Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Accidental policy: an analysis of the problem of unintended injuries of childhood,1983,53,4,629-644,Margolis Media violence gun control and public policy,1996,66,3,378-389,Zuckerman Exposure to violence and low-income children's mental health: Direct moderated and mediated relations,2004,74,4,413-423,Buckner The role of impulsivity in children's estimation of physical ability: Implications for children's unintentional injury risk,2004,74,4,584-588,Schwebel Why do so many Latina teens attempt suicide? A conceptual model for research,2005,75,2,275-287,Zayas Self-injurious behavior as a separate clinical syndrome,2005,75,2,324-333,Muehlenkamp Community violence and urban families: experiences effects and directions for intervention,2005,75,3,356-368,McKay Completed suicide and psychiatric diagnoses in young people: a critical examination of the evidence,2005,75,4,676-683,Beautrais Role taking of youths in a family context: adolescents exposed to interparental violence,2005,75,4,644-657,Goldblatt The Relation between Violence Exposure and Conduct Problems among Adolescents: A Prospective Study,2005,75,4,575-584,McCabe Implementing trauma-informed alcohol and other drug and mental health services for women: lessons learned in a multisite demonstration project,2005,75,4,525-539,Reed Children who set fires: some background and behavioral characteristics,1981,51,3,484-488,Gruber Collaborative treatment of juvenile firesetters: assessment and outreach,1990,60,2,305-310,Webb Are multiracial adolescents at greater risk? Comparisons of rates patterns and correlates of substance use and violence between monoracial and multiracial adolescents,2006,76,1,86-97,Catalano Urban adolescent mothers exposed to community family and partner violence: prevalence outcomes and welfare policy implications,2006,76,1,44-54,Kennedy Familial violence socialization in childhood and later life approval of corporal punishment: a cross-cultural perspective,2006,76,1,23-30,Douglas Post-9/11 helpseeking by New York City parents on behalf of highly exposed young children,2006,76,2,167-175,Devoe Risk factors for deliberate self-harm among female college students: The role and interaction of childhood maltreatment emotional inexpressivity and affect intensity/reactivity,2006,76,2,238-250,Gratz Rape race and the death penalty in Georgia,1975,45,4,658-668,Riedel Unlicensed residential programs: the next challenge in protecting youth,2006,76,3,295-303,Green Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology: patterns among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment,2006,76,3,335-345,Novins Violence in juvenile gangs: some notes and a few analogies,1963,33,-,29-37,Scharr Parasuicidality and patient careerism: Treatment recidivism and the dialectics of failure,2005,75,2,288-303,Ellenhorn An empirical typology of youth with severe emotional disturbances,2002,72,2,250-261,Fields Adolescent parricide: an integration of social cognitive theory and clinical views of projective-introjective cycling,1995,65,1,39-47,Dutton A social-ecological analysis of adolescent suicidal ideation,1995,65,1,114-124,Shagle Suicidal behavior in adolescents: stress and protection in different family contexts,1998,68,2,274-284,Rubin The parental empathy measure: a new approach to assessing child maltreatment risk,2005,75,4,608-620,Kilpatrick Child abuse potential in at-risk African American mothers: the role of life experience variables,2002,72,3,433-444,Ornduff Subgroups of physically abusive parents based on cluster analysis of parenting behavior and affect,2004,74,4,436-447,Haskett Measuring child maltreatment: A comparison of prospective parent reports and retrospective adolescent reports,2004,74,4,424-435,Huang Risk factors for deliberate self-harm among college students,2002,72,1,128-140,Gratz Preference for violent electronic games self-concept and gender differences in young children,2000,70,2,233-241,Funk Profile of children investigated for sexual abuse: association with psychopathology symptoms and services,2006,76,4,468-481,McCrae Delayed disclosure of alleged child abuse victims in Israel,2006,76,4,444-450,Hershkowitz The Afghan symptom checklist: a culturally grounded approach to mental health assessment in a conflict zone,2006,76,4,423-433,Miller Beyond trauma-focused psychiatric epidemiology: bridging research and practice with war-affected populations,2006,76,4,409-422,Miller Trauma exposure and child abuse potential: Investigating the cycle of violence,2007,77,2,296-305,Sprang Racial differences in the characteristics of firearm suicide decedents in the United States,2007,77,1,124-130,Joe Physical illness functional limitations and suicide risk: a population-based study,2007,77,1,56-60,Newsom An Analysis of Accidents at A Day-Care-Center,1987,57,1,60-65,Elardo Subclinical self-harm: Range of behaviors extent and associated characteristics,2007,77,2,332-342,Waltz An analysis of accidents at a day care center,1987,57,1,60-65,Elardo Needed: new concepts and methods in research on violence and its effects,2006,76,4,407-408,Russo Do urban adolescents become desensitized to community violence? Data from a national survey,2007,77,3,434-442,Resnick Adolescent female murderers: Characteristics and treatment implications,2007,77,3,489-496,Roe-Sepowitz Acculturation and acculturative stress as indictors for suicide risk among African Americans,2007,77,3,386-391,Walker Longitudinal helpseeking patterns among victims of intimate partner violence: The relationship between legal and extralegal services,2007,77,3,467-477,Dutton Children's self-report about violence exposure: An examination of the Things I Have Seen and Heard Scale,2007,77,3,454-466,Runyan Tomorrow's players under occupation: An analysis of the association of political violence with psychological functioning and domestic violence among Palestinian youth,2007,77,3,427-433,Al-Krenawi Episodically homeless women with serious mental illness: Prevalence of physical and sexual assault,1995,65,4,468-478,Harris Rape torture and traumatization of Bosnian and Croatian women: Psychological sequelae,1995,65,3,428-433,Marusic Iranian refugee children in Sweden: Effects of organized violence and forced migration on preschool children,1995,65,2,225-237,Almqvist The victimization of children: a developmental perspective,1995,65,2,177-193,Finkelhor Risk and protective factors for disruptive behavior disorders in children,1994,64,4,534-544,Grizenko Paternal caregiving and incest,1995,65,4,584-586,Bixler Protecting severely abused children: clarifying the roles of criminal justice and child welfare,1993,63,4,509-517,Lindsey Adolescent PTSD and developmental consequences of crack dealing,1993,63,4,553-561,Weisman Child maltreatment in family foster care,1993,63,4,589-596,Zuravin A clinical typology of interparental violence in disputed-custody divorces,1993,63,2,190-199,Johnston Childhood sexual abuse and parental alcoholism: interactive effects in adult women,1993,63,2,300-305,Yama Woman battering in Israel: the relative contributions of interpersonal factors,1993,63,2,313-317,Edleson Munchausen syndrome by proxy: diagnosis and prevalence,1993,63,2,318-321,Schreier Victimization and traumatic injuries among the homeless: associations with alcohol drug and mental problems,1992,62,4,525-534,Struening Child sexual abuse histories among African-American college students: A preliminary study,1992,62,3,475-476,Priest Rethinking child sexual abuse: an anthropological perspective,1992,62,1,147-153,Konker Preschool child sex abuse: The aftermath of the Presidio case,1992,62,2,234-244,Ehrensaft A typology of men who batter: three types derived from cluster analysis,1992,62,2,264-275,Saunders The effects of statutory requirements on child maltreatment reporting: a comparison of two state laws,1992,62,2,284-296,Kalichman Homicide and Attempted Suicide: A Rorschach Study,1946,16,JUL,516-524,Rabin Mystery Fans and the Problem of Potential Murderers,1945,15,APR,309-317,Bergler A Re-Evaluation of the Psychodynamics of Firesetting,1961,31,1,123-136,Kaufman Case study of a 13-year-old fire-setter: A catalyst in the growing pains of a residential treatment unit,1957,27,2,396-410,Siegel Violence and the Western Political Tradition,1963,33,1,15-28,Wolin Violence in juvenile gangs: Some notes and a few analogies,1963,33,1,29-37,Scharr Aggressive juvenile offenders transitioning into emerging adulthood: Factors discriminating persistors and desistors,2003,73,3,310-323,Henggeler Normalization of violence among inner-city youth: a formulation for research,2002,72,1,92-101,Stueve Pathologic adaptation to community violence among inner-city youth,2004,74,2,196-208,Salzinger Long-term effects of divorce on children: a developmental vulnerability model,1987,57,4,587-600,Kalter Victimization of children with disabilities,2007,77,4,629-635,Lamb Emotional availability in a sample of mothers with a history of abuse,2007,77,4,624-628,Moehler Witnessing community violence and health-risk behaviors among detained adolescents,2007,77,4,506-513,DiClemente Cumulative trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder among children exposed to the 9/11 World Trade Center attack,2008,78,1,103-108,Cloitre Violence exposure across multiple contexts: Individual and joint effects on adjustment,2008,78,1,70-84,Windle Adversity and psychosocial competence of South African children,1999,69,3,319-327,Richter Toward assessing traumatic events and stress symptoms in preschool children from low-income families,2008,78,2,220-228,Krishnan Childhood maltreatment and antisocial behavior: Comparison of self-reported and substantiated maltreatment,2008,78,2,173-186,Smith Women and suicidal behavior: A cultural analysis,2008,78,2,259-266,Canetto African American inner-city youth exposed to violence: Coping skills as a moderator for anxiety,2008,78,2,249-258,Miller Deliberate self-harm and alcohol involvement in college-aged females: A controlled comparison in a nonclinical sample,2008,78,4,442-448,Clements Examining the sexual offenses of female juveniles: The relevance of childhood maltreatment,2008,78,4,405-412,Roe-Sepowitz The role of socioeconomic status in help-seeking from hotlines shelters and police among a national sample of women experiencing intimate partner violence,2008,78,4,413-422,Cattaneo The complexity of trauma types in the lives of women in families referred for family violence: Multiple mediators of mental health,2008,78,4,394-404,Williams National and global agendas on violence against women: Historical perspective and consensus,2008,78,4,386-393,White Call to action: Reducing interpersonal violence across the lifespan,2008,78,4,383-385,Russo Attachment-based intervention for maltreating families,2008,78,3,322-332,St-Laurent Substance involvement among youths in child welfare: The role of common and unique risk factors,2008,78,3,340-349,Landsverk Relations among gender violence exposure and mental health: The national survey of