Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Neighborhood context and substance use disorders: A comparative analysis of racial and ethnic groups in the United States,2012,125 ,Suppl 1,S35-S43,Alegria Guns and blood alcohol levels among homicide victims,1986,18,3,253-257,Abel Accuracy of alcohol diagnosis among DWI offenders referred for screening,2004,76,2,135-141,Hunt Paternal alcohol dependence and offspring suicidal behaviors in a children-of-twins study,2004,76,Suppl,S69-77,Bucholz The development of suicide ideation and attempts: an epidemiologic study of first graders followed into young adulthood,2004,76,Suppl,S53-S67,Anthony Neurobehavior disinhibition in childhood predicts suicide potential and substance use disorder by young adulthood,2004,76,Suppl,S45-52,Reynolds Post-traumatic stress disorder drug dependence and suicidality among male Vietnam veterans with a history of heavy drug use,2004,76,Suppl,S31-43,Lewis Suicidal behavior drug use and depressive symptoms after detoxification: a 2-year prospective study,2004,76,Suppl,S21-9,Wines Association of alcohol and drug use disorders and completed suicide: an empirical review of cohort studies,2004,76,Suppl,S11-S19,Caine Deaths of clients in methadone treatment in Texas: 1994-2002,2005,78,1,73-81,Maxwell Psychosocial and substance-use risk factors for intimate partner violence,2005,78,1,39-47,Field Alternative definitions of high risk for impaired driving: the overlap of high volume frequent heavy drinking and alcohol dependence,1999,54,3,219-228,Dawson Israeli college student alcohol use: the association of background characteristics and regular drinking patterns,1996,42,3,147-153,Peleg A case-control study of driving-while-impaired offenders,1993,33,1,61-71,Dooley Factors affecting the drinking driver,1987,19,2,99-119,Chan Occurrence and patterns of driving behavior for alcoholics in treatment,1988,22,1-2,15-25,Pederson Retention of driving-under-the-influence offenders in alcoholism treatment,1983,12,1,93-96,Steer Drinking and driving: pre-driving attitudes and perceptions among Brazilian youth,2001,62,3,231-237,Laranjeira Factors associated with coercion in entering treatment for alcohol problems,1999,54,1,63-68,Polcin Dose related risk of motor vehicle crashes after cannabis use,2004,73,2,109-119,Drummer Screening for drug use disorders in the emergency department: performance of the rapid drug problems screen (RDPS),2004,74,2,171-175,Borges Demographic and substance use factors related to violent and accidental injuries: results from an emergency room study,1999,55,1-2,53-61,Wells Cause of casualty and drinking patterns: an emergency room study of unintentional injuries,1994,35,1,61-67,Cherpitel Alcohol consumption and injury in the general population: from a national sample,1994,34,3,217-224,Cherpitel Prediction of alcohol-related casualties: a comparison of two emergency room populations,1989,24,3,195-203,Cherpitel Attempted suicide among heroin users: 12-month outcomes from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS),2005,78,2,177-186,Darke Is ecstasy perceived to be safe? A critical survey,2005,77,2,185-193,Jerome Cost-effectiveness of screening and referral to an alcohol health worker in alcohol misusing patients attending an accident and emergency department: A decision-making approach,2005,81,1,47-54,Patton Alcohol and benzodiazepines in falls: An epidemiological view,2005,79,2,225-230,Kurzthaler Prevalence and trends of alcohol use and misuse among adolescents and young adults in the Netherlands from 1993 to 2000,2005,79,3,413-421,Boomsma A prospective study of risk and protective factors for substance use among impoverished women living in temporary shelter settings in Los Angeles County,2005,80,1,35-43,Elliott Predicting DUI recidivism: Personality attitudinal and behavioral risk factors,2005,82,1,33-40,Schell Illicit drug use and injuries: A review of emergency room studies,2005,82,1,1-9,Vitale Twelve-month prevalence and changes in driving after drinking: United States 1991-1992 and 2001-2002,2005,80,2,223-230,Dawson Illicit drug use alcohol use and problem drinking among infrequent and frequent road ragers,2005,80,2,169-175,Mann Patterns of use and harm reduction practices of ecstasy users in Australia,2005,82,2,168-176,Allott Multi-level analysis of causal attribution of injury to alcohol and modifying effects: Data from two international emergency room projects,2005,82,3,258-268,Borges Work-family conflicts and drinking behaviours among employed women and men,2005,83,1,49-56,Roos Prevalence of childhood maltreatment among people with opioid use disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,219,,e108459,Degenhardt The prevalence of drinking and driving in the United States 2001-2002: Results from the national epidemiological survey on alcohol and related conditions,2005,83,2,137-146,Dawson Community actions against alcohol drinking in Slovenia - a Delphi study,2005,,,,Susia School-level contextual influences on smoking and drinking among Asian and Pacific Islander adolescents,2006,84,1,56-68,McCarthy Mortality among subjects previously apprehended for driving under the influence of traffic-hazardous medicinal drugs,2005,79,3,423-429,Hausken Alcohol use and misuse in urban Mexican men and women: An epidemiologic perspective,2006,85,2,163-170,Norris Trends in medical student use of tobacco alcohol and drugs in an Irish university 1973-2002,2006,85,2,123-128,Fitzpatrick Brief measures of sensation seeking for screening and large-scale surveys,2003,72,3,279-286,Slater "Not getting tanked": Definitions of moderate drinking and their health implications,2006,86,2-3,265-273,Green Meaning and purpose in the context of opioid overdose deaths (editorial),2021,219,,e108528,Strain Patterns and correlates of attempted suicide by heroin users over a 3-year period: Findings from the Australian treatment outcome study,2006,87,2-3,146-152,Darke Alcohol expectancies drinking refusal self-efficacy and drinking behaviour in Asian and Australian students,2007,87,2-3,281-287,Oei Religion and alcohol in the U.S. National Alcohol Survey: How important is religion for abstention and drinking?,2007,87,2-3,268-280,Bond Correlates of driving under the influence of cannabis,2007,88,1,83-86,Swift Comparison of tobacco alcohol and illegal drug usage among school students in three Pacific Island societies,2007,88,1,9-18,Bauman Suicides and alcohol consumption in Russia 1965-1999,2003,71,2,161-168,Nemtsov Smoke-free bar policies and smokers' alcohol consumption: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey,2012,126,1-2,240-245,McKee Overview of workshop on drug abuse and suicidal behavior,2004,76,Suppl,S3-9,Brown Drug abuse and suicidal behavior,2004,76,,S1-2,Erinoff Psychiatric disorders and attempted suicide among adolescents with substance use disorders,2004,73,1,87-97,Cornelius Education inequality and use of cigarettes alcohol and marijuana,2007,90,1,S4-S15,Ahern Best friends and alcohol consumption in adolescence: A within-family analysis,2007,88,2-3,163-173,Poelen Consistency between adolescent reports and adult retrospective reports of adolescent marijuana use: Explanations of inconsistent reporting among an African American population,2007,89,1,13-23,Ensminger The drunken driver: a psychosocial study,1977,2,4,239-253,Selzer Initiation into methamphetamine use for young gay and bisexual men,2007,90,2-3,135 - 144,Parsons Illicit drugs and driving: prevalence beliefs and accident involvement among a cohort of current out-of-treatment drug users,2000,58,1-2,197-204,Griffiths Inhalant use and suicidality among incarcerated youth,2007,90,1,81-88,Freedenthal Concurrent and simultaneous drug and alcohol use: Results of the 2000 National Alcohol Survey,2007,90,1,72-80,Midanik Trends in non-medical use of anabolic steroids by U.S. college students: results from four national surveys,2007,90,2-3,243 - 251,Wechsler Performance monitoring and stop signal inhibition in abstinent patients with cocaine dependence,2006,85,3,205-212,Milivojevic Cognition and motor control as a function of Delta9-THC concentration in serum and oral fluid: limits of impairment,2006,85,2,114-122,Ramaekers Drug and alcohol-impaired driving among electronic music dance event attendees,2006,85,1,83-86,Voas Relationship between blood alcohol concentration and carbohydrate-deficient transferrin among drivers,2005,79,2,261-265,Schneider Prevalence of abuse of alcohol and other drugs among injured drivers presenting to the emergency department of the University Hospital of Modena Italy,2005,80,1,135-138,Ferrari Impairment due to intake of carisoprodol,2004,74,3,311-318,Skurtveit The effects of the opioid pharmacotherapies methadone LAAM and buprenorphine alone and in combination with alcohol on simulated driving,2003,72,3,271-278,Lenné Injury risk associated with cannabis and cocaine use,2003,72,2,99-115,Mann Behavioral and subjective effects of marijuana following partial sleep deprivation,2003,70,3,233-240,McCall Increased mortality among previously apprehended drunken and drugged drivers,2002,68,2,143-150,Christophersen Are drunk-driving offenders referred for screening accurately reporting their drug use?,2002,66,3,243-253,Berger Rearrest rates among Norwegian drugged drivers compared with drunken drivers,2002,66,1,85-92,Christophersen Incidence of alcohol dependence among drunken drivers,2002,66,1,7-10,Brinkmann Illicit drugs and fitness to drive: assessment in Spanish Medical Driving Test Centres,2001,64,1,19-25,Álvarez Caffeine antagonism of alcohol-induced driving impairment,2001,63,2,123-129,Liguori Reducing the harms caused by cannabis use: the policy debate in Australia,2001,62,3,163-174,Hall Presence of illegal drugs in drivers involved in fatal road traffic accidents in Spain,2000,57,3,177-182,Álvarez Profile of lifetime methamphetamine use among homeless adults in Los Angeles,2007,92,1-3,277 - 281,Williams A comparison of young drinking offenders with other adolescents,1985,15,1-2,181-191,Vingilis Analysis of risk taking in adults with a history of high risk behavior,2000,60,2,179-187,Cherek Illegal drug taking and driving: patterns of drug taking among Spanish drivers,1995,37,1,83-86,Javier Alvarez Epidemiology of road accidents involving young adults: Alcohol drugs and other factors,1982,10,1,35-63,Simpson How much for a dime bag? An exploration of youth drug markets,2007,90,Suppl 1,S27-39,Brochu Treating paternal drug abuse using Learning Sobriety Together: Effects on adolescents versus children,2007,92,1-3,228-238,Kelley Characteristics of drug-related hospital separations in Australia,2007,92,1-3,149-155,Roxburgh Casualties in Acapulco: results of a study on alcohol use and emergency room care,1994,36,1,1-7,Gil Restricting the availability of alcohol and rates of personal violence (suicide and homicide),1993,31,3,215-217,Lester Alcohol consumption and rates of personal violence in Australia,1992,31,1,15-17,Lester Drugged driving a review based on the experience in Norway,1997,47,2,125-135,Christophersen Evidence for a closing gender gap in alcohol use abuse and dependence in the United States population,2008,93,1-2,21-29,Grant Inhalant use among incarcerated adolescents in the United States: Prevalence characteristics and correlates of use,2008,93,3,197-209,Cottler Injecting alone among young adult IDUs in five US cities: evidence of low rates of injection risk behavior,2007,91,1,S48-55,Strathdee Factors associated with history of non-fatal overdose among opioid users in the Swedish criminal justice system,2008,94,1-3,48-55,Berglund Impulsivity in Hong Kong-Chinese club-drug users,2008,95,1-2,81-89,Ho Pattern of use and subjective effects of Salvia divinorum among recreational users,2006,85,2,157-162,Gonzalez College student use of Salvia divinorum,2008,94,1-3,263-266,Lange Acute disinhibiting effects of alcohol as a factor in risky driving behavior,2008,95,1-2,97-106,Harrison The impact of two universal randomized first- and second-grade classroom interventions on young adult suicide ideation and attempt,2008,95,1,S60-S73,Poduska Do survivors respond differently when alcohol abuse complicates suicide? Findings from the psychological autopsy study in Estonia,2008,95,1-2,129-133,Värnik Lifecourse socioeconomic predictors of midlife drinking patterns problems and abstention: Findings from the 1958 British Birth Cohort Study,2008,95,3,269-278,Caldwell The developmental antecedents of illicit drug use: Evidence from a 25-year longitudinal study,2008,96,1-2,165-177,Fergusson Role of individual peer and family factors in the use of cannabis and other illicit drugs: A longitudinal analysis among Finnish adolescent twins,2008,97,1-2,33-43,Huizink Family interventions and their effect on adolescent alcohol use in general populations; a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,2008,97,3,195-206,Monshouwer The prognostic implications of DSM-IV abuse criteria in drinking adolescents,2008,97,1-2,94-104,Bucholz Executive functions and risky decision-making in patients with opiate dependence,2008,97,1-2,64-72,Brand Physical violence among a prospective cohort of injection drug users: A gender-focused approach,2008,97,3,237-246,Li Drug use and problem drinking associated with primary care and emergency room utilization in the US general population: Data from the 2005 national alcohol survey,2008,97,3,226-230,Cherpitel Partner aggression among men and women in substance use disorder treatment: Correlates of psychological and physical aggression and injury,2008,98,1-2,35-44,Blow Impulsive suicide attempts predict post-treatment relapse in alcohol-dependent patients,2008,97,3,268-275,Ilgen Individual and community correlates of young people's high-risk drinking in Victoria Australia,2008,98,3,241-248,Livingston Self-injurious behaviour traumatic life events and alexithymia among treatment-seeking opiate addicts: Prevalence pattern and correlates,2008,98,3,227-234,Brown Smoking [cessation] and suicide: A brief overview,2008,98,3,169-178,Hughes Predictors of violence following Emergency Department visit for cocaine-related chest pain,2009,99,1-3,79-88,Maio Signs and symptoms of hangover: prevalence and relationship to alcohol use in a general adult population,1983,11,3-4,249-269,Barnes Characteristics of DSM-IV alcohol diagnostic orphans: Drinking patterns physical illness and negative life events,2009,99,1-3,272-279,McCann The Hispanic Americans Baseline Alcohol Survey (HABLAS): The association between birthplace acculturation and alcohol abuse and dependence across Hispanic national groups,2009,99,1-3,215-221,Caetano The longitudinal association between substance use and delinquency among high-risk youth,2008,93,1-2,85-92,D'Amico One year outcomes for heroin dependence: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS),2006,83,2,174-180,Darke Reductions in criminal convictions after addiction treatment: 5-year follow-up,2005,79,3,295-302,Stewart Factors associated with driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs among an Australian sample of regular ecstasy users,2009,100,1-2,24-31,Degenhardt Posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychopathology in substance abusing patients,2009,101,1-2,27-33,Alterman Application of the Relapse Risk Scale to alcohol-dependent individuals in Japan: Comparison with stimulant abusers,2009,101,1-2,20-26,Ikeda Mediating mechanisms of a military web-based alcohol intervention,2009,100,3,248-257,Williams Under double influence: Assessment of simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in general youth populations,2009,101,1-2,69-73,Rossow Dimensionality of lifetime alcohol abuse dependence and binge drinking,2009,101,1-2,53-61,Hasin Reversing the sequence: Reducing alcohol consumption by overcoming alcohol attentional bias,2009,101,3,137-145,Fadardi Blood alcohol concentrations among bar patrons: A multi-level study of drinking behavior,2009,102,1-3,41-48,Shillington Sensation seeking as a common factor in opioid dependent subjects and high risk sport practicing subjects. A cross sectional study,2003,69,2,121-126,Franques A twin study on sensation seeking risk taking behavior and marijuana use,2001,62,1,57-68,van den Bree Daily ratings measures of alcohol craving during an inpatient stay define subtypes of alcohol addiction that predict subsequent risk for resumption of drinking,2009,103,3,131-136,Blow Too young to drink but old enough to drive under the influence: A Study of underage offenders as seen in substance abuse treatment in Texas,2009,104,1-2,107-112,Maxwell Endemic asthma inhaler abuse among antisocial adolescents,2008,96,1-2,22-29,Howard Severity of childhood trauma is predictive of cocaine relapse outcomes in women but not men,2008,92,1-3,208-216,Rounsaville Methods for testing theory and evaluating impact in randomized field trials: intent-to-treat analyses for integrating the perspectives of person place and time,2008,95,Suppl 1,S74-S104,Poduska Developmental epidemiological courses leading to antisocial personality disorder and violent and criminal behavior: effects by young adulthood of a universal preventive intervention in first- and second-grade classrooms,2008,95,Suppl 1,S45-S59,Poduska Childhood sexual abuse and the course of alcohol dependence development: findings from a female twin sample,2007,89,2-3,139-144,Bucholz The social context of homeless women's alcohol and drug use,2009,105,1-2,16-23,Wenzel Mortality among clients of a state-wide opioid pharmacotherapy program over 20 years: Risk factors and lives saved,2009,105,1-2,9-15,Hall Increased drinking in a trial of treatments for marijuana dependence: Substance substitution?,2009,105,1-2,168-171,Petry What are the needs of alcohol dependent patients with a history of sexual violence? A case-register study in a metropolitan region,2009,105,1-2,118-125,Verthein Measurement of opioid problems among chronic pain patients in a general medical population,2009,104,1-2,43-49,Calsyn Substance use among non-fatally injured patients attended at emergency departments in Spain,2009,105,3,194-201,Plasencia Opioid use behaviors mental health and pain--development of a typology of chronic pain patients,2009,104,1-2,34-42,Calsyn The association between alcohol-related arrests and college football game days,2010,106,1,69-71,Cottler Screening for atypical suicide risk with person fit statistics among people presenting to alcohol and other drug treatment,2010,106,2-3,92-100,Riley Geographic clustering of underage drinking and the influence of community characteristics,2010,106,1,38-47,Wolfson Hazardous alcohol consumption and sense of coherence in emergency department patients with minor trauma,2006,82,2,143-150,Miller Heavy alcohol consumption and physical health problems: a review of the epidemiological evidence,1975,1,1,27-50,Schmidt Adolescent drug using groups in Chicago parks,1978,3,3,199-210,Shick Causes of death among U.S. Veterans with a prior nonfatal opioid overdose,2021,219,,e108484,Bossarte Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality among elderly in Finland,2010,106,2-3,212-218,Poikolainen Seeing the forest through the trees: A comparison of different IAT variants measuring implicit alcohol associations,2010,106,2-3,204-211,Wiers Factors associated with initiation of ecstasy use among US adolescents: Findings from a national survey,2010,106,2-3,193-198,Liu Daily marijuana users with past alcohol problems increase alcohol consumption during marijuana abstinence,2010,106,2-3,111-118,Hughes Drug-related mortality in an inner city area,1981,7,3,239-247,Harvey Symptom profiles of 'driving under the influence' offenders referred for alcoholism treatment,1982,10,2-3,165-170,Steer Drinking and driving among American youth: beliefs and behaviors,1982,10,1,1-33,Cameron Alcohol incidence in rural drivers: characteristics of a population and clues for countermeasures,1982,9,4,305-324,Damkot Alcoholism and violence,1982,9,1,1-13,Coid The day-to-day criminality of heroin addicts in Baltimore--a study in the continuity of offence rates,1983,12,2,119-142,Shaffer Plasma concentrations of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and impaired motor function,1983,11,2,167-175,Grant Decreased serum selenium and magnesium levels in drunkenness arrestees,1987,20,2,95-103,Poikolainen Drug findings in 'driving under the influence of drugs' cases: a problem of illicit drug use,1987,20,1,57-62,Poklis Community-based approaches to highway safety: health promotion and drinking-driving,1987,20,1,27-37,Simpson Alcohol use by violent and property offenders,1987,19,4,313-324,Welte Changes in alcohol problems as a result of changing alcohol consumption: a natural experiment,1987,19,1,91-97,Smart Self-estimates of blood alcohol concentration in drinking-driving context,1987,19,1,79-90,Beirness First effects of warning labels on alcoholic beverage containers,1992,31,1,1-14,Greenfield Predicting DUI recidivism of male drunken driving: A prospective study of the impact of alcohol markers and previous drunken driving,2010,106,2-3,186-192,Haukka Cognitive recovery during and after treatment for volatile solvent abuse,2011,118,2-3,180-185,Cairney Some social consequences of partial prohibition in Auckland New Zealand,1978,3,6,377-382,Brown Crime and drug use among applicants for methadone maintenance,1993,31,2,123-129,Hall Criminality in a sample of drug abusers in Greece,1993,31,2,111-121,Stefanis Are benzodiazepines a risk factor for road accidents? 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Relationship with alcoholism,1988,21,1,61-65,Facy Alcohol consumption and casualties; drinking in the event,1987,20,2,115-127,Stephens Monitoring changing patterns of drug dependence in accident and emergency departments,1987,19,3,265-269,Edwards Effects of combined alcohol and benzodiazepine: a review,1984,13,4,315-341,Chan Alcohol-related morbidity among older career navy men,1982,9,3,181-189,Kolb A longitudinal study of health risks associated with alcohol abuse in young navy men,1981,8,2,131-141,Kolb The adoption of wraparound services among substance abuse treatment organizations serving criminal offenders: The role of a women-specific program,2009,103,1,S82-90,Leukefeld Psychopharmacological effects of oxycodone in healthy volunteers: Roles of alcohol-drinking status and sex,2010,107,2-3,209-214,Zacny Late-life and life history predictors of older adults' high-risk alcohol consumption and drinking problems,2010,108,1-2,13-20,Moos Predicting drinking onset with discrete-time survival analysis in offspring from the San Diego prospective study,2010,107,2-3,215-220,Schuckit Alcohol misuse and functional impairment in the UK Armed Forces: A population-based study,2010,108,1-2,37-42,Hotopf Effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions for general practice patients with problematic drinking behavior and comorbid anxiety or depressive disorders,2008,94,1-3,214-220,Bischof Methamphetamine use aggressive behavior and other mental health issues among high-school students in Cape Town South Africa,2010,109,1-3,14-19,Lombard Impact of severity of drug use on discrete emotions recognition in polysubstance abusers,2010,109,1-3,57-64,Fernández-Serrano Effects of risk perception of marijuana use on marijuana use and intentions to use among adolescents in Bogota Colombia,2010,109,1-3,65-72,Neumark Relationship of combat experiences to alcohol misuse among U.S. soldiers returning from the Iraq war,2010,108,1-2,115-121,Hoge Suicide attempts prior to starting methadone maintenance treatment in Taiwan,2010,109,1-3,139-143,Lee College students' readiness to reduce binge drinking: Criterion validity of a brief measure,2010,109,1-3,236-238,Williams Alcohol pharmacokinetics decision making and folk wisdom: a reply to Moxnes and Jensen (2009),2010,109,1-3,1-3; author reply 4-5,Albery Validation of a measure to assess alcohol- and marijuana-related risks and consequences among incarcerated adolescents,2010,109,1-3,104-113,Stein Childhood sexual abuse and adolescent substance use: A latent class analysis,2010,109,1-3,226-235,Hazen Alcopops alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in a sample of German adolescents: Is there an alcopop-specific effect?,2010,110,1-2,15-20,Metzner The more you drink the harder you fall: A systematic review and meta-analysis of how acute alcohol consumption and injury or collision risk increase together,2010,110,1-2,108-116,Greenfield High mortality among people suspected of drunk-driving. An 18-year register-based follow-up,2010,110,1-2,80-84,Lintonen Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-related fatalities in Australia: demographics circumstances toxicology and major organ pathology,2009,104,3,254-261,Darke Gender differences in cocaine dependence,2008,97,1-2,190-194,Najavits MDMA ('ecstasy') use and its association with high risk behaviors mental health and other factors among gay/bisexual men in New York City,2002,66,2,115-125,Pollack Predictors of expressed partner and non-partner violence among patients in substance abuse treatment,2000,58,1-2,43-54,Blow Buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: the role of public funding in its development,2020,219,,e108491,Kesselheim Drinking to have fun and to get drunk: Motives as predictors of weekend drinking over and above usual drinking habits,2010,110,3,259-262,Kuntsche Unintentional overdose and suicide among substance users: A review of overlap and risk factors,2010,110,3,183-192,Ilgen Age differentials in the impacts of reduced heroin: effects of a "heroin shortage" in NSW Australia,2005,79,3,397-404,Hall The effectiveness of brief intervention among injured patients with alcohol dependence: Who benefits from brief interventions?,2010,111,1-2,13-20,Field Neighborhood education inequality and drinking behavior,2010,112,1-2,18-26,Ahern A randomized controlled trial of Structural Ecosystems Therapy for HIV medication adherence and substance abuse relapse prevention,2010,111,3,227-234,Mitrani The role of drinking locations in university student drinking: Findings from a national web-based survey,2010,111,1-2,38-43,Langley Identification of alcohol by smell among young children: an objective measure of early learning in the home,1993,34,1,29-35,Fossey Reinforcing effects of extended inhalation of nitrous oxide in humans,1993,31,3,265-280,de Wit Alcohol use and abuse in the frail homebound elderly: a clinical analysis of 103 persons,1993,33,2,139-149,Bercsi A comparison of alcohol consumption between lesbians and heterosexual women in an urban population,1993,33,3,257-269,Bloomfield Risk-taking but not response inhibition or delay discounting predict alcohol consumption in social drinkers,2010,112,1-2,54-61,Fernie Relationship between subjective effects and drug preferences: ethanol and diazepam,1994,34,3,243-251,de Wit Reliability and validity of the Westminster Substance Use Questionnaire among Lancashire adolescents,1994,34,3,191-199,Singh Factors predictive of alcohol consumption in a representative sample of French male teenagers: a five-year prospective study,1994,35,1,45-50,Weill Psychotropic drug consumption and other factors associated with heroin overdose,1994,35,2,169-174,Camí Evaluation of the abuse liability of aminorex,1994,36,3,187-192,Harris Alcohol use among primary care patients: comparing an HMO with county clinics and the general population,1994,36,3,167-173,Cherpitel Exposure to trauma: A comparison of cocaine-dependent cases and a community-matched sample,2010,112,1-2,46-53,Bierut A serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) predicts the development of adolescent alcohol use,2010,112,1-2,134-139,Scholte The role of parental alcohol-specific communication in early adolescents' alcohol use,2010,111,3,183-190,Engels Diagnostic tests for alcoholism in primary health care: compared efficacy of different instruments,1995,40,2,151-158,Escobar Heroin addicts and methadone treatment in Albuquerque: a 22-year follow-up,1995,40,2,139-150,Goldstein Screening for alcohol problems in the emergency room: a rapid alcohol problems screen,1995,40,2,133-137,Cherpitel Non-medical use abuse and dependence on prescription opioids among U.S. adults: psychiatric medical and substance use correlates,2008,94,1-3,38-47,Desai Non-prescribed use of pain relievers among adolescents in the United States,2008,94,1-3,1-11,Pilowsky Brief alcohol intervention for general hospital inpatients: a randomized controlled trial,2008,93,3,233-243,Bischof Evaluation of a telephone-based stepped care intervention for alcohol-related disorders: a randomized controlled trial,2008,93,3,244-251,Bischof Predictors of substance abuse treatment entry for crime-involved cocaine-dependent women,2007,91,2-3,253-259,Inciardi The built environment and alcohol consumption in urban neighborhoods,2007,91,2-3,244-252,Ahern Country of origin age of drinking onset and drinking patterns among Mexican American young adults,2007,91,2-3,134-140,Heeren Subtypes of alcohol dependence in a nationally representative sample,2007,91,2-3,149-158,Chen Interactions between implicit and explicit cognition and working memory capacity in the prediction of alcohol use in at-risk adolescents,2008,94,1-3,116-124,Sussman Residual effects of intranasal methamphetamine on sleep mood and performance,2008,94,1-3,258-262,Foltin Use of anabolic androgenic steroids in substance abusers arrested for crime,2010,111,3,222-226,Lundholm Zolpidem does not serve as reinforcer in humans subjected to simulated shift work,2010,112,1-2,168-171,Foltin Violence among men and women in substance use disorder treatment: A multi-level event-based analysis,2010,112,3,194-200,Chermack Non-fatal injuries and the use of psychoactive drugs among young adults in Spain,1996,40,3,249-259,Regidor Pattern shift visual evoked potentials in abstinent cocaine-dependent alcohol-dependent and cross-dependent patients,1996,40,3,203-209,Easton Excessive drinking situations in German alcoholics: replication of a three-factor model used for North Americans,1996,41,1,75-79,Victorio-Estrada Prevalence and modes of cannabis use among youth in Canada England and the US 2017 to 2019,2021,219,,e108505,Hammond Detection of alcohol problems in primary care outpatients under different conditions,1996,41,2,151-155,Welte Cross-system agreement among demographic subgroups: DSM-III DSM-III-R DSM-IV and ICD-10 diagnoses of alcohol use disorders,1996,41,2,127-135,Endicott Child sexual abuse as a predictor of psychiatric co-morbidity and its implications for drug and alcohol treatment,1997,49,1,61-69,Copeland Effects of information on the reinforcing subjective and psychomotor effects of nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers,1997,48,2,85-95,Zacny Investigating the long-term influence of adolescent delinquency on drug use initiation,2008,93,1-2,72-84,Ensminger Effects of alcohol on psychomotor performance and perceived impairment in heavy binge social drinkers,2007,91,1,10-17,King Efficacy of brief motivational intervention in reducing binge drinking in young men: A randomized controlled trial,2011,113,1,69-75,Bertholet Linkage scan of alcohol dependence in the UCSF Family Alcoholism Study,2011,113,2-3,125-132,Ehlers Patterns of polydrug use in Great Britain: Findings from a national household population survey,2011,113,2-3,222-228,Smith Behavioral components of impulsivity predict alcohol consumption in adults with ADHD and healthy controls,2011,113,2-3,139-146,Fillmore Brain macrostructural and microstructural abnormalities in cocaine dependence,2008,92,1-3,164-172,Mueller The impact of early school behavior and educational achievement on adult drug use disorders: a prospective study,2008,92,1-3,191-199,Ensminger Pathways to ecstasy use in young adults: anxiety depression or behavioural deviance?,2008,92,1-3,108-115,Najman Use function and subjective experiences of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB),2008,92,1-3,286-290,Sumnall Neurocognitive characterizations of Russian heroin addicts without a significant history of other drug use,2007,90,1,25-38,Fishbein Marijuana use patterns among African-American middle-school students: a longitudinal latent class regression analysis,2007,90,1,12-24,Ialongo Effects of a universal classroom behavior program in first and second grades on young adult problem outcomes,2008,95,Suppl 1,S1-4,Kellam Self-stigma in alcohol dependence: Consequences for drinking-refusal self-efficacy,2011,114,1,12-17,Corrigan A prospective population based study of changes in alcohol use and binge drinking after a mass traumatic event,2011,115,1-2,1-8,Galea The psychological impact of heavy drinking among the elderly on their co-residents: The 10/66 group population based survey in the Dominican Republic,2011,114,1,82-86,Nadkarni Correlates of received and expressed violence persistence following substance abuse treatment,2002,67,1,1-12,Blow The onset of heroin use and criminal behaviour: does order make a difference?,1998,53,1,79-86,Darke Smoking predicts posttraumatic stress symptoms among rescue workers: a prospective study of ambulance personnel involved in the Enschede Fireworks Disaster,2008,94,1-3,267-271,Koenen Multilevel influences of school and family on alcohol-purchasing behaviors in school-aged children,2011,114,2-3,127-133,Liu The role of Alcoholics Anonymous in mobilizing adaptive social network changes: A prospective lagged mediational analysis,2011,114,2-3,119-126,Stout Population screening of risky alcohol and drug use via Internet and Interactive Voice Response (IVR): A feasibility and psychometric study in a random sample,2011,114,1,55-60,Berman Gender injury status and acculturation differences in performance of screening instruments for alcohol problems among US Hispanic emergency department patients,1999,53,2,147-157,Cherpitel Factors associated with missing data in an experience sampling investigation of substance use determinants,2011,114,2-3,153-158,Messiah Clinical impairment of benzodiazepines--relation between benzodiazepine concentrations and impairment in apprehended drivers,2002,68,2,131-141,Skurtveit Using ambulance attendances to recruit people who have experienced non-fatal heroin overdose,2002,67,1,99-103,Jolley Epidemiologic trends and geographic patterns of fatal opioid intoxications in Connecticut USA: 1997-2007,2011,115,3,221-228,Carver Alcohol consumption in Mozambique: Regular consumption weekly pattern and binge drinking,2011,115,1-2,87-93,Padrão Discrimination and alcohol-related problems among college students: A prospective examination of mediating effects,2011,115,3,213-220,Fromme Evaluating the validity and utility of scaling alcohol consumption indices alongside AUD symptoms in treatment-seeking adolescents,2011,115,3,196-204,Kahler Measuring costs of alcohol harm to others: A review of the literature,2011,114,2-3,87-99,Doran Cannabis use and development of externalizing and internalizing behaviour problems in early adolescence: A TRAILS study,2011,116,1-3,11-17,Griffith-Lendering Arrest history as an indicator of adolescent/young adult substance use and HIV risk,2007,88,1,87-90,Brown Self-mutilation in substance-dependent patients and relationship with childhood abuse and neglect alexithymia and temperament and character dimensions of personality,2005,80,1,15-22,Evren Correlates of attempted suicide among young injection drug users in a multi-site cohort,2004,75,3,261-269,Ikeda Attempted suicide among entrants to three treatment modalities for heroin dependence in the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS): prevalence and risk factors,2004,73,1,1-10,Teesson Borderline personality disorder antisocial personality disorder and risk-taking among heroin users: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS),2004,74,1,77-83,Teesson Distribution of deaths by unintentional illicit drug overdose in Italy based on periodicity over time 1984-2000,2003,72,1,23-31,Preti Cigarettes alcohol marijuana other risk behaviors and American youth,1999,56,3,205-212,Kleber Psychiatric comorbidity with substance misuse in children and teenagers,1999,55,3,225-234,Zeitlin Adolescent alcohol use development and young adult outcomes,1997,49,1,39-48,Hops Treated delinquent boys' substance use: onset pattern relationship to conduct and mood disorders,1995,37,2,149-162,Martin Occupation and alcohol-related causes of death,1992,29,3,245-251,Harford Drug addicts attending specialised institutions: towards a drug addiction data bank?,1991,27,1,43-50,Facy Outcome of treatment in alcoholic women,1991,29,2,189-194,Wahl Addiction and primary prevention,1990,25,2,187-192,Bergeret Concordance between self-reports and archival records of physician visits: A case-control study comparing individuals with and without alcohol use disorders in the community,2011,116,1-3,57-63,Bucholz Comparing actual and forecasted numbers of unique patients dispensed select medications for opioid use disorder opioid overdose reversal and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic United States January 2019 to May 2020,2021,219,,e108486,Jones Associations of alcohol use mental health and socioeconomic status in England: findings from a representative population survey,2020,219,,e108463,Field Alcohol and distraction interact to impair driving performance,2011,117,1,31-37,Harrison Injury pain and prescription opioid use among former National Football League (NFL) players,2011,116,1-3,188-194,Cottler Drug use and sport-A commentary on: Injury pain and prescription opioid use among former National Football League football players by Cottler et al,2011,116,1-3,8-10,Strain Alcohol consumption associated with collegiate American football pre-game festivities,2011,116,1-3,242-245,Merlo Psychoticism and neuroticism predict cocaine dependence and future cocaine use via different mechanisms,2011,116,1-3,80-85,Brady Prevalence of alcohol and other substances of abuse among injured patients in a Norwegian emergency department,2011,117,2-3,132-138,Rossow Increased aggressive responding in male volunteers following the administration of gradually increasing doses of testosterone cypionate,1995,40,1,73-79,Kouri Assessment of attentional bias and mood in users and non-users of anabolic-androgenic steroids,1995,37,3,241-245,Choi The dopamine D2 receptor gene: a genetic risk factor in substance abuse,1994,34,3,175-180,Comings Persistence of attentional bias toward alcohol-related stimuli in intoxicated social drinkers,2011,117,2-3,184-189,Fillmore Alcohol consumption and depressive symptoms over time: A longitudinal study of patients with and without HIV infection,2011,117,2-3,158-163,Sullivan Differences in alcohol use and alcohol-related problems among fraternity and sorority members,1997,47,3,237-246,Clayton Patterns of alcohol consumption smoking and illicit drug use in British university students: interfaculty comparisons,1997,47,2,145-153,Webb Behavioral responses to ethanol in light and moderate social drinkers following naltrexone pretreatment,1997,47,2,109-116,Doty Subjects with a history of drug dependence are more aggressive than subjects with no drug use history,1997,46,1-2,95-103,Moeller Nicotine caffeine and alcohol use in high- and low-dose benzodiazepine users,1997,45,3,207-212,Beratis Sequence of drug use among serious drug users: typical vs atypical progression,1997,45,3,185-196,Goldstein Behavioral self-regulation: correlates and 2 year follow-ups for boys at risk for substance abuse,1997,45,3,165-176,Tarter Utility of the AUDIT for identification of hazardous or harmful drinking in drug-dependent patients,1997,45,3,157-163,Kranzler The effects of alcohol history on the reinforcing subjective and psychomotor effects of nitrous oxide in healthy volunteers,1997,45,1-2,63-70,Zacny Antisocial personality disorder and aggression in recently abstinent cocaine dependent subjects,1997,44,2-3,175-182,Swann Spatial cognition in alcoholics: influence of concurrent abuse of other drugs,1997,44,2-3,167-174,Nixon Decrease in alcohol tolerance: clinical significance in alcohol dependence,1995,39,1,33-36,Volpicelli Screening brief interventions referral to treatment (SBIRT) for illicit drug and alcohol use at multiple healthcare sites: comparison at intake and 6 months later,2009,99,1-3,280-295,Compton Estimating older hazardous and binge drinking prevalence using AUDIT-C and AUDIT-3 thresholds specific to older adults,2011,117,2-3,211-218,Alpass Childhood and adolescent antecedents of drug and alcohol problems: A longitudinal study,2006,82,1,61-76,Ensminger Prevalence of physical and sexual abuse among substance abuse patients and impact on treatment outcomes,2005,78,1,57-64,Pirard Are psychotic experiences among detained juvenile offenders explained by trauma and substance use?,2009,100,1-2,39-46,Vermeiren Antisocial behavioral syndromes among residential drug abuse treatment clients,1998,49,3,201-216,Mundt Childhood trauma and dissociation in patients with alcohol dependence drug dependence or both-A multi-center study,2010,109,1-3,84-89,Schäfer Non-daily smoking predicts hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorders in young adults in a longitudinal U.S. sample,2011,118,1,78-82,Harrison Alcohol involvement as a function of co-occurring alcohol use disorders and major depressive episode: Evidence from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2011,117,2-3,145-151,Zucker Aggressive behavior and opportunities to purchase drugs,2001,63,3,245-252,Anthony Aggressive responding of male heroin addicts under methadone treatment: psychometric and neuroendocrine correlates,2001,65,1,85-95,Brambilla Neurobehavior disinhibition in childhood predisposes boys to substance use disorder by young adulthood: direct and mediated etiologic pathways,2004,73,2,121-132,Reynolds Difficult temperament acute alcohol intoxication and aggressive behavior,2004,74,2,135-145,Giancola Experience of emotions in substance abusers exposed to images containing neutral positive and negative affective stimuli,2005,78,2,159-167,Verdejo-García Preliminary evidence of an association between childhood abuse and cannabis dependence among African American first-episode schizophrenia-spectrum disorder patients,2004,76,3,311-316,Kaslow Violence among individuals in substance abuse treatment: the role of alcohol and cocaine consumption,2002,66,1,29-37,Blow Increased impulsivity in cocaine dependent subjects independent of antisocial personality disorder and aggression,2002,68,1,105-111,Swann