Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide in Cyprus 1988-1999,2005,20,2,110-114,Zacharakis Nicotine use in suicides: a case-control study,2005,20,2,129-136,Schneider Effect of a suicide prevention centre for young people with suicidal behaviour in Copenhagen,2005,20,2,121-128,Nordentoft Prediction of repeated parasuicide after 1-12 months,2005,20,2,101-109,Ojehagen Long-term follow-up after severe suicide attempt by multiple blunt trauma,2005,20,2,115-120,Pajonk Suicide attempts in schizophrenia and affective disorders with relation to some specific demographical and clinical characteristics,2005,20,1,65-69,Muller Reported childhood trauma attempted suicide and self-mutilative behavior among women in the general population,2005,20,3,268-273,Akyuz Epidemiological study of suicide in the Republic of Croatia -- comparison of war and post-war periods and areas directly and indirectly affected by war,2002,17,5,259-264,Grubisic-Ilic Violence at the workplace-a questionnaire survey of nurses,2006,21,7,442-450,Merecz Evaluation of a modified interview version and of a self-rating version of the Suicide Assessment Scale,2006,21,7,471-477,Stanley Suicide in military circles in Italy (1986-1998),2001,16,7,432-433,Mancinelli Relationships between attempted suicide temperamental vulnerability and violent criminality in a Swedish forensic psychiatric population,2001,16,7,386-394,Stålenheim Psychopathological predictors of suicide in patients with major depression during a 5-year follow-up,2001,16,5,283-288,Schneider Personality trait risk factors for attempted suicide among young women with eating disorders,2004,19,3,131-139,Corcos Anxiety disorders comorbidity and suicide attempts in adolescence: a preliminary investigation,1999,14,3,132-136,Pawlak No correlation of serum cholesterol levels with measures of violence in patients with schizophrenia and non-psychotic disorders,1999,14,6,346-348,Steinert The suicide assessment scale: an instrument assessing suicide risk of suicide attempters,2000,15,7,416-423,Alsen Heavy daily smoking among under 18-year-old psychiatric inpatients is associated with increased risk for suicide attempts,2007,22,4,219-222,Hakko Effect of religion on suicide attempts in outpatients with schizophrenia or schizo-affective disorders compared with inpatients with non-psychotic disorders,2007,22,3,188-194,Huguelet No ecological effect modification of the association between negative life experiences and later psychopathology in adolescence: A longitudinal community study in adolescents,2007,22,5,296-304,Drukker Sexual differences in the completed suicides in Turkey,2007,22,4,223-228,Ayranci Switching to the bingeing/purging subtype of anorexia nervosa is frequently associated with suicidal attempts,2007,22,8,513-519,Rouillon Psychotropic drugs use and risk of heat-related hospitalisation,2007,22,6,335-338,Martin-Latry 'Munchausen's syndrome by proxy' or a 'miscarriage of justice'? An initial application of functional neuroimaging to the question of guilt versus innocence,2008,23,4,309-314,Spence Temperament traits in male suicide attempters and violent offenders,1999,14,5,278-283,Engstrom Childhood trauma as a correlative factor of suicidal behavior via aggression traits. Similar results in an Italian and in a French sample,2009,24,1,57-62,Roy Sex and ethnic differences among South Tirolean suicides: a psychological autopsy study,2009,24,1,47-56,Lester Posttraumatic stress disorder in victims of the March 11 attacks in Madrid admitted to a hospital emergency room: 6-month follow-up,2006,21,3,143-151,Gabriel Suicide attempts in bulimia nervosa: Personality and psychopathological correlates,2009,24,2,91-97,Forcano Bipolar sensation seeking is associated with a propensity to abuse rather than to temperamental characteristics,2001,16,5,289-292,Leboyer Risk factors of suicide in inpatients and recently discharged patients with affective disorders. A case-control study,2009,24,5,317-321,Mortensen Suicidal ideation and time perspective in high school students,2009,24,1,41-46,Laghi Psychotherapy for personality disorders: short-term day hospital psychotherapy versus outpatient individual therapy - a randomized controlled study,2009,24,2,71-78,Urnes Psychiatric diagnosis and aggression before acute hospitalisation,2008,23,6,441-448,Mauri Legal provisions and practice in the management of violent patients. a case vignette study in 16 European countries,2009,24,2,135-141,Steinert Psychopathological consequences after a terrorist attack: an epidemiological study among victims the general population and police officers,2007,22,6,339-346,Galea Association study between the corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2 gene and suicidality in bipolar disorder,2007,22,5,282-287,De Luca The cost of borderline personality disorder: societal cost of illness in BPD-patients,2007,22,6,354-361,Arntz Possible association between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and attempted suicide in adolescents - A pilot study,2010,25,3,146-150,Manor Self-injury psychiatric symptoms and defense mechanisms: Findings in an Italian nonclinical sample,2010,25,3,136-145,Gratz Suicide trends diverge by method: Swiss suicide rates 1969-2005,2010,25,3,129-135,Frei Do community mental health teams caring for severely mentally ill patients adjust treatments and services based on patients' antisocial or criminal behaviours?,2009,24,6,373-379,Hodgins Risk of suicide after attempted suicide in the population of Slovenia from 1970 to 1996,2006,21,6,396-400,Zalar Self-injurious behavior among Greek male prisoners: Prevalence and risk factors,2010,25,3,151-158,Giotakos Economic growth and suicide rate changes: A case in China from 1982 to 2005,2010,25,3,159-163,Ma Suicide and homicide after the fall of communist regimes,1998,13,2,98-100,Lester Suicide in the United kingdom and ireland,1997,12,6,300-304,Lester The influence of comorbidity on the prevalence of suicidal behaviour,2001,16,7,395-399,Lecrubier Gene expression profiling of suicide completers,2010,25,5,287-290,Turecki The genetics of neurosystems in mental ill-health and suicidality: Beyond serotonin,2010,25,5,272-274,Rujescu Bullying behaviour and substance abuse among underage psychiatric inpatient adolescents,2010,25,7,382-389,Hakko Motor activity in depressed patients during therapeutic sleep deprivation,2010,25,8,465-467,Brückner BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is associated with aggressive behavior in schizophrenia,2010,25,6,311-313,Martinotti Exploration of factors related to hara-kiri as a method of suicide and suicidal behavior,2010,25,7,409-413,Yamamoto Prevention of mental ill-health and suicide: Public health perspectives,2010,25,5,252-256,Bertolote Genes suicide and decisions,2010,25,5,294-296,Jollant What family studies teach us about suicidal behavior: Implications for research treatment and prevention,2010,25,5,260-263,Brent Statistical challenges for genome-wide association studies of suicidality using family data,2010,25,5,307-309,Lange Environment and the serotonergic system,2010,25,5,304-306,Harro Genetic influences on suicide and nonfatal suicidal behavior: Twin study findings,2010,25,5,264-267,Pedersen Clinical aspects of suicidal behavior relevant to genetics,2010,25,5,257-259,Apter Genetics of HPA-axis depression and suicidality,2010,25,5,278-280,Wasserman Timing is critical: Gene environment and timing interactions in genetics of suicide in children and adolescents,2010,25,5,284-286,Zalsman The first step in the validation of a new screen for violence risk in acute psychiatry: The inpatient context,2011,26,2,92-99,Hartvig The genetics of affective disorder and suicide,2010,25,5,275-277,Lewis Mental disorders and delivery motorcycle drivers (motoboys): a dangerous association,2011,26,1,23-27,Pechansky The role of genetics in promoting suicide prevention and the mental health of the population Nobel Conference: The Role of Genetics in Promoting Suicide Prevention and the Mental Health of the Population. Preface,2010,25,5,249,Wasserman The relationship between online game addiction and aggression self-control and narcissistic personality traits,2008,23,3,212-218,Kim Firearm suicides and availability of firearms: The Swiss experience,2010,25,7,432-434,Hepp Does the Suicide Assessment Scale predict risk of repetition? A prospective study of suicide attempters at a hospital emergency department,2010,25,7,421-426,Waern V-RISK-10: Validation of a screen for risk of violence after discharge from acute psychiatry,2011,26,2,85-91,Hartvig The role of alcohol use disorder and alcohol consumption in suicide attempts-A secondary analysis of 1921 suicide attempts,2010,25,7,414-420,Althaus Suicidal ideation self-harm and attempted suicide: Results from the British psychiatric morbidity survey 2000,2010,25,7,427-431,Dennis Biochemical metabolic and immune correlates of seasonal variation in violent suicide: a chronoepidemiologic study,1996,11,1,21-33,Peeters Ethical issues in European psychiatry,1996,11,1,1-6,Neeleman Heart rate measured in the acute aftermath of trauma can predict post-traumatic stress disorder: A prospective study in motor vehicle accident survivors,2011,26,8,508-512,Coronas Job conflicts and suicide among physicians,2010,25,7,435,Lederer Quality of care in Emergency Psychiatry: developing an international network,2007,22,6,411-412,Allen Risk assessment and screening for violence,2011,26,2,132; author reply 133,Large Associations between IQ and common mental disorders: The 2000 British National Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity,2011,26,6,390-395,Richards Psychiatric diagnoses and personality traits associated with disadvantageous decision-making,2007,22,7,455-461,Leboyer Long-term psychopathology changes among the injured and members of the community after a massive terrorist attack,2011,26,8,513-517,Galea The interface between general and forensic psychiatric services,2009,24,6,354-355,Hodgins Evolving systems of care: Individuals found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder in custody of civil and forensic psychiatric services,2009,24,6,356-364,Côté Violence and its prediction at a psychiatric hospital,2001,16,8,459-465,Beskow Validation of the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire self-report version in two samples of French-speaking individuals exposed to trauma,2005,20,2,145-151,Benoit Validation of the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire and Peritraumatic Distress Inventory in school-aged victims of road traffic accidents,2011,26,2,108-111,Brunet With friends like these…: Peer delinquency influences across age cohorts on smoking alcohol and illegal substance use,2011,26,1,6-12,Ferguson Drowning in numbers-what psychiatrists mean when talking to patients about probabilities of risks and benefits of medication,2011,26,2,130-131,Hamann The organization of the psychiatric service and criminality committed by the mentally ill,2009,24,6,401-411,Kramp The serotonin transporter gene polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and affective symptoms among women diagnosed with borderline personality disorder,2010,25,1,19-25,Åsberg Mental health health care utilisation of migrants in Europe,2008,23,Suppl 1,14-20,Heinz Mental health care in Paris,2005,20,Suppl 2,S285-8,Greacen The relationship between self-esteem and psychiatric disorders in adolescents,2003,18,2,59-62,Crocq A psychopathological study of a group of schizophrenic patients after attempting suicide. Are there two different clinical subtypes?,2003,18,4,190-192,Gracia Prevalence of subthreshold forms of psychiatric disorders in persons making suicide attempts in Hungary,2000,15,6,354-361,Lecrubier Suicide attempts in the Hungarian adult population. Their relation with DIS/DSM-III-R affective and anxiety disorders,2000,15,6,343-347,Rihmer Neurochemical variables in subjects with adjustment disorder after suicide attempts,2000,15,3,190-195,Tripodianakis Variables associated with the hospitalization of psychiatric emergencies evaluated in the community,1999,14,6,319-324,Micciolo Violence and phases of illness: Differential risk and predictors,2011,26,8,518-524,Riaz Use of and satisfaction with support received among survivors from three Scandinavian countries after the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami,2011,26,7,436-440,Weisaeth The adverse skeletal effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,2012,27,3,156-169,Tsapakis Victims of bullying in childhood and suicide attempts in adulthood,2011,26,8,498-503,Vostanis Deliberate self-poisoning presenting at a rural hospital in Northern Ireland 1976-1996: relationship to prescribing,2000,15,6,348-353,Kelly Psychiatric and hostility factors related to use of anabolic steroids in monozygotic twins,2006,21,8,563-569,Pagonis Assessing aggressiveness quickly and efficiently: the Spanish adaptation of Aggression Questionnaire-refined version,2006,21,7,487-494,Andrés-Pueyo Overnight urinary cortisol release in women with borderline personality disorder depends on comorbid PTSD and depressive psychopathology,2007,22,5,309-312,Hill Current mental health in women with childhood sexual abuse who had outpatient psychotherapy,2005,20,3,260-267,Peleikis Parent-reported attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and subtypes of conduct disorder as risk factor of recidivism in detained male adolescents,2012,27,5,329-334,Doreleijers An increase in substance misuse rather than other mental disorders has led to increased forensic treatment rates in the Czech Republic,2009,24,6,380-387,Raboch Development of a brief screen for violence risk (V-RISK-10) in acute and general psychiatry: An introduction with emphasis on findings from a naturalistic test of interrater reliability,2009,24,6,388-394,Hartvig Violent suicide attempts: socio-demographics clinical profile cultural repeaters?,2001,16,2,138-139,Ruiz-Doblado Childhood sexual abuse. An evaluation of a two-year group therapy in adult women,2001,16,1,64-67,Ojehagen Personality traits in treated Wilson's disease determined by means of the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP),2001,16,6,362-371,von Knorring Preventing human rights abuses in psychiatric establishments: the work of the CPT,2004,19,3,146-154,Niveau Neurological soft signs in homicidal men with antisocial personality disorder,2004,19,7,433-437,Virkkunen Treatment of aggression with topiramate in male borderline patients part II: 18-month follow-up,2008,23,2,115-117,Loew Platelet monoamine oxidase activity in obsessive-compulsive disorder,2007,22,8,525-529,Pérez-Rodríguez Rett syndrome in adults with severe intellectual disability: exploration of behavioral characteristics,2008,23,6,460-465,Matson Cholesterol concentrations in violent and non-violent women suicide attempters,2003,18,1,23-27,Papezová Prediction of the occurrence and intensity of post-traumatic stress disorder in victims 32 months after bomb attack,2003,18,4,172-176,Jehel