Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Off-road recreational motor vehicle accidents: hospitalization and deaths,1988,31,4,233-236,Saboe Facial fractures and snowmobile accidents,1977,20,3,275-277,Rigg Children in crashes: mechanisms of injury and restraint systems,2001,44,6,445-449,Letts Chain-saw facial injuries,1979,22,2,149-151,Rigg Flammable fabrics and human burns,1971,14,3,177-178,Birch Analysis of a school bus collision: mechanism of injury in the unrestrained child,2003,46,4,269-272,Letts Population-based study of severe trauma due to electrocution in the Calgary Health Region 1996-2002,2005,48,4,289-292,Laupland Medical significance of occupant restraint on road-crash victims and the role of the medical profession,1987,30,6,400-402,Dooley Seat belt syndrome: a new abdominal pathology,1984,27,5,464-465,Denis Seat-belt trauma to the abdomen,1969,12,2,202-206,MacLeod Noncompliance with seat-belt use in patients involved in motor vehicle collisions,2005,48,5,367-372,Brenneman Seat-belt injuries in children involved in motor vehicle crashes,2005,48,5,373-376,Santschi Cost factors in pediatric trauma,2003,46,6,441-445,Gurses Cost factors in Canadian pediatric trauma,2001,44,2,117-121,Dueck Burden of injury during the complex political emergency in northern Uganda,2006,49,1,51-57,Kobusingye Mechanism of injury influences the pattern of injuries sustained by patients involved in vehicular trauma,1991,34,3,283-286,McLellan Pediatric burns: the forgotten trauma of childhood,2006,49,4,272-277,Holland Autopsies and death certification in deaths due to blunt trauma: what are we missing?,2000,43,2,130-136,Stewart Mandatory exploration or observation for penetrating neck injuries?,1997,40,1,8-9,O'Keefe Penetrating and blunt neck trauma: 10-year review of a Canadian experience,1997,40,1,33-38,Irish Cost of pediatric trauma,2001,44,6,462,Yanchar Acetabular fractures and seat belts,1996,39,4,266,Waddell From trauma care to injury control: a people's history of the evolution of trauma systems in Canada,2007,50,5,364-369,Evans Injury patterns and outcomes associated with elderly trauma victims in Kingston Ontario,2007,50,6,437-444,Gowing The demographics of significant firearm injury in Canadian trauma centres and the associated predictors of inhospital mortality,2008,51,3,197-203,Finley The spatial epidemiology of trauma: the potential of geographic information science to organize data and reveal patterns of injury and services,2008,51,5,389-395,Hameed The epidemiology of surgically treated acute subdural and epidural hematomas in patients with head injuries: a population-based study,2008,51,5,339-345,Ackroyd-Stolarz Functional outcome and persistent disability after isolated fracture of the femur,2008,51,5,366-370,Macleod Foreign-body aspiration in an adult,2008,51,3,E69-70,Qureshi Urgent endovascular stenting of subclavian artery pseudoaneurysm caused by seatbelt injury,2007,50,4,303-304,Saadia Investigation of automotive mishaps in Frontenac county (Ontario),1970,13,3,236-242,Ghent Outcomes and attitudes: lessons learned from pilots,2006,49,1,14-15,Gross Human bite injuries of the hand,1984,27,6,616-618,Bite Transection of the common bile duct as an isolated injury following blunt trauma,1969,12,3,334-335,Moffat Non-penetrating abdominal trauma,1966,9,4,379-383,Brown Non-penetrating thoracic trauma: a statistical survey and analysis,1966,9,4,332-337,Drummond Foreign bodies in the rectum,1993,36,2,173-177,Yaman High-pressure injection injuries,1991,34,5,511-513,Peters Injury in Kampala Uganda: 6 years later,2009,52,5,E146-50,Lett Crush injuries to the chest,1959,2,3,265-271,Ghent The wringer injury,1958,1,3,189-196,Lindsay Grease-gun injury,1960,3,,339-340,Osborne Motorcycle-related trauma in Alberta: a sad and expensive story,2009,52,6,E235-40,Dyer Emphasis on prevention,2009,52,6,E312,Rakovich Lost but not forgotten: patients lost to follow-up in a trauma database,2002,45,3,191-195,Murnaghan International surgery: causes of hand injuries in a developing country,2010,53,3,161-166,Ihekire The impact and consequences of hip fracture in Ontario,1996,39,2,105-111,Jaglal Chemical burns,1996,39,3,205-211,Cartotto A 7-year review of men's and women's ice hockey injuries in the NCAA,2010,53,5,319-323,Agel Increasing volume of patients at level I trauma centres: is there a need for triage modification in elderly patients with injuries of low severity?,2003,46,6,446-452,Liberman Endovascular management of traumatic thoracic aortic injuries,2005,48,4,293-297,Lawlor Snowmobile trauma alcohol and the law: a reply,2005,48,2,99,Stewart Pericardial rupture with cardiac herniation,2008,51,5,E101-2,Chughtai Editor's view. Brighton Workshop on Road Traffic Trauma in Low and Middle Income Countries,2008,51,1,4-5,Waddell Case report of ventricular septal defect secondary to blunt chest trauma,2007,50,3,227-228,Rootman Update on managing diaphragmatic rupture in blunt trauma: A review of 208 consecutive cases,2009,52,3,177-181,Rizoli Symposium on trauma for the general surgeon. 