2004,146,Suppl 1,S61-S63,López-Rivadulla HAIRVEQ: an external quality control scheme for drugs of abuse analysis in hair,2004,145,2-3,109-115,Ventura Comparative regression analysis of concurrent elimination-phase blood and breath alcohol concentration measurements to determine hourly degradation rates,2004,143,2-3,115-120,Krause Bayesian framework for the evaluation of fiber evidence in a double murder--a case report,2004,141,2-3,159-170,Causin Widmark factors for local Chinese in Hong Kong. A statistical determination on the effects of various physiological factors,2005,151,1,23-29,Tam Haptics in forensics: the possibilities and advantages in using the haptic device for reconstruction approaches in forensic science,2008,180,2-3,86-92,Thali Determination of serum alcohol using a disposable biosensor,2008,179,2-3,192-198,Luo Evaluation of on-site oral fluid screening using Drugwipe-5(+) RapidSTAT and Drug Test 5000 for the detection of drugs of abuse in drivers,2010,198,1-3,2-6,De Boeck Can the prevalence of high blood drug concentrations in a population be estimated by analysing oral fluid? A study of tetrahydrocannabinol and amphetamine,2010,195,1-3,153-159,Gjerde Hair testing is superior to urine to disclose cocaine consumption in driver's licence regranting,2009,189,1-3,e41-3,Stramesi Higher prevalence of toxoplasmosis in victims of traffic accidents suggest increased risk of traffic accident in Toxoplasma-infected inhabitants of Istanbul and its suburbs,2009,187,1-3,103-108,Uner The bruise which depicted the pattern of subjacent bone,2009,186,1-3,e5-7,Wankhede Blood concentrations of clonazepam and 7-aminoclonazepam in forensic cases in Denmark for the period 2002-2007,2009,184,1-3,74-79,Linnet Analysis and application of relationship between post-braking-distance and throw distance in vehicle-pedestrian accident reconstruction,2011,207,1-3,135-144,Yu Fatal poisoning in drug addicts in the Nordic countries in 2007,2011,207,1-3,170-176,Vuori Comparison of injuries sustained by drivers and pillion passengers in fatal head-on motorcycle collision accidents,2011,207,1-3,188-192,Zhao Alcohol use among fatally injured drivers in Spain,1999,104,2-3,117-125,Álvarez Sudden natural death 'at the wheel': a retrospective study over a 15-year time period (1982-1996),1999,103,2,101-112,Eisenmenger Drugs and alcohol among suspected impaired drivers in Canton de Vaud (Switzerland),1997,85,2,95-104,Rivier Integrated use of hair analysis to investigate the physical fitness to obtain the driving licence: a casework study,1997,84,1-3,129-135,Marigo Alzheimer changes are common in aged drivers killed in single car crashes and at intersections,1998,96,2-3,115-127,Viitanen Sudden death in neurocysticercosis by trauma,1998,95,1,23-26,Agarwal Changes in the concentrations of ethanol methanol and metabolites of serotonin in two successive urinary voids from drinking drivers,1998,93,2-3,127-134,Jones Cardiac arrest after traffic accident induced through vagal reflex in a case with bilateral stenosis of vertebral arteries,1995,72,2,117-123,Yoshida Erik M.P. Widmark (1889-1945): Swedish pioneer in forensic alcohol toxicology,1995,72,1,1-14,Jones Trends in occurrence of drugs of abuse in blood and urine of arrested drivers and drug traffickers in the border region of Aachen,1995,71,1,33-42,Althoff Detecting buried metallic weapons in a controlled setting using a conductivity meter,2011,208,1-3,18-24,Smith Marine bacterial succession as a potential indicator of postmortem submersion interval,2011,209,1-3,1-10,Kieser Temperature variations in a parked vehicle,2011,207,1-3,205-211,Dadour Differentiation of drug and non-drug Cannabis using a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assay,2011,207,1-3,193-197,Rotherham Caveats against an improper use of hair testing to support the diagnosis of chronic excessive alcohol consumption following the "Consensus" of the Society of Hair Testing 2009 [Forensic Science International 196 (2010) 2],2011,207,1-3,e69-70; author reply e71,Viel Comments on "Gamma-hydroxybutyrate in urine and serum: Additional data supporting current cut-off recommendations",2011,207,1-3,e61,Lebeau Fatalities in relation to buprenorphine snorting and ethanol co-ingestion: Mechanisms of toxicity,2011,207,1-3,e59-60,Megarbane Fracture of the neck structures in suicidal hangings: A Retrospective study on contributing variables,2011,207,1-3,122-126,Sauvageau The detection of mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) in 4 fatalities in Scotland,2010,202,1-3,e62-3,Torrance Computer assisted substance identification in systematic toxicological analysis: New life for old methods?,2010,202,1-3,e53-60,Linden A fatal intoxication case involving topiramate,2010,202,1-3,e9-11,Pavlic Tracing geographic and temporal trafficking patterns for marijuana in Alaska using stable isotopes (C N O and H),2010,202,1-3,45-53,Booth Statistical modelling of measurement errors in gas chromatographic analyses of blood alcohol content,2010,202,1-3,71-74,Sippola Electrical resistivity survey to search for a recent clandestine burial of a homicide victim UK,2010,202,1-3,e1-7,Pringle The results of an experimental indoor hydroponic Cannabis growing study using the 'Screen of Green' (ScrOG) method-Yield tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and DNA analysis,2010,202,1-3,36-44,Knight The infiltration of 'primed' neutrophils into multiple organs due to physical abuse to the elderly: An immunohistochemical study,2010,202,1-3,17-25,Yamanouchi Tracking people and cars using 3D modeling and CCTV,2010,202,1-3,26-35,Edelman Forensic and homeland security applications of modern portable Raman spectroscopy,2010,202,1-3,1-8,Izake Caution! All data are not created equal: The hazards of using National Weather Service data for calculating accumulated degree days,2010,202,1-3,e49-52,Dabbs Direct ELISA kits as a sensitive and selective screening method for abstinence control in urine,2011,207,1-3,66-69,Madea Sudden death involving inhalation of 11-difluoroethane (HFC-152a) with spray cleaner: Three case reports,2011,206,1-3,e58-61,Fukui Armanni-Ebstein phenomenon and hypothermia,2011,206,1-3,e82-4,Byard Illicit drug profiling reflection on statistical comparisons,2011,207,1-3,27-34,Esseiva Histological examination of the pituitary glands in cases of fatal hypothermia,2011,207,1-3,46-49,Madea Influence of pre-analytical conditions on the interpretation of zopiclone concentrations in whole blood,2011,207,1-3,35-39,Ahlner Analysis of pubic hair as an alternative specimen to scalp hair: A contamination issue,2011,206,1-3,19-21,Lee Identification of 1-methylaminoanthraquinone on Australian polymeric bank notes,2011,206,1-3,207-210,Marise Pharmacogenetics and forensic toxicology,2010,203,1-3,53-62,Madea Reliability of ion mobility spectrometry for qualitative analysis of complex multicomponent illicit drug samples,2011,206,1-3,190-196,Verkouteren Screening for illicit drugs on Euro banknotes by LC-MS/MS,2011,206,1-3,172-177,Wimmer Development of a homogeneous immunoassay for the detection of fentanyl in urine,2011,206,1-3,127-131,Moore Molecular pathology of wound healing,2010,203,1-3,93-98,Ishida Detection of gasoline on arson suspects' hands,2011,206,1-3,150-154,Muller Genetics of the sudden infant death syndrome,2010,203,1-3,25-33,Madea WITHDRAWN: Psychosocial support for forensic practitioners in a major DVI,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Juchnowski Effects of repeated hair washing and a single hair dyeing on concentrations of methamphetamine and amphetamine in human hairs,2011,206,1-3,77-80,Han "Legal highs" on the net-Evaluation of UK-based Websites products and product information,2011,206,1-3,92-97,Schifano Lateral saccular laryngeal cyst and unexpected asphyxial death,2011,206,1-3,e17-9,Silingardi Development and validation of AccuTOF-DART as a screening method for analysis of bank security device and pepper spray components,2011,206,1-3,62-70,Pfaff Estimation of illicit drugs consumption by wastewater analysis in Paris area (France),2010,200,1-3,153-160,Karolak Detection of JWH-018 metabolites in smoking mixture post-administration urine,2010,200,1-3,141-147,Sobolevsky Isotope fractionation during precipitation of methamphetamine HCl and discrimination of seized forensic samples,2010,200,1-3,123-129,David Gamma-hydroxybutyrate in urine and serum: additional data supporting current cut-off recommendations,2010,200,1-3,93-99,Andresen An investigation into the behaviour of air rifle pellets in ballistic gel and their interaction with bone,2010,200,1-3,41-49,Allison Carbon monoxide concentrations in the 2009 Victorian Bushfire disaster victims,2011,205,1-3,69-72,Drummer Fatal poisoning by vanadium,2011,206,1-3,e79-81,Boulassel Visualisation of fingermarks and grab impressions on fabrics. Part 1: Gold/zinc vacuum metal deposition,2011,208,1-3,74-78,Fraser The sampling of ignitable liquids on suspects' hands,2010,194,1-3,115-124,Comment The determination by gas chromatography with atomic emission detection of total sulfur in fuels used as forensic evidence,2008,177,2-3,112-119,Kaneko Gasoline on hands: preliminary study on collection and persistence,2008,175,2-3,171-178,Delémont Fire investigation and ignitable liquid residue analysis--a review: 2001-2007,2008,176,2-3,93-110,Sandercock Predicting the residential location of a serial commercial robber,2006,157,1,71-82,Santtila Classification of premium and regular gasoline by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry principal component analysis and artificial neural networks,2003,132,1,26-39,Doble The use of vapour phase ultra-violet spectroscopy for the analysis of arson accelerants in fire scene debris,2001,123,2-3,191-201,Cole Repeated arson: data from criminal records,1999,101,1,49-54,Barnett Scanning electron microscope observations of heat-treated human bone,1995,74,1-2,29-45,Clement The transfer of petrol on to clothing and shoes while pouring petrol around a room,2000,112,2-3,135-141,Coulson Suicide of a cyclist,2011,207,1-3,e12-5,Pollak Deaths in Rotorua's geothermal hot pools: Hydrogen sulphide poisoning,2011,207,1-3,e28-9,Bassindale The medical contribution to assessing allegations of torture in international fact-finding missions,2011,208,1-3,143-148,Pounder Detection of amitriptyline nortriptyline and bromazepam in liver CSF and hair in the homicidal poisoning of a one-month-old girl autopsied 8 months after death,2011,207,1-3,e16-8,Fanton The effect of sodium fluoride on the stability of cyanide in postmortem blood samples from fire victims,2011,209,1-3,29-33,McAllister Measurement of 9 mm cartridge case external temperatures and its forensic application,2010,200,1-3,21-27,Harrison Fatal intoxications in a Swedish forensic autopsy material during 1992-2002,2004,143,1,53-59,Ahlner Pathologic features of suicidal complete decapitations,2004,139,2-3,95-102,Puschel Complex suicides by self-incineration,2003,131,2-3,197-201,Rothschild LC-MS/MS analysis of pholedrine in a fatal intoxication case,2003,133,1-2,101-106,Krause Electrocution--autopsy study with emphasis on "electrical petechiae",2002,126,3,210-213,Brinkmann Acute fatal poisoning cases due to furathiocarb ingestion,1999,101,1,65-70,Kubota The manner of death among fatalities where dextropropoxyphene caused or contributed to death,1998,96,2-3,181-187,Saldeen Analysis of beveling in gunshot entrance wounds,1998,93,1,45-60,Quatrehomme Fractures at the base of the skull in gunshots to the head,1997,86,3,155-161,Betz Injuries to the hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilages: effectiveness of different methods of medico-legal investigation,1997,88,3,173-183,Khokhlov Fatal overdose of clozapine,1997,86,1-2,119-125,Dirnhofer Identification of volatile organic compounds in blood by purge and trap PLOT-capillary gas chromatography coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,1996,80,3,201-209,Vuori Ingestion of lye,1995,73,2,143-147,Rozin External appearance of forensic autopsy material of alcoholics,1995,71,1,65-71,Thomsen Deaths among drug addicts in Denmark in 1987-1991,1994,67,3,185-195,Steentoft Evaluating suspected co-proxamol overdose,1992,57,2,147-156,Pounder Gas chromatographic identification and quantification of hydroxyzine: application in a fatal self-poisoning,1990,48,2,139-143,Kintz Deaths in women of reproductive age and relationship with menstrual cycle phase. An autopsy study of cases reported to the coroner,1990,47,1,39-57,Vanezis Deaths among narcotic addicts in Denmark in 1978 and 1979,1981,18,1,19-30,Simonsen Uncertainty of determining mode of death in medicolegal material without autopsy--a systematic autopsy study,1980,15,1,3-17,Asnaes The significance of medicolegal autopsy in determining mode and cause of death,1979,14,1,23-40,Asnaes The bodies of two missing children in an enclosed underground environment,2011,207,1-3,e40-7,Introna Analysis of active ricin and castor bean proteins in a ricin preparation castor bean extract and surface swabs from a public health investigation,2011,209,1-3,70-79,Schieltz Death by complete decapitation of motorcyclist wearing full face helmet: Case report,2011,207,1-3,e48-50,Zoja Case report: Forensic anthropological assessment in a suspected case of child abuse from South Africa,2011,208,1-3,e6-9,Steyn Psychopathology and weapon choice: A study of 103 perpetrators of homicide or attempted homicide,2011,209,1-3,149-153,Solarino The utilization of forensic science and criminal profiling for capturing serial killers,2011,209,1-3,160-165,Lester Fatal intoxication due to ackee (Blighia sapida) in Suriname and French Guyana. GC-MS detection and quantification of hypoglycin-A,2011,206,1-3,e103-7,Fanton Comment on "A microbiological test for the diagnosis of death by drowning" by A. Lucci and A. Cirnelli,2008,179,2-3,e79,Woodford Marine bacteria comprise a possible indicator of drowning in seawater,2008,176,2-3,236-247,Kozawa A novel PCR-DGGE-based method for identifying plankton 16S rDNA for the diagnosis of drowning,2008,176,2-3,152-156,Liu A microbiological test for the diagnosis of death by drowning,2007,168,1,34-36,Lucci Factors affecting strontium absorption in drownings,2007,168,2-3,138-142,Azparren Comparison between lung weight and blood strontium in bodies found in seawater,2007,168,2-3,128-132,Azparren Prevalence of diatom frustules in non-vegetarian foodstuffs and its implications in interpreting identification of diatom frustules in drowning cases,2007,170,1,1-7,Yen Evaluation of four digestive methods for extracting diatoms,2007,170,1,29-34,Ming Interpreting results of ethanol analysis in postmortem specimens: a review of the literature,2007,165,1,10-29,Jones Evaluation of post-mortem ethanol concentrations in pericardial fluid and bone marrow aspirate,2006,161,2-3,141-143,Ishikawa Study of the diagnostic value of iron in fresh water drowning,2006,157,2-3,117-120,de la Grandmaison Comparison of pulmonary autopsy findings of the rats drowned at surface and 50 ft depth,2006,164,2-3,122-125,Toklu An unusual case of post-mortem redistribution of ethanol,2005,150,1,81-83,Fornaris Evaluation of postmortem serum calcium and magnesium levels in relation to the causes of death in forensic autopsy,2005,155,1,18-23,Quan Pleural effusion in bodies recovered from water,2003,136,1-3,16-21,Yorulmaz Diagnosing death by drowning in fresh water using blood strontium as an indicator,2003,137,1,55-59,Azparren Accidental autoerotic deaths between 1978 and 1997. Institute of Legal Medicine Medical School Hannover,2003,137,1,41-44,Breitmeier Organ weight effects of drowning and asphyxiation on the lungs liver brain heart kidneys and spleen,2003,137,2-3,239-246,Hadley Organ weight effects of drowning and asphyxiation on the lungs liver brain heart kidneys and spleen,2003,133,3,190-196,Hadley Morphometric investigation of emphysema aquosum in the elderly,2003,134,2-3,93-98,Maxeiner Diatoms in forensic expertise of drowning--a Macedonian experience,2002,127,3,198-203,Krstic Death in bathtub revisited with molecular genetics: a victim with suicidal traits and a LQTS gene mutation,2002,130,2-3,122-124,Lunetta Amphetamine derivative related deaths in northern Greece,2002,128,1-2,31-34,Raikos Post-mortem urinary myoglobin levels with reference to the causes of death,2001,115,3,183-188,Quan Postmortem diffusion of drugs from the bladder into femoral venous blood,2001,123,2-3,248-253,Moriya Pulmonary surfactant-associated protein A levels in cadaveric sera with reference to the cause of death,2000,109,2,125-133,Quan A frozen newborn infant: froth in the air-passage after thawing,2000,108,1,67-74,Morita Blood strontium concentration related to the length of the agonal period in seawater drowning cases,2000,108,1,51-60,Azparren Drowning due to cyclobenzaprine and ethanol,1999,100,1-2,105-108,Winek Diatom test with Soluene-350 to diagnose drowning in sea water,1999,103,1,61-65,Costantinides Diatoms and homicide,1998,91,1,29-34,Pollanen Study of the diagnostic value of strontium chloride haemoglobin and diatoms in immersion cases,1998,91,2,123-132,Sancho Haemorrhages in the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles--an unspecific autopsy finding,1998,95,3,225-230,Beer Detection of bathsalts in the lungs of a baby drowned in a bathtub: a case report,1998,93,1,5-11,Kimura Evaluation of post-mortem oxymetry with reference to the causes of death,1997,87,3,201-210,Ishida Detection and quantification of the hypnotic zopiclone connected with an uncommon case of drowning,1996,83,1,67-72,Daenens Spleen findings in drowning,1994,66,2,95-104,Graw Novel detection of plankton from lung tissue by enzymatic digestion method,1993,60,1-2,81-90,Kobayashi A study on the diagnosis of drowning by examination of lung chlorophyll(a) of planktons with a spectrofluorophotometer,1992,53,2,149-155,Qu n-Butanol in blood as the indicator of how long a dead body lay in water,1990,46,1-2,127-128,Gubala A new method for detecting diatoms in human organs,1980,16,1,67-74,Fukui Studies on the composition of gases in the post-mortem body: animal experiments and two autopsy cases,1980,15,1,19-29,Morita On an accident by liquid nitrogen--histological changes of skin in cold,1995,76,1,61-67,Ikeda Scanning electron microscope observations of incinerated human femoral bone: a case study,1995,74,1-2,17-28,Clement Fatal alkali burns,1995,72,3,219-227,Opeskin Biochemical diagnosis of the intravital origin of skin wounds,1994,68,2,83-89,Fernández Systemic and ocular findings in 169 prospectively studied child deaths: retinal hemorrhages usually mean child abuse,1994,68,2,117-132,Chenier Assessment of evidence of human rights violations in Kashmir,1994,68,2,103-115,Petersen General health assessment in refugees claiming to have been tortured,1994,67,1,9-16,Foldspang Variation of the chemical contents and morphology of gunshot residue in the surroundings of the shooting pistol as a potential contribution to a shooting incidence reconstruction,2011,210,1-3,31-41,Brożek-Mucha Reporting a sudden death due to accidental gasoline inhalation,2012,215,1-3,114-120,Ballesteros Bevelling in exit gunshot wounds in bones,1997,89,1-2,93-101,Quatrehomme On the temporal onset of postmortem animal scavenging. "Motivation" of the animal,1997,89,1-2,57-64,Schneider Lethal suicidal intoxication with propafenone after a history of self-inflicted injuries,1997,89,1-2,27-32,Maxeiner The quantitative alteration of the DNA content in strangulation marks is an artefact,1997,89,1-2,15-20,Grellner Gas chromatographic examination of postmortem specimens after maprotiline intoxication,1997,88,2,117-123,Keller A Messerer fracture,1997,88,3,231-234,Green Epidemiology of suicide in elderly people in Madrid Spain (1990-1994),1997,87,1,73-80,Luna Fractures of the base of the skull in charred bodies--post-mortem heat injuries or signs of mechanical traumatisation?,1997,87,1,55-62,Pollak Death attributed to the toxic interaction of triazolam amitriptyline and other psychotropic drugs,1997,86,1-2,35-41,Kudo Homicidal hanging masquerading as suicide,1997,85,1,65-71,Leth Autopsy case report of a rare acute iatrogenic water intoxication with a review of the literature,1995,76,1,27-34,Chen Injection of toxic agents: an unusual cause of death,1995,75,2-3,95-100,Betz Unusual suicides with electric saws,1995,75,2-3,173-179,Betz Unusual findings in a fatal case of poisoning with chromate compounds,1995,75,1,57-65,Nakamura Concerning the article by Charles L. Winek Jr. et al. entitled: 'The role of trauma in postmortem blood alcohol determination' (Forensic Sci. Int. 71 (1995) 1-8),1995,74,3,213-214,Rabl Posttraumatic stress disorder in a World War II concentration camp survivor caused by the attack of two German shepherd dogs: Case report and review of the literature,2011,208,1-3,e15-9,Jovanović Sexual abuse and anti-wrinkle cream: Evidence from octocrylene,2012,215,1-3,97-100,Ludes Ethyl glucuronide in human hair after daily consumption of 16 or 32g of ethanol for 3 months,2012,215,1-3,51-55,Kronstrand Genitoanal injury in adult female victims of sexual assault,2005,154,2-3,200-205,Hilden Singular case of shooting a football fan with a signal rocket,2005,147,Suppl,S43-S434,Rygol Vaginorectal impalement injury in a 2-year-old child--caused by sexual abuse or an accident?,2001,119,3,330-333,Kleemann Death caused by a chain saw--homicide suicide or accident? A case report with a literature review (with 11 illustrations),1999,105,1,45-59,Bratzke An unusual case of sexual assault on an infant: an intraperitoneal candle in a 20-month-old girl,1998,94,1-2,15-18,Lazarini A fatal disaster case based on exposure to hydrogen sulfide--an estimation of the hydrogen sulfide concentration at the scene,1994,66,2,111-116,Kimura The mechanics of stab wounding,1994,67,1,59-63,Leadbeatter Impact characteristics of two types of police baton,1994,67,1,49-53,Pike Extracranial vertebral artery injury--evolution of a pathological illusion?,1994,67,1,33-40,Leadbeatter An unusual source for postmortem findings of methyl ethyl ketone and methanol in two homicide victims,1994,67,1,27-31,Caughlin Bruising in non-accidental head injured children; a retrospective study of the prevalence distribution and pathological associations in 24 cases,1998,96,2-3,215-230,Green Brain biomarkers for identifying excited delirium as a cause of sudden death,2009,190,1-3,e13-9,Karch Fatal case of Rapunzel syndrome in neglected child,2009,190,1-3,e5-7,Spitz The epidemiology of torture: a case series of 58 survivors of torture,2009,189,1-3,e1-7,Marbella Intelligence-led crime scene processing. Part II: Intelligence and crime scene examination,2010,199,1-3,63-71,Delémont Morphometric analysis of retinal haemorrhages in the shaken baby syndrome,1996,82,3,255,James Burn injuries caused by a hair-dryer--an unusual case of child abuse,2001,115,1-2,143-146,Darok Child neglect and forensic entomology,2001,120,1-2,155-159,Benecke Kicking to death - forensic and criminological aspects,2001,123,2-3,165-171,Strauch Terrorism and terrorist,2004,146,Suppl,S189-S190,Costanzo Neglect of the elderly: forensic entomology cases and considerations,2004,146,Suppl,S195-S199,Benecke Comparison between SIDS-related court cases in the United States and Japan--a trend seen in legal precedents in the United States,2002,130,Suppl,S88-S90,Fukui Injuries inflicted on homicide victims. A longitudinal victiminologic study of lethal violence,2002,130,2-3,133-139,Thiblin Comments on "an unusual case of sexual assault on an infant: an intraperitoneal candle in a 20-month-old-girl",2003,131,2-3,225-226,Chapenoire Analysis of 418 cases of sexual assault,2003,131,2-3,125-130,Durigon An unusual case of sexual assault on an infant: an intraperitoneal candle in a 20-month-old girl,2003,132,2,168,Lazarini Somatic morbidity and criminality: the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study,2003,132,1,68-75,Hakko The importance of a urine sample in persons intoxicated with flunitrazepam--legal issues in a forensic psychiatric case study of a serial murderer,2003,137,1,21-27,Lidberg Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP): an extreme form of child abuse with a special forensic challenge,2003,137,2-3,147-151,Schütz A rapid method to detect dried saliva stains swabbed from human skin using fluorescence spectroscopy,2000,114,3,133-138,Evans Immunohistochemical study of