Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicidality in adolescence: review and legal considerations,2004,22,5,681,Judge A comprehensive and concise assessment of suicide risk,2004,22,5,667,Packman Empirically informed approaches to topics in suicide risk assessment,2004,22,5,651,Walker The relationships among clinical depression suicide and other actions that may hasten death,2004,22,5,627,Werth The problem behavior model: the development of a stalkers clinic and a threateners clinic,2005,23,3,387-397,Warren Liability of professional and volunteer mental health practitioners in the wake of disasters: a framework for further considerations,2005,23,4,573-590,Abdel-Monem The intelligence community and the war on terror: the role of behavioral science,2005,23,4,559-571,Busch What is terrorism and can psychology do anything to prevent it?,2005,23,4,507-526,Stevens Social psychology terrorism and identity: a preliminary re-examination of theory culture self and society,2005,23,4,485-506,Arena A family-based mental health program of recovery from state terror in Kosova,2005,23,4,547-558,Rolland The new face of terrorism: socio-cultural foundations of contemporary terrorism,2005,23,4,451-465,Post Introduction to this issue: terrorism,2005,23,4,449-450,Stout Motivations for gun possession and carrying among serious juvenile offenders,1993,11,4,375-388,Sheley Comparing single and serial homicide offenses,2004,22,3,325-343,Lord Violent offenses associated with co-occurring substance use and mental health problems: Evidence from CJDATS,2009,27,1,51-69,Knight Suicide-related behavior after psychiatric hospital discharge: Implications for risk assessment and management,2006,24,6,731-746,Skeem Granny (don't) get your gun: competency issues in gun ownership by older adults,2007,25,3,405-423,Greene Elder abuse policy: considerations in research and legislation,1995,13,3,349-363,Macolini Damage awards and jurors' responsibility ascriptions in medical versus automobile negligence cases,1994,12,2,149-160,Cohen Elderly homicide in Chicago: A research note,2007,25,5,629-639,Fazel When is profiling possible? Offense planning and aggression as moderators in predicting offender age from victim age in stranger rape,2007,25,6,823-840,Alison A developmental approach to violence hostile attributions and paranoid thinking in adolescence,2007,25,6,913-929,Bailey Community sentiment and the juvenile offender: Should juveniles charged with felony murder be waived into the adult criminal justice system?,2009,27,4,553-575,Libkuman Assessment of "juvenile psychopathy" and its association with violence: a critical review,2001,19,1,53-80,Edens Serial and single-victim rapists: differences in crime-scene violence interpersonal involvement and criminal sophistication,2008,26,2,227-237,Schlesinger VA telemental health: suicide assessment. [U.S. Veterans Affairs],2008,26,3,271-286,Lehmann Violent and disruptive behavior among drug-involved prisoners: Relationship with psychiatric symptoms,2008,26,4,389-401,Melnick Revisiting impulsivity in suicide: Implications for civil liability of third parties,2008,26,6,779-797,Witte Comparison of impulsive and premeditated perpetrators of intimate partner violence,2008,26,6,709-722,Stanford Jurors' perceptions of juvenile defendants: The influence of intellectual disability abuse history and confession evidence,2009,27,3,401 - 430,Bottoms Racial differences in the associations of neighborhood disadvantage exposure to violence and criminal recidivism among female juvenile offenders,2009,27,4,531-552,Chauhan Maltreated children's understanding of and emotional reactions to dependency court involvement,2009,27,1,97-117,Quas The accuracy of risk assessment instruments in the prediction of impulsive versus predatory aggression,2008,26,6,759-777,Scott Schizophrenia and impulsive aggression: a heuristic inquiry with forensic and clinical implications,2008,26,6,735-758,Felthous Drug-associated psychoses and criminal responsibility,2008,26,5,633-653,Wood Presentations of psychosis with violence: variations in different jurisdictions. A comparison of patients with psychosis in the high security hospitals of Scotland and England,2008,26,5,585-602,Hill Juvenile psychopathy and judicial decision making: an empirical analysis of an ethical dilemma,2008,26,2,151-165,Jones Neural correlates of deficient response inhibition in mentally disordered violent individuals,2008,26,1,51-64,Taylor A comparative study of laws rules codes and other influences on nursing homes' disaster preparedness in the Gulf Coast states,2007,25,5,655-675,Brown Predictive validity of the Dutch PCL:YV for institutional disruptive behavior: findings from two samples of male adolescents in a juvenile justice treatment institution,2007,25,5,739-755,Doreleijers Megan's Law and its impact on community re-entry for sex offenders,2007,25,4,587-602,Levenson Determining dangerousness in sexually violent predator evaluations: cognitive-experiential self-theory and juror judgments of expert testimony,2007,25,4,507-526,Lieberman Criminality and continued DUI offense: criminal typologies and recidivism among repeat offenders,2007,25,4,603-614,Labrie Gray black and blue: the state of research and intervention for intimate partner abuse among elders,2007,25,3,377-391,Reeves The function of punishment in the "civil" commitment of sexually violent predators,2007,25,4,437-448,Monahan The dynamic appraisal of situational aggression: an instrument to assess risk for imminent aggression in psychiatric inpatients,2006,24,6,799-813,Ogloff The classification of violence risk,2006,24,6,721-730,Monahan Evaluating the validity of anger regulation problems interpersonal style and disturbed mental state for predicting inpatient violence,2006,24,6,783-798,Doyle A dynamic assessment of offender risk needs and strengths in a sample of pre-release general offenders,2006,24,6,767-782,Miller Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (START): The case for a new structured professional judgment scheme,2006,24,6,747-766,Nicholls Delusional disorder and delusions: is there a risk of violence in social interactions about the core symptom?,2006,24,3,313-331,Taylor Vexatious litigants and unusually persistent complainants and petitioners: from querulous paranoia to querulous behaviour,2006,24,3,333-349,Mullen A comparison of selected Rorschach variables of violent female offenders and female non-offenders,2006,24,2,199-213,Viemero Cues they use: clinicians' endorsement of risk cues in predictions of dangerousness,2006,24,2,147-156,Huss Gender differences in attitudes toward psychopathic sexual offenders,2006,24,1,65-85,Edens Treatment of impulsive aggression in correctional settings,2009,27,5,787-800,Shelton Characteristics and outcomes of insanity acquittees in Oklahoma,1991,9,4,487-500,Norwood Criminal victimization among primary care medical patients: prevalence incidence and physician usage,1991,9,1,85-96,Koss Child abuse and the limits of confidentiality: forewarning practices,1993,11,2,181-192,Crenshaw The normative and conceptual foundations of a clinical duty to protect,1993,11,2,165-180,Schopp Routine violence risk assessment in community forensic mental healthcare,2010,28,3,396-410,van den Brink Risk communication in sexually violent predator hearings,2010,28,3,322-336,Scott Effects of defendant and victim race on perceptions of juvenile sex offenders,2009,27,6,957-979,Smith Differential correlates to self-report and parent-report of callous-unemotional traits in a sample of juvenile sexual offenders,2009,27,6,910-928,Frick Sex offender registration and recidivism risk in juvenile sexual offenders,2009,27,6,941-956,Caldwell Expert testimony and the effects of a biological approach psychopathy and juror attitudes in cases of insanity,2010,28,3,411-425,Huss The effects of neuroimaging and brain injury on insanity defenses,2008,26,1,85-97,Gurley Searching for the developmental origins of sexual violence: examining the co-occurrence of physical aggression and sexual behaviors in early childhood,2010,28,1,1-23,Healey Assessing threats of targeted group violence: contributions from social psychology,1999,17,3,339-355,Borum Intimate partner stalking and femicide: urgent implications for women's safety,2002,20,1-2,51-68,McFarlane Death row inmate characteristics adjustment and confinement: a critical review of the literature,2002,20,1-2,191-210,Cunningham Women in danger: Intimate partner violence experienced by women who qualify and do not qualify for a protective order,2001,19,5-6,637-647,McFarlane Personality disorders and biosocial trait theories: The argument for radical legal reform,2010,28,2,289-302,Peters Dangerous severe personality disorder: the controversy continues,2010,28,2,277-288,Beck The aftermath: aspects of recovery described by perpetrators of maternal filicide committed in the context of severe mental illness,2006,24,1,103-112,Simpson A further examination of validity for the sexual experiences survey,1996,14,2,245-260,McNamara Assumptions and beliefs about the role of AD dolls in child sexual abuse validation interviews: are they supported empirically?,1996,14,2,167-185,Skinner The use of mental health professional consultants to police hostage negotiation teams,1993,11,2,213-221,Leitenberg The effect of the psychopathy checklist - revised in capital cases: Mock jurors' responses to the label of psychopathy,2010,28,6,878-891,Cox Competence to proceed in SVP commitment hearings: Irrelevant or fundamental due process right?,2010,28,5,647-670,Fanniff Juvenile curfews: are they an effective and constitutional means of combating juvenile violence?,2001,19,1,127-141,Fried A Brunswikian evolutionary-developmental theory of adolescent sex offending,2000,18,2-3,309-329,Becker Getting it right: the trial of sexual assault and child molestation cases under federal rules of evidence 413-415,2000,18,2-3,169-216,Shuman The future of involuntary civil commitment in the U.S.A. after Kansas v. Hendricks,2000,18,2-3,153-167,La Fond Sex offenders sentencing laws and pharmaceutical treatment: a prescription for failure,2000,18,1,83-110,Winslade Aggressive acts and assaults in intimate relationships: towards an understanding of the literature,1999,17,3,285-304,Goodyear-Smith Efficacy of a Mental Health Treatment Court with assertive community treatment,2005,23,2,199-214,Cosden Victim-centric diversion? The electronic monitoring of domestic violence cases,2005,23,2,259-276,Erez Evaluating the efficiency and community safety goals of the Broward County Mental Health Court,2005,23,2,227-243,Poythress The antecedents of aggressive behavior among men with schizophrenia: a prospective investigation of patients in community treatment,2003,21,4,523-546,Hiscoke Empirically identifying factors related to violence risk in corrections,1999,17,3,377-389,Diamond Suicide and violence risk in law enforcement: practical guidelines for risk assessment prevention and intervention,1999,17,3,357-376,Hatcher Threat assessment: defining an approach for evaluating risk of targeted violence,1999,17,3,323-337,Borum Mental health consultant to law enforcement: Secret Service development of a Mental Health Liaison Program,1998,16,4,407-422,Pynchon Life and death in the Lone Star State: Three decades of violence predictions by capital juries,2011,29,1,1-22,Cunningham Ambivalence toward mothers who kill: An examination of 45 U.S. cases of maternal neonaticide,2010,28,6,812-831,Muirhead Enhancing the credibility of complainants in child sexual assault trials: The effect of expert evidence and judicial directions,2010,28,6,769-783,Goodman-Delahunty Hebephilia: Quintessence of diagnostic pretextuality,2010,28,6,751-768,Franklin Risk communication of terrorist acts natural disasters and criminal violence: Comparing the processes of understanding and responding,2010,28,6,717-729,Heilbrun The application of an action system model to destructive behaviour: the examples of arson and terrorism,2001,19,5-6,657-690,Canter Reactions to youth crime: perceptions of accountability and competency,2001,19,1,33-52,Ghetti Stalkers and harassers of British Royalty: an exploration of proxy behaviours for violence,2011,29,1,64-80,Farnham Key questions to consider in stalking cases,2011,29,2,255-270,Roberts Advances in stalking risk assessment,2011,29,2,180-201,Ogloff Same-gender stalking in Sweden and Australia,2011,29,2,202-219,McEwan The female stalker,2011,29,2,240-254,Mohandie Predictors of recidivism by stalkers: A nine-year follow-up of police contacts,2011,29,2,271-283,Hilton Attacks on German public figures 1968-2004: Warning behaviors potentially lethal and non-lethal acts psychiatric status and motivations,2011,29,2,155-179,Meloy The development and validation of the guidelines for stalking assessment and management,2011,29,2,302-316,Hart A clinical study of those who utter threats to kill,2011,29,2,141-154,Ogloff Reality check: a comparison of college students and a community sample of mock jurors in a simulated sexual violent predator civil commitment,2010,28,6,730-750,Lieberman Bootstrapping persistence risk indicators for juveniles who sexually offend,2009,27,6,878-909,Knight Cultural consequences of miscarriages of justice,2009,27,3,431-449,Cole Neuroscience and the law: philosophical differences and practical constraints,2009,27,2,123-136,Martell The mangled butterfly: Rorschach results from 45 violent psychopaths,2009,27,4,491-506,Sreenivasan Outcome of patients rehabilitated through a New Zealand forensic psychiatry service: A 7.5 year retrospective study,2006,24,6,833-843,Simpson "Stereotypic" delusional offending,2006,24,3,295-311,Junginger Psychopathy aggression and the processing of emotional stimuli in non-referred girls and boys,2006,24,1,21-37,Frick The association of psychopathic traits with aggression and delinquency in non-referred boys and girls,2005,23,6,803-817,Frick Nipping psychopathy in the bud: an examination of the convergent predictive and theoretical utility of the PCL-YV among adolescent girls,2005,23,6,743-763,Odgers Gender and psychopathy: an overview of important issues and introduction to the special issue,2005,23,6,729-741,Nicholls Psychopathy in women: a review of its clinical usefulness