History of abuse and drinking outcomes following inpatient alcohol treatment: a prospective study,2002,67,3,227-234,Sugarman Irritability acute alcohol consumption and aggressive behavior in men and women,2002,68,3,263-274,Giancola The alcohol use disorder and associated disabilities interview schedule-IV (AUDADIS-IV): reliability of new psychiatric diagnostic modules and risk factors in a general population sample,2008,92,1-3,27-36,Ruan Impact of the Good Behavior Game a universal classroom-based behavior intervention on young adult service use for problems with emotions behavior or drugs or alcohol,2008,95,Suppl 1,S29-44,Poduska Physical and sexual abuse depression and alcohol use disorders in adolescents: onsets and outcomes,2003,69,1,51-60,Cornelius Polyunsaturated fatty acid status and aggression in cocaine addicts,2003,71,3,319-323,Hibbeln Item functioning of the alcohol dependence scale in a high-risk sample,2003,72,2,183-192,Stuart A within-subject comparison of withdrawal symptoms during abstinence from cannabis tobacco and both substances,2008,92,1-3,48-54,Liguori Gender differences in acculturation and aggression as predictors of drug use in minorities,2000,59,2,165-172,Orozco Estimates of total alcohol consumption in Russia 1980-1994,2000,58,1-2,133-142,Nemtsov Self-report vs. laboratory measures of aggression as predictors of substance abuse,1990,25,1,1-11,Jaffe The image of self and of the environment in drug abusers: a comparative study using the TAT,1992,30,3,253-261,Furlan Effects of a universal classroom behavior management program in first and second grades on young adult behavioral psychiatric and social outcomes,2008,95,Suppl 1,S5-S28,Poduska Hormonal and behavioral homeostasis in boys at risk for substance abuse,1999,55,1-2,165-176,Tarter The relationship between services delivered and substance use outcomes in New Mexico's Screening Brief Intervention Referral and Treatment (SBIRT) Initiative,2011,118,2-3,152-157,Gryczynski Mortality in alcohol use disorder in the Lundby Community Cohort-A 50 year follow-up,2011,118,2-3,141-147,Ojehagen Childhood physical punishment and the onset of drinking problems: Evidence from metropolitan China,2011,118,1,31-39,Anthony Intrauterine cannabis exposure leads to more aggressive behavior and attention problems in 18-month-old girls,2011,118,2-3,470-474,Verhulst The association between parental risk behaviors during childhood and having high risk networks in adulthood,2011,118,2-3,437-443,Fuller Characteristics of post-overdose public health-public safety outreach in Massachusetts,2020,219,,e108499,Xuan Changes in protective behavioral strategies and alcohol use among college students,2011,118,2-3,504-507,Martin Quarterly trends in past-month cannabis use in the United States 2015-2019,2021,219,,e108494,Palamar Injury risk associated with cannabis and cocaine use,2003,72,2,99-115,Mann Intimate relationship characteristics associated with condom use among drug users and their sex partners: a multilevel analysis,2001,64,1,97-104,Sherman Substance-related traffic-risk behaviors among college students,2011,118,2-3,306-312,Arria Toward DSM-V: Mapping the alcohol use disorder continuum in college students,2011,118,2-3,202-208,Hagman Neuropsychological performance of recently abstinent alcoholics and cocaine abusers,1995,37,3,247-253,Nixon Predicting rapid DUI recidivism using the Driver Risk Inventory on a state-wide sample of Floridian DUI offenders,2011,118,2-3,423-429,Bishop Reasons for non-drinking among Israeli adolescents of four religions,1995,38,1,45-50,Weiss Gender differences in crack users who are research volunteers,1996,42,1,55-63,Hatsukami Reducing alcohol-use disorders via decreased consumption: a comparison of population and high-risk strategies,1996,42,1,39-47,Dawson Drug dealing cessation among a cohort of drug users in Vancouver Canada,2011,118,2-3,459-463,Kerr Injection methamphetamine use is associated with an increased risk of attempted suicide: A prospective cohort study,2011,119,1-2,134-137,Galea A community survey of adverse effects of cannabis use,1996,42,3,201-207,Thomas Drug use among street children in southern Brazil,1996,43,1-2,57-62,Forster Treatment of adolescents with a cannabis use disorder: Main findings of a randomized controlled trial comparing multidimensional family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in The Netherlands,2011,119,1-2,64-71,van der Schee Prevalence characteristics and predictors of police training initiatives by US SEPs: Building an evidence base for structural interventions,2011,119,1-2,145-149,White Suicide attempts and overdoses among adults entering addictions treatment: Comparing correlates in a U.S. national study,2011,119,1-2,106-112,Ilgen Integrating field methodology and web-based data collection to assess the reliability of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test 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Genetic influences on the rate of development of ethanol tolerance and the ethanol physical withdrawal syndrome in mice,1979,4,1-2,77-86,Grieve Genetics and ethanol tolerance,1979,4,1-2,61-76,Anderson Genetic aspects of tolerance and dependence. Moderator's comments,1979,4,1-2,105-106,Eriksson Genetic aspects of tolerance and dependence. Rapporteurs' report,1979,4,1-2,101-102,Randall Protective factors in alcoholism,1979,4,1-2,99-100,Goodwin Physical dependence on ethanol: its relation to tolerance,1979,4,1-2,33-42,Goldstein Tolerance to and physical dependence on ethanol: why do we study them?,1979,4,1-2,15-31,Cappell Difficulties in measuring human acetaldehyde levels,1979,4,1-2,148,Eriksson The adaptive increase in ethanol metabolism due to pretreatment with ethanol: a rapid phenomenon,1979,4,1-2,119-129,Thurman Pharmacogenetic aspects of alcohol use and abuse,1979,4,1-2,103-104,von Wartburg Progress toward a voluntary oral consumption model of alcoholism,1979,4,1-2,45-60,McBride Drug attitudes and discrimination between drugs among a group of English schoolchildren,1980,5,1,57-62,van der Pligt Drunk versus drugged: how different are the drivers?,2012,121,1-2,68-72,Maxwell Types and characteristics of addicts in the community,1982,9,1,43-78,Shaffer The alcohol and drug problem as a task of health education,1983,11,1,67-70,Janz Alcohol and Islamic faith,1983,11,1,63-65,Suliman The dangers of alcohol - the situation in the Federal Republic of Germany,1983,11,1,121-125,Cremer Sports and clean living: a useful myth?,1984,13,1,75-87,Rooney The effects of general and alcohol-specific peer factors in adolescence on trajectories of alcohol abuse disorder symptoms from 21 to 33 years,2012,121,3,213-219,Hawkins Depressive symptoms and the implicit evaluation of alcohol: The moderating role of coping motives,2012,122,1-2,149-151,Palfai Separate and combined effects of the GABA reuptake inhibitor tiagabine and Δ(9)-THC in humans discriminating Δ(9)-THC,2012,122,1-2,61-69,Hays Substance-dependent conduct-disordered adolescent males: severity of diagnosis predicts 2-year outcome,1998,49,3,225-237,Young Contributions of the social context to the development of adolescent substance use: a multivariate latent growth modeling approach,1998,50,1,57-71,Duncan Neuropsychological functioning in drug abusers,1998,50,1,39-45,Selby The differential effects of alcohol consumption and dependence on adverse alcohol-related consequences: implications for the workforce,1998,50,3,211-220,Zarkin Child maltreatment increases sensitivity to adverse social contexts: Neighborhood physical disorder and incident binge drinking in Detroit,2012,122,1-2,77-85,Koenen The association between insomnia and suicidal thoughts in adults treated for alcohol dependence in Poland,2012,122,1-2,160-163,Ilgen A comprehensive assessment of neurocognition in middle-aged chronic cigarette smokers,2012,122,1-2,105-111,Nixon Chronic cannabis takers,1975,1,2,125-154,Soueif Psychosocial effects of longterm cannabis use in India A study of fifty heavy users and controls,1975,1,1,71-81,Mehndiratta Drug use opportunities as opportunities for drug use prevention: Bogotá Colombia a case in point,2012,122,1-2,127-134,Neumark Alcohol misuse and violent behavior: Findings from a 30-year longitudinal study,2012,122,1-2,135-141,Boden Psychosocial effects of longterm cannabis use in India. A study of fifty heavy users and controls,1975,1,1,71-81,Wig Conditioning of narcotic abstinence symptoms in human subjects,1975,1,2,115-123,Mintz Alcoholism in women,1976,1,3,191-213,Davies-Osterkamp Social class and morbidity in clinically treated alcoholics,1976,1,4,263-276,Schmidt Examining the link between collision involvement and cocaine use,2011,123,1-3,260-263,Stoduto Laboratory measurement of adaptive behavior change in humans with a history of substance dependence,1998,51,3,239-252,Lane Trends in opiate overdose deaths in Australia 1979-1995,1998,52,1,71-77,Darke A prospective study of risk drinking: at risk for what?,2008,95,1-2,62-72,Grant One-year outcome of adolescent females referred for conduct disorder and substance abuse/dependence,2000,59,2,131-141,Whitmore Trends in opiate-related deaths in the United Kingdom and Australia 1985-1995,2000,57,3,247-254,Hall Road traffic crashes and prescribed methadone and buprenorphine: A French registry-based case-control study,2011,123,1-3,91-97,Laumon Gender stereotypes and drinking cognitions as indicators of moderate and high risk drinking among young women and men,2001,61,2,129-136,Connor Drug-related emergencies and drug-related deaths in Vienna 1995-1997,2001,61,3,307-313,Risser Associations between energy drink consumption and alcohol use behaviors among college students,2011,123,1-3,167-172,Pasch Gender differences in factors associated with alcohol drinking: Delay discounting and perception of others' drinking,2011,123,1-3,273-276,Mitchell Adapting the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) to examine the feasibility of monitoring trends in the markets for 'party drugs',2004,73,2,189-197,Breen Neurological and cognitive impairment associated with leaded gasoline encephalopathy,2004,73,2,183-188,Cairney Lifetime victimization and past year alcohol use in a U.S. population sample of men and women drinkers,2011,123,1-3,213-219,Lown Time based prospective memory deficits associated with binge drinking: Evidence from the Cambridge Prospective Memory Test (CAMPROMPT),2011,123,1-3,207-212,Heffernan Alcohol intoxication and sexual risk behaviors among rural-to-urban migrants in China,2005,79,1,103-112,Abbey Differences in impulsivity and sexual risk behavior among inner-city crack/cocaine users and heroin users,2005,77,2,169-175,Lejuez Effects of d-amphetamine in human models of information processing and inhibitory control,2005,77,2,151-159,Fillmore Psychopathology associated with drinking and alcohol use disorders in the college and general adult populations,2005,77,2,139-150,Grant Circumstances of witnessed drug overdose in New York City: implications for intervention,2005,79,2,181-190,Vlahov Lifetime psychiatric comorbidity of alcohol dependence and bulimia nervosa in women,2006,84,1,122-132,Hesselbrock Clinical features of gamma-hydroxybutyrate and gamma-butyrolactone toxicity and concomitant drug and alcohol use,2006,81,3,323-326,Liechti Toxicological findings and manner of death in autopsied users of anabolic androgenic steroids,2006,81,3,241-249,Thiblin DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence criteria characteristics for recent onset adolescent drinkers,2012,124,1-2,88-94,Rose Gender differences in the factor structure of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test in multinational general population surveys,2012,124,1-2,50-56,Kristjanson Comparison of cognitive performance in methadone maintenance patients with and without current cocaine dependence,2012,124,1-2,167-171,Kleykamp Former heroin addicts with or without a history of cocaine dependence are more impulsive than controls,2012,124,1-2,113-120,Varma Property damage and public disorder: their relationship with sales of alcohol in New South Wales Australia,1999,54,2,163-170,Weatherburn Fluctuations in heroin purity and the incidence of fatal heroin overdose,1999,54,2,155-161,Darke Epidemiology of substance use in adolescence: prevalence trends and policy implications,1999,55,3,187-207,Bauman Relationships between characteristics of drinking occasions and negative and positive experiences related to drinking,1999,56,1,79-84,Mäkelä Drug and alcohol consumption and sexual risk behaviour among young adults: results from a national survey,1999,56,1,47-53,de La Fuente Alcohol consumption and alcohol dependence in adults in New York State,1999,56,1,17-23,Welte Alcohol use and abuse among rural Zimbabwean adults: A test of a community-level intervention,2012,124,3,333-339,Woelk Reductions in convictions for violent crime during opioid maintenance treatment: A longitudinal national cohort study,2012,124,3,307-310,Gossop Investigating the drinking patterns of young people over the course of the evening at weekends,2012,124,3,319-324,Kuntsche Regional variations in alcohol use among young people in France. Epidemiological approach to alcohol use and abuse by adolescents and conscripts,1999,56,2,145-155,Choquet Drinking in the Swedish gay and lesbian community,1999,56,2,133-143,Bergmark Impulsivity differences in recreational cannabis users and binge drinkers in a university population,2012,124,3,355-362,Estévez Socio-economic status and binge drinking in Israel,2003,69,1,15-21,Neumark Primary health care professionals' activity in intervening in patients' alcohol drinking during a 3-year brief intervention implementation project,2003,69,1,9-14,Aalto Marijuana use trajectories during the post-college transition: Health outcomes in young adulthood,2012,125,3,267-275,Arria A comparison of the harms associated with the injection of heroin and amphetamines,2000,58,1-2,189-195,Darke Substance use among high school students in Greece: outburst of illicit drug use in a society under change,2000,58,1-2,181-188,Stefanis Methadone methadone treatment and non-fatal overdose,2000,58,1-2,117-124,Neale Stress induced spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine psychosis: the relation between stressful experiences and sensitivity to stress,2000,58,1-2,67-75,Goto Improving control over the impulse for reward: Sensitivity of harmful alcohol drinkers to delayed reward but not immediate punishment,2012,125,1-2,89-94,Hester Socializing in an open drug scene: The relationship between access to private space and drug-related street disorder,2012,120,1-3,28-34,Kerr A peer-led mobile outreach program and increased utilization of detoxification and residential drug treatment among female sex workers who use drugs in a Canadian setting,2011,113,1,46-54,Kerr Initiation to drug injection among street youth: A gender-based analysis,2011,114,1,49-54,Boivin Trajectories of adolescent alcohol use after brief treatment in an Emergency Department,2012,125,1-2,103-109,Rohsenow Matching adolescents with a cannabis use disorder to multidimensional family therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy: Treatment effect moderators in a randomized controlled trial,2012,125,1-2,119-126,van der Schee The association between neighborhood disorder social cohesion and hazardous alcohol use: A national multilevel study,2012,126,1-2,27-34,Wingen Ethnic differences in the effect of drug use and drug dependence on brief motivational interventions targeting alcohol use,2012,126,1-2,21-26,Field Police custody following drink-driving: a prospective study,2012,126,1-2,51-54,Chariot Caffeine dependence in teenagers,2002,66,1,1-6,Carroll Illicit use of buprenorphine in a community sample of young adult non-medical users of pharmaceutical opioids,2012,122,3,201-207,Falck Respondent-driven sampling to recruit young adult non-medical users of pharmaceutical opioids: problems and solutions,2012,121,1-2,23-29,Falck Among long-term crack smokers who avoids and who succumbs to cocaine addiction?,2008,98,1-2,24-29,Falck Perceived need for substance abuse treatment among illicit stimulant drug users in rural areas of Ohio Arkansas and Kentucky,2007,91,2-3,107-114,Booth Respondent-driven sampling to recruit MDMA users: a methodological assessment,2005,78,2,147-157,Falck Drug use practices among MDMA/ecstasy users in Ohio: a latent class analysis,2005,79,2,167-179,Falck Sources of information about MDMA (34-methylenedioxymethamphetamine): perceived accuracy importance and implications for prevention among young adult users,2004,74,1,45-54,Falck Predictors of drug abuse treatment entry among crack-cocaine smokers,2002,68,2,159-166,Falck Mephedrone ('bath salt') elicits conditioned place preference and dopamine-sensitive motor activation,2012,126,1-2,257-262,Xu Prior methamphetamine self-administration attenuates serotonergic deficits induced by subsequent high-dose methamphetamine administrations,2012,126,1-2,87-94,Hanson Ecological momentary assessment in alcohol tobacco cannabis and opiate dependence: A comparison of feasibility and validity,2012,126,1-2,118-123,Swendsen Mexican immigration to the US and alcohol and drug use opportunities: Does it make a difference in alcohol and/or drug use?,2012,125,Suppl 1,S4-S11,Borges High-risk drug-use practices among a large sample of Australian prisoners,2012,126,1-2,156-160,Kinner Unmet need for treatment for substance use disorders across race and ethnicity,2012,125,Suppl 1,S44-S50,Alegria Marijuana expectancies and relationships with adolescent and adult marijuana use,2012,126,1-2,102-110,Agrawal Predictors of utilization of an IVR self-monitoring program by problem drinkers with recent natural resolutions,2012,126,1-2,111-117,Roth The combined effects of parental divorce and parental history of depression on cannabis use in young adults in France,2012,126,1-2,195-199,Melchior Non-response bias in a community survey of drinking alcohol-related experiences and public opinion on alcohol policy,2012,126,1-2,189-194,Langley Methodological considerations in cognitive bias research: The next steps,2012,124,3,191-192,Attwood Comparison of alcohol impairment of behavioral and attentional inhibition,2012,126,1-2,176-182,Fillmore Assessment of co-occurring depression and substance use in an ethnically diverse patient sample during behavioral health intake interviews,2012,125,Suppl 1,S51-S58,Alegria Sociodemographic characteristics associated with binge drinking among Brazilians,2012,126,1-2,272-276,Caetano Methamphetamine use is associated with childhood sexual abuse and HIV sexual risk behaviors among patrons of alcohol-serving venues in Cape Town South Africa,2012,126,1-2,232-239,Sikkema Assessment of a formulation designed to be crush-resistant in prescription opioid abusers,2012,126,1-2,206-215,Vosburg The 'point of no return' as a target of experimental research on drug dependence,1990,25,2,129-134,Coper On the importance of the psychotropic effects of alcohol,1990,25,2,135-139,von Wartburg Injecting transition risk and depression among Mexican American non-injecting heroin users,2012,125,Suppl 1,S12-S17,Valdez Cannabis and depression: An integrative data analysis of four Australasian cohorts,2012,126,3,369-378,Patton Patterns of alcohol expectancies and alcohol use across age and gender,2012,126,3,347-353,Demmel Drug use patterns in young adulthood and post-college employment,2013,127,1-3,23-30,Arria Moderating effects of race in clinical trial participation and outcomes among marijuana-dependent young adults,2012,126,3,333-339,Petry Inhalation exposure to smoke from synthetic "marijuana" produces potent cannabimimetic effects in mice,2012,126,3,316-323,Wiebelhaus The efficacy of Familias Unidas on drug and alcohol outcomes for Hispanic delinquent youth: Main effects and interaction effects by parental stress and social support,2012,125,Suppl 1,S18-S25,Brown Prevalence of mood and substance use disorders among patients seeking primary care office-based buprenorphine/naloxone treatment,2013,127,1-3,243-247,Fiellin Binge drinking among Brazilian students: A gradient of association with socioeconomic status in five geo-economic regions,2013,127,1-3,87-93,Martins Co-morbidity of substance use disorder and psychopathology in women who use methamphetamine during pregnancy in the US and New Zealand,2013,127,1-3,101-107,Arria Overdose after detoxification: a prospective study,2007,89,2-3,161-169,Wines The association between change in social network characteristics and non-fatal overdose: results from the SHIELD study in Baltimore MD USA,2007,87,1,63-68,Latkin Predictors of non-fatal overdose among a cohort of polysubstance-using injection drug users,2007,87,1,39-45,Marsh Adolescent alcohol use and adult alcohol disorders: a two-part random-effects model with diagnostic outcomes,2007,88,Suppl 1,S85-S96,Conger Symptoms of depression and PTSD are associated with elevated alcohol demand,2013,127,1-3,129-136,Murphy Prevalence and correlates for nonmedical use of prescription opioids among urban and rural residents,2013,127,1-3,156-162,Fiellin The impact of the prohibition of benzylpiperazine (BZP) 'legal highs' on the prevalence of BZP new legal highs and other drug use in New Zealand,2013,127,1-3,72-80,Sweetsur Hazardous alcohol consumption among young adult IDU and its association with high risk behaviors,2013,127,1-3,143-149,Page Studying psychoactive substance use in injured patients: Does exclusion of late arriving patients bias the results?,2013,127,1-3,187-192,Rossow Utilizing a multimodal assessment strategy to examine variations of impulsivity among young adults engaged in co-occurring smoking and binge drinking behaviors,2013,127,1-3,150-155,Cohen Risk for prescription opioid misuse among patients with a history of substance use disorder,2013,127,1-3,193-199,Dobscha Gender violence and brief interventions for alcohol in the emergency department,2013,127,1-3,115-121,Mello Effects of alcohol on disinhibition towards alcohol-related cues,2013,127,1-3,137-142,Attwood Twelve-year trend in treatment seeking for buprenorphine abuse in Finland,2013,127,1-3,207-214,Tiihonen The genetics of alcohol dependence: Advancing towards systems-based approaches,2012,125,3,179-191,Heath Polydrug abuse: A review of opioid and benzodiazepine combination use,2012,125,1-2,8-18,Comer Typologies of recanting of lifetime cigarette alcohol and marijuana use during a six-year longitudinal panel study,2011,118,2-3,134-140,Shillington Salvia divinorum: effects and use among YouTube users,2010,108,1-2,138-140,Lange Self-report stability of adolescent substance use: are there differences for gender ethnicity and age?,2000,60,1,19-27,Shillington Relation among HPA and HPG neuroendocrine systems transmissible risk and neighborhood quality on development of substance use disorder: Results of a 10-year prospective study,2013,127,1-3,226-231,Reynolds Prevalence of DSM-IV and DSM-5 alcohol cocaine opioid and cannabis use disorders in a largely substance dependent sample,2013,127,1-3,215-219,Lynch The moderating effect of parental illicit substance use disorders on the relation between adolescent depression and subsequent illicit substance use disorders,2013,128,1-2,1-7,Shankman Alcohol misuse and criminal offending: Findings from a 30-year longitudinal study,2013,128,1-2,30-36,Boden Gender and the assessment of at-risk drinking: evidence from the GENACIS Canada (2004-2005) telephone survey version of the AUDIT,2007,88,2-3,282-290,Wells The prevalence of cannabis-involved driving in California,2012,123,1-3,105-109,Voas Cognitions and alcohol-influenced performance: the impact of reinforcement contingencies,1988,21,1,49-56,Mann The relative and unique contributions of emotion dysregulation and impulsivity to posttraumatic stress disorder among substance dependent inpatients,2013,128,1-2,45-51,Tull Quality of life among alcohol-dependent patients: How satisfactory are the available instruments? A systematic review,2012,125,3,192-202,Aubin Neighborhood characteristics and the initiation of marijuana use and binge drinking,2013,128,1-2,83-89,Tucker Predictors of a favourable socio-economic situation in middle age for Swedish conscripts with self-reported drug use,2013,128,1-2,37-44,Romelsjö Substance risk prevention treatments and the role of the environmental and cultural context in addressing Latinos and other ethnic/racial populations,2012,125,Suppl 1,S2-S3,Alegria Predictive validity of the Motivation To Stop Scale (MTSS): A single-item measure of motivation to stop smoking,2013,128,1-2,15-19,West Anabolic steroid abuse among teenage girls: an illusory problem?,2007,88,2-3,156-162,Field Prevalence and correlates of opiate overdose among young injection drug users in a large U.S. city,2007,88,2-3,182-187,Sherman Psychopathy and the prediction of alcohol-related physical aggression: the roles of impulsive antisociality and fearless dominance,2013,128,1-2,58-63,Giancola Accumbens functional connectivity during reward mediates sensation-seeking and alcohol use in high-risk youth,2013,128,1-2,130-139,Zucker Epidemiology of adolescent Salvia divinorum use in Canada,2013,128,1-2,166-170,Currie Stability of scores and correlations with drinking behaviors over 15 years for the self-report of the effects of alcohol questionnaire,2013,128,3,194-199,Schuckit The association between substance use disorders and mortality among a cohort of Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: Variation by age cohort and mortality type,2013,128,1-2,98-103,Blow The relationship between alcohol use and injecting drug use: Impacts on health crime and wellbeing,2013,128,1-2,111-115,Jolley "Drinking buddies" and alcohol dependence symptoms among African American men and women in Baltimore MD,2013,128,1-2,123-129,Latkin Quick screen to detect current substance use disorder in adolescents and the likelihood of future disorder,2013,128,1-2,116-122,Reynolds Impulsivity in adult ADHD patients with and without cocaine dependence,2013,129,1-2,18-24,van den Brink A vaccine against methamphetamine attenuates its behavioral effects in mice,2013,129,1-2,41-48,Shen Relationship between sex hormones and cognitive performance in men with substance use,2013,128,3,250-254,Zilbermint Longitudinal associations of cannabis and illicit drug use with depression suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts among Nova Scotia high school students,2013,129,1-2,49-53,Asbridge A novel application of propensity score matching to estimate Alcoholics Anonymous' effect on drinking outcomes,2013,129,1-2,54-59,Tonigan Sex differences in disinhibition and its relationship to physical abuse in a sample of stimulant-dependent patients,2013,129,1-2,158-162,Lewis Decreased frontal lobe phosphocreatine levels in methamphetamine users,2013,129,1-2,102-109,Renshaw The triggering effect of alcohol and illicit drugs on violent crime in a remand prison population: A case crossover study,2013,129,1-2,110-115,Hallqvist Taxometric analysis of DSM-IV and DSM-5 alcohol use disorders,2013,129,1-2,60-69,Rehm Mexico's precursor chemical controls: Emergence of less potent types of methamphetamine in the United States,2013,129,1-2,125-136,Maxwell Decision-making deficits are still present in heroin abusers after short- to long-term abstinence,2013,130,1-3,61-67,Zhang Drug spend and acquisitive offending by substance misusers,2013,130,1-3,24-29,Weston A preliminary experimental investigation of peer influence on risk-taking among adolescent smokers and non-smokers,2013,129,1-2,163-166,Reynolds Gender differences in socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of methamphetamine inpatients in a Chinese population,2013,130,1-3,94-100,Tang Gender differences in cannabis use disorders: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions,2013,130,1-3,101-108,Blanco Religiosity and substance use among Asian American college students: Moderated effects of race and acculturation,2013,130,1-3,142-149,Patock-Peckham Does Alcoholics Anonymous work differently for men and women? A moderated multiple-mediation analysis in a large clinical sample,2013,130,1-3,186-193,Hoeppner The changing demographic of blunt smokers across birth cohorts,2013,130,1-3,129-134,Timberlake Availability of buprenorphine on the Internet for purchase without a prescription,2013,130,1-3,238-240,Bachhuber A daily calendar analysis of substance use and dating violence among high risk urban youth,2013,130,1-3,194-200,Zimmerman Choice to view cocaine images predicts concurrent and prospective drug use in cocaine addiction,2013,130,1-3,178-185,Goldstein The Emergency Department as a prevention site: A demographic analysis of substance use among ED patients,2013,130,1-3,230-233,Hankin Personality traits and illicit substances: The moderating role of poverty,2013,131,3,247-251,Zonderman A survey of hallucinogenic mushroom use factors related to usage and perceptions of use among college students,2013,130,1-3,245-248,Hallock Drinking drivers and drug use on weekend nights in the United States,2013,130,1-3,215-221,Voas Impaired performance in a test of decision-making by opiate-dependent tobacco smokers,2004,73,1,79-86,Shoptaw Social network correlates of self-reported non-fatal overdose,2004,73,1,61-67,Latkin The external validity of results derived from ecstasy users recruited using purposive sampling strategies,2004,73,1,33-40,Degenhardt Chronic childhood adversity and stages of substance use involvement in adolescents,2013,131,1-2,85-91,Borges Simultaneous use of non-medical ADHD prescription stimulants and alcohol among undergraduate students,2013,131,1-2,71-77,Reboussin Predictors of stimulant abuse treatment outcomes in severely mentally ill outpatients,2013,131,1-2,162-165,McDonell Methamphetamine use: A comprehensive review of molecular preclinical and clinical findings,2013,129,3,167-179,Procyshyn Social rank and inhalant drug use: The case of lança perfume use in São Paulo Brazil,2013,131,1-2,92-99,Anthony Cannabis use sport practice and other leisure activities at the end of adolescence,2004,73,3,251-257,Peretti-Watel National trends in pharmaceutical opioid related overdose deaths compared to other substance related overdose deaths: 1999-2009,2013,131,3,263-270,Binswanger Synthetic cannabis: A comparison of patterns of use and effect profile with natural cannabis in a large global sample,2013,131,1-2,106-111,Barratt The prevalence of substance use disorders and psychiatric disorders as a function of psychotic symptoms,2013,131,1-2,78-84,Daughters National-level drug policy and young people's illicit drug use: A multilevel analysis of the European Union,2013,131,1-2,149-156,Vuolo Alcohol-dependent individuals discount sex at higher rates than controls,2013,131,3,320-323,Jarmolowicz Working memory and impulsivity predict marijuana-related problems among frequent users,2013,131,1-2,171-174,Kahler Sociodemographic and substance use characteristics of gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) dependent inpatients and associations with dependence severity,2013,131,3,316-319,van den Brink Prescription opioid mortality trends in New York City 1990-2006: Examining the emergence of an epidemic,2013,132,1-2,53-62,Vlahov Opioid abusers' ability to differentiate an opioid from placebo in laboratory challenge testing,2013,132,1-2,369-372,Strain Marijuana withdrawal and aggression among a representative sample of U.S. marijuana users,2013,132,1-2,63-68,Collins Relationship of opioid prescription sales and overdoses North Carolina,2013,132,1-2,81-86,Paulozzi Risk factors for incident nonmedical prescription opioid use and abuse and dependence: Results from a longitudinal nationally representative sample,2013,132,1-2,107-113,Sareen Alcohol and drug use among young adults driving to a drinking location,2013,132,1-2,69-73,Voas Update on tamper-resistant drug formulations,2013,130,1-3,13-23,Romach Heroin use and heroin use risk behaviors among nonmedical users of prescription opioid pain relievers - United States 2002-2004 and 2008-2010,2013,132,1-2,95-100,Jones Age period and cohort effects in heavy episodic drinking in the US from 1985 to 2009,2013,132,1-2,140-148,Keyes Historical trends in the production and consumption of illicit drugs in Mexico: implications for the prevention of blood borne infections,2005,79,3,281-293,Patterson Smoked cocaine discrimination in humans: effects of gabapentin,2005,80,1,53-61,Foltin Increased risk-taking decision-making but not altered response to punishment in stimulant-using young adults,2005,78,1,83-90,Paulus Development of Opioid Overdose Knowledge (OOKS) and Attitudes (OOAS) Scales for take-home naloxone training evaluation,2013,132,1-2,383-386,Marsden Male and female ecstasy users: Differences in patterns of use sleep quality and mental health outcomes,2013,132,1-2,223-230,Broadbear Coping and emotion regulation profiles as predictors of nonmedical prescription drug and illicit drug use among high-risk young adults,2013,132,1-2,165-171,Iverson Binge drinking and sleep problems among young adults,2013,132,1-2,207-215,Popovici Diagnostic efficiency of the AUDIT-C in U.S. veterans with military service since September 11 2001,2013,132,1-2,101-106,Calhoun Startle response to unpredictable threat in comorbid panic disorder and alcohol dependence,2013,132,1-2,216-222,Shankman Evaluation of the effectiveness of a school-based cannabis prevention program,2013,132,1-2,257-264,Pasarín Proximity of off-premise alcohol outlets and heavy alcohol consumption: A cohort study,2013,132,1-2,295-300,Kawachi Non-medical use of prescription drugs polysubstance use and mental health in transgender adults,2013,132,1-2,391-394,Benotsch Alcohol consumption among high-risk Thai youth after raising the legal drinking age,2013,132,1-2,290-294,Celentano Examining non-response bias in substance use research-Are late respondents proxies for non-respondents?,2013,132,1-2,316-323,Bertholet Modernizing methodology for the WHO assessment of substances for the international drug control conventions,2013,131,3,175-181,Danenberg Ultra-rapid screening for substance-use disorders: The Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-Lite),2013,132,1-2,352-361,Marsden Modeling longitudinal drinking data in clinical trials: An application to the COMBINE study,2013,132,1-2,244-250,Anton Challenging expectancies to prevent nonmedical prescription stimulant use: A randomized controlled trial,2013,132,1-2,362-368,Earleywine Neighborhood of residence and risk of initiation into injection drug use among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting,2013,132,3,486-490,Kerr All-cause mortality in criminal justice clients with substance use problems-A prospective follow-up study,2013,132,3,499-504,Hakansson Altered risk-related processing in substance users: Imbalance of pain and gain,2013,132,1-2,13-21,Paulus Catastrophic thinking and increased risk for prescription opioid misuse in patients with chronic pain,2013,132,1-2,335-341,Edwards Crosswalk between DSM-IV dependence and DSM-5 substance use disorders for opioids cannabis cocaine and alcohol,2013,132,1-2,387-390,Grant Childhood abuse and neglect and transitions in stages of alcohol involvement among women: A latent transition analysis approach,2013,132,3,491-498,Storr The role of depression and social support in non-fatal drug overdose among a cohort of injection drug users in a Canadian setting,2013,132,3,603-609,Kawachi Neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics the retail environment and alcohol consumption: A multilevel analysis,2013,132,3,449-456,Nelson Cannabis use during a voluntary quit attempt: An analysis from ecological momentary assessment,2013,132,3,610-616,Zvolensky Enhancing access and retention in substance abuse treatment: the role of Medicaid payment acceptance and cultural competence,2013,132,3,555-561,Guerrero A national study of substance use behaviors among NCAA male athletes who use banned performance enhancing substances,2013,131,1-2,50-55,Buckman Comorbidity of posttraumatic stress disorder with alcohol dependence among US adults: Results from National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2013,132,3,630-638,Blanco Computer and therapist based brief interventions among cannabis-using adolescents presenting to primary care: One year outcomes,2013,132,3,646-653,Blow Alcohol attentional bias as a predictor of alcohol abusers' treatment outcome,2002,68,3,237-243,Cox Neighborhood socioeconomic status and substance use by U.S. adults,2013,133,1,212-221,Karriker-Jaffe Testing different thresholds for risky episodic drinking-What's so special about five drinks?,2013,133,1,248-253,Livingston Drug use disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder over 25 adult years: Role of psychopathology in relational networks,2013,133,1,228-234,Price Impulsivity and substance-related attentional bias: A meta-analytic review,2013,133,1,1-14,Cyders Internet and computer based interventions for cannabis use: A meta-analysis,2013,133,2,295-304,Spijkerman Effects of oral methamphetamine on cocaine use: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial,2009,101,1-2,34-41,Herin Predictors of internalizing and externalizing problems among children of cocaine and opiate dependent parents,2002,66,2,199-212,Stanger Effects of ethanol on human free-operant cooperative responding,1994,34,2,139-147,Grabowski Alcohol misuse and relationship breakdown: Findings from a longitudinal birth cohort,2013,133,1,115-120,Boden Neural mechanisms of risky decision-making and reward response in adolescent onset cannabis use disorder,2013,133,1,134-145,Huettel Cortical activation deficits during facial emotion processing in youth at high risk for the development of substance use disorders,2013,131,3,230-237,Finn Prevalence and temporal trends of crack injection among injection drug users in eastern central Canada,2013,133,1,275-278,Leclerc The relationship between group size intoxication and continuing to drink after bar attendance,2013,133,1,198-203,Reed Measuring historical trauma in an American Indian community sample: Contributions of substance dependence affective disorder conduct disorder and PTSD,2013,133,1,180-187,Yehuda Binge drinking trajectory and neuropsychological functioning among university students: A longitudinal study,2013,133,1,108-114,Parada Inattention impulsive action and subjective response to d-amphetamine,2013,133,1,127-133,de Wit Conduct problem trajectories and alcohol use and misuse in mid to late adolescence,2013,133,1,100-107,Lewis A double-blind placebo-controlled trial of topiramate for the treatment of comorbid cocaine and alcohol dependence,2013,133,1,94-99,Lynch Methamphetamine dependent individuals show attenuated brain response to pleasant interoceptive stimuli,2013,131,3,238-246,Paulus Differences in self-reported and behavioral measures of impulsivity in recreational and dependent cocaine users,2013,133,1,61-70,Quednow Simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use among US high school seniors from 1976 to 2011: Trends reasons and situations,2013,133,1,71-79,Terry-McElrath The aftermath of public housing relocation: Relationship to substance misuse,2013,133,1,37-44,Kelley Heavy drinking during periods of high unemployment: 15-Year trend study of the role of race/ethnicity,2013,133,2,383-390,Lo Mortality among clients seeking treatment for buprenorphine abuse in Finland,2013,133,2,391-397,Tiihonen Can the school context moderate the protective effect of parental support on adolescents' alcohol trajectories in urban Chicago?,2013,133,2,330-337,Andrade Evaluation of metabolite/drug ratios in blood and urine as a tool for confirmation of a reduced tolerance in methadone-related deaths in Denmark,2013,133,2,447-451,Linnet Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) a principal constituent of psychoactive bath salts produces behavioral sensitization in rats,2013,133,2,746-750,Rawls Illicit and nonmedical drug use among Asian Americans Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders and mixed-race individuals,2013,133,2,360-367,Wu Methamphetamine and other substance use trends among street-recruited men who have sex with men from 2008 to 2011,2013,133,1,262-265,Shoptaw Predicting the transition from frequent cannabis use to cannabis dependence: A three-year prospective study,2013,133,2,352-359,de Graaf Evidence of deficits in behavioural inhibition and performance monitoring in young female heavy drinkers,2013,133,2,398-404,Mattick Association of functional DBH genetic variants with alcohol dependence risk and related depression and suicide attempt phenotypes: Results from a large multicenter association study,2013,133,2,459-467,Preuss Factorial structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)-18 among Chinese drug users,2013,133,2,368-375,Hao Childhood physical abuse non-suicidal self-harm and attempted suicide amongst regular injecting drug users,2013,133,2,420-426,Torok Substance use disorders increase the odds of subsequent mood disorders,2013,133,2,338-343,Maisto Risk factors for progression to regular injection drug use among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting,2013,133,2,468-472,Kerr Vitamin D deficiency in alcohol-use disorders and its relationship to comorbid major depression: A cross-sectional study of inpatients in Nepal,2013,133,2,480-485,Lien Factors associated with variability and stability of cannabis use in young adulthood,2013,133,2,452-458,Swift Clinical and pharmacological aspects of bath salt use: A review of the literature and case reports,2013,132,1-2,1-12,Miotto Alcohol misuse and psychosocial outcomes in young adulthood: results from a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30,2013,133,2,513-519,Boden Disparities in Latino substance use service use and treatment: implications for culturally and evidence-based interventions under health care reform,2013,133,3,805-813,Amaro The latent structure and predictors of non-medical prescription drug use and prescription drug use disorders: A National Study,2013,133,2,473-479,Wall Attitude and risk of substance use in adolescents diagnosed with Asperger syndrome,2013,133,2,535-540,Moreno Alcohol and the methylome: Design and analysis considerations for research using human samples,2013,133,2,305-316,Harlaar Essential ("Precursor") chemical control for heroin: Impact of acetic anhydride regulation on US heroin availability,2013,133,2,520-528,Callaghan