Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Observed daytime seat-belt use in Vancouver before and after the British Columbia belt-use law,1979,70,5,329-331,Robertson The seat belt use law in Ontario: effects on actual use,1978,69,2,154-157,Robertson Alcohol involvement in snowmobile operator fatalities in Canada,2001,92,5,359-360,Beirness The effect of a community-based police surveillance program on snowmobile injuries and deaths,1998,89,1,57-61,Rowe All-terrain vehicle physical injuries: the case of 3- and 4-wheeled vehicles,1988,79,4,264-267,DeLisle The use of bicycle helmets in a western Canadian province without legislation,2003,94,2,144-148,Rowe Bicycle helmet-wearing variation and associated factors in Ontario teenagers and adults,2002,93,5,368-373,Rowe Prevention of paediatric acquired brain injury: an interactive elementary-school program,1998,89,6,391-396,Miron A community-based study of parents' knowledge attitudes and beliefs related to childhood injuries,1996,87,6,383-388,Dayler CPHA gun control campaign successful,1995,86,6,364,Dafoe Firearm deaths in Canadian adolescents and young adults,1994,85,2,128-131,Leonard Childhood gunshot injuries in the Ottawa area,1993,84,3,159-162,Shanon Unintentional firearm deaths: can they be reduced by lowering gun ownership levels?,2001,92,5,396-398,Gabor Gun availability and the use of guns for suicide and homicide in Canada,2000,91,3,186-187,Lester Firearm safety courses for elementary school-age children,1999,90,1,35-36,Leonard Current bicycle helmet ownership use and related factors among school-aged children in metropolitan Toronto,1994,85,2,121-124,Parkin Parental attitudes toward legislation for helmet use by child cyclists,1993,84,3,163-165,Parkin Evaluation of a four-year bicycle helmet promotion campaign in Quebec aimed at children ages 8 to 12: impact on attitudes norms and behaviours,1997,88,1,62-66,Farley Hockey injuries: consultations in a hospital center in Quebec,1996,87,4,240-243,Laflamme Injuries associated with in-line skating from the Canadian hospitals injury reporting and prevention program database,1995,86,2,133-136,Ellis Bicycle helmet use and compliance: a northeastern Ontario roadside survey,1995,86,1,57-61,Rowe Adolescent suicide in Quebec and prior utilization of medical services,2004,95,5,357-360,Farand School injuries and preventive policies and programs,2004,95,6,424-428,Magdalinos Social capital and youth suicide risk factors in First Nations communities,2005,96,Suppl 1,S51-4,Mignone Prevalence of traumatic dental injury in grade 8 children in six Ontario communities,2005,96,1,73-76,Locker The influence of motor vehicle legislation on injury claim incidence,2005,96,1,65-68,Lemstra Pediatric injuries: parental knowledge attitudes and needs,1996,87,2,101-105,Hu Less common causes of accidental drownings in Alberta,1995,86,4,255-256,Ryan Factors associated with seat belt use: an evaluation from the Ontario Health Survey,1998,89,5,320-324,Rowe Behavior and beliefs in amateur open water activities: study of beliefs and attitudes with respect to health risks,2002,93,3,213-218,Nguyen The habits and perceptions of participants in water and other outdoor activities in terms of risk behaviors,2002,93,3,208-212,Nguyen Drownings other aquatic injuries and young Canadians,1984,75,3,218-222,MacLachlan Drowning--its mechanism and management: a review,1967,58,7,301-304,Crosson Unintentional house fire deaths in Alberta 1985-1990: a population study,1993,84,5,317-320,Tough Deaths from clothing and bedding fires,1967,58,10,444-453,Williams-Leir Motor vehicle accident fatality statistics: an investigation of reliability,1983,74,6,381-384,Chipman The health effects of taxi driving: the case of visible minority drivers in Toronto,2003,94,4,254-257,Facey Current trends in youth suicide and firearms regulations,2005,96,2,131-135,Cheung Engendering health disparities,2005,96,Suppl 2,S78-96,Spitzer Accident prevention: Water safety,1965,56,,255-256,Blackstock Why seat belt legislation is legal,1984,75,1,103-104,Rozovsky Quantifying the iceberg effect for injury: using comprehensive community health data,2005,96,5,328-332,Rowe Rural youth violence: it is a public health concern!,2005,96,5,357-359,Kulig Trends in injuries illnesses and policies in Canadian healthcare workplaces,2005,96,5,333-339,Gilbert Injury control research in Canada,2005,96,5,325-327,Pickett Vision and driving,1978,69,Suppl 1,70-74,Wylie The early effects of Ontario's Administrative Driver's Licence Suspension law on driver fatalities with a BAC > 80 mg%,2002,93,3,176-180,Stoduto Evaluation of a re-training program for older drivers,2004,95,4,295-298,Bedard The health of street youth: a Canadian perspective,2005,96,6,432-437,Boivin Farm injuries and fatalities in British Columbia 1990-2000,2006,97,2,100-104,Voaklander Child and adolescent health in Northern Ontario: a quantitative profile for public health planning,2005,96,4,287-290,Sahai Profile of aged traffic victims on the road to Sherbrooke (Quebec),1993,84,3,166-169,Lessard Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect: methodology,2001,92,4,259-263,Tourigny Playground equipment hazards and associated injuries in Kingston and area,1996,87,4,237-239,Mowat How safe are our schools?,1996,87,2,106-108,Klassen Sequellae of school-related injuries: school and parent perspectives,1984,75,4,273-276,Feldman Carbon monoxide poisoning in indoor arenas: problems and methods of intervention,1988,79,2,124-129,André Seat belt campaigns--role of health agencies,1969,60,7,257, 3-wheeled and 4-wheeled all-terrain vehicles: unstable and dangerous vehicles,1989,80,1,28-30,DeLisle On the high road: driving under the influence of cannabis in Ontario,1999,90,4,260-263,Mann The Federal Law on Drinking and Driving - A Better Protection for Citizens,1985,76,6,404-406,Nadeau Deterrence of Drinking-Driving - Priorities in Public Policy,1977,68,6,447-451,Whitehead Fire-related deaths among Aboriginal people in British Columbia 1991-2001,2006,97,4,300-304,Gilbert Methamphetamine use among marginalized youth in British Columbia,2006,97,4,320-324,Martin Trends in emergency department reported head and neck injuries among skiers and snowboarders,2003,94,6,458-462,Hagel Home accident prevention,1964,55,,275-279,IMRIE Car