1. An accident health care program: the organization and development of regional trauma units,1978,21,6,507-510,Burns Acute spinal cord injury: analysis of epidemiologic factors,1979,22,6,575-578,Edmonds 25 cases of traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta: current diagnostic elements,1980,23,5,427-429,Verdant A review of trauma systems using the Calgary model,2000,43,1,23-28,Kortbeek Musculoskeletal case 20. Jefferson fracture (C1 burst fracture),2002,45,1,16 65-6,Munk Accident-injury organization: Canadian overview,1985,28,6,482-486,Burns Head injuries: a prospective computerized study,1985,28,1,79-83,Phillips Myocardial contusion in chest trauma,1983,26,1,43-45,Holliday Transverse sacral fractures: case series and literature review,2001,44,5,359-363,Nolan Disaster preparedness of Canadian trauma centres: the perspective of medical directors of trauma,2011,54,1,9-16,Ahmed Drills and exercises: the way to disaster preparedness,2011,54,1,7-8,McAlister Changing patterns of scaphoid fractures in adolescents,1994,37,3,214-216,Dumont Air versus ground transport of major trauma patients to a tertiary trauma centre: a province-wide comparison using TRISS analysis,2007,50,2,129-133,Tallon The value of trauma centres: a methodologic review,1987,30,1,17-22,Roy Fat embolism,1970,13,1,41-49,Rennie Acetabular fractures before and after the introduction of seatbelt legislation,1996,39,4,317-320,O'Connor Traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta,1972,15,6,350-359,Lynn Functional anatomy of the ankle joint and its relationship to ankle injuries,1972,15,3,145-150,Robichon Anemia following thermal burns: a survey of 109 children,1971,14,5,345-350,Birdsell The bathtub burn--a pediatric disaster,1971,14,6,399-401,Thomson Electrical burns; pathophysiology and complications,1981,24,1,11-14,Peters Head injury in multiple trauma,1983,26,1,23-26,Schwartz Preventable deaths in multiple trauma: review of deaths at Sunnybrook Medical Centre Trauma Unit,1983,26,1,20-23,Wright Introduction. Canadian Association of General Surgeons Accident Injury Health-Care Program,1983,26,1,18-19,Burns Early determinants of outcome in blunt injury,1984,27,1,64-69,Thomas Fat embolism: A review and report of 100 cases,1974,17,4,196-199,Moreau Outcomes after severe trauma at a northern Canadian regional trauma centre,1998,41,1,53-58,Bota Acute spinal cord injury in primates produced by an inflatable extradural cuff,1973,16,3,222-231,Tator Trauma outcomes,1998,41,4,328-329,Simons Penetrating cardiac injury: the nail gun a potentially dangerous tool,2008,51,1,E7-8,Guo Psychological distress and quality of life after orthopedic trauma: an observational study,2008,51,1,15-22,Hanson Psychiatric lessons learned in Kandahar,2011,54,6,S142-4,Jetly Overcoming barriers to population-based injury research: development and validation of an ICD10-to-AIS algorithm,2012,55,1,21-26,Brennan-Barnes Influence of a province-wide trauma system on motor vehicle collision process of trauma care and mortality: a 10-year follow-up evaluation,2012,55,1,8-14,Ackroyd-Stolarz Gallstones resulting from abdominal shotgun wound,1999,42,4,313,Ellsmere Does direct transport to provincial burn centres improve outcomes? A spatial epidemiology of severe burn injury in British Columbia 2001-2006,2012,55,2,110-116,Hameed Retrospective review of all-terrain vehicle accidents in Alberta,2012,55,3,036210-35710,Ozegovic Snowmobile trauma: 10 years' experience at Manitoba's tertiary trauma centre,2004,47,2,90-94,Stewart Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in children,1981,24,4,355-357,Adeyemi Blunt abdominal trauma,1966,9,4,384-396,Macbeth Severe street and mountain bicycling injuries in adults: a comparison of the incidence risk factors and injury patterns over 14 years,2013,56,3,E32-E38,Kirkpatrick Celebrity traumatic deaths: Are gangster rappers really "gangsta"?,2013,56,4,E59-E62,Inaba Visual abnormalities after severe head injuries,1980,23,2,163-165,Ford Spinal injuries in ice hockey players 1966-1987,1991,34,1,63-69,Edmonds Fingertip amputation: review of 100 digits,1985,28,1,72-75,Braun Traumatic rupture of the tracheobronchial tree,1985,28,1,68-71,de la Rocha The "weekend warrior": fact or fiction for major trauma?,2014,57,3,E62-E68,Kirkpatrick Minimally displaced clavicle fracture after high-energy injury: are they likely to displace?,2014,57,3,169-174,Koval Factors affecting the relative age effect in NHL athletes,2014,57,3,157-161,Harvey Rectal injuries,1978,21,6,524,Maxwell Spinal cord injury in the work force,1985,28,2,165-167,Ekong Metabolic indicators of outcome in trauma,1984,27,2,105-106,Duff Mediastinitis after whiplash injury,1986,29,1,54-56,Molina Snowblower injuries to the hand,1987,30,2,111-112,Bowen Injuries to