Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Book review: "Extreme Metal: Music and Culture on the Edge" by Keith Kahn-Harris,2007,113,3,927-929,Lena Suicidal motor vehicle fatalities in Detroit: a replication,1981,87,2,404-412,Phillips Blood and Debt: War and Taxation in Nineteenth-Century Latin America,1997,102,6,1565-1605,Centeno Book Review: "Against Prediction: Profiling Policing and Punishing in an Actuarial Age" by Bernard E. Harcourt,2008,113,5,1475-1477,Moskos Author's reply to comments by Yee and Faris on "Race Sex and Violence",1975,81,3,635-641,Schulman Author's Response to Barnes's Comment on "The Partial Effect of Income on Suicide is Always Negative",1975,80,6,1460-1462,Simon Beyond the Quick and Dirty: Problems Associated with Analyses Based on Small Samples of Large Ecological Aggregates: Reply to Girard,1988,93,6,1479-1486,Breault Black Neighbors Higher Crime? The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime,2001,107,3,717-767,Quillian Age Crime and the Early Life Course,1988,93,6,1457-1470,Rattner All Wise After the Fact Learning Theory Again: Reply to Baldwin,1985,90,6,1330-1333,Gottfredson Arrest Probabilities for Marijuana Users as Indicators of Selective Law Enforcement,1977,83,3,681-699,Wells Age and the Explanation of Crime,1983,89,3,552-584,Gottfredson Age Crime and Social Explanation,1985,91,1,1-21,Greenberg Age and the Distribution of Crime,1989,94,4,803-831,Steffensmeier Age and Crime Logic and Scholarship: Comment on Greenberg,1985,91,1,22-27,Gottfredson A Theory of Deference Exchange in Police-Civilian Encounters,1975,81,3,584-600,Clark A Structuralist Critique of the IQ-Delinquency Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence,1984,89,6,1347-1378,Morse A General Theory of Expropriative Crime: An Evolutionary Ecological Approach,1988,94,3,465-501,Cohen Book review: "Beyond Self‐Control: Analysis and Critique of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime" (1990) by Stefan Schulz,2008,113,4,1206-1208,Savelsberg Durkheim Suicide and Problems of Empirical Research,1958,63,6,607-619,Selvin Book Review: "Inside Rebellion: The Politics of Insurgent Violence" by Jeremy M. Weinstein,2007,113,3,881-883,Almeida A Critique of Criminology: Toward an Integrated Structural-Marxist Theory of Delinquency Production,1983,89,3,513-551,Colvin Suicide Motor Vehicle Fatalities and the Mass Media: Evidence toward a Theory of Suggestion,1979,84,5,1150-1174,Phillips The Impact of Fictional Television Stories on U.S. Adult Fatalities: New Evidence on the Effect of the Mass Media on Violence,1982,87,6,1340-1359,Phillips A Case Study of Delinquent Boys in the Juvenile Court of Chicago,1907,13,1,56-78,Rhoades A Criminological Approach to the Social Control of International Aggressions,1953,58,5,513-518,Eliot A Statistical Study in Causes of Poverty,1898,3,5,614-621,Simons A Study of Social Science Data and Their Use,1929,35,1,80-92,Cobb A Study of the Early History of Child Labor in America,1908,14,1,15-37,Abbott A Suggestion on the Negro Problem,1908,14,1,78-85,Gilman A Technique for Analyzing Sociological Data Classified in Non-Quantitative Groups,1933,39,2,180-193,Stouffer A Method for Studying Moral Judgments Relating to the Family,1941,47,1,12-23,Cuber A Modern Devil-Baby,1914,20,1,117-118,Addams A Neglected Opportunity and Duty in Journalism,1916,22,2,203-211,Yarros A Program for Criminological Research,1927,33,3,431-443,Wood A Southern View of Slavery,1908,13,4,513-522,Belin A Statistical Exposition of the "Before-After" and "After-Only" Designs and Their Combinations,1970,76,1,83-102,Namboodiri A Programme of Municipal Reform,1896,1,5,551-563,MacVeagh A Research Note on Incest,1940,45,4,566-575,Riemer A Test of Message Diffusion by Chain Tags,1956,61,5,425-432,Dodd A Theory of Rural Attitudes,1917,22,5,630-649,Bernard Abstract and Practical Ethics,1896,2,3,341-357,Muirhead Acquisitive Mimicry,1916,21,4,433-445,Ross A Composite Rate of Social Breakdown,1940,45,6,887-898,Robinson A Critique of Karl O'Lessker's "Who Voted for Hitler?",1969,74,6,732-735,Schnaiberg A Hypothesis on Anti-Negro Prejudice,1947,53,2,100-104,Katz A Comment on "The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment" By Phillips,1982,88,1,167-169,Phillips Adult Recreation as a Social Problem,1918,23,4,516-528,Ross Aggressive and Erotic Tendencies in Army Life,1946,51,5,408-413,Elkin Aggressiveness and Military Training,1946,51,5,423-432,Clark Aims and Principles of the Consumers' League,1899,5,3,289-304,Kelley Alcohol and Crime: A Study in Social Causation,1918,24,1,61-80,Howard Alcoholic Hypnotism,1899,5,3,383-391,Macdonald Alienation and Action: A Study of Peace-Group Members,1972,78,3,537-561,Bolton "American Lawlessness": An Inquiry,1912,18,1,77-91,Yarros Americans and the World-Crisis,1917,23,2,145-173,Small An American System of Labor Pensions and Insurance,1897,2,4,501-514,Monroe An Analysis of the Population of the Texas Penitentiary from 1906 to 1924,1931,36,5,770-781,Duncan An Anthropological Analysis of War,1941,46,4,521-550,Malinowski An Attitude on Attitude Research,1928,33,6,940-957,Bain An Estimate of Pareto,1936,41,5,657-668,Faris An Experimental Study of the Influence of Suggestion on the Discrimination and the Valuation of People,1932,37,5,720-737,Sorokin An Index of Riot Severity and Some Correlates,1969,74,5,500-505,Wanderer An Interpretation of the Heredity Background of Two Groups of Mental Deviates,1928,34,2,316-329,Witty Analysis of a Program of Treatment of Delinquent Boys,1956,62,1,56-61,Freeman Appearance and Criminality,1959,65,1,49-51,Corsini Are We Breeding Weaklings?,1937,42,5,672-681,Harding Attachment and Alienation: Complementary Aspects of the Work of Durkheim and Simmel,1958,63,6,580-589,Naegele Attitudes and Behavior,1928,34,2,271-281,Faris Attitudes and Behavior of High School Students,1935,40,4,489-494,Whitlow Attitudes Can Be Measured,1928,33,4,529-554,Thurstone Author's reply to J.F. Short's comment on "Gangs Networks and Subcultural Delinquency",1968,73,4,515-517,Lerman Becoming a marihuana user,1953,59,3,235-242,Becker Blame and Hostility in Disaster,1957,62,5,467-475,Bucher Causal and Selective Factors in Sickness,1935,40,6,804-812,Perrott Causes of Revolution,1944,50,1,1-8,Gottschalk Character Building at Elmira,1898,3,5,577-600,Bates Chicago Vacation Schools,1898,4,3,289-308,Milliken Child-Rearing and Social Status,1946,52,3,190-192,Ericson Children in Black and Mulatto Families,1933,39,1,12-29,Frazier Chinese resistance to Japanese invasion the predictive value of pre-crisis symbols,1938,43,5,704-716,Lasswell Class and Caste II. Gradation,1917,22,5,594-608,Ross Class and Caste III. Segregation and Subordination,1917,22,6,749-760,Ross Cognition and Social Interpretation,1914,20,2,181-219,Boodin Comment on Jack Gibbs's "Marital Status and Suicide",1969,75,3,405-407,Segal Comments on Wanderer's Article on Riot Severity and Its Correlates,1970,75,4,556-560,Spilerman Communication,1928,34,1,117-129,Burgess Community Growth Depressive Disorders and Suicide,1961,67,1,9-16,Wechsler Community Organization,1931,36,6,978-984,Bowman Community Organization,1932,37,6,924-929,Bowman Conceptions of Parenthood,1946,52,3,193-203,Duvall Concepts of Security and Insecurity,1954,59,6,556-564,Cameron Concerning a Form of Degeneracy. I. The Condition and Increase of the Feeble-Minded,1898,4,3,326-334,Johnson Concerning a Form of Degeneracy. II. The Education and Care of the Feeble-Minded,1899,4,4,463-473,Johnson Concerning a minor reform in Indiana: An Act to Regulate the Administration of the Relief of Poor Persons,1901,6,6,742-749,Johnson Contagious Bias in the Interview: A Methodological Note,1929,35,3,420-423,Rice Continuity in the Rebuilding of Bombed Cities in Western Europe,1956,61,5,463-469,Grebler Contributions to Social Philosophy. III Sociology and Biology,1895,1,3,313-326,Ward Contributions to Social Philosophy. IX. The Purpose of Sociology,1896,2,3,446-460,Ward Contributions to Social