Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Responding to Asian Pacific Islander youth violence: Lessons learned from a community mobilization strategy,2005,51,2,158-179,Lai Community policing: A preliminary assessment of environmental impact with panel data on program implementation in U.S. cities,2005,51,3,295-317,He An Examination of Police Officers' Insights Into Problem Identification and Problem Solving,2005,51,1,53-74,Gaines The Organizational Determinants of Police Arrest Decisions,2006,52,2,287-306,Macdonald The Influence of Mandatory Arrest Policies Police Organizational Characteristics and Situational Variables on the Probability of Arrest in Domestic Violence Cases,2005,51,4,573-597,Eitle Too Late for Luck: A Comparison of Post-Furman Exonerations and Executions of the Innocent,2005,51,4,498-520,Harmon Criminalizing Attractions: Perceptions of Stalking and the Stalker,2005,51,1,3-25,Kinkade Race and the Impact of Detention on Juvenile Justice Decision Making,2005,51,4,470-497,Leiber Exposure to Community Violence and Childhood Delinquency,2006,52,2,307-332,Varano An Examination of Citizen Involvement in Crime Prevention in High-Risk Versus Low- to Moderate-Risk Neighborhoods,2006,52,2,203-231,Garcia Court Dispositions and Rearrest for Intimate Assault,2005,51,1,75-102,Wooldredge Modeling Prosecutors' Charging Decisions in Domestic Violence Cases,2006,52,3,472-503,Worrall Kids Crime and Local Television News,2005,51,1,103-132,Yanich Deterrence Or Brutalization - What Is the Effect of Executions,1980,26,4,453-484,Pierce Public Support for Drunk-Driving Countermeasures: Social-Policy for Saving Lives,1995,41,2,171-190,Link Electronic Monitoring of the Drunk Driver: A 7-Year Study of the Home Confinement Alternative,1993,39,4,462-484,Lilly The ignition interlock program for drunk drivers: A multivariate test,1997,43,1,42-59,Weinrath Effects of Criminal Sanctions on Drunk Drivers - Beyond Incarceration,1988,34,1,29-42,Wheeler Strain Attribution and Traffic Delinquency Among Young Drivers: Measuring and Testing General Strain Theory in the Context of Driving,2007,53,4,523-551,Ellwanger Inmate-on-Inmate Victimization Among Older Male Prisoners,2007,53,2,187-218,Kerbs The Effect of Divorce on Domestic Crime,2007,53,2,281-302,Stolzenberg A Multidimensional Examination of Campus Safety: Victimization Perceptions of Danger Worry About Crime and Precautionary Behavior Among College Women in the Post-Clery Era,2007,53,2,219-254,Jordan Improving Comprehension of Capital Sentencing Instructions: Debunking Juror Misconceptions,2007,53,3,502-517,Applegate Modeling Fear of Crime in Dallas Neighborhoods: A Test of Social Capital Theory,2007,53,2,322-349,Ferguson Comparison of the Structure of Adolescent Problem Behavior in the United States and Australia,2007,53,2,303-321,Herrenkohl Examining the Overall and Offense-Specific Criminal Career Lengths of a Sample of Serious Offenders,2007,53,1,3-37,Ezell Neighborhood Residents' Production of Order: The Effects of Collective Efficacy on Responses to Neighborhood Problems,2006,52,4,523-550,Wells Juvenile Offenders With Mental Health Needs: Reducing Recidivism Using Wraparound,2006,52,3,375-397,Pullmann The Stability and Resiliency of Self-Control in a Sample of Incarcerated Offenders,2006,52,3,432-449,Mitchell Dual Arrest Decisions in Domestic Violence Cases: The Influence of Departmental Policies,2004,50,4,565-589,Stalans Bullets Blades and Being Afraid in Hispanic High Schools: An Exploratory Study of the Presence of Weapons and Fear of Weapon-Associated Victimization Among High School Students in a Border Town,2004,50,3,372-394,Brown Does Victim Gender Increase Sentence Severity? Further Explorations of Gender Dynamics and Sentencing Outcomes,2004,50,3,319-343,Rodriguez The Impact of Maternal Employment Serious Youth Crime: Does the Quality of Working Conditions Matter?,2004,50,2,272-291,Cullen Sex Work and Drug Use in a Subculture of Violence,2004,50,1,43-59,Inciardi Willingness to Report Crimes: The Role of Ethnic Group Membership and Community Efficacy,2003,49,4,564-580,Davis Gang Membership and Acculturation: ARSMA-II and Choloization,2003,49,4,627-642,Lopez Issues in the Production and Dissemination of Gang Statistics: an Ethnographic Study of a Large Midwestern Police Gang Unit,2003,49,3,485-516,Katz Detangling Individual- Partner- and Community-Level Correlates of Partner Violence,2003,49,3,412-438,Demaris Deadly Demographics: Population Characteristics and Forecasting Homicide Trends,2003,49,3,339-359,Piquero Trouble in the School Yard: a Study of the Risk Factors of Victimization at School,2003,49,3,460-484,Miller Perceptions About the Criminalization of Elder Abuse Among Police Chiefs and Ombudsmen,2003,49,3,439-459,Payne A Classification of High-Risk Youths,2003,49,2,201-230,Dembo Serious and Violent Young Offenders' Decisions to Recidivate: An Assessment of Five Sentencing Models,2003,49,2,179-200,Odgers Examining the arsenal of juvenile gunslingers: trends and policy implications,2003,49,2,231-252,Ruddell The Voices of Domestic Violence Victims: Predictors of Victim Preference for Arrest and the Relationship Between Preference for Arrest and Revictimization,2003,49,2,313-336,Hutchison School Activities Community Service and Delinquency,2002,48,4,568-591,Hoffmann The Effectiveness of Community Policing in Reducing Urban Violence,2002,48,4,592-618,Macdonald Implementing Community-Oriented Policing: Organizational Change and Street Officer Attitudes,2002,48,3,399-430,Arcury In the Beginning Was the Student: Teaching Peacemaking and Justice Issues,2002,48,2,333-349,Braswell Toward a Theoretical Model of Peacemaking Criminology: An Essay in Honor of Richard Quinney,2002,48,2,204-231,Wozniak Crime and Peace: A Walk With Richard Quinney,2002,48,2,243-262,Tifft A Cautionary Note on the Use of Actuarial Risk Assessment Tools for Social Control,2002,48,1,138-161,Miller Self-Reported Copycat Crime Among a Population of Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders,2002,48,1,46-69,Surette Gender Differences in Predictors of Prison Violence: Assessing the Predictive Validity of a Risk Classification System,2001,47,4,513-536,Harer The Temporal Relationship Between Police Killings of Civilians and Criminal Homicide: A Refined Version of the Danger-Perception Theory,2001,47,2,155-172,Macdonald Controlling Police Decisions to Use Deadly Force: Reexamining the Importance of Administrative Policy,2001,47,1,131-151,White Youth Gangs and Definitional Issues: When Is a Gang a Gang and Why Does It Matter?,2001,47,1,105-130,He The Search for Causes in an Era of Crime Declines: Some Lessons From the Study of New York City Homicide,2000,46,4,446-456,Fagan Subcultural Diversity and the Fear of Crime and Gangs,2000,46,4,497-521,Lane Resistance Is Futile: The Right to Resist Unlawful Arrest in an Era of Aggressive Policing,2000,46,4,472-496,Hemmens Determining Program Success: The Importance of Employing Experimental Research Designs,2000,46,3,425-434,Dunford Well-Meaning Programs Can Have Harmful Effects! Lessons From Experiments of Programs Such As Scared Straight,2000,46,3,354-379,Finckenauer The Need for Experiments in Criminal Justice Settings,2000,46,3,291-294,Feder Evaluating Criminal Justice Interventions for Domestic Violence,2000,46,2,252-270,Dobash The Domestic Violence Arrest Decision: Examining Demographic Attitudinal and Situational Variables,2000,46,1,18-37,Robinson The Impact of Youth Curfew Laws on Juvenile Crime Rates,2000,46,1,76-91,Loftin Capital punishment and deterrence: examining the effect of executions on murder in Texas,1999,45,4,481-493,Sorensen "Eyes on the Street": The Impact of Tennessee's Emergency Cellular Telephone Program on Alcohol-Related Fatal Crashes,1999,45,4,453-466,Stolzenberg Police Sexual Violence: Civil Liability Under State Tort Law,1999,45,3,334-357,Vaughn Strange Bedfellows: Is Sex Offender Notification a Form of Community Justice?,1999,45,3,299-315,Presser Zero Tolerance: A Case Study of Police Policies and Practices in New York City,1999,45,2,171-187,Greene Youth Gang Homicides: A Literature Review,1999,45,2,208-241,Howell Mental Abuse As Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Do Boot Camp Prisons Violate the Eighth Amendment?,1999,45,2,242-255,Lutze "Hotbeds of Crime?" Crime and Public Housing in Urban Sydney,1999,45,2,256-271,Weatherburn Juvenile Curfews and the Courts: Judicial Response to a Not-So-New Crime Control Strategy,1999,45,1,99-121,Bennett The Public Safety Potential of Megan's Law in Massachusetts: An Assessment From a Sample of Criminal Sexual Psychopaths,1999,45,1,140-158,Petrosino Gang Suppression Through Saturation Patrol Aggressive Curfew and Truancy Enforcement: A Quasi-Experimental Test of the Dallas Anti-Gang Initiative,1999,45,1,122-139,Caeti The Will of the People? The Public's Opinion of the Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender Act of 1997,1998,44,4,590-601,Schiraldi The Good the Bad and the Ugly: Dealing With Flawed Writing in Criminal Justice,1998,44,3,464-474,Farr The Deterrent Effect of Prosecuting Domestic Violence Misdemeanors,1998,44,3,434-442,Davis Severity of Dispositions and Domestic Violence Recidivism,1998,44,3,388-398,Gibbs "Good Ol' Boys" and the Chair: Death Penalty Attitudes of Policy Makers in Tennessee,1998,44,2,245-256,Whitehead Police Handling of Domestic and Nondomestic Assault Calls: Is There a Case for Discrimination?,1998,44,2,335-349,Feder Criminology and the Holocaust: Xenophobia Evolution and Genocide,1998,44,2,257-276,Brannigan Evaluating a Domestic Violence Program in a Community Policing Environment: Research Implementation Issues,1997,43,3,279-297,Jolin Aggravating and Differentiating Factors in the Cases of White and Minority Women on Death Row,1997,43,3,260-278,Farr Risk/Benefit Calculations Moral Evaluations and Alcohol Use: Exploring the Alcohol-Crime Connection,1997,43,2,222-239,Lanza-Kaduce "Less-than-lethal" weapons and police-citizen killings in U.S. urban areas,1996,42,4,535-552,Bailey Dirty details: executing U.S. soldiers during World War II,1996,42,4,491-516,Lilly Rural Crime and Justice: Implications for Theory and Research,1996,42,3,379-397,Weisheit Taking Fear of Crime Seriously: The Tasmanian Approach to Community Crime Prevention,1996,42,3,398-420,Brown Criminological Research on Public Housing: Toward a Better Understanding of People Places and Spaces,1996,42,3,361-378,Holzman The transfer of juveniles to criminal court: Does it make a difference?,1996,42,2,171-191,Lanza-Kaduce Police and Correctional Use of Force: Legal and Policy Standards and Implications,1996,42,1,144-156,Walker When "Enough Is Enough": Battered Women's Decision Making Around Court Orders of Protection,1995,41,4,414-429,Fischer Public Preferences for the Court's Handling of Domestic Violence Situations,1995,41,4,399-413,Stalans Intimate Partner Homicide in Chicago Over 29 Years,1995,41,4,496-526,Block Responding to Crimes of Violence Against Women: Gender Differences Versus Organizational Imperatives,1995,41,4,443-466,Austin Police Response to Mandatory Arrest Laws,1995,41,4,430-442,Mignon Responding to Domestic Violence Against Women,1995,41,4,387-398,Stalans Response to the Victims of Domestic Violence: Analysis and Implications of the British Experience,1995,41,4,527-540,Dwyer Police Referrals to Shelters and Mental Health Treatment: Examining Their Decisions in Domestic Assault Cases,1995,41,4,467-480,Stalans Domestic Violence Reforms: Empty Promises or Fulfilled Expectations?,1995,41,4,541-552,Smith Coordinated Community Intervention for Domestic Violence: The Effects of Arrest and Prosecution on Recidivism of Woman Abuse Perpetrators,1995,41,4,481-495,Tolman The Roots of Prison Violence: A Test of the Deprivation Management and "Not-So-Total" Institution Models,1995,41,3,317-331,Miethe Curfews and Delinquency in Major American Cities,1995,41,3,347-363,Reynolds Unfit for Human Consumption: The Problem of Flawed Writing in Criminal Justice and What to Do About It,1995,41,2,246-266,Gibbons Police Response to Family Abduction Episodes,1995,41,2,205-218,Finkelhor Fetal Abuse and the Criminalization of Behavior During Pregnancy,1995,41,2,235-245,Farr Economic Conditions and Ideologies of Crime in the Media: A Content Analysis of Crime News,1995,41,1,3-19,Barlow The Social Construction of Corporate Violence: Media Coverage of the Imperial Food Products Fire,1995,41,1,20-36,Cullen Community Policing in Small Town and Rural America,1994,40,4,549-567,Weisheit Recent Gang Research: Program and Policy Implications,1994,40,4,495-515,Howell Racial Politics Racial Disparities and the War on Crime,1994,40,4,475-494,Tonry Serious Juvenile Offenders: Predicting the Probability of Transfer to Criminal Court,1994,40,1,3-17,Poulos A Test of the Deterrent Effect of Legislative Waiver on Violent Juvenile Crime,1994,40,1,96-104,Jensen Research Note: An Evaluation of Juvenile Sexual Offender Treatment,1993,39,4,543-553,Lab Street Youths Bosozoku and Yakuza: Subculture Formation and Societal Reactions in Japan,1993,39,3,277-295,Kersten Research on the Fear of Crime: Perceptions and Realities of Crime in Japan,1993,39,3,385-392,Ito Risk Classification Systems and the Provision of Juvenile Aftercare,1993,39,1,90-105,Maupin The Impact of Demographic Variables on Public Opinion Regarding Juvenile Justice: Implications for Public Policy,1993,39,1,5-28,Guo Chronic exposure to violence and poverty: Interventions that work for youth,1993,39,1,106-124,Greene The Intersection of Drug Use and Criminal Behavior: Results From the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse,1992,38,4,422-443,Harrison Drug-related homicide in new york: 1984 and 1988,1992,38,4,459-476,Goldstein Toward a Causal Model of Drug Use,1992,38,4,583-601,Tayman Substance Abuse Problems Among High-Risk Youth and Potential Interventions,1992,38,4,444-458,Greenwood Research Note: The Death Sentence and Inmate Attitudes,1992,38,2,272-279,Stevens The Effects of "Tough" Drunk Driving Laws on Policing: A Case Study,1992,38,2,239-257,Leone Effects of Ignition Interlock Devices on DUI Recidivism: Findings From a Longitudinal Study in Hamilton County Ohio,1992,38,2,131-157,Morse The Presumption of Influence: Recent Responses to Popular Music Subcultures,1991,37,4,528-535,Rosenbaum Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Factors That Influence the Legal Disposition of Child Sexual Abuse Cases,1990,36,2,276-285,Bradshaw The Death Penalty for Juveniles: An Assessment of Public Support,1989,35,4,546-561,Cullen Youth Gangs and Public Policy,1989,35,4,524-537,Huff The problem of assault firearms,1989,35,4,538-545,Zimring Perceived Neighborhood