adolescents,2008,78,3,313-321,Resnick Pathways to posttraumatic growth versus posttraumatic stress: Coping and emotional reactions following the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks,2008,78,3,300-312,Snyder Motor skills of hyperactive children,1972,42,5,746,Dimitroff Non-suicidal self-injury and eating pathology in high school students,2009,79,1,83-92,Ross Victimization anger and gender: Low anger and passive responses work,2009,79,1,71-82,Champion Posttraumatic stress symptoms in children after Hurricane Katrina: Predicting the need for mental health services,2009,79,2,212-220,Brennan Women's perspective on men's control and aggression in intimate relationships,2009,79,2,169-180,Winstok Mediating pathways explaining psychosocial functioning and revictimization as sequelae of parental violence among adolescent mothers,2009,79,2,181-190,Lee A multivariate contextual analysis of torture and cruel inhuman and degrading treatments: Implications for an evidence-based definition of torture,2009,79,2,135-145,Başoğlu Resilience in homeless youth: the key role of self-esteem,2008,78,2,163-172,Shahar Prevalence and correlates of depression anxiety and suicidality among university students,2007,77,4,534-542,Eisenberg Risk and promotive factors related to depressive symptoms among Japanese youth,2007,77,4,523-533,Luster Psychiatric disorders in property violent and versatile offending detained male adolescents,2009,79,1,31-38,Vermeiren Assessing mental health and psychosocial status in communities exposed to traumatic events: Sri Lanka as an example,2008,78,2,229-239,Fernando Parents' experience and meaning construction of the loss of a child in a national terror attack,2008,78,1,93-102,Shamai Mothers' violence victimization and child behavior problems: examining the link,2007,77,2,306-315,Thompson Family structure variations in patterns and predictors of child victimization,2007,77,2,282-295,Finkelhor Witness and nonwitness children's violent and peaceful behavior in different types of simulated conflict with peers,2007,77,2,206-215,Ballif-Spanvill Children's communication about distressing events: the role of emotional openness and psychological attributes of family members,2007,77,1,86-94,Lutz Adolescent exposure to recurrent terrorism in Israel: posttraumatic distress and functional impairment,2007,77,1,76-85,Brom Biology and human aggression,1970,40,4,568-576,Scott Standard operating procedures and institutionalization on the psychiatric unit,1970,40,5,744-750,Stern Adolescent suicidal behavior,1970,40,1,87-96,Stanley Violence and counterviolence: the need for a children's domestic exchange,1969,39,4,553-568,Pierce Principles of management in child abuse cases,1968,38,1,127-136,Friedman Some practical procedures in the management of suicidal persons,1966,36,5,896-903,Mintz Children's disturbed reactions to parent suicide,1966,36,5,873-880,Cain Suicide prevention around the clock,1966,36,3,551-558,Litman A gale force wind: meaning making by male survivors of childhood sexual abuse,2006,76,4,434-443,Grossman Fifty delinquents in juvenile and adult court,2006,76,2,206-214,Beyer Clarifying core characteristics of attachment disorders: a review of current research and theory,2006,76,1,55-64,Zilberstein An exploratory study of posttraumatic growth in children following a natural disaster,2006,76,1,65-69,Tedeschi The potential benefits of remaining in school on the long-term mental health functioning of physically and sexually abused children: beyond the academic domain,2006,76,1,18-22,MacMillan The ecology of child abuse within a military community,1971,41,4,675-678,Sattin A child is being beaten,1971,41,4,540-556,Pasamanick The significance of nonhuman objects for normal and schizophrenic children,1972,42,5,816-824,Wundheiler Child abuse as psychopathology: a sociological critique and reformulation,1973,43,4,611-621,Gelles Urban policemen: crisis mediators or crisis creators?,1973,43,4,632-639,Barocas Individual and group responses to confinement in a skyjacked plane,1973,43,3,459-469,Jacobson Perspectives on the medical research of violence,1974,44,5,675-687,Coleman Adolescent suicide at an Indian reservation,1974,44,1,43-49,May Traffic violation frequencies of state hospital psychiatric patients,1975,45,5,887-889,Ramadas Children in a warring world,1975,45,5,765-772,Escalona Murder and the death penalty: a case report,1975,45,4,712-722,Diamond Capital punishment as suicide and as murder,1975,45,4,701-711,Solomon Psychiatric reflections on the death penalty,1975,45,4,689-700,West A sociological perspective on public support for capital punishment,1975,45,4,641-657,Thomas Family experience and public support of the death penalty,1975,45,4,596-613,Gelles The social construction of child abuse,1975,45,3,363-371,Gelles Professional abuse of children: Responsibility for the delivery of services,1975,45,3,357-362,Polier Unraveling child abuse,1975,45,3,346-356,Gil Violence at home: A review of the literature,1975,45,3,328-345,Lystad Preventing the abuse of little children: The Parents' Center Project for the study and prevention of child abuse,1975,45,3,372-381,Galdston The ego and the integration of violence in homicidal youth,1975,45,1,134-145,King From phrenology to psychosurgery and back again: biological studies of criminality,1976,46,4,591-607,Abramowitz The role of the child in abuse: a review of the literature,1976,46,4,580-590,Friedrich A behavioral classification of welfare children from survey data,1976,46,3,447-463,McCarthy Torture and genocide as public health problems,1976,46,3,388-392,Pilisuk Counter-transference and counter-experience in the treatment of violence prone youth,1976,46,1,43-52,King At the threshold of the Golden Gate: special problems of a neglected minority,1977,47,4,701-713,Pilisuk A case for permanent foster placement of dependent neglected and abused children,1977,47,4,604-614,Derdeyn Conflict and detente between social issues and clinical practice,1977,47,3,466-475,Brown Intra-ethnic violence in a Hawaii school: a mental health consultation experience,1977,47,3,451-455,Lee Child abuse and neglect: the rights of parents and the needs of their children,1977,47,3,377-387,Derdeyn Child abuse and neglect: toward a firmer foundation for practice and policy,1977,47,3,374-376,Newberger Spare the rod and spoil the child revisited,1977,47,3,372-373,Knitzer Battered women: a study of women who live with violent alcohol-abusing men,1977,47,2,291-306,Hanks Family functioning and childhood accident occurrence,1977,47,2,250-263,Plionis The sexually misused child,1977,47,1,80-90,Brant "Irreconcilable differences" between parent and child: a case report of interactional pathology,1978,48,4,703-716,Tooley Child abuse and neglect: the myth of classlessness,1978,48,4,608-617,Pelton The medicalization and legalization of child abuse,1978,48,4,593-607,Newberger Violence toward children in the United States,1978,48,4,580-592,Gelles Battered wives: barriers to identification and treatment,1978,48,3,487-494,Rounsaville Methods for studying sensitive family topics,1978,48,3,408-424,Gelles Sexual abuse of children: a clinical spectrum,1978,48,2,237-251,Summit Television and children: issues involved in corrective action,1978,48,2,205-213,Somers Corporal punishment and the court,1978,48,1,185-186,Kapit What's wrong with sex between adults and children? Ethics and the problem of sexual abuse,1979,49,4,692-697,Finkelhor Incestuous rape: a cause for hysterical seizures in four adolescent girls,1979,49,4,704-708,Gross The character-disordered family: a community treatment model for family sexual abuse,1979,49,3,436-445,Anderson Interpreting family violence data,1979,49,2,194 372-4,Pelton Family constellation factors depression and parent suicide potential,1979,49,1,164-167,Wenz Emotional development in physically abused children,1980,50,4,686-696,Kinard Changing hospital childbirth practices: a developmental perspective on prevention of child maltreatment,1980,50,4,588-597,Garbarino Child maltreatment risk among adolescent mothers: a study of reported cases,1980,50,3,489-504,Bolton Teenage parenting and child abuse: are they related?,1980,50,3,481-488,Kinard Treatment of young children among nonwestern Jewish mothers in Israel: sociocultural variables,1980,50,2,323-340,Goshen-Gottstein Adolescent girls in need of protection,1980,50,2,264-278,Byles Children: the unintended victims of marital violence,1981,51,4,692-699,O'Leary Maternal personality and attitude in disturbances of child rearing,1981,51,4,680-691,Egeland Depression danger dependency denial: work with poor black single parents,1981,51,4,662-671,Wortman Failure of "bond formation" as a cause of abuse neglect and maltreatment,1981,51,1,78-84,Egeland Narcissistic traits in certain abused children,1981,51,1,55-62,Yates Child sex initiation rings,1981,51,1,110-119,Burgess Mandatory reporting laws,1982,52,4,748-750,Constantine Preparing for nuclear war: the psychological effects,1982,52,4,580-581,Goldman Children's rights: where are the children?,1982,52,3,530-538,Melton Children parents and the state,1982,52,3,496-505,Solnit Children's rights in the family and society: dilemmas and realities,1982,52,3,481-495,Knitzer Children under fire: the role of the schools,1982,52,3,409-419,Schwartz Experiencing child abuse: effects on emotional adjustment,1982,52,1,82-91,Kinard Child abuse and neglect statutes: legal and clinical implications,1982,52,1,73-81,Guyer Child abuse and accidents in black families: a controlled comparative study,1983,53,4,645-653,Hampton Death by poverty arms or moral numbness,1983,53,4,593-601,Edelman Psychological functioning of children in a battered women's shelter: a preliminary investigation,1983,53,3,525-531,Hughes Parental awareness and child abuse: a cognitive-developmental analysis of urban and rural samples,1983,53,3,512-524,Newberger Spirits shamans and nightmare death: survivor stress in a Hmong refugee,1983,53,3,439-448,Friedman Violent kids violent parents: family pharmacotherapy,1983,53,1,152-156,Youngerman Child maltreatment as a social problem: the neglect of neglect,1984,54,4,530-543,Wolock Family history of illness in the seriously suicidal adolescent: a life-cycle approach,1984,54,3,390-397,Friedman The relationship between maternal risk status and maternal sensitivity,1984,54,2,250-262,Crittenden Black adolescents and youth: an endangered species,1984,54,1,6-21,Gibbs Three forms of factitious illness in children: when is it Munchausen syndrome by proxy?,1986,56,4,602-611,Schreier Child abuse and pediatric social illness: an epidemiological analysis and ecological reformulation,1986,56,4,589-601,Hampton Maternal-neonatal incest,1986,56,4,577-580,Burns Displacement of affect in families following incest disclosure,1986,56,4,570-576,Solin Allegations of child sexual abuse in child custody disputes: a therapeutic assessment model,1986,56,4,560-569,Bresee A conceptual model for judging the truthfulness of a young child's allegation of sexual abuse,1986,56,4,550-559,de Young