Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The interface between empirical suicide research and clinical practice,1990,11,2,3-10,Rosenberg Blood types and national suicide rates,2004,25,3,140,Lester What helps and what hinders the process of surviving the suicide of somebody close?,2004,25,3,134-139,Grad Assessing suicide risk in cluster C personality disorders,2004,25,3,128-133,Chioqueta Psychological and psychosocial interventions after attempted suicide: an overview of treatment studies,2004,25,3,108-117,Hepp Do patients volunteer their life weariness and suicidal ideations? A Sri Lankan study,2004,25,3,103-107,Sumathipala Stress and suicide are we well-equipped to study this issue?,2004,25,2,80-85,van Praag Familial study of suicidal behavior among adolescents in Slovenia,2004,25,2,74-77,Roskar A suicide prevention strategy for England,2004,25,2,69-73,Mehlum The impact of suicide prevention centers on the suicide rate in the Canadian provinces,2004,25,2,65-68,Lester Suicide among the homeless: a 9-year case-series analysis,2004,25,2,51-53,Barak Motives for suicide--a study of Australian suicide notes,2004,25,1,33-34,Lester An active postvention program,2004,25,1,30-32,McIntosh Peer suicide prevention in a prison,2004,25,1,19-26,Hall Complicated grief in survivors of suicide,2004,25,1,12-18,Prigerson Self-reported suicidal behavior in juvenile offenders in custody: prevalence and associated factors,2004,25,1,8-11,Morgan Child and adolescent suicide deaths in New Mexico 1990-1994,2000,21,1,36-44,Olson Risk of suicide ideation associated with problem-solving ability and attitudes toward suicidal behavior in university students,2003,24,4,160-167,McAuliffe Suicide outside of prison settings among males under investigation for sex offenses in Ireland during 1990 to 1999,2003,24,4,155-159,Brophy The main factors of repetition: review of some results of the Pecs Center in the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study on Suicidal Behaviour,2003,24,4,151-154,Kelemen Assessment and aftercare for deliberate self-harm patients provided by a general hospital psychiatric service,2003,24,4,145-150,Townsend Recollections of bullying at school and their long-term implications for lesbians gay men and bisexuals,2004,25,4,169-175,Rivers Suicide research based on Danish registers,2004,25,4,189-190,Goldney Natural suicide rates in nations of the world,2004,25,4,187-188,Lester Adolescent suicide myths in the United States,2004,25,4,176-182,Moskos Newspaper reporting of suicide cases in Hong Kong,2004,25,4,161-168,Au Intentional and unintentional injuries across health regions in Alberta Canada: an implication for policy,2004,25,4,156-160,Thompson Psychiatric diagnoses and suicide: revisiting the evidence,2004,25,4,147-155,Wasserman Suicide and the media: pitfalls and prevention,2005,26,1,42-47,Simkin Effect of the broadcast of a television documentary about a teenager's suicide in Israel on suicidal behavior and methods,2005,26,1,20-24,Zalsman Suicide in Japan: present condition and prevention measures,2005,26,1,12-19,Shiho Negative life events associated with deliberate self-harm in an African population in Uganda,2005,26,1,4-11,Hjelmeland National strategies for the reduction and prevention of suicide,2005,26,1,1-3,Beautrais Depression and suicidal behavior,2003,24,4,179-180,Bronisch Suicide-homicide temporal interrelationship links with other fatalities and environmental physical activity,2005,26,2,85-89,Kalediene Antidepressants and suicide: a commentary on a significant contribution to this debate,2005,26,2,97-98,Goldney On being happy that someone has committed suicide,2005,26,2,95-96,Lester Socioeconomic change and suicide: a time-series study from the Republic of Ireland,2005,26,2,90-94,Corcoran Preliminary findings of noncompliance with psychotropic medication and prevalence of methamphetamine intoxication associated with suicide completion,2005,26,2,78-84,Callor Sati: a type of nonpsychiatric suicide,2005,26,2,73-77,Bhugra A comparative study of young and adult deliberate self-harm patients,2005,26,2,64-72,Hjelmeland Long- and short-term risk factors in the prediction of inpatient suicide: review of the literature,2005,26,2,53-63,Paterson Suicide prevention discussed at the WHO European ministerial conference on mental health,2005,26,2,51-52,Kerkhof Juvenile suicide in confinement in the United States results from a national survey,2005,26,3,146-148,Hayes Toward an understanding of suicide in First-Nation Canadians,2005,26,3,141-145,Cutcliffe Suicide prevention: a pragmatic review of recent studies,2005,26,3,128-140,Goldney Suicide in developing countries: prevention efforts,2005,26,3,120-124,Pirkis Suicide in developing countries: risk factors,2005,26,3,112-119,Pirkis Suicide in developing countries: frequency distribution and association with socioeconomic indicators,2005,26,3,104-111,Pirkis Mass homicide and suicide deadliness and outcome,2005,26,4,184-187,Lester Some problems of research on the association between blood types and suicide mortality: comment on Lester (2004),2005,26,4,181-183,Voracek A systematic review of suicide rating scales in schizophrenia,2005,26,4,170-180,Hansen Crisis occurrence and resolution in patients with severe and persistent mental illness: the contribution of suicidality,2005,26,4,160-169,Eynan Social and economic burden of suicides in Hong Kong SAR: a year of life lost perspective,2005,26,4,156-159,Law The biochemistry of suicide,2005,26,4,153-155,Leonard Suicidal behavior by burns among adolescents in Kurdistan Iran: a social tragedy,2006,27,1,16-21,Alaghehbandan Crisis intervention after the Tsunami in Phuket and Khao Lak,2006,27,1,42-47,Bronisch Social integration and suicide in South Korea,2006,27,1,48-50,Lester Suicide to harass others: clues from mythology to understanding suicide bombing attacks,2006,27,1,22-30,Preti Cultural specificity and universality of suicide: challenges for the International Association for Suicide Prevention,2006,27,1,1-3,Mishara The Stengel Research Award: the man,2005,26,4,188-189,Goldney Suicidal ideation in Pakistani college students,2005,26,3,125-127,Khan What does brain imaging tell us about the predisposition to suicidal behavior,2005,26,3,101-103,Mann David Lester: A prodigious researcher in suicidology,2005,26,1,40-41,Goldney A reflection on "suicide survivor",2005,26,1,38-39,Andriessen David Lester--denial in suicide survivors. Crisis 25 (2004) 78-79,2005,26,1,36-37,Michel The New Forest Suicide Prevention Initiative (NFSPI),2005,26,1,25-33,King Suicide gender and age variations in India. Are women in Indian society protected from suicide?,2002,23,3,98-103,Mayer Suicidology--expanding its research tools,2002,23,3,95-97,Marusic Suicide in the new millennium--some sociological speculations,2002,23,2,91-92,Mäkinen Guttman scaling national laws on suicide,2002,23,2,89-90,Lester The death of suicidology? Letter across the Pacific,2002,23,2,86-88,Maltsberger Emergency psychiatry and the suicidal patient,2002,23,2,83-85,Forster Why has the antidepressant era not shown a significant drop in suicide rates?,2002,23,2,77-82,van Praag Acute carbon monoxide poisoning and alcohol intoxication: a rare condition that is complex to manage,2002,23,2,74-76,Kouimtsidis Suicides and suicide attempts in emergency medicine,2002,23,2,68-73,Pajonk Analysis of crisis intervention processes,2002,23,2,59-67,Tschacher Suicide after deployment in UN peacekeeping missions--a Danish pilot study,2002,23,2,55-58,Jessen Clinical evaluation of prior suicide attempts and suicide risk in psychiatric inpatients,2002,23,2,47-54,Ritsner Abortion and suicide,2002,23,2,45-46,Connolly The media and suicide: a cautionary view,2001,22,4,173-175,Goldney Mass media cultural attitudes and suicide. results of an international comparative study,2001,22,4,170-172,Upanne Suicide and the media. part iii: theoretical issues,2001,22,4,163-169,Pirkis Grandiose fury. letter across the Pacific,2001,22,4,144-145,Maltsberger Conscientiousness in childhood and later suicide,2001,22,4,143,Lester The media as partners in suicide prevention. a column from befrienders international,2001,22,4,141-142,Bale The connection between media and suicidal behavior warrants serious attention,2001,22,4,137-140,Williams Deliberate self-harm patients with alcohol disorders: characteristics treatment and outcome,2001,22,3,93-101,Townsend Suicidology: a victimology perspective,2001,22,3,89-90,Lester Training young befrienders,2001,22,3,87-88,Kumaria Sex differences in suicidal ideation in a community sample from China,2001,22,3,132-134,Lester Suicidal behavior in patients with adjustment disorders,2001,22,3,125-131,Kryzhanovskaya Methodological issues in community surveys of suicide ideators and attempters,2001,22,3,109-124,De Leo Bereavement after suicide--how far have we come and where do we go from here?,2001,22,3,102-108,Clark International meeting "Suicide: interplay of genes and environment",2001,22,2,80-81,Marusic Can professionals and nonprofessionals work together following a suicide?,2001,22,2,74-78,Hall The Cardiff sib-pair study: suicidal ideation in depressed and healthy subjects and their siblings,2001,22,2,71-73,Harris What can psychiatric genetics offer suicidology?,2001,22,2,61-65,Marusic Serotonergic genes and suicidality,2001,22,2,54-60,Faludi Nonfatal suicidal behavior as a communication,2001,22,2,49-51,Lester Reaching out to survivors of suicide,2001,22,2,47-48,Selakovic-Bursic Toward a new classification of risk factors for suicide behavior,2001,22,2,43-46,Marusic Jail suicide risk despite denial (or: when actions speak louder than words),2001,22,1,7-9,Hayes Crisis intervention models in the French-speaking countries,2001,22,1,32-38,De Clercq Extreme opposition to assisting suicide,2001,22,1,3-4,Lester Self-report vs. computerized measures of impulsivity as a correlate of suicidal behavior,2001,22,1,27-31,Horesh Stress coping styles and hopelessness in self-poisoners,2001,22,1,20-26,Frude Suicidal ideation and self-determination in institutionalized elderly,2001,22,1,15-19,Labelle The measurement of suicidal ideation,2001,22,1,12-14,Goldney Befriending in cyberspace--challenges and opportunities,2001,22,1,10-11,Bale Keeping our readers informed--euthanasia and assisted suicide in The Netherlands,2001,22,1,1-2,Kerkhof Proceedings of the international meeting "Suicide: interplay of genes and environment",2000,21,4,189-194,Marusic The internet suicide and suicide prevention,2000,21,4,186-188,Mehlum Pre-Durkheim suicidology,2000,21,4,181-186,Goldney Epidemiology and psychiatric morbidity of suicidal ideation among the elderly,2000,21,4,171-180,Barnow Sleep disorder depression and suicidality in female sexual assault survivors,2000,21,4,163-170,Johnston Serotonin disturbances and suicide risk: is aggression or anxiety the interjacent link?,2000,21,4,160-162,van Praag The end of suicidology,2000,21,4,158-159,Lester Intervention without interference: a column of Befrienders International,2000,21,4,156-158,Keir Beyond the crisis,2000,21,4,150-153,van Heeringen The 8th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior,2000,21,3,144-145,Ivanova A mass-distributed CD-ROM for school-based suicide prevention,2000,21,3,135-140,Fendrich Education and debriefing: strategies for preventing crises in crisis-line volunteers,2000,21,3,126-134,Kinzel Double suicide and homicide-suicide in Switzerland,2000,21,3,122-125,Haenel Suicide rates and mental health services in modern China,2000,21,3,118-121,Jianlin Elevated rates of suicidal behavior in gay lesbian and bisexual youth,2000,21,3,111-117,Bagley Could "How-to-commit-suicide" book prevent suicide?,2000,21,3,109-110,Lester Family murder suicides in Kerala,2000,21,3,105-107,John Suicidology in Ireland--a missed opportunity,2000,21,3,102-104,Connolly Intraseasonal pattern in the time distribution of suicides,2000,21,2,95-97,Rocchi Telephone crisis intervention skills: a simulated caller paradigm,2000,21,2,90-94,Harvey A model for analyzing suicide prevention,2000,21,2,80-89,Upanne An exercise in improving suicide reporting in print media,2000,21,2,71-79,Frey Season and suicide: recent findings from Italy,2000,21,2,59-70,Preti Metapreferences preferences and suicide,2000,21,2,57-58,Lester Listening is everybody's business,2000,21,2,52-54,Milton The pattern of suicide in Pakistan,2000,21,1,31-35,Reza A study of suicides in Ballarat Victoria Australia,2000,21,1,26-30,Thacore Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among Australian adults,2000,21,1,16-25,Burgess The privilege and responsibility of suicide prevention,2000,21,1,8-15,Goldney Exploring the potential for primary prevention,2000,21,1,4-5 7,Ystgaard Suicidal behavior in the Ukraine 1988-1998,1999,20,4,184-190,Kryzhanovskaya The cost of hospital care in the year before and after parasuicide,1999,20,4,178-183,Corcoran Risk assessment and suicide prevention in primary care,1999,20,4,171-177,Mills Incarcerated adolescents' distress and suicidality in relation to parental bonding styles,1999,20,4,164-170,Waite Befriending mental patients: experience in the Ukraine,1999,20,4,150-154,Keir Was it preventable? The comprehensive review of inmate suicide,1999,20,4,147-149,Hayes Suicide prevention in schools: the art the issues and the pitfalls,1999,20,3,132-142,Wenckstern Counseling the suicidal client by letter,1999,20,3,127-131,Lester Guns alcohol and intimate partner violence: the epidemiology of female suicide in New Mexico,1999,20,3,121-126,Fullerton Psychopathology 8 1/2 years post parasuicide,1999,20,3,115-120,Fitzgerald A thematic analysis of suicide notes,1999,20,3,106-114,Sheehy Heart head and hand--a column from Befrienders International,1999,20,3,99-102,Williams Safer services--suicide by people with mental illness,1999,20,3,98 105,Kerkhof Treatment of mental disorders in seven physicians committing suicide,1999,20,2,86-89,Henriksson Efficacy of crisis intervention,1999,20,2,78-85,Reisch Psychiatric-psychotherapeutic crisis intervention for inpatient adolescents,1999,20,2,71-77,Klosinski Suicide in Nograd County Hungary 1970-1994,1999,20,2,64-70,Zonda Domestic integration and suicide in the provinces of Canada,1999,20,2,59-63,Lester No it's not just listening,1999,20,2,56-58,Greenbury Cultural issues in suicide and old age,1999,20,2,53-55,De Leo The Finnish national suicide prevention program evaluated,1999,20,2,50 63,Kerkhof Suicide attempts during adolescence: systematic hospitalization and crisis treatment,1999,20,1,41-48,Ottino Suicide prevention in adolescents and young adults: the Geneva University Hospitals' Program,1999,20,1,36-40,Perret-Catipovic Substance abuse and drug-related death suicidal ideation and suicide: a review,1999,20,1,28-35,Bousquet Suicide risk in high school students in Slovenia,1999,20,1,23-27,Tomori On suicide and attempted suicide during pregnancy,1999,20,1,22 27 40 passim,Thomas Common risk factors in adolescent suicide attempters revisited,1999,20,1,15-22,Laederach Impulsivity as a correlate of suicidal behavior in adolescent psychiatric inpatients,1999,20,1,8-14,Apter Another preventable jail suicide: Part Two,1999,20,1,3-4,Hayes A new impulse for a more comprehensive view of adolescent suicide in Europe,1999,20,1,2 48,Ladame Use of the DSM at hotlines,1998,19,4,152-3 176,Seeley Using rational suicide as an intervention to prevent irrational suicide,1998,19,4,185-192,Werth Modified crisis intervention for personality disorder,1998,19,4,177-184,Rudnick Suicide and attempted suicide in Pakistan,1998,19,4,172-176,Khan Suicide in Belarus,1998,19,4,167-171,Lester Suicide mortality in Slovenia: regional variation,1998,19,4,159-166,Marusic Suicidal ideation in Sudanese women,1998,19,4,154-158,Goldney Reasons for living and the paradox of suicide in old age,1998,19,4,147-8 151,De Leo Variation in suicide rates: the "tipping point",1998,19,3,136-138,Goldney Suicidality in borderline personality disorder,1998,19,3,125-135,King Why has suicide increased in young males?,1998,19,3,119-124,Hawton Euthanasia and the terminally ill: can the civil killing of others be eroded?,1998,19,3,116-118,Payne Euthanasia and related practices worldwide,1998,19,3,109-115,Corcoran Listening to silence,1998,19,3,105-108,Lester Arranging the death of Freud,1998,19,3,99-100,Kelleher Religious sanctions and rates of suicide worldwide,1998,19,2,78-86,Corcoran Social factors and mortality from NASH in Canada,1998,19,2,73-77,Lester Teenage attempted suicide in Hong Kong,1998,19,2,67-72,Yip Prevalence of malingering in inpatient suicide ideators and attempters,1998,19,2,62-66,Steer Is suicide prediction in old age really easier?,1998,19,2,60-61,De Leo Arranging the death of a dog,1998,19,2,58-59,Kelleher Reaching out to the suicidal in Thailand,1998,19,2,56-7 59,Tan-Atichat Juvenile suicide prompts closing of facility,1998,19,2,54-55,Hayes The IASP Adelaide declaration on suicide prevention,1998,19,2,50-51,Goldney Attempted suicides in Ankara in 1995,1998,19,1,47-48,Sayil A study of elderly suicides in Hong Kong,1998,19,1,35-46,Chi Suicides in Hong Kong and Australia,1998,19,1,24-34,Yip Empowered consumers and telephone hotlines,1998,19,1,21-23,MacKinnon A clinical-psychological approach to suicidal behavior in depression from Moscow,1998,19,1,15-20,Ponizovsky The posttotalitarian pattern of suicidal behavior: impact on youth,1998,19,1,8-11 14,Mokhovikov Arranging the death of a king,1998,19,1,6-7,Kelleher Hotlines and mental health services,1998,19,1,4-5,Seeley How to evaluate national suicide programs?,1998,19,1,2-3,Clark Prison suicide--politics and prevention: a view from Ireland,1997,18,4,185-189,Dooley A solution to the problem of jail suicide,1997,18,4,178-184,Cox Prevention of suicides in Penal Institutions in The Netherlands,1997,18,4,170-177,Blaauw Suicide prevention in New South Wales Correctional Centres,1997,18,4,163-169,Barton Inmate suicides in the Correctional Service of Canada,1997,18,4,157-162,Laishes Suicide in Greek prisons: 1977 to 1996,1997,18,4,152-156,Spinellis Jail suicide and the need for debriefing,1997,18,4,150-151,Hayes Prison suicide: a special issue,1997,18,4,146-7 169,Blaauw WHO/EURO Multicentre Study on Parasuicide,1997,18,3,140-141,Hjelmeland After suicide: who counsels the therapist?,1997,18,3,128-139,Michel Review of suicide studies in Turkey,1997,18,3,124-127,Sayil Communitarianism and suicide prevention: proposals for the year 2000,1997,18,3,118-123,Lester Suicide and meteorological factors in Huhhot Inner Mongolia,1997,18,3,115-117,Wang Suicide in three ethnic groups in Huhhot Inner Mongolia,1997,18,3,112-114,Wang Family therapy techniques with adolescent suicide attempters,1997,18,3,106-109,Spirito Letter to the editors on "Negative effects of a school suicide postvention program--a case example",1997,18,2,96,Etzersdorfer Suicide prevention: the global context,1997,18,2,90-91,Blaauw The Irish Association of Suicidology arrives--conference report: "suicide in ireland: a growing problem",1997,18,2,89,Connolly The relationship between stressful and traumatic life events and depression in the elderly,1997,18,2,86-88,Arensman Short-term outcome following referral to a psychiatric emergency service,1997,18,2,80-85,van Heeringen Cybersuicide: the role of interactive suicide notes on the Internet,1997,18,2,73-79,Cantor Individual therapy techniques with adolescent suicide attempters,1997,18,2,62-64,Spirito Another preventable jail suicide,1997,18,2,57-8 61,Hayes Elderly suicides in Hong Kong: the role of volunteer befrienders,1997,18,2,55-56,Law The discrete charm of the hotline,1997,18,2,53-54,Seeley Suicide in late life at the end of the 1990s: a less neglected topic?,1997,18,2,51-52,De Leo Inpatients under constant observation for suicide risk,1997,18,2,50,Clark The effect of suicide prevention centers on suicide in Japan,1997,18,1,48,Lester Suicide-related crimes in contemporary European criminal laws,1997,18,1,35-47,Mäkinen Suicidal behaviors in homosexual and bisexual males,1997,18,1,24-34,Bagley Contracting for safety: a concept analysis,1997,18,1,17-23,Egan Preventing teenage suicide in New