Philosophy. V. Sociology and Psychology,1896,1,5,618-632,Ward Contributions to Social Philosophy. VI. The Data of Sociology,1896,1,6,738-752,Ward Contributions to Social Philosophy. VIII. The Mechanics of Society,1896,2,2,234-254,Ward Contributions to Social Philosophy. X. Social Genesis,1897,2,4,532-546,Ward Contributions to the Comparative Study of Association,1899,4,5,666-680,Kimble Conventionalization and Control: An Examination of Adolescent Crowds,1968,74,2,172-183,Smith Crime,1928,34,1,157-171,Gehlke Crime,1929,34,6,1108-1115,Gehlke Crime,1942,47,6,898-906,Sellin Crime,1932,37,6,963-969,Tibbitts Crime,1930,35,6,1027-1041,Wood Crime Among the Negroes of Chicago. A Social Study,1900,6,2,204-223,Work Crime and Penology,1931,36,6,1017-1029,Wood Crime and the Division of Labor: Testing a Durkheimian Model,1972,78,3,643-656,Webb Crime in Relation to Social Change in China,1934,40,3,298-308,Yen Crime News in Colorado Newspapers,1952,57,4,325-330,Davis Criminal Anthropology in Its Relation to Criminal Jurisprudence I,1899,4,4,515-527,Kellor Criminal Anthropology in Its Relation to Criminal Jurisprudence. II,1899,4,5,630-648,Kellor Criminality Theories and Behavioral Images,1956,61,5,433-444,Glaser Criminological Research and the Definition of Crimes,1951,56,6,546-551,Cressey Cultural Isolation and the Schizophrenic Personality,1934,40,2,155-164,Faris Cultural Marginality in Sexual Delinquency,1934,39,4,493-500,Crook Culture Conflict and Crime,1938,44,1,97-103,Sellin Current Folkways of Sexual Behavior,1946,52,3,209-216,Porterfield Customs and Mores,1942,47,6,971-980,Mead Dating Behavior as Evaluated by High-School Students,1952,57,6,580-586,Christensen Death Penalty and Homicide,1910,16,1,88-116,Macdonald Decisions by Juvenile Officers,1971,77,2,199-210,Willie Delinquency and Its Outcome in Court and College,1943,49,3,199-208,Porterfield Delinquency Areas in the Puget Sound Region,1933,39,3,314-328,Hayner Depression War and Logistic Trends,1946,52,2,112-122,Hart Differential Responses of Texas Convicts,1932,38,1,10-21,Rosenquist Difficulties of Statistical Interpretation of Case Records of Delinquency and Crime,1933,39,2,204-209,Wood Disaster and the Sequence-Pattern Concept of Social Change,1932,38,2,207-218,Carr Discussion of the Paper by Alfred H. Stone "Is Race Friction Between Blacks and Whites in the United States Growing and Inevitable?",1908,13,6,820-840,Willcox Does the Punishment Fit the Crime? A Study in Social Valuation,1955,61,3,247-259,Rose Durkheim's Suicide and Problems of Empirical Research,1958,63,6,607-619,Selvin Durkheim's theory of anomie,1974,80,2,329-363,Marks Eccentric Official Statistics I,1897,2,4,515-531,Bliss Eccentric Official Statistics II,1897,3,1,79-99,Bliss Eccentric Official Statistics III,1897,3,3,355-377,Bliss Eccentric Official Statistics IV,1898,4,1,79-93,Bliss Ecological Interrelationships of Juvenile Delinquency Dependency and Population Mobility: A Cartographic Analysis of Data from Long Beach California,1936,41,5,598-610,Longmoor Economic and Social Forces in War,1918,23,6,747-753,George Economic Differentials in the Probability of Insanity,1939,44,4,534-539,Jaffe Economic Foundations of the German Totalitarian State,1941,46,4,469-486,Palvi Education in the South,1904,10,3,382-407,Simons Effects of Geographic Conditions Upon Social Realities,1914,19,6,813-824,Hayes Errata: Urbanization Crime and Collective Violence in 19th-Century France,1974,80,1,, Ethics and the Neo-Malthusianism,1917,22,5,609-615,Spalding Ethnic and Minority Groups in Wartime with Special Reference to the Negro,1942,48,3,369-377,Frazier Eugenics: Its Definition Scope and Aims,1904,10,1,1-25,Galton Exposure to Child-Rearing Experts: A Structural Interpretation of Class-Color Differences,1964,69,6,596-608,Blau Extreme Social Isolation of a Child,1940,45,4,554-565,Davis Factors in the Commitment of Correctional School Girls in Wisconsin,1931,37,2,222-230,Lumpkin Factory Legislation for Women in Canada,1899,5,2,172-181,MacLean Factory Legislation for Women in the United States,1897,3,2,183-205,MacLean Feeble-Mindedness and Criminal Conduct,1933,38,4,564-576,Zeleny Final Note on a Case of Extreme Isolation,1947,52,5,432-437,Davis Folk Rationalizations in the "Unwritten Law",1934,39,4,483-492,Vance From Mafia to Cosa Nostra,1965,71,3,302-310,Anderson Gangs Networks and Subcultural Delinquency,1967,73,1,63-72,Lerman German Reactions to Nazi Atrocities,1946,52,2,141-146,Janowitz Group Influences and Agricultural Innovations: Some Tentative Findings and Hypotheses,1956,61,6,588-594,Coleman Group Psychotherapy of Military Offenders,1946,51,5,455-464,Abrahams Has Illinois the Best Laws in the Country for the Protection of Children?,1904,10,3,299-314,Kelley Hereditary Crime,1907,13,3,402-409,Davenport Homicide and Social Contact in Denmark,1956,62,1,37-41,Svalastoga How America Became Belligerent: A Quantitative Study of War News 1914-17,1935,40,4,464-475,Foster How is Society Possible?,1910,16,3,372-391,Simmel Human Nature and Collective Behavior,1927,32,5,733-741,Park The Use and Validity of a Prediction Instrument II. The Validation of Prediction,1953,58,5,510-512,Goodman Immigration and Crime,1896,2,3,369-377,Hart Immigration and Crime,1912,17,4,478-490,Hourwich Impact of the War on Labor and Industry,1942,48,3,361-368,Anderson Incest Taboos and Social Solidarity,1967,72,6,589-600,Young Industrial Fatigue and Group Morale,1934,40,3,349-356,Park Industrial Insurance. I. The Extent and Nature of the Demand for a Social Policy of Workingmen's Insurance,1907,12,4,470-486,Henderson Industrial Insurance. V. The Employers' Liability Law,1907,13,2,183-199,Henderson Industrial Insurance. VI. Private Insurance Companies,1907,13,3,349-379,Henderson Industrial Insurance. VIII. Insurance Plans of Railroad Corporations,1908,13,5,584-616,Henderson Infant Welfare: Methods of Organization and Administration I,1912,17,4,458-477,Henderson Infant Welfare: Methods of Organization and Administration II,1912,17,5,669-684,Henderson Influence of the Puberal Development Upon the Moral Character of Children of Both Sexes,1899,5,2,193-219,Marro Instinctive and Cultural Factors in Group Conflicts,1922,28,1,1-20,Case International Peace-By Court or Government?,1941,46,4,571-581,Kelsen Is Class Conflict in America Growing and Is It Inevitable?,1908,13,6,756-783,Commons Is Our Republic a Failure?,1895,1,1,28-40,Judson Is Patriotism Immoral?,1917,22,5,616-629,Stewart Is Race Friction Between Blacks and Whites in the United States Growing and Inevitable?,1908,13,5,676-697,Stone Isolation and Social Conflicts,1921,27,2,211-221,Yarros Isolation Powerlessness and Violence: A Study of Attitudes and Participation in the Watts Riot,1968,73,5,581-591,Ransford Italians and Crime in Chicago: The Formative Years 1890-1920,1969,74,4,373-391,Nelli Jan Loubser Replies to Anselm Strauss Criticism of His Review of Discovery of Grounded Theory,1969,75,1,146,Loubser Juvenile Delinquency the Family and the Court in the Soviet Union,1937,42,5,682-692,Berman Knowledge Danger Certainty and the Theory of Magic,1963,69,1,7-12,Lewis Labor Legislation,1929,34,6,1045-1052,Andrews Law in Pareto's Sociology,1940,46,2,139-149,Timasheff Leisure Activities and the Socioeconomic Status of Children,1949,54,6,505-519,Macdonald Letter to the Editor regarding the book "The Discovery of Grounded Theory",1969,74,4,419,Strauss Life Aboard an Armed-Guard Ship,1946,51,5,380-387,Berkman Life in the Pennsylvania Coal Fields with Particular Reference to Women,1908,14,3,329-351,MacLean Male Aggression in Dating-Courtship Relations,1957,63,2,197-204,Kanin Manipulating Public Opinion: The Why and The How,1928,33,6,958-971,Bernays Medicine and Public Health,1931,36,6,956-965,Moore Medicine and Public Health,1932,37,6,917-923,Moore Mentality of Racial Hybrids,1931,36,4,534-551,Park Moot Points in Sociology. II. Social Laws,1903,9,1,105-123,Ross Motives and Aggressive Acts in Popular Fiction: Sex and Class Differences,1972,77,4,680-696,Gecas