Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Antisocial Personality Psychopathy and Violence in Persons with Dual Disorders: A Longitudinal Analysis,2005,32,4,452-476,McHugo Comparative Validity Analysis of Multiple Measures of Violence Risk in a Sample of Criminal Offenders,2005,32,5,479-510,Douglas Domestic Violence Arrest Decision Making: The Role of Suspect Availability in the Arrest Decision,2005,32,4,390-411,Hall Criminal Prosecution of Domestic Violence Offenses: An Investigation of Factors Predictive of Court Outcomes,2005,32,6,612-642,Feder Communicating Violence Risk Information to Forensic Decision Makers,2005,32,1,97-116,Hilton Historical and Personality Correlates to the Violence Patterns of Juveniles Tried as Adults,2005,32,1,69-96,Kruh Attitudes Toward Battered Women Who Kill: Defendant Typicality and Judgments of Culpability,2006,33,2,219-241,Russell Violent Men: The Importance of Impulsivity and Cognitive Schema,2005,32,1,26-49,Seager Black and White Homicide Differentials - Alternatives to An Inadequate Theory,1983,10,4,407-440,Hawkins Distinguishing Driving While Impaired (DWI) Offenders from Among Alcoholics Criminals and Drunk Drivers - A Preliminary-Study,1989,16,2,211-222,Saltstone The child who murders: review of theory and research,1974,1,1,51-61,Adams An exploratory study of five hundred sex offenders,1974,1,1,13-20,Pacht Book Reviews: Violence Feminism and Social Control: THE TERMINAL MAN. By Michael Crichton. New York: Bantam Books Pp. 279.,1974,1,2,187-189,Freedman Book Review: No Peace in Our Time? Aggression: a social learning analysis by Albert Bandura. Englewood Cliffs New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,1975,2,1,91-93,Campbell Principal Components Analysis of BPI and MMPI,1975,2,1,85-90,Oldroyd Treatment of Sexual Aggressives,1978,5,4,291-293,Abel Age and Prison Violence - Increasing Age Heterogeneity As A Violence-Reducing Strategy in Prisons,1979,6,2,175-186,Walls Female Partners for Male Police: Effect on Shooting Responses,1979,6,4,327-338,Johns Rape as viewed by judges prosecutors and police officers,1980,7,1,19-40,Feldmansummers Escape-Aggression Incidence in Sexually Abused Juvenile Delinquents,1979,6,3,239-243,Reich Violence and Sexuality - 3 Types of Defendants,1980,7,3,243-255,Vera Cognitive Characteristics of Delinquents - 4 Subgroups of Male-Subjects,1980,7,4,387-398,Spencer The Myer-Megargee Inmate Typology: Dynamic Or Unstable,1981,8,1,49-54,Johnson The Politics of Juvenile Awareness Programs - A Case-Study of Jolt,1982,9,1,55-68,Homant Penile Responses to Non-Sexual Violence Among Rapists,1982,9,3,372-381,Quinsey Police Effectiveness in Handling Disturbance Calls: An Evaluation of Crisis Intervention Training,1983,10,1,71-92,Snortum A Consideration of Sex-Roles and Motivations for Crime,1983,10,1,3-12,McCord Scared Straight California Style - Evaluation of the San-Quentin Squires Program,1983,10,2,209-226,Lewis The Learning-Theory Model of Punishment - Implications for Delinquency Deterrence,1983,10,2,131-158,Moffitt The Rape Victim - Psychological Correlates of Participation in the Legal Process,1983,10,3,342-357,Cluss Validation of the Megargee Typology in A Halfway House Setting,1983,10,3,252-262,Mrad And darkness closes in ... a national study of jail suicides,1983,10,4,461-484,Hayes The Convicted Rapist - A Sexual Or A Violent Offender,1984,11,2,157-177,Alder Girls talk: The social representation of aggression by female gang members,1984,11,2,139-156,Campbell Utility of the Megargee-Bohn Mmpi Typological Assignments - Study With A Sample of Death-Row Inmates,1986,13,1,5-17,Dahlstrom Assessing Juvenile Sexual Offenders Risk for Reoffending,1986,13,2,115-140,Monastersky Self-Mutilation in Prison - A Comparison of Mutilators and Nonmutilators,1986,13,3,286-296,Jones The Emotionally-Disturbed Military Criminal Offender - Identification Background and Institutional Adjustment,1986,13,3,261-285,Walters MMPI Profiles of Incest Offenders - Men Who Molest Younger Children and Men Who Molest Older Children,1986,13,4,450-452,Mcivor The Effect of Self-Government on the Aggressive-Behavior of Institutionalized Delinquent Adolescents,1986,13,4,430-445,Mcneil Demographic Correlates of Sexual and Dating Attitudes - A Study of Date Rape,1987,14,2,175-193,Giacopassi Deliberate Self-Harm: Self-Injurious Behavior Within a Correctional Mental Health Population,1988,15,2,210-218,Franklin When Females Kill One Another - the Exceptional Case,1988,15,2,179-189,Goetting The Clinical-Assessment and Prediction of Violent Behavior - Toward A Scientific Analysis,1989,16,1,114-131,Jackson Alcohol and Crime - Issues and Directions for Future-Research,1989,16,3,370-386,Walfish Adolescent Alcohol-Use and Other Delinquent Behaviors - A One-Year Longitudinal Analysis Controlling for Sensation Seeking,1989,16,3,345-369,Newcomb Driving While Intoxicated - Different Roads to and From the Problem,1989,16,3,270-298,Donovan Consequential Thinking and Self-Reported Delinquency in High School Youth,1989,16,4,440-454,Guerra Metaanalysis of Rehabilitation Programs for Juvenile Delinquents -- A Brief Report,1990,17,1,134-142,Izzo Who Decides - A Study of the Complainants Decision to Prosecute in Rape Cases,1990,17,3,268-283,Kerstetter Predicting Violence in Newly Admitted Inmates: A Lens Model Analysis of Staff Decision-Making,1990,17,4,431-447,Cooper Professional Issues: The 5Th Amendment [U.S. Constitution] and Therapeutic Requirements to Admit Abuse,1991,18,1,98-112,Levine Risk for Physical Child-Abuse and the Personal Consequences for Its Victims,1991,18,1,64-81,Salzinger Models of Child-Abuse - A Metatheoretical Analysis,1991,18,1,30-46,Azar Methodological Issues in Research on Physical Child-Abuse,1991,18,1,8-29,Wolfe Current Perspectives on Physical Child Abuse - Introduction,1991,18,1,4-7,Milner Predicting Predatory Behavior in a Population of Incarcerated Young Offenders,1991,18,2,180-194,Shields Cognitive mediators of aggression: Test of a causal model,1991,18,2,125-145,Welsh The Gunther Special - Deterrence and the DUI Offender,1991,18,3,251-266,Kingsnorth The Integrated Social-Control Model and Ethnicity - the Case of Puerto-Rican American Delinquency,1991,18,4,464-479,Rodriguez Mmpi Profile Subtypes of Nonincarcerated Child Molesters - A Cross-Validation Study,1991,18,4,379-396,Kalichman Has This Child Been Sexually Abused: Dilemmas for the Mental-Health Professional Who Seeks the Answer,1992,19,1,54-73,Conte Sexual Aggression Against Children -- A Conceptual Perspective of Etiology,1992,19,1,8-23,Hall The Anger Expression Scale and State-Trait Anger Scale - Stability Reliability and Factor Structure in An Inmate Sample,1992,19,4,397-408,Reddon Child Neglect - Theory Research and Intervention,1993,20,1,4-7,Milner The Effects of A Drinker-Driver Treatment Program - Does Criminal History Make A Difference,1993,20,2,174-189,Wieczorek Suicide behind bars - prediction and prevention - LesterD DantoBL,1993,20,3,306-310,Kennedy The Victim-Offender Relationship Does Affect Victims Decisions to Report Sexual Assaults - Comment,1993,20,3,271-279,Ruback Predicting the Reporting of Rape Victimizations: Have Rape Reforms Made a Difference,1993,20,3,254-270,Bachman Criminal-Justice Implications of the Macho Personality Constellation,1993,20,3,227-239,Mosher The Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders in Light of Foucha V Louisiana,1993,20,4,371-387,Alexander Violent Recidivism of Mentally Disordered Offenders - the Development of A Statistical Prediction Instrument,1993,20,4,315-335,Rice The Discriminability of Rapists From Non-Sex Offenders Using Phallometric Measures - A Metaanalysis,1994,21,1,150-175,Quinsey The Role of Deviant Sexual Arousal in Juvenile Sexual Offending - Etiology Evaluation and Treatment,1994,21,1,132-149,Becker Screening-Tests for Pedophilia,1994,21,1,115-131,Abel Comparisons Between Sexual and Nonsexual Rapist Subtypes - Sexual Arousal to Rape Offense Precursors and Offense Characteristics,1994,21,1,95-114,Seto Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment on Sex Offender Recidivism: Preliminary-Results of a Longitudinal Study,1994,21,1,28-54,West The Attitudes of Incest Offenders - Sexual Entitlement and Acceptance of Sex With Children,1994,21,2,187-202,Scott The Scale for the Prediction of Aggression and Dangerousness in Psychotic-Patients (PAD) - A Prospective Pilot-Study,1994,21,3,341-356,Bjorkly Perception of the Risk of Arrest for Drinking and Driving,1994,21,3,312-324,Wieczorek Rape Reporting as a Function of Victim-Offender Relationship: A Critique of the Lack of Effect Reported by Bachman (1993),1995,22,1,74-80,Pollard Predictive-Validity of Life-Style Impulsivity for Rapists,1995,22,2,106-128,Prentky Evaluation of Fixed Propensity to Commit Sexual Offenses: A Preliminary-Report,1995,22,3,284-294,Beutler Womens Resistance Strategies to Different Rapist Types,1995,22,3,263-283,Ullman Does Viewing a Televised Execution Affect Attitudes Toward Capital Punishment,1995,22,4,411-424,Howells Violence Prediction - The Past Twenty and the Next Twenty Years,1996,23,1,107-120,Monahan The Interrater Reliability of the Scale for the Prediction of Aggression and Dangerousness in Psychotic Patients (PAD),1996,23,3,440-454,Bjorkly The Criminal Sentiments Scale-Modified and Pride in Delinquency Scale - Psychometric Properties and Construct Validity of Two Measures of Criminal Attitudes,1997,24,1,52-70,Simourd Motivation or Confrontation: Which Approach to the Child Sex Offender?,1997,24,1,20-33,KearColwell The Implementation of an Intensive Aftercare Program for Serious Juvenile Offenders - A Case Study,1997,24,3,332-359,Goodstein Tinder-Box Criminal Aggression: Neuropsychology Demography Phenomenology,1998,25,1,140-145,Henry Adolescent Sexual Offenders Growth Up - Recidivism in Young Adulthood,1998,25,1,109-124,Jensen Predicting Rapist Type From Crime Scene Variables,1998,25,1,46-80,Warren High-Speed Pursuit - The Offenders' Perspective,1998,25,1,30-45,Kenny The Factors Related to Rape Reporting Behavior and Arrest - New Evidence From the National Crime Victimization Survey,1998,25,1,8-29,Bachman Cognitive-behavioral treatment of sex offenders: a treatment comparison and long-term follow-up study,1998,25,2,203-225,McGrath Psychological Aspects of Crime Scene Profiling: Validity Research,1998,25,3,319-343,Homant Assessment of Criminal Attitudes - Criterion-Related Validity of the Criminal Sentiments Scale-Modified and Pride in Delinquency Scale,1999,26,1,90-106,Simourd Risk Assessment for Juveniles on Probation - A Focus on Gender,1999,26,1,44-68,Funk Don't Confuse Me With the Facts - Common Errors in Violence Risk Assessment at Capital Sentencing,1999,26,1,20-43,Cunningham The HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment Scheme - Concurrent Validity in a Sample of Incarcerated Offenders,1999,26,1,3-19,Webster Family Violence and Juvenile Sex Offending - The Potential Mediating Role of Psychopathic Traits and Negative Attitudes Toward Women,1999,26,3,338-356,Caputo Female Victims of Partner Versus Nonpartner Violence: Experiences With the Criminal Justice System,1999,26,3,275-292,Kilpatrick Scared Straight: The Panacea Phenomenon Revisited,1999,26,4,509-512,Walsh Actuarial Assessment of Risk for Violence - Predictive Validity of the VRAG and the Historical Part of the HCR-20,2000,27,1,97-114,Grann Prototypical Analysis of Antisocial Personality Disorder - A Study of Inmate Samples,2000,27,2,234-255,Rogers Self-Harm in Prison - Manipulators Can Also Be Suicide Attempters,2000,27,2,160-175,Dear Adolescent Male Offenders - A Grounded Theory Study of Cognition Emotion and Delinquent Crime Contexts,2000,27,3,292-311,Lopez Suicide Assessment in a Prison Environment - A Proposed Protocol,2000,27,5,581-599,Correia Police Responses to Restraining Orders in Domestic Violence Incidents: Identifying the Custody Threshold Thesis,2000,27,5,561-580,Kane Reducing Recidivism in Driving While Disqualified - A Treatment Evaluation,2000,27,5,531-560,Ward Rural-Urban Differences in Sexual Victimization and Reporting - Analyses Using UCR and Crisis Center Data,2001,28,2,131-155,Ruback The Prediction of Criminal Recidivism in Juveniles - A Meta-Analysis,2001,28,3,367-394,Heilbrun Criminal Violence - The Roles of Psychopathy Neurodevelopmental Insults and Antisocial Parenting,2001,28,4,402-426,Rice Recidivism Among Adolescent Serious Offenders -- Prediction of Entry into the Correctional System for Adults,2001,28,5,588-613,Benda Crime Victims With Developmental Disabilities: A Review Essay,2001,28,6,655-694,Petersilia Police Handling of the Mentally Ill in Domestic Violence Situations,2002,29,3,278-307,Stalans A Prevention-Based Paradigm for Violence Risk Assessment - Clinical and Research Applications,2002,29,5,617-658,Douglas Risk Assessment of Stalkers - Some Problems and Possible Solutions,2002,29,5,590-616,Hart Violence Risk Assessment at Federal Capital Sentencing - Individualization Generalization Relevance and Scientific Standards,2002,29,5,512-537,Cunningham Psychopathy As a Predictor of Institutional Misbehavior Among Sex Offenders - A Prospective Replication,2002,29,5,497-511,Edens Psychopathy in Female Offenders -- An Investigation of Its Underlying Dimensions,2002,29,6,692-704,Neumann The Effects of Domestic Violence Batterer Treatment on Domestic Violence Recidivism - The Chesterfield County Experience,2003,30,1,118-134,Gordon The decision to end abusive relationships: The role of offender characteristics,2003,30,1,97-117,Robinson Gay and Lesbian Victimization: Reporting Factors in Domestic Violence and Bias Incidents,2003,30,1,85-96,Kuehnle Reporting Sexual Victimization to the Police and Others - Results From a National-Level Study of College Women,2003,30,1,6-38,Fisher Child Maltreatment and Adjustment to Juvenile Correctional Institutions,2003,30,3,374-396,Gover Beyond the Gatekeepers - Court Professionals' Self-Reported Attitudes About and Experiences With Misdemeanor Domestic Violence Cases,2003,30,3,349-373,Belknap He Hits She Hits: Assessing Gender Differences and Similarities in Officially Reported Intimate Partner Violence,2003,30,3,328-348,Belknap The Predictive Validity of Risk Assessment With Violent Young Offenders - A 1-Year Examination of Criminal Outcome,2003,30,6,688-708,Gretton Violence Risk Factors in Stalking and Obsessional Harassment - A Review and Preliminary Meta-Analysis,2004,31,1,9-36,Rosenfeld Sexual Assault Perpetration and Reperpetration: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood,2004,31,2,182-202,White The Predictive Validity of the Level-of-Service Inventory: Ontario Revision on General and Violent Recidivism Among Various Offender Groups,2004,31,2,150-181,Wormith Psychological Profiling of Serial Arson Offenses -- An Assessment of Skills and Accuracy,2004,31,3,341-361,Kocsis The Measures of Criminal Attitudes and Associates (MCAA): The Prediction of General and Violent Recidivism,2004,31,6,717-733,Kroner Minimization Denial and Victim Blaming by Batterers - How Much Does the Truth Matter?,2006,33,1,110-130,Henning Crisis (Hostage) Negotiation Training -- A Preliminary Evaluation of Program Efficacy,2006,33,1,56-69,Van Hasselt Moral Reasoning of Adolescent Male Offenders - Comparison of Sexual and Nonsexual Offenders,2007,34,1,108-118,Ashkar Multiple Homicide Offenders - Offense Characteristics Social Correlates and Criminal Careers,2006,33,3,367-391,DeLisi Treating the Abusive Partner: An Individualized Cognitive-Behavioral Approach,2007,34,2,289-290,Dobbs Instrumentally violent youths - the roles of psychopathic traits empathy and attachment,2007,34,6,739-751,Forth Worldview of High-Risk Juvenile Delinquents - Relationship to Decisions to Shoot,2007,34,6,846-861,Goldberg Actuarial Assessment of Violence Risk - To Weigh or Not to Weigh?,2007,34,1,22-36,Grann The Effect of Gang Affiliation on Violent Misconduct Among Inmates During the Early Years of Confinement,2006,33,4,419-448,Griffin Adjusting Actuarial Violence Risk Assessments Based on Aging or the Passage of Time (Crim Just Behav Vol 34 Pg 297 2007),2007,34,5,712-712,Rice Actuarial Assessment of Risk for Reoffense Among Adult Sex Offenders - Evaluating the Predictive Accuracy of the Static-2002 and Five Other Instruments,2007,34,1,37-59,Langton Social Information Processing Experiences of Aggression in Social Contexts and Aggressive Behavior in Adolescents,2007,34,3,330-347,Losel Violence Between the Police and the Public - Influences of Work-Related Stress Job Satisfaction Burnout and Situational Factors,2006,33,5,613-645,Manzoni The Structure of Violent Behavior - A Hierarchical Model,2006,33,6,706-737,Michie Classifying Juvenile Offenders According to Risk of Recidivism: Predictive Validity Race/Ethnicity and Gender,2006,33,3,305-324,Fraser Transferring the principles of effective treatment into a "real world" prison setting,2005,32,1,3-25,Bourgon Recidivism in released Lifestyle Change Program participants,2005,32,1,50-68,Walters Physical Violence Inside Prisons: Rates of Victimization,2007,34,5,588-599,Siegel The conduct of socially sensitive research: sex offenders as participants,1994,21,3,325-340,Osborn A developmental taxonomy of juvenile sex offenders for theory research and prevention: the adolescent-limited and the high-rate slow desister,2012,39,12,1559-1581,Bijleveld The Structure of Violent Behavior,2006,33,6,706-737,Michie Offender Coercion in Treatment,2008,35,9,1109-1135,Parhar Gender Differences in Intimate Partner Recidivism,2009,36,1,61-76,Anderson Closing the Revolving Door?,2009,36,1,89-109,Warner Brain Dysfunction and Community Violence in Patients With Major Mental Illness,2009,36,2,117-136,Dinn Beliefs About What Works in Juvenile Rehabilitation,2009,36,2,184-197,Clements Mental Physical and Behavioral Outcomes Associated With Perceived Work Stress in Police Officers,2009,36,3,275-289,Gershon The Latent Structure of Sexual Violence Risk,2009,36,3,290-306,Walters Risk Assessment With Young Offenders,2009,36,4,329-353,Wormith Mental Disorder and Violent Victimization,2009,36,5,513-535,Teasdale Aging Versus Stable Enduring Traits as Explanatory Constructs in Sex Offender Recidivism,2009,36,5,443-465,Langton Assessment of Community Reintegration Planning for Sex Offenders,2009,36,5,494-512,Willis The Prediction of Violence in Adult Offenders,2009,36,6,567-590,Gendreau Predicting Sexual Assault Prosecution Outcomes,2009,36,7,712-727,Bybee Psychopathology of Sex Offenders,2009,36,8,778-792,Henderson Exposure to Violent Crime During Incarceration,2009,36,8,793-807,Boxer Psychopathy Homicide and the Courts,2009,36,8,761-777,Häkkänen-Nyholm Delinquent Gangs and Adolescent Victimization Revisited,2009,36,8,808-823,Beaver An Exploration of DSM-Oriented Scales in the Prediction of Criminal Offending Among Urban American Youths,2009,36,8,840-860,Wareham Developmental Pathways of Deviance in Sexual Aggressors,2007,34,11,1441-1462,Lussier Witness Factors and Their Influence on Jurors’ Perceptions and Verdicts,2009,36,9,923-934,Dempsey The Principles of Effective Correctional Treatment Also Apply To Sexual Offenders,2009,36,9,865-891,Hanson Is Prison Sexual Offending Indicative of Community Risk?,2009,36,9,892-908,Heil Lead Exposure and Its Implications for Criminological Theory,2009,36,9,954-973,Narag A Latent Class Typology of Juvenile Victims and Exploration of Risk Factors and Outcomes of Victimization,2009,36,10,1001-1024,Sullivan Assessment of Reoffense Risk in Adolescents Who Have Committed Sexual Offenses,2009,36,10,981-1000,Scalora Beyond Supermax Administrative Segregation,2009,36,10,1037-1050,Kupers Assessing Criminal Thinking in Male Sex Offenders With the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles,2009,36,10,1025-1036,Walters Understanding Male Sexual Offending,2009,36,10,1051-1069,Knight Exploring the Link Between Low Self-Control and Violent Victimization Trajectories in Adolescents,2009,36,10,1070-1084,Gibson DAT1 and 5HTT Are Associated With Pathological Criminal Behavior in a Nationally Representative Sample of Youth,2009,36,11,1113-1124,Beaver Low Resting Heart Rate and Antisocial Behavior,2009,36,11,1125-1140,Armstrong Disrupted Effective Connectivity Between the Medial Frontal Cortex and the Caudate in Adolescent Boys With Externalizing Behavior Disorders,2009,36,11,1141-1157,Beauchaine Evidence of Genetic and Environmental Effects On the Development of Low Self-Control,2009,36,11,1158-1172,Ferguson Structural Neuroimaging and the Antisocial Brain,2009,36,11,1173-1186,Viding All in the Family,2009,36,11,1187-1197,Beaver Phenotypic and Aetiological Associations Between Psychopathic Tendencies Autistic Traits and Emotion Attribution,2009,36,11,1198-1212,Viding Executive Functioning and Risky Decision Making in Young Male Offenders,2009,36,11,1213-1227,Moore The Criminology of the Amygdala,2009,36,11,1241-1252,Vaughn What Biosocial Criminology Offers Criminology,2009,36,11,1228-1240,Wright Introduction to the Special Issue on Policing and Homeland Security,2009,36,12,1249-1258,Shernock The Israeli Model for Policing Terrorism,2009,36,12,1259-1278,Weisburd Law Enforcement Training and the Domestic Far Right,2009,36,12,1305-1322,Freilich The Intelligence Fusion Process for State Local and Tribal Law Enforcement,2009,36,12,1323-1339,Carter Policing Terrorism in Israel,2009,36,12,1279-1304,Pedahzur The Effects of Victim Gender Defendant Gender and Defendant Age on Juror Decision Making,2010,37,1,47-63,Dempsey Chronic Violent Patients in an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital,2010,37,1,5-28,Lussier Inmate Self-Injurious Behaviors,2010,37,1,81-96,Kaminski Hiring Despite the Psychologists Objections: An Evaluation of Psychological Evaluations of Police Officers,1980,7,1,41-49,Lester Review: "Violent Men" - H Toch,1985,12,2,255-256,Lester Adolescent Antisocial Behavior as Predictor of Adverse Outcomes to Age 50,2010,37,2,158-174,Hodgins Job Involvement Job Stress Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment and the Burnout of Correctional Staff,2010,37,2,239-255,Griffin Predictive Validity of the MMPI-2 PSY-5 Scales and Facets for Law Enforcement Officer Employment Outcomes,2010,37,2,217-238,Boccaccini Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Adolescent Males,2010,37,2,141-157,Raine Time to Prison Return for Offenders With Serious Mental Illness Released From Prison,2010,37,2,175-187,Latimer The Contribution of Psychiatric Disorder to Juvenile Recidivism,2010,37,2,204-216,McReynolds Rural-Urban Differences in Sexual Victimization and Reporting,2001,28,2,131-155,Ruback Gendered Pathways,2009,36,6,541-566,Salisbury Stalking Perceptions and Experiences Across Two Cultures,2004,31,1,97-119,Sheridan Police Responses to Restraining Orders in Domestic Violence Incidents,2000,27,5,561-580,Kane Friends' and Adolescents' Delinquency,2010,37,3,289-305,Scholte Women’s Risk Factors and Their Contributions to Existing Risk/Needs Assessment,2010,37,3,261-288,Van Voorhis Indirect Measures of Sexual Interest in Child Sex Offenders,2010,37,3,319-335,Clarbour Assessing the validity of the Retrospective Behavioral Self-Control Scale,2010,37,3,336-357,Gibson Perceptions of Harm,2010,37,4,400-416,Sheridan Decision Making and Aggression in Forensic Psychiatric Inpatients,2010,37,4,365-383,Bass Institutional Misconduct and Differential Parole Eligibility Among Capital Inmates,2010,37,4,417-438,Buffington-Vollum Factors Predicting Dropout From the Reasoning and Rehabilitation Program With Mentally Disordered Offenders,2011,38,3,217-230,Fahy The effect of arrest on wife assault recidivism: controlling for pre-arrest risk,2007,34,10,1334-1344,Hilton Residential Proximity to Schools and Daycares,2010,37,5,482-502,Levenson Introduction to Special Issue on Sex Offenses and Offenders: Toward Evidence-Based