tyrosine phosphorylation signaling in the involuted thymus,2000,110,3,189-198,Suzuki Chronic pain in torture survivors,2000,108,3,155-163,Smidt-Nielsen Retinal hemorrhages: replicating the clinician's view of the eye,1992,56,1,77-80,Gilliland The limited role of neuroimaging in determining criminal liability: an overview and case report,2008,179,1,e9-15,Myers Forensic analysis of bioagents by X-ray and TOF-SIMS hyperspectral imaging,2008,179,2-3,98-106,Brewer Reversal sign on ante- and postmortem brain imaging in a newborn: report of one case,2008,182,1-3,e11-4,Dédouit The role of clinical forensic medicine in cases of sexual child abuse,1999,99,2,85-91,Brinkmann A case of fatal salt water intoxication following an exorcism session,1999,99,1,1-4,Gosset Mortality among habitually violent offenders,1999,100,3,187-191,Tiihonen Estimation of stress in child neglect from thymic involution,1999,101,1,55-63,Fukunaga Comments on "An unusual case of sexual assault on an infant: an intraperitoneal candle in a 20-month old girl",1999,100,1-2,153-155,Banaschak Chemical burn from alkaline batteries--a case report,1999,100,1-2,101-104,Winek Crime scene analysis and the escalation of violence in serial rape,1999,100,1-2,37-56,Warren Percentile charts to determine the duration of child abuse by chronic malnutrition,1999,102,2-3,173-180,Wehner An assessment of human performance in stabbing,1999,102,2-3,79-89,Horsfall Remarks on: "Percentile charts to determine the duration of child abuse by chronic malnutrition" [Forensic Science International 102 (1999) 173-180],1999,105,3,191-194,Madea Assessment of methods of homicides in a Brazilian city: a preliminary study,1999,106,1,19-25,Martin THCVA-A - a new additional marker for illegal cannabis consumption,2012,215,1-3,171-174,Rochholz Prevalence of driving with blood drug concentrations above proposed new legal limits in Norway: Estimations based on drug concentrations in oral fluid,2011,210,1-3,221-227,Christophersen Prevalence of drug abuse among workers: strengths and pitfalls of the recent Italian Workplace Drug Testing (WDT) legislation,2012,215,1-3,46-50,Kazanga Recovery of DNA and fingermarks following deployment of render-safe tools for vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED),2011,210,1-3,182-187,Ramasamy New designer drug of abuse: 34-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). Findings from apprehended drivers in Finland,2011,210,1-3,195-200,Wilhelm Some samples of weapons and instruments used as weapon in criminal offenses in Turkey,2003,132,2,113-116,Cakan The importance of a urine sample in persons intoxicated with flunitrazepam-legal issues in a forensic psychiatric case study of a serial murderer,2003,137,1,21-27,Lidberg Primer composition and memory effect of weapons-Some trends from a systematic approach in casework,2011,212,1-3,22-26,Charles Kicking to death -- forensic and criminological aspects,2001,123,2-3,165-171,Geserick Dental radiology considerations in DVI incidents: A review,2010,201,1-3,27-32,Wood Intracranial impalement with entrance site in the mandibular region: Postmortem elucidation of an accidental fall on a wooden plant stick,2011,209,1-3,e35-40,Pollak A fatal intoxication by chloroprene,2012,215,1-3,110-113,Hartung Amphetamine cocaine and cannabinoids use among truck drivers on the roads in the State of Sao Paulo Brazil,2012,215,1-3,25-27,Schmitz Very long-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency which was accepted as infanticide,2011,210,1-3,e1-3,Eminoglu Accidental head explosion: An unusual blast wave injury as a result of self-made fireworks,2011,210,1-3,e4-6,Zinka A study of blood alcohol stability in forensic antemortem blood samples,2011,211,1-3,47-50,Tiscione Medicolegal reconstruction of the Katyń forest massacre,1994,68,1,1-6,Chróścielewski Types of trauma in cases of homicide,1994,68,3,161-167,Tröger Unusual aspirations in fire death,1995,72,1,71-76,Suzuki Analysis of human remains recovered from a shark,1995,72,1,15-23,Işcan Seven cases of fatal aconite poisoning: Forensic experience in China,2011,212,1-3,e5-9,Zhuo Distinguishing antemortem from postmortem injuries by LTB4 quantification,1996,81,1,11-16,Zhu Evaluation of post-mortem oxymetry in fire victims,1996,81,2-3,201-209,Fukita A case of aconitine poisoning with analysis of aconitine alkaloids by GC/SIM,1996,81,2-3,117-123,Saito Transport strangulation,1996,82,2,191-192,Pounder Kinematics of four methods of stabbing: a preliminary study,1996,82,2,183-190,Miller Headspace GC/MS testing for chlorodifluoromethane in two fatal cases,1996,82,2,171-175,Kintz Long-term imprisonment leads to cognitive impairment,1996,82,2,121-127,Hildebrandt Simultaneous determination of opiates cocaine and major metabolites of cocaine in human hair by gas chromotography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS),1995,73,2,93-100,Kintz Accidental death by nitrous oxide inhalation,1995,73,2,139-141,Rozin An unusual case of pneumatically-induced facial and cervical injuries,1995,73,2,131-138,Lau Sudden death arising from a congenital coronary artery fistula,1995,73,2,125-130,Lau A fatal case of drug-induced multi-organ damage in a patient with Hansen's disease: dapsone syndrome or rifampicin toxicity?,1995,73,2,109-115,Lau Extracranial vertebral artery injury--evolution of a pathological illusion?,1995,73,1,75-78,Burns Isolated basilar traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage: an observer's 25 year re-evaluation of the pathogenetic possibilities,1995,73,1,61-74,Contostavlos Toxicological investigations of drivers killed in road traffic accidents in Norway during 2006-2008,2011,212,1-3,102-109,Christophersen The incidence of drugs of impairment in oral fluid from random roadside testing,2012,215,1-3,28-31,Chu Sturdivan's formula revisited: MRI assessment of anterior chest wall thickness for injury risk prediction of blunt ballistic impact trauma,2011,212,1-3,110-114,Ekkernkamp Tissue distribution of DDVP after fatal ingestion,1996,83,1,61-66,Fukushima Biomechanical properties of the human tibia: fracture behavior and morphology,1996,83,1,39-49,Rabl Is the exploding powder gas of the propellant from blank cartridges sterile?,1996,83,1,1-13,Rothschild Mesh-sided cots--yet another potentially dangerous infant sleeping environment,1996,83,2,105-109,Bourne Fatalities from black powder percussion handguns,1998,98,3,143-149,Karger Pellet embolization to the right atrium following double shotgun injury,1999,99,1,61-69,Pollak Cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) genotyping on postmortem blood as a supplementary tool for interpretation of forensic toxicological results,1999,99,1,25-34,Holmgren Fatal poisoning with alcohol and drugs in the Greater Amman County,1999,99,3,209-215,Abu-al Ragheb A comparison of fatal with non-fatal knife injuries in Edinburgh,1999,99,3,179-187,Webb Rectal temperature time of death nomogram: sudden change of ambient temperature,1999,99,3,171-178,Althaus Post-mortal lesions in freshwater environment,2011,212,1-3,e18-20,Vanin Under-recording of ethanol intoxication and poisoning in cause-of-death data: Causes and consequences,2011,212,1-3,121-125,Sajantila Severity of vehicle bumper location in vehicle-to-pedestrian impact accidents,2011,212,1-3,205-209,Matsui Mixed effects modelling for glass category estimation from glass refractive indices,2011,212,1-3,189-197,Lucy Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) of drugs and poisons from biological samples,1998,97,2-3,93-100,Suzuki The epidemiology of homicide-suicide in Italy: A newspaper study from 1985 to 2008,2012,214,1-3,e1-5,Lester Mechanisms of hyoid bone fracture after modelling: Evaluation of anthropological criteria defining two relevant models,2011,212,1-3,274.e1-2745,Thollon Phosphide poisoning: A review of literature,2012,214,1-3,1-6,Kanchan A contribution to a possible differentiation between SIDS and asphyxiation,1998,91,2,147-152,Betz Lethal monointoxication by overdosage of MDEA,1998,91,2,91-101,Bohnert A transnasal intracranial stab wound by a plastic-covered umbrella tip,2012,214,1-3,e9-e11,Ihama Traumatic bilateral vertebral artery dissection,2012,214,1-3,e12-5,Castella Efficacy of cerebro-spinal fluid biochemistry in the diagnosis of brain insult,1992,52,2,193-198,Pounder Development of the role of National Anti-Doping Organisations in the fight against doping: From past to future,2011,213,1-3,3-9,Kamber Clozapine: A dangerous drug in a clozapine-naïve subject,2012,214,1-3,e23-5,Flanagan Country made scare gun vs. air gun: A comparative study of terminal ballistics using gelatine blocks,2012,214,1-3,148-151,Hallikeri Dissection of the anterior and middle cerebral artery with fatal ischemia following kicks to the head,1991,49,1,113-120,Miltner Child sexual abuse,2012,217,1-3,1-4,Pratesi In vitro production of GHB in blood and serum samples under various storage conditions,2012,214,1-3,113-117,Becker Serum biochemical markers in drowning: Diagnostic efficacy of Strontium and other trace elements,2012,214,1-3,159-166,Luna Analysis of microtraces in invasive traumas using SEM/EDS,2012,214,1-3,96-104,Vermeij Serious head injury in young children: Birth trauma versus non-accidental head injury,2012,214,1-3,e34-8,Schroeder Alcohol screening with the Alcoscan test strip in forensic praxis,1990,44,1,43-48,Penttilä Handling of inspired vaporized ethanol in the airways and lungs (with comments on forensic aspects),1983,21,1,1-17,Kruhøffer Child abuse. 3 cases of child death caused by negligence and starvation,1983,21,2,175-180,Santoro Fatal subarachnoid haemorrhages in relation to minor injuries in Denmark from 1967 to 1981,1984,24,1,57-63,Simonsen Fatal overdose of olanzepine,1998,91,3,231-235,Elian Incidence of opiates amphetamines and cocaine in hair and blood in fatal cases of heroin overdose,1998,92,1,29-38,Jonsson A comparison of the ability of experts and non-experts to differentiate between adult and child human bite marks using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis,1998,92,1,11-20,Brickley Body-packing as cause of unexpected sudden death,1998,92,1,1-10,Puschel On the phenomenology of lethal applications of insulin,1998,93,1,61-73,Puschel Fatal falls from a height: the use of mathematical models to estimate the height of fall from the injuries sustained,1998,93,1,33-44,Lau Intra-cartilaginous laryngeal haemorrhages and strangulation,1998,93,1,13-20,Pollanen Can tampon use cause hymen changes in girls who have not had sexual intercourse? A review of the literature,1998,94,1-2,147-153,Goodyear-Smith Gunshot wounds to the skull: comparison of entries and exits,1998,94,1-2,141-146,Quatrehomme Sharp force homicides in the Stockholm area 1983-1992,1998,94,1-2,129-139,Karlsson Fatal accidents due to train surfing in Berlin,1998,94,1-2,119-127,Strauch Evidence for an antemortem injury of a burned head dissected from a burned body,1998,94,1-2,9-14,Yamada Fatal missile injury from the rotating knife of an agricultural mower,1998,94,1-2,1-8,Roll A toxicological fishing expediation without the fish,1998,94,3,219-21; author reply 223-30,de la Torre Comments on "A possible explanation for the events associated with the death of Gloria Ramirez at Riverside Hospital",1998,94,3,217-8; author reply 223-30,Contostavlos Fatal opiates overdose. Toxicological identification of various metabolites in a blood sample by GC-MS after silylation,1998,94,3,201-209,Balíková Multivariate analysis ('forensiometrics')--a new tool in forensic medicine. Differentiation between sharp force homicide and suicide,1998,94,3,183-200,Karlsson Axonal injury--a diagnostic tool in forensic neuropathology? A review,1998,95,1,67-83,Oehmichen Quantifying injury and predicting outcome after trauma,1998,95,1,57-66,Wyatt The degree of destruction of human bodies in relation to the duration of the fire,1998,95,1,11-21,Pollak Case study: fatal poisoning by malathion,1998,95,2,89-98,Thompson Histological examination of the carotid bifurcation in case of violence against the neck,2012,216,1-3,135-140,Schyma Myocardial infarction and concurrent chest injuries: Two case reports,2012,217,1-3,e1-3,Yoganarasimha Accidental potassium dichromate poisoning. Toxicokinetics of chromium by ICP-MS-CRC in biological fluids and in hair,2012,217,1-3,e8-e12,Lacroix Ethyl glucuronide in hair - A highly effective test for the monitoring of alcohol consumption,2011,218,1-3,10-14,Nadulski Quantitative evaluation of volatile hydrocarbons in post-mortem blood in forensic autopsy cases of fire-related deaths,2012,217,1-3,71-75,Ohtsu The National Ballistics Imaging Comparison (NBIC) project,2012,216,1-3,168-182,Vorburger Asphyxia due to oxygen deficiency by gaseous substances,1998,96,1,47-59,Morita Fatal chloroquine intoxication,1998,96,1,21-28,Keller Exsanguination from impact head trauma; the explanation for the "empty heart" sign,1998,95,3,201-212,Contostavlos Renal adenocarcinoma with tumour thrombi in the inferior vena cava and right atrium in a pedestrian motor vehicle accident fatality: case report and medicolegal implications,1998,95,3,183-192,Moar Morphological changes in traumatized skeletal muscle: the appearance of 'opaque fibers' of cervical muscles as evidence of compression of the neck,1998,96,2-3,197-214,Tabata The prevalence of dextropropoxyphene in autopsy blood samples,1998,96,2-3,135-142,Saldeen The death of King Charles XII--the forensic verdict,1998,96,2-3,75-89,Nordling Tissue-specific differences in mRNA quantification of glucose transporter 1 and vascular endothelial growth factor with special regard to death investigations of fatal injuries,2008,177,2-3,176-183,Quan Measuring knife stab penetration into skin simulant using a novel biaxial tension device,2008,177,1,52-65,Cassidy Tearing of knicker fabrics,2012,217,1-3,93-100,Laing Inspection of collapse cause of Sampoong Department Store,2012,217,1-3,119-126,Park Segmental analysis for cocaine and metabolites by HPLC in hair of suspected drug overdose cases,2000,110,3,157-166,Lambert Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage: a 10-year case study and review,2000,110,1,71,Contostavlos Discrepancy between CYP2D6 phenotype and genotype derived from post-mortem dextromethorphan blood level,2000,110,1,61-70,Koren Significance of various analytical methods with reference to the causes and manners of death in alcoholics,2000,110,2,139-144,Thomsen Pulmonary edema in fatal heroin overdose: immunohistological investigations with IgE collagen IV and laminin - no increase of defects of alveolar-capillary membranes,2000,110,2,87-96,Madea Analytical method for the determination of strychnine in tissues by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry: two case reports,2000,110,2,145-152,Vieira Suicide of a body packer,2000,108,1,61-66,Risser Compared interest between hair analysis and urinalysis in doping controls. Results for amphetamines corticosteroids and anabolic steroids in racing cyclists,2000,107,1-3,361-379,Gaillard Analytical strategy for detecting doping agents in hair,2000,107,1-3,335-345,Sachs Are there possibilities for the detection of chronically elevated alcohol consumption by hair analysis? A report about the state of investigation,2000,107,1-3,201-223,Pragst Use of headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) in hair analysis for organic compounds,2000,107,1-3,129-148,Pragst The respiratory metabolic and neuroendocrine effects of a new generation electronic control device,2011,207,1-3,55-60,Nelson Detection of chemical residues using near-infrared dyes: Pepper spray and gun shot residues,2003,136,1,22-23,Watson A test to identify cyanide origin by isotope ratio mass spectrometry for forensic investigation,2011,217,1-3,168-173,Tea Homicide and bipolar I disorder: A 22-year study,2012,217,1-3,113-118,Choi Brain injury after survived gunshot to the head: reactive alterations at sites remote from the missile track,2001,115,3,189-197,Oehmichen An autopsy case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) and its immunohistochemical findings of muscle-associated proteins and mitochondria,2001,115,1-2,155-158,Tsuda Argemone mexicana poisoning: autopsy findings of two cases,2001,115,1-2,135-141,Verma The ratio of insulin to C-peptide can be used to make a forensic diagnosis of exogenous insulin overdosage,2001,115,1-2,123-127,Kobayashi Death from thermal effects and burns,2001,115,1-2,33-41,Oehmichen Is the appearance of macrophages in pulmonary tissue related to time of asphyxia?,2001,115,1-2,9-14,Vacchiano Dragon's Blood incense: misbranded as a drug of abuse?,2001,115,1-2,1-8,Soine Dynamics of stab wounds: force required for penetration of various cadaveric human tissues,2001,116,2-3,229,Weber Profenofos metabolites in human poisoning,2001,116,2-3,221-226,Suzuki Apoptotic and necrotic brain lesions in a fatal case of carbon monoxide poisoning,2001,116,2-3,213-219,Uemura Skeletal remains of Dr. Eugenio Antonio Berríos Sagredo,2001,116,2-3,201-211,Işcan Fatality due to ingestion of tramadol alone,2001,116,2-3,197-199,Madea Independent forensic autopsies in an armed conflict: investigation of the victims from Racak Kosovo,2001,116,2-3,171-185,Penttilä Transfer of biological traces in cases of hanging and ligature strangulation,2001,116,2-3,107-115,Pollak Blood carbofuran concentrations in suicidal ingestion cases,2001,116,1,59-61,Yang Retrograde transthoracic venous bullet embolism. Report of a case following a single gunshot with multiple wounds in the left arm and chest,2002,125,2-3,269-272,Lucena An unusual airplane crash--deadly life saver. Unintentional activation of an automated reserve opening device causing airplane accident,2002,125,2-3,250-253,Weiler Computer aided shot reconstructions by means of individualized animated three-dimensional victim models,2002,125,2-3,245-249,Wehner Y-STR DNA amplification as biological evidence in sexually assaulted female victims with no cytological detection of spermatozoa,2002,125,2-3,212-216,Durigon Demonstration of a chloroquine fatality after 10-month earth-grave,2002,125,2-3,201-204,Madea A "skin-skull-brain model" for the biomechanical reconstruction of blunt forces to the human head,2002,125,2-3,195-200,Kneubuehl A study of the morphology of gunshot entrance wounds in connection with their dynamic creation utilizing the "skin-skull-brain model",2002,125,2-3,190-194,Dirnhofer The "skin-skull-brain model": a new instrument for the study of gunshot effects,2002,125,2-3,178-189,Dirnhofer Analysis of 683 drug packages seized from "body stuffers",2004,140,1,109-111,Stein Death following acute poisoning by moclobemide,2004,140,1,101-107,Augsburger The mechanism of injury of the abducens nerve in severe head trauma: a postmortem study,2004,140,1,25-32,Baydar MOR1 receptor mRNA expression in human brains of drug-related fatalities-a real-time PCR quantification,2004,140,1,13-20,Madea The modern holy shroud,2012,219,1-3,e10-2,Fracasso Foreign object ingestion in complex suicide: A case report and review of the literature,2012,219,1-3,e1-3,Polacco Re: shaken baby syndrome: a biomechanics analysis of injury mechanisms,2006,164,2-3,280-1; author reply 282-3,Rangarajan Nature frequency and duration of genital lesions after consensual sexual intercourse-Implications for legal proceedings,2012,219,1-3,50-56,Astrup Anabolic androgenic steroids in police cases in Sweden 1999-2009,2012,219,1-3,199-204,Ahlner Studying survivors of near-lethal suicide attempts as a proxy for completed suicide in prisons,2012,220,1-3,19-26,Fazel An investigation and pathological analysis of two fatal cases of cadmium poisoning,2012,220,1-3,e5-8,Yang Bilateral fractures of transverse processus: A diagnostic sign of overrun?,2012,219,1-3,244-247,Martos Distribution of gunshot residues - The influence of weapon type,2012,220,1-3,85-90,Ditrich The murderer is the bed: An unusual case of death by traumatic asphyxia in a hotel folding bunk bed,2012,220,1-3,e1-4,Domènech Morphological findings of 'cardiac concussion' due to experimental blunt impact to the precordial region,1999,100,3,211-220,Ohshima Image analysis of gunshot residue on entry wounds. II--A statistical estimation of firing range,1999,100,3,179-186,Brown Image analysis of gunshot residue on entry wounds. I--The technique and preliminary study,1999,100,3,163-177,Brown Paraquat myopathy: report on two suicide cases,1999,100,1-2,117-126,Morita Fatal combined intoxication with new antidepressants. Human cases and an experimental study of postmortem moclobemide redistribution,1999,100,1-2,109-116,Teige A case of fatal intoxication with ammonium sulfate and a toxicological study using rabbits,1999,101,2,141-149,Yoshioka Experimental validation of forensic evidence: a study of the decomposition of buried pigs in a heavy clay soil,1999,101,2,113-122,Turner Fourteen shots for a suicide,1999,101,1,71-77,Boxho Multivariate analysis ('forensiometrics')--a new tool in forensic medicine. Findings on the victim of sharp-force homicide can predict the inter-relationship with the perpetrator,1999,101,1,33-41,Karlsson An unusual case of suicide by stabbing with a falling weighted dagger,1999,101,3,229-236,Nushida Tentative injuries to exposed skin in a homicide case,1999,102,2-3,193-196,Haffner Determining the human origin of fragments of burnt bone: a comparative study of histological immunological and DNA techniques,1999,102,2-3,181-191,Sokol Skin and soft tissue artifacts due to postmortem damage caused by rodents,1999,104,1,47-57,Koops Adolescent girls investigated for sexual abuse: history physical findings and legal outcome,1999,104,1,1-15,Ormstad Importance of storing emergency serum samples for uncovering murder with insulin,1999,105,1,61-66,Laaksonen Biomechanics of knife stab attacks,1999,105,1,35-44,Nicol Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage: a 10-year case study and review,1999,105,1,13-23,Green Unexpected findings in the investigation of an airplane crash,1999,104,2-3,189-194,Tröger Dynamics of stab wounds: force required for penetration of various cadaveric human tissues,1999,104,2-3,173-178,James Knitted fractures of the laryngopharynx framework as a medico-legal matter,1999,104,2-3,147-162,Khokhlov Fatal overdose of tramadol and alprazolam,1999,105,3,185-189,Mangin Decapitation as a result of suicidal hanging,1999,106,1,55-62,Schneider The forensic evaluation of dental injuries in Istanbul Turkey,1999,106,1,37-43,Birgen The effect of lethal electrical shock on postmortem serum myoglobin concentrations,1999,105,2,75-82,Fieguth Fatality caused by a combined trimipramine-citalopram intoxication,1999,106,2,125-131,Madea Fatal flecainide intoxication,1999,106,2,115-123,Mangin GC/MS determination of zolpidem in postmortem specimens in a voluntary intoxication,1999,106,2,103-108,Keller Origin of blood ethanol in decomposed bodies,1999,106,3,157-162,de Lima Skin penetration surrogate for the evaluation of less lethal kinetic energy munitions,2012,220,1-3,126-129,Bir Body recovery from hostile environments-A test of three kits,2012,220,1-3,147-153,Thomson Severe necrosis of oesophageal and gastric mucosa in fatal methanol poisoning,2012,220,1-3,e9-12,Cascallana Detection of diverse aquatic microbes in blood and organs of drowning victims: First metagenomic approach using high-throughput 454-pyrosequencing,2012,220,1-3,135-146,Kozawa Intrapulmonary aquaporin-5 expression as a possible biomarker for discriminating smothering and choking from sudden cardiac death: A pilot study,2012,220,1-3,154-157,Ishikawa Acute pathophysiological influences of conducted electrical weapons in humans: A review of current literature,2012,221,1-3,1-4,Fischer Testing the utility of a geographical profiling approach in three rape series of a single offender: a case study,2003,131,1,42-52,Santtila Subdural haemorrhage sustained in a baby-rocker? A biomechanical approach to causation,2003,131,1,14-21,Cory Mast cell tryptase and hemolysis after trauma,2003,131,1,8-13,Edston The time-dependent expression of fibronectin MRP8 MRP14 and defensin in surgically treated human skin wounds,2003,131,2-3,156-161,Fieguth Frequency of bone/cartilage lesions in stab and incised wounds fatalities,2003,131,2-3,131-133,de la Grandmaison Tissue distribution of nitrazepam and 7-aminonitrazepam in a case of nitrazepam intoxication,2003,131,2-3,108-112,Moriya Suicide by injection of a veterinarian barbiturate euthanasia agent: report of a case and toxicological analysis,2003,131,2-3,103-107,Mangin Effect of hair care and hair cosmetics on the concentrations of fatty acid ethyl esters in hair as markers of chronically elevated alcohol consumption,2003,131,2-3,90-97,Pragst Numerical classification of curvilinear structures for the identification of pistol barrels,2012,220,1-3,197-209,Bolton-King Aconitum alkaloid content and the high toxicity of aconite tincture,2012,222,1-3,1-3,Chan Pedestrian accident analysis with a silicone dummy block,2012,220,1-3,e13-6,Lee Post-mortem analysis of apoptotic changes associated with human skin bruises,2000,108,3,187-203,Kobayashi Fatal suffocation by rubber balloons in children: mechanism and prevention,2000,108,2,97-105,Abdel-Rahman Improved estimation of postmortem interval based on differential behaviour of vitreous potassium and hypoxantine in death by hanging,2002,125,1,67-74,Miguéns Elemental analysis of bone: proton-induced X-ray emission testing in forensic cases,2002,125,1,37-41,Warren Selective culturing and genus-specific PCR detection for identification of Aeromonas in tissue samples to assist the medico-legal diagnosis of death by drowning,2012,221,1-3,11-15,Cordonnier Analyzing the uncertainty of simulation results in accident reconstruction with Response Surface Methodology,2012,216,1-3,49-60,Zou Prevalence of ethanol and illicit drugs in road traffic accidents in the centre of Portugal: An eighteen-year update,2012,216,1-3,37-43,Costa Teaching post-mortem external examination in undergraduate medical education--The formal and the informal curriculum,2011,210,1-3,87-90,Anders Postmortem injuries inflicted by crawfish: Morphological and histological aspects,2011,206,1-3,e49-e51,Duband Reversing microcrystalline tests--An analytical approach to recycling of microcrystals from drugs of abuse,2011,207,1-3,e55-e58,Baron Implementation of medical examination and forensic analyses in the investigation of sexual assaults against adult women: A retrospective study of police files and medical journals,2010,199,1-3,79-84,Schei A brain penetration after Taser injury: Controversies regarding Taser gun safety,2012,221,1-3,e7-11,Papin Interobserver agreement of the injury diagnoses obtained by postmortem computed tomography of traffic fatality victims and a comparison with autopsy results,2013,225,1-3,15-19,Leth Use of tetrahydrozoline for chemical submission,2012,221,1-3,e12-6,Stillwell Estimation of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) co-consumption in serum samples of drivers positive for amphetamine or ecstasy,2012,221,1-3,98-101,Madea Presence of psychoactive substances in oral fluid from randomly selected drivers in Denmark,2012,221,1-3,33-38,Steentoft Traumatic asphyxial deaths in car crush: Report of 3 autopsy cases,2012,221,1-3,e21-4,Borkar Oral injuries in victims involving intimate partner violence,2012,221,1-3,102-105,Magalhães Suicidal sodium azide intoxication: An analytical challenge based on a rare case,2012,221,1-3,e17-20,Goullé Car accidents as a method of suicide: A comprehensive overview,2012,223,1-3,1-9,Pompili Wounds inflicted by survival-knives,2002,126,1,82-87,Ciallella An autopsy case of poisoning by massive absorption of cresol a short time before death,2002,126,1,77-81,Maeno Longitudinal brainstem laceration associated with complex basilar skull fractures due to a fall: an autopsy case,2002,126,1,40-42,Quan The cocaine "body stuffer" syndrome: a fatal case,2002,126,1,7-10,Fineschi Citalopram in fatal poisoning cases,2002,126,1,1-6,Jonasson Deterring gun crime materially using forensic coatings,2012,221,1-3,131-136,Hopwood Quantitative immunohistochemical analysis of human brain basic fibroblast growth factor glial fibrillary acidic protein and single-stranded DNA expressions following traumatic brain injury,2012,221,1-3,142-151,Ishikawa Detection of spermatozoa following consensual sexual intercourse,2012,221,1-3,137-141,Astrup Traumatic dissection of the vertebral artery in a toddler following a short fall,2012,221,1-3,e34-8,Morild A case of fatal cervical discoligamentous hyperextension injury without fracture: Correlation of postmortem imaging and autopsy findings,2013,225,1-3,71-74,Hayakawa "Legal highs"-Toxicity in the clinical and medico-legal aspect as exemplified by suicide with bk-MBDB administration,2012,222,1-3,e1-6,Rojek Estimating shot distance from limited pellets pattern,2012,222,1-3,124-131,Plebe A new molecular approach to help conclude drowning as a cause of death: Simultaneous detection of eight bacterioplankton species using real-time PCR assays with TaqMan probes,2012,222,1-3,11-26,Kozawa Concentrations of zolpidem and zopiclone in venous blood samples from impaired drivers compared with femoral blood from forensic autopsies,2012,222,1-3,118-123,Jones Effect of evaporation and matrix interferences on the association of simulated ignitable liquid residues to the corresponding liquid standard,2012,222,1-3,242-251,McGuffin Comparison of thoracic wall behavior in large animals and human cadavers submitted to an identical ballistic blunt thoracic trauma,2012,222,1-3,179-185,Voiglio Accident or homicide - Virtual crime scene reconstruction using 3D methods,2013,225,1-3,75-84,Ursula Homicide by methane gas,2012,221,1-3,e1-3,Rossi Gas at postmortem computed tomography - An evaluation of 73 non-putrefied trauma and non-trauma cases,2012,222,1-3,162-169,Thali Suicide of a man with known allergy to fish protein by ingesting tinned fish,2012,221,1-3,e4-6,Sterzik Enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay for plasma thyroglobulin following compression of the neck,1990,44,2-3,193-201,Tamaki Fatal thrombosis of the basilar artery due to a minor head injury,1990,45,3,239-245,Sprogøe-Jakobsen Excretion of alcohol in urine and diuresis in healthy men in relation to their age the dose administered and the time after drinking,1990,45,3,217-224,Jones Weapon identification using antemortem computed tomography with virtual 3D and rapid prototype modeling: A report in a case of blunt force head injury,2012,222,1-3,e29-32,Woźniak Serious head and neck injury as a predictor of occupant position in fatal rollover crashes,2012,222,1-3,228-233,Freeman Screening analysis for medicinal drugs and drugs of abuse in whole blood using ultra-performance liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-TOF-MS)-Toxicological findings in cases of alleged sexual assault,2012,222,1-3,154-161,Charles Cyanide quantification in post-mortem biological matrices by headspace GC-MS,2012,222,1-3,346-351,Desharnais Aconite poisoning following the percutaneous absorption of Aconitum alkaloids,2012,223,1-3,25-27,Chan A pharmacokinetic study of ethyl glucuronide in blood and urine: applications to forensic toxicology,2007,172,2-3,119-124,Christophersen A preliminary investigation into the use of biosensors to screen stomach contents for selected poisons and drugs,2007,172,2-3,106-111,Redshaw The detection of sedatives in hair and nail samples using tandem LC-MS-MS,2007,166,1,58-67,Dickson Identify the injury implements by SEM/EDX and ICP-AES,2007,166,1,8-13,Bai Response surface methodology and improved interval analysis method-For analyzing uncertainty in accident reconstruction,2012,222,1-3,306-312,Zou Nanotechnology for forensic sciences: Analysis of PDMS replica of the case head of spent cartridges by optical microscopy SEM and AFM for the ballistic identification of individual characteristic features of firearms,2012,222,1-3,288-297,Valle Comparison of fatal poisonings by prescription opioids,2012,222,1-3,327-331,Vuori Fatal manganese intoxication due to an error in the elaboration of Epsom salts for a liver cleansing diet,2012,223,1-3,e1-4,Galtés Death scene evaluation in a case of fatal accidental carbon monoxide toxicity,2006,164,2-3,164-167,Sedda Shaken baby syndrome: a flawed biomechanical analysis,2006,164,2-3,278-9; author reply 282-3,Myers Persons found 'not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder': a comparison of British Columbia Canada and Hunan China,2006,164,2-3,93-97,Livingston Combined target factor analysis and Bayesian soft-classification of interference-contaminated samples: Forensic fire debris analysis,2012,222,1-3,373-386,Williams Prevalence of psychoactive substances alcohol illicit drugs and medicines in Spanish drivers: a roadside study,2012,223,1-3,106-113,Gomez-Talegon Identification and analysis of human remains recovered from wells from the 1991 War in Croatia,2007,171,1,37-43,Slaus Hair as a source of forensic evidence in murder investigations,2006,163,3,241-248,Wiltshire The use of forensic botany and geology in war crimes investigations in NE Bosnia,2006,163,3,204-210,Brown The cribriform approach to the retrieval of palynological evidence from the turbinates of murder victims,2006,163,3,224-230,Wiltshire An unusual appearance of a common pollen type indicates the scene of the crime,2006,163,3,236-240,Mildenhall A fatal poisoning with 5-methoxy-NN-diisopropyltryptamine Foxy,2006,163,1-2,152-154,Katagi Dermal lesions after post mortem petrol-exposure,2006,163,1-2,115-118,Bux Identification of atractyloside by LC-ESI-MS in alleged herbal poisonings,2006,163,1-2,81-92,Steenkamp Post-mortem development of conjunctival petechiae following temporary prone position,2012,223,1-3,e53-5,Anders Detection of buphedrone in biological and non-biological material - Two case reports,2013,227,1-3,15-20,Adamowicz Risks of non-lethal weapon use: Case studies of three French victims of stinger grenades,2012,223,1-3,e18-21,Scolan Death by starvation. Seeking a forensic psychiatric understanding of a case of fatal child maltreatment by the parent,2012,223,1-3,e13-7,Solarino Cocaine in sudden and unexpected death: A review of 49 post-mortem cases,2013,227,1-3,52-59,Drummer Fatal diving accidents in Western Norway 1983-2007,2012,223,1-3,e22-6,Ramnefjell Reported assaults and observed injuries in detainees held in police custody,2012,223,1-3,184-188,Chariot Antidote treatment for cyanide poisoning with hydroxocobalamin causes bright pink discolouration and chemical-analytical interferences,2012,223,1-3,e10-2,Augsburger Indicators for acute hypoxia-An immunohistochemical investigation in cerebellar Purkinje-cells,2012,223,1-3,165-170,Fieguth Prescription and illicit psychoactive drugs in oral fluid-LC-MS/MS method development and analysis of samples from Brazilian drivers,2012,223,1-3,208-216,Pechansky Two cases of suicide by asphyxiation due to helium and argon,2012,223,1-3,e27-30,Madea Interaction of bullets with intermediate targets: Material transfer and damage,2012,223,1-3,125-135,Vermeij Application of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDX) in a case of methomyl ingestion,2013,227,1-3,103-105,Tanaka Fatal doxepin intoxication - Suicide or slow gradual intoxication?,2013,227,1-3,82-84,Neukamm Detection of metal residues on bone using SEM-EDS-Part II: Sharp force injury,2012,223,1-3,91-96,Gibelli Complete trunk severance of a motorcyclist by a traffic sign post at a comparably low collision speed,2012,223,1-3,e35-7,Muggenthaler Which serial killers commit suicide? An exploratory study,2012,223,1-3,e56-9,Lester Distribution of Aconitum alkaloids in autopsy cases of aconite poisoning,2013,227,1-3,111-117,Aoki The incidence of alcohol and other drugs in drivers killed in New Zealand road crashes 2004-2009,2012,223,1-3,364-370,Poulsen Psychoactive substances in seriously injured drivers in Denmark,2013,224,1-3,44-50,Wiese Simonsen Youth psychopathy: Differential correlates of callous-unemotional traits narcissism and impulsivity,2013,224,1-3,1-7,Cima Dismantling the Justice Silos: Avoiding the pitfalls and reaping the benefits of information-sharing between forensic science medicine and law,2013,230,1-3,8-15,Kelty UPLC-MS/MS determination in blood of a mixed-drug fatal intoxication: A case report,2013,227,1-3,85-89,Proença Carbofuran concentrations in blood bile and tissues in fatal cases of homicide and suicide,2013,227,1-3,106-110,Tennakoon Simultaneous determination of 5 psychotropic drugs of various types in an autopsy case of acute multiple drug poisoning,2013,227,1-3,90-94,Irie Typical external skull beveling wound unlinked with a gunshot,2013,226,1-3,e4-8,Delannoy Prevalence of blood alcohol in fatal traffic crashes in Shanghai,2013,224,1-3,117-122,Wang Eight cases of fatal and non-fatal poisoning with Taxus baccata,2013,227,1-3,118-126,Felgenhauer Caffeine fatalities--four case reports,2004,139,1,71-73,Ahlner Demographic pathologic and toxicological profiles of 127 decedents testing positive for ephedrine alkaloids,2004,139,1,61-69,Karch Planned complex suicide. Report of two autopsy cases of suicidal shot injury and subsequent self-immolation,2004,139,1,35-38,Türk Popliteal artery bullet embolism in a case of homicide: a case report and review of the tangible literature,2004,139,1,27-33,Slobodan Alleged lethal sorcery in East Timor,2004,139,1,17-19,Pollanen Serum alcohol concentrations in trauma patients determined by immunoassay versus gas chromatography,2004,139,1,1-3,Winek The potential and limitations of utilising head impact injury models to assess the likelihood of significant head injury in infants after a fall,2004,139,2-3,269-270,Chadwick Fatal intoxication as a consequence of intranasal administration (snorting) or pulmonary inhalation (smoking) of heroin,2004,139,2-3,241-247,Thiblin Cardiac tamponade caused by migration of a swallowed sewing needle,2004,139,2-3,237-239,Slobodan Adult sudden death caused by aspiration of chewing gum,2004,139,2-3,103-106,Njau Fatal drowning as a result of an airplane crash: case report,2013,226,1-3,e12-5,Niemcunowicz-Janica An unusual case of attempted suicide by a depressive woman: Self-inflicted intracranial stabbing,2013,226,1-3,e9-11,Abalan Fatal falls from bicycles: A case report,2013,226,1-3,e1-3,Rougé-Maillart Pathology of sudden death during recreational sports in Spain,2013,226,1-3,188-196,Suárez-Mier A review of methadone deaths between 2001 and 2005 in Victoria Australia,2013,226,1-3,216-222,Drummer Primarily unrecognized thoracoabdominal impalement in a motorcyclist,2013,226,1-3,e37-41,Pollak Retrospective analysis of free-fall fractures with regard to height and cause of fall,2013,226,1-3,290-295,Coklo Phenacetin and cocaine in a body packer,2004,141,1,59-61,Fucci Liquid chromatography/photodiode array detection for determination of strychnine in blood: a fatal case report,2004,141,1,17-21,de la Grandmaison Micellar electrokinetic chromatographic screening method for common sexual assault drugs administered in beverages,2004,141,1,7-15,Bishop Illegal drugs and delinquency,2013,226,1-3,230-234,Madea Countermeasures against chemical terrorism in Japan,2013,227,1-3,2-6,Fuse Contact shot with unusual soot pattern,2005,149,1,75-79,Perdekamp Death due to positional asphyxia under severe alcoholisation: pathophysiologic and forensic considerations,2005,149,1,67-73,Kroner An unusual occupational accident: fall into a sewage plant tank with lethal outcome,2005,149,1,39-45,Kroner Car-to-pedestrian accident with a unique decollement injury,2013,228,1-3,e67-70,Coklo Unusual suicide with a chainsaw,2013,228,1-3,e58-61,Stojanović A planned complex suicide by gunshot and vehicular crash,2013,228,1-3,e50-3,Hejna Tracheal injury added to cervical bone destruction due to the impact of hitting the water surface: Four immersed adult bodies,2013,228,1-3,e62-6,Zuka Unusual blood spatter patterns on the firearm and hand: A backspatter analysis to reconstruct the position and orientation of a firearm,2013,228,1-3,e54-7,Kunz Urinary determination of 2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine in case of non fatal poisoning with diazinon,2013,228,1-3,e20-4,Lachâtre Extended suicide by use of a chain saw,2013,228,1-3,e16-9,Madea Female same gender stalking: A brief review of the literature and case report,2013,228,1-3,e6-10,Catanesi An investigation on body displacement after two drowning accidents,2013,229,1-3,e6-12,Mateus A fatal stab wound causing selective injury to the left anterior descending coronary artery myocardial infarction and delayed cardiac tamponade,2013,229,1-3,e16-8,Bartoloni Structural reliability of road accidents reconstruction,2013,228,1-3,83-93,Wach Blood drop size in passive dripping from weapons,2013,228,1-3,75-82,Williams Postmortem catecholamine levels in pericardial and cerebrospinal fluids with regard to the cause of death in medicolegal autopsy,2013,228,1-3,52-60,Quan Manual strangulation: Experimental approach to the genesis of hyoid bone fractures,2013,228,1-3,47-51,Thollon Behavioural aspects of terrorism,2013,228,1-3,21-27,Leistedt Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) profiling in post-explosion residues to constitute evidence of crime-scene presence,2013,230,1-3,37-45,Brust Suicide by carbon dioxide,2013,231,1-3,e30-2,Nadjem Patterns of skeletal trauma in suicidal bridge jumpers: A retrospective study from the southeastern United States,2013,231,1-3,399.e1-3995,Abel Acute methylone intoxication in an accidental drowning - A case report,2013,231,1-3,e1-3,Nelson Forensic autopsies in a naturalistic setting in Norway: autopsy rates and toxicological findings,2012,223,1-3,353-358,Slørdal Driving under the influence with blood alcohol concentrations over 0.4g%,2013,231,1-3,349-353,Jones Integrated Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) in Gunshot Residue (GSR) characterisation,2013,231,1-3,219-228,Christopher The use of photographs to record variation in bruising response in humans,2013,231,1-3,213-218,Lecomte A retrospective analysis of data from toxic substance-related cases in Northeast China (Heilongjiang) between 2000 and 2010,2013,231,1-3,172-177,Zhang Analytical and quantitative concentration of gunshot residues (Pb Sb Ba) to estimate entrance hole and shooting-distance using confocal laser microscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer analysis: An experimental study,2013,231,1-3,142-149,Neri Automatic identification of bullet signatures based on consecutive matching striae (CMS) criteria,2013,231,1-3,137-141,Vorburger Police custody following driving under the influence of cannabis: a prospective study,2013,231,1-3,92-97,Chariot The forensic relevance of hypothermia in living persons-literature and retrospective study,2013,231,1-3,34-41,Hubig Profile of a drunk driver and risk factors for drunk driving. Findings in roadside testing in the province of Uusimaa in Finland 1990-2008,2013,231,1-3,20-27,Haukka Analysis of macroscopic gunshot residues by Raman spectroscopy to assess the weapon memory effect,2013,231,1-3,1-5,López-López Fatal tiger attack: A case report with emphasis on typical tiger injuries characterized by partially resembling stab-like wounds,2013,232,1-3,e1-4,Borkar Poisoning by toxic animals in China-18 autopsy case studies and a comprehensive literature review,2013,232,1-3,e12-23,Huang Incremental conditions of isolation as a predictor of suicide in prisoners,2013,233,1-3,e1-2,Lester A simple DNA coprecipitation method for the detection of diatoms in heart blood,2013,232,1-3,154-159,Seo A comparison of breath- and blood-alcohol test results from real-life policing situations: A one-year study of data from the Central Hessian Police District in Germany,2013,232,1-3,125-130,Verhoff The performance of BALİSTİKA 2010 system for 9 mm x 19 mm and 7.65 mm x 17 mm cartridge case correlation,2013,232,1-3,104-110,Ogunc Rapid screening for detection and differentiation of detergent powder adulteration in infant milk formula by LC-MS,2013,232,1-3,32-39,Tay Parenteral buprenorphine-naloxone abuse is a major cause of fatal buprenorphine-related poisoning,2013,232,1-3,11-15,Ojanperä An unusual pedestrian road trauma: From forensic pathology to forensic veterinary medicine,2014,234,,e1-4,Ricci Accidental death involving professional fireworks,2014,234,,e5-9,Romolo The case of a prosthetic limb used to cause lethal intravaginal injuries: Forensic medical aspects in a case of intimate partner violence,2014,234,,e21-e24,Zoja Forensic analysis of ocular injuries during the 2011 revolution in Egypt,2013,233,1-3,348-354,Ahmed Effect of laundering on visible damage to apparel fabric caused by sharp force impact,2013,233,1-3,283-287,Carr Breath alcohol elimination rate as a function of age gender and drinking practice,2013,233,1-3,278-282,Moskowitz Suicide among male prisoners in France: A prospective population-based study,2013,233,1-3,273-277,Duthé Female sexual homicide offenders: An analysis of the offender racial profiles in offending process,2013,233,1-3,265-272,Myers Timing of blunt force injuries in long bones: The effects of the environment PMI length and human surrogate model,2013,233,1-3,230-237,Coelho Biomechanical analysis of skull fractures after uncontrolled hanging release,2013,233,1-3,220-229,Thollon Diagnosis of drowning by summation of sodium potassium and chloride ion levels in pleural effusion: Differentiating between freshwater and seawater drowning and application to bathtub deaths,2013,233,1-3,167-173,Yajima Electrothermic damage to the nail due to arcing in high-voltage discharge,2013,233,1-3,149-153,Pollak Survival time estimation using Injury Severity Score (ISS) in homicide cases,2013,233,1-3,99-103,Alvarez Markers of acidosis and stress in a sprint versus a conducted electrical weapon,2013,233,1-3,84-89,Nelson Escalation of methamphetamine-related crime and fatalities in the Dresden region Germany between 2005 and 2011,2013,233,1-3,51-54,Schmidt Postmortem 3-D reconstruction of skull gunshot injuries,2013,233,1-3,45-50,Peschel Homicide-suicides compared to homicides and suicides: Systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,233,1-3,28-36,Egger Review of population based coroners autopsy findings in Rivers state of Nigeria,2013,233,1-3,1-6,Amakiri Examining the impact of opioid analgesics on crash responsibility in truck drivers involved in fatal crashes,2014,234,,154-161,Bedard The anatomy of a pipe bomb explosion: The effect of explosive filler container material and ambient temperature on device fragmentation,2014,234,,95-102,Bors Free fatty acids as markers of death from hypothermia,2014,234,,79-85,Teresiński Delayed splenic rupture: Dating the sub-capsular hemorrhage as a useful task to evaluate causal relationships with trauma,2014,234,,64-71,Neri Microscopic acute lesions after caustic exposure,2014,234,,57-63,Advenier Suicides in the centre of Portugal: seven years analysis,2014,234,,22-28,Vieira Suicidal carbon monoxide poisoning using a gas-powered generator,2014,236,,e19-21,Bohnert Complex suicide with homemade nicotine patches,2014,236,,e14-e18,Pollak Application of cross-ratio in traffic accident reconstruction,2014,235,,19-23,Wong Sedative and hypnotic drugs: fatal and non-fatal reference blood concentrations,2014,236,,138-145,Ahlner Development of a strain rate dependent material model of human cortical bone for computer-aided reconstruction of injury mechanisms,2014,236,,109-116,Peldschus Application of self-organizing feature maps to analyze the relationships between ignitable liquids and selected mass spectral ions,2014,236,,84-89,Williams Toward a more holistic understanding of filicide: a multidisciplinary analysis of 32 years of U.S. arrest data,2014,236,,46-53,Myers Behavioral genetics and criminal responsibility at the courtroom,2014,237C,,40-45,Tatarelli The influence of stimulants on truck driver crash responsibility in fatal crashes,2013,228,1-3,15-20,Bedard Has the intake of THC by cannabis users changed over the last decade? Evidence of increased exposure by analysis of blood THC concentrations in impaired drivers,2013,226,1-3,197-201,Kristoffersen Prevalence and blood concentrations of desoxypipradrol (2-DPMP) in drivers suspected of driving under the influence of drugs and in post-mortem cases,2013,226,1-3,146-151,Wilhelm The frequency of alcohol illicit and licit drug consumption in the general driving population in South-East Hungary,2013,224,1-3,37-43,Tóth Evaluation of four oral fluid devices (DDS® Drugtest 5000® Drugwipe 5+® and RapidSTAT®) for on-site monitoring drugged driving in comparison with UHPLC-MS/MS analysis,2012,221,1-3,70-76,Sgalla Prevalence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances in injured drivers: comparison between Belgium and The Netherlands,2012,220,1-3,224-231,Houwing Examining