Crime and the Impact of Private Security,1989,35,3,365-377,King Guardian Angels: A Unique Approach to Crime Prevention,1989,35,3,378-400,Curtis The Structure and Operations of Neighborhood Watch Programs in the United States,1989,35,3,326-344,Garofalo Commentary: Some Trends and Issues in Citizen Involvement in the Law Enforcement Process,1989,35,3,500-519,Marx Enhancing Citizen Participation and Solving Serious Crime: A National Evaluation of Crime Stoppers Programs,1989,35,3,401-420,Lurigio Community-Based Crime Prevention: An Assessment of the Eisenhower Foundation's Neighborhood Program,1989,35,3,345-364,Lavrakas Communities Crime and Neighborhood Organization,1989,35,3,437-457,Skogan Delinquency Childhood Violence and the Development of Alcoholism in Women,1989,35,1,94-108,Miller An Exploratory Study of the Connection of Mother's Age at Childbearing to Her Children's Delinquency in Four Data Sets,1989,35,1,45-93,Morash Driving Under the Influence: The Impact of Legislative Reform on Court Sentencing Practices,1988,34,1,3-27,Kingsnorth Effects of Criminal Sanctions on Drunk Drivers: Beyond Incarceration,1988,34,1,29-42,Wheeler The Life-Without-Parole Sanction: Its Current Status and a Research Agenda,1988,34,1,43-59,Cheatwood Are All Victims Alike? The Adverse Generalized and Differential Impact of Crime,1987,33,4,452-467,Lurigio Psychological Effects of Victimization: Implications for the Criminal Justice System,1987,33,4,468-478,Resick The impact of victimization on fear,1987,33,1,135-154,Skogan Policing Houston: Reducing fear and improving service,1987,33,1,71-89,Brown Toward community-oriented policing: Potential basic requirements and threshold questions,1987,33,1,6-30,Goldstein Returning to first principles: Reducing the fear of crime in Newark,1987,33,1,53-70,Williams The potential use of home incarceration for drunken drivers,1986,32,2,224-247,Lilly When Law and Order Works: Boston's Innovative Approach to the Problem of Racial Violence,1986,32,2,205-223,No Author(s) Listed Juvenile delinquency: Can social science find a cure?,1986,32,2,186-204,Gibbons Violent youth in adult court: Process and punishment,1986,32,1,75-96,Fagan Rape Reform and Criminal Justice Processing,1985,31,2,191-205,Polk The Comparability in Sexual and Nonsexual Assault Case Treatment: Did Statute Change Meet the Objective?,1985,31,2,206-222,Caringella-MacDonald Poverty Inequality and Theories of Forcible Rape,1985,31,2,295-305,Smith Rape: A Decade of Reform,1985,31,2,163-168,Galvin Substance Use Among Rapists: A Comparison With Other Serious Felons,1985,31,2,269-294,Ladouceur An Exploration of Self-Reported Sexually Aggressive Behavior,1985,31,2,306-331,Alder The Uniqueness of Rape: Reporting Assaultive Violence to the Police,1985,31,2,169-190,Lizotte Race Crime and Criminal Justice,1985,31,1,3-13,Chilton Black Homicide: The Adequacy of Existing Research for Devising Prevention Strategies,1985,31,1,83-103,Hawkins Is Violent Crime Intraracial?,1985,31,1,117-128,Wilbanks Race/Ethnicity and Patterns of Chicago Homicide 1965 to 1981,1985,31,1,104-116,Block The First Eight After Furman: Who Was Executed With the Return of the Death Penalty?,1984,30,4,610-623,Jolly Crime Seriousness and Criminal Intent,1984,30,2,227-244,Sebba The Ethics of Selective Incapacitation: Observations on the Contemporary Debate,1984,30,2,175-194,von Hirsch Victims' Repsonse to Confrontational Victimization: A Neglected Aspect of Victim Research,1984,30,1,75-89,Fattah The Use of Lethal Force by Police: The Effect of Statutory Change,1984,30,1,121-140,Waegel The Facts of Life About Teenage Prostitution,1984,30,1,69-74,Caplan Selective Incapacitation: Sentencing According to Risk,1983,29,4,504-528,Blackmore Some Conceptual Issues in Incapacitating Offenders,1983,29,4,529-545,Clear Victimology: A Consideration of the Radical Critique,1983,29,2,283-294,Friedrichs Crime in the School and in the Community: Offenders Victims and Fearful Youths,1983,29,2,270-282,McDermott Jury Toughness: The Impact of Conservatism On Criminal Court Verdicts,1983,29,1,71-87,Levine The Effect of Executions on Homicides: A New Look in an Old Light,1983,29,1,88-115,Lempert Public Opinion and Capital Punishment: A Close Examination of the Views of Abolitionists and Retentionists,1983,29,1,116-169,Ellsworth The Meaning of Meaningless Violence,1982,28,4,529-533,Livingston How To a Void Killing Someone,1982,28,4,536-540,Livingston Forced Sex in Marriage: A Preliminary Research Report,1982,28,3,459-478,Yllo Undetected Recidivism Among Rapists and Child Molesters,1982,28,3,450-458,Groth Rape the Law and Private Property,1982,28,2,271-291,Schwendinger Deadly Force in Law Enforcement,1982,28,1,1-23,Binder The Relevance of the Identification Problem to Statistical Research on Capital Punishment: A Comment on McGahey,1982,28,1,96-124,Yunker Deinstitutionalization and the serious juvenile offender: Some policy considerations,1981,27,4,477-486,Coates Mental health treatment of violent juveniles: An assessment of need,1981,27,4,487-496,Hartstone Legislative policies toward the serious juvenile offender: On the virtues of automatic adulthood,1981,27,4,497-521,Feld Observations on Police Deadly Force,1981,27,3,376-389,Fyfe Unemployment Among Black Youths Demographics and Crime,1981,27,2,234-244,Calvin Serious Crime News Coverage and Ideology: A Content Analysis of Crime Coverage in a Metropolitan Paper,1981,27,2,191-205,Humphries Violence Against Women: Some Considerations Regarding Its Causes and Its Elimination,1981,27,1,64-80,Klein Toward a New Law on Rape,1980,26,2,129-151,Schwartz Juvenile Victim Assistance Programs: A Proposal,1980,26,2,202-205,Alcabes What can be done about juvenile homicide?,1980,26,2,152-161,Sorrells Victimological Aspects of Bystander Involvement,1980,26,2,193-201,Sheleff The 1964 Death Penalty Referendum in Oregon: Some Notes From a Participant-Observer,1980,26,4,528-536,Bedau Objections to [United States Senate Bill] S. 1382: a bill to establish rational criteria for the imposition of capital punishment,1980,26,4,441-452,Black Defending the Death Penalty,1980,26,4,503-511,Berns Juries and the Death Penalty: Readdressing the Witherspoon Question,1980,26,4,512-527,Haney Deterrence or Brutalization: What Is the Effect of Executions?,1980,26,4,453-484,Pierce Capital punishment and deterrence: what the statistics cannot show,1980,26,4,537-544,Espy Dr. Ehrlich's magic bullet: Economic theory econometrics and the death penalty,1980,26,4,485-502,McGahey No Farewell to Arms,1979,25,4,425-435,Keve Race and Crime Revisited,1979,25,3,347-357,Pope Trends in State Correction: Juveniles and the Violent Young Offender,1979,25,2,145-161,Vinter Killing the Killers: A Post-Furman Profile of Florida's Condemned. A Personal Account,1979,25,2,200-211,Lewis Criminology Economics and Public Policy,1979,25,2,137-144,Conyers Trends in Incarceration in the United States Since 1880: A Summary of Reported Rates and the Distribution of Offenses,1979,25,1,9-41,Cahalan Order and Disruption in a Desegregated High School,1978,24,3,277-289,Noblit Delinquency Corporal Punishment and the Schools,1978,24,3,336-354,Welsh Analysis and Critique of HEW's: Safe School Study Report to the Congress,1978,24,3,257-265,Rubel School Alienation and Delinquency,1978,24,3,355-370,Liazos The Role of Penal Quarantine in Reducing Violent Crime,1978,24,4,465-485,Johnson Delinquency Prevention: Recommendations for Future Projects,1978,24,2,207-220,Scarpitti Violent Crime: Prediction and Control,1978,24,1,49-58,Koerin The Clinical Prediction of Dangerousness,1978,24,1,28-39,Groth The Prediction of Dangerousness in Juveniles: A Replication,1978,24,1,40-48,Schlesinger The Mystification of Social Deviance,1977,23,4,417-426,Hills Forcible Rape: Institutionalized Sexism in the Criminal Justice System,1977,23,2,136-153,Robin Sexual Delinquency: The Persistence of a Double Standard,1977,23,2,131-135,Conway Should Juvenile Delinquency Be Abolished?,1977,23,2,196-203,Mccarthy Crime Statistics: A Historical Perspective,1977,23,1,32-40,Maltz Rate and Length of Imprisonment: How Does the United States Compare With The Netherlands Denmark and Sweden?,1977,23,1,51-56,Doleschal The Value of Life: Arguments Against the Death Penalty: A Reply to Professor Lehtinen,1977,23,3,253-259,Smith The Value of Life: An Argument for the Death Penalty,1977,23,3,237-252,Lehtinen Kids who kill,1977,23,3,312-320,Sorrells Diversion: The Promise and the Danger,1976,22,4,393-410,Nejelski Evaluating the Impact of Juvenile Diversion Programs,1976,22,4,411-420,Gibbons Will Diversion Reduce Recidivism?,1976,22,4,428-437,Lundman On Defining "Organized Grime": The Development of a Definition and a Typology,1976,22,3,338-346,Maltz Delinquency Prevention: A Description and Assessment of Projects Reported in the Professional Literature,1976,22,3,297-308,Scarpitti A Conceptual Model of Crime Prevention,1976,22,3,284-296,Brantingham Crime Prevention and the Displacement Phenomenon,1976,22,2,166-177,Reppetto Forcible Rape and the Criminal Justice System: Surveying Present Practices and Projecting Future Trends,1976,22,2,125-136,Chappell A Response to Bailey: More Evidence on Capital Punishment As Correlate of Tolerance for Murder,1976,22,1,40-43,Glaser Use of the death penalty v. outrage at murder: some additional evidence and considerations,1976,22,1,31-39,Bailey The Nondangerous Offender Should Not Be Imprisoned: A Policy Statement,1975,21,4,315-322,No Author(s) Listed Jurisdiction Over Status Offenses Should Be Removed From the Juvenile Court: A Policy Statement,1975,21,2,97-99,No Author(s) Listed The Medical Model of Delinquency: Theoretical Practical and Ethical Implications,1975,21,2,116-130,Balch Politics and Measures of Success in the War on Crime,1975,21,1,1-10,Milakovich Use of the death penalty v. outrage at murder,1974,20,4,333-338,Glaser The Fear of Crime in the United States,1974,20,3,241-244,Brooks Deviant Sexual Behavior in Men's Prisons,1974,20,1,38-44,Ibrahim The Nondangerous Offender Should Not Be Imprisoned: A Policy Statement Board of Directors National Council On Crime and Delinquency,1973,19,4,449-456,No Author(s) Listed Transfer of Jurisdiction From Juvenile to Criminal Court,1973,19,4,519-527,Schwartz Alers Criminal or Delinquent?: A Study of Juvenile Cases Transferred to the Criminal Court,1973,19,4,528-538,Keiter Dangerousness,1973,19,4,554-555,Kozol Delinquency Labeling: Its Consequences and Implications,1973,19,1,41-48,Faust Negative Labels: Passageways and Prisons,1973,19,1,33-40,Payne Force Versus Restraint in Prison Riots,1972,18,4,411-421,Garson Can Violence Be Predicted?,1972,18,4,393-402,Smith The Diagnosis and Treatment of Dangerousness,1972,18,4,371-392,Kozol Gauging Public Opinion About the Crime Problem,1972,18,2,134-146,Gibbons Wit and Humor: A Neglected Aid in Crowd and Mob Control,1972,18,2,184-191,Coates The Fear of Crime in a Small Town,1972,18,2,147-153,Poveda A Psychoanalytic Theory of Juvenile Delinquency,1971,17,4,469-480,Schoenfeld Psychological Theories of the Causes of Antisocial Behavior,1971,17,4,456-468,Shore Myths Misconceptions and the Misuse of Statistics in Correctional Research,1971,17,1,57-66,Waldo The Effectiveness of Correctional Programs,1971,17,1,67-80,Smith Deadline Vengeance and Tribute: A Prescription for Black Juvenile Delinquency,1970,16,4,357-362,Echols The Affluent Youthful Offender,1970,16,3,264-272,Freeman Alcoholics and Public Drunkenness: The Emerging Retreat From Punishment,1970,16,3,238-254,Hollister Violence and the Urban Crisis,1970,16,3,229-237,Menninger The Battered Child: An Overview of a Medical Legal and Social Problem,1970,16,2,139-150,Raffalli Organized Crime and Inner-City Youth,1970,16,2,129-138,Cressey Three Gang Solutions to Culture Conflict,1970,16,1,100-102,Cooper Drugs for Kicks,1970,16,1,1-35,Chapel Delinquency Prevention: Legislation Financing and Law Enforcement Are Not Enough,1969,15,4,463-470,Kvaraceus How Measurable Is Success? Behavioral Science in the Computer Age,1969,15,4,519-524,Bartoo The Value and Validity of Delinquency Prevention Experiments,1969,15,4,471-478,Berleman The Conflict Between Freedom and Order,1969,15,3,371-376,Burdman A Citizen's View of the Impact of Crime,1969,15,3,323-332,Stuart A Legislative Study of the Effectiveness of Criminal Penalties,1969,15,3,354-358,Biddle The Police in the Middle of the Conflict,1969,15,3,387-392,Craig The Death Penalty in California: A Statistical and Composite Portrait,1969,15,1,62-76,Carter Convicting the Innocent,1969,15,1,57-61,Macnamara Capital Punishment,1969,15,1,1-20,Gottlieb The Use of the Death Penalty: A Factual Statement,1969,15,1,43-56,Reckless Varieties of Attack on the Death Penalty,1969,15,1,112-120,Greenberg Count Down for Death,1969,15,1,77-87,Carter The Supreme Court Cruel and Unusual Punishment and the Death Penalty,1969,15,1,121-131,Rubin Murderers on Parole,1969,15,1,149-155,Stanton Mr. Barzun and capital punishment,1969,15,1,28-42,Allen In Favor of Capital Punishment,1969,15,1,21-28,Barzun Capital Punishment in Texas 1924-1968,1969,15,1,132-141,Koeninger Violence U.S.A.: Riots and crime,1968,14,4,289-305,Wolfgang "Tranquilizer Gun" for Violent Persons?,1968,14,3,216-219,Griffin The Victim-Offender Relationship,1968,14,2,135-141,Schultz Proceed With Caution: Which Penalties Slow Down the Juvenile Traffic Violator?,1968,14,2,142-150,Mecham "... nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted": The Eighth Amendment [to the Constitution of the United States] and the juvenile court,1968,14,1,73-84,Sherman The Juvenile Offender: Recidivism and Companions,1967,13,2,344-351,Craig Southern Juvenile Courts: A Study of Irony Civil Rights and Judicial Practice,1967,13,2,289-306,Starrs The Chronic Drunkenness Offender: What One City Is Doing About the Revolving Door,1966,12,4,339-343,Pinardi The "Revolving Door" Game,1966,12,4,332-338,Rubington The Deterrent Influence of Punishment,1966,12,1,70-75,Chambliss Adolescent Delinquency and the Myth of Hospital Treatment,1966,12,1,38-48,Miller Portrait of a Glue Sniffer,1965,11,4,394-399,Ellison Vocational Guidance for Delinquent Boys,1965,11,4,366-374,Wiener The Case of the Premature Claims: Public Policy and Delinquency Prediction,1965,11,3,217-228,Kahn A Statistical Study of Criminal Drug Addicts: Psychosis Psychoneurosis Mental Deficiency and Personality Types,1965,11,3,283-292,Messinger Value Conflicts in Law Enforcement,1965,11,2,151-161,Chwast Identifying Delinquency-Prone Children,1965,11,2,186-191,Trevvett Statistics Concerning Race and Crime,1965,11,2,142-150,Geis A Look Toward the Prevention of Crime and Delinquency,1965,11,1,1-7,Larmon Teen-Agers Drinking and the Law: A Study of Arrest Trends