Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Multi-factorial assessment of hospitalized children who set fires,1984,63,1,74-78,Jayaprakash Severe vs. nonsevere firesetters revisited,1999,78,4,411-434,Sakheim Child abuse and neglect in Ontario: incidence and characteristics,1995,74,3,563-586,Trocme Perpetrator gender and type of child maltreatment: overcoming limited conceptualizations and obtaining representative samples,1993,72,6,543-554,Allen Hazards of stigma: the sexual and physical abuse of gay lesbian and bisexual adolescents in the United States and Canada,2006,85,2,195-213,Skay Enhancing the safety of children in foster care and family support programs: automated critical incident reporting,2006,85,3,611-632,Brenner Troubles in Smurftown: youth gangs and moral visions on Guam,1997,76,3,411-428,Schmitz Child death review teams: a vital component of child protection,2006,85,4,653-670,Hochstadt Developing an educational workshop on teen depression and suicide: a proactive community intervention,1999,78,6,793-806,McArt Evaluating multidisciplinary child abuse and neglect teams: a research agenda,2005,84,4,433-458,Lalayants The child welfare response to serious nonaccidental head trauma,2004,83,1,27-48,Jaudes Collecting data on the abuse and neglect of American Indian children,2003,82,6,707-726,Fox Investigation laws and practices in child protective services,2003,82,6,661-684,Kopels Domestic violence screening and service acceptance among adult victims in a dependency court setting,2007,86,1,123-144,Rivers An exploratory study of drug-exposed infants: case substantiation and subsequent child maltreatment,2007,86,3,33-50,Fitzgerald Societal interventions to prevent child abuse and neglect,1994,73,5,379-403,Jones Preventing child abuse and neglect: programmatic interventions,1994,73,5,405-430,Daro Child protective services: research for the future,1994,73,5,431-447,Wells The county child abuse protocol system in Georgia: an interagency cooperation approach to a complex issue,1994,73,6,675-688,Doss Decision-making in child protective services: a comparison of selected risk-assessment systems,1993,72,5,441-452,English Characteristics of effective harm-free environments for children in out-of-home care,1992,71,6,487-496,Daly Policy and practice for response to foster families when child abuse or neglect is reported,1992,71,6,497-509,Carbino Cognitive behavioral expressive interventions with aggressive and resistant youths,1992,71,6,557-573,Davis The Child Well-Being Scales: a field trial,1992,71,4,319-328,Polansky The role of after-school programs in the lives of inner-city children: a study of the "urban youth network",1992,71,3,215-230,Halpern Male victims of sexual abuse: a case review within a child protective team,1992,71,3,231-239,Roane When staff members sexually abuse children in residential care,1992,71,2,131-145,Bloom Deprivation of body pleasure: Origin of violent behavior? A survey of the literature,1980,59,5,287-297,Haynie Screening and evaluating abused and neglected children entering protective custody,1994,73,2,155-171,Wirtz Visible minority Aboriginal and Caucasian children investigated by Canadian protective services,2008,87,2,59-76,Trocme Perceptions of child neglect among urban American Indian/Alaska native parents,2008,87,3,115-142,Evans-Campbell Parents with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse conditions involved in Child Protection Services: clinical profile and treatment needs,2008,87,3,95-113,Castillo The benefits of life table analysis for describing disproportionality,2008,87,2,189-202,Coulton The relationship of child neglect and physical maltreatment to placement outcomes and behavioral adjustment in children in foster care: a Canadian perspective,2008,87,5,5-25,O'neill The nature of parental supervisory neglect,2008,87,4,55-77,Coohey What criteria do child protective services investigators use to substantiate exposure to domestic violence?,2007,86,4,93-122,Coohey Mothers' strategies for protecting children from batterers: the perspectives of battered women involved in child protective services,2007,86,4,41-62,Shim Racial disparity in Minnesota's child protection system,2007,86,4,5-20,Clark Methamphetamine and the changing face of child welfare: practice principles for child welfare workers,2007,86,3,125-144,Connell-Carrick Best practices for mental health in child welfare: parent support and youth empowerment guidelines,2009,88,1,189-212,Kemp Dissemination of a multilevel evidence-based system of parenting interventions with broad application to child welfare populations,2009,88,1,127-132,Prinz The relationship between child disability and living arrangement in child welfare,2006,85,6,965-984,Newton The impact of serial transitions on behavioral and psychological problems among children in child protection services,2006,85,6,941-964,Gagne Building a professional development system: a case study of North Carolina's parenting education experiences,2006,85,5,803-818,Bryan Risk assessment in child sexual abuse cases,2006,85,1,59-82,Levenson Patterns of child maltreatment referrals among Asian and Pacific Islander families,2006,85,1,5-31,Kemp Behavioral health service use and costs among children in foster care,2006,85,3,633-647,Becker Predictors of running away from family foster care,2006,85,3,585-609,Nesmith Bridges barriers and boundaries,2006,85,2,407-438,McHaelen A sociocultural perspective on physical child abuse,1971,50,7,389-395,Gil Verbal accessibility in the treatment of child neglect,1971,50,6,349-356,Polansky The parents' center project: a multiservice approach to the prevention of child abuse,1971,50,5,277-282,Bean The HELP line for parents--a demonstration project,1971,50,3,164-167,Schreiber Violence as a symptom of childhood emotional illness,1972,51,4,208-219,Littner Group treatment of mothers in child protection cases,1972,51,2,110-116,Bellucci Child abuse: one tree in the forest,1973,52,9,585-592,Burland The child sex victim: social psychological and legal perspectives,1973,52,3,147-157,Schultz When shall we tell Kevin? A battered child revisited,1974,53,9,576-581,Stephenson Legal protection of the drug-addicted infant,1974,53,8,493-497,Friel Child abuse: a school district's response to its responsibility,1974,53,4,257-260,Nordstrom On the dangers of shaking young children,1974,53,3,143-146,Collins Yo-yo children-victims of matrimonial violence,1975,54,8,557-566,Moore Public knowledge of child abuse,1975,54,7,521-523,Lindenthal The incidence of child abuse in the United States,1975,54,6,432-443,Cohen Breaking the communication barrier: the initial interview with an abusing parent,1975,54,4,274-282,Goldberg A practice regimen for diagnosis and treatment of child abuse,1975,54,4,268-273,Roth A community approach to the prevention of child abuse,1975,54,2,83-87,Rako Self-chosen victims: scapegoating behavior sequential to battering,1976,55,6,417-422,Bender The price of privacy in the social dynamics of child abuse,1977,56,9,565-575,Garbarino Intensive secure treatment for children and adolescents,1977,56,8,529-536,Zaslaw The fear of committing child abuse: a discussion of eight families,1977,56,4,249-257,Wolkenstein The central registry for child abuse cases: rethinking basic assumptions,1977,56,1,761-767,Whiting Family outreach: a program