Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Cost of treating preventable minor ocular injuries in Rijeka Croatia,2004,45,3,314-317,Loncarek Socioeconomic factors and health risk behaviors among university students in Turkey: questionnaire study,2005,46,1,66-73,Oksuz Alcohol consumption and indicators of alcohol-related harm in Slovenia 1981-2002,2004,45,4,466-472,Sesok Gender differences in suicide attempters in Hungary: retrospective epidemiological study,2005,46,2,288-293,Osvath Risk Factors for Death and Injuries in Earthquake: Cross-sectional Study from Afyon Turkey,2005,46,4,613-618,Ellidokuz Fatality risk factors for bicyclists in Croatia,2003,44,5,610-613,Missoni Aiming for prevention: medical and public health approaches to small arms gun violence and injury,2002,43,4,379-385,Rawson Public health and peace,2002,43,2,107-113,Bjegovic Psychological consequences of rape on women in 1991-1995 war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina,2006,47,1,67-75,Loncar Injuries in water polo,2007,48,3,281-288,Franić Epidemiological investigation of school-related injuries in Koprivnica County Croatia,2001,42,1,58-63,Vorko-Jović Domestic Violence against Women in Sivas Turkey: Survey Study,2006,47,5,742-749,Dogan Consequences of Domestic Violence on Women's Mental Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2006,47,5,730-741,Avdibegovic Feelings of inferiority and suicide ideation and suicide attempt among youth,2003,44,5,553-557,Marusic Sexual abuse in childhood and youth as psychopathologically relevant life occurrence: cross-sectional survey,2004,45,4,483-489,Nickel Factors predicting suicide among Russians in Estonia in comparison with Estonians: case-control study,2006,47,6,869-877,Värnik Emotional and Physical Abuse in Family: Survey among High School Adolescents,2007,48,2,240-248,Aberle Toward better understanding of equivocal deaths and suicides,2004,45,1,103-104,Mancinelli Undetermined deaths: are they suicides?,2003,44,5,550-552,Roskar Childhood injury: call for action,2002,43,4,375-378,McKee Developing role of forensics in deterring violence and genocide,2007,48,4,431-436,Huffine Open globe injuries: epidemiological study of two eye clinics in Germany 1981-1999,2004,45,3,268-274,Schrader Overuse injuries in female athletes,2007,48,6,767-778,Pecina Preschool children as frequent attenders in primary health care in Croatia: retrospective study,2007,48,6,852-859,Stojanovic-Spehar Bullying among school children in postwar bosnia and herzegovina: cross-sectional study,2008,49,4,528-535,Cerni Obrdalj Economic impact of injuries according to type of injury,2002,43,4,386-389,Lindqvist Factors associated with fatal traffic accidents in Tirana Albania: cross-sectional study,2008,49,6,734-740,Burazeri Physical Activity of Croatian Population: Cross-sectional Study Using International Physical Activity Questionnaire,2009,50,2,165-173,Jurakic Perceived Exposure to Substance Use and Risk-taking Behavior in Early Adolescence: Cross-sectional Study,2009,50,2,157-164,Bezinovic Alcohol Intoxication in Pediatric Age: Ten-year Retrospective Study,2009,50,2,151-156,Bitunjac Bioterrorism or natural disasters: what shall we worry about next?,2007,48,4,574-578,Calisher Medicine Peace and Public Policy,2006,47,2,352-355,Santa Barbara Multi-type maltreatment in childhood and psychological adjustment in adolescence: questionnaire study among adolescents in Western Herzegovina Canton,2008,49,2,243-256,Sesar Health and peace,2002,43,2,114-116,Levy Effects of Training Program on Recognition and Management of Depression and Suicide Risk Evaluation for Slovenian Primary-care Physicians: Follow-up Study,2010,51,3,237-242,Groleger Filicide cases in Turkey 1995-2000,2003,44,5,592-595,Sozen Role of law enforcement response and microbial forensics in investigation of bioterrorism,2007,48,4,437-449,Budowle Multi-type Childhood Abuse Strategies of Coping and Psychological Adaptations in Young Adults,2010,51,5,406-416,Sesar Health and peace: Galtung's thought experiment,2005,46,3,478-480,Santa Barbara How are your peace skills doctor?,2004,45,4,510-511,Santa Barbara Medicine as a bridge to peace,2004,45,1,109-110,Santa Barbara Challenge of goodness III: public health facing war,2002,43,2,156-165,Lang Dental identification after two mass disasters in Croatia,2001,42,6,657-662,Zecević Perceived parental acceptance-rejection family-related factors and socio-economic status of families of adolescent heroin addicts,2003,44,2,199-206,Glavak Minimum health indicator set for South Eastern Europe,2002,43,2,170-173,Bardehle Risk factors of child physical abuse by parents with mixed anxiety-depressive disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder,2011,52,1,25-34,Ajduković Near drowning--the importance of basic first aid,2006,47,1,187-188,Naunton Scuba diver with a knife in his chest: homicide or suicide?,2003,44,3,355-359,Definis-Gojanovic Mobbing stress and work ability index among physicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina: survey study,2006,47,5,750-758,Mustajbegović "Peace Works"--birth of an innovative group,2004,45,3,348-349,Santa Barbara The Butterfly Peace Garden,2004,45,2,232-233,Santa Barbara HIV infection and AIDS among young women in South Africa,2008,49,3,423-435,Muula Aftermath of war experience: impact of anxiety and aggressive feelings on the group and the therapist,1999,40,4,486-492,Urlić