Public Policy,2010,37,5,477-481,Harris Do Sex Offender Registration and Notification Requirements Deter Juvenile Sex Crimes?,2010,37,5,553-569,Letourneau Effects of South Carolina’s Sex Offender Registration and Notification Policy on Deterrence of Adult Sex Crimes,2010,37,5,537-552,Levenson Assessing the Impact of Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification On Sex-Offending Trajectories,2010,37,5,570-582,Jennings Sex Offending and Serious Mental Illness,2010,37,5,596-612,Harris Comparing Nonviolent Other-Violent and Domestic Batterer Sex Offenders,2010,37,5,613-628,Stalans Widening the Net,2010,37,5,503-519,Levenson Sex Offenses and Offenders Reconsidered,2010,37,5,583-595,Zgoba The Effects of Failure to Register on Sex Offender Recidivism,2010,37,5,520-536,Duwe Psychopathy and Risk Taking among Jailed Inmates,2010,37,4,439-452,Lejuez Neuropsychological and Personality Characteristics of Predatory Irritable and Nonviolent Offenders,2010,37,6,633-655,Levi Correctional Remediation Meets Neuropsychological Rehabilitation,2010,37,6,656-677,Hoaken Community Corrections Facilities for Juvenile Offenders in Ohio,2010,37,6,695-708,Lowenkamp Pathways Into Services for Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities,2010,37,6,678-694,Lindsay The Roles of Affect Dysregulation and Deficient Affect in Youth Violence,2010,37,6,709-731,Moretti Does the Effect of Self-Control On Adolescent Offending Vary By Level of Morality?,2010,37,6,732-743,Weerman The Effects of Referral Source Supervision,2010,37,8,847-859,Wright Predicting Criminal Recidivism in Adult Male Offenders,2010,37,8,860-882,Jones Risk Assessment Among Incarcerated Male Domestic Violence Offenders,2010,37,8,815-832,Hilton Predicting Antisocial Behavior in High-Risk Male Adolescents,2010,37,8,833-846,Vitacco Desire for Autonomy and Adolescent Delinquency,2010,37,9,989-1004,Xiaojin Chen The Impact of Severe Mental Illness On Parole Decisions,2010,37,9,1005-1029,Matejkowski Factors Affecting Juror Decisions in Historic Child Sexual Abuse Cases Involving Continuous Memories,2010,37,9,951-964,Dempsey Forensic Risk Assessment,2010,37,9,965-988,Fazel Social Stressors and Strain Among Police Officers,2010,37,9,1030-1040,Adams Factors that discriminate among mock jurors' verdict selections: impact of the guilty but mentally ill verdict option,1998,25,3,366-381,Brondino Adapting and using the substance abuse subtle screening inventory-2 with criminal justice offenders: preliminary results,1998,25,3,344-365,Swartz The association between parenting and levels of self-control: a genetically informative analysis,2010,37,10,1045-1065,Ferguson Victimization Social Support and Psychological Well-Being,2010,37,10,1140-1159,Flannery An Examination of Two Sexual Recidivism Risk Measures in Adolescent Offenders,2010,37,10,1066-1085,Gretton Variables Associated With Attrition From Domestic Violence Treatment Programs Targeting Male Batterers,2010,37,10,1086-1113,Wormith Are Chronic Exposure To Violence and Chronic Violent Behavior Closely Related Developmental Processes During Adolescence?,2010,37,10,1160-1179,Bolland A Typology of Multiple-Perpetrator Rape,2010,37,10,1114-1139,Chambers Erratum,2010,37,10,1180, The Influence of Prior Relationship on Perceptions of Stalking in the United Kingdom and Australia,2010,37,11,1185-1194,Gavin Risky Altruism as a Predictor of Criminal Victimization,2010,37,11,1195-1216,Homant Social Psychological Influences on the Popularity of Amber Alerts,2010,37,11,1237-1254,Miller Criminal Trajectories and Risk Factors in a Canadian Sample of Offenders,2010,37,11,1278-1300,Rosenthal A Method for Measuring Organizational Functioning in Juvenile Justice Facilities Using Resident Ratings,2010,37,11,1255-1277,Mulvey First-Time and Recurrent Inmates’ Experiences of Imprisonment,2010,37,12,1330-1342,Dhami The Effects of Alcohol Intoxication on Violent Versus Other Offending,2010,37,12,1343-1360,Felson Assessing Differences Between Short-Term High-Rate Offenders and Long-Term Low-Rate Offenders,2010,37,12,1309-1329,Farrington Psychiatric Disorder Comorbidity and Suicidal Behavior in Juvenile Justice Youth,2010,37,12,1361-1376,McReynolds Examining the Predictors of Recidivism Among Men and Women Released From Prison in Ohio,2010,37,12,1377-1391,Travis Police Discretion and Encounters With People Experiencing Mental Illness,2010,37,12,1392-1405,Thomas Correlates and Actuarial Models of Assaultive Prison Misconduct Among Violence-Predicted Capital Offenders,2011,38,1,5-25,Cunningham Self-Injurious Behaviors in State Prisons,2011,38,1,26-41,Kaminski Risk-Needs Assessment in Juvenile Justice,2011,38,1,42-62,Vincent Trajectories of Victimization From Early To Mid-Adolescence,2011,38,1,85-104,Wilcox Gendered Perspectives On Depression and Antisocial Behaviors,2011,38,1,63-84,Wareham The Effect of a Domestic Violence Policy Change on Police Officers' Schemata,2000,27,5,600-624,Robinson Violence Risk Factors in Stalking and Obsessional Harassment,2004,31,1,9-36,Rosenfeld Factors Associated with Violence in Stalking and Obsessional Harassment Cases,2002,29,6,671-691,Rosenfeld Suspect Mental Disorder and Police Use of Force,2011,38,2,127-145,Johnson An Assessment of Long-Term Risk of Recidivism By Adult Sex Offenders: One Size Doesn’t fIt All,2011,38,2,188-209,Knight Investigating the Relationship Between Antisocial Personality Disorder and Malingering,2011,38,2,146-156,Rosenfeld A Comparison of Static and Dynamic Assessment of Sexual Offender Risk and Need in a Treatment Context,2011,38,2,113-126,Olver Construct and Predictive Validity of Criminal Thinking Scales,2011,38,2,174-187,Giuranna Rhodes Measuring Treatment Change in Sex Offenders,2011,38,2,157-173,Nunes Inferring Sexually Deviant Behavior From Corresponding Fantasies,2009,36,2,198-222,Yuille Physical Violence Inside Prisons,2007,34,5,588-599,Wolff Crime Victims with Developmental Disabilities,2001,28,6,655-694,Petersilia Is it Stalking?,2004,31,1,73-96,Rosenfeld General Risk and Need Gender Specificity and the Recidivism of Female Offenders,2010,37,1,29-46,Andrews Risk Assessment of Stalkers,2002,29,5,590-616,Hart Gay And Lesbian Victimization,2003,30,1,85-96,Kuehnle Changes in Risk Factors during Adolescence,2011,38,3,248-262,Dekovic Family and Residential Instability in the Context of Paternal and Maternal Incarceration,2011,38,3,231-247,Tasca The Environmental and Situational Correlates of Victim Injury in Nonfatal Violent Incidents,2011,38,5,433-452,Miller An Investigation of the Relationship between Self-Control and Alcohol-Induced Sexual Assault Victimization,2011,38,3,263-285,Franklin Self-Serving Cognitive Distortions and Antisocial Behavior Among Adults and Adolescents,2011,38,3,286-301,Dernevik A Meta-Analysis of Juvenile Justice Risk Assessment Instruments,2008,35,11,1367-1381,Schwalbe Characteristics of False Stalking Reports,2004,31,1,55-72,Sheridan The Relationship Between Mental Health Problems and Violence Among Criminal Offenders,2008,35,4,405-426,Felson Factors Influencing Responsibility Attribution to Wife Abuse,2003,30,5,584-601,Tang A 10-year update of 'Review and critique of empirical studies of rape avoidance',2007,34,3,411-429,Ullman Sexual Assault Perpetration and Reperpetration,2004,31,2,182-202,White Exploring the Relationship Between Social Support and Job Burnout Among Correctional Staff,2010,37,11,1217-1236,Altheimer Reporting Sexual Victimization To The Police And Others,2003,30,1,6-38,Fisher Female Adjustment to Incarceration as Influenced by Sexual Assault History,2004,31,5,521-541,Vik Assessing Suitability for Offender Rehabilitation,2007,34,11,1427-1440,Howells Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Correctional Psychologists in Canada,2006,33,1,93-109,Haag Dimensions Associated with Assessments of Sex Offender Recidivism Risk,2002,29,5,569-589,Thornton Explaining the Frequency of Intimate Partner Violence By Male Perpetrators,2011,38,4,309-331,Hilton Organizational Justice and Police Misconduct,2011,38,4,332-353,Piquero Child Maltreatment and Offending Behavior,2011,38,5,492-510,Mersky Partners in Crime: A comparison of individual and multi-perpetrator homicides,2009,36,8,824-839,Woodworth Using Structural Equation Modeling With Forensic Samples,2007,34,12,1560-1587,Meehan Engagement of Policing Ideals and Their Relationship to the Exercise of Discretionary Powers,2006,33,1,70-92,Kehoe Faith-Based Correctional Programming in Federal Prisons,2008,35,7,848-862,Klein-Saffran A Prevention-Based Paradigm for Violence Risk Assessment,2002,29,5,617-658,Douglas The Impact of Alcohol On Different Types of Violent Incidents,2007,34,8,1057-1068,Felson Do batterer subtypes actually matter? Treatment completion treatment response and recidivism across a batterer typology,2008,35,6,710-724,Huss Beyond the Gatekeepers,2003,30,3,349-373,Belknap Stalking and Other Forms of Intrusive Contact among Adolescents and Young Adults from the Perspective of the Person Initiating the Intrusive Contact,2004,31,1,37-54,Seri A confirmatory factor analysis of the Lifestyle Criminality Screening Form,1997,24,2,294-308,Walters Violent video games and aggression: Causal relationship or byproduct of family violence and intrinsic violence motivation?,2008,35,3,311-332,Ferguson Same-Day Substance Use in Men and Women Charged With Felony Domestic Violence Offenses,2011,38,6,619-633,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Sources of Variability in Estimates of Predictive Validity,2011,38,5,413-432,Wormith Evaluation of a Violence Risk (Threat) Assessment Training Program for Police and Other Criminal Justice Professionals,2011,38,6,554-564,Hart Corporal Punishment's Influence on Children's Aggressive and Delinquent Behavior,2011,38,8,818-839,Gibson An Empirically Derived Classification System for Juvenile Firesetters,2011,38,8,796-817,Mackay Juvenile Sexual Offenders,2011,38,8,854-873,Leclerc Reliabilities Validities and Cutoff Scores of the Depression Hopelessness Suicide Screening Form Among Women Offenders,2011,38,8,779-795,Kroner Self-Regulatory Deficits as Predictors of Sexual Aggressive and Self-Harm Behaviors in a Psychiatric Sex Offender Population,2011,38,9,885-895,Stinson Psychopathic Personality Traits Genetic Risk and Gene-Environment Correlations,2011,38,9,896-912,Beaver The Relationship Between Early-Phase Substance-Use Trajectories and Drug Court Outcomes,2011,38,9,913-933,Jones Problem Profiles of at-Risk Youth in two Service Programs: A Multigroup Exploratory Latent Class Analysis,2011,38,10,988-1008,Winters Tolerance for Law Violations and Social Projection among Offenders and Nonoffenders,2011,38,10,1028-1041,Webster The Predictive Accuracy of Risk Factors in the Sexual Violence Risk-20 (Svr-20),2011,38,10,1009-1027,Eher Assessing the Generalizability of the Near Repeat Phenomenon,2011,38,10,1042-1063,Ward Reliability and Construct Validity of Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version Scores Among Incarcerated Adolescent Girls,2011,38,10,965-987,Kosson Developmental Factors in Adolescent Child Sexual Offenders: A Comparison of Nonrepeat and Repeat Sexual Offenders,2011,38,11,1089-1102,Dennison Linking Different Types of Crime Using Geographical and Temporal Proximity,2011,38,11,1069-1088,Bull Neuropsychological Functioning in Prisoners with and Without Self-Injurious Behaviors: Implications for the Criminal Justice System,2011,38,11,1103-1114,Donovick An Experimental Demonstration of Training Probation Officers in Evidence-Based Community Supervision,2011,38,11,1127-1148,Bonta Problematic Approach of Legislators: Differentiating Stalking From Isolated Incidents,2011,38,11,1115-1126,Scalora Being Pursued Online: Applying Cyberlifestyle-Routine Activities Theory to Cyberstalking Victimization,2011,38,11,1149-1169,Fisher Assessing Jail Inmates' Proneness to Shame and Guilt: Feeling Bad About the Behavior or the Self?,2011,38,7,710-734,Stuewig An empirical test of Holmes and Holmes's serial murder typology,2004,31,4,489-515,Canter Police services to battered women bad or not so bad?,1982,9,4,476-494,Bowker Police effectiveness in handling disturbance calls an evaluation of crisis intervention training,1983,10,1,71-92,Pearce Self-reported childhood physical abuse and perpetration of intimate partner violence: the moderating role of psychopathic traits,2012,39,7,910-922,Caine Assessing the effect of routine activity theory and self-control on property personal and sexual assault victimization,2012,39,10,1296-1315,Franklin Gender-responsive drug court treatment: a randomized controlled trial,2012,39,12,1539-1558,Warda Reliability validity and predictive utility of the 25-item Criminogenic Cognitions Scale (CCS),2012,39,10,1340-1360,Stuewig Women's pathways to serious and habitual crime: a person-centered analysis incorporating gender responsive factors,2012,39,11,1481-1508,Salisbury Absolute recidivism rates predicted by Static-99R and Static-2002R sex offender risk assessment tools vary across samples: a meta-analysis,2012,39,9,1148-1171,Hanson Can we do better? The assessment of risk of recidivism by adult sex offenders,2012,39,12,1647-1667,Knight Measurement of sibling violence: a two-factor model of severity,2013,40,1,26-39,Cooke An examination of police department uniform color and police-citizen aggression,2013,40,2,228-244,Johnson An investigation of the effectiveness of the Relaxation Skills Violence Prevention (RSVP) Program with juvenile detainees,2013,40,2,203-213,Jewell The influence of mental health disorders on severity of reoffending in juveniles,2013,40,3,289-301,McReynolds The role of aggression-related cognition in the aggressive behavior of offenders: a general aggression model perspective,2013,40,2,119-138,Ogloff Intervention with problem officers: an outcome evaluation of an EIS intervention,2013,40,4,409-437,Harris The sponsors of sex offender bills speak up: policy makers' perceptions of sex offenders sex crimes and sex offender legislation,2013,40,4,438-452,Meloy Fear of property violent and gang crime: examining the shadow of sexual assault thesis among male and female offenders,2013,40,5,472-496,Lane The effect of youth diversion programs on recidivism: a meta-analytic review,2013,40,5,497-518,Wilson Analyzing the origins of life-course-persistent offending: a consideration of environmental and genetic influences,2013,40,5,519-540,Barnes Prediction of institutional misconduct among civil psychiatric patients evaluating the role of correctional adaptations,2013,40,5,541-550,Carr "I just wanted to die" pre-prison and current suicide ideation among women serving life sentences,2013,40,8,832-849,Dye Examining the generality of citizens' views on racial profiling in diverse situational contexts,2008,35,12,1527-1541,Jordan Female victims of partner versus nonpartner violence experiences with the criminal justice system,1999,26,3,275-292,Kilpatrick Handling battering men: police action in wife abuse cases,1989,16,4,429-439,Gondolf Predicting first-time sexual offending among prisoners without a prior sex offense history: The Minnesota Sexual Criminal Offending Risk Estimate (MnSCORE),2012,39,11,1436-1456,Duwe Comparing rape victim and perpetrator blaming in a police officer sample differences between police officers with and without special training,2012,39,5,646-665,Bull Improving police officers' perceptions of sexual offending through intensive training,2013,40,8,895-908,Powell Assessing stalking behaviors in a control balance theory framework,2013,40,7,737-762,Fox Male stranger rape: a behavioral model of victim-offender interaction,2013,40,7,763-783,Lundrigan Social bonds under supervision: associating social bonds of probationers with supervision failure,2013,40,7,784-801,Denkers Characteristics of Canadian youth-perpetrated homicides,2013,40,9,1009-1026,Woodworth The influence of adolescent psychiatric disorder on young adult recidivism,2013,40,12,1368-1382,McReynolds Adults' beliefs regarding nonverbal cues predictive of violence,2013,40,8,881-894,Johnson Are different risk factors associated with moderate and severe stalking violence? Examining factors from the integrated theoretical model of stalking violence,2013,40,8,850-880,Stewart Concurrent validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised and The Psychopathy Checklist Screening Version in an Australian offender sample,2013,40,7,802-813,Dolan Does the LSI-R have utility for sex offenders?,2013,40,9,952-969,Ostermann Enhancing homework compliance in correctional psychotherapy,2013,40,7,814-828,Morgan Exposure to violence within home and community environments and psychopathic tendencies in detained adolescents,2013,40,9,1027-1043,Kosson Measuring deviant sexual interest using the emotional Stroop task,2013,40,9,970-987,Humphreys Neuropsychological and intellectual differences between types of murderers: Affective/impulsive versus predatory/ instrumental (premeditated) homicide,2013,40,8,933-948,Jensen Offenders' perceptions of risk factors for self and others: Theoretical importance and some empirical data,2013,40,9,1044-1061,Heilbrun Practitioner compliance with risk/needs assessment tools: A theoretical and empirical assessment,2013,40,7,716-736,Miller The protective effects of religious coping and spirituality on delinquency: Results among high-risk and gang-involved Salvadoran youth,2013,40,9,988-1008,Vaughn What are the odds? 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A propensity score matching approach,2013,40,11,1184-1208,Schonlau Pathways to career-ending police misconduct: an examination of patterns timing and organizational responses to officer malfeasance in the NYPD,2013,40,11,1301-1325,Kane Identifying areas of specific responsivity in cognitive-behavioral treatment outcomes,2013,40,11,1250-1279,Van Voorhis Expanding the literature on job satisfaction in corrections a national study of jail employees,2013,40,11,1209-1227,Stinchcomb What is the effect of IQ on offending?,2013,40,11,1280-1300,Mears The effects of exposure to violence on inmate maladjustment,2013,40,11,1228-1249,Steiner Research and clinical scoring of the Psychopathy Checklist can show good agreement,2013,40,11,1349-1362,Rice Self-control thrill seeking and crime motivation matters,2013,40,11,1326-1348,Simons Predictive validity and the impact of change in total LSI-R score on recidivism,2013,40,12,1383-1396,Cullen The influence of prior relationship on perceptions of stalking: a comparison of laypersons nonspecialist police officers and specialist police officers,2013,40,12,1434-1448,Sheridan The contribution of age to the Static-99 risk assessment in a population-based prison sample of sexual offenders,2013,40,12,1413-1433,Eher Normative data for the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in German-speaking countries: a meta-analysis,2013,40,12,1397-1412,Eher Developing a risk and needs assessment instrument for prison inmates: the issue of outcome,2013,40,12,1449-1471,Latessa Copycat firesetting: bridging two research areas,2013,40,12,1472-1491,Surette The validity and reliability of the Violence Risk Scale-Youth Version in a diverse sample of violent young offenders,2014,41,1,114-138,Olver Estimating the impact of mental illness on costs of crimes: a matched samples comparison,2014,41,1,20-40,Matejkowski The drift from convention to crime: exploring the relationship between co-offending and intermittency,2014,41,1,75-90,Baker The transition from prison to community initiative: an examination of gender responsiveness for female offender reentry,2014,41,1,41-57,Holtfreter Specifying the sources of misperceptions of peer deviance: a tale of two levels,2014,41,1,91-113,Boman Genetic and environmental overlap between delinquent peer association and delinquency in adolescence,2014,41,1,58-74,Boisvert Does one size fit all? A meta-analysis examining the predictive ability of the Level of Service Inventory (LSI) with Aboriginal offenders,2014,41,2,196-219,Gutierrez Assessment and management of risk for intimate partner violence by police officers using the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk,2014,41,2,256-271,Belfrage Predicting family violence recidivism using the DVSI-R integrating survival analysis and perpetrator characteristics,2014,41,2,163-180,Williams International perceptions of stalking and responsibility: the influence of prior relationship and severity of behavior,2014,41,2,220-236,Sheridan Differential subtypes of offending among adolescent girls predict health and criminality in adulthood,2014,41,2,181-195,Odgers Female inmates' procedural justice perceptions of the police and courts: is there a spill-over of police effects?,2014,41,2,144-162,Gertz Patterns of specialization and escalation in the criminal careers of gang and non-gang homicide offenders,2014,41,2,237-255,Pizarro Which criminogenic need changes are most important in promoting desistance from crime and substance use?,2014,41,3,276-299,Taxman Criminal propensity social context and recidivism: a multilevel analysis of interactive relationships,2014,41,3,300-317,Hay Predicting future criminal offending in a community-based sample of males using self-reported psychopathy,2014,41,3,345-363,Vitacco Health associations of drug-involved and criminal-justice-involved adults in the United States,2014,41,3,318-336,Piquero Reactive and proactive aggression and suicide attempts among criminal offenders,2014,41,3,337-344,Conner Psychopathic personality traits suicide ideation and suicide attempts in male prison inmates,2014,41,3,364-379,Smith Assessing the impact of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) on post-release recidivism among male federal correctional inmates in Canada,2014,41,3,380-394,Fischer A firesetting offense chain for mentally disordered offenders,2014,41,4,512-530,Gannon The persistence of neighborhood disadvantage: an experimental investigation of alcohol and later physical aggression,2014,41,4,400-416,Swahn Sex differences in the predictors of prisoner misconduct,2014,41,4,433-452,Wooldredge Homelessness and reentry: a multisite outcome evaluation of Washington state's reentry housing program for high risk offenders,2014,41,4,471-491,Lutze Social support or biosocial support? A genetically informative analysis of social support and its relation to self-control,2014,41,4,453-470,Beaver A causal model of neutralization acceptance and delinquency: making the case for an individual difference model,2014,41,5,553-573,Copes Violent victimization across the life course: moving a "victim careers" agenda forward,2014,41,5,593-612,Tillyer Victimization substance use and sexual aggression in male adolescent sexual offenders,2014,41,5,635-649,Burton Examining the association between co-occurring disorders and seriousness of misconduct by female prison inmates,2014,41,5,650-666,Welsh The effects of victimization on routine activities,2014,41,5,574-592,Clay-Warner Buffering effects of religiosity on crime: testing the invariance hypothesis across gender and developmental period,2014,41,6,673-691,Vaughn Relationships between support for the death penalty and cognitive processing: a comparison of students and community members,2014,41,6,732-750,Miller The role of transformation narratives in desistance among released lifers,2014,41,6,692-712,Liem Understanding study attrition in the evaluation of jail diversion programs for persons with serious mental illness or co-occurring substance use disorders,2014,41,6,772-790,Steadman Testing a model of officer intentions to quit: the mediating effects of job stress and job satisfaction,2014,41,6,751-771,Lamontagne Correctional treatment of sexual and violent offenders: therapeutic change prison climate and recidivism,2014,41,7,862-879,Woessner Personality and opportunity: an integrated approach to offending and