Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Effects of data limitations when modeling fatal occupational injury rates,2004,46,3,271-283,Bena The effect of rate denominator source on US fatal occupational injury rate estimates,2004,46,3,261-270,Richardson A case-control study of forklift and other powered industrial vehicle incidents,1999,36,5,522-531,Smith Injuries related to forklifts and other powered industrial vehicles in automobile manufacturing,1999,36,5,513-521,Smith Acute traumatic injuries in automotive manufacturing,1998,34,4,351-358,Smith Work-related injuries among Massachusetts children: a study based on emergency department data,1993,24,3,313-324,Gallagher Age-related accident risks: longitudinal study of Swedish iron ore miners,1996,30,4,479-487,Laflamme Respiratory predictors of disability days: a five year prospective study of u.s. coal miners,1985,7,4,337-342,Trent Role of work permits in teen workers' experiences,2002,41,6,477-482,Delp Killed on the clock: a population-based study of workplace homicide 1977-1991,2000,37,6,629-636,Moracco Improving safety for teens working in the retail trade sector: opportunities and obstacles,1998,34,4,342-350,Dunn Injuries to rescue workers following the Oklahoma City bombing,1997,31,6,727-732,Mallonee Injury severity associated with nonfatal construction falls,1997,32,6,647-655,Beaumont Risk factors for falls among Iowa farmers: a case-control study nested in the Agricultural Health Study,2003,44,3,265-272,Lynch Risk factors for back pain among male farmers: analysis of Iowa Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance Study,2001,40,6,646-654,Burmeister Nested case-control analysis of high pesticide exposure events from the Agricultural Health Study,2001,39,6,557-563,Lynch Respiratory symptoms: associations with pesticides silos and animal confinement in the Iowa Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance Project,2000,38,4,455-462,Whitten The prevalence of depressive symptoms and risk factors among Iowa and Colorado farmers,2000,37,4,382-389,Burmeister Work-related injuries among Iowa farm operators: an analysis of the Iowa Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance Project,1998,33,5,510-517,Burmeister Design and conduct of occupational injury intervention studies: a review of evaluation strategies,1997,32,2,164-179,Zwerling Effect of recall period on the reporting of occupational injuries among older workers in the Health and Retirement Study,1995,28,5,583-590,Wallace Non-fatal injuries in the West Virginia logging industry: using workers' compensation claims to assess risk from 1995 through 2001,2003,44,5,502-509,Helmkamp Effectiveness of the HomeSafe Pilot Program in reducing injury rates among residential construction workers 1994-1998,2004,45,2,210-217,Stallones Proportionate mortality among US migrant and seasonal farmworkers in twenty-four states,2001,40,5,604-611,Stallones Back pain and agricultural work among farmers: an analysis of the Colorado Farm Family Health and Hazard Surveillance Survey,1999,35,3,310-316,Stallones The dangers of dairy farming: the injury experience of 600 workers followed for two years,1992,21,5,637-650,Stallones Surveillance of fatal and non-fatal farm injuries in Kentucky,1990,18,2,223-234,Stallones Acute traumatic injuries in underground bituminous coal miners,1993,23,3,407-415,Kraus Traumatic occupational fatalities in the retail industry United States 1992-1996,1999,35,2,186-191,Kraus Design factors in epidemiologic cohort studies of work-related low back injury or pain,1997,32,2,153-163,Kraus Occupational injuries and medication use,1996,30,2,234-239,Mueller Occupational injuries among Boston bicycle messengers,2002,42,6,519-525,Dennerlein Injury risks in children of California migrant Hispanic farm worker families,2002,42,2,124-133,Beaumont The impact of regulatory enforcement and consultation visits on workers' compensation claims incidence rates and costs 1999-2008,2012,55,11,976-990,Foley Fatal injuries in the construction industry in Washington State,1987,11,4,453-460,Paulozzi Child and adolescent injury in the United States: how occupational injuries fit in,1993,24,3,301-311,Christoffel Effectiveness of community health workers for promoting use of safety eyewear by Latino farm workers,2004,46,6,607-613,Forst Factors contributing to construction injury at Denver International Airport,2004,47,1,27-36,Glazner Non-fatal occupational injuries related to slips trips and falls in seafaring,2005,47,2,161-171,Sorensen Severe lead poisoning in the plastics industry: A report of three cases,2005,47,2,172-175,Coyle Outcomes in work-related injuries: A comparison of older and younger workers,2005,47,2,104-112,Pransky Tractor-related injuries: A population-based study of a five-state region in the Midwest,2005,47,3,254-264,French Three times the injuries among occasional wood cutters compared to professional loggers: sample of emergency rooms in Central and Northern Wisconsin,2005,47,3,246-253,Stueland Have companies improved their health and safety approaches over the last decade? A longitudinal study,2005,47,3,227-236,Geldart Use of protective equipment among California farmers,2002,42,5,455-464,Samuels Assessment of personal protective equipment use among Midwestern farmers,2002,42,3,236-247,Stueland Cost-effectiveness of roll-over protective structures,2002,42,Suppl 2,68-71,Myers Compliance with required pesticide-specific protective equipment use,2002,41,1,70-73,Layde Fatal and non-fatal machine-related injuries suffered by children in Alberta Canada 1990-1997,2004,45,2,177-185,Belton Suicide and exposure to organophosphate insecticides: Cause or effect?,2005,47,4,308-321,Flisher Early retirement due to occupational injury: Who is at risk?,2005,47,4,285-295,Pransky Hospitalized nonfatal injuries in the Alaskan construction industry,2005,47,5,428-433,Conway Laceration injuries among workers at meat packing plants,2005,47,5,403-410,Sorock Societal cost of workplace homicides in the United States 1992-2001,2005,47,6,518-527,Biddle Mortality in Florida professional firefighters 1972 to 1999,2005,47,6,509-517,Ma Measuring success in a pesticide risk reduction program among migrant farmworkers in Colorado,2005,47,3,237-245,Vela Acosta Work-related eye injuries treated in hospital emergency departments in the US,2005,48,1,57-62,Smith Classification and coding of commercial fishing injuries by work processes: an experience in the Danish fresh market fishing industry,2005,47,6,528-537,Jensen Self-reported symptoms of neurotoxicity and agricultural injuries among Ohio cash-grain farmers,2005,47,6,538-549,Bean Age-related differences in work injuries: A multivariate population-based study,2005,48,1,50-56,Breslin Hearing loss as a risk factor for agricultural injuries,2005,48,4,293 - 301,Whitten Farm tractors and the use of seat belts and roll-over protective structures,1996,30,4,447-451,Kelsey Methods for using narrative text from injury reports to identify factors contributing to construction injury,2005,48,5,373-380,Lipscomb Machine safety evaluation in small metal working facilities: An evaluation of inter-rater reliability in the quantification of machine-related hazards,2005,48,5,381-388,Munshi Injuries on the fireground: risk factors for traumatic injuries among professional fire fighters,1989,15,3,267-282,Heineman The global burden due to occupational injury,2005,48,6,470-481,Driscoll The cost effectiveness of occupational health interventions: Preventing occupational back pain,2005,48,6,515-529,Levenstein Review of estimates of the global burden of injury and illness due to occupational exposures,2005,48,6,491-502,Driscoll The global burden of selected occupational diseases and injury risks: Methodology and summary,2005,48,6,400-418,Driscoll Mortality in Florida professional firefighters 1972-1999,2005,49,2,138 - 140,Sjogren Assessment of occupational eye injury risk and severity: An analysis of Rhode Island workers' compensation data 1998-2002,2005,49,1,45-53,Horwitz Robbery characteristics and employee injuries in convenience stores,2001,40,6,703-709,Landsittel Pain medication and injury in older farmers,2006,49,5,374 - 382,Rowe Profile of machine safety in small metal fabrication businesses,2006,49,5,352 - 359,Parker Fatal motor vehicle crashes among veterans of the 1991 Gulf War and exposure to munitions demolitions at Khamisiyah: A nested case-control study,2006,49,4,261-270,Kang Personal and non-occupational risk factors and occupational injury/illness,2006,49,4,249-260,Craig Acute pesticide-related illness among emergency responders 1993-2002,2006,49,5,383 - 393,Sievert Illnesses and injuries reported by Latino poultry workers in western North Carolina,2006,49,5,343 - 351,Quandt Modeling the impact of the components of long work hours on injuries and "accidents",2006,49,11,953 - 963,Folkard The relationship between work permits injury and safety training among working teenagers,2006,49,5,360 - 366,Zierold How many work-related injuries requiring hospitalization in British Columbia are claimed for workers' compensation?,2006,49,6,443 - 451,Koehoorn Mortality in a Swedish rubber tire manufacturing plant: Occupational risks or an "unhealthy worker" effect?,2006,49,8,617 - 623,Wingren Nail gun injuries in apprentice carpenters: Risk factors and control measures,2006,49,7,505-513,Patterson Impact of psychosocial job stress on non-fatal occupational injuries in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises,2006,49,8,658 - 669,Takahashi A case-crossover study of occupational traumatic hand injury: methods and initial findings,2001,39,2,171-179,Sorock Worker productivity and outpatient service use after the September 11th attacks: Results from the New York City Terrorism Outcome Study,2006,49,8,670 - 682,Boscarino Costs differences across demographic groups and types of occupational injuries and illnesses,2006,49,10,845 - 853,Waehrer The impact of occupational injury reduction on the U.S. economy,2006,49,9,719-727,Waehrer Patterns of fatigue among seafarers during a tour of duty,2006,49,10,836 - 844,Wadsworth Workers' compensation experience of Colorado agriculture workers 2000-2004,2006,49,11,900-910,Douphrate North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks: Five-year assessment and priorities for the future,2006,49,11,911-919,Marlenga Suicide mortality in the United States: differentials by industrial and occupational groups,1999,36,6,645-652,Kposowa An assessment and quantification of the rates costs and risk factors of occupational amputations: analysis of Kentucky workers' compensation claims 1994-2003,2006,49,12,1031-1038,Horwitz Industrial sectors with high risk of women's hospital-treated injuries,2006,50,1,13 - 21,Hannerz Identification and characterization of Kentucky self-employed occupational injury fatalities using multiple sources 1995-2004,2006,49,12,1005-1012,Bunn Evaluation of the burden of logging injuries using West Virginia workers' compensation claims data from 1996 to 2001,2006,49,12,1039-1045,Helmkamp Employer costs of alcohol-involved injuries,2006,50,2,136 - 142,Hendrie Trends in workplace homicides in the U.S. 1993-2002: a decade of decline,2007,50,4,316-325,Hendricks Barriers to documenting occupational injuries among personal assistance services workers,2007,50,7,536 - 544,Scherzer The health behaviors of the older US worker,2007,50,6,427 - 437,Fleming An English/Spanish safety climate scale for construction workers,2007,50,6,438 - 442,Nickels Occupational injury among cooks and food service workers in the healthcare sector,2007,50,7,528-535,Yassi Alcohol use among immigrant Latino farmworkers in North Carolina,2007,50,8,617 - 625,Quandt Leveraging existing databases to study vehicle crashes in a combat occupational cohort: epidemiologic methods,2005,48,2,118-127,Kang Extended work hours and risk of acute occupational injury: A case-crossover study of workers in manufacturing,2007,50,8,597 - 603,Cullen External cause-specific summaries of occupational fatal injuries. Part ii: An analysis of years of potential life lost,2003,43,3,251-261,Bena External cause-specific summaries of occupational fatal injuries. Part i: An analysis of rates,2003,43,3,237-250,Bena Fatal injuries caused by logs rolling off trucks: Kentucky 1994-1998,2001,39,2,203-208,Struttmann A lantern color vision test for the rail industry,2000,38,6,681-696,Hovis Expanded analysis of injury mortality among unionized construction workers,2000,37,4,364-373,Johnston Social and economic consequences of workplace injury: A population-based study of workers in British Columbia Canada,2007,50,9,633 - 645,Shannon Measuring low back injury risk factors in challenging work environments: An evaluation of cost and feasibility,2007,50,9,687 - 696,Koehoorn Work-related fatalities in the agricultural production and services sectors 1980-1989,1995,27,1,51-63,Myers Mortality among female registered nurses and school teachers in British Columbia,1994,26,1,125-132,King Predictors of nonfatal assault injury to public school teachers in Los Angeles City,2007,50,12,932 - 939,Peek-Asa Occupational heat illness in Washington State 1995-2005,2007,50,12,940 - 950,Bonauto Occupational injury mortality: New Mexico 1998-2002,2007,50,12,910 - 920,Crandall Injuries and injury risk factors among members of the United States Army band,2007,50,12,951 - 961,Jones Challenges in residential fall prevention: Insight from apprentice carpenters,2007,51,1,60 - 68,Evanoff Evaluation of a community-based effort to reduce blueberry harvesting injury,2008,51,4,307 - 315,Jones Meeting the challenges of an aging workforce,2008,51,4,269 - 280,Silverstein Adolescent occupational injuries: Texas 1990-1996,1999,35,1,43-50,Schnitzer Causes of work-related injuries among young workers in British Columbia,2008,51,5,357 - 363,McDonald Surveillance of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders in a diverse cohort of workers at a tertiary care medical center,2008,51,5,344 - 356,Dement Work injuries among drivers in the goods-transport branch in Denmark,2008,51,5,364 - 371,Mikkelsen Disparities in work-related injuries associated with worker compensation coverage status,2008,51,6,393 - 398,Bunn Back injuries among Union carpenters in Washington State 1989-2003,2008,51,6,463 - 474,Lipscomb Workplace violence against adolescent workers in the US,2008,51,7,539 - 544,Rauscher Fatalities in the landscape and horticultural services industry 1992-2001,2008,51,9,701 - 713,Hunting Physical work capacity in older adults: Implications for the aging worker,2008,51,8,610 - 625,Jay Just in the wrong place...? Geographic tools for occupational injury/illness surveillance,2008,51,9,680 - 690,Curriero Acute pesticide poisoning among agricultural workers in the United States 1998-2005,2008,51,12,883 - 898,Sievert Circumstances of fatal lockout/tagout-related injuries in manufacturing,2008,51,10,728 - 734,Sorock Prevention of traumatic nail gun injuries in apprentice carpenters: Use of population-based measures to monitor