Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Factors associated with severity and hospital admission of motor-vehicle injury cases in a southern European urban area,2001,17,3,201-208,Plasencia Head injuries after serious bicycle accidents,1992,8,6,826-831,Silverberg Helmet use by drivers and passengers of motorcycles in Pamplona (Spain) 1992,1995,11,1,87-89,Guillen Grima Suicide in the French armed forces,2004,19,9,823-829,Desjeux Is obesity associated with injuries among young people?,2004,19,11,1037-1042,Coppieters Chronobiology of traffic accidents in Italy,1992,8,2,317-318,Pasqualetti Differential risk factor profiles for indoor and outdoor falls in older people living at home in Nottingham UK,1999,15,1,65-73,Bath Burn mortality during 1982 to 1997 in Kuwait,2000,16,8,731-739,Bang Epidemiology of international terrorism incomplete,2005,20,8,735,Halpern Injury mortality and morbidity among children in the United Arab Emirates,1998,14,2,175-178,Bener Determinants of Response in a Longitudinal Health Study Following the Firework-disaster in Enschede The Netherlands,2005,20,10,839-847,van der Velden Road traffic accidents in Greece: recent trends (1981-1991),1997,13,7,765-770,Kardara Population-based study of emergency department admissions and deaths from injuries in Barcelona Spain: incidence causes and severity,1996,12,6,601-610,Borrell Occurrence and risk factors of unintentional injuries among 12- to 18-year-old Finns--a survey of 8219 adolescents,2004,19,5,437-444,Parkkari Etiology of intoxication: a study of 557 cases,1993,9,4,361-367,Cabo Valle Premature avoidable deaths by road traffic injuries in Belgium: trends and geographical disparities,2001,17,9,841-845,Leveque Injury risk at the work processes in fishing: A case-referent study,2006,21,7,521-527,Jensen Suicide among Indigenous Sami in Arctic Norway 1970-1998,2006,21,9,707-713,Haldorsen Traumatic brain injury in children in Denmark: a national 15-year study,1998,14,2,165-173,Teasdale Epidemiology of poisoning due to pharmaceutical products Poison Control Centre Seville Spain,1997,13,3,353-356,Repetto The epidemiology of bite and scratch injuries by vertebrate animals in Switzerland,1998,14,5,483-490,Matter Epidemiologic surveys of dog and cat bites in the Lyon area France,1992,8,4,619-624,Chomel Scalds among children in Kuwait,1997,13,1,33-39,Bang Health-related quality of life as a predictor of mortality among community-dwelling older persons,2007,22,1,19-26,Chou Epidemiology of work-related injuries requiring hospitalization among sawmill workers in British Columbia 1989-1997,2007,22,4,273-280,Koehoorn School injury and gender differentials: a prospective cohort study,2007,22,5,327-334,Chau Seasonal changes in mortality rates from main causes of death in Japan (1970--1999),2004,19,10,905-913,Suzuki Work-related road accidents in France,2001,17,8,773-778,Martin The relationship of different socioeconomic variables and alcohol consumption with nighttime fatal traffic crashes in Spain: 1978-1993,2000,16,10,955-961,Gonzalez-Luque Confidential inquiry into avoidable vehicle accident deaths in the province of Modena Italy,2000,16,1,67-74,Lauriola Factors associated with mortality in a cohort of Australian prisoners,2007,22,7,417-428,Grant A population survey of childhood accidents in Andalusia (Spain),1995,11,3,297-303,Martinez Mortality patterns in Kuwait: Inferences from death certificate data,1994,10,6,733-736,Radovanovic The epidemiology of head injury in Cantabria,1992,8,6,832-837,Austin Alcohol and mortality. Results from the EPOZ (epidemiologic study of cardiovascular risk indicators) follow-up study,1994,10,5,587-593,Hofman A comparison of the alcohol-attributable mortality in four European countries,2003,18,7,643-651,McPherson Effects of neighbourhood and individual factors on injury risk in the entire Swedish population: a 12-month multilevel follow-up study,2008,23,3,191-203,Li Paternal age and mortality in children,2008,23,7,443-447,Olsen Evaluation of community based injury prevention: an epidemiologist's quandary,2004,19,7,615-616,Alexe Does mortality of the aged increase with the number of falls? Results from a nine-year follow-up study,2009,24,7,351-355,Forsen Flash flood disaster--Nîmes France 1988,1991,7,4,365-371,Duclos Accidents in the school environment in Milan a five year survey,1987,3,2,196-201,Fischer Young adult mortality as an index: associations with income and social indicators,1986,2,4,282-293,Goldsmith Children at danger: injury fatalities among children in San Diego County,2010,25,3,211-217,Coimbra Is the high mortality risk in sentenced offenders independent of previous imprisonment?,2010,25,4,237-243,Kjelsberg Heat exposure and socio-economic vulnerability as synergistic factors in heat-wave-related mortality,2009,24,9,495-502,Jougla Priorities in injury epidemiology,2004,19,5,401-403,van Beeck Influence of socio-economic crisis on epidemiological characteristic of suicide in the region of Nis (southeastern part of Serbia Yugoslavia),2001,17,2,183-187,Petrovich The effect of user charges and socio-demographic environment on paediatric trauma hospitalisation in Helsinki in 1989-1994,1999,15,2,133-139,Ahlamaa-Tuompo Census in a rural area of Ethiopia: methodology and results,1993,9,1,5-9,Materia Mortality amongst Paris fire-fighters,1995,11,6,643-646,Festy Outpatient morbidity in Slavonski Brod during 1991/1992 war in Croatia,1996,12,1,93-99,Tiljak Factors related to the potential risk of trying an illicit drug among high school students in Paris,1997,13,7,787-793,Menares Psychological distress and its correlates in secondary school students in Pavia Italy,1997,13,7,779-786,Marinoni Trends in