Morning-evening type and burnout level as factors influencing sleep quality of shift nurses: a questionnaire study,2011,52,4,527-537,Demir Zencirci Sex differences in patterns of relations between family interactions and depressive symptoms in adolescents,2011,52,4,469-477,Bezinovic Trauma and meaning,1998,39,1,54-61,Vanista-Kosuta Rib stress fracture in a male adaptive rower from the arms and shoulders sport class: Case report,2011,52,5,644-647,Bojanic Influence of war on quantitative and qualitative changes in drug-induced mortality in Split-Dalmatia County Croatia,2011,52,5,629-636,Smoljanović The secret,2003,44,1,112-113,Situm Use of psychoactive substances among Zagreb University medical students: follow-up study,2003,44,1,50-58,Trkulja Influence of health risk behavior and socio-economic status on health of Slovak adolescents,2003,44,1,41-49,van Dijk Daily caffeine intake among Osijek High School students: questionnaire study,2004,45,1,72-75,Valek Characteristics of venomous snakebites in Herzegovina,2004,45,1,50-53,Bubalo The prevalence of domestic violence in primary care patients in Slovenia in a five-year period (2005-2009),2011,52,6,728-734,Svab Factors associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in war-survivors displaced in Croatia,2011,52,6,709-717,Salcioğlu Assessment of psychological and social factors in adolescents risk behavior: questionnaire study,2005,46,1,81-87,Micovic Type severity location and timing of battle casualties in a Croatian Army brigade during an offensive action in 1992,1999,40,1,88-92,Prgomet Penetrating injuries of heart and great vessels in patients wounded during the 1992-1994 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1999,40,1,85-87,Delibegović Dedić Countertransference and empathic problems in therapists/helpers working with psychotraumatized persons,1999,40,4,466-472,Klain Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with migrant war victims: transference and countertransference issues,1999,40,4,498-502,Perret-Catipović Countertransference problems in the treatment of a mixed group of war veterans and female partners of war veterans,1999,40,4,493-497,Gregurek Therapists' responses during psychotherapy of holocaust survivors and their second generation,1999,40,4,479-485,Wardi Prostitutes and criminals: beginnings of eugenics in Croatia in the works of Fran Gundrum from Oriovac (1856-1919),2012,53,2,185-197,Kuhar Parental involvement in the war in Croatia 1991-1995 and suicidality in Croatian male adolescents,2012,53,3,244-253,Franic Assessment of Turkish junior male physicians' exposure to mobbing behavior,2012,53,4,357-366,Sahin Effects of voluntary fluid intake deprivation on mental and psychomotor performance,2006,47,6,855-861,Petri Students' and parents' attitudes toward basic life support training in primary schools,2013,54,4,376-380,Mestrović Gender and age differences in prevalence and incidence of child sexual abuse in Croatia,2013,54,5,469-479,Ajduković Delinquency in incarcerated male adolescents is associated with single parenthood exposure to more violence at home and in the community and poorer self-image,2013,54,5,460-468,Erdelja Availability of mental health service providers and suicide rates in Slovenia: A nationwide ecological study,2013,54,5,444-452,Pregelj Alcohol abuse as the strongest risk factor for violent offending in patients with paranoid schizophrenia,2014,55,2,156-162,Jukić Croatia is a safe tourist destination - study of foreign citizen mortality in Splitsko-dalmatinska and Primorsko-goranska County during the period 2001-2010,2013,54,3,291-295,Definis-Gojanovic Y-chromosomal haplotyping of single sperm cells isolated from semen mixtures - a successful identification of three perpetrators in a multi-suspect sexual assault case,2014,55,5,537-541,Yang Association between total serum cholesterol and depression aggression and suicidal ideations in war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: a cross-sectional study,2014,55,5,520-529,Jukić Practical aspects of genetic identification of hallucinogenic and other poisonous mushrooms for clinical and forensic purposes,2015,56,1,32-40,Olszowy The impact of child abuse: neuroscience perspective,2015,56,3,315-316,Konopka Patterns of internet use and mental health of high school students in Istria County Croatia: cross-sectional study,2015,56,3,297-305,Bezinovic Utilizing DNA analysis to combat the world wide plague of present day slavery--trafficking in persons,2014,55,1,3-9,Primorac Glucose metabolism in completed suicide: a forensic-pathological pilot study,2017,58,1,34-39,Sajantila Comparison of ego strength between aggressive and non-aggressive alcoholics: a cross-sectional study,2018,59,4,156-164,Kozaric-Kovacic Sport injuries in international masters rowers: a cross-sectional study,2018,59,5,258-266,Bojanic Influence of war on frequency and patterns of homicides and suicides in South Croatia (1991-1993),1997,38,1,54-58,Gojanović Association between total serum cholesterol and depression aggression and suicidal ideations in war veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: A crosssectional study,2014,55,5,520-529,Jukić Suicide in Croatia and in Croatian immigrant groups in Australia and Slovenia,2001,42,6,669-672,Marusíc Revolving-door patients in a public psychiatric hospital in Israel: cross sectional study,2009,50,6,575-582,Gelkopf