Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author "Tight" Examination of "Loose" Levels of Analysis in Leader Direction and Employee Participation,1997,46,4,434-439,Yammarino An examination of the role of personality in work accidents using meta-analysis,2008,57,1,94-108,Robertson Posttraumatic Symptoms Functional Impairment and Coping among Adolescents on Both Sides of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Approach,2009,58,4,688-708,Berger Predictors of Perceived Susceptibility to Sport-Related Injury among Competitive Runners: The Role of Previous Experience Neuroticism and Passion for Running,2009,58,4,672-687,Deroche Abusive Supervision in Advising Relationships: Investigating the Role of Social Support,2009,58,2,233-256,Restubog The Interplay between Conscious and Automatic Self‐Regulation and Adolescents’ Physical Activity: The Role of Planning Intentions and Lack of Awareness,2009,58,2,257-273,Luszczynska Surviving the Kosovo Conflict: A Study of Social Identity Appraisal of Extreme Events and Mental Well‐Being,2009,58,1,59-83,Reicher Political Violence and Psychological Well‐Being: The Role of Social Identity,2009,58,1,129-145,Muldoon Professional Basketball's Unsportsmanlike Fouls in the Eyes of the Beholders,2010,59,3,480-494,Wolf Workplace Sexual Harassment Perceptions in the Turkish Context and the Role of Individual Differences,2010,59,4,616-646,Sümer Group Leaders as Gatekeepers: Testing Safety Climate Variations across Levels of Analysis,2010,59,4,647-673,Luria Social‐psychological Contributions to Peacemaking and Peacebuilding in the Middle East,1998,47,1,5-28,Kelman Right‐wing Extremism Among German Adolescents: Risk Factors and Protective Factors,1998,47,1,109-126,Hagan A Psychological Perspective on Security,1998,47,1,59-71,Bar‐Tal Ethnicity and Nationalism: A Psychoanalytic Perspective,1998,47,1,45-57,Volkan Developmental Psychology as Political Psychology in Sub‐Saharan Africa: The Challenge of Africanisation,1998,47,1,73-87,Nsamenang "Yes I Can I Feel Good and I Just Do It!" On Gain Cycles and Spirals of Efficacy Beliefs Affect and Engagement,2011,60,2,255-285,Salanova Work–Home Interaction and Psychological Strain: The Moderating Role of Sleep Quality,2011,60,2,210-230,Sanz‐Vergel Safety in Occupational Driving: Development of a Driver Behavior Scale for the Workplace Context,2011,60,4,576-599,Newton Counseling Psychology in France: A Paradoxical Situation,2007,56,1,131-151,Bernaud Group Well‐Being: Morale from a Positive Psychology Perspective,2008,57,s1,19-36,Peterson Growing Pains: Commentary on the Field of Posttraumatic Growth and Hobfoll and Colleagues’ Recent Contributions to it,2007,56,3,367-378,Butler Positive Psychology and the Illness Ideology: Toward a Positive Clinical Psychology,2008,57,s1,54-70,Maddux Posttraumatic Growth as a Cognitive Process with Behavioral Components: A Commentary on Hobfoll et al. (2007),2007,56,3,407-416,Maercker Psychology: Is It Applied Enough?,2008,57,3,524-540,Drenth Refining our Understanding of Traumatic Growth in the Face of Terrorism: Moving from Meaning Cognitions to Doing what is Meaningful,2007,56,3,345-366,Galea The Multiple Faces of Post‐Traumatic Growth,2007,56,3,379-385,Brom The Role of Social Approach and Avoidance Motives for Subjective Well‐Being and the Successful Transition to Adulthood,2008,57,s1,90-111,Nikitin Traumatic Growth in the Face of Terrorism: Threshold Effects and Action‐Based Growth,2007,56,3,386-395,Ickovics When the Romance is Over: Follower Perspectives of Aversive Leadership,2007,56,4,528-557,Bligh Bullying the Media: Cultural and Climato‐Economic Readings of Press Repression versus Press Freedom,2011,60,3,354-376,van de Vliert Testing the Work Environment Hypothesis of Bullying on a Group Level of Analysis: Psychosocial Factors as Precursors of Observed Workplace Bullying,2011,60,3,475-495,Einarsen Cognitive and Affective Regulation: Scale Validation and Nomological Network Analysis,2011,60,4,546-575,Yeo A Somewhat Loose Interpretation of the Loose‐Tight Distinction,1997,46,4,439-443,Avolio Tightening the Loose‐Tight Model of Leadership,1997,46,4,447-452,Sagie The role of personality and attitudes in traffic accident risk,1997,46,3,253-264,West How do job insecurity and organizational justice relate to depressive symptoms and sleep difficulties: a multilevel study on immediate and prolonged effects in swedish workers,2020,69,4,1271-1300,Leineweber Does reducing male domination in teams attenuate or intensify the harmful effects of perceived discrimination on women's job satisfaction? A test of competing hypotheses,2020,69,2,557-577,Sawyer Communicating science effectively: when an optimised video communication enhances comprehension pleasantness and people's interest in knowing more about scientific findings,2020,69,3,1072-1091,Putortì Normative influences on decisions to offend,1997,46,3,265-285,Chapman A clinical/quantitative analysis of public opinions about seat belts,1977,26,1,43-49,Cropley Interpersonal factors in driving,1980,29,4,415-438,Cropley Preventing school bullying: investigation of the link between anti-bullying strategies prevention ownership prevention climate and prevention leadership: preventing school bullying,2017,66,4,577-598,Chen Let's have fun tonight: the role of pleasure in daily recovery from work,2017,66,3,359-381,van Hooff Are attention check questions a threat to scale validity?,2018,67,2,264-283,Brown Attributions and appraisals of workplace incivility: finding light on the dark side?,2018,67,3,369-400,Cortina Power imbalance and employee silence: the role of abusive leadership power distance orientation and perceived organisational politics,2019,68,3,513-546,Lam The importance of definitional and temporal issues in the