Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Persuading school-age cyclists to use safety helmets: Effectiveness of an intervention based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour,2001,6,Part 4,327-345,Quine Post-disaster physical symptoms of firefighters and police officers: Role of types of exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms,2007,13,2,327-342(16,Mechelen What predicts posttraumatic stress following spinal cord injury?,2008,14,Pt 3,541-561,Karl Reason and reaction: The utility of a dual-focus dual-processing perspective on promotion and prevention of adolescent health risk behaviour,2009,14,2,231-248,Gibbons Exposure to and fear of terror as predictors of self-rated health among apparently healthy employees,2008,13,Pt 2,257-271,Melamed Young adults' social drinking as explained by an augmented theory of planned behaviour: The roles of prototypes willingness and gender,2010,15,Pt 3,561-581,Sieverding Fear appeals and binge drinking: a terror management theory perspective,2008,13,Pt 4,773-788,Wade Reactions to a health threat: Dispositional threat orientations and message characteristics,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,González Handedness and drinking behaviour,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Denny Understanding young and older male drivers' willingness to drive while intoxicated: The predictive utility of constructs specified by the theory of planned behaviour and the prototype willingness model,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Snook Using the affective priming paradigm to explore the attitudes underlying walking behaviour,2007,12,Pt 4,571-585,Hoppe Social cognitive determinants of physical activity among retired older individuals: An application of the health action process approach,2011,16,Pt 2,404-417,Stephan Anger and childhood sexual abuse are independently associated with irritable bowel syndrome,2010,15,Pt 2,389-399,Salmon The benefits of expressive writing after the Madrid terrorist attack: Implications for emotional activation and positive affect,2008,13,Pt 1,31-34,Fernández A qualitative exploration of quality of life among individuals diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma,2009,14,3,563-578,Brooker Decision‐making about pregnancy for women with cystic fibrosis,2009,14,2,323-342,Simcox Aversion to side effects in preventive medical treatment decisions,2007,12,3,383-401,Waters Bodily embarrassment and judgment concern as separable factors in the measurement of medical embarrassment: Psychometric development and links to treatment‐seeking outcomes,2007,12,3,439-462,Harris Childbirth‐related post‐traumatic stress disorder in couples: A qualitative study,2007,12,4,491-509,Nicholls Gender power imbalance and differential psychosocial correlates of intended condom use among male and female adolescents from Venda South Africa,2007,12,1,51-63,Boer Health wealth and IQ in sub‐Saharan Africa: Challenges facing the Savanna Principle as an explanation for global inequalities in health,2007,12,2,191-227,Ellison Patterns of self‐referral in men with symptoms of prostate disease,2007,12,3,403-419,Hale Post‐traumatic growth in advanced cancer patients receiving palliative care,2008,13,4,633-646,Mystakidou Relationship satisfaction in women: A longitudinal case‐control study about the role of breast cancer personal assertiveness and partners' relationship‐focused coping,2008,13,4,737-754,Ranchor Stressful life‐events exposure is associated with 17‐year mortality but it is health‐related events that prove predictive,2008,13,4,647-657,Der Understanding catastrophizing from a misdirected problem-solving perspective,2012,17,2,408-419,Flink Habit identity and repetitive action: A prospective study of binge-drinking in UK students,2012,17,3,565-581,de Bruijn Predicting alcohol consumption and binge drinking in company employees: An application of planned behaviour and self-determination theories,2012,17,2,379-407,Hagger Evidence for controlled heroin use? Low levels of negative health and social outcomes among non-treatment heroin users in Glasgow (Scotland),2005,10,Pt 1,33-48,Dalgarno The theory of planned behaviour and binge drinking: Assessing the moderating role of past behaviour within the theory of planned behaviour,2006,11,Pt 1,55-70,Norman An examination of hardiness throughout the sport injury process,2012,17,1,103-128,Wadey A theory-based intervention to reduce alcohol drinking in excess of guideline limits among undergraduate students,2012,17,1,18-43,Hagger Using the theory of planned behaviour to understand binge drinking: The importance of beliefs for developing interventions,2012,17,1,1-17,French Prompt before the choice is made: Effects of a stair-climbing intervention in university buildings,2012,17,3,631-643,Lewis Reasons for binge drinking among undergraduate students: An application of behavioural reasoning theory,2012,17,4,682-698,Norman Children's physical health complaints after exposure to intimate partner violence,2012,17,4,771-784,Lamers-Winkelman The role of psychological symptoms and social group memberships in the development of post-traumatic stress after traumatic injury,2012,17,4,798-811,Williams Talking about alcohol consumption: Health campaigns conversational valence and binge drinking intentions,2012,17,4,843-853,de Bruijn Are beliefs elicited biased by question order? A theory of planned behaviour belief elicitation study about walking in the UK general population,2007,12,Pt 1,93-110,Eves An examination of hardiness throughout the sport-injury process: A qualitative follow-up study,2012,17,4,872-893,Wadey The Prototype/Willingness model academic versus health-risk information and risk cognitions associated with nonmedical prescription stimulant use among college students,2013,18,3,490-507,Litt Not intending but somewhat