Municipal Playgrounds in Chicago,1898,4,2,145-158,Zueblin Murder and the Case Study Method,1930,36,3,447-454,Park Negro and White Male Institutionalized Delinquents,1952,57,6,569-574,Axelrad News and the Power of the Press,1941,47,1,1-11,Park News as a Form of Knowledge: A Chapter in the Sociology of Knowledge,1940,45,5,669-686,Park Newspaper Conscience--A Study in Half-Truths,1921,27,2,197-210,Lloyd Normative Collective Behavior: A Classification of Societal Norms,1941,47,1,24-38,Bernard Note on a Misconception of Statistical Significance,1933,39,2,231-236,Peters Observations on the Study of Crime Causation,1971,77,2,262-278,Don C. Gibbons Occupational Intelligence in the Army,1930,36,1,15-27,Lehman Occupational Prestige and Social Mobility of Suicides in New Zealand,1960,66,2,147-152,Gibbs Old and New Aspects of the Aryan Question,1899,5,3,329-346,Lapouge O'Lessker replies to Schnaigerg's critique of "Who Voted for Hitler?" ,1969,74,6,735,O'Lessker On a Difference in the Metabolism of the Sexes,1897,3,1,31-63,Thomas Operational Definitions in Sociology,1947,52,5,438-444,Adler Our Oldest National Problem,1927,32,5,742-755,Stockwell Parachuting,1974,80,1,124-152,Gideon Aran Parental Conditions of Wisconsin Girl Delinquents,1932,38,2,232-239,Lumpkin Parole Prediction Using Multiple Correlation,1954,59,6,539-550,Kirby Peace Movement in Europe,1896,2,1,1-12,Passy Penology and Crime,1933,38,6,896-904,Tibbitts Personality Characteristics of Criminals,1950,55,5,476-484,Schuessler Personnel Counseling: The Hawthorne Case,1951,57,3,265-280,Wilensky Pleasure as Ethical Standard,1900,6,2,255-266,Moore Police Encounters With Juveniles,1964,70,2,206-214,Piliavin Police Graft,1935,40,5,624-636,Key Politics and Crime,1895,1,3,290-298,Warner Populism in a State Educational Institution the Kansas State Agricultural College,1897,3,3,392-404,Fairchild Preferences for Moral Norms in Three Problem Areas,1962,67,6,650-660,Angell Prejudice and Perception,1957,62,5,498-503,Riddleberger Pre-literate peoples. Proposing a new term,1925,30,6,710-712,Faris Preschool Personality Research,1931,36,4,584-595,Pearson Preventing Cruelty to Children,1913,18,4,556-573,Fairchild Prevention of Mental Diseases,1899,5,1,72-97,Henderson Prison Laboratories,1900,6,3,316-323,Henderson Prolegomena to Social Psychology. III. The Nature and Task of Social Psychology,1899,5,1,98-109,Ellwood Prosperity Depression and the Suicide Rate,1932,37,5,714-719,Hurlburt Prostitutes and Criminal Argots,1939,44,4,546-550,Maurer Psychiatry and Suicide: The Management of a Mistake,1972,77,5,821-838,Light Psychological and Environmental Study of Women Criminals. I,1900,5,4,527-543,Kellor Psychological and Environmental Study of Women Criminals. II,1900,5,5,671-682,Kellor Psychological and Statistical Interpretations of Culture,1917,22,5,650-656,Wallis Puberal Hygiene in Relation to Pedagogy and Sociology,1900,6,2,224-237,Marro Public Health and Medicine (1927 in review),1928,34,1,107-116,Moore Public Health and Medicine (1929 review),1929,34,6,1064-1071,Moore Public Health and Medicine (1929 in review),1930,35,6,982-990,Moore Public Health and Medicine (1932 in review),1933,38,6,864-872,Moore Punishment to Fit the Crime,1901,6,5,695-706,Ranck Race and Culture: A Study in Mobility Segregation and Selection,1931,37,2,175-189,Krout Race and Ethnicity Relative to Other Factors in Juvenile Court Dispositions,1971,77,2,211-227,Arnold Race Prejudice in the Administration of Justice,1935,41,2,212-217,Sellin Race Psychology: Standpoint and Questionnaire With Particular Reference to the Immigrant and the Negro,1912,17,6,725-775,Thomas Race Relations (1929),1929,34,6,1129-1139,Herskovits Race Relations (1930),1930,35,6,1052-1062,Herskovits Race Relations (1932),1932,37,6,976-982,Herskovits Race Relations (1933),1933,38,6,913-921,Herskovits Race Relations (1931),1931,36,6,1039-1044,Woofter Race Relations and Anti-discriminatory Legislation,1951,56,5,416-423,Burma Race Sex and Violence: A Laboratory Test of the Sexual Threat of the Black Male Hypothesis,1974,79,5,1260-1277,Schulman Recreation as a Public Function in Urban Communities,1912,17,5,615-619,Addams Reformation and Recidivism Among Italian and Polish Criminal Offenders,1967,72,6,575-588,Finestone Religious Sectarianism and Race Prejudice,1935,41,2,167-179,Edwards Review: "The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research" by Glaser and Strauss,1968,73,6,773-774,Loubser Review: "The Social Meanings of Suicide" by Jack D. Douglas,1968,74,2,201-204,Gibbs Review: "War: The Anthropology of Armed Conflict and Aggression. by Marvin Harris; Morton Fried; Robert Murphy',1968,74,3,315-316,Landgraf Role Concepts in Behavior Pathology,1950,55,5,464-467,Cameron Rule and Custom as Individual Variations of Behavior Distributed Upon a Continuum of Conformity,1939,44,6,897-921,Allport Rural Criminal Offenders,1944,50,1,38-45,Clinard Rural Life (1930 in review),1931,36,6,985-992,Melvin Sanitation and Sociology,1896,2,1,74-81,Marion Talbot Sanity in Social Agitation,1898,4,3,335-351,Small Scholarship and Social Agitation,1896,1,5,564-582,Small Schools for Dependent Delinquent and Truant Children in Illinois,1903,9,1,1-23,MacQueary Scum from the Melting-Pot,1925,30,6,641-651,Grant Sex Differences in Mental Illness: An Analysis of Response Bias in Self-Reports,1974,80,1,205-216,Clancy Sex in Primitive Industry,1899,4,4,474-488,Thomas Sex in Primitive Morality,1899,4,6,774-787,Thomas Sibling Position and Juvenile Delinquency,1934,39,5,657-669,Sletto Size of Parole Community as Related to Parole Outcome,1951,57,1,43-47,Clark Sleep Deprivation Drug Use and Psychiatric Disorders,1972,77,5,971-976,Roman Sleep Deprivation: A Cause of Psychotic Disorganization,1970,75,5,782-799,Gove Social and Ethical Interpretations of Mental Development,1899,5,2,182-192,Caldwell Social and Labor Legislation (1927 in review),1928,34,1,100-106,Andrews Social and Labor Legislation (1929 in review),1930,35,6,967-981,Lindsay Social and Labor Legislation (1930 in review),1931,36,6,949-955,Lindsay Social and Labor Legislation (1931 in review),1932,37,6,910-916,Pipkin Social Classes in the Light of Modern Sociological Theory,1908,13,5,617-627,Ward Social Conflict and Psychic Conflict,1939,44,6,922-931,French Social Control I,1896,1,5,513-535,Ross Social Control II: Law and Public Opinion,1896,1,6,753-770,Ross Social Control of the Domestic Relations,1911,16,6,805-817,Howard Social Control III: Belief,1896,2,1,96-107,Ross Social Control IV: Suggestion,1896,2,2,255-263,Ross Social Control IX: Personality,1897,3,2,236-247,Ross Social Control V: Religion,1896,2,3,433-445,Ross Social Control VI: Ideals,1897,2,4,547-566,Ross Social Control VII: Assemblage,1897,2,6,823-838,Ross Social Control VIII: Art,1897,3,1,64-78,Ross Social Control XII: Social Valuations,1898,3,5,649-661,Ross Social Control XIII: The System of Social Control,1898,3,6,809-828,Ross Social Control XIX: Class Control,1900,6,3,381-395,Ross Social Control XVII: The Maintenance of Ethical Elements,1900,6,1,29-41,Ross Social Control XX: The Vicissitudes of Social Control,1901,6,4,550-562,Ross Social Distance in Adolescent Relationships,1937,43,3,428-439,Runner Social Factors in Oriental Crime,1938,43,6,908-919,Hayner Social Legislation,1929,34,6,1053-1063,Lindsay Social Level Social Disability and Gang Interaction,1967,73,1,42-62,Gordon Social Norms in Television-Watching,1959,65,2,174-181,Geiger Social Problems,1925,30,4,462-473,Frank Social Problems and the Courts,1912,18,3,331-341,Pound Social Psychology of the Spectator,1912,18,1,33-50,Howard Social Psychology Studies: Adjustment Behavior,1932,38,1,1-9,Bernard Socialization of the Law,1917,22,6,822-837,James Harrington Boyd Society's Need of Effective Ethical Instruction in School and Church and the Suggestion of an Available Method,1899,4,4,433-447,Fairchild Socioanalysis: A New Approach to Criminology,1948,53,4,289-294,Greco Socioeconomic Status and Delinquent Behavior,1958,63,4,381-389,Short