Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Aggressive Sexual Behaviour of Alcohol-Dependent Men,2005,23,4,101-106,Maharajh Integration of Alcohol and Other Drug Trauma and Mental Health Services -- An Experiment in Rural Services Integration in Franklin County MA,2005,22,3,19-39,Veysey Alcohol and Other Drug Use among College Students: Intimate Partner Violence and Health-Compromising Behaviors,2008,26,3,347-364,Simons Effectiveness of a feedback-based brief intervention to reduce alcohol use in community substance use disorders,2013,31,186,186-205,McCrady Alcohol and Violence Among Youth in Boot Camps for Non-Violent Offenders,2001,19,1,37-56,Benda Alcohol Use Disorders in Female Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse,2000,18,4,19-30,Clay Incest and the Development of Alcoholism in Adult Female Survivors,1990,7,2,41-56,Hurley Links Between Exposure to Violence and HIV-Infection: Implications for Substance Abuse Treatment with Women,2000,18,3,61-70,Kimerling Physical and Sexual Abuse Among Women and Men with Substance Use Disorders,2000,18,3,7-18,Kimerling Alcohol and Crime Among Religious Youth,1999,17,4,53-66,Benda Childhood Maltreatment Parental Alcoholism and Beliefs About Alcohol: Subgroup Variation Among Alcohol-Dependent Adults,2000,18,3,49-60,Wekerle Alcohol and Violence in the Alaskan Native: A Follow-Up and Theoretical Considerations,1984,1,1,133-138,Wolf Bringing alcohol treatment to driving under the influence programs: perceptions from first-time offenders,2017,35,2,113-129,Osilla Older former prisoners' pathways to sobriety,2018,36,1,32-53,Wyse Postassault substance use and coping: a qualitative study of sexual assault survivors and informal support providers,2018,36,3,330-353,Ullman The salience of intimate partner violence to coping and social support for intimate partners of people with addictions,2020,38,3,306-324,Petra The role of suffering in relation to suicide in persons experiencing co-occurring substance use disorders and mental health conditions: a brief perspective,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kimball Typologies of drivers convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol as predictors of alcohol ignition interlock performance,2021,39,1,96-109,Voas An Adaptation of the Women's Recovery Group for women veterans with substance use disorders: a quality improvement project,2022,40,3,280-293,Simpson Alcohol substance use disorders and mental health: resources for U.S. veterans,2022,40,3,294-298,Faltinek Behavior change techniques used in binge drinking interventions among college students: a systematic review,2022,40,3,322-337,Branscum Prevalence of alcohol consumption among Indian female adolescents,2022,40,3,393-400,Ahmad Policy and scientific implications of compromised replications,2022,40,3,403-411,Jason Lived experiences of students in collegiate recovery programs at three large public universities,2022,40,2,143-163,Whitney A perspective on neurobiological and intersubjective connectedness in coexisting schizophrenia and substance use disorders,2022,40,2,229-243,Hune Alcohol and drug use screening among justice-involved persons,2022,40,1,4-21,Wang Recovering safety: a pilot study of a women's empowerment group for survivors of intimate partner violence with substance use disorders,2024,42,1,62-75,Sugarman A journey of healing from addiction: one person's story,2017,35,2,165-178,Rushing Alcohol and violence among youth in boot camps for non-violent offenders,2001,19,1,37-55,Benda Effects of alcohol problems on depression among homeless veterans,2001,19,3,65-81,Benda "Spiritus contra spiritum"?: Spiritual well-being and depression among male alcohol dependents in treatment,2011,30,1,67-77,Unterrainer The alcohol dependent person and the advocate: A conversation,2013,31,1,129-140,Berry A Study of Substance Use in Women in the West Texas U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services System,2016,34,2,170-180,Arredondo Evaluating Predictors of Treatment Seeking Behaviors Across Race,2019,37,2,181-206,Wahby The Worsening Outcomes of the COVID-19 Lockdowns on Patients with a History of Alcoholism,2021,39,3,342-347,Sarangi The Interface of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Suicide and Surrender: Implications for Treatment and Approaches,2021,39,2,198-209,Brooks Problem Drinking Perceived Burden Depression and Suicide Ideation: A Conceptual Model,2023,41,1,15-30,Lee