Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Risk factors for suicide attempts among African American women,2000,12,1,13-20,Kellermann Frequency and patterns of mental health services utilization among adolescents with anxiety and depressive disorders,2005,22,3,130 - 137,Essau Long-term treatment and suicidal behavior in severe depression: ECT and antidepressant pharmacotherapy may have different effects on the occurrence and seriousness of suicide attempts,2005,23,1,34 - 41,Berglund Adolescent substance abuse and suicide,2001,14,3,186-191,Rowan Panic and suicidal ideation and suicide attempts: results from the National Comorbidity Survey,2006,23,3,124 - 132,Roy-Byrne The Illness/Injury Sensitivity Index: an examination of construct validity,2006,23,6,340 - 346,Asmundson Demographic and clinical characteristics of motor vehicle accident victims in the community general health outpatient clinic: a comparison of PTSD and non-PTSD subjects,2006,27,4,244 - 250,Gonen Psychosocial interventions for suicidal children and adolescents,2001,14,3,192-197,Fristad Suicide in youth,2001,14,3,155-156,Weller Anxiety contributes to suicidality in depressed adolescents,2000,11,3,134-138,King Low resilience in suicide attempters: relationship to depressive symptoms,2006,24,4,273 - 274,Roy Depression desperation and suicidal ideation in college students: results from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention College Screening Project at Emory University,2007,25,6,482 - 488,Hendin Clinical and sociodemographic variables associated with the onset of posttraumatic stress disorder in road traffic accidents,2007,25,5,E16 - E23,Coronas Anxiety disorders and risk for suicide attempts: findings from the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment area follow-up study,2007,25,6,477 - 481,Cox Feedback-seeking and depression in survivors of domestic violence,2008,25,12,E166-E172,Pineles Depressive characteristics of adult psychiatric inpatients with a history of multiple versus one or no suicide attempts,2008,26,6,568 - 574,Miller Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Modified Scale for Suicidal Ideation among suicidal youth,2009,26,8,769-774,Pettit Incidence and predictors of activation syndrome induced by antidepressants,2008,25,12,1014-1019,Sakamoto Measures matter: the relative contribution of anxiety and depression to suicidal ideation in clinically referred anxious youth using brief versus full length questionnaires,2008,25,8,E27-35,Carter Associations between symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder depression and suicide in Korean female adolescents,2008,25,11,E142-6,Lee Hypomanic symptoms predict an increase in narcissistic and histrionic personality disorder features in suicidal young adults,2008,25,10,892-898,Rudd Suicidal attempters and non-attempters with bipolar disorder in Iran,2008,25,10,E111-4,Ghanizadeh Symptom features of postpartum depression: are they distinct?,2008,25,1,20-26,Carmody Lithium therapy for unipolar and bipolar depression among the middle-aged and older adult patient subpopulation,2007,24,8,571-576,Kotler Differences in the clinical characteristics of adolescent depressive disorders,2007,24,6,421-432,Tuisku Childhood trauma and suicide attempts in patients with unipolar depression,2007,24,4,268-272,Roy Obsessive-compulsive disorder versus body dysmorphic disorder: a comparison study of two possibly related disorders,2007,24,6,399-409,Phillips Childhood emotional physical and sexual abuse and diagnoses of depressive and anxiety disorders in adult psychiatric outpatients,2007,24,4,256-263,Gibb Rumination in posttraumatic stress disorder,2007,24,5,307-317,Halligan Interrelationship of childhood trauma neuroticism and depressive phenotype,2007,24,3,163-168,Farmer Future orientation moderates the relationship between functional status and suicide ideation in depressed adults,2007,24,3,196-201,Conwell Comorbid anxiety as a suicide risk factor among depressed veterans,2009,26,8,752-757,Zivin Exploring potential associations of suicidal ideation and ideas of self-harm in patients with congestive heart failure,2009,26,8,764-768,Wild Childhood abuse is associated with increased startle reactivity in adulthood,2009,26,11,1018-1026,Ressler Panic disorder and suicidal ideation in primary care,2006,23,1,11-16,Weissman Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy of treatment-resistant depression: a pilot study,2006,23,7,449-452,Abbass Retrospective analysis of psychomotor agitation hypomanic symptoms and suicidal ideation in unipolar depression,2006,23,7,389-397,Serretti Potential impact of trauma on the ability to prevent depression among low-income mothers,2011,28,6,478-484,Beardslee PTSD depression and their comorbidity in relation to suicidality: cross-sectional and prospective analyses of a national probability sample of women,2009,26,12,1151-1157,Resnick Prevalence and risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder: a cross-sectional study among survivors of the Wenchuan 2008 earthquake in China,2009,26,12,1134-1140,Chen Psychiatric disorders among disaster bereaved: an interview study of individuals directly or not directly exposed to the 2004 tsunami,2009,26,12,1127-1133,Weisaeth The effect of posttraumatic stress disorder on risk-taking propensity among crack/cocaine users in residential substance abuse treatment,2009,26,12,1158-1164,Lejuez Symptoms of traumatic stress in mothers of children victims of a motor vehicle accident,2010,27,7,652-657,Brunet Efficacy of interpersonal therapy-group format adapted to post-traumatic stress disorder. An open-label add-on trial,2010,27,1,72-77,Krupnick NPY moderates the relation between hurricane exposure and generalized anxiety disorder in an epidemiologic sample of hurricane-exposed adults,2010,27,3,270-275,Kilpatrick The impact of panic-agoraphobic comorbidity on suicidality in hospitalized patients with major depression,2010,27,3,310-315,Miller Combat-related guilt mediates the relations between exposure to combat-related abusive violence and psychiatric diagnoses,2010,27,3,287-293,Marx The use of alcohol and drugs to self-medicate symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder,2010,27,8,731-736,Sareen Psychological resilience and neurocognitive performance in a traumatized community sample,2010,27,8,768-774,Ressler The relationship between anxiety disorders and suicide attempts: findings from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2010,27,9,791-798,Sareen Risk and resilience: genetic and environmental influences on development of the stress response,2009,26,11,984-992,Gillespie The role of rape tactics in risk for posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression: results from a national sample of college women,2010,27,8,708-715,Resnick Uncomplicated and comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder in an epidemiologic sample,1997,4,3,111-119,Weissman Does PTSD moderate the relationship between social support and suicide risk in Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans seeking mental health treatment?,2010,27,11,1001-1005,Rosenheck The acquired capability for suicide: A comparison of suicide attempters suicide ideators and non-suicidal controls,2010,27,9,871-877,Cukrowicz Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children: impact of the trauma narrative and treatment length,2011,28,1,67-75,Steer Quality of life and post trauma symptomatology in motor vehicle accident survivors: the mediating effects of depression and anxiety,2004,20,4,187-189,Coffey Avoidant encoding in acute stress disorder: a prospective study,2008,25,12,E195-8,Bryant Suicide risk and its correlate in adolescents who experienced typhoon-induced mudslides: a structural equation model,2010,27,12,1143-1148,Chen The psychological impact of terrorist attacks: examining a dose-response relationship between exposure to 9/11 and Axis I mental disorders,2010,27,11,993-1000,Sareen Possible inhibition of family PTSD symptoms by alcohol intoxication,1998,7,3,145,Augenstein Considering PTSD for DSM-5,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brewin Prevalence and predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms in utility workers deployed to the World Trade Center following the attacks of September 11 2001,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jayasinghe A new interaction between SLC6A4 variation and child abuse is associated with resting heart rate,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kung Meditative therapies for reducing anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,2012,29,7,545-562,Chen The treatment of SSRI-resistant depression in adolescents (TORDIA): in search of the best next step,2009,26,10,871-874,Brent Treatment of adolescent depression: what we have come to know,2009,26,5,393-395,Vitiello Abnormal neuroendocrine response to clomipramine in hereditary affective psychosis,2009,26,8,E111-9,Rietschel Thought suppression and suicidal ideation: preliminary evidence in support of a robust association,2009,26,8,758-763,Pettit An open-label trial of enhanced brief interpersonal psychotherapy in depressed mothers whose children are receiving psychiatric treatment,2006,23,7,398-404,Frank Clinical characteristics of inpatient adolescents with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder,2006,23,2,62-70,Zalsman Suicidal behavior and parental psychopathology in hospitalized depressed children,2001,14,3,183-185,Fristad Suicide in mood disorders,2001,14,3,177-182,Sánchez Use of venlafaxine in children and adolescents: a review of current literature,2000,12,Suppl 1,85-89,Weller Reactivation of posttraumatic stress disorder after minor head injury,1998,8,1,43-47,Berthier Treatment of adolescent depression: frequency of services and impact on functioning in young adulthood,1998,7,1,47-52,Lewinsohn Epidemiology of DSM-III-R major depression and minor depression among adolescents and young adults in the National Comorbidity Survey,1998,7,1,3-14,Kessler Psychotic versus nonpsychotic depression in hospitalized adolescents,1997,6,1,40-42,Ghaziuddin Fluoxetine and concomitant centrally acting medication use during clinical trials of depression: the absence of an effect related to agitation and suicidal behavior,1997,6,1,31-39,Tollefson Panic disorder versus panic disorder with major depression; defining and understanding differences in psychiatric morbidity,1997,5,1,12-20,Keller Mental disorders and traumatic injury,2011,28,2,99-102,Bryant Recovery from PTSD following Hurricane Katrina,2011,28,6,439-446,Kessler Treatment-emergent suicidal ideation during 4 months of acute management of unipolar major depression with SSRI pharmacotherapy or interpersonal psychotherapy in a randomized clinical trial,2011,28,4,303-309,Frank Sustained neural alterations in anxious youth performing an attentional bias task: a pupilometry study,2013,30,1,22-30,Silk Panic disorder with smothering symptoms: evidence for increased risk in first-degree relatives,1997,6,4,147-153,Wickramaratne Suicide: risk factors and prevention in refractory major depression,1997,5,4,202-211,Malone Reduced whole blood serotonin in major depression,1997,5,2,108-111,Cleare Seasonal effects on depression risk and suicidal symptoms in postpartum women,2011,28,5,400-405,Seltman Residual sleep beliefs and sleep disturbance following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for major depression,2011,28,6,464-470,Carney Feeling bad on Facebook: depression disclosures by college students on a social networking site,2011,28,6,447-455,Moreno Antenatal depression: a rationale for studying exercise,2011,28,3,234-242,Trivedi Noradrenergic enhancement