Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The role of emotional inexpressivity and experiential avoidance in the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity and aggressive behavior among men exposed to interpersonal violence,2007,20,4,337-351,Jakupcak Cognitive and coping mechanisms in the interplay between intimate partner violence and depression,2007,20,4,369-382,Calvete The effect of constant threat of terror on Israeli Jewish and Arab adolescents,2007,20,1,47-60,Cohen Coping with the threat of terrorism: a review,2008,21,1,15-35,Maguen The relation between actual exposure to political violence and preparatory intervention for exposure to media coverage of terrorism,2008,21,3,243 - 261,Slone Parental support family conflict and overprotectiveness: Predicting PTSD symptom levels of adolescents 28 months after a natural disaster,2008,21,4,325-335,Bokszczanin The relation between actual exposure to political violence and preparatory intervention for exposure to media coverage of terrorism,2008,21,3,243-261,Slone Psychological and health problems in a geographically proximate population time-sampled continuously for three months after the September 11th 2001 terrorist incidents,2007,20,2,129-146,Adams Hurricane Katrina's impact on the mental health of adolescent female offenders,2009,22,4,433 - 448,Robertson PTSD symptoms and dominant emotional response to a traumatic event: an examination of DSM-IV Criterion A2,2010,23,1,119-126,Hathaway Belief in a just world and well-being of bullies victims and defenders: A study with Portuguese and Indian students,2009,22,5,497-508,Dalbert Coping with displacement from Hurricane Katrina: Predictors of one-year post-traumatic stress and depression symptom trajectories,2009,22,4,413 - 432,Wadsworth The role of workload and driver coping styles in predicting bus drivers' need for recovery positive and negative affect and physical symptoms,2008,21,4,359-375,Machin Patterns of actual and perceived control: are control profiles differentially related to internalizing and externalizing problems in youth?,2010,23,5,515-528,Weems Impact of exposure to community violence Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Gustav on posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms among school age children,2011,24,1,27-42,Overstreet Mountaineering as affect regulation: the moderating role of self-regulation strategies,2010,24,1,75-89,Woodman Psychological profiles and emotional regulation characteristics of women engaged in risk-taking sports,2007,20,4,421-435,Woodman Performing well in an evaluative situation: the roles of perceived competence and task-irrelevant interfering thoughts,2007,20,4,409-419,van Yperen Coping mediates between social support neuroticism and depression after earthquake and examination stress among adolescents,2011,24,3,343-358,Wang Predictors of posttraumatic stress-related impairment in victims of terrorism and ongoing conflict in Israel,2011,24,3,255-271,Hobfoll Anxiety buffer disruption theory: a terror management account of posttraumatic stress disorder,2011,24,1,3-26,Pyszczynski Athletes' inclination to play through pain: a coping perspective,2011,24,5,579-587,Woodman Workplace bullying and its relation with work characteristics personality and post-traumatic stress symptoms: an integrated model,2011,24,5,499-513,Balducci Young children's self-reports of coping with fears and perceived effectiveness of coping strategies in the South African context,2009,22,3,361-370,Loxton Poverty and involuntary engagement stress responses: examining the link to anxiety and aggression within low-income families,2009,22,3,309-325,Santiago The anxiety disorder spectrum: fear imagery physiological reactivity and differential diagnosis,2009,22,1,5-25,Lang Traits states and attentional gates: temperament and threat relevance as predictors of attentional bias to social threat,2009,22,1,57-76,Connor-Smith Coping strategies among adolescents: Israeli Jews and Arabs facing missile attacks,2010,23,1,35-51,Braun-Lewensohn Forgiving the September 11th terrorists: associations with coping psychological distress and religiosity,2007,20,2,109-128,Rea A short form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory,2010,23,2,127-137,Tedeschi Psychometric evaluation of the Social Interaction Phobia Scale,2012,25,5,529-542,Carleton The impact of uncertainty and communal coping on mental health following natural disasters,2012,25,3,329-347,Felix My Disaster Recovery: A pilot randomized controlled trial of an Internet intervention,2012,25,5,593-600,Benight Self-compassion and social anxiety disorder,2012,25,5,543-558,Heimberg Search for a curvilinear relationship between the sense of coherence and the intensity of PTSD in MVA survivors,2012,25,4,443-455,Kaźmierczak Social support provided by adolescents following a disaster and perceived social support sense of community at school and proactive coping,2012,25,5,575-592,Bokszczanin The role of meaning-focused coping in significant loss,2013,26,1,87-102,Gan Reciprocal relationships between resource loss and psychological distress following exposure to political violence: an empirical investigation of COR theory's loss spirals,2012,25,6,679-695,Hobfoll "Have a drink you'll feel better." Predictors of daily alcohol consumption among extraverts: the mediational role of coping,2013,26,2,121-135,Roesch Associations between adults' recalled childhood bullying victimization current social anxiety coping and self-blame: evidence for moderation and indirect effects,2013,26,3,270-292,Boulton Social support occupational stress and anxiety,1992,5,1,7-19,McGrath Occupational stress psychological burnout and anxiety,1992,5,1,3-5,Burke