Is the relationship between early-onset cannabis use and educational attainment causal or due to common liability?,2013,133,2,580-586,Huizink Socialization to binge drinking: A population-based longitudinal study with emphasis on parental influences,2013,133,2,587-592,von Soest Mediational relations of substance use risk profiles alcohol-related outcomes and drinking motives among young adolescents in the Netherlands,2013,133,2,571-579,Kuntsche Cost-effectiveness of the strong African American families-teen program: 1-year follow-up,2013,133,2,556-561,Corso Impact of ADHD and cannabis use on executive functioning in young adults,2013,133,2,607-614,Abikoff The Twelve Promises of Alcoholics Anonymous: Psychometric measure validation and mediational testing as a 12-step specific mechanism of behavior change,2013,133,2,633-640,Kelly Drug-related stimuli impair inhibitory control in cocaine abusers,2013,133,2,768-771,Fillmore Effects of working memory load a history of conduct disorder and sex on decision making in substance dependent individuals,2013,133,2,654-660,Finn A longitudinal examination of alcohol marijuana and cigarette perceived norms among middle school adolescents,2013,133,2,647-653,D'Amico Static and dynamic predictors of criminal involvement among people with heroin dependence: Findings from a 3-year longitudinal study,2013,133,2,600-606,Teesson Facilitators and barriers in treatment seeking for cannabis dependence,2013,133,2,776-780,de Graaf Law enforcement attitudes toward overdose prevention and response,2013,133,2,677-684,Case Alcohol use and trauma exposure among male and female veterans before during and after military service,2013,133,2,615-624,Fairbank Differential expression and functional role of cannabinoid genes in alcohol users,2013,133,2,789-793,Agudelo Alcohol stigma and persistence of alcohol and other psychiatric disorders: A modified labeling theory approach,2013,133,2,685-692,Link What do you feel? Adolescent drug and alcohol users show altered brain response to pleasant interoceptive stimuli,2013,133,2,661-668,Paulus Prevalence patterns and predictors of substance use among Latino migrant men in a new receiving community,2013,133,3,814-824,Kissinger Adolescent binge drinking and risky health behaviours: Findings from northern Russia,2013,133,3,838-844,Ruchkin A tale of two stimulants: Mentholated cigarettes may play a role in cocaine but not methamphetamine dependence,2013,133,3,845-851,Adinoff Effects of prenatal cocaine/polydrug exposure on substance use by age 15,2014,134,,201-210,Minnes Differences between juvenile offenders with and without substance use problems in the prevalence and impact of risk and protective factors for criminal recidivism,2014,134,,267-274,Hoeve Effects of Secobarbital on Human Aggressive and Non-Aggressive Responding,1989,24,1,21-29,Cherek Receiving versus being denied an abortion and subsequent drug use,2014,134,,63-70,Rocca Default mode network activity in male adolescents with conduct and substance use disorder,2014,134,,242-250,Sakai Latent class analysis of non-opioid dependent illegal pharmaceutical opioid users in Ohio,2014,134,,259-266,Falck Alcohol and substance screening and brief intervention for detainees kept in police custody. A feasibility study,2014,134,,235-241,Lefèvre Item Response Theory analyses of DSM-IV and DSM-5 stimulant use disorder criteria in an American Indian community sample,2014,135,,29-36,Ehlers Hair ethyl glucuronide levels as a marker for alcohol use and abuse: A review of the current state of the art,2014,134,,1-11,Yegles Association between depression and non-fatal overdoses among drug users: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,134,,12-21,Clerici Energy drink consumption among young Australian adults: Associations with alcohol and illicit drug use,2014,134,,30-37,Robinson Cross-cultural patterns of the association between varying levels of alcohol consumption and the common mental disorders of depression and anxiety: Secondary analysis of the WHO Collaborative Study on Psychological Problems in General Health Care,2013,133,3,825-831,Lewis Predictors of non-prescribed opioid use after one year of methadone treatment: An attributable-risk approach (ANRS-Methaville trial),2014,135,,1-8,Carrieri Exposure to the Lebanon War of 2006 and effects on alcohol use disorders: The moderating role of childhood maltreatment,2014,134,,296-303,Wall A randomized study of the effect of anonymity quasi-anonymity and Certificates of Confidentiality on postpartum women's disclosure of sensitive information,2014,134,,280-284,Ondersma Association between prescription drug misuse and injection among runaway and homeless youth,2014,134,,406-409,Riggs Age period and cohort trends in drug abuse hospitalizations within the total Swedish population (1975-2010),2014,134,,355-361,Sundquist Suicide and substance use among female veterans: A need for research,2014,136,,1-10,Wu Neighborhood-level LGBT hate crimes and current illicit drug use among sexual minority youth,2014,135,,65-70,Johnson "King hit" fatalities in Australia 2000-2012: The role of alcohol and other drugs,2014,135,,119-132,Gerostamoulos Alcohol use among black youths in a rural community,1977,2,4,255-260,Globetti Real-time tracking of neighborhood surroundings and mood in urban drug misusers: Application of a new method to study behavior in its geographical context,2014,134,,22-29,Epstein Religious factors associated with alcohol involvement: Results from the Mauritian Joint Child Health Project,2014,135,,37-44,Raine Childhood and current ADHD symptom dimensions are associated with more severe cannabis outcomes in college students,2014,135,,88-94,Bidwell Regression to the mean and alcohol consumption: A cohort study exploring implications for the interpretation of change in control groups in brief intervention trials,2014,135,,156-159,Kypri Social preference and drug self-administration: A preclinical model of social choice within peer groups,2014,135,,140-145,Smith Predictors of drinking patterns in adolescence: A latent class analysis,2014,135,,133-139,Ameratunga Decision rules for GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) detoxification: A vignette study,2014,135,,146-151,Kamal Using cannabis to help you sleep: Heightened frequency of medical cannabis use among those with PTSD,2014,136,,162-165,Bonn-Miller Early adolescent patterns of alcohol cigarettes and marijuana polysubstance use and young adult substance use outcomes in a nationally representative sample,2014,136,,51-62,Chen DSM-5 latent classes of alcohol users in a population-based sample: Results from the São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey Brazil,2014,136,,92-99,Borges Investigation of sex-dependent effects of cannabis in daily cannabis smokers,2014,136,,85-91,Haney Estimating the causal effects of cumulative treatment episodes for adolescents using marginal structural models and inverse probability of treatment weighting,2014,136,,69-78,Ramchand Recent cannabis use among adolescent and young adult immigrants in the Netherlands - The roles of acculturation strategy and linguistic acculturation,2014,136,,79-84,Huizink Adolescent alcohol use and alcohol use disorders in Mexico City,2014,136,,43-50,Borges Prevalence and correlates of alcohol and cannabis use disorders in the United States: Results from the national longitudinal study of adolescent health,2014,136,,158-161,Hopfer Losing faith and finding religion: Religiosity over the life course and substance use and abuse,2014,136,,127-134,Mezuk The role of parental alcohol use parental discipline and antisocial behaviour on adolescent drinking trajectories,2014,134,,178-184,Connor Substance abuse risk in emerging adults associated with smaller frontal gray matter volumes and higher externalizing behaviors,2014,137,,68-75,Zucker Drinking smoking and educational achievement: Cross-lagged associations from adolescence to adulthood,2014,137,,106-113,Kaprio Does beverage type and drinking context matter in an alcohol-related injury? Evidence from emergency department patients in Latin America,2014,137,,90-97,Borges The global epidemiology and burden of psychostimulant dependence: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010,2014,137,,36-47,Degenhardt The arrest of drivers under the influence as a predictor of subsequent social disadvantage and death,2014,137,,114-120,Haukka Associations between pain clinic density and distributions of opioid pain relievers drug-related deaths hospitalizations emergency department visits and neonatal abstinence syndrome in Florida,2013,133,1,161-166,Paulozzi The impact of long-term maintenance treatment with buprenorphine on complex psychomotor and cognitive function,2011,117,2-3,190-197,Sabatowski Using latent class analysis to identify participant typologies in a drug treatment court,2014,138,,75-82,Cosden The misuse of benzodiazepines among adolescents: Psychosocial risk factors in a national sample,2014,137,,137-142,Ford Evaluation of sex differences in cannabinoid dependence,2014,137,,20-28,Craft Small area associations between social context and alcohol-attributable mortality in a middle income country,2014,137,,129-136,Kaufman Ethnic variation in use and effects of alcohol,1978,3,2,147-151,Johnson The effect of the 'What Do You Drink' web-based brief alcohol intervention on self-efficacy to better understand changes in alcohol use over time: randomized controlled trial using ecological momentary assessment,2014,138,,89-97,Kuntsche Prescription drug misuse among homeless youth,2014,138,,229-233,Rice Development and impact of prescription opioid abuse deterrent formulation technologies,2014,138,,1-6,Alexander Impacts of drinking-age laws on mortality in Canada 1980-2009,2014,138,,137-145,Callaghan General and substance-specific predictors of young adult nicotine dependence alcohol use disorder and problem behavior: Replication in two samples,2014,138,,161-168,McGue Interpersonal violence against wives by substance dependent men,2014,138,,124-129,Grover Comparison of toxicity associated with nonmedical use of benzodiazepines with buprenorphine or methadone,2014,138,,118-123,Klein-Schwartz Prospective risk factors for traumatic event reexposure in community syringe exchange participants,2014,138,,98-102,Peirce Circumstances and toxicology of sudden or unnatural deaths involving alprazolam,2014,138,,61-66,Torok Applicability of Type A/B alcohol dependence in the general population,2014,138,,169-176,Mulia Using structural equation modeling to understand prescription stimulant misuse: A test of the Theory of Triadic Influence,2014,138,,193-201,Saltz Risks for early substance involvement associated with parental alcoholism and parental separation in an adolescent female cohort,2014,138,,130-136,Bucholz Should anyone be riding to glory on the now-descending limb of the crack-cocaine epidemic curve in the United States?,2014,138,,225-228,Anthony Cross-border activities and association with current methamphetamine use among Chinese injection drug users (IDUs) in a China-Myanmar border region,2014,138,,48-53,Assanangkornchai Emergency department-based intervention with adolescent substance users: 12-month outcomes,2005,79,3,359-363,Sprivulis Executive function and appetitive processes in the self-control of alcohol use: the moderational role of drinking restraint,2014,138,,251-254,Palfai The iatrogenic epidemic of prescription drug abuse: County-level determinants of opioid availability and abuse,2014,138,,209-215,Wright Which parenting style is more protective against adolescent substance use? Evidence within the European context,2014,138,,185-192,Garcia Factors predicting development of opioid use disorders among individuals who receive an initial opioid prescription: Mathematical modeling using a database of commercially-insured individuals,2014,138,,202-208,Cochran Changes in alcohol use after traumatic experiences: The impact of combat on Army National Guardsmen,2014,139,,47-52,Thomas Time to relapse following treatment for methamphetamine use: A long-term perspective on patterns and predictors,2014,139,,18-25,Herbeck The effect of the ecstasy 'come-down' on the diagnosis of ecstasy dependence,2014,139,,26-32,Hides Unrecorded alcohol in Rio de Janeiro: assessing its misusers through Respondent Driven Sampling,2014,139,,169-173,De Boni Differential alcohol use patterns and personality traits among three Alcoholics Anonymous attendance level groups: further considerations of the affiliation profile,1980,5,2,135-144,Calsyn Mental health in first grade and teenage drug alcohol and cigarette use,1980,5,4,273-304,Kellam The major medical sequelae of opioid addiction,1980,5,4,239-254,Cushman Psychosocial and contextual determinants of alcohol and drug use disorders in the National Latino and Asian American Study,2014,139,,71-78,Mezuk Use of a single alcohol screening question to identify other drug use,2014,139,,178-180,Saitz Gender and race/ethnicity differences for initiation of alcohol-related service use among persons with alcohol dependence,2014,140,,48-55,Storr Alcohol policy measures and the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Finland 1950 - 1975,1981,7,1,85-97,Osterberg Psychosocial factors influencing alcohol problems in West German survey samples,1981,7,3,295-303,Korczak The etiology of problem drinking in the workplace,1981,7,3,285-293,Seaman Heavy drug abuse in Sweden 1979 - a national case-finding study,1981,7,3,273-283,Olsson Saving face ? Survey respondents who claim their last week's drinking was atypical,1981,7,3,265-272,Kreitman Three-year changes in drinking patterns in Spain: A prospective population-based cohort study,2014,140,,123-129,Galan Alcohol and marijuana use in early adulthood for at-risk men: time-varying associations with peer and partner substance use,2014,140,,112-117,Kim Alcohol consumption and symptoms as predictors for relapse of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder,2014,140,,85-91,de Graaf Drinking and drug use among Ontario Indian students,1982,9,2,161-171,Liban Changes in the frequency of alcohol intoxication associated with mortality,1982,9,2,127-130,Poikolainen Regular drinking may strengthen the beneficial influence of social support on depression: findings from a representative Israeli sample during a period of war and terrorism,2014,140,,175-182,Hobfoll Temporal trends in marijuana attitudes availability and use in Colorado compared to non-medical marijuana states: 2003-11,2014,140,,145-155,Price Frequent binge drinking five to six years after exposure to 9/11: Findings from the World Trade Center Health Registry,2014,140,,1-7,Farfel Trends in fatal motor vehicle crashes before and after marijuana commercialization in Colorado,2014,140,,137-144,Sakai A test of the DSM-5 severity scale for alcohol use disorder,2014,141,,39-43,Helzer Left middle frontal gyrus response to inhibitory errors in children prospectively predicts early problem substance use,2014,141,,51-57,Nigg The nonmedical use of prescription medicines among high school students: a cross-sectional study in Southern China,2014,141,,9-15,Wang The impact of engagement in street-based income generation activities on stimulant drug use cessation among people who inject drugs,2014,141,,58-64,Kerr Prevalence and patterns of smoking alcohol use and illicit drug use in young men who have sex with men,2014,141,,65-71,Garofalo Parental psychopathology moderates the influence of parental divorce on lifetime alcohol use disorders among Israeli adults,2014,141,,85-91,Grant Data compatibility in the addiction sciences: An examination of measure commonality,2014,141,,153-158,Sher Regularly drinking alcohol before sex in the United States: effects of relationship status and alcohol use disorders,2014,141,,167-170,Grant Patterns of concurrent substance use among nonmedical ADHD stimulant users: results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health,2014,142,,86-90,Mojtabai Social background attitudes and personality in a three-year follow-up study of alcohol consumers,1979,4,5,407-417,Sieber The relationship between methamphetamine and alcohol use in a community sample of methamphetamine users,2014,142,,127-132,Courtney Suicidal ideation and substance use among adolescents and young adults: a bidirectional relation?,2014,142,,63-73,Wu Alcohol consumption and rates of alcoholism in Greece,1980,6,6,425-430,Madianos Marihuana use by pregnant women: neurobehavioral effects in neonates,1980,6,6,415-424,Fried The relative validity of a chronological drinking record,1980,6,6,359-364,Gerstel Errors in reported degrees and respondent driven sampling: implications for bias,2014,142C,,120-126,Hickman Defining strategies for promoting product through 'drink responsibly' messages in magazine ads for beer spirits and alcopops,2014,142,,168-173,Jernigan A "refugee paradox" for substance use disorders?,2014,142,,345-349,Vaughn Marijuana use and achievement of abstinence from alcohol and other drugs among people with substance dependence: A prospective cohort study,2014,142,,91-97,Saitz Factors contributing to the rise of buprenorphine misuse: 2008-2013,2014,142,,98-104,Surratt You are the danger: attenuated insula response in methamphetamine users during aversive interoceptive decision-making,2014,142,,110-119,Paulus Quality of life in a cohort of high-dose benzodiazepine dependent patients,2014,142,,105-109,Lugoboni Prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms during early methamphetamine withdrawal in Han Chinese population,2014,142,,191-196,Zhang Associations between exposure to stressful life events and alcohol use disorder in a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30,2014,142,,154-160,Boden Estimating the size of the population of persons who inject drugs in the island of Montréal Canada using a six-source capture-recapture model,2014,142,,174-180,Leclerc Are users' most recent drug purchases representative?,2014,142,,133-138,Dietze Does early socio-economic disadvantage predict comorbid alcohol and mental health disorders?,2014,142,,146-153,Najman Innovative alcohol use: assessing the prevalence of alcohol without liquid and other non-oral routes of alcohol administration,2014,142,,74-78,Miller Family ties: maternal-offspring attachment and young adult nonmedical prescription opioid use,2014,142,,231-238,Cerdá Alcohol consumption and physical symptoms in a Mexican American population,1986,16,4,369-379,Markides The induction of oral ethanol self-administration by contingent ethanol delivery,1986,16,4,361-368,Samson Unemployment and substance outcomes in the United States 2002-2010,2014,142,,350-353,Conway Potentially modifiable deployment characteristics and new-onset alcohol abuse or dependence in the US National Guard,2014,142,,325-332,Galea Adverse childhood experiences and interaction with methamphetamine use frequency in the risk of methamphetamine-associated psychosis,2014,142,,295-300,He Use of continuous transdermal alcohol monitoring during a contingency management procedure to reduce excessive alcohol use,2014,142,,301-306,Dougherty Use trajectories of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) in Shanghai China,2014,143,,44-50,Hser College on Problems of Drug Dependence taskforce on prescription opioid non-medical use and abuse: position statement,2003,69,3,215-232,Zacny Synthetic cannabinoid use among patients in residential substance use disorder treatment: prevalence motives and correlates,2014,143,,268-271,Ilgen Diary gives more accurate information about alcohol consumption than questionnaire,1983,11,2,209-216,Poikolainen Reinforcements from the first drug experience can predict later drug habits and/or addiction: results with coffee cigarettes alcohol barbiturates minor and major tranquilizers stimulants marijuana hallucinogens heroin opiates and cocaine,1983,11,2,147-165,Haertzen Non-medical use of non-opioid psychotherapeutic medications in a community-based cohort of HIV-infected indigent adults,2014,143,,263-267,Kushel Effects of the Campus Watch intervention on alcohol consumption and related harm in a university population,2014,143,,120-126,Kypri A meta-analysis of the relationship between trait mindfulness and substance use behaviors,2014,143,,1-10,Cyders Interactions among drinking identity gender and decisional balance in predicting alcohol use and problems among college students,2014,143,,198-205,Yeung Separate and combined effects of the GABAA positive allosteric modulator diazepam and Δ(9)-THC in humans discriminating Δ(9)-THC,2014,143,,141-148,Hays Changing patterns of soft drug use prior to and during pregnancy: a prospective study,1980,6,5,323-343,Grant Some parameters of the use of alcohol by Israeli youth and its relationship to their involvement with cannabis and tobacco,1980,6,5,263-272,Rahav Alcohol abuse: a case study of secondary school students in a rural area of Benin District Nigeria,1981,8,3,207-213,Oshodin Attributions of causality for drinking behavior made by alcoholics and by normal drinkers,1981,8,3,201-206,Sullwold Sex differences in correlates of problem drinking among employed males and females,1981,8,3,175-187,Smith Some aspects of drug use among students in Benin City Nigeria,1981,8,4,265-270,Ebie Sex differences in antinociceptive tolerance to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the rat,2014,143,,22-28,Craft Do young people benefit from AA as much and in the same ways as adult aged 30+? A moderated multiple mediation analysis,2014,143,,181-188,Hoeppner A survey of nonmedical use of tranquilizers stimulants and pain relievers among college students: patterns of use among users and factors related to abstinence in non-users,2014,143,,272-276,Hallock Does the pattern of amphetamine use prior to incarceration predict later psychosis? A longitudinal study of amphetamine users in the Swedish criminal justice system,2014,143,,219-224,Håkansson Changes in the perception of alcohol-related stigma in Germany over the last two decades,2014,143,,225-231,Matschinger Cannabis use in adolescence and risk of future disability pension: A 39-year longitudinal cohort study,2014,143,,239-243,Hemmingsson Examining the relationship between the physical availability of medical marijuana and marijuana use across fifty California cities,2014,143,,244-250,Freisthler Methamphetamine: An update on epidemiology pharmacology clinical phenomenology and treatment literature,2014,143,,11-21,Courtney Correlates of prescription drug market involvement among young adults,2014,143,,257-262,Kelly Proximal and distal social influence on alcohol consumption and marijuana use among middle school adolescents,2014,144,,93-101,D'Amico Prevalence of unhealthy alcohol use in hospital outpatients,2014,144,,270-273,Saitz Risk behaviours among substance use disorder treatment seekers with and without adult ADHD symptoms,2014,144,,70-77,Degenhardt Deficits in behavioural inhibition in substance abuse and addiction: A meta-analysis,2014,145,,1-33,Mattick Synthetic cannabinoids: epidemiology pharmacodynamics and clinical implications,2014,144,,12-41,Gorelick Socio-ecological factors associated with depression suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt among female injection drug users who are sex workers in China,2014,144,,102-110,Li Structural brain differences in alcohol-dependent individuals with and without comorbid substance dependence,2014,144,,170-177,Schmidt Non-medical use of prescription stimulants for academic purposes among college students: a test of social learning theory,2014,144,,279-282,Ford Factors associated with initiating someone into illicit drug injection,2014,144,,186-192,Bluthenthal Use of synthetic cathinones and cannabimimetics among injection drug users in San Diego California,2014,141,,99-106,Garfein The relationship between observed signs of impairment and THC concentration in oral fluid,2014,144,,231-238,Fierro Depressive symptoms negative urgency and substance use initiation in adolescents,2014,144,,225-230,Sussman Dynamics in the costs of criminality among opioid dependent individuals,2014,144,,193-200,Krebs A prospective study of marijuana use change and cessation among adolescents,2014,144,,134-140,Tucker Patterns and correlates of non-fatal heroin overdose at 11-year follow-up: Findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study,2014,144,,148-152,Teesson Driving under the influence among frequent ecstasy consumers in Australia: trends over time and the role of risk perceptions,2014,144,,218-224,Dietze Patterns of marihuana smoking among Brazilian students,1989,23,2,159-164,Silva Alcohol drinking habits and attitudes of the adult Jewish population in Israel 1987,1989,23,3,237-245,Weiss Alcohol and the validation of experimental aggression paradigms: the Taylor reaction time procedure,1989,23,1,49-54,Gustafson High blood lead level in alcoholics: wine vs. beer,1989,23,1,45-48,Thomas Cognitive functioning of alcoholics and its relationship with prognosis,1989,23,1,41-44,Trivedi Effects of ethanol on human fractionated response times,1989,23,1,31-40,Mayfield Response to alcohol cues as a function of consumption level,1991,27,2,191-195,White Women alcohol dependence and crime,1991,27,2,185-190,Blankfield The drinking patterns of American and Polish university students: a cross-national study,1991,27,2,167-175,Engs Evaluation of the abuse potential of the novel analgesic flupirtine maleate,1991,27,2,101-113,Bigelow A note on the characteristics of alcohol abusers with controlled drinking aspirations,1987,19,2,159-164,Ogborne The impact of a Housing First randomized controlled trial on substance use problems among homeless individuals with mental illness,2014,146,,24-29,Kirst DRD4 and susceptibility to peer influence on alcohol use from adolescence to adulthood,2014,145C,,168-173,Windle Police officer attitudes towards intranasal naloxone training,2014,146,,107-110,Ray The alcohol purchase task in young men from the general population,2014,146,,39-44,Bertholet Psychophysiology of pain and opioid use: Implications for managing pain in patients with an opioid use disorder,2014,146,,1-6,Cheatle Neighbourhood crime and adolescent cannabis use in Canadian adolescents,2014,146,,68-74,Pickett National record linkage study of mortality for a large cohort of opioid users ascertained by drug treatment or criminal justice sources in England 2005-2009,2014,146,,17-23,Hickman Early onset of cannabis use: Does personality modify the relation with changes in perceived parental involvement?,2014,146,,61-67,Huizink Excessive suicide mortality and risk factors for suicide among patients with heroin dependence,2014,145,,224-230,Tsai Modeling substance use in emerging adult gay bisexual and other YMSM across time: The P18 cohort study,2014,145,,209-216,Halkitis Impairment due to amphetamines and benzodiazepines alone and in combination,2014,145,,174-179,Bachs Sex differences in drug use among polysubstance users,2014,145,,127-133,Nixon Personality as a risk factor for illicit opioid use and a protective factor for illicit opioid dependence,2014,145,,101-105,van den Brink What we know and don't know about the impact of state policy and systems-level interventions on prescription drug overdose,2014,145C,,34-47,Paulozzi Associations of substance use patterns with attempted suicide among persons who inject drugs: can distinct use patterns play a role?,2014,147,,208-214,Renaud Abuse liability of the dietary supplement dimethylamylamine,2014,146,,97-102,Gatch Methamphetamine/amphetamine abuse and risk of Parkinson's disease in Utah: a population-based assessment,2014,146,,30-38,Hanson Association of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder with early tobacco and alcohol use,2014,147,,183-189,Epstein Predictors of changes in daily alcohol consumption in the aftermath of military deployment,2014,147,,175-182,Siegel The role of general parenting and cannabis-specific parenting practices in adolescent cannabis and other illicit drug use,2014,147,,222-228,Vollebergh Mortality and cause of death in a cohort of people who had ever injected drugs in Glasgow: 1982-2012,2014,147,,215-221,Dietze Missing data in substance abuse research? Researchers' reporting practices of sexual orientation and gender identity,2014,147,,280-284,Cochran Drunkenness and its association with health risk behaviors among adolescents and young adults in three Asian cities: Hanoi Shanghai Taipei,2014,147,,251-256,Zabin Drug-related deaths and the sales of needles through pharmacies,2014,147,,229-234,Bluthenthal High-risk behaviors after release from incarceration among people who inject drugs in St. Petersburg Russia,2014,147,,196-202,Heimer Substance use network characteristics and drug and alcohol use behaviors among young men who have sex with men (YMSM),2015,157,,188-191,Birkett Family history density predicts long term substance use outcomes in an adolescent treatment sample,2014,147,,235-242,Brown How much of the cocaine market are we missing? Insights from respondent-driven sampling in a mid-sized American city,2014,147,,190-195,Caulkins Illicit use of opioid substitution drugs: prevalence user characteristics and the association with non-fatal overdoses,2014,147,,89-96,Andreas Monitoring new psychoactive substances (NPS) in The Netherlands: data from the drug market and the Poisons Information Centre,2014,147,,109-115,Brunt Prevalence and correlates of substance use among trans*female youth ages 16-24 years in the San Francisco Bay Area,2014,147,,160-166,McFarland The interacting effect of depressive symptoms gender and distress tolerance on substance use problems among residential treatment-seeking substance users,2015,148,,21-26,Daughters Double trouble: psychiatric comorbidity and opioid addiction. All-cause and cause-specific mortality,2015,148,,85-92,Hotopf Transdermal alcohol concentration data collected during a contingency management program to reduce at-risk drinking,2014,148,,77-84,Dougherty Antecedents and consequences of cannabis use among racially diverse cannabis users: an analysis from ecological momentary assessment,2014,147,,20-25,Zvolensky Young adult cannabis users report greater propensity for risk-taking only in non-monetary domains,2014,147,,26-31,Gilman Mortality among older adults with opioid use disorders in the Veteran's Health Administration 2000-2011,2014,147,,32-37,Ilgen Effects of marijuana use on impulsivity and hostility in daily life,2015,148,,136-142,Ansell Brief overdose education is sufficient for naloxone distribution to opioid users,2014,148,,209-212,Coffin Persistence of psychotic symptoms as an indicator of cognitive impairment in methamphetamine users,2015,148,,158-164,Chen The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-5 (AUDADIS-5): procedural validity of substance use disorders modules through clinical re-appraisal in a general population sample,2014,148,,40-46,Grant Using behavioral economics to predict opioid use during prescription opioid dependence treatment,2014,148,,62-68,Ling Changes in alcohol consumption: United States 2001-2002 to 2012-2013,2014,148,,56-61,Grant The power of the proposition: frequency of marijuana offers parental knowledge and adolescent marijuana use,2014,148,,34-39,Crano Co-occurrence of alcohol use disorder and behavioral addictions: relevance of impulsivity and craving,2015,148,,118-125,Janiri Exploration of the telescoping effect among not-in-treatment intensive heroin-using research volunteers,2015,148,,217-220,Greenwald How do recovery definitions distinguish recovering individuals? Five typologies,2015,148,,109-117,Grella Border effects on DSM-5 alcohol use disorders on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border,2015,148,,172-179,Greenfield Trends in dual diagnosis of severe mental illness and substance use disorders 1996-2010 Israel,2015,148,,203-208,Ponizovsky Police bribery and access to methadone maintenance therapy within the context of drug policy reform in Tijuana Mexico,2015,148,,221-225,Wagner Comorbidity and temporal relations of alcohol and cannabis use disorders from youth through adulthood,2015,149,,80-86,Seeley A population-based Swedish Twin and Sibling Study of cannabis stimulant and sedative abuse in men,2015,149,,49-54,Sundquist Prevalence and determinants of resistance to use drugs among adolescents who had an opportunity to use drugs,2015,149,,55-62,Neumark Trends in abuse and misuse of prescription opioids among older adults,2015,149,,117-121,Dart Escalation of cocaine consumption in short and long access self-administration procedures,2015,149,,166-172,Allen Powder cocaine and crack use in the United States: an examination of risk for arrest and socioeconomic disparities in use,2015,149,,108-116,Cleland Changes in non-opioid substitution treatment episodes for pharmaceutical opioids and heroin from 2002 to 2011,2015,149,,212-219,Bruno Sleep and use of alcohol and drug in adolescence. A large population-based study of Norwegian adolescents aged 16 to 19 years,2015,149,,180-186,Skogen Long-term effects of minimum legal drinking age laws on marijuana and other illicit drug use in adulthood,2015,149,,173-179,Grucza Probability and predictors of treatment-seeking for substance use disorders in the U.S,2015,149,,136-144,Olfson Perceived risk of regular cannabis use in the United States from 2002 to 2012: differences by sex age and race/ethnicity,2015,149,,232-244,Martins Influence of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum on risk avoidance in addiction: a mediation analysis,2015,149,,10-17,Tanabe Synthetic cannabinoid use in a nationally representative sample of US high school seniors,2015,149,,194-202,Palamar Cannabis problem experiences among users of the tobacco-cannabis combination known as blunts,2015,150,,77-84,Fairman Abrupt decline in oxycodone-caused mortality after implementation of Florida's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program,2015,150,,63-68,Wagenaar Comparison of categorical alcohol dependence versus a dimensional measure for predicting weekly alcohol use in heavy drinkers,2014,136,,121-126,Helzer Risk factors for high levels of prescription drug misuse and illicit drug use among substance-using young men who have sex with men (YMSM),2015,150,,156-163,Corliss Detecting initiation or risk for initiation of substance use before high school during pediatric well-child check-ups,2015,150,,54-62,Bogen The impact of marijuana decriminalization on California drivers,2015,150,,135-140,Romano Effects of acute and repeated dosing of the synthetic cannabinoid CP55940 on intracranial self-stimulation in mice,2015,150,,31-37,Wiebelhaus The relationship between cannabis involvement and suicidal thoughts and behaviors,2015,150,,98-104,Lynskey Male solitary drinking and hazardous alcohol use in nine countries of the former Soviet Union,2015,150,,105-111,Stickley The pharmacokinetics of methamphetamine self-administration in male and female rats,2015,150,,164-169,Milesi-Hallé Heavy alcohol use and suicidal behavior among people who use illicit drugs: a cohort study,2015,151,,272-277,Hayashi Personality and alcohol consumption: pooled analysis of 72949 adults from eight cohort studies,2015,151,,110-114,Batty A review of pharmacogenetic studies of substance-related disorders,2015,152,,1-14,Comer Mechanisms of change associated with technology-based interventions for substance use,2015,150,,14-23,Dallery Risk factors for alcoholism in the Oklahoma Family Health Patterns project: Impact of early life adversity and family history on affect regulation and personality,2015,150,,38-45,Sorocco Mortality from alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorder: Findings from the Vietnam Experience Study,2015,151,,135-143,Lundin Substance use and mental health disorders are linked to different forms of intimate partner violence victimisation,2015,151,,121-127,Alati Does comparing alcohol use along a single dimension obscure within-group differences? Investigating men's hazardous drinking by sexual orientation and race/ethnicity,2015,151,,101-109,Conron Drinking problems and mortality risk in the United States,2015,151,,38-46,Rogers The roles of outlet density and norms in alcohol use disorder,2015,151,,144-150,Ahern A comprehensive review of the effects of mixing caffeinated energy drinks with alcohol,2015,151,,15-30,McKetin Effects of a strategy to improve offender assessment practices: staff perceptions of implementation outcomes,2015,152,,230-238,Welsh Alcohol use among Latino migrant workers in South Florida,2015,151,,241-249,Sánchez Collecting substance use data with an anonymous mailed survey,1997,48,1,1-8,Trinkoff Co-occurring psychiatric and drug use disorders among sexual minority men with lifetime alcohol use disorders,2015,151,,167-172,Operario Going into the groin: injection into the femoral vein among people who inject drugs in three urban areas of England,2015,152,,239-245,Scott Peak ages of risk for starting nonmedical use of prescription stimulants,2015,152,,224-229,Meier Utilizing mHealth methods to identify patterns of high risk illicit drug use,2015,151,,250-257,Latkin Procedural validity of the AUDADIS-5 depression anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder modules: substance abusers and others in the general population,2015,152,,246-256,Grant Trends and characteristics of heroin overdoses in Wisconsin 2003-2012,2015,152,,177-184,Paulozzi Legalizing marijuana for medical purposes will increase risk of long-term deleterious consequences for adolescents,2015,149,,298-303,Wright Non-smoker exposure to secondhand cannabis smoke II: effect of room ventilation on the physiological subjective and behavioral/cognitive effects,2015,151,,194-202,Flegel Drug use and childhood- military- and post-military trauma exposure among women and men veterans,2015,152,,201-208,Fairbank Daily co-occurrence of alcohol use and high-risk sexual behavior among heterosexual heavy drinking emergency department patients,2015,152,,109-115,Operario A reexamination of medical marijuana policies in relation to suicide risk,2015,152,,68-72,Grucza Opioid abuse and depression in adolescents: results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health,2015,152,,131-138,Kroutil Investigating dimensionality and measurement bias of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder in a representative sample of the largest metropolitan area in South America,2015,152,,123-130,Borges Illicit drug use among rave attendees in a nationally representative sample of US high school seniors,2015,152,,24-31,Ompad Further validation of a marijuana purchase task,2015,152,,32-38,Metrik Prevalence and factors associated with sex trading in the year prior to entering treatment for drug misuse in England,2015,152,,116-122,Singleton Racial/ethnic differences in trends in heroin use and heroin-related risk behaviors among nonmedical prescription opioid users,2015,151,,278-283,Cerdá Medical marijuana laws in 50 states: investigating the relationship between state legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use abuse and dependence,2012,120,1-3,22-27,Wall Beyond income: material resources among drug users in economically-disadvantaged New York City neighborhoods,2012,120,1-3,127-134,Vlahov Policing and risk of overdose mortality in urban neighborhoods,2011,113,1,62-68,Vlahov Patterns of major depression and nonmedical use of prescription opioids in the United States,2015,153,,258-264,Galea An economic evaluation of a contingency-management intervention for stimulant use among community mental health patients with serious mental illness,2015,153,,293-299,McDonell Alcohol problem recognition and help seeking in adolescents and young adults at varying genetic and environmental risk,2015,153,,250-257,Bucholz Commonly used stimulants: sleep problems dependence and psychological distress,2015,153,,145-151,Ogeil Discrepancies in addressing overdose prevention through prescription monitoring programs,2015,153,,355-358,Friedmann Psychoactive substances--some new some old: a scan of the situation in the U.S,2014,134,,71-77,Maxwell Cheese: an old drug in a new wrapper,2012,126,1-2,161-167,Maxwell Drug use and risk of HIV/AIDS on the Mexico-USA border: a comparison of treatment admissions in both countries,2006,82 Suppl 1,,S85-93,Maxwell High mortality rate of unintentional poisoning due to prescription opioids in adults enrolled in Medicaid compared to those not enrolled in Medicaid in Montana,2015,153,,346-349,Harwell Reasons to use e-cigarettes and associations with other substances among adolescents in Switzerland,2015,153,,140-144,Suris Prevalence of comorbid substance use anxiety and mood disorders in epidemiological surveys 1990-2014: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,154,,1-13,Hunt Comparison of provider-documented and patient-reported brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol use in VA outpatients,2015,153,,159-166,Kivlahan Risk factors for stimulant use among homeless and unstably housed adult women,2015,153,,173-179,Shumway Drug use patterns predict risk of non-fatal overdose among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting,2015,153,,135-139,Kerr Association between non-fatal opioid overdose and encounters with healthcare and criminal justice systems: identifying opportunities for intervention,2015,153,,215-220,Garfein Physical dating violence among adolescents and young adults with alcohol misuse,2015,153,,364-368,Chermack Peers and social network on alcohol drinking through early adolescence in Taiwan,2015,153,,50-58,Chen Positive and negative metacognitions about alcohol use among university students: psychometric properties of the PAMS and NAMS French versions,2015,153,,78-85,Spada Does physical activity protect against drug abuse vulnerability?,2015,153,,3-13,Compton Incidence and predictors of non-fatal drug overdose after release from prison among people who inject drugs in Queensland Australia,2015,153,,43-49,Degenhardt The effects of continuing care on emerging adult outcomes following residential addiction treatment,2015,153,,207-214,Hoeppner Effects of active anti-methamphetamine vaccination on intravenous self-administration in rats,2015,153,,29-36,Miller Associations between deployment military rank and binge drinking in active duty and Reserve/National Guard US servicewomen,2015,153,,37-42,Booth Intimate partner violence and substance use risk among young men who have sex