of reconsolidation in the amygdala impairs extinction of conditioned fear in rats-a possible mechanism for the persistence of traumatic memories in PTSD,2011,28,3,186-193,Ledoux Decreased striatal D1 binding as measured using PET and [11C]SCH 23390 in patients with major depression with anger attacks,2006,23,3,175-177,Fava Peer victimization and the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence,2005,21,1,41-44,Storch Childhood maltreatment linked to greater symptom severity and poorer quality of life and function in social anxiety disorder,2009,26,11,1027-1032,Stein Childhood neglect and abuse as predictors of antidepressant response in adult depression,2009,26,8,711-717,Mulder Early adversity in chronic depression: clinical correlates and response to pharmacotherapy,2009,26,8,701-710,Leon Human tonic immobility: measurement and correlates,2009,26,6,550-556,Carleton Is identity per se irrelevant? A contrarian view of self-verification effects,2009,26,2,E49-59,Gregg Changes in reported physical health symptoms and social function with prolonged exposure therapy for chronic posttraumatic stress disorder,2009,26,8,732-738,Cahill Anxiety across the life span: epidemiological evidence and treatment data,2001,13,4,184-189,Balon Factorial validity of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire in men and women,2001,13,4,179-183,Stein Risk factors and outcome in ambulatory assault victims presenting to the acute emergency department setting: implications for secondary prevention studies in PTSD,2004,19,2,77-84,Roy-Byrne Anxiety sensitivity and PTSD among female victims of intimate partner violence,2002,16,2,77-83,Stein The role of early adverse experience and adulthood stress in the prediction of neuroendocrine stress reactivity in women: a multiple regression analysis,2002,15,3,117-125,Wagner Childhood trauma in obsessive-compulsive disorder trichotillomania and controls,2002,15,2,66-68,Niehaus Early prognostic screening for posttraumatic stress disorder with the Davidson Trauma Scale and the SPAN,2008,25,12,1038-1045,Gersons On the mediating role of subtypes of rumination in the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and depressed mood: brooding versus reflection,2008,25,12,1067-1070,Hermans Childhood abuse depression and anxiety in adult psychiatric outpatients,2003,17,4,226-228,Gibb Brain mechanisms underlying emotional alterations in the peripartum period in rats,2003,17,3,111-121,Neumann Childhood trauma and obsessive-compulsive symptoms,2008,25,9,742-751,Stein Anger experience and expression across the anxiety disorders,2008,25,2,107-113,McCabe Thirty-day suicidal thoughts and behaviors among hospital workers during the first wave of the Spain COVID-19 outbreak,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kessler Development and preliminary psychometric properties of an instrument for the measurement of childhood trauma: the Early Trauma Inventory,2000,12,1,1-12,Mazure Relationship between symptom over-reporting and pre- and post-combat trauma history in veterans evaluated for PTSD,1999,10,3,119-124,Smith Relationship of childhood maltreatment to the onset and course of major depression in adulthood,1999,9,4,169-174,Stein Psychological responses in family members after the Hebron massacre,1999,9,1,27-31,Irwin Empirically supported psychological treatments for adult acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder: a review,2009,26,12,1086-1109,Hollon Dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids and risk of depressive symptoms in adolescents,2011,28,7,582-588,de Klerk Neuropsychological performance is related to current social and occupational functioning in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder,2009,26,1,7-15,Vermetten Mental health impact of Afghanistan and Iraq deployment: meeting the challenge of a new generation of veterans,2009,26,6,493-497,Marmar Chronic and acute stress and the prediction of major depression in women,2009,26,8,718-723,Hammen Depressive symptoms and momentary affect: the role of social interaction variables,2009,26,5,464-470,Bogart Psychometric properties of the Trauma Assessment for Adults,2009,26,2,190-195,Elhai Psychological resilience and postdeployment social support protect against traumatic stress and depressive symptoms in soldiers returning from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom,2009,26,8,745-751,Pietrzak Understanding the neurobiology of suicidal behavior,2001,14,3,164-176,Mann Overview and assessment of the suicidal child,2001,14,3,157-163,Weller Resilience: research evidence and conceptual considerations for posttraumatic stress disorder,2007,24,2,139-152,Pollack Differences in the determinants of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression after a mass traumatic event,2011,28,8,666-675,Norris Sleep disturbances in depressed and nondepressed pregnant women,2011,28,8,676-685,Wisniewski A controlled trial of paroxetine for chronic PTSD dissociation and interpersonal problems in mostly minority adults,2007,24,2,77-84,Marshall A multirisk approach to predicting chronicity of postpartum depression symptoms,2008,25,8,718-724,Rosenblum A prospective test of anxiety sensitivity as a moderator of the relation between gender and posttraumatic symptom maintenance among high anxiety sensitive young adults,2008,25,3,190-199,Schmidt Posttraumatic stress symptoms and brain function during a response‐inhibition task: an fMRI study in youth,2008,25,6,514-526,Weems Prevalence and correlates of depression in late pregnancy among Nigerian women,2007,24,1,15-21,Adewuya Prevalence and correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder among Kuwaiti military men according to level of involvement in the first Gulf War,2008,25,11,932-941,Ohaeri Sensory filtering phenomenology in PTSD,2008,25,1,38-45,Stewart Symptom severity and lifetime and prospective health service use among military veterans evaluated for PTSD,2007,24,3,178-184,Elhai Symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder in an outpatient population before and after Hurricane Katrina,2008,25,5,416-421,McLeish The high‐novelty–seeking impulsive subtype of generalized social anxiety disorder,2008,25,6,535-541,Kashdan Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in treatment‐resistant obsessive‐compulsive disorder,2008,25,1,69-71,Parker Trauma exposure and posttraumatic reactions in a community sample of Bedouin members of the Israel Defense Forces,2008,25,8,700-707,Caspi Child sexual abuse in the etiology of depression: A systematic review of reviews,2010,27,7,631-642,Maniglio Substance use childhood traumatic experience and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in an urban civilian population,2010,27,12,1077-1086,Ressler Anxiety symptoms among adolescents in Japan and England: their relationship with self-construals and social support,2011,28,6,509-518,Essau Are consumers of Internet health information "cyberchondriacs"? Characteristics of 24965 users of a depression screening site,2012,29,1,71-77,Leykin Functional impairment in adults with past posttraumatic stress disorder: Findings from primary care,2011,28,8,686-695,Olfson Synthesis of the psychometric properties of the PTSD checklist (PCL) military civilian and specific versions,2011,28,7,596-606,Lang Testing the dimensionality of posttraumatic stress responses in young Chinese adult earthquake survivors: Further evidence for "dysphoric arousal" as a unique PTSD construct,2011,28,12,1097-1104,Elhai Classification of trauma and stressor-related disorders in DSM-5,2011,28,9,737-749,Resick Alcohol consumption in university women: a second look at the role of anxiety sensitivity,1999,10,3,125-128,Asmundson Reduced sensory gating of the P1 potential in rape victims and combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder,1999,9,3,122-130,Fitzgerald Confirmatory factor analysis of the Fear Questionnaire in injured workers with chronic pain,1999,9,3,117-121,Cox Depressed patients who suicide at their first attempt have had few admissions,1999,9,2,75-77,Roy Changes in negative beliefs following three brief programs for facilitating recovery after assault,2011,28,7,532-540,Foa The impact of Purple Heart commendation and PTSD on mortality rates in older veterans,2011,28,12,1086-1090,Kimbrell Coercive and disruptive behaviors in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder,2011,28,10,899-905,Leckman Beyond anxious predisposition: Do padecer de nervios and ataque de nervios add incremental validity to predictions of current distress among Mexican mothers?,2012,29,1,23-31,Alcantara What is the association between traumatic life events and alcohol abuse/dependence in people with and without PTSD? Findings from a nationally representative sample,2011,28,8,632-638,Asmundson Summer mood in winter depressives: validation of a structured interview,1999,9,2,83-91,Williams Working on the railroad: reactions to traumatic and stressful events,1998,7,3,141-144,Hope Caffeine use and plasma concentrations in psychiatric outpatients,1998,7,3,130-133,Lande Negative biases and risk for depression; integrating self-report and emotion task markers,2011,28,8,703-718,Watters Complicated grief associated with Hurricane Katrina,2011,28,8,648-657,Kessler Epidemiology of chronic and nonchronic major depressive disorder: Results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions,2011,28,8,622-631,Markowitz The National Network of Depression Centers: progress through partnership,2011,28,8,615-621,Paulus The relationship between combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder and the 5-HTTLPR/rs25531 polymorphism,2011,28,12,1067-1073,Amstadter Role of anxiety sensitivity subfactors in suicidal ideation and suicide attempt history,2011,29,3,195-201,Joiner The urban brain: New directions in research exploring the relation between cities and mood-anxiety disorders,2011,28,10,857-862,Galea Risk factors and posttraumatic stress disorder: Are they especially predictive following exposure to less severe stressors?,2011,28,12,1091-1096,Robinaugh Acute stress reactions among medical and non‐medical personnel in a general hospital under missile attacks,2009,26,2,123-128,Koren The protective role of friendship on the effects of childhood abuse and depression,2009,26,1,46-53,Bradley Attentional impairment in anxiety: Inefficiency in expanding the scope of attention,2011,29,3,243-249,Najmi Suicide attempts versus nonsuicidal self-injury among individuals with anxiety disorders in a nationally representative sample,2011,29,3,172-179,Sareen PTSD not an anxiety disorder? DSM committee proposal turns back the hands of time,2011,28,10,853-856,Zoellner Auditory novelty processing is enhanced in obsessive-compulsive disorder,2011,28,10,915-923,Endrass Attachment and alliance in the treatment of depressed sexually abused women,2011,29,2,123-130,Gamble Disorder-specific mental health service use for mood and anxiety disorders: associations with age sex and psychiatric comorbidity,2011,29,3,234-242,Sareen Childhood maltreatment and social anxiety disorder: implications for symptom severity and response to pharmacotherapy,2011,29,2,131-138,Heimberg Investigation of telomere length and psychological stress in rape victims,2011,28,12,1081-1085,Seedat Clinical predictors of familial depression in Han Chinese women,2011,29,1,10-15,Deng A comparison of melancholic and nonmelancholic recurrent major depression in Han Chinese women,2011,29,1,4-9,Hu Chronic family stress interacts with 5-HTTLPR to predict prospective depressive symptoms among youth,2011,28,12,1074-1080,Abela Cognitive-behavioral group therapy versus group psychotherapy for social anxiety disorder among