phones and car crashes: an ecologic analysis,1998,89,3,157-161,Redelmeier Suicidal behaviours among adolescents in northern Nova Scotia,2003,94,3,207-211,Wang Health service utilization by Manitoba children,2002,93,Suppl 2,S57-S62,Mayer Alcohol's role in the deaths of BC children and youth,2002,93,3,173-175,Mitic BAC levels,2002,93,4,317-8; author reply 318,Therien Suicides associated with the Jacques Cartier Bridge Montreal Quebec 1988-1993: descriptive analysis and intervention proposal,1996,87,6,377-380,Brown A systematic overview of adolescent suicide prevention programs,1996,87,5,319-324,Thomas Assessing road rage victimization and perpetration in the Ontario adult population: the impact of illicit drug use and psychiatric distress,2006,97,2,96-99,Mann Shelter-based convalescence for homeless adults,2006,97,5,379-383,Turnbull Substance use among women in shelters for abused women and children. Programming opportunities,2006,97,5,388-392,Greaves Health disparity by neighbourhood income,2006,97,6,435-439,Lemstra Global Youth Voices: engaging Bedouin youth in health promotion in the Middle East,2007,98,1,21-25,Bader The effect of legislated lowering of the drinking age on fatal highway accidents among young drivers in Alberta 1970-1972,1976,67,2,161-163,Bako Possibilities for Research in A Local Health Unit,1968,59,8,305-312,Read Fatal motor vehicle accidents in the counties of Ontario 1965-69,1973,64,5,438-442,Buck Home injuries to children,1993,84,3,155-158,Kenney An agricultural accident survey in Alberta 1970,1973,64,1,36-43,HOWELL Fatal accidental childhood injuries in Canada,1987,78,2,129-135,Nicholls A brief on accident prevention,1967,58,9,417-424,Schwenger An approach to the problem of accidents,1967,58,7,289-295,Mac Charles The impact of cannabis on driving,2007,98,1,6-11,Bédard Drugs and driving: when science and policy don't mix,2006,97,4,283-285,Asbridge Childhood injury rates in Manitoba: socioeconomic influences,2002,93,Suppl 2,S50-6,Mayer The spatial and temporal dimensions of child pedestrian injury in Edmonton,2002,93,6,447-451,Rowe Alcohol and youth: time for effective action,2002,93,3,169-172,Single Are child pedestrians at increased risk of injury on one-way compared to two-way streets?,2000,91,3,201-206,Raina Blood alcohol concentrations among motor vehicle accident trauma admissions to a regional trauma unit,1988,79,5,392-393,Vingilis Drinking-driving behaviour of Ontario high school students,1986,77,3,196-200,Vingilis Automobile driving with alcohol impaired abilities in young people from rural areas in Quebec: a comparison of the years 1983 and 1992,1995,86,5,333-334,Marcil Regional variations of northern health: the epidemic of fatal trauma in northeastern Ontario,1995,86,4,249-254,Rowe An evaluation of a hospital-based drinking and driving prevention program,1995,86,2,91-94,Lane Risk of automobile accidents among elderly drivers with impairments or chronic diseases,1994,85,4,282-285,Gresset The incidence of wife abuse and mental health status in abused wives in Edmonton Alberta,1993,84,4,246-249,Ratner Children fathered by previous partners: A risk factor for violence against women,1993,84,3,209-210,Daly Motor vehicle traffic accidents in Canada 1978-87 by time of occurrence,1993,84,1,58-59,Mao Using a program logic model that focuses on performance measurement to develop a program,1997,88,6,421-425,Dwyer By your own two feet: factors associated with active transportation in Canada,2007,98,4,259-264,Butler Anatomy of heat waves and mortality in Toronto: lessons for public health protection,2007,98,5,364-368,Pengelly Risk factors associated with serious ski patrol-reported injuries sustained by skiers and snowboarders in snow-parks and on other slopes,2007,98,5,402-406,Hamel Non-communicable disease and injury-related mortality in rural and urban places of residence: a comparison between Canada and Australia,2007,98,,S62-9,Desmeules Educational status and work injury among young people: refining the targeting of prevention resources,2008,99,2,121-124,Breslin A systematic review of depressed mood and anxiety by SES in youth aged 10-15 years,2008,99,2,125-129,Lemstra Violence Canadian style,2008,99,3,165,Paradis Employment patterns and work injury experience among Canadian 12 to 14 year olds,2008,99,3,201-205,Breslin Trends in drinking driver fatalities in Canada,1994,85,1,19-22,Simpson Minimizing impairment-related youth traffic deaths: the need for comprehensive provincial action,2008,99,4,267-270,Chamberlain The ten-year trend in suicide methods. Evidence from an Asian population,2008,99,5,406-410,Lee Patterns of medication use among women survivors of intimate partner violence,2007,98,6,460-464,Wuest Driving after drinking in Canada: findings from the Canadian Addiction Survey,2007,98,6,476-480,Beirness Homicide in the workplace in Ontario: occupations at risk and limitations of existing data sources,1990,81,1,10-15,Liss Alcohol-related victimization among young adult Canadian drinkers: the explanatory roles of hazardous drinking and illicit drug use,2009,100,1,55-59,Thompson A multilevel analysis of the socio-spatial pattern of assault injuries in greater Vancouver British Columbia,2009,100,1,73-77,Hameed Adolescent risk behaviours and psychological distress across immigrant generations,2009,100,3,221-225,Adlaf Re: Alcohol use and abuse in Canada and mortality from suicide,1993,84,6,402,Lester A classification and regression tree for predicting recurrent falling among community-dwelling seniors using home-care services,2009,100,4,263-267,Leclerc Injury in First Nations communities in Ontario,2009,100,4,258-262,Fantus Flash flood at Trail British Columbia 1969,1970,61,2,104-111,Larsen Report on the crisis intervention and suicide prevention centre for Greater Vancouver,1970,61,1,66-67,Tarrant The battered child syndrome from a social work viewpoint,1965,56,,197-198,Blue The battered child syndrome,1965,56,,193-196,Cochrane Prevalence and concurrent forms of violence against children in the Quebec population,2006,97,2,109-113,Gagne Investigation of exposure to risk factors among young drivers (16-25 years) 1969-1971,1972,63,6,504-507,Campbell Hospitalization after motor vehicle accidents in Nova Scotia,1973,64,2,133-140,Shipman Self-injury in London Canada: a