with men: the P18 cohort study,2015,154,,54-62,Halkitis Can differences in the type nature or amount of polysubstance use explain the increased risk of non-fatal overdose among psychologically distressed people who inject drugs?,2015,154,,76-84,Alati Cannabis effects on driving lateral control with and without alcohol,2015,154,,25-37,Gorelick Concurrent and prospective associations between bullying victimization and substance use among Australian adolescents,2015,154,,63-68,Conrod The impacts of marijuana dispensary density and neighborhood ecology on marijuana abuse and dependence,2015,154,,111-116,Freisthler Recovery definitions: do they change?,2015,154,,85-92,Grella Contextual risks linking parents' adolescent marijuana use to offspring onset,2015,154,,222-228,Kerr The role of neighborhood in urban black adolescent marijuana use,2015,154,,69-75,Johnson Sniping and other high-risk smoking practices among homeless youth,2015,154,,105-110,Tucker ADAPTA: a pilot randomised controlled trial of an alcohol-focused intervention versus a healthy living intervention for problem drinkers identified in a general hospital setting,2015,154,,117-124,Parrott Diagnosed alcohol dependence and criminal sentencing among British Columbian Aboriginal offenders,2015,154,,192-198,Rempel The rise (and fall?) of drug discrimination research,2015,151,,284-288,McMahon The Yale Craving Scale: development and psychometric properties,2015,154,,158-166,O'Malley Recreational phenethylamine poisonings reported to a French poison control center,2015,154,,46-53,Turcant Health perceived quality of life and health services use among homeless illicit drug users,2015,154,,139-145,O'Sullivan Independent and combined associations of risky single-occasion drinking and drinking volume with alcohol use disorder: evidence from a sample of young Swiss men,2015,154,,260-263,Daeppen The role of decision-making in cannabis-related problems among young adults,2015,154,,214-221,Gonzalez Cortical thinness and volume differences associated with marijuana abuse in emerging adults,2015,155,,275-283,Mashhoon Differential profiles of drug-addicted patients according to gender and the perpetration of intimate partner violence,2015,155,,183-189,Fernandez-Montalvo Multiple substance use patterns in adolescents-a multilevel latent class analysis,2015,155,,208-214,Hanewinkel The relation between risk-taking behavior and alcohol use in young adults is different for men and women,2015,155,,222-227,Egberts National multi-cohort time trends in adolescent risk preference and the relation with substance use and problem behavior from 1976 to 2011,2015,155,,267-274,Schulenberg Simulated driving performance under alcohol: effects on driver-risk versus driver-skill,2015,154,,271-277,Fillmore Gender differences in mortality among treated opioid dependent patients,2015,155,,228-235,Evans The use of psychoactive prescription drugs among DUI suspects,2015,155,,215-221,Haukka Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and risky behaviors among trauma-exposed inpatients with substance dependence: the influence of negative and positive urgency,2015,155,,147-153,Sullivan Buprenorphine infrequently found in fatal overdose in New York City,2015,155,,298-301,Kunins An initial meta-analysis of acceptance and commitment therapy for treating substance use disorders,2015,155,,1-7,Levin Drinking pattern during midlife and risk of developing depression during 28 years of follow-up: a prospective cohort study,2015,155,,111-117,Bell Displays of dabbing marijuana extracts on YouTube,2015,155,,45-51,Krauss Stress and alcohol use in rural Chinese residents: a moderated mediation model examining the roles of resilience and negative emotions,2015,155,,76-82,Wang "Time for dabs": analyzing Twitter data on marijuana concentrates across the U.S,2015,155,,307-311,Boyer Initiation of alcohol marijuana and inhalant use by American-Indian and white youth living on or near reservations,2015,155,,90-96,Swaim Quantifying crime associated with drug use among a large cohort of sanctioned offenders in England and Wales,2015,155,,52-59,Hickman Divergent marijuana trajectories among men: socioeconomic relationship and life satisfaction outcomes in the mid-30s,2015,156,,62-69,Pardini Past 15-year trends in adolescent marijuana use: differences by race/ethnicity and sex,2015,155,,8-15,Johnson Trends in cannabis-related ambulance presentations from 2000 to 2013 in Melbourne Australia,2015,155,,24-30,Lubman Sex and gender-related differences in alcohol use and its consequences: Contemporary knowledge and future research considerations,2015,156,,1-13,Karpyak Self-reported use of novel psychoactive substances in a US nationally representative survey: prevalence correlates and a call for new survey methods to prevent underreporting,2015,156,,112-119,Ompad Mortality among heroin users and users of other internationally regulated drugs: A 27-year follow-up of users in the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Program household samples,2015,156,,104-111,Anthony Smoking posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorders in a nationally representative sample of Australian men and women,2015,156,,176-183,Teesson Competing values among criminal justice administrators: The importance of substance abuse treatment,2009,103,,S7-S16,Henderson A Rasch model analysis of evidence-based treatment practices used in the criminal justice system,2008,93,1-2,163-175,Henderson An analysis of racial and sex differences for smoking among adolescents in a juvenile correctional center,2008,92,1-3,156-163,Waite Associations among state and local organizational contexts: Use of evidence-based practices in the criminal justice system,2009,103,,S23-S32,Henderson Peer substance use as a mediator between early pubertal timing and adolescent substance use: longitudinal associations and moderating effect of maltreatment,2012,126,1-2,95-101,Negriff Associations of adolescent cannabis use with academic performance and mental health: a longitudinal study of upper middle class youth,2015,156,,207-212,Luthar Prevalence and distribution patterns of amphetamine and methamphetamine consumption in a federal state in southwestern Germany using wastewater analysis,2015,156,,311-314,Meyer Adolescent substance use and educational attainment: An integrative data analysis comparing cannabis and alcohol from three Australasian cohorts,2015,156,,90-96,Patton Alcohol misuse in the United Kingdom Armed Forces: a longitudinal study,2015,156,,78-83,Greenberg Categorical perception of emotional facial expressions in alcohol-dependence,2015,156,,267-274,de Timary Predictors of outcome from computer-based treatment for substance use disorders: results from a randomized clinical trial,2015,157,,174-178,Kim Maternal age and trajectories of cannabis use,2015,156,,199-206,Day Treatment outcomes for veterans with PTSD and substance use: impact of specific substances and achievement of abstinence,2015,156,,70-77,Rosenheck Who receives cannabis use offers: a general population study of adolescents,2015,156,,150-156,Pape The effect of prescription opioid injection on the risk of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs,2015,156,,297-303,Hayashi Prescription monitoring programs and emergency department visits involving opioids 2004-2011,2015,156,,282-288,Mitra The impact of low-threshold methadone maintenance treatment on mortality in a Canadian setting,2015,156,,57-61,Hayashi Predictors and consequences of prescription drug misuse during middle school,2015,156,,254-260,D'Amico Do consumers substitute opium for hashish? An economic analysis of simultaneous cannabinoid and opiate consumption in a legal regime,2015,156,,170-175,Chandra Evaluation of a brief intervention to reduce the negative consequences of drug misuse among adult emergency department patients,2015,157,,44-53,Merchant Drug abuse scientists should use social media to engage the public because their primary translational product is information,2015,154,,315-319,Taffe Effects of artificial sweeteners on breath alcohol concentrations in male and female social drinkers,2015,157,,197-199,Marczinski The latent structure of alcohol misuse in young adults: do taxometric results differ as a function of prior criminal history?,2015,157,,90-98,Walters Legal changes to increase access to naloxone for opioid overdose reversal in the United States,2015,157,,112-120,Davis Pharmacokinetics pharmacodynamics and toxicology of new psychoactive substances (NPS): 2C-B 4-fluoroamphetamine and benzofurans,2015,157,,18-27,Brunt Prescription drug misuse and suicidal ideation: findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health,2015,157,,192-196,Ford Synthetic cannabimimetics in Bulgaria 2010-2013,2015,157,,200-204,Andreeva-Gateva Early adolescent substance use in Mexican origin families: peer selection peer influence and parental monitoring,2015,157,,129-135,Conger Differentiating patterns of prescription stimulant medical and nonmedical use among youth 10-18 years of age,2015,157,,83-89,Cottler Profiles of psychiatric disorders among heroin dependent individuals in Changsha China,2015,149,,272-279,Hao Factors associated with being asked to initiate someone into injection drug use,2015,149,,252-258,Bluthenthal Opioid deaths or polydrug/multi-cause deaths?,2015,146,,e272,Erensen Different versions of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) as screening instruments for underage binge drinking,2015,158,,52-59,Cortés-Tomás The long-term effects of school dropout and GED attainment on substance use disorders,2015,158,,60-66,Connell Unhealthy alcohol use in older adults: association with readmissions and emergency department use in the 30 days after hospital discharge,2015,158,,94-101,Bradley The temporal association between energy drink and alcohol use among adolescents: A short communication,2015,158,,164-166,Stuart Veni vidi vici: the appearance and dominance of new psychoactive substances among new participants at the largest needle exchange program in Hungary between 2006 and 2014,2015,158,,154-158,Rácz Amphetamine-type stimulant use among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Vietnam: results from a socio-ecological community-based study,2015,158,,110-117,de Wit Effect of traumatic event reexposure and PTSD on substance use disorder treatment response,2015,158,,126-131,Peirce Health behaviors of young adult heroin injectors in the Seattle area,2015,158,,102-109,Banta-Green Cocaine abuse and effects in the serum levels of cytokines IL-6 and IL-10,2015,158,,181-185,Silva Trends in registered medical marijuana participation across 13 US states and District of Columbia,2015,159,,72-79,Fairman Visual and verbal learning deficits in Veterans with alcohol and substance use disorders,2015,159,,61-65,Bell Trends in recreational poisoning in Newcastle Australia between 1996 and 2013,2015,159,,17-25,Buckley Effectiveness of a Dutch community-based alcohol intervention: changes in alcohol use of adolescents after 1 and 5 years,2015,159,,125-132,Jansen The effects of alcohol cannabis and cigarette use on the initiation reinitiation and persistence of non-medical use of opioids sedatives and tranquilizers in adults,2015,159,,86-92,Buu Structural equation modeling of the effects of racism LGBTQ discrimination and internalized oppression on illicit drug use in LGBTQ people of color,2016,159,,255-262,Snipes Online survey characterizing vaporizer use among cannabis users,2015,159,,227-233,Sargent Correlates of overdose risk perception among illicit opioid users,2015,159,,234-239,Behar Patterns of alcohol consumption and health-related quality of life in older adults,2015,159,,166-173,Galan Adolescents with substance use disorder and assent/consent: empirical data on understanding biobank risks in genomic research,2015,159,,267-271,Mikulich-Gilbertson A comparison of an opioid abuse screening tool and prescription drug monitoring data in the emergency department,2015,159,,152-157,Green Nonmedical prescription pain reliever and alcohol consumption among cannabis users,2015,159,,101-108,Novak Effect of a "pill mill" law on opioid prescribing and utilization: the case of Texas,2015,159,,190-197,Rutkow Marijuana use trajectories during college predict health outcomes nine years post-matriculation,2015,159,,158-165,Arria People and places: relocating to neighborhoods with better economic and social conditions is associated with less risky drug/alcohol network characteristics among African American adults in Atlanta GA,2015,160,,30-41,Bonney The prevalence and clinical features of amphetamine-induced obsessive compulsive disorder,2016,160,,157-162,Brand Onset of opportunity to use cannabis and progression from opportunity to dependence: are influences consistent across transitions?,2016,160,,57-64,Agrawal Alcohol and drinking cultures in Vietnam: a review,2016,159,,1-8,Lincoln Assessment of human abuse potential of dasotraline compared to methylphenidate and placebo in recreational stimulant users,2016,159,,26-34,Schoedel Disparities in drinking patterns and risks among ethnic majority and minority groups in China: the roles of acculturation religion family and friends,2016,159,,198-206,Cai Marijuana dependence moderates the effect of posttraumatic stress disorder on trauma cue reactivity in substance dependent patients,2016,159,,219-226,Tull Latent classes of polysubstance use among adolescents-a systematic review,2015,160,,12-29,Hanewinkel Poppers use and risky sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men in Beijing China,2015,160,,42-48,Qian Receipt of pharmacotherapy for opioid use disorder by justice-involved U.S. Veterans Health Administration patients,2016,160,,222-226,Frayne Cost-effectiveness of an internet-delivered treatment for substance abuse: data from a multisite randomized controlled trial,2016,161,,119-126,Nunes Is treatment for alcohol use disorder associated with reductions in criminal offending? A national data linkage cohort study in England,2016,161,,67-76,Marsden A systematic review of the motivations for the non-medical use of prescription drugs in young adults,2016,162,,3-25,Drazdowski Comorbid depression antisocial personality and substance dependence: relationship with delay discounting,2016,160,,190-196,Moody The profile of psychiatric symptoms exacerbated by methamphetamine use,2016,161,,104-109,Hides Binge drinking and subsequent depressive symptoms in young women in Australia,2016,161,,86-94,Loxton The impact of an alcohol harm reduction intervention on interpersonal violence and engagement in sex work among female sex workers in Mombasa Kenya: Results from a randomized controlled trial,2016,161,,21-28,Suchindran The impact of violence on sex risk and drug use behaviors among women engaged in sex work in Phnom Penh Cambodia,2016,161,,171-177,Carrico Non-prescribed use of psychoactive prescription drugs among drug-impaired drivers in Sweden,2016,161,,77-85,Ahlner Population surveys compared with wastewater analysis for monitoring illicit drug consumption in Italy in 2010-2014,2016,161,,178-188,Serpelloni Detection of "bath salts" and other novel psychoactive substances in hair samples of ecstasy/MDMA/"Molly" users,2016,161,,200-205,Cleland New psychoactive substance use among regular psychostimulant users in Australia 2010-2015,2016,161,,110-118,Roxburgh Qualitative process study of community pharmacist brief alcohol intervention effectiveness trial: can research participation effects explain a null finding?,2016,161,,36-41,McCambridge Is cannabis use associated with an increased risk of onset and persistence of alcohol use disorders? A three-year prospective study among adults in the United States,2016,161,,363-367,Goodwin Alcohol use among Native Americans compared to Whites: examining the veracity of the 'Native American elevated alcohol consumption' belief,2015,160,,65-75,Cunningham Assessing geographical differences in illicit drug consumption- a comparison of results from epidemiological and wastewater data in Germany and Switzerland,2016,161,,189-199,Zobel Impact of the post-2008 economic crisis on harmful drinking in the Dutch working-age population,2016,161,,50-58,Kunst The structure of the UPPS-R-Child impulsivity scale and its relations with substance use outcomes among treatment-seeking adolescents,2016,161,,276-283,Tomko Use of evidence-based treatments in substance abuse treatment programs serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities,2016,161,,214-221,Croy Psychometric properties validity and reliability of the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale state version in an opioid-dependent sample,2016,161,,238-246,Lubman Acupuncture for substance use disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,163,,1-15,Grant Engagement in a National Naloxone Programme among people who inject drugs,2016,162,,236-240,Bird Spatial relationships between alcohol-related road crashes and retail alcohol availability,2016,162,,241-244,Wiebe Examination of a possible J-shaped relationship between alcohol consumption and internalizing disorders in a longitudinal birth cohort,2016,162,,88-91,Boden Planning deficits in polysubstance dependent users: Differential associations with severity of drug use and intelligence,2016,162,,72-78,Verdejo-García Depression posttraumatic stress and alcohol misuse in young adult veterans: the transdiagnostic role of distress tolerance,2016,161,,348-355,Pedersen Readiness-to-change as a moderator of a web-based brief intervention for marijuana among students identified by health center screening,2016,161,,368-371,Winter Effects of yohimbine and drug cues on impulsivity and attention in cocaine-dependent men and women and sex-matched controls,2016,162,,56-63,Brady Associations between LGBTQ-affirmative school climate and adolescent drinking behaviors,2016,161,,340-347,Corliss Investigation of agreement between wastewater-based epidemiology and survey data on alcohol and nicotine use in a community,2016,162,,170-175,Salvatore Substance use stigma: reliability and validity of a theory-based scale for substance-using populations,2016,162,,34-43,Earnshaw Non-fatal overdose as a risk factor for subsequent fatal overdose among people who inject drugs,2016,162,,51-55,Hayashi Telephone-based continuing care counseling in substance abuse treatment: economic analysis of a randomized trial,2016,159,,109-116,McKay Heavy tobacco dependence in suicide attempters making recurrent and medically serious attempts,2016,160,,177-182,Courtet Naloxone without the needle - systematic review of candidate routes for non-injectable naloxone for opioid overdose reversal,2016,163,,16-23,Taylor Long-term outcomes after adolescent in-patient treatment due to alcohol intoxication: a control group study,2016,162,,116-123,Kraus Risk factors for unnatural death: fatal accidental intoxication undetermined intent and suicide: register follow-up in a criminal justice population with substance use problems,2016,162,,176-181,Bradvik Alcohol and drug involvement in motorcycle driver injuries in the city of Sao Paulo Brazil: analysis of crash culpability and other associated factors,2016,162,,199-205,de Carvalho An Initial evaluation of law enforcement overdose training in Rhode Island,2016,162,,211-218,Green Years of potential life lost amongst heroin users in the Australian Treatment Outcome Study cohort 2001-2015,2016,162,,206-210,Slade Television viewing and alcohol advertising with alcohol expectancies among school-aged children in Taiwan,2016,162,,219-226,Chen The introduction of a potentially abuse deterrent oxycodone formulation: early findings from the Australian National Opioid Medications Abuse Deterrence (NOMAD) study,2015,151,,56-67,Degenhardt Altered white matter in cocaine-dependent subjects with traumatic brain injury: a diffusion tensor imaging study,2015,151,,128-134,Cifu A pilot randomized clinical trial of an intervention to reduce overdose risk behaviors among emergency department patients at risk for prescription opioid overdose,2016,163,,40-47,Blow Cognitive and emotional impairments in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and cocaine use,2016,163,,92-99,Quednow The use of social networking sites: a risk factor for using alcohol marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids?,2016,163,,247-250,Cooper Poor persecuted young and alone: toward explaining the elevated risk of alcohol problems among Black and Latino men who drink,2016,163,,31-39,Zemore Corrigendum to "Assessing geographical differences in illicit drug consumption-A comparison of results from epidemiological and wastewater data in Germany and Switzerland" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 161 (2016) 189-199],2016,163,,272,Zobel Utilizing a train-the-trainer model for multi-site naloxone distribution programs,2016,163,,153-156,Clausen Who are the adolescents saying "No" to cannabis offers,2016,163,,64-70,Pape Characterization of comorbid PTSD in treatment-seeking alcohol dependent inpatients: severity and personality trait differences,2016,163,,242-246,George Predicting later problematic cannabis use from psychopathological symptoms during childhood and adolescence: Results of a 25-year longitudinal study,2016,163,,251-255,Esser The effects of oral d-amphetamine on impulsivity in smoked and intranasal cocaine users,2016,163,,141-152,Reed Suicide attempts among alcohol-dependent pain patients before and after an inpatient hospitalization,2016,163,,209-215,Conner Environmental enrichment as a potential intervention for heroin seeking,2016,163,,195-201,Galaj Characterizing opioid withdrawal during double-blind buprenorphine detoxification,2015,151,,47-55,Dunn Correlates of use of alcohol mixed with energy drinks among youth across 10 US metropolitan areas,2016,163,,236-241,Cottler Sensitization to the locomotor stimulant effects of "bath salt" constituents 4-methylmethcathinone (4-MMC) and 34-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) in male Sprague-Dawley rats,2016,164,,128-134,Berquist Identifying mortality risks in patients with opioid use disorder using brief screening assessment: secondary mental health clinical records analysis,2016,164,,82-88,Stewart "Those edibles hit hard": exploration of Twitter data on cannabis edibles in the U.S,2016,164,,64-70,Boyer Reported alcohol drinking and mental health problems in Hong Kong Chinese adolescents,2016,164,,47-54,Lam Buprenorphine and methadone treatment for opioid dependence by income ethnicity and race of neighborhoods in New York City,2016,164,,14-21,Siegel Primary care physicians' perspectives on the prescription opioid epidemic,2016,165,,61-70,Webster The longitudinal associations between substance use crime and social risk among emerging adults: a longitudinal within and between-person latent variables analysis,2016,165,,71-78,D'Amico Childhood weight status and timing of first substance use in an ethnically diverse sample,2016,164,,172-178,Waldron Personality profile of binge drinking in university students is modulated by sex. A study using the Alternative Five Factor Model,2016,165,,120-125,Navarro Physician continuing education to reduce opioid misuse abuse and overdose: many opportunities few requirements,2016,163,,100-107,Davis Impact of prescription drug monitoring programs and pill mill laws on high-risk opioid prescribers: a comparative interrupted time series analysis,2016,165,,1-8,Rutkow Older-adult marijuana users and ex-users: Comparisons of sociodemographic characteristics and mental and substance use disorders,2016,165,,94-102,Dinitto Underreporting of ecstasy use among high school seniors in the US,2016,165,,279-282,Cleland Emergency department based intervention with adolescent substance users: 10 year economic and health outcomes,2016,165,,168-174,Mountain Trends in cannabis use disorders among racial/ethnic population groups in the United States,2016,165,,181-190,Wu Intersections between cardiac physiology emotion regulation and interpersonal warmth in preschoolers: implications for drug abuse prevention from translational neuroscience,2016,163 Suppl 1,,S60-9,Fisher Improving substance use prevention efforts with executive function training,2016,163,Suppl 1,S54-S59,Riggs Daily associations between emotional functioning and alcohol involvement: moderating effects of response inhibition and gender,2016,163,Suppl 1,S46-S53,Dvorak Emotional self-control and dysregulation: a dual-process analysis of pathways to externalizing/internalizing symptomatology and positive well-being in younger adolescents,2016,163,Suppl 1,S37-S45,Simons Integrating affect and impulsivity: the role of positive and negative urgency in substance use risk,2016,163 Suppl 1,,S3-S12,Smith Physiological response to reward and extinction predicts alcohol marijuana and cigarette use two years later,2016,163 Suppl 1,,S29-36,Lynam Mindfulness meditation improves emotion regulation and reduces drug abuse,2016,163,Suppl 1,S13-S18,Posner Emotion regulation and drug abuse: implications for prevention and treatment,2016,163,Suppl 1,S1-S2,Bardo Clinical utility of a single-item test for DSM-5 alcohol use disorder among outpatients with anxiety and depressive disorders,2016,165,,283-287,Madeddu Accuracy of the Audio Computer Assisted Self Interview version of the Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ACASI ASSIST) for identifying unhealthy substance use and substance use disorders in primary care patients,2016,165,,38-44,Cleland Bayesian inference for the distribution of grams of marijuana in a joint,2016,165,,175-180,Ridgeway Development and validation of 'SURE': a patient reported outcome measure (PROM) for recovery from drug and alcohol dependence,2016,165,,159-167,Rose Does substance use moderate the association of neighborhood disadvantage with perceived stress and safety in the activity spaces of urban youth?,2016,165,,288-292,Mennis Impact of a computer-assisted Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment on reducing alcohol consumption among patients with hazardous drinking disorder in hospital emergency departments. The randomized BREVALCO trial,2016,165,,236-244,Lejoyeux Quantification of EtG in hair EtG and EtS in urine and PEth species in capillary dried blood spots to assess the alcohol consumption in driver's licence regranting cases,2016,165,,191-197,Samyn Decreased diversion by doctor-shopping for a reformulated extended release oxycodone product (OxyContin),2016,165,,221-228,Chilcoat Anabolic steroid use and body image psychopathology in men: delineating between appearance- versus performance-driven motivations,2016,165,,198-202,Blashill Genetic variation in FAAH is associated with cannabis use disorders in a young adult sample of Mexican Americans,2016,166,,249-253,Ehlers Validation of a substance and alcohol use assessment instrument among orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia using Audio Computer Assisted Self-Interviewing (ACASI),2016,166,,85-92,Johnson Prevalence and correlates of prescription opioid residue injection,2016,166,,69-74,Jutras-Aswad A content analysis of tweets about high-potency marijuana,2016,166,,100-108,Krauss Nonprescription syringe sales: resistant pharmacists' attitudes and practices,2016,166,,45-50,Chiarello Chronic pain craving and illicit opioid use among patients receiving opioid agonist therapy,2016,166,,26-31,Samet Magnitude and duration of cue-induced craving for marijuana in volunteers with cannabis use disorder,2016,166,,143-149,Greenwald Same-day use of opioids and other central nervous system depressants amongst people who tamper with pharmaceutical opioids: a retrospective 7-day diary study,2016,166,,125-133,Degenhardt Anxiety depression and risk of cannabis use: examining the internalising pathway to use among Chilean adolescents,2016,166,,109-115,Araya Medical marijuana legalization and cigarette and marijuana co-use in adolescents and adults,2016,166,,32-38,Lisha Are community level prescription opioid overdoses associated with child harm? A spatial analysis of California zip codes 2001-2011,2016,166,,202-208,Kepple Age period and cohort effects in synthetic cannabinoid use among US adolescents 2011-2015,2016,166,,159-167,Keyes Prevalence of at-risk drinking among Brazilian truck drivers and its interference on the performance of executive cognitive tasks,2016,166,,218-225,Muñoz Examining the interaction between cognitive control and reward sensitivity in substance use dependence,2016,166,,235-242,Hester Birth order and hospitalization for alcohol and narcotics use in Sweden,2016,167,,15-22,Rasmussen Recognition and response to opioid overdose deaths-New Mexico 2012,2016,167,,29-35,Paulozzi What is abnormal about addiction-related attentional biases?,2016,167,,8-14,Anderson Personalizing substance use treatment based on pre-treatment impulsivity and sensation seeking: A review,2016,167,,1-7,Tomko Alcohol mixed with energy drinks: associations with risky drinking and functioning in high school,2016,167,,36-41,D'Amico Heavy episodic drinking among transgender persons: disparities and predictors,2016,167,,156-162,Bauer Change in motives among frequent cannabis-using adolescents: Predicting treatment outcomes,2016,167,,175-181,Stephens Do drinking-age laws have an impact on crime? Evidence from Canada 2009-2013,2016,167,,67-74,Callaghan Risk-factors for methadone-specific deaths in Scotland's methadone-prescription clients between 2009 and 2013,2016,167,,214-223,Bird Cell phone-based ecological momentary assessment of substance use context for Latino youth in outpatient treatment: who what when and where,2016,167,,207-213,Swendeman Students worry about the impact of alcohol on quality of life: roles of frequency of binge drinking and drinker self-concept,2016,167,,42-48,Aubin Inability to access health and social services associated with mental health among people who inject drugs in a Canadian setting,2016,168,,22-29,Hayashi Marijuana use and service utilization among adolescents 7 years post substance use treatment,2016,168,,1-7,Chi Abuse liability assessment of an e-cigarette refill liquid using intracranial self-stimulation and self-administration models in rats,2016,168,,76-88,Pentel Does the familial transmission of drinking patterns persist into young adulthood? A 10-year follow up,2016,168,,45-51,Svensson Rapid transition from drinking to alcohol dependence among adolescent and young-adult newly incident drinkers in the United States 2002-2013,2016,168,,61-68,Anthony Risky substance use and peer pressure in Swiss young men: test of moderation effects,2016,168,,89-98,Gmel The hazards of bad sleep-sleep duration and quality as predictors of adolescent alcohol and cannabis use,2016,168,,335-339,Shaw Variants of opioid system genes are associated with non-dependent opioid use and heroin dependence,2016,168,,164-169,van den Brink Unused opioid analgesics and drug disposal following outpatient dental surgery: a randomized controlled trial,2016,168,,328-334,Rhodes Removal notice to "Sustained-release naltrexone for opioid dependence: a cochrane review and meta-analysis" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 146 (2015) e165-e166],2016,167,,237,Kunøe UPPS-P model impulsivity and marijuana use behaviors in adolescents: a meta-analysis,2016,168,,181-190,Cyders Changes in alcohol use following the transition to motherhood: findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2016,168,,204-210,Ilgen Corrigendum to "Concordance between DSM-5 and DSM-IV nicotine alcohol and cannabis use disorder diagnoses among pediatric patients" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 140 (2014) 213-216],2016,168,,203,O'Grady Prevalence of driving under the influence of psychoactive substances and road traffic crashes among Brazilian crack-using drivers,2016,168,,255-262,Sousa The impact of adolescent exposure to medical marijuana laws on high school completion college enrollment and college degree completion,2016,168,,320-327,Will State-level medical marijuana laws marijuana use and perceived availability of marijuana among the general U.S. population,2016,169,,26-32,Wall Changing perspectives on marijuana use during early adolescence and young adulthood: evidence from a panel of cross-sectional surveys,2016,169,,5-10,Vaughn Risky driving and sexual behaviors as developmental outcomes of co-occurring substance use and antisocial behavior,2016,169,,19-25,Brown Implementation of online opioid overdose prevention recognition and response trainings for professional first responders: year 1 survey results,2016,169,,1-4,Elliott Older marijuana users: life stressors and perceived social support,2016,169,,56-63,Dinitto Internalizing symptoms and conduct problems: redundant incremental or interactive risk factors for adolescent substance use during the first year of high school?,2016,169,,48-55,Leventhal Prevalence and correlates of "vaping" as a route of cannabis administration in medical cannabis patients,2016,169,,41-47,Cranford White matter disruptions in male cocaine polysubstance users: associations with severity of drug use and duration of abstinence,2016,168,,247-254,Wiers The effects of the therapeutic workplace and heavy alcohol use on homelessness among homeless alcohol-dependent adults,2016,168,,135-139,Fingerhood Personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards the use of nonmedical prescription stimulants to improve academic performance among university students in seven European countries,2016,168,,128-134,Zeeb Does marijuana "blunt" smoking contribute to nicotine exposure? Preliminary product testing of nicotine content in wrappers of cigars commonly used for blunt smoking,2016,168,,119-122,Peters Remission from substance use disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,168,,293-306,Huynh The relationships of childhood trauma and adulthood prescription pain reliever misuse and injection drug use,2016,169,,190-198,Cottler International approaches to driving under the influence of cannabis: a review of evidence on impact,2016,169,,148-155,Mann A longitudinal examination of the relationship between cannabis use and cognitive function in mid-life adults,2016,169,,134-140,Anstey Multivariate family factors in lifetime and current marijuana use among American Indian and White adolescents residing on or near reservations,2016,169,,92-100,Swaim If it works there will it work here? The effect of a multi-component responsible beverage service (RBS) programme on violence in Oslo,2016,169,,128-133,Pedersen Towards greater understanding of addiction stigma: intersectionality with race/ethnicity and gender,2016,169,,85-91,Lindgren Treatment utilization among persons with opioid use disorder in the United States,2016,169,,117-127,Wu Alcohol-related blackouts across 55 weeks of college: effects of European-American ethnicity female sex and low level of response to alcohol,2016,169,,163-170,Schuckit The design of medical marijuana laws and adolescent use and heavy use of marijuana: analysis of 45 states from 1991 to 2011,2016,170,,1-8,Hodgkin Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Cannabis Use Problems Identification Test among Chilean university students: a validation study,2016,170,,32-36,Contreras The widening gender gap in marijuana use prevalence in the U.S. during a period of economic change 2002-2014,2016,170,,51-58,Wall Prevalence sociodemographic correlates and DSM-5 substance use disorders and other psychiatric disorders among sexual minorities in the United States,2016,170,,82-92,Ruan Social cognitive predictors of treatment outcome in cannabis dependence,2016,170,,74-81,Gullo Racial/ethnic differences in 30-year trajectories of heavy drinking in a nationally representative U.S. sample,2016,170,,133-141,Bond Treatment seeking in cannabis dependence: the role of social cognition,2016,170,,142-146,Gullo Pattern and risk of developing alcohol use disorders illegal substance use and psychiatric disorders after early onset of alcohol use: results of the Thai National Mental Health Survey 2013,2016,170,,102-111,Kittirattanapaiboon Subjective alcohol responses in a cross-sectional field-based study of adolescents and young adults: Effects of age drinking level and dependence/consequences,2016,170,,156-163,Lisman Demographic trends of binge alcohol use and alcohol use disorders among older adults in the United States 2005-2014,2016,170,,198-207,Moore Marijuana practices and patterns of use among young adult medical marijuana patients and non-patient marijuana users,2016,170,,181-188,Iverson Asian American and Pacific Islander substance use treatment admission trends,2016,171,,1-8,Arndt Excess mortality among people who report lifetime use of illegal drugs in the United States: a 20-year follow-up of a nationally representative survey,2016,171,,31-38,Druss Error detection and behavioural inhibition in young heavy drinkers,2016,171,,20-30,Mattick Gender differences in substance abuse PTSD and intentional self-harm among veterans health administration patients,2016,171,,66-69,Gradus Erratum to "Prevalence of driving under the influence of psychoactive substances and road traffic crashes among Brazilian crack-using drivers" [Drug Alcohol Depend. (2016) 255-262],2016,171,,e227,Pechansky Longitudinal patterns of marijuana use across ages 18-50 in a US national sample: a descriptive examination of predictors and health correlates of repeated measures latent class membership,2016,171,,70-83,Terry-McElrath The search for an elusive cutoff remains: problems of binary classification of heavy drinking as an endpoint for alcohol clinical trials,2016,171,,91-96,Witkiewitz A review: fentanyl and non-pharmaceutical fentanyls,2016,171,,107-116,Suzuki Trends and correlates of marijuana use among late middle-aged and older adults in the United States 2002-2014,2016,171,,97-106,Vaughn Short communication: genetic association between schizophrenia and cannabis use,2017,171,,117-121,Ligthart Oral cannabidiol does not produce a signal for abuse liability in frequent marijuana smokers,2016,172,,9-13,Haney Prescription opioid abuse in prison settings: a systematic review of prevalence practice and treatment responses,2016,171,,122-131,Gavin Meta-analysis of the relationship between impulsivity and substance-related cognitive biases,2017,172,,21-33,Manning Does the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of addiction apply in an Islamic context? A qualitative study of Jordanian addicts in treatment,2016,172,,14-20,Matheson Comparison of the discriminative stimulus and response rate effects of (Δ9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and synthetic cannabinoids in female and male rats,2017,172,,51-59,Craft Curbing the DUI offender's self-efficacy to drink and drive: a laboratory study,2017,172,,73-79,Fillmore Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol consumption in Chile and Finland,2017,173,,24-30,Makela Rapid widespread distribution of intranasal naloxone for overdose prevention,2017,173,,17-23,Clausen Bowling alone dying together: the role of social capital in mitigating the drug overdose epidemic in the United States,2017,173,,1-9,Salemi Sex disparities in substance abuse research: evaluating 23 years of structural neuroimaging studies,2017,173,,92-98,McKee Marijuana use trajectories among drug-using youth presenting to an urban emergency department: violence and social influences,2017,173,,117-125,Blow Medical marijuana policies and hospitalizations related to marijuana and opioid pain reliever,2017,173,,144-150,Shi The association of unemployment from age 21 to 33 with substance use disorder symptoms at age 39: the role of childhood neighborhood characteristics,2017,174,,1-8,Kosterman Estimating the harms and costs of cannabis-attributable collisions in the Canadian provinces,2017,173,,185-190,Mann Gender-based differences in injecting drug use by young adults who experienced maltreatment in childhood: findings from an australian birth cohort study,2017,173,,163-169,Strathearn The recovery of online drug markets following law enforcement and other disruptions,2017,173,,159-162,Roxburgh Prevalence correlates comorbidity and age of onset of alcohol use disorders in adult males from five provinces in China,2017,173,,170-177,Phillips Identity in recovery from problematic alcohol use: a qualitative study of online mutual aid,2017,174,,17-22,Baldwin Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach implementation and treatment outcomes for youth with opioid problem use,2017,174,,9-16,Funk Non-medical opioid use and sources of opioids among pregnant and non-pregnant reproductive-aged women,2017,174,,201-208,Barry Sex-related substance use and the externalizing spectrum,2017,174,,39-46,Hasin Marijuana use and physical dating violence among adolescents and emerging adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,174,,47-57,Johnson Drug involvement during and after college: estimates of opportunity and use given opportunity,2017,174,,150-157,Arria Sex differences and hormonal modulation of ethanol-enhanced risk taking in rats,2017,174,,137-144,Wood Gender and race/ethnic differences in the persistence of alcohol drug and poly-substance use disorders,2017,174,,128-136,Washington Risk of injury from alcohol marijuana and other drug use among emergency department patients,2017,174,,121-127,Cherpitel A pilot investigation of acute inhibitory control training in cocaine users,2017,174,,145-149,Rush The association between personality disorders with alcohol use and misuse: a population-based twin study,2017,174,,171-180,Kendler Relations between mental health diagnoses mental health treatment and substance use in homeless youth,2017,175,,1-8,Swank Pain hedonic regulation and opioid misuse: modulation of momentary experience by mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement in opioid-treated chronic pain patients,2017,173,Suppl 1,S65-S72,Bryan Buprenorphine physician supply: relationship with state-level prescription opioid mortality,2017,173,Suppl 1,S55-S64,Havens The Prescription Opioid Addiction Treatment Study: what have we learned,2017,173,Suppl 1,S48-S54,Weiss Understanding the demand side of the prescription opioid epidemic: does the initial source of opioids matter?,2017,173,Suppl 1,S4-S10,Cicero Randomized controlled trial of a computerized opioid overdose education intervention,2017,173,Suppl 1,S39-S47,Kelly Validation of prescriber risk indicators obtained from prescription drug monitoring program data,2017,173,Suppl 1,S31-S38,Rogers Prescription opioids: new perspectives and research on their role in chronic pain management and addiction,2017,173,Suppl 1,S1-S3,Bigelow Neurophysiological capacity in a working memory task differentiates dependent from nondependent heavy drinkers and controls,2017,175,,24-35,Fillmore Marijuana advertising exposure among current marijuana users in the U.S.,2017,174,,192-200,Krauss Corrigendum to "Do drinking-age laws have an impact on crime? Evidence from Canada 2009-2013" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 167 (2016) 67-74],2017,175,,254,Asbridge Subjective and physiological effects and expired carbon monoxide concentrations in frequent and occasional cannabis smokers following smoked vaporized and oral cannabis administration,2017,175,,67-76,Huestis Cognitive control in young heavy drinkers: an ERP study,2017,175,,77-83,Luijten Selective attention moderates the relationship between attentional capture by signals of nondrug reward and illicit drug use,2017,175,,99-105,Wiers Comparison between the WHO and NIAAA criteria for binge drinking on drinking features and alcohol-related aftermaths: Results from a cross-sectional study among eight emergency wards in France,2017,175,,92-98,Brousse Laboratory analysis of risky driving at 0.05% and 0.08% blood alcohol concentration,2017,175,,127-132,Fillmore Who benefits from computer-based brief alcohol intervention? Day-to-day drinking patterns as a moderator of intervention efficacy,2017,175,,119-126,Bischof Environmental risks outweigh dopaminergic genetic risks for alcohol use and abuse from adolescence through early adulthood,2017,175,,106-118,Coley Medical outcomes associated with prescription opioid abuse via oral and non-oral routes of administration,2017,175,,140-145,Dart The role of distress intolerance in the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and problematic alcohol use among Latin American MSM,2017,175,,151-156,Mayer Role of cortical alpha-2 adrenoceptors in alcohol withdrawal-induced depression and tricyclic antidepressants,2017,175,,133-139,Taylor The association of psychiatric comorbidity with treatment completion among clients admitted to substance use treatment programs in a U.S. national sample,2017,175,,157-163,Mojtabai Drug use generations and patterns of injection drug use: birth cohort differences among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco California,2017,175,,210-218,Bluthenthal Support for marijuana legalization in the US state of Washington has continued to increase through 2016,2017,175,,205-209,Kerr Violence trauma and living with HIV: longitudinal predictors of initiating crystal methamphetamine injection among sex workers,2017,175,,198-204,Strathdee Cannabidiol-Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol interactions on acute pain and locomotor activity,2017,175,,187-197,Craft Area-level disadvantage and alcohol use disorder in northern Mexico,2017,175,,219-226,Borges Current major depression is associated with greater sensitivity to the motivational effect of both negative mood induction and abstinence on tobacco-seeking behavior,2017,176,,1-6,Hogarth How many or how much? Testing the relative influence of the number of social network risks versus the amount of time exposed to social network risks on post-treatment substance use,2017,175,,246-253,Kelly Understanding opioid overdose characteristics involving prescription and illicit opioids: a mixed methods analysis,2016,167,,49-56,Green Corrigendum to: Sex disparities in substance abuse research: evaluating 23 years of structural neuroimaging studies [Drug Alcohol Depend. 