Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sleep and sleepiness among brazilian shift-working bus drivers,2004,21,6,881-888,Santos Teens at work: the burden of a double shift on daily activities,2004,21,6,845-858,Fischer Equity and working time: a challenge to achieve,2004,21,6,813-829,Fischer Lessons about sleepiness and driving from the Selby rail disaster case: R v Gary Neil Hart,2004,21,6,1073-1077,Rajaratnam Toward a "Risk Index" to assess work schedules,2004,21,6,1063-1072,Folkard Shift workers' mortality scrutinized,2004,21,6,1049-1053,Knutsson Methodological aspects of shift-work research,2004,21,6,1037-1047,Knutsson A new approach for evaluating flexible working hours,2004,21,6,1015-1024,Nachreiner The effects of a nap opportunity in quiet and noisy environments on driving performance,2004,21,6,991-1001,Lenné Variation in sleepiness during early morning shifts: a mixed model approach to an experimental field study of train drivers,2004,21,6,973-990,Ingre Influence of lunar phases on suicide: the end of a myth? A population-based study,2005,22,6,1137-1143,Biermann The association between chronotype and suicidality among students of the medicine and psychology faculties - the mediating role of general mental health indices,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pietras The impact of rest breaks on temporal trends in injury risk,2006,23,6,1423-1434,Folkard Self-awareness of impairment and the decision to drive after an extended period of wakefulness,2006,23,6,1253-1263,Lamond Estimating the circadian rhythm in the risk of occupational injuries and accidents,2006,23,6,1181-1192,Folkard A pilot study of the safety implications of Australian nurses' sleep and work hours,2006,23,6,1149-1163,Lamond Shift work and inter-individual differences in sleep and sleepiness,2006,23,6,1139-1147,Van Dongen Building-Site Camps and Extended Work Hours: A Two-Week Monitoring of Self-Reported Physical Exertion Fatigue and Daytime Sleepiness,2006,23,6,1329-1345,Persson Train Drivers' Sleep Quality and Quantity during Extended Relay Operations,2006,23,6,1241-1252,Lamond Can a shorter psychomotor vigilance task be used as a reasonable substitute for the ten-minute psychomotor vigilance task?,2006,23,6,1379-1387,Lamond The sleep subjective fatigue and sustained attention of commercial airline pilots during an international pattern,2006,23,6,1357-1362,Lamond Extended working hours and health,2006,23,6,1305-1316,Nachreiner Do short international layovers allow sufficient opportunity for pilots to recover?,2006,23,6,1285-1294,Lamond Ethics standards and procedures of animal and human chronobiology research,2006,23,6,1083-1096,Smolensky Cognitive performance during sustained wakefulness: A low dose of caffeine is equally effective as modafinil in alleviating the nocturnal decline,2006,23,5,973-983,Dagan Hypersomnolence and accidents in truck drivers: A cross-sectional study,2006,23,5,963-971,de Mello Seasonal variation of falling asleep while driving: An examination of fatal road accidents,2006,23,5,1053-1064,Radun Aircrew fatigue in trans-Atlantic morning and evening flights,2006,23,4,843-858,Akerstedt Seasonal variation of suicide in Brazil,2007,24,4,727-737,Pires The search for causality of personality-chronotype associations: insights from a one-year longitudinal study of adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matthews Effects of alcohol on psycho-technical tests and social communication in a festive situation: a chronopsychological approach,2004,21,4-5,721-738,Reinberg Effects of 6/6 and 4/8 Watch Systems on Sleepiness among Bridge Officers,2008,25,2,413-423,Partinen Who is too old for shift work? Developing better criteria,2008,25,2,199-213,Gander Shift work safety and aging,2008,25,2,183-198,Folkard Explaining sleep duration in adolescents: the impact of socio-demographic and lifestyle factors and working status,2008,25,2,359-372,Fischer Psychosocial work characteristics predicting daytime sleepiness in day and shift workers,2006,23,6,1409-1422,Takahashi Sleepiness and performance in response to repeated sleep restriction and subsequent recovery during semi-laboratory conditions,2008,25,2,297-308,Ingre Effects of context on sleepiness self-ratings during repeated partial sleep deprivation,2008,25,2,271-278,Kecklund Diurnal variation in temperature mental and physical performance and tasks specifically related to football [soccer],2007,24,3,507-519,Atkinson Predicting the timing and duration of sleep in an operational setting using social factors,2006,23,6,1265-1276,Kandelaars Sleepiness and sleep in a simulated "six hours on/six hours off" sea watch system,2006,23,6,1193-1202,Gillberg Effects of waking time and breakfast intake prior to evaluation of psychomotor performance in the early morning,2009,26,2,324-336,Bougard Effects of one night of partial sleep deprivation upon diurnal rhythms of accuracy