for the prevention of child neglect and abuse,1978,57,8,519-525,Rosenstein Youth helping youth in cases of maltreatment of adolescents,1978,57,8,505-510,Garbarino Alaska's children's code,1978,57,8,485-495,McGuire What next in child abuse policy? Improving the knowledge base,1978,57,7,415-421,Theisen The uses and misuses of central registries in child protective services,1978,57,7,405-413,Grant Incestuous abuse of children: the need for an objective view,1978,57,6,355-364,Gentry Parent/child foster placement: an alternate approach in child abuse and neglect,1978,57,4,249-258,Nayman Establishing a rural child abuse/neglect treatment program,1978,57,3,187-195,Sefcik Violent families: coping responses of abused wives,1978,57,2,101-111,Pfouts The family stress consultation team: an Illinois approach to protective services,1979,58,9,597-604,Le Blang Prevention in child welfare: a framework for management and practice,1979,58,8,510-521,Sundel Clinical illustrations of the sexual misuse of girls,1979,58,7,435-442,Brown A model for systematic child protective service training,1979,58,7,429-433,Rosick Reciprocal nature of parent-infant interaction: implications for child maltreatment,1979,58,6,383-392,Roberts A joint treatment "package" of the Army and a child welfare agency,1979,58,5,333-338,Baresch The threat of abuse: problems in aggression and individuality,1979,58,5,319-325,Steele Treatment of child abuse by behavioral intervention: a case report,1979,58,4,253-261,Mastria Child abuse--an illness or a crime?,1979,58,4,237-244,Schrier The sexual abuse of children and minors: a bibliography,1979,58,3,147-163,Schultz An estimate of nationwide incidence of sexual offenses against children,1979,58,2,127-134,Sarafino Interpreting Parents Anonymous as a source of help for those with child abuse problems,1979,58,2,105-114,Powell What do social workers read about child abuse?,1979,58,1,13-24,Klerman Volunteers as mentors for abusing parents: a natural helping relationship,1980,59,10,637-644,Lauderdale Child abuse and neglect: changing policies and perspectives,1980,59,9,542-550,Koerin Mental health needs of abused children,1980,59,8,451-462,Kinard Decision making in protective services,1980,59,6,356-364,DiLeonardi A CWLA study of factors involved in child abuse,1980,59,4,242-243,Shapiro Child abuse reporting laws: action and uncertainty,1980,59,4,203-212,Nelson Resources for help in parenting,1980,59,3,179-188,Turner Early childhood educators: their contact with abused and neglected children,1980,59,3,169-178,Lero Rethinking juvenile justice: the Standards Project,1980,59,3,145-151,Gilman Investigation of incest: opportunity to motivate families to seek help,1981,60,10,679-689,McCarty Antecedents and consequences of parental rights termination for abused and neglected children,1981,60,6,391-404,Borgman New perspectives on child abuse/neglect community education,1981,60,5,343-353,Grazio The child victim's role in sexual assault by adults,1981,60,5,305-311,Gruber A multidisciplinary hospital-based team for child abuse cases: a "hands-on" approach,1981,60,4,233-243,Whitworth The screening unit: an experimental approach to child protective service,1981,60,3,198-204,Barone Group therapy with sexually molested children,1981,60,3,175-182,Clark The benefits of smallness: developing a model for an effective rural child protection team,1981,60,3,131-147,Schechter A developmental perspective on runaway behavior: Its relationship to child abuse,1981,60,2,89-94,Reich To silence one's self: a brief analysis of the literature on adolescent suicide,1981,60,1,2-10,DenHouter Self-injurious behavior in incest victims: a research note,1982,61,8,577-584,de Young Adolescent parricide in abusive families,1982,61,7,445-455,Post Child abuse and violence against the family,1982,61,7,435-444,Kratcoski Child abuse and depression: Cause or consequence?,1982,61,7,403-413,Kinard Contraindications to reconstitution of sexually abusive families,1982,61,5,279-288,Server Parents anonymous and the private agency: administrative cooperation,1982,61,5,305-311,Blizinsky The dilemma of anonymous reporting in child protective services,1982,61,1,3-14,Barone Effects of social class and familiarity on pediatricians' responses to child abuse,1983,62,5,387-393,McPherson Improving productivity in child welfare programs,1983,62,5,409-420,Springer A critique of outcome evaluation in child abuse treatment,1983,62,4,325-335,Blythe Self-control training with maltreating parents,1983,62,4,313-324,Barth A protective posture toward emotional neglect and abuse,1983,62,3,243-252,Junewicz Sexual abuse of children: issues for social service and health professionals,1983,62,2,99-108,Jones Reforming judicial procedures for handling parent-child incest,1983,62,1,68-75,Ordway Teachers' perceptions attitudes and reporting of child abuse/neglect,1983,62,1,14-20,Levin Economic analysis of a child abuse and neglect treatment program,1983,62,1,3-13,Armstrong The relationship between adolescent childbearing and child maltreatment,1984,63,6,553-557,Miller Defining child maltreatment: a multidisciplinary overview,1984,63,6,497-509,Valentine Preventing rural child abuse: progress in spite of cutbacks,1984,63,5,443-452,Andrews Criteria for placement decisions in protective services,1984,63,4,367-373,Meddin Counterphobic behavior in multiply molested children,1984,63,4,333-339,de Young Medical foster family care: a cost-effective solution to a community problem,1984,63,4,341-349,Whitworth Dilemmas in planning for the protection of children and youths in residential facilities,1984,63,3,205-215,Rabb Malpractice in child placement: civil liability for inadequate foster care services,1984,63,3,195-204,Besharov Clients as evaluators in child protective services,1984,63,2,99-112,Magura Training residence staff for child abuse treatment,1984,63,2,167-173,Krenk Characteristics of abused adolescents and guidelines for intervention,1984,63,2,149-157,Mouzakitis Childhood suicide,1984,63,1,17-26,Ely Evaluating child protective services training: the participant action plan approach,1986,65,6,579-591,Smith Decision-making in child abuse and neglect,1986,65,6,515-529,Wasserman A psychological profile of juvenile firesetters in residential treatment: a replication study,1986,65,5,495-503,Sakheim Containing aggressive acting out in abused children,1986,65,5,459-468,Timmons-Mitchell Making child abuse victims aware of their victimization: a treatment issue,1986,65,4,337-346,Weinbach Sexual abuse prevention for preschoolers: a pilot program,1986,65,1,75-82,Frank Child abuse: differential diagnosis differential treatment,1986,65,1,33-44,Land Reducing child abuse through respite center intervention,1985,64,5,501-509,Subramanian A parent aide program: record keeping outcomes and costs,1985,64,4,407-419,Miller Child sexual abuse prevention: does it work?,1985,64,4,395-405,Swan Caring for abused preschoolers,1985,64,4,343-356,Kairys Treating abusive parents,1985,64,4,327-341,Martin In a different light: a feminist perspective on the role of mothers in father-daughter incest,1985,64,3,203-211,Wattenberg Child abuse gender and the myth of family independence: a historical critique,1985,64,3,213-224,Gordon Decision-making factors in cases of child neglect,1985,64,2,99-111,Alter Rhode Island's child protective service