college students: A randomized controlled trial,2011,28,11,1034-1042,Carey Anxiety disorders and risk for suicide: why such controversy?,2011,28,11,941-945,Sareen Acute stress disorder and subsequent post-traumatic stress disorder in a group of exposed disaster workers,2000,11,4,183-184,McCarroll Acute responses of anxiety disorder patients after a natural disaster,2000,11,1,43-44,Pynoos Panic and suicidal ideation in primary care,2001,14,4,244-246,Weissman Predictors of post-traumatic stress disorder following severe injury,2001,14,4,226-231,Mellman Social functioning and quality of life comparisons between obsessive-compulsive and schizophrenic disorders,2001,14,4,214-218,Saxena What are the clinical implications of new onset or worsening anxiety during the first two weeks of SSRI treatment for depression?,2011,29,2,94-101,Rush Cognitive inflexibility as a prospective predictor of suicidal ideation among young adults with a suicide attempt history,2011,29,3,180-186,Miranda Relationship between FKBP5 polymorphisms and depression symptoms among kidney transplant recipients,2011,28,12,1111-1118,Shinozaki Attention biases anxiety and development: toward or away from threats or rewards?,2011,29,4,282-294,Pine Thought suppression is associated with psychological distress in homebound older adults,2011,29,3,219-225,Wetherell The impact of stressful life events on relapse of generalized anxiety disorder,2012,29,5,386-391,Keller Negative self-appraisals and suicidal behavior among trauma victims experiencing ptsd symptoms: the mediating role of defeat and entrapment,2012,29,3,187-194,Tarrier The dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder: rationale clinical and neurobiological evidence and implications,2012,29,8,701-708,Spiegel Emotion dysregulation model of mood and anxiety disorders,2012,29,5,409-416,Hofmann Nocturnal panic: biology psychopathology and its contribution to the expression of panic disorder,2003,18,4,221-227,Balon Insomnia causes consequences and therapeutics: an overview,2003,18,4,163-176,Roth The weaker sex? Gender and post-traumatic stress disorder,2003,17,3,130-139,Gavranidou Duration of last depressive episode may influence serum BDNF levels in remitted patients with major depression,2012,29,9,775-779,Takebayashi Impact of childhood trauma on the outcomes of a perinatal depression trial,2012,29,7,563-573,Katon Statistical support for subtypes in posttraumatic stress disorder: the how and why of subtype analysis,2012,29,8,671-678,Dalenberg The impact of exposure to interpersonal violence on gender differences in adolescent-onset major depression: results from the national comorbidity survey replication (NCS-R),2012,29,5,392-399,Molnar Emotion-related regulatory difficulties contribute to negative psychological outcomes in active-duty Iraq war soldiers with and without posttraumatic stress disorder,2012,29,7,621-628,Mennin Clinical features of bipolar disorder comorbid with anxiety disorders differ between men and women,2012,29,8,739-746,McInnis Panic disorder patients at the time of air strikes,2002,16,4,152-156,Starcevic Further evidence that the cutoff to define remission on the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale should be lowered,2012,29,2,160-166,Zimmerman Competitive memory training (COMET) for treating low self-esteem in patients with depressive disorders: a randomized clinical trial,2012,29,2,102-110,Korrelboom Toward the estimation of population impact in early posttraumatic stress disorder intervention trials,2012,29,2,79-84,Zatzick The bereavement exclusion and DSM-5,2012,29,5,425-443,Reynolds Killing in combat may be independently associated with suicidal ideation,2012,29,11,918-923,Maguen Insecure attachment as a predictor of depressive and anxious symptomology,2012,29,9,789-796,Auerbach Dimensional paradigm of the long-term course of unipolar major depressive disorder,2012,29,3,167-171,Judd Comprehensive review of factors implicated in the heterogeneity of response in depression,2012,29,4,340-354,Marangell An examination of the influence of a sequential treatment on the course and impact of dissociation among women with PTSD related to childhood abuse,2012,29,8,709-717,Petkova Brain activation to facial expressions in youth with PTSD symptoms,2012,29,5,449-459,Weems Predicting outcome of depression using the depressive symptom profile: the Leiden routine outcome monitoring study,2012,29,6,523-530,Zitman Maternal depression and prenatal exposure to methamphetamine: neurodevelopmental findings from the infant development environment and lifestyle (ideal) study,2012,29,6,515-522,Arria Predictors of treatment outcomes among depressed women with childhood sexual abuse histories,2012,29,6,479-486,Gamble Avoidance safety behavior and reassurance seeking in generalized anxiety disorder,2012,29,11,948-957,Hofler Associations between household and neighborhood income and anxiety symptoms in young adolescents,2012,29,9,824-832,van der Stoep Neuroticism mediates the effect of p2rx7 on outcomes of mood disorders,2012,29,9,816-823,Mantere Evidence for a dissociative subtype of PTSD by latent profile and confirmatory factor analyses in a civilian sample,2012,29,8,689-700,Lanius How current and past anxiety disorders affect daily life in adolescents and young adults from the general population-An epidemiological study with ecological momentary assessment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beesdo-Baum Online working alliance predicts treatment outcome for posttraumatic stress symptoms in Arab war-traumatized patients,2012,29,7,646-651,Knaevelsrud Transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms) for major depression: a multisite naturalistic observational study of acute treatment outcomes in clinical practice,2012,29,7,587-596,Solvason Long-term efficacy of repeated daily prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms) in treatmnt-resistant depression,2012,29,10,883-890,Sackeim A preliminary investigation of the new and revised symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in DSM-5,2012,29,8,731-738,Erbes Screening for depression in adolescents: validity of the patient health questionnaire in pediatric care,2012,29,10,906-913,Allgaier Is complicated grief a post-loss stress disorder?,2012,29,7,541-544,Simon Patient treatment preference as a predictor of response and attrition in treatment for chronic depression,2012,29,10,896-905,Arnow Exploring the relationship between religious service attendance mental disorders and suicidality among different ethnic groups: results from a nationally representative survey,2012,29,11,983-990,Sareen Re-examining the differential familial liability of agoraphobia and panic disorder,2012,29,11,931-938,Wittchen Attention bias of anxious youth during extended exposure of emotional face pairs: an eye-tracking study,2013,30,1,14-21,Pine Personalized treatment of adult depression: medication psychotherapy or both? A systematic review,2012,29,10,855-864,Reynolds Why do some depressed outpatients who are not in remission according to the Hamilton depression rating scale nonetheless consider themselves to be in remission?,2012,29,10,891-895,Zimmerman Psychosocial features associated with lifetime comorbidity of major depression and anxiety disorders among a community sample of mid-life women: the SWAN mental health study,2012,29,12,1050-1057,Thurston Self-report and clinician-rated measures of depression severity: can one replace the other?,2012,29,12,1043-1049,Perlis Early interventions for PTSD: a review,2012,29,10,833-842,Rothbaum Generalized anxiety disorder and the proposed associated symptoms criterion change for DSM-5 in a treatment-seeking sample of anxious youth,2012,29,12,994-1003,Hofmann Alcohol consumption and major depression in the general population: the critical importance of dependence,2012,29,12,1058-1064,Patten Implications of the use of genetic tests in psychiatry with a focus on major depressive disorder: a review,2013,30,3,267-275,Mitchell Guilt shame and suicidal ideation in a military outpatient clinical sample,2013,30,1,55-60,Morrow The role of attribution of trauma responsibility in posttraumatic stress disorder following motor vehicle accidents,2013,30,5,483-488,Hofmann The effect of draft DSM-V criteria on posttraumatic stress disorder prevalence,2012,29,12,1032-1042,Calhoun The serotonin transporter gene and depression,2012,29,11,915-917,Munafò Fathers' mental health as a protective factor in the relationship between maternal and child depressive symptoms,2013,30,1,31-38,Gere Psychopathology in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake: a population-based study of posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression,2013,30,5,413-424,Galea Divided consciousness: dissociation in DSM-5,2012,29,8,667-670,Spiegel Val66met bdnf genotypes in melancholic depression: effects on brain structure and treatment outcome,2013,30,3,225-233,Gratacòs Prospective investigation of mental health following sexual assault,2013,30,5,444-450,Litz Course and risk factors of functional impairment in subthreshold depression and anxiety,2013,30,4,386-394,Penninx Increased error-related brain activity in youth with obsessive-compulsive disorder and unaffected siblings,2013,30,1,39-46,Hanna An examination of PTSD symptoms as a mediator of the relationship between trauma history characteristics and physical health following a motor vehicle accident,2013,30,5,475-482,Delahanty Recurrence risk in major depression,2013,30,1,1-4,Patten A biopsychosocial model of social anxiety and substance use,2013,30,3,276-284,Heimberg Patterns of lifetime ptsd comorbidity: a latent class analysis,2013,30,5,489-496,Litz Adcyap1r1 genotype posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among women exposed to childhood maltreatment,2013,30,3,251-258,Koenen Fear of dying in panic attacks predicts suicide attempt in comorbid depressive illness: prospective evidence from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2013,30,10,930-939,Galynker Reports of drinking to self-medicate anxiety symptoms: longitudinal assessment for subgroups of individuals with alcohol dependence,2013,30,2,174-183,Storr Predictive socioeconomic and clinical profiles of antidepressant response and remission,2013,30,7,624-630,Leuchter A pilot randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavioral therapy for perinatal depression adapted for women with low incomes,2013,30,7,679-687,Flynn White matter integrity and its relationship to PTSD and childhood trauma: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,30,3,207-216,Walter Major depressive disorder among older african americans caribbean blacks and non-hispanic whites: secondary analysis of the national survey of american life,2013,30,6,589-597,Taylor Youth genetic vulnerability to maternal depressive symptoms: 5-httlpr as moderator of intergenerational transmission effects in a multiwave prospective study,2013,30,3,190-196,Hankin Irritable mood in adult major depressive disorder: results from the world mental health surveys,2013,30,4,395-406,Stein Is adolescent generalized anxiety disorder a magnet for negative parental interpersonal behaviors?,2013,30,9,849-856,Meeus Impact of impaired sleep on the development of PTSD symptoms in combat veterans: a prospective longitudinal cohort study,2013,30,5,469-474,Vermetten Risk factors for post-injury mental health problems,2013,30,4,321-327,Stein The association between anxiety disorders and suicidal behaviors: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,30,10,917-929,Murad Synergistic relationships among stress depression and troubled relationships: insights from psychoneuroimmunology,2013,30,4,288-296,Kiecolt-Glaser