173 (2017) 92-98],2017,176,,181-184,McKee School collective occupation movements and substance use among adolescents: a school-level panel design,2017,176,,21-27,Wintemute New product trial use of edibles and unexpected highs among marijuana and hashish users in Colorado,2017,176,,44-47,Nonnemaker Increases in prescription opioid injection abuse among treatment admissions in the United States 2004-2013,2017,176,,89-95,Jones The Standard Joint Unit,2017,176,,109-116,Gual Patterns of Kratom use and health impact in the US-results from an online survey,2017,176,,63-70,Grundmann Alcohol use disorders in Iran: prevalence symptoms correlates and comorbidity,2017,176,,48-54,Mojtabai Frequency and severity of non-fatal opioid overdoses among clients attending the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre,2017,176,,126-132,Roxburgh Effectiveness of treatment for opioid use disorder: a national five-year prospective observational study in England,2017,176,,139-147,Marsden Prevalence reasons perceived effects and correlates of medical marijuana use: a review,2017,177,,1-13,Wu Evidence that anhedonia is a symptom of opioid dependence associated with recent use,2017,177,,29-38,Lubman Media alcohol advertising with drinking behaviors among young adolescents in Taiwan,2017,177,,145-152,Chen Dose-related effects of delta-9-THC on emotional responses to acute psychosocial stress,2017,177,,136-144,de Wit Prevalence and correlates of treatment utilization among adults with cannabis use disorder in the United States,2017,177,,153-162,Wu Development and initial validation of a marijuana cessation expectancies questionnaire,2017,177,,163-170,Kahler Examining the influence of adolescent marijuana use on adult intelligence: further evidence in the causation versus spuriousness debate,2017,177,,199-206,Beaver Broken lives: fights fractures and motor vehicle accidents among heroin users entering detoxification,2017,177,,194-198,Anderson Insomnia severity as a mediator of the association between mental health symptoms and alcohol use in young adult veterans,2017,177,,221-227,Carey Age-related patterns in nonmedical prescription opioid use and disorder in the US population at ages 12-34 from 2002 to 2014,2017,177,,237-243,Wall User characteristics and effect profile of butane hash oil: an extremely high-potency cannabis concentrate,2017,178,,32-38,Kelly The mediating effects of depressive symptoms and sleep quality on the relationship between the non-medical use of prescription drugs and suicidal behaviors among Chinese adolescents,2017,178,,20-27,Lu An intensive assessment of alcohol use and emergency department utilization in homeless alcohol-dependent adults,2017,178,,28-31,Wong Heroin and pharmaceutical opioid overdose events: emergency medical response characteristics,2017,178,,1-6,Coffin Sexual orientation minority stress social norms and substance use among racially diverse adolescents,2017,178,,49-56,Mereish Children's brain activation during risky decision-making: a contributor to substance problems?,2017,178,,57-65,Sakai Acute and chronic alcohol use correlated with methods of suicide in a Swiss national sample,2017,178,,75-79,Pfeifer Understanding the prevalence of lifetime abstinence from alcohol: an ecological study,2017,178,,126-129,Rehm Young people who use drugs engaged in harm reduction programs in New York City: overdose and other risks,2017,178,,106-114,Passannante Heritability of lifetime ecstasy use,2017,178,,66-69,Boomsma Expectancy of impairment attenuates marijuana-induced risk taking,2017,178,,39-42,Metrik Association of elevated ambient temperature with death from cocaine overdose,2017,178,,101-105,Kosatsky Daily associations between cannabis motives and consumption in emerging adults,2017,178,,136-142,Blow Methylphenidate disintegration from oral formulations for intravenous use by experienced substance users,2017,178,,165-169,Magnusson Assessment methods and schedules for collecting daily process data on substance use related health behaviors: a randomized control study,2017,178,,159-164,Zimmerman A retrospective review of unintentional opioid overdose risk and mitigating factors among acutely injured trauma patients,2017,178,,130-135,Mello The role of marijuana use disorder in predicting emergency department and inpatient encounters: A retrospective cohort study,2017,178,,170-175,Bahorik Twenty years of take-home naloxone for the prevention of overdose deaths from heroin and other opioids: conception and maturation,2017,178,,176-187,Strang Seller's reputation and capacity on the illicit drug markets: 11-month study on the Finnish version of the Silk Road,2017,178,,201-207,Oksanen The effects of using answer sheets on reported drug use and data quality in a classroom survey: a cluster-randomized study,2017,178,,194-200,Cerdá Neighborhood disorder peer network health and substance use among young urban adolescents,2017,178,,208-214,Flay U.S. cannabis legalization and use of vaping and edible products among youth,2017,177,,299-306,Sargent History of cannabis use is associated with altered gait,2017,178,,215-222,Vogel Effects of parental alcohol rules on risky drinking and related problems in adolescence: systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,178,,243-256,Mattick Association between process measures and mortality in individuals with opioid use disorders,2017,177,,307-314,Stein Victimization as a mediator of alcohol use disparities between sexual minority subgroups and sexual majority youth using the 2015 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey,2017,178,,355-362,Hatzenbuehler Contingency management interventions for non-prescribed drug use during treatment for opiate addiction: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,178,,318-339,McNeill Illicit drug consumption in school populations measured by wastewater analysis,2017,178,,285-290,Parabiaghi Impact of New York prescription drug monitoring program I-STOP on statewide overdose morbidity,2017,178,,348-354,Gadomski Mixed-amphetamine salts expectancies among college students: is stimulant induced cognitive enhancement a placebo effect?,2017,178,,302-309,Cropsey Morning administration of oral methamphetamine dose-dependently disrupts nighttime sleep in recreational stimulant users,2017,178,,291-295,Johnson Problem alcohol use and healthcare utilization among persons with cannabis use disorder in the United States,2017,178,,477-484,Wu Bullying involvement and adolescent substance use: a multilevel investigation of individual and neighbourhood risk factors,2017,178,,461-468,Craig Characterizing marijuana concentrate users: a web-based survey,2017,178,,399-407,Boyer The relationship between the UPPS-P impulsive personality traits and substance use psychotherapy outcomes: a meta-analysis,2017,178,,408-416,Cyders Illicit drug use is increasing among non-medical users of prescription drugs: results from population-based surveys 2002-2014,2017,178,,430-434,Lintonen Increases from 2002 to 2015 in prescription opioid overdose deaths in combination with other substances,2017,178,,501-511,Wall Racial and ethnic differences in opioid agonist treatment for opioid use disorder in a U.S. national sample,2017,178,,512-518,Saloner Smoked marijuana attenuates performance and mood disruptions during simulated night shift work,2017,178,,534-543,Foltin Variation in receipt of pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorders across racial/ethnic groups: a national study in the U.S. Veterans Health Administration,2017,178,,527-533,Williams Opioid medication misuse among unhealthy drinkers,2017,179,,13-17,Gordon Did the dependent coverage expansion increase risky substance use among young adults?,2017,178,,556-561,Stein Patterns of physician prescribing for opioid maintenance treatment in Ontario Canada in 2014,2017,177,,315-321,Gomes Are brief alcohol interventions targeting alcohol use efficacious in military and veteran populations? A meta-analysis,2017,178,,571-578,Rona Associations between butane hash oil use and cannabis-related problems,2017,179,,25-31,Meier Prediction of incidence and stability of alcohol use disorders by latent internalizing psychopathology risk profiles in adolescence and young adulthood,2017,179,,32-41,Lieb Adolescents alcohol and marijuana: context characteristics and problems associated with simultaneous use,2017,179,,55-60,Bersamin DSM-5 substance use disorders among adult primary care patients: results from a multisite study,2017,179,,42-46,Wu Implicit and explicit drinking identity predict latent classes that differ on the basis of college students' drinking behaviors,2017,178,,579-585,Fairlie Treatment use sources of payment and financial barriers to treatment among individuals with opioid use disorder following the national implementation of the ACA,2017,179,,87-92,McKenna Structural deficits in salience network regions are associated with increased impulsivity and compulsivity in alcohol dependence,2017,179,,100-108,Momenan Past year cannabis use and problematic cannabis use among adults by ethnicity in Ontario,2017,179,,93-99,Mann The association between regular marijuana use and adult mental health outcomes,2017,179,,109-116,Kosterman Heroin use onset among nonmedical prescription opioid users in the club scene,2017,179,,131-138,Pagano Naloxone use among overdose prevention trainees in New York City: a longitudinal cohort study,2017,179,,124-130,Siegler Phenotypic and familial associations between childhood maltreatment and cannabis initiation and problems in young adult European-American and African-American women,2017,179,,146-152,Bucholz Intoxication and substance use disorder to Areca catechu nut containing betel quid: a review of epidemiological evidence pharmacological basis and social factors influencing quitting strategies,2017,179,,187-197,Ko Social contextual risk factors for stimulant use among adolescent American Indians,2017,179,,167-173,Spillane Prevalence and nature of cardiovascular disease in methamphetamine-related death: a national study,2017,179,,174-179,Darke Trajectories of energy drink consumption and subsequent drug use during young adulthood,2017,179,,424-432,Arria A developmental etiological model for drug abuse in men,2017,179,,220-228,Sundquist Patient preferences and extended-release naltrexone: a new opportunity to treat opioid use disorders in Ukraine,2017,179,,213-219,Altice Alcohol use and receipt of alcohol screening and brief intervention in a representative sample of sexual minority and heterosexual adults receiving health care,2017,179,,240-246,Lehavot The effect of post-traumatic stress disorder on the risk of developing prescription opioid use disorder: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions III,2017,179,,260-266,Rehm Trends in heroin and pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths in Australia,2017,179,,291-298,Roxburgh Insights into the link between drug use and criminality: lifetime offending of criminally-active opiate users,2017,179,,309-316,Hickman A pilot replication of QUIT a randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention for reducing risky drug use among Latino primary care patients,2017,179,,433-440,Baumeister Adverse childhood experience effects on opioid use initiation injection drug use and overdose among persons with opioid use disorder,2017,179,,325-329,Anderson The influence of groups and alcohol consumption on individual risk-taking,2017,179,,341-346,Heim Synthetic cannabinoids found in "spice" products alter body temperature and cardiovascular parameters in conscious male rats,2017,179,,387-394,Baumann Race/ethnicity and marijuana use in the United States: diminishing differences in the prevalence of use 2006-2015,2017,179,,379-386,Wall Effects of orally self-administered bath salt constituent 34-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) in mice,2017,179,,408-415,Rice Prevalence and characteristics of opioid-related deaths involving alcohol in Ontario Canada,2017,179,,416-423,Juurlink The impact of alcohol policies on alcohol-attributable diseases in Taiwan: a population-based study,2017,180,,103-112,Ying Factors associated with an evidence-based measure of implementation for the Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach,2017,180,,144-150,Hunter Alcohol and depression: evidence from the 2014 health survey for England,2017,180,,86-92,Farrell Individual peer and family factor modification of neighborhood-level effects on adolescent alcohol cigarette e-cigarette and marijuana use,2017,180,,76-85,D'Amico Altered functional connectivity to stressful stimuli in prenatally cocaine-exposed adolescents,2017,180,,129-136,Potenza Escalating patterns of emergency health care prior to first admission with amphetamine psychosis: A window of opportunity?,2017,180,,171-177,Degenhardt A pilot study of loss aversion for drug and non-drug commodities in cocaine users,2017,180,,223-226,Rush The relationship between treatment accessibility and preference amongst out-of-treatment individuals who engage in non-medical prescription opioid use,2017,180,,279-285,Tompkins Gradient of association between parenting styles and patterns of drug use in adolescence: a latent class analysis,2017,180,,272-278,Sanchez Nature versus intensity of intoxication: co-ingestion of alcohol and energy drinks and the effect on objective and subjective intoxication,2017,180,,292-303,Bruno Polysubstance use by psychiatry inpatients with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders,2017,180,,319-322,Ilgen Differences in behavioral health disorders and unmet treatment needs between medical marijuana users and recreational marijuana users: results from a national adult sample,2017,180,,311-318,Wu The costs of crime associated with stimulant use in a Canadian setting,2017,180,,304-310,Hayashi Post-mortem review of fentanyl-related overdose deaths among identified drug users in Southern Bavaria Germany 2005-2014,2017,180,,286-291,Keil Preliminary evidence that reactivity to uncertain threat is an endophenotype for alcohol use disorder,2017,180,,265-271,Shankman Age trends in rates of substance use disorders across ages 18-90: differences by gender and race/ethnicity,2017,180,,260-264,Lanza The genetic epidemiology of substance use disorder: a review,2017,180,,241-259,Dick Continuity of drunk and drugged driving behaviors four years post-college,2017,180,,332-339,Arria Unseen scars: cocaine patients with prior trauma evidence heightened resting state functional connectivity (RSFC) between the amygdala and limbic-striatal regions,2017,180,,363-370,Kampman Trends and correlates of cocaine use and cocaine use disorder in the United States from 2011 to 2015,2017,180,,376-384,Wu When does methadone treatment reduce arrest and severity of arrest charges? An analysis of arrest records,2017,180,,385-390,O'Grady Differences in reporting of perceived acute effects of alcohol use marijuana use and simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use,2017,180,,391-394,Lee Prescription drug monitoring program design and function: a qualitative analysis,2017,180,,395-400,Vernick The role of restraint omission in alcohol-related traffic fatalities,2017,180,,423-426,Evangelidis Social networking online to recover from opioid use disorder: a study of community interactions,2017,181,,5-10,Krauss Shifting characteristics of ecstasy users ages 12-34 in the United States 2007-2014,2017,181,,20-24,Martins Serious suicide attempts in outpatients with multiple substance use disorders,2017,181,,63-70,Bellivier Clinician identification of elevated symptoms of depression among individuals seeking treatment for substance misuse,2017,181,,71-76,Sanson-Fisher Social determinants of drug-related mortality in a general population,2017,181,,37-43,Makela Characteristics of drinking events associated with heavy episodic drinking among adolescents in the United States,2017,181,,50-57,Thombs Characteristics of self-inflicted drug overdose deaths in North Carolina,2017,181,,44-49,Proescholdbell Altered attentional control strategies but spared executive functioning in chronic cannabis users,2017,181,,116-123,Whitney Perceived harm as a mediator of the relationship between social norms and marijuana use and related consequences among American Indian youth,2017,181,,102-107,Swaim Impairment of manual but not saccadic response inhibition following acute alcohol intoxication,2017,181,,242-254,Sumner Rural and urban comparisons of polysubstance use profiles and associated injection behaviors among people who inject drugs in Puerto Rico,2017,181,,186-193,Khan Discordant reporting of nonmedical amphetamine use among Adderall-using high school seniors in the US,2017,181,,208-212,Palamar Marijuana use among adults: initiation return to use and continued use versus quitting over a one-year follow-up period,2017,182,,19-26,Dinitto Treatment for opioid use and outcomes in older adults: a systematic literature review,2017,182,,48-57,Comiskey Frustration stress (unexpected loss of alternative reinforcement) increases opioid self-administration in a model of recovery,2017,182,,33-39,Lamb Evaluating short- and long-term impacts of a Medicaid "lock-in" program on opioid and benzodiazepine prescriptions dispensed to beneficiaries,2018,182,,112-119,Ringwalt The relationship between executive functions and emotion regulation in females attending therapeutic community treatment for substance use disorder,2017,182,,58-66,Kelly Do law enforcement interactions reduce the initiation of injection drug use? An investigation in three North American settings,2017,182,,67-73,Garfein Corrigendum to "Trends in insurance coverage and treatment among persons with opioid use disorders following the affordable care act" [Drug Alcohol. Depend. 179 (2017) 271-274],2018,182,,122,Mojtabai Nonmedical prescription opioids and pathways of drug involvement in the US: generational differences,2017,182,,103-111,Wall Substance use patterns associated with recent exposure to fentanyl among people who inject drugs in Vancouver Canada: a cross-sectional urine toxicology screening study,2017,183,,1-6,Hayashi Polygenic risk for alcohol consumption and its association with alcohol-related phenotypes: do stress and life satisfaction moderate these relationships?,2017,183,,7-12,Boomsma Marijuana buyers in the United States 2010-2014,2017,183,,34-42,Mattson Cannabis use disorder and male sex predict medical cannabis card status in a sample of high risk adolescents,2017,183,,25-33,Brown Medical marijuana laws and adolescent use of marijuana and other substances: alcohol cigarettes prescription drugs and other illicit drugs,2017,183,,62-68,Wall Even in early childhood offspring alcohol expectancies correspond to parental drinking,2017,183,,51-54,Kuntsche Past 15-year trends in lifetime cocaine use among US high school students,2017,183,,69-72,Johnson Random responses inflate statistical estimates in heavily skewed addictions data,2017,183,,102-110,King Differentials and trends in emergency department visits due to alcohol intoxication and co-occurring conditions among students in a U.S. public university,2017,183,,89-95,Ait-Daoud How alcohol use problem severity affects the outcome of brief intervention delivered in-person versus through computer-generated feedback letters,2017,183,,82-88,Bischof The relationship between self-compassion and the risk for substance use disorder,2017,183,,78-81,Potter Prevalence and correlates of benzodiazepine use and misuse among young adults who use prescription opioids non-medically,2017,183,,73-77,Marshall Neural response to errors is associated with problematic alcohol use over time in combat-exposed returning veterans: an event-related potential study,2017,183,,155-161,Phan Prior binge-drinking history promotes the positive affective valence of methamphetamine in mice,2017,183,,150-154,Szumlinski Drug Stroop: mechanisms of response to computerized cognitive behavioral therapy for cocaine dependence in a randomized clinical trial,2017,183,,162-168,Nich Drivers with alcohol use disorders and their risks of crash involvement,2017,183,,210-216,Voas Comparing daily drivers of problem drinking among older and younger adults: an electronic daily diary study using smartphones,2017,183,,240-246,Morgenstern "You got to love rosin: Solventless dabs pure clean natural medicine." Exploring Twitter data on emerging trends in Rosin Tech marijuana concentrates,2017,183,,248-252,Boyer Characteristics of drug use among pregnant women in the United States: opioid and non-opioid illegal drug use,2017,183,,261-266,Martins Features of prescription drug monitoring programs associated with reduced rates of prescription opioid-related poisonings,2018,184,,26-32,Slavova Factors associated with sedative use and misuse among heroin users,2018,185,,10-16,Greenwald Associations between childhood ADHD gender and adolescent alcohol and marijuana involvement: a causally informative design,2017,184,,33-41,Iacono The influence of motives on alcohol- and sex-related behaviors among female college students,2018,185,,120-126,Talley Resting state functional connectivity of the amygdala and problem drinking in non-dependent alcohol drinkers,2018,185,,173-180,Zhang Risk of fentanyl-involved overdose among those with past year incarceration: findings from a recent outbreak in 2014 and 2015,2018,185,,189-191,Marshall Psychosocial stress increases craving for alcohol in social drinkers: effects of risk-taking,2018,185,,192-197,Stafford Psychosocial and neural indicators of resilience among youth with a family history of substance use disorder,2018,185,,198-206,Zucker Correlates and trends in youth co-use of marijuana and tobacco in the United States 2005-2014,2018,185,,238-244,Peters The impact of acute and short-term methamphetamine abstinence on brain metabolites: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy chemical shift imaging study,2018,185,,226-237,Stein Location location location: assessing the spatial patterning between marijuana licenses alcohol outlets and neighborhood characteristics within Washington state,2018,185,,214-218,Melly Cross-sectional cause of death comparisons for stimulant and opioid mortality in San Francisco 2005-2015,2018,185,,305-312,Coffin Fentanyl and heroin contained in seized illicit drugs and overdose-related deaths in British Columbia Canada: an observational analysis,2018,185,,322-327,Wood Cigarillo sales in legalized marijuana markets in the U.S,2018,185,,347-350,Martins Corrigendum to: "Does outcome measurement of treatment for substance use disorder reflect the personal concerns of patients? A scoping review of measures recommended in Europe" [Drug Alcohol Dependence 179 (2017) 299-308],2018,185,,328-329,Ashworth Opioid use and stigma: the role of gender language and precipitating events,2018,185,,339-346,Goodyear Alcohol metabolism in hangover sensitive versus hangover resistant social drinkers,2018,185,,351-355,Brookhuis Child injury deaths linked with adult alcohol consumption: a time series analysis,2018,185,,360-366,Chikritzhs Illegal drug use and its correlates in San Juan Puerto Rico,2018,185,,356-359,Caetano Self-medication of mood and anxiety disorders with marijuana: higher in states with medical marijuana laws,2018,186,,10-15,Cerdá Poly-victimization and trajectories of binge drinking from adolescence to young adulthood among serious juvenile offenders,2018,186,,29-35,Dumas Educational differences in alcohol consumption and heavy drinking: an age-period-cohort perspective,2018,186,,36-43,Kerr Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of alcohol consumption: survey findings from five states in India,2018,185,,381-390,Kumar A comprehensive model of predictors of suicide attempt in heavy drinkers: results from a national 3-year longitudinal study,2018,186,,44-52,Limosin Recent rapid decrease in adolescents' perception that marijuana is harmful but no concurrent increase in use,2018,186,,68-74,Cerdá Trends in and correlates of medical marijuana use among adults in the United States,2018,186,,120-129,Blanco Alcohol research with transgender populations: a systematic review and recommendations to strengthen future studies,2018,186,,138-146,Gilbert Purchases of prescription drugs before an alcohol-related death: a ten-year follow-up study using linked routine data,2018,186,,175-181,Vuori Sensation seeking moderates television's cultivation of alcohol and tobacco beliefs: evidence from a national study of French adolescents,2018,186,,193-200,Russell Alcohol use and change over time in firearm safety among families with young children,2018,186,,187-192,Crosnoe Prevalence of drug use among students in mainland China: A systematic review and meta-analysis for 2003-2013,2018,186,,201-206,Zhang Opioids in oral fluid of Spanish drivers,2018,187,,35-39,Gonzalez-Luque Dissatisfaction with opioid maintenance treatment partly explains reported side effects of medications,2018,187,,22-28,Clausen The source and diversion of pharmaceutical drugs for non-medical use: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,186,,242-256,Nielsen Influence of comorbid alcohol use disorders on the clinical patterns of major depressive disorder: a general population-based study,2018,187,,40-47,Vaiva Prevalence and correlates of binge drinking among older adults with multimorbidity,2018,187,,48-54,Moore Prevalence patterns and correlates of multiple substance use disorders among adult primary care patients,2018,187,,79-87,Wu Long-term opioid use after inpatient surgery - a retrospective cohort study,2018,187,,61-65,Mikulich-Gilbertson Post-9/11 drug- and alcohol- related hospitalizations among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees 2003-2010,2018,187,,55-60,Brackbill Doctor shopping of opioid analgesics relative to benzodiazepines: a pharmacoepidemiological study among 11.7 million inhabitants in the French countries,2018,187,,88-94,Mallaret Increasing rates of quetiapine overdose misuse and mortality in Victoria Australia,2018,187,,95-99,Wong Sex and orientation identity matter in the substance use behaviors of sexual minority adolescents in the United States,2018,187,,142-148,Caputi A daily diary study of stressful and positive events alcohol use and addiction severity among heavy drinking sexual minority men,2018,187,,149-154,Morgenstern Methamphetamine use and future risk for Parkinson's disease: evidence and clinical implications,2018,187,,134-140,Darke A Twitter-based survey on marijuana concentrate use,2018,187,,155-159,Carlson Erratum to "Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of alcohol consumption: survey findings from five states in India" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 185C (2018) 381-390],2018,187,,185,Kumar Positive alcohol use expectancies moderate the association between anxiety sensitivity and alcohol use across adolescence,2018,187,,179-184,Felton Outpatient transition to extended-release injectable naltrexone for patients with opioid use disorder: a phase 3 randomized trial,2018,187,,171-178,Mannelli Feasibility of ecological momentary assessment to study mood and risk behavior among young people who inject drugs,2018,187,,227-235,Mackesy-Amiti Loaded: gun involvement among opioid users,2018,187,,205-211,Anderson Effects of anxiety and mood disorders on craving and substance use among patients with substance use disorder: an ecological momentary assessment study,2018,187,,242-248,Serre Considering high alcohol and violence neighborhood context using daily diaries and GPS: a pilot study among people living with HIV,2018,187,,236-241,Wiebe Drinking patterns and adherence to "low-risk" guidelines among community-residing older adults,2018,187,,285-291,Nixon Genetic correlation of antisocial behaviour with alcohol nicotine and cannabis use,2018,187,,296-299,Posthuma Republic of Georgia estimates for prevalence of drug use: randomized response techniques suggest under-estimation,2018,187,,300-304,Anthony Postmortem blood alcohol content among late-middle aged and older suicide decedents: Associations with suicide precipitating/risk factors means and other drug toxicology,2018,187,,311-318,Dinitto Relationship between the duration of methamphetamine use and psychotic symptoms: a two-year prospective cohort study,2018,187,,363-369,Blow Investigating the effect of Alcohol Brief Interventions within accident and emergency departments using a data informatics methodology,2018,188,,47-52,Baldacchino Predictors of positive drinking outcomes among youth receiving an alcohol brief intervention in the emergency department,2018,188,,102-108,Blow Posttraumatic stress disorder and chronic pain are associated with opioid use disorder: results from a 2012-2013 American nationally representative survey,2018,188,,119-125,El-Gabalawy Typology of new psychoactive substance use among the general Australian population,2018,188,,126-134,Roxburgh Naloxone laws facilitate the establishment of overdose education and naloxone distribution programs in the United States,2018,188,,370-376,Kral Age-related prevalence and twelve-month incidence of illicit drug use in a cohort of Australian gay and bisexual men: results from the Flux Study,2018,188,,175-179,Degenhardt Mandatory review of a prescription drug monitoring program and impact on opioid and benzodiazepine dispensing,2018,188,,169-174,Winstanley Predicting pharmacy naloxone stocking and dispensing following a statewide standing order Indiana 2016,2018,188,,187-192,Ritchie Planting the seed for marijuana use: changes in exposure to medical marijuana advertising and subsequent adolescent marijuana use cognitions and consequences over seven years,2018,188,,385-391,D'Amico The relation of parent alcohol disorder to young adult drinking outcomes mediated by parenting: effects of developmentally limited versus persistent parent alcohol disorder,2018,188,,224-231,Chassin Substance use and homelessness among emergency department patients,2018,188,,328-333,Gelberg Trends in incidence and risk markers of student emergency department visits with alcohol intoxication in a U.S. public university--a longitudinal data linkage study,2018,188,,341-347,Ait-Daoud Pregabalin misuse in methadone maintenance treatment patients in israel: prevalence and risk factors,2018,189,,8-11,Peles Implants and depot injections for treating opioid dependence: qualitative study of people who use or have used heroin,2018,189,,1-7,Neale Initiation of vaporizing cannabis: individual and social network predictors in a longitudinal study of young adults,2018,188,,334-340,Barnett State naloxone access laws are associated with an increase in the number of naloxone prescriptions dispensed in retail pharmacies,2018,189,,37-41,Xu Not just heroin: extensive polysubstance use among US high school seniors who currently use heroin,2018,188,,377-384,Palamar Understanding emerging forms of cannabis use through an online cannabis community: an analysis of relative post volume and subjective highness ratings,2018,188,,364-369,Ramo Crude estimates of prescription opioid-related misuse and use disorder populations towards informing intervention system need in Canada,2018,189,,76-79,Fischer Cognitive impairment associated with cocaine use: the role of co-existent alcohol abuse/dependence,2018,189,,70-75,McKenna Beyond the walls: risk factors for overdose mortality following release from the Philadelphia Department of Prisons,2018,189,,108-115,Drake Transitions in the use of multiple substances from adolescence to young adulthood,2018,189,,147-153,Leadbeater Disparities in substance use behaviors and disorders among adult sexual minorities by age gender and sexual identity,2018,189,,139-146,Collins Characterizing peer roles in an overdose crisis: Preferences for peer workers in overdose response programs in emergency shelters,2018,190,,6-8,Kerr Characterizing JUUL-related posts on Twitter,2018,190,,1-5,Unger Prescription drug use misuse and related substance use disorder symptoms vary by educational status and attainment in U.S. adolescents and young adults,2018,189,,172-177,McCabe Non-suicidal self-injury in Chinese heroin-dependent patients receiving methadone maintenance treatment: prevalence and associated factors,2018,189,,161-165,Zhong Marijuana eCHECKUPTO GO: effects of a personalized feedback plus protective behavioral strategies intervention for heavy marijuana-using college students,2018,190,,13-19,Shillington Automatic visual-spatial perspective taking in alcohol-dependence: a study with happy emotional faces,2018,190,,42-45,Chandler Do naloxone access laws increase outpatient naloxone prescriptions? Evidence from Medicaid,2018,190,,37-41,Domino Disturbances of postural sway components in cannabis users,2018,190,,54-61,Bolbecker Sociodemographic factors prescription history and opioid overdose deaths: a statewide analysis using linked PDMP and mortality data,2018,190,,62-71,McPheeters Socio-cognitive functioning in stimulant polysubstance users,2018,190,,94-103,Quednow Risks of fatal opioid overdose during the first year following nonfatal overdose,2018,190,,112-119,Wall Genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia is associated with cannabis use patterns during adolescence,2018,190,,143-150,Meeus Made from concentrate? A national web survey assessing dab use in the United States,2018,190,,133-142,Gruber Internet searches for opioids predict future emergency department heroin admissions,2018,190,,166-169,Humphreys The impact of co-occurring opioid misuse and PTSD on response inhibition,2018,189,,187-192,Price Dating violence victimization and substance use: the role of a serotonin transporter gene polymorphism (5HTTLPR),2018,189,,178-186,Hinojosa Study characteristics influence the efficacy of substance abuse treatments: a meta-analysis of medications for alcohol use disorder,2018,190,,229-234,Hughes Initial results of a drug checking pilot program to detect fentanyl adulteration in a Canadian setting,2018,190,,242-245,Wood Prenatal and concurrent cocaine alcohol marijuana and tobacco effects of adolescent cognition and attention,2018,191,,37-44,Minnes Falling rates of marijuana dependence among heavy users,2018,191,,52-55,Davenport Parent-based interventions on adolescent alcohol use outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,191,,98-109,Jaccard Effect of electronic screening and brief intervention on hazardous or harmful drinking among adults in the hospital outpatient setting: a randomized double-blind controlled trial,2018,191,,78-85,Saitz Illicit drug use and work in a model therapeutic workplace,2018,191,,110-116,Koffarnus Cognitive reappraisal moderates the relationship between PTSD symptoms and alcohol use over time in post-9/11 U.S. military veterans,2018,191,,159-164,Phan Relationship of media exposure to substance use among adolescents in Saudi Arabia: results from a national study,2018,191,,174-180,Albuhairan Differences in alcohol cognitions consumption and consequences among first-time DUI offenders who co-use alcohol and marijuana,2018,191,,187-194,Osilla The end of convergence in developmental patterns of frequent marijuana use from ages 18 to 30: an analysis of cohort change from 1976-2016,2018,191,,203-209,Terry-McElrath Effects of romantic involvement on substance use among young sexual and gender minorities,2018,191,,215-222,Whitton Attentional bias in opioid users: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,191,,270-278,Waters Assessing reciprocal association between drunkenness drug use and delinquency during adolescence: separating within- and between-person effects,2018,191,,286-293,Daneback Investigating possible causal effects of externalizing behaviors on tobacco initiation: a Mendelian randomization analysis,2018,191,,338-342,Munafò Duration of opioid prescriptions predicts incident nonmedical use of prescription opioids among U.S. veterans receiving medical care,2018,191,,348-354,Fiellin Inter-trial variability in brain activity as an indicator of synergistic effects of HIV-1 and drug abuse,2018,191,,300-308,Bauer Randomized controlled trial of a positive affect intervention for methamphetamine users,2018,192,,8-15,Carrico The changing landscape of naloxone availability in the United States 2011 - 2017,2018,191,,361-364,Lofwall The interplay between externalizing disorders polygenic risk scores and contextual factors on the development of marijuana use disorders,2018,191,,365-373,Ialongo Marijuana use by middle-aged and older adults in the United States 2015-2016,2018,191,,374-381,Palamar Risk of polysubstance use among sexual minority and heterosexual youth,2018,192,,38-44,Dermody Initiation and engagement as mechanisms for change caused by collaborative care in opioid and alcohol use disorders,2018,192,,67-73,Stein Polydrug use among heroin users in Cleveland OH,2018,192,,80-87,Bobashev E-cigarettes-an unintended illicit drug delivery system,2018,192,,98-111,Jones Corrigendum to "Marijuana use by middle-aged and older adults in the United States 2015-2016" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 191 (2018) 374-381],2018,192,,171,Palamar Developmental trajectories of externalizing behavior from ages 4 to 12: prenatal cocaine exposure and adolescent correlates,2018,192,,223-232,Minnes The neural representation of the association between comorbid drug use disorders and childhood maltreatment,2018,192,,215-222,Cisler Amygdala-orbitofrontal functional connectivity mediates the relationship between sensation seeking and alcohol use among binge-drinking adults,2018,192,,208-214,Phan Cross-cultural examination of different personality pathways to alcohol use and misuse in emerging adulthood,2018,192,,193-200,Pearson When DAWN went dark: can the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) fill the surveillance gap left by the discontinued Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)?,2018,192,,201-207,Sevigny Intersecting burdens: homophobic victimization unstable housing and methamphetamine use in a cohort of men of color who have sex with men,2018,192,,179-185,Gorbach A multi-level analysis of emergency department data on drinking patterns alcohol policy and cause of injury in 28 countries,2018,192,,172-178,Cherpitel Informing drinkers: can current UK alcohol labels be improved?,2018,192,,163-170,Attwood Opioid and cocaine use among primary care patients on buprenorphine-self-report and urine drug tests,2018,192,,245-249,Winter "Feeling confident and equipped": evaluating the acceptability and efficacy of an overdose response and naloxone administration intervention to service industry employees in New York City,2018,192,,362-370,Elliott Non-medical use of prescription drugs and cultural orientation among college students in China,2018,192,,271-276,Lin Accounting for the uncounted: physical and affective