the effect of dl-34-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and methamphetamine on the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests,2012,220,1-3,e33-6,Ogden Phenazepam abuse in Finland: findings from apprehended drivers post-mortem cases and police confiscations,2012,220,1-3,111-117,Wilhelm Detection of drugs of abuse in simultaneously collected oral fluid urine and blood from Norwegian drug drivers,2012,219,1-3,165-171,Christophersen Impairment based legislative limits for driving under the influence of non-alcohol drugs in Norway,2012,219,1-3,1-11,Mørland Significantly increased detection rate of drugs of abuse in urine following the introduction of new German driving licence re-granting guidelines,2012,215,1-3,32-37,Nadulski Validation of LUCIO-Direct-ELISA kits for the detection of drugs of abuse in urine: application to the new German driving licence re-granting guidelines,2012,215,1-3,38-45,Moore Cannabis findings in drivers suspected of driving under the influence of drugs in Finland from 2006 to 2008,2012,217,1-3,107-112,Lillsunde Detection of the synthetic drug 4-fluoroamphetamine (4-FA) in serum and urine,2012,215,1-3,3-7,Becker The prevalence of drugs in injured drivers,2012,215,1-3,14-17,Boorman A rapid and sensitive method for the identification of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in oral fluid by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,2012,215,1-3,92-96,Doble An analytical evaluation of eight on-site oral fluid drug screening devices using laboratory confirmation results from oral fluid,2011,208,1-3,173-179,Lillsunde Hair analysis for drugs in driver's license regranting. A Swedish pilot study,2010,196,1-3,55-58,Kronstrand Metabolite to parent drug concentration ratios in hair for the differentiation of tramadol intake from external contamination and passive exposure,2012,223,1-3,330-334,Kraemer Value of the concept of minimal detectable dosage in human hair,2012,218,1-3,28-30,Kintz The standardization of results on hair testing for drugs of abuse: an interlaboratory exercise in Lombardy Region Italy,2012,218,1-3,101-105,Stramesi Variable adverse effects in subjects after ingestion of equal doses of Argyreia nervosa seeds,2012,214,1-3,e6-8,Toennes Evaluation of two immunoassay procedures for drug testing in hair samples,2012,215,1-3,60-63,Musshoff Concentrations of free-morphine in peripheral blood after recent use of heroin in overdose deaths and in apprehended drivers,2012,215,1-3,18-24,Ahlner Optimization and validation of CEDIA drugs of abuse immunoassay tests in serum on Hitachi 912,2011,212,1-3,252-255,Madea Postmortem redistribution of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 11-hydroxy-THC (11-OH-THC) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC (THCCOOH),2011,212,1-3,247-251,Huestis Methadone disposition in oral fluid during pharmacotherapy for opioid-dependence,2011,206,1-3,98-102,Huestis LC-MS-MS analysis of buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine in whole blood from suspected drug users,2011,209,1-3,113-119,Kronstrand LC-MS-MS method for simultaneous determination of THCCOOH and THCCOOH-glucuronide in urine: Application to workplace confirmation tests,2011,204,1-3,67-73,Chiarotti Urine-creatinine concentration as a marker of urine dilution: reflections using a cohort of 45000 samples,2009,186,1-3,48-51,Arndt Case histories in forensic medicine,2007,165,2-3,111-114,Madea Evaluation of the IDS One-Step ELISA kits for the detection of illicit drugs in hair,2007,170,2-3,189-192,Villain Determination and distribution of clotiapine (Entumine) in human plasma post-mortem blood and tissue samples from clotiapine-treated patients and from autopsy cases,2007,170,2-3,193-199,Augsburger Oral fluid testing for cannabis: on-site OraLine IV S.A.T. device versus GC/MS,2006,161,2-3,180-184,Mura Validation of an ELISA-based screening assay for the detection of amphetamine MDMA and MDA in blood and oral fluid,2005,153,1,29-37,Ramaekers Diagnostic values of combined glucose and lactate values in cerebrospinal fluid and vitreous humour--our experiences,2004,146,Suppl,S19-S23,Karlovsek High prevalence of 6-acetylmorphine in morphine-positive oral fluid specimens,2003,133,1-2,22-25,Lehrer Flunitrazepam: an evaluation of use abuse and toxicity,2001,122,2-3,136-141,Holmgren A fatality caused by accidental production of hydrogen sulfide,2001,123,2-3,211-214,Chaturvedi Delta(9)-THC 11-OH-Delta(9)-THC and Delta(9)-THCCOOH plasma or serum to whole blood concentrations distribution ratios in blood samples taken from living and dead people,2001,123,2-3,159-164,Augsburger Threshold values in toxicology - useful or not?,2000,113,1-3,323-330,Wennig Determination of chronic methamphetamine abuse by hair analysis,2000,112,1,65-71,Saito Experience with hair testing in the clinical biochemistry laboratory of Ca' Granda Niguarda Hospital Milan Italy,1997,84,1-3,17-24,Cassani Toxicology case data reporting system,1988,39,2,143-153,Joynt Alcohol loss arising from microbial contamination of drivers' blood specimens,1987,34,1-2,17-27,Dick Limitations of cadaveric organ donation on judicial cases and problems confronted in autopsy: Istanbul data in comparative perspective,2014,237,,131-136,Arslan Search protocols for hidden forensic objects beneath floors and within walls,2014,237,,137-145,Pringle Identification of gunshots to the head by detection of RNA in backspatter primarily expressed in brain tissue,2014,237C,,62-69,Madea On the prevalence of gunshot residue in selected populations - an empirical study performed with SEM-EDX analysis,2014,237C,,46-52,Brożek-Mucha Lay person use of conducted electrical weapon research,2014,238,,e20,Strote Homicides in Western Norway 1985-2009 time trends age and gender differences,2014,238C,,1-8,Morild Xylometazoline poisoning: A 40-fold nasal overdose caused by a compounding error in 3 children,2014,238,,e3-5,Madea Non-natural manners of death among users of illicit drugs: Substance findings,2014,238C,,16-21,Rogde Headspace sorptive extraction for the detection of combustion accelerants in fire debris,2014,238C,,26-32,Cacho Occupant accelerations and injury potential during an ambulance-to-curb impact,2014,237,,e6-e10,Hayes Study on the postmortem submersion interval and accumulated degree days for a multiple drowning accident,2014,238,,e15-9,Mateus A fatal diazinon poisoning,1980,15,2,135-140,Morgan Isaac Ray and forensic psychiatry in the United States,1980,15,2,115-127,Luthe Sniffing-associated deaths in Denmark,1980,15,3,215-225,Kringsholm Uncertainty of determining mode and cause of death without autopsy: an autopsy study of medically unattended non-medicolegal deaths,1980,15,3,191-196,Asnaes Detection of new psychoactive substance use among emergency room patients: Results from the Swedish STRIDA project,2014,243C,,23-29,Hultén Recent non-chemical approaches to estimate the shooting distance,2014,239C,,79-85,López-López Experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of brain simulants used for cranial gunshot simulation,2014,239C,,73-78,Taylor Comparison of breath-alcohol screening test results with venous blood alcohol concentration in suspected drunken drivers,2014,239C,,57-61,Wilhelm Recovery of oxygenated ignitable liquids by zeolites Part I: Novel extraction methodology in fire debris analysis,2014,240,,137-143,St Pierre Early epidermal changes in heat- and electrically injured pig skin. II. An electron microscopic study,1981,17,2,145-152,Genefke Early epidermal changes in heat- and electrically injured pig skin. I. A light microscopic study,1981,17,2,133-143,Genefke Device and methods for the measurement of energy transfer in experiments involving thermal and electrical injuries of skin,1981,17,3,203-209,Nielsen Bite mark lesions in human skin,1981,18,1,41-55,Keiser-Nielsen Suicide by drowning: a forensic challenge,2014,240,,e22-4,Germerott A 3-year review of new psychoactive substances in casework,2014,243C,,55-60,Evans Testing for ethanol markers in hair: discrepancies after simultaneous quantification of ethyl glucuronide and fatty acid ethyl esters,2014,243C,,44-46,Kintz Blunt basal head trauma: rupture of posterior inferior cerebellar artery,1992,53,1,61-68,Bostrom Infanticide and child destruction--the historical legal and pathological aspects,1992,53,1,1-28,Kellett Which drugs are associated with highest risk for being arrested for driving under the influence? A case-control study,2014,240C,,21-28,Gjerde Nano characterization of gunshot residues from Brazilian ammunition,2014,240C,,69-79,Melo Spermatozoa--their persistence after sexual intercourse,1982,19,2,135-154,Allard A study of the potential risk of gunshot residue transfer from special units of the police to arrested suspects,2012,216,1-3,78-81,Charles Significance of skin metallization in the diagnosis of electrocution,1980,16,1,1-6,Marcinkowski Demonstration of spread-on peel-off consumer products for sampling surfaces contaminated with pesticides and chemical warfare agent signatures,2014,241C,,7-14,Smith Profiles of pregabalin and gabapentin abuse by postmortem toxicology,2014,241C,,1-6,Vuori A body a dog and a fistful of scats,2014,241,,e1-4,Galtés An unusual case of non-fatal poisoning due to herbicide 4-chloro-2-methyl phenoxyacetic acid (MCPA),2014,243C,,90-94,Tennakoon Analysis of chain saw lubricating oils commonly used in Thailand's southern border provinces for forensic science purpose,2014,241C,,60-68,Daeid Purity and adulterant analysis of crack seizures in Brazil,2014,243C,,95-98,Chasin Injuries caused by home-made explosives,1978,12,2,131-136,Saravanapavananthan Carboxyhaemoglobin and methaemoglobin findings in burnt bodies,1978,12,3,233-235,Schulz Electrical and thermal injuries in pig skin--evaluated and compared by light microscopy,1978,12,3,211-225,Genefke Intuitive presentation of clinical forensic data using anonymous and person-specific 3D reference manikins,2014,241C,,155-166,Yen Forensic aspect of cremations on wooden pyre,2014,241C,,167-172,Quatrehomme Epifluorescence analysis of hacksaw marks on bone: Highlighting unique individual characteristics,2014,241C,,195-202,Guilbeau-Frugier Fitness to drive and cannabis: validation of two blood THCCOOH thresholds to distinguish occasional users from heavy smokers,2014,242C,,1-8,Augsburger Studies on asphyxia: on the changes of the alveolar walls of rats in the hypoxic state,1985,27,2,81-92,Morita The value of the medico-legal examination in sexual offences,1985,27,3,145-155,Helweg-Larsen Identification of children and adults through federal and state dental identification systems: recognition of human bite marks,1986,30,2-3,187-193,Sperber Identification of propellants of small arms ammunition,1987,33,2,89-92,Nag Respiratory failure from severe organophosphate toxicity due to absorption through the skin,1988,36,3-4,251-253,Fernando Yellow oleander poisoning--a study of 170 cases,1988,36,3-4,247-250,Saravanapavananthan 'Stranger' child-murder: issues relating to causes and controls,1988,36,3-4,267-277,Wilson Epidemiology of rapes in Costa Rica: characterization of victims perpetrators and circumstances surrounding forced intercourse,2014,242C,,204-209,Angulo Sudden and unexpected natural deaths of adult males. An analysis of 799 forensic autopsies in 1976,1980,16,3,249-259,Penttilä Sudden unexpected death from adrenal haemorrhage,1980,16,3,227-229,Knight Types of injuries and interrelated conditions of victims and assailants in attempted and homicidal strangulation,1981,18,2,101-123,Rajs Lead isotope ratios for bullets a descriptive approach for investigative purposes and a new method for sampling of bullet lead,2014,244C,,7-15,Sjåstad A population-based study on toxicological findings in Swedish homicide victims and offenders from 2007 to 2009,2014,244C,,25-29,Ahlner Decontamination procedures for drugs of abuse in hair: are they sufficient?,1995,70,1-3,13-38,Kidwell External contamination of hair by cocaine: an issue in forensic interpretation,1993,63,1-3,145-56; discussion 157-60,Kidwell The course of alcoholism. Long-term prognosis in different types,1988,36,1-2,121-138,Walter Postmortem stability of some markers of intra-vital wounds,1989,40,2,123-130,Lorente Homicide in Alabama: an analysis of urban suburban and rural murders in the Deep South,1989,40,2,105-122,Brissie The injury pattern in fatal suicidal falls from a height: An examination of 307 cases,2014,244C,,57-62,Bruno A review of modern challenges in fire debris analysis,2014,244,,e12-20,Hutches An unusual case of "dyadic-death" with a single gunshot,2014,244,,e1-5,Viel Lethal poisonings with AH-7921 in combination with other substances,2014,244,,e21-4,Rogde Diatomological investigation in sphenoid sinus fluid and lung tissue from cases of suspected drowning,2014,244C,,111-115,Lee Autopsy rate in suicide is low among elderly in Denmark compared with Finland,2014,244C,,158-165,Sajantila An amazing case of fatal self-immolation,2014,244,,e30-3,Gaillard Fall from height in a stairwell - mechanics and simulation analysis,2014,244C,,136-151,Wach Muzzle imprint mark: a patterned injury which may be constituted of intradermal blood extravasations,2014,244C,,166-169,Pollak Palynology and mycology provide separate classes of probative evidence from the same forensic samples: A rape case from southern England,2014,244C,,186-195,Wiltshire Use of luminescent gunshot residues markers in forensic context,2014,244C,,276-284,Weber A comparative pharmacokinetic study of ethanol in the blood vitreous humour and aqueous humour of rabbits,1989,41,1-2,61-65,Fernández Disposition of fluoride in a fatal case of unsuspected sodium fluoride poisoning,1989,41,1-2,55-59,Poklis Drugs in hair: a new extraction procedure,1989,41,1-2,35-39,Chiarotti Identification of the cranium of W.A. Mozart,1989,41,1-2,101-110,Puech The course of respiration and circulation in death by carbon dioxide poisoning,1989,41,1-2,93-99,Suzuki Detection of S-methylfenitrothion aminofenitrothion aminofenitroxon and acetylaminofenitroxon in the urine of a fenitrothion intoxication case,1989,41,3,245-253,Kojima A comparison of post-mortem ethanol levels obtained from blood and subdural specimens,1989,41,3,237-243,Adelson Blood alcohol in sudden and unexpected deaths,1989,42,1-2,95-102,Vuori Cyanide carboxyhemoglobin and blood acid-base state in animals exposed to combustion products of various combinations of acrylic fiber and gauze,1989,42,1-2,33-41,Yamamoto Detection of injuries in traumatic deaths. The significance of medico-legal autopsy,1989,42,1-2,135-143,Thomsen Inflammation in the lungs of infants dying suddenly. A comparative study from two countries,1989,42,1-2,85-94,Lignitz The mechanism of fatal cardiopulmonary injury caused by a blow from a golf club,1989,42,1-2,125-130,Fernando Study on the effects of heat on blood and on the post-mortem estimation of carboxyhaemoglobin and methaemoglobin,1989,40,1,63-67,Gee Barbiturate analysis in tissue by enzymic digestion and high-performance liquid chromatography,1989,40,1,45-55,Shankar Morphological findings in fatal drug addiction. An investigation of injection marks endocrine organs and kidneys,1989,40,1,15-24,Kringsholm A newly designed apparatus for testing blood levels of fuel vapor,1989,40,1,57-61,Hara Analysis of methylbenactyzium bromide in human urine by thin-layer chromatography and pyrolysis gas chromatography,1991,49,2,197-203,Suzuki A fatal case of oral ingestion of methanol. Distribution in postmortem tissues and fluids including pericardial fluid and vitreous humor,1991,49,2,193-196,Villanueva High cyanide level in a homicide victim burned after death: evidence of post-mortem diffusion,1991,49,2,179-183,Vuori Determination of paraquat in tissue using ion-pair chromatography in conjunction with spectrophotometry,1987,33,3,177-185,Kuo Forensic application of blood stains and polymorphism of the sixth component of human complement (C6),1988,37,1,27-32,Yasuda Potentiation of lethality and increase in body temperature by combined use of d-methamphetamine and morphine in mice,1988,37,1,19-26,Kimura An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for plasma-paraquat levels of poisoned patients,1988,37,1,11-18,Tomita Cause and manner of death and phase of the blood alcohol curve,2014,244C,,306-312,Vuori Field detection capability of immunochemical assays during criminal investigations involving the use of TNT,2014,246C,,25-30,D'Elia Cost-consequence analysis of cause of death investigation in Finland and in Denmark,2014,245C,,133-142,Sajantila An accidental poisoning with mitragynine,2014,245C,,e29-e32,Rogde Prescription opioid abuse based on representative postmortem toxicology,2014,245C,,121-125,Vuori Bone-patch type secondary projectiles: a report on two shots fired at point-blank range using hollow point bullets,2014,245C,,e6-e10,Rougé-Maillart Experimental validation of a numerical model for predicting the trajectory of blood drops in typical crime scene conditions including droplet deformation and breakup with a study of the effect of indoor air currents and wind on typical spatter drop trajectories,2014,245C,,107-120,Taylor A retrospective analysis of alcohol in medico-legal autopsied deaths in Pretoria over a 1 year period,2014,245C,,7-11,Saayman Tufted angioma with Kasabach-Merritt syndrome mistaken for child abuse,2014,245C,,e15-e17,Bouvet Assessment of skeletal changes after post-mortem exposure to fire as an indicator of decomposition stage,2014,246C,,17-24,Steyn The interaction between clothing and air weapon pellets,2014,246C,,6-16,Thomson Genuine and simulated suicide notes: An analysis of content,2014,245C,,151-160,Ioannou An experimental investigation of the indirect transfer and deposition of gunshot residue: further studies carried out with SEM-EDX analysis,2014,247C,,14-17,Morgan Differences between the measured blood ethanol concentration and the estimated concentration by Widmark's equation in elderly persons,2014,247C,,23-27,Pollak Detection of diatoms in blood by a combination of membrane filtering and chemical digestion,1987,34,3,175-182,Sebetan Isolation of intact plankton from drowning lung tissue by centrifugation ina colloidal silica gradient,1980,16,1,63-66,Takatori Evaluation of the floating time of a corpse found in a marine environment using the barnacle Lepas anatifera L. (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Pedunculata),2014,247,,e6-10,Dadour Fast reagentless and reliable screening of "white powders" during the bioterrorism hoaxes,2014,248C,,71-77,Włodarski A fatal intoxication with phenazone (antipyrine),2015,248,,e13-5,Rogde Fatal poisoning in drug addicts in the Nordic countries in 2012,2015,248C,,172-180,Ojanpera Skin blister formation together with patterned intradermal hematoma: a special type of tire mark injury in victims run over by a wheel,2015,249C,,42-46,Schmidt Post-mortem evaluation of drowning with whole body CT,2015,249C,,35-41,Piette Amitriptyline poisoning of a baby: how informative can hair analysis be?,2015,249C,,53-58,Kintz Fatal kavalactone intoxication by suicidal intravenous injection,2015,249,,e7-11,Rasanen Residual cannabis levels in blood urine and oral fluid following heavy cannabis use,2015,249C,,173-180,Chu Characterization of ANFO explosive by high accuracy ESI(±)-FTMS with forensic identification on real samples by EASI(-)-MS,2015,249C,,156-164,Correa Restoration of firearm serial numbers with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD),2015,249C,,266-270,White Comparison of practical techniques to develop latent fingermarks on fired and unfired cartridge cases,2015,250,,17-26,Girelli Detection of manipulations on printed images to address crime scene analysis: A case study,2015,251,,e9-e14,Amerini A fatal poisoning involving 25C-NBOMe,2015,251,,e1-8,Andreasen Forensic analysis of explosions: inverse calculation of the charge mass,2015,252,,11-21,van der Voort Motorcycle helmets: What about their coating?,2015,252,,114-126,Schnegg Effects of ketamine on psychomotor sensory and cognitive functions relevant for driving ability,2015,252,,127-142,Giorgetti Class-conditional feature modeling for ignitable liquid classification with substantial substrate contribution in fire debris analysis,2015,252,,177-186,Williams Death in the "microwave oven": a form of execution by carbonization,2015,253,,e1-e3,Daruge Junior Children and guns: the detection of recent contact with firearms on children's hands by the PDT reagent,2015,253,,43-47,Almog Fingerprint on trigger: a real case,2015,253,,e25-e27,Amata Bathtub drowning: an 11-year retrospective study in the state of Maryland,2015,253,,64-70,Fowler Forensic application of microRNA-706 as a biomarker for drowning pattern identification,2015,255,,96-101,Park Carbon monoxide poisoning as a cause of death in Wuhan China: a retrospective six-year epidemiological study (2009-2014),2015,253,,112-118,Li Using computational fluid dynamics in the forensic analysis of a prison fire,2015,253,,e33-e42,Jahn Homicidal assault to the neck with subsequent simulation of self-hanging,2015,253,,e28-e32,Pollak Biomechanical analysis of biphasic distribution of skull injury in falls from height,2015,255,,112-117,Park Decubitus ulcers and ligature marks as evidence in a homicide case,2015,254,,e13-7,Cuculic Two sources and two kinds of trace evidence: enhancing the links between clothing footwear and crime scene,2015,254,,231-242,Wiltshire Case series analysis of hindfoot injuries sustained by drivers in frontal motor vehicle crashes,2015,254,,18-25,Hurwitz An unusual homicidal stab wound of the cervical spinal cord: a single case examined by post-mortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA),2015,254,,e18-21,Saint-Martin Animal experimentation in forensic sciences: how far have we come?,2015,254,,e29-35,Cattaneo Quantitative determination of n-butane metabolites in three cases of butane sniffing death,2015,254,,180-184,Ohtsu Use of 3D reconstruction of emergency and postoperative craniocerebral CT images to explore craniocerebral trauma mechanism,2015,255,,106-111,Huang Toxicology findings in cases of hanging in the City and County of San Francisco over the 3-year period from 2011 to 2013,2015,255,,146-155,San Nicolas Violent death in a rare peroxisomal disease-Zellweger syndrome,2015,255,,89-95,Malinescu Demonstrating the effect of forensic firearm countermeasures: bullet characteristics generated due to barrel modifications,2015,257,,13-19,Champion Post-mortem imaging compared with autopsy in trauma victims - a systematic review,2015,257,,29-48,Giannakopoulos Unsolved homicides in Sweden: a population-based study of 264 homicides,2015,257,,106-113,Kristiansson Detection of synthetic cathinones in victims of sexual assault,2015,257,,71-75,Hagan Toxicological findings in three cases of suicidal asphyxiation with helium,2015,256,,38-41,Verschraagen Suicide by blunt head trauma - two cases with striking similarities,2015,255,,102-105,Lee Flattening mountains: micro-fabrication of planar replicas for bullet lateral striae analysis,2015,247,,97-104,Valle The reference ballistic imaging database revisited,2015,248,,82-87,De Ceuster Methadone-related deaths. A ten year overview,2015,257,,172-176,Morini Finnish guidelines for workplace drug testing,2008,174,2-3,99-102,Lillsunde Role of occupational health services in workplace drug testing,2008,174,2-3,103-106,Lillsunde Workplace drug testing in a military organization: results and experiences from the testing program in the Finnish Defence Forces,2007,170,2-3,171-174,Lehtomaki Determination of ring- and N-substituted amphetamines as heptafluorobutyryl derivatives,1991,49,2,205-213,Lillsunde A simple algorithm for analyzing uncertainty of accident reconstruction results,2015,257,,229-235,Zou Pattern injuries from blows with the muzzle end of a handgun,2015,257,,341-346,Pollak Multi-drug intoxication fatality involving atorvastatin: A case report,2015,257,,e26-31,Ondra Age estimation standards for a Western Australian population using the coronal pulp cavity index,2013,231,1-3,412.e1-4126,Karkhanis Drug-related death: adulterants from cocaine preparations in lung tissue and blood,2015,249,,294-303,Hartung The harmful chemistry behind krokodil (desomorphine) synthesis and mechanisms of toxicity,2015,249,,207-213,Carvalho Seizures of doping substances at the Swiss border - a descriptive