for Alcohol-Related Offenses,1965,11,1,78-85,Pittman Inherent and Acquired Difficulties in the Administration of Punitive Justice,1964,10,4,398-414,Pound The Causes of Popular Dissatisfaction With the Administration of Justice,1964,10,4,355-371,Pound The Juvenile Court and the Law,1964,10,4,490-504,Pound The Spirit of the Common Law,1964,10,4,372-384,Pound What Is Delinquency Prevention?,1964,10,3,217-221,Finck Delinquency Prevention in the Neighborhood,1964,10,3,222-230,Tefferteller Classifying Work Camps for Young Offenders,1964,10,2,167-171,Cary Legal and Ethical Problems of Street Gang Work,1964,10,2,152-156,Kobrin Halfway Houses Pay Off,1964,10,1,1-7,Kennedy Dangerous Offenders,1963,9,4,381-390,Guttmacher Citizens and Crime,1963,9,3,235-241,Simon A Substitute for Institutionalization of Serious Delinquents: A California Youth Authority Experiment,1963,9,3,242-248,Stark Problem Drinking Among Juvenile Delinquents,1963,9,1,29-38,Mackay Alcohol Alcoholism and Crime,1963,9,1,1-14,Bacon The Roots of Organized Crime,1962,8,4,325-338,Tyler Three Weapons Against Organized Crime,1962,8,4,321-324,Kennedy Some Dangers in Parole Prediction,1962,8,3,265-269,England Group Diagnosis of Delinquent Boys and Their Mothers,1962,8,2,142-150,Goldstein The Jack-of-All-Trades Offender: A Comparative Study,1962,8,2,172-181,Johnson Social Dynamite in Our Large Cities,1962,8,2,103-115,Conant A Study of Recidivism in One Training School: Implications for Rehabilitation Programs,1962,8,2,161-171,Laulicht The Negro Drinker and Assaulter As a Criminal Type,1962,8,1,21-33,Johnson Statistical Controls in a Police Department,1962,8,1,58-64,Meyers The Crime of Crime Reporting,1961,7,4,312-320,Isaacs A Citizen Looks at Crime,1961,7,4,321-328,Fain A Quarter Century of Court Psychiatry,1961,7,4,343-362,Messinger The Death Sentence and Then What?,1961,7,4,363-372,McCafferty The All-Day Neighborhood Schools: Their Role in Delinquency Prevention,1961,7,3,255-262,Franklin Discipline in the Schools,1961,7,3,213-220,Herrick The Schools and the Problems of Juvenile Delinquency: Research Studies and Findings 1,1961,7,3,201-212,Moore Specialized Vocational Service: A Program for Delinquent and Predelinquent Youth,1961,7,1,55-63,Baxt Three Approaches to Delinquency Prevention: A Critique,1961,7,1,16-24,Martin The Sociocultural Context of Delinquency,1960,6,4,365-375,Short Religion's Role in Preventing and Treating Crime and Delinquency,1960,6,4,376-379,Moore How Can the Correctional School Correct?,1960,6,3,267-274,Shireman Conflict of Beliefs About Causes of Delinquency,1960,6,3,287-293,Dienstein Jobs for Youngsters,1960,6,2,192-196,Rosenblum The Legal Nature of Neglect,1960,6,1,1-16,Gill Neglect Social Deviance and Community Action,1960,6,1,17-23,Class Evolution of the Standard Juvenile Court Act,1959,5,4,392-403,Paxman A Newspaper's Obligations,1958,4,4,307-312,Brown Crime News Writing and Its Role As a Crime Stimulant,1958,4,4,320-327,Derby Attitudes Toward Crime News: A Newspaperman's Viewpoint,1958,4,4,313-319,Colegrove What Is Public Opinion?,1958,4,4,305-306,Gallup Probation Parole and the Press,1958,4,4,328-332,Holton Significant Characteristics of Recidivists,1958,4,3,211-217,Mannering Factors in Measuring Recidivism As Presented in Annual Reports,1958,4,3,218-232,Rector Recidivism and Recidivism Statistics,1958,4,3,233-240,Rubin Adolescent Recidivism,1958,4,3,275-277,Berlin Recidivism and Maturation,1958,4,3,241-250,Sellin Curfew Laws,1958,4,2,161-168,Manella The Youthful Offender and the Armed Forces,1958,4,2,148-155,Shackelford When Should a Child Be Committed?,1958,4,1,1-11,Gill Time Crime and Treatment,1957,3,4,344-353,Heyns A Father and His Perverse Son: The First Example of Juvenile Delinquency in the Recorded History of Man,1957,3,2,169-173,Kramer The Psychology of the Female Offender,1957,3,1,7-12,Rappaport Female Criminality,1957,3,1,1-6,Reckless Girl Repeaters,1957,3,1,48-53,Wattenberg The Police Juvenile Bureau's Job,1957,3,1,39-47,Selvidge Rural Attitudes Toward Delinquency,1957,3,1,77-78,Willes Concepts of Normal and Delinquent Behavior,1957,3,1,69-75,Berman Training for Delinquency Control at the University of Minnesota,1956,2,3,239-246,Ellingston "Revenge is a kind of wild justice...",1956,2,2,97-99,Turnbladh The Community's Attitude Toward Youth,1956,2,2,100-105,Derby The Sentencing of Youthful Offenders,1956,2,2,142-151,Rubin Commitment of the Youthful Offender,1956,2,2,152-162,Carr Probation Parole and the Community,1956,2,1,51-57,Shireman Problems of Classification,1955,1,2,118-125,Brancale Psychiatry and Sociology: Variations in Interpreting Delinquency,1955,1,2,126-134,Bloch Diagnostic Categories of "Delinquency",1955,1,2,113-117,Esman Social Law and Social Medicine: Some Comments by Lawyers and Psychiatrists,1955,1,2,135-139,Alexander The Inadequacies of Research in Delinquency Causation,1955,1,1,31-40,Bloch A Novel Approach to Juvenile Delinquency,1955,1,1,25-30,Bander Deviance as a Method of Coping,1976,22,1,3-16,Smith Reconsidering Child Saving,2009,55,1,51-77,Cullen Cause or Consequence?,2009,55,1,28-50,Jargowsky Erratum,2009,55,1,162, Gender Differences in Delinquency and Juvenile Justice Processing,2009,55,2,171-215,Tracy Parent—Child Conflicts School Troubles and Differences in Delinquency Across Immigration Generations,2009,55,3,412-441,Bui The Effect of Urban Neighborhood Disorder on Evaluations of the Police and Courts,2009,55,3,339-362,Sprott Assessing Static and Dynamic Influences on Inmate Violence Levels,2009,55,1,134-161,Steiner Operationalizing Crime Over the Life Course,2009,55,3,472-496,Bosick Violent Girls or Relabeled Status Offenders?,2009,55,2,241-265,Feld A Gender-Specific Pathway to Serious Violent and Chronic Offending? Exploring Howell's Risk Factors for Serious Delinquency,2009,55,2,216-240,Kempf-Leonard Proactive Policing by Post and Community Officers,2009,55,1,78-104,Famega Organizational Administrative and Environmental Correlates of Complaints About Police Use of Force,2009,55,1,3-27,Piquero Gender and Gangs,2009,55,3,363-387,Bell Predicting Adolescent and Adult Antisocial Behavior Among Adjudicated Delinquent Females,2008,54,1,3-33,Cernkovich Combating Methamphetamine Use in the Community,2009,55,4,627-644,Hartman Evidence for Connections Between Prosecutor-Reported Marijuana Case Dispositions and Community Youth Marijuana-Related Attitudes and Behaviors,2009,55,4,600-626,Vanderwaal The Victim-Offender Overlap and Fear of In-School Victimization,2009,55,4,499-525,Esbensen Conviction Offense and Prison Violence,2010,56,1,103-125,Cunningham Gang Membership and Drug Involvement,2010,56,1,3-34,Bjerregaard What Drives Juvenile Probation Officers?,2010,56,1,35-69,Ward The Impact of the Taser on Suspect Resistance,2010,56,1,70-102,Ready A Role for Victims in Offender Reentry,2001,47,3,428-445,Herman Reconciling the Differences Between the “Gender-Responsive” and the “What Works” Literatures to Improve Services for Girls,2008,54,2,225-258,Hubbard The Impact of Residential and Nonresidential Drug Treatment on Recidivism Among Drug-Involved Probationers,2009,55,3,442-471,Lattimore Completely Out of Control or the Desire to Be in Complete Control? How Low Self-Control and the Desire for Control Relate to Corporate Offending,2010,56,4,627-647,Leeper Piquero Testing Incapacitation Theory,2010,56,2,253-268,Males Trust and Confidence in the Courts,2010,56,2,269-289,Sprott Interdistrict Disparity in Sentencing in Three U.S. District Courts,2010,56,2,290-322,Spohn Defiance Theory and Life Course Explanations of Persistent Offending,2010,56,2,227-252,Bouffard Explaining victim self-protective behavior effects on crime incident outcomes,2010,56,2,198-226,Santana Opportunities Rational Choice and Self-Control,2010,56,2,167-197,Seipel Classification for Female Inmates: Moving Forward,2000,46,1,3-17,Farr Examining Charging Agreement Between Police and Prosecutors in Rape Cases,2010,56,3,385-413,Spohn Evaluating Awareness of Registered Sex Offenders in the Neighborhood,2010,56,3,414-435,Craun Prosecuting Child Sexual Abuse,2010,56,3,436-454,Walsh Sexual Harassment Victimization During Emerging Adulthood,2010,56,3,455-481,Kuhns Risky Relationships?,2010,56,3,358-384,Carbone-López Sex Differences in Trajectories of Offending Among Puerto Rican Youth,2010,56,3,327-357,Odgers Understanding Community Policing as an Innovation: Patterns of Adoption,2010,56,4,564-587,Schaefer Morabito The Recidivism Patterns of Previously Deported Aliens Released From a Local Jail: Are They High-Risk Offenders?,2010,56,4,507-534,Suttorp Social Support and Feelings of Hostility Among Released Inmates,2010,56,4,588-607,DeLisi Is a Risky Lifestyle Always "Risky"? The Interaction Between Individual Propensity and Lifestyle Risk in Adolescent Offending: A Test in Two Urban Samples,2010,56,4,608-626,Pauwels Practitioner Views of Priorities Policies and Practices in Juvenile Justice,2010,56,4,535-563,Mears Manipulating Public Opinion About Trying Juveniles as Adults: An Experimental Study,2010,56,4,487-506,Piquero Patterns of Victimization and Feelings of Safety Inside Prison: The Experience of Male and Female Inmates,2011,57,1,29-55,Wolff Parolees’ Physical Closeness to Social Services: A Study of California Parolees,2011,57,1,102-129,Hipp The Failure of Race Neutral Policies: How Mandatory Terms and Sentencing Enhancements Contribute to Mass Racialized Incarceration,2011,57,1,56-81,Schlesinger Gangkill: An Exploratory Empirical Assessment of Gang Membership Homicide Offending and Prison Misconduct,2011,57,1,130-146,DeLisi Multiple Homicide as a Function of Prisonization and Concurrent Instrumental Violence: Testing an Interactive Model—A Research Note,2011,57,1,147-161,Walters Perceptions of Police Disrespect During Vehicle Stops: A Race-Based Analysis,2011,57,3,356-376,Warren Neighborhood Variation in Gang Member Concentrations,2011,57,3,377-407,Katz Predictors of School Victimization: Individual Familial and School Factors,2011,57,3,458-488,Wynne Reconsidering Hispanic Gang Membership and Acculturation in a Multivariate Context,2011,57,3,331-355,Hartley Urban Inequality and Racial Differences in Risk for Violent Victimization,2011,57,3,432-457,Like Policing domestic violence in the post-SARP era: the impact of a domestic violence police unit,2014,60,7,999-1032,Lord On Moral Enterprises Pragmatism and Feminist Criminology,2002,48,2,283-299,McDermott Values and Evaluation: Assessing Processes and Outcomes of Restorative Justice Programs,2002,48,1,162-188,Presser The Effects of Victim-Related Contextual Factors on the Criminal Justice System,2011,57,2,298-328,Hoskins Haynes A Randomized Trial of Probation Case Management for Drug-Involved Women Offenders,2011,57,2,167-198,Guydish Juvenile Transfer and Deterrence: Reexamining the Effectiveness of a "Get-Tough" Policy,2011,57,2,247-270,Myers Smells Like Teen Spirit: Evaluating a Midwestern Teen Court,2011,57,2,199-221,Norris An attitudinal explanation of biases in the criminal justice system - An empirical testing of defensive attribution theory,2008,54,3,457-481,Herzog Implications of different outcome measures for an understanding of inmate misconduct,2013,59,8,1234-1262,Wooldredge "Deterrability" Among Gang and Nongang Juvenile Offenders: Are Gang Members More (or Less) Deterrable Than Other Juvenile Offenders?,2011,57,4,516-543,Hennigan The Impact of School Environment and Grade Level on Student Delinquency: A Multilevel Modeling Approach,2011,57,4,622-657,Lo Exploring Sources of Punitiveness Among German Citizens,2011,57,4,544-571,Piquero Repeat Offending and Repeat Victimization: Assessing Similarities and Differences in Psychosocial Risk Factors,2011,57,5,732-755,Fagan Disregarding Graduated Treatment: Why Transfer Aggravates Recidivism,2011,57,5,756-777,Woolard Confronting Delinquency: Probations Officers' Use of Coercion and Client-Centered Tactics to Foster Youth Compliance,2011,57,5,801-822,Schwalbe Institutional Misconduct Delinquent Background and Rearrest Frequency Among Serious and Violent Delinquent Offenders,2011,57,5,709-731,Marquart Parole? Nope Not for Me: Voluntarily Maxing Out of Prison,2011,57,5,686-708,Ostermann Causes of School Bullying: Empirical Test of a General Theory of Crime Differential Association Theory and General Strain Theory,2011,57,6,849-877,Hwang Parental Status and Punitiveness: Moderating Effects of Gender and Concern About Crime,2011,57,6,878-906,Welch Stability of Delinquent Peer Associations: A Biosocial Test of Warr's Sticky-Friends Hypothesis,2011,57,6,907-927,Beaver Cheating the Hangman: The Effect of the Roper v. Simmons Decision on Homicides Committed by Juveniles,2011,57,6,928-949,Stolzenberg Propensity for Violence Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents: An Event History Analysis,2011,57,6,950-968,Whitbeck Sentencing Juveniles to Life in Prison: The Reproduction of Juvenile Justice for Young Adolescents Charged With Murder,2011,57,6,969-986,Singer Juvenile Penalties for "Lawyering Up": The Role of Counsel and Extralegal Case Characteristics,2011,57,6,827-848,Kim Criminality among rural stimulant users in the United States,2011,57,4,600-621,Falck A best practice approach to community reentry from jails for inmates with co-occurring disorders: the apic model,2003,49,1,79-96,Steadman An assessment for criminal thinking,2006,52,1,159-177,Flynn Assessing released inmates for substance-abuse-related service needs,2006,52,1,94-113,Belenko Being young and black what are their effects on juvenile justice decision making?,2008,54,4,560-581,Leiber Best implementation practices: disseminating new assessment technologies in a juvenile justice agency,2006,52,1,135-158,Young Contagious fire? an empirical assessment of the problem of multi-shooter multi-shot deadly force incidents in police work,2012,58,2,196-221,White Criminal justice/mental health consensus: improving responses to people with mental illness,2003,49,1,30-51,Reuland Crisis intervention teams and people with mental illness exploring the factors that influence the use of force,2012,58,1,57-77,Watson Cultures of violence and acts of terror applying a legitimation-habituation model to terrorism,2012,58,1,28-56,Mullins Debating outpatient commitment: controversy trends and empirical data,2003,49,1,157-172,Borum Determinants of police strength in large U.S. cities during the 1990s a fixed-effects panel analysis,2012,58,3,397-424,Zhao Differential deterrence studying heterogeneity and changes in perceptual deterrence among serious youthful offenders,2012,58,1,3-27,Fagan Effectiveness of residence restrictions in preventing sex offense recidivism,2012,58,4,491-513,Levenson Examining officer and citizen accounts of police