Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Concepts guiding the study of the impact of the built environment on physical activity for older adults: a review of the literature,2004,18,6,435-443,Cunningham From research to public policy: the prevention of motor vehicle injuries childhood drownings and firearm violence,1992,6,6,451-464,Wintemute Evaluation of a community bicycle helmet promotion campaign: what works and why,1993,7,4,281-287,Schneider Service use walking driving quality of life and neighborhood satisfaction,2004,19,1,45-52,Patterson Relationships among community characteristics and walking and bicycling for transportation or recreation,2005,19,4,314-317,Zlot The impact of worksite-based safety belt programs: a review of the literature,1997,11,4,281-289,Eddy Neighborhood environment access to places for activity and leisure-time physical activity in a diverse North Carolina population,2003,18,1,58-69,Huston Grassroots efforts pursue alcohol policy reform: refocusing 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Secondhand smoke benzene myelodysplastic syndrome immunosuppression and the americans with disabilities act,2014,29,2,v-viii,O'Donnell Cost-effectiveness of population-level physical activity interventions: a systematic review,2014,29,2,71-80,Valtonen Depressive symptoms mediate the association between fear of crime and higher body mass index,2015,30,2,130-132,Kodjebacheva Environmental correlates of recreational walking in the neighborhood,2015,30,3,139-148,Calise Multistate evaluation of safe routes to school programs,2014,28,Suppl,S89-S96,Moudon Determinants of activity-friendly neighborhoods for children: results from the SPACE study,2007,21,Suppl,312-316,Van Mechelen Neighborhood design and rates of walking and biking to elementary school in 34 California communities,2004,19,2,128-136,Seeley Standing up to bullies,2015,29,4,v-vi,O'Donnell Understanding small business engagement in workplace violence prevention programs,2015,30,2,e83-91,Peek-Asa Community lenses revealing the role of sociocultural environment on physical activity,2015,30,3,e92-e100,Nykiforuk Neighborhood attributes associated with the social environment,2015,30,8,634-637,Wilcox Combining motivational and physical intervention components to promote fall-reducing physical activity among community-dwelling older adults: a feasibility study,2015,30,8,638-644,Wyman Integrated approaches to occupational health and safety: a systematic review,2016,31,5,401-412,Oldenburg Health behaviors and medication adherence in elderly patients,2016,31,4,278-286,Han Multilevel analysis of municipal officials' participation in land use policies supportive of active living: city and individual factors,2016,30,4,287-290,Eyler Pragmatic randomized controlled trials of the Girls on the Go! program to improve self-esteem in girls,2016,30,4,231-241,Haines Feasibility and reliability of the System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth (SOPLAY) for measuring moderate to vigorous physical activity in children visiting an interactive children's museum exhibition,2018,32,1,210-214,Zarcadoolas Does availability of worksite supports for physical activity differ by industry and occupation?,2018,32,3,517-526,Brownson Associations between bicycling for transportation and cardiometabolic risk factors among Minneapolis-Saint Paul area commuters: a cross-sectional study in working-age adults,2018,32,3,631-637,Pereira Driven to support: individual- and county-level factors associated with public support for active transportation policies,2018,32,3,657-666,Schmid The impact of protective behavioral strategy use frequency on blood alcohol concentrations among student drinkers nationwide,2018,32,1,205-209,Barry Development implementation and evaluation of Active Lions: a campaign to promote active travel to a university campus,2018,32,3,536-545,Matthews Accelerometer-assessed physical activity and school absenteeism due to illness or injury among children and adolescents: NHANES 2003 to 2006,2018,32,3,571-577,Loprinzi How do contextual factors influence implementation and receipt of positive youth development programs addressing substance use and violence? 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