Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Are female drivers safer? An application of the decomposition method,1998,9,4,379-384,Baker Injuries in working mothers,1995,6,2,103,Baker Household firearm ownership and suicide rates in the United States,2002,13,5,517-524,Miller Community firearms community fear,2000,11,6,709-714,Miller Causes and prevention of motor vehicle injuries,2004,15,3,350-351,Robertson Gender and driver safety,1999,10,1,98-99,Morgenstern Occupational injury in female aerospace workers,1995,6,2,110-114,Kraus Air bags and passenger fatality according to passenger age and restraint use,2002,13,5,525-532,Koepsell Factors associated with front row seating of children in motor vehicle crashes,2004,15,3,345-349,Durbin Should your neighbor buy a gun?,2000,11,6,617-619,Cummings Emotional Stress and Traffic Accidents: The Impact of Separation and Divorce,2004,15,6,762-766,Gueguen Risk factors for work-related assaults on nurses,2005,16,5,704-709,Geisser The effect of missing values for covariates,2002,13,1,113,Whitlock Transient exposures and the risk of childhood injury: a case-crossover study in Greece,1998,9,6,622-625,Trichopoulos Risk factors for injury among veterinarians,2002,13,1,80-86,Gabel Effect of exposure measurement error in a case-control study of child pedestrian injuries,1993,4,5,477-479,Roberts Impact of High Temperatures on Mortality: Is There an Added Heat Wave Effect?,2006,17,6,632-638,Russo Risks for Skin and Other Cancers Up to 25 Years After Burn Injuries,2006,17,6,668-673,Holmich Low serum cholesterol concentration and risk of suicide,2001,12,2,168-172,Ellison Epidemiology of suicide pacts in central Italy,2000,11,6,737-738,Crocetti Public health professionals and interpersonal violence,1997,8,5,605,Christy Temperature and Cardiovascular Deaths in the US Elderly: Changes Over Time,2007,18,3,369-372,Barnett Psychoactive medications and injurious motor vehicle collisions involving older drivers,1994,5,6,591-598,Koepsell Does vehicle color influence the risk of being passively involved in a collision?,2002,13,6,721-724,de Dios Luna-del-Castillo Validity of hospital discharge data regarding intentionality of fatal pediatric injuries,1996,7,6,644-647,Durkin Deaths due to injuries among employed adults: the effects of socioeconomic class,2003,14,1,74-79,Walker Overall mortality of cellular telephone customers,1996,7,3,303-305,Rothman Vehicle speed and risk of a severe crash,1995,6,3,258-262,Dolinis The urban traffic environment and the risk of child pedestrian injury: a case-crossover approach,1995,6,2,169-171,Marshall Differential recall in a case-control study of child pedestrian injuries,1994,5,4,473-475,Roberts Prior injury and motor vehicle crash as risk factors for youth suicide,1993,4,2,115-119,Grossman The contribution of alcohol to serious car crash injuries,2004,15,3,337-344,Connor Sensitivity and Predictive Value Positive Measurements for Public Health Surveillance Systems,2000,11,6,720-727,German Policy and Science: Should Epidemiologists Comment on the Policy Implications of Their Research?,2001,12,4,374-375,Teret Injury Case-Control Studies Using"Other Injuries"as Controls,2008,19,2,277-279,Marshall Childhood"Contagion"Through Media: Where is the Epidemiologic Evidence?,2008,19,2,280-281,Van den Bulck Injuries of the Head Face and Neck in Relation to Ski Helmet Use,2008,19,2,270-276,Mueller Injuries Among US Adults With Disabilities,2008,19,3,465-471,Xiang Prior Assault and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Combat Deployment,2008,19,3,505-512,Slymen Injuries among skiers and snowboarders in Quebec,2004,15,3,279-286,Hagel Identification of incident injuries in hospital discharge registers,2008,19,6,860-867,Berglund Weather-Related Mortality: How Heat Cold and Heat Waves Affect Mortality in the United States,2009,20,2,205-213,Bell Suicide after breast augmentation,2008,19,3,520-521,Morgan The Johnstown flood: an unnatural disaster,2008,19,1,163,Winkelstein Aircraft noise and incidence of hypertension,2007,18,6,716-721,Eriksson Misdemeanor policing physical disorder and gun-related homicide: a spatial analytic test of "broken-windows" theory,2009,20,4,533-541,Tardiff Risk Factors for Injury During Typhoon Saomei,2009,20,6,892-895,Feng Trends in suicide mortality among the elderly in Norway 1966-1986,1991,2,4,252-256,Sverre The mortality experience of workers exposed to 2378-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in a trichlorophenol process accident,1993,4,1,7-13,Collins Epidemiologic assessment of hazardous roadway locations,1990,1,4,311-314,Salmi Effects of Bushfire Smoke on Daily Mortality and Hospital Admissions in Sydney Australia,2010,21,1,47-55,Lumley Body Mass Index and Risk of Suicide Among