victimization,2014,41,7,880-901,Wilcox A qualitative comparison of battered women's perceptions of service needs and barriers across correctional and shelter contexts,2014,41,7,844-861,Jordan Treating justice involved persons with mental illness: preliminary evaluation of a comprehensive treatment program,2014,41,7,902-916,Kroner Sex offender risk assessment sources of variation and the implications of misuse,2014,41,7,822-843,Boyle A meta-analysis exploring the relationship between psychopathy and instrumental versus reactive violence,2014,41,7,797-821,Blais Measuring antisocial values and attitudes in justice-involved male youth: evaluating the psychometric properties of the Pride in Delinquency Scale and the Criminal Sentiments Scale-Modified,2014,41,8,992-1007,Skilling Crime scene behaviors indicate risk-relevant propensities of child molesters,2014,41,8,1008-1028,Hanson Needs and pretrial failure: additional risk factors for female and male pretrial defendants,2014,41,8,943-970,Van Voorhis Prediction of general and violent recidivism among mentally disordered adult offenders: test of the Level of Service/Risk-Need-Responsivity (LS/RNR) Instrument,2014,41,8,971-991,Wei Who benefits from cognitive skills programs? Differential impact by risk and offense type,2014,41,9,1103-1129,Hollin Exploring anti-LGBT homicide by mode of victim selection,2014,41,9,1130-1152,Gruenewald Making prisoners accountable: are contingency management programs the answer?,2014,41,9,1079-1102,Kuhns Gender differences in the effectiveness of delinquency prevention programs: what can be learned from experimental research?,2014,41,9,1057-1078,Fagan Comparison of multisystemic therapy and functional family therapy effectiveness: a multiyear statewide propensity score matching analysis of juvenile offenders,2014,41,9,1033-1056,Baglivio Informal and formal help-seeking decisions of stalking victims in the United States,2014,41,10,1178-1194,Reyns Factor structure of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory: using the total score three scale scores and/or 10 subscale scores,2014,41,10,1214-1231,Schmid Childhood intelligence and the emergence of self-control,2014,41,10,1232-1249,Boutwell Predictors of recidivism over 3 years among substance-using women released from jail,2014,41,11,1257-1289,Dennis Does religiousness increase self-control and reduce criminal behavior? A longitudinal analysis of adolescent offenders,2014,41,11,1290-1307,Pirutinsky Increasing morale: personal and work environment antecedents of job morale among staff in juvenile corrections,2014,41,11,1308-1326,Minor The treatment of the mentally ill in supermax facilities: an evaluation of state supermax policies,2014,41,11,1338-1353,Griffin Assessment practices and expert judgment methods in forensic psychology and psychiatry: an international snapshot,2014,41,12,1406-1421,Grisso A review of violence risk assessment for mentally disordered patients in mainland of China,2014,41,12,1398-1405,Singh The utility of the YLS/CMI-SV for assessing youth offenders in Singapore,2014,41,12,1437-1457,Chu Norwegian developments and perspectives on violence risk assessment,2014,41,12,1384-1397,Roaldset The catch-22 in Israel's parole law,2014,41,12,1422-1436,Assy Lifelines desistance social relations and reciprocity,2015,42,1,95-107,Mcneill Restorative justice-informed moral acquaintance: resolving the dual role problem in correctional and forensic practice,2015,42,1,45-57,Gannon Community-based recovery and youth justice,2015,42,1,58-69,Sellers Helping others as a response to reconcile a criminal past: the role of the wounded healer in prisoner reentry programs,2015,42,1,108-120,Maruna Theorizing community integration as desistance-promotion,2015,42,1,82-94,Fox Maximizing desistance: adding therapeutic jurisprudence and human rights to the mix,2015,42,1,19-31,Birgden Responding to sex offenders: empirical findings judicial decision making and legal moralism,2015,42,1,32-44,Arrigo Psychological jurisprudence normative philosophy and trans-desistance theory,2015,42,1,7-18,Arrigo Recovery after homicide: narrative shifts in therapy with homicide perpetrators,2015,42,1,70-81,Adshead Screening for PTSD among incarcerated men: a comparative analysis of computer-administered and orally administered modalities,2015,42,2,219-236,Frueh Examining the joint impact of moderating and nonlinear peer effects on the sex gap in violent crime,2015,42,2,176-195,Zimmerman An experimental evaluation on the utility of burglary profiles applied in active police investigations,2015,42,2,156-175,Farrington Misalignment in supervision: implementing risk/needs assessment instruments in probation,2015,42,3,263-285,Rudes Examining implementation of risk assessment in case management for youth in the justice system,2015,42,3,304-320,Peterson-Badali Incorporating strengths into quantitative assessments of criminal risk for adult offenders: the service planning instrument,2015,42,3,321-338,Jones A meta-analysis on cognitive distortions and externalizing problem behavior associations moderators and treatment effectiveness,2015,42,3,245-262,Overbeek Racial and ethnic differences in the predictive validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised among prison inmates,2015,42,3,286-303,Steiner Recidivism and the "worst of both worlds" hypothesis: do substance misuse and crime interact or accumulate?,2015,42,4,435-451,Walters Continuity change and contradictions: risk and agency in criminal careers to age 59,2015,42,4,382-411,Carlsson Cognitive skills programs for female offenders in the community: effect on reconviction,2015,42,4,345-360,Palmer The effects of probation or parole agent relationship style and women offenders' criminogenic needs on offenders' responses to supervision interactions,2015,42,4,412-434,Morash Identifying the antecedents of work-role overload in police organizations,2015,42,4,361-381,Duxbury The predictive validity of the LS/CMI with aboriginal offenders in Canada,2015,42,5,481-508,Wormith An examination of the predictive validity of the Structured Assessment of Risk and Need-Treatment Needs Analysis (SARN-TNA) in England and Wales,2015,42,5,509-528,Craig Victimization offending and perceived risk for early violent death,2015,42,5,529-545,Tillyer Using dynamic factors to predict recidivism among women: a four-wave prospective study,2015,42,5,457-480,Law Differential susceptibility to parental sensitivity based on early-life temperament in the prediction of adolescent affective psychopathic personality traits,2015,42,5,546-565,Belsky Identifying overreporting in a correctional setting: utility of the MMPI-2 restructured form validity scales,2015,42,6,610-622,Wygant Posttraumatic stress disorder increases risk of criminal recidivism among justice-involved persons with mental disorders,2015,42,6,573-586,McNiel A reconceptualized model of self-control and crime: specifying the role of self-control variability,2015,42,6,662-679,Pratt Accuracy of self-reported drug use among offenders: findings from the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring-II Program,2015,42,6,623-643,Hunt Narcissism low self-control and violence among a nationally representative sample,2015,42,6,644-661,Vaughn Trajectories of exposure to community violence and mental health symptoms among serious adolescent offenders,2015,42,6,587-609,Sommers Differential treatment of female defendants: does criminal history moderate the effect of gender on sentence length in federal narcotics cases?,2015,42,7,703-721,Hartley Examining the impact of peer group selection on self-reported delinquency: a consideration of active gene-environment correlation,2015,42,7,741-762,Barnes Crime narratives dramatizations and the legacy of the Kitty Genovese murder: a half century of half truths,2015,42,7,782-789,Lurigio Courtroom perceptions of child sexual assault: the impact of an eyewitness,2015,42,7,763-781,Keller The parolee-parole officer relationship as a mediator of criminal justice outcomes,2015,42,7,722-740,Friedmann Looking beyond risk in paroling denying prisoners: a response to Assy and Menashe's "The catch-22 in Israel's parole law",2015,42,8,872-882,Dagan Retributive considerations in parole proceedings,2015,42,8,883-892,Assy Variability in moral disengagement and its relation to offending in a sample of serious youthful offenders,2015,42,8,819-839,Mulvey A field study of a comprehensive violence risk assessment battery,2015,42,9,952-968,Miller Is peer delinquency in the eye of the beholder? Assessing alternative operationalizations of perceptual peer delinquency,2015,42,9,938-951,Flexon Stability and predictive and incremental accuracy of the individual items of Static-99r and Static-2002r in predicting sexual recidivism: a meta-analysis,2015,42,9,917-937,Thornton Effectiveness of using incentives to improve parolee admission and attendance in community addiction treatment,2015,42,10,1008-1031,Prendergast "Criminal thinking" a fixed or fluid process?,2015,42,10,1045-1065,Morgan Effectively training community supervision officers: a meta-analytic review of the impact on offender outcome,2015,42,10,977-989,Serin Elevated psychopathy scores among mixed sexual offenders: replication and extension,2015,42,10,1032-1044,Newman The relationship between work-family conflict correctional officer job stress and job satisfaction,2015,42,10,1066-1082,Armstrong Proactive criminal thinking and the transmission of differential association: a cross-lagged multi-wave path analysis,2015,42,11,1128-1144,Walters Parental low self-control parental socialization young adult low self-control and offending: a retrospective study,2015,42,11,1183-1199,Meldrum Selection into mental health court distinguishing among eligible defendants,2015,42,11,1145-1158,Ray Restorativeness procedural justice and defiance as long-term predictors of reoffending of participants in family group conferences,2015,42,11,1110-1127,McGarrell Psychometric evaluation of the level of service/case management inventory among Australian offenders completing community-based sentences,2015,42,11,1089-1109,Kelty Evaluating social skills of sexual aggressives,1978,5,4,357-368,Becker Sexual response faking by pedophiles,1978,5,4,343-356,Laws Penile responses to visual stimuli: instructional control with and without auditory sexual fantasy correlates,1978,5,4,333-342,Quinsey The hormonal treatment of paraphiliacs with depo-provera,1978,5,4,304-314,Rappeport The reduction of deviant arousal: satiation treatment for sexual aggressors,1978,5,4,294-303,Marshall Self-concept changes associated with incarceration in female prisoners,1978,5,3,271-279,Borgen Impression management in the ethical self-presentation of offenders undergoing presentence evaluation,1978,5,3,259-270,Holland Home furlough program effects on rates of recidivism,1978,5,3,249-258,LeClair A brief immediate screening interview to determine competency to stand trial: a feasibility study,1978,5,3,241-248,Roesch Perceptions of the effectiveness of the criminal justice system: the female victim's perspective,1978,5,3,227-240,Feldman-Summers Thought content of delinquent and nondelinquent young adults: the effect of institutionalization,1978,5,3,195-210,Landau Prediction of work release success with youthful nonviolent male offenders,1978,5,2,181-192,Elder Perceptions of police work by the police and by the public,1978,5,2,165-180,Renner Subculture of violence: youth offender value systems,1978,5,2,159-164,Poland The treatment of insomnia with relaxation and stimulus-control instructions among incarcerated males,1978,5,2,117-130,Toler Quick tests of organicity among drug-using delinquents,1978,5,1,75-92,Andrew An Empirical Classification of Female Offenders,1978,5,1,35-52,Spatz Widom The relationship between body buffer zone and violence as assessed by subjective and objective techniques,1978,5,1,53-62,Hanlon Long-term follow-up of behavior modification with high-risk adolescents,1978,5,1,21-34,Wodarski The Transcendental Meditation® program and rehabilitation at Folsom State Prison: a cross-validation study,1978,5,1,3-20,Abrams Behavior modification in the correctional setting,1977,4,4,397-432,Johnson The effect of a juvenile diversion program on rearrests,1977,4,4,377-396,Quay Correctional treatment and coercion: the differential effectiveness perspective,1977,4,4,355-376,Warren The three faces of evaluation: what can be expected to work,1977,4,4,341-354,Quay Evaluating correctional treatments: toward a new perspective,1977,4,4,323-339,Adams MMPI and demographic correlates and predictors of female prison escape,1977,4,3,285-300,Scott The helpfulness of three counseling models as perceived by institutionalized adolescent males,1977,4,3,273-284,Horne Psychopathy and delay of gratification,1977,4,3,265-271,Blanchard Motivational intent in the sexual assault of children,1977,4,3,253-264,Burgess The role of personal characteristics in perceptions of dangerousness,1977,4,3,241-252,Miller V: Directions for further research,1977,4,2,211-216,Megargee IV: Empirically determined characteristics of the ten types,1977,4,2,149-210,Megargee III: Revision and refinement of the classificatory rules,1977,4,2,125-148,Megargee I: The need for a new classification system,1977,4,2,107-114,Megargee Delinquency: intellectual imbalance?,1977,4,1,99-104,Andrew Race factors in responses to interpersonal stress among young adult offenders,1977,4,1,45-61,Perry Effects of feedback on performance of introverted and extraverted delinquents and non-delinquents,1976,3,4,371-378,Stein Employer attitudes toward work-release programs and the hiring of offenders,1976,3,4,335-344,Atkinson Test of an arousal theory of delinquency: stimulation-seeking in delinquent and nondelinquent black adolescents,1976,3,4,315-320,Farley Experimentation in forensic psychology,1976,3,4,301-314,Haward Advocates of law and order villains or guardians of justice,1976,3,3,273-286,Steffensmeier The impact of an aggressive juror in six- and twelve-member juries,1976,3,3,255-262,Snortum Prediction of youth contacts with law enforcement agencies,1976,3,3,235-253,Feldhusen Behavioral emotional and autonomic reactions to stress among incarcerated youthful offenders,1976,3,3,203-234,Megargee Social role self-perceptions of state prison guards,1976,3,2,187-196,Peretti The quick minute: delinquents drugs and time,1976,3,2,179-186,Andrew Perceptions of victims and defendants in criminal assault cases,1976,3,2,135-150,Feldman-Summers Psychologically disordered and criminal offenders: perceptions of their volition and responsibility,1976,3,2,123-134,Monahan The prison and the inmate's conception of legal justice: an experiment in democratic education,1976,3,2,107-122,Scharf Self-esteem and violence by guards and state troopers at Attica,1976,3,1,85-96,Stotland Practitioners' views of delinquency causation: a consideration in comprehensive juvenile justice planning,1976,3,1,67-84,Cartwright Effect of media training on inmate interpersonal relationship skills,1976,3,1,41-52,Atkinson Self-management of personal habits by female drug addicts: a feasibility study,1976,3,1,29-40,Snortum Family court placement of mentally retarded juvenile offenders and the use of intelligence testing: a reply to Sussman,1976,3,1,23-28,Olczak The prediction of dangerous behavior,1976,3,1,3-22,Megargee Mutability and delinquency: the relative effects of structural associational and attitudinal variables on juvenile delinquency,1975,2,4,408-420,Webb Educational intervention as a preventive measure,1975,2,4,397-407,Powell Self-report measurement of "delinquent orientation" in institutionalized delinquent and high school boys,1975,2,4,383-396,Vondracek Preventing drug abuse: a comparison of education treatment and law enforcement approaches,1975,2,4,372-382,Grizzle The school relations bureau: a program of police intervention,1975,2,4,358-371,Clements Delinquency programs in schools: a survey,1975,2,4,346-357,Knudten Schools and delinquency prevention strategies,1975,2,4,339-345,Schuchter Schools and the delinquency experience,1975,2,4,315-338,Polk Schools and the community: a model for participatory problem-solving,1975,2,4,303-314,Wenk Labeling by self and others: the comparison of behavior among "anti-social" and "pro-social" children in an open community agency,1975,2,3,258-275,Wodarski Public perceptions of criminal behavior: a review of the literature,1975,2,3,217-236,Newman Training techniques for staff in group homes for juvenile offenders: an analysis,1975,2,3,195-216,Fixsen Application of operations research methods to correctional problems,1975,2,2,169-179,Mittra Mobilization of the community through a behavioral approach: a school program for adjudicated females,1975,2,2,130-145,Marholin Construct validity of I-level classification,1975,2,2,113-129,Austin Is revenge sweet? The effect of attitude toward a thief on crime reporting,1975,2,2,101-112,Bickman "Intervention package": an analysis to prepare juvenile delinquents for encounters with police officers,1975,2,1,55-84,Fixsen The eye of the beholder: differential perceptions of police by the police and the public,1975,2,1,37-54,Hadar Future time perspective of delinquents and non-delinquents: the effect of institutionalization,1975,2,1,22-36,Landau Heredity in criminality,1975,2,1,3-21,Rosenthal The adult female offender: a selected bibliography,1974,1,4,340-356,Goyer-Michaud Personality differences between male and female prison inmates: measured by the MMPI,1974,1,4,332-339,Panton Physical attractiveness of female offenders: effects on institutional performance,1974,1,4,321-331,Hayes The female offender as an object of criminological research,1974,1,4,301-320,Rasche The war model in criminal justice: no substitute for victory,1974,1,3,247-277,Christianson An escape-avoidance view of catharsis,1974,1,3,195-223,Hokanson The trouble with rehabilitation,1974,1,2,139-149,Irwin Violent crime indices among community-retained delinquents,1974,1,2,123-130,Andrew The meaning of research in social action: what the clinical community can expect from research,1974,1,1,73-86,Warren What's with the attitude? Changing attitudes about criminal justice issues,2013,40,1,95-113,Morgan The interconnection between intellectual achievement and self-control,2013,40,1,80-94,Boisvert Investigating the underlying structure and stability of problem behaviors across adolescence,2013,40,1,57-79,Sullivan Predicting success in a large sample of federal pretrial offenders: the influence of ethnicity,2013,40,1,40-56,Huss Classifying serial sexual murder/murderers: an attempt to validate Keppel and Walter's (1999) model,2013,40,1,5-25,Bennell Multivariate models for behavioral offender profiling of Japanese homicide,2013,40,2,214-227,Fujita A dark figure of corrections: failure by way of participation,2013,40,2,180-202,Hamilton Investigating offending consistency of geographic and environmental factors among serial sex offenders: a comparison of multiple analytical strategies,2013,40,2,156-179,Beauregard The familial concentration and transmission of crime,2013,40,2,139-155,Beaver Examining the interaction between level of risk and dosage of treatment,2013,40,3,338-348,Latessa Use of nonfatal force on and by persons with apparent mental disorder in encounters with police,2013,40,3,321-337,Ogloff Prevalence and incidence of nonsuicidal self-injury among federally sentenced women in Canada,2013,40,3,302-320,Brown Inmate misconduct and the institutional capacity for control,2013,40,3,270-288,Griffin Looking up: explaining police promotional aspirations,2013,40,3,247-269,Paoline Early-phase outcomes from a randomized trial of intensive judicial supervision in an Australian drug court,2013,40,4,453-468,Jones Gender and ethnicity in juvenile risk assessment,2013,40,4,388-408,Luebbers Dynamic factors of sexual aggression: the role of affect and impulsiveness,2013,40,4,376-387,Carvalho Genetic transmission effects and intergenerational contact with the criminal justice system: a consideration of three dopamine polymorphisms,2013,40,6,671-689,Barnes Do the drugs do the time? The effect of drug abuse on sentences imposed on drug offenders in three U.S. district courts,2013,40,6,646-670,Belenko Evading justice: quantifying criminal success in incarcerated psychopathic offenders,2013,40,6,629-645,Kiehl Risk-taking and self-regulation: a systematic review of the analysis of delinquency outcomes in the juvenile justice intervention literature 1996-2009,2013,40,6,608-628,Evans-Chase Testing the stability of self-control: identifying unique developmental patterns and associated risk factors,2013,40,6,588-607,Jones The incarceration period and educational achievements of juvenile delinquents,1983,10,1,109-120,Sherer Community alternatives and rearrest in Colorado,1983,10,1,93-108,Menard Communication and motivation in a police department,1983,10,1,47-69,Hochstedler Community response to crime in a sun belt city,1983,10,1,35-46,Schaefer Reducing fear of crime through occupational presence,1983,10,1,13-33,Balkin A consideration of sex roles and motivations for crime,1983,10,1,3-12,McCord The Competency Screening Test: a validation study in Cook County Illinois,1982,9,4,495-500,Randolph Impulsive youthful offenders: a multimodal cognitive behavioral treatment program,1982,9,4,432-454,Bowman Decision making by a part-time parole board: an observational and empirical study,1982,9,4,396-431,Conley Memory and violent crime among delinquents,1982,9,3,364-371,Andrew Women incarcerated in 1960 1970 and 1980: implications of demographic educational and personality characteristics for earlier research,1982,9,3,352-363,Epperson Female criminals: behavior and treatment within the criminal justice system,1982,9,3,341-351,Heilbrun Reactions and attributes of prisoners in solitary confinement,1982,9,3,303-340,Deaton Portrait of a courtroom: social and ecological impressions of the adversary process,1982,9,3,286-302,Austin The life of a police officer: a developmental perspective,1982,9,3,273-285,Fagan Cross-validation of the megargee MMPI typology: a study of specialized inmate populations,1982,9,2,184-203,Edinger I-E scores of drug-abusing offenders: the influence of social desirability,1982,9,2,177-183,McBride Sex and occupational socialization among prison guards: a longitudinal study,1982,9,2,159-176,Alpert Role socialization of juvenile court probation officers,1982,9,2,143-158,Petronio Validity of a WISC-R short form for female delinquents,1982,9,1,115-119,Haynes The model muddle in co-corrections,1982,9,1,101-114,Smykla Dimensions and correlates of offender ethical self-presentation,1982,9,1,69-78,Holland The politics of juvenile awareness programs: a case study of JOLT,1982,9,1,55-68,Homant Group training for social skills: a program for court-adjudicated probationary youths,1982,9,1,35-53,Sherman Females in law enforcement: femininity competence attraction and work acceptance,1982,9,1,13-34,Hernandez Dangerousness predictions and the maligned forensic professional: suggestions for detecting distortion of true basal violence,1982,9,1,3-12,Hall Women in corrections: competence competition and the social responsibility norm,1981,8,4,491-499,Bowersox Hospitalization versus imprisonment and the insanity plea,1981,8,4,483-490,Kahn The competency screening test: a replication and extension,1981,8,4,471-481,Randolph Changes in delinquency prevalence: prediction problems and decision logic in longitudinal studies of delinquency,1981,8,4,439-470,Dunn A case study of delinquency devolution,1981,8,4,425-438,Brown Cognitive moral development and legal socialization,1981,8,4,401-424,Radosevich Occupational hazards of street prostitutes,1981,8,4,395-399,Silbert Perceptions of juvenile experience: females involved in prostitution versus