system,1987,66,6,529-538,Fandetti Clinician and state children's services worker collaboration in treating sexual abuse,1987,66,6,517-527,Lyon The ecology of child maltreatment: identifying and characterizing high-risk neighborhoods,1987,66,6,497-506,Taylor Freud psychodynamics and incest,1987,66,6,485-496,Rosenfeld Reporting out-of-home maltreatment: penalties and protections,1987,66,5,399-408,Besharov Investigating institutional abuse: a post-substantiation model,1987,66,4,343-351,Kelleher Institutional child protection: issues in program development and implementation,1987,66,4,329-342,Rindfleisch The challenge of sexual abuse: protection and therapy in a child welfare setting,1987,66,3,225-235,McDonough Disclosing sexual abuse: the impact of developmental variables,1987,66,3,217-223,deYoung Sexual abuse prevention: A rural interdisciplinary effort,1987,66,2,165-173,Johnson Child abuse and neglect in North Carolina day care programs,1987,66,2,149-163,Russell Treatment issues with sexually abused young children,1987,66,2,125-137,MacFarlane Videotaped interviews in child sexual abuse cases: the Texas example,1987,66,1,25-34,Colby The admissibility of evidence in child sexual abuse cases,1987,66,1,13-24,Gothard Factors that affect a victim's self-disclosure in father-daughter incest,1988,67,5,462-468,Farrell Support and education groups for children of battered women,1988,67,5,431-444,Edleson Criteria for judging the credibility of children's statements about their sexual abuse,1988,67,5,389-401,Faller Interviewing young children with anatomical dolls,1988,67,4,337-352,Everson Child maltreatment coordinating committees for effective service delivery,1988,67,3,217-230,Skaff Role perceptions of attorneys and caseworkers in child abuse cases in juvenile court,1988,67,3,205-216,Russel Designing effective programs,1988,67,2,99-111,Kettner Social services and social support: blended programs for families at risk of child maltreatment,1988,67,2,161-174,Miller Programming for preventing sexual abuse and abduction: what does it mean when it works?,1988,67,1,69-78,Miller The good touch/bad touch dilemma,1988,67,1,60-68,deYoung Can we protect children from abuse? A review of three cases,1989,68,6,615-621,Ludwig Parents' observations of the effect of a sexual-abuse prevention program on preschool children,1989,68,5,539-546,Cooper The traumatized children of violent marriages,1989,68,4,421-436,Silvern Latchkey children: a review of the literature,1989,68,4,445-454,Padilla Sexuality: a neglected component of child sexual abuse education and training,1989,68,3,317-329,Gillman Child abuse in Korea,1989,68,2,154-158,Chun Advocacy and ombudswork for children: implications of the Israeli experience,1989,68,2,101-112,Rauche-Elnekave The elusive continuum of child welfare services: implications for minority children and youths,1990,69,6,551-562,Stehno Who best represents the interests of the child in court?,1990,69,6,537-549,Poertner Risk assessment: the emperor's new clothes?,1990,69,6,483-511,Wald The resolution model: a comprehensive treatment framework in sexual abuse,1990,69,5,417-431,Orenchuk-Tomiuk Kaduna beggar children: a study of child abuse and neglect in northern Nigeria,1990,69,4,371-380,Ojanuga Toward a treatment-relevant typology of child abuse families,1990,69,4,333-340,Bowdry Interviewing for alleged abuse in the residential treatment center,1990,69,4,321-331,Matsushima Fatal child neglect,1990,69,4,309-319,Margolin Group therapy techniques for sexually abused preteen girls,1990,69,3,239-252,Berman Children of sex rings,1990,69,3,195-207,Hunt The intersection of disability and child abuse in England and the United States,1990,69,3,253-262,Cohen Outcome study of protective services: comparison of interviews and records as data sources,1990,69,2,167-179,White Children's literature and child abuse,1990,69,1,83-88,Pardeck Countertransference issues in the in-home treatment of child sexual abuse,1990,69,1,53-61,Reynolds-Mejia Responsibility and management strategies in child sexual abuse: A comparison of child protective workers nurses and police officers,1990,69,1,43-51,Kelley Recantation in child sexual abuse cases,1991,70,6,611-621,Rieser The spiritual healing "defense" in criminal prosecutions for crimes against children,1991,70,5,541-555,Bullis Comparative perspectives on child abuse and neglect: Chinese versus Hispanics and whites,1991,70,4,463-475,Hong Innovations in child protective services inservice training: commitment to excellence,1991,70,4,437-449,Miller Competency-based evaluation of case-management skills in child sexual abuse intervention,1991,70,4,425-435,Leung Reporting and founding of child neglect in urban and rural communities,1991,70,3,359-370,Craft Young workers in Latin America: protection or self-determination?,1991,70,2,269-283,Salazar Child labor in Pakistan: a study of the Lahore area,1991,70,2,261-267,Aftab Ahmed Suicide prevention and intervention with young people in foster care in Canada,1991,70,2,185-191,Matheson Advocacy for foster families in the United States facing child abuse allegations: how social agencies and foster parents are responding to the problem,1991,70,2,131-149,Carbino Therapeutic management of preschool cases of alleged but unsubstantiated sexual abuse,1991,70,1,59-67,Hewitt How children tell: the process of disclosure in child sexual abuse,1991,70,1,3-15,Snow Reactions by Native American parents to child protection agencies: cultural and community factors,1992,71,4,329-342,Horejsi The Maternal Characteristics Scale: a cross validation,1992,71,3,271-280,Polansky Traumatic bonding: clinical implications in incest,1992,71,2,165-175,deYoung Racial inequality and child neglect: findings in a metropolitan area,1993,72,4,341-354,Saunders Children's perceptions of genital examinations during sexual abuse evaluations,1993,72,1,41-49,Herman-Giddens In-home family-focused reunification: an experimental study,1993,72,5,473-487,Fraser The quality of regulated family day care homes and compliance with minimum standards,1993,72,5,461-472,Grubb Engaging families in child welfare services: worker versus client perspectives,2008,87,3,41-61,Altman Gaps in research and public policies,2008,87,2,359-367,Hill Point of engagement: reducing disproportionality and improving child and family outcomes,2008,87,2,335-358,Marts Taking action on racial disproportionality in the child welfare system,2008,87,2,319-334,Clark Comparative analysis of two community-based efforts designed to impact disproportionality,2008,87,2,297-317,Richardson Addressing the disproportionate representation of children of color: a collaborative community approach,2008,87,2,255-278,Anderson The intersection of race poverty and risk: understanding the decision to provide services to clients and to remove children,2008,87,2,151-168,James The racial geography of child welfare: toward a new research paradigm,2008,87,2,125-150,Roberts Measuring racial disparity in child welfare,2008,87,2,23-36,Needell Child abuse and neglect in Cambodian refugee families: characteristics and implications for practice,2008,87,1,141-160,Chang CPS: client violence and client victims,2009,88,3,127-144,Ringstad An Afrocentric program for African American males in the juvenile justice system,1997,76,1,197-211,Harvey "Don't come home again": parental