One Million US Adults,2010,21,1,82-86,Rimm Longitudinal determinants of posttraumatic stress in a population-based cohort study,2008,19,1,47-54,Ahern Armed conflict and poverty in Central America: the convergence of epidemiology and human rights advocacy,2007,18,6,673-677,Hernán Vulnerability to heat-related mortality: a multicity population-based case-crossover analysis,2006,17,3,315-323,Russo Estimating the population burden of injuries: a comparison of household surveys and emergency department surveillance,2004,15,4,428-432,Trichopoulos Risk factors for work-related violent victimization,1997,8,4,408-413,Gibson Home injuries in children: a population-based intervention trial,1994,5,3,349-351,Gogliani Unintentional injury deaths in an adult Finnish population from 1971-1997,2000,11,5,598-602,Jarvinen Disability and the years of potential productivity lost: modifying the years of potential life lost and the investment-production-consumer model by disability level,1993,4,5,449-454,Linn Agreement between death certificate and autopsy diagnoses among atomic bomb survivors,1994,5,1,48-56,Carter Racial differences in fracture risk,1994,5,1,42-47,Fisher Do left-handers have increased mortality?,1994,5,3,337-340,Allebeck Utility of telephone company records for epidemiologic studies of cellular telephones,1996,7,3,299-302,Dreyer Assessment of cellular telephone and other radio frequency exposure for epidemiologic research,1996,7,3,291-298,Rothman Cellular telephones and health,1996,7,3,219,Buffler Witness of Intimate Partner Violence in Childhood and Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence in Adulthood,2010,21,6,809-818,Decker The importance and role of intracluster correlations in planning cluster trials,2007,18,5,552-560,Wolfson Myocardial infarction among professional drivers,2003,14,3,333-339,Hallqvist Car air fresheners as a source of ethnic differences in exposure to 14-dichlorobenzene,2008,19,1,166-167,Elliott The decomposition method,1998,9,4,369-370,Hemenway Abuse in Childhood and Risk of Uterine Leiomyoma: The Role of Emotional Support in Biologic Resilience,2011,22,1,6-14,Wright Long-term mortality after poliomyelitis,2003,14,3,355-360,Aaby Mortality in current and former users of clozapine,1997,8,6,671-677,Rothman The Moral Bases for Public Health Interventions,1995,6,1,78-83,Cole Acute work injuries among electric utility meter readers,1997,8,3,287-292,Kraus Bone mass and subsequent risk of hip fracture,1997,8,2,192-195,Himes The relation of alcohol intake to coronary heart disease and all-cause mortality in a beer-drinking population,1997,8,2,150-156,Doring Cause-specific mortality in women receiving hormone replacement therapy,1997,8,1,59-65,Adami Injury from dairy cattle activities,1997,8,1,37-41,Gibson The ghost of public health journalism: past present and future,2010,21,2,263-266,Cooper Are nested case-control studies biased?,2009,20,3,321-329,Langholz Ovarian function in late reproductive years in relation to lifetime experiences of abuse,2001,12,6,676-681,Allsworth Childhood abuse and risk of eating disorders in women,2004,15,3,271-278,Wise Work-related assault injuries among nurses,1999,10,6,685-691,Gerberich Cannabis Use and Traffic Injuries,2011,22,4,609-610,Pulido Use of a coded postcard to maintain anonymity in a highly sensitive mail survey: cost response rates and bias,1996,7,5,550-551,Asch Head injury as a risk factor for brain tumors in children: results from a multicenter case-control study,1996,7,5,485-489,Mueller Alcohol drinking and gallstone disease,1995,6,3,338-339,Knipschild Body height body mass index and fatal hip fractures: 16 years' follow-up of 674000 Norwegian women and men,1995,6,3,299-305,Falch Basic epidemiology of fractures of the upper and lower limb among Americans over 65 years of age,1996,7,6,612-618,Barrett Alcohol intake body weight and mortality in a multiethnic prospective cohort,1998,9,6,654-661,Maskarinec Acute work injuries among electric utility meter readers (Comment),1998,9,1,108,Green Time trends in leisure-time physical activity in the upper midwest 1957-1987: University of Minnesota studies,1991,2,1,8-15,Hannan On basketballs and heartbeats,1991,2,1,3-5,Powell Exercise and other factors in the prevention of hip fracture: the Leisure World study,1991,2,1,16-25,Ross Estimating Bias From Loss to Follow-up in the Danish National Birth Cohort,2011,22,6,815-822,Greenland "Suicide-related Events in Patients Treated With Antiepileptic Drugs": Not an Example of Time-window Bias,2011,22,6,876-877,Arana Incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury Across the Full Disease Spectrum: A Population-based Medical Record Review Study,2011,22,6,836-844,Diehl Heat Waves and Cause-specific Mortality at all