Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Hegemonic masculinity structural violence and health inequalities,2009,19,3,287-292,Scott-Samuel To disrupt and displace: placing domestic violence on the public health agenda,2010,20,3,339,Vine 'A drop of water in the pool': information and engagement of linguistic communities around a municipal pesticide bylaw to protect the public's health,2012,22,3,341-353,Baxter Exploring organisational influences on the implementation of gatekeeper training: a qualitative study of the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) programme in Wales,2013,23,2,213-224,Evans 'What we've tried hasn't worked': the politics of assets based public health,2013,23,2,131-145,Friedli Alcohol industry influence on UK alcohol policy: a new research agenda for public health,2012,22,3,297-305,McCambridge Youth drinking cultures social networking and alcohol marketing: implications for public health,2013,23,1,110-120,Griffin Pet bylaws and posthumanist health promotion: a case study of urban policy,2013,23,2,201-212,Rock Partnerships: survey respondents' perceptions of inter-professional collaboration to address alcohol-related harms in England,2013,23,1,62-76,Bayley 'A lot of the things we do … people wouldn't recognise as health promotion': addressing health inequalities in settings of neighbourhood disadvantage,2013,23,1,95-109,Kelaher The emergence of a 'dose-response' analogy in the health improvement domain of public health: a critical review,2012,22,4,427-440,Whitelaw Prisoners' perspectives on the transition from the prison to the community: implications for settings-based health promotion,2013,23,2,188-200,Woodall The privileged normalization of marijuana use - an analysis of Canadian newspaper reporting 1997-2007,2014,24,1,47-61,Shoveller Resources relationships and systems thinking should inform the way community health promotion is funded,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hawe An investigation of structural violence in the lived experience of food insecurity,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McKenzie "That's what I'm supposed to do at work": Gendered labor self-care and overdose risk among women who use drugs in Vancouver Canada,2022,32,3,382-391,McNeil "The only safe way to find a partner": rethinking sex and risk online in Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire,2020,30,1,53-67,Chiasson Working 'upstream' to reduce social inequalities in health: a qualitative study of how partners in an applied health research collaboration interpret the metaphor,2022,32,5,654-664,McMahon Masculinities and suicide: unsettling 'talk' as a response to suicide in men,2022,32,4,499-508,Chandler Assembling the socio-cultural and material elements of young adults' drinking on a night out: a synthesis of Australian qualitative research,2022,32,4,543-555,Livingston Concepts disciplines and politics: on 'structural violence' and the 'social determinants of health',2022,32,3,295-308,Herrick Blue collar timescapes: work health and pension eligibility age for mature age Australian bus drivers,2022,32,3,392-401,Banwell #notokay: Challenging sexual violence through digital health activism,2022,32,2,263-272,Subramanian Why an alternative to suicide prevention gatekeeper training is needed for rural Indigenous communities: presenting an empowering community storytelling approach,2015,25,2,205-217,White Falling down the rabbit hole? Methodological conceptual and policy issues in current health inequalities research,2023,33,1,37-47,McCartney Framing health behavior and society: a critical content analysis of public health social and behavioral science textbooks,2023,33,2,148-159,Harvey Policing and public health interventions into sex workers' lives: necropolitical assemblages and alternative visions of social justice,2023,33,3,282-296,Platt Addressing key theoretical approaches to gay male sexual identity: Issues and insights for practitioners of mental health,2009,19,3-4,293-305,Casey 'Now that's a fair dinkum academic debate but this affects people's lives': A discursive analysis of arguments for and against the provision of warnings about potential side effects of SSRIs in a public debate,2010,20,1,15-24,Williams Suicide and HIV as leading causes of death among gay and bisexual men: a comparison of estimated mortality and published research,2015,25,5,513-526,Hottes The causes and health effects of the Great Recession: from neoliberalism to 'healthy de-growth',2015,25,1,15-31,De Vogli Combining intersectionality and syndemic theory to advance understandings of health inequities among Canadian gay bisexual and other men who have sex with men,2018,28,5,509-521,Salway