York,1997,18,1,12-16,Ross State standards and suicide prevention: a lone star,1997,18,1,9-11,Hayes Suicide in a general hospital: the case of the elderly,1997,18,1,5-6,De Leo Is psychotherapy helpful for adolescent suicide attempters?,1997,18,1,3-4,Spirito No-suicide contracts and no-suicide decisions,1997,18,1,2,Kerkhof Reaction to: "preventing suicide in women and men" by David Lester (Crisis 1995; 16:79-84),1996,17,4,187,Sonneck Developing a European Network for suicidology,1996,17,4,184-185,Arensman Suicide trends in County Mayo Ireland: a brief report,1996,17,4,182-184,Cullen Opioid addiction and suicidality,1996,17,4,175-181,Krausz Evaluation strategy for Finland's suicide prevention project,1996,17,4,167-174,Upanne Alcohol problems among suicide attempters in the Nordic countries,1996,17,4,157-166,Hjelmeland Hotlines as discrete services. part 2,1996,17,4,155-156,Seeley Improving treatment compliance among adolescent suicide attempters,1996,17,4,152-154,Spirito Suicide and crisis intervention in rural communities in Sri Lanka,1996,17,4,149-51 154,Ratnayeke Dementia insight and suicidal behavior,1996,17,4,147-148,De Leo Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia,1996,17,4,146,Kerkhof Suicide: how to survive as a survivor?,1996,17,3,136-142,Grad Suicide in the Ukraine: epidemiology knowledge and attitudes of the population,1996,17,3,128-134,Mokhovikov Religiosity and suicide: findings from a nationwide psychological autopsy study,1996,17,3,123-127,Henriksson Youth suicide in New Zealand,1996,17,3,116-122,Coggan Negative effects of a school suicide postvention program--a case example,1996,17,3,108-115,Callahan Recent trends in suicide mortality,1996,17,2,94,Lester Suicide assisted suicide and euthanasia,1996,17,2,90-93,Hendin Menninger's motives for suicide in suicide notes from Germany and the USA,1996,17,2,87,Lester Suicidal behavior in Swiss students: an 18-month follow-up survey,1996,17,2,78-86,Buddeberg Electrodermal activity (EDA) and suicidal behavior,1996,17,2,69-77,Wolfersdorf A hotline ethical dilemma,1996,17,2,53-54,Seeley An unusual case of state-assisted prison suicide,1996,17,2,51-52,Hayes Personality disorders and suicidal behavior,1996,17,2,50,Bronisch International Conference on Conflict and Development in Adolescence,1996,17,1,44-45,Dekovic Suicide and the world's young,1996,17,1,43,Kelleher The WHO-EURO Multicentre Study: risk of parasuicide and the comparability of the areas under study,1996,17,1,32-42,Crepet A repetition-prediction study on European parasuicide populations. part ii of the WHO/Euro multicentre study on parasuicide in cooperation with the EC concerted action on attempted suicide,1996,17,1,22-31,Crepet Epidemiology of psychiatric emergency referrals in four regions of Belgium,1996,17,1,15-21,van Heeringen Verbally expressed intentions of parasuicide: ii. prediction of fatal and nonfatal repetition,1996,17,1,10-14,Hjelmeland Ubuntu in action--befriending in high density areas in South Africa,1996,17,1,8-9,Williams Hotlines in the world of interactive telecommunications,1996,17,1,5-7,Seeley Reaction to Michael Kelleher's review of "death on request",1995,16,4,191-192,Nederhorst Single road traffic deaths--accidents or suicide?,1995,16,4,188-191,Etzersdorfer Recent reversal of trends in suicide mortality in Austria and Hungary but not in Finland,1995,16,4,181-183,Etzersdorfer Verbally expressed intentions of parasuicide: i. characteristics of patients with various intentions,1995,16,4,176-181,Hjelmeland Project plan for studies on suicide attempted suicide and suicide prevention,1995,16,4,162-175,Aro The rationality of suicide,1995,16,4,159-161,Keir Crisis intervention and a suicidal crisis in adolescents,1995,16,4,154-6; 183,Kienhorst Controversial issues in jail suicide prevention part 2: use of inmates to conduct suicide watch,1995,16,4,151-53; 161,Hayes Suicide in the elderly--bias infirmity and suicide,1995,16,4,147-148,Conwell Suicide prevention within the European community,1995,16,4,146,Kerkhof A study on suicide,1995,16,3,132-134,Kerr Mental health profiles suicidal behavior and community sexual assault in 2112 Canadian adolescents,1995,16,3,126-131,Bagley History of early loss among a group of suicide survivors,1995,16,3,121-125,Seguin Hotline for mental health in Shanghai China,1995,16,3,116-120,Jianlin IASP task force on euthanasia and assisted suicide,1995,16,3,111-5 120,Goldney Controversial issues in jail suicide prevention,1995,16,3,107-110,Hayes Befriending the suicidal in Yugoslavia,1995,16,3,106 131,Selakovic-Bursic Elder abuse--a risk factor for suicide?,1995,16,3,104-105,Conwell Media influences on suicidal behavior in young people,1995,16,3,100-101,Hawton Consensual definitions,1995,16,3,98-99,Kerkhof Prison suicide: an overview and guide to prevention (Part 2),1995,16,1,9-12,Hayes Depressive symptomatology in depressed and suicidal adolescents,1995,16,1,7-8 12,Kienhorst Dementia,1995,16,1,5-6,Conwell Impact of suicide prevention centers on suicide in Canada,1995,16,1,39,Lester Under-reporting of suicide in an Irish county,1995,16,1,34-38,Cullen Grief reactions and recovery in a support group for people bereaved by suicide,1995,16,1,27-33,Goldney One good controlled study is worth a thousand expert opinions,1995,16,1,2 38,Kerkhof Strategies for school-based response to loss: proactive training and postvention consultation,1995,16,1,18-26,Fendrich Altruism in hotline volunteers: the distortions of caring,1995,16,1,13-4 17,Seeley Single road traffic deaths--accident or suicide?,1995,16,2,85-89,Cullen Preventing suicide in women and men,1995,16,2,79-84,Lester Background and introduction to the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study on Parasuicide,1995,16,2,72-8 84,Kerkhof Repeat callers and the Samaritan telephone crisis line--a Canadian experience,1995,16,2,66-71 89,Hall Prison suicide: an overview and guide to prevention (Part 3),1995,16,2,63-65,Hayes Suicide attempts in adolescence--"self-report" and "other-report",1995,16,2,59-62 65,de Wilde Altruism in hotline volunteers--the final distortions of caring,1995,16,2,52-53,Seeley Suicide religion and the elderly,1994,15,1,9-10,Conwell The sex ratio of suicide rates in China,1994,15,1,44-48,Zhao Selecting and training volunteers for suicide prevention,1994,15,1,4-6,Whiting Suicide among the Danish elderly: now and in years to come,1994,15,1,37-43,Bille-Brahe Mode of death and kinship in bereavement: focusing on "who" rather than "how",1994,15,1,22-36,Diekstra Unrecognized symptoms of depression,1994,15,1,2-3,Kerkhof Adolescent suicide and attempted suicide: the importance of substance abuse,1994,15,1,13-4 8,Hawton Youth suicide in custody: an overview,1994,15,1,11-2 36,Hayes Controversial issues in the ethics and limitations of suicide prevention,1994,15,2,93-94,Wedler Conference report: attempted suicide in Europe,1994,15,2,90,Leenaars Assessing the "modeling effect" in parasuicidal behavior: a comment on Platt (1993),1994,15,2,83-89,Rogers Repeated suicidal behavior: a two-year follow-up,1994,15,2,77-82,Bille-Brahe Suicide intervention training evaluation: a preliminary report,1994,15,2,69-76,Tierney Correspondence as adjunct to crisisline intervention in a suicide prevention center,1994,15,2,65-8 76,Brunet Kurt Cobain,1994,15,2,62-64,Kienhorst Jail suicide: overcoming obstacles to prevention,1994,15,2,59-61,Hayes Suicide and terminal illness: lessons from the HIV pandemic,1994,15,2,57-8 64,Conwell The Sumithrayo strategy for the reduction of suicide in Sri Lanka,1994,15,2,53-4 56,Ellawala Assisted suicide among psychiatric patients in The Netherlands,1994,15,2,50-52,Kerkhof Befriending the suicidal in India--a column from Befrienders International,1994,15,3,99-100,Vijayakumar Reconsidering prevention concepts,1994,15,3,98 100,Clark Suicide in the Ukraine,1994,15,3,137,Mokhovikov Attempted suicide and recent stressful life events: a report from India,1994,15,3,136,Latha The epidemiology of attempted suicide in the Oxford area England (1989-1992),1994,15,3,123-135,Simkin Epidemiological aspects of attempted suicide--a case-control study in Gent Belgium,1994,15,3,116-122,van Heeringen Commitment decisions: identification of indeterminate cases,1994,15,3,110-115,Rissmiller What are hotlines?,1994,15,3,108-9 115,Seeley Jail suicide in Mississippi,1994,15,3,105-7 122,Hayes Suicide and aging in Japan,1994,15,3,103-104,Conwell Conference report: bioethics in eastern Europe--bioethics vs suicide,1994,15,4,190,Mishara Reflections on the statistical rarity of suicide,1994,15,4,187-188,Lester Icons of ancient suicide: self-killing in classical art,1994,15,4,179-186,van Hooff Understanding deliberate self-harm: the patients' views,1994,15,4,172-178,Michel Defining crisis and emergency,1994,15,4,164-171,Callahan Altruism in hotline volunteers,1994,15,4,161-163,Seeley Youth suicide: trends indicate increasing hopelessness in young males,1994,15,4,159-60 163,Hawton Prison suicide: an overview and guide to prevention (Part 1),1994,15,4,155-158,Hayes Suicide and aging: lessons from the nursing home,1994,15,4,153-4 158,Conwell Befriending the suicidal in Hong Kong and China,1994,15,4,148-9 152,Doe Critical care unit family support sessions: using postvention principles in a medical setting,1993,14,1,8-10,Pender Suicide in the elderly: when is it rational?,1993,14,1,6-7,Conwell Suicide pacts,1993,14,1,43-46,Vijayakumar Deliberate self-harm and public holidays: is there a link?,1993,14,1,39-42,Preston Attempted suicide suicidal intent and alcohol,1993,14,1,32-38,Stenager The social transmission of parasuicide: is there a modeling effect?,1993,14,1,23-31,Platt Panic disorders and suicidal behavior,1993,14,1,2-5,Kerkhof Adolescent grief after suicide,1993,14,1,16-22 46,Valente Hotlines--legal issues,1993,14,1,14-15,Seeley Jail suicide--prevention through written protocol (part 1),1993,14,1,11-13,Hayes No-suicide decisions and suicide contracts in therapy,1993,14,3,98-99,Kerkhof The relationship between sexual abuse and female suicidal behavior,1993,14,3,129-139,Kerkhof The regional variation of suicide and homicide in the USA and Taiwan,1993,14,3,126-128,Lester Psychosocial care and shelter following the Bijlmermeer air disaster,1993,14,3,117-125,Kroon Plane crash crisis intervention: a preliminary report from the Bijlmermeer Amsterdam,1993,14,3,109-116,Gersons Affect and the capacity for rational choice,1993,14,3,105-106,Conwell Common interest of suicide and its prevention,1993,14,3,103-104,Morgan Befriending the suicidal,1993,14,3,100-102,Keir An aeronautic suicide attempt (2). the psychiatrist's comments,1993,14,2,63-67,Spengler Train suicides in Brisbane Australia 1980-1986,1993,14,2,90-94,Cantor Deliberate self-harm: an assessment of patients' attitudes to the care they receive,1993,14,2,83-89,Treloar Suicide and parasuicide in ancient personal testimonies,1993,14,2,76-82,van Hooff Problems with borderline patients in a crisis intervention unit: a case history,1993,14,2,71-5 89,Zavasnik An aeronautic suicide attempt (1). the lifesaver's story,1993,14,2,61-2 67,Göpel Jail suicide--prevention through written protocol (Part 2),1993,14,2,57-8 60,Hayes Survivors of late life suicide: the family of man,1993,14,2,55-56,Conwell Introducing Befrienders International,1993,14,2,53-54,Scott Stability of suicide rates in Europe,1993,14,2,50-52,Kerkhof Suicide in Slovenia,1993,14,4,190-191,Grad Challenges in preventing suicide (1993),1993,14,4,187-189,Lester Suicide in Estonia and other former USSR republics,1993,14,4,185-186,Värnik Gender differences among adolescent suicide attempters,1993,14,4,178-184,Bond Hopelessness and the tendency to commit suicide in the course of depressive disorders,1993,14,4,173-177,Wolfersdorf Suicide following attempted suicide: a study of an unsuccessful intervention,1993,14,4,168-72 184,Etzersdorfer A support group for people bereaved through suicide,1993,14,4,161-167,Goldney The implications of Tom's case: guidelines and protocols,1993,14,4,159-160,Seeley Ukrainian adolescents,1993,14,4,157-158,Kienhorst Suicidal or manipulative?--does it really matter?,1993,14,4,154-156,Hayes Suicide in the elderly: cross-cultural issues in late-life suicide,1993,14,4,152-153,Conwell The unique role of the volunteer in suicide prevention,1993,14,4,148-9 167,Vining Suicide attempts and self-injury in prisons,1993,14,4,146-147,Kerkhof Is there a need for suicide prevention?,1992,13,2,94,Lester Survivors' reactions: suicide vs. other causes,1992,13,2,82-93,McIntosh Support groups for sibling suicide survivors,1992,13,2,76-81,Gaffney Psychiatric treatment of a child suicide survivor,1992,13,2,70-75,Pfeffer Aggression as a natural part of suicide bereavement,1992,13,2,65-69,Zavasnik Hotlines--we believe,1992,13,2,63-64,Seeley Can jail suicide be prevented?,1992,13,2,60-62,Hayes A crisis among generations: senior citizens and baby boomers,1992,13,2,57-59,Pender Depression as a "cause" of late life suicide,1992,13,2,55-56,Conwell General practitioners in the front line of suicide prevention,1992,13,2,51 81,Kerkhof Crisis-to-crisis management or crisis management,1992,13,1,9-10,Pender Research contributions to understanding the suicide survivor,1992,13,1,41-46,Rudestam Psychoeducational intervention strategies for survivors of suicide,1992,13,1,35-40,Dunne The Los Angeles survivors-after-suicide program. an evaluation,1992,13,1,23-34,Farberow The aftermath of youth suicide--providing postvention services for the school and community,1992,13,1,16-22,Underwood Hotlines--our heritage and challenges,1992,13,1,14-15,Seeley Jail suicide--an overview of yesterday,1992,13,1,11-13,Hayes Suicide in the elderly,1992,13,2,52,Drion Suicide in the elderly: a frightful awareness,1991,12,2,81-87,De Leo Rational suicide: how can we respond to a request for help?,1991,12,2,73-80,Battin The prevention of suicide among older people in The Netherlands: interventions in community mental health care,1991,12,2,59-72,Diekstra Covariation of suicides and undetermined deaths among elderly persons: a methodological study,1991,12,2,44-58,Schmidtke Suicide in the elderly: a report from Japan,1991,12,2,40-43,Tatai Suicide in the elderly: a report from India,1991,12,2,33-39,Rao Suicide in the elderly: general characteristics,1991,12,2,3-17,De Leo Suicide in old age: psychotherapeutic intervention,1991,12,2,25-32,Maltsberger Psychological factors in late-life suicide,1991,12,2,18-24,Osgood Patients' experience of the therapeutic process in a crisis intervention unit,1991,12,1,69-81,Zavasnik The role of depressive disorder in the suicidal behavior of alcoholics,1991,12,1,64-68,Biro Vulnerable phases in adolescence represented by means of committed suicide,1991,12,1,58-63,Haring A longitudinal follow-up study of 583 attempted suicides based on Hungarian material,1991,12,1,48-57,Zonda The increase of suicides in psychiatric hospitals in southwestern Germany according to diagnostic subgroups,1991,12,1,34-47,Wolfersdorf Interviews with survivors of suicides: procedures and follow-up of interview subjects,1991,12,1,21-33,Asgard Suicide notes and their implications for intervention,1991,12,1,1-20,Leenaars The predictability of suicidal behavior: the results of a meta-analysis of published studies,1990,11,2,57-84,Diekstra Beyond the scale: toward a new definition of suicide?,1990,11,2,98-103,Soubrier Suicide risk in suicidal versus nonsuicidal depressed inpatients,1990,11,2,85-97,Wolfersdorf Physical illness pain and suicidal behavior,1990,11,2,48-56,Venkoba Rao Models of suicide risk: nice persons,1990,11,2,37-47,Motto Contribution to suicide risk assessment: ii. on the practice of suicide risk assessment,1990,11,2,34-36,Sonneck Contribution to suicide risk assessment: i. a simple method to predict crises after suicide attempts (parasuicides),1990,11,2,31-33,Sonneck Suicide risk assessment and prediction,1990,11,2,22-30,Beck Suicidal tendencies: detection and evaluation,1990,11,2,11-21,Pöldinger Suicide risk assessment and prediction in the 1990s,1990,11,2,104-112,Clark Suicide risk assessment and prediction,1990,11,2,1-112, A comparison of suicide notes written by suicide completers and suicide attempters,1990,11,1,7-11,Lester Attitudes and psychological characteristics of suicidal individuals,1990,11,1,60-72,Ovuga Empirical indicators of near-term suicide risk,1990,11,1,52-59,Motto The change of symptomatology in hospitalized suicidal patients,1990,11,1,44-51,Milch The regional variation of suicide by different methods: a problem for Durkheim's theory of suicide,1990,11,1,32-37,Lester Values economic estimations and suicide intent,1990,11,1,20-31,Kuda Brief psychotherapy with suicidal persons,1990,11,1,1-6,Achté The study of suicide from a feminist perspective,1990,11,1,38-43,Lester Dreams and suicidal behaviour,1990,11,1,12-19,Evans The demise of the last emperor: its influence on Japanese society from a thanatological viewpoint,1989,10,2,169-178,Takahashi The psychopathology and psychodynamics of self-destruction,1989,10,2,113-122,Pöldinger Public health education against suicide: a new strategy for prevention,1989,10,2,181-183,Lester Roulette of the road: a new kind of suicide attempt? A preliminary report,1989,10,2,179-180,Hes A cross-cultural comparison of ideal and undesirable qualities of crisis line workers,1989,10,2,152-163,Farberow Suicide across the adult life-span: an archival study,1989,10,2,132-151,Leenaars Evaluation of attempted suicides: a comparative study of staff in a general hospital and consulting staff in a psychiatric hospital,1989,10,2,123-131,Suokas Changing rates of suicide by car exhaust in men and women in the United States after car exhaust was detoxified,1989,10,2,164-168,Lester Suicidal behavior in adolescents and young adults: the international picture,1989,10,1,16-35,Diekstra Skills for adolescence: experience with the International Lions-Quest program,1989,10,1,88-104,Sprunger Prevention of alcohol use and abuse in adolescence: teacher- vs peer-led intervention,1989,10,1,52-61,Perry Preparing for life: the critical transition of adolescence,1989,10,1,4-15,Hamburg Prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents: the role and training of teachers,1989,10,1,36-51,Diekstra Preventive interventions in adolescence,1989,10,1,1-3,Diekstra Psychosocial approaches to substance abuse prevention: theoretical foundations and empirical findings,1989,10,1,62-77,Botvin The meaning of suicide: implications for research,1988,9,2,93-108,Boldt Long-term crisis management by furthering group dependence as a narcissistic reinforcement of drug and alcohol dependents,1988,9,2,83-92,Battegay Comparison of the two telephone crisis lines in Los Angeles (USA) and in Ljubljana (Yugoslavia),1988,9,2,146-157,Farberow Suicide in young people is different,1988,9,2,135-145,Michel Suicidal individuals: two types of research or two types of people?,1988,9,2,130-134,Lester Toward a comprehensive strategy for the prevention of suicidal behavior: a summary of recommendations of national task forces,1988,9,2,119-129,Diekstra Biological prediction of suicide: the role of serotonin,1988,9,2,109-118,Marazziti Distant suicide,1988,9,1,7-12,Modestin Separation: an important factor in suicidal actions,1988,9,1,49-63,Wasserman Postvention for bereaved family members: some therapeutic possibilities,1988,9,1,45-48,Bengesser Italian suicidology and the C.R.I.S,1988,9,1,27-31,Esposito Interdisciplinary suicide prevention teaching program,1988,9,1,13-26,Vogel Founder's perspective--then and now,1988,9,1,1-6,Ringel Cognitive therapy of depression: a means of crisis intervention,1988,9,1,32-44,Diekstra Some problems connected with the treatment of suicide attempt patients: transference and countertransference aspects,1987,8,1,69-82,Wolk-Wasserman Factor analytic study of suicidal behavior,1987,8,1,62-68,Biro The psychiatric management of parasuicide patients: a controlled clinical study comparing different strategies of outpatient treatment,1987,8,1,53-61,Moller Types of hospital suicide and depression: some selected results of a study on suicides committed during psychiatric hospitalization,1987,8,1,37-48,Wolfersdorf