Sociological Research in Adolescence,1936,42,1,81-94, Sociology Applied in the Field of Health,1922,28,3,319-325,Meredith Sociopsychological implications of the "white-supremacy" complex,1945,51,2,142,Ackis Some Adjustments of Farm Families to Emergencies,1935,40,4,495-502,Kirkpatrick Some Aspects of Abandonment Feeble-Mindedness and Crime,1931,36,5,758-769,Milton H. Erickson Some Biological Considerations About War,1941,46,4,487-503,Pearl Some Contingencies of the Moral Evaluation and Control of Clientele: The Case of the Hospital Emergency Service,1972,77,5,839-856,Roth Some Current Conceptualizations in the Field of Conflict,1965,70,4,442-454,Bernard Some Demands of Sociology Upon Pedagogy,1897,2,6,839-851,Small Some Implications of Remedial and Preventive Legislation in the United States,1913,18,6,769-783,Eldon R. James Some Phases of the Sweating System in the Garment Trades of Chicago,1901,6,5,602-645,Nellie Mason Auten Some Social Economic Problems,1896,2,2,190-201,Graffenried Standpoint for the Interpretation of Savage Society,1909,15,2,145-163,Thomas Status and Leadership in a Combat Fighter Squadron,1946,51,5,388-394,Stone Status Integration and Suicide in Ceylon,1959,64,6,585-591,Gibbs Structural Change and the Durkheimian Legacy: A Macrosocial Analysis of Suicide Rates,1972,78,3,657-673,Miley Studies in Political Areas. II. Intellectual Political and Economic Effects of Large Areas,1898,3,4,449-463,Ratzel Studies in Political Areas. The Political Territory in Relation to Earth and Continent,1897,3,3,297-313,Ratzel Study of the Criminal in Mexico,1897,3,1,13-17,Starr Suggestion and Suggestibility,1919,25,2,185-194,Gault Suicide and Crime in Folk and in Secular Society,1952,57,4,331-338,Porterfield Suicide in Minneapolis Minnesota: 1928-32,1933,39,1,30-48,Schmid Suicide in the Light of Recent Studies,1898,3,4,464-478,Tosti Suicide in the Netherlands,1932,37,5,697-713,Gargas Suicide Homicide and Social Structure in Ceylon,1953,58,5,461-469,Straus Suicide Homicide and the Socialization of Aggression,1958,63,6,651-661,Gold Suicides in France 1910-43,1947,52,4,321-334,Lunden Superiority and Subordination as Subject-Matter of Sociology. I,1896,2,2,167-189,Simmel Superiority and Subordination as Subject-Matter of Sociology. II,1896,2,3,392-415,Simmel Taxation as an Instrument of Social Control,1937,42,4,484-492,Heer Testing the Selective Influence of Areas of Delinquency,1933,38,5,699-712,Taft Testing the Significance of Comparisons in Sociological Data,1934,40,3,357-363,Stouffer The Adventitious Character of Woman,1906,12,1,32-44,Thomas The Amount and Nature of Crime,1935,40,6,796-803,Vold The Assumed Increase of Mental Disease,1935,40,4,427-439,Winston The Author Replies to comments on ""Marital Status and Suicide",1969,75,3,407-411,Gibbs The Author Replies to Comments on "Riot Severity and Its Correlates",1970,75,4,560-561,Wanderer The Barbarian Status of Women,1899,4,4,503-514,Veblen The Basis of Social Conflict,1908,13,5,628-648,Carver The Behavior of Parents of Schizophrenic Neurotic and Normal Children,1950,56,2,175-179,McKeown The Boys' Club and Juvenile Delinquency,1936,42,1,66-80,Thrasher The Boys' Court of Chicago: A Record of Six Months' Work,1915,20,6,731-744,Belden The Case of Purpose Against Fate in History,1912,17,4,491-511,Lloyd The Channeling of Negro Aggression by the Cultural Process,1943,48,6,750-758,Powdermaker The Child (1930-31 in review),1932,37,6,949-955,Abbott The Child (1932 in review),1933,38,6,880-888,Abbott The Child (1930 in review),1931,36,6,1002-1010,Frank The Children's Bureau,1912,18,3,318-330,Lathrop The City Church and the Problem of Crime,1914,20,2,220-248,Trawick The City: Suggestions for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the City Environment,1915,20,5,577-612,Park The Civil War as Seen Through Southern Glasses,1903,9,2,259-267,Belin The Classification of Social Phenomena III,1911,17,3,375-399,Hayes The Classification of Social Phenomena I,1911,17,1,90-118,Hayes The Classification of Social Phenomena II,1911,17,2,188-205,Hayes The Combat Neuroses,1946,51,5,465-478,Weinberg The Courts and Factory Legislation,1900,6,3,396-406,Alger The Criminal Patterns of Boston Since 1849,1967,73,1,84-99,Ferdinand The Criterion of Distributive Justice,1896,2,2,264-273,Sharp The Development of Sociology in the Old South,1934,39,5,649-656,Duncan The Diffusion of Sexual Psychopath Laws,1950,56,2,142-148,Sutherland The Distribution of Success in Marriage,1933,39,2,194-203,Bernard The Distribution of the Sexes in the United States in 1890,1896,1,6,725-737,Willcox The Ecological Structure of Negro Homicide,1962,67,6,621-629,Pettigrew The Economic Status of Families of Delinquent Boys in Wisconsin,1931,37,2,231-239,Caldwell The Effect of War on the American Family,1942,48,3,343-352,Burgess The Efficiency of Prediction in Criminology,1949,54,5,441-452,Duncan The Era of Sociology,1895,1,1,1-15,Small The Ethical Bases of Democracy,1919,25,2,202-214,Henke The Ethics of the Competitive Process,1900,6,2,145-176,Willoughby The Eugenic-Euthenic Relation in Child Welfare,1914,19,6,835-841,Dealey The Evolution of Conscience as a Phase of Sociology,1902,8,3,360-381,Sheldon The Family (1928 in review),1929,34,6,1099-1107,Groves The Family (1932 in review),1933,38,6,873-879,Groves The Fourteenth Amendment and the Race Question,1900,6,2,248-254,West The Frequency and Probability of Insanity,1929,34,5,822-831,Winston The Garrison State,1941,46,4,455-468,Lasswell The Hierarchy of European Races,1897,3,3,314-327,Closson The Ideals of Social Reformers,1896,2,2,202-219,Rauschenbusch The Illinois Child-Labor Law,1898,3,4,490-501,Kelley The Impact of City on Racial Attitudes,1970,76,2,213-261,Schuman The Impact of the War on Religion in America,1942,48,3,353-360,Johnson The Impact of War on American Institutions,1942,48,3,398-403,Hughes The Impact of War on Crime Delinquency and Prostitution,1942,48,3,378-386,Reckless The Influence of Newspaper Presentations Upon the Growth of Crime and Other Anti-Social Activity I,1910,16,3,342-371,Fenton The Influence of Newspaper Presentations Upon the Growth of Crime and Other Anti-Social Activity II,1911,16,4,538-564,Fenton The Instinct of Workmanship and the Irksomeness of Labor,1898,4,2,187-201,Veblen The Kentucky Mountains and Their Feuds. I. The People and Their Country,1901,7,1,1-28,MacClintock The Kentucky Mountains and Their Feuds. II. The Causes of Feuds,1901,7,2,171-187,MacClintock The Klan Revival,1960,65,5,456-462,Zanden The Ku Klux Klan Interpreted,1925,30,4,385-407,Bohn The Law Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents I,1897,3,3,378-391,Millis The Law Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents II,1898,3,4,479-489,Millis The Law Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents III: Immigrants and Tramps,1898,3,5,631-648,Millis The Law Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents IV: Dependent Children,1898,3,6,777-794,Millis The Law Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents V: The Law Relating to the Care and Treatment of the Defective,1898,4,1,51-68,Millis The Law Relating to the Relief and Care of Dependents VI: The State Organization and Supervision of Charities,1898,4,2,178-186,Millis The Laws of Hammurabi,1904,9,6,737-754,Vincent The Limited Social Effect of Radio Broadcasting,1927,32,4,615-622,Beuick The Lindbergh Case: A Study of Human Interest and Politics,1936,42,1,32-54,Hughes The Lombrosian Myth in Criminology,1937,42,5,653-671,Levin The Making of the Infantryman,1946,51,5,376-379, The Management of Tensions,1928,33,5,705-736,Frank The Meaning of the Social Movement,1897,3,3,340-354,Small The Mental Capacity of Savages,1918,23,5,603-619,Faris The Michigan System of Child Saving,1896,1,6,710-724,Randall The Migration to Towns and Cities,1926,32,3,450-455,Zimmerman The Monograph of the Community,1899,5,1,110-115,Cheysson The Moral and Social Tasks of World Politics ("Imperialism"),1900,6,3,307-315,Maurenbrecher