Father-daughter sexual abuse: an emerging perspective,1986,56,4,531-549,Parker Alcoholism and severe child maltreatment,1986,56,3,481-485,Stone Treatment recommendation implementation and follow-up in child abuse,1986,56,3,478-480,Lewis The victim-to-patient process: the disconfirmation and transformation of abuse,1986,56,3,360-370,Carmen Children's beliefs about punishment,1986,56,2,308-312,Carlson Treating sexually abused children: issues of blame and responsibility,1986,56,2,303-307,Lamb Returning children home: clinical decision making in cases of child abuse and neglect,1986,56,2,253-262,Hampton Adolescent sexual offenders: offender and offense characteristics,1986,56,2,225-233,Smith The federal Model Child Care Standards Act of 1985: step in the right direction or hollow gesture?,1986,56,1,56-64,Phillips Similarities in behavioral and social maladjustment among child victims and witnesses to family violence,1986,56,1,142-146,Wilson Histories of violence in an outpatient population: an exploratory study,1986,56,1,137-141,Herman Cultural considerations in the assessment and treatment of intrafamilial abuse,1986,56,1,131-136,Long Inflicted and noninflicted injuries: differences in child and familial characteristics,1987,57,4,525-535,Hampton Hospitalized children with history of sexual abuse: incidence and care issues,1987,57,2,258-264,Kohan Do abused children become abusive parents?,1987,57,2,186-192,Kaufman The context of suicide,1987,57,1,41-48,Tomlinson-Keasey Evaluation of imminent danger for suicide among youth,1987,57,1,102-110,Rotheram Physical disabilities as risk factors for child maltreatment: a selected review,1987,57,1,93-101,Benedict Clarifying erroneous child sexual abuse allegations,1988,58,4,618-621,Mantell Abuse and victimization: a life-span developmental perspective,1988,58,4,505-511,De Vos Symptomatology in men who were molested as children: a comparison study,1988,58,3,457-461,Briere Extreme illness exaggeration in pediatric patients: a variant of Munchausen's by Proxy?,1988,58,2,188-195,Williams Patterns of behavior in adolescent rape,1988,58,2,179-187,Tinklenberg Sampling biases and implications for child abuse research,1988,58,2,260-270,Widom Child maltreatment and teenage first births: a relationship mediated by chronic sociodemographic stress?,1988,58,1,91-103,Zuravin Psychological and behavioral correlates of family violence in child witnesses and victims,1988,58,1,77-90,Hughes Characteristics of female adolescent sexual offenders,1988,58,1,148-151,Monastersky A hierarchical model for evaluation of child sexual abuse,1988,58,1,129-135,Sink Decision-making in cases of intrafamilial child sexual abuse,1988,58,1,121-128,Faller Preventing childhood injury: developmental and mental health issues,1988,58,1,25-45,Garbarino Treatment failures: the role of sexual victimization in women's addictive behavior,1989,59,4,542-549,Root Family characteristics and measures of behavior in foster and nonfoster children,1989,59,4,502-509,White Child abuse and violence in single-parent families: parent absence and economic deprivation,1989,59,4,492-501,Gelles Group work with men who experienced incest in childhood,1989,59,3,468-472,Singer Severity of maternal depression and three types of mother-to-child aggression,1989,59,3,377-389,Zuravin Child abuse neglect and adult behavior: Research design and findings on criminality violence and child abuse,1989,59,3,355-367,Widom Child abuse allegations,1989,59,2,313-315,Duncombe Psychotherapy and mandated reporting of child abuse,1989,59,2,246-256,Levine Sexualized attention: normal interaction or precursor to sexual abuse?,1989,59,2,238-245,Krugman Maternal support following disclosure of incest,1989,59,2,197-207,Coulter Causes of elder abuse: caregiver stress versus problem relatives,1989,59,2,179-187,Pillemer Suicidal behavior in "normal" adolescents: risk and protective factors,1989,59,1,59-71,Rubin The psychological impact of the Intifada on Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank and Gaza: an exploratory study,1990,60,4,496-505,Baker Admitters and deniers among adolescent sex offenders and their families: a preliminary study,1990,60,3,460-465,Sefarbi Reported history of physical and sexual abuse and severity of symptomatology in women psychiatric outpatients,1990,60,3,412-417,Levin The effects of marital status and partner support on rape trauma,1990,60,3,379-391,Anderson Children's knowledge of sexuality: a comparison of sexually abused and nonabused children,1990,60,2,250-257,Schroeder Children of victims of terrorism revisited: integrating individual and family treatment approaches,1990,60,2,204-209,Cohen Physical and sexual abuse in adolescent girls with borderline personality disorder,1990,60,1,55-66,Westen Buffalo Creek survivors in the second decade: stability of stress symptoms,1990,60,1,43-54,Lindy The psychological effects of political repression on Chilean exiles in the U.S,1990,60,1,143-153,Gonsalves Group treatment of exiled survivors of torture,1990,60,1,135-142,Ross Rehabilitation of child molesters: a cost-benefit analysis,1990,60,1,108-117,Burgess Crafting a federal legislative framework for child welfare reform,1991,61,4,610-623,Allen The parent-child interview: use in evaluating child allegations of sexual abuse by the parent,1991,61,4,552-557,Faller The prevalence of abuse among homeless and housed poor mothers: a comparison study,1991,61,4,489-500,Goodman Survivors of physical and sexual abuse,1991,61,3,475-477,McCarthy Physically abusive and nonabusive mothers' perceptions of parenting and child behavior,1991,61,3,455-460,Bradley Evaluating children's reports of sexual abuse: results from a survey of professionals,1991,61,3,428-437,Conte Acts without agents: an analysis of linguistic avoidance in journal articles on men who batter women,1991,61,2,250-257,Lamb The role of placement experiences in mediating the criminal consequences of early childhood victimization,1991,61,2,195-209,Widom Interacting with trauma: clinicians' responses to treating psychological aftereffects of political repression,1991,61,2,179-185,Fischman Possible explanations for child sexual abuse allegations in divorce,1991,61,1,86-91,Faller Integrating affect in treatment with adult survivors of physical and sexual abuse,1991,61,1,59-69,Cornell Forensic psychological examination of the child witness in cases of alleged sexual abuse,1991,61,1,48-58,Weissman Triage model for suicidal runaways,1991,61,1,122-127,Bradley Maltreated children's self-concept: effects of a comprehensive treatment program,1991,61,1,114-121,Culp Paternal caregiving and incest: test of a biosocial model,1995,65,1,101-113,Finkelhor Adolescent suicide attempts: outcomes at follow-up,1992,62,3,464-468,Spirito Traumatized children and the news media: clinical considerations,1992,62,3,379-386,Libow Psychological responses of rescue workers: fire fighters and trauma,1992,62,3,371-378,McCarroll The social ecology of treatment: case study of a service system for maltreated children,1992,62,1,22-34,Crittenden Children's ability as witnesses,1992,62,1,154-157,Westcott Traumatic events involving friends and family members in a sample of African American early adolescents,2009,79,3,398-406,Turner Parent-adolescent violence and later behavioral health problems among homeless and housed youth,2009,79,3,305-318,Toro Commentary: A consumer perspective on parenting while homeless,2009,79,3,299-300,Fonfield-Ayinla Politics and mental health in new china,1964,34,,925-933,Lazure Psychiatric sequelae of old burns in children and their parents,1964,34,,753-761,Vigliano A controlled trial of authoritarian and self-governing regimes with adolescent psychopaths,1964,34,,543-554,Craft Psychiatric emergencies in children,1964,34,,134-137,Burks Homicide acting out and impulse,1963,33,,928-930,LANDER The social world of the urban slum child: some early findings,1963,33,,823-831,Keller Delinquents in group therapy,1963,33,,754-756,Silver Violence and the western political tradition,1963,33,,15-28,Wolin History of the work camp as a method of treating delinquents,1962,32,,818-823,Cary The organization of camps for delinquent boys,1962,32,,824-836,Weber Aggressive behavior as a means of avoiding depression,1962,32,,416-422,Harrison Group psychotherapy with delinquent adolescent girls,1962,32,,169-175,Hersko Sociological aspects of the development of a street corner group: an exploratory study,1961,31,,685-702,Kobrin The faint smile syndrome,1961,31,,420-421,Leland Participant observation in a delinquent subculture,1959,29,,737-751,Kohn Fears and worries in a representative sample of children,1959,29,,803-818,Monk Antisocial character disorder: its etiology and relationship to delinquency,1959,29,,612-621,Berman The impact of adolescence on girls with delinquent character formation,1959,29,1,130-143,Kaufman The psychodynamics of male adolescent delinquency,1958,28,3,613-626,Falstein A type of predelinquent behavior,1958,28,3,606-612,Josselyn Group gradients in delinquency potential and achievement scores of sixth graders,1958,28,3,598-605,Reckless Psychotherapy with the non-reflective aggressive patient,1958,28,2,352-361,Morse The body image of the juvenile delinquent,1958,28,1,146-159,Kaufman Delinquency; a laboratory for public health psychiatry,1958,28,1,134-145,Peck The emotional significance of acquired physical disfigurement in children,1958,28,1,85-97,Johnson Sociological research in juvenile delinquency,1957,27,4,781-788,Cohen Motivation and frustration in delinquency,1957,27,3,528-537,Jenkins Case study of a thirteen-year-old fire-setter: a catalyst in the growing pains of a residential treatment unit,1957,27,2,396-409; discussion 409-10,Siegel The evolution of a program of individual psychotherapy for children with aggressive acting-out disorders in a new residential treatment unit,1957,27,1,59-68,Gordon The Rorschach test and the diagnosis of cerebral pathology in children,1956,26,4,783-791,Benton PSYCHODYNAMICS of child delinquency further contributions; round table 1953,1955,25,2,238-282, The dynamic significance of the mother-child relationship in the case of a young delinquent with psychotic mechanisms,1954,24,4,797-828,Rose Delinquency and control,1954,24,2,258-259,Michaels The role of endocrine factors in delinquency,1953,23,1,21-31,Lurie The psychoanalysis of delinquents,1953,23,1,13-21,Schmideberg Problems of dependency and masculinity as factors in delinquency,1953,23,1,7-13,Sontag Intensive residential treatment of a nine-year-old girl with an aggressive behavior disorder petit mal epilepsy and enuresis,1952,22,2,405-427,Krug The Rorschach findings in a case of suicide,1950,20,4,817-827,Ulett A study of aggressive sex misbehavior in adolescents brought to juvenile court,1950,20,4,719-731,Markey A study of miners in relation to the accident problem: I. Psychiatric evaluation,1950,20,3,552-559,Hirschberg The psychopathic delinquent child; Round Table 1949,1950,20,2,223-265,Rabinovitch Psychiatry and delinquency; critical evaluations,1949,19,2,317-341,Alexander