property offenses,1981,8,3,325-342,James Dimensions of police types: a study of perspective and passion,1981,8,3,303-323,Hochstedler Race and juvenile court dispositions: an examination of initial screening decisions,1981,8,3,287-301,Pope Factors involved in juveniles' decisions about crime,1981,8,3,275-286,Cimler Developing mental health services for local jails,1981,8,3,259-273,Morgan Some correlates of prison guards' beliefs,1981,8,2,233-249,Shamir A modern personality test for offenders: the Carlson psychological survey,1981,8,2,185-200,Carlson Forensic competency: an examination of incarcerated inmates hospitalized inmates and defendants,1981,8,2,173-184,Jones Pedophilia and aggression,1981,8,2,145-158,Marshall Reading and cerebral dysfunction among juvenile delinquents,1981,8,2,131-144,Andrew Juvenile delinquency and moral development,1981,8,1,79-93,Eisikovits MMPI modal profiles in a juvenile delinquent population,1981,8,1,39-47,Pickett The future of offender classification: some cautions and prospects,1981,8,1,15-38,Clements Inmate classification as a transaction,1981,8,1,3-14,Toch The effectiveness of court-ordered punishment: fines versus no punishment,1980,7,4,465-470,Critelli Witnessing crime: toward a model of public intervention,1980,7,4,437-464,Mawby Stealing from a "lost" letter: effects of victim characteristics,1980,7,4,423-436,Farrington Positive peer culture and a level system: a comparison in an adolescent treatment facility,1980,7,4,399-406,Mitchell Cognitive characteristics of delinquents: four subgroups of male subjects,1980,7,4,387-398,Spencer Self-reported delinquency as an evaluation measure: comparative reliability and validity of alternative weighting schemes,1980,7,4,369-386,Davidson Shock probation in Ohio: use of base expectancy rates as an evaluation method,1980,7,3,331-340,Vito Screening for risk: a comparison of methods,1980,7,3,315-330,Gottfredson Work relations and cynicism among prison guards,1980,7,3,303-314,Poole Overcrowding and inmate behavior: some preliminary findings,1980,7,3,293-301,Jan Inmate Assimilation A Comparison of Male and Female Delinquents,1980,7,3,275-292,Zingraff Presumed motive in the male and female perception of rape,1980,7,3,257-274,Heilbrun Violence and sexuality three types of defendants,1980,7,3,243-255,Barnard Sexual assault: determinants of victim disclosure,1980,7,2,229-236,Burkhart Validity of the overcontrolled/undercontrolled typology: usage on criminal psychiatric patients,1980,7,2,215-228,Lane Institutional misconducts and anxiety levels among jailed inmates,1980,7,2,203-214,Bonta Verbal IQ and the I-level classification system for delinquents,1980,7,2,193-202,Andrew Group involvement in delinquent acts: a study of offense types and male-female participation,1980,7,2,185-192,Aultman Self-management and social skills training: a study with predelinquent and delinquent youths,1980,7,2,161-184,Gross Coping with authority: social skills training for the complex offender,1980,7,2,147-159,Kloss Applied behavior analysis for criminal justice practice: some current dimensions,1980,7,2,131-145,Morris Correctional classification and the prediction of institutional adjustment,1980,7,1,51-60,Holland Hiring despite the psychologist's objections: an evaluation of psychological evaluations of police officers,1980,7,1,41-49,Lester Rape as viewed by judges prosecutors and police officers,1980,7,1,19-40,Feldman-Summers TM and rehabilitation another view,1980,7,1,11-17,Rahav Release from a maximum security psychiatric institution: demographic and clinical variables,1979,6,4,390-399,Quinsey Female offenders: three assumptions about self-esteem sex-role identity and feminism,1979,6,4,365-382,Widom The MMPI in presentence decision making: personality patterns associated with unanimous versus disputed case dispositions,1979,6,4,359-364,Holland Privacy and corrections: a social learning approach,1979,6,4,339-357,Smith Female partners for male police: the effect on shooting responses,1979,6,4,327-338,Johns A computerized screening system for correctional classification,1979,6,3,251-273,Baker Eysenck's theory of criminality: a test on an American prisoner population,1979,6,3,245-249,Bartol Escape/aggression incidence in sexually abused juvenile delinquents,1979,6,3,239-243,Reich Offender ethnicity and presentence decision-making: a multivariate analysis,1979,6,3,227-238,Holland Parents' attitudes toward juveniles' rights in interrogation,1979,6,3,211-226,Grisso Police professionalism and cynicism: an empirical assessment,1979,6,2,201-206,Poole Diagnostic labeling: individual differences in the behavior of clinicians conducting presentence evaluations,1979,6,2,187-199,Holland Age and prison violence: increasing age heterogeneity as a violence-reducing strategy in prisons,1979,6,2,175-186,Mabli Youths as behavior change agents in an institution,1979,6,2,145-157,Carstens Intensive community treatment: an approach to facilitating the employment of offenders,1979,6,2,133-143,Kloss Interpersonal skills training: evaluation of a program with adult male offenders,1979,6,2,119-131,Rychtarik Autonomic reactions to stress: the effects of several therapy analogues on prisoners,1979,6,2,107-117,Hokanson Discretion in juvenile justice: a framework for systematic study,1979,6,1,76-101,Lamiell Self-esteem incarceration and recidivism,1979,6,1,67-75,Gendreau Correctional officers' attitudes toward selected treatment programs,1979,6,1,59-66,Teske Interpersonal Aspects of Dangerousness,1979,6,1,49-58,Held Test of a theory of delinquency "delinquent" behaviors among institutionalized drug addicts as a function of arousal and the sensation-seeking motive,1979,6,1,41-48,Steinberger The effect of differential follow-up on rearrests: a critique of Quay and Love,1979,6,1,23-29,Ad Effects of a juvenile diversion program on rearrests: a reply to Mrad,1979,6,1,31-33,Quay Transcendental Meditation and rehabilitation at Folsom prison: response to a critique,1979,6,1,13-22,Siegel TM at Folsom prison a critique of Abrams and Siegel,1979,6,1,9-12,Allen Blame models and assailant research,1978,5,4,379-388,Brodsky Legal aspects in treating rapists,1978,5,4,369-378,Rada Legal cynicism legitimacy and criminal offending: the nonconfounding effect of low self-control,2011,38,12,1265-1279,Holtfreter Childhood maltreatment parental monitoring and self-control among homeless young adults: consequences for negative social outcomes,2011,38,12,1244-1264,Tyler The Long Road to Treatment: Models of Screening and Admission Into Drug Courts,2011,38,12,1222-1243,Wolff Attracted to crime: exploration of criminal motivation among respondents in three European cities,2011,38,12,1200-1221,Botchkovar Applying risk/need assessment to probation practice and its impact on the recidivism of young offenders,2011,38,12,1177-1199,Wormith Deferring to clarity parsimony and evidence in reply to Ward Yates and Willis,2012,39,1,111-120,Wormith The Good Lives Model and the Risk Need Responsivity Model: a critical response to Andrews Bonta and Wormith (2011),2012,39,1,94-110,Yates Staff beliefs about the negotiation of serious prison incidents,2012,39,1,59-70,Davies Implications of Static-99 field reliability findings for score use and reporting,2012,39,1,42-58,Jeglic Exposure to intimate partner violence: does the gender of the perpetrator matter for adolescent mental health outcomes?,2012,39,1,26-41,Fagan Predicting offenders' criminogenic cognitions with status variables,2012,39,1,5-25,Morgan Toward an integrated theory of probation,2012,39,2,185-201,Schwalbe Severity and frequency of reactive and instrumental violent offending: divergent validity of subtypes of violence in an adult forensic sample,2012,39,2,202-219,Hancock The impact of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program services on law enforcement investigational practices: a mediational analysis,2012,39,2,169-184,Bybee Treatment-related changes in psychopathy features and behavior in adolescent offenders,2012,39,2,144-155,Caldwell Mental disorder and offending in prison,2012,39,2,125-143,Felson Treating alcohol-related violence: intermediate outcomes in a feasibility study for a randomized controlled trial in prisons,2012,39,3,333-344,McMurran Circumventing the penalty for offenders facing mandatory minimums: revisiting the dynamics of "sympathetic" and "salvageable" offenders,2012,39,3,308-332,Spohn The construction and validation of the OASys Violence Predictor: advancing violence risk assessment in the English and Welsh correctional services,2012,39,3,287-307,Dixon Juvenile Miranda warnings: perfunctory rituals or procedural safeguards?,2012,39,3,229-249,Rogstad Final-stage diversion: a safety net for offenders with mental disorders,2012,39,4,571-583,Rogers Pretrial diversion for intrafamilial child sexual offending: does biological paternity matter?,2012,39,4,552-570,Goodman-Delahunty Adaptive programming improves outcomes in drug court: an experimental trial,2012,39,4,514-532,Marlowe Effectiveness of pretrial community-based diversion in reducing reoffending by adult intrafamilial child sex offenders,2012,39,4,493-513,Goodman-Delahunty A simulation modeling approach for planning and costing jail diversion programs for persons with mental illness,2012,39,4,434-446,Steadman Is diversion swift? Comparing mental health court and traditional criminal justice processing,2012,39,4,420-433,Steadman Community-based alternatives for justice-involved individuals with severe mental illness: review of the relevant research,2012,39,4,351-419,Heilbrun Behind the veil of juror decision making: testing the effects of Muslim veils and defendant race in the courtroom,2012,39,5,666-678,Maeder Exploring racial disparities in the brief jail mental health screen,2012,39,5,635-645,Steadman Computerized crime linkage systems: a critical review and research agenda,2012,39,5,620-634,Bennell The Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System: a test of interrater reliability,2012,39,5,607-619,Bennell Can standardized measures of risk predict inpatient violence? Combining static and dynamic variables to improve accuracy,2012,39,5,589-606,Vitacco Research and practice in adolescent firesetting,2012,39,6,842-864,Mackay Assessment and treatment of adolescents who sexually offend: clinical issues and implications for secure settings,2012,39,6,814-841,Langton Callous-unemotional traits and their implication for understanding and treating aggressive and violent youths,2012,39,6,794-813,Frick Conduct-disordered adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: intervention in secure treatment settings,2012,39,6,770-793,Brown Introduction to the special issue: Treatment considerations for aggressive adolescents in secure settings,2012,39,6,685-693,Langton Changed alibis: current law enforcement future law enforcement and layperson reactions,2012,39,7,958-977,Hosch Absconding among juvenile parolees in Arizona: constructing and validating a gender-responsive risk instrument,2012,39,7,923-937,Pyrooz Lie detection by inducing cognitive load: eye movements and other cues to the false answers of "witnesses" to crimes,2012,39,7,887-909,Walczyk Factor structure of the Bumby RAPE Scale: a two-factor model,2012,39,7,869-886,Nunes Analysis of fatal police shootings time space and suicide by police,2012,39,8,1107-1125,Ogloff The effects of therapeutic community on recidivism up to four years after release from prison: a multisite study,2012,39,8,1075-1087,Jensen Correctional administrators' perceptions of prison nurseries,2012,39,8,1063-1074,Campbell Risk factors for violent behavior in prison inmates: a cross-cultural contribution,2012,39,9,1219-1239,Andrés-Pueyo Social functioning victimization and mental health among female offenders,2012,39,9,1204-1218,Heilbrun Let 'em talk! A field study of police questioning practices of suspects and accused persons,2012,39,10,1328-1339,Snook Decision making in the crime commission process comparing: rapists child molesters and victim-crossover sex offenders,2012,39,10,1275-1295,Beauregard Sexual assault on the college campus: fraternity affiliation male peer support and low self-control,2012,39,11,1457-1480,Pratt Incentives for offender research participation are both ethical and practical,2012,39,11,1391-1404,Hanson Factors influencing subjects' observed level of suicide by cop intent,2012,39,12,1633-1646,Lord Gender-responsive lessons learned and policy implications for women in prison: a review,2012,39,12,1612-1632,Salisbury The predictive validity of a general risk/needs assessment inventory on sexual offender recidivism and an exploration of the professional override,2012,39,12,1511-1538,Wormith Standards for psychology services in jails prisons correctional facilities and agencies: International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology (formerly American Association for Correctional Psychology),2010,37,7,749-808, Utilizing behavioral interventions to improve supervision outcomes in community-based corrections,2011,38,4,386-405,Culhane Chronic medical conditions among jail detainees in residential psychiatric treatment,2011,38,4,354-374,Swartz Positive and negative pretrial publicity: the roles of impression formation emotion and predecisional distortion,2011,38,5,511-534,Ruva Cognitive ability emotional intelligence and the big five personality dimensions as predictors of criminal investigator performance,2011,38,5,471-491,Englert Correlates of correctional orientation in a treatment-oriented prison: a partial test of person--environment fit theory,2011,38,5,453-470,Altheimer The Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) and Australian offenders: factor structure sensitivity and specificity,2011,38,6,600-618,Byrne Social bonds self-control and adult criminality: a nationally representative assessment of Hirschi's revised self-control theory,2011,38,6,584-599,Menard Effects of organizational factors on use of juvenile supervision practices,2011,38,6,565-583,Taxman An examination of changes in LSI-R scores over time: making the case for needs-based case management,2011,38,6,541-553,Schlager The risk-need-responsivity (RNR) model: does adding the good lives model contribute to effective crime prevention?,2011,38,7,735-755,Wormith A test of Moffitt's hypotheses of delinquency abstention,2011,38,7,690-709,Piquero Determining the authenticity of suicide notes: can training improve human judgment?,2011,38,7,669-689,Bennell Fear and loathing in psychopaths: a meta-analytic investigation of the facial affect recognition deficit,2011,38,7,659-668,Wilson Emotion facilitation and passive avoidance learning in psychopathic female offenders,2011,38,7,641-658,Newman Multilevel recidivism prediction: incorporating neighborhood socioeconomic ecology in juvenile justice risk assessment,2011,38,8,840-853,Davidson Second-generation prisoners: adjustment patterns for inmates with a history of parental incarceration,2011,38,8,761-778,Warren Strategic sequences in police interviews and the importance of order and cultural fit,2011,38,9,934-954,Fennis An empirical modeling approach to recidivism classification,2005,32,2,223-247,Dow Effects of case management on parolee misconduct: The Bay Area Services Network,2005,32,2,205-222,Longshore A quantitative review of structured group-oriented cognitive-behavioral programs for offenders,2005,32,2,172-204,Bouffard Public response to prison siting: perceptions of impact on crime and safety,2005,32,2,143-171,Myers History of the American Association for Correctional Psychology,2005,32,2,123-142,Freeman Development and validation of a role-play test for assessing crisis (hostage) negotiation skills,2005,32,3,345-361,Romano Reliability and validity analyses of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory,2005,32,3,329-344,Hoge Juvenile decertification: developing a model for classification and prediction,2005,32,3,278-301,Heilbrun Young offenders in custody: risk and adjustment,2005,32,3,251-277,Peterson-Badali Using witness confidence can impair the ability to detect deception,2005,32,4,433-451,Warren Exploring predictors of institutional misbehavior among male Korean inmates,2005,32,4,412-432,Edens Sexual arousal in rapists,2005,32,4,367-389,Marshall An examination of the generalizability of the LSI-R and Vrag probability bins,2005,32,5,565-585,Kroner Factor structure of the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ) with mentally ill male prisoners,2005,32,5,546-564,Diamond A comparison of factor models on the PCL-R with mentally disordered offenders: the development of a four-factor model,2005,32,5,526-545,Vitacco Detection strategies for malingering: a confirmatory factor analysis of the SIRS,2005,32,5,511-525,Jackson Adjustment patterns in incarcerated women: an analysis of differences based on sentence length,2005,32,6,714-732,Thompson Gambling and problem gambling within forensic populations: a review of the literature,2005,32,6,665-689,Williams Reliability and discriminant validity of dynamic reoffending risk indicators in forensic clinical practice,2005,32,6,643-664,Philipse Crisis (hostage) negotiation training: a preliminary evaluation of program efficacy,2006,33,1,56-69,Romano Construct validity of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI) and the Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD) with justice-involved adolescents,2006,33,1,26-55,Poythress Prediction of law enforcement training performance and dysfunctional job performance with general mental ability personality and life history variables,2006,33,1,3-25,Cuttler Economic sanctions in criminal justice: purposes effects and implications,2006,33,2,242-273,Ruback Reducing prison misconducts: what works!,2006,33,2,185-218,Gendreau Probation mental health and mandated treatment: a national survey,2006,33,2,158-184,Skeem Factor structure of psychopathy in youth: testing the applicability of the new four-factor model,2006,33,2,135-157,Neumann Effectiveness of the direct supervision system of correctional design and management: a review of the literature,2006,33,3,392-410,Wener Multiple homicide offenders: offense characteristics social correlates and criminal careers,2006,33,3,367-391,DeLisi Development and preliminary validation of a defendant and offender screening tool for psychopathology in inmate populations,2006,33,3,325-346,Ferguson Risk-appraisal versus self-report in the prediction of criminal justice outcomes: a meta-analysis,2006,33,3,279-304,Walters Ethical decision making for correctional mental health providers,2006,33,4,542-564,Bonner Does the effect of impulsivity on delinquency vary by level of neighborhood disadvantage?,2006,33,4,511-541,Vazsonyi Early adolescent delinquency: the role of parents and best friends,2006,33,4,488-510,Scholte Assessing adolescent defendants' adjudicative competence: interrater reliability and factor structure of the fitness interview test-revised,2006,33,4,467-487,Vincent More evidence for the validity of the self-appraisal questionnaire for predicting violent and nonviolent recidivism: a 5-year follow-up study,2003,30,6,709-721,Loza Disconfirmation of the predictive validity of the self-appraisal questionnaire in a sample of high-risk drug offenders,2006,33,4,449-466,Mitchell The effect of gang affiliation on violent misconduct among inmates during the early years of confinement,2006,33,4,419-466,Griffin The impact of implicit stereotyping on offender: profiling unexpected results from an observational study of shoplifting,2006,33,5,646-674,Hollinger Violence between the police and the public: influences of work-related stress job satisfaction burnout and situational factors,2006,33,5,613-645,Eisner Global risk indicators and the role of gender in a juvenile detention sample,2006,33,5,597-612,Chesney-Lind Treatment response of adolescent offenders with psychopathy features: a 2-year follow-up,2006,33,5,571-596,Skeem Criminal thinking on probation: a perspective from Ireland,2006,33,6,782-802,Healy Assessment of psychosocial impairment in a supermaximum security unit sample,2006,33,6,760-781,Allen Social functioning treatment dropout and recidivism of probationers mandated to a modified therapeutic community,2006,33,6,738-759,Saum Nothing to lose? A comparative examination of prison misconduct rates among life-without-parole and other long-term high-security inmates,2006,33,6,683-705,Cunningham Crime in adult offspring of prisoners: a cross-national comparison of two longitudinal samples,2007,34,1,133-149,Farrington Moral reasoning of adolescent male offenders: comparison of sexual and nonsexual offenders,2007,34,1,108-118,Ashkar Graduate students' experiences interests and attitudes toward correctional/forensic psychology,2007,34,1,96-107,Morgan Implementing "corrections of place" ideas: the perspective of clients and staff,2007,34,1,76-95,Lane Personality criminal behavior and risk assessment: implications for theory and practice,2007,34,1,60-75,Van Voorhis Actuarial assessment of risk for reoffense among adult sex offenders: evaluating the predictive accuracy of the Static-2002 and five other instruments,2007,34,1,37-59,Langton Actuarial assessment of violence risk: to weigh or not to weigh?,2007,34,1,22-36,Grann What is correctional about clinical practice in corrections?,2007,34,1,7-21,Magaletta Sequestering gang members burning witches and subverting due process,2007,34,2,274-288,Toch A longitudinal study of psychological functioning among juvenile offenders: a latent growth model analysis,2007,34,2,259-273,Wareham Occupational stress personality traits coping strategies and suicide ideation in the South African police service,2007,34,2,246-258,Rothmann The influence of parental support among incarcerated adolescent offenders: the moderating effects of self-control,2007,34,2,229-245,Piquero A multisite study of community treatment programs for mentally ill offenders with major mental disorders: design measures and the forensic sample,2007,34,2,211-228,Tiihonen The impact of perceived need for treatment on risk of arrest and violence among people with severe mental illness,2007,34,2,197-210,Mustillo Police education experience and the use of force,2007,34,2,179-196,Paoline Examining the original Grasmick scale: a Rasch model approach,2007,34,2,157-178,Higgins Development and field test of a gender-informed security reclassification scale for female offenders,2007,34,3,362-379,Taylor Social information processing experiences of aggression in social contexts and aggressive behavior in adolescents,2007,34,3,330-347,Bender The relationship of statistical and psychological risk markers to sexual reconviction in child molesters,2007,34,3,314-329,Craig Adjusting actuarial violence risk assessments based on aging or the passage of time,2007,34,3,297-313,Rice Validity of the Level of Service Inventory--Revised (LSI-R) Among African American and Hispanic Male Offenders,2007,34,4,545-554,Simourd Psychopathy and the perception of affect and vulnerability,2007,34,4,531-544,Book The family → low self-control → deviance: a cross-cultural and cross-national test of self-control theory,2007,34,4,505-530,Vazsonyi The Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument as a predictor of institutional maladjustment in severe male juvenile offenders,2007,34,4,476-492,Loney Indirect assessment of cognitions of child sexual abusers with the Implicit Association Test,2007,34,4,454-475,Firestone Taking stock of criminal profiling: a narrative review and meta-analysis,2007,34,4,437-453,Snook Inmate emotion coping and psychological and physical well-being: the use of crying over spilled milk,2007,34,5,697-708,van der Pligt Drug use and delinquent behavior: a growth model of parallel processes among high-risk youths,2007,34,5,680-696,Wareham Religiosity and