for assessing risk for aggression and criminality,2005,23,6,779-802,Nicholls A retrospective examination of outpatient commitment in New York,2005,23,5,627-645,Erickson Terrorism-related risk management for health care facilities,2005,23,4,591-601,Reid A reassessment of state-level covariates of militia groups,2005,23,4,527-546,Pridemore Al-Qaeda's operational evolution: behavioral and organizational perspectives,2005,23,4,467-483,Borum Is death row obsolete? A decade of mainstreaming death-sentenced inmates in Missouri,2005,23,3,307-320,Cunningham Accuracy of self-reported arrests among a forensic SPMI population,2005,23,2,295-305,Claypoole No skin off my back: retribution deficits in psychopathic motives for punishment,2007,25,6,869-889,Aharoni Improving forensic tribunal decisions: the role of the clinician,2007,25,4,485-506,Rice Aggression psychopathy and free will from a cognitive neuroscience perspective,2007,25,2,321-331,Blair The relation of psychopathy to concurrent aggression and antisocial behavior in high-risk adolescent girls and boys,2007,25,1,21-41,Moretti Introduction to impulsive aggression,1998,16,3,281-283,Felthous The effect of the deliberation process and jurors' prior legal knowledge on the sentence: the role of psychological expertise and crime scene photo,2010,28,3,426-441,Finkelstein The impact of outcome knowledge role and quality of information on the perceived legitimacy of lethal force decisions in counter-terrorism operations,2010,28,3,337-350,Alison Childhood antecedents of adult violent offending in a group of female felons,2010,28,2,224-234,Lewis Successful and unsuccessful psychopaths: a neurobiological model,2010,28,2,194-210,Raine A matter of life or death: special considerations and heightened practice standards in capital sentencing evaluations,2001,19,4,473-490,Cunningham Assessing violence risk in Tarasoff situations: a fact-based model of inquiry,2001,19,3,375-385,Borum Moral justification for Tarasoff-type warnings and breach of confidentiality: a clinician's perspective,2001,19,3,345-353,Gutheil Analyzing the analysis: a response to Wollert (2000),2001,19,1,185-196,Doren An analysis of the argument that clinicians under-predict sexual violence in civil commitment cases,2001,19,1,171-184,Wollert Self-other representations and relational and overt aggression in adolescent girls and boys,2001,19,1,109-126,Holland Personality features and characteristics of violent events committed by juvenile offenders,2001,19,1,81-96,Loper Race youth violence and the changing jurisprudence of waiver,2001,19,1,3-22,Feld Introduction to this issue: youth violence,2001,19,1,1-2,Ewing A neuropsychiatric developmental model of serial homicidal behavior,2004,22,6,787-799,Leong When mitigation evidence makes a difference: effects of psychological mitigating evidence on sentencing decisions in capital trials,2004,22,6,751-770,Barnett Association of serotonin transporter promoter gene polymorphism with violence: relation with personality disorders impulsivity and childhood ADHD psychopathology,2004,22,3,415-425,Retz Assessing normative approaches to communicating violence risk: a national survey of psychologists,2004,22,2,187-196,Heilbrun Assessing risk for violence among male and female civil psychiatric patients: the HCR-20 PCL:SV and VSC,2004,22,1,127-158,Nicholls The relationship between psychopathic features violence and treatment outcome: the comparison of three youth measures of psychopathic features,2004,22,1,85-102,Epstein Psychopathy scores and violence among juvenile offenders: a multi-measure study,2004,22,1,49-67,Cornell Predictive validity of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version for general and violent recidivism,2004,22,1,5-22,Vincent Empathic deficits and alexithymia in trauma-related impulsive aggression,2008,26,6,823-832,Teten Without thinking: impulsive aggression and criminal responsibility,2008,26,6,723-734,Gold Relation between parenting stress and psychopathic traits among children,2008,26,2,239-248,Greening Criminal careers behind bars,2003,21,5,653-669,DeLisi Impulsive versus premeditated aggression: implications for mens rea decisions,2003,21,5,619-630,Felthous Effects of involuntary outpatient commitment on subjective quality of life in persons with severe mental illness,2003,21,4,473-491,Elbogen The relationship of mental illness to targeted contact behavior toward state government agencies and officials,2003,21,2,239-249,Scalora Gender and role-based perceptions of domestic abuse: does sexual orientation matter?,2003,21,2,199-214,Poorman Law and the confinement of psychopaths,2000,18,5,663-678,Fitch Treatment of antisocial personality psychopathy and other characterologic antisocial syndromes,2000,18,5,647-662,Reid Impulsivity aggression and serotonin: a molecular psychobiological perspective,2000,18,5,581-604,Lesch Introduction to this issue: international perspectives on psychopathic disorders,2000,18,5,557-565,Felthous Sex offender commitments in Minnesota: a descriptive study of second generation commitments,2000,18,2-3,343-374,Walbek Sentencing sex crimes against children: an empirical and policy analysis,2000,18,2-3,331-341,Levesque Women accused of sexual offenses,2000,18,1,73-81,Lewis Facilitated communication: rejected in science accepted in court-a case study and analysis of the use of FC evidence under Frye and Daubert,1999,17,4,517-541,Gorman The effect of multiple childhood sexual assaults on mock-jurors' perceptions of repressed memories,1999,17,4,483-493,Golding The dangerous nature of intimate relationship stalking: threats violence and associated risk factors,1999,17,3,269-283,Lane Assessing risk in adolescent sexual offenders: recommendations for clinical practice,2009,27,6,929-940,Vitacco Recidivism of Juvenile Homicide Offenders,2011,29,4,483-498,Liem Improving therapeutic engagement with adolescent sexual offenders,2009,27,6,862-877,Smallbone The relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder conduct disorder and psychopathy in adolescent male and female detainees,2009,27,4,577-598,Kosson What works in offender profiling? A comparison of typological thematic and multivariate models,2009,27,4,507-529,Beech Emotional evidence and jurors' judgments: the promise of neuroscience for informing psychology and law,2009,27,2,273-296,Bottoms Treating criminal offenders in correctional contexts: identifying interests and distributing responsibilities,2009,27,5,833-855,Schopp “It's doom alone that counts”: can international human rights law be an effective source of rights in correctional conditions litigation?,2009,27,5,675-694,Perlin Neurobiology of empathy and callousness: Implications for the development of antisocial behavior,2009,27,2,137-171,Vitacco Alford pleas in the age of innocence,2009,27,3,467-488,Redlich Behavioral and neurological foundations for the moral and legal implications of intoxication addictive behaviors and disinhibition,2009,27,2,237-259,Potenza The development of decision‐making capacities in children and adolescents: Psychological and neurological perspectives and their implications for juvenile defendants,2009,27,2,173-190,Kambam What do potential jurors know about police interrogation techniques and false confessions?,2009,27,3,381-399,Leo Judging intoxication,2011,29,1,116-137,Rubenzer Current analysis of the Tarasoff duty: an evolution towards the limitation of the duty to protect,2001,19,3,325-343,Beck Clinical training and the duty to protect,2001,19,3,387-404,Tolman Assessing violence risk in Tarasoff situations: a fact‐based model of inquiry,2001,19,3,375-385,Borum To warn and to control: two distinct legal obligations or variations of a single duty to protect?,2001,19,3,355-373,Felthous The application of an action system model to destructive behaviour: the examples of arson and terrorism,2001,19,5‐6,657-690,Fritzon Not bound by the law: Legal disobedience in Israeli society,2001,19,2,265-283,Yagil Women with co‐occurring substance use and mental disorders (COD) in the criminal justice system: a research review,2004,22,4,449-466,Sacks The psychology of telling murder stories: do we think in scripts exemplars or prototypes?,2002,20,1‐2,119-139,Wiener The effects of defendant race victim race and juror gender on evidence processing in a murder trial,2006,24,2,179-198,ForsterLee Serial murder and the case of Aileen Wuornos: attachment theory psychopathy and predatory aggression,2004,22,3,375-393,Arrigo Neonaticide: an appropriate application for therapeutic jurisprudence?,2001,19,5‐6,703-718,Schwartz Intimate partner stalking and femicide: urgent implications for women's safety,2002,20,1‐2,51-68,McFarlane Juror decision‐making in a mock sexually violent predator trial: gender differences in the impact of divergent types of expert testimony,2003,21,2,215-237,Edens Sexual predator commitment laws: lessons for law and the behavioral sciences,2000,18,1,5-21,Janus An examination of the assumptions of specialization mental disorder and dangerousness in sex offenders,2000,18,2‐3,275-308,Simon Psychosocial predictors of adult antisocial personality and adult convictions,2000,18,5,605-622,Farrington Evaluating violence risk “by the book”: a review of HCR‐20: assessing risk for violence version 2 and the manual for the sexual violence risk—20,2000,18,6,781-789,Mossman A national survey of state legislation defining mental retardation: implications for policy and practice after Atkins,2007,25,6,781-802,Marczyk A prospective comparison of two measures of psychopathy in the prediction of institutional misconduct,2008,26,5,529-541,Edens Analysis of hispanic representation and conceptualization in psychology and law research,2008,26,5,655-670,Miller Application of the behavioral investigative support system for profiling perpetrators of serial sexual assaults,2007,25,6,841-856,Fujita Are release recommendations for NGRI acquittees informed by relevant data?,2007,25,1,43-55,Thompson Assessing risk of reoffending in adolescents who have committed a sexual offense: the accuracy of clinical judgments after completion of risk assessment instruments,2008,26,4,511-528,Scalora Attribution of blame to rape victims among therapists and non‐therapists,2007,25,1,103-120,Idisis Behavioral measures of impulsivity and the law,2008,26,6,691-707,Dougherty Brain abnormalities in antisocial individuals: implications for the law,2008,26,1,65-83,Raine COD services in community correctional settings: An examination of organizational factors that affect service delivery,2008,26,4,435-455,Melnick Community‐Based co‐occurring disorder (COD) intermediate and advanced treatment for offenders,2008,26,4,457-473,Melnick Constructing insanity: jurors' prototypes attitudes and legal decision‐making,2007,25,4,449-470,Skeem Death qualification and prejudice: the effect of implicit racism sexism and homophobia on capital defendants' right to due process,2007,25,6,857-867,Butler Describing diagnosing and naming psychopathy: how do youth psychopathy labels influence jurors?,2008,26,4,487-510,Cornell Diagnostic profiles of offenders in substance abuse treatment programs,2008,26,4,369-388,Melnick Diverting multi‐problem youth from juvenile justice: investigating the importance of community influence on placement and recidivism,2007,25,1,137-158,Veysey Elder research: filling an important gap in psychology and law,2007,25,5,701-716,Brank Empirical evidence on the use and effectiveness of telepsychiatry via videoconferencing: Implications for forensic and correctional psychiatry,2008,26,3,253-269,Antonacci Facets of psychopathy Axis II traits and behavioral dysregulation among jail detainees,2007,25,4,471-483,Harrison Flickering admissibility: neuroimaging evidence in the U.S. courts,2008,26,1,29-49,Moriarty Gender differences in comorbid disorders among offenders in prison substance abuse treatment programs,2008,26,4,403-412,Roberts Kidnapping: a criminal profile of persons convicted 1979–2001,2007,25,1,69-84,Francis Levels of psychopathy and its correlates: a study of incarcerated youths in three states,2007,25,5,717-738,Childs Advancing children's rights to be heard and protected: The model representation of children in abuse neglect and custody proceedings act,2010,28,4,463-479,Lehrmann Neurophilosophical perspectives of neuroimaging in forensic psychiatry—giving way to a paradigm shift?,2008,26,1,113-130,Bogerts Performance of the CJDATS Co‐Occurring Disorders Screening Instruments (CODSIs) among Minority Offenders,2008,26,4,351-368,Cleland Reducing racial bias in the penalty phase of capital trials,2008,26,5,603-617,Costanzo Relationships between personal values and reported behavior on ethical scenarios for law students,2007,25,1,121-136,Palermo Structural and functional MRI‐ findings in children and adolescents with antisocial behavior,2008,26,1,99-111,Vloet Structural brain abnormalities in psychopaths—a review,2008,26,1,7-28,Habel Synthesis of studies of co‐occurring disorder(s) in criminal justice and a research agenda,2008,26,4,475-486,Melnick The neuroscience of “free will”,2007,25,2,295-308,Tancredi Toward a psychopathology of self‐control theory: the importance of narcissistic traits,2007,25,6,803-821,Wright Trait impulsivity in a forensic inpatient sample: An evaluation of the barratt impulsiveness scale,2008,26,6,675-690,Haden Treatment outcomes for female offenders: Relationship to number of Axis I diagnoses,2008,26,4,413-434,Cleland Public attitudes toward sex offenders and their relationship to personality traits and demographic characteristics,2010,28,6,832-849,Olver Should victim impact influence sentences? Understanding the community's justice reasoning,1999,17,5,661-671,Hills Deaf murderers: clinical and forensic issues,1999,17,4,495-516,Vernon Gender differences in evaluating social-sexual conduct in the workplace,1999,17,4,413-433,Hurt Differentiating stranger murders: profiling offender characteristics from behavioral styles,1999,17,3,391-406,Canter Voluntary intoxication and criminal responsibility,1999,17,2,195-217,Marlowe Craziness and criminal responsibility,1999,17,2,147-164,Morse The Concept of Leakage in Threat Assessment,2011,29,4,513-527,O'toole Predatory Violence Aiming at Relief in a Case of Mass Murder: Meloy's