Defining suicide: implications for suicide behavior and for suicide prevention,1987,8,1,3-13,Boldt Indirect suicide and social status,1987,8,1,14-29,Andriolo Epidemiological data on suicide in Upper-Austria 1977-1984,1987,8,1,49-52,Schöny Suicide among children and young adults during the period 1961-1981,1987,8,1,30-36,Hjortsjö Staff response to the suicide of psychiatric inpatients,1987,8,2,178-184,Wolfersdorf Comparison between counselor's and caller's expectations and their realization on the telephone crisis line,1987,8,2,162-177,Zavasnik Suicidal behavior in schizophrenia,1987,8,2,151-161,Tejedor On the relationship between depression coping behavior and suicide,1987,8,2,138-150,Scholz Suicide in relation to somatic illnesses and complications,1987,8,2,125-137,Hjortsjö Suicidal behaviour and interpersonal network,1987,8,2,112-124,Williams Self-poisoning in Heidelberg 1974-1980,1987,8,2,103-111,Kulessa Analytically oriented group psychotherapy with borderline patients as long-term crisis management,1986,7,2,94-110,Battegay Ten commonalities of suicide and their implications for response,1986,7,2,88-93,Shneidman The public image of suicide: attitudes toward suicide and mental illness,1986,7,2,84-88,Ruiz Ruiz Physicians' attitudes toward suicide and their influence on suicide prevention,1986,7,2,80-83,Reimer Suicide risk by age and birth cohort in Sweden,1986,7,2,75-80,Asgard Theoretical and social implications of the changing suicide profile,1986,7,2,69-75,Matthijs Attitudes toward suicide in the print media,1986,7,2,118-125,Kuess On the phenomenology and nosology of the presuicidal syndrome,1986,7,2,111-117,Sonneck Staff's attitudes toward patients who attempt suicide,1986,7,1,47-53,Lönnqvist The aftermath of suicide: a comparison of attitudes of those bereaved by suicide social workers and a community sample,1986,7,1,38-43,Goldney Some psychodynamic aspects of the presuicidal syndrome with special reference to older persons,1986,7,1,24-32,Achté Chronic somatisizing autoaggression--imminent psychosomatic decompensation (IPD)--crisis and intervention,1986,7,1,14-23,Gathmann Arthur Koestler: was his suicide rational?,1986,7,1,33-38,Goldney Yugoslavia: a natural laboratory for suicide research?,1986,7,1,43-47,Biro Suicide among physicians: prevention and postvention,1986,7,1,1-13,Simon Confrontation with suicide: figures from a university psychiatric outpatient department,1985,6,2,78-88,Haenel Depression suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in 900 adolescents: an analysis,1985,6,2,89-105,Rosenstock Psychosocial correlates of suicidal behaviors in an urban population,1985,6,2,63-77,Bagley A systematic and integrated interagency model for providing coordinated and comprehensive suicide prevention services,1985,6,2,106-118,Boldt An increase in suicides by falling in Switzerland,1985,6,1,36-45,Haenel Catamnesis of a suicide: death by asphyxiation in a plastic bag under the effect of ether while listening to music,1985,6,1,46-56,Bauer Suicide and unemployment,1985,6,1,19-35,Pröbsting Follow-up study on the attempted suicides among the elderly in Helsinki in 1973-1979,1985,6,1,10-18,Achté Survivor-victims and crisis care,1985,6,1,1-9,Goldney The completed suicides of 119 male and female physicians and dentists in Upper Bavaria -- 1963-1978,1984,5,2,91-107,Bamayr Suicide prevention after publication of the book: Suicide Mode d'Emploi (Suicide: How to do it),1984,5,2,119-124,Soubrier Problems in the treatment of suicide attempts in the province of Salzburg Austria,1984,5,1,9-36,Fartacek Group therapy for survivors of suicide,1984,5,1,45-58,Battle Morita therapy and suicide prevention,1984,5,1,37-44,Reynolds Suicide attempt: Clinical assessment and mode of intervention,1984,5,1,1-8,Kincel The frequency of suicide and chronological parameters,1984,5,2,65-90,Hjortsjo On the epidemiology of attempted suicide: A sample-survey study among general practitioners,1984,5,2,108-118,Diekstra Differentiation of suicidal and non-suicidal adolescents: Decision value of the Mini-Multi personality test examined by discrimination analysis,1983,4,2,87-99,Facy Suicide prevention: Retrospective and outlook on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the German Society for Suicide Prevention,1983,4,1,3-15,Ringel A social-psychological investigation on suicide attempts in a military population,1983,4,1,16-32,Flach Jewish and non-Jewish suicide in Oakland County Michigan,1983,4,1,33-60,Danto The fatally burned suicidal patient,1982,3,2,88-94,Plattner Attempted suicide by foreigners and Germans: a comparative study,1982,3,2,63-77,Feuerlein The epidemiology of suicides in the metropolitan area of Quebec,1982,3,2,95-103,Campagna A tale of two bridges: Comparative suicide incidence on the Golden Gate and San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridges,1982,3,1,32-40,Seiden Content analysis investigation of the concreteness of suicide notes,1982,3,1,16-31,Schwibbe Suicidal behavior in women,1982,3,1,41-49,Neuringer Childhood and adolescent suicide research: A critique,1982,3,1,3-15,Cohen-Sandler Suicidal intent in single-car accident drivers: Review and new preliminary findings,2006,27,2,92-99,Tatarelli Exploring the relationship between area characteristics and self-harm: Old and new approaches,2006,27,2,88-91,Cooper Media guidelines on the reporting of suicide,2006,27,2,82-87,Burgess High rates of suicide and attempted suicide using pesticides in Nickerie Suriname South America,2006,27,2,77-81,Kerkhof Number and type of substances in alcohol and drug-related completed suicides in an Australian sample,2006,27,2,72-76,Oei Self-disclosure depression anxiety and suicidal behavior in adolescent psychiatric inpatients,2006,27,2,66-71,Apter Preventing elderly suicide through primary care by community-based screening for depression in rural Japan,2006,27,2,58-65,Oyama Suicide in Asia,2006,27,2,55-57,Beautrais Fragmented pathways to care: the experiences of suicidal men,2006,27,1,31-38,Rhodes The variation of the mean age of suicides in the United States,2003,24,4,173-174,Lester Injury and poisoning mortality among young men--are there any common factors amenable to prevention?,2003,24,3,122-127,Stanistreet Suicide outside the care of mental health services: a case-controlled psychological autopsy study,2003,24,3,113-121,Owens Seasonality in suicide: a study of farming suicides in England and Wales,2003,24,3,93-97,Simkin Adolescent self-poisoning: a cohort study of subsequent suicide and premature deaths,2003,24,2,79-84,Carter Cathartic effect of suicide attempts not limited to depression: a short-term prospective study after deliberate self-poisoning,2003,24,2,73-78,Sarfati Age patterns of suicide: identification and characterization of European clusters and trends,2003,24,2,56-67,da Veiga Suicidal behavior in black South Africans,2003,24,1,24-28,Schlebusch Child and adolescent survivors of suicide,2003,24,1,4-6,Sethi Struggling against suicide: the need for an integrative approach,2002,23,1,23-31,De Leo The protective role of parental involvement in adolescent suicide,2002,23,1,17-22,Flouri Suicide and suicide attempts in Ankara in 1998: results of the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study of Suicidal Behaviour,2002,23,1,11-16,Sayil Incidence of completed and attempted suicide in Trabzon Turkey,2002,23,1,3-10,Bilici Psychological analysis of the Sri Lankan conflict culture with special reference to the high suicide rate,2002,23,4,167-170,Bolz Is the time of suicide a random choice? A new statistical perspective,2002,23,4,161-166,Rocchi Depression and parasuicide in refugee and Slovenian adolescents,2002,23,3,127-132,Yule Suicidal behavior in South Asians in the UK,2002,23,3,108-113,Bhugra Asthma and suicidal ideation among youth in the community,2004,25,3,99-102,Marusic The burden of suicide and ... have we forgotten the open verdicts?,2004,25,2,47-50,Roskar Who's treating adolescent suicide attempters?,1996,17,3,105-107,Spirito Use of army weapons and private firearms for suicide and homicide in the region of Basel Switzerland,2006,27,3,140-146,Frei Suicide terror,2006,27,3,149,Haddad The stigma for attempting suicide and the loss to suicide prevention efforts,2006,27,3,147-148,Lester Suicide in the Greek penal system and the problem of various limitations in relevant studies,2006,27,3,135-139,Themeli Suicide and other external-cause mortality statistics in Ireland: a comparison of registration and occurrence data,2006,27,3,130-134,Corcoran One-hundred cases of suicide in Budapest: a case-controlled psychological autopsy study,2006,27,3,125-129,Zonda Motor vehicle exhaust gas suicide in Victoria Australia 1998-2002,2006,27,3,119-124,Routley The phenomenon of suicide bombing: a review of psychological and nonpsychological factors,2006,27,3,107-118,Apter Suicidology meeting genetics: what about suicidologists?,2006,27,3,105-106,Marusic Should suicide prevention programs target individuals or society as a whole?,2006,27,4,200-201,Lester A review of the literature on rural suicide: risk and protective factors incidence and prevention,2006,27,4,189-199,Hirsch Gender and cultural patterns of suicidal behavior: young Hindustani immigrant women in the Netherlands,2006,27,4,181-188,Kerkhof Reaching suicidal people with media campaigns: new challenges for a new century,2006,27,4,172-180,Raymond Personality and repeated suicide attempts in dependent adolescents and young adults,2006,27,4,164-171,Jeammet Monitoring deliberate self-harm presentations to general hospitals,2006,27,4,157-163,Harriss A systematic review of elderly suicide prevention programs,2011,32,2,88-98,Conwell Body mass and suicide risk,2007,28,1,46-47,Lester Suicide prevention training outside the mental health service system: evaluation of a state-wide program in Australia for rehabilitation and disability staff in the field of traumatic brain injury,2007,28,1,35-43,Simpson Suicide in Bahrain in the last decade,2007,28,1,11-15,Hamadeh Outcome of suicidal ideation and behavior in a young help-seeking population over a 2-year period,2007,28,1,4-10,Robinson Suicide and Asperger's syndrome,2007,28,1,1-3,Fitzgerald Railway suicide: Who is responsible?,2003,24,2,47-48,Kerkhof Assessment of accuracy of suicide mortality surveillance data in South Africa: investigation in an urban setting,2007,28,2,74-81,Burrows The content of suicide notes from attempters and completers,2007,28,2,102-104,Lester Unemployment and suicidal behavior in a New Zealand birth cohort: a fixed effects regression analysis,2007,28,2,95-101,Fergusson The economic cost of suicide in Ireland,2007,28,2,89-94,Kennelly Suicide and changing values and beliefs in Ireland,2007,28,2,82-88,Cleary Suicide and alcohol psychoses in Belarus 1970-2005,2007,28,2,61-66,Razvodovsky World Suicide Prevention Day--September 10 2007: "suicide prevention across the life span",2007,28,2,57-60,Beautrais Murder-suicide,2007,28,3,111-112,Connolly Preventing suicide in prisons Part I. Recommendations from the International Association for Suicide Prevention Task Force on suicide in prisons,2007,28,3,113-121,Daigle Preventing suicide in prisons Part II. International comparisons of suicide prevention services in correctional facilities,2007,28,3,122-130,Daigle Risk factors for and protective factors against adolescent suicidal behavior in Turkey,2007,28,3,131-139,Dereboy Maytree: A respite center for the suicidal: an evaluation,2007,28,3,140-147,Briggs Epidemiology of completed suicides in Singapore for 2001 and 2002,2007,28,3,148-155,Lau Lay theories of suicide among Austrian psychology undergraduates,2007,28,4,204-206,Lester Therapeutic mechanisms of suicidal ideation: the influence of changes in automatic thoughts and immature defenses,2007,28,4,198-203,Coleman An analysis of parent-female adolescent relationships in female adolescent suicides,2007,28,4,190-197,Satar Cognitive-behavioral therapy for deliberate self-harm,2007,28,4,175-182,Arensman Suicide reporting content analysis: abstract development and reliability,2007,28,4,165-174,Gould Remarks by Mary McAleese President of Ireland made at the International Association of Suicide Prevention XXIV Biennial Conference August 31 2007 Irish National Events Centre Killarney Co. Kerry Ireland,2008,29,1,53-55,McAleese Deliberate self-harm: characteristics of patients presenting to a tertiary care hospital in Karachi Pakistan,2008,29,1,32-37,Khan Suicide among indigenous peoples: the usefulness of the Human Relations Area Files,2008,29,1,49-51,Lester The impact of suicide on the family,2008,29,1,38-44,Jordan Self-reported suicidal behavior and attitudes toward suicide and suicide prevention among psychology students in Ghana Uganda and Norway,2008,29,1,20-31,Nordvik Social modeling in the transmission of suicidality,2008,29,1,11-19,De Leo The changing gender ratio in occurrence of deliberate self-harm across the lifecycle,2008,29,1,4-10,Harriss Reconciling clinical experience with evidence-based knowledge in suicide prevention policy and practice,2008,29,1,1-3,Mishara The prevention of suicide in India and the developing world: the need for population-based strategies,2008,29,2,102-106,Jacob A pilot study of the suicide victim's last contact with a health professional,2008,29,2,96-101,Snowdon Coping with youth suicide and overdose: one community's efforts to investigate intervene and prevent suicide contagion,2008,29,2,86-95,Collins Attitudes toward suicide bombing in Pakistan,2008,29,2,81-85,Khan Trends in US emergency department visits for suicide attempts 1992-2001,2008,29,2,73-80,Smith The role of perfectionism and autobiographical memory in a sample of parasuicide patients: an exploratory study,2008,29,2,64-72,O'Connor World Suicide Prevention Day:"think globally plan nationally act locally",2008,29,2,59-63,Beautrais The most common method of suicide in Tehran 2000-2004: implications for prevention,2008,29,3,164-166,Maleki Pattern of deliberate self-harm in young people in Karachi Pakistan,2008,29,3,159-163,Khan History of childhood abuse and neglect and suicidal behavior at hospital admission,2008,29,3,154-158,Sfoggia Suicide and undetermined deaths among youths and young adults in Latin America: comparison with the 10 major developed countries--a source of hidden suicides?,2008,29,3,145-153,Pritchard Suicidal behavior as communication in a cultural context: a comparative study between Uganda and Norway,2008,29,3,137-144,Nordvik Years of life lost from suicide in China 1990-2000,2008,29,3,131-136,Yip County council politicians' attitudes toward suicide and suicide prevention: a qualitative cross-cultural study,2008,29,3,123-130,Hjelmeland Understanding self-harm and suicide websites: a qualitative interview study of young adult website users,2008,29,3,118-122,Baker Bullying and suicide attempts among adolescents kept in custody,2008,29,4,216-218,Kiriakidis Cost of treatment of deliberate self-harm. A study from Pakistan,2008,29,4,213-215,Razzak Gender differences in suicidal intent and choice of method among suicide attempters,2008,29,4,209-212,Nordentoft The seasonal risk for deliberate self-harm: Determined by place of birth but occurrence determined by place of residence,2008,29,4,191-201,Hallmayer Research priorities in suicide prevention in Australia. A comparison of current research efforts and stakeholder-identified priorities,2008,29,4,180-190,Jorm Attitudes of medical students general practitioners teachers and police officers toward suicide in a Turkish sample,2008,29,4,173-179,Sayil Optimistic explanatory style as a moderator of the association between negative life events and suicide ideation,2009,30,1,48-53,Hirsch Can postvention be prevention?,2009,30,1,43-47,Andriessen Suicidal ideation,2009,30,1,39-42,Goldney Suicidal ideation and behavior and some psychological correlates in physically disabled motor-vehicle accident survivors,2009,30,1,34-38,Marusic Changes in media reporting of suicide in Australia between 2000/01 and 2006/07,2009,30,1,25-33,Burgess Therapeutic effects of psychological autopsies,2009,30,1,20-24,Henry The ethics of suicide research,2009,30,1,13-19,Fitzgerald A reassessment of suicide measurement,2009,30,1,6-12,Whiteford Charcoal-burning suicides and strategies for prevention,2007,28,Suppl 1,21-27,Yip Gun-control legislation and the impact on suicide,2007,28,Suppl 1,50-57,Leenaars Media reporting of suicide methods: An Australian perspective,2007,28,Suppl 1,64-69,Pirkis Motor vehicle exhaust gas suicide: Review of countermeasures,2007,28,Suppl 1,28-35,Routley Prevention of deaths from intentional pesticide poisoning,2007,28,Suppl 1,10-20,Mishara Railway and metro suicides: Understanding the problem and prevention potential,2007,28,Suppl 1,36-43,Mishara Restricting access to methods of suicide: Rationale and evaluation of this approach to suicide prevention,2007,28,Suppl 1,4-9,Hawton Restrictions in availability of drugs used for suicide,2007,28,Suppl 1,44-49,Nordentoft Suicide by jumping: A review of research and prevention strategies,2007,28,Suppl 1,58-63,Beautrais The contribution to suicide prevention of restricting access to methods and sites,2007,28,Suppl 1,1-3,Beautrais Assessing the risk of recidivism among suicide attempters,1983,4,2,80-86,Choquet Should the suffering of Job be considered an exception or an example?,1983,4,2,65-79,Battegay Suicide prevention through crisis intervention,1983,4,2,100-106,Sonneck Group therapy aftercare experiences for persons who have attempted suicide,1982,3,2,104-114,Moller Three-Year follow-up of 100 patients who attempted suicide and were treated by "Arche",1982,3,2,78-87,Moller The attitudes of preclinical and clinical Turkish medical students toward suicide attempters,2011,32,3,128-133,Arikan Crisis - looking back down the road,2009,30,1,1-5,Beautrais Suicidal ideation in ethnic minority and majority adolescents in Utrecht the Netherlands,2008,29,4,202-208,Smit Seven steps to integrating suicidology,2008,29,3,115-117,Marusic Surviving the suicides of significant others: a case study,2008,29,1,45-48,Lester Current understandings of suicide survivor issues: research practice and plans. Report of the 1st International Suicide Postvention Seminar September 8 2006 Portoroz Slovenia,2007,28,4,211-213,Grad Reconnecting the person with humanity: how psychiatric nurses work with suicidal people,2007,28,4,207-210,Smith What can we do to help and understand survivors of suicide in Hong Kong?,2007,28,4,183-189,Chan The relationship between psychological buffers hopelessness and suicidal ideation: identification of protective factors,2007,28,2,67-73,Chioqueta On the Werther effect: a reply to Krysinska and Lester,2007,28,1,48-49,Andriessen Two further comments on Durkheim's Le Suicide,2007,28,1,44-45,Andriessen The lived experience of adults bereaved by suicide: a phenomenological study,2007,28,1,26-34,Quayle Addressing suicidal ideations through the realization of meaningful personal goals,2007,28,1,16-25,Dube Suicide bombings - a word of caution,2009,30,2,106-107,Zafar Impulsive but fatal self-poisoning with pesticides among South Asians in Nickerie Suriname,2009,30,2,102-105,Kerkhof Suicidal behavior by burns in the province of Fars Iran,2009,30,2,98-101,Alaghehbandan Rethinking suicide bombing,2009,30,2,94-97,Aggarwal Characteristics of suicidal behavior in a Turkish sample,2009,30,2,90-93,Karadag Deliberate self-harm in the emergency department: experience from Karachi Pakistan,2009,30,2,85-89,Rehmani Suicides by jumping from iconic bridges in Hong Kong,2009,30,2,79-84,Yip Factors associated with repeated suicide attempts. Preliminary results of the WHO Multisite Intervention Study on Suicidal Behavior (SUPRE-MISS) from Campinas Brazil,2009,30,2,73-78,Botega A case control study of suicides in China with and without mental disorder,2009,30,2,68-72,Zhou Suicidal behavior in four ethnic groups in the Hague 2002-2004,2009,30,2,63-67,Middelkoop Cross-cultural research widens suicide prevention horizons,2009,30,2,59-62,De Leo Specific psychological treatment versus treatment as usual in adolescents with self-harm,2011,32,2,74-80,Ougrin