and consistency in throwing darts,2009,26,4,756-768,Edwards The impact of short irregular sleep opportunities at sea on the alertness of marine pilots working extended hours,2008,25,2,399-411,Lamond Flight crew fatigue management in a more flexible regulatory environment: an overview of the New Zealand aviation industry,2008,25,2,373-388,Gander Sleep and sleepiness of fishermen on rotating schedules,2008,25,2,389-398,Gander Sleep length as a function of morning shift-start time in irregular shift schedules for train drivers: self-rated health and individual differences,2008,25,2,349-358,Ingre Impact of hypobaric hypoxia in pressurized cabins of simulated long-distance flights on the 24 h patterns of biological variables fatigue and clinical status,2007,24,6,1139-1157,Touitou Seasonality and coronary heart disease deaths in United States firefighters,2007,24,4,715-726,Kales Short sleep is associated with obesity among truck drivers,2006,23,6,1295-1303,Teixeira Circadian and homeostatic variation in sustained attention,2010,27,2,393-416,Ramirez Consequences of shiftworking on sleep duration sleepiness and sleep attacks,2010,27,3,575-589,Roth Evening alcohol consumption alters the circadian rhythm of body temperature,1994,11,2,141-142,Eastman Effects of alcohol ingestion on body temperature,1994,11,6,398-400,O'Boyle In response to letter by Eastman et al,1994,11,6,397-398,Reinberg The validity of the fatigue and risk index for predicting impairments of health and safety under different shift schedules in the context of risk assessments,2010,27,5,1149-1158,Nachreiner Daily sleep weekly working hours and risk of work-related injury: U.S. National Health Interview Survey (2004-2008),2010,27,5,1013-1030,Smith A circadian rhythm in skill-based errors in aviation maintenance,2010,27,6,1304-1316,Williamson Habitual moderate alcohol consumption desynchronizes circadian physiologic rhythms and affects reaction-time performance,2010,27,9-10,1930-1942,Mechkouri Associations between chronotype sleep quality suicidality and depressive symptoms in patients with major depression and healthy controls,2010,27,9-10,1813-1828,Ağargün High risk for obstructive sleep apnea in truck drivers estimated by the Berlin questionnaire: prevalence and associated factors,2004,21,6,871-879,Moreno Focus group evaluation of night nurse shiftwork difficulties and coping strategies,1996,13,6,457-463,Novak Temporal patterns of reported single-vehicle car and truck accidents in Texas U.S.A. during 1980-1983,1985,2,2,131-140,Smolensky Chronotype Differences in Suicidal Behavior and Impulsivity Among Suicide Attempters,2011,28,2,170-175,Besiroglu Prevalence and Correlates of Poor Sleep Quality and Daytime Sleepiness in Belgian Truck Drivers,2011,28,2,126-134,De Bacquer Light treatment for NASA shiftworkers,1995,12,2,141-151,Eastman Treatment of circadian rhythm disorders--melatonin,1997,14,2,185-204,Arendt Bright light: a countermeasure for jet lag?,1997,14,2,173-183,Samel Promoting sleep in shiftworkers and intercontinental travelers,1997,14,2,133-143,Stone Some comments on the measurement of circadian rhythms after time-zone transitions and during night work,1997,14,2,125-132,Waterhouse Interindividual differences in the flexibility of human temporal organization: pertinence to jet lag and shiftwork,1997,14,2,99-113,Motohashi The problem: shiftwork,1997,14,2,89-98,Costa Do permanent night workers show circadian adjustment? A review based on the endogenous melatonin rhythm,2008,25,2,215-224,Folkard Aggressive and sexual social stimuli do not phase shift the circadian temperature rhythm in rats,1998,15,3,231-240,Meerlo Day-night variation in aggressive behavior among psychiatric inpatients,2001,18,3,503-511,Smolensky 24-hour Pattern in Lag Time of Response by Firemen to Calls for Urgent Medical Aid,2011,28,3,275-281,Mechkouri Influence of Circadian Typology on Drug Consumption Hazardous Alcohol use and Hangover Symptoms,2011,28,3,248-257,Prat Working on Sundays-Effects on Safety Health and Work-life Balance,2011,28,4,361-370,Nachreiner Ramadan health and chronobiology,1994,11,5,340-342,Hakkou Effects of age and time of day on preferred work rates during prolonged exercise,1995,12,2,121-134,Atkinson A longitudinal investigation of seasonal variation in mood,2001,18,5,875-891,Murray A prospective study of seasonal variation in shift-work tolerance,2008,25,2,455-470,McLaughlin Effect of Birth Season on Circadian Typology Appearing in Japanese Young Children Aged 2 to 12 Years Disappears in Older Students Aged 18 to 25 Years,2011,28,7,638-642,Harada Shiftwork and industrial injuries at a chemical plant in southeast Texas,1990,7,2,155-164,Smolensky Circadian variation in human performance evaluated by the Walter Reed performance assessment battery,1990,7,2,143-153,Thorne 24-Hour Pattern of Work-Related Injury Risk of French Firemen: Nocturnal Peak Time,2011,28,8,697-705,Reinberg