Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Aberrant resting-state functional connectivity of major depressive disorder with higher risk of suicide,2022,1,3,,Ishikawa How university students changed their habits and developed mental disorders in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Japan: Three case reports,2022,1,3,,Kinoshita Predictive factors for recurrent suicide attempts: Evidence from the ACTION-J study,2022,1,2,,Arai Serotonin syndrome induced by overdose of atomoxetine alone in a patient with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A case report,2022,1,3,,Kanno The analysis of telephone consultation contents of patients with bipolar disorder received by a self-help group,2022,1,2,,Isogaya Assessing attribution in the criminal behavior of mentally disordered offenders: developing a Japanese version of the Gudjonsson Blame Attribution Inventory-Revised,2023,2,3,e134,Suzuki Male intimate partner violence (IPV) victims in Japan: associations of types of harm sociodemographic characteristics and depression trait,2023,2,3,e127,Suda Forensic analysis of suicide deaths: comparing forensic information with public information and investigating factors contributing to psychiatric consultations,2024,3,2,e194,Kuroki Implementations of an evidence-based assertive case management intervention for suicide attempters: Post-ACTION-J Study (PACS),2023,2,2,e106,Fujisawa Affective temperaments mediate the effect of childhood maltreatment on bipolar depression severity,2023,2,2,e94,Inoue Association between the Big Five personality traits and suicide-related behaviors in Japanese institutionalized youths,2024,3,1,e186,Takahashi Misophonia self-harm and suicidal ideation,2023,2,4,e142,Simner Interpersonal psychotherapy for comorbid prolonged grief disorder and persistent depressive disorder in a Japanese patient: a case report,2023,2,4,e161,Akechi Suicide mortality rates in Japan before and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic era,2024,3,2,e188,Okada Remorse-related suicide attempts among young mothers after COVID-19 infection,2023,2,2,e116,Matsuishi Suicide of living kidney donor after recipient's graft organ failure: a case report,2024,3,1,e182,Otsuka Suicide attempt during ramelteon addition to flunitrazepam: a case report,2024,3,1,e168,Terao Suicide among national university graduate students in Japan from 2002 to 2021,2024,3,1,e180,Yasumi Retrospective chart review-based assessment scale for adverse childhood events and experiences,2022,1,4,e58,Kasai White matter alterations in the dorsal attention network contribute to a high risk of unsafe driving in healthy older people,2022,1,3,e45,Yamagata Differential diagnosis and prognosis of delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae after acute carbon monoxide poisoning in a patient with schizophrenia: a case report,2024,3,2,e218,Ikeda Delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae with improvement of decreased cerebral bold flow by single-photon emission computed tomography during hyperbaric oxygen therapy: A case report with a 10-year follow-up,2023,2,3,,Hagiwara Prospective multicenter study of the epidemiological features of emergency patients with overdose of over-the-counter drugs in Japan,2024,3,3,e225,Matsumoto