investigation,2015,257,,359-368,Thevis Evaluation of poly-drug use in methadone-related fatalities using segmental hair analysis,2015,248,,134-139,Johansen Child homicide victims in forensic autopsy in Taiwan: A 10-year retrospective study,2015,257,,413-419,Lee Validation of pedestrian throw equations by video footage of real life pedestrian/vehicle collisions,2015,257,,409-412,Wong Transmission of force to the hyoid bone during manual strangulation: simulation using finite element numerical models,2015,257,,420-424,Thollon Made up by makeup-a case report about an exceptional kind of self-inflicted "injuries",2015,257,,e32-7,Thali The combined effects of alcohol and cannabis on driving: impact on crash risk,2015,248,,94-100,Bedard How far does it get? The effect of shooting distance and type of firearm on the simultaneous analysis of DNA and RNA from backspatter recovered from inside and outside surfaces of firearms,2015,258,,11-18,Madea The Polish genetic database of victims of totalitarianisms,2015,258,,41-49,Kupiec Comparison of venous blood alcohol concentrations and breath alcohol concentrations measured with Draeger Alcotest 9510 DE Evidential,2015,258,,64-67,Ritz-Timme Soil transference patterns on bras: image processing and laboratory dragging experiments,2015,258,,88-100,Kobus (210)Po poisoning as possible cause of death: forensic investigations and toxicological analysis of the remains of Yasser Arafat,2015,259,,1-9,Augsburger Menstrual cycle phase at the time of rape does not affect recovery of semen or amplification of STR profiles of a suspect in vaginal swabs,2015,259,,36-40,Cerdas Drug facilitated sexual assault with lethal outcome: GHB intoxication in a six-year-old girl,2016,259,,e25-31,Johansen Application of CdSe quantum dots for the direct detection of TNT,2015,259,,101-105,Yi GC-MS analysis of the designer drug α-pyrrolidinovalerophenone and its metabolites in urine and blood in an acute poisoning case,2015,259,,e14-9,Müller Determination of safety margins for whole blood concentrations of alcohol and nineteen drugs in driving under the influence cases,2016,259,,119-126,Tvete Synthetic cannabinoid drug use as a cause or contributory cause of death,2016,260,,31-39,Logan The involvement of prescribed drugs in road trauma,2016,265,,17-21,Drummer Seven fatalities associated with ethylphenidate,2016,265,,70-74,Smith Behavioural and pharmacological characterization of a novel cannabinomimetic adamantane-derived indole APICA and considerations on the possible misuse as a psychotropic spice abuse in C57bl/6J mice,2016,265,,6-12,Froldi Death in a legal poppy field in Spain,2015,265,,34-40,Ballesteros Domino effect: an unusual case of six fatal hydrogen sulfide poisonings in quick succession,2016,260,,e7-e10,Barbera Suicide attempt with a mix of synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones: case report of non-fatal intoxication with AB-CHMINACA AB-FUBINACA alpha-PHP alpha-PVP and 4-CMC,2016,265,,121-124,Klavž Supported liquid extraction (SLE) for the analysis of methylamphetamine methylenedioxymethylamphetamine and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in oral fluid and blood of drivers,2016,265,,125-130,Kostakis Analysis of gunshot residues as trace in nasal mucus by GFAAS,2016,261,,14-18,Aliste Demographics and post-mortem toxicology findings in deaths among people arrested multiple times for use of illicit drugs and/or impaired driving,2016,265,,138-143,Jones Forensic-metrological considerations on assessment of compliance (or non-compliance) in forensic blood alcohol content determinations: a case study with software application,2016,265,,144-152,Zamengo Impact sites representing potential bruising locations associated with rearward falls in children,2016,261,,129-136,Bertocci Forensic features of a fatal Datura poisoning case during a robbery,2016,261,,e17-21,Tournel Fall from a car driving at high speed: a case report,2016,261,,e11-6,Malicier History research and practice of forensic anthropology in Thailand,2016,261,,167.e1-1676,Kranioti Studying illicit drug trafficking on Darknet markets: structure and organisation from a Canadian perspective,2016,264,,7-14,Broséus The harmful chemistry behind "krokodil": Street-like synthesis and product analysis,2015,257,,76-82,Carvalho Intra-individual gait pattern variability in specific situations: implications for forensic gait analysis,2016,264,,15-23,Ludwig A study into the distribution of gunshot residue particles in the random population,2016,262,,150-155,Kobus Development of a laboratory test for knicker tearing re-creation studies,2016,262,,138-142,Niven The enhancement of friction ridge detail on brass ammunition casings using cold patination fluid,2015,257,,385-392,James Evaluation of gunshot residue (GSR) evidence: surveys of prevalence of GSR on clothing and frequency of residue types,2015,257,,177-181,McDermott Detection of drugs in 275 alcohol-positive blood samples of Korean drivers,2016,265,,186-192,Chung Death by electrocution: histological technique for copper detection on the electric mark,2016,264,,24-27,Gabbrielli Occupational exposure to ketamine detected by hair analysis: a retrospective and prospective toxicological study,2016,265,,193-199,Tucci Death after use of the synthetic cannabinoid 5F-AMB,2016,262,,e21-4,Behonick Intravenous and oral suicidal e-liquid poisonings with confirmed nicotine and cotinine concentrations,2016,262,,e15-20,Florek Suicide by self-injection of chlormequat trademark C5SUN(®),2016,263,,e9-e13,Bouvet Field test kits for collection of ignitable liquids and ignitable liquid residues used by the NSW fire scene investigators,2016,264,,70-81,Burda A thermoanalytical X-ray diffraction and petrographic approach to the forensic assessment of fire affected concrete in the United Arab Emirates,2016,264,,82-88,Jones Gabapentin concentrations and postmortem distribution,2016,262,,201-203,McIntyre Evidential breath alcohol analysis and the venous blood-to-breath ratio,2016,262,,e37-9,Jones Calculation reliability in vehicle accident reconstruction,2016,263,,27-38,Wach A stab in the dark: design and construction of a novel device for conducting incised knife trauma investigations and its initial test,2016,262,,276-281,Kumaratilake Interleukin (IL)-8 immunoreactivity of injured axons and surrounding oligodendrocytes in traumatic head injury,2016,263,,48-54,Ago Assessing evidentiary value in fire debris analysis by chemometric and likelihood ratio approaches,2016,264,,113-121,Williams Development of an objective method for the comparison of fired projectiles using an air pistol as a template,2016,264,,106-112,Hamzah Correlation of firing pin impressions based on congruent matching cross-sections (CMX) method,2016,263,,186-193,Chu A special type of scald caused by prolonged exposure to slowly heated water,2016,263,,158-163,Pollak The impact velocity and bone fracture pattern: forensic perspective,2016,266,,54-62,Hershkovitz Bullet trajectory reconstruction: methods accuracy and precision,2016,262,,204-211,Kerkhoff Advantages and disadvantages of breath alcohol analysis-Reply to "Evidential breath alcohol analysis and the venous blood-to-breath ratio",2016,262,,e40-41,Ritz-Timme Highly sensitive quantification of unconjugated 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in a cannabis user's hair using micropulverized extraction,2016,262,,e34-6,Kanamori Use of AFIS for linking scenes of crime,2016,262,,e25-e27,Hefetz Post-mortem levels and tissue distribution of codeine codeine-6-glucuronide norcodeine morphine and morphine glucuronides in a series of codeine-related deaths,2016,262,,128-137,Nordrum The cutting of cocaine and heroin: a critical review,2016,262,,73-83,Esseiva Contact between traps and surfaces during contact sampling of explosives in security settings,2016,260,,85-94,Chaffee-Cipich Direct analysis in real time high resolution mass spectrometry as a tool for rapid characterization of mind-altering plant materials and revelation of supplement adulteration - the case of Kanna,2016,260,,66-73,Musah Did the crew of the submarine H.L. Hunley suffocate?,2016,260,,59-65,Bass Identification of the novel synthetic cannabimimetic 8-quinolinyl 4-methyl-3-(1-piperidinylsulfonyl)benzoate (QMPSB) and other designer drugs in herbal incense,2016,260,,40-53,Blakey Crystals and tablets in the Spanish ecstasy market 2000-2014: are they the same or different in terms of purity and adulteration?,2016,263,,164-168,Domíngo-Salvany The synthesis and investigation of impurities found in clandestine laboratories: Baeyer-Villiger Route Part I; synthesis of P2P from benzaldehyde and methyl ethyl ketone,2016,263,,55-66,Doughty Gender differences in drug abuse in the forensic toxicological approach,2016,265,,89-95,Pieri A fatal intoxication related to MDPV and pentedrone combined with antipsychotic and antidepressant substances in Cyprus,2016,265,,160-165,Liveri A snapshot on NPS in Italy: distribution of drugs in seized materials analysed in an Italian forensic laboratory in the period 2013-2015,2016,265,,116-120,Romolo Systematic analytical characterization of new psychoactive substances: a case study,2016,265,,107-115,Lobo Vicente Inorganic mercury intoxication: A case report,2016,259,,e20-4,Dias Statistical hypothesis testing and common misinterpretations: should we abandon p-value in forensic science applications?,2016,259,,e32-e36,Biedermann A fatal case of systemic fat embolism resulting from gluteal injections of vitamin E for cosmetic enhancement,2016,259,,e1-4,Mendoza-Morales Experimental investigation of the response of gelatine behind the soft body armor,2016,266,,8-13,Zhang Epistemology applied to conclusions of expert reports,2016,264,,122-131,Lucena-Molina Fatal intoxication with synthetic cannabinoid MDMB-CHMICA,2016,261,,e5-e10,Adamowicz Is toxicity of PMMA (paramethoxymethamphetamine) associated with cytochrome P450 pharmacogenetics?,2016,261,,137-147,Arnestad Developing the use of structure-from-motion in mass grave documentation,2016,261,,19-25,Baier Front blind spot crashes in Hong Kong,2016,266,,102-108,Cheng Adult femicide victims in forensic autopsy in Taiwan: a 10-year retrospective study,2016,266,,80-85,Lee From binary presumptive assays to probabilistic assessments: differentiation of shooters from non-shooters using IMS OGSR neural networks and likelihood ratios,2016,263,,176-185,Bell Ethanol elimination rates at low concentrations based on two consecutive blood samples,2016,266,,191-196,Kristoffersen Recreational inhalation of butane and propane in adolescents: two forensic cases of accidental death,2016,266,,e52-8,Zoja The role of 3DCT for the evaluation of chop injuries in clinical forensic medicine,2016,266,,e59-63,Wittschieber Analysis of illicit drugs in wastewater - is there an added value for law enforcement?,2016,266,,215-221,Delémont Death related to consumption of Rauvolfia sp. powder mislabeled as Tabernanthe iboga,2016,266,,e38-42,Lepage Quantifying gunshot residues in cases of suicide: implications for evaluation of suicides and criminal shootings,2016,266,,289-298,Kobus The relationship between bupropion and suicide in post-mortem investigations,2016,266,,343-348,Kriikku Elevation of post mortem vitreous humour sodium and chloride levels can be used as a reliable test in cases of suspected salt water drowning when the immersion times are less than one hour,2016,266,,338-342,Garland Organic gunshot residues: observations about sampling and transfer mechanisms,2016,266,,369-378,Ribeiro Borderline personality disorder associates with violent criminality in women: a population based follow-up study of adolescent psychiatric inpatients in Northern Finland,2016,266,,389-395,Hakko A fatal case of paramethoxyamphetamine poisoning and its detection in hair,2016,266,,e27-31,Kim Sudden death due to forced ingestion of vinegar,2016,266,,e23-6,Shields Epidemiology of animal poisoning: An overview on the features and spatio-temporal distribution of the phenomenon in the north-eastern Italian regions,2016,266,,440-448,Bille A Taylor-Affine Arithmetic for analyzing the calculation result uncertainty in accident reconstruction,2016,266,,502-510,Zou Experimental study for the reproduction of sudden unintended acceleration incidents,2016,267,,35-41,Park Evaluation of trauma patterns in blast injuries using multiple correspondence analysis,2016,267,,66-72,Smith Blood alcohol analysis alone versus comprehensive toxicological analysis - Systematic investigation of missed co-ingested other drugs in suspected alcohol-impaired drivers,2016,267,,52-59,Kraemer A tapentadol related fatality: case report with postmortem concentrations,2016,266,,e1-3,Cantrell Alimemazine poisoning as evidence of Munchausen syndrome by proxy: A pediatric case report,2016,266,,e18-22,Pichini The detection of NBOMe designer drugs on blotter paper by high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) with and without chromatography,2016,267,,89-95,Young A fatal poisoning case by intravenous injection of "bath salts" containing acetyl fentanyl and 4-methoxy PV8,2016,267,,e6-e9,Ohtsu Post-mortem concentrations of drugs determined in femoral blood in single-drug fatalities compared with multi-drug poisoning deaths,2016,267,,96-103,Jones Buying drugs on a Darknet market: A better deal? Studying the online illicit drug market through the analysis of digital physical and chemical data,2016,267,,173-182,Esseiva Towards chemical profiling of ignitable liquids with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography: exploring forensic application to neat white spirits,2016,267,,183-195,Lopatka Blood concentrations of new designer benzodiazepines in forensic cases,2016,268,,35-38,Karinen Pseudo-tying injuries in a hanged person,2016,268,,e13-e17,Pollak Cannabis and its effects on driving skills,2016,268,,92-102,Favrat Driving under the effect of drugs: hair analysis in order to evaluate recidivism,2016,267,,125-128,Froldi Methods for analyzing the uncertainty of a reconstructed result in a traffic accident with interval and probabilistic traces,2016,270,,200-210,Zou Death caused by DF-2 following a dog-bite,1987,34,4,255-256,Theilade Gunshot residue contamination of the hands of police officers following start-of-shift handling of their firearm,2016,269,,56-62,Cook Patterns of drugs & poisons in southern area of South Korea in 2014,2016,269,,50-55,Chung Current perspectives in the interpretation of gunshot residues in forensic science: a review,2016,270,,1-11,Roux Antimony content of inorganic gunshot residue (IGSR) produced by 0.22 caliber rimfire ammunition having free-antimony primer,2016,270,,e26-e27,Zeichner The importance of economic context in interpreting forensic data on drug trafficking networks,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chandra Car speed estimation based on cross-ratio using video data of car-mounted camera (black box),2016,269,,89-96,Han Gunshot residue and brakepads: compositional and morphological considerations for forensic casework,2016,270,,76-82,Kirkbride Poisoning suicide with ingestion of the pyrethroids alpha-cypermethrin and deltamethrin and the antidepressant mirtazapine: a case report,2016,274,,75-78,Vougiouklakis Fatal intravenous injection of potassium: is postmortem biochemistry useful for the diagnosis?,2016,274,,27-32,Augsburger Did a "lucky shot" sink the submarine H.L. Hunley?,2016,270,,103-110,Bass Detection of the antipsychotic drug quetiapine in the blood urine and hair samples of the victim of a drug-facilitated sexual assault,2016,270,,e12-e15,Johansen Active numerical model of human body for reconstruction of falls from height,2016,270,,223-231,Milanowicz Applying 3D measurements and computer matching algorithms to two firearm examination proficiency tests,2016,271,,98-106,Thompson The traumatic potential of a projectile shot from a sling,2016,272,,10-15,Borovsky Gunshot wound trajectory analysis using forensic animation to establish relative positions of shooter and victim,2017,271,,e8-e13,Galligan Time since discharge of 9mm cartridges by headspace analysis Part 2: Ageing study and estimation of the time since discharge using multivariate regression,2016,272,,171-183,Romolo Time since discharge of 9mm cartridges by headspace analysis Part 1: Comprehensive optimisation and validation of a headspace sorptive extraction (HSSE) method,2016,272,,159-170,Romolo Toxicological findings in driver and motorcyclist fatalities in Scotland 2012-2015,2017,274,,22-26,Hamnett A response to "The importance of economic context in interpreting forensic data on drug trafficking networks",2017,273,,e22-e23,Esseiva Staining in firearm barrels after experimental contact shots,2017,273,,64-70,Schyma Prevalence of drugs in oral fluid from truck drivers in Brazilian highways,2017,273,,140-143,Gjerde Diagnosis of drowning: electrolytes and total protein in sphenoid sinus liquid,2017,273,,102-105,Fukunaga Analysis of different materials subjected to open-air explosions in search of explosive traces by Raman microscopy,2017,275,,57-64,Garcia-Ruiz Toolmarks made by lathe chuck jaws,2017,275,,124-127,Tsach Recovery of deceased scuba divers from within flooded subterranean caves,2017,275,,167-170,Buzzacott An unusual exit wound as a result of a shotgun suicide to the head,2017,275,,e1-e5,Kunz Genital and anal injuries: a cross-sectional Australian study of 1266 women alleging recent sexual assault,2017,275,,195-202,Semmens Sharp and blunt force trauma concealment by thermal alteration in homicides: an in-vitro experiment for methodology and protocol development in forensic anthropological analysis of burnt bones,2017,275,,260-271,Horsfall The role of illicit licit and designer drugs in the traffic in Hungary,2017,275,,234-241,Institóris The occurrence of alcohol/drugs by toxicological examination of selected drivers in Hong Kong,2017,275,,242-253,Cheng Brephedrone: a new psychoactive substance seized in Brazil,2017,275,,302-307,Machado Sexual violence interventions: considerations for humanitarian settings,2017,276,,1-4,Wells The importance of optic nerve sheath hemorrhage as a postmortem finding in cases of fatal abusive head trauma: a 13-year study in a tertiary hospital,2017,276,,5-11,Puanglumyai THC and CBD in blood samples and seizures in Norway: does CBD affect THC-induced impairment in apprehended subjects?,2017,276,,12-17,Bachs Determining the number of test fires needed to represent the variability present within 9mm Luger firearms,2017,276,,126-133,Law Post-autopsy computed tomography. Pros and cons in a firearm death,2017,276,,e16-e19,Montisci Development and validation of a physical model to investigate the biomechanics of infant head impact,2017,276,,111-119,Jones Mirtazapine fatal poisoning,2017,276,,e8-e12,Morini Senior driving under the influence: a five-year retrospective study of alcoholized road-users aged 70 and over,2017,277,,10-15,Dettmeyer GHB-involved crimes among intoxicated patients,2017,275,,23-29,Demetrovics Analysis of fire deaths in Poland and influence of smoke toxicity,2017,277,,77-87,Stec A geographical analysis of trafficking on a popular darknet market,2017,277,,88-102,Broséus Repetitive deliberate fires: development and validation of a methodology to detect series,2017,277,,148-160,Delémont Lethal suicide attempt with a mixed-drug intoxication of metoprolol and propafenone − a first pediatric case report,2017,278,,e34-e40,Kacirova Forensic aspects of homicides by insulin overdose,2017,278,,9-15,Zhang A study of transfer and prevalence of organic gunshot residues,2017,277,,241-251,Weyermann An experimental study addressing the use of geoforensic analysis for the exploitation of improvised explosive devices (IEDs),2017,278,,52-67,Morgan Reproducibility of characteristic marks on fired cartridge cases from five Chinese Norinco QSZ-92 9×19mm pistols,2017,278,,78-86,Zhou Lack of effects of a "sobering" product "Eezup!" on the blood ethanol and congener alcohol concentration,2017,278,,101-105,Toennes Virtual animation of victim-specific 3D models obtained from CT scans for forensic reconstructions: living and dead subjects,2017,278,,e27-e33,Olsen Application of forensic image analysis in accident investigations,2017,278,,137-147,Verolme Prevalence of psychoactive substances alcohol and illicit drugs in Spanish drivers: a roadside study in 2015,2017,278,,253-259,Domíngo-Salvany Mechanical asphyxia by accidental compression of the neck during a theft: a case report,2017,278,,e24-e26,Zoja Commentary on current changes of the SoHT 2016 consensus on alcohol markers in hair and further background information,2017,278,,326-333,Pragst Advantages of analyzing postmortem brain samples in routine forensic drug screening-Case series of three non-natural deaths tested positive for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD),2017,278,,e14-e18,Johansen Ethical considerations for forensic scientists participating in humanitarian action: a personal reflection,2017,278,,379-380,Thomsen A correlation based bullet identification method using empirical mode decomposition,2017,278,,351-360,Bigdeli Oryong 501 sinking incident in the Bering Sea-International DVI cooperation in the Asia Pacific,2017,278,,367-373,Mahmood Fracture analysis of tube boiler for physical explosion accident,2017,278,,e1-e7,Kim Two halves make a whole: both first responders and experts are needed for the management and identification of the dead in large disasters,2017,279,,60-64,Cordner Suicidal hanging resulting in decapitation: a case report and review of the literature,2017,279,,e10-e13,Quatrehomme Sexual assault and general body injuries: a detailed cross-sectional Australian study of 1163 women,2017,279,,112-120,Semmens Hospital crimes and hazards--forensic aspects,1982,19,3,289-293, Physician murderers and criminals,1982,20,1,101-106, A survey of the psycho-social aspects of murderers in Iran,1982,19,1,51-66,Roohanna The psychodynamics of the presidential assassin and an examination of the theme/graphic variables of his threatening correspondence,1982,19,1,39-50,Cain Tau protein (MAPT) as a possible biochemical marker of traumatic brain injury in postmortem examination,2017,280,,1-7,Samojłowicz A simple method to compare firing pin marks using stereomicroscope and Microsoft office (Windows 8) tools,2017,277,,e1-e10,Suresh Estimation of changes in breech face and firing pin marks over consecutive discharges and its impact on an IBIS® Heritage™ System,2017,278,,47-51,Law Variation in chemical profiles within large seizures of cocaine bricks,2017,280,,194-199,Lindholst An evaluation of the discriminating power of an Integrated Ballistics Identification System(®) Heritage™system with the NIST standard cartridge case (Standard Reference Material 2461),2017,280,,188-193,Law Migrant deaths at the Arizona-Mexico border: spatial trends of a mass disaster,2017,280,,200-212,Spradley An analytical method to identify traces of white phosphorus on burned victim clothes,2017,280,,224-227,Muller Fatal poisonings involving propoxyphene before and after voluntary withdrawal from the United States' market: An analysis from the state of Florida,2017,280,,228-232,Slavova A case of intrauterine lethal fetal injury after attempted suicide of the mother,2017,280,,e1-e5,Di Vella Using drone-mounted cameras for on-site body documentation: 3D mapping and active survey,2017,281,,52-62,Urbanová Characteristics of completed suicide in different blood alcohol concentrations in Korea,2017,281,,37-43,Kim Conversion factors for assessment of driving impairment after exposure to multiple benzodiazepines/z-hypnotics or opioids,2017,281,,29-36,Mørland Prediction of mortality risk in victims of violent crimes,2017,281,,92-97,Thiblin Traumatic fatal aortic rupture in motorcycle drivers,2017,281,,121-126,Viel A crossbow suicide,2017,281,,e19-e23,Lancia Inhaled cyanide poisoning as a vital sign in a room fire victim,2017,281,,e16-e18,Verhoff Child trafficking and the European migration crisis: the role of forensic practitioners,2017,282,,46-59,Cattaneo Simultaneous drug identification in urine of sexual assault victims by using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry,2017,282,,35-40,Lee Multi-spectral imaging for the estimation of shooting distances,2017,282,,80-85,López-López Cranial trauma in handgun executions: experimental data using polyurethane proxies,2017,282,,157-167,Kranioti Postmortem