intervention effectiveness,2008,51,10,719 - 727,Patterson Shift-work and suicide ideation among police officers,2008,51,10,758 - 768,Violanti Work injuries and exposures in children and young adults: review and recommendations for action,1991,19,6,747-769,Jacobs Impact of implementing the Washington State ergonomics rule on employer reported risk factors and hazard reduction activity,2008,52,1,1 - 16,Polissar Near miss and minor occupational injury: Does it share a common causal pathway with major injury?,2008,52,1,69 - 75,Alamgir Evidence of organizational injustice in poultry processing plants: Possible effects on occupational health and safety among Latino workers in North Carolina,2008,52,1,37 - 48,Quandt Work-related non-fatal injuries among foreign-born and U.S. born workers: findings from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey 1997-2005,2008,52,1,25 - 36,Stallones Differences in access to wage replacement benefits for absences due to work-related injury or illness in Canada,2009,52,4,341 - 349,Mustard Job strain and the risk for occupational injury in small- to medium-sized manufacturing enterprises: A prospective study of 1209 Korean employees,2009,52,4,322 - 330,Kim Risk factors for serious injury in Finnish agriculture,2009,52,5,419 - 428,Zwerling Livestock-handling injuries in agriculture: An analysis of Colorado workers' compensation data,2009,52,5,391 - 407,Reynolds Characteristics of occupational burns in Oregon 2001-2006,2009,52,5,380 - 390,Walters Fall hazard control observed on residential construction sites,2009,52,6,491 - 499,Evanoff Parents' safety beliefs and childhood agricultural injury,2009,52,9,724-733,Renier Validation of self-reported occupational exposures in meatpacking workers,2009,52,9,707-715,Sorock Using surveillance data to promote occupational health and safety policies and practice at the state level: A case study,2010,53,2,188-193,Calvert Ergonomic and socioeconomic risk factors for hospital workers' compensation injury claims,2009,52,7,551-562,Punnett Fatal falls overboard on commercial fishing vessels in Alaska,2007,50,12,962-968,Lincoln Job stress and depressive symptoms among Japanese fire fighters,2007,50,6,470-480,Hashimoto Floodwater exposure and the related health symptoms among firefighters in New Orleans Louisiana 2005,2007,50,5,377-382,Tak Compensation costs of work-related back disorders among union carpenters Washington State 1989-2003,2009,52,8,587-595,Dement Occupational injury disparities in the US hotel industry,2010,53,2,116-125,Krause Nonfatal work-related motor vehicle injuries treated in emergency departments in the United States 1998-2002,2009,52,9,698-706,Chen Latino worker perceptions of construction risks,2010,53,2,179-187,Menzel Impact of publicly sponsored interventions on musculoskeletal injury claims in nursing homes,2009,52,9,683-697,Collins Are employment shifts into non-manufacturing industries partially responsible for the decline in occupational injury rates?,2009,52,10,735-741,Morse Possibilities and challenges in occupational injury surveillance of day laborers,2010,53,2,126-134,Hecker Health medication use and agricultural injury: A review,2009,52,11,876-889,Wilson Predictors of delayed return to work after back injury: A case-control analysis of union carpenters in Washington State,2009,52,11,821-830,Lipscomb Utilizing hospital discharge data (HD) to compare fatal and non-fatal work-related injuries among Hispanic workers in New Jersey,2010,53,2,146-152,McGreevy Traumatic occupational injuries in Hispanic and foreign born workers,2010,53,4,344-351,Forst Smoking behavior in trucking industry workers,2006,49,12,1013-1020,Smith A critical load for nocturnal high-density road traffic noise,1986,9,3,261-269,Griefahn Bhopal and after,1986,9,3,215-216,Zaidi The neurotoxicity of industrial solvents: a review of the literature,1985,8,3,207-217,Baker Mortality among California highway workers,1988,13,3,363-379,Maizlish Mortality comparisons of chemical workers hired before during and after World War II (1941-1945),1989,15,3,335-342,Bond Mortality patterns of American merchant seamen 1973-1978,1990,17,4,423-433,Kavaler Questionnaire survey of masters mates and pilots of a State Ferries System on health social and performance indices relevant to shift work,1992,21,4,507-516,Sparks Occupational Health and Safety in the smelting and foundry industries in Mexico,1980,1,3-4,261-263,Cuellar 1983 occupational injury hospital admissions in Iowa: a comparison of the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors,1990,18,2,211-222,Burmeister A methodology for the collection of supplemental information on agricultural fatalities,1990,18,2,201-209,Seltzer Beyond surveillance: methodologic considerations in analytic studies of agricultural injuries,1990,18,2,193-200,Layde Standard setting: a political process,1990,17,2,255-259,Pitcher Epilogue: agricultural occupational and environmental health policy strategies for the future,1990,18,4,523-526,Thelin Technical workshop report: Working Group II: agricultural occupational health and safety services for farmers and ranchers,1990,18,4,511-515,Osweiler A case for medical environmental and safety screening,1990,18,4,413-419,Emanuel Safety programs of the Farm Safety Association in Ontario Canada,1990,18,4,409-411, Reaching the difficult audience: an experiment to provide occupational health services to farmers and ranchers in Colorado U.S.A,1990,18,4,395-403,Sandfort The Bassett Farm Safety and Health Project,1990,18,4,391-393,Pratt Iowa Agricultural Health and Safety Service Project,1990,18,4,385-389,Donham Farmers' occupational health program in Finland 1979-1988: from research to practice,1990,18,4,379-384,Nuutinen Farmers' health and safety programs in Sweden,1990,18,4,371-378,Höglund Farmers' occupational health care--worldwide,1990,18,4,365-370,Höglund Scope and magnitude of injuries in the agricultural workplace,1990,18,2,179-192,Field Injury surveillance in agriculture,1990,18,2,169-178,Gerberich Occupational health services for farmers,1990,18,2,149-162,Emanuel Issues in agricultural health and safety,1990,18,2,121-131,May National surveillance of occupational fatalities in agriculture,1990,18,2,163-168,Myers Agricultural occupational and environmental health: policy strategies for the future--the scientific basis. Part III. Iowa City and Des Moines Iowa September 17-30 1988. Proceedings,1990,18,4,363-526, Prologue: agricultural occupational and environmental health: policy strategies for the future,1990,18,2,107-119,Donham Standard setting science and politics,1989,15,3,347-350,Frumkin Minnesota highway maintenance worker cohort mortality study: methods and noncancer mortality,1989,15,5,531-543,Williams Fatal occupational injuries in California 1972-1983,1989,15,2,177-185,Peters Standard setting and protection of human health and safety,1989,15,2,213-231,Robinson Summary of "Proposed national strategies for the prevention of leading work-related diseases and injuries Part 1",1988,13,2,223-240,Millar Work-related injuries in minors,1988,14,5,585-595,Halperin Acute nickel toxicity in electroplating workers who accidently ingested a solution of nickel sulfate and nickel chloride,1988,14,3,257-266,Swift Modernization and trends in occupational health and safety in the People's Republic of China 1981-1986,1987,12,5,499-506,Wegman The accuracy of self-reported regulatory data: the case of coal mine dust,1984,6,6,427-440,Boden A proportionate mortality analysis of California agricultural workers 1978-1979,1984,6,4,305-320,Harris Transport injuries in small coal mines: an exploratory analysis,1993,23,3,391-406,Hunting Mortality patterns among men in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry,1993,24,4,471-484,Honda Children at work: prevention of occupational injury and disease,1993,24,3,325-330,Castillo Health hazards to children in the service industries,1993,24,3,291-300,Kinney Health hazards to children in agriculture,1993,24,3,283-290,Wilk Hospitalized occupational finger amputations New Jersey 1985 and 1986,1993,23,3,439-447,Sorock An evaluation of New Jersey's hospital discharge database for surveillance of severe occupational injuries,1993,23,3,427-437,Sorock Fatal occupational accidents in Ontario 1986-1989,1993,23,2,253-264,Shannon Current methods of estimating severity for occupational injuries and illnesses: data from the 1986 Michigan Comprehensive Compensable Injury and Illness Database,1993,23,2,231-252,Lee Non-fatal farm injuries on 117 eastern Ontario beef and dairy farms: a one-year study,1992,21,5,623-636,Brison On farm injuries and safety,1992,21,5,619-622,Jansson Mortality patterns in female domestic workers,1992,21,4,595-599,Threlfall Coloring the hazards: risk maps research and education to fight health hazards,1992,22,5,767-770,Mujica Health and safety education for workers with low-literacy or limited-English skills,1992,22,5,751-765,Wallerstein Hardware to hard hats: training workers for action (from offices to construction sites),1992,22,5,691-701,Baker Teaching health and safety: problems and possibilities for learner-centered training,1992,22,5,665-676,Levenstein Health and safety education for worker empowerment,1992,22,5,619-635,Wallerstein Query on non-back occupational injuries,1992,22,1,143,Zwerling An epidemiologic study of cancer and other causes of mortality in San Francisco firefighters,1991,19,3,357-372,Beaumont Solvent exposure and the risk of slips trips and falls among painters,1991,20,3,353-370,Hunting Work-related deaths in children,1991,19,6,739-745,Suruda Occupational injuries among aides and nurses in acute care,2009,52,12,953-964,Richardson Effectiveness of the training program for workers at construction sites of the high-speed railway line between Torino and Novara: Impact on injury rates,2009,52,12,965-972,Bena Occupational injuries among emergency responders,2010,53,1,1-11,Jackson Safety knowledge safety behaviors depression and injuries in Colorado farm residents,2010,53,1,47-54,Stallones Costs by industry and diagnosis among musculoskeletal claims in a state workers compensation system: 1999-2004,2010,53,3,276-284,Hamrick Impact of musculoskeletal and medical conditions on disability retirement-a longitudinal study among construction roofers,2010,53,6,552-560,Hunting Alcohol consumption and work-related injuries among farmers in Heilongjiang Province People's Republic of China,2010,53,8,825-835,Stallones Safety walkarounds predict injury risk and reduce injury rates in the construction industry,2010,53,6,601-607,Spangenberg The health of California's immigrant hired farmworkers,2010,53,4,387-397,Williams Relationship of work injury severity to family member hospitalization,2010,53,5,506-513,Bushnell Farm work exposure of older male farmers in Saskatchewan,2010,53,7,706-715,Hagel Work-related injuries among Hispanic construction workers-Evidence from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey,2010,53,6,561-569,Men Informal social status among coworkers and risk of work-related injury among nurse aides in long-term care,2010,53,5,514-523,Lipscomb A global perspective of migration and occupational health,2010,53,4,329-337,Schenker Immigrants as crime victims: Experiences of personal nonfatal victimization,2010,53,4,435-442,Stallones Occupational fatalities injuries illnesses and related economic loss in the wholesale and retail trade sector,2010,53,7,673-685,Linn Medical-examiner-reported fatal occupational injuries North Carolina 1978-1984,1989,15,6,669-678,Sniezek Hazardous task recognition among U.S. adolescents working in the retail or service industry,2010,53,7,686-692,Villaveces Nonfatal unintentional injuries and related factors among male construction workers in central China,2010,53,6,588-595,Xiang A study of factors influencing return to work after wrist or ankle fractures,2006,49,3,197-203,Cherry Re: "Medical-Examiner-Reported Fatal Occupational Injuries North Carolina 1978-1984",1990,17,4,531 533,Mirer Reduction in injury rates in nursing personnel through introduction of mechanical lifts in the workplace,2003,44,5,451-457,Wolf Comparison of fatal occupational injury surveillance systems between the European Union and the United States,2003,44,4,385-391,Cooper Stress factors predicting injuries of hospital personnel,2003,44,1,32-36,Salminen Work injuries among Finnish farmers: a national register linkage study 1996-1997,2003,43,3,314-325,Luukkonen Causes nature and outcomes of work-related injuries to adolescents working at farm and non-farm jobs in rural Minnesota,2002,42,2,142-149,Munshi Adolescent work patterns and work-related injury incidence in rural Minnesota,2002,42,2,134-141,Munshi Two-year health and employment outcomes among injured workers enrolled in the Washington State Managed Care Pilot Project,2001,40,6,619-626,Franklin Assignment of work involving farm tractors to children on North American farms,2001,40,1,15-22,Berg Paths of reentry: employment experiences of injured workers,2000,38,4,373-384,Boden Years of productivity lost among injured workers in Washington state: modeling disability burden in workers' compensation,2000,37,6,656-662,Franklin Medical personal and occupational outcomes for work-related amputations in Minnesota,2000,37,5,551-557,Larson Nature incidence and cause of work-related amputations in Minnesota,2000,37,5,542-550,Larson Analysis of construction injury burden by type of work,2000,37,4,390-399,Glazner The impact of agricultural injury on farm owners and workers in Alabama and Mississippi,2000,37,4,374-381,McGwin Protecting youth at work,1999,36,5,579-583,Davis Fatal occupational injuries associated with forklifts United States 1980-1994,1999,36,5,504-512,Collins Economic consequences of workplace injuries and illnesses: lost earnings and benefit adequacy,1999,36,5,487-503,Boden Workplace violence in Finland: high-risk groups and preventive strategies,1999,1999,Suppl 1,80-81,Saarela Predicting system interactions in the design process,1999,1999,Suppl 1,58-60,Steiner A minority with few occupational accidents: the case of Swedish-speaking Finns,1999,1999,Suppl 1,37-38,Johansson Comparison of fatal and severe nonfatal traumatic work-related injuries in Washington state,1999,36,2,317-325,Franklin Fatal occupational injuries among electric power company workers,1999,35,3,302-309,Loomis Injuries in home health care workers: an analysis of occupational morbidity from a state compensation database,1999,35,3,295-301,Muntaner Workplace violence at government sites,1998,33,5,485-492,Eisele Job-related diseases and occupations within a large workers' compensation data set,1998,33,3,197-211,Miller Three perspectives on work-related injury surveillance systems,1997,32,2,116-128,Smith Fatal agricultural injuries in North Carolina by race and occupation 1977-1991,1997,31,4,452-458,Richardson Proportionate mortality among unionized construction ironworkers,1997,31,2,176-187,Ward Fatal and nonfatal injuries related to violence in Washington workplaces 1992,1996,30,4,438-446,Kaufman Injury and