Injury-prone children,1948,18,4,708-723,Fuller Effects of combat on a delinquent boy,1948,18,2,334-339,Miller Professional issues in the institutional treatment of delinquent children,1949,19,2,279-294,Alt The shared experience of catastrophe: an expanded classification of the disaster community,1990,60,1,35-42,Ursano Principles underlying a manual for parents whose children were killed by a drunk driver,1987,57,3,431-440,Weiss Children's reactions to the threat of nuclear plant accidents,1981,51,2,260-270,Schwebel The battered woman syndrome: effects of severity and intermittency of abuse,1993,63,4,614-622,Dutton Loneliness depression stress and social supports in neglectful families,1993,63,4,597-605,Polansky Primary prevention of parenting dysfunction in high-risk cases,1993,63,4,582-588,Warner The vampire as a metaphor for working with childhood abuse,1993,63,3,426-431,Bütz Hospital staff reactions to accounts by survivors of childhood abuse,1993,63,3,410-416,Lyon Family violence and homelessness: the relevance of trauma histories in the lives of homeless women,1993,63,3,370-384,Browne Handling bodies after violent death: strategies for coping,1993,63,2,209-214,McCarroll Growing up with a psychotic mother: a retrospective study,1993,63,2,177-189,Dunn Mothers of sexually abused children: trauma and repair in longitudinal perspective,1993,63,1,92-102,Newberger The psychosocial climate of families with suicidal pre-adolescent children,1993,63,1,142-145,Campbell Childhood family environment and sexual abuse as predictors of anxiety and depression in adult women,1993,63,1,136-141,Yama Suicidality in hospitalized adolescents: relationship to prior abuse,1993,63,1,113-119,Berman Homeless women--economic and social issues: introduction,1993,63,3,337-339,Bassuk Autoerotic asphyxial deaths and social network response,1983,53,1,166-170,Hazelwood Special comment: Varieties of Delinquent Youth: An Introduction to Constitutional Psychiatry by William H. Sheldon,1951,21,2,420-426,Healy Ambivalence and resistance to treatment in a delinquent adolescent boy; workshop 1951,1952,22,3,584-606,Blom Principles and techniques in the integration of psychiatric services in a juvenile court with a community youth program,1952,22,2,277-285,Peck The concept of task orientation in the analysis of play behavior of children entering kindergarten,1954,24,2,326-335,Gruber A new pattern for mental health services in a children's court; mental health problems confronting a children's court,1955,25,1,1-8,Peck What happens to psychiatric contributions in the juvenile court setting,1957,27,4,789-799,Markey Group treatment for emotionally disturbed and potentially delinquent boys and girls: workshop 1956,1957,27,3,518-527,Stranahan The adult prognosis for runaway children,1959,29,,752-761,Robins Prediction of success or failure of delinquent boys from sentence completion,1960,30,,741-756,Jenkins Acting out through the child,1960,30,,422-423,Knight The effectiveness of a comprehensive vocationally oriented psychotherapeutic program for adolescent delinquent boys,1963,33,,634-642,Shore The impact of public welfare practice on family attitudes with special reference to delinquent children,1965,35,,609-613,King The technique of therapeutic intervention in a treatment camp,1962,32,,837-841,Verven The place of individual counseling in the work camp,1962,32,,841-845,Scannell Work as a therapeutic medium in the treatment of delinquents,1962,32,,846-850,Bond Intrapsychic and environmental factors in running away from home,1962,32,,486-491,Foster Age of minority sexual orientation development and risk of childhood maltreatment and suicide attempts in women,2009,79,4,511-521,Greenland Emotion regulation as a mediator of the relation between emotion socialization and deliberate self-harm,2009,79,4,482-490,Parra Sexual and severe physical violence among high school students. Power beliefs gender and relationship,1998,68,4,645-652,Bennett Perceptions of danger: a psychological mediator of neighborhood demographic characteristics,1998,68,3,468-478,Posner Using qualitative data to inform public policy: evaluating "choose to de-fuse",1996,66,3,363-377,Levine A prosocial media strategy: "youth against violence: choose to de-fuse",1996,66,3,354-362,Zimmerman Early adolescents exposed to violence: hope and vulnerability to victimization,1996,66,3,346-353,Roberts The impact of exposure to crime and violence on urban youth,1996,66,3,329-336,Silverman Violence as a social mutation,1996,66,3,323-328,Coudroglou Youth at risk: definitions and implications for service delivery,1996,66,2,172-188,Resnick "For the dream of being here one sacrifices...": voices of immigrant mothers in a home visiting program,2008,78,2,141-151,Paris In their own words: trauma and substance abuse in the lives of formerly homeless women with serious mental illness,2006,76,4,461-467,Davis Children's experience of loss by parental migration in inner-city Jamaica,2005,75,4,485-496,Pottinger Depressive symptomatology exposure to violence and the role of social capital among African American adolescents,2005,75,2,262-274,Wright Spousal aggression by U.S. Army female soldiers toward employed and unemployed civilian husbands,2003,73,3,288-293,McCarroll Social risks and child development in South Africa: a nation's program to protect the human rights of children,2003,73,3,248-254,Barbarin Predictors of neglect within low-SES families: the importance of substance abuse,2002,72,3,383-391,Ondersma Participation in social activities: maternal ratings of maltreated and nonmaltreated children,2002,72,1,118-127,Kinard Negative coping as mediator in the relation between violence and outcomes: inner-city African American youth,2002,72,1,102-109,Dempsey Single- and dual-trauma couples: clinical observations of relational characteristics and dynamics,2002,72,1,58-69,Nelson Social and environmental predictors of maternal depression in current and recent welfare recipients,2000,70,4,510-522,Bowman The Neighborhood Club: a supportive intervention group for children exposed to urban violence,2000,70,3,401-407,Ceballo Childhood experiences of abuse later substance use and parenting outcomes among low-income mothers,2000,70,3,316-326,Kemp Preschool children's exposure to violence: relation of behavior problems to parent and child reports,2000,70,1,115-125,Leavitt Bias in child maltreatment reporting: revisiting the myth of classlessness,1998,68,2,295-304,Zuravin Child neglect: relation to child temperament and family context,1998,68,1,108-116,Starr Intimate violence in the lives of homeless and poor housed women: prevalence and patterns in an ethnically diverse sample,1997,67,2,261-278,Browne Early risk factors for serious antisocial behavior at age 21: a longitudinal community study,1997,67,1,92-101,Reinherz Alcohol abuse and psychopathic deviance in noncustodial parents as predictors of child-support payment and visitation,1997,67,1,70-79,Sandler Trauma contagion in partners of survivors of childhood sexual abuse,1995,65,4,529-539,Maltas Early heterosexual debut: situations of sexual possibility during the transition to adolescence,1995,65,3,389-401,Paikoff Clinical interventions with latency-age children of high conflict and violence,1995,65,1,48-59,Johnston Resilient early school-age children from maltreating homes: outcomes in late adolescence,1994,64,2,301-309,Herrenkohl Community-Building Before During and After Times of Trauma: The Application of the LINC Model of Community Resilience in Kosovo,2010,80,1,143-149,Agani Responding to the needs of children and families after a disaster: linkages between unmet needs and caregiver functioning,2010,80,1,135-142,Kilmer Bullying in school: evaluation and dissemination of the Olweus bullying prevention program,2010,80,1,124-134,Limber Socioeconomic correlates of rates of child maltreatment in small communities,2010,80,1,109-114,Ben-Arieh Struggling to survive: sexual assault poverty and mental health outcomes of African American women,2010,80,1,61-70,Smith A project to teach learning skills to disturbed delinquent children,1967,37,3,558-567,Chamberlain Psychiatric syndromes in children and their relation to family background,1966,36,3,450-457,Jenkins Comprehensive vocationally oriented psychotherapy for adolescent delinquent boys: a follow-up study,1966,36,4,609-615,Shore Dropout and the social milieu of the high school: a preliminary analysis,1966,36,5,808-817,Elliott The hyperactive child syndrome,1966,36,5,861-867,Stewart Social identification and the seeking of pyschiatric care,1968,38,1,83-88,Linn Rehabilitation of narcotics addicts among lower-class teenagers,1968,38,1,56-62,Levitt Childhood play in normality pathology and therapy,1993,63,1,6-15,Lewis Parental adjustment family functioning and posttraumatic growth among Norwegian children and adolescents following a natural disaster,2010,80,2,248-257,Kilmer The impact of hurricane Katrina on the mental and physical health of low-income parents in New Orleans,2010,80,2,237-247,Chan School violence adjustment and the influence of hope on low-income African American youth,2010,80,2,213-226,Elias Cultural beliefs about rape and victims' response in three ethnic groups,1993,63,4,623-632,Scott Benefit-cost analysis of preschool education: findings from a 25-year follow-up,1993,63,4,500-508,Barnett Effects of day care on preschool sex-role development,1993,63,3,481-486,Honig Sex-role socialization: developmental influences on wife abuse,1994,64,1,50-59,Cascardi Substance use among the mentally ill: prevalence reasons for use and effects on illness,1994,64,1,30-39,Taylor Problem-solving appraisal in suicide ideators and attempters,1994,64,1,136-149,Rajab Privacy confidentiality and privilege in psychotherapeutic relationships,1994,64,2,180-193,Winslade Beyond Preadoptive Risk: The Impact of Adoptive Family Environment on Adopted Youth's Psychosocial Adjustment,2010,80,3,432-442,Barth Discrepancies in perceptions of maternal aggression: implications for children of methadone-maintained mothers,2010,80,3,412-421,Luthar Pathways among exposure to violence maternal depression family structure and child outcomes through parenting: a multigroup analysis,2010,80,3,386-400,Harden Cyber bullying behaviors among middle and high school students,2010,80,3,362-374,Mishna The spiritual challenge of violent trauma,1996,66,1,162-163,Garbarino Sexual torture as an instrument of war,1996,66,1,161-162,Fischman Cessation and persistence of wife assault: a longitudinal analysis,1996,66,1,141-151,Aldarondo Impact of a natural disaster on preschool children: adjustment 14 months after a hurricane,1996,66,1,122-130,Swenson Preventing violence in a structurally violent society: mission impossible,1996,66,1,77-84,Gil Self-injury in trauma survivors: 2. levels of clinical response,1996,66,2,207-216,Connors Self-injury in trauma survivors: 1. functions and meanings,1996,66,2,197-206,Connors Trauma and its sequelae in male prisoners: effects of confinement overcrowding and diminished