Ages,2011,22,6,765-772,Medina-Ramón Alcohol and mortality in middle-aged men from eastern France,1998,9,2,184-188,d'Houtaud Inclement weather and the risk of hip fracture,1998,9,2,172-177,Levy Health Effects of Flooding in Rural Bangladesh,2012,23,1,107-115,Moji Heavy drinking but not moderate or intermediate drinking increases the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage,1999,10,3,307-312,McNeil Need for categorization of exposure in studies of cellular telephone users,1999,10,3,347,Lundquist IQ in early adulthood and mortality by middle age: cohort study of 1 million Swedish men,2009,20,1,100-109,Rasmussen A role of sunshine in the triggering of suicide,2002,13,1,106-109,Trichopoulos Alcoholic beverage preference and risk of becoming a heavy drinker,2002,13,2,127-132,Becker Where have all the winos gone?,2002,13,2,120-122,Klatsky Sleep disorders and traffic accidents,2012,23,4,643-644,Sung Effect of the 2010 Chilean earthquake on posttraumatic stress: reducing sensitivity to unmeasured bias through study design,2013,24,1,79-87,Rosenbaum Economic inequalities in the effectiveness of a primary care intervention for depression and suicidal ideation,2013,24,1,14-22,Bruce Changes in alcohol intake and mortality: a longitudinal population-based study,2004,15,2,222-228,Schnohr Risk of injury due to alcohol: evaluating potential bias using the case-crossover usual-frequency method,2013,24,2,240-243,Bond The effect of high ambient temperature on emergency room visits,2012,23,6,813-820,Basu Risk factors for falls with use of acid-suppressive drugs,2013,24,4,600-607,Cea-Soriano Cell phone use and crash risk,2013,24,3,469,Young Cell phone use and crash risk: evidence for positive bias,2012,23,1,116-118,Young Cell phone use and crash risk,2013,24,3,468-469,McCartt More on cell phone use and crash risk,2012,23,5,773-4;author reply 774-5,McCartt Prescription-drug-related risk in driving: comparing conventional and lasso shrinkage logistic regressions,2012,23,5,706-712,Lagarde Intelligence in early adulthood and subsequent hospitalization for mental disorders,2010,21,1,70-77,Rasmussen Quantitative falsification of instrumental variables assumption using balance measures,2014,25,5,770-772,Hoes Commentary: Applying a causal road map in settings with time-dependent confounding,2014,25,6,898-901,Petersen Hip fracture incidence and mortality in New England,1991,2,2,116-122,Barrett Risk factors for injury among high school football players,2009,20,2,302-310,Marshall Small-area spatiotemporal analysis of pedestrian and bicyclist injuries in New York City,2015,26,2,247-254,DiMaggio Assessing the health impact of air pollution noise and accidents as a function of transport policies,2006,17,6,S59–S60,Martuzzi Toward a clearer portrayal of confounding bias in instrumental variable applications,2015,26,4,498-504,Swanson The relationship between neighborhood poverty and alcohol use: estimation by marginal structural models,2010,21,4,482-489,Diez-Roux To treat or to prevent? Reducing the population burden of violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder,2015,26,5,681-689,Galea Prenatal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and child behavioral development milestone delays in Japan,2015,27,1,57-65,Kashima Heatstroke in elderly population in Japan,2011,22,1,S172,Ono Vulnerability to heat-related mortality: a systematic review meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis,2015,26,6,781-793,Kaufman Mapping activity patterns to quantify risk of violent assault in urban environments,2015,27,1,32-41,Wiebe The urban environment and violence: moving towards a dynamic understanding of space,2015,27,1,29-31,Cerdá Risk of use of antidepressants among children and young adults exposed to the death of a parent,2016,27,4,578-585,Johansen The association of graduated driver licensing with non-driver transport-related injuries among adolescents,2016,27,5,620-623,Zhu Racial/ethnic differences in the role of childhood adversities for mental disorders among a nationally representative sample of adolescents,2016,27,5,697-704,Ahern A GIS-based matched case-control study of road characteristics in farm vehicle crashes,2016,27,6,827-834,Ramirez The impact of forced migration on mortality: a cohort study of 242075 Finns from 1939-2010,2017,28,4,587-593,Haukka A typology for charting socioeconomic mortality gradients: "Go south-west",2017,28,4,594-603,Atkinson Team logo predicts concussion risk - lessons in protecting a vulnerable sports community from misconceived but highly publicized epidemiologic research,2017,28,5,753-757,Zavorsky Joint effect of alcohol consumption and educational level on alcohol-related medical events: a Danish register-based cohort