illness in the American workplace: a comparison of data sources,1996,30,2,130-141,Sorock Tradeswomen's perspectives on occupational health and safety: a qualitative investigation,1996,29,5,516-520,Goldenhar Assessment of mortality in the construction industry in the United States 1984-1986,1995,28,1,49-70,Robinson Establishment size and risk of occupational injury,1995,28,1,1-21,Oleinick A detailed analysis of work-related injury among youth treated in emergency departments,1995,27,6,793-805,Castillo Nature and incidence of self-reported adolescent work injury in Minnesota,1994,26,4,529-541,French Comparison of suicide rates among industrial groups,1994,25,2,197-203,Liu Nonfatal tool- or equipment-related injuries treated in US emergency departments among workers in the construction industry 1998-2005,2010,53,6,581-587,Lipscomb Nonfatal construction industry-related injuries treated in hospital emergency departments in the United States 1998-2005,2010,53,6,570-580,Lipscomb Arsenic poisoning in central Kentucky: a case report,1993,24,6,723-726,Cohen Job tasks potential exposures and health risks of laborers employed in the construction industry,1993,24,4,413-425,Schulte Fouling one's own nest revisited,1993,24,1,1-9,Weaver Mortality of urban firefighters in Alberta 1927-1987,1993,23,6,921-940,Guidotti Chewing electric wire coatings: an unusual source of lead poisoning,1994,25,2,291-296,Franco Estimates of the extent of morbidity and mortality due to occupational diseases in Canada,1994,25,2,267-278,Kraut Agricultural injuries among a population-based sample of farm operators in Alabama,1994,25,3,385-402,Roseman Elevated quantitative vibrotactile threshold among workers previously poisoned with methamidophos and other organophosphate pesticides,1994,25,3,325-334,Rosenstock Mortality among taxi drivers in Rome: a cohort study,1994,25,4,507-517,Borgia Mortality among fire fighters: a 27 state survey,1994,26,6,831-833,Halperin Mortality among urban policemen in Rome,1994,26,6,785-798,Borgia Surveillance of fatal occupational injuries in France: 2002-2004,2010,53,11,1109-1118,Chevalier On the job illness and injury resulting in lost work time among a national cohort of emergency medical services professionals,2007,50,12,921-931,Crawford A comparison of the perceptions and beliefs of workers and owners with regard to workplace safety in small metal fabrication businesses,2007,50,12,999-1009,Parker Occupational injuries to Oregon workers 24 years and younger: An analysis of workers' compensation claims 2000-2007,2010,53,10,984-994,Green The Pennsylvania certified safety committee program: An evaluation of participation and effects on work injury rates,2010,53,8,780-791,Liu Non-fatal construction industry fall-related injuries treated in US emergency departments 1998-2005,2011,54,2,128-135,Lipscomb Gender differences in probable posttraumatic stress disorder among police responders to the 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attack,2010,53,12,1186-1196,DiGrande Photovoice in the workplace: A participatory method to give voice to workers to identify health and safety hazards and promote workplace change-a study of university custodians,2010,53,11,1150-1158,Siqueira Risk factors for worker injury and death from occupational light vehicles crashes in New South Wales (Australia),2010,53,9,931-939,Wolfe Closing the surveillance gap,1996,29,2,223-224,Halperin Chronic lung disease secondary to ammonia inhalation injury: a report on three cases,1996,29,2,209-214,de la Hoz Work-related injuries to Massachusetts teens 1987-1990,1996,29,2,153-160,Brooks Mortality of workers at a nuclear materials production plant at Oak Ridge Tennessee 1947-1990,1996,29,2,131-141,Wolf Workplace organizational correlates of lost-time accident rates in manufacturing,1996,29,3,258-268,Shannon Intervention research in construction: a hypothetical case study of painters,1996,29,4,431-434,Wolford Emerging participatory approaches to ergonomic interventions in the construction industry,1996,29,4,425-430,Buchholz Methodologic issues in intervention research--health care,1996,29,4,412-417,Collins An occupational health and safety intervention research agenda for production agriculture: does safety education work?,1996,29,4,392-396,Murphy Making the "new American workplace" safe and healthy: a joint labor-management-researcher approach,1996,29,4,373-377,Schurman Intervention research: GAO experiences,1996,29,4,362-366,Grasso Policy implications of intervention research: research on the social context for intervention,1996,29,4,358-361,Levenstein Approaches for assessing the efficacy of occupational health and safety standards,1996,29,4,353-357,Prince Policy evaluation: better living through research,1996,29,4,346-352,Boden Intervention research in occupational safety and health: examples from construction,1996,29,4,314-320,Ringen Engineering controls as an intervention to reduce worker exposure,1996,29,4,303-307,Ellenbecker The future of intervention research at NIOSH,1996,29,4,295-297,Rosenstock Intervention research: science skills and strategies,1996,29,4,285-288,Schulte Fall-related occupational injuries on farms,1996,29,5,509-515,Nordstrom Proportionate mortality study of golf course superintendents,1996,29,5,501-506,Burmeister Outcomes research in Washington state workers' compensation,1996,29,6,642-648,Franklin The error of using returns-to-work to measure the outcomes of health care,1996,29,6,632-641,Baldwin Measuring health in injured workers: a cross-sectional comparison of five generic health status instruments in workers with musculoskeletal injuries,1996,29,6,618-631,Beaton Development of an upper extremity outcome measure: the DASH (disabilities of the arm shoulder and hand) [corrected]. The Upper Extremity Collaborative Group (UECG),1996,29,6,602-608,Bombardier An ergonomic education and evaluation program for apprentice carpenters,1997,32,6,641-646,Bhattacharya Surveillance of work-related musculoskeletal injuries among union carpenters,1997,32,6,629-640,Kalat Right-to-know training of workers with IQ less than 70: a pilot study,1997,32,4,417-420,Joseph Hospital costs associated with agricultural machinery injuries in Ontario,1997,32,5,502-509,Brison Long-term use of organophosphates and neuropsychological performance,1997,32,5,487-496,Fiedler Unintentional fatal paraquat poisonings among agricultural workers in Costa Rica: report of 15 cases,1997,32,5,433-441,Johansson Racial and ethnic disparities in work-related injuries and socio-economic resources among nursing assistants employed in US nursing homes,2010,53,10,951-959,Calvert Longitudinal study of probable post-traumatic stress disorder in firefighters exposed to the World Trade Center disaster,2010,53,12,1177-1185,Kelly Near-miss reporting system as an occupational injury preventive intervention in manufacturing,2011,54,1,40-48,Perry Factors associated with women's risk of rape in the military environment,2003,43,3,262-273,Doebbeling Use of employer administrative databases to identify systematic causes of injury in aluminum manufacturing,2007,50,9,676-686,Agnew Safety and health of heavy equipment operators at Ground Zero,2002,42,6,539-542,Lippy Civil engineering airman at increased risk for injuries and injury-related musculoskeletal disorders,2011,54,3,248-254,Wells Statement on national worklife priorities,2011,54,1,10-20,Merchant Effect of tractor driving on hearing loss in farmers in India,2005,47,4,341-348,Mohan Truck drivers and heart disease in the United States 1979-1990,2005,47,2,113-119,Robinson Building a strong foundation for occupational health and safety: Action research in the workplace,2009,52,8,614-624,Daltuva Prevalence of ROPS-equipped tractors on minority operated farms in the US,2009,52,5,408-418,Myers Specific and non-specific upper extremity musculoskeletal disorder syndromes in automobile manufacturing workers,2009,52,2,124-132,d'Errico Mortality among aerial pesticide applicators and flight instructors: follow-up from 1965-1988,1999,36,2,239-247,Cantor Incidence of work injuries amongst Danish adolescents and their association with work environment factors,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nielsen Stress among package truck drivers,1997,31,2,202-210,Anderson Women in the U.S. construction industry: an analysis of fatal occupational injury experience 1980 to 1992,1998,33,3,256-262,Ore Encephalopathy and peripheral neuropathy following carbon monoxide poisoning from a propane-fueled vehicle,1996,30,6,765-768,Kelafant Effects of prolonged autovehicle driving on male reproduction function: a study among taxi drivers,1996,30,6,750-758,Lombardo Mortality patterns among women in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry,1995,28,3,325-337,Delzell Mortality at an automotive stamping and assembly complex,1994,26,4,449-463,Krebs Industrial emergency response training: an assessment of long-term impact of a union-based program,2000,38,5,598-605,Robins The automobile as a confined space for toxic chemical hazards,2000,38,4,481-482,Greaves A 4-year intervention to increase adoption of safer dairy farming work practices,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chapman Targeting prevention programs for young and new healthcare workers: what is the association of age and job tenure with occupational injury in healthcare?,2011,54,1,32-39,Siow Mortality among Danish merchant seamen from 1970 to 1985,1994,25,6,867-876,Jensen Injury underreporting among small establishments in the construction industry,2011,54,5,339-349,Gittleman Work-related fatalities among youth ages 11-17 in North Carolina 1990-2008,2011,54,2,136-142,Runyan Impact of organization on occupational injury risk: Evidence from high-speed railway construction,2011,54,6,428-437,Pasqualini Assessing occupational health and safety of young workers who use youth employment centers,2011,54,4,325-337,Breslin Farm-work hazard prevention efforts by school-based agricultural education instructors,1995,28,4,565-577,Chapman Incidence of farm-work-related acute injury in a defined population,1995,28,4,551-564,Nordstrom PMR study of mortality among Alabama workers and farmers,1995,27,1,29-36,Huang Proportionate mortality among construction laborers,1995,27,4,485-509,Stern Application of two secondary documentary sources to identify the underreporting of fatal occupational injuries in Cape Town South Africa,1994,26,4,521-527,Lerer Impairment of color vision among workers exposed to low concentrations of styrene,1994,26,4,481-488,Ong Occupational factors in work-related inhalations: inferences for prevention strategy,1994,25,6,783-791,Blanc National Conference on Ergonomics Safety and Health in Construction summary report,1994,25,6,775-781,Ringen Musculoskeletal symptoms among electricians,1994,25,2,149-163,Hunting Dairy barns and roll-over protection on farm tractors: work environment impacts on the adoption of roll-over protective structures,1994,25,4,589-592,Kelsey Women work and health,1997,32,3,303-308,Hatch Advancing epidemiologic studies of occupational injury--approaches and future directions,1997,32,2,180-183,Courtney Conceptual and definitional issues in occupational injury epidemiology,1997,32,2,106-115,Courtney Methodological challenges to the study of occupational injury--an international epidemiology workshop,1997,32,2,103-105,Courtney Risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders in an aluminum smelter,1997,32,1,66-75,Silverstein Proportionate mortality among unionized construction operating engineers,1997,32,1,51-65,Stern Machinery-related fatalities in the construction industry,1997,32,1,42-50,Pratt A cohort mortality study of construction workers,1997,32,1,35-41,Sun Epidemiologic study of occupational injuries among foreign and native workers in Taiwan,1997,31,5,623-630,Chang The Safe Teen Work Project: a study to reduce cutting injuries among young and inexperienced workers,1997,31,5,619-622,Banco Follow-back study of oldest workers with emergency department-treated injuries,1997,31,5,609-618,Castillo Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: comparison of data sources for surveillance,1997,31,5,600-608,Fine Back to the future: sweatshop conditions on the Mexico-U.S. border. II. Occupational health impact of maquiladora industrial activity,1997,31,5,587-599,Levenstein Mortality among a cohort of electric utility workers 1960-1991,1997,31,5,534-544,Sahl Program to Reduce Exposure by Surveillance System (PRESS) in Taiwan: experiences of closing the surveillance gap,1997,31,4,479-480,Chang Working lifetime risk of occupational fatal injury,1997,31,4,459-467,Kisner Reliability and validity of medical outcome and patient satisfaction measures among injured workers in Washington State: a pretest,1997,31,4,427-434,Franklin The occupational disease and injury compensatory system in the Czech Republic,1997,31,4,381-384,Hrncír Falls in construction: injury rates for OSHA-inspected employers before and after citation for violating the Washington State Fall Protection Standard,1997,31,3,296-302,Kalat The Union Health Center: a working model of clinical care linked to preventive occupational health services,1997,31,3,263-273,Landrigan The Agricultural Health Study: factors affecting completion and return of self-administered questionnaires in a large prospective cohort study of pesticide applicators,1997,31,2,233-242,Zahm Acute work injuries among electric utility linemen,1997,31,2,223-232,Kraus An update of mortality from all causes among white uranium miners from the Colorado Plateau Study Group,1997,31,2,211-222,Roscoe Injuries due to assaults on psychiatric hospital employees in Washington State,1997,31,1,92-99,Nelson Designing prevention-oriented software for workplace health and safety,1997,31,1,64-74,Maizlish Work-related amputations in Washington state 1997-2005,2010,53,7,693-705,Bonauto Agricultural tractor overturn deaths: Assessment of trends and risk factors,2010,53,7,662-672,Hendricks Occupational health crossing borders part 2: Comparison of 18 occupational health systems across the globe,2010,53,1,55-63,Nowak Ergonomic risk factors for low back pain in North Carolina crab pot and gill net commercial fishermen,2009,52,4,311-321,Lipscomb Chronic disease risk in central New York dairy farmers: results from a large health survey 1989-1999,2005,47,1,20-26,Bell Heat illness in the U.S. mining industry,2004,45,4,351-356,Donoghue Classification of working processes to facilitate occupational hazard coding on industrial trawlers,2003,44,4,424-430,Kaerlev RE: An alternate characterization of hazard in occupational epidemiology: years of life lost per years worked. Am J Ind Med 42:1-10 2002,2003,43,3,332-3; author reply 334,Morfeld An update of a mortality study of talc miners and millers in Italy,2003,44,1,63-69,Coggiola An alternate characterization of hazard in occupational epidemiology: years of life lost per years worked,2002,42,1,1-10,Bailer Canadian male farm residents pesticide safety handling practices exposure to animals