Criteria for Applied Forensic Practice,2011,29,4,578-591,Audenaert What are we studying? Student jurors community jurors and construct validity,2011,29,3,376-394,Wiener The effect of acknowledging mock jurors' feelings on affective and cognitive biases: it depends on the sample,2011,29,3,331-357,Krauss Mental Illness Criminal Risk Factors and Parole Release Decisions,2011,29,4,528-553,Matejkowski Gender Differences in the Assessment Stability and Correlates to Bullying Roles in Middle School Children,2011,29,5,677-694,Frick Sampling Extreme Groups Invalidates Research on the Paraphilias: Implications for DSM-5 and Sex Offender Risk Assessments,2011,29,4,554-565,Wollert Relational Aggression in Women during Emerging Adulthood: A Social Process Model,2011,29,5,695-710,Ostrov Introduction to this Issue: Violent and Antisocial Behavior in Women,2011,29,5,621-622,Felthous Recidivism in Female Offenders: PCL-R Lifestyle Factor and VRAG Show Predictive Validity in a German Sample,2012,30,5,575-584,Osterheider Violence Risk Assessment and Women: Predictive Accuracy of the HCR-20 in a Civil Psychiatric Sample,2011,29,5,623-633,Rosenfeld Women accused of sex offenses: a gender-based comparison,2011,29,5,728-740,Friedman Personality and Situational Correlates of Self-reported Reasons for Intimate Partner Violence among Women versus Men Referred for Batterers' Intervention,2011,29,5,711-727,Ross Substance use and violent behavior in women with antisocial personality disorder,2011,29,5,667-676,Lewis (Im)maturity of judgment in adolescence: why adolescents may be less culpable than adults,2000,18,6,741-760,Cauffman Reaction of mock jurors to testimony of a court appointed expert,2000,18,6,719-729,Hall Emotional deficiency and psychopathy,2000,18,5,567-580,Sass Proving sexual assault,2000,18,2-3,217-246,Magner Psychological assessment treatment and outcome with sex offenders,2000,18,1,23-41,Grossman Neonaticide: an appropriate application for therapeutic jurisprudence?,2001,19,5-6,703-718,Schwartz Spatial patterns of serial murder: an analysis of disposal site location choice,2001,19,4,595-610,Canter Forensic and correctional applications of the personality assessment inventory,2001,19,4,519-543,Edens Who's in who's out and who's back: follow-up data on 59 juveniles incarcerated in adult prison for murder or attempted murder in the early 1980s,2001,19,1,97-108,Thompson Is it inherently prejudicial to try a juvenile as an adult?,2001,19,1,23-31,Valenti Obstacles to research in residential juvenile justice facilities: recommendations for researchers,2012,30,1,49-68,Cruise Validation of the 'How I Think Questionnaire' in a Population of French-speaking Adolescents with Externalizing Behaviors,2012,30,2,196-210,Daigle Examining the Prevalence Role and Impact of Evidence Regarding Antisocial Personality Sociopathy and Psychopathy in Capital Cases: A Survey of Defense Team Members,2012,30,3,239-255,Cox ADHD and Delinquency - a Developmental Perspective,2012,30,2,121-139,Herpertz-Dahlmann Psychological Correlates of Violent and Non-violent Hong Kong Juvenile Probationers,2012,30,2,103-120,Chui Female Juvenile Delinquency Motherhood and the Intergenerational Transmission of Aggression and Antisocial Behavior,2012,30,2,211-237,Lussier Validation of a Motivation-based Typology of Angry Aggression among Antisocial Youths in Norway,2012,30,2,167-180,Howard Assessment of Accused Juvenile Sex Offenders in Germany: A Comparison of Five Different Measures,2012,30,2,181-195,Briken Psychopathic traits predict attitudes toward a juvenile capital murderer,2003,21,6,807-828,Edens A mind to blame: new views on involuntary acts,2003,21,5,601-618,Denno Narrative plausibility: the impact of sequence and anchoring,2003,21,2,251-267,Canter Differentiating sex offences: a behaviorally based thematic classification of stranger rapes,2003,21,2,157-174,Bennell Juvenile Homosexual Homicide,2012,30,2,90-102,Myers Cruise ships and kayaks: welfare and rehabilitation approaches for women with disabilities in poverty,2002,20,6,659-680,Foley Predicting the home location of serial offenders: a preliminary comparison of the accuracy of human judges with a geographic profiling system,2002,20,1-2,109-118,Bennell The defense of extreme emotional disturbance in New York County: pleas and outcomes,2002,20,1-2,47-50,Kirschner Murderers' and sexual offenders' experiences of police interviews and their inclination to admit or deny crimes,2002,20,1-2,31-45,Holmberg How psychiatrists and judges assess the dangerousness of persons with mental illness: an 'expertise bias",2002,20,1-2,19-29,Poletiek The role of warning behaviors in threat assessment: an exploration and suggested typology,2012,30,3,256-279,Reid Meloy Detecting Children's Lies: Comparing True Accounts About Highly Stressful Injuries with Unprepared Prepared and Coached Lies,2012,30,3,329-341,Warren Developing profiles of risk for parental abduction of children from a comparison of families victimized by abduction with families litigating custody,1999,17,3,305-322,Sagatun-Edwards The response to domestic violence in a model court: some initial findings and implications,1998,16,2,185-206,Buzawa Does risk assessment make a difference? Results of implementing the SAVRY in juvenile probation,2012,30,4,384-405,Vincent Operationalizing the assessment and management of violence risk in the short-term,2012,30,4,406-419,Logan Measuring the outcome of structured spousal violence risk assessments using the B-SAFER: risk in relation to recidivism and intervention,2012,30,4,420-430,Belfrage Characteristics of START assessments completed in mental health jail diversion programs,2012,30,4,448-469,Van Dorn Psychopathy and the predictive validity of the PCL-R: an international perspective,2000,18,5,623-645,Grann Jurors' use of standards of proof in decisions about punitive damages,2012,30,6,856-872,Woody From crime scene actions in stranger rape to prediction of rapist type: single-victim or serial rapist?,2012,30,6,764-781,Bergman Blaming the messenger for the bad news about partner violence by women: the methodological theoretical and value basis of the purported invalidity of the Conflict Tactics Scales,2012,30,5,538-556,Straus Mothers who kill: evolutionary underpinnings and infanticide law,2012,30,5,585-597,Friedman Relative contributions of gender and traumatic life experience to the prediction of mental disorders in a sample of incarcerated offenders,2012,30,5,615-630,Gunter Introduction to this Issue: Violent and Aggressive Behaviors in Women - Part II,2012,30,5,537,Felthous Are self-report measures of adaptive functioning appropriate for those high in psychopathic traits?,2012,30,6,693-709,Boccaccini Gender differences in physical aggression and associated developmental correlates in a sample of Canadian preschoolers,2012,30,5,643-671,Lussier Women who kill their mates,2012,30,5,598-614,Bourget MMPI inmate profiles: suicide completers suicide attempters and non-suicidal controls,2004,22,6,833-842,Daigle The effects of rational and experiential information processing of expert testimony in death penalty cases,2004,22,6,801-822,Lieberman An analysis of post-booking jail diversion programming for persons with co-occurring disorders,2004,22,6,771-785,Shafer Adjusting risk of recidivism: do judicial departures worsen or improve recidivism prediction under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines?,2004,22,6,731-750,Krauss Plaintiff life-taking: the effect of mock juror attitudes toward suicide on assignment of negligence and damages in a civil suit,2004,22,5,715-730,Worthington Legal issues of professional negligence in suicide cases,2004,22,5,697-713,Packman Serial murder in America: case studies of seven offenders,2004,22,3,395-414,Beasley Serial murder by children and adolescents,2004,22,3,357-374,Myers Rorschach oral dependency in psychopaths sexual homicide perpetrators and nonviolent pedophiles,2004,22,3,345-356,Gacono The autogenic (self-generated) massacre,2004,22,3,311-323,Mullen A comparative analysis of North American adolescent and adult mass murderers,2004,22,3,291-309,Mohandie Death penalty support for special offender populations of legally convicted murderers: juveniles the mentally retarded and the mentally incompetent,2004,22,2,223-238,Heide Violence risk assessment in clinical settings: Being sure about being sure,2013,31,1,74-80,Buchanan Risk Assessment in Mental Health Care: Values and Costs,2013,31,1,125-140,Rose Evaluating risk assessments using receiver operating characteristic analysis: rationale advantages insights and limitations,2013,31,1,23-39,Mossman Bayes and base rates: what is an informative prior for actuarial violence risk assessment?,2013,31,1,103-124,Rice Predictive validity performance indicators in violence risk assessment: a methodological primer,2013,31,1,8-22,Singh Suicidal ideation among inmate-patients in state prison: prevalence reluctance to report and treatment preferences,2013,31,2,230-238,Kaufman Measurement of predictive validity in violence risk assessment studies: a second-order systematic review,2013,31,1,55-73,Van Dorn Measuring and interpreting the predictive validity of violence risk assessments: an overview of the special issue,2013,31,1,1-7,Singh Valuing structured professional judgment: predictive validity decision-making and the clinical-actuarial conflict,2013,31,1,40-54,Falzer Another look at the (im-)precision of individual risk estimates made using actuarial risk assessment instruments,2013,31,1,81-102,Hart Matricide and stepmatricide victims and offenders: an empirical analysis of U.S. arrest data,2013,31,2,203-214,Heide Examining the validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) for predicting probation outcomes among adjudicated juvenile offenders,2013,31,2,256-270,Frick Motivational influences in persons found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder: a review of legislation and research,2013,31,4,494-505,Penney Risk assessment in the law: legal admissibility scientific validity and some disparities between research and practice,2013,31,2,215-229,Krauss Probability of criminal acts of violence: a test of jury predictive accuracy,2013,31,2,286-305,Cunningham Sexually violent predators: toward reasonable estimates of recidivism base rates,2013,31,4,429-443,Neller Construct measurement quality improves predictive accuracy in violence risk assessment: an illustration using the personality assessment inventory,2013,31,4,477-493,Edens Delinquency best treatments: how to divert youths from violence while saving lives and detention costs,2013,31,3,381-396,Grove Jury panel member perceptions of interpersonal-affective traits of psychopathy predict support for execution in a capital murder trial simulation,2013,31,4,411-428,Cox Traumatic Brain Injury: Guidance in a Forensic Context from Outcome Dose-Response and Response Bias Research,2013,31,6,756-778,Sweet Witnesses' blindness for their own facial recognition decisions: a field study,2013,31,5,624-636,Merckelbach Traumatic Brain Injury and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: A Forensic Neuropsychiatric Perspective,2013,31,6,721-738,Brenner Juvenile homicide: a growing national problem,1993,11,4,389-396,Cornell Community policing to take guns off the street,1993,11,4,361-374,Shaw Weapons used by juveniles and adults to kill parents,1993,11,4,397-406,Heide Effects and outcomes in civilian and military traumatic brain injury: Similarities differences and forensic implications,2013,31,6,814-832,Nelson Neuropsychological Differential Diagnosis of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury,2013,31,6,686-701,Rohling Sexual predator evaluations and phrenology: considering issues of evidentiary reliability,2000,18,1,111-130,Campbell Battered Women in the Criminal Justice System: An Analysis of Gender Sterotypes,1990,8,2,161-170,Jenkins Psychological treatment of pedophiles,1985,3,4,403-419,Langevin Correctional institution based sex offender treatment: a lapse behavior study,2000,18,1,57-71,McGuire Sex crimes and the new punitiveness,2000,18,2-3,135-151,Pratt Pharmacotherapy of paraphilias in the next millennium,2000,18,1,43-56,Witztum The R-CRAS and insanity evaluations: a re-examination of construct validity,1999,17,2,181-194,Rogers Psychopathy criminal responsibility and civil commitment as a sexual predator,2000,18,2-3,247-274,Schopp The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: a basis for jus cogens prohibition of juvenile capital punishment in the United States,2001,19,1,143-169,Walker Sex offender community notification: examining the importance of neighborhood meetings,2000,18,2-3,393-408,Zevitz Sex offender community notification: managing high risk criminals or exacting further vengeance?,2000,18,2-3,343-374,Zevitz Brain trauma PET scans and forensic complexity,2013,31,6,702-720,Moriarty The impact of DSM-5's alternative model for personality disorders on criminal defendants,2014,32,1,135-148,Murphy Violent female youth: an examination of instrumental violence psychopathy and offense characteristics,2014,32,1,121-134,Woodworth Psychological vulnerabilities and propensities for involvement in violent extremism,2014,32,3,286-305,Borum Assertive women as expert witnesses: a study of assertive and defensive responses in male and female experts,2014,32,2,149-163,Brodsky Juveniles who have committed sexual offenses: a special group?,2014,32,2,240-257,Fanniff The violent true believer as a "lone wolf" -- psychoanalytic perspectives on terrorism,2014,32,3,347-365,Reid Meloy How video image size interacts with evidence strength defendant emotion and the defendant-victim relationship to alter perceptions of the defendant,2014,32,4,496-507,Heath Can serial rapists be distinguished from one-off rapists?,2014,32,2,220-239,Hamilton-Giachritsis Breivik - The Norwegian terrorist case,2014,32,3,389-407,Syse The case of Anders Behring Breivik: language of a lone terrorist,2014,32,3,408-422,Knoll Terrorism in Pakistan: a behavioral sciences perspective,2014,32,3,335-346,Nizami The quest for significance model of radicalization: implications for the management of terrorist detainees,2014,32,3,423-439,Kruglanski Girls arrested for murder: an empirical analysis