prospective study,1975,66,4,307-316,Jarvis Guatemala after the earthquake,1976,67,3,192-195,Chatterson Deterrence of drinking-driving: priorities in public policy,1977,68,6,447-455,Whitehead A methodology for the prevention of non-communicable diseases,1977,68,4,287-290,Smith Drivers in Alberta with previous impaired driving records responsible for fatal highway accidents: a survey 1970-1972,1977,68,2,106-110,Bako Safety restraints for children in automobiles: who uses them?,1978,69,4,289-292,Pless A team approach to the problem of parasuicide in downtown Toronto,1979,70,4,261-265,Barnes The effect of the province of Ontario's compulsory seatbelt legislation in an urban area,1979,70,1,28-33,Gerson Health topic: violence and the family,1980,71,1,19-24,Greenland Evaluation of relative health-risk levels of a group of impaired drivers through health hazard appraisal,1981,72,4,264-268,Wilcock Industrial non-ionizing radiation and contact lenses,1982,73,4,251-254,Chou Epidemiologic characteristics of suicide in the city of Toronto,1983,74,6,422-427,Elinson Mapping the severity of alcohol and drug problems in Ontario,1983,74,5,335-342,Adrian The nature of nuclear attack,1983,74,1,16-18,Carr The Toronto Junction Triangle Health Study: a response to a community health emergency,1986,77,4,256-262,Suissa Study of the needs coping styles and use of medical services of tornado victims,1986,77,3,173-179,Stewart Wife battering,1986,77,1,60-61,Keizer The two highest priorities in public health,1986,77,1,5-8,Last Observed effects of media campaigns on restraint use,1986,77,1,28-32,Stulginskas The project for a federal law on driving while in a state of intoxication: an added protection for citizens?,1985,76,6,404-406,Nadeau Wife battering: an emerging problem in public health,1985,76,5,297-299,Lent Child sexual abuse and juvenile prostitution: a commentary on the Badgley Report on sexual offences against children and youth,1985,76,1,65-66,Bagley Suicide in Canada: birth-cohort analysis,1985,76,1,43-47,Last Children's health in violent families,1987,78,6,369-373,Kérouac The Eastern Ontario Risk Factor Survey,1987,78,5,335-339,Davies Accidental and intentional violent deaths among British Columbia native Indians,1987,78,4,271-274,Threlfall The predictive accuracy of prenatal and postpartum high risk identification,1987,78,3,188-192,Hanley Re: "Free alcohol policy",1988,79,5,396-397,Swann A mental health component in the public health response to disasters,1988,79,2,97-100,HOWELL The Edmonton tornado disaster: the role of the health department,1988,79,1,6-10,Jones Suicide in Canada: a further look at the effects of age period and cohort,1988,79,1,37-44,Trovato The emerging role of public health in community emergencies and disasters,1988,79,1,12-15,McIntyre Estimation of the incidence of suicide attempts: Québec 1981,1989,80,5,381-382,Julien Family violence: a community's health promotion response and the Federal Government's new initiatives,1989,80,4,300-302,Dickson Prevalence of child sexual abuse,1989,80,4,296-298,Badgley Prevalence and correlates of unwanted sexual acts in childhood in a national Canadian sample,1989,80,4,295-296,Bagley Age period and cohort effects on suicide: a reply,1989,80,2,149,Trovato Sex-specific trends in suicide method Canada 1971-1985,1989,80,2,120-123,Tanney The perceived health needs of abused women,1990,81,6,470-471,Dobbie Combatting sexual assault: an evaluation of a prevention program,1990,81,5,341-344,Myers Suicide in Canada: an epidemiological assessment,1990,81,4,324-328,Davies Changes to suicide rates unique to Canada?,1990,81,3,240-241,Lester The adequacy of suicide statistics for use in epidemiology and public health,1991,82,1,38-42,Speechley Survey of the public health impact of high-technology emergencies,1992,83,5,385-387,Kosatsky Characteristics of non-responders to a mental health survey,1992,83,4,308-310,Boyer Hospital response protocols for child sexual abuse and sexually transmitted diseases in children,1992,83,4,268-270,Doherty Promoting airbags: Evaluation of a public health intervention aimed at federal election candidates,1992,83,3,234-236,Schaefer Changing profiles of a typology of youth suicide in Canada,1992,83,2,169-170,Bagley Cannabis use in Canada: the need for a 'public health' approach,2009,100,2,101-103,Rehm Traffic accident investigation--The next phase,1950,41,11,452-455,Burnette The Canada Safety Council,1970,61,3,243-246,Farmer A local review of the mortality and morbidity of accidents,1969,60,5,212-220,Richards Obesity as an occupational hazard,1967,58,11,491-493,Henschel Canadian Public Health Association: policy statement on accident prevention,1967,58,9,416, Death and injury from accidents,1967,58,7,317-318, A survey of domestic accidents in Hong Kong during May 1966,1967,58,6,249-256,Lockhart Radiation accidents--cause and effect,1967,58,1,7-12,Bird Safety in the home,1967,58,1,22-24,Sharp What has epidemiology to offer public health today and in the future?,1966,57,10,463-466,Foley Traffic accidents as a public health problem,1965,56,10,441-444,Kohn Occupational health and local public health services,1965,56,10,413-417,Williams The hazards of scuba diving,1965,56,,292-296,Parker Water safety,1965,56,,239-243,Meldrum A new look at accidental deaths,1975,66,6,457-460,Irwin Injuries and injury control,1975,66,3,221-233,Schwenger Elderly suicide in British Columbia: an exploration of regional variation and related factors,1993,84,4,231-236,Agbayewa Suicides on Ontario farms,1993,84,4,226-230,Brison Suicide: a public health concern?,1993,84,4,222-225,Mishara A pilot study of farm accidental injuries in Aberdeen Saskatchewan,1993,84,3,153-154,Dosman Measuring balance in the elderly: validation of an instrument,1992,83,Suppl 2,S7-S11,Williams Organization of prehospital emergency care in Canada: Elements of international and interprovince comparisons,1992,83,4,290-294,O'neill A health centre survey of childhood injury in Edmonton,1991,82,6,436-437,Paton Planning preventive occupational health services at the community level,1991,82,2,115-119,Rossignol Fatalities among British Columbia fallers and buckers 1981-7,1991,82,1,32-37,Hertzman The role of the public health nurse in attack or disaster,1952,43,3,97-108,Brown The challenge of accidents