and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL),2002,43,Suppl 2,54-61,Spinelli New York State child agricultural injuries: how often is maturity a potential contributing factor?,2002,43,Suppl 2,36-42,Earle-Richardson Ergonomic exposure case studies in Massachusetts fishing vessels,2002,2002,Suppl 2,10-18,Buchholz Farmworker reports of pesticide safety and sanitation in the work environment,2001,39,5,487-498,Arcury Identifying high-risk small business industries for occupational safety and health interventions,2001,39,3,301-311,Stayner Is it safe on deck? Fatal and non-fatal workplace injuries among Alaskan commercial fishermen,2001,40,6,693-702,Conway Non-fatal occupational fall and slip injuries among commercial fishermen analyzed by use of the NOMESCO injury registration system,2000,37,6,637-644,Jensen Occupational injuries in the mining industry and their association with statewide cold ambient temperatures in the USA,2000,38,1,49-58,Gardner Slip and fall-related injuries in relation to environmental cold and work location in above-ground coal mining operations,2000,38,1,40-48,Landsittel Safer mine hoisting with conveyance position and load monitoring,1999,1999,Suppl 1,119-121,Beus Computerized accident reconstruction and training for metal/non-metal mines,1999,1999,Suppl 1,116-118,Ruff A workplace safety device for operators of remote-controlled continuous mining machines,1999,1999,Suppl 1,69-71,Schiffbauer Surface haulage truck research,1999,1999,Suppl 1,66-68,Boldt History of agricultural injury among farmers in Alabama and Mississippi: prevalence characteristics and associated factors,1999,35,5,499-510,McGwin Suicide mortality and pesticide use among Canadian farmers,1998,34,4,364-372,Brison Surveillance for nonfatal work-related injuries in Alaska 1991-1995,1998,34,5,493-498,Johnson A retrospective mortality study of workers exposed to arsenic in a gold mine and refinery in France,1994,25,5,625-633,Ferro Implementing right-to-know legislation for health care workers in Manitoba: a bipartite sectoral train-the-trainer approach,1992,22,5,729-737,Yassi Agricultural chemical application practices to reduce environmental contamination,1990,18,4,485-489,Bode A case for social marketing and education for acceptance and implementation of preventive health and occupational safety measure programs for rural communities,1990,18,4,443-447,Rowley Rural hospitals and the provision of agricultural occupational health and safety services,1990,18,4,433-442,Wakefield Technical workshop report: Working Group I: Occupational health and safety strategies for agriculture,1990,18,3,353-356,Dosman Re: Robinson AE (1989): standard setting and protection of human health and safety,1989,15,6,723-725,Weeks Occupational health in the Negev: a model for regional planning,1989,16,4,401-416,Blanc A global need: farm worker safety,1988,13,6,725-729,Davies Usage of personal protective devices among Egyptian industrial workers,1988,13,6,707-716,Kamal Organophosphate and carbamate pesticide poisoning: the usefulness of a computerized clinical information system,1984,6,1,17-26,Hirshberg The worker as teacher,1983,4,6,759-768,Abrams Occupational and environmental health problems of the developing oil shale industry: a review,1981,2,3,247-260,Rom Does the small farm exemption cost lives?,2011,54,6,461-466,Conway Mortality among fire fighters in metropolitan Toronto,1994,26,1,89-101,Smith Emergency management program operational responses to weapons of mass destruction: Veterans Health Administration 2001-2004,2004,46,5,446-452,Bierenbaum Fire and emergency safety issues: lessons learned post September 11 2001,2002,42,6,555-556,Kotelchuck Risk communication in the aftermath of the World Trade Center disaster,2002,42,6,543-544,Thurston Vocal cord dysfunction in former World Trade Center (WTC) rescue and recovery workers and volunteers,2008,51,3,161-165,Herbert Buyer beware: Personnel selling nail guns know little about dangerous tools,2011,54,8,571-578,Patterson Mortality among sheet metal workers participating in a medical screening program,2009,52,8,603-613,Myers Mortality of older construction and craft workers employed at department of energy (DOE) nuclear sites,2009,52,9,671-682,Ringen Incidence of work and non-work related disability claims in Brazil,2011,54,11,858-871,Barbosa-Branco Adult lead exposure from ammunition reloading and indoor residential shooting,2020,63,8,733-737,Johnson-Arbor What we are not talking about: An evaluation of prevention messaging in print media reporting on agricultural injuries and fatalities,2011,54,8,603-608,Voaklander Ending asbestos poisoning: Global advocacy from a survivor's view,2007,50,1,68-70,Zygielbaum Global estimates of fatal work‐related diseases,2007,50,1,28-41,Takala Mortality among U.S. underground coal miners: A 23‐year follow‐up,2008,51,4,231-245,Attfield Mortality among workers at the Savannah River Site,2007,50,12,881-891,Richardson Analysis of traumatic occupational fatalities in China,2011,54,7,560-564,Ming-Xiao Is renovation riskier than new construction? An observational comparison of risk factors for stepladder-related falls,2011,54,8,579-585,Perry Improving agricultural injury surveillance: A comparison of incidence and type of injury event among three data sources,2011,54,8,586-596,Earle-Richardson The impact of the world trade center attack on FDNY firefighter retirement disabilities and pension benefits,2011,54,9,672-680,Lee Suicides homicides and accidental death: a comparative risk assessment of police officers and municipal workers,1996,30,1,99-104,Marshall Acute radiodermatitis from accidental overexposure to X-rays,1996,30,2,207-211,Di Lorenzo Traumatic occupational fatalities in the U.S. and Australian construction industries,1996,30,2,202-206,Stout Estimating underreported pesticide poisonings in Nicaragua,1996,30,2,195-201,Rosenstock Repetitive industrial work and neck and upper limb disorders in females,1995,27,5,731-747,Attewell Surveillance and prevention of work-related carpal tunnel syndrome: an application of the Sentinel Events Notification System for Occupational Risks,1995,27,5,715-729,Maizlish Investigating clandestine drug laboratories: adverse medical effects in law enforcement personnel,1996,30,4,488-494,Checkoway Mortality of Carpenters' Union members employed in the U.S. construction or wood products industries 1987-1990,1996,30,6,674-694,Halperin The healthy worker survivor effect and mortality at two automotive engine manufacturing plants,1996,30,6,655-663,Park A cross-sectional case control study of work-related injuries among Ohio farmers,1998,34,6,588-599,Jones Injuries to hired crop workers in the United States-a descriptive analysis of a national probability survey,2011,54,10,734-747,Myers Contractor safety practices and injury rates in construction of the Denver International Airport,1999,35,2,175-185,Lezotte Development and application of a population-based system for workplace violence surveillance in hospitals,2011,54,12,925-934,Ager A multidimensional evaluation of fire fighter training for hazardous materials response: first results from the IAFF Program,1998,34,4,331-341,Cohen Non-back occupational injuries,1992,21,6,903,Shaw Adjustment for smoking alcohol consumption and socioeconomic status in the California Occupational Mortality Study,1992,21,4,491-506,Beaumont Comparing the risk factors associated with serious versus and less serious work-related injuries in Ontario between 1991 and 2006,2012,55,1,84-91,Mustard Risk and severity of non-back occupational injuries after lumbar laminectomy for degenerative disc disease,1991,19,4,531-538,Zwerling Effects of elemental mercury exposure at a thermometer plant,1991,19,4,495-507,Vogt Agricultural injury among rural California public high school students,2012,55,1,63-75,McCurdy Changes in psychological performances of solvent-poisoned and solvent-exposed workers,1980,1,1,69-84,Lindström Neurophysiological and psychological picture of solvent poisoning,1980,1,1,31-42,Martelin Quantitative eye tracking tests in lead workers,1980,1,1,109-113,Spivey Neuropsychological effects of industrial toxins: a review,1980,1,2,211-227,Baker Mortality and morbidity among Army Chemical Corps Vietnam veterans: a preliminary report,1990,18,6,665-673,Kang The interaction of ethyl alcohol and industrial chemicals,1982,3,3,321-333,Hills Classical syndromes in occupational medicine: Phosphorus necrosis--a classical occupational disease,1982,3,1,77-120,Felton Peasant association member's knowledge attitudes and practices towards safe use of pesticide management,2011,54,12,965-970,Karunamoorthi Mortality experience of Vermont granite workers,1983,4,6,705-723,Davis Discovery and epidemiology of PCB poisoning in Taiwan,1984,5,1-2,71-79,Hsu Acute respiratory effects in firefighters,2012,55,1,54-62,Rooyackers Physician-Diagnosed Respiratory Conditions and Mental Health Symptoms Seven to Nine Years Following the World Trade Center Disaster,2011,54,9,661-671,Kelly Injuries among domestic waste collectors,1998,33,2,182-189,Ivens Quantitative assessment of color vision impairment in workers exposed to toluene,1998,33,3,297-304,Bogadi-Sare A report card for occupational injuries and illnesses,1998,33,4,422-424,Leigh Mortality of a police cohort: 1950-1990,1998,33,4,366-373,Petralia Comparison of self-reported and expert-observed physical activities at work in a general population,1998,34,1,29-35,Nordstrom Work-related injuries and fatalities among farmers in South Korea,2012,55,1,76-83,Kwon Cause-specific mortality among a cohort of U.S. flight attendants,2012,55,1,25-36,Pinkerton Short-term spirometric changes in wildland firefighters,2011,54,11,819-825,Michelet Assessing data sources for state-level occupational fatality rates: Oregon 2003-2007,2012,55,4,332-343,Hammond Occupational injuries among nurses and aides in a hospital setting,2012,55,2,117-126,Sorensen Agricultural injury risk among rural California public high school students: Prospective results,2012,55,7,631-642,McCurdy Risk factors for injury among construction workers at Denver International Airport,1998,34,2,113-120,Glazner Construction injury rates may exceed national estimates: evidence from the construction of Denver International Airport,1998,34,2,105-112,Glazner Comparison of health outcomes among older construction and blue-collar employees in the United States,1998,34,3,280-287,Zwerling Work schedule characteristics and substance use in nurses,1998,34,3,266-271,Trinkoff Proportionate mortality among unionized roofers and waterproofers,2000,37,5,478-492,Chen Where do all the injured workers go? Or how about a little more humanity in research?,1999,36,5,587-588,Ringen Chronic symptoms in construction workers treated for musculoskeletal injuries,1999,36,5,532-540,Hunting Gender differences in work-related injury/illness: analysis of workers compensation claims,2001,39,1,84-91,Islam Identifying and prioritizing gaming workers' health and safety concerns using mapping for data collection,2001,39,1,42-51,Keith Use of statewide electronic emergency department data for occupational injury surveillance: A feasibility study in Massachusetts,2012,55,4,344-352,Hackman Dump truck-related deaths in construction 1992-2007,2012,55,5,450-457,McCann Time dependent memory decay,2002,41,2,98-101,Earle-Richardson Neurobehavioral disturbances arising from occupational toluene exposure,2002,41,2,77-88,Fontana Piloting a personal protection equipment distribution program among Chicago day laborers,2011,55,2,159-166,Buchanan The burden of occupational injury: A 1-year prospective study in Xuan Tien Commune Viet Nam,2011,55,3,205-216,Wegman Long working hours safety and health: toward a National Research Agenda,2006,49,11,930-942,Vila Plutonium-related work and cause-specific mortality at the United States Department of Energy Hanford Site,2004,45,2,153-164,Richardson Worker populations at risk for work-related injuries across the life course,2011,55,4,361-366,Goodman The relationship between fatigue-related factors and work-related injuries in the Saskatchewan farm injury Cohort Study,2011,55,4,367-375,Hagel Longitudinal mental health impact among police responders to the 9/11 terrorist attack,2011,55,4,297-312,Cone Shift work and the incidence of injury among police officers,2012,55,3,217-227,Violanti Determinants of sickness absence duration after an occupational back injury in the Belgian population,2012,55,3,270-280,Mazina The lack of correspondence between work-related disability and receipt of workers' compensation benefits,2012,55,6,487-505,Spieler Occupational injury and work organization among immigrant Latino residential construction workers,2012,55,8,698-706,Quandt Building a human rights framework for workers' compensation in the United States: Opening the debate on first principles,2012,55,6,506-518,Hilgert Risk factors for occupational hand injuries: Relationship between agency and finger,2012,55,5,465-473,Durusoy Injuries caused by work-related violence: Frequency need for medical treatment and associations with adverse mental health and alcohol use among Finnish police officers,2012,55,8,691-697,Summala A new Italian surveillance system for occupational injuries: Characteristics and initial results,2012,55,7,584-592,Bena Incidence of acute occupational pesticide poisoning among male farmers in South Korea,2012,55,9,799-807,Cha Preserving workers' dignity in workers' compensation systems: an international perspective,2012,55,6,519-536,Lippel Interview versus questionnaire for assessing physical loads in the population-based MUSIC-Norrtälje Study,1999,35,5,441-455,Kilbom Farm work planning simulation in multi-media: A comparative evaluation,1999,,Suppl 1,113-115,Kidd Danger of drilling into sealed and filled plow frames,1999,,Suppl 1,110-112,Zlochower Swedish contribution to European research network activities on detection and prevention of injuries due to occupational vibration exposures,1999,,Suppl 1,98-100,Lundström Reducing injuries and illnesses among construction workers,1999,,Suppl 1,96-97,Becker NIOSH control technology and intervention efforts for small businesses,1999,,Suppl 1,93-95,Jones ELMERI observation method for predicting the accident rate and the absence due to sick leaves,1999,,Suppl 1,86-88,Rasanen A Swedish industrial research program 'Co-operative for Optimization of Industrial Production Systems Regarding Productivity and Ergonomics' (COPE),1999,,Suppl 1,82-85,Ohlsson Use of ambient aerosol for testing agricultural cabs for protection against pesticide aerosol,1999,,Suppl 1,75-76,Reed Beryllium contamination inside vehicles of machine shop workers,1999,,Suppl 1,72-74,Ellis Cold-related non-fatal injuries in Alaska,1999,,Suppl 1,39-41,Conway Where African-American women work and the nonfatal work-related injuries they experienced in the U.S. in 1996 compared to women of other races,1999,,Suppl 1,34-36,Layne Young workers at risk when working in agricultural production,1999,,Suppl 1,31-33,Casini Risks of fatal injuries to farm workers 55-years of age