Consistency of social anxiety in psychiatric patients: Properties of persons situations response classes and types of data,1992,5,4,285-300,Van Heck The appraisal process: Exploring the role of meaning importance control and coping in work stress,1992,5,1,95-109,Dewe Anxiety coping and academic performance,1992,5,4,337-350,Edwards The interaction model of anxiety: An empirical test in a parachute training situation,1992,5,4,301-312,Endler Physical exercise and anxiety as moderators of the stress-illness relationship,1992,5,2,139-149,Fuchs Burnout and psychiatric "cases": Early evidences of an association,1992,5,1,69-78,Golembiewski Left orbital frontal activation in pathological anxiety,1992,5,4,313-328,Johanson Hassles anxiety and negative well-being,1992,5,2,151-163,Kohn Symptom-positive and symptom-negative items in the state-trait anxiety inventory: A comparison and replication,1992,5,2,113-123,van der Ploeg Reliability and validity of japanese children's trait and state worry and emotionality scales,1992,5,3,225-239,O'neil Behavioral responses to anxiety: Self-reliance counterdependence and overdependence,1992,5,1,41-54,Quick Disgust sensitivity and fear of animals: Effect of exposure to violent or revulsive material,1992,5,4,329-335,Davey Influence of the role of a partner on anxiety due to a physically threatening situation,1992,5,3,269-281,Seiwa Production workers' reactions to a plant closing: The role of transfer stress and support,1993,6,3,201-214,Armstrong-stassen Types of self-reported anxiety in outpatients with DSM-III-R anxiety disorders,1993,6,1,43-55,Beck Effects of lifestyle and stress on the employee and organization: Implications for promoting health at work,1993,6,3,155-177,Donaldson On anxiety-specific actions of tranquilizers,1993,6,1,25-42,Erdmann The effects of prediction understanding and control: A test of the stress antidote model,1993,6,3,179-199,Jimmieson Rigid and flexible modes of coping: Related to coping style?,1993,6,2,107-123,Kohlmann Factor structure of the beck anxiety inventory with adolescent psychiatric inpatients,1993,6,2,125-131,Beck The gulf war: Distressful reactions to scud missiles attacks,1993,6,1,9-23,Gilat War and stress in the middle east,1994,7,3,187-189,Hagtvet Social support and depression of male and female students in kuwait: Preliminary findings,1994,7,3,253-262,Al-issa The effect of gender on the stress process of israeli soldiers during the gulf war,1994,7,3,263-276,Bar-tal Life events war and adjustment: Lessons for the middle east,1994,7,3,191-203,Hobfoll The nuclear plant accident in chernobyl experienced by men and women of different ages: Empirical study in the years 1986-1991,1994,7,4,339-355,Janke What connections exist between panic symptoms shyness type i hypersensitivity anxiety and anxiety sensitivity?,1994,7,1,19-34,Bell Teacher stress: An eight-year follow-up study on teachers' work stress and health,1994,7,4,319-337,Kinnunen The discriminant validity of burnout and depression: A confirmatory factor analytic study,1994,7,4,357-373,Leiter Health-related aspects of the gulf crisis experience of kuwaiti boys and girls,1994,7,3,217-228,Llabre Israel and the gulf war: The major events and selected studies,1994,7,3,205-215,Milgram Burnout symptoms amongst drug and alcohol service employees: Gender differences in the interaction between work and home stressors,1994,7,1,67-84,Spence Children's perceptions of their behavior problems during the gulf war,1994,7,3,241-252,Ronen Does physical exercise reduce anxious emotions? a meta-analysis,1994,6,4,275-288,Schlicht Alcohol consumption in a time of macrosocial stress: Migration social isolation and anger as risk factors,1994,7,2,173-184,Schwarzer Characteristics of extended family and children's trait anxiety,1994,7,4,291-303,Teichman Fear of fear trait anxiety and aerobic fitness in relation to state anxiety during adrenalin provocation,1994,7,4,279-289,Veltman A multi-dimensional measure of worry: Development and preliminary validation of the anxious thoughts inventory,1994,6,4,289-299,Wells Coping patterns and affective reactions under community crisis and daily routine conditions,1995,8,3,185-201,Ben-Zur A dutch adaptation of the child-rearing styles inventory and a validation of krohne's two-process model,1995,8,1,61-72,Depreeuw Trait anxiety work demand social support and psychological distress in correctional officers,1995,8,1,25-35,Dollard Self-defeating anxiety explored: The contribution of terror management theory and rational-emotive therapy,1995,8,2,161-182,Hovland Looking at threat-relevant stimuli: The role of anxiety and coping style,1995,8,1,37-45,Muris Ethnic group and gender differences in the relationship between personality and coping,1995,8,2,113-126,Jung Marital intimacy family support and secondary traumatization: A study of wives of veterans with combat stress reaction,1995,8,3,203-213,Mikulincer Does physical exercise reduce anxious emotions? a reply to w. schlicht's meta-analysis,1995,8,4,353-356,Petruzzello Perceptions of world benevolence meaningfulness and self-worth among elderly israeli holocaust survivors and non-survivors,1995,8,4,265-277,Solomon Social status and coping: An exploration of the mediating role of beliefs,1995,8,4,311-324,Ridder Does physical exercise reduce anxious emotions? a retort to steven j. petruzzello,1995,8,4,357-359,Schlicht School performance type a behavior and adrenocortical activity in primary school children,1995,8,4,299-310,Spangler Dimensions of coping behavior: A proposed conceptual framework,1995,8,2,87-100,Shirom Anxiety and heart rate under psychological stress: The effects of exercise-training,1996,9,4,321-337,Calvo Long-term