use-of-force incidents,2012,58,2,301-327,Alpert Exploring inmate reentry in a local jail setting implications for outreach service use and recidivism,2012,58,1,124-146,White From the jailhouse to capitol hill: impacting mental health court legislation and defining what constitutes a mental health court,2003,49,1,6-29,Slate Gender and relational-distance effects in arrests for domestic violence,2012,58,1,103-123,Demaris General strain theory and delinquency focusing on the influences of key strain characteristics on delinquency,2008,54,4,582-613,McCluskey Labeling and cumulative disadvantage the impact of formal police intervention on life chances and crime during emerging adulthood,2012,58,3,456-488,Lizotte Lethal and other serious assaults disentangling gender and context,2012,58,3,425-455,Jordan Matching judicial supervision to clients' risk status in drug court,2006,52,1,52-76,Lee Men women and postrelease offending an examination of the nature of the link between relational ties and recidivism,2012,58,3,331-361,Huebner Mental health issues in long-term solitary and "supermax" confinement,2003,49,1,124-156,Haney Moralistic street robbery,2008,54,4,511-531,Wright Neighborhood characteristics and the social control of registered sex offenders,2012,58,4,565-587,Socia Neighborhood disadvantage and reliance on the police,2012,58,2,245-274,Schaible Police training and specialized approaches to respond to people with mental illnesses,2003,49,1,52-61,Borum Political culture versus socioeconomic approaches to predicting police strength in U.S. police agencies results of a longitudinal study 1993 to 2003,2012,58,2,167-195,Lovrich Psychosocial functioning problems over time among high-risk youths a latent class transition analysis,2008,54,4,644-670,Poythress Public attitudes toward juveniles who commit crimes the relationship between assessments of adolescent development and attitudes toward severity of punishment,2012,58,1,78-102,Kubiak Racial threat suspicion and police behavior the impact of race and place in traffic enforcement,2012,58,2,275-300,Chamlin Reevaluating interrater reliability in offender risk assessment,2012,58,1,147-163,Born Removing a nail from the boot camp coffin an outcome evaluation of minnesota's challenge incarceration program,2008,54,4,614-643,Duwe Reversing the criminalization of mental illness,2003,49,1,62-78,Perez Risk need and responsivity (RNR): it all depends,2006,52,1,28-51,Thanner Secondary prevention services for clients who are low risk in drug court: a conceptual model,2006,52,1,114-134,Marlowe Sex crimes children and pornography public views and public policy,2008,54,4,532-559,Gertz Sexual arousal and self-control results from a preliminary experimental test of the stability of self-control,2012,58,4,514-538,Bouffard Statistical risk assessment: old problems and new applications,2006,52,1,178-200,Moriarty The effect of correctional education on postrelease employment and recidivism: a 5-year follow-up study in the state of Indiana,2012,58,3,380-396,Ho The effectiveness of policies and programs that attempt to reduce firearm violence a meta-analysis,2012,58,2,222-244,Pratt The efficacy of county-level sex offender residence restrictions in New York,2012,58,4,612-642,Socia The only thing we have to fear is fear itself investigating the relationship between fear of falling and white-collar crime,2012,58,3,362-379,Piquero The public safety impact of community notification laws rearrest of convicted sex offenders,2012,58,4,539-564,Freeman The risk principle in action: what have we learned from 13676 offenders and 97 correctional programs?,2006,52,1,77-93,Lowenkamp To resist or not to resist? The effect of context and crime characteristics on sex offenders' reaction to victim resistance,2012,58,4,588-611,Beauregard Transinstitutionalization in the courts: Brad H. v. City of New York and the fight for discharge planning for people with psychiatric disabilities leaving Rikers Island,2003,49,1,97-123,Barr Beyond Boston: applying theory to understand and address sustainability issues in focused deterrence initiatives for violence reduction,2012,58,6,973-997,Engel Drugs guns and disadvantaged youths co-occurring behavior and the code of the street,2012,58,6,932-953,Lo How risky is marijuana possession? Considering the role of age race and gender,2012,58,6,879-910,Reuter The institutionalization of racial profiling policy an examination of antiprofiling policy adoption among large law enforcement agencies,2013,59,1,32-58,Miller Joint utility of event-dependent and environmental crime analysis techniques for violent crime forecasting,2013,59,2,243-270,Kennedy Guns and fear: a one-way street?,2013,59,2,271-291,Kleck Disaggregating the relationship between schools and crime: A spatial analysis,2013,59,2,163-190,Swatt Security at the expense of liberty: A test of predictions deriving from the culture of control thesis,2013,59,2,214-242,Gertz Disentangling the effects of violent victimization violent behavior and gun carrying for minority inner-city youth living in extreme poverty,2013,59,2,191-213,Spano Schools neighborhood risk factors and crime,2013,59,2,292-315,Broidy Guns and trafficking in crack-cocaine and other drug markets,2013,59,3,319-343,Felson Neighborhood context and police vigor: a multilevel analysis,2013,59,3,344-368,Sun Testing the link between child maltreatment and family violence among police officers,2013,59,3,468-483,Zavala The impact of drivers' race gender and age during traffic stops: Assessing interaction terms and the social conditioning model,2013,59,3,369-395,Engel Explaining leniency: organizational predictors of the differential treatment of men and women in traffic stops,2015,61,4,509-537,Farrell Neutralizing victim reform: legal professionals' perspectives on victims and impact statements,1999,45,4,530-553,Erez Active supervision and its impact upon parolee recidivism rates,2013,59,4,487-509,Ostermann Assessing crime as a problem: the relationship between residents' perception of crime and official crime rates over 25 years,2013,59,4,616-648,Hipp Co-occurring severe mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders as predictors of state prison inmate assaults,2013,59,4,510-535,Wood Housing for the "worst of the worst" inmates: public support for Supermax prisons,2013,59,4,587-615,Gertz What a girl wants what a girl needs: findings from a gender-specific focus group study,2013,59,4,536-561,Lane A spurious relationship of gender equality with female homicide victimization: A cross-national analysis,2016,62,3,397-419,Chon Age-sensitive effect of adolescent dating experience on delinquency and substance use,2013,59,5,670-696,Kim Childhood psychopathology predicts adolescence-onset offending: A longitudinal study,2013,59,5,718-737,Verhulst Does time matter? Comparing trajectory concordance and covariate association using time-based and age-based assessments,2013,59,5,738-763,Mulvey Elder physical abuse and failure to report cases similarities and differences in case type and the justice system's response,2013,59,5,697-717,Payne Gendered pathways? Gender mediating factors and the gap in boys' and girls' substance use,2013,59,5,651-669,Whaley The fear factor exploring predictors of fear among stalking victims throughout the stalking encounter,2013,59,5,788-808,Reyns Understanding gang membership and crime victimization among jail inmates testing the effects of self-control,2013,59,5,764-787,Lane Crime takes a holiday in Milan,1996,42,2,269-278,Zimring Family dysfunction and female delinquency,1989,35,1,31-44,Rosenbaum A federal perspective on juvenile justice reform,1986,32,1,39-51,Regnery Crime youth unemployment and the Black urban underclass,1987,33,2,300-316,Duster Remnants of parens patriae in the adjudicatory hearing: Is a fair trial possible in juvenile court,1994,40,4,599-615,Sanborn Reintegrative police surveillance of juvenile offenders: Forging and urban model,1994,40,2,131-153,Guarino-Ghezzi Effectiveness of culturally specific community treatment for African American juvenile felons,1994,40,4,589-598,Wooldredge Community policing grows in Brooklyn: An inside view of the New York City Police Department's model precinct,1994,40,3,384-410,Pate Rethinking the sanctioning function in juvenile court: Retributive or restorative responses to youth crime,1995,41,3,296-316,Bazemore Official intervention diversion from the juvenile justice system and dynamics of human services work: Effects of a reform goal based on labeling theory,1986,32,2,157-176,Cochran Restitution as a sanction in juvenile court,1986,32,2,177-185,Staples Classifying institutions,1986,32,3,291-301,Levinson Client management classification strategies for case supervision,1986,32,3,254-271,Lerner National evaluation of objective prison classification systems: The current state of the art,1986,32,3,272-290,Buchanan Evaluating how well your classification system is operating: A practical approach,1986,32,3,302-322,Austin Classification Objectives and Practices,1986,32,3,323-338,Alexander The validity of prison classification: An introduction to practical considerations and research issues,1986,32,3,367-390,Kane A case for early release,1986,32,4,399-403,Lane Breaking out of prisons,1986,32,4,503-514,Gibbons Guilty until proved innocent: Wrongful conviction and public policy,1986,32,4,518-544,Rattner Who ya gonna call? The police as problem-busters,1987,33,1,31-52,Eck The theory and research behind Neighborhood Watch: Is it a sound fear and crime reduction strategy?,1987,33,1,103-134,Rosenbaum Outside/Inside: The Violation of American Girls at Home on the Streets and in the Juvenile Justice System,1998,44,4,561-589,Acoca Using Early Release to Relieve Prison Crowding: A Dilemma in Public Policy,1986,32,4,404-501,Austin Viable Options: Intensive Supervision Programs for Juvenile Delinquents,1990,36,2,238-256,Barton Prosecutorial Waiver: Case Study of a Questionable Reform,1989,35,2,179-201,Henretta Race/Ethnicity Patterns of Chicago Homicide: 1965 to 1981,1985,31,1,104-116,Block Can Electronic Monitoring Make a Difference? An Evaluation of Three Canadian Programs,2000,46,1,61-75,Bonta The Importance of Randomized Field Trials,2000,46,2,156-180,Boruch Trends of Criminal Activity and Substance Use in a Sample of Welfare Recipients,2004,50,1,6-23,Brown Reintegrating the Concept of Community into Community-Based Corrections,1989,35,3,471-499,Byrne The Future of Intensive Probation Supervision and the New Intermediate Sanctions,1990,36,1,6-41,Byrne Criminogenic Effects of the Prison Environment on Inmate Behavior: Some Experimental Evidence,2005,51,3,425-442,Camp The Comparability in Sexual and Nonsexual Assault Case Treatment: Did Statute Change Meet the Objective,1985,31,2,206-222,Caringella-MacDonald Teenage Felons and Waiver Hearings: Some Recent Trends 1980-1988,1989,35,4,577-585,Champion Evaluation of Probation Case Management (PCM) for Drug-Involved Women Offenders,2005,51,4,447-469,Guydish The Influence of Parents Peer Delinquency and School Attitudes on Academic Achievement in Chinese Cambodian Laotian or Mien and Vietnamese Youth,2005,51,2,238-264,Le Girls in jail,1988,34,2,150-168,Chesney-Lind Girl's Crime and Woman's Place: Toward a Feminist Model of Female Delinquency,1989,35,1,5-29,Chesney-Lind The new intensive supervision movement,1990,36,1,42-60,Clear A Portrait of Detained Youth in the State of Hawaii,2005,51,2,180-191,Wolf Assessing the Impact of Statutory Change: A Statewide Multilevel Analysis of Restitution Orders in Pennsylvania,2005,51,3,318-342,Ruback Which Substance and What Community? Differences in Juvenile Disposition Severity,2005,51,4,548-572,Vanderwaal A Review of Gender Differences Among Substance Abusers,2005,51,3,343-372,Pelissier Structural Theories and Race-Specific Drug Arrests: What Structural Factors Account for the Rise in Race-Specific Drug Arrests Over Time?,2005,51,4,521-547,Parker Predicting Offender-Generated Exchange Rates: Implications for a Theory of Sentence Severity,2005,51,3,373-399,May The Relationship of School Parent and Peer Contextual Factors with Self-Reported Delinquency for Chinese Cambodian Laotian or Mien and Vietnamese Youth,2005,51,2,192-219,Le Evaluating an Experimental Intensive Juvenile Probation Program: Supervision and Official Outcomes,2005,51,1,26-52,Lane Deporting Cambodian Refugees: Justice Denied?,2005,51,2,265-290,Hing Trauma Exposure Mental Health Functioning and Program Needs of Women in Jail,2005,51,1,133-151,Daroowalla Gender Differences in Cambodian Delinquency: The Role of Ethnic Identity Parental Discipline and Peer Delinquency,2005,51,2,220-237,Le A Census of Prison-Based Drug Treatment Programs: Implications for Programming Policy and Evaluation,2004,50,1,108-133,Welsh Local Implementation of Drug Policy and Access to Treatment Services for Juveniles,2004,50,1,60-87,Terry-McElrath Racial Differences in Resolving Conflicts: A Comparison between Black and White Police Officers,2004,50,4,516-541,Payne Ethics of research involving human subjects in criminal justice,1977,23,4,435-444,Bloomberg Shelter during the storm: a search for factors that protect at-risk adolescents from violence,2014,60,3,379-401,Lizotte Policing juveniles: domestic violence arrest policies gender and police response to child-parent violence,2014,60,3,427-450,Warner Demographic patterns of cumulative arrest prevalence by ages 18 and 23,2014,60,3,471-486,Brame Reporting error in household gun ownership in the 2000 General Social Survey,2013,59,6,811-836,Legault Offense type and the arrest decision in cases of intimate partner violence,2016,62,7,954-977,Durfee General Strain Theory as a Basis for the Design of School Interventions,2013,59,6,886-909,Morash A comparison of robbers' use of physical coercion in commercial and street robberies,2013,59,3,419-442,McCluskey Toward a comprehensive model on stalking acknowledgment: a test of four models,2014,60,8,1158-1182,Ngo Probation supervision and the control of crime opportunities an empirical assessment,2014,60,8,1235-1257,Miller Restorativeness procedural justice and defiance as predictors of reoffending of participants in family group conferences,2014,60,8,1131-1157,McGarrell The effect of sanctions on police misconduct,2014,60,8,1258-1288,Harris Risk assessment of girls are there any sex differences in risk factors for re-offending and in risk profiles?,2014,60,7,1033-1056,Dekovic Prison architecture and inmate misconduct: a multilevel assessment,2014,60,7,1083-1109,Worrall Rape and gender conflict in a patriarchal state,2014,60,7,1110-1128,Johnson Sedentary activities peer behavior and delinquency among American youth,2014,60,6,939-968,Johnson