distress in individuals dropping out of oral naltrexone treatment for opioid use disorder,2018,192,,264-270,Nich Risk-taking propensity and (un)healthy behavior in Germany,2018,192,,324-328,Assion Cost-effectiveness of naloxone kits in secondary schools,2018,192,,352-361,Zaric Rising incidence of ageing opioid users within the EU wide treatment demand indicator; the Irish opioid epidemic from 1996 to 2014,2018,192,,329-337,Comiskey Twin epidemics: the surging rise of methamphetamine use in chronic opioid users,2018,193,,14-20,Cicero #drunktwitter: Examining the relations between alcohol-related Twitter content and alcohol willingness and use among underage young adults,2018,193,,75-82,Lewis Characterizing fentanyl-related overdoses and implications for overdose response: findings from a rapid ethnographic study in Vancouver Canada,2018,193,,69-74,Fairbairn Adolescent recanting of alcohol use: a longitudinal investigation of time-varying intra-individual predictors,2018,193,,83-90,Barnett Drug screening and changing marijuana policy: validation of new single question drug screening tools,2018,193,,104-109,Seale DSM-5 cannabis withdrawal syndrome: demographic and clinical correlates in U.S. adults,2019,195,,170-177,Hasin Trends and correlates of perceived access to heroin among young adults in the United States 2002-2016,2018,193,,169-176,Delva A hidden aspect of the U.S. opioid crisis: rise in first-time treatment admissions for older adults with opioid use disorder,2018,193,,142-147,Strain Civil commitment experiences among opioid users,2018,193,,137-141,Stein Past-month cannabis use among U.S. individuals from 2002-2015: an age-period-cohort analysis,2018,193,,177-182,Daniels Comorbid social phobia does not predict the outcome in alcohol use disorder outpatient treatment,2018,193,,148-153,Nielsen Historical trends in the grade of onset and sequence of cigarette alcohol and marijuana use among adolescents from 1976-2016: implications for "Gateway" patterns in adolescence,2018,194,,51-58,Keyes Prevalence incidence recovery and recurrence of alcohol use disorders from childhood to age 30,2018,194,,45-50,Seeley Relationship between childhood abuse and substance misuse problems is mediated by substance use coping motives in school attending South African adolescents,2018,194,,69-74,Seedat Externalizing and self-medicating: heterogeneity among repeat DUI offenders,2018,194,,88-96,Labrie Approaches for creating comparable measures of alcohol use symptoms: Harmonization with eight studies of criminal justice populations,2018,194,,59-68,Hussong Different socioeconomic backgrounds between hazardous drinking and heavy episodic drinking: prevalence by sociodemographic factors in a Japanese general sample,2018,193,,55-62,Osaki Patterns and history of prescription drug use among opioid-related drug overdose cases in British Columbia Canada 2015-2016,2018,194,,151-158,Zhao Conditional probabilities of substance use disorders and associated risk factors: progression from first use to use disorder on alcohol cannabis stimulants sedatives and opioids,2018,194,,136-142,Teesson Greater risk for frequent marijuana use and problems among young adult marijuana users with a medical marijuana card,2018,194,,178-183,D'Amico Effects of time-varying changes in tobacco and alcohol use on depressive symptoms following pharmaco-behavioral treatment for smoking and heavy drinking,2018,194,,173-177,Kahler Greater tolerance to losses in sensation seeking: evidence from probability and delay discounting,2018,194,,159-165,Li Randomized controlled trial of telephone monitoring with psychiatry inpatients with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders,2018,194,,230-237,Ilgen Comparison of age of first drink and age of first intoxication as predictors of substance use and mental health problems in adulthood,2018,194,,238-243,Boden A parent-oriented alcohol prevention program "Effekt" had no impact on adolescents' alcohol use: findings from a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Estonia,2018,194,,279-287,Sutton U.S. county prevalence of retail prescription opioid sales and opioid-related hospitalizations from 2011 to 2014,2018,194,,330-335,Ghertner Using a data science approach to predict cocaine use frequency from depressive symptoms,2018,194,,310-317,Lane Do maternal knowledge and paternal knowledge of children's whereabouts buffer differently against alcohol use? A longitudinal study among Finnish boys and girls,2018,194,,351-357,Lindfors A prospective study of nonmedical use of prescription opioids during adolescence and subsequent substance use disorder symptoms in early midlife,2018,194,,377-385,McCabe Evaluating opioid overdose using the National Violent Death Reporting System 2016,2018,194,,371-376,Lapidus Alcohol use severity and age moderate the effects of brief interventions in an emergency department randomized controlled trial,2018,194,,386-394,Blow Change in alcohol and other drug use during five years of continuous opioid substitution treatment,2018,194,,438-446,Marsden Neural correlates of visual attention in alcohol use disorder,2018,194,,430-437,Wang Incidence of future arrests in adults involved in the criminal justice system with opioid use disorder receiving extended release naltrexone compared to treatment as usual,2018,194,,482-486,Gordon You can't do this job when you are sober: heroin use among female sex workers and the need for comprehensive drug treatment programming in Kenya,2018,194,,495-499,Syvertsen Examining the link between reward and response inhibition in individuals with substance abuse tendencies,2018,194,,518-525,Worthy Stakeholder perspectives on implementing fentanyl drug checking: results from a multi-site study,2018,194,,527-532,Sherman Erratum to "When DAWN went dark: Can the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) fill the surveillance gap left by the discontinued Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)?" [Drug Alcohol Depend. (2018) 201-207],2018,194,,526,Sevigny Objective and perceived neighborhood characteristics and tobacco use among young adults,2014,134,,370-375,Johnson Shifting characteristics of nonmedical prescription tranquilizer users in the United States 2005-2014,2018,195,,1-5,Martins Addressing the nexus of risk: biobehavioral outcomes from a cluster randomized trial of the Women's Health CoOp Plus in Pretoria South Africa,2018,195,,16-26,Wechsberg An ecological momentary assessment study examining posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms prenatal bonding and substance use among pregnant women,2018,195,,33-39,Pearson Higher average potency across the United States is associated with progression to first cannabis use disorder symptom,2019,195,,186-192,Zucker Urban-rural variation in the socioeconomic determinants of opioid overdose,2018,195,,66-73,Cerdá Explaining continuity in substance use: the role of criminal justice system involvement over the life course of an urban African American prospective cohort,2018,195,,74-81,Ensminger Being old fashioned in a modern world: gender role attitudes moderate the relation between role conflicts and alcohol use of parents,2018,195,,90-93,Kuntsche Geographic patterns of prescription opioids and opioid overdose deaths in New York State 2013-2015,2018,195,,94-100,Meliker Toxicological oral fluid results among Spanish drivers testing positive on on-site drug controls from 2013 to 2015,2018,195,,106-113,de Castro Smartphone application for unhealthy alcohol use: pilot randomized controlled trial in the general population,2018,195,,101-105,Bertholet The role of emotion dysregulation in the relation of childhood trauma to heroin craving in individuals with heroin dependence,2019,195,,132-139,Shadnia Driving under the influence of cannabis among medical cannabis patients with chronic pain,2019,195,,193-197,Ilgen Fentanyl and fentanyl-analog involvement in drug-related deaths,2019,196,,1-8,Smith Making a bridge between general hospital and specialised community-based treatment for alcohol use disorder-a pragmatic randomised controlled trial,2019,196,,51-56,Nielsen Changing risk and presentation of overdose associated with consumption of street drugs at a supervised injection site in Vancouver Canada,2019,196,,46-50,Black Social integration and alcohol consumption among older people: a four-year follow-up of a Swedish national sample,2019,196,,40-45,Lennartsson Sex-specific association of depressive disorder and transient emotional states with alcohol consumption in male and female alcoholics,2019,196,,31-39,Frye Pregnant women with opioid use disorder and their infants in three state Medicaid programs in 2013-2016,2019,195,,156-163,Johnson Prevalence of binge drinking and relationships between masculine role discrepancy and binge drinking via discrepancy stress among Chinese men,2019,196,,57-61,Lau "Flakka" use among high school seniors in the United States,2019,196,,86-90,Keyes Attitudes beliefs and knowledge of substance use amongst youth in the Eastern Mediterranean region: a systematic review,2019,196,,71-78,El Khoury Corrigendum to "Fentanyl and heroin contained in seized illicit drugs and overdose-related deaths in British Columbia Canada: an observational analysis" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 185 (2018) 322-327],2019,197,,48,Baldwin Assessing the impacts of minimum legal drinking age laws on police-reported violent victimization in Canada from 2009 to 2013,2019,197,,65-72,Callaghan Increased overdose mortality during the first week of the month: revisiting the "check effect" through a spatial lens,2019,197,,49-55,Marshall Substance type moderates the longitudinal association between depression and substance use from pre-treatment through a 1-year follow-up,2019,197,,87-94,Daughters Co-occurring substance use and mental disorders among adults with opioid use disorder,2019,197,,78-82,Jones The association between frequency of opioid misuse and opioid use disorder among youth and adults in the United States,2019,197,,73-77,Jones Development and validation of a risk predictive model for student harmful drinking-a longitudinal data linkage study,2019,197,,102-107,Ait-Daoud Discharge against medical advice from hospitalizations for substance use disorders: the potential impact of the Affordable Care Act,2019,197,,115-119,Wu What is the cause of death when alcohol dependent persons die prematurely?,2019,197,,120-126,Bilberg Serious psychological distress and daily cannabis use 2008 to 2016: potential implications for mental health?,2019,197,,134-140,Goodwin Prescription opioid misuse among African-American adults: a rural-urban comparison of prevalence and risk,2019,197,,191-196,Rigg Internalizing and externalizing factors on the pathway from adverse experiences in childhood to non-medical prescription opioid use in adulthood,2019,197,,212-219,Khan Reduction in non-abstinent WHO drinking risk levels and depression/anxiety disorders: 3-year follow-up results in the US general population,2019,197,,228-235,Wall The effects of extended-release injectable naltrexone and incentives for opiate abstinence in heroin-dependent adults in a model therapeutic workplace: a randomized trial,2019,197,,220-227,DeFulio Trusting the source: the potential role of drug dealers in reducing drug-related harms via drug checking,2019,198,,1-6,Kerr Spirits purchasing and marijuana use behaviors of risky drinkers in the state of Washington from 2014 to 2016,2019,198,,7-12,Greenfield Illicit drug use and prescription drug misuse among young adult medical cannabis patients and non-patient users in Los Angeles,2019,198,,21-27,Iverson Behavioral economic demand metrics for abuse deterrent and abuse potential quantification,2019,198,,13-20,Hursh Polydrug use disorders in individuals with opioid use disorder,2019,198,,28-33,Le Foll Are traumatic dental injuries greater in alcohol or illicit drugs consumers? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,197,,236-249,Maia Non drug-related and opioid-specific causes of 3262 deaths in Scotland's methadone-prescription clients 2009-2015,2019,197,,262-270,Bird Perceived harmfulness of various alcohol- and cannabis use modes: secular trends differences and associations with actual substance use behaviors among Norwegian adolescents 2007-2015,2019,197,,280-287,Burdzovic Andreas Adverse childhood experiences and MSM marijuana use,2019,198,,76-79,Hubach Childhood language development and later alcohol use behaviors,2019,198,,95-99,Rhee Trends in fentanyl and fentanyl analogue-related overdose deaths - Montgomery County Ohio 2015-2017,2019,198,,116-120,Carlson Unintentional drug overdose deaths involving cocaine among middle-aged and older adults in New York City,2019,198,,121-125,Tuazon Opioid agonist treatment and the process of injection drug use initiation,2019,197,,354-360,Jain Trends in and correlates of tranquilizer misuse among adults who misuse opioids in the United States 2002-2014,2019,198,,158-161,Boggis Effects of mandatory prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) use laws on prescriber registration and use and on risky prescribing,2019,199,,1-9,Baldwin Resiliency factors that protect against post-deployment drug use among male US Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers,2019,199,,42-49,Homish Prospective associations between insomnia symptoms and alcohol use problems among former and current military service personnel,2019,199,,35-41,Schmidt Leisure activities and alcohol consumption among adolescents from Peru and El Salvador,2019,199,,27-34,de Irala Parental views on state cannabis laws and marijuana use for their medically vulnerable children,2019,199,,59-67,Weitzman Veterans with PTSD and comorbid substance use disorders: does single versus poly-substance use disorder affect treatment outcomes?,2019,199,,70-75,Back Association of current and past opioid use disorders with health-related quality of life and employment among US adults,2019,199,,122-128,Rosenheck The association between racial and socioeconomic discrimination and two stages of alcohol use in blacks,2019,199,,129-135,Bucholz The relationship between social inequalities substance use and violence in border and non-border cities of northern Mexico,2019,200,,1-5,Lown Age differences in emergency department utilization and repeat visits among patients with opioid use disorder at an urban safety-net hospital: a focus on young adults,2019,200,,14-18,Biello Overdose following initiation of naltrexone and buprenorphine medication treatment for opioid use disorder in a United States commercially insured cohort,2019,200,,34-39,Schackman Sociodemographic factors and social determinants associated with toxicology confirmed polysubstance opioid-related deaths,2019,200,,59-63,Marshall Testing the reciprocal association between smoking and depressive symptoms from adolescence to adulthood: A longitudinal twin study,2019,200,,64-70,Tuulio-Henriksson Trends in binge drinking and alcohol abstention among adolescents in the US 2002-2016,2019,200,,115-123,Vaughn The epidemiology of benzodiazepine misuse: a systematic review,2019,200,,95-114,McHugh Prevalence and correlates of nonmedical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) among Young adults experiencing homelessness in seven cities across the United States,2019,200,,153-160,Bender Effectiveness of methamphetamine abuse treatment: predictors of treatment completion and comparison of two residential treatment programs,2019,201,,8-15,Soyka Regional differences in white matter integrity in stimulant use disorders: a meta-analysis of diffusion tensor imaging studies,2019,201,,29-37,Lane Reduction in non-abstinent World Health Organization (WHO) drinking risk levels and drug use disorders: 3-year follow-up results in the US general population,2019,201,,16-22,Wall Multi-drug cocktails: impurities in commonly used illicit drugs seized by police in Queensland Australia,2019,201,,49-57,Clough A comparison of longitudinal modelling approaches: alcohol and cannabis use from adolescence to young adulthood,2019,201,,58-64,Sanson Patterns of polysubstance use and overdose among people who inject drugs in Baltimore Maryland: a latent class analysis,2019,201,,71-77,Sherman Sexual minority disparities in opioid misuse perceived heroin risk and heroin access among a national sample of US adults,2019,201,,78-84,Stein Relationship functioning and substance use in same-sex male couples,2019,201,,101-108,Starks Contagion models for the transmission of drug abuse among propinquity-of-rearing defined acquaintances: a Swedish national study,2019,201,,94-100,Sundquist A predictive risk model for nonfatal opioid overdose in a statewide population of buprenorphine patients,2019,201,,127-133,Eisenberg Investigating how perceived risk and availability of marijuana relate to marijuana use among adolescents in Argentina Chile and Uruguay over time,2019,201,,115-126,Cerdá Low overdose responding self-efficacy among adults who report lifetime opioid use,2019,201,,142-146,Latkin Utility of routine alcohol screening for monitoring changes in alcohol consumption,2019,201,,155-160,Williams The effectiveness of residential treatment services for individuals with substance use disorders: A systematic review,2019,201,,227-235,Hides Longitudinal associations between minority stressors and substance use among sexual and gender minority individuals,2019,201,,205-211,Mustanski Shared and specific associations of substance use disorders on adverse outcomes: a national prospective study,2019,201,,212-219,Olfson Opioid-related deaths and previous care for drug use and pain relief in Sweden,2019,201,,253-259,Agren Adolescent exposures to traditional and novel psychoactive drugs reported to National Poison Data System (NPDS) 2007-2017,2019,202,,1-5,Wang Kratom as a substitute for opioids: results from an online survey,2019,202,,24-32,Henningfield Differences in alcohol use between younger and older people: results from a general population study,2019,202,,18-23,ten Have Alcohol screening and assessment measures for young people: a systematic review and meta-analysis of validation studies,2019,202,,39-49,McCambridge Understanding the link between substance use and chronic pain: a qualitative study among people who use illicit drugs in Montreal Canada,2019,202,,50-55,Roy More drugs more problems? Simultaneous use of alcohol and marijuana at parties among youth and young adults,2019,202,,69-75,Wolfson The relationship between pupil diameter and other measures of opioid withdrawal during naloxone precipitated withdrawal,2019,202,,111-114,Strain Epidemiology of severe buprenorphine exposures reported to the U.S. Poison Centers,2019,202,,115-122,Ait-Daoud The Auckland alcohol detoxification outcome study: measuring changes in quality of life in individuals completing a medicated withdrawal from alcohol in a detoxification unit,2019,202,,156-161,Walsh Opioid-related hospitalizations in Pennsylvania: a latent class analysis,2019,202,,185-190,Songer A current re-examination of racial/ethnic disparities in the use of substance abuse treatment: do disparities persist?,2019,202,,162-167,Pinedo Auditing the AUDIT: a systematic review of cut-off scores for the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in low- and middle-income countries,2019,202,,123-133,Rane The efficacy of spiritual/religious interventions for substance use problems: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,2019,202,,134-148,Dinitto Patterns of nicotine concentrations in electronic cigarettes sold in the United States 2013-2018,2019,203,,1-7,Xiao Immigration and the decline in adolescent binge drinking,2019,203,,35-43,Pedersen Rumination and problematic substance use among individuals with a long-term history of illicit drug use,2019,203,,44-50,Teesson Alcohol consumption among university students in the night-time economy in the UK: a three-wave longitudinal study,2019,204,,e107522,Ball Gaze entropy measures detect alcohol-induced driver impairment,2019,204,,e107519,Downey State-level marijuana policies and marijuana use and marijuana use disorder among a nationally representative sample of adults in the United States 2015-2017: sexual identity and gender matter,2019,204,,107506,Martins Past-year use of prescription opioids and/or benzodiazepines among adults in the United States: estimating medical and nonmedical use in 2015-2016,2019,204,,e107458,Martins Social isolation proxy variables and prescription opioid and benzodiazepine misuse among older adults in the U.S.: a cross-sectional analysis of data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2015-2017,2019,204,,e107518,Day The relative importance of perceived substance misuse use by different peers on smoking alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescence,2019,204,,e107464,Hickman Impact of a community-based naloxone distribution program on opioid overdose death rates,2019,204,,e107536,Marshall Parental supply of alcohol as a predictor of adolescent alcohol consumption patterns: a prospective cohort,2019,204,,e107529,Mattick Diagnostic performance of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in detecting DSM-5 alcohol use disorders in the General population,2019,204,,e107530,Bischof Family and school social capitals in late childhood predict youthful drinking behaviors and problems,2019,204,,107482,Liu Impaired subjective self-control in alcohol use: an ecological momentary assessment study,2019,204,,e107479,Remmerswaal Female-male differences in prescription pain reliever dependence levels: evidence on newly incident adolescent and young adult users in the United States 2002-2014,2019,204,,e107466,Anthony Data quality considerations when using county-level opioid overdose death rates to inform policy and practice,2019,204,,e107549,Warner Drug-related mortality after discharge from treatment: a record-linkage study of substance abuse clients in Texas 2006-2012,2019,204,,e107473,Becker Practicing prospection promotes patience: repeated episodic future thinking cumulatively reduces delay discounting,2019,204,,e107507,Bickel Data quality considerations when using county-level opioid overdose death rates to inform policy and practice: A reply,2019,204,,107550,McClellan Factors associated with help seeking by community responders trained in overdose prevention and naloxone administration in Massachusetts,2019,204,,e107531,Xuan Addiction resistance to alcohol: what about heavy drinkers who avoid alcohol problems?,2019,204,,107552,Sorocco Relative importance of caregiver characteristics for future alcohol consumption in youth involved with child welfare system,2019,204,,e107528,Lalayants "You can see those concentric rings going out": Emergency personnel's experiences treating overdose and perspectives on policy-level responses to the opioid crisis in New Hampshire,2019,204,,e107555,Meier Characteristics and circumstances of death related to new psychoactive stimulants and hallucinogens in Australia,2019,204,,e107556,Darke Active cannabis marketing and adolescent past-year cannabis use,2019,204,,e107548,Jernigan Trajectories of heroin use: a 15-year retrospective study of Mexican-American men who were affiliated with gangs during adolescence,2019,204,,e107505,Valdez The effects of a working memory load on drinking-related decisions: the role of incentives disincentives and lifetime alcohol problems,2019,204,,107567,Finn Risk and protective factors for heroin use in a nationally representative sample of Ecuadorian youth,2019,204,,e107575,Kliewer Positive urgency worsens the impact of normative feedback on 21st birthday drinking,2019,204,,107559,Neighbors Trends in inequalities of alcohol-related harms among Thai households: 2007-2017,2019,204,,107577,Assanangkornchai Medical use non-medical use and use disorders of benzodiazepines and prescription opioids in adults: differences by insurance status,2019,204,,e107573,Martins Sex differences in prescription opioid use patterns assessed through a community engagement program in Florida,2019,204,,e107568,Cottler Prevalence and correlates of cannabis poisoning diagnosis in a national emergency department sample,2019,204,,107564,Vaughn Take-home naloxone possession among people who inject drugs in rural West Virginia,2019,204,,e107581,Sherman A day-by-day prospective analysis of stress craving and risk of next day alcohol intake during alcohol use disorder treatment,2019,204,,e107569,Tennen Causes of hospital admission and mortality among 6683 people who use heroin: a cohort study comparing relative and absolute risks,2019,204,,107525,Morley Drug overdose mortality among residents of single room occupancy buildings in San Francisco California 2010-2017,2019,204,,107571,Coffin College attendance type and subsequent alcohol and marijuana use in the U.S.,2019,204,,107580,Patrick Evidence for state community and systems-level prevention strategies to address the opioid crisis,2019,204,,e107563,Haegerich Marijuana and alcohol use among injured drivers evaluated at level I trauma centers in Arizona 2008-2014,2019,204,,e107539,Shults Trends in prior receipt of prescription opioid or adjuvant analgesics among patients with incident opioid use disorder or opioid-related overdose from 2006 to 2016,2019,204,,107600,Chen The epidemiology of opioid overdose in Flint and Genesee County Michigan: implications for public health practice and intervention,2019,204,,e107560,Furr-Holden A nationally representative analysis of "twin epidemics": rising rates of methamphetamine use among persons who use opioids,2019,204,,e107592,Havens Depressive symptoms ruminative thinking marijuana use motives and marijuana outcomes: a multiple mediation model among college students in five countries,2019,204,,e107558,Read Cannabis use disorders among adults in the United States during a time of increasing use of cannabis,2019,204,,e107468,Blanco Harmful alcohol use among acutely ill hospitalized medical patients in Oslo and Moscow: a cross-sectional study,2019,204,,e107588,Hilberg Alcohol use and binge drinking among U.S. men pregnant and non-pregnant women ages 18-44: 2002-2017,2019,205,,e107590,Hasin Prevalence of self-reported movement dysfunction among young adults with a history of ecstasy and methamphetamine use,2019,205,,e107595,Burns Who consumes most of the cannabis in Canada? Profiles of cannabis consumption by quantity,2019,205,,e107587,Callaghan Initiation into heroin use among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting: a longitudinal cohort study,2019,205,,e107579,Kerr Drinking to go out or going out to drink? A longitudinal study of alcohol in night-time entertainment districts,2019,205,,e107603,Devilly Drug checking services at music festivals and events in a Canadian setting,2019,205,,e107589,Wood Spatial analysis of drug poisoning deaths in the American West: a comparison study using profile regression to adjust for collinearity and spatial correlation,2019,204,,e107598,Kerry Recent trends in cooperativeness among participants in the national survey of drug use and health 2002-2015,2019,205,,e107613,Vaughn Sex differences in nonmedical prescription tranquilizer and stimulant use trends among secondary school students in Argentina Chile and Uruguay,2019,205,,e107607,Cerdá Association between buprenorphine/naloxone and high-dose opioid analgesic prescribing in Kentucky 2012-2017,2019,205,,e107606,Slavova Media coverage of harm reduction 2000-2016: a content analysis of tone topics and interventions in Canadian print news,2019,205,,e107599,Asbridge MicroNIR/Chemometrics: a new analytical platform for fast and accurate detection of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in oral fluids,2019,205,,e107578,Risoluti Analysis of substance use and its outcomes by machine learning: II. Derivation and prediction of the trajectory of substance use severity,2019,ePub,ePub,107604,Vanyukov Suicidal motivations reported by opioid overdose survivors: A cross-sectional study of adults with opioid use disorder,2019,205,,e107612,Weiss Decision making of individuals with heroin addiction receiving opioid maintenance treatment compared to early abstinent users,2019,205,,e107593,Scherbaum Themes of agency and communion and rehabilitation from substance misuse,2019,205,,e107611,Canter Laboratory analysis of driving behavior and self-perceived physiological impairment at 0.03% 0.05% and 0.08% blood alcohol concentrations,2019,205,,e107630,Velaga Correlates of take-home naloxone kit possession among people who use drugs in British Columbia: a cross-sectional analysis,2019,205,,e107609,Buxton A mixed-methods assessment of the impact of the opioid epidemic on first responder burnout,2019,205,,e107620,Webster Prevalence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) and conventional drugs of abuse (DOA) in high risk populations from Paris (France) and its suburbs: a cross sectional study by hair testing (2012-2017),2019,204,,e107508,Alvarez Acute and residual effects of smoked cannabis: Impact on driving speed and lateral control heart rate and self-reported drug effects,2019,205,,e107641,Stoduto Sexual orientation and gender identity disparities in substance use disorders during young adulthood in a United States longitudinal cohort,2019,205,,e107619,Austin Construction trade and extraction workers: a population at high risk for drug use in the United States 2005-2014,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gershon A community pharmacy-led intervention for opioid medication misuse: a small-scale randomized clinical trial,2019,205,,e107570,Field Protective behavioral strategies predict alcohol-related problems among injured patients following a brief intervention,2019,205,,e107535,Field Effects of familial and non-familial warmth during childhood and adolescence on sexual-orientation disparities in alcohol use trajectories and disorder during emerging adulthood,2019,205,,e107643,Silvestre Examining opioid-involved overdose mortality trends prior to fentanyl: New York City 2000-2015,2019,205,,e107614,Tuazon Chronic childhood adversity and speed of transition through stages of alcohol involvement,2019,205,,e107669,Borges Opioid prescription rates and risk for substantiated child abuse and neglect: a Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis,2019,205,,e107623,Marco Cannabis use disorder among people using cannabis daily/almost daily in the United States 2002-2016,2019,205,,e107621,Martins Alcohol use in late adolescence and early adulthood: the role of generalized anxiety disorder and drinking to cope motives,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heron Age trends in alcohol use behavior patterns among U.S. adults ages 18-65,2019,205,,e107689,Lanza Tobacco use and the interplay of internalizing externalizing and substance use problems: a latent class analysis of data from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study,2019,205,,107686,Horn Aggression and violence at ambulance attendances where alcohol illicit and/or pharmaceutical drugs were recorded: a 5-year study of ambulance records in Victoria Australia,2019,205,,e107685,Lubman Alcohol use disorder in sexual minority adults: Age- and sex- specific prevalence estimates from a national survey 2015-2017,2019,205,,e107673,Peralta Heroin and nonmedical prescription opioid use among high school students in urban school districts,2019,205,,e107664,Johnson Alcohol consumption and consequences in adolescents in 68 low and middle-income countries - a multi-country comparison of risks by sex,2019,205,,e107520,Kelly Willingness to take buprenorphine/naloxone among people who use opioids in Vancouver Canada,2019,205,,107672,Hayashi Accidental drug overdose deaths in Connecticut 2012-2018: the rise of polysubstance detection?,2019,205,,e107671,Rosenheck Trends in marijuana edible consumption and perceptions of harm in a cohort of young adults,2019,205,,e107660,Johnson Patterns of polysubstance use and simultaneous co-use in high risk young adults,2019,205,,e107656,Finn Characteristics and circumstances of heroin and pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths: comparison across opioids,2019,205,,e107533,Roxburgh Religious involvement and racial disparities in opioid use disorder between 2004-2005 and 2012-2013: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2019,205,,e107615,Ransome Individual differences in human opioid abuse potential as observed in a human laboratory study,2019,205,,e107688,Brands Illegal drug use and prospective memory: a systematic review,2019,204,,e107478,Davelaar Subjective effects of combustible vaporized and edible cannabis: Results from a survey of adolescent cannabis users,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kirkpatrick Identifying subtypes of cannabis users based on simultaneous polysubstance use,2019,205,,e107696,Agrawal Geographic gender differences in traumatic unintentional injury hospitalization and youth drinking,2019,205,,e107701,Moise Factorial validity of a substance-use stigma scale in methamphetamine-using adults in China,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Potenza Significant decrease in the rate of fatal alcohol poisonings in Finland validated by blood alcohol concentration statistics,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kriikku Interpersonal trauma exposure and startle reactivity to uncertain threat in individuals with alcohol use disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gorka Racial differences in overdose events and polydrug detection in Indianapolis Indiana,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ray Influences of victimization and comorbid conditions on latency to illicit drug use among adolescents and young adults,2019,ePub,ePub,107721,Dworkin Emergency department presentations related to acute toxicity following recreational use of cannabis products in Switzerland,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Exadaktylos State criminal justice policy context and opioid agonist treatment delivery among opioid treatment admissions 2015,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martins Brief interventions for cannabis use in emerging adults: a systematic review meta-analysis and evidence map,2019,204,,e107565,Mackillop Incidence and predictors of drug overdoses among a cohort of >10000 patients treated for substance use disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hesse Attentional bias towards cannabis cues in cannabis users: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhattacharyya Investigating the causal effect of cannabis use on cognitive function with a quasi-experimental co-twin design,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rhee Non-fatal drug overdose after release from prison: a prospective data linkage study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kinner The impact of opioid use disorder on levels of educational attainment: perceived benefits and consequences,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cicero Exposure to alcohol outlets alcohol access and alcohol consumption among adolescents,2019,205,,e107622,Wiebe The legal regulation of drugs and role of government: perspectives from people who use drugs,2019,206,,e107737,Ritter Decision-making skills as a mediator of the #Tamojunto school-based prevention program: indirect effects for drug use and school violence of a cluster-randomized trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sanchez A repeated cross-sectional study of factors associated with pregabalin-positive poisoning deaths in Ireland,2019,206,,e107741,Cousins Risk and protective factors for opioid misuse in American Indian adolescents,2019,206,,e107736,Spillane Definition of a 'standard joint equivalent': Comment on "Who consumes most of the cannabis in Canada? Profiles of cannabis consumption by quantity",2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rehm The development of respondent-driven sampling (RDS) inference: a systematic review of the population mean and variance estimates,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jolly Outpatient psychosocial substance use treatments for young people: an overview of reviews,2019,205,,e107582,Shakeshaft Comparing the predictive capability of self-report and medically-verified non-fatal overdose in adults released from prison: a prospective data linkage study,2019,206,,e107742,Kinner Perceived discrimination in addiction recovery: assessing the prevalence nature and correlates using a novel measure in a U.S. National sample,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelly Affect motivation temptation and drinking among alcohol-dependent outpatients trying to maintain abstinence: an ecological momentary assessment study,2019,206,,e107626,van de Mheen Sexual minority substance use disparities: bisexual women at elevated risk relative to other sexual minority groups,2019,206,,e107755,Collins Alcohol and disgust: an intimate relationship,2019,206,,107780,Stafford Prevalence and treatment of opioid use disorders among primary care patients in six health systems,2019,207,,e107732,Samet Analysis of substance use and its outcomes by machine learning I. Childhood evaluation of liability to substance use disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vanyukov Depressive symptoms and substance use: changes overtime among a cohort of HIV-positive and HIV-negative MSM,2019,207,,e107770,Shoptaw Social marginalization gender-based violence and binge drinking among transgender women in Cambodia,2019,207,,107802,Yi Regional trends in suspected synthetic cannabinoid exposure from January 2016 to September 2019 in the United States,2019,207,,107810,Roehler Prescription opioid misuse among heterosexual versus lesbian gay and bisexual military veterans: evidence from the 2015-2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health,2019,207,,e107794,Anderson-Carpenter Opioid use and harms associated with a sustained-release tapentadol formulation: a post-marketing surveillance study,2019,206,,e107697,Degenhardt Differential responses to infant faces in relation to maternal substance use: a exploratory study,2019,207,,e107805,Potenza Depression post-traumatic stress disorder suicidality and self-harm among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,207,,e107793,Degenhardt Variables associated with low moderate and high emergency department use among patients with substance-related disorders,2019,207,,e107817,Huynh Greater delay discounting and cannabis coping motives are associated with more frequent cannabis use in a large sample of adult cannabis users,2019,207,,e107820,Stanger Out-of-state cannabis purchases in the United States,2019,207,,e107822,Hammond The relationship between perceived stress and depression in substance use disorder treatment,2019,207,,e107819,Fitzmaurice Erratum to "Methamphetamine use and cognitive function: a systematic review of neuroimaging research" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 194 (2019) 75-87],2020,207,,e107812,Kirk The rapidly changing US illicit drug market and the potential for an improved early warning system: evidence from Ohio drug crime labs,2020,208,,e107779,Ciccarone Trends in the sequence of first alcohol cannabis and cigarette use in Australia 2001-2016,2019,207,,e107821,Livingston Methamphetamine use and violence: findings from a longitudinal birth cohort,2019,207,,e107826,Boden A randomized clinical trial of motivational interviewing plus skills training vs. relaxation plus education and 12-Steps for substance using incarcerated youth: effects on alcohol marijuana and crimes of aggression,2019,207,,e107774,Monti Erratum to "Distinct effects of cocaine and cocaine + cannabis on neurocognitive functioning and abstinence: a six-month follow-up study" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 205 (2019) 107642],2020,208,,e107860,de Andrade Acute stressors and clinical characteristics differentiate death by suicide accident or natural causes among illicit and prescription opiate users,2020,208,,e107847,Bagge Recreational cannabis use impairs driving performance in the absence of acute intoxication,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gruber Is time elapsed between cannabis use and sleep start time associated with sleep continuity? An experience sampling method,2020,208,,e107846,Greene Childhood social context in relation to alcohol expectancy through early adolescence: a latent profile approach,2020,208,,e107851,Liu How much are we exposed to alcohol in electronic media? Development of the Alcoholic Beverage Identification Deep Learning Algorithm (ABIDLA),2020,208,,e107841,Kuntsche Alcohol demand assessed daily: validity variability and the influence of drinking-related consequences,2020,208,,e107838,Merrill Relationship between cannabis use frequency and major depressive disorder in adolescents: findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2012-2017,2020,208,,e107867,Strain Understanding Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) using tree-based classifiers,2020,208,,e107839,Wadekar Effects of Interim Buprenorphine Treatment for opioid use disorder among emerging adults,2020,208,,e107879,Badger An examination of the extent to which mood and context are associated with real-time alcohol consumption,2020,208,,e107880,Heim Assessment of the completeness of intervention reporting of randomized clinical trials for alcohol use disorders: effect of the TIDieR checklist and guide,2020,208,,e107824,Vassar Randomized trial of screening and brief intervention to reduce injury and substance abuse in an urban level I trauma center,2019,208,,e107792,Field Cannabis labelling and consumer understanding of THC levels and serving sizes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hammond Estimating the impact of wide scale uptake of screening and medications for opioid use disorder in US prisons and jails,2020,208,,107858,Clarke Trends in drug use among electronic dance music party attendees in New York City 2016-2019,2020,209,,e107889,Keyes Legal requirements and recommendations to prescribe naloxone,2020,209,,e107896,Haffajee Risk and protective factors for repeated overdose after opioid overdose survival,2020,209,,e107890,Suffoletto Understanding the increase in opioid overdoses in New Hampshire: a rapid epidemiologic assessment,2020,209,,e107893,Meier Modes of marijuana use - smoking vaping eating and dabbing: results from the 2016 BRFSS in 12 