effects of trauma in adolescence: Comparison between survivors of a terrorist attack and control counterparts,1996,9,2,135-150,Gal Zones of optimal functioning research: A review and critique,1996,9,1,53-68,Gould Components of social support buffering effects and burnout: Implications for psychological functioning,1996,9,3,185-197,Burke A test of catastrophe models of anxiety and sports performance against multidimensional anxiety theory models using the method of dynamic differences,1996,9,1,69-86,Hardy Consistency of the burnout construct across occupations,1996,9,3,229-243,Leiter The effects of coping on adjustment: Re-examining the goodness of fit model of coping effectiveness,1996,9,4,279-300,Terry Anticipating stress in the community: Worries about the future of hong kong,1996,9,2,163-178,Schwarzer Anxiety in visual perception,1996,9,1,87-103,Stuchlíková The effects of academic stress on health behaviors in young adults,1996,9,2,123-133,Kohlmann Cognitive effects of life stress and learned helplessness,1996,9,4,301-319,Yee The effect of repeated management downsizing and surplus designation on remaining managers: An exploratory study,1997,10,4,377-384,Armstrong-stassen Emotions cognition and performance,1997,10,1,1-3,Everson Assessment of dispositional embarrassability,1997,10,4,307-333,Kelly Shame-related social anxiety: Replicating a link with various social interaction measures,1997,10,4,335-340,Ferrari Are emotional and instrumental supportive interactions beneficial in times of stress? The impact of attachment style,1997,10,2,109-127,Mikulincer Constructive thinking reactions to a laboratory stressor and symptoms in everyday life,1997,10,3,269-303,Scheuer What will the future bring? Thoughts of children after missile bombardment,1997,10,3,257-267,Solomon The effects of a stress management program in a high security government agency,1997,10,4,341-350,Sheppard Panic disorder and right-hemisphere reliance,1997,10,3,245-255,Merckelbach Coping strategies in the narratives of holocaust survivors,1997,10,2,153-178,Suedfeld Preliminary evidence for the role of self-regulatory processes in sensation seeking,1997,10,4,351-375,Taylor Studying the relationship between affective and metacognitive variables,1997,10,1,59-81,Everson Work and non-work stressors and well-being among police officers: The role of coping,1998,11,4,345-362,Burke There's more than rugged individualism in coping. Part 1: Even the lone ranger had tonto,1998,11,2,137-165,Johnson Gender and coping: Use of distinct strategies and associations with stress and depression,1998,11,4,289-309,Felsten Perception of health risks: How smoker status affects defensive optimism,1998,11,2,93-112,Renner Changing attentional bias: Can it effect self-reported anxiety?,1998,11,2,167-179,Harris Disentangling the stress labyrinth: Interpreting the meaning of the term stress as it is studied in health context,1998,11,3,181-212,Hobfoll Predictors of worry,1998,11,1,67-80,French Acute stress reactions to a patient threat,1998,11,1,27-45,Koopman There's more than rugged individualism in coping. Part 2: Construct validity and further model testing,1998,11,3,247-272,Johnson Theoretical note: When is a coping strategy not a coping strategy?,1998,11,1,81-87,Troop Conservation of resources and coping self-efficacy predicting distress following a natural disaster: A causal model analysis where the environment meets the mind,1999,12,2,107-126,Baum Cyclone Bola: A study of the psychological after-effects,1999,12,3,285-298,Long Self-Reported and other-rated trait anxiety and defensiveness in repressor low-anxious high-anxious and defensive high-anxious groups,1999,12,2,127-144,Eysenck The effect of psychological stress and tolerance of ambiguity on stereotypic attributions,1999,12,4,397-410,Friedland The effect of stress on the suppression of erroneous competing responses,1999,12,4,455-476,Friedland The revised version of the screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (scared-r): Further evidence for its reliability and validity,1999,12,4,411-425,Merckelbach Stability and change in stress resources and psychological distress following natural disaster: Findings from hurricane Andrew,1999,12,4,363-396,Norris Change of anxiety states by probabilistic processing,1999,12,3,265-283,Otto Parental relationships and coping with life stress,1999,12,4,427-453,Ptacek Mood congruence anxiety attitude and abortion,1999,12,1,85-102,Rosén Predicting approach-avoidance: The roles of coping styles state anxiety and situational appraisal,1999,12,1,63-84,Endler The impact of political life events on children's psychological adjustment,1999,12,1,1-21,Slone Posttraumatic stress disorder in the new zealand police: The moderating role of social support following traumatic stress,1999,12,3,247-264,Long Psychiatric patients in war: A study of anxiety distress and world assumptions,1999,12,3,235-246,Ginzburg Cognitive processes strain and stress: Gender differences in stress propensity indicators,1999,12,1,41-62,Wofford Panic-Related fears in persons reporting a family history of panic disorder,1999,12,4,351-362,Zvolensky Test anxiety and ego-threatening stress: Over- (and under-) estimation of emotional reactivity,2000,13,2,143-164,Calvo Using Equity Theory to Examine the Difference Between Burnout and Depression,2000,13,3,247-268,Schaufeli Fear response to dissociation challenge,2000,13,4,355-369,Telch Coping in childhood: A comparative evaluation of different relaxation techniques,2000,13,2,187-211,Lohaus Adjustment to War Captivity: The Role of Sociodemographic Background Trauma Severity and Immediate Responses in the Long-Term Mental Health of Israeli Ex-Pows,2000,13,3,229-246,Dekel