banishment of delinquent youths,1986,65,3,295-304,Borgman What is driving increasing child welfare caseloads in Ontario? Analysis of the 1993 and 1998 Ontario incidence studies,2005,84,3,341-362,Trocme Understanding communities of neglectful parents: child caregiving networks and child neglect,2005,84,2,277-298,Roditti Child welfare involvement among children in homeless families,2004,83,5,423-436,Culhane Psychosocial factors associated with types of child maltreatment,2004,83,1,69-99,DiLauro Childhood abuse history secondary traumatic stress and child welfare workers,2003,82,1,5-26,Harris Services for maltreated children: variations by maltreatment characteristics,2002,81,4,617-645,Kinard Caregiver AOD use case substantiation and AOD treatment: studies based on two southwestern counties,2001,80,2,151-177,Shillington Linking child maltreatment retrospectively to birth and home visit records: an initial examination,2000,79,6,711-728,Murphey Mapping child maltreatment: looking at neighborhoods in a suburban county,2000,79,5,555-572,Ernst Factors associated with foster care length of stay,1991,70,1,45-58,Benedict Home alone and other inadequately supervised children,1998,77,3,291-310,Coohey Child protection risk assessment and African American children: cultural ramifications for families and communities,1997,76,1,45-63,Brissett-Chapman The link between domestic violence and child abuse: assessment and treatment considerations,1994,73,1,29-39,McKay Proposed revisions to mandatory reporting laws: an exploratory survey of child protective service agencies,1994,73,1,15-27,Crenshaw A survey of threats and violence directed against child protection workers in a rural state,1994,73,2,173-179,Horejsi Helping early adolescents tell: a guided exercise for trauma-focused sexual abuse treatment groups,1994,73,2,141-154,deYoung Assessing the safety of children at risk of maltreatment: decision-making models,1994,73,3,229-245,DePanfilis Variations in perceptions of child neglect,1996,75,2,139-160,Meezan Race and child welfare services: past research and future directions,1996,75,2,99-137,Barth National child and youth care practitioner professional certification: promoting competent care for children and youth,2010,89,2,57-77,Stuart Reducing transfers of children in family foster care through onsite mental health interventions,2007,86,5,133-150,Levine Fostering healthy futures: an innovative preventive intervention for preadolescent youth in out-of-home care,2007,86,5,113-131,Taussig Creating more trauma-informed services for children using assessment-focused tools,2007,86,5,15-33,Steinberg Media analysis of early dissemination of Canadian child maltreatment surveillance data,2010,89,1,81-101,Tonmyr The value of coordinated services with court-referred clients and their families: an outcome study,2010,89,1,61-79,Stewart Hispanic caregiver perceptions of preventive service,2009,88,3,27-55,Phillips Best practices for mental health in child welfare: screening assessment and treatment guidelines,2009,88,1,163-188,Landsverk The long-term effects of the Houston Child Advocates Inc. program on children and family outcomes,2009,88,6,23-46,Waxman Implementation of group supervision in child welfare: findings from Arizona's Supervision Circle Project,2008,87,6,31-48,Lietz Children in foster care: before during and after psychiatric hospitalization,2008,87,4,79-99,Persi Does family group decision making affect child welfare outcomes? Findings from a randomized control study,2008,87,4,35-54,Cohen Child welfare workplace: the state of the workforce and strategies to improve retention,2007,86,6,31-52,Connell-Carrick Comprehensive Family Services and customer satisfaction outcomes,2006,85,4,691-714,Custer Housing characteristics and adequacy of the physical care of children: an exploratory analysis,2004,83,5,437-452,Meyer Child welfare services and delinquency: the need to know more,2004,83,2,157-173,Jonson-Reid The Durham Family Initiative: a preventive system of care,2004,83,2,109-128,Dodge School-based early intervention and child well-being in the Chicago Longitudinal Study,2003,82,5,633-656,Reynolds Characteristics of evidence-based child maltreatment interventions,2003,82,5,541-569,Thomlison The empirical basis of risk assessment in child welfare: the accuracy of risk assessment and clinical judgment,2003,82,5,527-540,Whitehead Evaluation of a treatment program for abusive and high-risk families in Spain,2003,82,4,413-442,Arruabarrena Beyond cultural competence: what child protection managers need to know and do,2003,82,2,125-142,Mederos A first look at the need for enhanced support services for kinship caregivers,2003,82,1,77-96,Curtis Engaging families in child welfare services: an evidence-based approach to best practice,2002,81,2,293-317,Berry Overcoming hopelessness and social isolation: the ENGAGE model for working with neglecting families toward permanence,2002,81,2,225-248,Petras Confronting adolescent bias and intolerance through cross-cultural immersion: an American-Croatian collaboration,2001,80,5,623-630,Dale Effectively responding to the commercial sexual exploitation of children: a comprehensive approach to prevention protection and reintegration services,2001,80,5,597-610,Barnitz Models of intervention for children in difficult circumstances in South Africa,2001,80,5,571-586,Sewpaul Kinship care of the abused child: the New Zealand experience,2001,80,5,497-511,Worrall Health care policies for children in out-of-home care,2001,80,3,325-350,Risley-Curtiss The role of friends in-laws and other kin in father-perpetrated child physical abuse,2000,79,4,373-402,Coohey The effectiveness of CASAs in achieving positive outcomes for children,2000,79,2,179-193,Litzelfelner Family group decision making: protecting children and women,2000,79,2,131-158,Pennell The future of child and family welfare: selected readings,2000,79,1,115-124,Maluccio Reforming child protective services,2000,79,1,43-57,Waldfogel Policy challenges for child welfare in the new century,2000,79,1,11-27,McGowan Future challenges and opportunities in child welfare,2000,79,1,3-9,Maluccio Risk assessment in child protective services: consensus and actuarial model reliability,1999,78,6,723-748,Johnson Using benefit-cost analysis to assess child abuse prevention and intervention programs,1999,78,3,381-407,Plotnick Behaviorally impaired children in out-of-home care,1999,78,2,297-310,Kupsinel Social work intervention with Bedouin-Arab children in the context of blood vengeance,1999,78,2,283-296,Al-Krenawi Caregiver substance abuse among maltreated children placed in out-of-home care,1999,78,2,221-239,Landsverk Preventing child placement in substance-abusing families: research-informed practice,1998,77,4,407-426,Dore The parental environment cluster model of child neglect: an integrative conceptual model,1998,77,4,389-405,Burke "Reporting costs" to nonoffending parents in cases of intrafamilial child sexual abuse,1998,77,4,371-388,Lundy Sibling incest: treatment of the family and the offender,1998,77,3,335-346,DiGiorgio-Miller Motivational interviewing: an intervention tool for child welfare case workers working with substance-abusing parents,1998,77,3,275-289,Hohman HIV prevention for youths in independent living programs: expanding life options,1998,77,2,208-221,Slonim-Nevo