willing: The influence of visual primes on risky sex decisions,2014,19,3,553-565,Gibbons Predicting quality of life 5 years after medical discharge for traumatic spinal cord injury,2013,19,4,688-700,Fine Childhood IQ and all-cause mortality before and after age 65: prospective observational study linking the Scottish Mental Survey 1932 and the Midspan studies,2005,10,Pt 2,153-165,Whalley The effects of social and health consequence framing on heavy drinking intentions among college students,2014,20,1,212-220,Gibbons Explaining young adults' drinking behaviour within an augmented Theory of Planned Behaviour: temporal stability of drinker prototypes,2014,20,2,305-323,Van Empelen Tackling student binge drinking: Pairing incongruent messages and measures reduces alcohol consumption,2014,20,3,498-513,Lawton Greater number of group identifications is associated with healthier behaviour: Evidence from a Scottish community sample,2014,20,3,466-481,Sani Promoting responsible drinking? A mass media campaign affects implicit but not explicit alcohol-related cognitions and attitudes,2014,20,3,482-497,Glock A structured multicomponent group programme for carers of people with acquired brain injury: effects on perceived criticism strain and psychological distress,2015,21,1,224-243,Fortune Impact of brief self-affirmation manipulations on university students' reactions to risk information about binge drinking,2016,21,3,570-583,Norman Impact of alcohol-promoting and alcohol-warning advertisements on alcohol consumption affect and implicit cognition in heavy-drinking young adults: a laboratory-based randomized controlled trial,2016,22,1,128-150,Albery Implicit alcohol attitudes predict drinking behaviour over and above intentions and willingness in young adults but willingness is more important in adolescents: Implications for the Prototype Willingness Model,2016,22,2,238-253,Foxcroft Putting knowledge into practice: Does information on adverse drug interactions influence people's dosing behaviour?,2017,22,2,330-344,Dohle A randomized controlled trial of a brief online intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in new university students: combining self-affirmation theory of planned behaviour messages and implementation intentions,2018,23,1,108-127,Sheeran Impact of low alcohol verbal descriptors on perceived strength: an experimental study,2018,23,1,38-67,Marteau Don't know responses to cognitive and affective risk perception measures: exploring prevalence and socio-demographic moderators,2018,23,2,407-419,Waters Alcohol-related harm minimization practices among university students: does the type of residence have an impact?,2018,23,4,843-856,Schofield Does other-affirmation increase self-directed exposure to and persuasiveness of a threatening anti-alcohol message?,2019,24,3,497-514,Brown Psychological distress among persons with upper extremity limb loss,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elliott Social modelling of health behaviours: testing self-affirmation as a conformity-reduction strategy,2019,24,3,651-667,Field The role of parental acute psychological distress in paediatric burn re-epithelialization,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kimble 'Every day I worry about something': a qualitative exploration of children's experiences of stress and coping,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cheetham-Blake Reasoned and implicit processes in heavy episodic drinking: an integrated dual-process model,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hagger Who is a credible source of preventive advice? An experimental vignette study of general public attitudes towards role expansion in health and social care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bull 'Lonely in my head': the experiences of loneliness in individuals with brain injury,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waldron Explaining the rise and fall of psychological distress during the COVID-19 crisis in the United States: longitudinal evidence from the Understanding America Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robinson Psychological functioning and well-being before and after bariatric surgery; what is the benefit of being self-compassionate?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sanderman To drink or not to drink: when drinking intentions predict alcohol consumption and consequences,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tennen Examining drivers of self-harm guideline implementation by general practitioners: a qualitative analysis using the theoretical domains framework,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Armitage Calling time on responsible drinking: a qualitative study of perceptions of information on alcohol product labels,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Visser Evidence that implementation intentions reduce self-harm in the community,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elliott Investigating the impact of 'dark nudges' on drinking intentions: a between groups randomized and online experimental study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Field The factor structure of the BDI in facial pain and other chronic pain patients: A comparison of two models using confirmatory factor analysis,2001,6,2,179-196,Harrison Fears for the future: A qualitative exploration of the experiences of individuals living with multiple sclerosis and its impact upon the family from the perspective of the person with MS,2021,26,2,464-481,Hunter Hopelessness at the end of life: the utility of the hopelessness scale with terminally ill cancer patients,2006,11,Pt 2,173-183,Breitbart Use of a time series design to test effectiveness of a theory-based intervention targeting adherence of health professionals to a clinical guideline,2009,14,Pt 3,505-518,Clark