Knowledge attitudes and practices of emergency department providers in the care of suicidal patients,2013,30,10,1005-1012,Miller Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adolescence predicts onset of major depressive disorder through early adulthood,2013,30,6,546-553,Pettit Major depressive disorder in vulnerable groups of older adults their course and treatment and psychiatric comorbidity,2013,30,6,528-537,Chou Psychological resilience in older U.S. Veterans: results from the national health and resilience in veterans study,2013,30,5,432-443,Pietrzak Suicidal ideation is associated with elevated inflammation in patients with major depressive disorder,2013,30,4,307-314,Malone Lethal means restriction for suicide prevention: beliefs and behaviors of emergency department providers,2013,30,10,1013-1020,Barber Anxiety symptoms as precursors of major depression and suicidal ideation,2013,30,10,908-916,Batterham Neurobiology of anxious depression: a review,2013,30,4,374-385,Ionescu Potentially traumatic events and the risk of six physical health conditions in a population-based sample,2013,30,5,451-460,Koenen Impact of childhood adversity on the course and suicidality of depressive disorders: the Crescend study,2013,30,10,965-974,Kim Patterns of symptom onset and remission in episodes of hopelessness depression,2013,30,6,564-573,Alloy Decreased brainstem and putamen sert binding potential in depressed suicide attempters using [(11) c]-zient pet imaging,2013,30,10,902-907,Purselle Anxiety and 10-year risk of incident and recurrent depressive symptomatology in older adults,2013,30,6,554-563,Tzourio Sexual obsessions in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes,2013,30,8,732-740,Mataix-Cols Atypical depressive symptoms and obesity in a national sample of older adults with major depressive disorder,2013,30,6,574-579,Chou Suicide and anxiety in DSM-5,2013,30,10,898-901,Fawcett Extreme obesity is associated with suicidal behavior and suicide attempts in adults: results of a population-based representative sample,2013,30,10,975-981,Brahler Mindfulness and emotion regulation in depression and anxiety: common and distinct mechanisms of action,2013,30,7,654-661,Vine Developmental timing of child maltreatment and symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation in young adulthood: results from the national longitudinal study of adolescent health,2013,30,10,955-964,Slopen The role of peer rejection in adolescent depression,2013,30,9,809-821,Lau A pilot study of group Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),2013,30,7,638-645,Robinson Dwelling on potential threat cues: an eye movement marker for combat-related ptsd,2013,30,5,497-502,Armstrong Posttraumatic stress disorder among preschoolers exposed to ongoing missile attacks in the Gaza War,2013,30,5,425-431,Harpaz-Rotem Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder reduces suicidal ideation,2013,30,10,1046-1053,Resick A systematic review of school-based suicide prevention programs,2013,30,10,1030-1045,Sareen Prospective study of substance-induced and independent major depressive disorder among individuals with substance use disorders in a nationally representative sample,2013,30,6,538-545,Magidson Role of maternal childhood trauma on parenting among depressed mothers of psychiatrically ill children,2013,30,9,792-799,Cyranowski Smoking and suicidality in subjects with bipolar disorder: results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions (NESARC),2013,30,10,982-990,Nierenberg Self-attributed seasonality of mood and behavior: a report from the Netherlands study of depression and anxiety,2014,31,6,517-523,Penninx The Sertraline versus Electrical Current Therapy for Treating Depression Clinical Trial (SELECT-TDCS): results of the crossover and follow-up phases,2013,30,7,646-653,Fregni Religiosity and longitudinal change in psychosocial functioning in adult offspring of depressed parents at high risk for major depression,2014,31,1,63-71,Kasen Gatekeeper training for suicide prevention in first nations community members: a randomized controlled trial,2013,30,10,1021-1029,Stein Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism alcohol use and their interactions in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder,2013,30,12,1194-1201,Chung The latent structure and comorbidity patterns of generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder: a national study,2014,31,3,214-222,Wall Measuring depression and anxiety in sub-Saharan Africa,2014,31,3,223-232,Sweetland Factors impacting decisions to decline or adhere to antidepressant medication in perinatal women with mood and anxiety disorders,2013,30,11,1129-1136,Spidel Attention bias to threat faces in severe mood dysregulation,2014,31,7,559-565,Pine Demographic and clinical characteristics of consistent and inconsistent longitudinal reporters of lifetime suicide attempts in adolescence through young adulthood,2013,30,10,997-1004,Wilcox Irritability in child and adolescent anxiety disorders,2014,31,7,566-573,Pine Using Mendelian randomisation to infer causality in depression and anxiety research,2013,30,12,1185-1193,Hickman Posttraumatic stress disorder increases risk for suicide attempt in adults with recurrent major depression,2013,30,10,940-946,Weissman Cortisol awakening response in adolescents with acute sexual abuse related posttraumatic stress disorder,2014,31,2,107-114,Granger Comparison of criminal activity between Israeli veterans with and without PTSD,2014,31,2,143-149,Fostick Yoga for depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,30,11,1068-1083,Cramer Synchronous telehealth technologies in psychotherapy for depression: a meta-analysis,2013,30,11,1058-1067,Osenbach Family aggregation and risk factors of obsessive-compulsive disorders in a nationwide three-generation study,2013,30,12,1177-1184,Steinhausen Sex differences in DNA methylation may contribute to risk of PTSD and depression: A review of existing evidence,2013,30,12,1151-1160,Koenen Postdeployment threat-related attention bias interacts with combat exposure to account for ptsd and anxiety symptoms in soldiers,2014,31,2,124-129,Adler Enhancing Hispanic participation in mental health clinical research: development of a spanish-speaking depression research site,2014,31,3,258-267,Kelley Depression and exposure to suicide predict suicide attempt,2013,30,10,991-996,Nanayakkara Biomarkers in pediatric depression,2013,30,9,787-791,Rao Energy drink consumption is associated with anxiety in Australian young adult males,2014,31,5,420-428,Robinson Developmental inter-relations between early maternal depression contextual risks and interpersonal stress and their effect on later child cognitive functioning,2013,31,7,599-607,Barker Recurrence of major depressive episodes is strongly dependent on the number of previous episodes,2014,31,1,72-76,Patten Does relational dysfunction mediate the association between anxiety disorders and later depression? Testing an interpersonal model of comorbidity,2014,31,1,77-86,Hammen Acute and chronic stress exposure predicts 1-year recurrence in adult outpatients with residual depression symptoms following response to treatment,2014,31,1,1-8,Harkness Mothers' own recollections of being parented and risk of offspring depression 18 years later: A prospective cohort study,2014,31,1,38-43,Lewis Longitudinal follow-up study of adolescents who report a suicide attempt: Aspects of suicidal behavior that increase risk of a future attempt,2014,31,1,19-26,Shaffer Corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 2 (crhr-2) gene is associated with decreased risk and severity of posttraumatic stress disorder in women,2013,30,12,1161-1169,Wolf Neighborhood characteristics and differential risk for depressive and anxiety disorders across racial/ethnic groups in the United States,2014,31,1,27-37,Alegria Anxiety disorders are independently associated with suicide ideation and attempts: Propensity score matching in two epidemiological samples,2013,30,10,947-954,Sareen Suicide among united states military personnel: determining the root causes,2013,30,10,896-897,Stein Suicide: the long and winding road from research to practice,2013,30,10,893-895,Roy-Byrne Cumulative traumas and risk thresholds: 12-month PTSD in the World Mental Health (WMH) surveys,2014,31,2,130-142,Stein Anxious forms of depression,2014,31,4,344-351,Goldberg Functional polymorphism in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene interacts with stressful life events but not childhood maltreatment in the etiology of depression,2014,31,4,326-334,Craig Perceived social support mediates anxiety and depressive symptom changes following primary care intervention,2014,31,5,436-442,Stein The effect of gender age and symptom severity in late-life depression on the risk of all-cause mortality: the bambuÍ cohort study of aging,2013,31,9,787-795,Reynolds Primum non nocere (first do no harm): Symptom worsening and improvement in female assault victims after prolonged exposure for PTSD,2014,31,5,412-419,Resick Data-driven course trajectories in primary care patients with major depressive disorder,2014,31,9,778-786,de Jonge Maternal depressive anxious and stress symptoms during pregnancy predict internalizing problems in adolescence,2014,31,1,9-18,Alati Early-life predictors of internalizing symptom trajectories in Canadian children,2014,31,7,608-616,Colman Major depressive disorder subtypes to predict long-term course,2014,31,9,765-777,Medina-Mora Obsessive-compulsive disorder and female reproductive cycle events: Results from the OCD and reproduction collaborative study,2014,31,12,979-987,Denys Efficacy and acceptability of acute treatments for persistent depressive disorder: A network meta-analysis,2014,31,8,621-630,Kriston Challenging the myth of an "epidemic" of common mental disorders: Trends in the global prevalence of anxiety and depression between 1990 and 2010,2014,31,6,506-516,Vos Six-month postintervention depression and disability outcomes of in-home telehealth problem-solving therapy for depressed low-income homebound older adults,2014,31,8,653-661,Bruce Neurobiology of stress depression and rapid acting antidepressants: remodeling synaptic connections,2014,31,4,291-296,Duman C'mon get happy: reduced magnitude and duration of response during a positive-affect induction in depression,2014,31,11,952-960,Siegle Cognitive processes and emotion regulation in depression,2014,31,4,308-315,Joormann Effects of ketamine on explicit and implicit suicidal cognition: a randomized controlled trial in treatment-resistant depression,2014,31,4,335-343,Charney What is the threshold for a clinically relevant effect? The case of major depressive disorders,2014,31,5,374-378,Cuijpers Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia: influence of slight-to-moderate depressive symptom severity and worrying,2014,31,8,662-668,Hamoen The relationship between maternal depressive anxious and stress symptoms during pregnancy and adult offspring behavioral and emotional problems,2014,32,2,82-90,Alati Peer victimization during adolescence and risk for anxiety disorders in adulthood: a prospective cohort study,2014,31,7,574-582,Lewis Prevalence of psychiatric disorders and functional impairment after loss of a family member: a longitudinal study after the 2004 tsunami,2014,32,1,49-56,Heir Neural correlates of risky decision making in anxious youth and healthy controls,2014,31,7,591-598,Galvan Adjustment among children with relatives who participated in the manhunt following the Boston Marathon attack,2014,31,7,542-550,Comer Are women's parenting-specific beliefs associated with depressive symptoms in the perinatal