A practice model for enhancing effective coping in child welfare families,1997,76,6,781-799,McMillen Certification for child protective services staff members: the Texas initiative,1996,75,6,727-740,Birmingham Understanding and countering racism with first nations children in out-of-home care,1996,75,6,709-725,Palmer Reorienting intensive family preservation services in relation to public child welfare practice,1996,75,6,667-692,Wells The influence of the family preservation model on child sexual abuse intervention strategies: changes in child welfare worker tasks,1995,74,5,975-989,Skibinski Mortality in a child welfare population: implications for policy,1995,74,4,843-857,Newman The critical need for specialized health and safety measures for child welfare workers,1995,74,2,337-350,Scalera A strengths approach to ethnically sensitive practice for child protective service workers,1994,73,6,707-721,Leung Is child maltreatment a leading cause of delinquency?,1994,73,5,639-655,Schwartz Risk assessment as a practice method in child protective services,1994,73,5,451-473,English The prevention and treatment of child abuse in households of substance abusers: a research demonstration progress report,1994,73,1,83-94,Bloom Assessing the benefits and increasing the utility of addiction training for public child welfare workers: a pilot study,1994,73,1,69-81,Gregoire Preparing practitioners for child welfare practice with substance-abusing families,1994,73,1,57-68,Tracy Self psychology in child welfare practice,1991,70,5,559-570,Goldmeier Ambivalences: a challenge to permanency for children,1991,70,4,403-424,Hess Risk assessment: the emperor's new clothes,1991,70,3,397-399,Colon Creative permanency planning: residential services for families,1991,70,3,371-382,Gibson The foster care system in India,1991,70,2,243-259,Khan The international transfer of foster parent selection and preparation technology: the example of the Netherlands and the United States,1991,70,2,219-227,van Pagée Mobilizing training resources for rural foster parents adoptive parents and applicants in Oregon U.S.A,1991,70,2,211-218,Whitmore Australian women and foster care: a feminist perspective,1991,70,2,175-184,Smith Regulating foster care services: the Kenyan situation,1991,70,2,169-174,Umbima Folk-healing among Mexican-American families as a consideration in the delivery of child welfare and child health care services,1991,70,2,157-167,Krajewski-Jaime Foster care in Soweto South Africa: under assault from a politically hostile environment,1991,70,2,121-130,Thomas Foster care in the Soviet Union,1991,70,2,115-119,Karmanov Out-of-home care in Denmark,1991,70,2,107-113,Jørgensen The challenge of partnership: a national foster care charter in the United Kingdom,1991,70,2,151-156,Lowe Formal and informal helping in child welfare services: implications for management and practice,1986,65,1,17-25,Whittaker The ecological approach to permanency planning: an interactionist perspective,1983,62,4,291-301,Howe Birth of a sick or handicapped infant: impact on the family,1983,62,4,337-348,Trout Primary prevention of child mistreatment: meeting a national need,1981,60,1,11-23,Miller Violence as a symptom of childhood emotional illness,1972,57,4,208-219,Littner Effect of child protective services system factors on child maltreatment rereporting,2010,89,3,33-55,Solomon "A person to talk to who really cared": high-risk mothers' evaluations of services in an intensive intervention research program,1991,70,3,307-320,Pharis Toward a clearer differentiation of high-risk from low-risk fire-setters,1991,70,4,489-503,Sakheim A psychological profile of juvenile firesetters in residential treatment,1985,64,5,453-476,Sakheim Sexual orientation and gender identity: an administrative approach to diversity,2002,81,6,913-928,Quinn Dimensions of child neglect: an exploration of parental neglect and its relationship with delinquency,2010,89,4,47-65,Moore Burning their bridges: disordered attachment and foster care discharge,1995,74,2,351-366,Penzerro Is older better? Adolescent parenthood and maltreatment,1995,74,2,325-336,Massat An outrage to common decency: historical perspectives on child neglect,1995,74,1,71-91,Swift Outcomes for infants exposed in utero to illicit drugs,1997,76,4,521-534,Jaudes Enhancing investigative decisions in child welfare: an exploratory use of intensive family preservation services,1997,76,3,447-461,Walton The social service divide: service availability and accessibility in rural versus urban counties and impact on child welfare outcomes,2008,87,4,101-124,Belanger Cultural safety and the duty of care,2002,81,5,689-708,Fulcher Issues of shared parenting of LGBTQ children and youth in foster care: preparing foster parents for new roles,2006,85,2,267-280,Morton The legal rights of LGBT youth in state custody: what child welfare and juvenile justice professionals need to know,2006,85,2,171-194,Estrada Reunification of child and animal welfare agencies: cross-reporting of abuse in Wellington County Ontario,2005,84,1,47-66,Zilney Effects of early maltreatment on development: a descriptive study using the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II,2009,88,2,137-161,Becker-Weidman Engaging parents in child welfare services: bridging family needs and child welfare mandates,2009,88,1,101-126,Hoagwood Psychosocial interventions for children and adolescents in foster care: review of research literature,2009,88,1,49-69,Landsverk Child welfare professionals' experiences of childhood exposure to domestic violence,2009,88,6,47-63,van den Bosse North African and Latin American parents' and adolescents' perceptions of physical discipline and physical abuse: when dysnormativity begets exclusion,2009,88,6,5-22,Hassan Posttraumatic stress disorder: the missed diagnosis,2009,88,4,157-176,Kaufman Hypermasculinity intimate partner violence sexual aggression social support and child maltreatment risk in urban heterosexual fathers taking parenting classes,2009,88,4,135-155,Vasquez Guerrero Comparing differential responses within child protective services: a longitudinal examination,2010,89,3,57-77,Pakalniskiene Families with multiple problems through a Bowenian lens,1996,75,6,693-708,Hurst Research outcomes of prenatal substance exposure and the need to review policies and procedures regarding child abuse reporting,2001,80,2,275-296,Barth The role of spirituality in the recovery process,2001,80,2,257-273,Bussey When the rehabilitation ideal fails: a study of parental rights termination,2001,80,4,405-431,Kelley Foster youth transitions to adulthood: a longitudinal view of youth leaving care,2001,80,6,685-717,Courtney Examining the link between child maltreatment and delinquency for youth with emotional and behavioral disorders,2004,83,2,175-188,Malmgren Outcomes of specialized foster care in a managed child welfare services network,2004,83,6,533-564,Cross Judges' caseworkers' and substance abuse counselors' indicators of family reunification with substance-affected parents,2002,81,2,249-269,Karoll Expedited permanency planning: evaluation of the Kentucky Adoptions Opportunities Project,2002,81,2,203-224,Martin Questioning strategies in interviews with children who may have been sexually abused,2002,81,1,5-31,Devoe Local realities: a frontier perspective