of 32 years of U.S. data by offender age groups,2014,32,4,467-482,Heide Jurors' views on the value and objectivity of mental health experts testifying in sexually violent predator trials,2014,32,4,483-495,Murrie Caution or warning? A validity study of the MAYSI-2 with juvenile offenders,2014,32,4,508-526,Vaughn Dynamic and static factors associated with discharge dispositions: the National Trajectory Project of individuals found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder (NCRMD) in Canada,2014,32,5,577-595,Nicholls Support and reluctance in the pre-substantive phase of alleged child abuse victim investigative interviews: revised versus standard NICHD protocols,2014,32,6,762-774,Hershkowitz An examination of "don't know" responses in forensic interviews with children,2014,32,6,746-761,Lamb Explaining gender differences in jurors' reactions to child sexual assault cases,2014,32,6,789-812,Goodman Expectations of emotions during testimony: the role of communicator and perceiver characteristics,2014,32,6,829-845,Bederian-Gardner Effects of child interview tactics on prospective jurors' decisions,2014,32,6,846-866,Johnson Child maltreatment trauma-related psychopathology and eyewitness memory in children and adolescents,2014,32,6,702-717,Goodman An examination of violence risk communication in practice using a structured professional judgment framework,2015,33,1,39-55,Hart Jurors report that risk measure scores matter in sexually violent predator trials but that other factors matter more,2015,33,1,56-73,Murrie Informed consent at gunpoint: when psychiatry affects gun ownership,2015,33,2-3,346-355,Leong Progress in violence risk assessment and communication: hypothesis versus evidence,2015,33,1,128-145,Rice Evidence for risk estimate precision: implications for individual risk communication,2015,33,1,111-127,Hilton Evaluation and applications of the clinically significant change method with the violence risk scale-sexual offender version: implications for risk-change communication,2015,33,1,92-110,Wong The use of risk and need factors in forensic mental health decision-making and the role of gender and index offense severity,2015,33,1,19-38,Nicholls Communicating the risk of violent and offending behavior: review and introduction to this special issue,2015,33,1,1-18,Hilton Physician beliefs about physical and mental competency of patients applying for concealed weapon permits,2015,33,2-3,238-245,Viera Restoration of firearm rights in New York,2015,33,2-3,334-345,Appelbaum Oregon's gun relief program for adjudicated mentally ill persons: the Psychiatric Security Review Board,2015,33,2-3,323-333,Bloom Preventing persons affected by serious mental illnesses from obtaining firearms: the evolution of law policy and practice in Massachusetts,2015,33,2-3,279-289,Fisher Beyond the Academic Journal: Unfreezing Misconceptions About Mental Illness and Gun Violence Through Knowledge Translation to Decision-Makers,2015,33,2-3,356-365,Grilley Circumstances and outcomes of a firearm seizure law: Marion County Indiana 2006-2013,2015,33,2-3,308-322,Parker Offense characteristics of incompetent to stand trial defendants charged with violent offenses,2015,33,2-3,257-278,Belfi Guns impulsive angry behavior and mental disorders: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R),2015,33,2-3,199-212,Kessler Guns mental illness and the law: introduction to this issue,2015,33,2-3,167-177,Felthous California firearms law and mental illness,2015,33,2-3,246-256,Barnhorst The evolving position of the American Psychiatric Association on firearm policy (1993-2014),2015,33,2-3,178-185,Appelbaum Public trust and confidence in legal authorities: what do majority and minority group members want from the law and legal institutions?,2001,19,2,215-235,Tyler Anticipatory injustice among adolescents: age and racial/ethnic differences in perceived unfairness of the justice system,2008,26,2,207-226,Woolard American Psychiatric Association: Position Statement on Firearm Access Acts of Violence and the Relationship to Mental Illness and Mental Health Services,2015,33,2-3,195-198,Appelbaum Historical environmental and behavioral correlates of sexual offending by male adolescents: A critical review,1993,11,4,423-440,Aljazireh Coercive uses of mandatory reporting in therapeutic relationships,1993,11,3,335-345,Steinberg Criminal justice and the drug-abusing offender: Policy issues of coerced treatment,1991,9,3,243-267,Hser Law social science and the "brainwashing" exception to the first amendment,1992,10,1,5-29,Robbins Psychiatric malpractice in the military,1989,7,3,287-315,Armitage Recipients' affective responses to affirmative action interventions: A cross-cultural perspective,1992,10,2,229-243,Arthur Assessing treatability in drug offenders,1988,6,1,139-148,Ashford The effects of legislative reform on civil commitment admission rates: A critical analysis,1988,6,1,45-61,Atkinson Sex hormones in murderers and assaulters,1987,5,1,95-101,Dickey Medicolegal stress at work,1990,8,4,399-420,Bale Deviant sexual arousal offense history and demographic variables as predictors of reoffense among child molesters,1988,6,2,267-280,Marshall A descriptive study of rapists and child molesters: Developmental clinical and criminal characteristics,1987,5,2,203-220,Knight Workers' compensation for mental stress cases,1990,8,4,349-360,Barth Treatment of juvenile offenders: Study outcomes since 1980,1988,6,3,355-384,Davidson A study of enforced treatment in relation to Stone's "thank you" theory,1988,6,4,559-566,Beck Inclusion motivation and good faith: The morality of coercion in mental hospital admission,1993,11,3,295-306,Gardner Major legal and ethical issues in behavioral treatment: Focus on institutionalized mental patients,1987,5,3,359-372,Bentley Attorneys' referrals for competency to stand trial evaluations: Comparisons of referred and nonreferred clients,1987,5,3,373-380,Berman Emerging images of severely battered women and the criminal justice system,1990,8,2,121-130,Blackman Forecasting the impact of the federal sentencing guidelines,1989,7,1,51-71,Block Use and abuse of mental health experts in child custody determinations,1989,7,2,197-213,Bolocofsky The competence of criminal defendants: A theoretical reformulation,1992,10,3,291-316,Bonnie Perceptions of liability for the negligent infliction of emotional distress to a bystander,1993,11,2,205-211,Bowen Legal schizophrenia and the mental health lawyer: Recent trends in civil commitment litigation,1988,6,1,3-14,Brakel Psychosocial factors affecting custodial and visitation arrangements,1991,9,4,419-437,Bray Truth in sentencing,1989,7,1,25-49,Brodeur Child sexual abuse allegations during custody litigation: Conflicts between mental health expert witnesses and the law,1991,9,1,21-32,Brooks Regulating damage claims for emotional injuries before the First World War,1990,8,4,421-434,Brown Legal proceedings reforms and emerging issues in child sexual abuse cases,1988,6,2,153-180,Bulkley Consent to mental health treatment: A theoretical analysis of coercion freedom and control,1991,9,2,129-142,Carroll Remedies for discrimination: Race sex and affirmative action,1992,10,2,245-257,Clayton Predicting outcome of insanity acquittees released to the community,1988,6,4,515-530,Cohen Characteristics of adolescents charged with homicide: Review of 72 cases,1987,5,1,11-23,Cornell MMPI profiles of adolescents charged with homicide,1988,6,3,401-407,Cornell Impact of joint versus sole custody and quality of co-parental relationship on adjustment of adolescents in remarried families,1991,9,4,439-449,Crosbie-Burnett Expert testimony and jury decision making: An empirical analysis,1989,7,2,215-225,Penrod The myth of judicial leniency in sentencing,1989,7,1,73-89,Diamond Civil commitment laws in nineteenth-century New York,1988,6,1,79-98,Dwyer Firearms and the mentally ill: A legislative overview and jurisprudential analysis,1993,11,4,407-421,Edwards Some characteristics of inmates transferred from prison to a state mental hospital,1988,6,1,131-137,Edwards An introduction to organic brain syndromes,1987,5,3,287-306,Elliott Diagnosing and treating "insanity" on death row: Legal and ethical perspectives,1987,5,2,175-185,Ewing Guns (editorial),1993,11,4,351-352,Ewing Advancing knowledge about delinquency and crime: The need for a coordinated program of longitudinal research,1988,6,3,307-331,Farrington Somnambulism and the law: A review,1987,5,3,343-357,Fenwick The Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984: Much ado about nothing,1989,7,3,403-419,Finkel Socioscientific evidence and supreme court numerology: When justices attempt social science,1993,11,1,67-77,Finkel Medicalizing the drug war,1991,9,3,323-344,Fishbein Legal ethics and the use of mental health experts in criminal cases,1987,5,2,105-117,Fitch Florida after the Furman decision: The effect of extralegal factors on the processing of capital offense cases,1987,5,4,457-465,Foley Boundary maintenance and capital punishment: A sociological perspective,1987,5,4,423-432,French Two scales for measuring patients' perceptions for coercion during mental hospital admission,1993,11,3,307-321,Gardner Mediation and child custody issues in abusive relationships,1990,8,2,151-159,Pagelow Characteristics and treatment of batterers,1990,8,2,131-140,Rosenbaum Feigned insanity in nineteenth-century America: Tactics trials and truth,1990,8,1,3-26,Geller Smile when you call me that!: The problems with punishing hate motivated behavior,1992,10,2,259-285,Gerstenfeld Cross-examination of the expert witness: Do hostile tactics affect impressions of a simulated jury?,1989,7,2,275-281,Sigal Drug corruption in undercover agents: Measuring the risk,1991,9,3,361-370,Girodo Race fairness and jury selection,1992,10,2,155-177,Golash Stakes and risk: Incapacitative intent in sentencing decisions,1989,7,1,91-106,Gottfredson Right of active duty military personnel to refuse psychiatric treatment,1989,7,3,339-354,Resnick Psychological self-defense jury instructions: Influence on verdicts for battered women defendants,1990,8,2,171-180,Tomkins Five-year research update (1986-1990): Evaluations for competence to stand trial,1992,10,3,353-369,Grisso A review and critique of honesty test research,1991,9,4,501-523,Guastello Sex offenders: Identifing who can complete a residential treatment program,1990,8,4,465-471,Gully The conscience and convenience of sentencing reform in Indiana,1989,7,1,107-125,Hamm Menstruation and crime: A critical review of the literature from the clinical criminology perspective,1987,5,3,307-321,Harry The use of theories about the etiology of incest as guidelines for legal and therapeutic interventions,1988,6,2,221-238,Haugaard Assessing treatability in mentally disordered offenders: A conceptual and methodological note,1988,6,4,479-486,Heilbrun An MMPI-based empirical model of malingering and deception,1990,8,1,45-53,Heilbrun The assessment of competency for execution: An overview,1987,5,4,383-396,Heilbrun Civil commitment: A review of empirical research,1988,6,1,15-43,Hiday Effects of prior juror experience on jury sentencing,1991,9,1,97-106,Himelein Patterns of recidivism and relapse among groups of mentally disordered offenders,1989,7,4,551-558,Hodgins Attorney- client decision- making in criminal cases: Client competence and participation as perceived by their attorneys,1992,10,3,385-394,Poythress Patient family and staff perceptions of coercion in mental hospital admission: An exploratory study,1993,11,3,281-293,Mulvey Homicide without an apparent motive,1988,6,3,429-437,Daniel Confidentiality in the military,1989,7,3,317-337,Howe Death scene characteristics in 118 fatal cases of autoerotic asphyxia compared with suicidal asphyxia,1992,10,4,509-523,Hucker The debate over drug testing in the workplace: A novel opportunity for public scientific education,1991,9,3,305-322,Imwinkelried Attempts to limit the scope of the Frye standard for the admission of scientific evidence: Confronting the real cost of the general acceptance test,1992,10,4,441-454,Imwinkelried Drug treatment and workplace drug testing: Politics symbolism and organizational dilemmas,1991,9,3,345-360,Jacobs Battered women in the criminal justice system: An analysis of gender stereotypes,1990,8,2,161-170,Jenkins Munchausen syndrome by proxy: Clinical review and legal issues,1991,9,1,73-83,Yorker Legal aspects of alcohol abuse in the navy,1989,7,3,355-377,Kallen One-gun-a-month: Measuring public opinion concerning a gun control initiative,1993,11,4,353-360,Kauder Coercion in psychiatric care: Problems of medical ethics in a comprehensive empirical study,1993,11,3,323-334,Kjellin Crime and amnesia: A review,1987,5,3,323-342,Kopelman Parent-child relations in offenders who commit violent sexual crimes against children,1991,9,1,61-71,Langevin Treatment of incest and pedophilic offenders: A pilot study,1988,6,2,239-255,Langevin Brain damage diagnosis and substance abuse among violent offenders,1987,5,1,77-94,Dickey Inmates' perceptions of determinate and indeterminate sentences,1989,7,1,127-137,Berg Murders and suicide: Are they polar opposites,1987,5,1,49-60,Lester The corroboration requirement in child sex abuse cases,1991,9,1,3-20,Levine Delinquency substance abuse and risk taking in middle-class adolescents,1988,6,3,385-400,Levine Coercive interactions in a psychiatric emergency room,1993,11,3,269-280,Mulvey Perspectives on the role of the eyewitness expert,1990,8,4,457-464,Lindsay Compensation for mental-mental claims under Canadian law,1990,8,4,375-398,Lippel Assessment of sexually abused children with anatomically detailed dolls: A critical review,1991,9,1,43-51,Maan Cults: Forensic and therapeutic aspects,1992,10,1,31-37,MacHovec Child reporting and testimony in incest cases: Comments on the construction and reconstruction of reality,1988,6,2,201-219,Maddock Substantiating psychological injury under the federal employees' compensation act,1990,8,4,435-445,Maffeo Investigations of child abuse/neglect allegations in religious cults: A case study in Vermont,1992,10,1,75-88,Malcarne Workers' compensation for law enforcement related post traumatic stress disorder,1990,8,4,447-456,Mann A three-tiered approach to the