Do more police lead to more crime deterrence?,2014,60,5,716-738,Kleck Organizational failure and the disbanding of local police agencies,2014,60,5,667-692,King The criminal victimization-depression sequela: examining the effects of violent victimization on depression with a longitudinal propensity score design,2014,60,5,785-806,DeLisi Violent video games catharsis seeking bullying and delinquency: a multivariate analysis of effects,2014,60,5,764-784,Ferguson Gang participation,2014,60,4,619-642,Gottfredson Latino street gang emergence in the midwest: strategic franchising or natural migration?,2014,60,4,592-618,Tapia The influence of gentrification on gang homicides in Chicago neighborhoods 1994 to 2005,2014,60,4,569-591,Smith The ties that bind desistance from gangs,2014,60,4,491-516,Webb It's gang life but not as we know it: the evolution of gang business,2014,60,4,517-546,Densley Gang involvement: social and environmental factors,2014,60,4,547-568,Alleyne A systematic review of the juvenile justice intervention literature: what it can (and cannot) tell us about what works with delinquent youth,2014,60,3,451-470,Evans-Chase The lost cause? Examining the southern culture of honor through defensive gun use,2014,60,3,356-378,Kovandzic Evidence-based prosecution of intimate partner violence in the post-Crawford era: a single-city study of the factors leading to prosecution,2014,60,2,238-260,Messing Reactive versus proactive attitudes toward domestic violence: a comparison of Taiwanese male and female police officers,2014,60,2,216-237,Sun A method for internal benchmarking of criminal justice system performance,2014,60,1,145-162,Macdonald Calling the police in instances of family violence effects of victim-offender relationship and life stages,2014,60,1,34-59,Lynch Registered sex offenders in the United States: behind the numbers,2014,60,1,3-33,Levenson The aftermath of criminal victimization: race self-esteem and self-efficacy,2014,60,1,85-105,DeLisi An examination of the interaction between morality and deterrence in offending: a research note,2015,61,1,3-18,Svensson Neighborhood conditions and fear of crime: a reconsideration of sex differences,2015,61,1,45-70,Snedker The relationship between citizen perceptions of collective efficacy and neighborhood violent crime,2015,61,1,121-142,Katz An examination of the micro-level crime-fear of crime link,2015,61,1,19-44,Zhao Problem-oriented policing in Colorado Springs: a content analysis of 753 cases,2015,61,1,71-95,Maguire Sentencing Asian offenders in state courts the influence of a prevalent stereotype,2015,61,1,96-120,Franklin Adjusting for unit non-response in surveys through weighting,2015,61,1,143-158,Carkin Criminality and family formation effects of marriage and parenthood on criminal behavior for men and women,2014,60,8,1209-1234,Bijleveld Things change an intergenerational examination of the correlates of police contact,2014,60,8,1183-1208,Pollock A sociological theory of drug sales gifts and frauds,2014,60,7,1057-1082,Wright Magnetic facilities identifying the convergence settings of juvenile delinquents,2014,60,7,971-998,Malm The subjective impact of contact with the criminal justice system the role of gender and stigmatization,2014,60,6,884-908,McGrath Using a criminally involved population to examine the relationship between race/ethnicity structural disadvantage and methamphetamine use,2014,60,6,833-858,Fox Recidivism among released state prison inmates who received mental health treatment while incarcerated,2014,60,6,811-832,Pinals Comparative effectiveness of California's Proposition 36 and drug court programs before and after propensity score matching,2014,60,6,909-938,Evans Period effects in the impact of vietnam-era military service on crime over the life course,2014,60,6,859-883,Bouffard Indeterminate and determinate sentencing models: a state-specific analysis of their effects on recidivism,2014,60,5,693-715,Vaughn Placing the neighborhood accessibility-burglary link in social-structural context,2014,60,5,739-763,Ward Do state policies matter in prosecutor-reported juvenile marijuana case disposition?,2014,60,3,402-426,Terry-McElrath Modeling isomorphism on policing innovation: the role of institutional pressures in adopting community-oriented policing,2014,60,3,331-355,Burruss An analysis of prisoner reentry and parole risk using COMPAS and traditional criminal history measures,2014,60,2,167-192,Farabee Adjusting for design effects in disproportionate stratified sampling designs through weighting,2014,60,2,306-325,Carkin Preentry substance abuse services: the heterogeneity of offender experiences,2014,60,2,193-215,Leukefeld Examining diffusion and arrest avoidance practices among johns,2014,60,2,261-283,Kuhns Morality self-control deterrence and drug use: street youths and situational action theory,2014,60,2,284-305,Gallupe First offenders with psychosis: justification of a third type within the early/late start offender typology,2014,60,1,126-142,Buck Females in the juvenile justice system: who are they and how do they fare?,2014,60,1,106-125,Jonson-Reid A game of catch-up? The offending experience of second-generation immigrants,2014,60,1,60-84,Bersani Deterrence and macro-level perceptions of punishment risks: is there a "collective wisdom"?,2013,59,7,1006-1035,Kleck The short-term repeat sexual victimization of adolescents in school,2016,62,1,81-106,Wilcox New Zealand police and restorative justice philosophy,2004,50,2,189-213,Winfree Principles in practice: a multistate study of gender-responsive reforms in the juvenile justice system,2015,61,5,742-766,Walker The Automatic Waiver of Juveniles and Substantive Justice,1993,39,2,253-261,Singer Restorative justice at work: Examining the impact of restorative justice resolutions on juvenile recidivism,2007,53,3,355-379,Rodriguez Growing Fears Rising Crime - Juveniles and China Justice System,1993,39,3,296-315,Cook Measuring the reading complexity and oral comprehension of Canadian youth waiver forms,2015,61,6,798-828,Snook Race gender crime severity and decision making in the juvenile justice system,2015,61,6,771-797,Leiber Are girls more difficult to work with? Youth workers' perspectives in juvenile justice and related areas,1996,42,3,467-485,Baines At-risk girls and delinquency - Career pathways,2007,53,3,408-435,Davis Psychiatric disorder in a juvenile assessment center,2008,54,2,313-334,Nolen Race legal representation and juvenile justice: Issues and concerns,2004,50,3,344-371,Guevara Race Pre- and Postdetention and Juvenile Justice Decision Making,2013,59,3,396-418,Leiber Rethinking the Juvenile Justice System (reprinted from Juvenile Justice,1993,39,2,262-271,Gottfredson The efficiency of working under one roof: An evaluation of Los Angeles county juvenile justice centers,1996,42,2,257-268,Zhang A partial test of Agnew's general theory of crime and delinquency,2012,58,6,856-878,Cao General strain theory and school bullying: an empirical test in South Korea,2012,58,6,827-855,Morash A squandered opportunity? A Review of SAMHSA'S National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices for Offenders,2012,58,6,954-972,Farabee The timing and accumulation of judicial sanctions among drug court clients,2012,58,6,911-931,McRee Examining willingness to attack critical infrastructure online and offline,2012,58,5,798-822,Holt Kidnapping by terrorist groups 1970-2010: is ideological orientation relevant?,2012,58,5,769-797,Forest Does watching the news affect fear of terrorism? The importance of media exposure on terrorism fear,2012,58,5,748-768,Savage Elements of terrorism preparedness in local police agencies 2003-2007: impact of vulnerability organizational characteristics and contagion in the post-9/11 era,2012,58,5,720-747,Roberts Does legitimacy matter?: attitudes toward anti-American violence in Egypt Morocco and Indonesia,2012,58,5,689-719,LaFree Close cousins or distant relatives? The relationship between terrorism and hate crime,2012,58,5,663-688,King Predicting adverse childhood experiences: the importance of neighborhood context in youth trauma among delinquent youth,2017,63,2,166-188,Baglivio Police perceptions of their external legitimacy in high and low crime areas of the community,2017,63,10,1250-1278,Nix Extreme hatred revisiting the hate crime and terrorism relationship to determine whether they are "close cousins" or "distant relatives",2017,63,10,1191-1223,Freilich Substance use disorders comorbidity and arrest among Indigenous adolescents,2015,61,10,1311-1332,Whitbeck Adverse childhood experiences negative emotionality and pathways to juvenile recidivism,2017,63,12,1495-1521,Baglivio Tracking violence using structural-level characteristics in the analysis of domestic violence in Chicago and the State of Illinois,2017,63,4,391-411,Jasinski Racial and ethnic change and serious student offending in Los Angeles middle and high schools,2016,62,5,669-700,Boggess Crime salience and public willingness to pay for child saving and juvenile punishment,2016,62,5,645-668,Gertz Routine cell phone activity and exposure to sext messages: extending the generality of routine activity theory and exploring the etiology of a risky teenage behavior,2016,62,5,614-644,Marcum Untangling the relationship between mental health and homelessness among a sample of arrestees,2016,62,5,592-613,Fox How much do the crimes committed by released inmates cost?,2016,62,5,563-591,Caplan Satisfaction with police in violent crime hot spots: using community surveys as a guide for selecting hot spots policing tactics,2016,62,4,525-557,Groff Firearm violence directed at police,2016,62,4,501-524,Craun Moral judgment crime seriousness and the relations between them: an exploratory study,2016,62,4,470-500,Einat The impact of school resource officer interaction on students' feelings about school and school police,2016,62,4,446-469,Theriot Relations of delinquency to direct and indirect violence exposure among economically disadvantaged ethnic-minority mid-adolescents,2016,62,4,423-445,Wiesner A closer look at the relationship between low self-control and delinquency: the effects of identity styles,2016,62,3,368-396,Pare Applying general strain theory to youth commercial sexual exploitation,2016,62,3,341-367,Piquero Sex-based disparities in pretrial release decisions and outcomes,2016,62,3,308-340,Pinchevsky The effect of police contact: does official intervention result in deviance amplification?,2016,62,3,283-307,Esbensen Leaving prison: a multilevel investigation of racial ethnic and gender disproportionality in correctional release,2016,62,2,253-279,Bradley Analyzing the presence and consequences of unobserved heterogeneity in recidivism research,2016,62,2,229-252,Worrall Moving from the neighborhood to the cellblock: the impact of youth's neighborhoods on prison misconduct,2016,62,2,200-228,Cauffman Home nodes criminogenic places and parolee failure testing an environmental model of offender risk,2016,62,2,169-199,Caplan Identifying the sources of community corrections professionals' attitudes about sex offender residence restrictions: the impact of demographics and perceptions,2016,62,2,143-168,Payne The effects of incarceration on longitudinal trajectories of employment: a follow-up in high-risk youth from ages 23 to 32,2016,62,1,107-140,Nagin Minority threat and juvenile court outcomes,2016,62,1,54-80,Leiber On the relationship between peer isolation and offending specialization: the role of peers in promoting versatile offending,2016,62,1,26-53,Thomas When is spending time with peers related to delinquency? The importance of where what and with whom,2015,61,10,1386-1413,Bernasco Race ethnicity and judicial discretion: the influence of the United States v. Booker decision,2015,61,10,1360-1385,Nowacki The relationship between social support and intimate partner violence in neighborhood context,2015,61,10,1333-1359,Wright Historical invariance in delinquency causation: a test of equivalent models of delinquency for two generations of adolescents,2015,61,10,1283-1310,Menard Does crime cause punitiveness?,2017,63,12,1572-1599,Kleck Predictors of child abuse charges within the context of domestic violence arrests,2017,63,13,1777-1803,Olson A path to serious violent chronic delinquency: the harmful aftermath of adverse childhood experiences,2018,64,1,3-25,Jennings Opportunity group structure temporal patterns and successful outcomes of far-right terrorism incidents in the United States,2017,63,10,1224-1249,Smith Disproportionate minority contact among juveniles adjudicated for sexual violent and general offending: the importance of home school and community contexts,2017,63,2,189-209,Wienke Totura On gang affiliation gang databases and prosecutorial outcomes,2017,63,2,210-229,Marquart Race differences in drug offending and drug distribution arrests,2017,63,2,91-112,Mitchell Community context of crime: a longitudinal examination of the effects of local institutions on neighborhood crime,2016,62,10,1286-1312,Wo Gentrification and violent crime in New York City,2016,62,9,1180-1202,Barton The association between psychopathic personality traits and criminal justice outcomes: results from a nationally representative sample of males and females,2017,63,6,708-730,Beaver Assessing the coverage and representativeness of the National Incident-Based Reporting System,2017,63,4,493-516,Pattavina Predicting adult under- and over-reporting of self-reported arrests from discrepancies in adolescent self-reports of arrests: a research note,2017,63,4,412-428,Lizotte Evaluating the effect of project longevity on group-involved shootings and homicides in New Haven Connecticut,2017,63,4,446-467,Papachristos Adolescent criminal behavior population heterogeneity and cumulative disadvantage: untangling the relationship between adolescent delinquency and negative outcomes in emerging adulthood,2017,63,6,683-707,Piquero A further examination of the liberation hypothesis in capital murder trials,2017,63,8,1017-1038,Cochran A gender-biased definition: unintended impacts of the fear requirement in stalking victimization,2017,63,11,1339-1362,Gatewood Owens Crime teenage abortion and unwantedness,2017,63,11,1458-1490,Shoesmith To whom do prior offenders pose a risk? Victim-offender similarity in police-reported violent crime,2017,63,11,1410-1433,Aaltonen Sensational offending: an application of sensation seeking to white-collar and conventional crimes,2017,63,11,1363-1382,Piquero An examination of victimization trajectories among a sample of South Korean adolescents: risk and protective factors,2017,63,11,1434-1457,Kim Procedural injustice risky lifestyles and violent victimization,2017,63,11,1383-1409,Wolfe