to preventive medicine,1955,46,4,169-171,Gogan Eye injuries in children,1955,46,2,64-66,Crawford Flood disasters and public health,1956,47,10,420-426,Hiscock Pesticides and public health,1956,47,5,206-213,Kay Accident prevention: our business,1957,48,11,471-475,Kasey Review of 1000 home accidents,1957,48,4,131-140,Lossing Integration of home safety in a public health program,1959,50,,474-477,Valois Accidental home poisonings,1958,49,10,420-424,Kubryk The psychiatric aspects of mass disaster,1958,49,7,288-291,Sigurdson Fatal accidents in the home,1958,49,6,225-229,Brower Poison control centers,1958,49,3,91-94,Collins-Williams The need for research in accident prevention,1958,49,2,77-80,Smith The public health nurse and home accidents,1961,52,,6-8,Macdougall Accident prevention and the sanitary inspector,1961,52,,8-9,Macdonnell Industrial accidents and their prevention,1961,52,,4-6,Holmes The challenge of accident prevention to the public health team,1961,52,,1-3,Smith Emergency public health planning in british columbia,1963,54,,410-416,Larsen Developments in public health planning for disaster,1963,54,,440-441,Kryszek The role of the public health inspector in disaster,1963,54,,437-439,Kryszek Accidents--a major public health problem,1963,54,,109-116,Udel Hazards of insecticide applications in quebec,1965,56,,233-238,Jegier The twentieth-century disease,1964,55,,221-222,Acres Pesticides-the saskatchewan experience,1964,55,,216-220,Williams Accidental deaths among West Coast Indians,1962,53,,409-412,Schmitt The possible contribution of public health staff to the prevention of insecticide poisoning,1962,53,,74-78,Williams Factors associated with severity of intimate partner abuse in Mexico: results of the first National Survey of Violence Against Women,2009,100,6,436-441,Híjar-Medina Status and health security: an exploratory study of irregular immigrants in Toronto,2007,98,5,369-373,Simich Demographic risk factors for fracture in First Nations people,2005,96,Suppl 1,S45-50,Leslie Drinking water fluoridation and osteosarcoma,1990,81,6,415-416,Hrudey Association of socio-economic factors with health risk behaviours among high school students in rural Nova Scotia,2003,94,6,442-447,Curtis Examination of the clinical familial and personal characteristics on homelessness of at-risk adolescents,2003,94,2,149-153,Fournier Intimate partner violence and health: a critique of Canadian prevalence studies,2003,94,1,52-58,Du Mont Promotion of bicycle helmet use among schoolchildren: a randomized clinical trial,1991,82,2,92-94,Morris Misuse of statistics in public health research,1991,82,4,279,Hewitt Classification of fatal occupational electrocutions,1994,85,5,322-325,Rossignol A geographic analysis of regional disparities in temporal accessibility of emergency services to traffic accident victims in Quebec,1994,85,1,41-46,Joly Promoting social health in northern Saskatchewan,1993,84,4,250-253,Irvine Accidental poisonings in the home,1966,57,3,126-128,Moore Juvenile delinquency,1966,57,11,509-512,Dussault-Mailloux The relationship between the health department and the hospital in emergency health planning,1967,58,10,435-438,Scatliff The health department's responsibility in emergency health planning,1967,58,10,433-435,Kubryk Parents' perception of neighbourhood environment as a determinant of screen time physical activity and active transport,2010,101,2,124-127,Veugelers Impact of a celebrity death on children's injury-related emergency room visits,2010,101,2,115-118,Pless Trend highlights from the Ontario Student Drug Use Survey 1977-1991,1993,84,1,64-65,Walsh Physiological profile of fire fighters compared to norms for the Canadian population,1993,84,1,50-52,Horowitz Mortality among employees at a hydrometallurgical nickel refinery and fertilizer complex in Fort Saskatchewan Alberta (1954-1984),1993,84,1,40-44,Egedahl Preventing product-related injuries: a randomized controlled trial of poster alerts,2007,98,4,271-275,Magdalinos Subject: Mishara BL. Suicide: a problem important for public health?,1994,85,1,62 66,Boyer Similarities in drug use and depression among runaway students and street youth,1994,85,1,17-18,Walsh Liver cirrhosis mortality and per capita alcohol consumption in Canada,1992,83,1,80-81,Mao Examining occupational traumatic brain injury in Ontario,2010,101,Suppl 1,S58-62,Brison Second WCB claims: who is at risk?,2010,101,Suppl 1,S53-7,Cherry Health and safety in small workplaces: refocusing upstream,2010,101,Suppl 1,S29-33,Champoux The "Marrainage" Project: a nonprofessional intervention with families at risk for child neglect,1996,87,1,42-45,Gagnon Personal home and community safety promotion with community-dwelling elderly persons: response to a public health nurse intervention,1994,85,3,188-191,Black Survey of malathion exposure among elevator and dock workers who handle grain,1996,87,2,141-142,Dimich-Ward Work and mental health: risk groups,1996,87,2,135-140,Vézina Enduring resurgence or statistical blip? Recent trends from the Ontario Student Drug Use Survey,1996,87,3,189-192,Walsh Drinking and driving among Ontario high school students 1977-1995,1996,87,3,187-188,Stoduto Screening for risk factors for alcohol consumption in the Quebec Health Survey,1996,87,3,183-186,Tempier Injuries and public health in Canada,1993,84,3,150-152,Postl Gun control redux,2010,101,3,192,Paradis Are we ready? Evidence of support mechanisms for Canadian health care workers in multi-jurisdictional emergency planning,2007,98,5,358-363,Corneil Increasing childhood trauma in Canada: findings from the National Population Health Survey 1994/95,2000,91,3,197-200,Thompson Child sexual abuse: parent group leads to community and social action,1994,85,6,381-384,Breen Promoting child health: the work of the community health department and the International Year of the Child,1979,70,4,240-242,Costanzo Criminal code sanctions,2003,94,2,154,Thérien Alcohol consumption: a different kind of Canadian mosaic,2010,101,4,275-280,Picard Mortality and morbidity related to injuries from falls in British Columbia,1999,90,5,343-347,Scott Carbon monoxide exposure in automobile garages: evaluation of mechanics,1995,86,6,414-417,Parent The 1993 General Social Survey II: alcohol problems in Canada,1995,86,6,402-407,Single