Physical activity does not provoke panic attacks in patients with panic disorder: A review of the evidence,2000,13,4,333-353,O'Connor Moderator Effects of Cognitive and Somatic Trait Anxiety on the Relation Between Life Stress and Physical Injuries,2000,13,3,269-288,Patterson Worrying Leads to Reduced Concreteness of Problem Elaborations: Evidence for the Avoidance Theory of Worry,2000,13,3,217-227,Stöber A Cross-Cultural Study of Depression in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster,2000,13,3,289-307,Toukmanian An examination of the job demand-control-support model with various occupational strain indicators,2000,13,2,165-185,Diekstra Downsizing in britain and its effects on survivors and their organizations,2001,14,1,35-58,Campbell-jamison Effects of focus of attention on physiological behavioural and reported state anxiety in repressors low-anxious high-anxious and defensive high-anxious individuals,2001,14,3,285-299,Eysenck Motor vehicle accident trauma exposure: Personality profiles associated with posttraumatic diagnoses,2001,14,3,301-313,Haines Downsizing changes in work and self-rated health of employees: A 7-year 3-wave panel study,2001,14,1,59-73,Vahtera Children's action-control behaviors (coping): A longitudinal validation of the behavioral inventory of strategic control,2001,14,3,315-336,Wanner Learning potential and anxious tendency: Test anxiety as a bias factor in educational testing,2001,14,3,337-362,Meijer The utility of screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (scared) as a tool for identifying children at high risk for prevalent anxiety disorders,2001,14,3,265-283,Merckelbach Patterns of situational appraisal in experiences of worry and anxiety,2001,14,4,367-390,Stöber Stress and coping among layoff survivors: A self-affirmation analysis,2001,14,1,15-34,Wiesenfeld Associations of Type a Behavior with the Emotional Traits of Anger and Curiosity,2002,15,1,95-104,Ben-Zur Intensity of Emotions Emotional Regulation and Goal Framing: How are They Related to Adolescents' Choice of Coping Strategies?,2002,15,4,401-412,Boekaerts The Suppression of Negative Self-Referent Thoughts,2002,15,1,31-44,Borton Worry and the Simulation of Future Outcomes,2002,15,1,1-17,Tata Enhancing Coping Resources in Early Adolescence Through a School-based Program Teaching Optimistic Thinking skills,2002,15,4,369-381,Cunningham The Joint Effects of Stress Coping and Coping Resources on Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly,2002,15,2,163-177,Kraaij The State-Trait Depression Scales: An International Comparison,2002,15,2,105-122,Schmukle Trauma-related Emotional Patterns and their Association with Post-Traumatic and Somatic Symptoms,2002,15,1,75-94,Qouta Measuring Coping in Low-Income European American African American and Mexican American Adolescents: An Examination of Measurement Equivalence,2002,15,2,135-147,Barrera Discriminative Facility in Perceptions of Control and Its Relation to Psychological Distress,2002,15,2,179-191,Roussi Perceived Stress and Anxiety Sensitivity in the Prediction of Anxiety-Related Responding: A Multichallenge Evaluation,2002,15,3,211-229,Zvolensky Missing home: Sociotropy and autonomy and their relationship to psychological distress and homesickness in college freshmen,2003,16,2,155-166,Beck Does stress enhance or impair selective attention? the effects of stress and perceptual load on negative priming,2003,16,4,345-357,Braunstein-bercovitz Psychometric Properties of the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index in A sample of Catalan School Children,2003,16,1,99-107,Weems Hardiness and the competitive trait anxiety response,2003,16,2,167-184,Evans Roles of Leisure in Coping with Stress Among University Students: A Repeated-Assessment Field Study,2003,16,1,31-57,Iwasaki Do combat stress reaction and posttraumatic stress disorder relate to physical health and adverse health practices? An 18‐year follow‐up of Israeli war veterans,2003,16,2,227-239,Koenen Children's Reactions to a War Situation as a Function of Age and Sex,2003,16,1,59-69,Rosenbaum Evaluation of a Pathoplastic Relationship between Anxiety Sensitivity and Panic Disorder,2003,16,1,17-30,Schmidt Development and initial validation of the Brief Adolescent Life Event Scale (BALES),2003,16,1,119-128,Henrich Anxiety sensitivity and trait-symptom measures of anxiety and depression,2003,16,4,375-386,Smári Breaking the rules: Personal and social responses to coping norm‐violations,2003,16,2,133-153,Weber Autobiographical Memories Associated with Feared Stimuli in Fearful and Nonfearful Individuals,2003,16,1,1-15,Wenzel Collective efficacy following a series of natural disasters,2004,17,4,401-420,Benight Self-implication and heart rate variability during simulated exposure to flight-related stimuli,2004,17,4,331-339,Tortella-Feliu Cross-cultural equivalence of coping and involuntary responses to stress in Spain and the United States,2004,17,2,163-185,Calvete Long-term adjustment among Israeli war veterans: the role of attachment style,2004,17,2,141-152,Dekel Qualitative analysis of coping strategies among mexican disaster survivors,2004,17,1,69-85,Norris Does stress perception mediate the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and anxiety and depression symptoms?,2004,17,2,153-162,Isyanov It's not that bad: Social challenges to emotional disclosure enhance adjustment to stress,2004,17,4,341-361,Lepore Coping and anxiety in college students after the September 11th terrorist attacks,2004,17,2,127-139,Hofmann Attentional bias for words and faces in social anxiety,2004,17,1,23-36,Harris The relationship between self-presentation styles and coping with social