The short-term deterrent effect of executions: an analysis of daily homicide counts,2018,64,7,939-970,Kleck Can homicide detectives improve homicide clearance rates?,2018,64,3,283-315,Braga Examining differences in bias homicide across victim groups,2018,64,3,316-341,Gruenewald Do weapons facilitate adolescent delinquency? An examination of weapon carrying and delinquency among adolescents,2018,64,3,342-362,Lizotte Exploring the relationship between dual diagnosis and recidivism in drug court participants,2018,64,3,363-397,Zettler Is the number of citizens fatally shot by police increasing in the post-Ferguson era?,2018,64,3,398-420,Maguire Deserts of disadvantage: the diffuse effects of structural disadvantage on violence in urban communities,2018,64,2,143-165,Kane From prison to the community: assessing the direct reciprocal and indirect effects of parolees on neighborhood structure and crime,2018,64,2,166-200,Chamberlain The impact of structural disadvantage on the gender-gap and sex-specific rates of nonlethal violent victimization,2018,64,2,201-226,Boggess Physical boundaries and city boundaries: consequences for crime patterns on street segments?,2018,64,2,227-254,Hipp Beyond recidivism: investigating comparative educational and employment outcomes for adolescents in the juvenile and criminal justice systems,2018,64,1,26-52,Sharlein A multilevel test of the racial threat hypothesis in one state's juvenile court,2018,64,1,53-87,Kaminski Assessing (in)equality in the structural covariates of drug-specific arrest counts,2018,64,1,88-114,Thomas Understanding the link between race/ethnicity drug offending and juvenile court outcomes,2017,63,14,1807-1837,Leiber The importance of social support and coercion to risk of impulsivity and juvenile offending,2017,63,14,1838-1860,Kurtz Examining the effect of employment on delinquency: a longitudinal study of South Korean youths,2017,63,14,1861-1882,Lee Code of the classroom? Social disadvantage and bullying among American adolescents U.S. 2011-2012,2017,63,14,1883-1922,Piquero Examining specific deterrence effects on DWI among serious offenders,2017,63,14,1923-1945,Bouffard The effects of criminal propensity and strain on later offending,2017,63,13,1655-1681,Piquero Examining the environmental characteristics of drug dealing locations,2017,63,13,1731-1756,Kennedy An investigation of the influence of the spatial distribution of neighborhood violent crime on fear of crime,2017,63,13,1757-1776,Weil A distinct form of deviance or a variation of bullying? Examining the developmental pathways and motives of cyberbullying compared with traditional bullying in South Korea,2017,63,12,1600-1625,Jennings Assessing the representativeness of NIBRS arrest data,2017,63,12,1626-1652,Pattavina Ethnic identity procedural justice and offending: does procedural justice work the same for everyone?,2017,63,10,1314-1336,McLean In prison and far from home: spatial distance effects on inmate misconduct,2017,63,9,1043-1065,Mears Learning more from evaluation of justice interventions: further consideration of theoretical mechanisms in juvenile drug courts,2017,63,9,1091-1115,Sullivan Understanding the effect of immunity on over-dispersed criminal victimizations: zero-inflated analysis of household victimizations in the NCVS,2017,63,9,1116-1145,Fisher A multilevel examination of the code of the street's relationship with fear of crime,2017,63,9,1146-1167,McNeeley Parental attachment and bullying in South Korean adolescents: mediating effects of low self-control deviant peer associations and delinquency,2017,63,9,1168-1188,Hong Assault of police,2017,63,8,899-925,Bierie Silence speaks: the relationship between immigration and the underreporting of crime,2017,63,8,926-950,Kirk Do the police believe that legitimacy promotes cooperation from the public?,2017,63,8,951-975,Nix Police officer receptivity to research and evidence-based policing: examining variability within and across agencies,2017,63,8,976-999,Telep How robust is the moderating effect of extremist beliefs on the relationship between self-control and violent extremism?,2017,63,8,1000-1016,Pauwels When in Rome: testing the moderating influence of neighborhood composition on the relationship between self-control and juvenile offending,2017,63,7,759-785,Jones Does the nature of the victimization-offending association fluctuate over the life course? An examination of adolescence and early adulthood,2017,63,7,786-813,Miller "Seeing" hate crime in the community: do resident perceptions of hate crime align with self-reported victimization?,2017,63,7,875-896,Wickes Reversing broken windows: evidence of lagged multilevel impacts of risk perceptions on perceptions of incivility,2017,63,6,659-682,Taylor A test of General Strain Theory in South Korea: a focus on objective/subjective strains negative emotions and composite conditioning factors,2017,63,6,731-756,Morash Up in smoke: the passage of medical marijuana legislation and enactment of dispensary moratoriums in Massachusetts,2017,63,5,569-591,Socia The importance of school attendance: findings from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development on the life-course effects of truancy,2017,63,5,592-612,Farrington Pick a number: mapping recidivism measures and their consequences,2017,63,5,613-635,Skardhamar Integrating criminal careers and ecological research: the importance of geographic location for targeting interventions toward chronic and costly offenders,2017,63,4,468-492,Stewart Stability in the underlying constructs of self-control,2017,63,3,235-266,Piquero Assessing the relationship between police use of force and inmate offending (rule violations),2017,63,3,267-295,Steiner What's age got to do with it? Comparing juveniles and adults on drugs and crime,2017,63,3,334-352,Leal The importance of race in juvenile commitment in the New Jersey Family Court,2017,63,3,353-372,Holleran Exploring morality as a mediator of the association between parenting practices and violent and property offending among a sample of juvenile delinquents,2017,63,2,113-136,Ishoy An experimental evaluation of the impact of intensive supervision on the recidivism of high-risk probationers,2017,63,1,3-38,Barnes Using structural equations to model Akers' social learning theory with data on intimate partner violence,2017,63,1,39-60,Jones Utilizing alternate models for analyzing count outcomes,2017,63,1,61-76,Rydberg Managing inflation: on the use and potential misuse of zero-inflated count regression models,2017,63,1,77-87,Fisher Identifying the characteristics of chronic drunk drivers using a criminological lens,2016,62,12,1570-1596,Payne Does tourism boost criminal activity? Evidence from a top touristic country,2016,62,12,1597-1623,Montolio The gendered analysis of self-control on theft and violent delinquency: an examination of Hong Kong adolescent population,2016,62,12,1648-1677,Chui Longitudinal patterns of legal socialization in first-generation immigrants second-generation immigrants and native-born serious youthful offenders,2016,62,11,1403-1425,Bersani Reevaluating the effect of recent immigration on crime: estimating the impact of change in discrete migration flows to the United Kingdom following EU accession,2016,62,11,1426-1447,Stansfield Does the Mexican war on organized crime mediate the impact of fear of crime on daily routines?,2016,62,11,1448-1464,Vilalta Drug markets travel distance and violence: testing a typology,2016,62,11,1465-1487,Johnson Financial problems and delinquency in adolescents and young adults: a 6-year three-wave study,2016,62,11,1488-1509,Hoeve Differential reactions to school bonds peers and victimization in the case of adolescent substance use: the moderating effect of sex,2016,62,10,1263-1285,Whaley Interactionist labeling: formal and informal labeling's effects on juvenile delinquency,2016,62,10,1313-1336,Mullins Social bonds juvenile delinquency and Korean adolescents: intra- and inter-individual implications of Hirschi's social bonds theory using panel data,2016,62,10,1337-1363,Henninger Types of crime and types of mechanisms: what are the consequences for neighborhoods over time?,2016,62,9,1203-1234,Hipp Geographic and social movement of sex offender fugitives,2016,62,8,983-1002,Bierie Following incarceration most released offenders never return to prison,2016,62,8,1003-1025,Shively Registered sex offenders and reported sex offenses,2016,62,8,1026-1045,Stucky Crime-inhibiting interactional and co-developmental patterns of school bonds and the acceptance of legal norms,2016,62,8,1046-1071,Seddig Prison-based rehabilitation: predictors of offender treatment participation and treatment completion,2016,62,8,1095-1120,Nieuwbeerta Explaining the "female victim effect" in capital punishment: an examination of victim sex-specific models of juror sentence decision-making,2016,62,7,875-898,Bjerregaard Toward an understanding of the emotional and behavioral reactions to stalking: a partial test of general strain theory,2016,62,6,703-727,Paternoster Social capital type of crime and social control,2016,62,6,728-747,Moore Examining the concentration of registered sex offenders in upstate New York census tracts,2016,62,6,748-776,Socia Is the public convinced that "nothing works?": predictors of treatment support for sex offenders among Americans,2016,62,6,777-799,Mancini Violence as honorable? Racial and ethnic differences in attitudes toward violence,2016,62,6,800-820,Ellison How far from the tree does the apple fall? Field training officers their trainees and allegations of misconduct,2016,62,6,821-839,Worrall Demographic characteristics and victimization risk: testing the mediating effects of routine activities,2015,61,9,1181-1205,Clay-Warner Hirschi's redefined self-control: assessing the implications of the merger between social- and self-control theories,2015,61,9,1206-1233,Jones Cognitive mediation of crime continuity: a causal mediation analysis of the past crime-future crime relationship,2015,61,9,1234-1256,Walters Do parole technical violators pose a safety threat? An analysis of prison misconduct,2015,61,8,1027-1050,Morris Investigating the impact of custody on reoffending using propensity score matching,2015,61,8,1051-1077,Jolliffe Measuring the intermittency of criminal careers,2015,61,8,1078-1103,Piquero Adolescent virtual time spent socializing with peers substance use and delinquency,2015,61,8,1104-1126,Meldrum The victim-offender overlap intimate partner violence and sex: assessing differences among victims offenders and victim-offenders,2015,61,7,899-926,Muftić Trajectories of crime and familial characteristics: a longitudinal national population-based study,2015,61,7,927-949,Levine Crime and the transition to adulthood: a person-centered approach,2015,61,7,950-972,Bosick The relationship between childhood maltreatment and adolescent violent victimization,2015,61,7,973-995,Tillyer Whites' perceptions about Black criminality: a closer look at the contact hypothesis,2015,61,7,996-1022,Mears Lifetime benefits and costs of diverting substance-abusing offenders from state prison,2015,61,6,829-850,Belenko Alcohol outlets and neighborhood crime: a longitudinal analysis,2015,61,6,851-872,Gainey Assessing the cost of electronically monitoring high-risk sex offenders,2015,61,6,873-894,Omori Organizational-level police discretion: an application for police use of lethal force,2015,61,5,643-668,Nowacki Unknown unloved? Public opinion on and knowledge of suspended sentences in the Netherlands,2015,61,5,669-689,Lamet Abstainers in adolescence and adulthood: exploring the correlates of abstention using Moffitt's developmental taxonomy,2015,61,5,690-718,Owens Arab Americans' confidence in police,2015,61,4,483-508,Sun Substance use personality and inhibitors: testing Hirschi's predictions about the reconceptualization of self-control,2015,61,4,538-558,Piquero A test of the routine activities and neighborhood attachment explanations for bias in disorder perceptions,2015,61,4,587-609,Wallace Trust in the police: the influence of procedural justice and perceived collective efficacy,2015,61,4,610-640,Kaminski Race ethnicity and school-based adolescent victimization,2015,61,3,323-349,Peguero The impact of race/ethnicity and quality-of-life policing on public attitudes toward racially biased policing and traffic stops,2015,61,3,350-374,Zhao Examining the effects of residential situations and residential mobility on offender recidivism,2015,61,3,375-401,Makarios A comparison of Chinese immigrants' perceptions of the police in New York City and Toronto,2015,61,3,402-427,Chu Assessing the impact of changes in gender equality on female homicide victimization: 1980-2000,2015,61,3,428-453,Vieraitis Testing ecological theories of offender spatial decision making using a discrete choice model,2015,61,3,454-480,Johnson How do former inmates perform in the community? A survival analysis of rearrests reconvictions and technical parole violations,2015,61,2,163-187,Ostermann Participation in the community social control the neighborhood watch groups: individual- and neighborhood-related factors,2015,61,2,188-212,Kang Officer race versus macro-level context: a test of competing hypotheses about black citizens' experiences with and perceptions of black police officers,2015,61,2,213-242,Gau Inside the black box: identifying the variables that mediate the effects of an experimental intervention for adolescents,2015,61,2,243-270,Hay Reconceptualizing victimization and victimization responses,2015,61,2,271-296,Zaykowski The triangulation effects of family structure and attachment on adolescent substance use,2015,61,2,297-320,Barfield-Cottledge The duality of the peer effect: the interplay between peer support and peer criminality on offending and substance use during reentry,2018,64,8,1094-1116,Boman Response errors in surveys of defensive gun use: a national internet survey experiment,2018,64,9,1119-1142,Kleck Exploring bias in police shooting decisions with real shoot/don't shoot cases,2018,64,9,1171-1192,Worrall Social service organizations discretionary funding and neighborhood crime rates,2018,64,9,1193-1214,Jacoby Do risk and protective factors for chronic offending vary across indigenous and White youth followed prospectively through full adulthood?,2018,64,10,1247-1270,Corrado The protective impact of immigrant concentration on juvenile recidivism: a multilevel examination of potential mechanisms,2018,64,10,1271-1305,Piquero Change in the perceived certainty of punishment as an inhibitor of post-juvenile offending in serious delinquents: deterrence at the adult transition,2018,64,10,1306-1325,Walters The school experiences