Hyperlinked suicide,2011,32,3,143-151,Collings Birthday blues,2011,32,3,134-142,Kapur Definitions of suicidal behavior: lessons learned from the WHO/EURO multicentre Study,2006,27,1,4-15,Kerkhof Women and suicidal behavior,2006,27,4,153-156,Beautrais SOPRoxi: a research-intervention project for suicide survivors,2006,27,1,39-41,Scocco Comment on the Werther effect,2006,27,2,100,Lester The attitudes of emergency staff toward attempted suicide patients,2009,30,3,161-165,Suokas Can sports events affect suicidal behavior?,2009,30,3,144-152,Krysinska Severity of attempted suicide as measured by the pierce suicidal intent scale,2009,30,3,136-143,Värnik Suicide prevention with adolescents,2009,30,3,128-135,Yuan The perspectives of young adults on recovery from repeated suicide-related behavior,2009,30,3,120-127,Langley Epidemiological trends in attempted suicide in adolescents and young adults between 1996 and 2004,2009,30,3,115-119,Portzky Preventive intervention programmes in adolescence: education in safe sexual behaviour for life?,1989,10,1,78-87,Ennew Suicide in the elderly,1992,13,1,6-8,Conwell Stengel Research Award 1993,1993,14,3,143,Goldney Prevention or preventability. Stengel Award Recipient Lecture,1993,14,3,141-143,Wasserman An aeronautic suicide attempt (3). Suicide and self-destructive behavior in aviation,1993,14,2,68-70 82,Mäulen Hotlines--a case study,1993,14,2,59-60,Seeley Letters across the Atlantic,1993,14,4,150-151,Berman Learning about suicide from the diary of Cesare Pavese,2009,30,4,222-224,Lester Alcohol and other contextual factors of suicide in four aboriginal communities of Quebec Canada,2009,30,4,215-221,Tousignant Suicide survivors and the suicidology academe,2009,30,4,208-214,Cutcliffe Menstruation and suicide,2009,30,4,202-207,Leenaars Explaining suicide in an urban slum of Mumbai India,2009,30,4,192-201,Parkar Beverage-specific alcohol sale and suicide in Russia,2009,30,4,186-191,Razvodovsky Fatality of suicide attempts in Amsterdam 1996-2005,2009,30,4,180-185,Das The development of effective message content for suicide intervention,2009,30,4,174-179,Cerel Denial in suicide survivors,2004,25,2,78-79,Lester Violence in northerners and southerners,2004,25,1,35-36,Lester Sophocles--the first great suicidologist,2002,23,1,34-37,Lester Suicide in the Ukraine,2002,23,1,32-33,Lester A Marxist perspective on assisted suicide,2002,23,4,178-179,Lester The scientific study of suicide requires accurate data,2002,23,3,133-134,Lester Hallucinations pseudohallucinations and severity of suicidal ideation among emergency psychiatry patients,2010,31,1,53-56,Penagaluri Suicide by firearms on the Island of Crete,2010,31,1,43-52,Kastanaki Suicide among young Middle Eastern Muslim females,2010,31,1,36-42,Rezaeian Prevalence of suicidal ideation in Sri Lanka,2010,31,1,30-35,Sumathipala Attitudes toward suicide in the adolescent population,2010,31,1,22-29,Grad Factors associated with the history of attempted suicide,2010,31,1,12-21,Berglund Current practices of suicide risk management protocols in research,2010,31,1,7-11,Unützer Emergency departments are underutilized sites for suicide prevention,2010,31,1,1-6,Larkin Suicide Clusters in Young People,2012,33,4,208-214,Pirkis Locus of control and academic efficacy in the thoughts of life and death of young Quebec university students,2003,24,2,68-72,Labelle A description of a psychosocial/psychoeducational intervention for persons with recurrent suicide attempts,2002,23,4,156-160,Links Beyond risk theory: suicidal behavior in its social and epidemiological context,2002,23,3,114-120,Neeleman Suicide on the Indian subcontinent,2002,23,3,104-107,Khan Media Guidelines for the Responsible Reporting of Suicide,2012,33,4,190-198,Bohanna A pilot study of mobile telephone message interventions with suicide attempters in China,2010,31,2,109-112,Chen A community-based survey and screening for depression in the elderly,2010,31,2,100-108,Tanaka Suicide attempters' memory traces of exposure to suicidal behavior,2010,31,2,93-99,Reisch The impact of epidemic outbreak,2010,31,2,86-92,Law Evaluation of the reliability and validity of two clinician- judgment suicide risk assessment instruments,2010,31,2,76-85,Hovey Firearms hanging and drowning suicides in the Republic of Ireland,2010,31,2,69-75,Sarma Engagement and retention of suicide attempters in clinical research,2010,31,2,62-68,Brown From bench to bedside in the prevention of suicide: a never-ending back and forth journey,2010,31,2,59-61,Pompili Understanding suicide - a critical stance,2010,31,3,165-166,Buda Child and adolescent suicides in Bosnia and Herzegovina before and after the war (1992-1995),2010,31,3,160-164,Voracek Does a brief suicide prevention gatekeeper training program enhance observed skills?,2010,31,3,149-159,Knox Participant Roles in Bullying Behavior and Their Association with Thoughts of Ending One's Life,2010,31,3,143-148,Rivers Validity of proxy-based reports of impulsivity and aggression in Chinese research on suicidal behavior,2010,31,3,137-142,Phillips Body investment depression and alcohol use as risk factors for suicide proneness in college students,2010,31,3,118-127,Ellis Child suicide family environment and economic crisis,2010,31,3,115-117,Kolves Physicians partners and people with AIDS: deciding about suicide,1994,15,1,15-21 43,Battin Letters across the Atlantic,1994,15,2,55-56,Berman Letters across the Atlantic,1994,15,4,150-152,Berman A response to Lanny Berman's letters across the Atlantic (tenth letter in a series),1996,17,4,188-189,Cantor Reaching the suicidal: the volunteer's role in preventing suicide,1996,17,3,102-104,Scott Hotlines as discrete services in mental health and human service organizations,1996,17,3,100-1 104,Seeley Postvention in schools: affective or effective?,1996,17,3,98-99,Goldney Suicidality and personality disorders in adolescence,1996,17,2,64-68,Braun-Scharm Suicidality in hospitalized patients with a primary diagnosis of personality disorder,1996,17,2,59-63,Ahrens The typology of personality disorders--diagnostic problems and their relevance for suicidal behavior,1996,17,2,55-58,Bronisch Letters across the Atlantic,1996,17,1,3-4 7,Morgan Assessing the impact of suicide exclusion periods on life insurance,2010,31,4,217-223,Wang Psychosocial assessment following self-harm,2010,31,4,211-216,Owens The impact of patient suicide on the professional reactions and practices of mental health caregivers and social workers,2010,31,4,202-210,Heeb Repetition of suicide attempts,2010,31,4,194-201,Wasserman The acceptability of suicide among rural residents urban residents and college students from three locations in china,2010,31,4,183-193,Phillips A study of the Irish system of recording suicide deaths,2010,31,4,174-182,Corcoran Australia revises its mortality data on suicide,2010,31,4,169-173,De Leo Suicidal behavior in a young offender population,2003,24,3,98-104,Howard Intervention studies in suicide prevention research,2010,31,5,281-284,Pirkis The judgment of future suicide-related behavior,2010,31,5,272-280,Karver Characteristics of police officer suicides in the federal Austrian police corps,2010,31,5,265-271,Niederkrotenthaler Adolescent suicide attempts in Baerum Norway 1984-2006,2010,31,5,255-264,Dieserud Suicide prevention public service announcements,2010,31,5,247-254,Klimes-Dougan Research participation experiences of informants of suicide and control cases,2010,31,5,238-246,Yip Improving risk assessment with suicidal patients,2010,31,5,231-237,Nelson Counting suicides and making suicide count as a public health problem,2010,31,5,227-230,Rockett Sexual behavior depressive feelings and suicidality among Estonian school children aged 13 to 15 years,2010,31,3,128-136,Värnik Can novel nosological strategies aid in the identification of risk for suicidal behavior?,2009,30,4,171-173,Oquendo Measuring hopelessness and life orientation in Pakistani adolescents,2009,30,3,153-160,Ayub When life wins out over suicide,2010,31,6,343,Buda Suicidal ideation and its correlates in prisoners,2010,31,6,335-342,Li Suicide by pesticide poisoning,2010,31,6,328-334,Kastanaki Suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among adolescents in Western Jamaica,2010,31,6,317-327,Kukoyi The suicidal process and self-esteem,2010,31,6,311-316,Thompson Reassessment of suicide attempters at home shortly after discharge from hospital,2010,31,6,303-310,Zitman No-suicide contracts no-suicide agreements and no-suicide assurances,2010,31,6,290-302,Edwards Suicide terrorism as a socially approved form of suicide,2010,31,6,287-289,Lankford International Conference on Prevention of Suicide Behavior Among Youth of Kosovo--challenge or chance? November 19-21 2007 Prishtina Kosovo,2008,29,2,110-111,Tancic Suicidal behavior in patients diagnosed with cancer of the cervix,2003,24,4,168-172,Bosch Suicide risk in outpatients with specific mood and anxiety disorders,2003,24,3,105-112,Chioqueta Anguish and despair in adolescents with eating disorders--helping to manage suicidal ideation and impulses,2003,24,1,32-36,Manley Networking to support suicide survivors,2003,24,1,29-31,Andriessen The death of offenders in England and Wales,2003,24,1,17-23,Sattar Suicide and the media. Part II: Portrayal in fictional media,2001,22,4,155-162,Pirkis I.A.S.P. guidelines for suicide prevention. I.A.S.P. Executive Committee,1999,20,4,155-163, Letter across the pacific,1999,20,2,51-53,Berman Support in suicidal crises: the Swedish National Program to Develop Suicide Prevention. The Swedish National Council for Suicide Prevention,1997,18,2,65-72, The impact of the 2009 Red River flood on interpersonal risk factors for suicide,2011,32,1,52-55,Gordon Adolescent suicidality as seen in rural northeastern Uganda,2011,32,1,43-51,Kinyanda Potentially lethal suicide attempts using sharp objects during psychotic illness,2011,32,1,37-42,Large Epidemiologic characteristics of suicidal behavior in contemporary ghana,2011,32,1,31-36,Adinkrah Suicide risk and its relationship to change in marital status,2011,32,1,24-30,Roskar Doing qualitative research on suicide in a developing country,2011,32,1,15-23,Hjelmeland Comparative epidemiology of suicide in South Korea and Japan: Effects of age gender and suicide methods,2011,32,1,5-14,Kawachi Do animals commit suicide? Does it matter?,2011,32,1,1-4,Preti Grandiose fury. Letter across the pacific,2002,23,1,38-39,Cantor Victims and survivors--letter across the pacific,2003,24,1,37-38,Cantor Key considerations for preventing suicide in older adults,2011,32,2,106-109,Conwell Suicidal Behavior on Axis VI,2011,32,2,110-113,Witte The economic and potential years of life lost from suicide in Taiwan 1997-2007,2011,32,3,152-159,Yip Intentional and Unintentional Injuries Across Health Regions in Alberta Canada: An Implication for Policy,2004,25,4,156-160,Belton Impact of Withdrawal of the Analgesic Co-proxamol on Nonfatal Self-Poisoning in the UK,2011,32,2,81-87,Bergen Personal violence in northerners and southerners,2004,25,1,35-36,Lester Correction to Mugisha et Al. (2011),2011,32,2,64, Cultural context is crucial in suicide research and prevention,2011,32,2,61-64,Hjelmeland Towards evidence-based suicide prevention programs,2011,32,3,117-120,Yip The role of suicide risk in the decision for psychiatric hospitalization after a suicide attempt,2011,32,2,65-73,Saiz-Ruiz Panic disorder and suicidal behavior,2011,32,3,169-172,Lester Integrating medical examiner and police report data,2011,32,3,160-168,Ward Letter across the Pacific,1999,20,3,103-105,Cantor Letter across the Pacific,1999,20,1,5-7,Cantor Should volunteers drink deep?,1998,19,3,138-139,Whiting Suicide euthanasia and AIDS,1998,19,2,87-96,Mishara Railway Suicide in Belgium 1998-2009,2012,33,1,39-45,Krysinska Ethical Issues Relevant to the Assessment of Suicide Risk in Nonclinical Research Settings,2012,33,1,54-59,Christensen In-depth Interviews with 244 Female Suicide Attempters and Their Associates in Northern China,2012,33,2,66-72,Phillips Perception of Health Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempt Among Adults in the Community,2011,32,6,346-351,Marusic The Integrated Motivational-Volitional Model of Suicidal Behavior,2011,32,6,295-298,O'Connor Best Practice Elements of Multilevel Suicide Prevention Strategies,2011,32,6,319-333,Roskar Early Adolescence and Suicidal Ideations in Croatia,2011,32,6,334-345,Dodig Stop Worrying,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buda Does Screening High School Students for Psychological Distress Deliberate Self-Harm or Suicidal Ideation Cause Distress - And Is It Acceptable?,2011,32,5,254-263,Hughes Understanding Why Older People Develop a Wish to Die,2011,32,4,204-216,Onwuteaka-Philipsen Suicide Announcement on Facebook,2011,32,5,280-282,Thali Suicide Attempts Among Depressed Inpatients with Depressive Disorder in a Malaysian Sample,2011,32,5,283-287,Maniam Interpersonal Violence Victimization and Suicidal Ideation,2011,32,5,240-245,Conner The Effects of Situational Obstacles and Social Support on Suicide-Prevention Gatekeeper Behaviors,2011,32,5,264-271,Chen Inequalities and impact of socioeconomic-cultural factors in suicide rates across Italy,2011,32,4,178-185,Lester A Study of Deliberate Self-Harm and Its Repetition Among Patients Presenting to an Emergency Department,2011,32,4,217-224,Law Suicidal Ideation Friendships with Delinquents Social and Parental Connectedness and Differential Associations by Sex,2011,32,6,299-309,Crosby How Henry Hellyer's Use of Language Foretold His Suicide,2011,32,5,288-292,Pennebaker The Relationship Between Suicidal Thinking and Dating Violence in a Sample of Adolescent Abortion Patients,2011,32,5,246-253,Cerel Understanding the Risks of Recent Discharge,2012,33,1,21-29,Eynan The Incidence of Hospital-Treated Attempted Suicide in Oviedo Spain,2012,33,1,46-53,Corcoran Caring Letters Project,2012,33,1,5-12,Gahm Evaluation of the Commitment to Living (CTL) Curriculum,2012,33,1,30-38,Cross Coping Style as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Deliberate Self-Harm,2011,32,5,272-279,McCabe Predicting Suicidal Risk in a Cohort of Depressed Children and Adolescents,2012,33,1,13-20,Vance What Do We Know About Needs for Help After Suicide in Different Parts of the World?,2011,32,6,310-318,Dyregrov Durkheim at the movies: a century of suicide in film,2011,32,4,175-177,Stack Wishes to die in older people,2011,32,4,194-203,Onwuteaka-Philipsen Is the emotional response of survivors dependent on the consequences of the suicide and the support received?,2011,32,4,186-193,Schnabel Mapping suicide in London – A methodological case study on the application of the smoothing technique,2011,32,4,225-230,Rezaeian DSM-V and the Future of Suicidology,2011,32,5,233-239,De Leo Suicide and the media. Part I: Reportage in nonfictional media,2001,22,4,146-154,Pirkis Suicide serotonin and the brain,2001,22,2,66-70,van Heeringen Ligature Points and Ligature Types Used by Psychiatric Inpatients Who Die by Hanging,2012,33,2,87-94,Hunt Self-Injurious Behavior vs. Nonsuicidal Self-Injury,2012,33,2,106-112,Bloom Media Representation of Gender Patterns of Suicide in Taiwan,2012,33,3,144-150,Yip Correlates of Suicidal Ideation and/or Behavior in Bariatric-Surgery-Seeking Individuals With Severe Obesity,2012,33,3,1-7,Chen Referral Patterns for Youths Identified at Risk for Suicide by Trained Gatekeepers,2012,33,2,113-119,Walrath The Evaluation of Suicide Letters in Turkey From a Cognitive Perspective,2012,33,2,1-7,Bicer Protective Factors and Suicidality in Members of Arab Kindred,2012,33,2,80-86,Brent Thwarted Belongingness and Perceived Burdensomeness in Suicide Notes,2012,33,3,178-181,Lester Alcohol and Suicide in Postconflict Northern Uganda,2012,33,2,95-105,Hjelmeland Suicide prevention and emergent media: surfing the opportunity,2012,33,1,1-4,Collings Preventing suicide in schizophrenia inside the family environment,2003,24,4,181-182,Mancinelli Hanging crepe in suicide prevention,2003,24,4,177-178,Goldney Can a louse commit suicide? Letter across the pacific,2003,24,4,175-176,Maltsberger Crisis--a wide range of issues,2003,24,4,141-144,Connolly Problem-solving intervention for suicidal crises in the psychiatric emergency service,2003,24,3,134-136,Forster Interdisciplinary wormholes: letter across the pacific,2003,24,3,131-133,Cantor How the media influences children's conceptions of suicide,2003,24,3,128-130,Mishara Depression suicide and schizophrenia,2003,24,3,91-92,Connolly Depression and suicidal behavior: the real estate analogy,2003,24,2,87-88,Goldney Improving suicide risk assessment in a managed-care environment,2003,24,2,49-55,Brown Deinstitutionalization and suicide,2003,24,1,39-40,Goldney Can a theory of suicide predict all "suicides" in the elderly?,2003,24,1,7-16,Leenaars Preventing suicide--are we?,2003,24,1,1-3,Scott Suicide Deaths and Nonfatal Hospital Admissions for Deliberate Self-Harm in the United States,2012,33,3,169-177,Lawrence Understanding the Risks of Recent Discharge: The Phenomenological Experiences,2012,33,5,265-272,Eynan Reporting of Suicide by the New Zealand Media,2012,33,4,199-207,McKenna Effects of a Comprehensive Police Suicide Prevention Program,2012,33,3,162-168,Mishara Internet Comments Elicited by Media Portrayal of a Familicide-Suicide Case,2012,33,4,222-229,Värnik Classification Algorithm for the Determination of Suicide Attempt and Suicide (CAD-SAS),2012,33,3,151-161,Paxton Lifetime Risk of Suicidal Behaviors and Communication to a Health Professional About Suicidal Ideation,2012,33,3,127-136,Lagarde Suicide and aircraft,2002,23,1,2,Lester Nodus informis leti--"The most infamous death" (Virgil),2002,23,4,182-185,Mazaraki In the land of the lotos eaters. Letter across the Pacific,2002,23,4,180-181,Maltsberger Successful model of suicide prevention in the Ukraine military environment,2002,23,4,171-177,Rozanov The communicative aspect of nonfatal suicidal behavior--are there gender differences?,2002,23,4,144-155,Nordvik On the birth of a suicide prevention strategy and the death of suicidology,2002,23,4,143,Connolly Comment on Burless and DeLeo,2002,23,3,137-138,Etzersdorfer Progress--what progress? Letter across the Pacific,2002,23,3,135-136,Cantor Calculating the burden of disease of suicide attempted suicide and suicide ideation by estimating disability weights,2012,33,2,63-65,Kerkhof Suicide and Impossible Worlds,2012,33,6,335-343,Bunford A Proper Fitting Explanation?,2012,33,4,230-238,Hawton The Moderating Role of Social Support on the Relationship Between Impulsivity and Suicide Risk,2012,33,5,273-279,Kleiman An Adolescent Suicide Cluster and the Possible Role of Electronic Communication Technology,2012,33,4,239-245,Skegg Suicide Attempt During Adolescence,2012,33,5,290-300,de Kernier Nonsuicidal Self-Injury,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub, Investigating official records of suicides for research purposes,2012,33,3,123-126,Cooper Internet-Based Screening for Suicidal Ideation in Common Mental Disorders,2012,33,4,215-221,Kerkhof Comparison of Journals of Suicidology,2012,33,5,301-305,Ronningstam Evaluation of a Resource for People Bereaved by Suicide,2012,33,5,254-264,Sutton Suicidality in the Veterinary Profession,2012,33,5,280-289,Mellanby Pilot evaluation of a group therapy program for children bereaved by suicide,2012,33,6,350-357,Daigle Alcohol and repeated deliberate self-harm,2012,33,6,358-363,Riedi Differences between suicide victims who leave notes and those who do not,2012,33,6,344-349,Paraschakis Callers' experiences of contacting a national suicide prevention helpline,2012,33,6,313-324,Coveney Comparative risk factors for accidental and suicidal death in cancer patients,2012,33,6,325-334,Kendal Utilized social support and self-esteem mediate the relationship between perceived social support and suicide ideation,2013,34,1,42-49,Kleiman The Stigma of Suicide Scale,2013,34,1,13-21,Batterham The impact of specifying suicide as the cause of death in an obituary,2013,34,1,63-66,Gordon Can postdischarge follow-up contacts prevent suicide and suicidal