desistance from drug use,2007,34,5,661-679,Chu Five Factor model personality traits jury selection and case outcomes in criminal and civil cases,2007,34,5,641-660,Chaplin Reliability and validity of the Static-2002 among adult sexual offenders with reference to treatment status,2007,34,5,616-640,Langton Effects of prison drug treatment on inmate misconduct: a repeated measures analysis,2007,34,5,600-615,Welsh Evidence of treatment progress and therapeutic outcomes among adolescents with psychopathic features,2007,34,5,573-587,Caldwell Worldview of high-risk juvenile delinquents: relationship to decisions to shoot,2007,34,6,846-861,Goldberg Diagnostic screening with incarcerated youths: comparing the DPS and Voice DISC,2007,34,6,830-845,Fisher The relationship between neutralizations and perceived delinquent labeling on criminal history in young offenders serving community orders,2007,34,6,816-829,Kenny The impact of incarceration on intimate relationships,2007,34,6,794-815,Harman Taxometric analysis of thePsychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles in incarcerated offenders and college students,2007,34,6,781-793,Walters Predictors of rearrest for rapists and child molesters on probation,2007,34,6,752-768,Freeman Instrumentally violent youths: the roles of psychopathic traits empathy and attachment,2007,34,6,739-751,Forth Testing an interactive model of symptom severity in conduct disordered youth: family relationships antisocial cognitions and social-contextual risk,2007,34,6,721-738,Atkinson Innovations in correctional assessment and treatment,2007,34,7,893-905,Magaletta Toward the one: strengthening behavioral sciences research in corrections,2007,34,7,933-944,Magaletta Systemic issues and correctional outcomes: expanding the scope of correctional psychology,2007,34,7,919-932,Clements Directions for violence and sexual risk assessment in correctional psychology,2007,34,7,906-918,Kroner The rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders: the current landscape and some future directions for correctional psychology,2007,34,7,879-892,Wormith Adaptation to imprisonment: indigenous or imported?,2007,34,8,1085-1100,Ayton Script analysis of the hunting process of serial sex offenders,2007,34,8,1069-1084,Beauregard The generalizability of the LSI-R and the CAT to the prediction of recidivism in female offenders,2007,34,8,1044-1056,Folsom Inmate thinking patterns: an empirical investigation,2007,34,8,1029-1043,Morgan The construct validity and refinement of process-based policing measures,2007,34,8,1005-1028,Gertz Identifying MMPI-2 predictors of police officer integrity and misconduct,2007,34,8,985-1004,Sellbom Identifying subtypes of criminal psychopaths: a replication and extension,2007,34,8,953-970,Kosson Screening assessment and referral practices in adult correctional settings: a national perspective,2007,34,9,1216-1234,Cropsey Tempest in a TC: changing treatment providers for in-prison therapeutic communities,2007,34,9,1168-1178,Saum An assessment of criminal thinking among incarcerated youths in three states,2007,34,9,1157-1167,Jainchill Gender differences in treatment engagement among a sample of incarcerated substance abusers,2007,34,9,1143-1156,Leukefeld Measuring offender attributes and engagement in treatment using the client evaluation of self and treatment,2007,34,9,1113-1130,Flynn Self-control as an executive function: reformulating Gottfredson and Hirschi's parental socialization thesis,2007,34,10,1345-1361,Wright A structural examination of the predictors of sexual coercion against children in adolescent sexual offenders,2007,34,10,1313-1333,Knight Psychiatric symptoms and substance use among juvenile offenders: a latent profile investigation,2007,34,10,1296-1312,Freedenthal Validity of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol--II (J-SOAP-II) in a sample of urban minority youth,2007,34,10,1284-1295,Rosenfeld Explaining police bias: a theory of social conditioning and illusory correlation,2007,34,10,1262-1283,Smith The effects of prenatal problems family functioning and neighborhood disadvantage in predicting life-course-persistent offending,2007,34,10,1241-1261,Turner Belief in a personal just world justice judgments and their functions for prisoners,2007,34,11,1516-1527,Dalbert The role of impulsivity in antisocial and violent behavior and personality disorders among incarcerated women,2007,34,11,1499-1515,Loper A multisite evaluation of prison-based therapeutic community drug treatment,2007,34,11,1481-1498,Welsh Promotive and risk factors related to deviant behavior in Japanese youth,2007,34,11,1463-1480,Luster An empirical portrait of community reentry among serious juvenile offenders in two metropolitan cities,2007,34,11,1402-1426,Mulvey Childhood adverse events and current traumatic distress: a comparison of men and women drug-dependent prisoners,2007,34,11,1385-1401,Grella Using Poisson class regression to analyze count data in correctional and forensic psychology: a relatively old solution to a relatively new problem,2007,34,12,1659-1674,Walters Characterizing the value of actuarial violence risk assessments,2007,34,12,1638-1658,Rice The latent structure of the criminal lifestyle: a taxometric analysis of the lifestyle criminality screening form and psychological inventory of criminal thinking styles,2007,34,12,1623-1637,Walters Taxometric analysis: an empirically grounded approach to implementing the method,2007,34,12,1588-1622,Ruscio Influencing the "people who count": some perspectives on the reporting of meta-analytic results for prediction and treatment outcomes with offenders,2007,34,12,1536-1559,Gendreau Guilt and shame as predictors of recidivism: a longitudinal study with young prisoners,2008,35,1,138-152,Hosser Inmate-on-inmate assault: a multilevel examination of prison violence,2008,35,1,120-137,Lahm Predictors of retention in an alternative-to-prison substance abuse treatment program,2008,35,1,99-119,Wagner Denial and minimization among sexual offenders: posttreatment presentation and association with sexual recidivism,2008,35,1,69-98,Langton Being the good soldier: organizational citizenship behavior and commitment among correctional staff,2008,35,1,56-68,Griffin Differential relationships between the dimensions of psychopathy and intelligence: replication with adult jail inmates,2008,35,1,48-55,Vitacco Dropout from sex-offender treatment and dimensions of risk of sexual recidivism,2008,35,1,24-33,Nunes Assessing risk for violence in adolescents who have sexually offended: a comparison of the J-SOAP-II J-SORRAT-II and SAVRY,2008,35,1,5-23,Viljoen Stability of psychopathic characteristics in childhood: the influence of social relationships,2008,35,2,244-262,Barry The stability of psychopathy from adolescence into adulthood: the search for moderators,2008,35,2,228-243,Stouthamer-Loeber The peer relationships of youths with psychopathic personality traits: a matter of perspective,2008,35,2,212-227,Kerr Callous--unemotional traits and antisocial behavior: genetic environmental and early parenting characteristics,2008,35,2,197-211,Viding Interpersonal callousness trajectories across adolescence: early social influences and adult outcomes,2008,35,2,173-196,Pardini Child and adolescent psychopathy: the search for protective factors,2008,35,2,159-172,Lochman Essay: punitiveness as "behavior management",2008,35,3,388-397,Toch The influence of GED obtainment on inmate release outcome,2008,35,3,375-387,Zgoba Not in my neighborhood: assessing registered sex offenders' experiences with local social capital and social control,2008,35,3,356-374,Burchfield Predictive validity of the Structured Assessment for Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) with juvenile offenders,2008,35,3,344-355,Meyers Peer relationships and violence among female juvenile offenders: an exploration of differences among four racial/ethnic populations,2008,35,3,333-343,Silverman Adolescent psychopathy: factor structure and correspondence with the Millon adolescent clinical inventory,2008,35,3,294-310,Cornell Converging evidence for the latent structure of antisocial personality disorder: consistency of taxometric and latent class analyses,2008,35,3,284-293,Lilienfeld Cognitive skills behavior programs for offenders in the community: a reconviction analysis,2008,35,3,269-283,Palmer Investigative analysis of neonaticide: an exploratory study,2008,35,4,522-535,Beyer Police officer characteristics and the likelihood of using deadly force,2008,35,4,505-521,Kposowa Does residential proximity matter? A geographic analysis of sex offense recidivism,2008,35,4,484-504,Tewksbury Predicting recidivism in probationers with the Youth Level of Service Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI),2008,35,4,474-483,Onifade Generic correctional programming for mentally ill offenders: a pilot study,2008,35,4,457-473,Ashford Inmate versus environmental effects on prison rule violations,2008,35,4,438-456,Wooldredge Psychopathy in a civil psychiatric outpatient sample,2008,35,4,427-437,Moll Child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church: revisiting the rotten apples explanation,2008,35,5,658-678,Terry Child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church: how situational crime prevention strategies can help create safe environments,2008,35,5,643-657,Terry Persistent sexual abusers in the Catholic Church: an examination of characteristics and offense patterns,2008,35,5,629-642,Mercado Analyzing paraphilic activity specialization and generalization in priests who sexually abused minors,2008,35,5,615-628,Terry Repeat offending victim gender and extent of victim relationship in Catholic Church sexual abusers: implications for risk assessment,2008,35,5,600-614,Mercado Uncollaring the criminal: understanding criminal careers of criminal clerics,2008,35,5,583-599,Piquero Trajectories of abuse and disclosure child sexual abuse by Catholic priests,2008,35,5,570-582,Rengifo Stained glass: the nature and scope of child sexual abuse in the catholic church,2008,35,5,549-569,Terry The effects of media violence exposure on criminal aggression: a meta-analysis,2008,35,6,772-791,Savage Child victimization and parental monitoring as mediators of youth problem behaviors,2008,35,6,755-771,Stein Validation of the Novaco Anger Scale in an incarcerated offender population,2008,35,6,741-754,Baker Cross-cultural reliability and generality of the Megargee offender classification system,2008,35,6,725-740,Rossi Savry risk assessment in violent Dutch adolescents: relation to sentencing and recidivism,2008,35,6,696-709,Doreleijers Psychopathy intelligence and recidivism in child molesters: evidence of an interaction effect,2008,35,6,683-695,Grace Predictors of recidivism for adolescent offenders in a Singapore sample,2008,35,7,895-905,Ang Latent profile analyses of offense and personality characteristics in a sample of incarcerated female sexual offenders,2008,35,7,879-894,Henderson Nonshared environmental influences on sibling differences in externalizing problem behavior,2008,35,7,863-878,Wright Supervising probationers with mental disorder: how do agencies respond to violations?,2008,35,7,832-847,Skeem Casting light on prison violence in Scotland: evaluating the impact of situational risk factors,2008,35,8,1065-1078,Cooke "Degenerate criminals" mental health and psychiatric studies of Danish prisoners in solitary confinement 1870--1920,2008,35,8,1048-1064,Smith Penal isolation beyond the seriously mentally ill,2008,35,8,1017-1047,Cohen What to do with the survivors? Coping with the long-term effects of isolated confinement,2008,35,8,1005-1016,Kupers Patterns of disturbed behavior in a supermax population,2008,35,8,985-1004,Lovell A culture of harm: taming the dynamics of cruelty in supermax prisons,2008,35,8,956-984,Haney Cumulative default: the cost of disruptive prison careers,2008,35,8,943-955,Toch The challenges of mentally ill female offenders in prison,2008,35,8,928-942,Lord Managing mentally ill inmates in prisons,2008,35,8,913-927,Adams Juvenile inmates in an adult prison system: rates of disciplinary misconduct and violence,2008,35,9,1186-1201,Cunningham Risk for disciplinary infractions among incarcerated male youths: influence of psychiatric disorder,2008,35,9,1174-1185,McReynolds Male sexual offenders' emotional openness with men and women,2008,35,9,1156-1173,Webster Predictive modeling in hostage and barricade incidents,2008,35,9,1136-1155,Guay Apprehended without warrant: issues of evidentiary warrant for critical incident services and related trauma interventions in a federal law enforcement agency,2008,35,10,1337-1353,Lohr Nonverbal dominance versus verbal accuracy in lie detection: a plea to change police practice,2008,35,10,1323-1336,Vrij Confession evidence: commonsense myths and misconceptions,2008,35,10,1309-1322,Kassin Effective policing: understanding how polygraph tests work and are used,2008,35,10,1295-1308,Iacono Hypnosis and the law: examining the stereotypes,2008,35,10,1277-1294,Wagstaff The criminal profiling illusion: what's behind the smoke and mirrors?,2008,35,10,1257-1276,Bennell Logic and research versus intuition and past practice as guides to gathering and evaluating eyewitness evidence,2008,35,10,1241-1256,Turtle Reducing misconceptions and false beliefs in police and criminal psychology,2008,35,10,1231-1240,Aamodt Science and pseudoscience in law enforcement a user-friendly primer,2008,35,10,1215-1230,Lilienfeld Psychosocial predictors of clinicians' recommendations and judges' placement orders in a juvenile court,2008,35,11,1429-1448,Lurigio The impact of exposure to violence on a trajectory of (declining) parental monitoring: a partial test of the ecological--transactional model of community violence,2008,35,11,1411-1428,Vazsonyi The Measures of Criminal Attitudes and Associates (MCAA): further testing of structural and criterion-related validity,2008,35,11,1398-1410,Bäckström How "specific" are gender-specific rehabilitation needs? An empirical analysis,2008,35,11,1382-1397,Heilbrun Expert witness credibility as a function of eye contact behavior and gender,2008,35,12,1515-1526,Brodsky Minimizing the risk of pregnancy sexually transmitted diseases and HIV among incarcerated adolescent girls: identifying potential points of intervention,2008,35,12,1500-1514,Baird-Thomas Psychopathy subtypes among African American county jail inmates,2008,35,12,1484-1499,Walsh Self-report measures of psychopathy antisocial personality and criminal lifestyle: testing and validating a two-dimensional model,2008,35,12,1459-1483,Walters Perceptions of consumer racial profiling and negative emotions: an exploratory study,2009,36,1,77-88,Higgins Genetic and environmental influences on levels of self-control and delinquent peer affiliation: results from a longitudinal sample of adolescent twins,2009,36,1,41-60,Beaver Evaluating the predictive validity of the COMPAS risk and needs assessment system,2009,36,1,21-40,Brennan Predicting recidivism by mentally disordered offenders using the,2009,36,1,5-20,Thomson Neuropsychological deficits low self-control and delinquent involvement: toward a biosocial explanation of delinquency,2009,36,2,147-162,Beaver A quasi-experimental evaluation of Thinking for a Change: a "real-world" application,2009,36,2,137-146,Lowenkamp In the eye of the impulsive beholder: the interaction between impulsivity and perceived informal social control on offending,2009,36,3,307-321,Jones Personality prototypes in adult offenders,2009,36,3,259-274,Hoyer Predictors of job stress among staff in juvenile correctional facilities,2009,36,3,245-258,Minor Estimating the mental illness component of service need in corrections: results from the mental health prevalence project,2009,36,3,229-244,Diamond Exploring patterns of court-ordered mental health services for juvenile offenders: is there evidence of systemic bias?,2009,36,4,402-419,Yan Matching court-ordered services with treatment needs: predicting treatment success with young offenders,2009,36,4,385-401,Peterson-Badali Outcome trajectories in drug court: do all participants have serious drug problems?,2009,36,4,354-368,Marlowe Proactive and reactive aggression in a child psychiatric inpatient population: relations to psychopathic characteristics,2009,36,5,481-493,Greening Jurors' responses to unusual inadmissible evidence,2009,36,5,466-480,Pickel Does gender moderate the predictive utility of the Level of Service Inventory--Revised (LSI-R) for serious violent offenders?,2009,36,5,425-442,Skeem Psychopathic traits and perceptions of victim vulnerability,2009,36,6,635-648,Book Care alternatives in prison systems: factors influencing end-of-life treatment selection,2009,36,6,620-634,Salekin Psychometric properties of the ii within a metropolitan jail,2009,36,6,607-619,Ruiz A longitudinal model for predicting performance of police officers using personality and behavioral data,2009,36,6,591-606,Andrés-Pueyo Prediction of recidivism using the Psychopathy Checklist--Revised and the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles within a forensic sample,2009,36,7,741-756,Huss The Level of Service Inventory—Revised (LSI-R): a useful risk assessment measure for Australian offenders?,2009,36,7,728-740,Byrne Peering inside a Canadian interrogation room: an examination of the Reid model of interrogation influence tactics and coercive strategies,2009,36,7,674-694,King Investigating the longitudinal relation between offending frequency and offending variety,2009,36,7,653-673,Piquero Psychological aspects of crime scene profiling validity research,1998,25,3,319-343,Homant Mandatory arrest and prosecution policies for domestic violence: a critical literature review and the case for more research to test victim empowerment approaches,1998,25,3,306-318,Mills Crime indicators for alcohol and drug abuse,1998,25,3,283-305,Chong The development of the Prison Behavior Rating Scale,1998,25,4,482-506,Cooke Legal pressure and treatment retention in a national sample of long-term residential programs,1998,25,4,463-481,Hiller Psychopathology and competence to stand trial,1998,25,4,443-462,Rosenfeld The tenacity of the rehabilitative ideal revisited: have attitudes toward offender treatment changed?,1998,25,4,426-442,Cullen The influence of personal safety and other environmental concerns on sense of control and emotional well-being,1998,25,4,403-425,Gibbs The predictive accuracy of the Violent Offender Treatment Program Risk Assessment Scale,1999,26,1,125-140,Ward Screening for depression in prisoners using the Beck Depression Inventory,1999,26,1,107-124,Boothby Assessment of criminal attitudes: criterion-related validity of the Criminal Sentiments Scale-Modified and Pride in Delinquency Scale,1999,26,1,90-106,Simourd Risk and need assessment of juvenile offenders,1999,26,1,69-89,Jung Risk assessment for juveniles on probation: a focus on gender,1999,26,1,44-68,Funk Don't confuse me with the facts: common errors in violence risk assessment at capital sentencing,1999,26,1,20-43,Cunningham The HCR-20 violence risk assessment scheme: concurrent validity in a sample of incarcerated offenders,1999,26,1,3-19,Webster An expanded role for psychological assessments in juvenile justice systems,1999,26,2,251-266,Hoge Inmate experiences and psychological well-being,1999,26,2,235-250,Wooldredge Perceived judicial hostility to criminal trials: effects on public defenders in general and on their relationships with clients and prosecutors in particular,1999,26,2,217-234,Lynch Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime: an evaluation of five programs,1999,26,2,168-195,Longshore A comparison of the problem-solving abilities and psychological distress of suicidal bullied and protected prisoners,1999,26,2,196-216,Biggam The Amity prison TC evaluation: reincarceration outcomes,1999,26,2,147-167,De Leon Age and adolescent delinquency: the changing relationship among age delinquent attitude and delinquent activity,1999,26,3,373-388,Landsheer Hallucinogen use among juvenile probationers: prevalence and characteristics,1999,26,3,357-372,Howard Family violence and juvenile sex offending: the potential mediating role of psychopathic traits and negative attitudes toward women,1999,26,3,338-356,Frick Short-term outcome of inmates participating in the Lifestyle Change program,1999,26,3,322-337,Walters Without appointed counsel in capital postconviction proceedings: the self-representation competency of Mississippi death row inmates,1999,26,3,293-321,Cunningham Effects of a cognitive restructuring program on inmate institutional behavior,1999,26,4,466-484,Baro Self-control accidents and crime,1999,26,4,485-501,Tremblay Male and female delinquents' attachments and effects of attachments on severity of self-reported delinquency,1999,26,4,435-452,Holmes Differentiating delinquent youths for program planning and evaluation,1999,26,4,403-434,Harris Correctional intervention programs and cost-benefit analysis,2000,27,1,115-133,Farrington Actuarial assessment of risk for violence predictive validity of the VRAG and the historical part of the HCR-20,2000,27,1,97-114,Grann Effectiveness of treatment-based drug courts in reducing criminal recidivism,2000,27,1,72-96,Peters Cognitive distortion and problem behaviors in adolescents,2000,27,1,36-56,Barriga Where should we intervene? Dynamic predictors of sexual offense recidivism,2000,27,1,6-35,Hanson Criminal psychopathy: a risk-and-need perspective,2000,27,2,256-272,Hoge Prototypical analysis of antisocial personality disorder: a study of inmate samples,2000,27,2,234-255,Salekin Profiles of psychopathy in incarcerated sexual offenders,2000,27,2,216-233,Boer PTSD malevolent environment and criminality among criminally involved male adolescents,2000,27,2,196-215,McMackin Female violence and personality: evidence for a pattern of overcontrolled hostility among one-time violent female offenders,2000,27,2,176-195,Verona Self-harm in prison: manipulators can also be suicide attempters,2000,27,2,160-175,Dear Neuropsychological function drug abuse and violence: a conceptual framework,2000,27,2,139-159,Fishbein Law enforcement-assisted suicide,2000,27,3,401-419,Lord A conceptual model and implications for coping with stressful events in police work,2000,27,3,375-400,Anshel Reliability construct and concurrent validities of the Self-Appraisal Questionnaire: a tool for assessing violent and nonviolent recidivism,2000,27,3,356-374,Loza Moral intelligence in a sample of incarcerated females,2000,27,3,330-355,Watt A quasi-experimental evaluation of an intensive rehabilitation supervision program,2000,27,3,312-329,Bonta Adolescent male offenders: a grounded theory study of cognition emotion and delinquent crime contexts,2000,27,3,292-311,Lopez Risk factors for juvenile criminal recidivism: the postrelease community adjustment of juvenile offenders,2000,27,3,275-291,Heilbrun Drug treatment availability and effectiveness: studies of the general and criminal justice populations,2000,27,4,495-528,Lurigio AACP standards: a historical overview (1978 to 1980),2000,27,4,430-432,Althouse Standards for psychology services in jails prisons correctional facilities and agencies,2000,27,4,433-494,Althouse The Hostile Interpretations Questionnaire: psychometric properties and construct validity,2000,27,5,645-663,Simourd Influence of locus of control and custody level on intake and prison-adjustment depression,2000,27,5,625-644,Reitzel Suicide assessment in a prison environment: a proposed protocol,2000,27,5,581-599,Correia Reducing recidivism in driving while disqualified: a treatment evaluation,2000,27,5,531-560,Hudson Constructing actuarial devices for predicting recidivism: a comparison of methods,2000,27,6,733-764,Banks A national survey of