Tractor-related injuries in Ontario,1995,86,4,243-246,Brison Bicycle accidents among children in the urban environment,1989,80,5,351-354,Joly Smokers--hazards on road?,1990,81,5,400-401,Knott Social class and the occurrence of traffic injuries and deaths in urban children,1990,81,3,204-209,Pless Risk of automobile accidents in cigarette smokers,1990,81,2,102-106,Brison Use of restraining devices for newborns discharged from the hospital,1987,78,6,385-388,Doucet Social costs of alcohol,1988,79,5,316-322,Adrian Percentage of highway fatalities attributable to alcohol,1979,70,5,310-316,Romeder Reliability of motor vehicle fatality statistics: an international perspective,1985,76,6,413-414,Hutchinson The Drug Adverse Reaction and Poison Control Programs of the Food and Drug Directorate Ottawa,1969,60,5,209-211,Boyd Policy options to support physical activity in schools,2010,101,Suppl 2,S9-13,Lagarde Road air rage and violent threats in taxis: approaches for prevention,2003,94,4,245 246,D'Cunha The prevalence of road rage: estimates from Ontario,2003,94,4,247-250,Stoduto Workplace experiences of young workers in Ontario,2010,101,5,380-384,Runyan The art and science of evidence-based decision-making ... epidemiology can help!,2002,93,1,I1-8 I1-8,Chambers Correlates of suicide attempts in an open cohort of young men who have sex with men,2002,93,1,59-62,Strathdee Indian Reserve and registered Indian mortality in Canada,1992,83,5,350-353,Mao Premature deaths in Canada: impact trends and opportunities for prevention,1990,81,5,376-381,Davies Fatal and non-fatal childhood injuries in Metropolitan Toronto 1986-1991,1994,85,4,269-273,Hu Does play equipment conform to the Canadian standard?,1995,86,4,279-283,Robitaille Fatal farm injuries in Ontario 1984 through 1992,1995,86,4,246-248,Brison Completeness of provincial workers' compensation files to identify fatal occupational injuries,1994,85,4,244-247,Rossignol Along the boardwalk: effects of a boardwalk on walking behaviour within a Nova Scotia community,1997,88,5,325-326,Mangham The STEPS Project: participatory action research to reduce falls in public places among seniors and persons with disabilities,1997,88,2,129-133,Scott Introduction of high-alcohol beer in Ontario: preliminary observations on its use by underage drinkers,1997,88,2,114-118,Mann Attitudes and beliefs of the general public about treatment for alcohol problems,1997,88,1,41-43,Rush Non-tractor agricultural machinery injuries in Ontario,1997,88,1,32-35,Brison The 1993 General Social Survey I: alcohol use in Canada,1995,86,6,397-401,Single The experience of capacity building among health education workers in the Yukon,2008,99,1,69-72,Horton A matter of life and death for Manitoba's children: an overview of birth rates and mortality rates,2002,93,Suppl 2,S21-6,Martens Prevalence of high risk sexual behaviour in adolescents attending school in a county in Nova Scotia,1994,85,4,227-230,Langille Factors associated with pregnancy and STI among Aboriginal students in British Columbia,2009,100,3,226-230,Saewyc Couple violence and psychological distress,1998,89,1,43-47,Brinkerhoff Socio-economic inequities in children's injury rates: has the gradient changed over time?,2010,101,Suppl 3,S28-31,Ekuma Social capital reduces socio-economic differences in child health: evidence from the Canadian Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children study,2010,101,Suppl 3,S23-7,Elgar The prevalence of anxiety among middle and secondary school students in Canada,2010,101,Suppl 3,S19-22,Tramonte Terrorism and public health: the little known equation,2002,93,3,165-168,St John From research to application: the development of an antenatal psychosocial health assessment tool,2002,93,4,291-296,Bryanton Health and use of health services of children exposed to violence in their families,2002,93,6,416-420,Onyskiw Secular trends in self-reported violent activity among Ontario students 1983-2001,2003,94,3,212-217,Adlaf Causes and consequences of air rage in Canada: cases in newspapers,2003,94,4,251-253,Mann Health profile of applicants for refugee status (admitted into Quebec between August 1985 and April 1986),1990,81,3,182-186,Desrosiers Violence exposure and mental health of adolescents in small towns: an exploratory study,1999,90,3,181-185,Lai Trends in farm fatalities Saskatchewan Canada: 1990-2004,2011,102,1,51-54,Hagel Post-suicide intervention programs: a systematic review,2011,102,1,18-29,Kutcher Boyfriends and booty calls: sexual partnership patterns among Canadian Aboriginal young people,2011,102,1,13-17,Devries Illicit substance use among Canadian youth: trends between 2002 and 2008,2011,102,1,7-12,Ahmed Bicycle helmet use after the introduction of all ages helmet legislation in an urban community in Alberta Canada,2011,102,2,134-138,Rowe Risk factors for non-use of seatbelts in rural and urban Alberta,1994,85,5,304-306,Thompson Relation between illicit drug use and personal problems related to consumption in students; analysis of a self-administered questionnaire,1995,86,2,98-102,Cousineau Risk perception and communication,1995,86,2,78-82,Covello Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus and associated risk behaviour in injection drug users in Toronto,1995,86,3,176-180,Rankin Correlates of facial protection use by adult recreational ice hockey players,1996,87,6,381-382,Quinney Alcohol and other drug use among adolescent students in the Atlantic provinces,1999,90,1,27-29,Poulin Training retarded youth for food service,1972,63,5,462-464,Flewelling Injury in Canadian youth: a secondary analysis of the 1993-94 Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Survey,1998,89,6,397-401,Pickett Cluster of unintentional carbon monoxide poisonings presenting to the emergency departments in Kingston Ontario during 'ice storm 98',1998,89,6,388-390,Brison The effect of season and weather on suicide rates in the elderly in British Columbia,1999,90,6,418-422,Agbayewa A descriptive epidemiology of sport and recreation injuries in a population-based sample: results from the Alberta Sport and Recreation Injury Survey (ASRIS),1998,89,1,53-56,Spence Health promotion: application of the Ottawa Charter,1992,83,1,34-37,Renaud Pelvic reflexes in rape complainants,1977,68,1,31,Ringrose Fitness and heath