behavior?,2013,34,1,32-41,Luxton Suicidal ideation risk factors and communication with parents,2013,34,1,3-12,Värnik A nation-wide evidence-based data analysis of repeated suicide attempts,2013,34,1,22-31,Pai Global suicide mortality rates - a light at the end of the tunnel?,2012,33,5,249-253,De Leo Predisposition for self-destruction? Affective temperaments as a suicide risk factor in patients with mood disorders,2012,33,6,309-312,Rihmer Peer response to messages of distress,2013,34,3,183-191,Hirsch Suicidal behavior and attitudes among medical students in the united arab emirates,2013,34,2,116-123,Voracek Suicide in the Aftermath of the L'Aquila (Italy) Earthquake,2013,34,2,142-144,Rossi Motives for suicide in movies,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub, A systematic review of school-based interventions aimed at preventing treating and responding to suicide- related behavior in young people,2013,34,3,164-182,Robinson Gender and racial differences for suicide attempters and ideators in a high-risk community corrections population,2013,34,1,50-62,Cropsey Which suicides are reported in the media - and what makes them "newsworthy"?,2013,34,5,305-313,Pirkis An intervention and follow-up study following a suicide attempt in the emergency departments of four general hospitals in Shenyang China,2013,34,2,107-115,Chen Perceived need for care and health care utilization among depressed and anxious patients with and without suicidal ideation,2013,34,3,192-199,Penninx The relationship between negative life events and suicidal behavior,2013,34,4,233-241,Hirsch Analysis of the cost effectiveness of a suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge,2013,34,2,98-106,Atkins Whitmer Suicidality Assessment with PRISM-S - Simple Fast and Visual,2013,34,2,131-136,Ring The International Association for Suicide Prevention,2013,34,2,137-141,Goldney Suicidal traits in Marilyn Monroe's fragments,2013,34,2,124-130,Fernández-Cabana Perceptions of a peer suicide prevention program by inmates and professionals working in prisons,2013,34,4,289-292,Auzoult The impact of universal suicide-prevention programs on the help-seeking attitudes and behaviors of youths,2013,34,2,82-97,Klimes-Dougan Preparatory studies to a population-based survey of suicide-bereaved parents in Sweden,2013,34,3,200-210,Runeson Deliberate self-harm patients who discharge themselves from the general hospital without adequate psychosocial assessment,2004,25,4,183-186,Crowder Toward a new definition of suicidality? Are we prone to Fregoli's illusion?,2004,25,4,145-146,Marusic Audit of clinical practice guidelines in suicide prevention: who is the auditor?,2004,25,3,141-142,Goldney Police referral to victim support: the predictive and diagnostic value of the RISK (10) screening instrument,2004,25,3,118-127,Wohlfarth End-of-Life decisions in The Netherlands 1990-2001,2004,25,3,97-98,Kerkhof The conscience of martyrs,2004,25,2,88-90,Maltsberger Finland's contribution to suicide prevention,2004,25,2,86-87,Goldney Suicidality of chronic schizophrenic patients in long-term community care,2004,25,2,54-64,Kallert Enrico Morselli: a pioneer in suicide research,2004,25,1,39-40,Goldney Grace and compassion at "ground zero" New York City,2004,25,1,27-29,Rogers Suicide risk in patients with somatization disorder,2004,25,1,3-7,Chioqueta Mediating effects of coping style on associations between mental health factors and self-harm among adolescents,2013,34,4,242-250,Keeley Adolescent survivors after suicide: Australian young people’s bereavement narratives,2013,34,3,211-217,Maple The emergency telephone conversation in the context of the older person in suicidal crisis: a qualitative study,2013,34,4,262-272,Procter Suicide ideation and attempt in a community cohort of urban aboriginal youth: a cross-sectional study,2013,34,4,251-261,Rowley Risus sardonicus: assisted suicide or ritual violent euthanasia?,2013,34,2,71-81,Preti Applying the Anderson-Darling test to suicide clusters,2013,34,6,434-437,Mackenzie The relationship between portrayals of nonsuicidal self-injury attitudes knowledge and behavior,2013,34,5,324-334,Hasking Mapping the evidence of prevention and intervention studies for suicidal and self-harming behaviors in young people,2013,34,4,223-232,Liu Perceived stops to suicidal thoughts plans and actions in persons experiencing psychosis,2013,34,4,273-281,Gooding Challenges and opportunities for suicide bereavement research,2013,34,5,297-304,Cerel Prevalence and risk factors of attempted suicide in adult war-affected population of eastern Uganda,2013,34,5,314-323,Kinyanda The WHO START Study,2013,34,3,156-163,De Leo The agenda development process of the United states' national action alliance for suicide prevention research prioritization task force,2013,34,3,147-155, Cultural values and self-harm,2013,34,4,221-222,Bhugra Factors associated with attitudes toward suicide,2013,34,6,420-427,Inagaki Responses to a self-presented suicide attempt in social media,2013,34,6,406-412,Yip Exposure to suicide and identification as survivor,2013,34,6,413-419,Cerel Seasonal variation of suicide in the City of São Paulo Brazil 1996-2010,2014,35,1,5-9,Volpe Cost effectiveness of a community-based crisis intervention program for people bereaved by suicide,2013,34,6,390-397,Comans Association between psychopathology and suicidal behavior in schizophrenia,2013,34,6,374-381,Medved The interaction effect between low income and severe illness on the risk of death by suicide after self-harm,2013,34,6,398-405,Pai Reasons to Love Life,2013,34,6,382-389,Sonneck Erratum,2013,34,5,367, Suicide prevention in the WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP),2013,34,5,295-296,Saxena Suicides in urban and rural counties in the United States 2006-2008,2014,35,1,18-26,Hedegaard What do the bereaved by suicide communicate in online support groups?,2014,35,1,27-35,Boon Witnessing suicide-related behavior in prison,2014,35,1,10-17,Hales Depression delinquency and suicidal behaviors among college students,2014,35,1,36-41,Jeglic Suicide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the City of Sarajevo,2014,35,1,42-50,Music Can theory predict the process of suicide on entry to prison?,2014,35,2,82-89,Slade Rising youth suicide and the changing cultural context in South Korea,2014,35,2,102-109,Park Attachment organization in suicide prevention research,2014,35,1,60-66,Sharp The law criminalizing attempted suicide in Ghana,2014,35,2,132-136,Hjelmeland The effects of suicide ideation assessments on urges to self-harm and suicide,2014,35,2,123-131,Eynan Suicide prevention on campus: What direction?,2013,34,6,371-373,Lester Tracking suicide risk factors through Twitter in the US,2014,35,1,51-59,Barnes Why do we report suicides and how can we facilitate suicide prevention efforts?,2014,35,2,74-81,Yip Facing a patient who seeks help after a suicide attempt,2014,35,2,110-122,Rothes Brain imaging: Healthy networks for suicide prevention,2014,35,1,1-4,van Heeringen Gender differences in deliberate self-poisoning in Hungary,2014,35,3,145-153,Adam Taking stock - what is known about suicide in Sri Lanka,2014,35,2,90-101,Buckley A typology of male prisoners making near-lethal suicide attempts,2013,34,5,335-347,Fazel Suicide in professional and amateur athletes,2014,35,2,137, Primary prevention research in suicide,2014,35,2,69-73,Edlavitch Temporal and computerized psycholinguistic analysis of the blog of a Chinese adolescent suicide,2014,35,3,168-175,Yip "When you're in the hospital you're in a sort of bubble",2014,35,3,154-160,Bennewith Yearning to be heard,2014,35,3,161-167,Zisook Measuring trainer fidelity in the transfer of suicide prevention training,2014,35,3,202-212,Gould A CBT-based psychoeducational intervention for suicide survivors,2014,35,3,193-201,Portzky Preliminary results from an examination of episodic planning in suicidal behavior,2014,35,3,186-192,Anestis Suicide prevention e-learning modules designed for gatekeepers,2014,35,3,176-185,Kerkhof Suicide in Israel - an update,2014,35,3,141-144,Apter Suicide Prevention via the Internet,2014,35,4,261-267,Scourfield Medications Without a Patient,2014,35,4,283-285,Schaffer Suicidal Ideation and Familicidal-Suicidal Ideation Among Individuals Presenting to Problem Gambling Services,2014,35,4,219-232,Wong Correction to an article in Crisis 35(3) 2014,2014,35,,286, Lipophilic statin use and suicidal ideation in a sample of adults with mood disorders,2014,35,4,278-282,Davison History of suicide attempts in adults with Asperger syndrome,2014,35,4,273-277,Lunsky Ethnic differences in self-poisoning across South London,2014,35,4,268-272,Bhugra Shadows from the past,2014,35,4,253-260,Cutcliffe The rate of fatality and demographic characteristics associated with various suicide methods,2014,35,4,245-252,Wu Exploring prospective predictors of completed suicides,2014,35,4,233-244,Feigelman Will new insights into neural networks help us improve our models of suicidal behavior?,2014,35,4,215-218,Michel Suicide ideation and attempts and bullying in children and adolescents,2014,35,5,301-309,Mahr Assessing suicide attempts and depression among Chinese speakers over the internet,2014,35,5,322-329,Liu A systematic review of evaluated suicide prevention programs targeting indigenous youth,2014,35,5,310-321,Clough Effects of a training workshop on suicide prevention among emergency room nurses,2014,35,5,357-361,Kawanishi Factors related to childhood suicides,2014,35,5,292-300,Kolves Suicide bereavement and postvention in major suicidology journals,2014,35,5,338-348,Andriessen Religion and spirituality in online suicide bereavement,2014,35,5,349-356,Krysinska Physical illness and suicide risk in rural residents of contemporary China,2014,35,5,330-337,Qin Presence and persistence of sleep-related symptoms and suicidal ideation in psychiatric inpatients,2014,35,6,398-405,Ellis PRINTQUAL - a measure for assessing the quality of newspaper reporting of suicide,2014,35,6,431-435,Platt Insecure attachment and suicidal behavior in adolescents,2014,35,6,426-430,Bridge Dissociation and acquired capability as facilitators of suicide ideation among soldiers,2014,35,6,388-397,Levi-Belz Attempted suicide in patients with eating disorders,2014,35,6,378-387,Portzky The relation between illegal risk behaviors and the acquired capability for suicide,2014,35,6,368-377,Cukrowicz New Year's changes,2013,34,1,1-2,De Leo Assessment and management of suicide risk in primary care,2014,35,6,415-425,Chantler The World Health Organization's report on suicide (editorial),2014,35,5,289-291,Fleischmann Exploratory investigation of biomarker candidates for suicide in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder,2014,36,1,46-54,Strauss The mental health of visitors of web-based support forums for bereaved by suicide,2014,36,1,38-45,Kerkhof Suicide after nonfatal self-harm,2014,36,1,65-70,Owens Suicide ideation and attempts in children with psychiatric disorders and typical development,2014,36,1,55-60,Mahr Case study of a survivor of suicide who lost all family members through parent-child collective suicide,2014,36,1,71-75,Enright Interrater reliability of the Silverman et al. Nomenclature for suicide-related ideations behaviors and communications,2014,36,1,61-64,Sarkar Emergency department admission and mortality rate for suicidal behavior,2014,35,6,406-414,Fioritti Suicide in older people,2014,35,6,365-367,Shah Evaluating the implementation of "Managing the Risk of Suicide: A Suicide Prevention Strategy for the ACT 2009-2014",2014,36,1,4-12,Rickwood Suicide Reporting Within British Newspapers' Arts Coverage,2014,36,1,13-20,Pitman Coping Strategies in Adolescents Who Self-Harm,2014,36,1,31-37,Sampaio Suicide-Bereaved Individuals' Attitudes Toward Therapists,2014,ePub,ePub,1-7,Ward-Ciesielski The Impact of Contact With Suicide-Related Behavior in Prison on Young Offenders,2014,36,1,21-30,Hales Military service and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in a national sample of college students,2015,36,2,117-125,Monteith Suicide in Slovenia Between 1997 and 2010,2015,36,2,126-134,Roskar Hospital-treated deliberate self-harm in the Western Area of Northern Ireland,2016,36,2,83-90,Corcoran Creation of a death by suicide: how do bereaved young adults come to understand the death of a friend as suicide?,2015,36,2,142-147,Stanley Can we rely on suicide mortality data?,2015,36,1,1-3,De Leo Sustaining the effects of gatekeeper suicide prevention training,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Swiss prison suicides between 2000 and 2010,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reisch Effects of parliamentary elections on suicide rates in Hungary,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lester Critical review on suicide among nurses,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mishara Professional care as an option prior to self-harm,2015,36,3,179-186,Kullgren A preliminary examination of the relationship between social networking interactions internet use and thwarted belongingness,2015,36,3,187-193,Anestis Information-seeking on the internet,2015,36,3,211-219,Simkin "It's either do it or die",2015,36,3,173-178,Collings Suicidal tendency among adolescents with adjustment disorder,2015,36,3,202-210,Kirchner Lack of trust in the health-care system after losing a child to suicide,2015,36,3,161-172,Titelman Is case management effective for long-lasting suicide prevention?,2015,36,3,194-201,Wu Crisis phones - suicide prevention versus suggestion/contagion effects,2015,36,3,220-224,Stack Acute and chronic risk preceding suicidal crises among middle-aged men without known mental health and/or substance abuse problems,2015,36,5,304-315,Stone A population health perspective on suicide research and prevention,2015,36,3,155-160,Gunnell Association between adolescent suicide and sociodemographic factors in Chile,2015,36,4,281-290,Zitko Revisiting the concept of knowledge,2015,36,4,274-280,Karver Suicide prevention through online gatekeeping using search advertising techniques,2015,36,4,267-273,Sueki Ethnic differences in correlates of suicidal behavior among women seeking help for intimate partner violence,2015,36,4,257-266,Campbell Moderating role of trait hope in the relation between painful and provocative events and acquired capability for suicide,2015,36,4,249-256,Cukrowicz Fruits of trauma?,2015,36,4,241-248,Jobes Re-examination of classic risk factors for suicidal behavior in the psychiatric population,2015,36,4,231-240,Thabane Our empathic brain and suicidal individuals,2015,36,4,227-230,Pompili Perspectives of suicidal veterans on safety planning,2015,36,5,371-383,Goodman Frontal motor cortex activity during reactive control is associated with past suicidal behavior in recent-onset schizophrenia,2015,36,5,363-370,Minzenberg Clinical and psychosocial profiles of Asian immigrants who repeatedly attempt suicide,2015,36,5,353-362,Caine Telephone management program for patients discharged from an emergency department after a suicide attempt,2015,36,5,345-352,Hegerl Perceptions of the functions of nonsuicidal self-injury in a college sample,2015,36,5,338-344,Muehlenkamp Using the theory of planned behavior to predict college students' intention to intervene with a suicidal individual,2015,36,5,332-337,Aldrich Searching for suicide methods,2015,36,5,325-331,Biddle Root cause analyses of suicides of mental health clients,2015,36,5,316-324,Gillies Bereavement after suicide,2015,36,5,299-303,Andriessen Self-Injury Help-Seeking and the Internet,2015,37,1,68-76,Frost General practitioners' accounts of patients who have self-harmed,2015,37,1,42-50,Platt The effects of significant international sports events on Hungarian suicide rates,2015,37,2,148-154,Osvath Active and passive suicidal ideation in older prisoners,2015,37,2,88-94,Conwell Dating violence victimization interpersonal needs and suicidal ideation among college students,2015,37,1,51-58,Stuart Emergency department visits prior to suicide and homicide,2015,37,1,5-12,Cerel Too much to bear,2015,37,1,59-67,Overholser Does social belonging to primary groups protect young people from the effects of pro-suicide sites?,2015,37,1,31-41,Oksanen Trends and most frequent methods of suicide in Chile between 2001 and 2010,2015,37,1,21-30,Ramírez Not at imminent risk,2015,36,6,459-463,Monaghan Suicidal behaviors among Muslim women,2015,36,6,447-458,Canetto Suicide-related concerns as a mediator between physical abuse and self-harm behaviors in college students,2015,36,6,440-446,Brausch Assessing variability and implementation fidelity of suicide prevention safety planning in a regional VA Healthcare system,2015,36,6,433-439,Wiltsey Stirman Suicidal ideation of probationers,2015,36,6,424-432,Sung Suicide risk among college students,2015,36,6,416-423,Barbot Development and evaluation of the telephone crisis support skills scale,2015,36,6,407-415,Wilson Predicting intentions to read suicide awareness stories,2015,36,6,399-406,Niederkrotenthaler Association between changes in risk factor status and suicidal ideation incidence and recovery,2015,36,6,390-398,Chang Suicide studies today,2015,36,6,387-389,Ronningstam Analysis of deliberate self-wrist-cutting episodes presenting to the emergency department,2015,37,2,155-160,Park Suicide in Northern Ireland,2015,37,1,13-20,Bunting The impact of a suicide prevention strategy on reducing the economic cost of suicide in the New South Wales construction industry,2015,37,2,121-129,Doran Perceptions of suicide stigma,2015,37,2,95-103,Cerel Demographic behavioral and psychiatric risk factors for suicide: a 25-year longitudinal cohort study,2015,37,2,104-111,Levav Successful treatment of suicidal risk,2016,37,3,218-223,Jobes MYPLAN - a mobile phone application for supporting people at risk of suicide,2016,37,3,236-240,Erlangsen Psychosis and suicide,2016,37,3,224-231,Titelman Symptoms of alcohol dependence predict suicide ideation among Alaskan undergraduates,2016,37,3,232-235,Skewes Why do adolescents self-harm?,2016,37,3,176-183,O'Connor Who goes online for suicide-related reasons?,2016,37,2,112-120,Jorm Suicide among refugees - a mockery of humanity,2016,37,1,1-4,Vijayakumar Substance use as a mediator of the association between demographics suicide attempt history and future suicide attempts in emergency department patients,2016,37,5,385-391,Miller Police and suicide prevention,2016,37,3,194-204,Marzano Risky integration,2016,37,3,184-193,Rice The response in twitter to an assisted suicide in a television soap opera,2016,37,5,392-395,Scourfield Bullying depression and suicide risk in a pediatric primary care sample,2016,37,3,241-246,Diamond Structuring roles and gender identities within families explaining suicidal behavior in South India,2016,37,3,205-211,Chantler Death ideation and suicidal ideation in a community sample who do not meet criteria for major depression,2016,37,2,161-165,Gallo Analyzing language in suicide notes and legacy tokens,2016,37,2,140-147,Egnoto Psychological resilience provides no independent protection from suicidal risk,2016,37,2,130-139,Anstey Why there is a need for an international nomenclature and classification system for suicide,2016,37,2,83-87,Silverman Development and validation of the gatekeeper behavior scale,2016,37,4,271-280,Timmons-Mitchell Suicide attempts and deaths in Sofala Mozambique from 2011 to 2014,2016,37,6,445-453,Rao Risk factors for suicidal ideation among telephone crisis hotline callers in japan,2016,37,6,438-444,Doki Serious suicide attempts,2016,37,4,299-309,Beautrais Gender differences in youth suicide and healthcare service use,2016,37,4,290-298,Vasiliadis Benefits of a secondary prevention program in suicide,2016,37,4,281-289,Perez Characteristics of youth with combined histories of violent behavior suicidal ideation or behavior and gun-carrying,2016,37,6,402-414,Logan Preventing suicide and self-harm: evaluating the efficacy of a helpline from a service user and helpline worker perspective,2016,37,5,353-360,Law Incidence rates of deliberate self-harm in