and older,1999,,Suppl 1,29-30,Snyder Occupational injury fatalities among older workers in the United States 1980-1994,1999,,Suppl 1,24-25,Pratt Fitness for duty in hazardous occupations: objective vs. subjective criteria,1999,36,6,666-668,Gochfeld Correlates of fitness for duty in hazardous materials firefighters,1999,36,6,618-629,Kales Work organization and occupational health: Perspectives from Latinos employed on crop and horse breeding farms,2012,55,8,714-728,Westneat Neurobehavioral performance in aluminum welders,2000,37,2,184-192,Thomassen States with low non-fatal injury rates have high fatality rates and vice-versa,2013,56,5,509-519,Mendeloff Gender differences in acute pesticide-related illnesses and injuries among farmworkers in the United States 1998-2007,2012,55,7,571-583,Calvert Social marketing to plan a fall prevention program for Latino construction workers,2012,55,8,729-735,Menzel Work safety climate and safety practices among immigrant Latino residential construction workers,2012,55,8,736-745,Quandt Fatal occupational injuries among non-governmental employees in Malaysia,2013,56,1,65-76,Sathiakumar The association between nonstandard work and occupational injury in Korea,2012,55,10,876-883,Im A new estimate of the impact of OSHA inspections on manufacturing injury rates 1998-2005,2012,55,11,964-975,Mendeloff Reexamining workers' compensation: A human rights perspective,2012,55,6,483-486,Boden Use of a prevention index to identify industries at high risk for work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the neck back and upper extremity in Washington state 1990-1998,2002,41,3,149-169,Silverstein Employer use of personal protective equipment and work safety climate: Latino poultry processing workers,2013,56,2,180-188,Quandt Workdays lost due to occupational injuries among young workers in Brazil,2012,55,10,917-925,Villaveces Workplace violence and influencing factors among medical professionals in China,2012,55,11,1000-1008,Wang Characteristics of effective health and safety committees: Survey results,2013,56,2,163-179,Goyzueta Excess healthcare costs associated with prior workers' compensation activity,2012,55,11,1018-1027,Park Older farmers and machinery exposure-cause for concern?,2012,55,11,1044-1050,Hagel Incidence and costs of family member hospitalization following injuries of workers' compensation claimants,2012,55,11,1028-1036,Pana-Cryan Relationships between certain individual characteristics and occupational injuries for various jobs in the construction industry: a case-control study,2004,45,1,84-92,Benamghar Safety incentives and the reporting of work-related injuries among union carpenters: "You're pretty much screwed if you get hurt at work",2013,56,4,389-399,Patterson Comparison of opioid-related deaths by work-related injury,2013,56,3,308-316,Hegmann Twenty years of work-related injury and illness among union carpenters in Washington State,2013,56,4,381-388,Lipscomb Design of risk communication strategies based on risk perception among farmers exposed to pesticides in Rio de Janeiro State Brazil,2013,56,1,77-89,Moreira Risk factors health behaviors and injury among adults employed in the transportation warehousing and utilities super sector,2013,56,5,556-568,Helmkamp Exposure variability: concepts and applications in occupational epidemiology,2004,45,1,113-122,Loomis Occupational fatalities of Hispanic construction workers from 1992 to 2000,2004,45,1,45-54,Platner Occupational injury mortality surveillance in the United States: an examination of census counts from two different surveillance systems 1992-1997,2004,45,1,1-13,Layne Migrant and seasonal crop worker injury and illness across the Northeast,2013,56,8,845-855,Earle-Richardson Overcoming recruitment challenges in construction safety intervention research,2004,45,3,297-304,Kidd Implications of the Precautionary Principle in research and policy-making,2004,45,4,382-385,Richter The Precautionary Principle: implications for research and policy-making. Statement of the Collegium Ramazzini. Approved by the fellows 25 October 2003,2004,45,4,380-381, Assessment of occupational safety and health programs in small businesses,2004,45,4,371-379,Lamontagne The workers' compensation system: worker friend or foe?,2004,45,4,338-345,Strunin Assessing the accuracy of OSHA's projections of the benefits of new safety standards,2004,45,4,313-328,Mendeloff Overview of immigrant worker occupational health and safety for the agriculture forestry and fishing (AgFF) sector in the Southeastern United States,2013,56,8,911-924,Grzywacz Who pays for work-related traumatic injuries? Payer distribution in Washington State by ethnicity injury severity and year (1998-2008),2013,56,7,742-754,Bowman Fatalities due to dichloromethane in paint strippers: A continuing problem,2013,56,8,907-910,Suchard An inverse relationship between injuries and fatalities: What is surprising-and what is not,2013,56,5,505-508,McQuiston More than training: Community-based participatory research to reduce injuries among Hispanic construction workers,2013,56,8,827-837,Forst Measuring hazardous work and identifying risk factors for non-fatal injuries among children working in Philippine agriculture,2013,56,6,709-719,Hunting Fatal occupational injuries among U.S. law enforcement officers: A comparison of national surveillance systems,2013,56,6,693-700,Pollack Eleven years of occupational mortality in law enforcement: The census of fatal occupational injuries 1992-2002,2010,53,9,940-949,Hendricks Distribution and characteristics of occupational injuries and diseases among farmers: A retrospective analysis of workers' compensation claims,2013,56,8,856-869,Rautiainen A reliability study of potential risk factors for acute traumatic occupational hand injuries,2002,42,4,336-343,Sorock Characteristics and magnitude of acute pesticide-related illnesses and injuries associated with pyrethrin and pyrethroid exposures-11 states 2000-2008,2014,57,1,15-30,Calvert The role of ergonomic and psychosocial workplace factors in the reporting of back injuries among U.S. home health aides,2013,56,10,1239-1244,Caban-Martinez Garments fire: History repeats itself,2013,56,9,1113-1115,Cooper Discrimination harassment abuse and bullying in the workplace: Contribution of workplace injustice to occupational health disparities,2014,57,5,573-586,Davis Safety representatives' views on their interaction with workers in a context of unequal power relations: An exploratory qualitative study in Barcelona (Spain),2014,57,3,338-350,Muntaner A job-exposure matrix for research and surveillance of occupational health and safety in Spanish workers: MatEmESp,2013,56,10,1226-1238,Benavides Occupation and suicide: Colorado 2004-2006,2013,56,11,1290-1295,Stallones Occupational carbon monoxide fatalities in the US from unintentional non-fire related exposures 1992-2008,2013,56,11,1280-1289,Konda Work-related injuries among union drywall carpenters in Washington State 1989-2008,2013,56,10,1137-1148,Casteel Understanding safety climate in small automobile collision repair shops,2014,57,1,78-86,Brosseau Development of a program logic model and evaluation plan for a participatory ergonomics intervention in construction,2014,57,3,351-361,Evanoff Occupational safety beliefs among Latino residential roofing workers,2014,57,6,718-725,Quandt Capture-recapture estimates of the undercount of workplace injuries and illnesses: Sensitivity analysis,2013,57,10,1090-1099,Boden How well are we controlling falls from height in construction? Experiences of union carpenters in Washington State 1989-2008,2014,57,1,69-77,Lipscomb Increased cardiovascular mortality and suicide after methyl chloride exposure,2014,57,1,108-113,Rafnsson Bilateral hearing loss after dichloromethane poisoning: A case report,2014,57,2,254-257,Bonfiglioli Assessment of occupational health and safety hazard exposures among working college students,2014,57,1,114-124,Kearney The association of the original OSHA chemical hazard communication standard with reductions in acute work injuries/illnesses in private industry and the industrial releases of chemical carcinogens,2014,57,2,138-152,Oleinick Workplace mistreatment and sickness absenteeism from work: Results from the 2010 National Health Interview Survey,2014,57,2,202-213,Asfaw Occupational fatality risks in the United States and the United Kingdom,2014,57,1,4-14,Mendeloff A model for occupational safety and health intervention diffusion to small businesses,2013,56,12,1442-1451,Sinclair Roles of age length of service and job in work-related injury: A prospective study of 63620 person-years in female workers,2014,57,2,172-183,Benamghar Opioid poisonings and opioid adverse effects in workers in Washington State,2013,56,12,1452-1462,Wickizer Occupational injury among hospital patient-care workers: What is the association with workplace verbal abuse?,2014,57,2,222-232,Okechukwu Declining rates of work-related overexertion back injuries among union drywall installers in Washington State 1989-2008: Improved work safety or shifting of care?,2014,57,2,184-194,Casteel Organization of work in the agricultural forestry and fishing sector in the US southeast: Implications for immigrant workers' occupational safety and health,2013,56,8,925-939,Lipscomb Depressive symptoms in women working in a poultry-processing plant: a longitudinal analysis,2011,54,10,791-799,Lipscomb Use of qualitative methods to map job tasks and exposures to occupational hazards for commercial fishermen,2004,46,1,23-31,Lipscomb An integrated comprehensive occupational surveillance system for health care workers,2004,45,6,528-538,Epling Work-related falls among union carpenters in Washington State before and after the Vertical Fall Arrest Standard,2003,44,2,157-165,Lipscomb Falls among union carpenters,2003,44,2,148-156,Lipscomb Health care utilization of families of carpenters with alcohol or substance abuse-related diagnoses,2003,43,4,361-368,Lipscomb Health care utilization of carpenters with substance abuse-related diagnoses,2003,43,2,120-131,Lipscomb Proportionate mortality among union members employed at three Texas refineries,1998,33,4,327-340,Lipscomb Non-robbery-related occupational homicides in the retail industry 2003-2008,2014,57,2,245-253,Tiesman Injury classification agreement in linked Bureau of Labor Statistics and Workers' Compensation data,2013,57,10,1100-1109,Bonauto An outcome evaluation of a New Zealand farm safety intervention: A historical cohort study,2014,57,4,458-467,Langley Occupational health disparities: A state public health-based approach,2014,57,5,596-604,Stanbury Obesity and other risk factors: The National Survey of U.S. Long-Haul Truck Driver Health and Injury,2014,57,6,615-626,Nakata Musculoskeletal and neurological injuries associated with work organization among immigrant Latino women manual workers in North Carolina,2014,57,4,468-475,Quandt Examining occupational health and safety disparities using national data: A cause for continuing concern,2014,57,5,527-538,Myers Are age-related differences in the consequence of work injury greater when occupational physical demands are high?,2014,57,4,438-444,Koehoorn Contingent workers: Workers' compensation data analysis strategies and limitations,2014,57,7,764-775,Foley The epidemiology of life-threatening work-related injury-A demonstration paper,2014,57,4,425-437,Langley Impact of hospital type II violent events: Use of psychotropic drugs and mental health services,2014,57,6,627-639,Lipscomb The BLS survey of occupational injuries and illnesses: A primer,2014,57,10,1085-1089,Wiatrowski Psychosocial factors at work and sickness absence: Results from the French National SUMER Survey,2014,57,6,695-708,Chastang Mortality among a cohort of U.S. commercial airline cockpit crew,2014,57,8,906-914,Deddens Worker assessments of organizational practices and psychosocial work environment are associated with musculoskeletal injuries in hospital patient care workers,2014,57,7,810-818,Shaw Work-related stress factors associated with problem drinking: A study of the Spanish working population,2014,57,7,837-846,Benavides Twenty years of workers' compensation costs due to falls from height among union carpenters Washington State,2014,57,9,984-991,Lipscomb Use of multiple data sources for surveillance of work-related amputations in Massachusetts comparison with official estimates and implications for national surveillance,2014,57,10,1120-1132,Ozonoff Using injury severity to improve occupational injury trend estimates,2014,57,8,928-939,Bowman Occupational fatalities among driver/sales workers and truck drivers in the United States 2003-2008,2014,57,7,800-809,Amandus Laceration injuries and infections among workers in the poultry processing and pork meatpacking industries,2014,57,6,669-682,Silbergeld Repeated mechanical trauma to the skin: occupational aspects,1985,8,4-5,265-271,Samitz A proportional mortality study of the acting profession,1985,8,1,57-66,Kagey Surveillance of workers exposed to mercury vapour:validation of a previously proposed biological threshold limit value for mercury concentration in urine,1985,7,1,45-71,Bernard Fatal falls in the U.S. residential construction industry,2014,57,9,992-1000,Choi Evaluation of a pilot promotora program for Latino forest workers in southern Oregon,2014,57,7,788-799,Steege Understanding sickness presenteeism through the experience of immigrant workers in a context of economic crisis,2014,57,8,950-959,Benavides Heat-related illness in Washington state agriculture and forestry sectors,2014,57,8,881-895,Bonauto Work-injury absence and compensation among partnered and lone mothers and fathers,2014,57,8,960-969,Mustard Fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries and diseases among migrant and native workers in South Korea,2014,57,9,1043-1052,Cho Long-term mortality study of oil refinery workers: V. Comparison of workers hired before during and after World War II (1940-1945) with a discussion of the impact of study designs on cohort results,1986,9,2,171-180,Wen Occupational health as an international discipline,1986,9,2,123-124,Tsuchiya Human rights and the workplace,1986,9,1,31-40,Gewirth A health examination of railway high-voltage substation workers exposed to ELF electromagnetic fields,1986,10,1,45-55,Comba Mortality in police and firefighters in New Jersey,1986,9,6,517-527,Feuer Psychological performance in relation to central and peripheral nerve conduction in workers exposed to lead zinc and copper,1986,9,6,535-542,Murata Risks of a lifetime in construction Part I: traumatic injuries,2014,57,9,973-983,Ringen Using multiple data sets for public health tracking of work-related injuries and illnesses in California,2014,57,10,1110-1119,Beckman Exploring the relationship between employer recordkeeping and underreporting in the BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses,2014,57,10,1133-1143,Bonauto Prevention of work-related injuries and diseases: lessons from experience with ionizing radiation,1987,12,3,291-309,Upton