rehabilitation of incarcerated sex offenders,1993,11,4,441-455,Marshall Criminal personality profiling in the investigation of violent crime: Recent advances and future directions,1992,10,4,475-481,McCann Death penalty mitigation and cult membership: The case of the Kirtland killings,1992,10,1,65-74,McPherson Bias in sentencing: A preliminary analysis of community service sentences,1992,10,2,197-206,Meeker Fixing forensic patients: Psychiatric recommendations for treatment in pretrial settings,1988,6,4,453-478,Webster Neuropsychological perspectives on delinquency,1988,6,3,409-428,Miller Representation by counsel: Right or obligation?,1992,10,3,395-406,Miller Conflict of interest between therapist-patient confidentiality and the duty to report sexual abuse of children,1987,5,2,161-174,Miller Outpatient civil commitment of the mentally ill: An overview and an update,1988,6,1,99-118,Miller Decompressing aggressive inpatients: Breaking the aggression cycle to enhance positive outcome,1988,6,4,543-557,Van Rybroek Urinary testing for drugs of abuse in the military,1989,7,3,379-386,Morgan Assessing and restoring competency to be executed: Should psychiatrists participate?,1987,5,4,397-409,Mossman The competence of young children to testify in legal proceedings,1993,11,2,121-133,Myers Death qualification and conviction proneness: witt and witherspoon compared,1987,5,4,479-494,Dillehay Outcome of hospitalization for defendants found incompetent to stand trial,1992,10,3,371-383,Nicholson Effects of voir dire variations in capital trials: A replication and extension,1987,5,4,467-477,Himelein Probative aspects of the medical evaluation for child sexual abuse,1992,10,4,455-473,Nohejl Recent research on the relationship between illicit drug use and crime,1991,9,3,221-242,Kinlock Cults and the law: A discussion of the legality of alleged cult activities,1992,10,1,117-140,Ogloff Treating criminal psychopaths in a therapeutic community program,1990,8,2,181-190,Ogloff The juvenile death penalty: A frustrated society's attempt for control,1987,5,4,447-455,Ogloff Bias and expert testimony of mental health professionals in adversarial proceedings: A preliminary investigation,1989,7,2,267-273,Otto Who's to blame: Attributions regarding causality in spouse abuse,1990,8,2,107-120,Overholser Ethical issues in prison research: A risk/benefit analysis,1987,5,2,187-202,Overholser Differential diagnosis of malingering and factitious disorder with physical symptoms,1990,8,1,55-65,Overholser Homicide and the insanity defense: A comparison of sane and insane murderers,1987,5,1,25-35,Packer Multicollinearity and the use of regression analyses in discrimination litigation,1992,10,2,207-228,Paetzold Scientology and its 'clear' business,1992,10,1,103-116,Passas Sanism social science and the development of mental disability law jurisprudence,1993,11,1,47-66,Perlin Power imbalances in therapeutic and forensic relationships,1991,9,2,111-128,Perlin Elements of secrecy: Implications for children's testimony,1991,9,1,33-41,Goodman The excuses of child molesters,1991,9,1,53-59,Pollock The credibility of children's allegations of sexual abuse,1988,6,2,181-199,Quinn Assessments of the treatability of forensic patients,1988,6,4,443-452,Quinsey The aftermath of Ford v. Wainwright,1992,10,3,339-351,Radelet Neuroradiologic evaluation of craniocerebral trauma,1987,5,3,239-285,Ramsey An empirical approach to the classification and treatment of maximum security psychiatric patients,1988,6,4,497-514,Rice Predicting treatment outcome and recidivism among patients in a maximum security token economy,1990,8,3,313-326,Rice The purposes of sentencing: Public support for competing aims,1989,7,3,387-402,Roberts Predictors of improvement in maximum security forensic hospital patients,1988,6,4,531-542,Rodenhauser Coercion and 'voluntary' admission: An examination of psychiatric patient views,1993,11,3,259-267,Rogers Diversion of mentally disordered offenders: A legitimate role for clinicians?,1992,10,3,407-418,Rogers The SIRS as a measure of malingering: A validation study with a correctional sample,1990,8,1,85-92,Rogers Treatment recommendations for mentally disordered offenders: More than roulette?,1988,6,4,487-495,Webster Ethical dilemmas in forensic evaluations,1987,5,2,149-160,Rogers Juvenile homicide: The need for an interdisciplinary approach,1987,5,1,3-10,Ewing Civil commitment: An economic perspective,1988,6,1,63-77,Rubiny Expert witnesses in child abuse cases,1991,9,2,201-215,Sagatun Trying to remodel the children and youth service system: Observations about barriers and opportunities,1991,9,2,143-161,Sarata Expert testimony in pornography trials: A role for the social scientist,1990,8,3,301-311,Schell Therapeutic jurisprudence and conflicts among values in mental health law,1993,11,1,31-45,Schopp A psychological test battery to detect prison inmates who fake insanity or mental retardation,1990,8,1,75-84,Arkowitz Out-of-home placement of children: Selected issues and prospects for the future,1991,9,2,189-199,Schwartz Toward an epistemology of "addictive disease",1991,9,3,269-286,Shaffer Intimate homicide: An analysis of violent social relationships,1987,5,1,37-47,Silverman The lawyer and the forensic expert: Boundaries of ethical practice,1987,5,2,119-147,Slovenko Social psychology 'marital rape exemptions' and privacy,1990,8,2,141-149,Small Obstacles and advocacy in children's mental health services: Managing the Medicaid maze,1991,9,2,179-188,Small Advancing psychological jurisprudence,1993,11,1,3-16,Small Mental health expert witnesses: Of science and crystal balls,1989,7,2,145-180,Smith A look at the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment: Problems in workers' compensation claims involving mental disability,1990,8,4,361-373,Spaulding Combining cognitive-behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy in the treatment of pedophilic incest offenders,1988,6,2,257-266,Stermac The use of prediction data in understanding delinquency,1988,6,3,333-354,Stouthamer-Loeber State and regional differences in U.S. infant homicide rates in relation to sociocultural characteristics of the states,1987,5,1,61-75,Straus The influence of race on sentencing: A meta-analytic review of experimental studies,1992,10,2,179-195,Haney Rape myth acceptance: A case for providing educational expert testimony in rape jury trials,1989,7,2,243-257,Tetreault An experimental analysis of the civil commitment recommendations of psychologists and psychiatrists,1988,6,1,119-129,Ager Sexual abuse allegations in divorce and custody disputes,1991,9,4,451-468,Wakefield Recovered memories of alleged sexual abuse: Lawsuits against parents,1992,10,4,483-507,Wakefield The lifestyle criminality screening form and antisocial personality disorder: Predicting release outcome in a state prison sample,1993,11,1,111-115,Walters Distortions and deceptions in self presentation: Effects of protracted litigation in personal injury cases,1990,8,1,67-74,Weissman Child custody evaluations: Fair and unfair professional practices,1991,9,4,469-476,Weissman A philosophical examination of coercion for mental health issues,1993,11,3,239-258,Wertheimer The mental illness defense in the capital penalty hearing,1987,5,4,411-421,White An overview of the law of juvenile delinquency,1988,6,3,285-305,Whitebread Recidivism of disordered offenders who were conditionally vs. unconditionally released,1992,10,1,141-148,Wiederanders Competency to be executed: A therapeutic jurisprudence perspective,1992,10,3,317-337,Winick Psychological effects of custody disputes on children,1991,9,4,399-417,Wolman Psychiatric prediction of dangerousness in capital sentencing: The quest for innocent authority,1987,5,4,433-446,Worrell Psychiatric predictions and the death penalty: An unconstitutional sword for the prosecution but a constitutional shield for the defense,1989,7,4,505-519,Wyda A critical evaluation of coercive persuasion as used in the assessment of cults,1992,10,1,89-101,Griffith Expert evidence by psychologists: Sometimes problematic and often premature,1989,7,2,181-196,Yuille Premenstrual syndrome,1985,3,1,103-115,Abplanalp Tarasoff v. confidentiality,1984,2,3,273-289,Beigler Drugs in the workplace: A commentary,1985,3,4,441-453,Bensinger Thought control and the first amendment,1983,1,2,59-76,Beyer The impact of expert testimony on trials of battered women who kill their husbands,1984,2,4,413-422,Brickman Guilty but mentally ill: An alternative verdict,1985,3,1,49-67,Blunt Organic treatments for the male sexual offender,1985,3,4,355-375,Bradford Rape trauma syndrome,1983,1,3,97-113,Burgess Empirically based assessment of competence to stand trial: Instrument development and preliminary findings,1984,2,2,219-226,Burling Cocaine--review of current literature and interface with the law,1985,3,3,283-298,Busch Changing mental health law: Butting heads with a billygoat,1986,4,3,305-314,Callahan Impasse-directed mediation with high conflict families in custody disputes,1986,4,2,217-241,Johnston Relationships between the U.S. Secret Service and the behavioral and social sciences,1986,4,4,437-457,Carney Clinical dimensions of adult sexual abuse of children,1985,3,4,341-354,Conte Alcoholic blackouts: Phenomenology and legal relevance,1986,4,1,73-85,Cunnien Father-daughter incest: An overview,1985,3,4,391-402,deChesnay Investigating jury bias in a child molestation case,1984,2,4,423-434,Deitz Psychojargon in the psycholegal report: Ratings by judges psychiatrists and psychologists,1983,1,2,77-84,Cooke Seclusion rates and patient census in a maximum security hospital,1983,1,4,89-93,Rada The perils of police psychology: 10 strategies for minimizing role conflicts when providing mental health services and consultation to law enforcement agencies,1986,4,4,385-400,Dietz Criminal profiling from crime scene analysis,1986,4,4,401-421,Hartman What is to be done? future research on the assessment and behavioral treatment of sex offenders,1985,3,4,377-390,Quinsey Criticisms of the criminal justice system: A decision making analysis,1985,3,2,177-194,Ebbesen Ethical and consultation issues in the behavioral sciences and terrorism,1983,1,2,9-18,Eichelman Child custody in historical perspective: A study of changing social perceptions of divorce and child custody in Anglo-American law,1986,4,2,119-135,Einhorn Post-traumatic stress disorder Vietnam veterans and the law: A challenge to effective representation,1983,1,3,25-50,Erlinder Interaction with the United States Secret Service: Views of a mental health professional,1984,2,2,169-178,Fein Who is lying who is not: An attributional analysis of the effects of nonverbal behavior on judgements of defendant believability,1984,2,4,451-461,Feldman Female patients who assault in the hospital,1983,1,2,85-88,Felthous Patient's choice to suicide v. treater's duty to prevent suicide: Some changing clinical dilemmas,1983,1,4,95-99,Felthous Psychotic perceptions of pet animals in defendants accused of violent crimes,1984,2,3,331-339,Felthous Legal issues between psychology and law enforcement,1986,4,4,371-384,Flanagan Social science involvement in voir dire: Preliminary data on the effectiveness of "scientific jury selection",1984,2,4,375-394,Frederick Social impact of attack on a president: Its public reverberations,1984,2,2,195-206,Freedman The female terrorist: A socio-psychological perspective,1983,1,2,19-32,Galvin Health and legal issues in undercover narcotics investigations: Misrepresented evidence,1985,3,3,299-308,Girodo The right to refuse treatment in Oregon: A two-year statewide experience,1986,4,3,293-304,Bloom From tarasoff to hopper: The evolution of the therapist's duty to protect third parties,1985,3,2,195-225,Goodman Solving the eyewitness problem,1984,2,4,395-406,Greene Research directions in the evaluation and treatment of sex offenders: An analysis,1985,3,4,421-440,Grossman Criminal defenses and pleas in mitigation based on amnesia,1986,4,1,5-26,Hermann A study of presidential assassins,1984,2,2,131-149,Heyman Post traumatic stress disorders,1983,1,3,9-23,Horowitz Psychiatrists' duty to warn of a dangerous patient: A survey of the law,1984,2,3,259-272,Kamenar How do people influence in jury deliberation? a social psychological view,1984,2,4,407-412,Kaplan The psychotherapist's duty to act reasonably to prevent suicide: A proposal to allow rational suicide,1984,2,2,207-218,Kjervik Congressional review of national problems in drug abuse and its control,1985,3,3,241-248,Kurke "Acts of God and man": Long-term character change in survivors of disasters and the law,1983,1,3,85-96,Lindy Post-traumatic stress disorder in Vietnam veterans: Assessment in a forensic setting,1983,1,3,51-67,Scurfield The description and classification of presidential threateners,1984,2,2,151-167,Logan Trial by polygraph,1984,2,1,75-92,Lykken Joint custody and the preschool child,1986,4,2,169-183,Wallerstein The tort of outrage: Recovery for the intentional infliction of mental distress,1985,3,2,165-175,Merrick The so-called duty to warn: The psychotherapeutic duty to protect third parties from patients' violent acts,1984,2,3,237-257,Mills Why amnesia and the law is not a useful topic,1986,4,1,99-102,Morse An investigation of persuasion and sentencing severity with mock juries,1986,4,3,339-349,Osborne Sentencing severity with mock jurors: Predictive validity of three variable categories,1985,3,4,467-473,Osborne Police/law enforcement and psychology,1986,4,4,353-370,Ostrov The predictive value of the triad for sex offenders,1984,2,3,341-354,Prentky The impact of Tarasoff on clinical practice,1984,2,3,319-329,Quinn Problems of diagnosis and legal causation in courtroom use of post-traumatic stress disorder,1983,1,3,115-130,Raifman Terrorism,1983,1,2,7-8,Reid Presidential threats and the secret service in a free society,1984,2,2,179-193,Rein Sociological perspectives on illegal drug use: Definitional reactional and etiologic insights,1985,3,3,249-258,Richman Amnesia and competency to stand trial: A review of legal and clinical issues,1986,4,1,87-97,Roesch The insanity sentence: Oregon's psychiatric security review board,1985,3,1,69-84,Bloom Murder and criminal responsibility: An examination of MMPI profiles,1983,1,2,89-95,Rogers