Denmark 1994-2011,2016,37,4,256-264,Nordentoft A pilot study on the efficacy of volunteer mentorship for young adults with self-harm behaviors using a quasi-experimental design,2016,37,6,415-426,Law Prevention of suicidal behavior in prisons,2016,37,5,323-334,Fazel Risk and protective factors for suicidal behaviors among Pacific youth in New Zealand,2016,37,5,335-346,Denny Cluster analysis of characteristics of persons who died by suicide in the Montreal metro transit,2016,37,5,377-384,Mishara Analysis of internet suicide pacts reported by the media in mainland China,2016,38,1,36-43,Xu Media guidelines in the internet age,2012,33,4,187-189,Lester Correction to Morthorst et al. 2016 : Incidence rates of deliberate self-harm in Denmark 1994–2011: a nationwide register study,2016,37,4,316, Investigating the relationship between self-esteem and stigma among young adults with history of suicide attempts,2016,37,4,265-270,Link Relations between nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide attempt characteristics in a sample of recent suicide attempters,2016,37,4,310-313,Bagge Characteristics and proximal outcomes of calls made to suicide crisis hotlines in California,2016,38,1,26-35,Ramchand Suicide satisfaction with life and insight capacity among adolescents with mental disorders,2016,37,5,347-352,Zalsman Correction to "Bullying Depression and Suicide Risk in a Pediatric Primary Care Sample" Kodish et al. 2016,2016,37,3,247, Staring down death,2016,37,3,212-217,Gutierrez Family dysfunction and suicide risk in a community corrections sample,2016,37,6,454-460,Cropsey Relationship satisfaction and risk factors for suicide,2016,38,1,7-16,Tran Considerations in the use of interactive voice recording for the temporal assessment of suicidal ideation and alcohol use,2016,37,5,370-376,Maisto An analysis of depression self-harm and suicidal ideation content on Tumblr,2016,38,1,44-52,Krauss Newspaper reporting on a cluster of suicides in the UK,2016,38,1,17-25,Scourfield A qualitative study of good-bye letters in prison therapy,2016,38,2,100-106,Turpin Suicide in a national student mental health patient population 1997-2012,2016,38,2,82-88,Windfuhr The role of positive expectancies in risk behavior: an exploration of alcohol use and nonsuicidal self-injury,2016,38,2,115-122,Swenson Promoting help seeking to veterans,2016,38,1,53-62,Bossarte Stakeholder perspectives on the stigma of suicide attempt survivors,2016,38,2,73-81,Corrigan Outcomes of a suicide prevention gatekeeper training program among school personnel,2016,38,2,89-99,Lamis Correction to Till et al. 2016,2016,38,1,63, Ethical issues and practical challenges in suicide research: collaboration with institutional review boards,2016,38,2,107-114,Joiner Differing procedures for recording mortality statistics in Scandinavia,2016,38,2,123-130,Hem Online suicide risk assessment and management training,2016,38,3,186-194,Karver Comprehensive online self-monitoring to support clinicians manage risk of suicide in youth depression,2016,38,3,147-157,Yuen Factors related to suicide in LGBT populations: a psychological autopsy case-control study in Australia,2016,37,5,361-369,Kolves Suicidal behaviors among adolescents - the role of school and home environment,2016,38,3,168-176,Badr Individuals at risk for suicide,2016,38,3,158-167,Alonzo High-volume repeaters of self-harm,2016,37,6,427-437,Cooper Suicidal ideation among heroin-abusing mothers in methadone maintenance treatment,2016,37,6,461-464,Isralowitz Temperament and character profiles of group-based suicide cases,2016,38,3,177-185,Seguin Comparison of suicidal people who use the internet for suicide-related reasons and those who do not,2016,38,2,131-135,Pirkis Suicide prediction - a shift in paradigm is needed,2016,37,4,251-255,De Leo Advancing knowledge about suicide prevention media campaigns,2016,37,5,319-322,Pirkis Risk factors and mediators of suicidal ideation among Korean adolescents,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moon Parent-child connectedness and long-term risk for suicidal ideation in a nationally representative sample of US adolescents,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilcox Testing a model of functional impairment in telephone crisis support workers,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Using propensity scores to examine the association between behavioral inhibition/activation and nonsuicidal and suicidal self-injury,2016,38,4,227-236,Berman An intervention with meaning,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conner Does a TV public service advertisement campaign for suicide prevention really work?,2016,38,3,195-201,Park Self-crash murder-suicide,2016,37,6,399-401,Soubrier A linguistic analysis of suicide-related Twitter posts,2017,38,5,319-329,Batterham A mapping study on the internet and suicide,2017,38,4,217-226,Wasserman Psychiatric consultation and referral of persons who have attempted suicide,2017,38,4,261-268,Deschepper Best practices for suicide prevention messaging and evaluating California's "Know the Signs" media campaign,2017,38,5,287-299,Ramchand Suicidal plans and attempts among adolescents in Mongolia,2017,38,5,330-343,Oquendo Suicide prevention in an international context,2017,38,1,1-6,Arensman A sociobiological extension of the interpersonal theory of suicide,2017,38,2,69-72,Joiner A public health approach in responding to the spread of helium suicide in Hong Kong,2017,38,4,269-277,Yip Suicide risk assessment in adolescents - C-SSRS K10 and READ,2017,38,4,247-254,Horwood Suicide in the Mountain West region of the United States,2017,38,5,344-350,Pepper Telephone crisis support workers' psychological distress and impairment,2018,39,1,13-26,Wilson The impact of a highly publicized celebrity suicide on suicide-related online information seeking,2017,38,3,207-209,Scherr Making sense of the public stigma of suicide,2017,38,5,351-359,Corrigan Expanding suicide crisis services to text and chat,2017,38,4,255-260,Ramchand Investigating the dynamics of suicidal ideation,2018,39,1,65-69,Hegerl Suicidality in autistic spectrum disorders,2017,38,4,237-246,Upthegrove Current postvention research and priorities for the future,2017,38,3,202-206,Cerel The economy and suicide,2017,38,3,141-146,Mann National suicide prevention local mental health resources and suicide rates in Japan,2017,38,6,384-392,Nakanishi A silenced population,2017,38,6,433-442,Karver Internet forums for suicide bereavement,2017,38,6,393-402,Krysinska Patient-identified priorities leading to attempted suicide,2018,39,1,37-46,Hepp Effects of awareness material on suicide-related knowledge and the intention to provide adequate help to suicidal individuals,2018,39,1,47-54,Niederkrotenthaler Depressed multiple-suicide-attempters - a high-risk phenotype,2017,38,6,367-375,Sher Quality assessment of economic evaluations of suicide and self-harm interventions,2018,39,2,82-95,Eddleston Problematizing men's suicide mental health and well-being,2018,39,2,137-143,Tremblay Mental health professionals' suicide risk assessment and management practices,2018,39,1,55-64,Quinnett How to ask about suicide? A question in need of an empirical answer,2017,38,4,213-216,Silverman Undergraduate students' exposure knowledge utilization and intended use of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline,2018,39,2,110-118,Hedman-Robertson Perceived stress and intent to die in young soldiers who attempt suicide,2018,39,2,144-148,Shahar Where are they now?,2018,39,2,119-126,Apter The effectiveness of suicide prevention education programs for nurses,2018,39,2,96-109,Procter Financial sector workers' experiences of managing suicidal clients,2018,39,3,159-165,O'Neill Suicidal risk following the termination of romantic relationships,2018,39,3,166-174,Hecker Factors influencing professional help-seeking for suicidality,2018,39,3,175-196,Batterham Appropriate targets for search advertising as part of online gatekeeping for suicide prevention,2018,39,3,197-204,Sueki Universal suicide prevention in young people,2017,38,5,300-308,Pirkis The social pain model,2017,38,5,281-286,Gunn Iii Telephone crisis support workers' intentions to use recommended skills while experiencing functional impairment,2018,39,3,218-223,Wilson Blurred boundaries - a qualitative study of how acts of self-harm and attempted suicide are defined by mental health practitioners,2018,39,4,247-254,James Alcohol involvement in suicide and self-harm,2017,38,6,413-422,McAuliffe Enhanced "train and hope" for scalable cost-effective professional development in youth suicide prevention,2018,39,4,235-246,McCauley The influence of perceived stress and depression on suicide-related beliefs in Caucasian and Indian adults,2018,39,2,127-136,Leykin Explicit motives antecedents and consequences of direct self-injurious behaviors,2018,39,4,255-266,Wasserman Estimating incidence rate of hospital-treated self-harm in Hong Kong using capture-recapture approach,2018,39,3,205-217,Yip The impact of safety plans in an outpatient clinic,2018,39,4,304-309,Zonana Hearing the suicidal patient's emotional pain,2018,39,4,267-274,Kingdon A systematic mapping of suicide bereavement and postvention research and a proposed strategic research agenda,2018,39,4,275-282,Cerel Suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-injury in emergency departments underestimated by administrative claims data,2018,39,5,318-325,Brown The feasibility and clinical utility of conducting a confidential inquiry into suicide in Southwestern Ontario,2018,39,4,283-293,Eynan Correction to Levi-Belz et al. 2017. Where are they now? Longitudinal follow-up and prognosis of adolescent suicide attempters (,2018,39,2,149, Barriers to the prevention of suicide in nursing homes,2017,38,6,423-432,Terra Suicide at very advanced age - the extremes of the gender paradox,2017,38,6,363-366,Kolves Framing suicide - investigating the news media and public's use of the problematic suicide referents Freitod and Selbstmord in German-speaking countries,2018,39,1,70-73,Arendt Age at exposure to parental suicide and the subsequent risk of suicide in young people,2018,39,1,27-36,Lu Challenges of combining perspectives,2018,39,5,326-334,Titelman Clinical profiles among Greek adolescent suicide attempters,2018,39,5,335-343,Milojev Crisis of meaning predicts suicidality in youth independently of depression,2018,39,4,294-303,Schnell Harmful or helpful? A systematic review of how those bereaved through suicide experience research participation,2018,39,5,364-376,Krysinska Associations of tabloid newspaper use with endorsement of suicide myths suicide-related knowledge and stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal individuals,2018,39,6,428-437,Niederkrotenthaler Importance of messages for a suicide prevention media campaign,2018,39,6,438-450,Pirkis Reporting on suicide between 1819 and 1944,2018,39,5,344-352,Arendt A multidimensional theory of suicide,2018,39,6,416-427,Lester Suicide rates in evacuation areas after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster,2018,39,5,353-363,Yasumura The perspective of older men with depression on suicide and its prevention in primary care,2018,39,5,397-405,Unützer Studies of suicidal behavior using national registers,2018,39,3,153-158,Qin Perceptions of adjunctive mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to prevent suicidal behavior among high suicide-risk outpatient participants,2018,39,6,451-460,Stanley Prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation in a treatment-seeking sample of violent loss survivors,2018,39,5,377-385,Rheingold Youth suicide attempt nomenclature used in two central Texas hospitals,2018,39,6,461-468,Lawson Suicide and self-harm related internet use,2018,39,6,469-478,Gunnell Associations between suicide risk factors and favorite songs,2019,40,1,7-14,Voracek Scope and characteristics of suicide attempts among manic patients with bipolar disorder,2018,39,6,489-492,Barak Psychosocial factors associated with suicide attempts ideation and future risk in lesbian gay and bisexual youth,2019,40,2,83-92,West A comparison of attitudes toward suicide among individuals with and without suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts in South Korea,2019,40,1,27-35,Park Suicide on Instagram - Content analysis of a German suicide-related hashtag,2019,40,1,36-41,Arendt Suicide prevention training - improving the attitudes and confidence of rural Australian health and human service professionals,2019,40,1,15-26,Dollman Potential interventions for preventing pesticide self-poisoning by restricting access through vendors in Sri Lanka,2018,39,6,479-488,Eddleston Suicide risk assessment,2018,39,4,229-234,Carter A 17-year national study of prison suicides in Belgium,2019,40,1,42-53,Audenaert Is suicidal behavior in mood disorders altered by comorbid PTSD?,2019,40,1,62-66,Kleespies News coverage of suicidal behavior in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland,2018,39,5,386-396,Marzano Self-harm and suicide coverage in Sri Lankan newspapers,2019,40,1,54-61,Eddleston The association between lithium in drinking water and incidence of suicide across 15 Alabama counties,2019,40,2,93-99,Palmer Comparing indicators of suicidality among users in different types of nonprofessional suicide message boards,2019,40,2,125-133,Niederkrotenthaler Is there a need for LGBT-specific suicide crisis services?,2019,40,3,203-208,Marshal Rethinking suicidal behavior disorder,2019,40,3,209-219,Obegi The association between cyberbullying school bullying and suicidality among adolescents,2019,40,2,100-114,Zaborskis Estimating the magnitude of the relation between bullying e-bullying and suicidal behaviors among United States youth 2015,2019,40,3,157-165,Velloza Over-the-counter drugs and other substances used in attempted suicide presented to emergency departments in Montreal Canada,2019,40,3,166-175,Lesage Suicide bereavement and differences in religiosity,2019,40,3,176-185,Brent Family health and poverty factors impacting suicide attempts in Cambodian women,2019,40,2,141-145,Somo Trauma-related shame sexual assault severity thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness among female undergraduate survivors of sexual assault,2019,40,2,134-140,Lynch Attachment styles and posttraumatic growth among suicide-loss survivors,2019,40,3,186-195,Levi-Belz Differences in characteristics and exposure to stressors between persons with and without diagnosed mental illness who died by suicide in Victoria Australia,2019,40,4,231-239,Newstead Is suicide prevention an absolute?,2018,39,5,313-317,Weisstub The role of clinician fear in interviewing suicidal patients,2018,ePub,ePub,1-5,Quinnett Suicidal ideation and behavior among youth victims of sex trafficking in Kentuckiana,2019,40,4,240-248,Gattis Suicide attempters suicide ideators and non-ideators,2019,40,4,294-297,Teismann Predictors of posttraumatic growth in adults bereaved by suicide,2019,40,3,196-202,Cerel Preventing suicide - what precedes us will propel us,2018,39,6,409-415,Kirtley Family health and poverty factors impacting suicide attempts in Cambodian women,2018,ePub,ePub,1-5,Somo Toward automatic risk assessment to support suicide prevention,2019,40,4,249-256,Doyle Types of stressors on nonprofessional against-suicide and pro-suicide message boards,2019,40,4,257-264,Niederkrotenthaler Analysis of the effects on time between divorce decree and suicide,2018,ePub,ePub,1-8,Bol Examining the relationship between attitudes toward suicide and suicide attempt history,2019,40,4,265-272,Joiner Assessing the reliability of the CAMS rating scale using a generalizability study,2019,40,4,273-279,Wagner Suicides of male Portuguese police officers - 10 years of national data,2019,ePub,ePub,1-5,Costa Development and validity of the Personal Suicide Stigma Questionnaire (PSSQ),2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,De Leo Early identification of youth at risk for suicidal behavior,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Lamis Sentinel surveillance for self-harm,2019,40,1,1-6,Robinson Differences in suicide risk severity among suicidal youth with anxiety disorders,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Herres What are we aiming for? Comparing suicide by firearm in Toronto with the five largest metropolitan areas in the United States,2019,ePub,ePub,1-5,Schaffer Caught between expectations and the practice field,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Lien The geographic heterogeneity of suicide rates in India by religion caste tribe and other backward classes,2019,ePub,ePub,1-5,Page Exploring particular facets of cognitive emotion regulation and their relationships with nonsuicidal self-injury among adolescents,2019,40,4,280-286,Shoval Young people's reasons for feeling suicidal,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Gibson The burden of premature mortality related to suicide in West Azerbaijan from 2014 to 2016,2019,ePub,ePub,1-6,Ahmadzadeh Physical illnesses and medically serious suicide attempts in rural China,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Hennessy An investigation of gatekeeper training and self-efficacy for suicide intervention among college/university faculty,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Mandracchia Korean teachers' bereavement experience following student suicide,2019,40,4,287-293,Kim Coping social support and suicide attempts among homeless adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Houle National suicide prevention strategies - progress and challenges,2019,40,2,75-82,Arensman Testing the strain theory of suicide - the moderating role of social support,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Zhang Evaluation of the safety and design of community internet resources for veteran suicide prevention,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Carlson Effectiveness of a workshop intervention on responsible reporting on suicide among Swiss media professionals,2019,ePub,ePub,1-5,Scherr Non-fatal deliberate self-harm in three remote indigenous communities in far north Queensland Australia,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Clough Financial strain suicidal thoughts and suicidal behavior among US military personnel in the National Guard,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Bryan Cancer patients' mental health distress and suicidality,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Nakash Perceived social support and mental health after suicide loss,2019,ePub,ePub,1-5,Oexle Co-creation and impacts of a suicide prevention video,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Yip Thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness mediate the association between bullying and suicide ideation,2019,ePub,ePub,1-5,Teismann Factors associated with increased dissemination of positive mental health messaging on social media,2019,ePub,ePub,1-5,Sumner The Impact of Suicide Prevention Act (2006) on suicides in Japan,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Nishida Perceived Utility of the Internet-Based Safety Plan in a Sample of Internet Users Screening Positive for Suicidality,2019,ePub,ePub,1-4,Leykin Assessing the quality of media reporting of suicide deaths in Bangladesh against World Health Organization guidelines,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Niederkrotenthaler Sex-Specific Impact of Changes in Job Status on Suicidal Ideation,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Leigh A study of the characteristics of suicide notes in China,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Li A survey of people with lived experience of suicide-related behavior in Queensland Australia,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Krysinska Reflections on suicidal ideation,2019,40,4,227-230,Jobes An investigation into the factor structure of the Attitudes to Suicide Prevention Scale,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,O'Connor Male-dominated occupations employment status and suicidal behaviors