Health effects of pesticides: a review of epidemiologic research from the perspective of developing nations,1987,12,3,269-279,Xue A behavioral evaluation of pest control workers with short-term low-level exposure to the organophosphate diazinon,1987,12,2,153-172,Maizlish Outbreak of carbon tetrachloride poisoning in a color printing factory related to the use of isopropyl alcohol and an air conditioning system in Taiwan,1987,12,1,11-19,Shih Mortality of a municipal-worker cohort: IV. Fire fighters,1987,11,6,671-684,Vena Sexual assault of women at work,1987,12,4,445-450,Halperin Occupational injuries in Ohio wood product manufacturing: a descriptive analysis with emphasis on saw-related injuries and associated causes,2014,57,11,1265-1275,Collins Mortality of aircraft manufacturing workers in southern California,1988,13,6,683-693,Bernstein Relative risk models for assessing the joint effects of multiple factors,1988,13,1,149-167,Lubin Assuming the risks: occupational disease in the years before workers' compensation,1988,13,4,499-513,Bale Injury rates on new and old technology oil and gas rigs operated by the largest United States onshore drilling contractor,2014,57,10,1188-1192,Retzer Application and implementation of the hazard risk matrix to identify hospital workplaces at risk for violence,2014,57,11,1276-1284,Arnetz Using linked federal and state data to study the adequacy of workers' compensation benefits,2014,57,10,1165-1173,Ozonoff Industry contributions to aggregate workplace injury and illness rate trends: 1992-2008,2014,57,10,1149-1164,Ruser Impact of differential injury reporting on the estimation of the total number of work-related amputations,2014,57,10,1144-1148,Ozonoff Counting matters: Implications of undercounting in the BLS survey of occupational injuries and illnesses,2014,57,10,1077-1084,Spieler The collision auto repair safety study (CARSS): A health and safety intervention,2014,58,1,88-100,Brosseau Acute symptoms associated with chemical exposures and safe work practices among hospital and campus cleaning workers: a pilot study,2014,57,11,1216-1226,Hong Workers' compensation: poor quality health care and the growing disability problem in the United States,2014,58,3,245-251,Wickizer Work-related violence experienced by urban taxi drivers,2014,57,12,1377-1385,Gillen Work-related concussion surveillance,2014,58,1,40-45,Bunn The risk of miscarriage and birth defects among women who use visual display terminals during pregnancy,1989,15,3,357-360,Robinson Mortality among workers at a municipal waste incinerator,1989,15,3,245-253,Gustavsson Encephalopathy: an uncommon manifestation of workplace arsenic poisoning?,1989,15,1,1-5,Morton Were the hatters of New Jersey "mad"?,1989,16,2,225-233,Wedeen Work-related traumatic injuries onboard freezer-trawlers and freezer-longliners operating in Alaskan waters during 2001-2012,2014,57,7,826-836,Lincoln Work safety climate personal protection use and injuries among Latino residential roofers,2014,58,1,69-76,Quandt Investigating obesity among professional drivers: the high risk professional driver study,2015,58,2,212-219,Rosso Characterizing occupational heat-related mortality in the United States 2000-2010: an analysis using the census of fatal occupational injuries database,2015,58,2,203-211,Hunting Why do farmworkers delay treatment after debilitating injuries? Thematic analysis explains if when and why farmworkers were treated for injuries,2015,58,2,178-192,Snipes Characteristics of nonfatal occupational injuries among U.S. workers with and without disabilities,2015,58,2,168-177,Stallones The relationship between worker occupational and workplace characteristics and whether an injury requires time off work: a matched case-control analysis in Ontario Canada,2015,58,4,402-410,Tompa Gender differences in occupational injury incidence,2015,58,3,299-307,McClure Long-term health outcomes of work-related injuries among construction workers-findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth,2015,58,3,308-318,Dong Occupational burns treated in emergency departments,2015,58,3,290-298,Jackson Non-reporting of work injuries and aspects of jobsite safety climate and behavioral-based safety elements among carpenters in Washington state,2015,58,4,411-421,Lipscomb Workers' compensation claims for musculoskeletal disorders and injuries of the upper extremity and knee among union carpenters in Washington State 1989-2008,2015,58,4,428-436,Lipscomb Reduced sleep duration and history of work-related injuries among Washington State adolescents with a history of working,2015,58,4,464-471,Miller Psychosocial factors at work and occupational injuries: a prospective study of the general working population in Norway,2015,58,5,561-567,Gravseth Epidemiology of work-related traumatic brain injury: a systematic review,2015,58,4,353-377,Colantonio Disparities in occupational injury hospitalization rates in five states (2003-2009),2015,58,5,528-540,Bowman Musculoskeletal concerns do not justify failure to use safer sequential trigger to prevent acute nail gun injuries,2015,58,4,422-427,Patterson Does the year-end decline in injury risk reflect reporting error?,2015,58,5,519-527,Pierce Heat-Related symptoms in sugarcane harvesters,2015,58,5,541-548,Kjellstrom Preventing falls in residential construction: effectiveness of engaging partners for a national social marketing campaign,2015,58,8,809-823,Branche Nail gun injuries treated in U.S emergency departments 2006-2011: Not just a worker safety issue,2015,58,8,880-885,Lipscomb Cohort study of physical activity and injury among Latino farm workers,2015,58,7,737-745,Schenker Safety climate and the distracted driving experiences of truck drivers,2015,58,7,746-755,Pollack Injury illness and work restriction in merchant seafarers,2015,58,6,688-696,Slade Best practices for health and safety technology transfer in construction,2015,58,8,849-857,Welch Contrasting patterns of care for musculoskeletal disorders and injuries of the upper extremity and knee through workers' compensation and private health care insurance among union carpenters in Washington State 1989 to 2008,2015,58,9,955-963,Lipscomb Keeping workers safe: does provision of personal protective equipment match supervisor risk perceptions?,2015,58,8,886-896,Swanberg The prevalence and risk factors of post-traumatic stress disorder among workers injured in Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh,2015,58,7,756-763,Alamgir Promoting adoption of fall prevention measures among Latino workers and residential contractors: formative research findings,2015,58,8,870-879,Blecker Triage for action: systematic assessment and dissemination of construction health and safety research,2015,58,8,838-848,Chang Physical assault physical threat and verbal abuse perpetrated against hospital workers by patients or visitors in six U.S. hospitals,2015,58,11,1194-1204,Lipscomb Are immigrants in Canada over-represented in riskier jobs relative to Canadian-born labor market participants?,2015,58,9,933-942,Tiagi Factors affecting high school teacher adoption sustainability and fidelity to the "Youth@Work: Talking Safety" curriculum,2015,58,12,1288-1299,Casteel Occupational heat-related illness emergency department visits and inpatient hospitalizations in the southeast region 2007-2011,2015,58,10,1114-1125,Zhang Real-time fatigue reduction in emergency care clinicians: the SleepTrackTXT randomized trial,2015,58,10,1098-1113,Buysse Identifying knowledge activism in worker health and safety representation: A cluster analysis,2015,59,1,42-56,King National Machine Guarding Program: Part 1. Machine safeguarding practices in small metal fabrication businesses,2015,58,11,1174-1183,Brosseau Musculoskeletal disorders and associated healthcare costs among family members of injured workers,2015,58,11,1205-1216,Pana-Cryan An urgent need to understand and address the safety and well-being of hospital "sitters",2015,58,12,1278-1287,Lipscomb Trends of occupational fatalities involving machines United States 1992-2010,2015,58,11,1160-1173,Marsh The association between weekly work hours crew familiarity and occupational injury and illness in emergency medical services workers,2015,58,12,1270-1277,Songer Undocumented status as a social determinant of occupational safety and health: The workers' perspective,2015,58,11,1127-1137,Jacobson Characteristics of workplace violence prevention training and violent events among home health and hospice care providers,2015,59,1,23-30,Peek-Asa Immigrant dairy workers' perceptions of health and safety on the farm in America's Heartland,2015,59,3,227-235,Liebman Work-related injuries to animal care workers Washington 2007-2011,2015,59,3,236-244,Bonauto Expecting the unexpected: a mixed methods study of violence to EMS responders in an urban fire department,2016,59,2,150-163,Taylor Serious injury and fatality investigations involving pneumatic nail guns 1985-2012,2016,59,2,164-174,Krieg Fatal traumatic brain injuries in the construction industry 2003-2010,2016,59,3,212-220,Reichard Economic consequences of workplace injuries in the United States: findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79),2016,59,2,106-118,Dong Unreported workers' compensation claims to the BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses: establishment factors,2016,59,4,274-289,Bonauto An analysis of permanent work disability among construction sheet metal workers,2016,59,3,186-195,Welch Public injury prevention system in the Italian manufacturing sector: what types of inspection are more effective?,2016,59,4,315-321,Fedeli Hired crop worker injuries on farms in the United States: a comparison of two survey periods from the National Agricultural Workers Survey,2016,59,5,408-423,Layne Employer reasons for failing to report eligible workers' compensation claims in the BLS survey of occupational injuries and illnesses,2016,59,5,343-356,Bonauto Occupational fatalities among young workers in the United States: 2001-2012,2016,59,6,445-452,Myers A comparison of opioid use between WCB recipients and other Manitobans for knee shoulder back and carpal tunnel release procedures,2016,59,4,257-263,Ekuma Police officers who responded to 9/11: comorbidity of PTSD depression and anxiety 10-11 years later,2016,59,6,425-436,Cone Evaluation of a participatory ergonomics intervention in small commercial construction firms,2016,59,6,465-475,Dale Analysis of workers' compensation claims data for machine-related injuries in metal fabrication businesses,2016,59,8,656-664,Brosseau Interactive training improves workplace climate knowledge and support towards domestic violence,2016,59,7,538-548,Anger Suicide mortality among firefighters: results from a large urban fire department,2016,59,11,942-947,Joiner A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety regulatory enforcement,2016,59,11,919-933,Tompa OSHA well past its infancy but still learning how to count injuries and illnesses,2016,59,8,595-599,Rosenman An analysis of fatal and non-fatal injuries and injury severity factors among electric power industry workers,2016,59,11,948-958,Fordyce Work-related deaths among youth: understanding the contribution of US child labor violations,2016,59,11,959-968,Myers Foremen's intervention to prevent falls and increase safety communication at residential construction sites,2016,59,10,823-831,Dale Process evaluation of two participatory approaches: implementing Total Worker Health® interventions in a correctional workforce,2016,59,10,897-918,Punnett Transient risk factors for acute occupational hand injuries among metal manufacturing workers: a case-crossover study in southern China,2016,59,10,832-840,Chen Hired farmworkers in the US: demographics work organisation and services,2016,59,8,644-655,Schenker Reported work-related injuries and illnesses among Hispanic workers: results from an emergency department surveillance system follow-back survey,2016,59,8,621-629,Marsh Characterizing emergency department patients who reported work-related injuries and illnesses,2016,59,8,610-620,Marsh Using emergency department surveillance data to assess occupational injury and illness reporting by workers,2016,59,8,600-609,Marsh Hospital workers bypass traditional occupational injury reporting systems when reporting patient and visitor perpetrated (type II) violence,2016,59,10,853-865,Lipscomb The impact of non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses on mortality,2016,59,12,1061-1069,Boden Mental health status of World Trade Center tower survivors compared to other survivors a decade after the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks,2016,59,9,742-751,Brackbill Impact of 9/11-related chronic conditions and PTSD comorbidity on early retirement and job loss among World Trade Center disaster rescue and recovery workers,2016,59,9,731-741,Brackbill Development of methods for using workers' compensation data for surveillance and prevention of occupational injuries among State-insured private employers in Ohio,2016,59,12,1087-1104,Bushnell Client history and violence on direct care workers in the home care setting,2016,59,12,1130-1135,Lipscomb Development and validation of an assessment tool for a national young worker curriculum,2016,59,11,969-978,Okun A qualitative assessment of safe work practices in logging in the southern United States,2016,60,1,58-68,Douphrate Effectiveness of OSHA Outreach Training on carpenters' work-related injury rates Washington State 2000-2008,2016,60,1,45-57,Schoenfisch Work-related illness and injury claims among nationally certified athletic trainers reported to Washington and California from 2001 to 2011,2016,59,12,1156-1168,Hootman Exertional heat illness and acute injury related to ambient wet bulb globe temperature,2016,59,12,1169-1176,Schwartz The new ANSI nail gun standard: a lost opportunity for safety,2016,60,2,147-151,Branche Corporate corruption of science-another asbestos example,2017,60,2,152-162,Egilman Workers' compensation claims not reported in the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses: Injury and claim characteristics,2017,60,3,264-275,Bonauto Facilitators and barriers to the adoption of ergonomic solutions in construction,2017,60,3,295-305,Dale Risk of work injury among adolescent students from single and partnered parent families,2017,60,3,285-294,Breslin Effectiveness of suicide prevention programs for emergency and protective services employees: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,60,4,394-407,Lamontagne Associations between safety climate and safety management practices in the construction industry,2017,60,6,557-568,Cifuentes Gambling with life: masculinity risk and danger in the lives of unauthorized migrant roofers,2017,60,6,537-547,Chávez Work-related stress factors and problem drinking with special reference to measures of drinking,2017,60,6,598,Kawada Evaluation of a state based syndromic surveillance system for the classification and capture of non-fatal occupational injuries and illnesses in New Jersey,2017,60,7,621-626,Borjan