Higher environmental temperature and global radiation are correlated with increasing suicidality? A localized data analysis,2011,28,10,949-957,Biermann Day-night pattern in accidental exposures to blood-borne pathogens among medical students and residents,2000,17,1,61-70,Burau 24-hour assessment of performance on a palmtop computer: validating a self-constructed test battery,2003,20,1,109-121,Varkevisser Associations Between Chronotypes Psychopathology and Personality Among Incoming College Students,2012,29,4,491-501,Lee Alcohol consumption patterns of shiftworkers compared with dayworkers,2012,29,5,610-618,Skinner Independent Effects of Sleep Duration and Body Mass Index on the Risk of a Work-Related Injury: Evidence From the US National Health Interview Survey (2004-2010),2012,29,5,556-564,Folkard Seasonal effect on infants' sleep regulation: a preliminary study in a Mediterranean climate,2012,29,10,1352-1357,Cohen Circadian typology and sensation seeking in adolescents,2012,29,10,1376-1382,Adan Chronobiology of alcohol: from chronokinetics to alcohol-related alterations of the circadian system,2004,21,6,923-935,Touitou Teen at work: the burden of a double shift on daily activities,2004,21,6,845-858,Fischer Sleep sleepiness and neurobehavioral performance while on watch in a simulated 4 hours on/8 hours off maritime watch system,2013,30,9,1108-1115,Kircher Efficient and regular patterns of nighttime sleep are related to increased vulnerability to microsleeps following a single night of sleep restriction,2013,30,9,1187-1196,Jones Effects of transitions into and out of daylight saving time on the quality of the sleep/wake cycle: An actigraphic study in healthy university students,2013,30,10,1218-1222,Natale Applying principles of fatigue science to accident investigation: Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) fatigue investigation methodology,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rudin-Brown Chronotype-related differences in childhood and adolescent aggression and antisocial behavior - A review of the literature,2014,31,1,1-16,Schlarb Increased commuting to school time reduces sleep duration in adolescents,2014,31,1,87-94,Moreno Chronotype-dependent circadian rhythmicity of driving safety,2014,31,4,532-541,Buela-Casal Bullying sleep/wake patterns and subjective sleep disorders: Findings from a cross-sectional survey,2014,31,4,542-553,Fontaine Metabolic syndrome in permanent night workers,2008,25,2,443-454,Costa Chronobiology and competitive sports: recent studies and future perspectives,2014,31,5,746-747,Kantermann Seasonal variations in socially and legally unacceptable sexual behaviour,1985,2,3,203-208,Reinberg Circadian rhythms in competitive sabre fencers: internal desynchronization and performance,1985,2,3,195-201,Reinberg Diurnal variation in mood and performance in a time-isolated environment,1985,2,3,185-193,Monk Is daily routine important for sleep? An Investigation of social rhythms in a clinical insomnia population,2014,32,1,92-102,Carney Physical fitness and other individual factors relating to the shiftwork tolerance of women,1988,5,4,417-424,Knauth The impact of shift starting time on sleep duration sleep quality and alertness prior to injury in the People's Republic of China,2014,31,10,1201-1208,Jin Do different circadian typology measures modulate their relationship with personality? A test using the Alternative Five Factor Model,2014,32,2,281-288,Adan Circadian preference and trait impulsivity sensation-seeking and response inhibition in healthy young adults,2014,32,2,235-241,Kim Shiftwork and metabolic dysfunction,2012,29,5,549-555,Folkard Lack of exposure to natural light in the workspace is associated with physiological sleep and depressive symptoms,2014,32,3,368-375,Harb Daily rest-activity patterns in the bipolar phenotype: A controlled actigraphy study,2014,31,2,290-296,Goodwin Evening physical activity alters wrist temperature circadian rhythmicity,2014,31,2,276-282,Martinez-Nicolas Are all evening-types doomed? Latent class analyses of perceived morningness-eveningness sleep and psychosocial functioning among emerging adults,2014,31,2,232-242,Willoughby Shift work and serum 25-OH vitamin D status among factory workers in Northern Italy: Cross-sectional study,2015,32,6,842-847,Consonni Chronobiologic perspectives of black time-accident risk is greatest at night: an opinion paper,2015,32,7,1005-1018,Clarisse Effects of CLOCK gene variants and early stress on hopelessness and suicide in bipolar depression,2015,32,8,1156-1161,Colombo The association between working hours and sleep disturbances according to occupation and gender,2015,32,8,1109-1114,Lee Associations of chronotype with social jetlag and behavioral problems in preschool children,2015,32,8,1101-1108,Doi Parasomnias are more frequent in shift workers than in day workers,2015,32,10,1352-1358,Pallesen The