States,2020,209,,107900,Njai Cognitive deficits in methamphetamine addiction: independent contributions of dependence and intelligence,2020,209,,107891,Lubman Examining sleep over time in a randomized control trial comparing two integrated PTSD and alcohol use disorder treatments,2020,209,,e107905,Norman Perception of treatment need among adults with substance use disorders: longitudinal data from a representative sample of adults in the United States,2020,209,,e107895,Goodwin Emotional memory bias in binge drinking women,2020,209,,e107888,Cadaveira Common and distinct brain activity associated with risky and ambiguous decision-making,2020,209,,107884,Eickhoff The role of social support on the effects of stress and depression on African American tobacco and alcohol use,2020,209,,e107926,Whitfield Trends in U.S. past-year marijuana use from 1985 to 2009: an age-period-cohort analysis,2012,124,3,259-267,Miech History of suicidality and alcohol craving trajectories during inpatient treatment for alcohol use disorder,2020,209,,e107918,Gowin Are homeschooled adolescents less likely to use alcohol tobacco and other drugs?,2015,155,,97-104,Vaughn Effectiveness of the use of implementation intentions on reduction of substance use: a meta-analysis,2020,214,,108120,Dillon Blood levels do not predict behavioral or physiological effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in rhesus monkeys with different patterns of exposure,2014,139,,1-8,Ginsburg Psychiatric psychosocial and physical health correlates of co-occurring cannabis use disorders and nicotine dependence,2014,134,1,228-234,Wang Substance use disorders before at and after first episode psychosis hospitalizations in a young national Swedish cohort,2020,209,,e107919,Hetta Comparison of timeline follow-back self-report and oral fluid testing to detect substance use in adult primary care patients,2020,209,,e107939,Svikis Cannabis use among youth in the United States 2004-2016: faster rate of increase among youth with depression,2020,209,,e107894,Goodwin The role of substance use disorders in experiencing a repeat opioid overdose and substance use treatment patterns among patients with a non-fatal opioid overdose,2020,209,,e107923,Ray The spatio-temporal distribution of naloxone administration events in rural Ohio 2010-16,2020,209,,e107950,Freisthler Methamphetamine and Opioid Cue Database (MOCD): development and validation,2020,209,,e107941,Ekhtiari Substance use: interplay between polygenic risk and neighborhood environment,2020,209,,e107948,Boomsma The impact of the prescription opioid epidemic on young children: trends and mortality,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dart Corrigendum to "A repeated cross-sectional study of factors associated with pregabalin-positive poisoning deaths in Ireland" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 206 (2020) 107741],2020,210,,107956,Cousins Post-traumatic stress disorder and risk of prescription opioid use over-use and misuse among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees 2015-2016,2020,210,,e107959,Brackbill Alcohol expectancies change in early to middle adolescence as a function of the exposure to parental alcohol use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuntsche Adolescent treatment admissions for marijuana following recreational legalization in Colorado and Washington,2020,210,,e107960,Mennis The role of pubertal timing in the link between family history of alcohol use disorder and late adolescent substance use,2020,210,,e107955,Zucker Pharmacodynamic dose effects of oral cannabis ingestion in healthy adults who infrequently use cannabis,2020,211,,e107969,Schlienz Cognitive impairment in methamphetamine users with recent psychosis: a cross-sectional study in Thailand,2020,210,,e107961,Srisurapanont Characterizing profiles of polysubstance use among high school students in Baltimore Maryland: a latent class analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson The role of alcohol-induced blackouts in symptoms of depression among young adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carey Socioeconomic sequelae of drug abuse in a Swedish national cohort,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sundquist Rates characteristics and manner of cannabis-related deaths in Australia 2000-2018,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Degenhardt Changes in substance use in relation to opioid agonist therapy among people who use drugs in a Canadian setting,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayashi Length of hospitalization and hospital readmissions among patients with substance use disorders in New York City NY USA,2020,212,,e107987,Rowell-Cunsolo Leveraging health information exchange for clinical research: extreme underreporting of hospital service utilization among patients with substance use disorders,2020,212,,e107992,Welsh Trends in U.S. women's binge drinking in middle adulthood by socioeconomic status 2006-2018,2020,212,,108026,Keyes Identifying optimal level-of-care placement decisions for adolescent substance use treatment,2020,212,,e107991,Pedersen Is craving a risk factor for substance use among treatment-seeking individuals with alcohol and other drugs use disorders? A meta-analytic review,2020,212,,e108002,Maffei Digital media use and subsequent cannabis and tobacco product use initiation among adolescents,2020,212,,e108017,Kirkpatrick The emergence of cardiac changes following the self-administration of methamphetamine,2020,212,,e108029,McFadden Alcohol and marijuana co-use: consequences subjective intoxication and the operationalization of simultaneous use,2020,212,,e107986,Jackson Are we missing opioid-related deaths among people with HIV?,2020,212,,e108003,Fiellin High willingness to use overdose prevention sites among female sex workers in Baltimore Maryland,2020,212,,e108042,Sherman Opioid prescribing history prior to heroin overdose among commercially insured adults,2020,212,,e108061,Bohnert Collegiate substance use: a tale of differential risk and coping,2020,212,,e108038,Park A latent class analysis of heavy substance use in young adulthood and impacts on physical cognitive and mental health outcomes in middle age,2020,212,,e108018,Berglund Detecting fentanyl using point-of-care drug checking technologies: a validation study,2020,212,,e108006,Wood Strategies to improve treatment utilization for substance use disorders: a systematic review of intervention studies,2020,212,,e108065,Satterfield Within- and between-person associations of neighborhood poverty with alcohol use and consequences: a monthly study of young adults,2020,212,,e108068,Lee The heterogeneous effect of marijuana decriminalization policy on arrest rates in Philadelphia Pennsylvania 2009-2018,2020,212,,e108058,Lankenau The effect of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) on residential treatment completion and retention in the US,2020,212,,e108067,Mennis Racial/ethnic differences in opioid-involved overdose deaths across metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas in the United States 1999-2017,2020,212,,e108059,Ali Overdose and risk factors for coronavirus disease 2019,2020,212,,e108047,Zhao Trends in LSD use among US adults: 2015-2018,2020,212,,e108071,King The growing transition from lifetime marijuana use to frequent use among 12th grade students: U.S. National data from 1976 to 2019,2020,212,,e108064,Terry-McElrath Links between suicidal intent polysubstance use and medical treatment after non-fatal opioid overdose,2020,212,,e108041,Fernandez Acute alcohol use in Australian coronial suicide cases 2010-2015,2020,212,,e108066,Buckley Substance use improvement depends on race/ethnicity: outpatient treatment disparities observed in a large US national sample,2020,213,,e108087,Furukawa Cross-fading motives for simultaneous alcohol and marijuana use: associations with young adults' use and consequences across days,2020,213,,e108077,Fleming The relationship between incarceration history and overdose in North America: a scoping review of the evidence,2020,213,,e108088,Mital Gender differences in driving control of young alcohol-impaired drivers,2020,213,,e108075,Velaga Striatal and white matter volumes in chronic ketamine users with or without recent regular stimulant use,2020,213,,e108063,Chen Interactions between opioids and cannabinoids: economic demand for opioid/cannabinoid mixtures,2020,212,,e108043,France Comparing cannabis use motive item performance between American Indian and White youth,2020,213,,e108086,Swaim Opioid overdose death following criminal justice involvement: linking statewide corrections and hospital databases to detect individuals at highest risk,2020,213,,e107997,Mojtabai Trends in characteristics of individuals who use methamphetamine in the United States 2015-2018,2020,213,,e108089,Keyes Toxicological analysis of serious drug-related harm among electronic dance music festival attendees in New South Wales Australia: a consecutive case series,2020,213,,e108070,Dawson Implementation and enforcement of state opioid prescribing laws,2020,213,,e108107,Rutkow Conduct disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as risk factors for prescription opioid use,2020,213,,e108103,Stoduto The association between quantity frequency and duration of cocaine use during the heaviest use period and DSM-5 cocaine use disorder,2020,213,,e108114,Cottler Longitudinal analysis of alcohol use and intimate partner violence perpetration among men with HIV in northern Vietnam,2020,213,,e108098,Maman Depression history as a predictor of outcomes during buprenorphine-naloxone treatment of prescription opioid use disorder,2020,213,,e108122,Griffin Anticipated use of a supervised drug consumption site among syringe services program clients in King County Washington: assessing the role of opioid overdose and injection behavior,2020,213,,e108121,Mauro Substance use and mental health predictors of patterns of non-partner youth violence among high-risk urban youth,2020,213,,e108117,Zimmerman Listed for sale: analyzing data on fentanyl fentanyl analogs and other novel synthetic opioids on one cryptomarket,2020,213,,e108115,Carlson Illicit drug use and the genetic overlap with Cannabis use,2020,213,,e108102,Boomsma Associations between digital technology and substance use among U.S. adolescents: results from the 2018 Monitoring the Future survey,2020,213,,e108124,Keyes Multiple drug use disorder diagnoses among drug-involved hospitalizations in the United States: results from the 2016 National Inpatient Sample,2020,213,,e108113,Wu Potential undercounting of overdose deaths caused by specific drugs in vital statistics data: an analysis of Florida,2020,207,,e107807,Quast Internet use and adolescent drinking: does it matter what young people do online?,2020,213,,e108138,Svensson Geographic proximity to buprenorphine treatment providers in the U.S,2020,213,,e108131,Langabeer Behavioral inhibition and reward processing in college binge drinkers with and without marijuana use,2020,213,,e108119,Kramer Change in opioid policies in New England emergency departments 2014 vs 2018,2020,213,,e108105,Zabbo The effect of alcohol level on male and female drivers: important facts,2020,214,,e108146,Das Causal relationships between substance use and insomnia,2020,214,,e108151,Verweij Socioeconomic marginalization and opioid-related overdose: a systematic review,2020,214,,e108127,Karamouzian Substance use patterns and health profiles among US adults who use opioids methamphetamine or both 2015-2018,2020,214,,e108162,Winkelman The state of the science in opioid policy research,2020,214,,e108137,Stein Risk perception changing social context and norms prevent transition to regular injection among people who smoke heroin,2020,208,,e107878,Davidson Changes over time in young adults' harmful alcohol consumption: a cross-temporal meta-analysis using the AUDIT,2020,214,,e108172,Slade Prevalence and correlates of ever having a substance use problem and substance use recovery status among adults in the United States 2018,2020,214,,e108169,Compton Short term effects of the REAL media e-learning media literacy substance prevention curriculum: an RCT of adolescents disseminated through a community organization,2020,214,,e108170,Greene Cocaine use and overdose mortality in the United States: evidence from two national data sources 2002-2018,2020,214,,e108148,Vaughn A randomized pilot trial of topiramate for alcohol use disorder in veterans with traumatic brain injury: effects on alcohol use cognition and post-concussive symptoms,2020,214,,e108149,Batki Health literacy among Swedish patients in opioid substitution treatment: a mixed-methods study,2020,214,,e108186,Dahlman State medical marijuana laws cannabis use and cannabis use disorder among adults with elevated psychological distress,2020,215,,e108191,Wong Trajectories of cannabis use and risk for opioid misuse in a young adult urban cohort,2020,215,,e108182,Green Screening illicit substance use in college students: the Chinese version of the Drug Abuse Screening Test,2020,215,,e108184,Chang The relationship between insomnia and the intensity of drinking in treatment-seeking individuals with alcohol dependence,2020,215,,e108189,Kolla Association of transphobic discrimination and alcohol misuse among transgender adults: results from the U.S. Transgender Survey,2020,215,,e108223,McCabe Cross-country and historical variation in alcohol consumption among older men and women: leveraging recently harmonized survey data in 21 countries,2020,215,,e108219,Keyes The use of person-centered language in scientific research articles focusing on alcohol use disorder,2020,216,,e108209,Vassar Racial/ethnic discrimination and alcohol use disorder severity among United States adults,2020,216,,e108203,Williams "Residual blood THC levels in frequent cannabis users after over four hours of abstinence: a systematic review.",2020,216,,e108177,Brubacher A population study of prescribed opioid-based pain reliever use among individuals with mood and anxiety disorders in Canada,2020,216,,e108229,Cragg Polysubstance use among youth experiencing homelessness: the role of trauma mental health and social network composition,2020,216,,e108228,Rice Substance use disorders and risk of severe maternal morbidity in the United States,2020,216,,e108236,Zivin Parental alcohol-specific rules effectively reduce adolescents' tobacco and cannabis use: a longitudinal study,2020,216,,e108226,de Looze The impact of psychiatric comorbidity on treatment discontinuation among individuals receiving medications for opioid use disorder,2020,216,,e108244,Kurdyak A systematic review and meta-analysis of medications for stimulant use disorders in patients with co-occurring opioid use disorders,2020,216,,108193,Korthuis Elevated prevalence of antisocial behavior in adolescent children whose mothers misuse opioids,2020,215,,e108153,Ali Harms associated with inhalant misuse in adolescent females - a review of the pre-clinical and clinical evidence,2020,216,,e108232,Arunogiri Parental supply of sips and whole drinks of alcohol to adolescents and associations with binge drinking and alcohol-related harms: a prospective cohort study,2020,215,,e108204,Mattick Excessive alcohol use and drug overdose deaths New Mexico 2015-2016,2020,215,,e108175,Lathrop Successful engagement in buprenorphine treatment among hospitalized patients with opioid use disorder and trauma,2020,215,,e108253,Tsui Assessing alcohol consumption through wastewater-based epidemiology: Spain as a case study,2020,215,,e108241,Marcé Deficits in recognizing female facial expressions related to social network in cocaine-addicted men,2020,216,,e108247,Ersche Relevance of routine activities for understanding the impact of the dual systems model on binge drinking among college students,2020,216,,e108233,Wojciechowski History of opioid use as a risk factor for current use and mental health consequences among retired National Football League athletes: a 9-year follow-up investigation,2020,215,,e108251,Cottler The contribution of methamphetamine use to crime: evidence from Australian longitudinal data,2020,216,,e108262,Boden Evaluation of a personally-tailored opioid overdose prevention education and naloxone distribution intervention to promote harm reduction and treatment readiness in individuals actively using illicit opioids,2020,216,,e108265,Lewis Chronic non-cancer pain among adults with substance use disorders: prevalence characteristics and association with opioid overdose and healthcare utilization,2020,209,,e107902,Wu Effect of positive urine fentanyl screen on attitudes toward heroin use,2020,209,,e107934,Aks Suicide attempts and death among heroin-involved women seeking methadone treatment in Taiwan,2020,217,,e108277,Chen Patterns of substance use among adolescents: a systematic review,2020,216,,e108222,Georgiades Parsing impulsivity in individuals with anxiety and depression who use cannabis,2020,217,,e108289,Paulus Opioid-related overdose mortality in the era of fentanyl: monitoring a shifting epidemic by person place and time,2020,216,,108321,Sherman Prescription opioid misuse and its correlates among veterans and military in the United States: a systematic literature review,2020,216,,e108311,Li Racial and gender inequities in the implementation of a cannabis criminal justice diversion program in a large and diverse metropolitan county of the USA,2020,216,,e108316,Vaughan Corrigendum to "Causal relationships between substance use and insomnia" [Drug Alcohol Dependence 214 (2020) 108151],2020,216,,e108313,Verweij Trends in unintentional polysubstance overdose deaths and individual and community correlates of polysubstance overdose North Carolina 2009-2018,2021,219,,e108504,Marshall What is the drug of choice of young festivalgoers?,2020,216,,e108315,White Community dashboards to support data-informed decision-making in the HEALing communities study,2020,217,,e108331,Wu Cannabis use and the risk of anxiety and depression in women: a comparison of three Swedish cohorts,2020,216,,e108332,Hensing PTSD improvement and substance use disorder treatment utilization in veterans: evidence from medical record data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scherrer Hospitalisations for non-fatal overdose among people with a history of opioid dependence in New South Wales Australia 2001-2018: Findings from the OATS retrospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hickman The economic burden of opioid use disorder and fatal opioid overdose in the United States 2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luo Using arrest and prescription data to examine the relationship between intimate partner violence and opioid prescriptions in the United States 2006-2012,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boman Impact of state-level cannabis legalization on poly use of alcohol and cannabis in the United States 2004-2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodwin Health communication campaigns to drive demand for evidence-based practices and reduce stigma in the HEALing communities study,2020,217,,e108338,Reynolds Vouchers versus reminders to prevent dropout: findings from the randomized youth drug abuse treatment project (youthDAT project),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hesse Diminished cortical response to risk and loss during risky decision making in alcohol use disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Galvan Comparing mortality and healthcare utilization in the year following a paramedic-attended non-fatal overdose among people who were and were not transported to hospital: a prospective cohort study using linked administrative health data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhao Overdose deaths involving psychostimulants with abuse potential excluding cocaine: state-llevel differences and the role of opioids,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huang Estimating costs of hospitalizations associated with opioid use disorder or opioid misuse at a large urban safety-net hospital-Denver Colorado 2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Al-Tayyib The cost of opioid use disorder and the value of aversion,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy Problems experienced by children from families with histories of substance misuse: an ABCD study®,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teesson The predictability of the Addiction Severity Index criminal justice assessment instrument and future imprisonment: a Swedish registry study with a national sample of adults with risky substance use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Padyab The HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-term SM) Communities Study: protocol for a cluster randomized trial at the community level to reduce opioid overdose deaths through implementation of an integrated set of evidence-based practices,2020,217,,e108335,HEALing Communities Study Consortium Marijuana but not alcohol use frequency associated with greater loneliness psychological distress and less flourishing among young adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Alcohol- and speeding-related fatal crashes among novice drivers age 18-20 not fully licensed at the time of the crash,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romano Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wojnar Students' stimulant use for cognitive enhancement: a deliberate choice rather than an emotional response to a given situation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Hal How much and how fast: alcohol consumption patterns drinking-episode affect and next-day consequences in the daily life of underage heavy drinkers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Merrill Reciprocal influences of tobacco use on illicit opioid and alcohol use during the first six-months of specialist addiction treatment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marsden Characteristics and circumstances of death related to buprenorphine toxicity in Australia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Darke Prenatal substance exposure and developmental trajectories of internalizing symptoms: toddlerhood to preadolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lester Dyadic associations between relationship quality and risk of opioid use among couples receiving methadone for opioid use disorder,2020,218,,e108397,Han Fentanyl and fentanyl analogs in the illicit stimulant supply: Results from U.S. drug seizure data 2011-2016,2020,218,,e108416,Foti A study of the effectiveness of naltrexone in preventing recurrence of methadone poisoning in opioid-naive children,2020,219,,e108425,Hassanian-Moghaddam Correlates of non-fatal opioid overdose among women who use opioids in Dar es Salaam Tanzania,2020,218,,e108419,Mbwambo Forty-eight years of research on psychosocial interventions in the treatment of opioid use disorder: a scoping review,2020,218,,e108434,Hodgins Predictors of enrollment in opioid agonist therapy after opioid overdose or diagnosis with opioid use disorder: a cohort study,2020,219,,e108435,Marshall News and social media coverage is associated with more downloads and citations of manuscripts that focus on substance use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Strain Mental and physical health in family members of substance users: a scoping review,2020,219,,e108439,Calati Cannabis use is associated with reduced risk of exposure to fentanyl among people on opioid agonist therapy during a community-wide overdose crisis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayashi An alternative analysis of illicit opioid use during treatment in a randomized trial of extended-release naltrexone versus buprenorphine-naloxone: a per-protocol and completers analysis,2020,219,,e108422,Mitchell Retention of opioid agonist treatment prescribers across New South Wales Australia 2001-2018: implications for treatment systems and potential impact on client outcomes,2020,219,,e108464,Degenhardt Prevalence and minority-stress correlates of past 12-month prescription drug misuse in a national sample of transgender and gender nonbinary adults: results from the U.S. Transgender Survey,2020,219,,e108474,Kidd Cannabis use in college: genetic predispositions peers and activity participation,2020,219,,e108489,Dick Three As of American Indian adolescent marijuana use: availability acceptability and approval,2020,219,,e108462,Spillane Childhood trauma and post-trauma environment affect fear memory and alcohol use differently in male and female mice,2020,219,,e108471,Vaughan Behavioral symptoms of child mental disorders and lifetime substance use in adolescence: a within-family comparison of US siblings,2020,219,,e108490,Kim Barriers and facilitators to PDMP IS Success in the US: a systematic review,2020,219,,e108460,Martin Impact of an unsanctioned safe consumption site on criminal activity 2010-2019,2021,220,,e108521,Davidson Erratum to "Implications of county-level variation in U.S. opioid distribution" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 219 (2021) 108501],2021,220,,e108550,Griffith Corrigendum to 'Cannabis use is associated with reduced risk of exposure to fentanyl among people on opioid agonist therapy during a community-wide overdose crisis' [Drug Alcohol Depend. 219 (2021) 108420],2021,221,,e108547,Hayashi Use of alcohol drugs inhalants and smoking tobacco and the long-term risk of depression in men: a nationwide Swedish cohort study from 1969-2017,2021,221,,e108553,Bianco Exploring recovery: findings from a six-year evaluation of an American Indian peer recovery support program,2021,221,,e108559,McCoy Corrigendum to "Changes over time in young adults' harmful alcohol consumption: A cross-temporal meta-analysis using the AUDIT" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 214 (2020) 108172],2021,221,,e108551,Slade Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and substance use disorder (SUD): a scoping review,2021,221,,e108563,Fernandez-Montalvo Genetic predisposition to alcohol dependence: the combined role of polygenic risk to general psychopathology and to high alcohol consumption,2021,221,,e108556,Saiz Patient prescriber and community factors associated with filled naloxone prescriptions among patients receiving buprenorphine 2017-18,2021,221,,e108569,Stein Prevalence and charges of opioid-related visits to U.S. emergency departments,2021,221,,e108568,Bobrow Feminine gender norms and syndemic harmful drinking sexual violence and sexually transmitted infections among Black women at risk for HIV,2021,221,,e108566,Campbell Behavioral predictors of individual differences in opioid addiction vulnerability as measured using I.V. self-administration in rats,2021,221,,e108561,Swain A meta-analytic review of the relationship between cyber aggression and substance use,2021,221,,e108510,Easton Evaluation of an emergency department-based opioid overdose survivor intervention: difference-in-difference analysis of electronic health record data to assess key outcomes,2021,221,,e108595,Cohen Self-reported drinking behaviors and observed violation of state-mandated social restriction and alcohol control measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from nationally-representative surveys in Thailand,2021,221,,e108607,Assanangkornchai Corrigendum to "Changes in opioid prescribing after implementation of mandatory registration and proactive reports within California's prescription drug monitoring program" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 218 (2021) 108405],2021,221,,e108606,Wintemute Using ICD-10-CM codes to detect illicit substance use: a comparison with retrospective self-report,2021,221,,e108537,Coffin Anabolic androgenic steroids antisocial personality traits aggression and violence,2021,221,,e108604,Bjørnebekk Piloting a brief intervention plus mobile boosters for drug use among emerging adults receiving emergency department care,2021,221,,e108625,Blow The most 100 cited papers in addiction research on cannabis heroin cocaine and psychostimulants. A bibliometric cross-sectional analysis,2021,221,,e108616,Aleixandre-Benavent Racial/ethnic differences in prescription opioid misuse and heroin use among a national sample 1999-2018,2021,221,,e108588,Schell Sex differences in US emergency department non-fatal visits for benzodiazepine poisonings in adolescents and young adults,2021,221,,e108609,Olfson Timing of mortality in mothers with recurrent convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol and their children from childbirth to child age 17,2021,221,,e108620,Bucholz The association of engagement in substance use treatment with negative separation from the military among soldiers with post-deployment alcohol use disorder,2021,221,,e108647,Milliken Cannabis use use frequency and use disorder in large metropolitan small metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas,2021,221,,e108631,Choi Trends and differences in alcohol-related mortality rates by gender and by prefectures in Japan between 1995 and 2016,2021,221,,e108586,Osaki Street-drug lethality index: a novel methodology for predicting unintentional drug overdose fatalities in population research,2021,221,,e108637,Noonan Identifying individuals with opioid use disorder: validity of International Classification of Diseases diagnostic codes for opioid use dependence and abuse,2021,221,,e108583,Bohnert Associated factors to abusive alcoholic beverage consumption in suicide victims,2021,221,,e108613,Figueiredo The association between child alcohol sipping and alcohol expectancies in the ABCD study,2021,221,,e108624,Gray LGBTQ state policies: a lever for reducing SGM youth substance use and bullying,2021,221,,e108659,Eaton "Doctor and pharmacy shopping": a fading signal for prescription opioid use monitoring?,2021,221,,e108618,Delcher Trends in overdose experiences and prevention behaviors among people who use opioids in Baltimore MD 2017-2019,2021,221,,e108650,Latkin Sex differences in the relationship between prescription opioid misuse and gun and other weapon-carrying behaviors,2021,221,,e108596,Pontes Changes in alcohol use since the onset of COVID-19 are associated with psychological distress among sexual and gender minority university students in the U.S,2021,221,,e108594,Fish Development and examination of the attribution questionnaire-substance use disorder (AQ-SUD) to measure public stigma towards adolescents experiencing substance use disorders,2021,221,,e108600,Aalsma Association between post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol-related hospitalizations among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees,2021,221,,e108656,Li Supersized alcopop related calls in the National Poison Data System 2010-2019,2021,222,,e108657,Reid Structural racism and violence as social determinants of health: conceptual methodological and intervention challenges,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bluthenthal To end the opioid crisis we must address painful social disparities,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Volkow Navigating post-eviction drug use amidst a changing drug supply: a spatially-oriented qualitative study of overlapping housing and overdose crises in Vancouver Canada,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McNeil Opioid misuse and family structure: changes and continuities in the role of marriage and children over two decades,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Monnat Opioid pain medication misuse concomitant substance misuse and the unmet behavioral health treatment needs of transgender and gender diverse adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mimiaga Addressing long overdue social and structural determinants of the opioid epidemic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,El-Bassel To the Editor: Our response to "Substance use improvement depends on Race/Ethnicity: Outpatient treatment disparities observed in a large US national sample",2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nich Strong associations among PTSD pain and alcohol and drug use disorders in VA primary care patients,2021,223,,e108699,Moos Trends in substances involved in polysubstance overdose fatalities in Maryland USA 2003-2019,2021,223,,e108700,Park The association of opioid use disorder and homelessness nationally in the veterans health administration,2021,223,,e108714,Stefanovics The combined impact of higher-risk on-license venue outlet density and trading hours on serious assaults in night-time entertainment precincts,2021,223,,e108720,Livingston LSD use in the United States: trends correlates and a typology of us,2021,223,,e108715,Vaughn Validation of the Opioid Overdose Risk Behavior Scale version 2 (ORBS-2),2021,223,,e108721,Elliott Perceived friendship and binge drinking in young adults: a study of the Human Connectome Project data,2021,224,,e108731,Chen Community overdose surveillance: comparing substances collected from the death scene investigation to toxicology results,2021,224,,e108722,Ray Pharmacy-related buprenorphine access barriers: an audit of pharmacies in counties with a high opioid overdose burden,2021,224,,e108729,Hartung Alcohol dependence and heavy episodic drinking are associated with different levels of risk of death or repeat emergency service attendance after a suicide attempt,2021,224,,e108725,Morley Number of opioid overdoses and depression as a predictor of suicidal thoughts,2021,224,,108728,Brown Opioid use disorder treatment for people experiencing homelessness: a scoping review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chatterjee Erratum to "Social determinants of drug-related mortality in a general population" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 181 (2017) 37-43],2021,224,,108740,Makela When national drug surveys "take too long": an examination of who is at risk for survey fatigue,2021,225,,108769,Palamar Between- and within-group effects of alcohol and cannabis co-use on AUD/CUD in the NSDUH 2002-2019,2021,225,,108768,Waddell The role of alcohol and other drugs on emergency department traumatic injury mortality in the United States,2021,225,,108763,Dimaggio A commentary on Leza et al. (2021) Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and substance use disorder (SUD): a scoping review,2021,225,,108782,McKay Predictors of cannabis use among first-time justice-involved youth: a cohort study,2021,225,,108754,Brown Predictors of US states' adoption of naloxone access laws 2001-2017,2021,225,,108772,Hodgkin The continued rise of methamphetamine use among people who use heroin in the United States,2021,225,,108750,Havens Intoxicated driving and riding with impaired drivers: comparing days with alcohol marijuana and simultaneous use,2021,225,,108753,Lee The naloxone delivery cascade: identifying disparities in access to naloxone among people who inject drugs in Los Angeles and San Francisco CA,2021,225,,108759,Bluthenthal Characterizing opioid agonist treatment discontinuation trends in British Columbia Canada 2012-2018,2021,225,,108799,Carter Association of knowledge and attitudes with practices of misuse of tranquilizers: a cohort study in Spain,2021,225,,108793,Heidarian Miri Building risk prediction models for daily use of marijuana using machine learning techniques,2021,225,,108789,Parekh "Etazene safer than heroin and fentanyl": non-fentanyl novel synthetic opioid listings on one darknet market,2021,225,,108790,Carlson Cannabis use and misuse in the year following recreational cannabis legalization in Canada: a longitudinal observational cohort study of community adults in Ontario,2021,225,,108781,Van Ameringen Prevalence of substance use and substance-related disorders among US Veterans Health Administration patients,2021,225,,108791,Hoggatt Cognitive and affective responses to marijuana prevention and educational messaging,2021,225,,108788,Cohn Religiosity and substance use in U.S. adults: findings from a large-scale national survey,2021,225,,108796,Hasin "Take Care of You" - efficacy of integrated minimal-guidance internet-based self-help for reducing co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression symptoms in adults: results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial,2021,225,,e108806,Wenger Opioid misuse as a coping behavior for unmet mental health needs among U.S. adults,2021,225,,e108805,Cruden Primary care physicians' preparedness to treat opioid use disorder in the United States: a cross-sectional survey,2021,225,,e108811,Foti A driving simulation study on the effects of different wine types on the performance of young drivers,2021,225,,108847,Spoto Trends and outcomes of serious complications associated with non-fatal opioid overdoses in Ontario Canada,2021,225,,e108830,Matheson Performance-enhancing substance use and criminal offending: a 15-year prospective cohort study,2021,226,,108832,Jackson One rule for one and a different rule for another: the case of the Parental Rules about Alcohol Questionnaire,2021,225,,108824,Cole Association between preconception cannabis use and risk of postpartum depression: findings from an Australian longitudinal cohort,2021,226,,e108860,Jones Effect of alcohol interventions on suicidal ideation and behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,226,,e108885,Värnik Depression symptom profiles and long-term response to cognitive behavioral therapy plus contingency management for smoking cessation,2021,225,,e108808,Secades-Villa Buprenorphine abuse and health risks in Iran: a systematic review,2021,226,,e108871,Mojtabai The prevalence of hazardous and harmful alcohol use across trauma-exposed occupations: a meta-analysis and meta-regression,2021,226,,e108858,Goodwin Adolescent drug use before and during U.S. national COVID-19 social distancing policies,2021,226,,e108822,Johnston Elevated risk of substance use disorder and suicidal ideation among Black and Hispanic lesbian gay and bisexual adults,2021,226,,e108848,Becker How search engines may help reduce drug-related suicides,2021,226,,e108874,Scherr Differences in child and adult biopsychosocial characteristics associated with regular cannabis use in individuals with and without cannabis use disorder,2021,226,,e108887,Zucker Victim and perpetrator characteristics in alcohol/drug-involved sexual violence victimization in the U.S.,2021,226,,e108839,Kresnow Drinking cultures and socioeconomic risk factors for alcohol and drug use disorders among first- and second-generation immigrants: a longitudinal analysis of Swedish population data,2021,226,,e108804,Sundquist The impact of codeine upscheduling on overdoses emergency department presentations and mortality in Victoria Australia,2021,226,,e108837,Wong Racial disparities in criminal legal system involvement among New York City overdose decedents: implications for diversion programs,2021,226,,e108867,Paone Socio-demographic factors related to binge drinking in Ontario,2021,226,,e108810,Giesbrecht Missed opportunities by health care providers to reduce racial/ethnic disparities in the use of alcohol treatment services,2021,226,,e108851,Pinedo Psychometric performance of the perceived stigma of substance abuse scale (PSAS) among patients on methadone maintenance therapy in Vietnam,2021,226,,108831,Gaynes Preferences for research design and treatment of comorbid depression among patients with an opioid use disorder: a cross-sectional discrete choice experiment,2021,226,,108857,Brissette Association between childhood negative life events with alcohol expectancies in early adolescence: cumulative risk and latent class approaches,2021,226,,e108853,Chen Psychosocial predictors of binge-drinking residual harm in adolescence and young adulthood: findings from the Australian Temperament Project,2021,226,,e108864,Sanson Why do Americans use marijuana?,2021,226,,e108880,Young-Wolff Sociodemographic changes in emergency department visits due to alcohol during COVID-19,2021,226,,108877,Tanuseputro Neurocognitive impairments and brain abnormalities resulting from opioid-related overdoses: a systematic review,2021,226,,e108838,Winstanley Associations of prescription stimulant misuse with subsequent methamphetamine use among a U.S. cohort of HIV-vulnerable sexual and gender minorities who have sex with men,2021,226,,e108841,Grov Joint perceptions of the risk and availability of cannabis in the United States 2002-2018,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martins Predictors of vaping marijuana initiation among US adolescents: results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study Wave 3 (2015-2016) and Wave 4 (2016-2018),2021,226,,e108905,Kong Pediatric surgery and future risk of cocaine opioid cannabis and other substance use in women: longitudinal cohort study,2021,226,,e108902,Auger Predictors of having naloxone in urban and rural Oregon findings from NHBS and the OR-HOPE study,2021,227,,e108912,Korthuis Substance use and suicide outcomes among self-injured trauma patients,2021,226,,e108906,Winchell Associations among betrayal trauma dissociative posttraumatic stress symptoms and substance use among women involved in the criminal legal system in three US cities,2021,227,,e108924,Ramaswamy Methamphetamine use among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States,2021,227,,e108921,Ilgen Posttraumatic stress symptom clusters differentially predict late positive potential to cocaine imagery cues in trauma-exposed adults with cocaine use disorder,2021,227,,e108929,Lane A measure of illness awareness in alcohol use disorder-Alcohol Use Awareness and Insight Scale (AAS),2021,226,,e108813,Graff-Guerrero Seasonal and regional influences on alcohol consumption: an analysis of near-real-time urine drug test results in those seeking health care,2021,227,,e108908,Olson Racial inequity in medication treatment for opioid use disorder: exploring potential facilitators and barriers to use,2021,227,,e108927,Donohue Socioeconomic inequalities in alcohol consumption in Argentina: comparative analysis from 2009 2013 and 2018,2021,227,,e108942,Carrazana Rivera Adverse childhood experiences and the substance use behaviors of Latinx youth,2021,227,,e108936,Lee Alcohol drinking especially light drinking and depressive symptoms in adolescents,2021,227,,e108932,Lam Impact of a community-policing initiative promoting