on child protection team practice,2002,81,5,737-755,Jacobson The influence of family environment on mental health need and service use among vulnerable children,2007,86,5,57-74,Browne Youth characteristics associated with behavioral and mental health problems during the transition to residential treatment centers: the Odyssey Project population,2007,86,6,5-29,Curtis Reasonable efforts? Implementation of the reunification bypass provision of ASFA,2008,87,3,163-182,D'Andrade Addressing disproportionality through undoing racism leadership development and community engagement,2008,87,2,279-296,James Evaluating multisystemic efforts to impact disproportionality through key decision points,2008,87,2,241-254,King Acknowledging disproportionate outcomes and changing service delivery,2008,87,2,205-210,McRoy Children ever in care: an examination of cumulative disproportionality,2008,87,2,169-188,Shaw Connective complexity: African American adolescents and the relational context of kinship foster care,2008,87,2,77-97,Schwartz Deconstructing disproportionality: views from multiple community stakeholders,2008,87,2,37-58,Dettlaff Disproportionality in child welfare,2008,87,2,11-20,Cross Prenatal child abuse risk assessment: a preliminary validation study,2003,82,3,319-334,Forgays Racism and sexism in child welfare: effects on women of color as mothers and practitioners,2003,82,2,273-288,Woldeguiorguis The nature and effectiveness of program models for adolescents at risk of entering the formal child protection system,2003,82,4,443-474,Cameron Using administrative data to assess child safety in out-of-home care,2000,79,5,597-613,Poertner Safety permanency and in-home services: applying administrative data,2000,79,5,573-595,Fluke The heterogeneity of children and their experiences in kinship care,2000,79,3,315-334,Newton Responding to children's disclosure of familial abuse: what survivors tell us,1999,78,2,259-282,Palmer Hope for the children: a community-based approach to supporting families who adopt children with special needs,1999,78,5,611-635,Kramer The role of birth/previously adopted children in families choosing to adopt children with special needs,1999,78,5,579-591,Johnson Adopting children with attachment problems,1999,78,5,541-560,Hughes Resilience in maltreated children: implications for special needs adoption,1999,78,5,519-540,Henry 'What criteria do child protective services investigators use to substantiate exposure to domestic violence?': Correction,2007,86,6,136-138,Coohey New categories of missing children: injured lost delinquent and victims of caregiver mix-ups,1996,75,4,291-310,Asdigian The use of behavior-modification techniques with female delinquents,1972,51,2,93-101,Fodor The concept of family: perceptions of adults who were in long-term out-of-home care as children,1998,77,6,681-700,Gardner Differential treatment of delinquent boys and girls in juvenile court,1974,53,1,16-22,Kratcoski Management of maladaptive behavior of a severely burned child,1973,52,8,543-547,Shorkey Residential short-term camping for children with behavior problems: a behavior-modification approach,1973,52,8,511-520,Rawson Mentoring and social skills training: Ensuring better outcomes for youth in foster care,2011,90,1,59-74,Williams Working with avoidant children: a clinical challenge,1998,77,4,427-439,Berson Girl Scouts Beyond Bars: facilitating parent-child contact in correctional settings,1998,77,5,561-578,Block A foster home for crisis placements,1973,52,2,82-90,Simonds Replication of the mother-child home program by a foster care agency,1973,52,2,75-81,Ginandes Predictors of short-term reunification in South Australian substitute care,2003,82,1,27-51,Delfabbro Strengthening families and communities to prevent child abuse and neglect: lessons from the Los Angeles Prevention Initiative Demonstration Project,2012,91,2,39-60,McCroskey Final results of the Nashville Comprehensive Emergency Services project,1976,55,9,661-664,Burt A day school approach to aggressive adolescents,1976,55,10,712-724,Kennedy Family day care: early identification of children with emotional disorders,1977,56,2,109-119,Reinhart Child custody disputes within the context of child protection investigations: Secondary analysis of the Canadian Incident Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect,2013,92,1,115-137,Fallon Substantiation assessment criteria: a framework for evaluating contested substantiation in child protection practice,2013,92,1,89-114,Fakunmoju Using redefinition and paradox with children in placement who provoke rejection,1980,59,9,551-559,Kagan Older children in preadoptive homes: issues before termination of parental rights,2002,81,2,101-121,Waterman Charting a Course: Meeting the Challenge of Permanency Planning for Children with Incarcerated Mothers,1998,77,5,513-530,Beckerman Developing positive self-concepts in institutionalized children with severe behavior disorders,1986,65,2,165-176,Warger "There is nothing so practical as a good theory",1986,65,1,3-15,Polansky The influence of family visiting upon boys' behavior in a juvenile correctional institution,1985,64,6,629-638,Borgman Are girls different? Gender discrepancies between delinquent behavior and control,1985,64,3,273-289,Figueira-McDonough Implementation dilemmas in North Carolina's Willie M. program,1984,63,5,419-430,Johnson Adolescent sexuality: gay and lesbian issues,1987,66,4,353-364,Cates Parental substance abuse and the development of children in family foster care,2001,80,2,239-256,McNichol Serving the urban poor: a study of child welfare preventive services,1992,71,3,197-211,Finch Organizational responses to the Convention on the Rights of the Child: international lessons for child welfare organizations,2001,80,5,668-679,Woll African American males in foster care and the risk of delinquency: the value of social bonds and permanence,2008,87,1,115-140,Testa What do we know about drug-endangered children when they are first placed into care?,2011,90,3,45-68,Altshuler Animal-human relationships in child protective services: getting a baseline,2010,89,4,67-82,Risley-Curtiss Applying a public health approach: The role of state health departments in preventing maltreatment and fatalities of children,2013,92,2,99-117,Saul Behavior contracting with youthful offenders and their parents,1977,56,,409-417,Collingwood Rethinking the effects of homelessness on children: resiliency and competency,1996,75,6,741-751,Douglass Living in the war zone: Mothers and young children in a public housing development,1989,58,,3-20,Garbarino Permanency planning in the context of parental incarceration: Legal issues and recommendations,1998,77,5,543-560,Genty Fathers: A placement resource for abused and neglected children,1998,68,5,470-490,Zuravin The forgotten parent: Understanding the forces that influence incarcerated fathers' relationships with their children,1998,77,5,617-637,Hairston Addressing trauma to promote social and emotional well-being: a child welfare imparative,2011,90,6,19-28,Samuels Effectively addressing the impact of child traumatic stress in child welfare,2011,90,6,11-17,Fairbank Engaging with families in child protection: lessons from practitioner research in Scotland,2011,90,4,117-134,Stewart Mother-child incest: characteristics of the offender,1986,65,5,447-458,McCarty