Case report: eating disorder following torture,2000,15,4,282-283,Aksaray Homicide by schizophrenic patients in Israel,1999,14,2,89-92,Modai Self-mutilating behaviour of psychiatric inpatients,1999,14,1,4-10,Nijman Should severely disturbed psychiatric patients be distributed or concentrated in specialized wards? An empirical study on the effects of hospital organization on ward atmosphere aggressive behavior and sexual molestation,1999,14,5,291-297,Gebhardt Sexual violence among women in Marrakech,2008,23,Suppl 2,S81,Adali Block escape in intimate partner violence scale: Development and preliminar analysis of its psychometric properties,2008,23,Suppl 2,S371,Torres Risk of violence in hooligans using the PFAV scale,2007,22,Suppl 1,S156,Jimenez-Treviño Emotional profile of women victims of domestic violence,2007,22,Suppl 1,S147,Avdibegovic Battered women who kill their children: the cycle of violence,2010,25,Suppl 1,685,Kachaeva Personality profile or postraumatic stress disorder: Personality characteristics in women victim of chronic intimate partner violence,2010,25,Suppl 1,1413,Torres Social and demographic factors and severity of symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in victims of intimate partner violence,2010,25,Suppl 1,1388,Araszkiewicz (Mis)use of alcohol by the young population in Serbia,2010,25,Suppl 1,1657,Jugovic Adolescent delinquency as precursor to adult violent offending - a prospective study of a representative sample of Swiss men,2010,25,Suppl 1,687,Laubacher Affects and emotions in women victims of domestic violence,2010,25,Suppl 1,1387,Amann Gainotti Associations between attempted suicide violent life events depression resilience and suicide by early adulthood,2010,25,Suppl 1,435,Nrugham Beverage specific effect of alcohol on suicide and homicide rates in Russia,2010,25,Suppl 1,1373,Razvodovsky Blood cholesterol and serum creatine kinase levels in violent psychiatric patients,2010,25,Suppl 1,1711,Reznik Care practices of nurses will face Portuguese violence against women,2010,25,Suppl 1,864,Albuquerque Child sexual abuse: a literature review of psychosocial and psychodynamic aspects,2010,25,Suppl 1,425,Jacintho Comparative analysis of criminal acts related to heroine and alcohol abuse,2010,25,Suppl 1,1322,Roganovic Homosexuality as a risk factor for depression and suicidality among men. 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Child protection-psychiatric interface,2011,26,Suppl 1,792,Davey Is there an association between neurocognitive factors and homicide in schizophrenia ?,2011,26,Suppl 1,1817,Garré Profile of psychotic patients with social isolation,2011,26,Suppl 1,1495,Rodriguez Stressful life events in early life and suicidal behaviour,2011,26,Suppl 1,2162,Saiz Violence from the perspective of adolescent participants in a health promotion and education group,2011,26,Suppl 1,346,Scherer Female prisoners: Experiences and perceptions on violence in the world behind bars,2011,26,Suppl 1,1684,Scherer Knowledge and violence experience of female prisoners in their past life,2011,26,Suppl 1,1683,Scherer Are they different? A comparison of risk in dangerous and severe personality disordered and personality disordered hospitalized populations,2011,26,Suppl 1,1045,Thompson Gene-brain-environment interactions in violent behavior,2011,26,Suppl 1,1980,Staniloiu Prevention of violence among out-patients with schizophrenia (previos i): A feasibility study,2011,26,Suppl 1,1816,Schwarz A controlled follow-up study of adolescents exposed to a school shooting - Psychological consequences after four months,2011,26,8,490-497,Suomalainen Autism and violence,2011,26,Suppl 1,362,Asri Assessing risk of violence: are only forensic patients aggressive?,2011,26,Suppl 1,798,Vladejic Psychological morbidity in ambulance drivers in a conflict zone - experiences from Kashmir,2011,26,Suppl 1,1860,Wani Reforming mental health services in Portugal,2011,26,Suppl 1,588,Xavier Case presentation on a childhood homicide offender,2011,26,Suppl 1,2075,Zalsman Traumatic experience and cultural perception of time - a clinical approach,2010,25,Suppl 1,532,Bastos 'Overwhelming incidence of posttraumatic stress disorder and its burden to society' can have a future control over modern warfare,2010,25,Suppl 1,335,de los Santos Assessment of young people committing sexual crimes of pedofilic origin,2010,25,Suppl 1,703,Zaitsev Clinical-psychopathological prerequisites of criminal violence in veterans of local wars,2010,25,Suppl 1,1532,Fastovtsov Coercive measures in Europe,2010,25,Suppl 1,171,Raboch Frequency and severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms/disorder violence and suicidality in schizophrenic patients,2010,25,Suppl 1,1185,Hosseini Gene-environment interactions of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) and stressful life events in suicide attempts,2010,25,Suppl 1,1346,Wasserman Is diminished responsibility relevant? 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