effect of an acute sleep hygiene strategy following a late-night soccer match on recovery of players,2016,33,5,490-505,Duffield Effect of chronotype on emotional processing and risk taking,2016,33,4,406-418,Berdynaj Working multiple jobs over a day or a week: short-term effects on sleep duration,2016,33,6,630-649,Lombardi Work time control sleep & accident risk: a prospective cohort study,2016,33,6,619-629,Beckers Quick returns and night work as predictors of sleep quality fatigue work-family balance and satisfaction with work hours,2016,33,6,759-767,Dahlgren Sleep inertia during a simulated 6-h on/6-h off fixed split duty schedule,2016,33,6,685-696,Van Dongen No first night shift effect observed following a nocturnal main sleep and a prophylactic 1-h afternoon nap,2016,33,6,716-720,Roach The impact of short night-time naps on performance sleepiness and mood during a simulated night shift,2016,33,6,706-715,Dorrian Sleep and satisfaction in 8- and 12-h forward-rotating shift systems: industrial employees prefer 12-h shifts,2016,33,6,768-775,Sallinen Eveningness is associated with higher risk-taking in dangerous driving situations,2016,33,7,937-941,Spitzenstetter Sleep quantity and quality is not compromised during planned burn shifts of less than 12 h,2016,33,6,657-666,Aisbett Does the circadian clock drift when pilots fly multiple transpacific flights with 1- to 2-day layovers?,2016,33,8,982-994,Gander Forecast models for suicide: time-series analysis with data from Italy,2016,33,9,1235-1246,Preti Dim light at night prior to adolescence increases adult anxiety-like behaviors,2016,33,10,1473-1480,Nelson It's not just what you eat but when: the impact of eating a meal during simulated shift work on driving performance,2016,34,1,66-77,Wittert Circadian pattern of motor activity in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2017,34,6,802-807,Giupponi Seasonal and time-of-day variations in acute non-image forming effects of illuminance level on performance physiology and subjective well-being,2017,34,7,827-844,Huiberts Time-of-day variation in sustained attentional control,2017,34,7,993-1001,Fortenbaugh Intra-individual variability in the sleep of senior and junior rugby league athletes during the competitive season,2017,34,9,1239-1247,Halson Do night and around-the-clock firefighters' shift schedules induce deviation in tau from 24 hours of systolic and diastolic blood pressure circadian rhythms?,2017,34,8,1158-1174,Touitou Sleep quality and high intensity interval training at two different times of day: a crossover study on the influence of the chronotype in male collegiate soccer players,2017,34,2,260-268,Vitale Permanent night workers´ sleep and psychosocial factors in hospital work. A comparison to day and shift work,2018,35,6,785-794,Harma Alertness and psychomotor performance levels of marine pilots on an irregular work roster,2018,35,6,773-784,Boudreau Daily weekly and annual patterns in children's accidental sport injuries,2018,35,5,597-616,Reinberg Lunacy revisited - the myth of the full moon: are football injuries related to the lunar cycle?,2018,35,10,1385-1390,Bahr Driving when distracted and sleepy: the effect of phone and passenger conversations on driving performance,2018,35,6,750-753,Roach Making errors at work due to sleepiness or sleep problems is not confined to non-standard work hours: results of the 2016 Sleep Health Foundation national survey,2019,36,6,758-769,Taylor Twenty-four-hour pattern of operations-related injury occurrence and severity of off-site/on-call volunteer French firefighters,2019,36,7,979-992,Clarisse Time of day effect on balance performance functional capacities and risk of fall in women with rheumatoid arthritis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rebai Circadian rhythms and decision-making: a review and new evidence from electroencephalography,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Correa Shimian granules improve sleep mood and performance of shift nurses in association changes in melatonin and cytokine biomarkers: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Melatonin and alcohol-related disorders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kurhaluk Predictive and proactive fatigue risk management approaches in commercial aviation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hursh Speed/accuracy trade-off in the effects of acute total sleep deprivation on a sustained attention and response inhibition task,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whitney A qualitative study exploring how city bus drivers manage sleepiness and fatigue,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haslam TNFα G308A genotype resilience to sleep deprivation and the effect of caffeine on psychomotor vigilance performance in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover 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