period? Development of the rigidity of maternal beliefs scale,2014,32,2,141-148,Flynn Long-term outcomes among child and adolescent survivors of the 2010 haitian earthquake,2014,32,1,57-63,Cénat Development and validation of a prediction algorithm for use by health professionals in prediction of recurrence of major depression,2014,31,5,451-457,Sareen DSM-5 and ICD-11 definitions of posttraumatic stress disorder: investigating "narrow" and "broad" approaches,2014,31,6,494-505,Stein The role of psychiatric cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal comorbidity in the recurrence of depression-related work disability,2014,31,9,796-803,Oksanen The emotional and physical pains of trauma: contemporary and innovative approaches for treating co-occurring ptsd and chronic pain,2014,31,9,717-720,Asmundson Amygdala response to negative stimuli predicts PTSD symptom onset following a terrorist attack,2014,31,10,834-842,McLaughlin The temporal relationship between mental health and disability after injury,2014,32,1,64-71,O'donnell Personality disorders and the persistence of anxiety disorders in a nationally representative sample,2014,31,9,721-728,Skodol Media exposure and sympathetic nervous system reactivity predict ptsd symptoms after the Boston marathon bombings,2014,31,7,551-558,McLaughlin Gender differences in the long-term associations between posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms: findings from the Detroit Neighborhood Health Study,2014,32,1,38-48,Koenen Association between early temperament and depression at 18 years,2014,31,9,729-736,Araya Childhood maltreatment and combat posttraumatic stress differentially predict fear-related fronto-subcortical connectivity,2014,31,10,880-892,Germain An investigation of the interactive effects of the capability for suicide and acute agitation on suicidality in a military sample,2014,32,1,25-31,Nock Social anxiety and insomnia: the mediating role of depressive symptoms,2008,25,2,124-130,Schmidt The impact of ptsd treatment on the cortisol awakening response,2014,31,10,862-869,Delahanty Toward a greater understanding of mental health issues in today's military,2014,32,1,1-2,Keane Prevalence and correlates of suicidal behavior among new soldiers in the U.S. Army: results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS),2014,32,1,3-12,Stein Lifetime prevalence of dsm-iv mental disorders among new soldiers in the u.S. Army: results from the army study to assess risk and resilience in servicemembers (army starrs),2014,32,1,13-24,Stein Gender as predictor and moderator of outcome in cognitive behavior therapy and pharmacotherapy for adult depression: an "individual patient data" meta-analysis,2014,31,11,941-951,Hegerl Comorbid anxiety as a differential treatment predictor for telephone versus face-to-face administered cognitive behavioral therapy for depression,2014,31,11,934-940,Mohr Use of large data sets and the future of personalized treatment,2014,31,11,916-919,Perlis Internet psychotherapy and the future of personalized treatment,2014,31,11,912-915,Andrews CBT and the future of personalized treatment: a proposal,2014,31,11,909-911,Sauer-Zavala Psychopharmacology and the future of personalized treatment,2014,31,11,906-908,Nemeroff Biomarker studies and the future of personalized treatment for depression,2014,31,11,902-905,Weissman Psychiatric genetics and the future of personalized treatment,2014,31,11,893-898,Smoller Suicide risk assessment in the emergency department: out of the darkness,2014,32,2,73-75,Bolton Developmental differences in the linkages between anxiety control beliefs and posttraumatic stress in youth,2014,32,5,356-363,Weems Measuring cognitive function in MDD: emerging assessment tools,2014,32,4,262-269,Burdick Adolescent suicide attempts and adult adjustment,2014,32,4,270-276,Rohde Are there racial/ethnic disparities in VA PTSD treatment retention?,2014,32,6,415-425,Murdoch Are symptom features of depression during pregnancy the postpartum period and outside the peripartum period distinct? Results from a nationally representative sample using item response theory (IRT),2014,32,2,129-140,Limosin Avoidance moderates the association between mothers' and children's fears: findings from a novel motion-tracking behavioral assessment,2014,32,2,91-98,Silverman A prospective study of severe irritability in youths: 2- and 4-year follow-up,2014,32,5,364-372,Leibenluft Tactics of the war on suicide,2014,31,12,961-963,Moutier A multivariate twin study of trait mindfulness depressive symptoms and anxiety sensitivity,2015,32,4,254-261,Eley Intimate partner violence and new-onset depression: a longitudinal study of women's childhood and adult histories of abuse,2015,32,5,316-324,Moffitt 24-hour activity rhythm and sleep disturbances in depression and anxiety: a population-based study of middle-aged and older persons,2015,32,9,684-692,Tiemeier The temporal relationship between change in symptoms of prolonged grief and posttraumatic stress following old age spousal bereavement,2015,32,5,335-340,Nickerson The association between depression and leukocyte telomere length: a meta-analysis,2015,32,4,229-238,Schutte Suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children and adolescents with chronic tic disorders,2015,32,10,744-753,Storch Incidental threat during visuospatial working memory in adolescent anxiety: an emotional memory-guided saccade task,2015,32,4,289-295,Pine Detection of anxiety disorders in primary care: a meta-analysis of assisted and unassisted diagnoses,2015,32,7,471-484,Alonso Reward learning in pediatric depression and anxiety: preliminary findings in a high-risk sample,2015,32,5,373-381,Yaroslavsky Long-term outcome of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in recurrently depressed patients with and without a depressive episode at baseline,2015,32,8,563-569,Speckens Meta-analysis of acute exercise effects on state anxiety: an update of randomized controlled trials over the past 25 years,2015,32,8,624-634,Motl Belonging protects against postdeployment depression in military personnel,2015,32,5,349-355,Bryan Sex differences in help seeking for mood and anxiety disorders in the national comorbidity survey-replication,2015,32,11,853-860,Mojtabai Cognition-childhood maltreatment interactions in the prediction of antidepressant outcomes in major depressive disorder patients: results from the iSPOT-D trial,2015,32,8,594-604,McTeague Longitudinal course of posttraumatic growth among U.S. military veterans: results from the national health and resilience in veterans study,2015,33,1,9-18,Pietrzak An open trial of emotion regulation therapy for generalized anxiety disorder and cooccurring depression,2015,32,8,614-623,Heimberg Personality and depressive symptoms: individual participant meta-analysis of 10 cohort studies,2015,32,7,461-470,Virtanen The impact of late-life anxiety and depression on cognitive flexibility and cognitive restructuring skill acquisition,2015,32,10,754-762,Rapee Epidemiologic research on interpersonal violence and common psychiatric disorders: where do we go from here?,2012,29,5,359-385,Galea Sleep duration and depression among adults: a meta-analysis of prospective studies,2015,32,9,664-670,Zhang Depression mediates the relation of insomnia severity with suicide risk in three clinical samples of U.S. Military personnel,2015,32,9,647-655,Morrow Maternal experience of abuse in childhood and depressive symptoms in adolescent and adult offspring: a 21-year longitudinal study,2015,32,10,709-719,Koenen Effects of religious versus standard cognitive-behavioral therapy on optimism in persons with major depression and chronic medical illness,2015,32,11,835-842,Pearce Factors associated with posttraumatic stress disorder following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: a prospective study,2015,33,1,19-26,Johnston Perceptions of close and group relationships mediate the relationship between anxiety and depression over a decade later,2015,33,1,66-74,Jacobson Preventing child and adolescent anxiety disorders: overview of systematic reviews,2015,32,12,909-918,Bennett Methylation of serotonin receptor 3A in ADHD borderline personality and bipolar disorders: link with severity of the disorders and childhood maltreatment,2015,33,1,45-55,Prada Chronotype associations with depression and anxiety disorders in a large cohort study,2015,33,1,75-83,Penninx Changes in regional brain activation related to depressive state: a 2-year longitudinal functional mri study,2015,33,1,35-44,Aleman Sleep and treatment outcome in posttraumatic stress disorder: results from an effectiveness study,2015,33,7,575-583,Wild Substance use and suicidality: specificity of substance use by injection to suicide attempts in a nationally representative sample of adults with major depression,2015,33,6,541-548,Liu Classification of anxiety disorders comorbid with major depression: common or distinct influences on risk?,2015,33,2,120-127,Kendler Childhood maltreatment and the course of depressive and anxiety disorders: the contribution of personality characteristics,2015,33,1,27-34,Penninx Cohort effects of suicide mortality are sex specific in the rapidly developed Hong Kong Chinese population 1976-2010,2015,33,6,558-566,Chan Anxious and aggressive: the co-occurrence of IED with anxiety disorders,2015,33,2,101-111,Heimberg Influence of study design on treatment response in anxiety disorder clinical trials,2015,32,12,944-957,Roose Group-based symptom trajectories in indicated prevention of adolescent depression,2015,33,5,444-451,Morizot A comprehensive examination of white matter tracts and connectometry in major depressive disorder,2015,33,1,56-65,Weissman Symptom and functional traits of brief major depressive episodes and discrimination of bereavement,2015,33,2,112-119,McCabe IoM report on psychosocial interventions for mental and substance use disorders: the interpersonal psychotherapy perspective,2015,32,11,793-795,Swartz Realizing missed opportunities for improving mental health care quality: bridging the great divide in the delivery of psychosocial treatments,2015,32,11,805-808,Karlin Evidence-based psychosocial interventions: novel challenges for training and implementation,2015,32,11,802-804,Oquendo IoM report on psychosocial interventions: commentary from a DBT perspective,2015,32,11,799-801,Comtois IoM report on psychosocial treatments: CBT perspective,2015,32,11,790-792,Hollon The Institute of Medicine (IoM) sets a framework for evidence-based standards for psychotherapy,2015,32,11,787-789,Weissman Translating research to practice: too much research not enough practice?,2015,32,11,785-786,Roy-Byrne The IoM framework for developing evidence-based standards in the field of psychosocial interventions for mental illness and substance abuse: a dynamic researcher's perspective. Cause for concern,2015,32,11,796-798,Milrod Taking the pulse of prolonged exposure therapy: physiological reactivity to trauma imagery as an objective measure of treatment response,2015,32,12,927-934,Tuerk Efficacy and long-term clinical outcome of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder after electroconvulsive therapy,2015,33,7,640-647,Nemeroff Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: evidence for two dimensions,2015,33,2,128-135,Murphy Psychiatric comorbidity does not only depend on diagnostic thresholds: an illustration with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder,2015,33,2,143-152,Schoevers Reductions in cannabis use are associated with mood improvement in female emerging adults,2015,33,4,332-338,Anderson Evaluating potential iatrogenic suicide risk in trauma-focused group cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of