hazard indices: observations on their relationships as discriminant criteria,1982,73,1,57-62,LeBlanc Casualties in a nuclear war,1983,74,1,22-24,Habbick Report on urea formaldehyde foam insulation,1983,74,2,129-132, Community awareness of the Poison Control Centre and ipecac syrup,1983,74,2,133-134,Anderson School and community correlates of alcohol use and abuse among Alberta junior high school students,1973,64,4,351-359,Rootman How to make a lasting impression on new friends--an epidemiological approach,1984,75,1,98,Rush Review of Canadian low-risk drinking guidelines and their effectiveness,1998,89,4,241-247,Rehm Causes of widening life expectancy inequalities in Québec Canada 1989-2004,2011,102,5,375-381,Harper Active transportation environments surrounding Canadian schools,2011,102,5,364-368,Janssen Non-medical use of prescription opioids among Ontario adults: Data from the 2008/2009 CAMH Monitor,2011,102,5,330-335,Mann Lower Risk Cannabis use Guidelines for Canada (LRCUG): A narrative review of evidence and recommendations,2011,102,5,324-327,Rehm Effects of others' drinking as perceived by community members,1998,89,5,337-341,Anglin The history of injury and industrial disease rates in British Columbia from 1950 to 1996,2000,91,1,36-40,Ostry Alcohol-related policy measures in Ontario: who supports what and to what degree?,2001,92,1,24-28,Anglin Pathway analysis of risk factors for severe suicidal ideation: a survey in rural China,2011,102,6,472-475,Gong Prevalence risk indicators and outcomes of bullying among on-reserve First Nations youth,2011,102,6,462-466,Lemstra Child maltreatment in Canada: an understudied public health problem,2011,102,6,459-461,Afifi Advancing our understanding of mothers' safety rules for school-age children,2011,102,6,455-458,Morrongiello A national scan of employment standards occupational health and safety and workers' compensation resources for new immigrants to Canada,2012,103,1,53-58,Kosny Risk indicators and outcomes associated with bullying in youth aged 9-15 years,2012,103,1,9-13,Nielsen The injury experience observed in two emergency departments in Kingston Ontario during 'ice storm 98',1999,90,2,95-98,Brison Do Ontarians drink in moderation? a baseline assessment against Canadian low risk drinking guidelines,1999,90,4,272-276,Rehm Low-risk drinking guidelines: the scientific evidence,1999,90,4,264-270,Rehm A multivariate regression analysis of adolescent multiple drug use in two western Canadian provinces,1999,90,5,304-308,Hay Carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide exposure of Montreal longshoremen,1973,64,2,147-153,Allard Poisoning by Western Water Hemlock,1976,67,5,386,Mutter Heavy drinking on Canadian campuses,2003,94,1,17-21,Adlaf Child maltreatment data in Canada,2012,103,2,160,Hovdestad A review of findings from the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS),2012,103,2,103-112,Ugnat Factors affecting the uptake of community recreation as health promotion for women on low incomes,2002,93,2,129-133,Frisby The relationship of physical activity to alcohol consumption in youth 15-16 years of age,1990,81,2,168-169,Faulkner Outdoor falls in an urban context: winter weather impacts and geographical variations,2012,103,3,218-222,Burrows Sex differences in suicides among children and youth: the potential impact of misclassification,2012,103,3,213-217,Rhodes Alcohol consumption and alcohol-related mortality in Canada 1950-2000,2004,95,2,121-126,Ramstedt Development of a surveillance case definition for heat-related illness using 911 medical dispatch data,2008,99,4,339-343,Moineddin Exposure-based traffic crash injury rates by mode of travel in British Columbia,2013,104,1,e75-9,Harris Homicide among young black men in Toronto: an unrecognized public health crisis?,2013,104,1,e12-4,Khenti An age-period-cohort approach to analyzing trends in suicide in Quebec between 1950 and 2009,2013,104,2,e118-23,Hamel Implementation of the Montreal heat response plan during the 2010 heat wave,2013,104,2,e96-e100,Perron Emergency department presentations for self-harm among Ontario youth,2013,104,2,e124-30,Rhodes Self-esteem and the initiation of substance use among adolescents,2013,104,1,e60-e63,Ratner Increasing use of pyrethroids in Canadian households: Should we be concerned?,2012,103,6,e404-e407,Kosatsky Second Workers' Compensation Claims: Who Is At Risk? Analysis of WorkSafe Victoria Australia Compensation Claims,2012,103,4,e309-13,Collie Mental health status of ontario injured workers with permanent impairments,2012,103,4,e303-8,O'Hagan Strengthening the Canadian alcohol advertising regulatory system,2012,103,4,e263-6,Krank Suicide policy in Canada: lessons from history,2012,103,5,e338-41,Sareen Consumer products and fall-related injuries in seniors,2012,103,5,e332-7,Raina The Vancouver Area Neighbourhood Deprivation Index (VANDIX): A census-based tool for assessing small-area variations in health status,2012,103,8 Suppl 2,eS28-32,Bell Walkable for whom? Examining the role of the built environment on the neighbourhood-based physical activity of children,2012,103,9 Suppl 3,eS29-eS34,Muhajarine Linking Childhood Obesity to the Built Environment: A Multi-level Analysis of Home and School Neighbourhood Factors Associated With Body Mass Index,2012,103,9 Suppl 3,eS15-21,Wilk Safe cycling: how do risk perceptions compare with observed risk?,2012,103,9 Suppl 3,eS42-eS47,Cusimano There's no such thing as bad weather just the wrong clothing: climate weather and active school transportation in toronto canada,2012,103,9 Suppl 3,eS35-eS41,Mitra Evaluation of an educational policing strategy to reduce alcohol-related crime associated with licensed premises,2012,103,7 Suppl 1,eS8-eS14,Wiggers Bullying and hazardous driving among youthful drivers,2013,104,3,e270,Stoduto The contribution of socio-economic position to the excesses of violence and intimate partner violence among aboriginal versus non-aboriginal women in Canada,2013,104,4,e278-83,O'Campo Association between neighbourhood marginalization and pedestrian and cyclist collisions in Toronto intersections,2013,104,5,e405-9,Cusimano A descriptive study of bicycle helmet use in Montreal 2011,2013,104,5,e400-4,Feyz Linking research to action for youth violence prevention: Community capacity