Towards an empirical model of malingering and deception,1984,2,1,93-111,Rogers Amnesia and criminal law: A clinical overview,1986,4,1,27-46,Brandt Legal and psychological bases of expert testimony: Surveys of the law and of jurors,1984,2,4,435-449,Saks The child custody evaluation: Issues and trends,1986,4,2,137-156,Simons Hostage negotiation: Law enforcement's most effective nonlethal weapon,1986,4,4,423-435,Soskis Behavioral scientists and law enforcement personnel: Working together on the problem of terrorism,1983,1,2,47-58,Soskis Narcotics and crime: An analysis of existing evidence for a causal relationship,1985,3,3,259-282,Anglin Insanity defense research and treatment of insanity acquittees,1985,3,1,37-48,Steadman Emotional distress in tort law,1985,3,2,121-133,Twiford Joint custody: A blind leap of faith?,1986,4,2,157-168,Twiford Father-custody and child development: A review and analysis of psychological research,1986,4,2,185-202,Warshak Neuropsychological evaluation in the assessment of personal injury,1985,3,2,149-164,Golden Comparing patients treated in special security civil state hospital units with patients in forensic programs,1985,3,2,227-235,Way Legal issues raised in treating sex offenders,1985,3,4,325-340,Weiner The insanity defense: Historical development and present status,1985,3,1,3-35,Weiner Psycholegal standards and the role of psychological assessment in personal injury litigation,1985,3,2,135-147,Weissman The anatomy of a hostage situation,1983,1,2,33-45,Wesselius The prediction of violent behavior and the duty to protect third parties,1984,2,3,291-317,Wettstein The Vietnam veteran on wal: The relation of post-traumatic stress disorder to criminal behavior,1983,1,3,69-83,Wilson Drug treatment refusal diagnosis and length of hospitalization in involuntary psychiatric patients,1986,4,3,327-337,Mitchell Presidential assassination,1984,2,2,127-128, Duty to warn third parties,1984,2,3,235-236, Injuries Prior Beliefs and Damage Awards,1997,15,1,63-82,Saks Professional responsibility in elder law: a synthesis of preventive law and therapeutic jurisprudence,1996,14,4,459-478,Stolle Review of instruments assessing parenting competencies used in child custody evaluations,1996,14,3,293-313,Grisso Fixed vs. flexible neuropsychological test batteries under the Daubert standard for the admissibility of scientific evidence,1996,14,3,315-322,Reed Dimensions of incompetency: a factor analytic study of the Georgia Court Competency Test,1996,14,3,323-330,Rogers MMPI-2 profiles of male pre-trial defendants,1996,14,3,331-338,Shea Empirical study of the Americans with Disabilities Act: employment issues from 1990 to 1994,1996,14,1,5-27,Blanck Antidiscrimination laws and social research on disability: the minority group perspective,1996,14,1,41-59,Hahn "Dignity was the first to leave": Godinez V. Moran Colin Ferguson and the trial of mentally disabled criminal defendants,1996,14,1,61-81,Perlin Victimization of individuals with legal blindness: nature and forms of victimization,1996,14,1,29-40,Rounds Jr. Use of the insanity defense: a survey of attorneys in Wyoming,1995,13,4,517-528,Blau Sexual predators and legal mental illness for civil commitment,1995,13,4,437-458,Schopp Limitations to the validity of the Barona Regression Formula and similar demographically-based methods of estimating preinjury intellectual functioning,1995,13,4,491-503,Hawkins The impact of expertise and sufficient information on psychologists' ability to detect malingering,1995,13,4,505-515,Bourg Capital punishment in Missouri: examining the issue of racial disparity,1995,13,1,61-80,Wallace Some post-daubert trial tribulations of a simple country judge: behavioral science evidence in trial courts,1995,13,2,261-291,Gless Compensation for pain suffering and other psychological injuries: the of daubert on employment discrimination claims,1995,13,2,183-206,Goodman-Delahunty Influencing jurors' perceptions of guilt: expression of emotionality during testimony,1995,13,2,293-305,Ogloff Predicting the present: expert testimony and civil commitment,1995,13,2,159-181,Schopp Memory processes in elderly eyewitnesses: what we know and what we don't know,1995,13,3,337-348,Bornstein Elder mistreatment: legal interventions and policy uncertainties,1995,13,3,365-380,Kapp Autonomy for nursing home residents: the role of regulations,1995,13,3,415-423,Cohen-Mansfield Acknowledgement of limitations and understanding of their consequences in mental capacity assessments,1995,13,3,381-390,Silberfeld Criminal sentence recommendations in a simulated rape trial: examining juror prejudice in Canada,1995,13,1,113-121,Rector Expert psychological testimony on eyewitness reliability before and after Daubert: the state of the law and the science,1995,13,2,229-259,Penrod Of witches madmen and products liability: an historical survey of the use of expert testimony,1995,13,2,131-157,Landsman A hybrid decision framework for evaluating psychometric evidence,1995,13,2,207-228,Marlowe Adults sexually abused as children: legal actions and issues,1994,12,1,65-87,Bulkley The police officer as survivor: death confrontations and the police subculture,1995,13,1,93-112,Henry Treatment of suicidal patients: a risk-benefit analysis,1995,13,1,81-92,Overholser Emotional damages due to wrongful death--what are they worth?,1995,13,1,43-59,Terman Are children competent to make decisions about their own deaths?,1995,13,1,27-41,Evans Damage: trauma and violence in a sample of women referred to a forensic service,1994,12,3,235-249,Adshead Repressed memory lawsuits: potential verdict predictors,1994,12,4,409-416,Schutte Children in war and its aftermath: mental health issues in the development of international law,1994,12,1,21-34,Melton A follow-up of families disputing child custody/access: assessment settlement and family relationship outcomes,1994,12,4,427-435,Magnatta Patients' interpretations of verbal expressions of probability: implications for securing informed consent to medical interventions,1994,12,4,417-426,Mazur Killing kids: the juvenile death penalty and community sentiment,1994,12,1,5-20,Finkel Forensic sexual abuse evaluations of older children: disclosures and symptomatology,1994,12,3,261-277,Briere One face of the devil: the satanic ritual abuse moral crusade and the law,1994,12,4,389-407,deYoung Posttraumatic stress disorder among battered women: analysis of legal implications,1994,12,3,215-234,Dutton Definitions of physical abuse: a preliminary inquiry into children's perceptions,1994,12,1,35-48,Jacobs Child abuse and neglect reporting laws: understanding interests understanding policy,1994,12,1,49-64,Perry Serious mental illness and capitation financing,1994,12,4,379-388,Reed Apolitical courts? Rape sentencing in Montana,1994,12,3,299-312,Yarnold Factors to consider in assessing adult litigants' complaints of childhood sexual abuse,1994,12,3,279-298,Rogers Children's reactions to serial murder,1994,12,3,251-259,Myers Therapeutic jurisprudence: integrated inquiry and instrumental prescriptions,1999,17,5,589-605,Schopp Therapeutic jurisprudence and the resolution of value conflicts: what we can realistically expect in practice from theory,1999,17,5,555-588,Kress State of the nation: therapeutic jurisprudence and the evolution of the right of self-determination in international law,1999,17,5,607-643,Cooper Development and preliminary validation of a semi-structured interview for the screening of law enforcement candidates,1999,17,4,467-481,Varela Young people's experience of the Canadian youth justice system: interacting with police and legal counsel,1999,17,4,455-465,Peterson-Badali Patient consent for release of sensitive information from their medical records: an exploratory study,1999,17,4,445-454,Merz MMPI-2 validity scales in child custody evaluations: clinical versus statistical significance,1999,17,4,409-411,Medoff Challenging a flexible neuropsychological battery under Kelly/Frye: a case study,1999,17,4,543-551,McKinzey Identifying inmates at risk for disciplinary infractions: a comparison of two measures of psychopathy,1999,17,4,435-443,Edens The mental disability requirement in the insanity defense,1999,17,2,165-180,Slovenko The medico-legal status of young sex offenders: forensic psychiatric evaluations in Sweden 1988-1995,1999,17,2,219-225,Grann Employment of individuals with mental disabilities: business response to the ADA's challenge,1999,17,1,73-91,Scheid Same-sex harassment: implications of the Oncale decision for forensic evaluation of plaintiffs,1999,17,1,123-139,Goodman-Delahunty Assistive technology patenting trends and the Americans with Disabilities Act,1999,17,1,47-71,Blanck The effects of impairments on employment and wages: estimates from the 1984 and 1990 SIPP,1999,17,1,7-27,Baldwin Research report: A preliminary analysis of medical futility decisionmaking: law and professional attitudes,1998,16,4,497-508,Wiener Coerced or nonvoluntary confessions,1998,16,4,423-440,Wakefield Special perspective: An immodest proposal: should treating mental health professionals be barred from testifying about their patients?,1998,16,4,509-523,Heilbrun A conceptual framework for identifying various types of confessions,1998,16,4,441-453,McCann The role of the psychologist in crisis/hostage negotiations,1998,16,4,455-472,Mohandie Undercover probes of police corruption: risk factors in proactive internal affairs investigations,1998,16,4,479-496,Girodo The predictive validity of peer assessment in law enforcement: a 6 year follow-up,1998,16,4,473-478,Varela Mental health consultation to law enforcement: Secret Service development of a Mental Health Liaison Program,1998,16,4,407-422,Coggins Police perspectives on responding to mentally ill people in crisis: perceptions of program effectiveness,1998,16,4,393-405,Steadman Impulsive corporal punishment by mothers and antisocial behavior and impulsiveness of children,1998,16,3,353-374,Straus Reduced prefrontal and increased subcortical brain functioning assessed using positron emission tomography in predatory and affective murderers,1998,16,3,319-332,Raine Antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy: diagnostic dilemmas in classifying patterns of antisocial behavior in sentencing evaluations,1998,16,3,333-351,Cunningham Neurobiologic correlates of violence: relevance to criminal responsibility,1998,16,3,303-318,Berman Legal and ethical duties of the clinician treating a patient who is liable to be impulsively violent,1998,16,3,375-389,Beck Defining measuring and predicting impulsive aggression: a heuristic model,1998,16,3,285-302,Barratt Families in court: will a family court do it better?,1998,16,2,169-183,Rubin Emotional maltreatment in adolescents' everyday lives: furthering sociolegal reforms and social service provisions,1998,16,2,237-263,Levesque Custody evaluations: a survey of mental health professionals,1998,16,2,207-224,Carpenter The description of gay and lesbian families in second-parent adoption cases,1998,16,2,225-236,Connolly Child sexual abuse evaluations: the scientist-practitioner model,1998,16,1,5-20,Kuehnle Hypnotic interviewing: the best way to interview eyewitnesses?,1998,16,1,115-129,Kebbell Recidivism base rates predictions of sex offender recidivism and the "sexual predator" commitment laws,1998,16,1,97-114,Doren The assessment of child sexual abuse allegations: using research to guide clinical decision making,1998,16,1,21-34,Dammeyer Integrating base rate data in violence risk assessments at capital sentencing,1998,16,1,71-95,Cunningham An analysis of competency to stand trial: an integration of case law and clinical knowledge,1998,16,1,35-50,Cruise Integrating research and practice in federal law enforcement: Secret Service applications of behavioral science expertise to protect the President,1998,16,1,51-70,Dvoskin A pilot study of the personality assessment inventory (PAI) in corrections: assessment of malingering suicide risk and aggression in male inmates,1997,15,4,469-482,Diamond In search of the missing linkages: continuity of care in U.S. jails,1997,15,4,383-397,Steadman Gender differences in distress: mental health consequences of environmental stress among jail inmates,1997,15,4,503-523,Lindquist The benefits of social support for mentally ill offenders: prison-to-community transitions,1997,15,4,483-501,Jacoby From chaos to calm: one jail system's struggle with suicide prevention,1997,15,4,399-413,Hayes Evaluating the quality of correctional mental health services: an approach to surveying a correctional mental health system,1997,15,4,427-438,Elliott Treating prison inmates with co-occurring disorders: an integrative review of existing programs,1997,15,4,439-457,Edens Suicide litigation as an agent of change in jail and prison: an initial report,1997,15,4,415-425,Danto Intermediate care programs to reduce risk and better manage inmates with psychiatric disorders,1997,15,4,459-467,Condelli Therapeutic jurisprudence in a comparative law context,1997,15,3,233-246,Wexler The globalization of behavioral science evidence about battered women: a theory of production and diffusion,1997,15,3,285-305,Richardson Child sexual abuse accommodation evidence: the travails of counterintuitive evidence in Australia and New Zealand,1997,15,3,247-283,Freckelton Comparing the mental health needs of female and male incarcerated juvenile delinquents,1997,15,2,195-202,Underwood Clinical evaluations for transfer of juveniles to criminal court: current practices and future research,1997,15,2,151-165,Kruh The relationship between dimensional self-concept and juvenile gang involvement: implications for prevention intervention and court referred diversion programs,1997,15,2,181-194,Herrmann A national survey of U.S. statutes on juvenile transfer: implications for policy and practice,1997,15,2,125-149,Heilbrun Juvenile homicide in America: how can we stop the killing?,1997,15,2,203-220,Heide Juveniles' understanding of trial-related information: are they competent defendants?,1997,15,2,167-180,Cooper Procedural justice in the context of civil commitment: an analogue study,2000,18,6,731-740,Poythress The family group conference in the New Zealand children young persons and their families act of 1989 (CYP&F): review and evaluation,2000,18,4,517-556,Levine Rethinking deprivations of liberty: possible contributions from therapeutic and ecological jurisprudence,2000,18,4,499-516,Fondacaro Maximizing therapeutic effects in treating sexual offenders in an Australian correctional system,2000,18,4,479-488,Birgden Therapeutic jurisprudence in the courts,2000,18,4,445-457,Rottman From the psychiatric hospital to the community: integrating conditional release and contingency management,2000,18,4,427-444,Elbogen Can the criminal law ever be therapeutic?,2000,18,4,413-426,McGuire Effect of a total smoking ban in a maximum security psychiatric hospital,2002,20,5,507-522,Hempel Changing a culture: a brief program analysis of a social learning program on a maximum-security forensic unit,2002,20,5,495-506,Goodness Architectural design of a secure forensic state psychiatric hospital,2002,20,5,481-493,Dvoskin Legal issues in maximum security institutions for people with mental illness: liberty security and administrative discretion,2002,20,5,463-480,Petrila Ethics issues in security hospitals,2002,20,5,443-461,Weinstein Achieving community justice through faith-based initiatives,2002,20,4,411-421,Small A teen court evaluation with a therapeutic jurisprudence perspective,2002,20,4,381-392,Weisz Restorative justice innovations in Canada,2002,20,4,363-380,Wilson Apology in the criminal justice setting: evidence for including apology as an additional component in the legal system,2002,20,4,337-362,Petrucci From moral theory to penal attitudes and back: a theoretically integrated modeling approach,2002,20,4,317-335,van der Leeden Rethinking justice,2002,20,4,309-315,Small End-of-life care in nursing homes: the interface of policy research and practice,2002,20,3,271-286,Blevins Reinterpreting the controlled substances act: predictions for the effect on pain relief,2002,20,3,287-305,Werth Race income and perceptions of the U.S. court system,2001,19,2,249-264,Jeon-Slaughter Confidence in the courts: a comparison of users and non-users,2001,19,2,199-214,Benesh Double parricide: an in-depth look at two victim homicides involving parents as victims,2015,33,6,723-739,Heide Religion-related child maltreatment: a profile of cases encountered by legal and social service agencies,2015,33,4,561-579,Goodman Support person presence and child victim testimony: believe it or not,2015,33,4,508-527,McAuliff Improving the credibility of child sexual assault victims in court: the impact of a sexual assault nurse examiner,2015,33,4,493-507,Wasarhaley Simulating memory impairment for child sexual abuse,2015,33,4,407-428,Hobbs The influence of biomedical information and childhood history on sentencing,2015,33,6,815-826,Kim Gun violence restraining orders: alternative or adjunct to mental health-based restrictions on firearms?,2015,33,2-3,290-307,Frattaroli Resource document on access to firearms by people with mental disorders,2015,33,2-3,186-194,Appelbaum The vindication of Lamarck? Epigenetics at the intersection of law and mental health,2015,33,5,607-628,Vaughn Collecting Informed Consent with Juvenile Justice Populations: Issues and Implications for Research,2013,31,4,457-476,Heilbrun Prototypical analysis of adolescent psychopathy: Investigating the juvenile justice perspective,2003,21,6,829-846,Baker Sentencing convicted juvenile felony offenders in the adult court: the direct effects of race,2012,30,6,782-799,Howell Examining mental health symptoms in male and female incarcerated juveniles,2012,30,3,365-369,Underwood Adults' detection of deception in children: effect of coaching and age for children's true and fabricated reports of injuries,2015,33,6,784-800,Warren Where there's smoke there's fire: the effect of truncated testimony on juror decision-making,2016,34,1,200-217,Gross The emotional child witness effect survives presentation mode,2016,34,1,113-125,Wessel Legal assessments of child victims of human trafficking for sexual purposes,2016,34,1,218-233,Cederborg Statements from Youth in Legal Contexts: Effects of Consistency Legal Role and Age,2016,34,1,139-159,Malloy Factors associated with review board dispositions following re-hospitalization among discharged persons found not criminally responsible,2016,34,2-3,278-294,Nicholls Mental illness among women referred for psychiatric services in a New Zealand women's prison,2016,34,4,539-550,Friedman A California multidisciplinary juvenile court: serving sexually exploited and at-risk youth,2016,34,1,234-245,Urquiza Variation in acceptable child discipline practices by child age: perceptions of community norms by medical and legal professionals,2016,34,1,95-112,Runyan Factors influencing treatment team recommendations to review tribunals for forensic psychiatric patients,2016,34,4,551-563,Martin Conditional release of forensic psychiatric patients consistent with or contrary to behavioral experts' recommendations in the Netherlands: prevalence rates patient characteristics and recidivism after discharge from conditional release,2016,34,2-3,257-277,Boonmann Effects of mental health and neuroscience evidence on juror perceptions of a criminal defendant: the moderating role of political orientation,2016,34,6,726-741,Edens Outcome and efficacy of interventions by a public figure threat assessment and management unit: a mirrored study of concerning behaviors and police contacts before and after intervention,2016,34,5,660-680,Farnham Public figure attacks in the United States 1995-2015,2016,34,5,622-644,Meloy Post-incarceration recidivism of lone versus group juvenile homicide offenders,2016,34,6,709-725,Heide Lone-actor terrorist target choice,2016,34,5,693-705,Gill Targeted violence against law enforcement officers,2016,34,5,608-621,Schouten Juror decision-making in death penalty sentencing when presented with defendant's history of child abuse or neglect,2017,34,6,742-766,Vandiver Psychiatric disability in law enforcement officers,2017,35,2,113-123,Price Interviews of children in a Portuguese special judicial procedure,2017,35,3,189-203,Magalhães Serious offenders: using evidence to predict and manage the risk,2017,35,3,239-252,Pearson Understanding and treating offenders with serious mental illness in public sector mental health,2017,35,4,303-318,Weinberger Nature nurture and capital punishment: how evidence of a genetic-environment interaction future dangerousness and deliberation affect sentencing decisions,2018,36,1,65-83,Greene Characterizing community courts,2017,35,5-6,523-539,Gal Countywide implementation of crisis intervention teams: multiple methods measures and sustained outcomes,2017,35,5-6,456-469,Bybee Online sexual activity involving webcams-an overview of existing literature and implications for sexual boundary violations of children and adolescents,2018,36,2,182-197,Briken Traditional and new media's influence on suicidal behavior and contagion,2018,36,2,245-256,Ortiz Recording routine forensic mental health evaluations should be a standard of practice in the 21st century,2018,36,3,373-389,Siegel Developmental impairments in moral competence as mitigation in capital cases,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walker Cast into doubt: free will and the justification for punishment,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Na Predicting physically violent misconduct in prison: a comparison of four risk assessment instruments,2019,37,1,61-77,Moulin The predictive ability of childhood animal cruelty methods for later interpersonal crimes,2018,36,6,730-738,Hensley The relations among animal abuse psychological disorders and crime: implications for forensic assessment,2018,36,6,717-729,Ascione Animal maltreatment law: evolving efforts to protect animals and their forensic mental health implications,2018,36,6,675-686,Holoyda An update and expansion on the role of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide and Historical Clinical Risk Management-20 in United States case law,2018,36,5,517-531,Cox The case against categorical risk estimates,2018,36,5,554-564,Scurich Risk assessment communication difficulties: an empirical examination of the effects of categorical versus probabilistic risk communication in sexually violent predator decisions,2018,36,5,532-553,Krauss Animal maltreatment: implications for behavioral science professionals,2018,36,6,766-785,Levitt Harming animals and massacring humans: characteristics of public mass and active shooters who abused animals,2018,36,6,739-751,Lankford Algorithmic risk assessments and the double-edged sword of youth,2018,36,5,638-656,Slobogin Females who maltreat animals,2018,36,6,752-765,Felthous Machine learning in suicide science: applications and ethics,2019,37,3,214-222,Ribeiro "Hey let me hold your guns for a while": a qualitative study of messaging for firearm suicide prevention,2019,37,3,259-269,Wintemute The dark figure of sexual recidivism,2019,37,2,158-175,John Suicide crisis syndrome: a review of supporting evidence for a new suicide-specific diagnosis,2019,37,3,223-239,Calati Documenting suicide risk assessments and proportionate clinical actions to improve patient safety and mitigate legal risk,2019,37,3,304-312,Joiner Firearm legislation and statewide suicide rates: the moderating role of household firearm ownership levels,2019,37,3,270-280,Anestis Custodial suicide and class action remedies: current obstacles and future directions,2019,37,3,281-303,Dlugacz Cognitive behavioral therapy for suicide prevention (CBT-SP): implications for meeting standard of care expectations with suicidal patients,2019,37,3,247-258,Bryan Clinician testimony in suicide litigation: a cause to be uneasy,2019,37,3,313-328,Reid Victim body mutilation in sexual homicides: exploring Chinese sexual homicide cases,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Lethal combinations: a conjunctive analysis of crime scene behavior associated with sexual homicide,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard Juvenile homicide offenders: a 35-year-follow-up study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heide Adopted children who kill their adoptive parents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heide The myth of school shooters and psychotropic medications,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Friedman Introduction to this issue: International perspectives on homicide and the law,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myers Remorse in psychotic violent offenders: an overvalued idea?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor Visualizing the relationship among indicators for lone actor terrorist attacks: multidimensional scaling and the TRAP-18,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meloy Psychopathy in Italian female murderers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Felthous Gender differences in combined homicide-suicide with consideration of female terrorist bombers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Felthous Simulated judicial decision-making for African and European American adolescents with illegal sexual behavior: the impact of medical data and victim race/ethnicity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alexander Marshaling administrative data to study the prevalence of mental illness in assault on law enforcement cases,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zelle Perspectives of people with mental health problems at hot spots: attitudes and perceptions of safety crime and the police,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weisburd The admissibility of other specified paraphilic disorder (non-consent) in sexually violent predator proceedings,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holoyda The compelling case for low-violence-risk preclusion in American prison policy,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reitz An exploratory examination of intellectual disability and mental illness associated with alleged false confessions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mogavero Applicability of two violence risk assessment tools in a psychiatric prison hospital population,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Konrad Hospital treatment of persons found not guilty by reason of insanity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Norko Cognitive-affective drivers of fixation in threat assessment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meloy The dark figure of sexual offending: a replication and extension,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,DeLisi Analyzing the scientific foundation of Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome: a reply to Lyon et al,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,London Why do child sexual abuse victims not tell anyone about their abuse? An exploration of factors that prevent and promote disclosure,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic The lethality of non-familial child abductions: characteristics and outcomes of 565 incidents involving youth under the age of 18 years,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dietz Feasibility and acceptability of a brief suicide intervention for youth involved with the family court,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Spirito Revenge filicide: an international perspective through 62 cases,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myers A heuristic study of the similarities and differences in offender characteristics across potential and successful serial sexual homicide offenders,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sarteschi Victim selection patterns of community-residing child molesters identified by a nationwide youth-serving organization,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Warren Homicide and the internet,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Recupero Wanting sex and willing to kill: Examining demographic and cognitive characteristics of violent "involuntary celibates",2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams An introduction to international perspectives on homicide and the law: Part II,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myers Making sense of senseless murders: the who what when and where?