services,1996,66,2,189-196,Kupers Trauma dissociation impulsivity and self-mutilation among substance abuse patients,1997,67,4,650-654,Shea Assessing resilience in adults with histories of childhood sexual abuse,1997,67,4,594-606,Liem Child welfare policy and practice: the myth of family preservation,1997,67,4,545-553,Pelton Residential treatment for youth: introduction and a cautionary tale,2006,76,3,281-284,Pumariega A preventive pilot project addressing multiethnic tensions in the wake of the Iraq war,2005,75,4,466-474,Rousseau Parental arrest and children involved with child welfare services agencies,2004,74,2,174-186,Barth Compromised emotional competence: seeds of violence sown early?,2002,72,1,70-82,Blair Seeding violence in the minds of children,2002,72,1,3-4,Sluzki Youth exposure to violence: Prevalence risks and consequences,2001,71,3,298-310,Buka Depressive symptoms and suicidality in physically abused children,2001,71,1,98-107,Tyano Minority populations in the child welfare system: the visibility hypothesis reexamined,1998,68,1,142-146,Landsverk Rush to judgment? Child protective services and allegations of sexual abuse,1998,68,1,101-107,Doueck Effects of legally mandated child-abuse reports on the therapeutic relationship: a survey of psychotherapists,1997,67,1,112-122,Doueck Home visitation services for at-risk pregnant and postpartum women: a randomized trial,1994,64,3,468-478,Marcenko Factors affecting the foster care placement decision: an analysis of national survey data,1991,61,2,272-281,Lindsey A multisystems approach to the treatment of a black inner-city family with a schizophrenic mother,1990,60,2,186-195,Boyd-Franklin Impact of a family support program on mothers' social support and parenting stress,1989,59,3,410-419,Telleen Parenting and environmental considerations,1981,51,2,351-355,Peterman A group for men who abuse their partners: participant perceptions of what was helpful,2004,74,2,209-213,Brownlee Preventing violence among youth: introduction,1996,66,3,320-322,Levine A case of fetal abuse?,1982,52,4,699-703,Mackenzie Muslim families' understanding of and reaction to 'the war on terror',2010,80,4,601-609,Rousseau Communities That Care for Families: The LINC Model for Enhancing Individual Family and Community Resilience,2010,80,4,516-524,Landau Witnessed violence and youth behavior problems: a multi-informant study,2010,80,4,443-450,Runyan Impact of maternal alcoholism on separation of children from their mothers: findings from a sample of incarcerated women,1996,66,2,228-238,Lex Dominant leaders among slum hotel residents,1969,39,4,644-650,Shapiro Two studies of childhood dreaming,1969,39,4,627-643,Foulkes A re-evaluation of the psychodynamics of firesetting,1961,31,,123-136,Kaufman Suicidality and depression among African American adolescents: the role of family and peer support and community connectedness,2011,81,1,108-117,Molock Depression and suicide ideation among students accessing campus health care,2011,81,1,101-107,Fleming Mechanisms linking violence exposure and school engagement among African American adolescents: examining the roles of psychological problem behaviors and gender,2011,81,1,61-71,Voisin Cognitive affective and behavioral responses to witnessed versus experienced violence,2011,81,1,51-60,Kliewer The impact of violence exposure on aggressive behavior through social information processing in adolescents,2011,81,1,38-50,Calvete Exploring community resilience in workforce communities of first responders serving Katrina survivors,2011,81,1,18-30,Norris Gender differences in adolescents in residential treatment,2006,76,3,312-324,Lucas Comorbidity of substance use and post-traumatic stress disorders in a community sample of adolescents,2000,70,2,253-262,Reinherz Lesbian gay and bisexual youth and their families: disclosure of sexual orientation and its consequences,1998,68,3,361-71; discussion 372-5,Hershberger An outpatient/inpatient comparison of child psychiatric diagnosis,1995,65,2,298-303,Safer Family reunification following shelter placement: child family and program correlates,1992,62,1,142-146,Teare Relationship of perceived maternal acceptance-rejection in childhood and social support networks of pregnant adolescents,1991,61,1,103-113,Sherman Suicide among the elderly: levels and trends,1985,55,2,288-293,McIntosh Hysterical seizures: a sequel to incest,1979,49,4,698-703,Goodwin Early death of a parent as an etiological factor in schizophrenia,1979,49,3,465-473,Watt The remembrance of things past: on the collection and recollection of ingredients useful in the treatment of disorders resulting from unhappiness rootlessness and the fear of things to come,1978,48,1,174-182,Tooley Measuring the incidence of self-injury: some methodological and design considerations,1973,43,1,142-148,Whitehead Mediation of abusive childhood experiences: depression dissociation and negative life outcomes,1995,65,4,560-573,Sanders Predicting alcohol and drug use in early adulthood: the role of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems in early adolescence,1995,65,3,380-388,Forehand Children of addicted mothers: effects of the 'crack epidemic' on the caregiving environment and the development of preschoolers,1995,65,3,364-379,Hawley Lifetime and five-year prevalence of homelessness in the United States: new evidence on an old debate,1995,65,3,347-354,Moore The physical restraint of children: is it therapeutic?,1994,64,1,40-49,Bath Predicting elopement from residential treatment centers,1994,64,1,126-135,Kashubeck Trauma in children of Holocaust survivors: transgenerational effects,1997,67,3,493-500,Cohen Preschool antecedents of adolescent assaultive behavior: a longitudinal study,1997,67,3,422-432,Herrenkohl Emergency commitment and legislative reform in New Jersey,1997,67,1,123-133,Kessen Use of alcohol among lesbians: research and clinical implications,1997,67,1,20-36,Wilsnack Recreational multifamily therapy for troubled children,1995,65,3,434-439,Greenfield Patterns of response among victims of rape,1970,40,3,503-511,Scherl The silent vigil: a student nonviolent demonstration,1970,40,3,481-492,Crocker Intimate partner and general aggression perpetration among combat veterans presenting to a posttraumatic stress disorder clinic,2009,79,4,461-468,Taft Factors associated with the adjustment of foster children in the Netherlands,2009,79,3,421-429,Strijker Thriving as becoming resolute in narratives of women surviving childhood maltreatment,2009,79,3,375-386,Thomas Profane research versus researching the profane: commentary on Başoğlu (2009),2009,79,2,146-147,Miles Speaking up about the unspeakable,2009,79,2,133-134,Mohr Characterizing aggressive behavior in a forensic population,2006,76,1,80-85,Stanford Placement into foster care and the interplay of urbanicity child behavior problems and poverty,2006,76,3,358-366,Barth Addressing political and racial terror in the therapeutic relationship,2005,75,1,19-26,Tummala-Narra Girls aggression and emotion regulation,2005,75,2,334-339,Conway Behavior problems in New York City's children after the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks,2005,75,2,190-200,Galea Relations between parents' interactive style in dyadic and triadic play and toddlers' symbolic capacity,2005,75,4,599-607,Tyano The relationship between violence exposure and HIV sexual risk behavior: does gender matter?,2005,75,4,497-506,Voisin Racism in the provision of mental health services: a social-cognitive analysis,1998,68,1,47-57,Whaley Metaclinical issues in the treatment of psychopolitical trauma,1998,68,1,27-38,Fischman Self-mutilation in clinical and general population samples: prevalence correlates and functions,1998,68,4,609-620,Briere Working with and for: student advocates' experience of relationship-centered advocacy with low-income women,2010,80,1,46-60,Goodman The meaning of college for survivors of sexual abuse: higher education and the older female college student,1996,66,3,468-473,Brabant Post-traumatic stress symptoms in mothers following children's reports of sexual abuse: an exploratory study,1996,66,3,463-467,Timmons-Mitchell Social support competence and depression in mothers of abused children,1996,66,3,449-462,Kinard Childhood physical assault as a risk factor for PTSD depression and substance abuse: findings from a national survey,1996,66,3,437-448,Resnick Effects of war and organized violence on children: a study of Bosnian refugees in Sweden,2001,71,1,4-15,Angel Exposure to violence coping resources and psychological adjustment of South African children,2001,71,1,16-25,Barbarin The economics of child sex-offender rehabilitation programs: beyond Prentky and Burgess,2001,71,1,131-9; discussion 140-1,Donato Adolescent sexual offenders: incidence of childhood maltreatment serious emotional disturbance and prior offenses,2001,71,1,120-130,Jonson-Reid Impact of childhood rape and aggravated assault on adult mental health,2001,71,1,108-119,Duncan Variables in delayed disclosure of childhood sexual abuse,2001,71,3,332-341,Somer Childhood physical abuse personality and adult relationship violence: a model of vulnerability to victimization,2001,71,3,322-331,O'Leary Understanding links among childhood trauma dissociation and women's mental health,2001,71,3,311-321,Williams Treating this heavy midlife of men,2001,71,3,278-280,Newberger Emotional resilience: risk and protective factors for depression among alternative education students in New Zealand,2004,74,2,137-149,Wall Proactive and reactive aggression in referred children and adolescents,2004,74,2,129-136,Connor What works for survivors of childhood abuse: learning from participants in an inpatient treatment program,2004,74,2,112-121,Stalker Children's voices: the perceptions of children in foster care,2004,74,3,293-304,Barth Teachers' psychological reactions 7 weeks after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing,2004,74,3,263-271,Pynoos Predicting children's reactions to terrorist attacks: the importance of self-reports and preexisting characteristics,2004,74,3,253-262,Lutz Elementary school children's responses 3 months after the September 11 terrorist attacks: a study in Washington DC,2004,74,4,509-528,Phillips What does getting better mean? Child improvement and measure of outcome in residential treatment,2002,72,1,110-117,Connor Attention and conduct problems in children exposed to family violence,2002,72,1,83-91,McCloskey Trauma in war and political persecution: expanding the concept,2002,72,1,16-25,Hernández Effects of posttraumatic stress disorder and child sexual abuse on self-efficacy development,2002,72,2,262-265,Diehl Exploring the relationship between child welfare intervention and juvenile corrections involvement,2002,72,4,559-576,Jonson-Reid Exposure threat appraisal and lost confidence as predictors of PTSD symptoms following September 11 2001,2002,72,4,476-485,Piotrkowski Body handlers after terrorism in Oklahoma City: predictors of posttraumatic stress and other symptoms,2002,72,4,469-475,Pfefferbaum