of male adolescent offenders: implications for academic performance and recidivism,2018,64,10,1326-1350,Steinberg The relationship between supportive friendships conflictual friendships and deviance during emerging adulthood,2018,64,10,1351-1372,Boman Racial and ethnic disparities in the police handling of juvenile arrests,2018,64,11,1375-1393,Vidal The significance of variable order in assessing the effect of perceived parental knowledge and peer deviance on participant delinquency: a replication and extension,2018,64,11,1417-1436,Espelage Trauma race and risk for violent felony arrests among Florida juvenile offenders,2018,64,11,1437-1457,Johnson Labeling and the differential impact of school discipline on negative life outcomes: assessing ethno-racial variation in the school-to-prison pipeline,2018,64,11,1489-1512,Pesta Disrupting terrorist assassinations through situational crime prevention,2018,64,12,1515-1537,Freilich "If torture is wrong what about 24?" torture and the Hollywood effect,2018,64,12,1568-1589,Young State- and individual-level predictors of Mexican death penalty support,2018,64,12,1590-1611,Orrick Familiar gangsters: gang violence brotherhood and the media's fascination with a crime family,2018,64,12,1612-1635,Wong Using behavioral economics to advance deterrence research and improve crime policy: some illustrative experiments,2018,64,12,1636-1659,Pickett An examination of the impacts of gender race and ethnicity on the judicial processing of offenders in family violence cases,2018,64,13,1663-1697,Freiburger Girls in gangs: exploring risk in a British youth context,2018,64,13,1698-1717,Ferguson Victimization-precipitated residential mobility among women offenders,2018,64,13,1718-1741,Yetter Explaining cyberstalking victimization against college women using a multitheoretical approach: self-control opportunity and control balance,2018,64,13,1742-1764,Reyns More than just "pushing and pulling": conceptualizing identified human trafficking in the Netherlands,2018,64,13,1765-1789,Korf Spatiotemporal convergence of crime and vehicle crash hotspots: additional consideration for policing places,2018,64,14,1795-1819,Piza A crime prevention system in spatiotemporal principles with repeat near-repeat analysis and crime density mapping: case study Turkey Trabzon,2018,64,14,1820-1835,Yomralioglu Fast food restaurants and convenience stores: using sales volume to explain crime patterns in Seattle,2018,64,14,1836-1857,Groff Community policing: least effective where need is greatest,2018,64,14,1858-1881,Zhang Convergence dynamics of robbery rates in Mexico,2018,64,14,1925-1950,Fondevila Race structural predictors and police shootings: are there differences across official and "unofficial" accounts of lethal force?,2019,65,1,26-45,Parker Latino nativity variations link to street violence in drug markets,2019,65,1,69-93,Cho The results of CODIS-hit investigations in a sample of cases with unsubmitted sexual assault kits,2019,65,1,122-148,Wells The long shadow of Ferguson: legitimacy legal cynicism and public perceptions of police militarization,2019,65,2,151-182,Moule Postsecondary education neighborhood disadvantage and crime: an examination of life course relative deprivation,2019,65,2,215-238,Swisher Crime and ethnic diversity: cross-country evidence,2019,65,2,239-269,Awaworyi Churchill Broken windows in the cul-de-sac? Race/ethnicity and quality-of-life policing in the changing suburbs,2019,65,2,270-292,Beck Juvenile court outcomes following youth's first arrest: a national test of the racial and ethnic threat hypothesis,2019,65,2,183-214,Andersen Emotional girls and rational boys: the gendering of violence among urban African American youth,2019,65,3,295-321,Like Aggressive perpetration and victimization among Polish male and female adolescents: the role of attachment to parents and self-control,2019,65,3,401-421,Salcuni The long-term economic impact of criminalization in American childhoods,2019,65,3,422-444,Smith Racial animosity adversary effect and hate crime: parsing out injuries in intraracial interracial and race-based offenses,2019,65,4,447-473,Socia When victims refuse and prosecutors decline: examining exceptional clearance in sexual assault cases,2019,65,4,474-498,Wright Enforcing race: a neighborhood-level explanation of Black-White differences in drug arrests,2019,65,4,499-526,Gaston The effects of life domains on cyberbullying and bullying: testing the generalizability of Agnew's Integrated General Theory,2019,65,6,772-800,Choi Strain criminal propensity and violence: examining the role of the composite moderator in Agnew's extension to GST,2019,65,6,801-821,Baron Victimization fear of crime and trust in criminal justice institutions: a cross-national analysis,2019,65,6,822-844,Lehmann Quantifying the local and spatial effects of alcohol outlets on crime,2019,65,6,845-871,Wheeler The impact of civil gang injunctions on networked violence between the Bloods and the Crips,2019,65,7,875-915,Bichler Disentangling the relationship between race and attitudes toward the police: police contact perceptions of safety and procedural justice,2019,65,7,941-968,Stroshine Low-income housing and crime: the influence of housing development and neighborhood characteristics,2019,65,7,969-993,Tillyer Revisiting the crime control benefits of voluntary organizations: organizational presence organizational capacity and crime rates in Los Angeles neighborhoods,2019,65,7,916-940,Wo A multilevel analysis of collective efficacy neighborhood disorder and individual social capital on avoidance behavior,2019,65,7,994-1021,Hardyns The impact of business improvement district proximity on street block robbery counts,2019,65,8,1050-1075,Haberman Changing the relationship between impulsivity and antisocial behavior: the impact of a school engagement program,2019,65,8,1076-1101,Piquero Anger as a mediator between peer victimization and deviant behavior in South Korea: a cross-cultural application of general strain theory,2019,65,8,1102-1122,Connolly A situated comparison of suicide and non-suicide terrorist plots and homicides in the United States 1990-2014,2019,65,9,1187-1217,Freilich Predicting active shooter events: are regional homogeneity intolerance dull lives and more guns enough deterrence?,2019,65,9,1218-1261,Duque Assessing the nuances of counterterrorism programs: a country-level investigation of targeted killings,2019,65,9,1262-1291,Carson School discipline policies perceptions of justice and in-school delinquency,2019,65,10,1343-1370,Wilcox Adolescent delinquency and family conflict as precursors of romantic relationships in early adulthood,2019,65,10,1371-1401,Eichelsheim The relationship between self-control and friendship conflict: an analysis of friendship pairs,2019,65,10,1402-1421,Boman Hispanic youth and illicit drug use: assessing the relevance of risk and protective factors,2019,65,10,1422-1454,Herrera Time-series analyses of the impact of sex offender registration and notification law implementation and subsequent modifications on rates of sexual offenses,2019,65,11,1483-1512,Bouffard Clarifying the relationship between racial diversity and crime: neighborhoods versus cities,2019,65,11,1513-1536,Wenger Criminal justice system outcomes for buyers sellers and facilitators of commercial sex in Houston Texas,2019,65,11,1596-1618,Muftić The influence of type of defense counsel on prosecutorial and judicial decision making in domestic violence cases,2019,65,12,1623-1647,Kutateladze Gendered pathways into co-offending among a sample of adult burglary and robbery offenders,2019,65,12,1711-1739,McNeeley Estimating risks of arrest and criminal populations: regression adjustments to capture-recapture models,2019,65,13,1767-1797,Bouchard The multilevel impacts of proximate crime generators and attractors on individual-level perceptions of crime risk,2019,65,13,1798-1822,McCord Target congruence as a means of understanding risk of intimate partner violence: a comparison of male and female college students in the United States,2019,65,13,1823-1849,McNeeley Women's disengagement from legal proceedings for intimate partner violence in southern Spain: variables related to legal proceedings,2019,65,13,1873-1895,Trigo Exploring associations between interpersonal violence and prison size in Spanish prisons,2019,65,14,2019-2043,Wolff Do we have it all wrong? The protective roles of peers and criminogenic risks from family during prison reentry,2019,65,5,681-704,Boman An examination of racial/ethnic disparities in truancy court,2020,66,1,33-58,Campbell Co-offending group composition and violence: the impact of sex age and group size on co-offending violence,2020,66,1,93-122,Lantz School start times delinquency and substance use: a criminological perspective,2020,66,2,163-193,Piquero When is a child too young for juvenile court? A comparative case study of state law and implementation in six major metropolitan areas,2020,66,2,219-249,Abrams Spatiotemporal association between temperature and assaults: a generalized linear mixed-model approach,2020,66,2,277-302,Piquero Adjustment problems in early adulthood among victims of childhood physical abuse: a focus on adolescent risk and protective factors,2020,66,3,337-362,Turanovic Not all at-risk boys have bad outcomes: predictors of later life success,2020,66,3,392-419,Farrington Exposure to persistently delinquent peers and substance use onset: a test of Moffitt's social mimicry hypothesis,2020,66,3,420-445,Rulison Who owns a handgun? An analysis of the correlates of handgun ownership in young adulthood,2020,66,4,541-571,Demuth Co-offending and arrest: an examination of the "group hazard" hypothesis,2020,66,4,572-600,Lantz Chinese police cadets' attitudes toward domestic violence: a pretest/posttest design,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Examining the parole officer as a mechanism of social support during reentry from prison,2020,66,6-7,1023-1051,Mowen Homicide acquisitive crime and inflation: a city-level longitudinal analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rosenfeld Criminal careers and immigration: an analysis of offending over the life course among homicide inmates in Texas,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Piquero Police perceptions of crime victim behaviors: a trend analysis exploring mandatory training and knowledge of sexual and domestic violence survivors' trauma responses,2020,66,8,1055-1086,Bouffard Deficit or credit? A comparative qualitative study of gender agency and female gang membership in Los Angeles and Glasgow,2020,66,8,1087-1114,Deuchar Do intensified police controls change perceptions of apprehension probability: a field experiment,2020,66,8,1115-1136,Terpstra Predictors and contexts of unsolved and solved sexual offenses,2020,66,9,1268-1295,Leclerc Joint growth trajectories of bullying perpetration and victimization among Korean adolescents: estimating a second-order growth mixture model-factor-of-curves with low self-control and opportunity correlates,2020,66,9,1296-1337,Cho Examining how testosterone and cortisol influence the relationship between strain negative emotions and antisocial behavior: a gendered analysis,2020,66,10,1470-1501,Armstrong Correlates of Chinese police officer decision-making in cases of domestic violence,2020,66,11,1556-1578,Wang Do housing vacancies induce more crime? A spatiotemporal regression analysis,2020,66,11,1579-1605,Chen School crime and the patterns of roles of school resource officers: evidence from a national longitudinal study,2020,66,11,1606-1629,Fisher Fairness social support and school violence: racial differences in the likelihood of fighting at school,2020,66,12,1655-1677,Evans Gender disparity in Pennsylvania child abuse and neglect sentencing outcomes,2020,66,12,1703-1728,Font Sociodemographic characteristics adverse childhood experiences and substance use and psychiatric disorders among adolescent-limited adult-onset life-course-persistent offenders and nonoffenders in a general population survey,2020,66,12,1729-1753,Harford Motivations propensities and their interplays on online bullying perpetration: a partial test of situational action theory,2020,66,12,1787-1808,Song Police stress and race: using general strain theory to examine racial differences in police misconduct,2020,66,13-14,1811-1838,Piquero "Gentefication" in the barrio: examining the relationship between gentrification and homicide in East Los Angeles,2020,66,13-14,1888-1913,Barton Gender differences in the link between cyberbullying and parental supervision trajectories,2020,66,13-14,1914-1936,Kim Extending research on the "War on Cops": the effects of Ferguson on nonfatal assaults against U.S. police officers,2021,67,1,3-26,Maguire "Taking a walk on the wild side": exploring residence-to-crime in juveniles,2021,67,1,58-81,San-Juan Psychopathic traits among serious juvenile offenders: developmental pathways multidimensionality and stability,2021,67,1,82-110,Kim Life-course criminal trajectories of mafia members,2021,67,1,111-141,Calderoni The impact of victimization mental health problems and disabilities on juvenile justice processing: does gender matter?,2021,67,2,147-178,Chappell Latent profile analysis of personality dimensions among juvenile offenders: relevance for predicting offending seriousness,2021,67,2,212-233,Wojciechowski What context matters and at what level? A test of racial/ethnic threat symbolic threat and structural inequality perspectives in juvenile court decision-making,2021,67,2,234-261,Leiber Americans' opinions on juvenile justice: preferred aims beliefs about juveniles and blended sentencing,2021,67,2,262-286,Applegate New applications of self-control theory to computer-focused cyber deviance and victimization: a comparison of cognitive and behavioral measures of self-control and test of peer cyber deviance and gender as moderators,2021,67,3,366-398,Antonaccio Disentangling differences in homicide incarceration rates by immigration status: a comparison in Texas,2021,67,4,523-550,Piquero Assessing risk in North Dakota juvenile probation: a preliminary examination of the predictive validity of the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument,2021,67,4,551-573,Matz Crime news consumption and fear of violence: the role of traditional media social media and alternative information sources,2021,67,4,574-600,Kivivuori Impacts of low self-control and opportunity structure on cyberbullying developmental trajectories: using a latent class growth analysis,2021,67,4,601-628,Cho The effects of adverse childhood experiences and gender on developmental trajectories of internalizing and externalizing