among Australian men,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Currier Pathways to suicide among people with a diagnosed mental illness in Victoria Australia,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Newstead Is suicide beautiful?,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Kawano Peer victimization coping strategies depression and suicidal ideation among young adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Shahar A community-based response to a suicide cluster,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Yip Societal reactions to suicide in Ghana,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Hjelmeland Do Dutch news reports about suicide refer to suicide prevention strategies?,2019,ePub,ePub,1-4,van Leeuwen Correlates of near-fatal deliberate self-harm in Qatar,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Sankaranarayanan Youth suicide in Korea across the educational stages,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kweon The association between child abuse and attempted suicide,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuo Correction to Andoh-Arthur Knizek Osafo and Hjelmeland (2019) "Societal reactions to suicide in Ghana: A qualitative study of experiences of the bereaved",2019,ePub,ePub,ePub, Differences in suicidal thoughts and behaviors among three racial groups,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCloskey Contemporary classifications of suicidal behaviors,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kolves Older age and new technologies in suicide prevention,2019,40,5,303-308,Roskar Research note on whether sexual minority individuals are over-represented among suicide's casualties,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerel Exploration of benefits and potential harmful effects of an online forum for visitors to the Suicide Prevention Platform in The Netherlands,2019,ePub,ePub,1-9,Gilissen Systematic review of the inclusion of people with psychosis in suicide-specific clinical trials,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Depp News media coverage of stakeholder views on suicide and its reporting in New Zealand,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collings Suicide and attempted suicide in Jhenaidah District Bangladesh 2010-2018,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arendse Sexual and gender minorities' readiness and interest in supporting peers experiencing suicide-related behaviors,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oliffe High suicide rates among unaccompanied minors/youth seeking asylum in Sweden,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hollander Correction to Khan Ratele Arendse Zahidul Islam and Dery (2019) "Suicide and attempted suicide in Jhenaidah District Bangladesh 2010–2018",2019,ePub,ePub,ePub, Identifying suicide typologies among trauma-exposed veterans,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sadeh Evaluation of a peer-led implementation of a suicide prevention gatekeeper training program for college students,2019,ePub,ePub,1-6,Samuolis Prospective validity of the Suicide Cognitions Scale among acutely suicidal military personnel seeking unscheduled psychiatric intervention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bryan Responsibly communicating delays after suicides on railways,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Leeuwen The effect of sudden death bereavement on the risk for suicide: the role of suicide bereavement,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brent Suicide-related training self-efficacy and mental health care providers' reactions toward suicidal individuals,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quinnett Suicide attempt and associated factors among adolescents in five southeast Asian countries in 2015,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peltzer Patients' satisfaction with the therapeutic relationship and therapeutic outcome is related to suicidal ideation in the Attempted Suicide Short Intervention Program (ASSIP),2020,ePub,ePub,1-7,Ring Self-disgust and its relationship with lifetime suicidal ideation and behavior,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schienle Evaluation of the impact of the PABBS suicide bereavement training on clinicians' knowledge and skills,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shaw Schools and suicide - the importance of the attachment bond,2020,41,1,1-6,Nakhid-Chatoor Participant reactions to suicide-focused research: implications of studying suicide on an inpatient psychiatry unit,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reger Outreach psychiatric emergency service,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Beurs Positive mental health stressful life events and suicide ideation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teismann Youth suicide bereavement and the continuum of risk,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maple Strengthening the evidence base in suicide prevention,2020,41,2,77-81,Pirkis Evaluating the outcomes for bereaved people supported by a community-based suicide bereavement service,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Griffin A comparison of self-harm presentations to emergency services,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sareen A content analysis and comparison of two peaks of newspaper reporting during a suicide cluster to examine implications for imitation suggestion and prevention,2020,ePub,ePub,1-9,Dennis Re-increased male suicide rates in the recovery phase following the Great East Japan Earthquake,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orui Heterosexism and suicidal ideation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perrin Characteristics of disaster-related suicide in Fukushima prefecture after the nuclear accident,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maeda Suicide prevention in the Eastern Mediterranean Region,2020,41,Suppl 1,S72-S79,Rezaeian Suicide prevention in the Western Pacific Region,2020,41,Suppl 1,S80-S98,Pirkis Suicide prevention programs,2020,41,Suppl 1,S99-S124,Platt Future Directions,2020,41,Suppl 1,S125-S130,Pirkis Suicide and suicide prevention from a global perspective,2020,41,Suppl 1,S3-S7,Pirkis Suicide prevention in the European Region,2020,41,Suppl 1,S8-S20,Pompili Suicide prevention in the Southeast Asia Region,2020,41,Suppl 1,S21-S29,Vijayakumar Suicide prevention in the Americas,2020,41,Suppl 1,S30-S52,Silverman Suicide prevention in the African Region,2020,41,Suppl 1,S53-S71,Akotia Are suicidal thoughts and behaviors a temporary phenomenon in early adolescence?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cuijpers The suicide prevention for College Student Gatekeepers Program,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ross Depressed mood prior to death,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bridge Assessment of the Sociodemographic Profile Pattern and Outcomes of Intentional Poisoning Cases in an Emergency Department of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parashar Coping and suicide in college students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hirsch Validation of the Suicidal Behavior Exposure Scale in first responders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stefurak Evaluation of outcomes for help seekers accessing a pilot SMS-based crisis intervention service in Australia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kobel Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal emergency department presentations involving suicide-related thoughts and behaviors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Borschmann Suicides at shooting ranges,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barber Putting the blame on others in suicide notes from Shanghai and Wuhan China,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li The role of personal factors and learning environment in suicidal ideation among Tunisian medical students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fekih-Romdhane The relationship between suicide-related Twitter events and suicides in Ontario from 2015 to 2016,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis A qualitative analysis of self-harm and suicide in Sri Lankan printed newspapers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Konradsen Young people's perspectives and understanding of the suicide story in 13 Reasons Why,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collings Proportion of individuals with past-year suicidal ideation who attempted suicide over the past 10 years in the United States and the influence of age and sex,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rehm It Gets Better videos for suicide prevention in LGBTIQ+ adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ploderl How clinicians incorporate suicide risk factors into suicide risk assessment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rosenfeld The impact of suicide on life expectancy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yip Suicide prevention videos developed by and for adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis Euthanasia distress and fearlessness about death in German veterinarians,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Glaesmer Depression symptoms as mediator between adolescents' sense of loneliness at school and nonsuicidal self-injury behaviors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brunstein Klomek Suicide prevention citizenship - nurturing future research leaders in suicide prevention through effective mentorship,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Han Relationship of self-compassion hope and emotional control to perceived burdensomeness thwarted belongingness and suicidal ideation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swiatkowski Suicide prevention Gatekeeper Self-Efficacy Scale (GKSES),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tachikawa Searching online for methods of suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Konradsen Suicide research prevention and COVID-19,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis Suicide deaths in university students in a UK city between 2010 and 2018 - case series,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gunnell Wiser reasoning and less disgust have the potential to better achieve suicide prevention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xie Promoting the community's ability to detect and respond to suicide risk through an online bystander intervention model-informed tool,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwarzer Suicidal behaviors in the Ghana Police Service,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quarshie The teacher expectations and values for Suicide Prevention Scale,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stickl Haugen Reasons for living and suicide attempts among young adults with lifetime suicide ideation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Joiner Evaluating a recovery-oriented intensive outpatient program for veterans at risk for suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Brien State anhedonia and suicidal ideation in adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Reports on the perceived advantages and disadvantages of suicidal behavior by patients with depression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alonzo Examining the time to transition from nonsuicidal self-injury to suicide attempt,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burke Lessons learnt from the narratives of women who self-harm in prison,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turpin Emotion-oriented coping style predicts self-harm in response to acute psychiatric hospitalization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yap The impact of natural disasters on suicide in the United States 2003-2015,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Horney Firearm access and suicidal crises among young adults experiencing homelessness in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ferguson Experiential avoidance in the context of the integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behavior,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ordóñez-Carrasco Suicidal ideation among medical students in Dammam Saudi Arabia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Menezes Associations of discrimination suicide ideation severity and attempts and depressive symptoms among sexual and gender minority youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McManama O'Brien Investigating suicide-related subliminal messages on Instagram,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scherr Social media responses to online suicide-related news articles,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Torok The impact of infectious disease-related public health emergencies on suicide suicidal behavior and suicidal thoughts,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Corcoran Pinning despair and distress - suicide-related content on visual social media platform pinterest,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carlyle Suicidal as normal - a lesbian gay and bisexual youth script?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Canetto Validating the factor structure of the Stigma of Suicide Scale-Short Form Spanish Version among healthcare students,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rivera-Segarra Serious suicide attempts and risk of suicide death,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simon The pathways of aggression - differential indirect associations between anxiety sensitivity cognitive concerns and suicidality,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Capron Trends in suicidal behaviors among US adults 2015-2018,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,King An initial investigation of suicide attempt disclosures among US veterans,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reger The effectiveness of active learning strategies in gatekeeper training on behavioral outcomes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walrath Celebrity suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sage "Time to try something new" - professionals' experiences and reflections on suicide prevention in Norway,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hjelmeland Examining the use of police and ambulance data in suicide research,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meurk Alexithymia in people with recurrent suicide attempts,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bergmans Changes in suicide reporting quality and deaths in Ontario following publication of national media guidelines,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis Sociodemographic differences in time trends of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts among adolescents living in Amsterdam The Netherlands,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cuijpers Suicide research in Mainland China Hong Kong and Macau over three decades,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yip Suicide prevention public service announcements,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klimes-Dougan A systematic review of user expectations and outcomes of crisis support services,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rickwood Examining adherence to suicide reporting guidelines in initial reports on high-profile celebrity suicides,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewis Association of selected area-level indicators with suicide mortality in Slovenian municipalities,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roskar Coverage of Robin Williams' suicide in Australian newspapers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis Understanding the context of suicides by older men compared with younger old men and women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Too Suicide attempts among 1437 adolescents aged 12-17 years attending junior high schools in Ghana,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Andoh-Arthur Hope as a process in understanding positive mood and suicide protection,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hirsch The environment and suicide - why suicidologists should support climate change policies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lester An exploration of barriers to suicide prevention messaging with US veterans,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levandowski Identifying suicide and self-harm research priorities in North West England,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Saini Can government responses to unemployment reduce the impact of unemployment on suicide?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Torok Implementation of a pilot SMS-based crisis support service in Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kobel Aftercare and suicide reattempt prevention in Tehran Iran,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nojomi Suicide exposure in crisis workers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerel Clarifying the definition of nonsuicidal self-injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Washburn Characteristics of train stations where railway suicides have occurred and locations within the stations,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sueki The need for collective awareness of attempted suicide rates in a warming climate,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Amore Celebrity suicide of a pre-World War I spy,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arendt Live-chat support for people bereaved by suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Leo Depicted immorality influences the perceived applicability of the phrase "committed suicide",2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howell Suicidal ideation and behaviors among Irish Travellers presenting for emergency care,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Doherty Assessing the quality of suicide reporting in online newspapers in Uttar Pradesh India according to World Health Organization guidelines,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Menon Characteristics and perceptions of sexual and gender minority youth who utilized a national sexual and gender minority-focused crisis service,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feinstein Defining suicidology and the titling of suicidologist?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Silverman Might informal carers of adults with enduring suicidality experience anticipatory loss?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lascelles The relationships between risk-taking depression and alcohol use in the experience of suicidal ideation among adults in the general population,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bornheimer Higher suicide intent in patients attempting suicide with violent methods versus self-poisoning,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myhren Using life trajectories analysis to characterize suicide attempts in prison,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ducro Validation of the suicide counseling skills inventory,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coohey Violations of suicide-prevention guidelines in US media coverage of physician's suicide death during the CoViD-19 pandemic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Latham An evaluation of suicide prevention education for people working with refugees and asylum seekers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Procter Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for family members and other informal support persons of individuals who have made a suicide attempt,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis Long-term effects of a comprehensive police suicide prevention program,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mishara Staff perspectives of safety planning as a suicide prevention intervention for people of refugee and asylum-seeker background,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Procter Self-stigma and its relationship with rates of depression diagnosis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Analysis of suicides reported as adverse events in psychiatry resulted in nine quality improvement initiatives,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mainz Method-specific suicide rates and accessibility of means,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gunnell Railway suicide in the Netherlands lower than expected,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kerkhof Characteristics of online comments following high-profile celebrity suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mok Iran's National Suicide Prevention Program,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arensman Are mental health apps adequately equipped to handle users in crisis?