Aggression in very high-risk youth: examining developmental risk in an inpatient psychiatric population,2007,77,4,636-646,Boxer Beyond treatment effects: comorbid psychopathologies and long-term outcomes among substance-abusing delinquents,2008,78,1,29-36,Clingempeel Symbolic relational and ideological signifiers of bias-motivated offenders: toward a strategy of assessment,2003,73,2,203-211,Dunbar Community violence and sociomoral development: an African American cultural perspective,2003,73,2,177-189,Kuther Gender types of conflict and individual differences in the use of violent and peaceful strategies among children who have and have not witnessed interparental violence,2003,73,2,141-153,Ballif-Spanvill Posttraumatic stress and functional impairment in Kenyan children following the 1998 American Embassy bombing,2003,73,2,133-140,North Perceived causes of suicide attempts by U.K. South Asian women,2003,73,4,455-462,Bhugra An ecological model of maternal substance abuse and child neglect: issues analyses and recommendations,2003,73,4,392-404,Wilke The psychosocial consequences of living environment instability on maltreated children,2003,73,4,367-380,Egolf Battered women's entrapment in shame: a phenomenological study,2003,73,4,355-366,Buchbinder Gender differences in young adolescents' exposure to violence and rates of PTSD symptomatology,2000,70,3,370-379,Padgett Psychiatric disorders in adolescents exposed to domestic violence and physical abuse,2000,70,3,360-369,Salzinger Trauma-related symptomatology among children of parents victimized by urban community violence,2000,70,2,272-277,Dulmus Exposure to community violence and post-traumatic stress symptoms: mediating factors,2000,70,2,263-271,Overstreet Impact of welfare reform on teenage parent recipients: an analysis of two cohorts,2000,70,1,135-140,Collins Countertransference in working with victims of political repression,1990,60,1,125-134,Comas-Díaz Foster child behavior,1990,60,2,312-314,Barnett Motives and psychodynamics of self-reported unincarcerated rapists,1990,60,2,268-280,Lisak The readiness of health profession students to comply with a hypothetical program of forced migration of a minority population,1990,60,4,486-495,Charny Prevalence of codependence in young women seeking primary health care and associated risk factors,2008,78,2,199-210,Ramos Locus of control as a mediator of negative divorce-related events and adjustment problems in children,1992,62,4,589-598,Fogas Altruism born of suffering: the roots of caring and helping after victimization and other trauma,2008,78,3,267-280,Staub Psychosocial stressors among sheltered homeless children: relationship to behavior problems and depressive symptoms,1999,69,1,127-133,Bussing "Patient was hit in the face by a fist..." a discourse analysis of male violence against women,1999,69,1,116-121,Phillips Impact of environment on adolescent mental health and behavior: structural equation modeling,1999,69,1,73-86,Stiffman Maternal social support patterns and child maltreatment: comparison of maltreating and nonmaltreating mothers,1999,69,2,172-181,Bishop Childhood maltreatment and the mental health of low-income women,1999,69,2,161-171,Banyard When violence happens to people with mental illness: disclosing victimization,1999,69,3,398-402,Marley Violence victimization experiences of pregnant prisoners,1999,69,3,392-397,Sable Young clients' exposure to community violence: how much do their therapists know?,1999,69,3,382-391,Cameron Perceived social skills and social competence in maltreated children,1999,69,4,465-481,Kinard Dangerous places: exposure to violence and its mental health consequences for the homeless,1999,69,4,438-447,Fitzpatrick Parenting Parental Mental Health and Child Functioning in Families Residing in Supportive Housing,2009,79,3,336-347,Gewirtz Peer Sexual Harassment Victimization at School: The Roles of Student Characteristics Cultural Affiliation and School Factors,2009,79,3,407-420,Attar‐Schwartz Effects of Social Support and Conflict on Parenting Among Homeless Mothers,2009,79,3,348-356,Frisman Paternal and Maternal Influences on Problem Behaviors Among Homeless and Runaway Youth,2009,79,1,39-50,Stein Drug abuse and intimate partner violence: a comparative study of opioid-dependent fathers,2011,81,2,218-227,Easton Self-rated health in relation to rape and mental health disorders in a national sample of women,2011,81,2,202-210,Resnick Does the outcome of a first pregnancy predict depression suicidal ideation or lower self-esteem? Data from the national comorbidity survey,2011,81,2,193-201,Henderson Social and Psychological Weil‐Being in Lesbians Gay Men and Bisexuals: The Effects of Race Gender Age and Sexual Identity,2009,79,4,500-510,Meyer Sociocultural Disadvantage Traumatic Life Events and Psychiatric Symptoms in Preadolescent Children,2009,79,3,387-397,Gustafsson Parenting Adults Who Become Homeless: Variations in Stress and Social Support,2009,79,3,357-365,North Self‐Regulation and Its Relations to Adaptive Functioning in Low Income Youths,2009,79,1,19-30,Beardslee When Oppression Is the Pathogen: The Participatory Development of Socially Just Mental Health Practice,2009,79,2,159-168,Smith Cultural Influences on Help‐Seeking Attitudes in Asian American Students,2009,79,1,125-132,Ting Children With Co‐Occurring Anxiety and Externalizing Disorders: Family Risks and Implications for Competence,2009,79,4,532-540,Brown The Lost Boys of Sudan: Coping With Ambiguous Loss and Separation From Parents,2009,79,2,203-211,Luster Commentary on “The Economics of Child Sex‐Offender Rehabilitation Programs”,2001,71,1,140-141,Burgess Adolescent Sexual Offenders: Incidence of Childhood Maltreatment Serious Emotional Disturbance and Prior Offenses,2001,71,1,120-130,Way The Economics of Child Sex‐Offender Rehabilitation Programs: Beyond Prentky and Burgess,2001,71,1,131-139,Shanahan Predictors of Homicidal Ideation and Intent in Schizophrenia: An Empirical Study,2001,71,3,379-384,Schwartz The Full‐Frame Approach: A New Response to Marginalized Women Left Behind by Specialized Services,2006,76,4,489-502,Goodman Normalization of Violence Among Inner‐City Youth: A Formulation for Research,2002,72,1,92-101,Salzinger Maternal Depression and Physical Punishment as Mediators of the Effect of Poverty on Socioemotional Problems of Children in Single‐Mother Families,2001,71,2,218-226,Eamon Impact of the Threat of War on Children in Military Families,2001,71,2,236-244,Ryan‐Wenger Preference for Violent Electronic Games Self‐Concept and Gender Differences in Young Children,2000,70,2,233-241,Germann Child Adjustment and Parenting in Planned Lesbian‐Parent Families,2007,77,1,38-48,Bos Essentialism and the Cultural Psychology of Gender in Extreme Son Preference Communities in India,2007,77,4,598-609,Jackson Integrating Behavioral Health Services for Homeless Mothers and Children in Primary Care,2007,77,1,142-152,Williams International Family Adult and Child Enhancement Services (FACES): A Community‐Based Comprehensive Services Model for Refugee Children in Resettlement,2008,78,1,121-132,Atkins Is There Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma? The Case of Combat Veterans' Children,2008,78,3,281-289,Goldblatt Resilience in trauma-exposed refugees: the moderating effect of coping style on resilience variables,2010,80,4,557-563,Rosenfeld Changes in maltreated children's emotional-behavioral problems following typically provided mental health services,2010,80,3,350-361,Guo Prevalence and impact of childhood maltreatment in incarcerated youth,2010,80,3,343-349,Coleman Psychosocial influences on posttraumatic growth among university students following a mass murder,2021,91,1,27-35,Felix Partners of Perinatal Substance Users: Forgotten Failing or Fit to Father?,2007,77,4,563-572,Twomey Posttraumatic Distress and Growth Among Wives of Prisoners of War: The Contribution of Husbands' Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Wives' Own Attachment,2007,77,3,419-426,Dekel Risk Factors for First‐Time Homelessness in Low‐Income Women,2007,77,1,20-28,Kass Substance Abuse and Psychosocial Impairments Among Clients With Schizophrenia,2007,77,4,610-615,Schwartz Social-psychological dilemmas and coping of atomic veterans,1994,64,4,651-655,Garcia Psychotherapist reactions to the suicide of a patient,1994,64,4,614-621,Valente Sexual abuse history and associated multiple risk behavior in adolescent runaways,1996,66,3,390-400,Rotheram-Borus Neglected victims of homicide: the needs of young siblings of murder victims,1996,66,3,337-345,Smith Fathers of children on welfare: their impact on child well-being,1996,66,4,557-571,Buckner Public institutions: their war against the development of black youth,1971,41,1,65-73,Anderson Pica and poisoning,1971,41,4,697-699,Lourie Perceptions of control and long-term recovery from rape,1999,69,1,110-115,Regehr K.I.S.S. and kids: a mandate for prevention,1972,42,4,556-565,Bower Indian drinking patterns,1972,42,4,554,Lurie Psychosocial Consequences of Caregiver Transitions for Maltreated Youth Entering Foster Care: The Moderating Impact of Community Violence Exposure,2011,81,3,382-389,Taussig Who Are the Fathers in Healthy Families Arizona? An Examination of Father Data in At-Risk Families,2011,81,3,327-336,Krysik Options regarding alcohol use among the Chippewa,1972,42,3,398-403,Westermeyer Risk moderation of parent and child outcomes in a preventive intervention: a test and replication,1998,68,4,565-579,Shin HIV risk-behavior in poor urban women with serious mental disorders: association with childhood physical and sexual abuse,1998,68,1,73-83,Goodman Delivery of services to crime victims: a national survey,1991,61,1,128-137,Roberts Family doll play and female identity in pre-adolescent males,1973,43,1,123-127,Green The adjustment of aged users of leisure programs,1974,44,1,142-149,Goodman Peer behavior conceptualized as a variable influencing infant and toddler development,1975,45,1,4-17,Apolloni First do no more harm: female rape victims and the male counselor,1977,47,1,91-96,Silverman Sharing the crisis of rape: counseling the mates and families of victims,1978,48,1,166-173,Silverman Some evidence of race bias in the diagnosis and treatment of the juvenile offender,1979,49,1,53-61,Lewis Isolation of the neglectful family,1979,49,1,149-152,Polansky Erikson's concept of inner space: a data-based reevaluation,1979,49,1,100-108,Caplan Determinants of family treatment choice and satisfaction in psychiatric emergencies,1990,60,1,96-107,Morgan The clinical use of social-ecological concepts: the case of an adolescent girl,1982,52,1,111-122,Moos The religious functions of psychiatry,1973,43,3,362-367,Torrey Some second-generation effects of survival of the Nazi persecution,1973,43,3,320-327,Sigal The grief of soldiers: Vietnam combat veterans' self-help movement,1973,43,4,640-653,Shatan Reminiscences of runaway adolescents,1973,43,5,840-853,Howell An examination of impulsivity as a trait characterizing delinquent