PTSD in active duty military personnel,2015,33,6,549-557,Resick Psychological treatment of depression in college students: a metaanalysis,2015,33,5,400-414,Kessler Emotional availability in mother-child interaction: the effects of maternal depression in remission and additional history of childhood abuse,2015,33,7,648-657,Brunner PTSD symptoms across pregnancy and early postpartum among women with lifetime PTSD diagnosis,2016,33,7,584-591,Seng Impaired fear extinction associated with ptsd increases with hours-since-waking,2016,33,3,203-210,Palmer Plasma oxytocin concentration and depressive symptoms: a review of current evidence and directions for future research,2016,33,4,316-322,Massey Specific mood symptoms confer risk for subsequent suicidal ideation in bipolar disorder with and without suicide attempt history: multi-wave data from STEP-BD,2016,33,6,464-472,Nierenberg Association between social media use and depression among U.S. young adults,2016,33,4,323-331,Miller Effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy versus collaborative assessment and management of suicidality treatment for reduction of self-harm in adults with borderline personality traits and disorder-a randomized observer-blinded clinical trial,2016,33,6,520-530,Nordentoft Symptom benchmarks of improved quality of life in PTSD,2016,33,3,247-255,Schnurr Suicidal depressed patients respond less well to antidepressants in the short term,2016,33,6,483-494,Courtet High and low threshold for startle reactivity associated with PTSD symptoms but not PTSD risk: evidence from a prospective study of active duty marines,2016,33,3,192-202,Baker Prepulse inhibition deficits only in females with obsessive-compulsive disorder,2016,33,3,238-246,Wall PTSD remission after prolonged exposure treatment is associated with anterior cingulate cortex thinning and volume reduction,2016,33,5,384-391,Mann Aberrant resting-state brain activity in posttraumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis and systematic review,2016,33,7,592-605,Olff Trauma exposure and risk of suicidal ideation among ethnically diverse adults,2016,33,6,495-501,Maguen The role of response inhibition in medicated and unmedicated obsessive-compulsive disorder patients: evidence from the stop-signal task,2016,34,3,301-306,Simpson Lethal means access and assessment among suicidal emergency department patients,2016,33,6,502-511,Barber Posttraumatic stress symptoms and aversion to ambiguous losses in combat veterans,2016,33,7,606-613,Harpaz-Rotem The long-term efficacy of acute-phase psychotherapy for depression: a meta-analysis of randomized trials,2016,33,5,370-383,Cuijpers Individualized yoga for reducing depression and anxiety and improving well-being: a randomized controlled trial,2016,33,9,816-828,Smith Glucocorticoid receptor-related genes: genotype and brain gene expression relationships to suicide and major depressive disorder,2016,33,6,531-540,Mann Morbid thoughts and suicidal ideation in Iraq war veterans: the role of direct and indirect killing in combat,2016,33,6,473-482,Weiner Randomized trial of interpersonal psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy for major depressive disorder in a community-based psychiatric outpatient clinic,2016,33,12,1090-1098,Andersson Child sexual abuse bullying cyberbullying and mental health problems among high schools students: a moderated mediated model,2016,33,7,623-629,Hébert Epigenetic variation at ska2 predicts suicide phenotypes and internalizing psychopathology,2016,33,4,308-315,Wolf Structural and functional connectivity in posttraumatic stress disorder: associations with FKBP5,2016,33,4,300-307,Ressler Altered default mode network (DMN) resting state functional connectivity following a mindfulness-based exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in combat veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq,2016,33,4,289-299,Giardino Neural reactivity to reward as a predictor of cognitive behavioral therapy response in anxiety and depression,2016,33,4,281-288,Shankman Genome-wide association study (GWAS) and genome-wide by environment interaction study (GWEIS) of depressive symptoms in African American and Hispanic/Latina women,2016,33,4,265-280,Koenen A study of the pattern of response to rTMS treatment in depression,2016,33,8,746-753,Fitzgerald Childhood maltreatment predicts reduced inhibition-related activity in the rostral anterior cingulate in ptsd but not trauma-exposed controls,2016,33,7,614-622,Ressler Ketamine: a potential rapid-acting antisuicidal agent?,2016,33,8,711-717,Sanacora Nut consumption is associated with depressive symptoms among Chinese adults,2016,33,11,1065-1072,Liu Educational attainment as a protective factor for psychiatric disorders: findings from a nationally representative longitudinal study,2016,33,11,1013-1022,Stein A dilemma-focused intervention for depression: a multicenter randomized controlled trial with a 3-month follow-up,2016,33,9,862-869,Bados Psychologies of small differences,2016,33,5,357-358,Markowitz Commentary on de Jongh et al. (2016) critique of ISTSS complex PTSD guidelines: finding the way forward,2016,33,5,355-356,Cloitre Bidirectional prospective associations of metabolic syndrome components with depression anxiety and antidepressant use,2016,33,8,754-764,Penninx Anxiety patients show reduced working memory related DLPFC activation during safety and threat,2016,34,1,25-36,Ernst Chronicity of depression and molecular markers in a large sample of Han Chinese women,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Self-rated expectations of suicidal behavior predict future suicide attempts among adolescent and young adult psychiatric emergency patients,2016,33,6,512-519,King Psychotherapy versus pharmacotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: systemic review and meta-analyses to determine first-line treatments,2016,33,9,792-806,Hoge Naturalistic course of major depressive disorder predicted by clinical and structural neuroimaging data: a 5-year follow-up,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trujols Prenatal exposure to maternal and paternal depressive symptoms and brain morphology: a population-based prospective neuroimaging study in young children,2016,33,7,658-666,Verhulst Attentional bias temporal dynamics predict posttraumatic stress symptoms: a prospective-longitudinal study among soldiers,2016,33,7,630-639,Wittchen Recent and needed advances in the understanding prediction and prevention of suicidal behavior,2016,33,6,460-463,Nock A review of ketamine abuse and diversion,2016,33,8,718-727,Gold Effectiveness of internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,33,9,783-791,Cuijpers Parental social networks during childhood and offspring depression in early adulthood: a lifecourse approach,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Melchior The classification of anxiety and fear-related disorders in the ICD-11,2016,33,12,1141-1154,Stein Pathways to anxiety-depression comorbidity: a longitudinal examination of childhood anxiety disorders,2016,33,10,978-986,Marcus Disqualified qualifiers: evaluating the utility of the revised DSM-5 definition of potentially traumatic events among area youth following the Boston Marathon bombing,2016,34,4,367-373,Comer Comorbid anxiety increases cognitive control activation in major depressive disorder,2016,33,10,967-977,Zubieta Decrease in somatostatin-positive cell density in the amygdala of females with major depression,2016,34,1,68-78,Sibille Catastrophizing rumination and reappraisal prospectively predict adolescent PTSD symptom onset following a terrorist attack,2016,33,11,1039-1047,Beck Persistent maternal depressive symptoms trajectories influence children's IQ: the EDEN mother-child cohort,2016,34,2,105-117,Melchior Effectiveness of a culturally attuned Internet-based depression prevention program for Chinese adolescents: a randomized controlled trial,2016,33,12,1123-1131,Chan Self-reported obstructive sleep apnea is associated with nonresponse to antidepressant pharmacotherapy in late-life depression,2016,33,12,1107-1113,Reynolds Defining biotypes for depression and anxiety based on large-scale circuit dysfunction: a theoretical review of the evidence and future directions for clinical translation,2016,34,1,9-24,Williams Six-year trajectory of objective physical function in persons with depressive and anxiety disorders,2016,34,2,188-197,Penninx Treatment for anhedonia: a neuroscience driven approach,2016,33,10,927-938,Craske Psychobiology of the intersection and divergence of depression and anxiety,2016,33,10,891-894,Pizzagalli Treatment and prevention of depression and anxiety in youth: test of cross-over effects,2016,33,10,939-959,Garber Prediction of suicidal behavior in high risk psychiatric patients using an assessment of acute suicidal state: the suicide crisis inventory,2016,34,2,147-158,Yaseen Spared internal but impaired external reward prediction error signals in major depressive disorder during reinforcement learning,2016,34,1,89-96,De Raedt A simple attention test in the acute phase of a major depressive episode is predictive of later functional remission,2016,34,2,159-170,Gorwood What people with PTSD symptoms do (and do not) know about PTSD: a national survey,2016,34,4,374-382,Hamblen Posttraumatic stress disorder associated with unexpected death of a loved one: cross-national findings from the world mental health surveys,2016,34,4,315-326,Stein Repeated trauma exposure does not impair distress reduction during imaginal exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder,2016,34,8,671-678,Zoellner Melancholic and atypical depression as predictor and moderator of outcome in cognitive behavior therapy and pharmacotherapy for adult depression,2016,34,3,246-256,Cuijpers Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for major depressive disorder: a randomized controlled trial,2016,34,3,236-245,Killgore Altered resting state functional connectivity of fear and reward circuitry in comorbid PTSD and major depression,2016,34,7,641-650,Neria The association of antidepressant drug usage with cognitive impairment or dementia including Alzheimer disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,34,3,217-226,Moraros Upregulating the positive affect system in anxiety and depression: outcomes of a positive activity intervention,2017,34,3,267-280,Stein Depression impacts the physiological responsiveness of mother-daughter dyads during social interaction,2017,34,2,118-126,Cyranowski Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and cognitive function in a large cohort of middle-aged women,2017,34,4,356-366,Koenen An examination of the etiologic overlap between the genetic and environmental influences on insomnia and common psychopathology,2017,34,5,453-462,Amstadter The risk factors for postpartum depression: a population-based study,2017,34,2,178-187,Lichtenstein Beliefs about the causes of depression and recovery and their impact on adherence dosage and successful tapering of antidepressants,2017,34,3,227-235,Burger Relationship between the hippocampal shape abnormality and serum cortisol levels in first-episode and drug-naïve major depressive disorder patients,2017,34,5,401-409,Yoshimura Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol do not affect 6-month mood-stabilizing treatment outcome among 482 patients with bipolar disorder,2017,34,3,281-290,Nierenberg Acute stress disorder and the transition to posttraumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents: prevalence course prognosis diagnostic suitability and risk markers,2017,34,4,348-355,Boyle Association of peripartum synthetic oxytocin administration and