stress,2004,17,1,1-22,Tedeschi Associations between self and other representations and posttraumatic adjustment among political prisoners,2004,17,4,421-440,Qouta Differences in negative life events between patients with anxiety disorders depression and hypochondriasis,2004,17,1,37-47,Sandin Paul Tillich's theory of existential anxiety: A preliminary conceptual and empirical examination,2004,17,4,383-399,Weems Differential affect structure in depressive and anxiety disorders,2004,17,4,321-330,Peeters Emotional distress and marital adjustment of caregivers: contribution of level of impairment and appraised burden,2005,18,1,71-82,Dekel Factors associated with posttraumatic stress among peacekeeping soldiers,2005,18,1,37-51,van der Ploeg Genetic determinants of individual differences in coping styles,2005,18,1,1-15,Strelau Perception of risk: an organizational model of occupational risk burnout and physical symptoms,2005,18,2,131-144,Leiter Relations between media use and self-reported symptomatology in young adolescents,2005,18,4,333-341,Lohaus Anxiety as an "epistemic" emotion: An uncertainty theory of anxiety,2005,18,4,291-319,Miceli Fear of flying in the wake of September 11: No evidence for an increase in a German sample,2005,18,4,343-349,Alpers Thriving as a function of affective personality: relation to personality factors coping strategies and stress,2005,18,2,105-116,Archer Terrorism distress and coping: High versus low impact regions and direct versus indirect civilian exposure,2005,18,3,165-182,Ruvio Influence of response time frame on mood assessment,2005,18,3,279-285,Terry Psychological wellbeing in a Turkish-Canadian sample,2005,18,3,269-278,Uskul Anticipatory processing plays a role in maintaining social anxiety,2005,18,4,321-332,Vassilopoulos The effects of age and fear of pain on attentional and memory biases relating to pain and falls,2005,18,1,53-69,Asmundson Attentional processes anxiety and the regulation of cortisol reactivity,2006,19,1,81-92,Luecken Perceived social support coping and symptoms of distress in American and Spanish students,2006,19,1,47-65,Calvete Implicit attention bias for disgust,2006,19,4,353-364,McKay Reliability and validity of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS) across samples of Mexican Mexican American and European American children: a preliminary investigation1 Table of means standard deviations and correlations of the RCMAS ,2006,19,1,67-80,Enrique Varela The relationship between coping social support functional disability and depression in the elderly,2006,19,1,15-31,Greenglass Primary and secondary control in academic development: gender-specific implications for stress and health in college students,2006,19,2,189-210,Hall The role of intrusion avoidance and cognitive coping strategies more than 50 years after war,2006,19,1,1-14,Kraaij Early physical health consequences of disaster exposure and acute disaster-related PTSD,2006,19,2,95-110,Norris Further exploration of the role of disgust sensitivity in anxiety and related disorders,2006,19,4,331-334,Olatunji Exploring relations among religiousness meaning and adjustment to lifetime and current stressful encounters in later life,2006,19,1,33-45,Park Coping strategies stressful life events problem behaviors and depressed affect,2006,19,3,241-257,Windle Coping and psychological sense of community: An exploratory study of urban and rural areas in Greece,2006,19,2,161-173,Roussi Worry episodes and perceived problem solving: A diary-based approach,2006,19,2,175-187,Lovibond Pathological disgust: In the thoughts not the eye of the beholder,2006,19,4,335-351,Teachman Dispositions control strategies and distress in the general public after the 2001 terrorist attack,2006,19,2,143-159,Thompson Action-control beliefs and behaviors as predictors of change in adjustment across the transition to middle school,2006,19,2,111-127,Card Prospective risk factors for subsequent exposure to potentially traumatic events,2013,26,3,254-269,Tennen Predicting emotional responses to potentially traumatic events from pre-exposure waking cortisol levels: a longitudinal study of police and firefighters,2013,26,3,241-253,Yehuda Internal sensations as a source of fear: exploring a link between hypoxia and flight phobia,2013,26,3,343-354,De Raedt Organizational factors and mental health in community volunteers. The role of exposure preparation training tasks assigned and support,2013,26,6,624-642,Gersons Does self-complexity moderate the effects of exposure to political violence for adolescents?,2013,26,6,659-673,Slone The protective role of compassion satisfaction for therapists who work with sexual violence survivors: an application of the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions,2013,26,6,610-623,Samios Taxing working memory to modulate mental imagery of the 9/11 terrorist attacks following media exposure during childhood: a pilot study in young adult UK residents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lau-Zhu Social integration buffers stress in New York police after the 9/11 terrorist attack,2014,27,1,18-26,Cone Effects of anxiety on the execution of police arrest and self-defense skills,2014,27,1,100-112,Savelsbergh Drinking motives in alcohol use disorder patients with and without social anxiety disorder,2014,27,1,113-122,Cooper Event centrality and posttraumatic outcomes in the context of pervasive violence: A study of teachers in El Salvador,2014,27,3,335-346,Currier An investigation of cognitive test performance across conditions of silence background noise and music as a function of neuroticism,2014,27,4,410-421,Furnham PTSD comorbid depression and the cortisol waking response in victims of intimate partner