correctional psychologists,2000,27,6,716-732,Clements Comparison of mental health and legal factors in the disposition outcome of young offenders,2000,27,6,688-715,Campbell Policing the police: surveillance and the predilection for leniency,2000,27,6,667-687,Schellenberg The effectiveness of the Self-Appraisal Questionnaire in predicting offenders' postrelease outcome a comparison study,2001,28,1,105-121,Loza Evaluating the effectiveness of residential treatment for prisoners with mental illness,2001,28,1,83-104,Johnson From death to life: prison behavior of former death row inmates in Indiana,2001,28,1,62-82,Cunningham Differential support for police use of force the death penalty and perceived harshness of the courts: effects of race gender and region,2001,28,1,3-23,Stiles The general common and specific features of psychopathology for different types of paraphilias,2001,28,2,227-256,Jackson Getting tough with juvenile offenders: explaining support for sanctioning youths as adults,2001,28,2,206-226,Mears Psychosocial and behavioral problems in relation to recent experience as a runaway among adolescent detainees,2001,28,2,190-205,Kingree Can involuntary outpatient commitment reduce arrests among persons with severe mental illness?,2001,28,2,156-189,Swanson The prediction of criminal recidivism in juveniles: a meta-analysis,2001,28,3,367-394,Heilbrun Immigration and crime among youth in Switzerland,2001,28,3,329-366,Vazsonyi Measuring "mature coping" skills among adult and juvenile offenders: a psychometric assessment of relevant instruments,2001,28,3,300-328,Soderstrom Bullying and suicidal behavior in jails,2001,28,3,279-299,Winkel Race class and attitudes toward crime control: the views of the african american middle class,2001,28,3,259-278,Wilson A factor analysis of traits related to individual differences in antisocial behavior,2001,28,4,522-536,Book Evaluating the predictive accuracy of six risk assessment instruments for adult sex offenders,2001,28,4,490-521,Langton The accuracy of five risk appraisal instruments in predicting institutional misconduct and new convictions,2001,28,4,471-489,Kroner Evidence of a taxon underlying serious antisocial behavior in boys,2001,28,4,450-470,Craig Psychopathy and recidivism in adolescent sex offenders,2001,28,4,427-449,Gretton Criminal violence: the roles of psychopathy neurodevelopmental insults and antisocial parenting,2001,28,4,402-426,Rice Occupational stress and the use of force by Dutch police officers,2001,28,5,631-652,Euwema A comparison of eyewitness and physical evidence on mock-juror decision making,2001,28,5,614-630,Skolnick Recidivism among adolescent serious offenders: prediction of entry into the correctional system for adults,2001,28,5,588-613,Benda Offense-focused problem solving: preliminary evaluation of a cognitive skills program,2001,28,5,564-587,McGuire Risk/need assessment offender classification and the role of childhood abuse,2001,28,5,543-563,Lowenkamp The development of persistent criminal offending in males,2001,28,6,731-755,Donnellan Police training in sexual assault response: process outcomes and elements of change,2001,28,6,695-730,Lonsway Coercion and sex offenders: controlling sex-offending behavior through incapacitation and treatment,2002,29,1,87-109,Gallagher Perceived coercion and treatment need among mentally ill parolees,2002,29,1,76-86,Shen Motivation as a predictor of therapeutic engagement in mandated residential substance abuse treatment,2002,29,1,56-75,Leukefeld Impacts of perceived legal pressure on retention in drug treatment,2002,29,1,27-55,Young Involuntary treatment within a prison setting: impact on psychosocial change during treatment,2002,29,1,5-26,Farabee The reliability and validity of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in a sample of female offenders,2002,29,2,202-231,Newman Personality characteristics of male juvenile offenders by adjudicated offenses as indicated by the MMPI-A,2002,29,2,183-201,Glaser Underlying common factors of adolescent problem behaviors,2002,29,2,161-182,Welte Correctional officer burnout: further analyses,2002,29,2,144-160,Morgan Assessing change with the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles: a controlled analysis and multisite cross-validation,2002,29,3,308-331,Walters The influence of professional orientation on detention officers' attitudes toward the use of force,2002,29,3,250-277,Griffin A comparison of predictors of general and violent recidivism among high-risk federal offenders,2002,29,3,235-249,Quinsey Putting the "what works" research into practice: an organizational perspective,2002,29,4,472-492,Ferguson Offender treatment attrition and its relationship with risk responsivity and recidivism,2002,29,4,447-471,Wormith The future of criminal attitudes research and practice,2002,29,4,427-446,Olver Is the PCL-R really the "unparalleled" measure of offender risk? A lesson in knowledge cumulation,2002,29,4,397-426,Gendreau Standardized instruments for assessing risk and need in youthful offenders,2002,29,4,380-396,Hoge Offender risk assessment: guidelines for selection and use,2002,29,4,355-379,Bonta Transcending the actuarial versus clinical polemic in assessing risk for violence,2002,29,5,659-665,Bloom A multiple models approach to assessing recidivism risk: implications for judicial decision making,2002,29,5,538-568,Silver Violence risk assessment at federal capital sentencing: individualization generalization relevance and scientific standards,2002,29,5,512-537,Cunningham Psychopathy as a predictor of institutional misbehavior among sex offenders: a prospective replication,2002,29,5,497-511,Edens Deception in eyewitness identification,2002,29,6,734-746,Yarmey The Overcontrolled Hostility Scale: an evaluation of its applicability with an adolescent population,2002,29,6,718-733,Ogloff Psychopathy in female offenders: an investigation of its underlying dimensions,2002,29,6,692-704,Neumann Juvenile correctional officers' perceived fear and risk of victimization: examining individual and collective levels of victimization in two juvenile correctional centers in Virginia,2003,30,1,62-84,Moriarty The conditioning effects of neighborhood ecology on burglary victimization,2003,30,1,39-61,Capowich Psychopathy and treatment response in incarcerated female substance abusers,2003,30,2,251-276,Lucente Cluster profiles of multiple problem youth: mental health problem symptoms substance use and delinquent conduct,2003,30,2,230-250,Jenson Delinquents' safe sex attitudes: relationships with demographics resilience factors and substance use,2003,30,2,210-229,Koopman Comparing the influence of parents and peers on the choice to use drugs: a meta-analytic summary of the literature,2003,30,2,163-186,Donohue Are judicial status hearings a key component of drug court? During-treatment data from a randomized trial,2003,30,2,141-162,McLellan College students' lifestyles and self-protective behaviors: further considerations of the guardianship concept in routine activity theory,2003,30,3,302-327,Tewksbury Extending Tittle's control balance theory to account for victimization,2003,30,3,282-301,Hickman Public opinion and mandatory sentencing: a review of international findings,2003,30,4,483-508,Roberts The Prison Preference Inventory an examination of substantive validity in an Australian prison sample,2003,30,4,459-482,Dear A test of Gottfredson and Hirschi's general theory using structural equation modeling,2003,30,4,441-458,Higgins Changes in criminal thinking and identity in novice and experienced inmates: prisonization revisited,2003,30,4,399-421,Walters Harassment as a predictor of job burnout in correctional officers,2003,30,5,602-619,Savicki Police work burnout and pro-organizational behavior: a consideration of daily work experiences,2003,30,5,559-583,Mazmanian Measuring police attitudes toward discretion,2003,30,5,538-558,Wortley Psychological testing and the selection of police officers: a national survey,2003,30,5,511-537,Vandecreek The predictive validity of risk assessment with violent young offenders: a 1-year examination of criminal outcome,2003,30,6,688-708,Gretton The effect of moral reconation therapy on the recidivism of youthful offenders: a randomized experiment,2003,30,6,668-687,Armstrong Offender ethnicity and mental health service referrals from juvenile courts,2003,30,6,644-667,Breda Child maltreatment and recidivism among adolescent detainees,2003,30,6,623-643,Thompson A longitudinal study of relations between attitudes and delinquent behavior in adolescents,2004,31,2,244-260,Engels Some misconceptions about the Hare PCL-R and risk assessment: a reply to Gendreau Goggin and Smith,2004,31,2,203-243,Hare The predictive validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Ontario Revision on general and violent recidivism among various offender groups,2004,31,2,150-181,Wormith Official and self-reported childhood abuse and adult crime of young offenders,2004,31,2,127-149,Haapasalo Psychological profiling of serial arson offenses an assessment of skills and accuracy,2004,31,3,341-361,Kocsis A multiple-models approach to violence risk assessment among people with mental disorder,2004,31,3,324-340,Steadman Use of dynamic risk/need assessment instruments among long-term incarcerated offenders,2004,31,3,306-323,Simourd The Georgia cognitive skills experiment: a replication of reasoning and rehabilitation,2004,31,3,282-305,Van Voorhis Co-occurring substance use and delinquent behavior during early adolescence: emerging relations and implications for intervention strategies,2004,31,4,463-488,Wagner Adjudicative competency in a juvenile population,2004,31,4,438-462,Noblin Identifying subtypes of civil psychiatric patients at high risk for violence,2004,31,4,392-437,Skeem Schizophrenia and criminal offending: the role of psychopathy and substance use disorders,2004,31,4,367-391,Kullgren Exploring prison adjustment among female inmates: issues of measurement and prediction,2004,31,5,624-645,Chauhan Stability of modus operandi in sexual offending,2004,31,5,609-623,Grann Adult sex offenders on community supervision: a review of recent assessment strategies and treatment,2004,31,5,564-608,Stalans Low self-control staged opportunity and subsequent fraudulent behavior,2004,31,5,542-563,Smith Using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) to detect psychological distress and dysfunction in a state correctional setting,2004,31,6,734-751,Graham The Measures of Criminal Attitudes and Associates (MCAA): the prediction of general and violent recidivism,2004,31,6,717-733,Kroner The Revised NEO Personality Inventory as predictor of police academy performance,2004,31,6,676-694,Chibnall Personality testing in law enforcement employment settings: a metaanalytic review,2004,31,6,649-675,Boccaccini Dramatic cures for juvenile crime: an evaluation of a prisoner-run delinquency prevention program,1983,10,2,227-247,Chesney-Lind Support for and opposition to capital punishment: some associated social-psychological factors,1983,10,2,195-208,Neapolitan Psychological issues in criminal proceedings: judicial preference regarding expert testimony,1983,10,2,175-194,Poythress The differential treatment model: empirical evidence from a personality typology of adult offenders,1983,10,2,159-173,Annis The learning theory model of punishment: implications for delinquency deterrence,1983,10,2,131-158,Moffitt Former mental patients in a prison and parole system: a study of socially disruptive behavior,1983,10,3,358-384,Adams A critical review of social skills training with young offenders,1983,10,3,316-341,Henderson Predicting inmate penitentiary adjustment: an assessment of four classificatory methods,1983,10,3,293-309,Johnson Inmate classification systems: a cross-tabulation of two methods,1983,10,3,285-292,Carbonell Predicting dangerous behavior in a penitentiary using the Megargee typology,1983,10,3,269-284,Moss Temporal consistency of the Meyer-Megargee inmate typology,1983,10,3,263-268,Johnson Trends in serious juvenile crime,1983,10,4,485-506,Laub And darkness closes in...a national study of jail suicides,1983,10,4,461-484,Hayes Jack Henry Abbott American prison writing and the experience of punishment,1983,10,4,441-460,Israel Black and white homicide differentials: alternatives to an inadequate theory,1983,10,4,407-440,Hawkins Attitudes of abused women toward male and female police officers,1983,10,4,391-405,Homant Being troublesome: women on probation,1984,11,1,115-135,Norland The murder of police officers in American cities,1984,11,1,101-113,Lester Local corrections: a profile of inmate concerns,1984,11,1,75-99,Smith Service accountability and recidivism for diverted youth: a client- and service-comparison analysis,1984,11,1,47-74,Whitaker PIC delinquency scale: validity in relation to self-reported delinquent acts,1984,11,1,35-46,Handal The clinical and statistical prediction of recidivism,1984,11,1,3-34,Wormith The effectiveness of jail mental health programs: an interorganizational assessment,1984,11,2,235-256,Steadman An assessment of the Megargee typology in lifelong criminal violence,1984,11,2,225-234,Johnson The police stress hypothesis: a critical evaluation,1984,11,2,197-224,Mays Crime and architectural style: an examination of the environmental design hypothesis,1984,11,2,179-196,Bynum The convicted rapist: a sexual or a violent offender?,1984,11,2,157-177,Alder Girls' talk: the social representation of aggression by female gang members,1984,11,2,139-156,Campbell A new classification system for criminal offenders VI: differences among the types on the adjective checklist,1984,11,3,349-376,Megargee The legal decision making of well-informed subjects: the effect of Miranda warnings,1984,11,3,341-347,Armour The relationship between interpersonal distance and violence in imprisoned offenders,1984,11,3,331-340,Walkey Crowding and prison violence: integration of research and theory,1984,11,3,277-308,Ellis Deviant sexual behavior: differentiating sex offenders by criminal and personal history psychometric measures and sexual response,1984,11,4,477-501,Marshall A comparison of father-daughter and stepfather-stepdaughter incest,1984,11,4,461-475,Groff Prisonization staff and inmates is it really about us versus them?,1984,11,4,423-460,Ramirez Perceptions of appropriate services for juvenile offenders,1984,11,4,401-422,Reppucci Factors of stress among police officers,1985,12,1,111-128,White Job burnout in probation and parole: its extent and intervention implications,1985,12,1,91-110,Whitehead Autonomy for inmates counterculture or cooptation?,1985,12,1,71-89,Osgood The mentally retarded offender in the state prison system: identification prevalence adjustment and rehabilitation,1985,12,1,55-70,Denkowski A scale to measure attitudes toward prisoners,1985,12,2,241-253,Melvin Neutralizing the impact of crime,1985,12,2,221-239,Agnew Eyewitness composite production: a function of mental or physical reinstatement of context,1985,12,2,209-220,Davies Intelligence versus academic achievement: a comparison of juvenile delinquents and special education classifications,1985,12,2,193-208,Reilly Having money and delinquent involvement: the neglect of power in delinquency theory,1985,12,2,171-192,Cullen Delinquent reform and the labeling perspective,1985,12,2,131-169,Bazemore Decision-making processes in joined criminal trials,1985,12,3,367-385,Tanford The association between selected characteristics and perceived employability of offenders,1985,12,3,353-365,Finn Utilization of an interview-based classification instrument: a study of correctional halfway houses,1985,12,3,333-352,Bonta Attribution salience and attitudes toward criminal sanctioning,1985,12,3,305-331,Cullen The role of the probation officer in the sentencing process: independent professional or judicial hack?,1985,12,3,289-303,Walsh Restitution outcome and probationers' assessments of restitution: the effects of moral development,1985,12,3,259-287,Van Voorhis Predictions from assessments of violent offenders under stress: a fifteen-year experience,1985,12,4,485-499,Jew Seriousness of sexual assault charges: influencing factors,1985,12,4,463-484,Bradmiller Cognitions associated with a delay of gratification task: a study with psychopaths and normal prisoners,1985,12,4,453-462,Brown Contraband: the basis for legitimate power in a prison social system,1985,12,4,435-451,Stojkovic The inmate subculture in jails,1985,12,4,415-434,Clark Long-term incarceration impacts and characteristics of long-term offenders: an empirical analysis,1985,12,4,395-414,Mackenzie Don't pass go: predicting who returns from court as remaining incompetent for trial,1986,13,1,99-109,Beckham The techniques of neutralization: an analysis of predisposing and situational factors,1986,13,1,81-97,Agnew Labeling theory and delinquency policy: an experimental test,1986,13,1,47-79,Klein Correlates of the Megargee Criminal Classification System: a military correctional setting,1986,13,1,19-32,Walters Utility of the Megargee-Bohn MMPI typological assignments: study with a sample of death row inmates,1986,13,1,5-17,Panton Alcohol-state-dependent penile tumescence measurements in the assessment of a sexually aggressive man,1986,13,2,223-236,Keltner Correctional officers as parole officers: an examination of a community supervision sanction,1986,13,2,197-222,Lindquist Rapid classification of the functionally psychotic individual in custody,1986,13,2,185-195,Meloy Trends in inmate classification:a status report of two computerized psychometric approaches,1986,13,2,165-184,Kennedy Impulsivity in the lifestyle and criminal behavior of sexual offenders,1986,13,2,141-164,Prentky Assessing juvenile sexual offenders' risk for reoffending,1986,13,2,115-140,Smith Work environment correlates of staff stress in a youth detention facility,1986,13,3,328-344,Dembo Occupational stressors among federal correctional officers working in different security levels,1986,13,3,317-327,Gordon The disciplinary experiences of mentally disordered inmates,1986,13,3,297-316,Adams Self-mutilation in prison: a comparison of mutilators and nonmutilators,1986,13,3,286-296,Jones The emotionally disturbed military criminal offender: identification background and institutional adjustment,1986,13,3,261-285,Walters A psychometric study of incarcerated presidential threateners,1986,13,3,243-260,Megargee MMPI profiles of incest offenders: men who molest younger children and men who molest older children,1986,13,4,450-452,McIvor The effect of self-government on the aggressive behavior of institutionalized delinquent adolescents,1986,13,4,430-445,McNEIL The differentiation of Francophone rapists and nonrapists using penile circumferential measures,1986,13,4,419-429,Earls Criminal careers of female offenders,1986,13,4,393-418,Rosenbaum Comparisons of incarcerated offenders according to use of alcohol and/or drugs prior to offense,1986,13,4,366-392,Welte Ethnicity disruptiveness and emotional disorder among prison inmates,1987,14,1,93-109,Adams Police and victims of physical assault,1987,14,1,81-92,Wirtz Some psychometrics of judicial decision making: toward a sentencing factors inventory,1987,14,1,62-80,Andrews Subjective factors in the judgment of insanity,1987,14,1,38-61,Homant Assessments of anticriminal plans and the prediction of criminal futures: a research note,1987,14,1,33-37,Andrews Lawbreaking in former remedial-class pupils,1987,14,1,26-32,Lie Implementing a community policing model for work with juveniles: an exploratory study,1987,14,2,211-245,Belknap The effect of layoff on police authoritarianism,1987,14,2,194-210,Austin Demographic correlates of sexual and dating attitudes: a study of date rape,1987,14,2,175-193,Giacopassi Behavior modification in probation work: a review and evaluation,1987,14,2,156-174,Remington Getting rid of the prima donnas: the bureaucratization of a probation department,1987,14,2,138-155,Rosecrance Vigilante behavior and attribution bias,1987,14,2,123-137,Neapolitan American death penalty attitudes: a critical examination of recent evidence,1987,14,3,380-396,Bohm Intellectual imbalance and delinquency comparing high verbal and high performance IQ delinquents,1987,14,3,370-379,Walsh The effect of "good time" credit on inmate behavior: a quasi-experiment,1987,14,3,335-351,Davidson The role of the environment and person when predicting burnout among correctional personnel,1987,14,3,352-369,Gerstein The nature and correlates of psychological/emotional functioning among a sample of detained youths,1987,14,3,311-334,Schmeidler Symptoms of psychopathology among jail prisoners: the effects of exposure to the jail environment,1987,14,3,288-310,Gibbs The criminal mental patient: a descriptive analysis and suggestions for future research,1987,14,3,268-287,Lurigio Twice-cursed? The mentally disordered criminal defendant,1987,14,3,251-267,Hochstedler Correctional officer professional orientation: a replication of the Klofas-Toch measure,1987,14,4,468-486,Whitehead Lesbianism among women prisoners: participants and nonparticipants,1987,14,4,448-467,Leger Age and adjustment to prison: interactions with attitudes and anxiety,1987,14,4,427-447,Mackenzie The developmental antecedents and adult adaptations of rapist subtypes,1987,14,4,403-426,Prentky A theoretical revolution in corrections: varied purposes for classification,1988,15,1,125-136,Mackenzie A cross classification of five offender typologies: issues of construct and predictive validity,1988,15,1,109-124,Van Voorhis The Conceptual-Level Matching Model in corrections,1988,15,1,92-108,Leschied The Jesness Inventory Classification System,1988,15,1,78-91,Jesness The Interpersonal Maturity Level Classification System I-Level,1988,15,1,58-77,Harris The MMPI-based criminal classification system: a review current status and future directions,1988,15,1,39-57,Zager The importance of background variables in sentencing behavior,1988,15,2,255-263,Henham Application of the megargee MMPI typology to a forensic psychiatric population,1988,15,2,247-254,Wrobel Validity of the lie detector: a psychophysiological perspective,1988,15,2,219-246,Heslegrave Deliberate self-harm: self-injurious behavior within a correctional mental health population,1988,15,2,210-218,Franklin Deputy sheriffs as jail guards: a study of correctional policy orientations and career phases,1988,15,2,190-209,Pogrebin When females kill one another: the exceptional case,1988,15,2,179-189,Goetting Knowledge of social skills among institutionalized juvenile delinquents: an assessment,1988,15,2,152-171,Veneziano Predicting recidivism: an evaluation of the Wisconsin juvenile probation and aftercare risk instrument,1988,15,2,141-151,Ashford Crime and cognition: community applications of sociomoral reasoning development,1988,15,3,379-393,Arbuthnot The use of paraprofessionals to deliver home-based family therapy to juvenile delinquents,1988,15,3,364-378,Arbuthnot A comparison of treatment environments in community-based group homes for adolescent offenders,1988,15,3,349-363,Braukmann Avoiding out-of-home placement of high-risk status offenders through the use of intensive home-based family preservation services,1988,15,3,334-348,Haapala Street gangs and preventive interventions,1988,15,3,323-333,Jason Correlates of delinquency participation and persistence,1988,15,3,306-322,Thomas Delinquency prevention and treatment: a community-centered perspective,1988,15,3,286-305,Clements Community psychology perspectives on delinquency: an introduction to the special issue,1988,15,3,276-285,Glenwick Cognitive problem-solving skills in antisocial rapists,1988,15,4,501-514,Grier Fear of litigation in mental health professionals,1988,15,4,492-500,Brodsky The mentally retarded offender: prevalence rates based on