The Mortality Statistics of the Census in Relation to Occupations,1897,3,2,216-235,King The Motivation of Radicals,1950,56,1,17-24,Mccormack The Movement for Small Playgrounds,1898,4,2,159-170,American The Movement for Vacation Schools,1898,4,3,309-325,American The Nature and Conditions of Panic,1954,60,3,267-275,Quarantelli The Nature and Scope of Social Psychology,1908,13,5,577-583,Ross The Nature of Interests and Their Classification,1917,23,3,359-368,Kocourek The Nazi Party: Its Leadership and Composition,1940,45,4,517-541,Gerth The Necessary Sequel of Child-Labor Laws,1905,11,3,312-325,Goldmark The Negro Offender: An Urban Research Project,1954,60,1,46-50,Kephart The Negro: Is He a Biological Inferior?,1927,33,2,248-261,Reinhardt The Neighborhood Tavern and the Cocktail Lounge a Study of Class Differences,1957,62,6,559-562,Gottlieb The Newspaper and Research,1926,32,2,217-226,Salmon The North Sleswic Question. A Forty Years' War,1902,8,3,289-335,Warming The Occupational Culture of the Boxer,1952,57,5,460-469,Weinberg The Opium Trade in the Dutch East Indies. I,1907,13,1,79-112,Scheltema The Opium Trade in the Dutch East Indies. II,1907,13,2,224-251,Scheltema The Personality of Inmates of Concentration Camps,1947,52,4,335-341,Bloch The Philadelphia Gas Works: A Modern Instance,1898,3,5,601-613,Clinton Rogers Woodruff The Philosophy of the Color Line,1913,19,3,343-357,Mecklin The Place of Sociology Among the Sciences,1895,1,1,16-27,Ward The Playground Survey,1914,19,6,792-812,Curtis The Position of Women in Early Civilization,1904,10,3,408-421,Westermarck The Prejudices of Men,1929,34,5,804-821,Wallis The Present Problems of Social Psychology,1905,10,4,456-472,Ross The Problem of Perspective in Moral Reasoning,1937,43,2,249-269,Lerner The Problem of Values in the Light of Psychopathology,1932,38,1,51-63,Boisen The Process of Urbanization and Criminal Behavior,1942,48,2,202-213,Clinard The Province of Social Psychology,1905,10,4,445-455,Thomas The Psychiatric Aspects of War and Peace,1941,46,4,504-520,Alexander The Psychology of Drink,1912,18,1,21-32,Crooker The Psychology of Modesty and Clothing,1899,5,2,246-262,Thomas The Psychology of Punitive Justice,1918,23,5,577-602,Mead The Psychology of Race-Prejudice,1904,9,5,593-611,Thomas The Psychotic Person Seen Culturally,1934,39,5,637-648,Dollard The Race Problem. As Discussed by Negro Women,1901,6,5,662-672,Blauvelt The Race-Preservation Dogma,1900,5,4,488-505,Llano The Relation of Anthropology to the Study of History,1895,1,1,41-49,Fellows The Relation of Biology and Sociology,1927,32,5,705-718,Reuter The relation of fatigue to industrial accidents I,1911,17,2,206-222,Bogardus The relation of fatigue to industrial accidents II,1911,17,3,351-374,Bogardus The relation of fatigue to industrial accidents III,1912,17,4,512-539,Bogardus The Relation of Home Background and Social Relations to Personality Adjustment,1934,40,2,143-154,Cavan The Relation of Sex to Primitive Social Control,1898,3,6,754-776,Thomas The Relation of Sociology and Pedagogy,1895,1,3,353-358,Tompkins The Relationship of Birth Order and Fraternal Position to Incidence of Insanity,1930,36,1,28-40,Schuler The Reliability and Validity of Interview Data Obtained from 59 Narcotic Drug Addicts,1967,72,6,650-654,Ball The Reversal of Malthus,1896,2,1,13-24,Tourgee The Rise of Modern Race Antagonisms,1932,37,5,738-747,Detweiler The Rivalry of Social Groups,1911,16,4,469-484,Vincent The Rural Mind: A Study in Occupational Attitude,1927,32,5,771-786,Smith The Scope and Method of Folk-Psychology,1896,1,4,434-445,Thomas The Scope of Social Technology,1901,6,4,465-486,Henderson The Scope of Sociology VII. Classification of Associations,1901,6,4,487-531,Small The Sentiment of White Supremacy an Ecological Study,1959,64,6,592-598,Heer The Significance of Multiple-Group Membership in Disaster,1952,57,4,309-314,Killian The So-Called Criminal Type,1912,18,3,381-390,Sheffield The Social and the Extra-Social,1899,4,5,649-655,Baldwin The Social Aspect of New York Police Courts,1899,5,2,145-154,Smith The Social Background of Asiatic Nationalism,1926,32,3,396-411,Spykman The Social Beliefs of College Seniors,1932,37,5,775-780,Dudycha The Social Cost of Southern Race Prejudice,1917,22,5,577-593,Howard The Social Function of War: Observations and Notes,1941,46,4,551-570,Park The Social Philosophy of the Old South,1918,23,6,735-746,Dodd The Social Problem and the Present War,1915,20,4,487-503,Ellwood The Social Psychology of Fear,1944,49,6,489-498,Riezler The Social Psychology of Morality and Its Bearing on Moral Education,1918,23,4,433-490,Folsom The Social Types of War,1941,46,4,445-454,Speier The Socially Inadequate: How Shall We Designate and Sort Them?,1921,27,1,54-70,Laughlin The Sociological Place of Law,1938,44,2,206-221,Timasheff The Sociology of Adolescence,1937,43,3,414-427,Reuter The Sociology of Conflict I,1904,9,4,490-525,Simmel The Sociology of Conflict II,1904,9,5,672-689,Simmel The Sociology of Recreation,1914,19,6,825-834,Gillin The Soldier's Language,1946,51,5,414-422,Elkin The Study of the Delinquent as a Person,1923,28,6,657-680,Burgess The Study of the Delinquent in the Army,1946,51,5,479-482,McCallum The Temper of the American,1907,13,3,380-391,Ross The Theory of Correlation Applied in Studies of Changing Attitudes,1927,33,2,269-275,Sturges The Theory of Imitation in Social Psychology,1901,6,6,721-741,Ellwood The Transition to an Objective Standard of Social Control I,1910,16,3,309-341,Bernard The Transition to an Objective Standard of Social Control II,1911,16,4,519-537,Bernard The United States Supreme Court and the Utah Eight-Hours' Law,1898,4,1,21-34,Kelley The Use and Validity of a Prediction Instrument I. A Reformulation of the Use of a Prediction Instrument,1953,58,5,503-510,Goodman The Validity of the Burgess Method of Parole Prediction,1948,53,5,376-386,Hakeem The Value of Social Factors in the Training of the Defective Child,1931,37,2,240-246,Beaman The War and Education in the United States,1942,48,3,331-342,Kallen The Welfare of Children,1935,40,6,746-754,Lenroot The Wish Never to Have Been Born,1932,37,4,547-559,Cavan The Work and Problems of the Consumers League,1901,6,6,764-777,McVey The Working Boy,1896,2,3,358-368,Kelley Theory and Quantitative Analysis in Criminological Research,1942,48,2,188-201,Riemer Thoughts on a Neglected Category of Social Movement Participant: The Agent Provocateur and the Informant,1974,80,2,402-442,Marx Toward a Sociological Definition of Old Age: A Research Note,1953,59,1,28-29,Edward Nelson Palmer Toward an Anthropological Science of Law and the Legal Profession,1951,57,2,121-135,Riesman Trades Unions and Public Duty,1899,4,4,448-462,Addams Two Racial Islands in Alabama,1931,36,4,552-567,Bond Two Sources of Antiwar Sentiment in America,1972,78,3,513-536,Schuman Understanding the Community,1931,36,4,616-624,Hoffer Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency. I. Illusions in a Research Project Using Matched Pairs,1951,57,2,107-114,Rubin Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency. II. An Appraisal of the Research Methods,1951,57,2,115-120,Reiss Urban Racial Violence in the United States: Changing Ecological Considerations,1960,66,2,109-119,Grimshaw Urbanization Crime and Collective Violence in 19th-Century France,1973,79,2,296-318,Tilly Vagrancy and Begging,1929,35,3,424-432,Gillin Values and Gang Delinquency: A Study of Street-Corner Groups,1963,69,2,109-128,Short Variability in the Criminal Behavior of American Indians,1942,47,4,602-613,Hayner Viewpoints and Methods in the Study of Race Relations,1935,40,4,440-452,House Violence and the Police,1953,59,1,34-41,Westley Violence in Prisons: A Sociological Analysis,1974,80,1,16-43,Ellis Vocabulary and Argot of Delinquent Boys,1934,39,5,674-677,Selling Volunteer Subjects as a Source of Sampling Bias,1949,54,6,539-544,Wallin War and Cultural Life,1942,48,3,404-410,Burke War and Invention,1931,36,4,625-633,Rossman