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard Voluntary intoxication homicide and mens rea: past present and future,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leong Forensic psychiatric evaluation of 187 homicidal assailants with and without a schizophrenia spectrum disorder: clinical criminological and behavioral characteristics,2021,39,2,190-204,Felthous The duality of risk from threats: are homicidal threats a novel determinant for suicide risk?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Warren Adopted children who kill their adoptive parents: an examination through the lens of attachment theory,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heide Juveniles arrested for murder: a latent class analysis of male offenders,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cochran Juvenile homicide offenders: why they were involved in serious crime,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heide Sex worker homicides and sexual homicides: a comparative study of offender victim and offense characteristics,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan Introductory essay to this issue: International perspectives on homicide and the law: Part III,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myers Suicidal ideation in offenders convicted of child sexual exploitation material offences,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quayle Civil juror compensation and judgments of police use of force at the intersection of race and mental illness,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nunez Why are individuals over age 60 still committed as sexually violent persons?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thornton Simulating denial increases false memory rates for abuse unrelated information,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Otgaar A 20-year follow-up survey of police officers' experience with Tarasoff warnings: how law enforcement reacts to clinicians' duty to protect,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pinals Typologies of Canadian young adults who drive after cannabis use: a two-step cluster analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bergeron A perspective review of cannabis use and sexual offenses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Erickson Psychiatric disorders among employment requiring firearms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coker Proven and not proven: a potential alternative to the current Scottish verdict system,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lages Impact of recreational cannabis legalization on cannabis use other substance use and drug-related offending among justice-system-involved youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinberg Municipal regulation of cannabis and public health in Canada: a comparison of Alberta Ontario and Québec,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huynh Editorial: Cannabis and the law,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Felthous A conjunctive analysis of false accusations official misconduct and race in violent and sexual exonerations cases,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hsu The problem with assumptions: revisiting "The dark figure of sexual recidivism",2021,39,3,279-306,Lave Women and men of mafia between traditional cultural contexts and new social roles,2021,39,5,567-582,Felthous DAT1 polymorphism associated with poor decision-making in males with antisocial personality disorder and high psychopathic traits,2021,39,5,583-596,Kolla Electroencephalographic and morphometric abnormalities in psychopath offenders,2021,39,5,597-610,Calzada-Reyes Stability of psychopathy in a prospective longitudinal study: results from the Cambridge Study in delinquent development,2021,39,5,611-623,Farrington Selfish parents parenting practices and psychopathic traits in children,2021,39,5,624-640,Gao Does Machiavellianism meaningfully differ from psychopathy? It depends,2021,39,5,663-677,Lynam Strengths and weaknesses of the psychology of criminal conduct: implications for the conceptualisation assessment and treatment of antisocial personality pattern,2021,39,5,678-693,Fortune Preliminary examination of an insanity defense typology: prevalence rates and correlates,2021,39,6,695-707,Brown Fight flight and free will: the effect of trauma informed psychoeducation on perceived culpability and punishment for juvenile and adult offenders,2021,39,6,708-730,Fondacaro The neurocognitive profiles of justice involved people with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a systematic review,2022,40,1,87-111,Khalifa Diminished culpability in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD),2022,40,1,1-13,Greenspan The imperfect fit: fetal alcohol spectrum disorder as the basis to commit individuals involuntarily as sexually violent predators/persons,2022,40,1,112-128,Abbott Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and youth firesetting: a call on criminal justice emergency responder and fire prevention specialists to become informed,2022,40,1,186-217,Porth The defense of mental disorder and crimes against the person committed under the influence of cannabis: a Canadian perspective,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dumais Should we be paying more attention to firearm threats in ex-partner stalking cases?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Logan Inter-judicial differences in approaching technical violations: examining the interaction of judge and compliance issue for domestic violence probationers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Freiburger Does children's fear matter? Evaluating children's positions in Finnish court decisions on stalking,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nikupeteri Perceptions of stalking in Mainland China: behaviors motives and effective coping strategies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan A critical analysis of stalking theory and implications for research and practice,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McEwan Post break-up stalking: police-officers' perceptions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matos Victim reactions to being stalked: examining the effects of perceived offender characteristics and motivations,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reyns Rural residents' emotions beliefs and sources that influenced those beliefs regarding sex offender policies practice and the efficacy of treatment,2022,40,3,379-402,Green What do you see? Understanding perceptions of police use of force videos as a function of the camera perspective,2022,40,3,480-503,Bennell Confluence of law enforcement mental health and race,2022,40,4,532-539,Bailey Where to draw the line? The influence of prior relationship perpetrator-target sex and perpetrator motivation on the point at which behavior 'crosses the line' and becomes stalking,2022,40,5,584-603,Scott Cyber-harassment victimization of Portuguese adolescents: a lifestyle-routine activities theory approach,2022,40,5,604-618,Spitzberg Dealing with stalking cases in Lithuania: the role of public perceptions and legal response,2022,40,5,660-676,Laurinaitytė Transforensic psychiatry: Addressing inpatient aggression in the "gray zone" between general and forensic psychiatric care,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,à Campo Assessing symptom exaggeration of psychopathology in incarcerated individuals and mentally ill offenders within forensic contexts,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arin Alcohol gender and violence: factors influencing blame for partner aggression,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ross Violence risk assessment of Sovereign Citizens: an exploratory examination of the HCR-20 Version 3 and the TRAP-18,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vargen Waiving goodbye to youth: jurors perceive transferred juveniles differently from adults but render similar verdicts,2022,40,6,835-858,Bornstein Prediction of violence: part contagious disease part unpredictable individual: is a public health assessment approach an additional option and at what cost?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall Evaluating the HCR-20(V3) violence risk assessment measure with mentally disordered offenders and civil psychiatric patients in China,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Douglas Risk resilience and recovery in forensic mental health: an integrated conceptual model,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simpson Serial sexual murder by juveniles and the role of sexual sadism: an international study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myers Ruling out feigned crime-related amnesia? A response to Acklin (2022),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rubenzer DSM-5-TR diagnosis as a guide to suicide risk assessment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Felthous Exploring the nature and prevalence of targeted violence perpetrated by persons found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,F E Almond Implementation and evaluation of a juvenile mental health training for law enforcement in a medium-sized jurisdiction,2023,41,1,1-18,Childs "Decoding MH"--a de-stigmatization campaign in the Hong Kong Police Force,2023,41,1,30-40,Chan Childhood trauma as a mediator between attachment and recidivism risk: a study of Canadian offenders with mental disorders,2023,41,2-3,96-108,Mela Relations between peer influence perceived costs versus benefits and sexual offending among adolescents aware of sex offender registration risk,2023,41,2-3,109-123,Najdowski Exploring how attorneys address grooming in criminal trials of child sexual abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stolzenberg Cessation of dangerousness status in Brasília Brazil: an analysis of 144 reports from Federal District Medical Examiner's Office in the last 10 years,2023,41,4,172-185,Valença Structured instruments for insanity defense evaluations: opportunities and limitations,2023,41,5,432-444,Ferracuti Life or death: a qualitative examination of mitigating and aggravating evidence presented in capital trials,2023,41,6,463-487,Holleran "It wasn't me check the cameras!" Suspects' apparent verifiable responses might not indicate innocence,2023,41,6,504-525,Blandon-Gitlin Forensic neuropsychiatric evaluation of a personal injury case,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ciccone Self-relevance enhances susceptibility to false memory,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Otgaar Sleep disorders and criminal behavior,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weiss How online data informs forensic mental health evaluations of sexual behavior: an overview,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klein Therapeutic and risk relevance of psychopathy and general criminal attitude change in an institutional sexual offense treatment program,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olver Sexual homicide offenders as repeat and nonrepeat offenders: an empirical study of sexual homicide cases in Mainland China,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan How to get away with (sexual) murder? Unraveling cold cases in sexual homicide using a hybrid modeling probabilistic approach,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard Trophy souvenir or simple theft? Taking items from the victim in sexual homicide,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard Mind the past: A systematic review on psychological autopsy,2023,41,5,343-372,Travaini How receiving welfare assistance could be linked to children's bullying victimization: exploring the potential pathways,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Espelage Counting the days: exploring the post-mortem interval factors in sexual homicides,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reale Comparing child and adult sexual homicides in Australia and New Zealand: a retrospective study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Darjee Medical and psychiatric problems among men and women in a community corrections residential setting,2009,27,5,695-711,Gunter Introduction to this Special Issue on Suicide,2019,37,3,211-213,Felthous Validation of the Poisoning Severity Score (PSS) in suicidal behavior by self-poisoning,2019,37,3,240-246,Conner Identifying victim types in sexual homicide: a latent class analysis using interactional victimology theories,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard Introduction to special issue on social media for forensic mental evaluations,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vitacco Understanding sexual homicide in Korea using machine learning algorithms,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beauregard Unveiling the shadows: investigating the interplay of stalking and sexual homicide-a case study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stefańska Child and adolescent victims of sexual homicide in Chile between 1998 and 2021: a review of 27 cases and their autopsy reports,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Álvarez-Lister Participation experiences of indirect victims of child sexual homicide in parole proceedings,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Álvarez-Lister Murdering the person closest to you: similarities and differences between intimate partner sexual homicide and non-intimate partner sexual homicide,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Darjee Physical exercise social relationships and bullying perpetration among school adolescents in China,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen The effects of a defendant's childhood physical abuse on lay support for sentencing: the moderating role of essentialism,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berryessa To tell or not to tell about bullying-New insights from the study on the perceptions of criminal sanctioning anticipation of school punishment agency and trust toward school staff,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wójcik