substance use disorder treatment over criminal charges on arrest recidivism,2021,227,,e108915,Zgierska Post-incarceration outcomes for individuals who continued methadone treatment while in Connecticut jails 2014-2018,2021,227,,e108937,Grau Has the increased participation in the national campaign 'Dry January' been associated with cutting down alcohol consumption in England?,2021,227,,e108938,Michie Agreement between DSM-5 and DSM-IV measures of substance use disorders in a sample of adult substance users,2021,227,,e108958,Shmulewitz Prevalence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in Brazil based on oral fluid analysis of samples collected at electronic music festivals and parties,2021,227,,e108962,Huestis State laws that authorize pharmacists to prescribe naloxone are associated with increased naloxone dispensing in retail pharmacies,2021,227,,e109012,Xu Social perception and knowledge impairments in severe alcohol use disorder: group and individual-level findings,2021,227,,e109009,de Timary Toxicological and pharmacologic sex differences in unintentional or undetermined opioid overdose death,2021,227,,e108994,Nelson Transition from injecting opioids to smoking fentanyl in San Francisco California,2021,227,,e109003,Bluthenthal Development and validation of a prediction model for opioid use disorder among youth,2021,227,,e108980,Binswanger Vaping and psychotic experiences among college students in the United States,2021,227,,e108987,Lee Gender differences in the prevalence of heroin and opioid analgesic misuse in the United States 2015-2019,2021,227,,e108978,Sugarman Drug overdose deaths involving cocaine and psychostimulants with abuse potential among racial and ethnic groups - United States 2004-2019,2021,227,,e109001,Seth Risk factors for elevations in substance use and consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic among sexual and gender minorities assigned female at birth,2021,227,,e109015,Kaysen Opioid-related deaths before and after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders in Los Angeles County,2021,228,,e109028,Doctor Latent profiles of impulsivity facets and associations with drinking behaviors,2021,228,,e108979,Kelley Moderator effects in a randomized controlled trial of the Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) for intimate partner violence and hazardous alcohol use in Zambia,2021,228,,e108995,Murray Intervention impact on alcohol use alcohol harms and a combination of both: a latent class secondary analysis of results from a randomized controlled trial,2021,227,,e108944,Cole Canada's cannabis legalization and drivers' traffic-injury presentations to emergency departments in Ontario and Alberta 2015-2019,2021,228,,109008,Asbridge A daily-life study of interpersonal stressors and alcohol use in individuals with borderline personality disorder and community controls,2021,228,,e109021,Trull The impact of the national stay-at-home order on emergency department visits for suspected opioid overdose during the first wave of the CoViD-19 pandemic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,El-Bassel Effects of the "Unplugged" school-based substance use prevention program in Nigeria: a cluster randomized controlled trial,2021,228,,e108966,Vigna-Taglianti Buprenorphine/naloxone associated with a reduced odds of fentanyl exposure among a cohort of people who use drugs in Vancouver Canada,2021,228,,e109006,Hayashi The Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire: a cross-country examination among university students in Australia New Zealand Canada Argentina and the United States,2021,227,,108975,Zamboanga Trends in alcohol consumption among adolescents in Europe: do changes occur in concert?,2021,228,,e109020,Raitasalo Psychiatric comorbidity and treatment outcomes in patients with opioid use disorder: results from a multisite trial of buprenorphine-naloxone and methadone,2021,228,,e108996,Hser Concomitant opioid and benzodiazepine use and risk of suicide attempt and intentional self-harm: pharmacoepidemiologic study,2021,228,,e109046,Gibbons Citalopram for treatment of cocaine use disorder: a Bayesian drop-the-loser randomized clinical trial,2021,228,,e109054,Lane Investigating sensation seeking as a predictor of false identification attainment and associated risks among a college student sample,2021,228,,e109094,Conner Non-fatal stimulant overdose among homeless and unstably housed women in San Francisco California,2021,228,,e109085,Coffin How prescription drug monitoring programs influence clinical decision-making: a mixed methods systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,228,,e109090,Nielsen Robustness of estimated access to opioid use disorder treatment providers in rural vs. urban areas of the United States,2021,228,,e109081,Tsai The early impact of COVID-19 on the incidence prevalence and severity of alcohol use and other drugs: a systematic review,2021,228,,e109065,Rush State marijuana policies and vaping associated lung injuries in the US,2021,228,,e109086,Morean Literal text analysis of poly-class and polydrug overdose deaths in North Carolina 2015-2019,2021,228,,e109048,Proescholdbell Frequent teenage cannabis use: prevalence across adolescence and associations with young adult psychopathology and functional well-being in an urban cohort,2021,228,,e109063,Quednow The use of diverted pharmaceutical opioids is associated with reduced risk of fentanyl exposure among people using unregulated drugs in Vancouver Canada,2021,228,,e109109,Hayashi Harm reduction outcomes and practices in Housing First: a mixed-methods systematic review,2021,228,,e109052,Tsemberis Demographic and substance use-related differences among high school adolescents who vape cannabis versus use other cannabis modalities,2021,228,,e109104,Camenga Traumatic life-events and alcohol and drug use disorders among Mexican adolescents: bidirectional associations over 8 years,2021,228,,e109051,Borges Do people with opioid use disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder benefit from dding Individual opioid Drug Counseling to buprenorphine?,2021,228,,e109084,Griffin Validation and threshold identification of a prescription drug monitoring program clinical opioid risk metric with the WHO alcohol smoking and substance involvement screening test,2021,228,,e109067,Cochran Advancing our understanding of the intersection between emotion regulation and alcohol and drug use problems: dyadic analysis in couples with intimate partner violence and alcohol use disorder,2021,228,,e109066,Weiss Mobile phone sensor-based detection of subjective cannabis intoxication in young adults: a feasibility study in real-world settings,2021,228,,108972,Chung Effects of the 2020 health crisis on acute alcohol intoxication: a nationwide retrospective observational study,2021,228,,e109062,Falissard CDT vs. GGT for the certification of the fitness to hold the driving license. a comparison based on the association of incremented values with the occurrence of alcohol-related road traffic accidents,2021,228,,e109088,Bortolotti An application of moderated nonlinear factor analysis to develop a commensurate measure of alcohol problems across four alcohol treatment studies,2021,229,Pt A,e109068,Witkiewitz Unintentional and intentional drug poisoning deaths Australia 2012-2016: drug pattern profile and demographic characteristics,2021,229,Pt B,e109112,Degenhardt The release of abuse-deterrent OxyContin and adolescent heroin use,2021,229,Pt B,e109114,DiNardi Driving while under the influence of hallucinogens: prevalence correlates and risk profiles,2021,228,,109055,Vaughn The association between depression and oral health related quality of life in people who inject drugs,2021,229,Pt B,e109121,Dietze Relation of substance use disorders to mortality accident and emergency department attendances and hospital admissions: a 13-year population-based cohort study in Hong Kong,2021,229,Pt B,e109119,Knott Correlates of solitary alcohol and cannabis use among American Indian adolescents,2021,229,Pt A,e109155,Mason Trends in fatal and nonfatal overdose by race among people who inject drugs in Baltimore Maryland from 1998 to 2019,2021,229,Pt B,e109152,German Alcohol and other substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review,2021,229,Pt A,e109150,Hogue Using TikTok in recovery from substance use disorder,2021,229,Pt A,e109147,Kelly Psychosocial and health problems associated with alcohol use disorder and cannabis use disorder in U.S. adults,2021,229,Pt B,e109137,Fink A qualitative examination of recent increases in methamphetamine use in a cohort of rural people who use drugs,2021,229,Pt B,e109145,Havens Different drugs come with different motives: examining motives for substance use among people who engage in polysubstance use undergoing methadone maintenance therapy (MMT),2021,229,Pt B,e109133,Conrod Prevalence of insomnia symptoms and associated risk factors in UK Biobank participants with hazardous alcohol use and major depression,2021,229,Pt A,e109128,Kolla Hospital discharge location and socioeconomic deprivation as risk factors for alcohol dependence relapses: a cohort study,2021,229,Pt A,e109148,Lewsey Gender-sexuality alliances as a moderator of the association between victimization depressive symptoms and drinking behavior among LGBTQ+ youth,2021,229,Pt B,e109140,Poteat Wearable biosensors have the potential to monitor physiological changes associated with opioid overdose among people who use drugs: a proof-of-concept study in a real-world setting,2021,229,Pt A,e109138,Lankenau Toward a typology of hallucinogen users in the United States,2021,229,Pt B,e109139,Vaughn The leading neighborhood-level predictors of drug overdose: a mixed machine learning and spatial approach,2021,229,Pt B,e109143,Porter Prescription fill patterns for benzodiazepine and opioid drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States,2021,229,Pt A,e109176,Selvaraj DSM-5 and ICD-11 alcohol use disorder criteria in young adult regular drinkers: lifetime prevalence and age of onset,2021,229,Pt B,e109184,Swift Use of community healthcare and overdose in the 30 days following release from provincial correctional facilities in British Columbia,2021,229,Pt A,e109113,Buxton Use of highly-potent cannabis concentrate products: more common in U.S. states with recreational or medical cannabis laws,2021,229,Pt B,e109159,Hasin Validation of the screening test for at-risk drinking in an emergency department using a tablet computer,2021,230,,e109181,Lee Adverse childhood experiences and marijuana use during pregnancy: findings from the North Dakota and South Dakota PRAMS 2017-2019,2021,230,,e109197,Jackson Broadening access to naloxone: community predictors of standing order naloxone distribution in Massachusetts,2021,230,,109190,Xuan Positive and negative religiousness and search for meaning: impact on treatment of substance abuse after 6 months,2021,230,,e109182,Schaap-Jonker Assessing alcohol consumption in a Chinese urban population and a university town using high temporal resolution wastewater-based epidemiology,2021,230,,e109178,Connor Emotion regulation and substance use: a meta-analysis,2021,230,,e109131,Weiss The defining characteristic of substance use disorders,2021,230,,e109207,Strain Paradoxical anxiolytic effect of the 'bath salt' synthetic cathinone MDPV during early abstinence is inhibited by a chemokine CXCR4 or CCR5 receptor antagonist,2021,230,,e109204,Reitz Emergency Department Drug Surveillance (EDDS) hospital's urinalysis results compared with expanded re-testing by an independent laboratory a pilot study,2021,230,,e109195,Wish Exposure to childhood trauma increases risk of opioid use disorder among people prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain,2021,230,,e109199,Degenhardt Alcohol-involved overdose deaths in US veterans,2021,230,,e109196,Bonar A time-series analysis of the association between alcohol and suicide in Australia,2021,231,,e109203,Room Epidemiology of DSM-5 alcohol use disorder in U.S. military veterans: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study,2021,231,,e109240,Potenza Limited access to pharmacy-based naloxone in West Virginia: results from a statewide purchase trial,2021,231,,e109259,Xuan U.S. older adults' heroin and psychostimulant use treatment admissions 2012-2019: sociodemographic and clinical characteristics,2021,231,,e109256,Dinitto Significant toxicity following an increase in poisonings with designer benzodiazepines in the Netherlands between 2010 and 2020,2021,231,,e109244,Hondebrink Neighborhood disadvantage and prescription drug misuse in low-income urban mothers,2021,231,,e109245,King A virtual reality platform for the measurement of drinking topography,2021,231,,e109246,Carpenter Exploring Televend an innovative combination of cryptomarket and messaging app technologies for trading prohibited drugs,2021,231,,e109243,Barratt Characteristics of fatal 'novel' synthetic opioid toxicity in Australia,2022,232,,e109292,Darke Treatment effectiveness for male intimate partner violence perpetrators depending on problematic alcohol use,2022,232,,e109301,Fernandez-Montalvo Crystal methamphetamine use subgroups and associated addiction care access and overdose risk in a Canadian urban setting,2022,232,,e109274,Hayashi Examining the impact of social distancing and methamphetamine use on sexual risk and intimate partner violence in sexual and gender minority young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,232,,e109231,Kipke Opioid overdose survivors: medications for opioid use disorder and risk of repeat overdose in Medicaid patients,2022,e232,,e109269,Olfson Association of depression symptom level with smoking urges cigarette withdrawal and smoking reinstatement: a preliminary laboratory study,2022,232,,e109267,Weinberger Opioid related deaths in Norway in 2000-2019,2022,232,,109281,Clausen Acceleration of opioid-related EMS runs in the spring of 2020: the National Emergency Medical Services Information System data for 2018-2020,2022,232,,e109271,Khare Veteran drug overdose mortality 2010-2019,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCarthy State-level regulations and opioid-related health outcomes,2022,232,,e109294,Menachemi Ridesharing and alcohol-related assaults in NYC: a spatial ecological case-crossover study,2022,232,,e109321,Morrison Drug overdose mortality by race/ethnicity across US-born and immigrant populations,2022,232,,e109309,Sparks Longitudinal associations of emerging adults' drinking trajectories with their behavior health education and work outcomes 1 4 and 9 years later,2022,232,,e109328,Li Screening in Trauma for Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOMP): results from a prospective cohort of victims of traumatic injury,2022,232,,e109286,O'Rourke Trends in comorbid opioid and stimulant use disorders among Veterans receiving care from the Veterans Health Administration 2005-2019,2022,232,,e109310,Bossarte "It's probably going to save my life;" attitudes towards treatment among people incarcerated in the era of fentanyl,2022,232,,e109325,Green Imprisonment community sanctions and mortality by cause of death among patients with substance use disorder - a 28-year follow-up using Finnish register data,2022,232,,109327,Pitkanen Associations of cannabis retail outlet availability and neighborhood disadvantage with cannabis use and related risk factors among young adults in Washington State,2022,232,,109332,Fleming Medicaid expansion and drug overdose mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States,2022,232,,e109340,Griffith Association between law enforcement seizures of illicit drugs and drug overdose deaths involving cocaine and methamphetamine Ohio 2014-2019,2022,232,,e109341,Aldridge A social media intervention for cannabis use among emerging adults: randomized controlled trial,2022,232,,e109345,Walton Dynamic structural equation modeling of the relationship between alcohol habit and drinking variability,2021,233,,e109202,O'Malley Hazardous drinking and violence-related hospitalizations in the Danish general population: a historical cohort study,2022,233,,e109338,Hesse Trajectories of NEET (Not in Education Employment and Training) in emerging adulthood and later drug use disorder - a national cohort study,2022,233,,e109350,Lundin Fathers' alcohol consumption and risk of substance-related disorders in offspring,2022,233,,e109354,Landberg Identifying individual and environmental predictors of opioid and psychostimulant use among adolescents and young adults following outpatient treatment,2022,233,,e109359,Dennis Highlighting the hidden dangers of a 'weak' opioid: deaths following use of dihydrocodeine in England (2001-2020),2022,233,,e109376,Rees Medicaid expansion and opioid overdose mortality among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations in the US: a difference in differences analysis,2022,233,,e109381,Cooper Oxycodone-related deaths in Sweden 2006-2018,2022,234,,e109402,Ramstedt Applying network analysis to investigate substance use symptoms associated with drug overdose,2022,234,,e109408,Finn Effects of multiple adverse childhood experiences on substance use in young adults: a review of the literature,2022,234,,e109407,Sussman An assessment of the non-fatal crash risks associated with substance use during rush and non-rush hour periods in the United States,2022,234,,109386,Delmelle Legality of drug checking equipment in the United States: a systematic legal analysis,2022,234,,e109425,Davis Legislatively mandated implementation of medications for opioid use disorders in jails: a qualitative study of clinical correctional and jail administrator perspectives,2022,234,,e109394,Friedmann Disparities in functioning from alcohol and cannabis use among a racially/ethnically diverse sample of emerging adults,2022,234,,e109426,D'Amico Estimated number of injection-involved drug overdose deaths United States 2000 - 2018,2022,234,,e109428,Jones Young Swiss men's risky single-occasion drinking: identifying those who do not respond to stricter alcohol policy environments,2022,234,,e109410,Gmel Alcohol use and alcohol use disorder differ in their genetic relationships with PTSD: a genomic structural equation modelling approach,2022,234,,e109430,Stein Xylazine spreads across the US: a growing component of the increasingly synthetic and polysubstance overdose crisis,2022,233,,e109380,Dye Trends in seizures of powders and pills containing illicit fentanyl in the United States 2018 through 2021,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cottler Suicidal motivations among opioid overdose survivors: replication and extension,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Griffin Disparities in alcohol use and heavy episodic drinking among bisexual people: a systematic review meta-analysis and meta-regression,2022,235,,e109433,Ross Characteristics and reasons for use associated with solitary alcohol and marijuana use among U.S. 12th Grade Students 2015-2021,2022,235,,e109448,Terry-McElrath Initiation of opioid agonist treatment and subsequent substance use and other patterns among adolescents and young adults in Vancouver Canada,2022,235,,e109441,Buxton Copycat and lookalike edible cannabis product packaging in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ompad Alcohol brief intervention specialty treatment and drinking outcomes at 12 months: results from a systematic alcohol screening and brief intervention initiative in adult primary care,2022,235,,e109458,Chi Naloxone administration among opioid-involved overdose deaths in 38 United States jurisdictions in the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System 2019,2022,235,,e109467,O'Donnell Young adult opioid misuse indicates a general tendency toward substance use and is strongly predicted by general substance use risk,2022,235,,e109442,Oesterle Prevalence of at-risk drinking recognition: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,235,,e109449,Rona Stimulant-related incident surveillance using emergency medical service records in Massachusetts 2013-2020,2022,235,,109460,Bernson Acute injury mortality and all-cause mortality following emergency department presentation for alcohol use disorder,2022,236,,109472,Olfson The impact of opioid agonist treatment on fatal and non-fatal drug overdose among people with a history of opioid dependence in NSW Australia 2001-2018: findings from the OATS retrospective linkage study,2022,236,,e109464,Hickman Impact of a publicly funded pharmacy-dispensed naloxone program on fatal opioid overdose rates: a population-based study,2022,236,,e109473,Gomes Using prescription opioids throughout a traumatic injury recovery: a qualitative exploratory study of adolescents in a midwestern state,2022,236,,e109480,Bell A Bayesian learning model to predict the risk for cannabis use disorder,2022,236,,e109476,Biswas Modeling of overdose and naloxone distribution in the setting of fentanyl compared to heroin,2022,236,,e109478,Coffin Use of laboratory data for illicit drug use surveillance and identification of socioeconomic risk factors,2022,236,,e109499,Azimi Treatment outcomes associated with medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) among criminal justice-referred admissions to residential treatment in the U.S. 2015-2018,2022,236,,109498,Rohsenow Increased risk of death immediately after discharge from compulsory care for substance abuse,2022,236,,e109492,Ledberg Alexithymia mediates the association between childhood trauma and adolescent E-cigarette use,2022,236,,e109500,Jakubczyk A randomized clinical trial of the effects of brief versus extended opioid overdose education on naloxone utilization outcomes by individuals with opioid use disorder,2022,237,,e109505,Wall Bullying victimization and nicotine and marijuana vaping among Florida adolescents,2022,237,,e109536,Jackson Demographic and geographic shifts in the preferred route of methamphetamine administration among treatment cases in the US 2010-2019,2022,237,,e109535,Zaller Association between clinically recognized suicidality and subsequent initiation or continuation of medications for opioid use disorder,2022,237,,e109521,Williams Change in distress about police brutality and substance use among young people 2017-2020,2022,237,,109530,Fleischer Comparison of the effects of alcohol and cannabis on visual function and driving performance. does the visual impairment affect driving?,2022,237,,109538,Ortiz Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of potential life lost due to alcohol among veterans: overall and between persons with minoritized and non-minoritized sexual orientations,2022,237,,e109534,Shipherd Textual and pictorial enhancement of cannabis warning labels: an online experiment among at-risk U.S. young adults,2022,237,,e109520,Silver Types of criminal legal system exposure and polysubstance use: prevalence and correlates among U.S. adults in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2015-2019,2022,237,,e109511,Ford Violence policing and systemic racism as structural barriers to substance use treatment amongst women sex workers who use drugs: findings of a community-based cohort in Vancouver Canada (2010-2019),2022,237,,e109506,Shannon Time trends and associated factors of global burden due to drug use disorders in 204 countries and territories 1990-2019,2022,238,,e109542,Tian Predictors of alcohol use disorder treatment outcomes over 12 months: role of concerned others' functioning and Al-Anon participation,2022,238,,109546,Han Age differences in the behavioural economics of cannabis use: do adolescents and adults differ on demand for cannabis and discounting of future reward?,2022,238,,e109531,Curran The contribution of alcohol-related deaths to the life-expectancy gap between people with and without depression - a cross-country comparison,2022,238,,e109547,Martikainen Disparities in opioid overdose survival and naloxone administration in Pennsylvania,2022,238,,e109555,Holmes Solitary alcohol use in adolescence predicts alcohol problems in adulthood: a 17-year longitudinal study in a large national sample of US high school students,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Terry-McElrath Prevalence and correlates of incarceration following emergency medical services response to overdose,2022,238,,e109571,Ray Impact of cannabis legalization in the United States on trends in cannabis use and daily cannabis use among individuals who smoke cigarettes,2022,238,,e109563,Goodwin Disentangling the physical social and situational contexts of young adolescents' initiation to alcohol use and intoxication: a mixed methods study,2022,238,,e109572,Lipperman-Kreda Comparing substance use outcomes by sexual identity among women: differences using propensity score methods,2022,238,,e109567,Hughes Investigating associations between appetite-regulating hormones aggression and craving in males with cannabis use disorder,2022,238,,e109577,Yazici National polydrug use patterns among people who misuse prescription opioids and people who use heroin. results from the National Household Survey on Drug Use and Health,2022,238,,e109553,Bobashev The role of mood disorders in the progression of and recovery from alcohol and drug use problems: a latent transition analysis,2022,238,,e109566,Storr A pilot study of a mixed-method approach to design an ED-based peer mHealth referral tool for HIV/HCV and opioid overdose prevention services,2022,238,,e109585,Latkin Legal review of state emergency medical services policies and protocols for naloxone administration,2022,238,,e109589,Davis Access to methadone clinics and opioid overdose deaths in Georgia: a geospatial analysis,2022,238,,e109565,Jayawardhana Do alcohol policies affect everyone equally? An assessment of the effects of state policies on education-related patterns of alcohol use 2011-2019,2022,239,,e109591,Macinko Substance use stigma mechanisms scale: factor structure reliability and validity in Mexican adults that use drugs,2022,239,,e109598,Orozco A systematic review and behaviour change technique analysis of remotely delivered alcohol and/or substance misuse interventions for adults,2022,239,,e109597,Brown Prevalence and associations of classic psychedelic-related seizures in a population-based sample,2022,239,,e109586,Osika Effects of physical activity on symptoms of depression and anxiety in adults with alcohol use disorder (FitForChange): secondary outcomes of a randomised controlled trial,2022,239,,e109601,Andréasson Kratom use categories and their associations with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorder symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,239,,e109605,Wilkerson Harm reduction in the hospital: an overdose prevention site (OPS) at a Canadian hospital,2022,239,,109608,Kerr Comparing the effectiveness of a brief intervention to reduce unhealthy alcohol use among adult primary care patients with and without depression: a machine learning approach with augmented inverse probability weighting,2022,239,,e109607,Chi State prescribing cap laws' association with opioid analgesic prescribing and opioid overdose,2022,240,,e109626,Stuart Hours high as a proxy for marijuana use quantity in intensive longitudinal designs,2022,240,,e109628,Lee The associations between traumatic experiences and subsequent onset of a substance use disorder: findings from the World Health Organization World Mental Health surveys,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stein The association between recreational cannabis use and posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and methodological critique of the literature,2022,240,,e109623,Amstadter Correlates of recent overdose among people who inject drugs in the San Diego/Tijuana border region,2022,240,,e109644,Patterson The influence of parent and peer disapproval on youth marijuana use mediated by youth risk perception: focusing on the state comparison,2022,240,,e109641,Chung Risks and overdose responses: participant characteristics from the first seven years of a national take-home naloxone program,2022,240,,e109645,Clausen State level variation in substance use treatment admissions among criminal legal-referred individuals,2022,240,,e109651,Winkelman Heterogeneity of definitions and measurements of binge drinking in research on adolescents and young adults,2022,241,,e109650,Haller Overdose and substance-related mortality after release from prison in Washington State: 2014-2019,2022,241,,e109655,Sears Energy drinks and alcohol use among adolescents: a longitudinal study,2022,241,,e109666,Raninen Evaluating equity in community-based naloxone access among racial/ethnic groups in Massachusetts,2022,241,,e109668,Schackman Changes in sexual identity and substance use during young adulthood,2022,241,,e109674,Pedersen Alcohol use in firefighters: a network model of behaviors and transdiagnostic risk,2022,241,,e109677,Capron Corrigendum to "Frequency of fatal and non-fatal overdoses and response to grief and loss among people who inject drugs: An unexplored dimension of the opioid overdose crisis" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 237 (2022) 109539],2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Strike Directional associations between cannabis use and anxiety symptoms from late adolescence through young adulthood,2022,241,,e109704,D'Amico County-level predictors of US drug overdose mortality: a systematic review,2022,242,,e109714,Oh The prevalence of opioid use disorder in Kentucky's counties: a two-year multi-sample capture-recapture analysis,2022,242,,e109710,Delcher Sequencing drinking events and use of punitive nonpunitive and positive parenting behaviors with ecological momentary assessment,2022,242,,e109716,Freisthler Reduced alcohol use increases drink-refusal self-efficacy: evidence from a contingency management study for DWI arrestees,2022,242,,e109706,Dougherty Methadone-involved overdose deaths in the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,242,,e109703,Sanches A systematic review of brief freely accessible and valid self-report measures for substance use disorders and treatment,2022,243,,e109729,McKay The effects of childhood trauma and mental disorders on treatment engagement contact with the criminal justice system and mortality among people with opioid dependence,2022,243,,e109734,Degenhardt Emotion regulation in young adults with family history of harmful alcohol use: a fMRI study,2022,243,,e109752,Gowin Mandatory prescription drug monitoring programs and overlapping prescriptions of opioids and benzodiazepines: evidence from Kentucky,2022,243,,e109759,Nguyen Assessing cross-lagged associations between depression anxiety and binge drinking in the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescence (NCANDA) study,2023,243,,e109761,Brown Cannabis legalization and cannabis use daily cannabis use and cannabis-related problems among adults in Ontario Canada (2001-2019),2023,244,,e109765,Wells Self-report and urine drug screen concordance among women with co-occurring PTSD and substance use disorders participating in a clinical trial: impact of drug type and participant characteristics,2023,244,,e109769,Zhao The cost of opioid use disorder-related conditions in Medicare,2023,244,,e109778,Mark Community- network- and individual-level predictors of uptake of medication for opioid use disorder among young people who inject drugs and their networks: a multilevel analysis,2023,244,,e109782,Mackesy-Amiti Increasing trends and incidence of nonfatal overdose among women sex workers who use drugs in British Columbia: the role of criminalization-related barriers to harm reduction,2023,244,,e109789,Shannon Parental drug use disorders and youth psychopathology: meta-analytic review,2023,244,,e109793,Compas Characteristics and circumstances of cocaine-related completed suicide in Australia 2000-2021,2023,244,,e109803,Darke Crash-involved THC-positive drivers in Norway have a high frequency of polysubstance use,2023,244,,e109800,Gjerde Associations between early childhood adversity and behavioral substance use and academic outcomes in childhood through adolescence in a U.S. longitudinal cohort,2023,244,,e109795,Mulia Community selected strategies to reduce opioid-related overdose deaths in the HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-term (SM)) communities study,2023,245,,e109804,Nunes The journey to overdose: using spatial social network analysis as a novel framework to study geographic discordance in overdose deaths,2023,245,,e109827,Forati The acute effects of alcohol on social cognition: a systematic review of experimental studies,2023,245,,e109830,aan het Rot Opioid-related mortality: dynamic temporal and spatial trends by drug type and demographic subpopulations Massachusetts 2005-2021,2023,246,,e109836,Li Risk of motor vehicle collisions after methadone use: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,246,,e109832,Chuang Desire to get drunk partially mediates effects of a combined text message-based alcohol intervention for young adults,2023,246,,e109848,Chung Development and validation of an overdose risk prediction tool using prescription drug monitoring program data,2023,246,,e109856,Gellad Decomposing risky decision-making in methamphetamine use disorder: behavioral updating and D2 dopamine receptors,2023,246,,e109860,London US drug overdose mortality rose faster among Hispanics than non-Hispanics from 2010 to 2021,2023,246,,e109859,Goodman-Meza Neighborhood-level association between release from incarceration and fatal overdose Rhode Island 2016-2020,2023,247,,e109867,Cerdá A pilot study investigating cognitive impairment associated with opioid overdose,2023,247,,e109865,Winstanley Assessing the diagnostic utility of the Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test - Revised (CUDIT-R) among veterans with medical and non-medical cannabis use,2023,247,,e109876,Ilgen Ethnoracial differences in workplace drug testing and policies on positive drug tests in the United States,2023,247,,e109898,Hodges County-level social vulnerability and nonfatal drug overdose emergency department visits and hospitalizations January 2018-December 2020,2023,247,,e109889,David Developmental trajectories of alcohol and cannabis concurrent use in a nationally representative sample of United States youths,2023,248,,e109908,McKee Perceived racial discrimination and polysubstance use among racial/ethnic minority adolescents in the United States,2023,248,,e109894,Cavazos-Rehg A latent profile analysis of blackout drinking behavior among young adults,2023,248,,e109905,Miller Cognitive preoccupation with drinking and behavioral effects of alcohol as predictors of current consumption patterns,2023,248,,e109899,Fillmore Canada's cannabis legalization and police-reported cannabis-related criminal incidents among youth 2015-2021,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Asbridge The impact of an annual mass media campaign on treatment seeking for alcohol use disorders in the Danish population: an interrupted time-series analysis,2023,248,,e109910,Nielsen Geo-spatial risk factor analysis for drug overdose death in South Florida from 2014 to 2019 and the independent contribution of social determinants of health,2023,248,,e109931,Kennedy "Wake-and-bake" cannabis use: predictors and cannabis-related outcomes of use shortly after waking,2023,248,,e109937,Lee National survey findings on law enforcement agency drug response practices overdose victim outcomes and Good Samaritan Laws,2023,248,,e109916,Ray Beating trauma: physical activity to promote resilience against substance use,2023,248,,e109942,Brown Alcohol cannabis and nicotine use have distinct associations with COVID-19 pandemic-related experiences: an exploratory Bayesian network analysis across two timepoints,2023,248,,e109929,Hien First use of cannabis compared to first use of alcohol and tobacco: associations with single and poly-substance use behavior,2023,248,,e109904,Cohn Adolescent simultaneous use of alcohol and marijuana by trends in cigarette and nicotine vaping from 2000 to 2020,2023,249,,e109948,Olfson A tale of two cities: racialized arrests following decriminalization and recreational legalization of cannabis,2023,249,,e109911,Joshi Trends in overdose deaths involving gabapentinoids and Z-drugs in the United States,2023,249,,e109952,Powell Social anxiety disorder is a risk factor for alcohol use problems in the National Comorbidity Surveys,2023,249,,e109945,Torvik Dimension reduction of 911 Good Samaritan Laws: drawing inferences from policy surveillance,2023,249,,e109934,Linder Annual use and perceived need for mental health and substance treatment among people in remission from substance use disorders in the United States,2023,249,,e110820,Hayes Identifying biomarkers of drug use recurrence using wearable device technologies and phone applications,2023,249,,e110817,Finomore Preliminary effectiveness of online opioid overdose and naloxone administration training and impact of naloxone possession on opioid use,2023,249,,e110815,Carpenter Fentanyl heroin and methamphetamine-based counterfeit pills sold at tourist-oriented pharmacies in Mexico: an ethnographic and drug checking study,2023,249,,e110819,Bourgois Opioid and stimulant attributed treatment admissions and fatal overdoses: using national surveillance data to examine the intersection of race sex and polysubstance use 1992-2020,2023,249,,e109946,Jones Shame-and-guilt-proneness interpersonal sensitivity and alcohol: results from a moderated mediation,2023,249,,e110831,Neighbors Incidence of suicide and self-harm among people with opioid use disorder and the impact of opioid agonist treatment: a retrospective data linkage study,2023,246,,e109851,Hickman Protective factors in the relationship between perceived discrimination and risky drinking among American Indian adolescents,2023,250,,e109936,Mason A national study on pregaming motives frequency consumption and negative alcohol consequences among university students in the United States,2023,250,,e110839,Zamboanga Electronic harm reduction interventions for drug overdose monitoring and prevention: a scoping review,2023,250,,e110878,Loverock Attitudes and beliefs about Vermont's 2021 buprenorphine decriminalization law among residents who use illicit opioids,2023,250,,e110879,Edwards Substance familiarity in middle childhood and adolescent substance use,2023,250,,e110892,Moore Substance use prevalence patterns and correlates in transgender and gender diverse youth: a scoping review,2023,250,,e110880,Dermody Comparing presumptive with direct-to-definitive drug testing in oral fluid vs. urine for a U.S. national sample of individuals misusing drugs,2023,250,,e110894,Magura Ecological investigation of the co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and cannabis use among community women experiencing intimate partner violence,2023,250,,e110905,Sullivan State-level homelessness and drug overdose mortality: evidence from US panel data,2023,250,,e110910,Oh Perceptions of cannabis use risk to mental health among youth in Canada England and the United States from 2017 to 2021,2023,250,,e110904,Hammond Non-prescribed pharmaceutical stimulants use among adolescents: a way to self-care or peer success?,2023,250,,e110906,Molinaro Perceived risk of harm for different methods of cannabis consumption: a brief report,2023,251,,e110915,Bonar Longitudinal changes in neurocognitive performance related to drug use intensity in a sample of persons with and without HIV who use illicit stimulantsLongitudinal effects of cocaine and HIV on cognitive performance,2023,251,,e110923,Meade Association of cyberbullying victimization and substance initiation: the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study,2023,251,,e110920,Baker Driving impairment and altered ocular activity under the effects of alprazolam and alcohol: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study,2023,251,,e110919,Downey Mediators of effects of a digital alcohol intervention for online help-seekers: findings from an effectiveness trial,2023,251,,e110957,McCambridge Overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids: racial/ethnic and educational disparities in the eastern and western US,2023,251,,e110955,Daniulaityte Potential effect of antidepressants on remission from cocaine use disorder - a nationwide matched retrospective cohort study,2023,251,,e110958,Brady Outcomes and experiences after child custody loss among mothers who use drugs: a mixed studies systematic review,2023,251,,e110944,Jacoby Gender sexual orientation identity and initiation of amphetamine injecting among people who inject drugs: examination of an expanding drug era in Montreal Canada 2011-19,2023,251,,e110956,Larney Trends in self-reported non-fatal overdose and patterns of substance use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in a prospective cohort of adults who have injected drugs - Baltimore Maryland 2014-2022,2023,251,,e110954,Mehta Identification of opioid use disorder using electronic health records: beyond diagnostic codes,2023,251,,e110950,Schwartz Preventing substance use among urban African American youth: the potential of mentor-mentee conversations,2023,252,,e110943,Latkin How are state telehealth policies associated with services offered by substance use disorder treatment facilities? Evidence from 2019 to 2022,2023,252,,e110959,Stein Impact of a high-volume overdose prevention site on social and drug disorder in surrounding areas in San Francisco,2023,252,,e110969,Davidson Substance use and variation in sexual partnership rates among young MSM and young transgender women: disaggregating between and within-person associations,2023,252,,e110968,Birkett Assessing changes in sleep across four weeks among adolescents randomized to incentivized cannabis abstinence,2023,252,,e110989,Gilman Appeal rating and visual attention associated with youth-appealing cannabis packaging: an eye-tracking experiment,2023,253,,e110992,Shi (Mis)understanding alcohol use disorder: making the case for a public health first approach,2023,253,,e111019,Burton Effects of restricting alcohol sales on fatal violence: evidence from Sunday sales bans,2023,253,,e110982,Schell Overdose and mortality risk following a non-fatal opioid overdose treated by emergency medical services in King County 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