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Depp Dos and don'ts in designing school-based awareness programs for suicide prevention,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Renaud Psychosocial assessment in the emergency department,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCabe Moderation effects of coping flexibility on the association between depressive symptoms and suicidal risk,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kato Caring transitions - a care coordination intervention to reduce suicide risk among youth discharged from inpatient psychiatric hospitalization,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karver Short-term effect of the CoViD-19 pandemic on suicidal ideation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sueki The Literacy of Suicide Scale,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Batterham Exploring the changes of suicide probability during COVID-19 among Chinese Weibo users,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Pulling together - the protective role of belongingness for depression suicidal ideation and behavior among suicide-bereaved individuals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feigelman Suicide prevention in primary care,2021,42,4,241-246,Saini Correction to Kawashima Kawamoto Shiraga and Kawano (2020),2021,ePub,ePub,ePub, A pilot study of clinicians' perceptions of feasibility client-centeredness and usability of the systematic tailored assessment for responding to suicidality protocol,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arensman Assessing crisis chat visitors' capacity to regulate thoughts related to suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coohey The role of bystanders in the prevention of railway suicides in New South Wales Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beavan A shelter in the storm - acceptability and feasibility of a brief clinical intervention for suicidal crisis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wyder Suicidal ideation planning and attempts among synthetic cannabinoid users across different demographic subgroups,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stogner Understanding the reasons for suicide among older adults in rural China using in-depth interviews,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jia Enhancing community suicide risk assessment and protective intervention action plans through a bystander intervention model-informed video,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwarzer Differences in reactions to media reporting of a celebrity suicide between emotionally distressed and nondistressed individuals in Taiwan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Why choose the railway?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duddin Pet attachment and the interpersonal theory of suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gordon Uncovering blind spots in the intention to provide adequate help to suicidal individuals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arendt Effectiveness of a continuity-of-care model to reduce youth suicidality,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sale Context-specific interpersonal problem-solving and suicidal thoughts and behaviors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCloskey Factors associated with suicide ideation in Lithuania and Poland amid the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dragan Relations between interpersonal hopelessness and help-seeking intentions and behaviors in suicidal individuals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ward-Ciesielski Advancing suicide research,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leckning When it is darkest: why people die by suicide and what we can do to prevent it,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Beurs Interprofessional suicide prevention education,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tufts Implementing attachment-based family therapy for depressed and suicidal adolescents and young adults in LGBTQ+ services,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Diamond Secular trends of suicide in the city of São Paulo 1904-2017,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lester Evaluating potential iatrogenic effects of a suicide-focused research protocol,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Armey Nonwillingness to return to the emergency department and nonattendance of follow-up care arrangements following an initial suicide-related presentation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Batterham Implementing real-time data suicide surveillance systems,2021,42,5,321-327,Gmitrowicz Prevalence of and risk factors for suicide attempts among patients with severe psychiatric disorders in eastern Morocco,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rammouz Real-time mental health crisis response in the United States to COVID-19,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Runkle Correction to Coohey and Neblett (2021) : "Assessing crisis chat visitors' capacity to regulate thoughts related to suicide: a brief scale",2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,The editors Efforts to prevent railway suicides in Denmark,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nordentoft Family treatments for individuals at risk for suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodman Personalizing suicidology,2021,42,6,405-410,Wright The impact of the CoViD-19 pandemic on suicide rate trends in the tsunami-disaster-affected area following the Great East Japan Earthquake,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orui Resilience to self-harm,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ungar Gender differences in suicide rates of municipalities in South Korea,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeong The adaptation of a measure of confidence in assessing formulating and managing suicide risk,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connor Effect of the FDA black box suicidality warnings for antidepressants on suicide rates in the USA,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ploderl Suicide of a tenor amidst the stage setting of the Werther opera's death scene,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arendt Item response theory and differential item functioning analyses with the Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised in US and Chinese samples,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Osman Predictors of caregiver burden among carers of suicide attempt survivors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maple Passive suicidal ideation in childhood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heath Implementation science in suicide prevention,2022,43,1,1-7,Kolves Safety acceptability and initial effectiveness of a novel digital suicide prevention campaign challenging perceived burdensomeness,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carrotte Systematic review of research and interventions with frequent callers to suicide prevention helplines and crisis centers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mishara Depressive symptoms moderate the association between the recent history of alcohol use severity and suicide attempt history among adults in a pretrial jail diversion program,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swogger Surveillance of hospital-presenting intentional self-harm in Western Sydney Australia during the implementation of a new self-harm reporting field,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Page Moral injury and suicide ideation among combat veterans,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zerach Perfectionism and suicidal ideation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tucker Status of debtor registration at an enforcement authority and risk of nonfatal suicide attempt,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rojas A global call for action to prioritize healthcare worker suicide prevention during the CoViD-19 pandemic and beyond,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan The opportunities and challenges of regulating the internet for self-harm and suicide prevention,2022,43,2,77-82,Kennedy Reflection of suicidal ideation in terms searched for by Japanese internet users,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sueki Have news reports on suicide and attempted suicide during the CoViD-19 pandemic adhered to guidance on safer reporting?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marzano Conducting research in crisis helpline settings,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brooks Correction to Ferguson et al. (2021),2022,ePub,ePub,ePub, Selection and use of firearm and medication locking devices in a lethal means counseling intervention,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barber Evaluation of a suicide prevention program encompassing both student and teacher training components,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ellermeier The dynamic relationship between social capital and suicide rates,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Han Risk factors for suicide attempt during outpatient care in adolescents with severe and complex depression,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cotton Differences in suicide-related Twitter content according to user influence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis Suicide prevention outreach on social media delivered by trained volunteers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sznitman The impact of COVID-19 on the Suicide Prevention Helpline in The Netherlands,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gilissen Munich alliance against depression,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hegerl Social reactions after disclosing suicide loss among women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rüsch Open science in suicide research is open for business,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kirtley Widening the cracks [editorial],2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cunningham "I can't see an end in sight." how the COVID-19 pandemic may influence suicide risk,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gunnell Users' perspectives on crisis helplines in relation to professional mental health services,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Westerlund Evaluation of a system for real-time surveillance of suicide in England,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Doyle Childhood trauma and suicide: associations between impulsivity executive functioning and stress,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connor The association between problematic use of alcohol and drugs and repeat self-harm and suicidal ideation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dawson Perceived impact of COVID-19 among callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gould A volunteer-run face-to-face early intervention service for reducing suicidality,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Platt Widening excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in individuals who self-harmed,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,John Lifetime and current self-harm thoughts and behaviors and their relationship to parent and peer attachment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myin-Germeys Psychiatric emergencies and suicide attempts before and during COVID-19 lockdown in Spain,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Irigoyen-Otiñano Disentangling rates risk and drivers of suicide in the construction industry,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Procter Suicide misconceptions and attitudes toward suicide prevention measures in Taiwan,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Perceived determinants of disclosing suicide loss,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rüsch It is official they are different - discrepancies between National Statistical Agency and register-based state suicide mortality statistics in Australia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dwyer Misclassification of self-directed violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teismann Hotel suicides in Australia 2006-2017,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mok Childhood trauma and suicide,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connor Suicide-focused group therapy,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Depp Evaluating the effectiveness of components of national suicide prevention strategies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clapperton Suicide scripts in Italian newspapers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Canetto Correction to Schlichthorst et al. (2022),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,The editors Doing the right thing - ethical issues in designing suicide prevention studies,2023,44,1,1-6,Andriessen A public health whole-of-government approach to national suicide prevention strategies,2023,44,2,85-92,Pirkis Discrimination experiences of orphans and left-behind children in China as predictors of suicidal thoughts and behaviors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guo Financial stress unemployment and suicide - a meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shor A rapid systematic review of the prevalence of suicide and self-harm behaviors in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sahoo A suicide-specific diagnosis - the case against,2023,44,3,183-188,Silverman A suicide-specific diagnosis - the case for,2023,44,3,175-182,Cohen What is a crisis? Perspectives of crisis support help-seekers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rickwood The Suicide Prevention for College Student (SPCS) Gatekeepers Program,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ross Childhood maltreatment and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hagan Gender and geographical distribution of editorial board members of three leading suicide journals,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kar Randomized controlled trial of an online suicide prevention gatekeeper training program,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hill Widening the lens on suicide prevention - introducing practice and policy insights articles,2023,44,4,259-260,Pirkis Unleashing the potential of systems modeling and simulation in supporting policy-making and resource allocation for suicide prevention,2023,44,4,261-266,Witt Do crisis details differentiate suicide-related 911 call outcomes?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Law Suicide methods in Slovenia - characteristics and time trends 2001-2020,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roskar Remaining between the cracks - the long-term effect of different suicide risk exclusion criterion on outcomes of an online intervention for depression,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cunningham Suicide rates in high-risk high-harm perpetrators of domestic abuse in England and Wales,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Metcalfe Attachment-based family therapy for adolescents and young adults with suicide ideation and depression,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cuijpers The prevalence of suicidal behavior in autism spectrum disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,van der Gaag Development and implementation of web-based safety planning intervention training for firefighter peer support specialists,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stanley ChatGPT artificial intelligence and suicide prevention,2023,44,5,367-370,Voracek A linguistic analysis of Instagram captions between adolescent suicide decedents and living controls,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilcox Understanding suicide clusters through exploring self-harm behaviors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gunnell The cost-effectiveness of psychosocial interventions following self-harm in Australia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pirkis Using real-time suicide monitoring systems to inform policy and practice,2023,44,6,445-450,Clapperton Development of a brief intervention for emergency department attendees presenting with self-harm and co-occurring substance use problems,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gunnell Development and evaluation of online suicide preventive tool iAlive to increase competences in engaging with a suicidal person,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roskar Examining the spread of charcoal-burning suicide in Taiwan,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Interrupting the self-harm continuum,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Curtis Self-harm by nurses and midwives - a study of hospital presentations,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Casey The Kenneth Law media event - a dangerous natural experiment,2024,45,1,1-7,Yip Predicting sensationalism in suicide story headlines,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lac Perceived usefulness of self-guided versus collaborative suicide safety plans in online help-seekers,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blashki Involving young people with lived and living experience of suicide in suicide research,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bendall Suicide rates and prescription of antidepressants,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ploderl The development progress and impact of national suicide prevention strategies worldwide,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Platt Travel distance to hospital is associated with self-harm hospital presentation but not suicide,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gunnell The effects of Australia's first residential peer-support Suicide Prevention and Recovery Centre (SPARC),2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reavley Dehumanization and the association with nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation in an incarcerated population,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Joiner Exploring the association between help-seeking intentions and suicidal ideation in Australian adult men,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,King Associations of suicide referents with different moral connotation with actual suicides,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tran Self-harm among 17-year-old adolescents with/without disabilities in the United Kingdom,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Llewellyn LGBTQ+ suicide - 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