individual versus group intelligence tests,1988,15,4,484-491,Spruill The relationship between cognitive style and defensive process in the psychopath,1988,15,4,472-483,Meloy The relationship of risk needs and personality classification systems and prison adjustment,1988,15,4,454-471,Wright Emotional disorder among offenders: inter- and intrasetting comparisons,1988,15,4,433-453,Walters The affective responses of women prisoners to two discrepant penal systems,1988,15,4,411-432,Lundström The clinical assessment and prediction of violent behavior: toward a scientific analysis,1989,16,1,114-131,Jackson Delinquency as a creative enterprise: a review of recent evidence,1989,16,1,98-113,Agnew The moral education approach in treating adult inmates,1989,16,1,81-97,MacPHAIL Patterns of homicide among children,1989,16,1,63-80,Goetting Background characteristics and responses to treatment of two types of institutionalized delinquent boys,1989,16,1,5-33,Osgood Response to criminal victimization by older Americans,1989,16,2,239-258,Marshall Long-term incarceration of female offenders: prison adjustment and coping,1989,16,2,223-238,Mackenzie Distinguishing driving while impaired (dwi) offenders from among alcoholics criminals and drunk drivers: a preliminary study,1989,16,2,211-222,Saltstone The conditions of effective implementation: a guide to accomplishing rehabilitative objectives in corrections,1989,16,2,166-182,Hamm Going to the penitentiary: a study of disparate sentencing in South Dakota,1989,16,2,155-165,Pommersheim The death sentence in Georgia 1974-1987 criminal justice or racial injustice?,1989,16,2,139-154,Heilbrun Alcohol and crime issues and directions for future research,1989,16,3,370-386,Walfish Adolescent alcohol use and other delinquent behaviors: a one-year longitudinal analysis controlling for sensation seeking,1989,16,3,345-369,Newcomb Intoxication as a defense against criminal charges in Florida: the research and the law,1989,16,3,325-344,Massey Psychological perspectives on alcohol consumption and interpersonal aggression: the potential role of individual differences in alcohol-related criminal violence,1989,16,3,299-324,Lang Driving while intoxicated: different roads to and from the problem,1989,16,3,270-298,Donovan A factor analysis of the MMPI in an offender population,1989,16,4,486-494,Carmin Clinicians' experience and the determination of criminal responsibility,1989,16,4,473-485,Graham A confirmatory factor analysis of the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale,1989,16,4,465-472,Walsh Bender Gestalt screening for brain dysfunction in a forensic population,1989,16,4,455-464,Gouvier Consequential thinking and self-reported delinquency in high-school youth,1989,16,4,440-454,Guerra Vietnam veterans and the criminal justice system: a selected review,1989,16,4,412-428,Beckerman Meta-analysis of rehabilitation programs for juvenile delinquents: a brief report,1990,17,1,134-142,Ross Social and legal policy dimensions of violent juvenile crime,1990,17,1,93-133,Fagan Outcome evaluation of a prison therapeutic community for substance abuse treatment,1990,17,1,71-92,Wexler Coping imprisonment and rehabilitation: some data and their implications,1990,17,1,53-70,Zamble Classification for effective rehabilitation: rediscovering psychology,1990,17,1,19-52,Hoge Public support for correctional treatment: the tenacity of rehabilitative ideology,1990,17,1,6-18,Cullen Changes in saliva testosterone levels during a 90-day shock incarceration program,1990,17,2,246-252,Dabbs Electrodermal and cardiovascular evidence of a coping response in psychopaths,1990,17,2,231-245,Ogloff Testing a psychosocial control theory of delinquency,1990,17,2,215-230,Mak A new system for cluster-coding child molester MMPI profile types,1990,17,2,199-214,McIvor The relationship of competency to stand trial and criminal responsibility,1990,17,2,169-185,Nicholson The Competence Assessment for Standing Trial for Defendants with Mental Retardation (Cast-MR) A Validation Study,1990,17,2,147-168,Everington Improving probation decisions through statistical training,1990,17,3,370-388,Lurigio Integrating three perspectives on noncompliance: a sequential decision model,1990,17,3,350-369,Smith Lay and professionals' beliefs about crime and criminal sentencing: a need for theory perhaps schema theory,1990,17,3,333-349,Lurigio Evaluation and prediction in expert parole decisions,1990,17,3,315-332,Carroll The emergence of extralegal bias during jury deliberation,1990,17,3,303-314,Maccoun Legal response to child sexual abuse in day care,1990,17,3,284-302,Williams Who decides? A study of the complainant's decision to prosecute in rape cases,1990,17,3,268-283,Kerstetter Staking out territory in criminology: crime from a psychological perspective,1990,17,4,467-473,Bartol Predicting violence in newly admitted inmates: a lens model analysis of staff decision making,1990,17,4,431-447,Cooper Circumstances surrounding homicides by older offenders,1990,17,4,420-430,Kratcoski Causes of crime uncovering a lay model,1990,17,4,410-419,Campbell The construction and implementation of an alternative measure of police cynicism,1990,17,4,395-409,Crank Professional issues: the Fifth Amendment and therapeutic requirements to admit abuse,1991,18,1,98-112,Levine Future directions in the treatment of physical child abuse,1991,18,1,82-97,Kaufman Risk for physical child abuse and the personal consequences for its victims,1991,18,1,64-81,Salzinger Physical child abuse perpetrator screening and evaluation,1991,18,1,47-63,Milner Models of child abuse: a metatheoretical analysis,1991,18,1,30-46,Azar Methodological issues in research on physical child abuse,1991,18,1,8-29,Wolfe Victimization and fear of crime,1991,18,2,217-239,Smith Urban and rural attitudes toward participating in an auxiliary policing crime prevention program,1991,18,2,202-216,Lab The relationship of hyperactivity and sensation seeking to delinquency subtypes,1991,18,2,195-201,Johnson Predicting predatory behavior in a population of incarcerated young offenders,1991,18,2,180-194,Simourd The validity and utility of Lanyon's Psychological Screening Inventory in a youth services agency sample,1991,18,2,166-179,Quay Reliability of psychological test scores for offenders entering a state prison system,1991,18,2,159-165,Jemelka Evaluations of competency to be executed: legal contours and implications for assessment,1991,18,2,146-158,Otto Cognitive Mediators of Aggression: Test of a Causal Model,1991,18,2,125-145,Welsh Environmental congruence and symptoms of psychopathology: a further exploration of the effects of exposure to the jail environment,1991,18,3,351-374,Gibbs Individuals with disabilities in the criminal justice system: a review of the literature,1991,18,3,332-350,Wertlieb Inmates and their families conjugal visits family contact and family functioning,1991,18,3,318-331,Carlson Cross-gender supervision personal privacy and institutional security: perceptions of jail inmates and staff,1991,18,3,304-317,Alpert Psychosocial control characteristics of delinquents and nondelinquents,1991,18,3,287-303,Mak Peer group norms among Jewish and Arab juveniles in Israel,1991,18,3,267-286,Sherer The Gunther Special: deterrence and the DUI offender,1991,18,3,251-266,Kingsnorth Release of the guilty to protect the innocent,1991,18,4,480-490,Sommer The integrated social control model and ethnicity: the case of Puerto Rican american delinquency,1991,18,4,464-479,Rodriguez Childhood victimization race and violent crime,1991,18,4,448-463,Kruttschnitt The effects of a rapid increase in a prison population: a pre-and posttest study,1991,18,4,427-447,Pelissier Predictive validity of the inwald personality inventory,1991,18,4,419-426,Inwald The Lifestyle Criminality Screening Form: preliminary data,1991,18,4,406-418,Walters Application of the Megargee MMPI typology to a population of defendants referred for psychiatric evaluation,1991,18,4,397-405,Wrobel MMPI profile subtypes of nonincarcerated child molesters: a cross-validation study,1991,18,4,379-396,Kalichman Evaluation of treatment outcome for adult perpetrators of child sexual abuse,1992,19,1,74-92,Becker Has this child been sexually abused? Dilemmas for the mental health professional who seeks the answer,1992,19,1,54-73,Conte Profiling child sexual abusers: legal considerations,1992,19,1,38-53,Murphy Profiling child sexual abusers: psychological considerations,1992,19,1,24-37,Murphy Sexual aggression against children: a conceptual perspective of etiology,1992,19,1,8-23,Hirschman Attributions for pride anger and guilt among incarcerated adolescents,1992,19,2,189-205,Hudley Personal precautions to violence in prison,1992,19,2,160-173,McCorkle A comparison between self-report and interview-based inventories in offender classification,1992,19,2,143-159,Bonta The legal context of mentally disordered sex offender (MDSO) treatment programs,1992,19,2,127-142,Small The psychobiology of female aggression,1992,19,2,99-126,Fishbein Job satisfaction of police psychologists,1992,19,3,314-329,Bergen Police corruption: the miami case,1992,19,3,294-313,Sechrest The relation of peer assessment to future law enforcement performance,1992,19,3,286-293,Schumacher Job experience and perceived job stress among police correctional and probation/parole officers,1992,19,3,260-285,Patterson Women in small-town policing: job performance and stress,1992,19,3,240-259,Bartol Characteristics associated with successful adjustment to supervision: a comparison of parolees probationers shock participants and shock dropouts,1992,19,4,437-454,Mackenzie Background risk factors associated with parasuicide among male prison inmates,1992,19,4,426-436,Ivanoff The Anger Expression Scale and State-Trait Anger Scale: stability reliability and factor structure in an inmate sample,1992,19,4,397-408,Reddon Psychometric properties of the Multiphasic Sex Inventory in assessing sex offenders,1992,19,4,384-396,Kalichman The P > V sign in corrections: is it a useful diagnostic tool?,1992,19,4,372-383,Walsh Causes of drug use: what do college students think?,1992,19,4,363-371,Campbell Prevention of child neglect: emerging issues,1993,20,1,90-111,Wolfe Effective intervention with neglectful families,1993,20,1,66-89,Gaudin Effects of child neglect on children,1993,20,1,49-65,Milner An information-processing perspective on the behavior of neglectful parents,1993,20,1,27-48,Crittenden A conceptual definition of child neglect,1993,20,1,8-26,Dubowitz The relationship between police belief systems and attitudes toward police practices,1993,20,2,199-221,Crank Measuring attitudes toward prisoners: a psychometric assessment,1993,20,2,190-198,Perez The effects of a drinker-driver treatment program: does criminal history make a difference?,1993,20,2,174-189,Miller Prison crowding over time: the relationship of density and changes in density to infraction rates,1993,20,2,130-148,Ruback The criminality of mentally disordered offenders,1993,20,2,115-129,Hodgins Sensation seeking as a factor in police pursuit,1993,20,3,293-305,Homant Effects of constructing identi-kit composites on photospread identification performance,1993,20,3,280-292,Geiselman Comment on Bachman (1993): The victim-offender relationship does affect victims' decisions to report sexual assaults,1993,20,3,271-279,Ruback Predicting the reporting of rape victimizations: have rape reforms made a difference?,1993,20,3,254-270,Bachman Criminal justice implications of the macho personality constellation,1993,20,3,227-239,Mosher Determination of criminal responsibility: application of the two-alternative forced-choice stratagem,1993,20,4,391-405,Hiscock Commentary on Alexander (1993),1993,20,4,388-390,Kalichman The civil commitment of sex offenders in light of Foucha v. Louisiana,1993,20,4,371-387,Alexander A comparison of the personality and background characteristics of adolescent sex offenders and other adolescent offenders,1993,20,4,359-370,Hall Neuropsychological screening in correctional settings,1993,20,4,347-358,Iverson Psychosocial profiles of criminal justice- and noncriminal justice-referred substance abusers in treatment,1993,20,4,336-346,Farabee Violent recidivism of mentally disordered offenders: the development of a statistical prediction instrument,1993,20,4,315-335,Rice The discriminability of rapists from non-sex offenders using phallometric measures: a meta-analysis,1994,21,1,150-175,Quinsey The role of deviant sexual arousal in juvenile sexual offending: etiology evaluation and treatment,1994,21,1,132-149,Becker Screening tests for pedophilia,1994,21,1,115-131,Abel Comparisons between sexual and nonsexual rapist subtypes: sexual arousal to rape offense precursors and offense characteristics,1994,21,1,95-114,Seto The development reliability and validity of an inventory for the Multidimensional Assessment of Sex and Aggression,1994,21,1,72-94,Prentky A national program for the assessment and treatment of sex offenders in the English prison system,1994,21,1,55-71,Thornton Effects of cognitive-behavioral treatment on sex offender recidivism: preliminary results of a longitudinal study,1994,21,1,28-54,Marques A reconsideration of treatment outcome with sex offenders,1994,21,1,10-27,Marshall Introduction: the assessment and treatment of sex offenders,1994,21,1,6-9,Prentky Evaluating a modified version of the federal prison system's inmate classification model: an assessment of objectivity and predictive validity,1994,21,2,256-272,Proctor The influence of adolescent substance use and socialization on deviant behavior in young adulthood,1994,21,2,236-255,Bentler Neutralization and delinquency among teenagers,1994,21,2,223-235,Shields Psychological differences between court-referred and self-referred wife assaulters,1994,21,2,203-222,Dutton The attitudes of incest offenders: sexual entitlement and acceptance of sex with children,1994,21,2,187-202,Hanson Changes in psychological maladaptation among inmate parasuicides,1994,21,3,357-365,Jang The Scale for the Prediction of Aggression and Dangerousness in Psychotic Patients (PAD): a prospective pilot study,1994,21,3,341-356,Bjørkly Perceived quality of life personality and work experiences: construct validation of the Police Daily Hassles and Uplifts Scales,1994,21,3,283-311,Hart Psychometric evaluation of the Level of Supervision Inventory (LSI) among male Canadian federal offenders,1994,21,4,468-480,Loza Assessment of criminogenic factors program assignment and recidivism,1994,21,4,454-467,Dhaliwal Cross-validation of two measures for assessing feigned mental incompetence in male prison inmates,1994,21,4,443-453,Hiscock Advice to crime victims: effects of crime victim and advisor factors,1994,21,4,423-442,Ruback Cohort differences in drug-use pathways to crack among current crack abusers in New York City,1994,21,4,403-422,Johnson Peers' rejection as a possible consequence of official reaction to delinquency in Chinese society,1994,21,4,387-402,Zhang Is the glass half empty or half full?: a response to Pollard (1995),1995,22,1,81-85,Bachman Rape reporting as a function of victim-offender relationship: a critique of the lack of effect reported by Bachman (1993),1995,22,1,74-80,Pollard The effect of functional family therapy for delinquents on adult criminal behavior,1995,22,1,60-73,Graves Identifying probationers with ADHD-related behaviors in a drug abuse treatment setting,1995,22,1,33-43,Knight MMPI-2 and Race in a Forensic Diagnostic Sample,1995,22,1,19-32,Ben-Porath Detecting the malingering of psychosis in offenders: no easy solutions,1995,22,1,3-18,Fauteck Data class and nature-of-effect issues:: reply to Goetting,1995,22,2,190-194,Stack Commentary on Stack (1995): The impact of publicized executions on homicide,1995,22,2,187-189,Goetting The impact of publicized executions on homicide,1995,22,2,172-186,Stack Institutional and organizational antecedents of role stress work alienation and anomie among police executives,1995,22,2,152-171,Crank The value of a nondirective voir dire style in jury selection,1995,22,2,129-151,Luginbuhl Predictive validity of lifestyle impulsivity for rapists,1995,22,2,106-128,Prentky Attitudinal differences between police constables and their supervisors: potential influences of personality work environment and occupational role,1995,22,3,326-339,Perrott The Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles Part I: reliability and preliminary validity,1995,22,3,307-325,Walters Evaluation of "fixed propensity" to commit sexual offenses: a preliminary report,1995,22,3,284-294,Beutler The validation of the Megargee-Bohn typology in African American and Caucasian forensic psychiatric patients,1995,22,3,233-245,Miner Varieties of nonfamily abduction of children and adolescents,1995,22,3,215-232,Asdigian The Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles Part II: identifying simulated response sets,1995,22,4,437-445,Walters Role stress and job stress among detention care workers,1995,22,4,425-436,Liou Does viewing a televised execution affect attitudes toward capital punishment?,1995,22,4,411-424,Howells Predictors of general and violent recidivism among mentally disordered inmates,1995,22,4,397-410,Quinsey No to the lineup yes to further research: a reply to Leippe and Wells,1995,22,4,386-396,Levi Should we be partial to partial identification? Commentary on the Levi-Jungman proposal,1995,22,4,373-385,Wells The police lineup basic weaknesses radical solutions,1995,22,4,347-372,Levi Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Criminal Justice and bBehavior: the past present and future of forensic psychology,1996,23,1,236-250,Hess Education and training in psychology and law/criminal justice: historical foundations present structures and future developments,1996,23,1,200-235,Ogloff Assessment treatment and theorizing about sex offenders: developments during the past twenty years and future directions,1996,23,1,162-199,Marshall Offender rehabilitation: what we know and what needs to be done,1996,23,1,144-161,Gendreau Offender classification: two decades of progress,1996,23,1,121-143,Clements Violence prediction: the past twenty and the next twenty years,1996,23,1,107-120,Monahan Pretrial clinical evaluations in criminal cases: past trends and future directions,1996,23,1,90-106,Grisso Police psychology: then now and beyond,1996,23,1,70-89,Bartol The measurement of rape victimization in crime surveys,1996,23,1,55-69,Koss Psychopathy: a clinical construct whose time has come,1996,23,1,25-54,Hare The development of offending,1996,23,1,12-24,Stouthamer-Loeber A decade of international reform to accommodate child witnesses,1996,23,2,402-422,Myers Accommodating children's testimony: legal reforms in New Zealand,1996,23,2,377-401,Pipe Children's evidence: Scottish research and law,1996,23,2,358-376,Flin Children and the courts in Canada,1996,23,2,338-357,Wolfe Child sexual abuse investigations in Israel,1996,23,2,322-337,Sternberg Children's testimony in the Netherlands: a study of statement validity analysis,1996,23,2,304-321,Lamers-Winkelman Research on children's suggestibility: implications for the investigative interview,1996,23,2,269-303,Warren International perspectives on children's testimony: an introduction to the issues,1996,23,2,260-268,Bottoms Identity styles of male inmates,1996,23,3,490-504,White Mentally disordered offenders' accounts of their crimes,1996,23,3,472-489,Stermac Crime and violence among psychiatric patients in a maximum security psychiatric hospital,1996,23,3,455-471,Rasmussen The Interrater Reliability of the Scale for the Prediction of Aggression and Dangerousness in Psychotic Patients (PAD),1996,23,3,440-454,Bjørkly Predictive utility of the LSI for incarcerated female offenders,1996,23,3,427-439,Coulson Evaluating the drug-abusing probationer: clinical interview versus self-administered assessment,1996,23,4,593-606,Broome The behavior of law and psychiatry: rethinking knowledge construction and the guilty-but-mentally-ill verdict,1996,23,4,572-592,Arrigo Treatment in police custody: organizational characteristics and performance of custodial divisions in dutch police organizations,1996,23,4,553-571,Kerkhof No hope for parole: disciplinary infractions among death-sentenced and life-without-parole inmates,1996,23,4,542-552,Sorensen Cognitive-behavioral treatment of incarcerated offenders: an evaluation of the Vermont Department of Corrections' cognitive self-change program,1996,23,4,523-541,Frueh Informal reactions and delinquency,1997,24,1,129-150,Zhang Does the factor structure of the aggression questionnaire hold for sexual offenders?,2015,43,6,811-829,Nunes "Damned if you do damned if you don't": perceptions of guns safety and legitimacy among detained gun offenders,2016,43,1,140-155,Tita Psychological characteristics and predictors of suicide probability in high-risk prisoners,2016,44,3,321-335,Tarrier The predictive validity of SAVRY ratings for assessing youth offenders in Singapore: a comparison with YLS/CMI ratings,2016,43,6,793-810,Chu Poly-victimization across social contexts home school and neighborhood violence exposure,2016,43,12,1726-1740,Flannery Bad medicine: the relationship between gang membership depression self-esteem and suicidal behavior,2016,43,8,1107-1126,Melde Prevalence and predictors of sexual victimization among incarcerated men and women in Spanish prisons,2016,43,8,977-991,Wolff Appraising risk for intimate partner violence in a police context,2016,44,2,240-260,Jung The influence of career stage on police officer work behavior,2016,43,11,1580-1599,Johnson The role of transportation disadvantage for women on community supervision,2016,43,11,1522-1540,Bohmert A model of turnover intent and turnover behavior among staff in juvenile corrections,2016,43,11,1558-1579,Minor The effects of transfer laws on youth with sexual or robbery offenses,2016,43,11,1619-1638,Letourneau Situational precipitators and interactive forces in sexual crime events involving adult offenders,2016,43,11,1600-1618,Leclerc Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire: testing alternative measurement models with assaultive misdemeanor offenders,2016,43,11,1639-1652,Ashford Self-control risky lifestyles and victimization: a study with a sample of Chinese school youth,2017,44,5,695-716,He The linguistic output of psychopathic offenders during a PCL-R interview,2017,44,4,551-565,Woodworth Traumatic brain injury and recidivism among returning inmates,2017,44,3,472-486,Ray Killing a child: neuropsychological profiles of murderers of children,2017,44,7,946-962,Hanlon Characteristics and context of women probationers and parolees who engage in violence,2018,45,3,381–401,Morash Evaluating the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment in an Australian frontline police setting,2017,44,12,1545-1558,Ogloff A year without a conviction: an integrated examination of potential mechanisms for successful reentry in high-risk violent prisoners,2018,45,4,425-446,Chauhan Differential effects of gender on Canadian police officers' perceptions of stalking,2018,45,4,468-482,Finnegan Using the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-Revised to assess psychopathy: a preliminary investigation,2018,45,4,483-502,Rosenfeld Justice served? Perceptions of plea bargaining involving a sexual assault in child and adult females,2018,45,4,503-518,Golding Development of the Nonverbal Cues of Interpersonal Violence Inventory: law enforcement officers' perceptions of nonverbal behavior and violence,2018,45,4,519-540,Sweet Perceptions of the legal system and recidivism: investigating the mediating role of perceptions of chances for success in juvenile offenders,2018,45,4,541-560,Venta The roles of antisociality and neurodevelopmental problems in criminal violence and