Nontraditional boys: a minority in need of reassessment,1986,65,3,252-259,Coleman Foster family care review by judicial-citizen panels: an evaluation,1986,65,3,211-230,Lindsey Preventing severe maltreatment-related injuries and fatalities: Applying a public health framework and innovative approaches to child protection,2013,92,2,13-18,Pecora The legend of Mary Ellen Wilson and Etta Wheeler: Child maltreatment and protection today,2013,92,2,9-11,Mallon Do evidence-based group parenting programs for high-risk or maltreating parents include content about psychological maltreatment?: A program review,2012,91,2,7-37,Brassard Show me the evidence: Ways of knowing what works in child welfare,2012,91,2,5-6,Mallon Differential program evaluation model in child protection,2012,91,4,9-40,Lalayants Factors related to resilience in preschool and kindergarten students,2011,90,1,7-24,Nesheiwat The continuing search for safety permanency and well-being,2011,90,1,5-6,Mallon Comparing child protective investigation performance between law enforcement agencies and child welfare agencies,2011,90,2,87-105,Yampolskaya Whatever the problem the answer is "evidence-based practice"--or is it?,2004,83,6,611-615,Steib Bad drug trips and flashbacks,1972,51,1,41-50,Juve The boy who did not cry,1972,51,2,104-109,Ament An activity group approach to seriously disturbed latency boys,1971,50,7,413-419,Van Scoy Rights of children emerge: Historical notes on 1st White House Conference on Children,1970,49,7,365-372,Stretch Child protection service on a 24-hour 365-day basis,1970,49,3,168, Crisis intervention,1970,49,3,152-155,Lynn Plan for protection: Child abuse center,1970,49,9,486-494,Helfer Battered but not defeated: The story of an abused child and positive casework,1970,49,2,101-104,Davies AFDC workers role in protective services,1969,48,5,273-278,Williams The physically abused child: Focus on prevention,1969,48,2,86-95,Paulson Delinquency: A community responsibility,1969,48,4,219-222,Morrison Public knowledge attitudes and opinions about physical child abuse in United States,1969,48,7,395-401,Gil Social work and prevention of youth offenses,1968,47,2,85,Tomaino Preventing child abuse and neglect: a national evaluation of Parents Anonymous groups,2010,89,6,43-62,Wolf Companion piece: Needs rights and the human family: a bio-psycho-social-spiritual perspective,2010,89,5,191-204,Sister Ann Patrick Conrad Needs rights and the human family: the practicality of the Convention on the Rights of the Child,2010,89,5,177-189,Mama Children's health in the United States: assessing the potential impact of the Convention on the Rights of the Child,2010,89,5,37-56,Todres The relevance of U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child for Child Health: a matter of equity and social justice,2010,89,5,21-36,Kasper The USA and Non-Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child,2010,89,5,15-19,Lee Why should the United States ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child?,2010,89,5,7-13,Gardinier Mental health and substance abuse indicators among homeless youth in Denver Colorado,2009,88,2,93-110,Van Leeuwen Child fatality review teams: a content analysis of social policy,2011,90,3,91-110,Douglas Internalizing symptoms linking youths' maltreatment and delinquent behavior,2011,90,3,69-89,Springer The sexual revolution: Its impact on child welfare,1968,47,7,380-381, Group treatment program for juvenile delinquents,1968,47,5,281-290,Elias When a child welfare client dies: an agency-centered perspective,2004,83,4,317-340,Gustavsson Fatal error: The missing ingredient in child welfare reform: part 2,2004,83,1,101-104,Steib Evidence-based practice in community-based child welfare systems,2003,82,5,597-614,Usher Fatal error: the missing ingredient in child welfare reform: Part 1,2003,82,6,747-750,Steib How parental drug use and drug treatment compliance relate to family reunification,2003,82,3,335-365,Smith Validation of the Strengths and Stressors Tracking Device with a child welfare population,2003,82,3,293-318,Cash Strengths of farming communities in fostering resilience in children,2002,81,5,821-835,Larson Bridging child welfare and juvenile justice: preventing unnecessary detention of foster children,2002,81,3,471-494,Ross There's no place like home: achieving safety permanency and well-being for lesbian and gay adolescents in out-of-home care settings,2002,81,2,407-439,Mallon A grassroots prototype for trauma-informed child welfare system change,2011,90,6,169-186,Black-Pond Screening for trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms among mothers receiving child welfare preventive services,2011,90,6,109-127,Griffing Some observations on abusive parents,1968,47,2,89-94,Brown Some guidelines in selection of day care personnel,1966,45,10,584-592,Speer Hazards in determining child abuse,1966,45,1,28-33,Elmer Emergency care of children: Necessary evil or meaningful child welfare service?,1966,45,6,326-333,Bernstein A pediatricians view of the abused child,1965,44,1,41-43,Finberg Foster parents techniques of management of preadolescent boys deviant behavior,1965,44,2,90-94,Sargent The Alaskan earthquake and a childrens home,1964,43,7,367-368,Currier The social worker role in child protection,1963,42,6,295-296,Billingsley Children who do not cry,1960,39,4,26-30,Emmons The homemakers role in the prevention and treatment of family breakdown,1960,39,5,22-25,Einstein The accused child: The role of authority in treatment,1959,38,7,23-27,Nagel The runaway foster-child,1956,35,7,21-26,Paull Creative uses of homemaker service,1956,35,1,10-12,Johnson TV or not TV: Minnesota settles the question,1956,35,9,1-7,Fricke Is it well with the child,1956,35,8,29-32,Finnie What is happening in day-care: New concepts current practices and trends,1956,35,1,22-26,Cauman A psychiatrist looks at homemaker service,1956,35,8,1-5,Aldrich A point on treatment of depression,1979,58,9,563,Shoenberg Parental perceptions of behaviors in preschool children,1979,58,5,339-345,Vann Staff conflicts over use of authority in residential settings,1979,58,3,205-215,Watkins Safety permanency and well-being revisited,2010,89,3,5-8,Mallon Is vicarious trauma the culprit? A study of child welfare professionals,2010,89,6,105-120,Jankoski An adolescent services plan to incorporate status offenders into the child welfare system,1979,58,8,531-539,Bingham Assisting the status offender,1979,58,8,500-509,Rector A plan for identifying priorities in treating multiproblem families,1978,57,6,365-372,Butehorn "Normalization" and related concepts: words and ambiguities,1977,56,5,301-310,Lippman Deinstitutionalization: a matter of social order and deviance,1977,56,5,293-299,Coughlin Soft is hardest: Leading for learning in child protection services following a child fatality,2013,92,2,199-216,Munro Applying principles from safety science to improve child protection,2013,92,2,179-195,Epstein Innovative cross-system and community approaches for the prevention of child maltreatment,2013,92,2,161-178,White Safety and risk assessment frameworks: Overview and implications for child maltreatment fatalities,2013,92,2,143-160,Graham Effective primary prevention programs in public health and their applicability to the prevention of child maltreatment,2013,92,2,119-139,Johnston