Work-related injury factors and safety climate perception in truck drivers,2017,60,8,711-723,Anderson Computer-based training (CBT) intervention reduces workplace violence and harassment for homecare workers,2017,60,7,635-643,Anger Non-fatal agricultural injury surveillance in the United States: a review of national-level survey-based systems,2017,60,7,599-620,Rautiainen Fatal and non-fatal animal-related injuries and illnesses to workers United States 2011-2014,2017,60,9,776-788,Langley Safety of union home care aides in Washington State,2017,60,9,798-810,Schoenfisch Erratum to "Computer-based training (CBT) intervention reduces workplace violence and harassment for homecare workers",2017,60,9,840,Anger Data processing and case identification in an agricultural and logging morbidity surveillance study: Trends over time,2017,60,9,811-820,Bell Injury risk factors to farm and ranch operators in the central United States,2017,60,10,889-899,Rautiainen Sexual assault in the US military: a comparison of risk in deployed and non-deployed locations among Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom active component and Reserve/National Guard servicewomen,2017,60,11,947-955,Booth Factors underlying observed injury rate differences between temporary workers and permanent peers,2017,60,10,841-851,Foley The impact of practice guidelines on opioid utilization for injured workers,2017,60,12,1023-1030,Trujillo Workplace violence injury in 106 US hospitals participating in the Occupational Health Safety Network (OHSN) 2012-2015,2018,61,2,157-166,Groenewold Assessment of cumulative health risk in the World Trade Center general responder cohort,2018,61,1,63-76,Moline Work-related injuries in the Alaska logging industry 1991-2014,2018,61,1,32-41,Lucas Precarious schedules linked with workplace aggression in a high-risk occupation,2018,61,2,181-185,Marino Violence against emergency medical services personnel: a systematic review of the literature,2018,61,2,167-180,Maguire Same-level fall injuries in US workplaces by age group gender and industry,2018,61,2,111-119,Stallones Multi-source surveillance for work-related crushing injuries,2018,61,2,148-156,Kica Job insecurity and depression among automobile sales workers: a longitudinal study in South Korea,2018,61,2,140-147,Kim Injury illness and disability risk in American seafarers,2018,61,2,120-129,Slade Workers' compensation and the working poor: occupational health experience among low wage workers in federally qualified health centers,2018,61,3,189-197,Forst Fatal work-related falls in the United States 2003-2014,2018,61,3,204-215,Marsh Early labor force exit subsequent to permanently impairing occupational injury or illness among workers 50-64 years of age,2018,61,4,317-325,Stallones Relationships of working conditions health problems and vehicle accidents in bus rapid transit (BRT) drivers,2018,61,4,336-343,Useche Trees down hazards abound: observations and lessons from Hurricane Sandy,2018,61,5,361-371,Ochsner Investigating global trends in paraquat intoxication research from 1962 to 2015 using bibliometric analysis,2018,61,6,462-470,Zyoud An overview of health and safety in the Colorado cannabis industry,2018,61,6,451-461,Fisher Employer knowledge of federal requirements for recording work-related injuries and illnesses: implications for occupational injury surveillance data,2018,61,5,422-435,Wuellner Parental posttraumatic stress and child behavioral problems in World Trade Center responders,2018,61,6,504-514,Schechter The impact of weather road surface time-of-day and light conditions on severity of bicycle-motor vehicle crash injuries,2018,61,7,556-565,Courtney Psychosomatic symptoms among Palestinian nurses exposed to workplace aggression,2018,61,6,533-537,Nielsen Establishing a publicly available national database of US news articles reporting agriculture-related injuries and fatalities,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Fentanyls and the safety of first responders: science and recommendations,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howard Agricultural injuries among farm and non-farm children and adolescents in Alberta Canada,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Voaklander Acute copper sulfate poisoning resulting from dermal absorption,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim On-the-ground health and safety experiences of non-union casino hotel workers: a focus-group study stratified by four occupational groups,2018,61,11,919-928,Romero Cost-benefit analysis of investment in occupational health and safety in Colombian companies,2018,61,11,893-900,Tompa Occupational fatal injuries associated with mobile hand-fed wood chippers,2018,61,12,978-985,Zhu Workers' compensation injury claims among workers in the private ambulance services industry-Ohio 2001-2011,2018,61,12,986-996,Reichard The relationship between physical fitness and occupational injury in emergency responders: a systematic review,2019,62,1,3-13,Gross Estimating the population prevalence of traditional and novel occupational exposures in Federal Region X,2019,62,2,111-122,Seixas Finding causation in occupational fatalities: a latent class analysis,2019,62,2,123-130,Pasqualini Using multiple coding schemes for classification and coding of agricultural injury,2019,62,2,87-98,Purschwitz Mental illness drinking and the social division and structure of labor in the United States: 2003-2015,2019,62,2,131-144,Muntaner Brief report: Population-based reversal of the adverse impact of opioids on disability in Washington State workers' compensation,2019,62,2,168-174,Sears Janitor workload and occupational injuries,2019,62,3,222-232,Ryan A longitudinal study of work-related psychosocial factors and injuries: implications for the aging United States workforce,2019,62,3,212-221,Gerberich Evaluation of the impact of heat stress on the occurrence of occupational injuries: meta-analysis of observational studies,2019,62,3,233-243,Morabito Injury and illness among onshore workers in Alaska's seafood processing industry: analysis of workers' compensation claims 2014-2015,2019,62,3,253-264,Lucas Occupational medicine clinical practice data reveal increased injury rates among Hispanic workers,2019,62,4,309-316,Bovard Testing the associations between leading and lagging indicators in a contractor safety pre-qualification database,2019,62,4,317-324,Manjourides Impact of shift duration on alertness among air-medical emergency care clinician shift workers,2019,62,4,325-336,Buysse Differential effects of employment grade on the association between long working hours and problem drinking,2019,62,5,404-411,Cheng Workplace heat exposure health protection and economic impacts: a case study in Canada,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kjellstrom Impacts of weather work rate hydration and clothing in heat-related illness in California farmworkers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tancredi Transfer of the health care burden of occupational injuries and diseases from labor insurance to national health insurance in Taiwan,2019,62,6,496-502,Cheng Workplace injury rates and firm-level turnover in Montana's oil and gas industry,2019,62,6,535-541,Bradley Work injuries in internal migrants to Alberta Canada. Do workers' compensation records provide an unbiased estimate of risk?,2019,62,6,486-495,Cherry Descriptive evaluation of methods for identifying work-related emergency department injury visits,2019,62,7,568-579,Richardson Safety climate hearing climate and hearing protection device use among transportation road maintainers,2019,62,7,590-599,Dugan Work experiences of latino building cleaners: an exploratory study,2019,62,7,600-608,Flynn The Football Players' Health Study at Harvard University: design and objectives,2019,62,8,643-654,Courtney Medical data mining: the search for knowledge in workers' compensation claims,2019,62,9,729-732,Wrona Workplace violence victimization in young workers: An analysis of the US National Crime Victimization Survey 2008 to 2012,2019,62,8,691-700,Peek-Asa The impact of industry and body part injured on repeat workers' compensation claims,2019,62,8,680-690,Newman Suicide and drug-related mortality following occupational injury,2019,62,9,733-741,Asfaw Comparing disability and return to work outcomes between alternative and traditional workers' compensation programs,2019,62,9,755-765,Ryan Heat-related deaths among construction workers in the United States,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sokas Decline in the rate of occupational injuries and illnesses following the implementation of a paid sick leave law in Connecticut,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hawkins Accelerometers: assessing their potential for measuring personal flotation device use on commercial fishing vessels,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sorensen Opioid-related overdose deaths by industry and occupation-Massachusetts 2011-2015,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roelofs Mortality of older construction and craft workers employed at department of energy nuclear sites: follow-up through 2016,2019,62,9,742-754,Ringen The impact of a crash prevention program in a large law enforcement agency,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiesman "Felony assault should stick:" assaulted EMS responders' frustration and dissatisfaction with the legal system,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor Precarious working conditions and health of metropolitan bus drivers and conductors in Minas Gerais Brazil,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Assunção "Be careful!" Perceptions of work-safety culture among hired Latinx child farmworkers in North Carolina,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quandt Burden of occupational morbidity from selected causes in the United States overall and by NORA industry sector 2012: a conservative estimate,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Differences in suicidal behaviors between self-employed and standardly employed workers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Min Determinants of injury among older Saskatchewan farm operators: a prospective cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brison Life-threatening heat-related illness with severe hyponatremia in an aluminum smelter worker,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Donoghue Wholesale and retail trade sector occupational fatal and nonfatal injuries and illnesses from 2006 to 2016: implications for intervention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schulte Patterns of health service use following work-related injury and illness in Australian truck drivers: a latent class analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collie Workers' compensation claims for traumatic brain injuries among private employers-Ohio 2001-2011,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hendricks Occupational injury surveillance pyramid description and association of medical care utilization with low income among work-related injuries,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Friedman Janitor workload and occupational injuries [with corrigendum],2020,63,1,101-102,Ryan Response to the letter by Dr Kawada: Differential effects of employment grade on the association between long working hours and problem drinking,2020,63,1,e100,Cheng Long working hours and problem drinking with special reference to employment grade [letter],2020,63,1,e99,Kawada Development and application of a noise-hazard scheme for road maintainers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dugan Heat related illness among workers in Washington State: a descriptive study using workers' compensation claims 2006-2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bonauto Examining the impact of occupational health and safety vulnerability on injury claim reporting in three Canadian provinces,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Prevalence of type II workplace violence among home healthcare workers: a meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lipscomb Assessing the accuracy of the death certificate injury at work box for identifying fatal occupational injuries in Michigan,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Factors associated with physical injury or police involvement during incidents of workplace violence in hospitals: findings from the first year of California's new standard,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hong Types of ocular injury and their antecedent factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nowrouzi-Kia Demographic considerations in analyzing decedents by usual occupation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steege Persistent and emerging hazards contributing to work-related fatalities in Alaska,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connor Associations between a safety prequalification survey and worker safety experiences on commercial construction sites,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manjourides Prescription opioid use and associated factors among US construction workers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dong Mortality among workers employed in the mining industry in the United States: a 29-year analysis of the National Health Interview Survey-Linked Mortality File 1986-2014,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arif Analysis of Thoroughbred horse farm workers' compensation insurance claims in Kentucky: injury frequency cost lost time and associated occupational factors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swanberg Effectiveness of safety training interventions for supervisors: a systematic review and narrative synthesis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sinelnikov Should public safety shift workers be allowed to nap while on duty?