violence: Preliminary evidence,2014,27,3,253-269,Johnson Gender differences in adolescent coping behaviors and suicidal ideation: Findings from a sample of 73238 adolescents,2014,27,4,439-454,Han A longitudinal study of the effects of coping motives negative affect and drinking level on drinking problems among college students,2014,27,5,527-541,Tennen Evidence for a curvilinear dose-response relationship between avoidance coping and drug use problems among women who experience intimate partner violence,2014,27,6,722-732,Sullivan Event-exposure stress coping and psychological distress among New York students at six months after 9/11,2010,23,2,153-163,Colarossi Resource loss self-efficacy and family support predict posttraumatic stress symptoms: a three-year study of earthquake survivors,2014,28,3,239-253,Schwarzer Latent classes of posttraumatic stress and growth,2014,28,3,272-286,Heir Peer victimization during adolescence; concurrent and prospective impact on symptoms of depression and anxiety,2014,28,1,105-120,Stallard Anxiety and posttraumatic stress symptom pathways to substance use problems among community women experiencing intimate partner violence,2014,28,4,445-455,Sullivan When seeking influences believing and promotes posttraumatic adaptation,2014,28,3,340-356,Jones Predicting performance and performance satisfaction: mindfulness and beliefs about the ability to deal with social barriers in sport,2014,27,3,270-287,Schwarzer The role of athletes' pain-related anxiety in pain-related attentional processes,2013,26,5,573-583,Woodman Is John Henryism a resilience factor in women experiencing intimate partner violence?,2015,28,6,601-616,Johnson Family support family stress and suicidal ideation in a combat-exposed sample of OEF/OIF Veterans,2015,28,6,706-715,Vogt Perception of threat and safety at work among employees in the Norwegian ministries after the 2011 Oslo bombing,2015,28,6,650-662,Nielsen Interpretive bias repressive coping and trait anxiety,2015,28,6,617-633,Eysenck The role of repetitive thought in determining posttraumatic growth and distress following interpersonal trauma,2015,29,1,21-37,Wright Reciprocal relations between workplace bullying anxiety and vigor: a two-wave longitudinal study,2015,28,5,514-530,Rodríguez-Muñoz Parent-child warmth as a potential mediator of childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and positive adulthood functioning,2016,29,3,259-273,Graham-Bermann Fear of positive evaluation and alcohol use problems among college students: the unique impact of drinking motives,2016,29,3,274-286,Buckner Decision-related action orientation predicts police officers' shooting performance under pressure,2015,29,5,570-579,Nieuwenhuys Threats to communion and agency mediate associations between stressor type and daily coping,2015,29,6,660-672,Pow Stereotypical thinking as a mediating factor in the association between exposure to terror and PTSD symptoms among Israeli youth,2016,29,6,644-659,Neter Depression and stressful environments: identifying gaps in conceptualization and measurement,2016,29,4,335-351,Hammen Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism and plasma levels in road traffic accident survivors,2016,29,6,616-629,Seedat Social support coping style predicts women's cortisol in the laboratory and daily life: the moderating role of social attentional biases,2016,30,1,66-81,Luecken Moral transgression during the Vietnam War: a path analysis of the psychological impact of veterans' involvement in wartime atrocities,2016,30,2,188-201,Calhoun Self-reported posttraumatic growth predicts greater subsequent posttraumatic stress amidst war and terrorism,2016,30,2,176-187,Hobfoll Racial/ethnic differences moderate associations of coping strategies and posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters among women experiencing partner violence: a multigroup path analysis,2016,30,3,347-363,Swan Factors related to the comorbidity between oppositional defiant disorder and anxiety disorders in preschool children,2016,30,2,228-242,Ezpeleta Associations between childhood adversity and daily suppression and avoidance in response to stress in adulthood: can neurobiological sensitivity help explain this relationship?,2016,30,2,163-175,Mendes Examining the relation between adolescent social anxiety adolescent delinquency (abstention) and emerging adulthood relationship quality,2016,30,4,428-440,Meeus PTSD symptoms among tsunami exposed mothers in Sri Lanka: the role of disaster exposure culturally-specific coping strategies and recovery efforts,2016,30,4,415-427,Wickrama Keep your eyes open: dispositional vigilance moderates the relationship between operational police stress and stress symptoms,2017,30,5,598-607,Egloff Relations between plasma oxytocin depressive symptoms and coping strategies in response to a stressor: the impact of social support,2017,30,5,575-584,Anisman Suicidal ideation and hopelessness in PTSD: spiritual well-being mediates outcomes over time,2018,31,1,46-58,Kaslow Self-esteem and hope mediate the relations between social support and post-traumatic stress disorder and growth in adolescents following the Ya'an earthquake,2018,31,1,32-45,Zhou Serotonin transporter 5-HTTLPR genotype is associated with intrusion and avoidance symptoms of DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Chinese earthquake survivors,2018,31,3,318-327,Liu The impact of pre-sleep arousal state and strategy to control unwanted thoughts on sleep quality,2018,31,3,338-347,Vaculík Coping strategies of former prisoners of war mediate the intergenerational transmission of posttraumatic stress symptoms,2018,31,2,175-187,Zerach Couple adjustment to a stressful life event: a dyadic investigation of the roles of positive reframing and perceived benefits,2018,31,2,188-205,Samios Gender differences in posttraumatic stress symptoms among former prisoners of wars' adult offspring,2018,31,1,21-31,Solomon Attentional biases for threat after fear-related autobiographical recall,2018,31,1,69-78,Trojano Temperament coping and involuntary stress responses in preadolescent children: the moderating role of achievement goal orientation,2018,31,1,79-92,Wadsworth High dose alcohol consumption predicts less reduction in post-traumatic stress symptoms after a campus mass shooting,2017,30,6,609-618,Orcutt Specificity of peer difficulties to social anxiety in early adolescence: categorical and dimensional analyses with clinical and community samples,2017,30,6,647-660,Whiteside Hair cortisol in relation to acute and post-traumatic stress symptoms in children and adolescents,2017,30,6,661-670,Goldbeck The natural course of anxiety symptoms in early adolescence: factors related to persistence,2017,30,6,671-686,Canals Development of a coping with stress scale for a non-western population of children and adolescents,2017,30,6,687-701,DanIşman Role of event centrality and emotion regulation in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among internally displaced persons,2017,30,6,702-715,Chukwuorji The role of stress mindset in shaping cognitive emotional and physiological responses to challenging and threatening stress,2017,30,4,379-395,Martin Rumination and posttraumatic stress symptoms in trauma-exposed adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,30,4,396-414,Valentine Self-focused attention and safety behaviors across group therapies for social anxiety disorder,2017,30,4,441-455,Antony The association between attention control anxiety and depression: the indirect effects of repetitive negative thinking and mood recovery,2017,30,4,456-468,Kertz Childhood exposure to emotional abuse and later life stress among Kenyan women: a mediation analysis of cross-sectional data,2017,30,4,469-483,Goodman A meta-analysis of the relationship between anxiety and telomere length,2017,30,3,264-272,Schutte Daily emotional stress reactivity in emerging adulthood: temporal stability and its predictors,2017,30,2,121-132,Tennen Adverse childhood experiences and autonomic regulation in response to acute stress: the role of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems,2017,30,2,145-154,Wilhelm Cardiovascular reactions to psychological stress and abuse history: the role of occurrence frequency and type of abuse,2017,30,2,155-162,Conklin Development and validation of the trait and state versions of the Post-Event Processing Inventory,2017,30,2,202-218,Kocovski Social anxiety and post-event processing among African-American individuals,2017,30,2,219-227,Buckner Thank goodness it's Friday: weekly pattern of workplace incivility,2017,30,1,1-14,Griffin The role of emotional maltreatment and looming cognitive style in the development of social anxiety symptoms in late adolescents,2017,30,1,26-38,Calvete The role of postdeployment social factors in linking deployment experiences and current posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology among male and female veterans,2017,30,1,39-51,Vogt The buffering power of overt socially supportive and unsupportive behaviors from the significant other on posttraumatic stress disorder individuals' emotional state,2017,30,1,52-65,O'Connor Stigma modifies the association between social support and mental health among sexual violence survivors in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implications for practice,2018,31,4,459-474,Hall Engagement in community activities and trust in local leaders as concomitants of psychological distress among Israeli civilians exposed to prolonged rocket attacks,2018,31,4,431-446,Kaniasty Coping styles and personality: a biometric analysis,2007,20,1,17-24,Stein Combined effects of workplace bullying and perceived organizational support on employee behaviors: does resource availability help?,2018,31,6,654-668,Naseer Comorbid interpretation and expectancy bias in social anxiety and alcohol use,2018,31,6,669-685,Wiers Predictors of post-traumatic stress symptoms following occupational accidents: a longitudinal study,2019,32,2,168-178,Vázquez Social capital migration stress depression and sexual risk behaviors among rural-to-urban migrants in China: a moderated mediation modeling analysis,2019,32,4,362-375,Chen Intolerance of uncertainty predicts analogue posttraumatic stress following adverse life events,2019,32,5,498-504,Boelen Avoidance coping and academic locus of control as mediators of the relationship between posttraumatic stress and academic achievement among first-year college students,2019,32,5,545-558,Boyraz A proposal for augmenting the measurement of index events in PTSD assessment using event centrality,2019,32,5,559-567,Teng A neuroeconomic investigation of 5-HTT/5-HT1A gene variation social anxiety and risk-taking behavior,2020,ePub,ePub,1-17,Hasler The impact of trauma exposure on explicit and implicit memory,2020,33,1,1-18,Blanchette The role of cognitive processing in the relationship of posttraumatic stress symptoms and depression among older Holocaust survivors: a moderated-mediation model,2020,33,1,59-74,Cohen Do posttraumatic stress symptoms mediate the relationship between peritraumatic threat and posttraumatic growth? A prospective experience sampling study,2020,33,1,89-99,Gelkopf Association between the OXTR rs53576 genotype and latent profiles of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms in a representative sample of earthquake survivors,2020,33,2,140-147,Liu Generativity and