clinical outcomes among male forensic inpatients,2018,45,3,293-315,Hilton High-risk violent prisoners' patterns of change on parole on the DRAOR's dynamic risk and protective factors,2018,45,3,340-363,Polaschek Sex offenders' perceptions of the police and courts: are there spill-over effects?,2018,45,3,364-380,Tramontano Does the effect of self-regulation on adolescent recidivism vary by youths' attitudes?,2018,45,2,214-233,Piquero Interrater reliability of Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: results on multiple analysis levels for a sample of patients undergoing forensic psychiatric evaluation,2018,45,2,234-263,Daderman The role of stressful life events and cultural factors on criminal thinking among African American women involved in the criminal justice system,2018,45,1,8-30,Link Gender and risk assessment in juvenile offenders: a meta-analysis,2018,45,1,56-81,Holtfreter Mental resilience of crime scene investigators: how police officers perceive and cope with the impact of demanding work situations,2017,44,12,1580-1603,Euwema Revisiting the organized/disorganized model of sexual homicide,2017,44,12,1604-1619,Beauregard Street youth social schemas and crime,2017,44,12,1620-1638,Baron External trigger factors for violent offending: findings from the U.K. Prisoner Cohort Study,2017,44,11,1389-1412,Coid Developmental patterns of substance use by gender and their relation to individual parental and peer factors,2017,44,11,1413-1443,Kim Recidivism in intimate partner violence among antisocial and family-only perpetrators,2017,44,11,1477-1495,Strand The contribution of sensation seeking and the Big Five personality factors to different types of delinquency,2017,44,11,1518-1536,Ljubin-Golub Implicit criminal identity and age: implications for criminal persistence and desistance,2017,44,10,1249-1261,Veysey Prosecution conviction and deterrence in child maltreatment cases,2017,44,10,1262-1280,Sloan The relationship between abusive experiences and staff controls in juvenile correctional facilities: the mediating effects of externalizing behavior,2017,44,10,1281-1299,Yoder Home visits in community supervision: a qualitative analysis of theme and tone,2017,44,10,1300-1316,Finn Deterioration of postincarceration social support for emerging adults,2017,44,10,1317-1339,Doherty The relationship between changes in dynamic risk factors and the predictive validity of risk assessments among youth offenders,2017,44,10,1340-1355,Peterson-Badali Similar predictive accuracy of the Static-99R risk tool for White Black and Hispanic sex offenders in California,2017,44,9,1125-1140,Hanson An investigation of genetic and environmental influences across the distribution of self-control,2017,44,9,1163-1182,Beaver Fair process trust and cooperation: moving toward an integrated framework of police legitimacy,2017,44,9,1183-1212,Hamm The influence of risk assessment instrument scores on evaluators' risk opinions and sexual offender containment recommendations,2017,44,9,1213-1235,Boccaccini Comment on "The influence of risk assessment instrument scores on evaluators' risk opinions and sexual offender containment recommendations",2017,44,9,1236-1241,Lobanov-Rostovsky Multiple pathways to juvenile recidivism: examining parental drug and mental health problems and markers of neuropsychological deficits among serious juvenile offenders,2017,44,8,1009-1029,Piquero Jury-eligible public attitudes toward biological risk factors for the development of criminal behavior and implications for capital sentencing,2017,44,8,1073-1100,Berryessa Models of protection against recidivism in justice-involved adults with mental illnesses,2017,44,7,893-911,Coffey Emotion regulation as a predictor of juvenile arrest,2017,44,7,912-926,Kemp An examination of the associations among victimization mental health and offending in women,2017,44,6,796-814,Dehart Officer support for use of force policy: the role of fair supervision,2017,44,6,843-861,Skogan The impact of angry versus sad victim impact statements on mock jurors' sentencing decisions in a capital trial,2017,44,6,862-886,Wilkowski Using graphs to improve violence risk communication,2017,44,5,678-694,Hilton Validity and predictive accuracy of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk in criminal forensic evaluations: a Swiss cross-validation retrospective study,2017,44,4,493-510,Moulin Psychometric properties of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire among a sample of detained and community girls,2017,44,4,531-550,Raine Attachment coping and suicidal behavior in male prisoners,2017,44,4,566-588,Clarbour Community perceptions of police body-worn cameras: the impact of views on fairness fear performance and privacy,2017,44,4,589-610,Smykla Differentiating between Moffitt's Developmental Taxonomy and Silverthorn and Frick's Delayed-Onset Models of female offending,2017,44,4,631-650,Piquero Risk assessment trajectories of youth during juvenile justice residential placement: examining risk promotive and "buffer" scores,2017,44,3,360-394,Piquero Gender differences in the measurement of criminal thinking,2017,44,3,395-415,Lovins Desistance from sexual and other violent offending among child sexual abusers: observations using the Sex Offender Treatment Intervention and Progress Scale,2017,44,3,416-431,McGrath Measuring the impact of psychological trauma change on recidivism among juvenile justice-involved youth,2017,44,3,432-451,Kretschmar Crime cops and context: risk and risk-management strategies among Black and Latino youth in New York City,2017,44,3,452-471,Rengifo The proportion of sexual offenders who are female is higher than thought: a meta-analysis,2017,44,2,145-162,Babchishin "Contagious accountability": a global multisite randomized controlled trial on the effect of police body-worn cameras on citizens' complaints against the police,2017,44,2,293-316,Ariel Primer on risk assessment and the statistics used to evaluate its accuracy,2017,44,1,8-25,Babchishin Assessing the calibration of actuarial risk scales: a primer on the E/O Index,2017,44,1,26-39,Hanson The effect of sample heterogeneity and risk categorization on area under the curve predictive validity metrics,2017,44,1,103-120,Howard Time-free effects in predicting recidivism using both fixed and variable follow-up periods: do different methods produce different results,2017,44,1,121-137,Lowenkamp Attempted suicide: a multilevel examination of inmate characteristics and prison context,2018,45,5,589-611,Stoliker Psychopathic traits and recurring victimization: an examination using a community and clinical sample,2018,45,5,693-711,Daigle Psychopathology of stalking offenders: examining the clinical demographic and stalking characteristics of a community-based sample,2018,45,5,712-731,Rosenfeld Cross-validation of the discrimination and calibration properties of the VRAG-R in a treated sexual offender sample,2018,45,6,741-761,Olver Longitudinal patterns of secure institutional placement among serious adolescent offenders,2018,45,6,762-782,Mulvey An examination of parental and peer influence on substance use and criminal offending during the transition from adolescence to adulthood,2018,45,6,783-798,Cerdá Investigating the impact of child maltreatment histories on drug court outcomes,2018,45,6,799-819,Iratzoqui Individual service and neighborhood predictors of aggression among persons with mental disorders,2018,45,7,929-948,Nicholls When does religion matter with regard to crime? Examining the relationship between genetics religiosity and criminal behavior,2018,45,8,1192-1212,Watts Stalking on campus: a gendered perspective on target congruence and opportunity,2018,45,8,1308-1327,Reyns The influence of sentence length on the commission of serious and violent prison infractions by female inmates,2018,45,9,1420-1434,Sorensen Making sense of heterogeneity in the influence of childhood abuse mental health and drug use on women's offending pathways,2018,45,10,1565-1587,Piquero Violence-related traumatic brain injury in justice-involved women,2018,45,10,1588-1605,Gorgens Development of a sexual assault event typology based on event attributes,2018,45,11,1709-1722,Allen Examining the sources of violent victimization among jail inmates,2018,45,11,1723-1741,Steiner Exploring police use of force decision-making processes and impairments using a naturalistic decision-making approach,2018,45,11,1782-1801,Alpert Differences and similarities in predictors of externalizing behavior problems between boys and girls: a 1-year follow-up study,2018,45,12,1852-1870,Stephan Simply insane? Attributing terrorism to mental illness (versus ideology) affects mental representations of race,2018,45,12,1888-1902,Kunst In guns we trust: a reexamination of the collective security hypothesis,2018,45,12,1936-1954,Wareham Justice for all: trauma and the need for safety and fairness within juvenile justice facilities,2019,46,1,63-81,Fanniff The "less-than-lethal weapons effect"--introducing TASERs to routine police operations in England and Wales: a randomized controlled trial,2019,46,2,280-300,Chen Reducing violence risk? Some positive recidivism outcomes for Canadian treated high-risk offenders,2019,46,3,359-373,Nunes Assessing the violent offending and violent victimization overlap among a sample of Chinese youth and young adults,2019,46,3,374-394,Wang Developmental trajectories of physical aggression and nonaggressive rule-breaking during late childhood and early adolescence,2019,46,3,395-414,Reid Young adult reports of the victim-offender overlap in intimate and nonintimate relationships: a nationally representative sample,2019,46,3,415-436,Mumford Hate crimes hurt more but so do co-offenders: separating the influence of co-offending and bias on hate-motivated physical injury,2019,46,3,437-456,Lantz Examining gender-specific and gender-neutral risk factors in women who sexually offend,2019,46,4,511-527,Miller Gender-sensitive violence risk assessment: predictive validity of six tools in female forensic psychiatric patients,2019,46,4,528-549,de Vogel The effects of adverse childhood experiences on internalizing versus externalizing outcomes,2019,46,4,568-589,DeLisi The development of the VP-SAFvR: an actuarial instrument for police triage of Australian family violence reports,2019,46,4,590-607,Ogloff The quagmire that is an unwillingness to report: situating the code of silence within the Chinese police context,2019,46,4,608-627,Makin Disability type and risk of sexual and stalking victimization in a national sample: a lifestyle-routine activity approach,2019,46,4,628-647,Reyns Juvenile justice risk factors and functional family therapy fidelity on felony recidivism,2019,46,5,697-717,Robbins Static and dynamic predictors of general and violent criminal offense recidivism in the forensic outpatient population: a meta-analysis,2019,46,5,732-750,Hendriks The reliability and validity of the measure of criminal attitudes and associates and the pride in delinquency scale in a mixed sex sample of justice-involved youth,2019,46,5,751-769,Jones The accuracy of the violent offender identification directive tool to predict future gun violence,2019,46,5,770-788,Worden Risk factors for future offending in child and adolescent firesetters following a Fire service intervention program,2019,46,6,832-852,Reed The situated contexts of American terrorism: a conjunctive analysis of case configurations,2019,46,6,884-901,Smith Static and dynamic assessment of violence risk among discharged forensic patients,2019,46,7,923-938,Olver Reconsidering the link between depression and crime: a longitudinal assessment,2019,46,7,961-979,Posick Stressed out and strapped: examining the link between psychological difficulties and student weapon carrying and use,2019,46,7,980-998,Wilcox Gang influence: mediating the gang-delinquency relationship with proactive criminal thinking,2019,46,7,1044-1062,Walters Preventing juvenile transitions to adult crime: a pilot study of probation interventions for older high-risk juvenile delinquents,2019,46,8,1148-1164,Ashford Intimate partner violence among sexual minorities: predicting police officer arrest decisions,2019,46,8,1181-1199,Franklin How do the components of procedural justice and driver race influence encounter-specific perceptions of police legitimacy during traffic stops?,2019,46,8,1200-1216,Solomon Do psychopathic traits distinguish trajectories of gang membership?,2019,46,9,1337-1355,Carson Effects of social relations at work and support from family and friends on the consequences of inmate violence on correctional staff burnout,2019,46,10,1405-1426,Isenhardt Aggression among offenders: the complex interplay by grandiose narcissism spitefulness and impulsivity,2019,46,10,1475-1492,Velotti Intimate partner violence in same-sex relationships: an analysis of risk and rearrest,2019,46,11,1515-1527,Williams Nonfatal strangulation in a sample of domestically violent stalkers: the importance of recognizing coercively controlling behaviors,2019,46,11,1528-1541,Sheridan Delinquent development among early-onset offenders: identifying and characterizing trajectories based on frequency across types of offending,2019,46,11,1542-1565,Popma Adolescent gang membership and adverse behavioral mental health and physical health outcomes in young adulthood: a within-family analysis,2019,46,11,1566-1586,Connolly Disaggregating homicide: changing trends in subtypes over time,2019,46,11,1650-1668,Skott Treatment-induced changes in undercontrolled and overcontrolled anger subtypes of perpetrators of intimate partner violence and 5-year recidivism,2019,46,12,1700-1718,O'Leary Understanding victim cooperation in cases of nonfatal gun assaults,2019,46,12,1793-1811,Huebner Using dynamic contextual factors to better understand the etiology and escalation of stalking violence,2020,47,1,99-122,Stewart Are adverse childhood experiences associated with deficits in self-control? A test among two independent samples of youth,2020,47,2,166-186,Kernsmith Exploring the relationship between major mental illness and sex offending behavior in a high-risk population,2020,47,3,290-309,Thornton Offending histories and typologies of suspected sexual offenders identified via untested sexual assault kits,2020,47,4,470-486,Lovell The Iowa Gambling Task in violent and nonviolent incarcerated male adolescents,2019,46,11,1611-1629,Luciana Youth perceptions of law enforcement and worry about crime from 1976 to 2016,2020,47,5,564-581,Cauffman Examining change in family conflict and family violence after release from prison,2020,47,6,668-687,Boman A focal concerns perspective on prosecutorial decision making in cases of intimate partner stalking,2020,47,6,733-748,Reyns Physical violence during mandatory psychiatric treatment: prevalence and patient characteristics,2020,47,7,771-789,Nijman Psychopathic traits and victimization: what mechanisms mediate the relationship?,2020,47,7,886-904,Daigle The impact of occupational characteristics and victimization on job burnout among South Korean correctional officers,2020,47,7,905-923,Kim Predicting future intimate partner violence with past intimate partner violence: the moderating role of proactive and reactive criminal thinking,2020,47,8,943-955,Walters Predictive validity of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form scale scores in an intimate partner violence intervention program,2020,47,8,978-995,Sellbom The nexus between intimate partner violence and stalking: examining the arrest decision,2020,47,8,1014-1031,Franklin "Did you ever fight back?" jurors' questions to children testifying in criminal trials about alleged sexual abuse,2020,47,8,1032-1054,Stolzenberg Criminogenic risk criminogenic need collective efficacy and juvenile delinquency,2020,47,9,1116-1135,Gearhart Changing police officers' attitudes in sexual offense cases: a 12-month follow-up study,2020,47,9,1176-1189,Sharman A qualitative study of the male victims' experiences with the criminal justice response to intimate partner abuse in four English-speaking countries,2020,47,10,1264-1281,Dixon Exploring coercive control PTSD and the use of physical violence in the pre-prison heterosexual relationships of incarcerated women,2020,47,10,1299-1318,Jones Interventions for pedohebephilic arousal in men convicted for sexual offenses against children: a meta-analytic review,2020,47,10,1319-1339,Olver Development of protective factors for reducing juvenile reoffending: a strengths-based approach to risk assessment,2020,47,11,1371-1389,Barnes-Lee Protective factors for reducing juvenile reoffending: an examination of incremental and differential predictive validity,2020,47,11,1390-1408,Campbell Narratives of gang disengagement among former gang members in South Africa,2020,47,11,1509-1528,Ward Racist algorithms or systemic problems? Risk assessments and racial disparities,2020,47,12,1576-1584,Vincent Are psychological treatments for adults with histories of violent offending associated with change in dynamic risk factors? A meta-analysis of intermediate treatment outcomes,2020,47,12,1585-1608,Ogloff Utilizing crisis intervention teams in prison to improve officer knowledge stigmatizing attitudes and perception of response options,2021,48,1,10-31,Watson Examining patterns of interpersonal violence structural and social exclusion resilience and arrest among young transgender women,2021,48,1,54-75,Mimiaga Complex trauma and criminogenic needs in a youth justice sample: a gender-informed latent profile analysis,2021,48,2,175-194,Brown Modeling the reciprocal relationships between group-based developmental trajectories of peer delinquency and self-reported delinquency during adolescence: an application of interactional theory,2021,48,2,234-255,Cho Psychosis and criminal offending: a population-based data-linkage study,2021,48,2,157-174,Schofield Brief motivational intervention for substance use may decrease violence among heavy alcohol users in a jail diversion program,2021,48,3,274-292,Conner Predictive properties of the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) in a Northern Canadian Prairie sample,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olver Lady Injustice: the moderating effect of ambivalent sexism in a mock case of intimate partner homicide,2021,48,3,373-390,Anderson What gets measured in reentry research? A scoping review on community reentry from jail and prison for persons with mental illnesses,2021,48,3,259-273,Canada The gendered nature of criminogenic thinking patterns among justice-involved clients: a pilot study,2021,48,4,442-458,Jones Assessment and modification of general criminal attitudes among men who have sexually offended,2021,48,4,459-480,Olver Dynamic appraisal of intimate partner violence risk and need: results from an outpatient treatment program,2021,48,4,481-501,Wormith Starting with girls and their resilience in mind: reconsidering risk/needs assessments for system-involved girls,2021,48,5,596-616,Salisbury Criminal history and adverse childhood experiences in relation to recidivism and social functioning in multi-problem young adults,2021,48,5,637-654,Doreleijers Does psychopathy influence juror decision-making in capital murder trials? "The devil is in the (methodological) details",2021,48,5,690-707,Edens Do the effects of police body-worn cameras on use of force and complaints change over time? Results from a panel analysis in the Milwaukee police department,2021,48,6,734-754,Peterson Exploring officer-involved shootings with interaction effects: a deeper understanding of how race/ethnicity interacts with other factors in the use of deadly force,2021,48,6,755-775,Phillips The threat of appearing racist: stereotype threat and support for coercion among Australian police officers,2021,48,6,776-790,Trinkner The influence of familial and peer social support on post-traumatic stress disorder among Black girls in juvenile correctional facilities,2021,48,7,867-883,Logan-Greene Identity distress parental response and problem behaviors in juvenile justice-involved boys,2021,48,7,884-901,Hein Latent class analysis of nonsuicidal self-injury among justice-involved juveniles: association with motivational and emotional aspects of self-harm behavior,2021,48,7,902-922,Kökönyei Adolescent threats and violence: an intriguing difference,2021,48,7,923-942,Johnston Access to health care and treatment among individuals convicted of sexual offenses paroled to urban and rural communities,2021,48,7,964-980,Huebner Are civilly detained and committed sexually violent persons released after age 60 low risk?,2021,48,7,981-998,Thornton Incremental contributions of static and dynamic sexual violence risk assessment: integrating Static-99R and VRS-SO common language risk levels,2021,48,8,1091-1110,Thornton The heterogeneity of suicide attempters: an analysis of single- and repeat-suicide attempters among people in custody,2021,48,8,1127-1147,Stoliker Hate crime victimization and weapon use,2021,48,8,1148-1165,Lantz The Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment: predicting violence among men with a police record of intimate partner violence in the United States,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Radatz Do impulsivity and education moderate the effectiveness of police sexual assault investigations training? Findings from a Solomon four-group quasi-experiment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Campbell The violence prevention program in South Australia: a recidivism and cost-benefit analysis pilot study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Day "Every thought and dream a nightmare": violence and trauma among formerly imprisoned gang members,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huebner Prisons and mental health: violence organizational support and the effects of correctional work,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lerman Criminal expertise and sexual violence: comparing the crime-commission process involved in sexual burglary and sexual robbery,2022,49,1,98-116,Beauregard Early identification of suicide risk factors among justice-involved youth,2022,49,5,730-744,Kemp Violence and suicidal/nonsuicidal self-injury among adolescents undergoing residential treatment: an examination of the predictive validity of the SAVRY START:AV and VRS-YV,2023,50,7,931-952,Viljoen Assessment of strengths in criminal justice system-impacted youth: a retrospective validation study of the SAPROF-YV,2023,50,7,953-975,Peterson-Badali Survivors' paths toward forgiveness in restorative justice following sexual violence,2023,50,6,911-928,Gal Assessing risk of family violence by young people: identifying recidivism base rates and the validity of the VP-SAFvR for Youth,2023,50,8,1079-1101,Spivak Finding the police before the police find them? Investigating how and why motorists use Facebook for knowledge of roadside drug testing locations,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Freeman People in Prisons' Perceptions of Procedural Justice in England and Wales,2020,47,12,1654-1676,Fitzalan Howard The Roles of Race Ethnicity Gender and Mental Health in Predicting Truancy Recidivism,2020,47,6,649-667,Hong Traumatic Brain Injury in Community Corrections: Prevalence and Differences in Compliance and Long-Term Outcomes Among Men and Women on Probation,2021,48,12,1679-1693,Meyer The Personality Assessment Screener as a Predictor of Self-Injuring Thoughts and Behavior Crisis Events in a Male Prison Sample,2022,49,9,1311-1322,Edens Escalation of Suicidal Spectrum Behaviors During Incarceration,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berry Occupational Hazards in Corrections: The Impact of Violence and Suicide Exposures on Officers' Emotional and Psychological Health,2023,50,9,1361-1379,Frost