War and Personality Disorganization,1942,48,3,387-397,Dunham War and the Catholic Church,1925,31,3,366-376,Siedenburg War and the Democratic State,1916,22,2,193-202,Bernard War Economic Motives and Economic Symbols,1939,44,5,629-648,Handman Warlordism: A Transitory Stage in Chinese Government,1938,43,5,691-703,Bloch What Is "Sociology of Law"?,1937,43,2,225-235,Timasheff What is a Social Problem?,1923,29,3,345-352,Hart What Makes a People Lethargic or Energetic?,1913,19,3,370-379,Ash Where Is the Modern Sociology of Conflict?,1950,56,1,11-16,Bernard Who Voted for Hitler? A New Look at the Class Basis of Naziism,1968,74,1,63-69,O'Lessker Witch Beliefs and Social Structure,1951,56,4,307-313,Wilson Women (1932 in review),1933,38,6,889-895,Woodhouse Workmen's Compensation or Insurance of Workmen and Their Dependents Against the Loss of Wages Arising Out of Industrial Accidents,1912,17,4,540-545,James Harrington Boyd Youth and Popular Music: A Study in the Sociology of Taste,1957,62,6,563-568,Katz Youthful Offenders: A Comparative Study of Two Groups Each of 1000 Young Recidivists,1916,22,1,38-52,Healy Book review: "Postmortem: How Medical Examiners Explain Suspicious Deaths" by Stefan Timmermans,2008,114,1,232-234,Pinch Book review: "The Explanation of Crime: Contexts Mechanisms and Development" edited by Per‐Olof H. Wikström and Robert J. Sampson,2008,113,4,1208-1210,Geis Book review: "The Many Colors of Crime: Inequalities of Race Ethnicity and Crime in America" edited by Ruth D. Peterson Lauren J. Krivo and John Hagan,2008,114,1,248-250,Cernkovich Book review: "The Prisons and the Gallows: The Politics of Mass Incarceration in America" by Marie Gottschalk,2007,113,3,899-901,Manza Book review: "Why Not Kill Them All? The Logic and Prevention of Mass Political Murder" by Daniel Chirot and Clark McCauley,2008,113,4,1210-1213,Medrano Bureaucrats and Entrepreneurs: Institutional Responses to Deviant Children in the United States 1890-1920s,1990,95,6,1367-1400,Sutton Caveat Emptor: The Construction of Nonprofit Consumer Watchdog Organizations,1998,103,4,912-961,Rao Changes in the Socioeconomic Stratification of the Races 1962-73,1976,82,3,621-651,Featherman Christian Intolerance of Homosexuality,1982,88,3,515-548,Greenberg Church Membership and Suicide Reconsidered: Comment on Breault,1988,93,6,1471-1479,Girard Civil Society and Crisis: Culture Discourse and the Rodney King Beating,1996,101,5,1238-1272,Jacobs Class in the household: a power-control theory of gender and delinquency,1987,92,4,788-816,Hagan Collective Sanctions and the Creation of Prisoner's Dilemma Norms,1988,94,3,535-562,Heckathorn Collective Security and the Demand for Legal Handguns,1983,88,6,1146-1161,Loftin Comment on "Race Sex and Violence",1975,81,3,634-635,Faris Comment on Alan Wells's "The Coup D'Etat in Theory and Practice: Independent Black Africa in the 1960s",1976,82,3,684-685,Phillips Comment on Clancy and Gove "Sex difference in mental illness",1976,81,6,1455-1458,Cooperstock Comment on Schulman's Article "Race Sex and Violence",1975,81,3,629-634,Yee Community Change and Patterns of Delinquency,1982,88,1,24-42,Webb Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social-Disorganization Theory,1989,94,4,774-802,Sampson Crime and State Surveillance in Nineteenth-Century France,1989,95,2,307-341,Gillis Crime Rates of American Cities in an Ecological Context,1976,82,3,605-620,Gibbs Defended Neighborhoods Integration and Racially Motivated Crime,1998,104,2,372-403,Green Defense Spending and Defense Voting in the House: An Empirical Study of an Aspect of the Military-Industrial Complex Thesis,1976,82,1,163-182,Cobb Delinquency and Disdain: Social Capital and the Control of Right-Wing Extremism Among East and West Berlin Youth,1995,100,4,1028-1052,Hagan Delinquent Peers Revisited: Does Network Structure Matter?,2001,106,4,1013-1057,Haynie Deterrence and the Death Penalty: A Comment on Phillips,1982,88,1,161-164,Phillips Deterrence and the Death Penalty: Reply to Zeisel,1982,88,1,170-172,Phillips Deterrence Poverty and Type of Homicide,1979,85,3,614-624,Smith Disaster Organizing and Role Enactment: A Structural Approach,1993,99,2,428-463,Kreps Discursive Opportunities and the Evolution of Right-Wing Violence in Germany,2004,110,1,198-230,Koopmans Do Neighborhoods Influence Child and Adolescent Development?,1993,99,2,353-395,Brooks-Gunn Durkheim's Theories of Deviance and Suicide: A Feminist Reconsideration,1995,100,4,904-930,Lehmann Early Parental Work Family Social Capital and Early Childhood Outcomes,1994,99,4,972-1009,Toby L. Parcel Economic Strains and the Coping Function of Alcohol,1976,82,3,652-663,Pearlin Edgework: A Social Psychological Analysis of Voluntary Risk Taking,1990,95,4,851-886,Lyng Emotions and Crime over the Life Course: A Neo-Meadian Perspective on Criminal Continuity and Change,2007,112,6,1603-1661,Cernkovich Errata: The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: New Evidence on an Old Controversy,1981,86,5,,No Author(s) Listed Errata: Young White Adults: Did Racial Attitudes Change in the 1980s?,1993,98,5,,No Author(s) Listed Erratum: Beyond Adolescence,1994,99,4,,No Author(s) Listed Erratum: Sex Differences and Psychiatric Disorders,1977,82,4,,No Author(s) Listed Explaining Spatial Variation in Support for Capital Punishment: A Multilevel Analysis,2003,108,4,844-875,Messner Extracommunity Dynamics and the Ecology of Delinquency,1987,92,4,775-787,Bursik Friendships and Delinquency,1986,91,5,1170-1202,Cernkovich From Peaceful Protest to Guerrilla War: Micromobilization of the Provisional Irish Republican Army,1989,94,6,1277-1302,White Functions of Crime: A Paradoxical Process,1991,96,6,1441-1463,Liska Gender Crime and Desistance: Toward a Theory of Cognitive Transformation,2002,107,4,990-1064,Cernkovich Group Threat and Regional Change in Attitudes Toward African-Americans,1996,102,3,816-860,Quillian Gun Ownership and the "Southern Subculture of Violence",1987,93,2,383-405,Lizotte Hans Zeisel Concludes the Debate,1982,88,2,394-396,Zeisel High-Risk Collective Action: Defending Human Rights in Chile Uruguay and Argentina,1998,104,2,477-525,Loveman Hispanic Suicide in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Examining the Effects of Immigration Assimilation Affluence and Disadvantage,2007,112,6,1848-1885,Kubrin How Many Latent Classes of Delinquent/Criminal Careers? Results from Mixed Poisson Regression Analyses,1998,103,6,1593-1630,Nagin Human Values and the Market: The Case of Life Insurance and Death in 19th-Century America,1978,84,3,591-610,Zelizer Imprisonment and Social Classification in Five Common-Law Democracies 1955-1985,2000,106,2,350-386,Sutton Industrial Violence in Italy 1878-1903,1976,82,1,131-162,Snyder Institutionalizing Collective Memories of Hate: Law and Law Enforcement in Germany and the United States,2005,111,2,579-616,Savelsberg Intelligence and Delinquency Reconsidered: A Comment on Menard and Morse,1986,91,4,956-962,Harry Interracial Conflict and Interracial Homicide: Do Political and Economic Rivalries Explain White Killings of Blacks or Black Killings of Whites?,1999,105,1,157-190,Jacobs IQ and Delinquency: A Response to Harry and Minor,1986,91,4,962-968,Morse Knowledge Domination and Criminal Punishment,1994,99,4,911-943,Savelsberg Labor Unrest Immigration and Ethnic Conflict in Urban America 1880-1914,1989,94,6,1303-1333,Olzak Law That Does Not Fit Society: Sentencing Guidelines as a Neoclassical Reaction to the Dilemmas of Substantivized Law,1992,97,5,1346-1381,Savelsberg Less Crime More Punishment,2008,114,2,491-527,Burt Low Socioeconomic Status and Mental Disorders: A Longitudinal Study of Selection and Causation During Young Adulthood,1999,104,4,1096-1131,Moffitt Male Power and Female Victimization: Toward a Theory of Interracial Rape,1982,88,2,311-328,LaFree Mean Streets: The Theoretical Significance of Situational Delinquency Among Homeless Youths,1992,98,3,597-627,Hagan Modeling the Relationship Between the Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems,1999,104,6,1744-1775,Markowitz More on the Myth of Rural Tranquility,1980,85,4,956-958,Benson Multiple Victimization in American Cities: A Statistical Analysis of Rare Events,1980,85,4,870-891,Nelson On Cultural Explanations of Southern Homicide: Comment on Dixon and Lizotte,1989,95,1,178-182,Huff-Corzine On the Concept of Face,1976,81,4,867-884,Ho Political Processes and Local Newspaper Coverage of Protest Events: From Selection Bias to Triadic Interactions,2000,106,2,463-505,Oliver Prison Riots as Microrevolutions: An Extension of State-Centered Theories of Revolution,1999,104,4,985-1029,Goldstone Pulled Pushed and Persuaded: Explaining Women's Mobilization into the Salvadoran Guerrilla Army,2006,112,1,1-45,Viterna Race and Juvenile Justice Processing in Court and Police Agencies,1982,87,5,1113-1132,Schutt Race Achievement and Delinquency: A Further Look at Delinquency in a Birth Cohort,1976,82,2,379-387,Jensen Race Class and the Perception of Criminal Injustice in America,1982,88,2,329-355,Hagan Racial Context and Police Force Size: Evaluating the Empirical Validity of the Minority Threat Perspective,2007,113,2,507-546,Baumer Region and Violent Attitudes Reconsidered: Comment on Dixon and Lizotte,1989,95,1,174-178,Ellison Regional and Racial Effects on the Urban Homicide Rate: The Subculture of Violence Revisited,1983,88,5,997-1007,Messner Reply to Gove and Tudor's Comment on "Sex Differences and Psychiatric Disorders",1977,82,6,1336-1345,Dohrenwend Response Bias Sex Differences and Mental Illness: A Reply,1976,81,6,1463-1472,Gove Rethinking Social Reactions to Crime: Personal and Altruistic Fear in Family Households,2000,106,3,551-578,Ellison Review: "Crime is Not the Problem: Lethal Violence in America" by Franklin E. Zimring and Gordon Hawkins,1999,104,5,1543-1545,Kleck Review: Normal Accidents: Living with High Risk Technologies. by Charles Perrow,1985,91,1,181-184,Rossi Review: On Coming to Terms with the Past,1997,103,1,210-215,Gamson Review: Studying the Nazi Party: "Clean Models: Versus "Dirty Hands",1997,103,1,199-209,Anheier Review: Who Joined the Nazis and Why?,1997,103,1,216-221,Brustein Rural-Urban Differences in the Use of Stress-Alleviative Drugs,1977,83,3,700-707,Webb Saying it Wrong with Figures: A Comment on Zeisel,1982,88,2,390-393,Berk School Desegregation Interracial Exposure and Antibusing Activity in Contemporary Urban America,1994,100,1,196-241,Olzak Sex Differences and Psychiatric Disorders,1976,81,6,1447-1454,Dohrenwend Sex Differences in Mental Illness: A Comment on Dohrenwend and Dohrenwend,1977,82,6,1327-1336,Gove Sex Differences in Mental Illness: Comment on Clancy and Gove's Interpretations,1976,81,6,1458-1463,Seiler Social Consensus on Norms of Justice: Should the Punishment Fit the Crime?,1980,85,5,1117-1144,Hamilton Social Structure and Crime Control Among Macrosocial Units,1984,90,2,383-395,Chamlin Social Structure Institutions and the Legal Status of Children in the United States,1983,88,5,915-947,Sutton Socioeconomic Status and Mental Disorder: New Evidence and a Sociomedical Formulation,1979,84,5,1175-1200,Rushing Structural Influences on Activism and Crime: Identifying the Social Structure of Discontent,2006,112,2,510-566,McVeigh Suburbanization and Central-City Crime Rates: New Evidence and a Reinterpretation,1987,93,3,688-700,Farley Suicide in America: A Test of Durkheim's Theory of Religious and Family Integration 1933-1980,1986,92,3,628-656,Breault Systematic Social Observation of Public Spaces: A New Look at Disorder in Urban Neighborhoods,1999,105,3,603-651,Sampson Tacit Knowledge Weapons Design and the Uninvention of Nuclear Weapons,1995,101,1,44-99,MacKenzie Talking City Trouble: Interactional Vandalism Social Inequality and the "Urban Interaction Problem",1999,104,5,1263-1295,Molotch The Burden of Proof: Southern Subculture-of-Violence -- Explanations of Gun Ownership and Homicide,1989,95,1,182-187,Lizotte The class structure of gender and delinquency: toward a power-control theory of common delinquent behavior,1985,90,6,1151-1178,Hagan The Contagiousness of Aircraft Hijacking,1986,91,4,874-904,Holden The Determinants of Deadly Force: A Structural Analysis of Police Violence,1998,103,4,837-862,Jacobs The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: New Evidence on an Old Controversy,1980,86,1,139-148,Phillips The Diffusion of Collective Violence: Infectiousness Susceptibility and Mass Media Networks,2000,106,1,173-208,Myers The Dynamics of Self-Esteem and Delinquency,1984,90,2,396-410,McCarthy The European Witch Craze: Still a Sociologist's Perspective,1983,88,6,1275-1279,Ben-Yehuda The Fluctuation of Homicides After Publicized Executions: Reply to Kobbervig Inverarity and Lauderdale,1982,88,1,165-167,Phillips The Great European Witch-Hunts: A Historical Perspective,1983,88,6,1270-1274,Hoak The Impact of Fictional Television Suicide Stories on U.S. Fatalities: A Replication,1984,90,1,151-167,Kessler The Interracial Nature of Violent Crimes: A Reexamination,1987,92,4,817-835,O'Brien The Mark of a Criminal Record,2003,108,5,937-975,Pager The Organizational Context of Criminal Sentencing,1995,100,5,1157-1198,Dixon The Partial Effect of Income on Suicide is Always Negative,1975,80,6,1454-1460,Barnes The Politics of Resentment in the Post-Civil Rights Era: Minority Threat Homicide and Ideological Voting in Congress,2007,112,5,1458-1494,Jacobs The Practice and Explanation of Coups D'Etat: Measurement or Artifact?,1976,82,3,674-683,Morrison The Seriousness of Acts and Social Contexts: A Test of Black's Theory of the Behavior of Law,1987,93,2,322-347,Hembroff The Social Ecology of Rural Violence: Land Scarcity the Organization of Agricultural Production and the Presence of the State,2004,110,2,313-348,Villarreal The Social Organization of Street Gang Activity in an Urban Ghetto,1997,103,1,82-111,Venkatesh The Sutherland-Glueck Debate: On the Sociology of Criminological Knowledge,1991,96,6,1402-1440,Sampson Thrill and Adventure Seeking and the Age Distribution of Crime: Comment on Hirschi and Gottfredson,1985,90,6,1326-1330,Baldwin Toward a Phenomenology of Domestic Family Violence,1984,90,3,483-513,Denzin Understanding the Dialectic of Discourse and Collective Action: Public Debate and Rioting in Antebellum Cincinnati,1995,101,1,100-144,Ellingson Urban black violence: The effect of male joblessness and family disruption,1987,93,2,348-382,Sampson Vicarious Violence: Spatial Effects on Southern Lynchings 1890-1919,1996,102,3,788-815,Tolnay Violent-Crime Rates and Racial Composition: Covergence Over Time,1995,101,3,578-610,Liska Vote Turnout of Nineteenth Amendment Women: The Enduring Effect of Disenfranchisement,1995,100,4,972-996,Chen Was There a Hawthorne Effect?,1992,98,3,451-468,Jones Welfare State and Infant Mortality,2001,107,3,768-807,Springer Why Do Strikes Turn Violent?,1991,96,5,1117-1150,Wallace Why No Trade-off between "Guns and Butter"? Armed Forces and Social Spending in the Advanced Industrial Democracies 1960-1993,2006,112,2,473-509,Gifford Comment on Jack Gibb's "Marital status and suicide",1969,75,3,405-411,Segal Marital status and suicide in the United States: a special test of the status integration theory,1969,74,5,521-533,Gibbs The effect of income on the suicide rate: a paradox resolved,1968,74,3,302-303,Simon The partial effect of income on suicide is always negative,1975,80,6,1454-1462,Barnes Murder by structure: dominance relations and the social structure of gang homicide,2009,115,1,74-128,Papachristos Incest avoidance the incest taboo and social cohesion: revisiting Westermarck and the case of the Israeli kibbutzim,2009,114,6,1803-1842,Shor Segregation racial structure and neighborhood violent crime,2009,114,6,1765-1802,Peterson The ethnic roots of class universalism: rethinking the "Russian" revolutionary elite,2008,114,3,649-705,Riga Comment on Lerman's "Gangs Networks and Subcultural Delinquency",1968,73,4,513-515,Short