youth,1973,43,5,789-795,Reppucci An intercultural study of aggressive behavior on children's playgrounds,1974,44,4,503-511,Bellak The dynamics of interpersonal spacing in monkeys and man,1974,44,5,790-806,Baldwin The intellectual functioning of hyperactive elementary school boys: a cross-sectional investigation,1974,44,5,754-762,Loney Generational differences in mental health: Are children and adolescents suffering more or less?,2011,81,4,469-472,Twenge Meditation and the psychotherapist,1975,45,3,484-489,Keefe Mother-child interaction observed at home,1975,45,3,468-472,Schlieper Family reaction to homicide,1975,45,3,391-398,Burgess Murder and capital punishment: some further evidence,1975,45,4,669-688,Bailey Work role and depression in women: a comparison of workers and housewives in treatment,1975,45,4,538-548,Mostow Sex counseling on campus: short-term treatment techniques,1973,43,5,824-839,Stein The menopausal queen: adjustment to aging and the male homosexual,1973,43,4,670-674,Francher A model of predictors and outcomes of outness among lesbian and bisexual women,2001,71,1,61-71,Rothblum The moderating effect of adherence-promoting interventions with clients on evidence-based practices for children and adolescents with mental health problems,2012,82,1,146-155,Schwalbe Restraint and seclusion use in U.S. school settings: recommendations from allied treatment disciplines,2012,82,1,75-86,Nunno Perceptions of teachers' support safety and absence from school because of fear among victims bullies and bully-victims,2012,82,1,67-74,Benbenishty Measuring school-related subjective well-being in adolescents,2012,82,1,50-60,Huebner Predictors and responses to the growth in physical violence during adolescence: a comparison of students in Washington state and Victoria Australia,2012,82,1,41-49,Herrenkohl Mental illness violence risk and race in juvenile detention: implications for disproportionate minority contact,2012,82,1,32-40,Desai Risk for arrest: the role of social bonds in protecting foster youth making the transition to adulthood,2012,82,1,19-31,Courtney Relationship proximity to victims of witnessed community violence: associations with 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relationships during early and middle childhood,2012,82,2,209-219,Mercy Developmental relationships as the active ingredient: a unifying working hypothesis of "what works" across intervention settings,2012,82,2,157-166,Li A clinical typology of interparental violence in disputed‐custody divorces,2010,63,2,190-199,Johnston Family systems approaches to wife battering: a feminist critique,1984,54,4,558-568,Bograd Group treatment program for abusive husbands: long-term evaluation,1992,62,2,276-283,Palmer Understanding the ecology and development of children and families experiencing homelessness: implications for practice supportive services and policy,2012,82,3,389-401,Kilmer Bloodied but unbowed: resilience examined in a South Asian community,2012,82,3,367-375,Fernando Child maltreatment and deliberate self-harm among college students: testing mediation and moderation models for impulsivity,2012,82,3,328-337,Simons Sacrifice for the sake of the family: expressions of familism by Latina teens in the context of suicide,2012,82,3,319-327,Zayas Asian Americans' family cohesion and suicide ideation: moderating and mediating effects,2012,82,3,309-318,Joel Wong Deliberate self-harm behavior among Italian young adults: correlations with clinical and nonclinical dimensions of personality,2012,82,3,298-308,Gratz Nonsuicidal self-injury in an ethnically diverse college sample,2012,82,3,291-297,Barnett The impact of abuse and gender on psychopathology behavioral disturbance and psychotropic medication count for youth in residential treatment,2012,82,4,562-572,Huefner Parental practices and political violence: the protective role of parental warmth and authority-control in Jewish and Arab Israeli children,2012,82,4,550-561,Slone Parent-youth discrepancies in ratings of youth victimization: associations with psychological adjustment,2013,83,1,37-46,Goodman Child maltreatment reports in Israel: the intersection between community socioeconomic characteristics and ethnicity,2013,83,1,29-36,Benbenishty Treating complex trauma in women within community mental health,2004,74,2,160-173,Prout Adult attachment and sexual offender status,2004,74,2,150-159,Burton The interrelatedness of alcoholism and marital conflict: symposium 1958. 4. Interpersonal perception theory applied to conflicted marriages in which alcoholism is and is not a problem,1959,29,,547-559,Mitchell The interrelatedness of alcoholism and marital conflict: symposium 1958. 1. Alcoholism: a definition and a note on the background of current research,1959,29,,513-518,Bacon The interrelatedness of alcoholism and marital conflict: symposium 1958. 2. The interaction of alcoholic husbands and their nonalcoholic wives during counseling,1959,29,,519-527,Bullock The interrelatedness of alcoholism and marital conflict: symposium 1958. 3. The interaction between marital conflict and alcoholism as seen through MMPI'S of marriage partners,1959,29,,528-546,Ballard Tavern culture the sustenance of homeless men,1967,37,5,938-945,Dumont Losing the housing game. The leveling effects of substance abuse,1997,67,4,618-631,Wright Housing dynamics of the homeless: implications for a count,1995,65,3,320-329,Wright Children's adjustment following hurricane Katrina: The role of primary caregivers,2013,83,2,413-421,Kilmer Trajectories of psychological distress among low-income female survivors of hurricane katrina,2013,83,2,398-412,Rhodes Contributions of family environment and parenting processes to sexual risk and substance use of rural African American males: a 4-year longitudinal analysis,2013,83,2,299-309,Simons Stress mitigation to promote development of prosocial values and school engagement of inner-city urban african american and latino youth,2013,83,2,289-298,Lovegrove Aggression academic behaviors and popularity perceptions among boys of color during the transition to middle school,2013,83,2,265-277,Xie Gender-typed behaviors achievement and adjustment among racially and ethnically diverse boys during early adolescence,2013,83,2,252-264,Fabes Racially diverse classrooms: Effects of classroom racial composition on interracial peer relationships,2013,83,2,231-243,Lochman From higher order thinking to higher order behavior: exploring the relationship between early cognitive skills and social competence in black boys,2013,83,2,185-193,Barbarin Socioemotional trajectories in black boys between kindergarten and the fifth grade: the role of cognitive skills and family in promoting resiliency,2013,83,2,176-184,Brown A longitudinal examination of socio-emotional learning in African American and Latino boys across the transition from pre-k to kindergarten,2013,83,2,156-164,Barbarin Assessment management and treatment planning for male adolescent sexual offenders,1988,58,4,571-579,Awad Intraethnic violence in a Hawaii school: A mental health consultation experience,1977,47,3,451-455,Ponce Children of marital violence: a closer look at the unintended victims,1985,55,2,260-266,Rosenbaum Preventing 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care,2014,84,3,234-243,Yampolskaya Out on the street: A public health and policy agenda for lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth who are homeless,2014,84,1,66-72,Shtasel Peer harassment and risky behavior among sexual minority girls and boys,2014,84,1,54-65,Crosnoe Prosocial behavior and psychopathology in emotionally disturbed boys,1979,49,2,301-310,Kennedy Differential effects of television programming on preschoolers' cognition imagination and social play,1979,49,2,265-281,Singer Psychiatric consultation to the child with acute physical trauma,1982,52,2,298-307,Ravenscroft Psychosocial factors related to substance abuse among delinquent females: implications for prevention and treatment,1982,52,2,261-271,Gibbs Teenage pregnancy and motherhood: a review of the literature,1980,50,3,403-431,Phipps-Yonas Rape: sexual disruption and recovery,1979,49,4,648-657,Burgess Incest: theoretical and clinical views,1979,49,4,680-691,Rist An exploratory approach to self-blame and 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shelter,1986,56,1,120-130,Rhodes Complicated grief in help-seeking torture survivors in Sub-Saharan African contexts,2014,84,5,487-495,Higson-Smith A compensatory model of risk and resilience applied to adolescent sexual orientation disparities in nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide attempts,2014,84,5,545-556,Mimiaga Incest: socialization within a treatment program,1987,57,1,84-92,Phelan Risk factors for suicidal behaviors among Filipino Americans: a data mining approach,2014,85,1,34-42,Kuroki The infant as a projective stimulus,1980,50,4,732-736,Kaye The role of the father for the infant at risk,1981,51,4,672-679,Marton Juvenile homicide: prior adjustment and a proposed typology,1987,57,3,383-393,Benedek The effects of marital disruption on adolescents: time as a dynamic,1990,60,4,544-555,Pakiz Daughters of divorce: report from a ten-year follow-up,1989,59,4,593-604,Wallerstein "I need you to listen to what happened to me": personal narratives of social trauma in research and peace-building,2014,84,5,475-486,Chaitin Changing patterns among homeless and runaway youth,1989,59,2,208-214,Shane Consultation to a clinic following suicide,1989,59,3,473-476,Ursano Adult incest survivors,1988,58,2,311-312,Huessey Who should ask? Ethical interviewing in psychiatric epidemiology studies,1988,58,2,228-239,McLeod A conceptual framework for understanding the association between school bullying victimization and substance misuse,2014,84,6,696-710,Hong Bullied youth: the impact of bullying through lesbian gay and bisexual name calling,2014,84,6,644-652,Chapman "I have lost everything": trade-offs of seeking safety from intimate partner violence,2015,85,2,170-180,Goodman Developmental delays at arrival and postmenarcheal Chinese adolescents' adjustment,2015,85,1,93-100,Tan A multilevel analysis of the relationship between neighborhood social disorder and depressive symptoms: evidence from the South African National Income Dynamics Study,2015,85,1,56-62,Tomita Understanding Bhutanese refugee suicide through the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior,2015,85,1,43-55,Miller How people evaluate others with social anxiety disorder: a comparison to depression and general mental illness stigma,2015,85,2,131-138,Wiener Impact of Inuit customary adoption on behavioral problems in school-age Inuit children,2015,85,3,250-258,Jacobson The Danieli Inventory of Multigenerational Legacies of Trauma Part II: reparative adaptational impacts,2015,85,3,229-237,Norris A broader perspective of gun control,2015,85,3,225-227,Hargrove Preventing the invisible plague of firearm suicide,2015,85,3,221-224,Runyan Our schools are safe: challenging the misperception that schools are dangerous