computed tomography findings in cases of bath-related death: applicability and limitation in forensic practice,2017,282,,195-203,Fukunaga Characterising the online weapons trafficking on cryptomarkets,2017,283,,16-20,Broséus MDPV in forensic routine cases: psychotic and aggressive behavior in relation to plasma concentrations,2017,283,,72-84,Graw Slight variations of breech face marks and firing pin impressions over 3070 consecutive firings evaluated by Evofinder®,2017,283,,85-93,Zhang Optimization analysis in reconstruction of vehicle collision accidents with deficient EDR data,2017,283,,103-110,Han Factors associated with trace evidence analyses and DNA findings among police reported cases of rape,2017,283,,136-143,Schei Estimating error rates for firearm evidence identifications in forensic science,2017,284,,15-32,Vorburger The pathology of torture,2017,284,,85-96,Pollanen Pediatric constrictive asphyxia a rare form of child abuse: A report of two cases,2018,285,,e17-e20,van Rijn Is LSD toxic?,2018,284,,141-145,Nichols The distribution and redistribution of fentanyl & norfentanyl in post mortem samples,2017,284,,146-152,Chatterton Diagnosis of drowning by summation of sodium potassium and chloride ion levels in sphenoidal sinus fluid: differentiating between freshwater and seawater drowning and its application to brackish water and bathtub deaths,2018,284,,219-225,Raudys Dismantling the justice silos: flowcharting the role and expertise of forensic science forensic medicine and allied health in adult sexual assault investigations,2018,285,,21-28,Kelty A planned complex suicide by self-stabbing and vehicular crash: an original case and review of the literature,2018,285,,e13-e16,Hiquet Cling film plastic wrap: an innovation for dead body packaging preservation and transportation by first responders as a replacement for cadaver body bag in large scale disasters,2018,285,,50-57,Mahmood Physicians working under the influence of alcohol: an analysis of past disciplinary proceedings and their outcomes,2018,285,,29-37,Sendler Identification of a putative man-made object from an underwater crash site using CAD model superimposition,2018,285,,129-134,Vincelli The skeletal trauma resulting from a fatal B.A.S.E jump: a case study showing the impact of landing feet-first under extreme vertical deceleration,2018,286,,e20-e27,Blau Injury patterns of fatal bear attacks in Japan: a description of seven cases,2018,286,,e14-e19,Mimasaka A mixed composition particle highlights the formation mechanism of the weapon memory effect phenomenon,2018,286,,18-22,Israelsohn-Azulay Suicide in parachuting: a case report and review of the literature,2018,286,,e8-e13,Baccino How to recognize the traces left on a crime scene by a 3D-printed Liberator?: Part 1. Discharge exterior ballistic and wounding potential,2018,286,,245-251,Gallusser Usefulness of hair analysis and psychological tests for identification of alcohol and drugs of abuse consumption in driving license regranting,2018,286,,239-244,de Castro Analysis of fatal accidents with tractors in the Centre of Portugal: ten years analysis,2018,287,,74-80,Cordeiro Underreporting of fatal poisonings in Brazil - a descriptive study using data from four information systems,2018,287,,136-141,Caldas Investigating drug-facilitated sexual assault at a dedicated forensic centre in Cape Town South Africa,2018,288,,115-122,Tiemensma Comparison of porcine organs and commonly used ballistic simulants when subjected to impact from steel spheres fired at supersonic velocities,2018,288,,123-130,Kumaratilake Toxicological investigation in blood samples from suspected impaired driving cases in the Milan area: possible loss of evidence due to late blood sampling,2018,288,,211-217,Banfi Reprint of: Cling film plastic wrap: an innovation for dead body packaging preservation and transportation by first responders as a replacement for cadaver body bag in large scale disasters,2018,288,,242-255,Mahmood Alcohol and drugs use among drivers injured in road accidents in Campania (Italy): a 8-years retrospective analysis,2018,288,,291-296,Campobasso Modern (forensic) mummies: a study of twenty cases,2018,288,,330.e1-330.e9,Quatrehomme An unusual case of suicide by methanol ingestion,2018,289,,e9-e14,Kashiwagi Simple detection of bacterioplankton using a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay: First practical approach to 72 cases of suspected drowning,2018,289,,289-303,Kakizaki Accidental fatal craniocerebral injury caused by broken chain of sawing tool,2018,289,,e15-e17,Šidlo A case of alleged discharge of a firearm within a vehicle,2018,289,,e1-e8,Burnett Male sexual assaults in the Paris France area: an observational study over 8 years,2018,290,,16-28,Chariot Laryngohyoid fractures in suicidal hanging: a prospective autopsy study with an updated review and critical appraisal,2018,290,,70-84,Hejna Determining the number of test fires needed to represent the variability present within firearms of various calibers,2018,290,,56-61,Law Fatal zolpidem poisoning due to its intravenous self-injection: postmortem distribution/redistribution of zolpidem and its predominant metabolite zolpidem phenyl-4-carboxylic acid in body fluids and solid tissues in an autopsy case,2018,290,,111-120,Nozawa Intentional heroin administration resulting in homicide in a 10-month old infant,2018,290,,e15-e18,Simms Cocaine and adulterants analysis in seized drug samples by infrared spectroscopy and MCR-ALS,2018,290,,169-177,Maldaner Promoting replacement of bicycle helmets after suffering a collision,2018,290,,e32-e33,Matsui Fatal poisoning by ingestion of Taxus Baccata leaves,2018,290,,e1-e4,Pilija Cluster of acute poisonings associated with an emerging ketamine analogue 2-oxo-PCE,2018,290,,238-243,Ching Comparison of three bullet recovery systems,2018,290,,251-257,Gallusser Complex suicides: a review of the literature with considerations on a single case of abdominal self stabbing and plastic bag suffocation,2018,290,,297-302,Desinan Determining the initial impact of rear-end collisions by trace evidence left on the vehicle from tires: a case report,2018,291,,17-22,Woo Analysis of chemical warfare agents by portable Raman spectrometer with both 785nm and 1064nm excitation,2018,291,,23-38,Seto Cannabinoid concentrations in blood and urine after smoking cannabidiol joints,2018,291,,62-67,Scheurer Analysis of vehicle collision accidents based on qualitative mechanics,2018,291,,53-61,Han High buprenorphine-related mortality is persistent in Finland,2018,291,,76-82,Kriikku Shorter pregnant women restrained in the rear seat of a car are at risk for serious neck injuries: biomechanical analysis using a pregnant crash test dummy,2018,291,,133-137,Hitosugi Jurors' perceptions of forensic science expert witnesses: experience qualifications testimony style and credibility,2018,291,,100-108,McCarthy Wilcox Fatal penetrating neck injury due to defective airbag inflator,2018,291,,e4-e7,Mohd Nor Light motor vehicle collisions with heavy vehicles - psychosocial and health related risk factors of drivers being at-fault for collisions,2018,291,,245-252,Hakko Methods for describing different results obtained from different methods in accident reconstruction,2018,291,,253-259,Zou Analysis and classification of smokeless powders by GC-MS and DART-TOFMS,2018,292,,11-22,Bridge A forensic investigation on the persistence of organic gunshot residues,2018,292,,1-10,Roux Application of the injury scales in homicides,2018,292,,83-89,Li A multifactorial critical appraisal of substances found in drug facilitated sexual assault cases,2018,292,,50-60,Gautam A virtual reality method for digitally reconstructing traffic accidents from videos or still images,2018,292,,176-180,Jiao Possible fatal hyperthermia involving drug abuse in a vehicle: case series,2018,292,,e20-e24,Viel Impact of mechanical force on posterior hymen - implications for sexual abuse injury interpretations,2018,292,,204-211,Joki-Erkkilä Optimization of cloned enzyme donor immunoassay cut-offs for drugs of abuse in whole blood of drivers involved in road accidents,2018,294,,27-33,Pelletti Fatal poisoning involving cyclopropylfentanyl - investigation of time-dependent postmortem redistribution,2018,294,,80-85,Bolliger Current defence strategies in some contested drink-drive prosecutions: is it now time for some additional statutory assumptions?,2018,293,,e5-e9,Williams Individual synthetic head models in wound ballistics - A feasibility study based on real cases,2018,294,,150-159,Jackowski Evaluating the hip-flask defence in subjects with alcohol on board: an experimental study,2018,294,,189-195,Ahlner Infant skull fractures: accident or abuse? Evidences from biomechanical analysis using finite element head models,2018,294,,173-182,Kleiven Prostitute homicides: a 37-year exploratory study of the offender victim and offense characteristics,2018,294,,196-203,Beauregard Evidence based survey of the distribution volume of ethanol: comparison of empirically determined values with anthropometric measures,2018,294,,124-131,Maskell Nonlinear methods of vehicle velocity determination based on inverse systems and tensor products of Legendre polynomials in compact car class,2018,295,,19-29,Krukowski Using virtual reality for forensic examinations of injuries,2018,295,,30-35,Ebert Stability of synthetic cathinones in blood and urine,2018,295,,36-45,Adamowicz Individuality testing of new Glock pistol barrels "Marksman Barrel",2018,295,,64-71,Christen Tamper detection of social media images using quality artifacts and texture features,2018,295,,100-112,Manu Morphine concentrations in human urine following poppy seed paste consumption,2018,295,,121-127,Akgür How to recognise the traces left on a crime scene by a 3D-printed Liberator? Part 2. Elements of ammunition marks on the weapons and polymer fragments,2018,295,,137-144,Gallusser Inter-laboratory proficiency results of blood alcohol determinations at clinical and forensic laboratories in Italy,2019,295,,213-218,Jones Classification of illicit liquors based on their geographic origin using attenuated total reflectance (ATR) - Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and chemometrics,2019,295,,e1-e5,Sharma The effect of composition and morphological features on the striation of .22LR ammunition,2018,296,,9-14,Causin Homicide and canicide with analogous killing pattern and agonal decapitation,2019,296,,53-56,Grellner Forensic gait analysis - morphometric assessment from surveillance footage,2019,296,,57-66,Maynard The deceleration of bullets in gelatine - a study based on high-speed video analysis,2019,296,,85-90,Muller Drugs in fall versus non-fall accidents with major trauma - a population-based clinical and medico-legal autopsy study,2019,296,,80-84,Andersson Canines seized by the Swedish police authority in 2015-2016,2019,296,,101-109,Sarenbo The influence of forensic advisors on the use of forensic science in the Belgian criminal justice system,2019,296,,123-131,Bitzer When a lost "Petit Prince" meets Antoine de Saint Exupéry: an anthropological case report,2019,296,,145-152,Adalian Diagnosis of heat stroke in forensic medicine: contribution of thermophysiology,2001,124,2,205-208,Savourey Fatal inhalation of volcanic gases in three tourists of a geothermal area,2019,297,,e1-e7,Campobasso The significance of the forensic clinical examination on the judicial assessment of rape complaints - developments and trends,2019,297,,90-99,Astrup Discrimination between chewing of coca leaves or drinking of coca tea and smoking of "paco" (coca paste) by hair analysis. A preliminary study of possibilities and limitations,2019,297,,171-176,Pragst Suicide identification during on-site inspection. Proposal and application of an interpretative method for death scene investigation,2019,297,,148-155,Viel Quantification of GHB and GHB-GLUC in an 14-butanediol intoxication: a case report,2019,297,,378-382,Franco Rib fractures prediction method for kinetic energy projectile impact: from blunt ballistic experiments on SEBS gel to impact modeling on a human torso FE model,2019,297,,177-183,Roth Data-independent screening method for 14 fentanyl analogs in whole blood and oral fluid using LC-QTOF-MS,2019,297,,189-197,Swortwood Beliefs about error rates and human judgment in forensic science,2019,297,,138-147,McKimmie Hair analysis of more than 140 families with drug consuming parents. Comparison between hair results from adults and their children,2019,297,,161-170,Pragst Influence of cosmetic hair treatments on cannabinoids in hair: bleaching perming and permanent coloring,2019,297,,270-276,Yegles New psychoactive substances in oral fluid of drivers around a music festival in south-west France in 2017,2019,297,,265-269,Humbert Stability studies in biological fluids during post-analysis custody. Opiate compounds derived from heroin consumption,2019,297,,326-334,Gamero Gunshot residue background on police officers: considerations for secondary transfer in GSR evidence evaluation,2019,297,,293-301,Kobus Development of a high throughput methodology to screen cathinones' toxicological impact,2019,298,,1-9,Brites Surveys of organic gunshot residue prevalence: comparison between civilian and police populations,2019,298,,48-57,Weyermann The role of time and storage conditions on the composition of hashish and marijuana samples: a four-year study,2019,298,,131-137,Zamengo Homicidal strangulation and subsequent hanging of the victim to simulate suicide: delayed elucidation based on reassessment of the autopsy findings,2019,298,,419-423,Pollak A comparative digital morphometric study of lung tissue in saltwater and freshwater drowning,2019,298,,157-160,Ventura Undetected traumatic diastasis of cranial sutures: a case of child abuse,2019,298,,307-311,Rodriguez Cannabis as a cause of death: a review,2019,298,,298-306,Drummer Glass-containing gunshot residues and particles of industrial and occupational origins: considerations for evaluating GSR traces,2019,298,,284-297,Kirkbride Death cases involving certain new psychoactive substances: a review of the literature,2019,298,,186-267,Madea Distribution of bone injuries in cases of non-natural death: a retrospective encompassing study from 2008 to 2017,2019,298,,351-358,Rothschild Methods for analysis of glass in glass-containing gunshot residue (gGSR) particles,2019,298,,359-371,Kirkbride Vehicle accident reconstruction by a reduced order impact model,2019,298,,426.e1-426.e11,Vangi The experimental and numerical investigation on the ballistic limit of BB-Gun pellet versus skin simulant,2019,298,,393-397,Wang Epidemiology and forensic aspects of carbon monoxide intoxication in Portugal: a three years' analysis,2019,299,,1-5,Teixeira A multidisciplinary approach in overkill: analysis of 13 cases and review of the literature,2019,298,,402-407,Di Vella Prevalence of drugs of abuse found in testing of illicit drug seizures and urinalysis of selected population in Hong Kong,2019,299,,6-16,Cheng Dna testing in sexual assault cases: when do the benefits outweigh the costs?,2019,299,,44-48,Wells Death following consumption of MDAI and 5-EAPB,2019,299,,89-94,Dubois Toxicological analysis of cocaine adulterants in blood samples,2019,299,,95-102,Barroso Fatal acute arsenic poisoning by external use of realgar: case report and 30 years literature retrospective study in china,2019,300,,e24-e30,Liu Forensic investigation of incidents involving chemical threat agent: presentation of the operating procedure developed in Belgium for a field-exercise,2019,299,,180-186,Kummer Computer-aided image analysis of crayfish bitemarks - reinterpreting evidence: A case report,2019,299,,203-207,Wallace Lessons to be learned from toxicological analyses in intoxicated patients and seized materials at an electronic music dance festival,2019,299,,174-179,Calle A fatal case of poisoning of a 19-year-old after taking 3-MMC,2019,300,,e34-e37,Celiński The role of the gunshot residue expert in case review - a case study,2019,300,,28-31,Shaw Experimental investigation of cranial fracture initiation in blunt human head impacts,2019,300,,51-62,Haut Muscular hemorrhages around the scapula resulting from excessive upper extremity motion in cases of fatal drowning: autopsy findings for insights on manner of death,2019,300,,82-84,Mimasaka Toxicological investigations in a fatal and non-fatal accident due to hydrogen sulphide (H2S) poisoning,2019,300,,e4-e8,Argo Toxic lifespan of the synthetic opioid U-47700 in Finland verified by re-analysis of UPLC-TOF-MS data,2019,300,,85-88,Rasanen Fatal attack on a pedestrian by an escaped circus elephant,2019,300,,e1-e3,Heinze Postmortem concentrations of the synthetic opioid U-47700 in 26 fatalities associated with the drug,2019,301,,e20-e28,Auwärter Criminal corpse dismemberment in Hamburg Germany from 1959 to 2016,2019,300,,145-150,Puschel Vehicle stiffness assessment for energy loss evaluation in vehicle impacts,2019,300,,136-144,Vangi Homicide injury severity in association with the victim-offender relationship,2019,300,,151-156,Thiblin A coupled physical-computational methodology for the investigation of short fall related infant head impact injury,2019,300,,170-186,Jones The CSI effect on cold case investigations,2019,301,,455-460,Trainum The link between traumatic injury in soft and hard tissue,2019,301,,118-128,Quatrehomme Is etizolam a safe medication? Effects on psychomotor perfomance at therapeutic dosages of a newly abused psychoactive substance,2019,301,,137-141,Tagliabracci Using genetic genealogy databases in missing persons cases and to develop suspect leads in violent crimes,2019,301,,107-117,Kennett Non-metric traits and anatomical variants that can mimic trauma in the human skeleton,2019,301,,202-224,Mann More on the question 'When does absence of evidence constitute evidence of absence?' How Bayesian confirmation theory can logically support the answer,2019,301,,e59-e63,Hicks Deliberate fires: from data to intelligence,2019,301,,240-253,Delémont Assessing the level of credibility of allegations of physical torture,2019,301,,263-270,Petersen The Troponin-I fast skeletal muscle is reliable marker for the determination of vitality in the suicide hanging,2019,301,,284-288,Fineschi 50 years later insect evidence overturns Canada's most notorious case - Regina v. Steven Truscott,2019,301,,326-330,VanLaerhoven An LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of 12 psychotropic drugs and metabolites in hair: identification of acute quetiapine poisoning using hair root,2019,301,,341-349,Yan Cranial blunt force trauma in relation to the victim's position: an experimental study using polyurethane bone spheres,2019,301,,350-357,Kranioti Differentiation of homicidal or suicidal strangulation,2019,301,,e44-e48,Doberentz Hammer blows to the head,2019,301,,358-370,Reis Global trends in the extent of death scene investigation performed for sudden and unexpected death of infant (SUDI) cases: a systematic review,2019,301,,435-444,Martin Case report of sudden death after a gunshot wound to the C2 vertebral bone without direct spinal cord injury: histopathological analysis of spinal-medullary junction,2019,301,,e49-e54,d'Aloja Determination of the age of bruises using a bilirubinometer,2019,302,,e109831,Hédouin Model cannons causing lethal traumata,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grellner A review of drug abuse in recently reported cases of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) in Asia USA and Europe,2019,302,,e109854,Han Fatal misuse of transdermal fentanyl patches,2019,ePub,ePub,109858,Doberentz The impact of Brexit on the future of UK forensic science and technology,2019,302,,109870,Wilson Fatal inhalation of nitrogen inside a closed environment: toxicological issues about the cause of death,2019,ePub,ePub,109871,Tagliabracci Tracers as invisible evidence - The transfer and persistence of flock fibres during a car exchange,2017,275,,178-186,Stoel Opium poisoning in modern times. An overview,2019,302,,e109848,Ballesteros Types of synthetic cannabinoids seized from illicit trafficking in the territory of the Siberian Federal District (Russia) between 2009-2018,2019,302,,e109902,Oberenko Greek land borders and migration fatalities - humanitarian disaster described from the standpoint of Evros,2019,ePub,ePub,109875,Pavlidis Fatalities related to new psychoactive substances in Singapore-a case series,2019,ePub,ePub,109892,Chan Chest compression of a pregnant woman by a seatbelt might affect fetal outcome even in minor to moderate frontal vehicle collisions,2019,302,,e109888,Hitosugi Prevalence of therapeutic drugs in blood of drivers involved in traffic crashes in the area of Bologna Italy,2019,302,,e109914,Verstraete Fast increase of postmortem fentanyl blood concentrations after transdermal application: a call to careful interpretation,2019,302,,e109896,Anders The wisdom of the crowd: a case of post- to ante-mortem face matching by police super-recognisers,2019,ePub,ePub,109910,Davis Digital whole-slide image analysis for automated diatom test in forensic cases of drowning using a convolutional neural network algorithm,2019,302,,e109922,Huang The pathological diagnosis of the height of fatal falls: a mathematical approach,2019,302,,e109883,Travaini Increasing heroin cocaine and buprenorphine arrests reported to the Maine Diversion Alert Program,2019,303,,109924,Piper Application of screening methods for weight-loss compounds and identification of new impurities in counterfeit drugs,2019,303,,e109932,Lee Experimental and theoretical studies into the release of blood droplets from weapon tips,2019,303,,e109934,Adam Is there an interest for hair analysis in non-intentional pediatric cannabis intoxication?,2020,313,,e110377,Claudet Metformin - Postmortem fatal and non-fatal reference concentrations in femoral blood and risk factors associated with fatal intoxications,2019,303,,109935,Ahlner Death after misuse of anabolic substances (clenbuterol stanozolol and metandienone),2019,303,,e109925,Rothschild The prevalence of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in motor vehicle drivers and its co-administration with amphetamine type substances (ATS) in Queensland Australia (2011-2018),2019,303,,109958,Griffiths Identification of synthetic cannabinoids that were seized consumed or associated with deaths in Kuwait in 2018 using GC-MS and LC-MS-MS analysis,2019,303,,e109960,Al-Matrouk Letter to the editor regarding "Undetected traumatic diastasis of cranial sutures in a case of child abuse" by C.P. Campobasso et al. (,2019,304,,e109954,Verhoff Reflective spectroscopy investigations of clothing items to support law enforcement search and rescue and war crime investigations,2019,304,,109945,Burke Review of the most common chemometric techniques in illicit drug profiling,2019,302,,e109911,Roux New psychoactive substances: an actual problem or an overestimated phenomenon?,2019,304,,e109941,Bertol What's in the bag? Analysis of exterior drug packaging by TD-DART-MS to predict the contents,2019,304,,109939,Sisco Mix of new substances psychoactive NPS found in blotters sold in two Colombian cities,2019,304,,e109969,Mendoza-Valencia Assessment of contamination levels in methamphetamine-tested properties in New Zealand,2019,304,,e109971,Russell Case report of sudden death in a twin infant given melatonin supplementation: a challenging interpretation of postmortem toxicology,2019,304,,e109962,Gordon Post-mortem analysis of prescription opioids-a follow-up examination by lc-ms/ms with focus on fentanyl,2019,305,,e109970,Muller Distribution of synthetic opioids in postmortem blood vitreous humor and brain,2019,305,,e109999,Concheiro Analysis of synthetic cannabinoids on paper before and after processing for latent print using DFO and ninhydrin,2019,305,,e110000,Caterino Alcohol and illicit drugs in drivers involved in road traffic crashes in Italy. An 8-year retrospective study,2019,305,,e110004,Fais On the relationships between applied force photography technique and the quantification of bruise appearance,2019,305,,e109998,Daeid A new method for opening quartz halogen light bulbs in vehicle accident investigations,2019,306,,e110053,Finkelstein Thresholds for the assessment of inflicted head injury by shaking trauma in infants: a systematic review,2019,306,,e110060,Loeve What happened before the run