Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Home Safety at School,1988,10,1,1-8,Peterson Reducing Home Safety Hazards in the Homes of Parents Reported for Neglect,1999,21,3,23-34,Lutzker Constellations of family violence and their differential effects on children's behavioral disturbance,1992,14,4,23-42,Salzinger Social skills training with juvenile offenders,1984,6,4,1-11,Sherer Parent-Child Interaction Therapy with Behavior Problem Children: Maintenance of Treatment Effects in the School Setting,1998,20,2,17-38,Funderburk Parenting Adolescents Wisely: The Effectiveness of an Interactive Videodisk Parent Training Program in Appalachia,1999,21,4,1-22,Gordon Relationship of Child Abuse Potential Inventory Scores to Parental Repsonses: A Construct Validity Study,1989,11,,39-58,Schellenbach The Good Behavior Game: A Token Reinforcement System for Preschoolers,1992,14,3,21-32,Matson Parental emotion coaching: associations with self-regulation in aggressive/rejected and low aggressive/popular children,2014,36,2,81-106,Wilson Collateral effects from teaching attention imitation and toy interaction behaviors to a developmentally handicapped child,1986,7,4,47-60,Ballard Firearm injury prevention skills: increasing the efficiency of training with peer tutoring,2004,26,3,21-35,Miltenberger Decreasing self-injurious behavior in a student with autism and tourette syndrome through positive attention and extinction,2009,31,2,144-156,Banda Response blocking with guided compliance and reinforcement for a habilitative replacement behavior: effects on public masturbation and on-task behavior,2005,27,4,73-84,Dufrene Reduction of stereotypic motor behavior in a child with acquired brain injury through contingent instructional pacing,1999,21,2,67-75,Luiselli Sequential modification and the identification of instructional components occasioning self-injurious behavior,2010,32,1,1-16,Luiselli Modifying children's responses to unsecured firearms and modifying the keeping and storage of firearms in families of elementary school children: a possible role for child behavior therapy,2000,22,2,21-31,Vacha Does parent-child interaction therapy reduce maternal stress anxiety and depression among mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder?,2017,39,4,283-303,Ogg Mothers' attributions about child misbehavior: can situational suggestions change general perceptions?,2017,39,2,131-147,Niec Parents' experiences of a brief online parenting program with playful discipline,2022,44,3,165-184,Bradbury