depressive and anxiety disorders within the first postpartum year,2017,34,2,137-146,Kroll-Desrosiers Age of onset and family history as indicators of polygenic risk for major depression,2017,34,5,446-452,Edwards Depression care among depressed adults with and without comorbid substance use disorders in the United States,2017,34,3,291-300,Olfson Mobile assessment of heightened skin conductance in posttraumatic stress disorder,2017,34,6,502-507,Rothbaum Marijuana and other cannabinoids as a treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder: a literature review,2017,34,3,207-216,Steenkamp Disruption of white matter structural integrity and connectivity in posttraumatic stress disorder: a TBSS and tractography study,2017,34,5,437-445,Rauch Moral injury in U.S. combat veterans: results from the national health and resilience in veterans study,2017,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marx PTSD and cognitive symptoms relate to inhibition-related prefrontal activation and functional connectivity,2017,34,5,427-436,Aupperle History of sexual trauma moderates psychotherapy outcome for posttraumatic stress disorder,2017,34,8,692-700,Neria Associations of childhood bullying victimization with lifetime suicidal behaviors among new U.S. Army soldiers,2017,34,8,701-710,Stein Posttraumatic stress disorder and accelerated aging: PTSD and leukocyte telomere length in a sample of civilian women,2017,34,5,391-400,Rimm Meta-analysis of interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in adult survivors of mass violence in low- and middle-income countries,2017,34,8,679-691,Morina The feasibility acceptability and outcomes of PRIME-D: a novel mobile intervention treatment for depression,2017,34,6,546-554,Anguera Well-being therapy in depression: new insights into the role of psychological well-being in the clinical process,2017,34,9,801-808,Guidi Subjective and objective sleep quality modulate emotion regulatory brain function in anxiety and depression,2017,34,7,651-660,Phan Between-visit changes in suicidal ideation and risk of subsequent suicide attempt,2017,34,9,794-800,Simon Digital technology and clinical decision making in depression treatment: current findings and future opportunities,2017,34,6,494-501,Atkins Predicting suicide with the SAD PERSONS scale,2017,34,9,809-816,Sareen Internet and mobile interventions for depression: opportunities and challenges,2017,34,7,596-602,Cuijpers New directions for the treatment of depression: targeting the photic regulation of arousal and mood (PRAM) pathway,2017,34,7,588-595,Bowrey Predictors of PTSD 40 years after combat: findings from the National Vietnam Veterans Longitudinal Study,2017,34,8,711-722,Horesh The role of family history of depression and the menopausal transition in the development of major depression in midlife women: Study of women's health across the nation mental health study (SWAN MHS),2017,34,9,826-835,Cyranowski Fear learning alterations after traumatic brain injury and their role in development of posttraumatic stress symptoms,2017,34,8,723-733,Baker Perceiving social pressure not to feel negative predicts depressive symptoms in daily life,2017,34,9,836-844,Kuppens Ecological momentary interventions for depression and anxiety,2017,34,6,540-545,Mohr Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity is associated with reduced default mode network connectivity in individuals with elevated genetic risk for psychopathology,2017,34,7,632-640,Wolf Are there sensitive periods when child maltreatment substantially elevates suicide risk? Results from a nationally representative sample of adolescents,2017,34,8,734-741,Nock Latent structure of negative valence measures in childhood,2017,34,8,742-751,Pine Internet-based guided self-help for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): randomized controlled trial,2017,34,6,555-565,Bisson Technology and mental health,2017,34,6,479-480,Cuijpers Maternal depression and bullying victimization among adolescents: results from the 2004 Pelotas Cohort Study,2017,34,10,897-907,Barros Increased neural response to social rejection in major depression,2017,34,11,1049-1056,Milders Atypical depression and double depression predict new-onset cardiovascular disease in U.S. adults,2018,35,1,10-17,Sawhney Is cannabis treatment for anxiety mood and related disorders ready for prime time?,2017,34,11,1006-1017,Patterson Sensing behavioral symptoms of mental health and delivering personalized interventions using mobile technologies,2017,34,7,603-609,Aung Examining the scope and patterns of deliberate self-injurious cutting content in popular social media,2017,34,9,786-793,Comer Transdiagnostic emotional vulnerabilities linking obsessive-compulsive and depressive symptoms in a community-based sample of adolescents,2017,34,8,761-769,Chasson Prediction of treatment outcomes to exercise in patients with nonremitted major depressive disorder,2017,34,12,1116-1122,Rush Changing of the guard at depression and anxiety,2017,34,7,575,Stein Endogenous oxytocin is associated with the experience of compassion and recalled upbringing in borderline personality disorder,2018,35,1,50-57,Edel The impact of enhancing perceived self-efficacy in torture survivors,2018,35,1,58-64,Nickerson The relationship between depression and chronotype: a longitudinal assessment during childhood and adolescence,2017,34,10,967-976,Hankin Parenting mediates the impact of maternal depression on child internalizing symptoms,2018,35,1,89-97,Kuckertz A decline in depression treatment following FDA antidepressant warnings largely explains racial/ethnic disparities in prescription fills,2017,34,12,1147-1156,Cook The effect of perinatal depression treatment for mothers on parenting and child development: A systematic review,2017,34,10,928-966,Dennis Proximal relationships between social support and PTSD symptom severity: a daily diary study of sexual assault survivors,2018,35,1,43-49,Kaysen Understanding suicide risk within the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework: a meta-analytic review,2018,35,1,65-88,Nock Predictive validity and correlates of self-assessed resilience among U.S. Army soldiers,2018,35,2,122-131,Stein The impact of race and ethnicity on rates of return to psychotherapy for depression,2017,34,12,1157-1163,Simon Seeing the signs: using the course of residual depressive symptomatology to predict patterns of relapse and recurrence of major depressive disorder,2018,35,2,148-159,de Jonge Anhedonia is associated with suicidal ideation independently of depression: a meta-analysis,2018,35,5,382-392,Courtet Changes in coping and social motives for drinking and alcohol consumption across the menstrual cycle,2018,35,4,313-320,O'Connor Finding treatment-resistant depression in real-world data: how a data-driven approach compares with expert-based heuristics,2018,35,3,220-228,Ryan Trauma exposure and undetected posttraumatic stress disorder among adults with a mental disorder,2018,35,2,178-184,Jones A classical twin study of PTSD symptoms and resilience: evidence for a single spectrum of vulnerability to traumatic stress,2018,35,2,132-139,Goldberg A longitudinal study of women's depression symptom profiles during and after the postpartum phase,2018,35,4,292-304,Glynn Early psychological impact of Paris terrorist attacks on healthcare emergency staff: a cross-sectional study,2018,35,3,275-282,Adnet Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (CPTSD) as per ICD-11 proposals: a population study in Israel,2018,35,3,264-274,Brewin Duration of maternal mental health-related outcomes after an infant's death: a retrospective matched cohort study using linkable administrative data,2018,35,4,305-312,Bolton Prospective association of depression and phobic anxiety with changes in telomere lengths over 11 years,2018,35,5,431-439,Rosner Impact and change of attitudes toward Internet interventions within a randomized controlled trial on individuals with depression symptoms,2018,35,5,421-430,Hohagen In rape trauma PTSD patient characteristics indicate which trauma-focused treatment they are most likely to complete,2018,35,4,330-338,Resick Indicators to facilitate the early identification of patients with major depressive disorder in need of highly specialized care: a concept mapping study,2018,35,4,346-352,Spijker A longitudinal study of risk factors for suicide attempts among Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans,2018,35,7,609-618,Nock Evaluating dimensional models of psychopathology in outpatients diagnosed with emotional disorders: a cautionary tale,2018,35,9,898-902,Conway Digital phenotyping of suicidal thoughts,2018,35,7,601-608,Nock Cognitive performance in antidepressant-free recurrent major depressive disorder,2018,35,8,694-699,McQuoid Risk and protective factors underlying depression and suicidal ideation in autism spectrum disorder,2018,35,7,648-657,Trollor Individual treatment selection for patients with posttraumatic stress disorder,2018,35,6,541-550,Schwartz Initial severity and antidepressant efficacy for anxiety disorders obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder: an individual patient data meta-analysis,2018,35,6,515-522,de Jonge Maternal depressive symptoms during and after pregnancy and child developmental milestones,2018,35,8,732-741,Räikkönen An appraisal of the trustworthiness of practice guidelines for depression and anxiety in children and youth,2018,35,6,530-540,Szatmari Yoga for anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,2018,35,9,830-843,Cramer The DSM-5 nonsuicidal self-injury disorder among incoming college students: prevalence and associations with 12-month mental disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors,2018,35,7,629-637,Nock Associations between socioeconomic status and psychological therapy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,35,6,560-573,Delgadillo Interpersonal psychotherapy for mood and behavior dysregulation: pilot randomized trial,2018,35,6,574-582,Mufson Associations between therapists' occupational burnout and their patients' depression and anxiety treatment outcomes,2018,35,9,844-850,Barkham Depressive and anxious symptoms and 20-year mortality: evidence from the Stirling County study,2018,35,7,638-647,Horton Prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in United States military spouses: the Millennium Cohort Family Study,2018,35,9,815-829,Fairbank Predictors of recurrence in remitted late-life depression,2018,35,7,658-667,Steffens Use of crisis management interventions among suicidal patients: results of a randomized controlled trial,2018,35,7,619-628,Bryan Effect of insomnia treatments on depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,35,8,717-731,Reynolds Familial aggregation of major depressive disorder in an African-American community,2018,35,7,674-684,Gangwisch Finding factors that predict treatment-resistant depression: results of a cohort study,2018,35,7,668-673,Ryan Personal sleep debt and daytime sleepiness mediate the relationship between sleep and mental health outcomes in young adults,2018,35,8,775-783,Dickinson Employment characteristics work environment and the course of depression over 23 years: does employment help foster resilience?,2018,35,9,861-867,Cronkite Adult mental health outcomes of adolescent depression: a systematic review,2018,35,8,700-716,Colman The association between valence of social media experiences and depressive symptoms,2018,35,8,784-794,Primack Does neuropsychological performance in OCD relate to different symptoms? A meta-analysis comparing the symmetry and obsessing dimensions,2018,35,8,761-774,Coles Night noise exposure and risk of death by suicide in adults living