to acquire assess adapt and apply research evidence,2013,104,5,e394-e399,Macgregor Firearm Deaths in Canadian Adolescents and Young Adults,1994,85,,128-131,Leonard Homicide in the Workplace in Ontario: Occupations at Risk and Limitations of Existing Data Sources,1990,81,,10-15,Liss Patient accidents in a long-term-care facility,1977,68,3,237-247,Pablo Too far to walk or bike?,2013,104,7,e487-9,Larouche Energy drink consumption and associations with demographic characteristics drug use and injury among adolescents,2013,104,7,e496-501,Mann The additive effects of alcohol and benzodiazepines on driving,2010,101,5,353-357,Bedard Violence experienced by first-generation immigrant children and adolescents.,2014,105,1,e28-36,Lapierre Happy hours in metropolitan Toronto: their prevalence timing and content,1985,76,1,62-63,Adlaf Parent report of school-related injuries,1985,76,1,56-58,Feldman Drinking patterns in Canada: variations in drinking frequencies and demographic characteristics of current drinkers,1985,76,1,38-42,Layne The value of a school health program for teenagers: a community surveys,1982,73,2,128-130,Milner Attitudes and knowledge about alcohol among Saskatchewan adolescents,1979,70,4,247-259,Dickinson Kellogg Lecture. Public health in international perspective: from "helping the victim" to "blaming the victim" to "organizing the victims",1979,70,4,234-239,Sidel Roles of physical and mental health in suicidal ideation in Canadian Armed Forces Regular Force veterans,2014,105,2,e109-15,Sareen Traumatic and other non-natural childhood deaths in Manitoba Canada: A retrospective autopsy analysis (1989-2010),2014,105,2,e103-8,Herath Drinking behaviour among Saskatchewan adolescents,1978,69,4,315-324,Dickinson Are new emphases needed in occupational vision care?,1978,69,Suppl 1,61-67,Schmidt The role of optometry in occupational environments,1978,69,Suppl 1,55-60,Riome Alcohol and other drug use among Ontario students: an update,1986,77,1,57-58,Adlaf A study of stress indicators in workers exposed to industrial noise,1980,71,4,261-265,Lees Interventions for motor vehicle crashes among indigenous communities: strategies to inform Canadian initiatives,2014,105,4,e296-305,Bedard A public health dilemma: urban bicycle-sharing schemes,2014,105,3,e229,Nanapragasam The draft federal law on driving while intoxicated: increased protection for the citizen?,1985,76,6,404-406,Nadeau Non-medical prescription opioid use prescription opioid-related harms and public health in Canada: an update 5 years later,2014,105,2,e146-9,Kurdyak The quantitative evaluation of risks: unresolved problems,1989,80,4,282-290,Forbes Trends in adolescent alcohol consumption in Halifax Nova Scotia--1970-1986,1989,80,1,46-49,Neumann The association between self-assessed health status and individual health practices,1989,80,1,32-37,Edwards Influence of area deprivation and perceived neighbourhood safety on active transport to school among urban Quebec preadolescents,2014,105,5,e376-e382,Gauvin Long-term mortality risk in individuals with permanent work-related impairment,2014,105,5,e330-5,Tompa Acadian youth in Nova Scotia,1988,79 Suppl 1,,25-28,Dugas-Leblanc Acculturation stress and alcohol usage among Canadian Indians in Toronto,1988,79,2,115-118,Drew Informing body checking policy in youth ice hockey in Canada: a discussion meeting with researchers and community stakeholders,2014,105,6,e445-9,Meeuwisse Public health perspectives on postwar mental health: gender housing and family in Kitimat British Columbia 1950s,2014,105,4,e280-e286,McLaren The role of public health inspectors in maintaining housing in northern and rural communities: recommendations to support public health practice,2012,103,2,84-89,Lefebvre The effect of population movement on housing as it concerns public health,1960,51,,146-149,Faludi Preliminary results for street racing among adults in Ontario: relations to alcohol and cannabis use,2011,102,5,398,Stoduto Integrating knowledge generation with knowledge diffusion and utilization: a case study analysis of the Consortium for Applied Research and Evaluation in Mental Health,2003,94,6,468-471,Vingilis Predictors of adolescent self-rated health. Analysis of the National Population Health Survey,2002,93,3,193-197,Vingilis The development of self-rated health during adolescence: an exploration of inter- and intra-cohort effects,1999,90,2,90-94,Vingilis Use of caffeinated energy drinks among secondary school students in Ontario: prevalence and correlates of using energy drinks and mixing with alcohol,2015,106,3,e101-8,Leatherdale An adaptation of the Yesterday Method to correct for under-reporting of alcohol consumption and estimate compliance with Canadian low-risk drinking guidelines,2015,106,4,e204-e209,Zhao Engaging community organizations in falls prevention for older adults: moving from research to action,2015,106,4,e189-e196,Markle-Reid Prevalence of risk and protective factors associated with heat-related outcomes in Southern Quebec: a secondary analysis of the NuAge study,2015,106,5,e315-21,Payette Recurrent suicidal ideation in young adults,2015,106,5,e303-7,O'Loughlin Major urban road characteristics and injured pedestrians: a representative survey of intersections in Montréal Quebec,2015,106,6,e388-e394,Tremblay Mental health and substance use in an urban First Nations population in Hamilton Ontario,2015,106,6,e375-81,Firestone Prevalence co-occurrence and decennial trends of family violence toward children in the general population,2016,106,7,4839,Clement Review of child maltreatment in immigrant and refugee families,2016,106,7,e4838,Dufour The health of temporary foreign workers in Canada: a scoping review,2016,106,8,e546-e554,Salami The relationship between violence and engagement in drug dealing and sex work among street-involved youth,2016,107,1,e88-e93,Hayashi Using expert opinion to quantify unmeasured confounding bias parameters,2016,107,1,e43-e48,McFarland Suicidal ideation in a community-based sample of elementary school children: a multilevel and spatial analysis,2016,107,1,e100-5,Neudorf Prevalence and predictors of booster seat use in Alberta Canada,2016,107,2,e155-e160,Rowe Towards a shared understanding: perspectives from Toronto's first media forum for suicide prevention,2016,107,3,e330-e332,Pirkis