over? Morphometric 3D reconstruction,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackowski Simultaneous determination of synthetic cannabinoids and their metabolites in human hair using LC-MS/MS and application to human hair,2019,306,,e110058,Seol Preservation of forensic traces by health professionals in a hospital in Northeast Brazil,2019,306,,e110057,de Oliveira Musse Estimating crime scene temperatures from nearby meteorological station data,2019,ePub,ePub,110028,Hart New strategy for carbon monoxide poisoning diagnosis: Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) vs Total Blood Carbon Monoxide (TBCO),2019,306,,e110063,Varlet Effect of arson fires on survivability of entomological evidence on carcasses inside vehicle trunks,2019,306,,e110033,Anderson Examination of gunshot residue arising from shotgun cartridges containing steel bismuth or tungsten pellets,2019,306,,e110096,Kirkbride Characterization of the effect of fabric's tensile behavior and sharp object properties on the resistance against penetration,2019,306,,e110097,Aliverdipour Experimental fragmentation of pipe bombs with varying case thickness,2019,306,,e110034,da Silva Pilot study on deformed bullet correlation,2019,306,,e110098,Chen Firearms identification by the acoustic signals of their mechanisms,2019,306,,e110099,Giverts New psychoactive substances (NPS) prevalence over LSD in blotter seized in State of Santa Catarina Brazil: a six-year retrospective study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Souza Boff Study of cerebrospinal injuries by force transmission secondary to mandibular impacts using a finite element model,2019,307,,110118,Thollon An exploratory study of the potential of LIBS for visualizing gunshot residue patterns,2017,273,,124-131,López-López The use of unburned propellant powder for shooting-distance determination. Part I: Infrared luminescence,2017,273,,10-19,Christen Using headlight patterns in vehicle recognition,2019,307,,e110120,Tsach A unified framework of source camera identification based on features,2019,307,,e110109,Wang Distribution of quetiapine and metabolites in biological fluids and tissues,2019,307,,e110108,Morini Validity and reliability of forensic firearm examiners,2020,307,,e110112,Stoel Challenges in the analysis of forensic pathology data relating to homicides in Kosovo from 2006-2015,2020,307,,110117,van Wyngaarden Effects of lipophilicity and functional groups of synthetic cannabinoids on their blood concentrations and urinary excretion,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Katagi Falsified tadalafil tablets distributed in Japan via the internet,2020,307,,e110143,Tsuboi Prevalence of DNA from the driver passengers and others within a car of an exclusive driver,2020,307,,e110139,van Oorschot Trends and patterns in homicides in Italy: a 34-year descriptive study,2020,307,,e110141,Pompili Development and commissioning of an instrumented pneumatic device to simulate blunt- and sharp-force trauma,2019,307,,e110123,Lievers The phenomenon of para-Fluorophenylpiperazine (pFPP) in combination with the synthetic cannabinoid AMB-FUBINACA in seized plant material in New Zealand,2019,307,,e110107,Johnson Evaluating the evidentiary value of the analysis of skeletal trauma in forensic research: a review of research and practice,2020,307,,e110140,Blau Back hemorrhage in bath-related deaths: insights into the mechanism of bath-related deaths,2020,308,,e110146,Mimasaka Demonstrating reliability through transparency: a scientific validity framework to assist scientists and lawyers in criminal proceedings,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carr Lethal hydrogen sulfide poisoning in open space: an atypical case of asphyxiation of two workers,2019,308,,e110122,Colucci Emerging techniques for the detection of pyrotechnic residues from seized postal packages containing fireworks,2020,308,,e110160,Koeberg Synthetic route sourcing of illicit at home cannabidiol (CBD) isomerization to psychoactive cannabinoids using ion mobility-coupled-LC-MS/MS,2020,308,,e110173,Verbeck Long-term stability of novel synthetic opioids in blood,2020,308,,e110175,Truver Application of a Bayesian network to aid the interpretation of blood alcohol (ethanol) concentrations in air crashes,2020,308,,e110174,Jackson Identification and differentiation of commercial and military explosives via high performance liquid chromatography - high resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-HRMS) X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF): towards a forensic substance database on explosives,2020,308,,e110180,Schachel Determining vehicle pre-crash speed in frontal barrier crashes using artificial neural network for intermediate car class,2020,308,,e110179,Mrowicki Detection of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in oral fluid blood and urine following oral consumption of low-content THC hemp oil,2018,284,,101-106,Downey Alcohol and illicit drugs in drivers involved in road traffic crashes in the Milan area. A comparison with normal traffic reveals the possible inadequacy of current cut-off limits,2018,282,,127-132,Banfi Corrigendum to "Differences in combinations and concentrations of drugs of abuse in fatal intoxication and driving under the influence cases" [Forensic Sci. 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development of a practical approach for the interpretation of suspect cases,2020,309,,e110227,Weinmann Evaluation of data preprocessings for the comparison of GC-MS chemical profiles of seized cannabis samples,2020,310,,e110228,Samyn Car speed estimation based on image scale factor,2020,310,,e110229,Costa Recovery & identification of human Y-STR DNA from immatures of chrysomya albiceps (Diptera: Calliphoridae). simulation of sexual crime investigation involving victim corpse in state of decay,2020,310,,e110239,Chamoun Studies on the phase I metabolites of the new designer drug 1-(23-dihydro-1H-inden-5-yl)-2-(pyrrolidine-1-yl)butan-1-one (5-PPDI) in human urine,2020,310,,e110214,Wada Dog-bite-related attacks: a new forensic approach,2020,310,,e110254,Pomara The effect of the Music Day event on community drug use,2020,309,,e110226,Karolak Circumstances and causes of death of hikers at different altitudes: a retrospective analysis of hiking fatalities from 2003-2018,2020,310,,e110252,Jackowski Cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations in commercially available CBD E-liquids in Switzerland,2020,310,,e110261,Weinmann Retrospective screening of synthetic cannabinoids synthetic opioids and designer benzodiazepines in data files from forensic post mortem samples analysed by UHPLC-QTOF-MS from 2014 to 2018,2020,311,,e110274,Spigset Fatal intoxication with ivabradine: first case report,2020,311,,e110288,Alvarez Influence of bullet type and muzzle-to-target distance on trajectory deflection through a soft tissue simulant,2020,311,,e110289,Riva Time since last discharge of firearms and spent ammunition elements: state of the art and perspectives,2020,311,,e110290,Weyermann Injury pattern and the biomechanical assessment of skull fracture risk in blows with a rubber mallet,2020,312,,e110303,Hubig Prevalence of ignitable liquids in clothing with printing,2020,312,,e110312,Baerncopf Alcohol and illicit substances associated with fatal crashes in Queensland: An examination of the 2011 to 2015 Coroner's findings,2020,312,,110190,Davey Challenges in the identification of new thermolabile psychoactive substances: the 25I-NBOH case,2020,312,,e110306,Elie Strategy for identification of new psychoactive substances in illicit samples using attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy,2020,312,,e110262,Piorunska-Sedlak Forensic based empirical study on ricochet behaviour of Kalashnikov bullets (7.62mm×39mm) on 1mm sheet metal,2020,312,,e110313,Nishshanka Pine rosin identified as a toxic cannabis extract adulterant,2020,312,,e110301,Meehan-Atrash Transferability of Australian diatoms to clothing: assessment of several extraction methods on different fabric types under laboratory conditions,2020,312,,e110297,Magni Prevalence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances in motor vehicle drivers in Spain 2018: cross-sectional dataset analysis with studies from 2008 and 2013,2020,313,,e110266,Alvarez A new LC-MS/MS confirmation method for the determination of 17 drugs of abuse in oral fluid and its application to real samples,2020,312,,e110330,D'Ovidio Use of Singapore's "Standard Details of Road Elements" for distance estimation in traffic crash reconstruction: a comparison with onsite measurements and Google Earth Pro,2020,313,,e110260,Lee The interpretation of forensic conclusions by criminal justice professionals: the same evidence interpreted differently,2020,313,,e110331,Elffers Autoerotic deaths in Hamburg Germany: autoerotic accident or death from internal cause in an autoerotic setting? A retrospective study from 2004-2018,2020,313,,e110340,Puschel Identification of a new M-ALPHA analog and MDMA in an illegal health product,2020,313,,e110332,Lee Fatal poisoning in drug addicts in the Nordic countries in 2017,2020,313,,e110343,Ojanpera Comparison and interpretation of impressed marks left by a firearm on cartridge cases - towards an operational implementation of a likelihood ratio based technique,2020,313,,e110363,Champod Quantifying enhanced risk from alcohol and other factors in polysubstance-related deaths,2020,313,,e110352,Smith Social media forensics applied to assessment of post-critical incident social reaction: the case of the 2017 Manchester Arena terrorist attack,2020,313,,e110364,Williams Rate of elimination of γ-hydroxybutyrate from blood determined by analysis of two consecutive samples from apprehended drivers in Norway,2020,314,,e110374,Jones Shot range estimation of shotgun grain-loaded cartridges,2020,314,,e110375,Altun Application of Y-chromosomal microdeletions in a homicide case,2020,314,,e110370,Liu Biowarfare bioterrorism and biocrime: a historical overview on microbial harmful applications,2020,314,,e110366,Ballard Corrigendum to "Fatal inhalation of nitrogen inside a closed environment: toxicological issues about the cause of death" [Forensic Sci. Int. 302C (2019) 109871],2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tagliabracci Reprint of: The effect of the Music Day event on community drug use,2020,314,,e110355,Karolak Influence of thermal environment in fire on the identification of gasoline combustion residues,2020,315,,e110430,Jin Validation of an analytical method for the simultaneous determination of 16 drugs and metabolites in hair in the context of driving license granting,2020,315,,e110428,Linden Identifying influential factors distinguishing recidivists among offender patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia via machine learning algorithms,2020,315,,e110435,Günther An ecological working framework as a new model for understanding and preventing the victimization of women by drug-facilitated sexual assault,2020,315,,e110438,Garcia-Ruiz Increasing awareness of the severity of female victimization by opportunistic drug-facilitated sexual assault: a new viewpoint,2020,315,,e110460,Garcia-Ruiz Importance of segmental hair analysis in a suspected case of attempted homicide by flocoumafen and difenacoum,2020,316,,e110466,Fais Evaluating the hip-flask defence using analytical data from ethanol and ethyl glucuronide. a comparison of two models,2020,316,,e110409,Ericsson The role of ethanol in fatalities in Jeddah Saudi Arabia,2020,316,,e110464,Al-Asmari Illicit drug contamination of the Bristol pound local currency,2020,316,,e110469,White Population study of orofacial injuries in adult family violence homicides in Victoria Australia,2020,316,,e110467,Bassed Xylitol pentanitrate - its characterization and analysis,2020,316,,e110472,Fitzgerald Effects of external influences on synthetic cannabinoid trends in New Zealand 2014 to 2020,2020,316,,e110485,Johnson Angle of impact determination from bullet holes in a metal surface,2020,317,,e110504,Liscio SNPs from BCHE and DRD3 genes associated to cocaine abuse amongst violent individuals from Sao Paulo Brazil,2020,317,,e110511,Hirata Evaluating Likelihood Ratio (LR) for firearm evidence identifications in forensic science based on the Congruent Matching Cells (CMC) method,2020,317,,e110502,Vorburger We will remember them: the Canadian Armed Forces's Casualty Identification Program,2020,316,,e110481,Davis Providing illicit drugs results in five seconds using ultra-portable NIR technology: an opportunity for forensic laboratories to cope with the trend toward the decentralization of forensic capabilities,2020,317,,e110498,Esseiva Forensic cases of suspected dog and cat abuse in the Community of Madrid (Spain) 2014-2019,2020,316,,e110522,Bárcena Fatal poisoning of four workers in a farm: Distribution of hydrogen sulfide and thiosulfate in 10 different biological matrices,2020,316,,e110525,Morini Firing pin impressions: a valuable feature for determining the orientation of the weapon at the time of shooting,2020,316,,e110519,Causin Comparative study on diatom morphology and molecular identification in drowning cases,2020,317,,e110552,Wu Cannabis potency in North-East Italy: a ten-year study (2010-2019),2020,317,,e110556,Zamengo Suicide by helium inhalation in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2019,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dorn Female genital mutilation (FGM): is it still an existing problem in Egypt?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elbendary Determination of cannabinoids in urine oral fluid and hair samples after repeated intake of CBD-rich cannabis by smoking,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salomone The identification of British war casualties: the work of the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowers A 9-year retrospective study of poisoning-related deaths in Southwest China (Sichuan),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wu Fatal coastal drowning incidents: a 10-year review of body recovery times in New Zealand,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moran Using digital humanities and linguistics to help with terrorism investigations,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Longhi Impact of Covid-19 lockdown on characteristics of autopsy cases in Greece. Comparison between 2019 and 2020,2020,313,,110365,Sakelliadis Bitten or struck by dog: a rising number of fatalities in Europe 1995-2016,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Svensson Pre-ejaculate fluid in the context of sexual assault: a review of the literature from a clinical forensic medicine perspective,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelly Chemical and statistical analyses of blotter paper matrix drugs seized in the State of Rio de Janeiro,2020,318,,e110588,Vanini Detection of gasoline on suspects' hands: study of different sampling alternatives,2020,318,,e110590,Delémont Assessment of the knife penetration resistance of single and double-layer metal reinforced fabrics,2020,318,,e110629,Amirshirzad Rapid identification of drug-type and fiber-type cannabis by allele specific duplex PCR,2020,318,,e110634,Kanamori A comprehensive analytical process from NPS threat identification to systematic screening: method validation and one-year prevalence study,2020,318,,e110595,Desharnais Accurate prediction of saw blade thicknesses from false start measurements,2020,318,,e110602,Baier Violence against women in the Covid-19 pandemic: a review of the literature and a call for shared strategies to tackle health and social emergencies,2020,319,,e110650,Cattaneo Challenges for cocaine detection in smuggling samples,2020,319,,e110534,Charles A multidisciplinary approach to insanity assessment as a way to reduce cognitive biases,2020,319,,e110652,Sartori Interpreting the link value of similarity scores between illicit drug specimens through a dual approach featuring deterministic and Bayesian frameworks,2020,319,,e110651,Roux Whodunit? A reconstruction study in a case of one-handed strangulation,2021,320,,e110708,Peschel Corrigendum to "Fatal coastal drowning incidents: Aa10-year review of body recovery times in New Zealand" [Forensic Sci. 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a forensic-based study,2021,326,,e110903,Nishshanka Effect of blast loading on the risk of rib fractures: a preliminary 3D numerical investigation,2021,326,,e110930,Delille The lead-in method for bullet impacts in metal panels,2021,326,,e110914,Liscio Determination of antidepressants and benzodiazepines in paired hair and nail samples,2021,326,,e110935,López-Rivadulla Seizures of new psychoactive substances on the Italian territory during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,326,,e110904,Salomone Heteropaternal twinning: unique case of opposite-sex twins with different fathers,2021,327,,110948,Segal Sharp force fatalities: Differentiating homicide from suicide through a retrospective review (2012-2019) of autopsy findings in Lisbon (Portugal),2021,327,,e110959,Lupi Manso Aortic dissection in a body packer: did cocaine play a part?,2021,327,,e110963,Dufayet Toxicological detection of pholcodine in blood urine and hair in three cases of fatal intoxication,2021,327,,e110975,Fanton Experimental water injection into lungs using an animal model: verification of the diatom concentration test to diagnose drowning,2021,327,,e110983,Iwase Mongolian spots - a challenging clinical sign,2021,327,,110964,Büttner A proper and systematic qualitative method validation procedure and its application to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of Chemical Weapons Convention related chemicals,2021,327,,e110974,Ataş When the Hijab causes death in workplace…: A case series,2021,327,,e110965,Aissaoui Conducted energy devices: pilot analysis of (non-)attributability of death using a modified Naranjo algorithm,2012,223,1-3,261-265,Payne-James Assessment of chemical asphyxia caused by toxic gases generated from rigid polyurethane foam (RPUF) fires,2021,328,,e111011,Kim Re-analysis of suspected DWI blood samples for ethanol: a Texas case study,2021,328,,e111001,Deking Differentiation of oleoresin capsicum sprays based on their capsaicinoid profiles,2021,328,,e111031,Zadora Sudden unexpected death after a mild trauma: the complex forensic interpretation of cardiac and genetic findings,2021,328,,e111004,Agostini Methodology for determining accidental versus intentional injury afflicted by a chainsaw,2021,328,,110993,Desmoulin Speculum examinations: clinicians' attitudes and approaches to obtaining consent in a sexual assault context,2021,328,,e111038,Roussos Applications of nir spectroscopy and chemometrics to illicit drug analysis: an example from inhalant drug screening tests,2021,328,,e111043,Nogueira Mechanisms of cannabis impairment: implications for modeling driving performance,2021,328,,110902,McGehee Determining the accuracy and errors of estimating a shooter's position based on cartridge case ejection patterns,2021,328,,e111045,Liscio Significant postmortem diffusion of ethanol: a case report,2021,328,,e111046,Augsburger The legal impact of forensic medical life-threatening danger assessment conclusions in cases of violent offense,2021,329,,e111034,Jacobsen Purity of street-level cocaine across Denmark from 2006 to 2019: analysis of seized cocaine,2021,329,,e111050,Hesse Driving under the influence of alcohol during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,329,,e111076,Curca Rapid and non-destructive analysis of eye-cosmetics using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics,2021,329,,111062,Singh Fetal abduction by maternal evisceration: a planned homicide,2021,329,,e111057,Welner Corrigendum to 'Pistol bullet deflection through soft tissue simulants' Forensic Sci. Int. 289 (2018) 270-276,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riva Prevalence study of drugs and new psycoactive substances in hair of ketamine consumers using a methanolic direct extraction prior high-resolution mass spectrometry,2021,329,,e111080,Martinez A preliminary investigation of underwear as a support for condom evidence in rape and sexual assault cases,2021,329,,e111077,Mbo Fired bullet signature correlation using the finite ridgelet transform (FRIT) and the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) methods,2021,330,,e111089,Zhang Prevalence and concentrations of sedative-hypnotic drugs in blood of drivers involved in road traffic crashes in the Padova region of Italy - not so easy to interpret,2021,330,,e111097,Jones Characteristic analysis and reconstruction method of falls from windows,2021,330,,e111134,Park The big puzzle: a critical review of virtual re-association methods for fragmented human remains in a DVI context',2021,330,,e111033,Grabherr Characteristics of fatal 'novel' benzodiazepine toxicity in Australia,2021,331,,e111140,Darke Epidemiology and autopsy findings of 500 drowning deaths,2021,330,,e111137,Gill Prevalence of cathinones and other new psychoactive substances in hair of parents and children of families with known or suspected parental abuse of conventional illegal drugs,2021,331,,e111148,Pragst Recognition of gasoline in fire debris using machine learning: Part I application of random forest gradient boosting support vector machine and naïve Bayes,2021,331,,e111146,Bogdal A quantitative reliability metric for querying large database,2021,331,,e111155,Chen Frequency of postmortem ethanol formation in blood urine and vitreous humor - improving diagnostic accuracy with the use of ethylsulphate and putrefactive alcohols,2022,331,,e111152,Kugelberg Recognition of gasoline in fire debris using machine learning: Part II application of a neural network,2022,332,,e111177,Bogdal Rapid analysis of gunshot residues with single-particle inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry,2022,332,,e111202,Brünjes Letter to editor a comment to: Prevalence and concentrations of sedative-hypnotic drugs in blood of drivers involved in road traffic crashes in the Padova region of Italy - not so easy to interpret,2022,332,,e111204,Lugoboni Characterisation of plastic wads: a useful approach for elucidating shooting accidents and homicides involving shotguns,2022,332,,e111194,Causin The incidence of psychoactive substances and alcohol among impaired drivers in Denmark in 2015-2019,2022,333,,e111207,Simonsen Uncertain inverse traffic accident reconstruction by combining the modified arbitrary orthogonal polynomial expansion and novel optimization technique,2022,333,,e111213,Yuan Letter to the editor re Shamase et al. (2021): Firearm-related deaths in Gale Street Mortuary Durban South Africa from 2004 to 2014 Forensic Sci. Int. Rep. 3 (2021) 100183.,2022,333,,e111234,Matzopoulos Approach to breech face impression comparison based on the robust estimation of a correspondence function,2022,333,,e111229,Zhang Inter-laboratory workflow for forensic applications: classification of car glass fragments,2022,333,,e111216,Israelsohn-Azulay Computational ballistic analysis of the cranial shot to John F. Kennedy,2022,334,,e111264,Nelson Trace elements in forensic human lung: a new approach to the diagnosis of seawater drowning. A preliminary study,2021,323,,e110815,Pérez-Cárceles Commentary on "A 70-year study of femicides at the Forensic Medicine department University of Bologna (Italy)",2022,334,,e111269,Cattaneo CRISPR/Cas9: Regulations and challenges for law enforcement to combat its dual-use,2022,334,,e111274,Mir Determination of nitrite and nitrate in postmortem whole blood samples of 10 sodium nitrite poisoning cases: the importance of nitrate in determining nitrite poisoning,2022,335,,e111279,Yang An application example of the likelihood ratio approach to the evaluation of organic gunshot residues using a fictional scenario and recently published data,2022,335,,e111267,Roux Geophysical imaging of buried human remains in simulated mass and single graves: experiment design and results from pre-burial to six months after burial,2022,335,,e111289,Doro Ethics reporting in forensic science research publications - a review,2022,335,,e111290,Bonsu Isotonitazene: fatal intoxication in three cases involving this unreported novel psychoactive substance in Switzerland,2021,320,,e110686,Thomas