outcomes,2021,67,5,631-661,Leban Juvenile sex offenders in Turkey: a study on offense characteristics risk factors and the differences between juvenile sex offenders and other juvenile offenders,2021,67,5,689-716,Buker The micro-situational context of sexual offences against adult women: unpacking the role of guardianship intensity in disruption,2021,67,6-7,839-867,Leclerc Out-of-place and in-place policing: an examination of traffic stops in racially segregated Philadelphia,2021,67,6-7,868-890,Hannon The neighborhood according to women: understanding gendered disorder perceptions,2021,67,6-7,891-915,Wallace Gender co-offending and recidivism among a sample of robbery and burglary offenders,2021,67,6-7,916-940,McNeeley The school-to-gang pipeline: examining the impact of school suspension on joining a gang for the first time,2021,67,6-7,997-1021,Fisher A macrolevel study of police killings at the intersection of race ethnicity and gender,2021,67,8,1075-1102,DeShay I am not your felon: decoding the trauma resilience and recovering mothering of formerly incarcerated Black women,2021,67,8,1103-1136,Spencer To serve and protect whom? Using composite counter-storytelling to explore Black and Indigenous youth experiences and perceptions of the police in Canada,2021,67,8,1137-1164,Samuels-Wortley The sexual stratification hypothesis and prosecuting sexual assault: is the decision to file charges influenced by the victim-suspect racial-ethnic dyad?,2021,67,8,1165-1194,O'Neal Situating institutional responses to Latina intimate partner violence victims: an argument for a LatCrit lens,2021,67,8,1221-1240,Garza The Black effect: reimagining racial threat through a Black absolute status lens,2021,67,8,1241-1264,Henry The effects of justice judgments on police legitimacy across urban neighborhoods: a test of the invariance thesis,2021,67,9,1295-1318,Reisig Understanding the predictors of street robbery hot spots: a matched pairs analysis and systematic social observation,2021,67,9,1319-1352,Connealy The influence of street network features on robberies around public housing communities,2021,67,9,1353-1380,Haberman Proximity of gun stores to high schools and student gun carrying,2021,67,9,1381-1403,Nakamoto Noxious housing: the influence of single room occupancy (SRO) facilities on neighborhood crime,2021,67,9,1404-1428,Boggess Street codes and adolescent violent victimization at school: unpacking a complex relationship,2021,67,9,1429-1453,Wilcox The role of neighborhood context in the relationship between parenting effectiveness and self-control,2021,67,10,1459-1490,Stults Incarceration trajectories of women who are mothers: a nationally representative study of state and federal prisoners,2021,67,10,1513-1535,Chou PTSD as a risk factor for chronic gang membership during adolescence and early adulthood: a group-based trajectory modeling approach,2021,67,10,1536-1560,Wojciechowski Developmental patterns of religiosity in relation to criminal trajectories among serious offenders moving from adolescence to young adult,2021,67,10,1614-1644,Guo Resilience in context: the association between neighborhood disadvantage and cumulative positive childhood experiences among justice-involved youth,2021,67,11,1647-1675,Baglivio Going off the grid: assessing sentencing departures for individuals convicted of sexual offenses,2021,67,11,1676-1705,Rydberg Using structural equations to test a multi-theoretical framework with data on cyberstalking victimization in Iran: self-control control deficit peers' online deviant behaviors and online deviant lifestyles,2021,67,11,1706-1727,Lee The effects of victimization prior to prison on victimization misconduct and sanction severity during incarceration,2021,67,12,1856-1878,Wasileski A state-level analysis of gender inequality on male and female homicide,2021,67,12,1879-1902,Moore Cyberstalking perpetration among young adults: an assessment of the effects of low self-control and moral disengagement,2021,67,12,1935-1961,Nedelec Using behavioral strategies to cope with the threat of terrorism: a national-level study,2021,67,12,2011-2042,Cullen The sexual victimization of college students: a test of routine activity theory,2021,67,12,2043-2068,O'Neal Professional sports and crime: do professional hockey games increase city-level crime rates?,2021,67,12,2069-2087,Block Methodological challenges and innovations in the application of multiple systems estimation (MSE) to measure modern slavery in developed countries,2021,67,13-14,2167-2168,Zhang Estimating the size of the human trafficking problem: MSE and other strategies,2021,67,13-14,2169-2187,Larsen Measuring the hidden numbers of human trafficking through multiple systems estimation: lessons learned and challenges outstanding,2021,67,13-14,2188-2212,van Dijk Multiple systems estimation for modern slavery: robustness of list omission and combination,2021,67,13-14,2213-2236,King Multiple system estimation of victims of human trafficking: model assessment and selection,2021,67,13-14,2237-2253,Cruyff Searching for sex trafficking victims: using a novel link-tracing method among commercial sex workers in Muzaffarpur India,2021,67,13-14,2254-2277,Dank How ideas from ecological capture-recapture models may inform multiple systems estimation analyses,2021,67,13-14,2278-2294,King Public health perspective on UK-identified victims of modern slavery,2021,67,13-14,2295-2306,Bird Firearm-related homicide in Sweden: a latent class analysis of suspected offenders,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sundquist Demanding reduction: a county-level analysis examining structural determinants of human trafficking arrests in Florida,2022,68,1,28-51,Corzine Is it dangerous to live in neighborhoods with more immigrants? Assessing the effects of immigrant concentration on crime patterns,2022,68,1,52-79,Piquero Providing support to victims: police officers' service referral provision and advocate involvement in domestic violence incidents,2022,68,1,80-104,Franklin Citizens' perceptions of over- and under-policing: a look at race ethnicity and community characteristics,2022,68,1,123-154,Cann Pre-attack warning behaviors of 20 adolescent school shooters: a case study analysis,2022,68,5,786-813,Freilich The timing of prison sanctions and the odds of returning to prison after release,2022,68,6-7,975-1003,Wooldredge Estimating population size of criminals: a new Horvitz-Thompson Estimator under One-Inflated Positive Poisson-Lindley Model,2022,68,6-7,1004-1034,Ismail Exploring homicide diversity: femicide across sociocultural groups,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Enosh Convergence in homicide rates across the European Union countries: toward an effective and genuine security union,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adıyaman Life domains constraints motivations and intimate partner violence: assessing the generality of Agnew's general theory of crime and delinquency,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ngo Risk posed by different intimate partner violence offender types: findings from a representative police sample,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,González-Álvarez Homicide hot spots in Chicago: examining spatiotemporal patterns longitudinally across police beats,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Randa Teacher-student relationships in childhood as a protective factor against adolescent delinquency up to age 17: a propensity score matching approach,2023,69,4,727-755,Obsuth Intimate partner violence victimization: assessing the applicability of social interactionist theory,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zavala Beating the gun--one conversation at a time? Evaluating the impact of DC's "Cure the Streets" Public Health Intervention Against Gun Violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chwalisz Examining risk for sexual assault among bisexuals,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Outlaw Urban victims of nonlethal gun violence: a Chicago-centered analysis using the National Crime Victimization Survey,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olson Responding to sexual assault: a systematic review of police training interventions and outcomes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy-Oikonen Pre-arrest perceptions of George Zimmerman's guilt in the fatal Trayvon Martin shooting: examining racial differences in the presumption of guilt,2023,69,4,756-776,Gabbidon Therapeutic dynamics of aggression readiness to change and recidivism in a partner violent men typology,2023,69,4,864-886,Grana Fear of terrorism and fear of violent crimes in the United States: a comparative analysis,2023,69,5,891-914,Kula An empirical examination on the severity of lone-actor terrorist attacks,2023,69,5,915-942,Freilich Understanding knife crime and trust in police with young people in East London,2023,69,5,943-970,Bradford From crime to terrorism: life-circumstances and criminal careers of terrorist suspects,2023,69,5,971-994,Rodermond Act of age: minor lone-actor terrorists and their attacks,2023,69,5,995-1019,Hasisi No compassion for Muslims? How journalistic news coverage of terrorist crimes influences emotional reactions and policy support depending on the victim's religion,2023,69,5,1020-1043,Matthes Gender and criminal justice responses to terrorism in the United States,2023,69,5,1044-1070,Gruenewald Hostile quick-tempered and exposed to dangerous environments: exploring the link between temperament and the street code adherence,2023,69,6-7,1101-1130,DeLisi The association between sleep duration and arrest among adolescents,2023,69,6-7,1131-1160,Lehmann The effect of maximum daily temperature on outdoor violence,2023,69,6-7,1161-1182,Stolzenberg Early onset delinquency and violent delinquency in adolescence: the role of abusive parents and delinquent peer associations,2023,69,6-7,1183-1208,Kim Gender differences in adverse childhood experiences self-control and delinquency,2023,69,6-7,1256-1281,Hoffmann Examining the potential influence of violence exposure on the link between callous-unemotional traits and delinquent and aggressive behavior in children and adolescents,2023,69,6-7,1282-1311,Beaver The temporal (in)stability of violent crime hot spots between months and the modifiable temporal unit problem,2023,69,6-7,1312-1335,Schnell Is there an immigration and school-level crime link?,2023,69,8,1339-1368,Peguero Small social networks and disclosure after campus sexual assault: how race and school size can limit student disclosure,2023,69,8,1369-1390,Ratajczak School fairness and repeated bullying victimization among high school students,2023,69,8,1391-1413,McNeeley Race and ethnicity effects in school discipline: a coarsened exact matching analysis,2023,69,8,1414-1440,Lehmann Do control peers and permissive attitudes to drugs influence drug use frequency in a gendered way?,2023,69,8,1441-1466,Zhang Mediating the bullying-to-delinquency transition with peer delinquency and cognitive insensitivity,2023,69,8,1467-1488,Walters The bully-victim overlap and vaping activity among adolescents,2023,69,8,1489-1510,Boccio Examining interactive effects of PTSD and deviant peer association for predicting violent offending risk,2023,69,8,1511-1533,Wojciechowski Wellness and delinquency at the intersection of gender and race,2023,69,8,1534-1564,Hancock Disorder oriented policing: a revealing case study of a special differential response unit in the Houston Police Department,2023,69,9,1590-1613,Zhang Improving youths' perceptions of law enforcement: results from an experimental design in two cities,2023,69,9,1614-1642,Freiburger Examining the risk of recurring use of force incidents among newly hired police officers,2023,69,9,1643-1671,Orrick Assessing the risk of repeat victimization using structured and unstructured police information,2023,69,9,1736-1757,Scholte Assessing the victim-offender overlap among adolescents in rural China,2023,69,10,1811-1842,Zhong Delinquent by the dozen: youth from larger families engage in more delinquency--fact or myth?,2023,69,10,1843-1870,Mears The joint impact of co-occupants and co-defendants' criminal behavior on adolescents' criminal behavior: a cross-lagged analysis,2023,69,10,1871-1893,Scholte The legacy of troubled childhoods: adverse childhood experiences sleep and delinquency,2023,69,10,1919-1946,Mears Which risk factors plays the most critical role for delinquent behavior? Examining integrated cognitive antisocial potential theory,2023,69,10,1947-1972,Han Contextualizing adolescent bullying: the overlap between victimization and perpetration,2023,69,10,1973-1995,Paez Deviant identity and offending: a longitudinal study of South Korean youths,2023,69,10,1996-2021,Wilcox The variable association between religiosity and delinquency,2023,69,10,2046-2072,Montagnet How safe is life on the road? Criminal victimization among a sample of U.S. Nomads and the #VanLife Community,2023,69,11,2124-2163,Whaley An analysis of National Hockey League playoff games and city-level crime counts,2023,69,11,2194-2217,Kaplan Examining the geography of illicit massage businesses hosting commercial sex and sex trafficking in the United States: the role of census tract and city-level factors,2023,69,11,2218-2242,De Vries Hong Kong university students' normative beliefs about aggression toward police during social protests 2019-2020: the role of ecological risks and future orientation,2023,69,11,2274-2302,Finkenauer Subway station and neighborhood crime: an egohood analysis using subway ridership and crime data in New York City,2023,69,11,2303-2328,Li Bus robberies in Belo Horizonte Brazil: solutions for safe travel,2023,69,11,2359-2383,Natarajan "It's all about just creating the safe space": barbershops and beauty salons as community anchors in Black neighborhoods: crime prevention cohesion and support during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,69,11,2384-2408,Boehme The victim-offender overlap in intimate partner violence: a within-individual approach,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tanskanen An Exploratory Study of Environmental Stress in Four High Violent Crime Cities: What Sets Them Apart?,2022,68,11,2092-2114,Smith Challenging Normal Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Jailed Individuals Self-Report of Lifetime and in-Jail Suicidal Ideations,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abderhalden Depictions of Firearm Violence Perpetrators and Support for Firearm Policies: An Experimental Survey Analysis of Mental Illness and Criminal Background,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Semenza