Individual- and community-level determinants of Inuit youth mental wellness,2016,107,3,e251-e257,Harper Supportive neighbourhood built characteristics and dog-walking in Canadian adults,2016,107,3,e245-e250,McCormack Homicide mortality rates in Canada 2000-2009: youth at increased risk,2016,107,3,e239-e244,Snider Trends and demographic characteristics of physical fighting and fighting-related injuries among Canadian youth 1993-2010,2016,107,3,e231-e238,Chen Trends in unintentional injury mortality in Canadian children 1950-2009 and association with selected population-level interventions,2016,107,4-5,e431-e437,Macarthur Operational readiness for conducting global health research abroad,2016,107,4-5,e387-e389,Gyorkos Grassroots projects aimed at the built environment: association with neighbourhood deprivation land-use mix and injury risk to road users,2015,106,1,ES21-ES25,Gosselin A public health dilemma: urban bicycle-sharing schemes,2014,105,3,E229-E229,Nanapragasam Reclaiming Indigenous identities: culture as strength against suicide among Indigenous youth in Canada,2017,108,2,e208-e210,Debeck Pathways to policy: lessons learned in multisectoral collaboration for physical activity and built environment policy development from the Coalitions Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP) initiative,2017,108,2,e192-e198,Politis Trends in the leading causes of injury mortality Australia Canada and the United States 2000-2014,2017,108,2,e185-e191,Ballesteros Better Strength Better Balance! Partnering to deliver a fall prevention program for older adults,2017,108,3,e314-e319,Taing Impact of the decision-making environment on policy responses to road worker fatality in Manitoba and Saskatchewan,2018,108,5-6,e609-e615,Pankratz Active living in Saskatchewan: a review of official community plans,2018,108,5-6,e551-e557,Faulkner Cybervictimization among preadolescents in a community-based sample in Canada: prevalence and predictors,2018,108,5-6,e475-e481,Neudorf Cyberbullying victimization and its association with health across the life course: a Canadian population study,2018,108,5-6,e468-e474,Georgiades The association of exposure to suicide-related Internet content and emergency department visits in children: a population-based time series analysis,2018,108,5-6,e462-e467,Mehrotra Child maltreatment and adult multimorbidity: results from the Canadian Community Health Survey,2018,109,4,561-572,MacMillan A systematic review of the risk factors and interventions for the prevention of playground injuries,2018,109,1,134-149,Pike Rates of concussions and minor head injuries in Quebec 2003 and 2016 in children under 18 years old and comparisons with Ontario's rates of mild traumatic brain injuries,2018,109,1,52-60,Friedman The Montreal heat response plan: evaluation of its implementation towards healthcare professionals and vulnerable populations,2018,109,1,108-116,Smargiassi Examining the association between area level deprivation and vehicle collisions that result in injury,2018,109,1,43-51,Fuller Domestic/intimate partner violence in the lives of immigrant women: a New Brunswick response,2018,109,3,294-302,Holtmann Comparing Twitter data to routine data sources in public health surveillance for the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games: an ecological study,2018,109,3,419-426,Buckeridge The occupational health and safety vulnerability of recent immigrants accessing settlement services,2018,109,3,303-311,Smith Sexual violence: a call for public health research,2018,109,2,276-277,Chambers Youth violence victims and perpetrators in Ontario: identifying a high-risk group and a focus for public health prevention,2018,109,2,195-203,Hamilton The "Lac-Mégantic tragedy" seen through the lens of the EnRiCH Community Resilience Framework for High-Risk Populations,2018,109,2,261-267,Roy Sexual orientation and alcohol-related harms in Canadian youth,2018,109,2,233-241,Asbridge The lows of getting high: sentinel surveillance of injuries associated with cannabis and other substance use,2018,109,2,155-163,Crain Bullying victimization and illicit drug use among students in Grades 7 to 12 in Manitoba Canada: a cross-sectional analysis,2018,109,2,183-194,Turner Physical and mental health inequalities among aging lesbian gay and bisexual Canadians: cross-sectional results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA),2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chambers An interprovincial comparison of unintentional childhood injury rates in Canada for the period 2006-2012,2018,109,4,573-580,Pike On the use of digital technologies to reduce the public health impacts of cannabis legalization in Canada,2018,109,5-6,748-751,Bedrouni Work-related musculoskeletal risk among refugees: recommendations for improvement to promote health and well-being,2018,109,4,459-463,Senthanar First Nations Elders' perspectives of engagement in community programs in Nak'azdli Whut'en British Columbia Canada,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Freeman "Where does the high road lead?" 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Association between neighbourhood marginalization and pedestrian and cyclist collisions in Toronto intersections,2013,104,5,E405-E409,Cusimano A process for creating the Aboriginal Children's Health and Well-Being Measure (ACHWM),2013,104,2,E136-E141,Young Exposure-based traffic crash injury rates by mode of travel in British Columbia,2013,104,1,E75-E79,Harris Safe cycling: how do risk perceptions compare with observed risk?,2012,103,9,S42-S47,Cusimano Rural homelessness: how the structural and social context of small-town living influences the experience of homelessness,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buck-McFadyen Addressing human trafficking as a public health issue,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Di Ruggiero The association between public health engagement in school-based substance use prevention programs and student alcohol cannabis e-cigarette and cigarette use,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leatherdale Looking at COVID-19 effects on intimate partner and sexual violence organizations in Canada through a feminist 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