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin-Gill Cannabis and work: need for more research,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howard Heat illness and renal injury in mail and package delivery workers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tannis Uninvestigated fatal workplace injuries in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pompeii Risk factors for occupational heat-related illness among California workers 2000-2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackson Self-reported and objectively measured occupational exposures health and safety concerns among fishermen: a cross-sectional Fishing Industry Safety and Health (FISH) pilot study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caban-Martinez Estimating time to reinjury among Washington State injured workers by degree of permanent impairment: using state wage data to adjust for time at risk,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sears Predictors of long-term opioid use and opioid use disorder among construction workers: analysis of claims data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dale Mental health stigma and barriers to care in World Trade Center responders: results from a large population-based health monitoring cohort,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schechter "No somos máquinas" (We are not machines): worker perspectives of safety culture in meatpacking plants in the Midwest,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramos Occupation-level automation probability is associated with psychosocial work conditions and workers' health: a multilevel study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cheng Exploratory narrative text analysis to characterize tasks associated with injuries among electric utility line workers: EPRI Occupational Health and Safety Database 1995-2013,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fordyce A comparison of owner/operator and worker perspectives on workplace safety in the West Virginia logging industry,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myers A rare case of Holmes tremor in a worker with occupational carbon monoxide poisoning,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowler Injuries and illnesses to children in commercial fishing in Alaska: a brief report,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rudolphi Initial return to work and long-term employment patterns: associations with work-related permanent impairment and with participation in workers' compensation-based return-to-work programs,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sears Using workers' compensation claims to investigate occupational injuries among residential day laborers and domestic workers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riley Impact of a crime prevention ordinance for small retail establishments,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davis Effects of work stress sleep and shift work on suicidal ideation among female workers in an electronics company,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Gender differences in experience and reporting of acute symptoms among cleaning staff,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee The prevalence of work-related suicides varies by reporting source from the National Violent Death Reporting System,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peek-Asa The role of organizational supports in mitigating mental ill health in firefighters: a cohort study in Alberta Canada,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cherry Lessons learned from Ohio workers' compensation claims to mitigate hazards in the landscaping services industry,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wurzelbacher Assembling the Career Firefighter Health Study cohort: a methods overview,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Webber Workplace improvements to support safe and sustained return to work: suggestions from a survey of workers with permanent impairments,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maceachen Effects of 9/11-related injury on retirement patterns among World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brackbill PTSD symptoms depressive symptoms and subjective cognitive concerns in WTC-exposed and non-WTC-exposed firefighters,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Prezant Occupational tree felling fatalities: 2010-2020,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Görücü Appraisal of Washington State workers' compensation-based return-to-work programs and suggested system improvements: a survey of workers with permanent impairments,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maceachen Suicide mortality rates in farm-related occupations and the agriculture industry in the United States,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arif Determining occupation for National Violent Death Reporting System records: an evaluation of autocoding programs,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peek-Asa Association between labor union presence and return to work after occupational injury or illness: a nationally representative longitudinal study in South Korea,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Impact of occupational heat stress on worker productivity and economic cost,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Casa Prevalence of hearing protection device non-use among noise-exposed US workers in 2007 and 2014,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Green The human factors of mineworker fatigue: an overview on prevalence mitigation and what's next,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dawson Retrospective assessment of the association between noise exposure and nonfatal and fatal injury rates among miners in the United States from 1983 to 2014,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neitzel US research needs related to fatigue sleep and working hours among oil and gas extraction workers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pratt Severe visual loss caused by inhalational methanol poisoning in fireworks production: a report on 3 cases,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yang Work-related injury burden workers' compensation claim filing and barriers: results from a statewide survey of janitors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Foley Work-related fatigue: a hazard for workers experiencing disproportionate occupational risks,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cunningham Trends in fatal occupational injuries in Latino/a workers relative to other groups North Carolina 2000-2017,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marshall Psychological distress and suicidal ideation among male construction workers in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dong Measuring the benefits of occupational safety and health research with economic metrics: insights from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pana-Cryan Research gaps and needs for preventing worker fatigue in the transportation and utilities industries,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Workers' compensation reported injuries among distillery industry workers 2010-2019,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Browning Determinants of violence towards care workers working in the home setting: a systematic review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reid Critical incident exposure among custody and noncustody correctional workers: prevalence and impact of violent exposure to work-related trauma,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vaughn Changes in drug poisoning mortality before and after the COVID-19 pandemic by occupation in Massachusetts,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hawkins Differences between men and women in their risk of work injury and disability: a systematic review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Surveillance of acute nonfatal occupational inhalation injuries treated in US hospital emergency departments 2014-2017,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hendricks Differential underestimation of work-related reinjury risk for older workers: challenges to producing accurate rate estimates,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sears Characteristics of suicide among farmers and ranchers: using the CDC NVDRS 2003-2018,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rudolphi Working hours sleep and fatigue in the public safety sector: a scoping review of the research,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiesman On the road again: a cross-sectional survey examining work schedules commuting time and driving-related outcomes among U.S. oil and gas extraction workers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Snawder Workplace hazards and health among informally employed domestic workers in 14 cities United States 2011-2012: using four approaches to characterize workers' patterns of exposures,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krieger Epidemiology of occupational injuries in construction workers between 2009 and 2018 in South Korea,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Evaluation of the characteristics of workers injured on the job requiring hospitalization and employer compliance with OSHA's reporting requirement for these work-related hospitalizations,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Systemic barriers to reporting work injuries and illnesses in contexts of language barriers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Premji Workplace violence against healthcare workers using nationally representative estimates of emergency department data 2015-2017,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carey Robot-related fatalities at work in the United States 1992-2017,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Layne Examining injury trends in parcel delivery drivers in the United States: challenges and opportunities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kucera Prevalence of workplace violence against young workers in the United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davis Overexertion and heat stress in the fire service: a new conceptual framework,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sekiguchi The news about rollover protective structures: findings from an analysis of news from Iowa Nebraska Kansas and Missouri,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sorensen Naloxone training and availability in the US commercial fishing industry,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bulzacchelli Occupational heat-related illness in Washington State: a descriptive study of day of illness and prior day ambient temperatures among cases and clusters 2006-2021,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bonauto Occupational fatalities among grounds maintenance workers in the United States (2016-2020),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kearney Suicides in Brazilian Federal Highway Police: a retrospective study with 20-years' data (2001-2020),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marins Factors associated with injury among Maine logging workers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jenkins Reports to OSHA of severe occupational injuries due to animals 2015-2021,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tustin Fatal injuries associated with rear step riding among municipal solid waste collection workers (United States 1984-2020),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhu Occupational injuries and illnesses among law enforcement officers 2001-2019: findings from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiesman Using a severity threshold to improve occupational injury surveillance: assessment of a severe traumatic injury-based occupational health indicator across the International Classification of Diseases lexicon transition,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marsh Forty-year trends in fatal occupational injuries in North Carolina,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richardson Evaluation of the characteristics of injured workers and employer compliance with OSHA's reporting requirement for work-related amputations,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang 25-Year fatal workplace suicide trends in North Carolina: 1992-2017,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marshall Hired crop worker injury risks on farms in the United States during three different periods between 2002 and 2015,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Layne Acute occupational inhalation injuries-United States 2011-2022,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blackley The effect of power stretchers on occupational injury rates in an urban emergency medical services system,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,McDonald "Breaking down in tears soaked in sweat and sick from the heat": media-based composite narratives of first responders working during the 2021 Heat Dome,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kenny Trends in workplace homicides in the U.S. 1994-2021: an end to years of decline,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collins An urgent call to address work-related psychosocial hazards and improve worker well-being,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swanson Forty years of struggle in North Carolina: workplace segregation and fatal occupational injury rates,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richardson Heat-related fatalities in North Carolina 1999-2017,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richardson A blueprint for a new commercial driving epidemiology: an emerging paradigm grounded in integrative exposome and network epistemologies,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thiese Suicide mortality according to occupation and method of suicide Massachusetts 2010-2019,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hawkins Adding injury to insult: unfair treatment at work and occupational injury among hospital patient-care workers,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boden Trends in severity of work-related traumatic injury and musculoskeletal disorder Ontario 2004-2017,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mustard County-level industrial composition of the labor force and drug overdose mortality rates in the United States in 2018-2021,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oh Occupational sunlight exposure in relation to suicide among electric utility workers,2000,38,2,149-154,van Wijngaarden A mixed-methods study on risk perception and safety practices among unorganized construction workers in a municipal area of West Bengal,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chakraborty Mortality patterns among electrical workers employed in the U.S. construction industry 1982-1987,1999,36,6,630-637,Robinson Cohort mortality study of Philadelphia firefighters,2001,39,5,463-476,Heineman Attorney-directed screenings can be hazardous,2004,45,3,305-307,Egilman Work-related suicide: evolving understandings of etiology & intervention,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Niedhammer Cost of agricultural injuries in the United States: Estimates based on surveillance insurance and government statistics,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rautiainen Suicides among construction workers in the United States 2021,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trueblood Precursors of falls from height in two main contractor companies in the Chilean construction sector and their subcontractors: shared vision and preventive prioritization,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Andrade Barra Pre-task planning for construction worker safety and health: implementation and 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