places,2015,85,3,217-220,Cornell Challenging the political assumption that "Guns don't kill people crazy people kill people!",2015,85,3,211-216,Scalora Defying the odds on gun regulation: the passage of bipartisan mental health laws across the states,2015,85,3,203-210,Goss The new normal? Addressing gun violence in America,2015,85,3,201-202,McLeigh Building resilience: a qualitative study of Spanish women who have suffered intimate partner violence,2015,85,4,339-351,Calvete An exploratory study of nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal behaviors in adolescent Latinas,2015,85,4,302-314,Zayas Suicide risk assessments: examining influences on clinicians' professional judgment,2015,85,4,295-301,Regehr Israeli mothers' meaning reconstruction in the aftermath of homicide,2015,86,4,467-475,Leichtentritt Potential treatment mechanisms of counseling for children in Burundi: a series of n=1 studies,2012,82,3,338-348,Tol Development and validation of the child psychosocial distress screener in Burundi,2008,78,3,290-299,Tol Effects of Mental Health Disorders on the Risk of Juvenile Justice System Involvement and Recidivism Among Children Placed in Out-of-Home Care,2012,82,4,585-593,Yampolskaya Creating auspicious conditions for positive youth development in communities of color,2015,85,5 Suppl,S45-S54,Barbarin The association between youth violence exposure and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in a sample of fifth-graders,2015,85,5,504-513,Schwebel The effects of racial heterogeneity on mental health: a study of detained youth across multiple counties,2015,85,5,421-430,Aalsma Racism at the intersections: gender and socioeconomic differences in the experience of racism among African Americans,2015,85,5,397-408,Kwate The mothering experiences of sex-trafficked women: between here and there,2013,83,4,576-587,Peled Youth finding meaning through a larger sense of community,2015,85,6 Suppl,S70-8,Flanagan Bringing trauma-informed practice to domestic violence programs: a qualitative analysis of current approaches,2015,85,6,586-599,Goodman Arab youth involvement in delinquency and political violence and parental control: the mediating role of religiosity,2015,85,6,576-585,Khoury-Kassabri Are the risk and protective factors similar for gang-involved pressured-to-join and non-gang-involved youth? A social-ecological analysis,2015,85,6,522-535,Espelage Responding to the mental health and substance abuse needs of youth in the juvenile justice system: Ohio's Behavioral Health/Juvenile Justice Initiative,2015,85,6,515-521,Kretschmar Ecology matters: neighborhood differences in the protective role of self-control and social support for adolescent antisocial behavior,2015,85,6,536-549,Anderson Multigenerational legacies of trauma: modeling the what and how of transmission,2016,86,6,639-651,Norris Associations of adult separation anxiety disorder with conflict-related trauma ongoing adversity and the psychosocial disruptions of mass conflict among West Papuan refugees,2016,86,2,224-235,Kareth "I used to be an ordinary mom": the maternal identity of mothers of women abused by an intimate partner,2016,86,4,456-466,Peled Suicidality and sexual orientation: characteristics of symptom severity disclosure and timing across the life course,2016,86,1,69-78,Blosnich Profiles of bullying victimization discrimination social support and school safety: links with Latino/a youth acculturation gender depressive symptoms and cigarette use,2016,86,1,37-48,Soto Justifications of feticide,2016,86,6,704-712,Leichtentritt Navigating in murky waters: how multiracial black individuals cope with racism,2016,86,3,265-276,Snyder Masculine and family honor and youth violence: the moderating role of ethnic-cultural affiliation,2016,86,5,519-526,Khoury-Kassabri Mediating and moderating effects of social support in the study of child abuse and adult physical and mental health,2016,86,5,573-583,Herrenkohl Risk and protective factors across multiple microsystems associated with internalizing symptoms and aggressive behavior in rural adolescents: modeling longitudinal trajectories from the Rural Adaptation Project,2016,87,1,94-108,Guo Evaluating dosage effects for the Positive Action Program: how implementation impacts internalizing symptoms aggression school hassles and self-esteem,2016,86,3,310-322,Guo Major discriminatory events and risk for psychotic experiences among black americans,2016,86,3,277-285,Cogburn Posttraumatic stress symptoms in context: examining trauma responses to violent exposures and homicide death among black males in urban neighborhoods,2016,86,2,212-223,Smith Reducing primary and secondary traumatic stress symptoms among educators by training them to deliver a resiliency program (ERASE-Stress) following the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand,2016,86,2,236-251,Berger Using Communities That Care for community child maltreatment prevention,2016,86,2,144-155,Catalano Mandated reporters' perceptions of and encounters with domestic minor sex trafficking of adolescent females in the United States,2016,87,3,195-205,Hartinger-Saunders Linking typologies of childhood adversity to adult incarceration: findings from a nationally representative sample,2016,86,5,584-593,Sareen Political violence exposure adolescent school violence and drug use: the mediating role of school support and posttraumatic stress,2016,86,6,662-670,Benbenishty Psychological health and academic success in rural Appalachian adolescents exposed to physical and sexual interpersonal violence,2016,86,5,594-601,Jameson "Calculating the toll of trauma" in the headlines: portrayals of posttraumatic stress disorder in the,2016,86,6,632-638,Purtle Domestic violence survivors' empowerment and mental health: exploring the role of the alliance with advocates,2016,86,3,286-296,Sullivan The process of desistance among core ex-gang members,2016,87,4,487-502,Berger Associations between school violence military connection and gang membership in California secondary schools,2016,87,4,443-451,Astor Examining the effects of emotional and cognitive desensitization to community violence exposure in male adolescents of color,2016,87,4,463-473,Gaylord-Harden Burden and mental health among caregivers of veterans with traumatic brain injury/polytrauma,2017,87,2,139-148,Carlson Perspectives of veterans with mild traumatic brain injury on community reintegration: making sense of unplanned separation from service,2017,87,2,129-138,Magruder Mapping a continuum of adolescent helping and bystander behavior within the context of dating violence and bullying,2018,88,3,335-345,Herrenkohl Alcohol and drug use among internationally adopted adolescents: results from a Norwegian population-based study,2018,88,2,226-235,Aarø Characteristics of foster care history as risk factors for psychiatric disorders among youth in care,2018,88,3,269-281,Courtney Peer victimization and substance use among African American adolescents and emerging adults on Chicago's Southside,2018,88,4,431-440,Voisin Physical family violence and externalizing and internalizing behaviors among children and adolescents,2017,87,4,474-486,Renner The correlation between exposure to neighborhood violence and perpetration of moderate physical violence among Arab-Palestinian youth: can it be moderated by parent-child support and gender?,2017,87,4,452-462,Massarwi Alcohol use among Arab Muslim adolescents: a mediation-moderation model of family peer and community factors,2018,88,1,88-98,Khoury-Kassabri Interrelationships among length of stay in a domestic violence shelter help received and outcomes achieved,2017,87,4,434-442,Sullivan Mental health services as a vital component of psychosocial recovery for victims of child trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation,2018,88,3,249-260,Rafferty The power of 41%: a glimpse into the life of a statistic,2016,86,4,373-377,Tanis Adolescents' experience of parental psychological caregiving and neglect: construct development,2017,87,3,326-336,Christ Sexual objectification: the common thread connecting myriad forms of sexual violence against women,2017,87,3,226-232,Gervais A critical-positive youth development model for intervening with minority youth at risk for delinquency,2017,87,5,510-519,Case Understanding the mental health consequences of family separation for refugees: implications for policy and practice,2018,88,1,26-37,Bybee Boys do(n't) cry: addressing the unmet mental health needs of African American boys,2017,87,4,377-383,Lindsey Evaluation of the effects of receiving trauma-informed practices on domestic violence shelter residents,2018,88,5,563-570,Sullivan Direct and indirect effects of child abuse and environmental stress: a lifecourse perspective on adversity and depressive symptoms,2018,88,2,180-188,Herrenkohl Associations between bullying involvement protective factors and mental health among American Indian youth,2018,88,4,413-421,Eisenberg Risks resources and depressive symptomatology among Marshallese adolescents,2018,88,2,189-198,Fitzpatrick Implementation and evaluation of a parenting program to prevent child maltreatment in Suriname,2018,88,3,295-305,Boer Using situational crises to ease transitions in the life cycle,1980,50,3,542-550,Golan Brief group therapy with offspring of holocaust survivors: leaders' reactions,1980,50,1,96-108,Fogelman Stress effects of sexual harassment on the job: implications for counseling,1982,52,3,539-544,Crull Bullying and minorities in secondary school students in Thrace-Greece,2018,88,4,462-470,Samakouri The influence of low-barrier and voluntary service policies on survivor empowerment in a domestic violence housing organization,2018,88,6,670-680,Sullivan Racial/ethnic differences of justice-involved youth in substance-related problems and services received,2018,88,3,363-375,Heaton An exploratory study of stress and coping among Black college men,2018,88,5,538-549,Allen Obese and overweight youth: risk for experiencing bullying victimization and internalizing symptoms,2018,88,4,483-491,Bradshaw Associations of bullying victimization and daytime sleepiness with academic problems in adolescents attending an alternative high school,2019,89,4,508-517,Laird Proactive aggression in early school-aged children with externalizing behavior problems: a longitudinal study on the influence of empathy in response to distress,2018,88,3,346-353,Matthys Examining suicidality bullying and gun carrying among Latina/o youth over 10 years,2018,88,4,450-461,Romero Bullying and mental health amongst Australian children and young people with cystic fibrosis,2018,88,4,402-412,Cross Experiences in bullying and/or peer victimization of vulnerable marginalized and oppressed children and adolescents: an introduction to the special issue,2018,88,4,399-401,Espelage A novel intervention for system-involved female intimate partner violence survivors: changes in mental health,2018,88,6,681-690,Macy Two sides of the same neighborhood? 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