violent deaths among young people 10-24 years old in Switzerland 1969-1997,2004,19,4,291-297,Schlueter Ten-year risk of all-cause mortality: Assessment of a risk prediction algorithm in a French general population,2011,26,5,359-368,Amouyel AIDS as a leading cause of death among young adults in Italy,1994,10,6,669-673,Conti Sports injuries among children in six European union countries,2001,17,11,1005-1012,Petridou The association between alcohol consumption and mortality: the Swedish women's lifestyle and health study,2011,26,2,81-90,Adami Physical Abuse - Physicians Knowledge and Reporting Attitude in Israel,2000,16,1,53-58,Offer-Shechter Maternal smoking during pregnancy and risks of suicidal acts in young offspring,2011,26,6,485-492,Cnattingius Personality self-representations of patients with hand injury and its relationship with work injury,1995,11,4,373-382,Andre Falls hip fractures and the weather,1994,10,4,441-442,Parker In-hospital case-fatality of aged patients with hip fracture in Catalonia Spain,1997,13,6,681-686,Benet-Travé Risk analysis of occupational factors influencing the development of arthrosis of the knee,1997,13,6,675-679,Sahlström Health behaviours and socio-economic status in Ontario Canada,1997,13,6,613-622,Pederson Hospitalizations due to falls in Jewish and Arab children in northern Israel,2000,16,1,47-52,Revach Epidemiology of international terrorism involving fatal outcomes in developed countries (1994-2003),2005,20,5,375-381,Thomson Human factors in the causation of road traffic crashes,2000,16,9,819-826,Petridou Physical abuse--physicians knowledge and reporting attitude in Israel,2000,16,1,53-58,Cohen Consumption behaviour and knowledge with respect to alcoholic drinks in student nurses in the province of Bologna Italy,1995,11,2,185-191,Bergamaschi Children and noise,1996,12,5,549-550,Giovannelli Fetal growth early life circumstances and risk of suicide in late adulthood,2011,26,7,571-581,Danziger Cognitive function in the Caerphilly study: associations with age social class education and mood,1999,15,2,161-169,Rabbitt Ill-defined and multiple causes on death certificates--a study of misclassification in mortality statistics,1999,15,2,141-148,D'Amico Selection of confounding variables should not be based on observed associations with exposure,2011,26,8,589-593,Groenwold Secular trends in the osteoporotic fractures of the distal humerus in elderly women,1998,14,2,159-164,Parkkari Physical activity and bone mineral density in Italian middle-aged women,1998,14,2,153-157,Franceschi Early age at menarche associated with increased all-cause mortality,2011,26,10,771-778,Tamakoshi Factors associated with morbidity during the 2003 heat wave in two population-based cohorts of elderly subjects: PAQUID and Three City,2008,23,4,295-302,Helmer Associations of family environment and individual factors with tobacco alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescents,2000,16,1,33-42,Prédine Changes in the alcohol consumption pattern among schoolchildren in Barcelona,2000,16,1,27-32,Villalbí Heavy coffee drinking and the risk of suicide,2000,16,9,789-791,Vartiainen Determinants of locomotor disability in people aged 55 years and over: the Rotterdam Study,2001,17,11,1033-1041,Hofman Epidemiological assessment of the influence of socio-family factors in adolescent pregnancy,2001,17,7,653-659,Rodriguez Traumatic brain injury in Denmark 1979-1996. A national study of incidence and mortality,2001,17,5,437-442,Teasdale Impact of a 10-year nation-wide alcohol campaign on knowledge of sensible drinking limits in Denmark,2001,17,5,423-427,Iversen Time dependent influence of host factors on outcome after trauma,2012,27,3,233-241,Riddez Cluster management and the role of concerned communities and the media,1999,15,9,863-869,Drijver Epidemiological aspect of traumatic brain injury in Northeast Italy,2003,18,11,1059-1063,Baldo How stable is the risk curve between alcohol and all-cause mortality and what factors influence the shape? A precision-weighted hierarchical meta-analysis,2003,18,7,631-642,Rehm Alcohol consumption and mortality: comparison between countries and meta-analyses,2003,18,7,603-605,San José Assessment of alcohol consumption by mailed questionnaire in epidemiological studies: evaluation of misclassification using a dietary history interview and biochemical markers,2003,18,6,493-501,Hammar A comparison of pharmacoepidemiological study designs in medication use and traffic safety research,2012,27,6,473-481,De Gier Socioeconomic inequalities in homicide mortality: a population-based comparative study of 12 European countries,2012,27,11,877-884,Kalediene Perinatal conditions and parental age at birth as risk markers for subsequent suicide attempt and suicide: a population based case-control study,2012,27,9,729-738,Mittendorfer Rutz Validation of the Cummings' risk score; how well does it identify women with high risk of hip fracture: the Tromsø Study,2006,21,11,815-822,Joakimsen Increased prevalence of depression smoking heavy drinking and use of psycho-active drugs among unemployed men in France,2004,19,5,445-451,Khlat Risk of low-energy hip wrist and upper arm fractures among current and previous users of hormone replacement therapy: The Danish Nurse Cohort Study,2004,19,12,1089-1095,Davidsen The epidemiology of hand injuries in The Netherlands and Denmark,2004,19,4,323-327,Stam Women's death in Scandinavia--what makes Denmark different?,2004,19,2,117-121,Osler The epidemiology of a lifetime,2004,19,2,97-98,Barendregt Could moderate earthquakes also trigger cardiac events?,2013,28,2,199-202,Ribeiro High life in the sky? 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