other buffers of death awareness in first responders,2020,33,2,193-206,Herr Evaluating a community fire as human-made vs. natural disaster moderates the relationship between peritraumatic distress and both PTSD symptoms and posttraumatic growth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Palgi The right mindset: stress mindset moderates the association between perceived stress and depressive symptoms,2020,33,3,248-255,Huebschmann Attachment coping and psychological symptoms among military veterans and active duty personnel,2020,33,3,326-341,Riggs Parental attachment coping and psychological adjustment among adolescents following an earthquake: a longitudinal study,2020,33,4,429-439,Wu Posttraumatic stress symptoms mediate the relationship between adverse childhood experiences avoidant personality traits and resilience,2020,33,5,590-601,Khan ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD among organized violence survivors in modern South Korean history of political oppression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choi Gender roles in relation to symptoms of anxiety and depression among students and workers,2020,33,6,661-674,Lupien Development of the Trans and Gender Diverse Social Anxiety Scale,2020,33,6,675-697,Mussap Examining relations of polytraumatization typologies with positive memory count and phenomenology,2021,34,1,107-120,Blumenthal Genetic variation in neuropeptide Y interacts with childhood trauma to influence anxiety sensitivity,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seedat What's in a name? Comparing alternative conceptualizations of posttraumatic stress disorder among preadolescent children following the Boston Marathon bombing and manhunt,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Comer ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder complex PTSD and adjustment disorder: the importance of stressors and traumatic life events,2021,34,2,191-202,Shevlin Medical student coping and performance in simulated disasters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rusling Cognitive and body manifestations of driving anxiety according to different onsets,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stephens Student aggression against teachers stress and emotional intelligence as predictors of withdrawal intentions among secondary school teachers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Extremera The impact of political violence on posttraumatic stress symptomology: a longitudinal analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hobfoll Complementary variable- and person-centered approaches to the dimensionality of burnout among fire station workers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fernet Growing together: interpersonal predictors of posttraumatic growth trajectory among suicide-loss survivors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levi-Belz Received support in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence: reciprocal relations among perceived support community solidarity and PTSD,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Littleton Immediate emotions and subjective stakes in risky decision-making under uncertainty,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shou Situational uncertainty interacts with anxiety sensitivity and distress intolerance to predict anticipated worry and preparation for a hurricane,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Timpano A laboratory-based examination of a standardized sexual assault script,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bridges A longitudinal study of personality traits anxiety and depressive disorders in young adults,2021,34,3,299-307,Sher Failure to reappraise: malevolent creativity is linked to revenge ideation and impaired reappraisal inventiveness in the face of stressful anger-eliciting events,2021,34,4,437-449,Papousek A comparison of coping and safety-seeking behaviors,2021,34,6,645-657,Alden Examining risk and protective factors for psychological health during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,35,1,124-140,Racine Cognitive bias modification for threat interpretations: using passive mobile sensing to detect intervention effects in daily life,2022,35,3,298-312,Teachman The differential relation of trauma types with negative and positive emotion dysregulation,2022,35,4,425-439,Weiss Effects of adverse childhood experience on physiological regulation are moderated by evolved developmental niche history,2022,35,4,488-500,Narvaez Within-person patterns of psychobiological stress response correspondence: links to preadolescent internalizing problems and coping behaviors,2022,35,5,592-608,Wadsworth A preliminary examination of unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders in patients with panic disorder: a single-case experimental design in Iran,2022,35,6,701-718,Gallagher Longitudinal pathways between suicidal ideation and life stress,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamdullahpur Brief daily self-care reflection for undergraduate well-being: a randomized control trial of an online intervention,2022,35,2,158-170,Fiodorova The role of maladaptive emotion regulation in the bidirectional relation between sleep and depression in college students during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,36,1,83-96,Snyder Sociodemographic factors as moderators of COVID-19 stress on depression,2023,36,1,110-123,Aiello Can respondents accurately self-report posttraumatic growth when coached through the required cognitive steps?,2023,36,2,184-198,Park Can the positive buffer the negative? 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