Objectifying evidence evaluation for gunshot residue comparisons using machine learning on criminal case data,2022,335,,e111293,Stamouli The use and understanding of forensic reports by judicial actors-the field of gunshot residue expertise as an example,2022,335,,e111312,Charles Toxicity of designer benzodiazepines: a case of etizolam and cocaine intoxication,2022,336,,e111324,Drevin Drug consumption of suspected drug-influenced drivers in Hungary (2016-2018),2022,336,,e111325,Kovács A likelihood-ratio framework for evaluating results of forensic gunshot-residue analysis,2022,336,,e111339,Osnat The evidential strength of a combination of corresponding class features in tire examination,2022,337,,e111351,Stoel Thermal decomposition of CBD to Δ(9)-THC during GC-MS analysis: a potential cause of Δ(9)-THC misidentification,2022,337,,111366,Kanamori Examining men as victims of Intimate Partner Violence in a French forensic department,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martrille Method of identification: catching serial killers,2022,337,,e111377,Hood Forensic intelligence-led prevention of drug-facilitated sexual assaults,2022,337,,e111373,Garcia-Ruiz The performance during four stationary knife attacks: implications for tactical training,2022,337,,e111371,Lewinski Death and non-lethal weapons: a case of homicide by penetrating injury without projectile,2022,337,,e111374,Henry Older adult abuse in a service for sexual and domestic violence: medico-legal implications from the experience of an Italian center,2022,338,,e111383,Cattaneo Estimating vehicle speed by analyzing the acoustic frequency of dashboard camera sound,2022,338,,e111384,Lee Common opioids and stimulants in autopsy and DUID cases: a comparison of measured concentrations,2022,338,,e111387,Hermansen Stimulant use in suicides: a systematic review,2022,338,,e111391,Drummer Fentanyl analog trends in Washington D.C. observed in needle-exchange syringes,2022,338,,e111393,Evans Genuine and counterfeit prescription pill surveillance in Washington D.C,2022,339,,e111414,Evans New evidence of high association between carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) and alcohol-related road traffic accidents. a retrospective study on 929 injured drivers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bortolotti Micro traces of great importance - a case study of microtraces analysis to identify the perpetrator of a car accident involving identical twins,2022,340,,e111444,Kowalcze Sexual homicide and the forensic process: the decision-making process of collecting and analyzing traces and its implication for crime solving,2022,340,,e111446,Beauregard "Breaking heart" due to hydrofluoric acid burns in a case of homicide,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pan Triangulating Amsterdam's illicit stimulant use trends by wastewater analysis and recreational drug use monitoring,2022,340,,e111449,Benschop Can scene bloodstains be used to quantify drug concentration at the moment of injury?,2022,341,,e111498,Adamowicz Gender differences in driving under the influence of psychoactive drugs: evidence mapping of real case studies and meta-analysis,2022,341,,e111479,Boscolo-Berto The frequency of ethanol higher alcohols and other low molecular weight volatiles in postmortem blood samples from unnatural deaths,2022,341,,e111503,Boumba Conventional diatom testing using strong acid: (II) number and types of diatoms detected in closed organs and lungs of 80 autopsy cases using only new Kjeldahl flasks,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kakizaki Poison hemlock determination in postmortem samples,2022,341,,e111500,Diamond Applying archaeology to fire investigation techniques: a review,2022,341,,e111511,Mary-Jane Two-year review of firearm-related DNA casework evidence: a triage process to improve quality and efficiency,2022,341,,e111516,Sessa TASER CEW distance determination for models X26P X2 and TASER 7,2022,342,,e111520,Liscio Uncertainty analysis of vehicle-pedestrian accident reconstruction based on unscented transformation,2022,342,,e111505,Wang Medicolegal approach to skin lesions in trafficking victims: a case report,2022,342,,e111535,Di Vella Quality analysis of the completion of death certificates in Madrid,2023,343,,e111568,Santiago-Sáez Letter-to-the-editor concerning the article entitled "Common opioids and stimulants in autopsy and DUID cases: a comparison of measured concentrations.",2023,344,,e111569,Jones Statistical analysis of the thickness and biomechanical properties of Japanese children's skulls,2023,344,,e111580,Yajima Sodium nitrite poisoning: a series of 20 fatalities in which post-mortem blood nitrite and nitrate concentrations are reported,2023,345,,e111610,Smith Burn index burn characteristics and carboxyhemoglobin levels in indoor fire-related deaths: significance and interpretation of the autopsy findings,2023,345,,e111618,Nikolic An evidence-based approach to forensic life-threat assessments using spleen injuries as an example,2023,345,,e111614,Wingren Rare fatal pulmonary fat embolism after acupuncture therapy: a case report and literature review,2023,345,,e111619,Xu Changing trends and characteristics of one punch deaths in Australia (2012-2018),2023,345,,e111621,Bassed Black box of diving accidents: contribution of forensic underwater experts to three fatal cases,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bugelli Optimal skin simulant for ballistic testing,2023,346,,e111653,Hes Explosive odor signature profiling: a review of recent advances in technical analysis and detection,2023,347,,e111652,Prada-Tiedemann Detection of scopolamine in urine and hair in a drug-facilitated sexual assault,2023,347,,e111678,Johansen Determination of triacetone triperoxide (TATP) traces using passive samplers in combination with GC-MS and GC-PCI-MS/MS methods,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pütz Ok Google start a fire. IoT devices as witnesses and actors in fire investigations,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Delémont Useless and limits of postmortem CT (PMCT) in a complex case of preterm infant murder,2023,347,,e111687,Maresi Retrospective analysis of forensic toxicology data from 2021 to identify patterns of various forensic cases,2023,347,,e111683,Wang Response to Letter-to-the-editor concerning the article entitled "Common opioids and stimulants in autopsy and DUID cases: a comparison of measured concentrations.",2023,347,,e111692,Hermansen Identification of bullets fired from air guns using machine and deep learning methods,2023,349,,e111734,Nic Daeid Was a 3D-printed firearm discharged? Study of traces produced by the use of six fully 3D-printed firearms,2023,348,,e111736,Gallusser The inconclusive category entropy and forensic firearm identification,2023,349,,e111741,Warren Driving under the influence of zopiclone: elimination between two consecutive blood samples,2023,349,,e111764,Kristoffersen Drug regulations and trafficking: synthetic cannabinoids and cathinones in Hungary,2023,349,,e111778,Haller Exploring the added value of portable devices such as near infrared spectrometer in the field of illicit drugs analyses,2023,348,,e111605,Esseiva Fentanyl concentrations in ligated femoral blood in the presence and absence of NPS benzodiazepine drugs. a review of over 1250 benzo-dope / fentanyl toxicity cases in Alberta Canada,2023,350,,e111777,Chatterton Using in vitro receptor activity studies of synthetic cannabinoids to support the risk assessment of new psychoactive substances - a Swedish strategy to protect public health from harm,2023,348,,e111691,Kronstrand Application of lead isotope signature and likelihood ratio evaluation in a shooting incident investigation,2023,351,,e111812,Zhu Understanding pre-crash speed sampling by the VAG Event Data Recorder,2023,351,,e111831,Spek On-site drug detection coasters: an inadequate tool to screen for GHB and ketamine in beverages,2023,352,,e111817,Desharnais Trends in drivers testing positive for drugs of abuse in oral fluid from 2018 to 2021 in France,2023,352,,e111835,Eysseric-Guerin Multicentric case series of scuba diving fatalities: the role of intracardiac gaseous carbon dioxide in the forensic diagnosis,2023,352,,e111845,Keller Medico-legal implications of dog bite injuries: a systematic review,2023,352,,e111849,Fais Disappearance of codeine morphine and 6-MAM in hair after cessation of abuse,2023,352,,e111855,Cabarcos-Fernández Automated interpretation of comparison scores for firearm toolmarks on cartridge case primers,2023,353,,e111858,Alberink Map silences and chronic humanitarian crises: spatial patterns of migrant mortality in South Texas 2009-2020,2023,353,,e111861,Giordano Comprehensive evaluation of drug cases in Seoul and its metropolitan areas - 2022,2023,353,,e111877,Kim Processing biological samples from simulated radiological terrorist events using Rapid DNA instruments,2023,354,,e111887,Frégeau Post mortem blood bromazolam concentrations and co-findings in 96 coronial cases within England and Wales,2023,354,,111891,Smith Driving under the influence of nitrous oxide - a retrospective study of HS-GC-MS analysis in whole blood,2023,354,,e111904,Nielsen Sudden death related to sexual activity: a multicenter study based on forensic autopsies (2010-2021),2023,354,,e111908,Lucena A Swedish nationwide forensic study of the manner of death in single stab injuries to the trunk,2023,354,,e111910,Acosta Hair fixative traces on footwear - establishing a link between footwear and the victim's hair after kicks to the head,2023,355,,e111918,Lory The possibilities and limitations of comparative diatomaceous analysis for confirming or excluding the site of an incident - Case studies,2023,346,,,Bogusz Drug driving in Italy. The results of the first roadside drug testing service utilizing on-site confirmatory analysis between 2019 and 2022,2024,355,,e111929,Dossetto Examining thermally induced movement of the fatal fire victim,2024,355,,e111942,Márquez-Grant Exploring death scenes and circumstances in fatal opioid poisonings: insights for preventive strategies using forensic autopsy cases in Western Denmark,2024,356,,e111948,Thomsen Head injury: Importance of the deep brain nuclei in force transmission to the brain,2024,356,,e111952,Thollon Assessing the knot in a noose position by thyrohyoid and cervical spine fracture patterns in suicidal hangings using machine learning algorithms: a new insight into old dilemmas,2024,357,,e111973,Nikolic Untargeted metabolomics for lifestyle biomarker discovery in human hair,2024,356,,e111938,Cuypers Fracture variation in survivable versus fatal blunt force trauma associated with intimate partner violence,2024,357,,e112000,Saenz Chemical analysis of polymers used for 3D printing of firearms,2024,357,,e111999,Mireault Forensic aspects of condom evidence: analysis interpretation and recent trends,2024,357,,e111988,Singh Response to letter-to-the-editor concerning the article entitled "Black box of diving accidents: contribution of forensic underwater experts to three fatal cases",2024,357,,e112004,Bugelli Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal environment of the child trapped in a parked vehicle,2024,358,,e111998,Zhou Accuracy and reproducibility of forensic tire examination decisions,2024,358,,e112009,Richetelli The use of machine learning for the determination of a type/model of firearms by the characteristics on cartridge cases,2024,358,,e112021,Barash Biomarker profiling in plants to distinguish between exposure to chlorine gas and bleach using LC-HRMS/MS and chemometrics,2024,358,,e112022,Langenberg Towards a forensic semiotics,2024,357,,e111968,Crispino Gunshot residue (GSR): frequency of residue types encountered in case work and background levels on control samples,2024,359,,e112029,Boyle Synthetic cathinones in drug-facilitated sexual assault: a case report involving the novel generation substituted cathinone N-ethylpentedrone and a review of the literature,2024,359,,e112030,Gaulier Bicycle injuries: a systematic review for forensic evaluation,2024,359,,e112027,Fais Forensic geoscience non-invasive detection and characterisation of underground clandestine complexes bunkers tunnels and firing ranges,2024,359,,e112033,Pringle Operational relevance of the Sydney Declaration: the example of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Forensics Command,2024,359,,e112035,Walsh Fatal intoxication due to dothiepin,2000,109,2,159-166,Keller Simple and simultaneous analysis of fenfluramine amphetamine and methamphetamine in whole blood by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after headspace-solid phase microextraction and derivatization,2000,109,3,215-223,Kojima Fatal caffeine intoxication,1999,103,Suppl 1,S49-S52,Riesselmann Simple analysis of arylamide herbicides in serum using headspace-solid phase microextraction and GC/MS,1999,103,3,217-226,Kojima Fatal intoxication with melperone,2000,113,1-3,409-413,Stein Suicide by insulin injection in combination with beta-blocker application,2000,113,1-3,457-460,Junge Erratum: Homicide-suicide in Hong Kong 1989-1998 (Forensic Science International (2003) 137:2-3 (165-171)),2004,140,2-3,e259,Chan Study of unusual phenomenon of contact firing on gelatine block using .38 Special revolver - Forensic importance,2003,133,3,183-189,Jain Death by intravenous self-injection of Pacoma® a cationic detergent,2007,173,1,83-84,Shimizu Designer cathinones-An emerging class of novel recreational drugs,2013,231,1-3,42-53,Zawilska Quantitative determination of nitrous oxide in human blood by HS-GC-MS: forensic application of two fatal poisoning cases,2024,360,,e112067,Xiang Prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections among sexual assault victims referred to three French clinical forensic units,2024,360,,e112070,Jousset A case of fatal intoxication by ingestion of an herbicide formulation containing fluroxypyr-meptyl and triclopyr,2021,320,,e110717,Choe Reversed configuration of the muzzle imprint mark in a pistol contact entrance wound mimicking a non-suicidal act,2022,335,,e111132,Safr Evidence of exposure to organophosphorus toxicants by detection of the propionylated butyrylcholinesterase-derived nonapeptide-adduct as a novel biomarker,2021,323,,e110818,Eyer Detection of helium in a fire victim: A case report,2021,318,,e110613,Tanaka Deaths related to nitrogen inhalation: Analytical challenges,2020,317,,e110548,Fais Centre of gravity of motor vehicles,2024,361,,e112073,Fuerbeth Gas analysis following the diversion of catalytically converted exhaust fumes into the interior of a vehicle,1995,74,3,187-191,Hutcheson Computer registration of missing persons. A case of Scandinavian cooperation in identification of an unknown male skeleton,1993,60,1-2,15-22,Grundin Thioridazine enantiomers in human tissues,1994,64,2-3,165-170,Valentour A fatal case of buflomedil self-poisoning: toxicological data and literature review,1995,71,1,43-49,Kintz Gunshot suicide with nasal entry,1995,71,1,25-31,Opeskin Gas chromatographic determination of cresols in the biological fluids of a non-fatal case of cresol intoxication,1990,47,1,21-29,Kojima Recent status of the medical examiner system in Japan: demographic variation of medicolegal deaths in Hyogo Prefecture and uncertainty in medicolegal investigations conducted by medical practitioners,1991,51,1,35-50,Ajiki Determination of arsenic in blood and stomach contents by inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP/MS),1996,81,1,43-50,Hara A cluster of fentanyl-related deaths among drug addicts in Sweden,1997,88,3,185-193,Holmgren Moclobemide fatalities: report of two cases and analytical determinations by GC-MS and HPLC-PDA after solid-phase extraction,1997,87,3,239-248,Gaillard Analysis of etorphine in postmortem samples by HPLC with UV diode-array detection,1999,101,1,9-16,Elliott Deaths involving buprenorphine: a compendium of French cases,2001,121,1-2,65-69,Kintz Clocapramine-related fatality. Postmortem drug levels in multiple psychoactive drug poisoning,2001,122,1,48-51,Ng'walali Calculation of tension exerted on a ligature in incomplete hanging,2001,123,2-3,172-177,Khokhlov Death due to baclofen and dipyrone ingestion,2001,123,1,26-32,De Giovanni Female homicide offenders have greatly increased mortality from unnatural deaths,2001,119,2,221-224,Lönnqvist Pressure on the neck calculated for any point along the ligature,2001,123,2-3,178-181,Khokhlov Sensitive and specific multiresidue methods for the determination of pesticides of various classes in clinical and forensic toxicology,2001,121,1-2,116-125,Gaulier Suicide through doxylamine poisoning,2001,119,1,138-140,Klug Suicidal poisoning with barium chloride,2001,119,2,263-265,Jourdan Diagnosis of a captive-bolt injury in a skull extremely destroyed by fire,2002,127,3,192-197,Pollak Hemorrhages of the tongue in the postmortem diagnostics of strangulation,2002,126,3,214-220,Maxeiner Hypothermia and undressing associated with non-fatal bromazepam intoxication,2001,124,2-3,112-114,Giroud Suicide by a power drill,2002,129,3,191-193,Betz Suicide by sodium tetraoxoselenate(VI) poisoning,2002,130,1,44-48,Lech An autopsy case of combined drug intoxication involving verapamil metoprolol and digoxin,2003,133,1-2,107-112,Nishiguchi "Death due to baclofen and dipyrone ingestion" by de Giovanni N et all,2003,132,3,233-234,Ergün Fatal overdose of the herbicide bentazone,2003,135,3,235-236,Theilade Fatal drug poisonings: medico-legal reports and mortality statistics,2003,136,1-3,35-46,Vuori Mixed drug intoxication involving zaleplon ("Sonata"),2003,134,2-3,120-122,Levine Lethal head injury due to tear-gas cartridge gunshots,2003,137,1,45-51,Papin An unusual suicide with a safety razor blade--a case report,2004,142,1,33-35,Rautji Colchicine poisoning: case report of two suicides,2004,143,2-3,219-222,Deveaux Fatal and non-fatal injuries caused by crossbows,2004,142,1,17-23,Koops Headspace solid phase microextraction for the gas chromatographic analysis of methyl-parathion in post-mortem human samples. Application in a suicide case by intravenous injection,2004,143,2-3,127-132,Raikos Postmortem serotonin (5-HT) concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid of medicolegal cases,2004,142,2-3,211-219,Musshoff Simultaneous determination of thirteen beta-blockers and one metabolite by gradient high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode-array UV detection,2004,141,1,23-31,Paraire A fatality involving metaxalone,2005,149,2-3,249-251,Fowler Determination of several psychiatric drugs in whole blood using capillary gas-liquid chromatography with nitrogen phosphorus detection: comparison of two solid phase extraction procedures,2005,155,2-3,193-204,Martinez Illegal drugs-related fatalities in Slovenia,2004,146 Suppl,,S71-75,Karlovsek Influence of electricity on post-mortal body temperature,2006,160,2-3,173-177,Ortmann Suicide in respect of forensic medicine. Proceedings of the 12th International Meeting on Forensic Medicine. May 29-31 2003. Alpe Adria Pannonia Rogaska Slatina Slovenia,2005,147 Suppl,,S1-80, Unusual attempted suicide by shooting through heart,2005,147 Suppl,,S29-32,Vidovic Two fatal intoxication cases with imidacloprid: LC/MS analysis,2005,153,1,75-80,Pinheiro Tissue distribution of mirtazapine and desmethylmirtazapine in a case of mirtazapine poisoning,2006,156,2-3,229-236,Mattern Survival of severe amlodipine intoxication due to medical intensive care,2006,161,2-3,216-220,Weinmann Aplastic right coronary artery and left coronary artery with a separate origin of the circumflex branch in a 31-year-old woman,2007,173,2-3,178-181,Madea An unusual case of suicide by sharp force,2009,184,1-3,e12-15,Viel Combined suicide by oxydemeton-methyl (Metasystox) ingestion and hanging,2009,189,1-3,e21-25,Musshoff Computed tomography (CT) virtual autopsy and classical autopsy discrepancies: radiologist's error or a demonstration of post-mortem multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) limitation?,2010,195,1-3,e13-17,Oliva Suicidal death after injection of a castor bean extract (Ricinus communis L.),2009,189,1-3,e13-20,Jacobs Unidentified bodies and human remains: an Italian glimpse through a European problem,2010,195,1-3,167.e1-6,Cattaneo Complex suicide by ethanol intoxication and inhalation of fire fumes in an old lady: interdisciplinary elucidation including post-mortem analysis of congener alcohols,2011,209,1-3,e11-15,Perdekamp Distribution of cyanide in heart blood peripheral blood and gastric contents in 21 cyanide related fatalities,2011,210,1-3,e12-15,Chung Fatal tolperisone poisoning: autopsy and toxicology findings in three suicide cases,2012,215,1-3,101-104,Mangin Surprising hair analysis results following acute carbofuran intoxication,2011,212,1-3,e10-14,Gaulier Suicide by multiple blunt head traumatisation using a stone,2012,214,1-3,e47-50,Rupp A retrospective analysis of data from forensic toxicology at the Academy of Forensic Science in 2017,2019,298,,39-47,Liu Differentiation of locally manufactured Kajal by Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy supported by chemometric analysis,2019,303,,e109930,Singh Femoral blood concentrations of flualprazolam in 33 postmortem cases,2020,307,,e110101,Rasanen Mortalities of methamphetamine opioid and ketamine abusers in Shanghai and Wuhan China,2020,306,,e110093,Li The role of self-immolation in complex suicides: A neglected topic in current literature,2020,306,,e110073,Da Broi Applicability of the Madymo Pedestrian Model for forensic fall analysis,2024,361,,e112068,van Zandwijk Fluorodeschloroketamine found as a street drug in drug seizures and drug driving cases in Hong Kong,2024,361,,e112075,Cheng New previously unreported correlations between latent Toxoplasma gondii infection and excessive ethanol consumption,2017,280,,49-54,Borowska-Solonynko Reference values of lithium in postmortem femoral blood,2017,277,,207-214,Jönsson Semiquantitative screening of trace combustion-derived volatile substances in the blood of fire victims using NeedlEx® headspace gas chromatography/mass spectrometry,2017,278,,228-239,Ishizawa Simultaneous determination of bentazone and its metabolites in postmortem whole blood using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,2017,278,,304-312,Choe The deceleration of full metal jacket bullets in compact target models - a new approach,2024,361,,e112099,Schyma Are gel blasters a safe toy? A study into their kinetic energy per unit area,2024,361,,e112101,Dutton Contextual analysis strategy leads to rise in conviction rate for sexual assault cases,2024,361,,e112105,Van Dijck Assessing geospatial models to explain the occurrence of clandestine graves in Mexico,2024,361,,e112114,Silván-Cárdenas Beyond the shot: exploring secondary transfer of gunshot residue on common surfaces and the impact of hand cleaning methods,2024,361,,e112135,Tumer Drugs crime and racial disparities in the homeless population gathered from a sample of police reports: evidence from Brazil,2024,361,,e112123,Nobre Loperamide positive deaths in Sweden 2012-2022 and Finland 2017-2022: fatal loperamide intoxication exclusively for Sweden,2024,361,,e112130,Jönsson The invisible evidence: digital forensics as key to solving crimes in the digital age,2024,362,,e112133,Klasén The effect of human decomposition on bullet examination,2024,362,,e112155,Bolton The effects of F-500 Encapsulator Agent on canine alerts and laboratory analysis using passive headspace concentration and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,2024,362,,e112168,Schwenk Development and evaluation of portable NIR technology for the identification and quantification of Australian illicit drugs,2024,362,,e112179,Esseiva Detection and quantification of selected cannabinoids in oral fluid samples by protein precipitation and LC-MS/MS,2024,363,,e112174,Barroso Evaluation and comparison of sensitivity of alcohol biomarkers PEth EtG and EtPa in civil cases in England 2022-2023,2024,363,,e112173,Rooney What is a migrant death? An operational definition for a more accurate enumeration of migrant mortality along the US-Mexico border,2024,363,,e112156,Giordano Mass killing during terror attack at the Israel-Gaza border and the role of the Ministry of Health in identification of human remains and their release,2024,363,,e112188,Kugel