Behavior contracting with youthful offenders and their parents,1977,56,6,409-417,Douds Behaviorism and psychodynamics,1977,56,6,368-379,Schwartz A truancy program: the child welfare agency and the school,1976,55,8,573-580,Johnson The status offender controversy: charges and study evidence,1979,58,8,485-499,Piven Depression in adolescents: a developmental view,1979,58,9,577-585,Highland Cognitive-behavioral-expressive interventions with aggressive and resistant youths,1992,71,6,557-573,Davis Removal of status offenders from the juvenile justice system: the Florida experience,1979,58,3,177-185,Miller A network of services for severely disturbed adolescents,1979,58,2,115-125,Walsh Use of videotape feedback with severely disturbed adolescents,1979,58,4,245-252,Michel Father-daughter incest: a clinical view from the corrections field,1978,57,9,581-590,Spencer Advancing public health surveillance to estimate child maltreatment fatalities: Review and recommendations,2013,92,2,77-98,Schnitzer Preventing severe and fatal child maltreatment: Making the case for the expanded use and integration of data,2013,92,2,59-75,Berger Extent and nature of child maltreatment-related fatalities: Implications for policy and practice,2013,92,2,41-58,Smith The public health approach for understanding and preventing child maltreatment: A brief review of the literature and a call to action,2013,92,2,21-39,Covington Child development centers program: an effective school-based mental health services,1981,60,8,569-577,Irigon Developing quality services for offenders and families: An innovative partnership,1998,77,5,595-616,Lauderdale Supporting families and children of mothers in jail: An integrated child welfare and criminal justice strategy,1998,77,5,494-512,Katz The impact of alcohol and other drugs on the child welfare system,1993,72,6,533-542,Curtis Youth crisis services: short-term community-based residential treatment,1977,56,3,187-195,Dimock Concrete strategies for sensitizing youth-serving agencies to the needs of gay lesbian and other sexual minority youths,1997,76,3,393-409,Phillips Missing persons: women in child welfare,1995,74,3,486-502,Swift Supervision in tribal and state child welfare agencies: professionalization responsibilities training needs and satisfaction,1994,73,2,117-128,MacEachron The road ahead: Comprehensive and innovative approaches for improving safety and preventing child maltreatment fatalities,2013,92,2,237-253,Sanders Effective communications strategies: Engaging the media policymakers and the public,2013,92,2,217-233,Blake Obstacles to effective child welfare service with gay and lesbian youths,1994,73,4,291-304,Sullivan Complex trauma and mental health in children and adolescents placed in foster care: findings from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network,2011,90,6,91-108,Fairbank Characteristics of families at risk of problems in parenting: Findings from a home based secondary prevention program,1989,63,5,529-538,Ayoub Feelings and perceptions of parents of runaways,1984,63,2,159-166,Spillane-Grieco Lawyers vs. social workers: is cerebral hemisphericity the culprit?,1983,62,1,21-29,Lau Toward reducing recidivism in foster care,1982,61,5,313-316,Dukette Siblings of Oedipus: Brothers and Sisters of Incest Victims,1981,60,8,561-568,de Young The homosexual adolescent: developmental issues and social bias,1981,60,5,321-330,Malyon Reaching children at risk: a model for training child welfare specialists,1981,60,3,148-160,Jones Reactive depression in youths experiencing emancipation,1981,60,6,383-390,Anderson Residential treatment for families of maltreated children,1981,60,2,105-108,Wood Group therapy for seriously disturbed boys in residential treatment,1980,59,9,560-565,Clifford Assessing reoffense risk with juvenile sexual offenders,1991,70,3,333-345,Kahn Stolen children and international adoption,1991,70,2,285-291,Fieweger Keeping children on top of the states' policy agendas,1990,69,1,23-32,Scales Adolescent sexuality: promoting the search for hidden values,1989,68,3,331-337,DiBlasio Treatment of delinquent youth in Finland,1989,68,2,183-188,Karkkainen Living in the war zone: mothers and young children in a public housing development,1989,68,1,3-20,Dubrow New legal options to prepare adolescents for independent living,1988,67,6,529-546,Hardin Trashing,1988,67,2,176-183,Krueger Childhood depression: new theoretical formulations and implications for foster care services,1988,67,1,37-47,Zimmerman Why adoptees search: motives and more,1988,67,1,15-19,Andersen Engaging families of court-mandated youths in an alternative to institutional placement,1987,66,4,365-376,Roberts Children with problematic sexualized behaviors in the child welfare system,2008,87,1,5-27,Archer Serving children youth and families with alcohol and other drug-related problems in child welfare,2001,80,2,103-107,Young Data mining in child welfare,2000,79,5,633-650,Schoech School-based peer sexual harassment,1999,78,4,435-460,Kopels Measuring performance in child welfare: secondary effects of success,1999,78,1,31-51,Usher Reporting and Founding of Child Neglect in Urban and Rural Communities,1991,70,,359-?,Craft The proctor program for detention of delinquent girls,1976,55,5,345-345,McManus Memo to child care workers: notes on the management of sex and stealing,1976,55,5,329-334,Lambert Group therapy for behavior-problem children in a rural junior high school,1974,53,10,653-657,Webster Helping children by changing their behavior,1973,52,2,109-116,McBeath A model for evaluation: design for a rape counseling program,1977,56,6,395-400,Bennett A community reentry model,1977,56,9,593-600,Barchi A needs assessment of young children,1978,57,1,27-33,McDonald Continuity of treatment and the County Department of Social Services,1979,58,3,196-204,Blair The American juvenile justice system: an evaluation of standards,1980,59,3,131-144,Isralowitz Suffering in silence: the male incest victim,1980,59,5,269-275,Nasjleti Group care of children and the development of moral judgment,1980,59,6,323-333,Timm Saying good-bye in residential treatment,1979,58,9,586-596,Bale Clinical assessment of maladjusted preschool children,1985,64,2,127-134,Hinchey Critical factors in the adoption of emotionally disturbed youths,1986,65,1,63-73,Kagan Modes of exit from foster family care and adjustment at time of departure of children with unstable life histories,1989,68,4,391-402,Fanshel Court-ordered foster family care reform: a case study,1986,65,2,141-154,Levitt Massachusetts and Scotland: from juvenile justice to child welfare?,2012,91,5,169-191,McGhee Examining the relationships between family drug court program compliance and child welfare outcomes,2015,94,5,67-87,Child Restraint use in residential programs: why are best practices ignored?,2010,89,2,169-187,Lebel Lawyer and social worker as a team: preparing for trial in neglect cases,1980,59,8,469-477,Harris Project Thrive: a supportive treatment approach to the parents of children with nonorganic failure to thrive,1982,61,6,389-398,Moore Long-term economic benefit of Treatment Foster Care Oregon (TFCO) for adolescent females referred to congregate care for delinquency,2019,97,5,179-195,Campbell Family care plans for infants with prenatal substance exposure,2023,101,2,169-192,Putnam-Hornstein