the urethra and urinary bladder associated with fractures of the pelvis,1988,31,2,85-88,Morehouse "I've never asked one question." Understanding the barriers among orthopedic surgery residents to screening female patients for intimate partner violence,2014,57,6,371-378,Schemitsch Classifying outcomes of care for injured patients,2014,57,6,368-370,Simons The evolution of trauma surgery at a high-volume Canadian centre: implications for public health prevention clinical care education and recruitment,2014,57,6,e001314,Kirkpatrick The roles of experience participation rates and judgment in the injury rates of weekend warriors - Author's response,2015,58,1,E2,Bell The roles of experience participation rates and judgment in the injury rates of weekend warriors,2015,58,1,E1-E2,Heshka The Canadian Armed Forces medical response to Typhoon Haiyan,2015,58,3,S146-S152,Pannell Factors affecting mortality of pediatric trauma patients encountered in Kandahar Afghanistan,2015,58,3,S141-S145,Nathens Cervical spine injury in dismounted improvised explosive device trauma,2015,58,3,S104-S107,McAlister Impact of the age of stored blood on trauma patient mortality: a systematic review,2015,58,5,335-342,Green Trauma care and referral patterns in Rwanda: implications for trauma system development,2016,59,1,35-41,Razek Traumatic spinal injuries in children at a single level 1 pediatric trauma centre: report of a 23-year experience,2016,59,3,205-212,Moroz The enigma of neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome following motor vehicle collisions,2016,59,4,276-280,Munro Impact of trauma centre designation level on outcomes following hemorrhagic shock: a multicentre cohort study,2017,60,1,45-52,Clement The Orthopedic Trauma Symposium: improving care of orthopedic injuries in Haiti,2017,60,4,e2316,Normore The 1917 Halifax Explosion: the first coordinated local civilian medical response to disaster in Canada,2017,60,6,372-374,McAlister Validation of the Sainte-Justine Head Trauma Pathway for children younger than two years of age,2018,61,4,283-287,Gravel Prevalence of risky driving behaviours on popular television series,2018,61,5,355-356,Tremblay Care of victims of suicide bombing,2018,61,6,S184-S187,Kao Effect of the Trauma Evaluation and Management module on the knowledge of senior medical students: a prospective cohort study,2019,62,3,1-5,Almarhabi Effect of predicted travel time to trauma care on mortality in major trauma patients in Nova Scotia,2019,62,2,123-130,Asbridge Vascular trauma: does experience in the United States apply to a Canadian centre?,2019,62,6,002317,Parry Traumatic spinal cord injuries among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations of Saskatchewan: a prospective outcomes study,2020,63,3,315-320,Fourney Acute care surgery trauma and disaster relief: a clinical exchange between the University of British Columbia and the Mexican Red Cross,2020,63,4,eE338-E345,Joos Evaluation of trauma resources in rural northern Alberta identifies opportunities for improvement,2020,63,5,E383-E390,Hughes Toward an all-inclusive trauma system in Central South Ontario: development of the Trauma-System Performance Improvement and Knowledge Exchange (T-SPIKE) project,2021,64,2,E162-E172,Macdonald The Canadian-specific impact of COVID-19 on severe injuries from intentional violence unintentional trauma and suicide-related causes,2021,64,2,E230-E231,Ball Drug use in Canadian patients with trauma after cannabis legalization,2021,64,4,E403-E406,Parry Trauma in northern Quebec 2005-2014: epidemiologic features transfers and patient outcomes,2021,64,5,E527-E533,Razek Subway-related trauma at a level 1 trauma centre in Toronto Ontario,2021,64,6,E588-E593,Gómez Prevalence of gender-based and sexual harassment within orthopedic surgery in Canada,2022,65,1,E45-E51,Bhandari Penn State equation versus indirect calorimetry for nutritional assessment in patients with traumatic brain injury,2022,65,3,E320-E325,Marcoux Where to start? Injury prevention priority scores for traumatic injuries in Canada,2022,65,3,E326-E334,Yanchar Rural trauma telementoring: a pilot project,2022,65,5,E567-E572,Hintz Are outdoor playgrounds the real culprit for elbow fractures in children? A lesson learned from COVID-19 sanitary measures,2023,66,3,E282-E288,Gravel Screening for alcohol and drug use in pediatric trauma,2023,66,3,E321-E328,Bratu Association of age with death and withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy after severe traumatic brain injury,2023,66,4,E348-E355,Turgeon Répercussions de la COVID-19 sur l'incidence de blessures graves causées par la violence intentionnelle les traumas accidentels et des traumas découlant d'une tentative de suicide au Canada,2021,64,2,E230-E231,Ball Ileoanal anastomosis with reservoirs: complications and long-term results,1999,42,5,345-352,Stein Soft-tissue images. Bullet embolism,2001,44,4,e258,Luison