study of resilience,2019,68,4,583-620,Fisher Mindful emotion regulation savouring and proactive behaviour: the role of supervisor justice,2020,69,1,148-175,O'Shea Suicide prediction and the partial order scalogram analysis of psychological adjustment,1990,39,4,479-497,Dancer North American and European research on fear of crime,1992,41,1,65-75,Bernard Applications of psychology to the assessment of refugees seeking political asylum,1992,41,1,77-91,Aron Measuring adolescent depression: tests of equivalent factorial structure for,1994,43,1,33-47,Byrne Psychology and road safety,1994,43,2,313-322,Blasco Fault prevention job design and the adaptive control of advanced manufacturing technology,1994,43,4,455-473,Chmiel Detection of everyday errors,1994,43,4,475-498,Sellen The cognitive organisation of human errors: a Gestalt theory perspective,1994,43,4,565-583,Stadler Occupational safety: progress in understanding the basic aspects of safe and unsafe behaviour,1995,44,3,233-250,Hoyos Applying the cognitive interview procedure to child and adult eyewitnesses of road accidents,1995,44,4,283-294,Chapman Psychological aspects of road user behaviour,1997,46,3,223-234,Rothengatter Risk: perception acceptance and homeostasis,1997,46,3,235-252,Wilde Observed vehicle speed and drivers' perceived speed of others,1997,46,3,287-302,Åberg Recent psychological literature on driving behaviour: what where and by whom?,1997,46,3,303-310,Sivak Managerial conflict management in five European countries: the importance of power distance uncertainty avoidance and masculinity,1998,47,3,439-455,de Dreu The reciprocal transfer of learning from journals to practice,2001,50,2,201-211,Latham Favourable employment status change and psychological depression: a two-year follow-up analysis of the national longitudinal survey of youth,2001,50,2,282-304,Dooley Forecasting psychological consequences of car use reduction: a challenge to an environmental psychology of transportation,2002,51,1,90-106,Loukopoulos Transformative justice: psychological services in the criminal family and juvenile justice centres of the subordinate courts of Singapore,2002,51,2,218-235,Ozawa Personality correlates of workplace anti-social behavior,2005,54,1,81-98,Lee Applying a modified moral decision making model to change habitual car use: how can commitment be effective?,2006,55,1,91-106,Klöckner Applicant reactions to multiple selection procedures for the police force,2006,55,2,145-167,Carless Using "war stories" to train for adaptive performance: is it better to learn from error or success?,2006,55,2,282-302,Neal Personality science self-regulation and health behavior,2006,55,3,386-396,Bermúdez Self-regulatory dysfunctions in personality disorders: the role of poor self-monitoring and mindreading,2006,55,3,397-407,Nicolò Putting self-regulation theory into practice: a user's manual,2006,55,3,408-418,Koole Personality science and self-regulation: personal projects as integrative units,2006,55,3,419-427,Little Posttraumatic growth and resilience to trauma: different sides of the same coin or different coins?,2007,56,3,417-427,Westphal Adolescent life satisfaction,2008,57,s1,112-126,Huebner Engagement and emotional exhaustion in teachers: does the school context make a difference?,2008,57,s1,127-151,Trautwein The meaning of parental control in migrant sending and host communities: adaptation or persistence?,2008,57,3,397-416,Güngör The role of the group in individual functioning: school identification and the psychological well-being of staff and students,2009,58,1,171-192, Negative consequences of felt violations: the deeper the relationship the stronger the reaction,2011,60,3,397-420,Raja The role of trait anger in the relationship between stressors and counterproductive work behaviors: convergent findings from multiple studies and methodologies,2012,61,3,415-436,Penney Familiarity breeds compassion: knowledge of disaster areas and willingness to donate money to disaster victims,2013,62,4,640-654,Noor Beyond the bright side: dark personality at work,2015,64,1,15-24,Harms The dark side of personality and extreme leader behavior,2015,64,1,55-92,LeBreton Neurological evidence for the relationship between suppression and aggressive behavior: implications for workplace aggression,2015,64,2,286-307,James Gender differences in the perceived effectiveness of narcissistic leaders,2015,64,3,473-498,Den Hartog RETRACTED ADHD Symptoms and Entrepreneurial Orientation of Small Firm Owners,2016,65,3,568-586,Torres Supervisory abuse of high performers: a social comparison perspective,2021,70,1,280-310,Ilies Data collection via online platforms: challenges and recommendations for future research,2021,70,3,1380-1402,Newman You wouldn't like me when I'm angry: a daily diary study of displaced online aggression in dual-earner couples,2021,70,4,1463-1491,Vandebosch Reciprocal associations between burnout and depression: an 8-year longitudinal study,2021,70,4,1691-1727,Salmela-Aro Bad mad or glad? Exploring the relationship between leaders' appraisals or attributions of their use of abusive supervision and emotional reactions,2023,72,2,647-673,Brown Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily exposure to bullying behaviors at work: the moderating roles of trait anger and trait anxiety,2023,72,3,893-914,Bakker Teachers' profiles of work engagement and burnout over the course of a school year,2024,73,1,57-92,Fernet Thrivers survivors or exiteers: a longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis of the post-return-to-work journeys for workers with common mental disorders,2024,73,1,267-295,Nielsen Why and when do emotionally intelligent employees perform safely? The roles of thriving at work and career adaptability,2024,73,2,723-747,Jiang