study,2017,28,6,872-879,Diderichsen Reducing urban violence: a contrast of public health and criminal justice approaches,2018,29,1,142-150,Cerdá The epidemiology of pediatric head injury treated outside of hospital emergency departments,2018,29,2,269-279,Haider Animal companionship and risk of suicide,2018,29,4,e25-e26,Batty Assaults on days of campaign rallies during the 2016 US presidential election,2018,29,4,490-493,Wiebe Repeal of comprehensive background check policies and firearm homicide and suicide,2018,29,4,494-502,Wintemute A new tool for case studies in Epidemiology - the Synthetic Control Method,2018,29,4,503-505,Rehkopf Mediation of neighborhood effects on adolescent substance use by the school and peer environments,2018,29,4,590-598,Ahern Excess risk of fatal road traffic accidents on the day of daylight saving time change,2018,29,5,e44-e45,Tobias Exposure to community violence and self-harm in California: a multi-level population-based case-control study,2018,29,5,697-706,Ahern Acute changes in community violence and increases in hospital visits and deaths from stress-responsive diseases,2018,29,5,684-691,Ahern Preventing community violence to prevent communities' disease events: an efficient approach with short- and long-term potential,2018,29,5,692-694, Accuracy of administrative health data for surveillance of traumatic brain injury: a Bayesian latent class analysis,2018,29,6,876-884,Marcoux Patient presentations in outpatient settings: epidemiology of adult head trauma treated outside of hospital emergency departments,2018,29,6,885-894,Haider Equitable Access to Air Conditioning: a City Health Department's Perspective on Preventing Heat-Related Deaths,2018,29,6,749-752,Lane Within-community variation in violence and risk of self-harm in California: a population-based case-crossover study,2019,30,2,e5-e7,Ahern Would stronger seat belt laws reduce motor vehicle crash deaths?: a semi-Bayesian analysis,2019,30,3,380-387,Harper Evaluating Missouri's handgun purchaser law: a bracketing method for addressing concerns about history interacting with group,2019,30,3,371-379,Webster Exposure to community homicide during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: a within-community matched design,2019,30,5,713-722,Ahern Exposure duration and history of hypertension predicted neurological sequelae in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning,2019,30,Suppl 1,S76-S81,Guo Acute air pollution exposure and the risk of violent behavior in the United States,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berman Use of time-dependent propensity scores to adjust hazard ratio estimates in cohort studies with differential depletion of susceptibles,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fireman Violence and mental health: does disability make a difference?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Milner Development and validation of a Google Street View pedestrian safety audit tool,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dimaggio Long-term exposure to neighborhood deprivation and intimate partner violence among women: a UK birth-cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heron Do election laws restricting public road publicity reduce road traffic crashes and their consequences?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nazif-Munoz The relative economy and drug overdose deaths,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá Air conditioning and heat-related mortality: a multi-country longitudinal study,2020,31,6,779-787,Tobias At-risk-measure sampling in case-control studies with aggregated data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Flanders Firearm homicide incidence within-state firearm laws and interstate firearm laws in US counties,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiebe War epidemiology: an urgent plea,2015,26,1,e10-11,Rezaeian Bans on cellphone use while driving and traffic fatalities in the United States,2021,32,5,731-739,Zhu Spatial errors in automated geocoding of incident locations in Australian suicide mortality data,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Phillips Association between medical diagnoses and suicide in a Medicaid beneficiary population North Carolina 2014-2017,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marshall Rates of clinically confirmed stress-related psychiatric disorders among Swedish tsunami survivors: 9-year follow-up,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lichtenstein Visual acuity and the risk of cycling injuries: register-based cohort study from adolescence to middle-age,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fall The joint effects of 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