Comment on Lerman's "Gangs Networks and Subcultural Delinquency." Reply,1968,73,4,515-517,Lerman So long as they both shall live: marital dissolution and the decline of domestic homicide in France 1852-1909,1996,101,5,1273-1305,Gillis Gender Inequality in the Welfare State: Sex Segregation in Housework 1965–2003,2010,115,5,1480-1523,Hook The civilizing process and its discontents: suicide and crimes against persons in France 1825-1830,2010,116,1,130-186,Whitt The Civilizing Process and Its Discontents: Suicide and Crimes against Persons in France 1825–1830,2010,116,1,130-186,Whitt Cultural mechanisms and the persistence of neighborhood violence,2011,116,4,1190-1233,Papachristos The enduring effects of cohort characteristics on age-specific homicide rates 1960-1995,1999,104,4,1061-1095,O'Brien The sociological study of a social problem: a reply to Roman,1978,83,4,991-994,Pearlin Possible effects of using alcohol to control distress: a reanalysis of Pearlin and Radabaugh's data,1978,83,4,987-991,Roman Bureaucratic initiative in capitalist New Zealand: A case study of the Accident Compensation Act of 1972,1982,88,Suppl,S154-S175,Shannon The European witch craze of the 14th to 17th centuries: a sociologist's perspective,1980,86,1,1-31,Ben-Yehuda War and Technology,1941,46,4,431-444,Kaempffert War and civilization in the future,1941,46,4,582-590,Teggart Defining America's racial boundaries: Blacks Mexicans and European immigrants 1890-1945,2012,118,2,327-379,Fox Employment and exile: U.S. criminal deportations 1908-2005,2012,117,6,1786-1825,King Eviction and the reproduction of urban poverty,2012,118,1,88-133,Desmond Legal violence: immigration law and the lives of Central American immigrants,2012,117,5,1380-1421,Menjívar Northward migration and the rise of racial disparity in American incarceration 1880-1950,2012,118,2,281-326,Muller Overdoing gender: a test of the masculine overcompensation thesis,2013,118,4,980-1022,Willer Racial fluidity and inequality in the United States,2012,118,3,676-727,Penner Social movement organizational collaboration: networks of learning and the diffusion of protest tactics 1960-1995,2012,117,6,1674-1722,Wang Terrorist events and attitudes toward immigrants: a natural experiment,2013,118,5,1199-1245,Legewie The sacralization of the individual: human rights and the abolition of the death penalty,2013,118,5,1246-1283,Mathias The transformation of America's penal order: a historicized political sociology of punishment,2013,118,5,1375-1423,Schoenfeld Economic strains and the coping functions of alcohol,1976,82,3,652-663,Pearlin Generating a violent insurgency: China's factional warfare of 1967-1968,2020,126,1,99-135,Walder The dynamics of repression and insurgent practice in the Black liberation struggle,2020,126,2,195-259,Bloom Jim Crow and the spatial mismatch hypothesis,2020,126,2,407-452,Grigoryeva Property Crime Rates in the United States: A Macrodynamic Analysis 1947-1977 with Ex Ante Forecasts for the Mid-1980s,1980,86,1,90-118,Felson A Critique of Criminology: Toward an Integrated Structural Marxist Theory of Delinquent Production,1983,89,3,513-551,Colvin Gun Ownership and the "Southern Culture of Violence",1987,93,2,383-405,Lizotte Observations on the Study of Crime Causation,1971,77,2,262-278,Gibbons Social Class Social Disability and Gang Interaction,1967,73,1,42-62,Gordon The Social Reproduction of a Criminal Class in Working-Class London Circa 1950-1980,1990,96,2,265-299,Hagan The Juvenile Court as a People-Processing Organization: A Political Economy Perspective,1985,90,4,801-824,Hassenfeld Parents Peers and Delinquent Action: A Test of the Differential Association Perspective,1972,78,3,562-575,Jensen Class Compliance Structures and Delinquency: Assessing Integrated Structural-Marxist Theory,1990,96,2,300-328,Messner The Interracial Nature of Violent Crimes: A Re-Examination,1987,92,4,817-835,O'Brien Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social Disorganization Theory,1989,94,4,774-802,Sampson The Response of Gang Leaders to Status Threats: An Observation on Group Process and Delinquent Behavior,1963,68,5,571-578,Short Practicing What They Preach? Lynching and Religion in the American South 1890 - 1929,2011,117,3,ePub,Snedker Race in California's prison fire camps for men: prison politics space and the racialization of everyday life,2014,120,2,352-394,Goodman Sources of sibling (dis)similarity: total family impact on status variation in The Netherlands in the nineteenth century,2014,120,3,908-948,Maas Capital punishment gun ownership and homicide,1979,84,4,882-910,Kleck Structural covariates of homicide rates: are there any invariances across time and social space,1990,95,4,922-963,McCall The Politics of Trafficking: The First International Movement to Combat the Sexual Exploitation of Women,2011,116,6,2047-2049,Soderlund Life interrupted: trafficking into forced labor in the United States,2015,120,6,1868-1871,Farrell Illicit flirtations: labor migration and sex trafficking in Tokyo,2012,118,2,511-512,Barton Representing human rights violations in Darfur: global justice national distinctions,2015,121,2,564-603,Savelsberg Peer influence genetic propensity and binge drinking: a natural experiment and a replication,2015,121,3,914-954,Duncan The role of multilayered peer groups in adolescent depression: a distributional approach,2020,125,6,1513-1558,Lee Doing violence making race: Southern lynching and White racial group formation,2016,121,5,1329-1374,Smångs Racial profiling and use of force in police stops: how local events trigger periods of increased discrimination,2016,122,2,379-424,Legewie The institutional and cultural logics of legal commensuration: blood money and negotiated justice in China,2017,122,4,1104-1143,He The dynamics of collapse in an authoritarian regime: China in 1967,2017,122,4,1144-1182,Walder Belief network analysis: a relational approach to understanding the structure of attitudes,2017,122,5,1371-1447,Boutyline Do anti-immigrant laws shape public sentiment? A study of Arizona's SB 1070 using Twitter data,2017,123,2,333-384,Flores Public housing redevelopment neighborhood change and the restructuring of urban inequality,2017,123,3,686-739,Tach The spatial scale and spatial configuration of residential settlement: measuring segregation in the postbellum South,2017,123,4,1161-1203,Logan Disciplining play: digital youth culture as capital at school,2018,123,5,1416-1452,Rafalow Economic self-reliance and gender inequality between U.S. men and women 1970-2010,2019,124,5,1413-1467,McCall Race place and crime: how violent crime events affect employment discrimination,2019,125,1,63-104,Mobasseri Decoupling: marital violence and the struggle to divorce in China,2019,125,2,325-381,Michelson How do criminal courts respond in times of crisis? Evidence from 9/11,2019,125,2,485-533,Massoglia Revisiting the Weberian presumption: gun militarism gun populism and the racial politics of legitimate violence in policing,2019,125,3,633-682,Carlson Kids these days: are face-to-face social skills among American children declining?,2020,125,4,1030-1083,Downey The imperial origins of American policing: militarization and imperial feedback in the early 20th century,2020,125,5,1193-1254,Go Cracks in broken windows: how objects shape professional evaluation,2021,126,4,759-794,Bartram Incorporation: governing gendered violence in a state of disempowerment,2021,126,4,852-888,Roychowdhury Marital experiences and depression in an arranged marriage setting,2021,126,6,1439-1486,Axinn Denomination religious context and suicide: neo‐Durkheimian multilevel explanations tested with individual and contextual data,2005,111,3,797-823,Te Grotenhuis Review of the suicide problem in the United States,1927,33,2,317-318,Cavan Statistics in social research,1929,35,1,1-17,Thomas Some ecological patterns of community disorganization in Honolulu,1930,36,2,206-220,Lind Century-old ecological studies in France,1933,39,1,63-70,Elmer