in metropolitan areas,2018,35,9,876-883,Min Approximating a DSM-5 diagnosis of ptsd using DSM-iv criteria,2015,32,7,493-501,Stein Focal and aberrant prefrontal engagement during emotion regulation in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder,2014,31,10,851-861,Stein Social anxiety disorder in DSM-5,2014,31,6,472-479,Stein Diagnostic overlap of generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder in a primary care sample,2012,29,12,1065-1071,Stein The effect of Avoidant Personality Disorder on the persistence of Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder in the general population: results from a longitudinal nationally representative mental health survey,2011,28,3,250-255,Stein Abbreviated brief symptom inventory for use as an anxiety and depression screening instrument in primary care,2009,26,6,537-543,Stein Screening for social anxiety disorder with the self-report version of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale,2009,26,1,34-38,Stein Relationships among pain anxiety and depression in primary care,2008,25,7,593-600,Stein Does occasional cannabis use impact anxiety and depression treatment outcomes?: Results from a randomized effectiveness trial,2007,24,6,392-398,Stein Suicide deaths,2018,35,7,600,Stein Posttraumatic stress uncontrollability and emotional distress tolerance,2018,35,11,1040-1047,Bryant Self-medication with alcohol or drugs for mood and anxiety disorders: a narrative review of the epidemiological literature,2018,35,9,851-860,Turner Deficits in emotion recognition are associated with depressive symptoms in youth with disruptive mood dysregulation disorder,2018,35,12,1207-1217,Pine CBT and positive psychology interventions for clinical depression promote healthy attentional biases: an eye-tracking study,2018,35,10,966-973,Vázquez Alcohol use disorders and insomnia mediate the association between PTSD symptoms and suicidal ideation in Korean firefighters,2018,35,11,1095-1103,Kim Sedentary behaviors physical activity and changes in depression and psychological distress symptoms in older adults,2018,35,9,884-897,Rodriguez-Artalejo Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for patients with chronic treatment-resistant depression: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial,2018,35,10,914-924,Spijker The relationship between moral injury appraisals trauma exposure and mental health in refugees,2018,35,11,1030-1039,Nickerson Depression among military spouses: demographic military and service member psychological health risk factors,2018,35,12,1137-1144,Adler Agreement between self and psychiatrist reporting of suicidal ideation at a Veterans Administration psychiatric emergency clinic,2018,35,11,1114-1121,Macera Predeployment predictors of psychiatric disorder-symptoms and interpersonal violence during combat deployment,2018,35,11,1073-1080,Stein Interplay between RGS2 and childhood adversities in predicting anxiety and depressive disorders: Findings from a general population sample,2018,35,11,1104-1113,Grabe Anhedonia and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in psychiatric outpatients: the role of acuity,2018,35,12,1218-1227,Yaseen The accuracy of passive phone sensors in predicting daily mood,2019,36,1,72-81,Atkins Maternal depression alters stress and immune biomarkers in mother and child,2018,35,12,1145-1157,Feldman Long-term treatment gains of a brief exposure-based treatment for PTSD,2018,35,10,985-991,Resick The perils of hierarchical exclusion rules: a further word of caution,2018,35,9,903-904,Kotov Replicating latent structural models of psychopathology: Reply to Kotov Ruggero Krueger Watson and Zimmerman (2018),2018,35,9,905-906,Conway Comparative responsiveness of generic versus disorder-specific instruments for depression: an assessment in three longitudinal datasets,2019,36,1,93-102,van Hemert The prevalence and predictors of mental health diagnoses and suicide among U.S. college students: implications for addressing disparities in service use,2019,36,1,8-17,Yasui Posttraumatic stress disorder and cigarette smoking: a systematic review,2018,35,11,1056-1072,Zvolensky Course of major depressive disorder after pregnancy and the postpartum period,2018,35,12,1130-1136,Freeman The association between anxiety traumatic stress and obsessive-compulsive disorders and chronic inflammation: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,35,11,1081-1094,Lekander Moderating effect of comorbid anxiety disorders on treatment outcome in a randomized controlled psychotherapy trial in early-onset persistently depressed outpatients,2018,35,10,1001-1008,Kriston Social cognitive abilities predict psychosocial dysfunction in major depressive disorder,2019,36,1,54-62,Baune Response rate profiles for major depressive disorder: characterizing early response and longitudinal nonresponse,2018,35,10,992-1000,Kelley Course and stability of cognitive and metacognitive beliefs in depression,2018,35,12,1239-1246,Kriston Heart rate variability as a biomarker of anxious depression response to antidepressant medication,2019,36,1,63-71,Gotlib Validity of the DSM-5 anxious distress specifier for major depressive disorder,2019,36,1,31-38,Zimmerman Pathways from parental mental disorders to offspring's work disability due to depressive or anxiety disorders in early adulthood-the 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort,2019,36,4,305-312,Gissler Determinants of suboptimal medication adherence in patients with a major depressive episode,2019,36,3,244-251,Courtet Incidence of mental health hospitalizations treated self-harm and emergency room visits following new anxiety disorder diagnoses in privately insured U.S. children,2019,36,2,179-189,Gaynes The Concise Health Risk Tracking Self-Report (CHRT-SR) assessment of suicidality in depressed outpatients: a psychometric evaluation,2019,36,4,313-320,Carmody A neuromarker of clinical outcome in attention bias modification therapy for social anxiety disorder,2019,36,3,269-277,Pine Transdiagnostic neural correlates of volitional emotion regulation in anxiety and depression,2019,36,5,453-464,Phan Internet- and mobile-based interventions for anxiety disorders: a meta-analytic review of intervention components,2019,36,3,213-224,Domhardt Consistency of trajectories of suicidal ideation and depression symptoms: evidence from a randomized controlled trial,2019,36,4,321-329,Mackinnon Predictors of response to synchronized transcranial magnetic stimulation for major depressive disorder,2019,36,3,278-285,Goethe A prognostic index for long-term outcome after successful acute phase cognitive therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy for major depressive disorder,2019,36,3,252-261,Huibers Developmental changes in resting-state functional networks among individuals with and without internalizing psychopathologies,2019,36,2,141-152,Monk Prediction of major depressive disorder onset in college students,2019,36,4,294-304,Nock Transition to suicide attempt from recent suicide ideation in U.S. Army soldiers: results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS),2019,36,5,412-422,Stein Frontline science: residual symptoms following prolonged exposure and present-centered therapy for PTSD in female veterans and soldiers,2019,36,2,162-169,Schnurr Detecting PTSD in a traumatically injured population: the diagnostic utility of the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5,2019,36,2,170-178,Brasel Functional and structural networks of lateral and medial orbitofrontal cortex as potential neural pathways for depression in childhood,2019,36,4,365-374,Yap Four maternal characteristics determine the 12-month course of chronic severe postpartum depressive symptoms,2019,36,4,375-383,Gollan Gratitude diary for the management of suicidal inpatients: a randomized controlled trial,2019,36,5,400-411,Courtet Relapse prevention with levomilnacipran ER in adults with major depressive disorder: a multicenter randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study,2019,36,3,225-234,Thase Differentiating PTSD from anxiety and depression: lessons from the ICD-11 PTSD diagnostic criteria,2019,36,6,490-498,Koenen Research Domain Criteria scores estimated through natural language processing are associated with risk for suicide and accidental death,2019,36,5,392-399,Perlis Symptomatology following loss and trauma: latent class and network analyses of prolonged grief disorder posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in a treatment-seeking trauma-exposed sample,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kleber Explaining the association between anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorder: a twin study,2019,36,6,522-532,Bramness Trajectories of childhood adversity and the risk of depression in young adulthood: results from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children,2019,36,7,596-606,Slopen Clinical risk factors among youth at high risk for suicide in South Africa and Guyana,2019,36,5,423-432,Asanbe Resting-state amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation is associated with suicidal ideation,2019,36,5,433-441,Mann Symptom profiles of late-life anxiety and depression: the influence of migration religion and loneliness,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leavey A placebo-controlled pilot study of a wearable morning bright light treatment for probable PTSD,2019,36,7,617-624,Pollack Speech-based markers for posttraumatic stress disorder in US veterans,2019,36,7,607-616,Laska Autonomic responses to fear conditioning among women with PTSD and dissociation,2019,36,7,625-634,Ressler Trajectories of grief: comparing symptoms from the DSM-5 and ICD-11 diagnoses,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bonanno Gender differences among medical students house staff and faculty physicians at high risk for suicide: a HEAR report,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zisook Touch aversion in patients with interpersonal traumatization,2019,36,7,635-646,Hamilton Physical activity protects from incident anxiety: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stubbs Early response to psychological therapy as a predictor of depression and anxiety treatment outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Delgadillo Aligning the many definitions of treatment resistance in anxiety disorders: a systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Penninx Risk factors and comorbidity of ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD: findings from a trauma-exposed population based sample of adults in the United Kingdom,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shevlin Distinct associations of computer/mobile devices use and TV watching with depressive symptoms in adults: a large population study in China,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Unique and predictive relationships between components of cognitive vulnerability and symptoms of depression,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alloy Differences in anxiety sensitivity factors between anxiety and depressive disorders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Sleep circadian rhythm and physical activity patterns in depressive and anxiety disorders: a 2-week ambulatory assessment study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schoevers Associations of PTSD chronic pain and their comorbidity on cannabis use disorder: results from an American nationally representative study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,El-Gabalawy Is there a relationship between chocolate consumption and symptoms of depression? 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