Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Acceptability of various brief intervention approaches for hazardous drinking among university students,2003,38,6,626-628,Saunders Alcohol and/or other drug use among adult non-occupant motor vehicle crash victims,2002,37,5,468-471,Hill Predicting drunk driving: contribution of alcohol use and related problems traffic behaviour personality and platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity,2005,40,2,140-146,Eensoo Alcohol-related problems and fitness to drive,2001,36,3,256-261,Rio Alcohol use inventory: screening and assessment of first-time driving-while-impaired offenders: i. reliability and profiles,2001,36,2,112-121,Chang Attrition in a follow-up study of driving while impaired offenders: who is lost?,2000,35,5,464-470,Skipper Urban-rural comparisons of drink-driving behaviour among late teens: a preliminary investigation,1999,34,1,59-64,Baldwin Social climate on alcohol in Rotterdam The Netherlands: public opinion on drinking behaviour and alcohol control measures,1998,33,2,141-150,Bongers Young people drink and the law: a descriptive study covering two London magistrates' courts,1984,19,1,51-61,Hawker Diagnosing alcoholism in high-risk drinking drivers: comparing different diagnostic procedures with estimated prevalence of hazardous alcohol use,2001,36,6,594-602,Korzec Alcohol use inventory: screening and assessment of first-time driving-while-impaired offenders: ii. typology and predictive validity,2001,36,2,122-130,Chang Validity of self-reported criminal offences and traffic violations in screening of driving-while-intoxicated offenders,1996,31,6,583-590,Chang Screening for hazardous or harmful drinking using one or two quantity-frequency questions,2005,,,,Canagasaby Alcohol and injury: multi-level analysis from the emergency room collaborative alcohol analysis project (ERCAAP),2004,39,6,552-558,Bond Drinking patterns and problems in emergency services in Poland,2004,39,3,256-261,Moskalewicz Alcohol and casualties: a comparison of emergency room and coroner data,1994,29,2,211-218,Cherpitel Drinking patterns and problems among primary care patients: a comparison with the general population,1991,26,5-6,627-633,Cherpitel A case-control study of alcohol and substance use disorders  as risk factors for non-fatal injury,2005,,,,Borges The relationship between acute alcohol consumption and consequent injury type,2005,,,,Watt Alcohol Intake and the Pattern of Trauma in Young Adults and Working Aged People Admitted After Trauma,2005,,,,Savola Self-reported alcohol use among Dutch emergency room patients: variation in prevalence rates owing to methodological differences,2005,40,6,524-530,Vitale School matters: drinking dimensions and their effects on alcohol-related problems among Ontario secondary school students,2005,40,6,569-574,Rehm Brief intervention in alcohol-positive traffic casualties: is it worth the effort?,2005,41,1,76-83,Dauer Evaluation of the Texas 0.08 BAC law,2005,41,2,193-199,Gorman Salivary cortisol: a predictor of convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol?,2005,40,5,474-481,Ouimet Concurrent use of alcohol and cocaine: Differences in patterns of use and problems among users of crack cocaine and cocaine powder,2006,41,2,121-125,Manning Moderate alcohol intake and motor vehicle crashes: the conflict between health advantage and at-risk use,2006,41,4,451-454,Hargarten Alcohol consumption and heavy drinking: a survey in three Italian villages,2006,41,3,336-340,Guerrini Establishing rates of binge drinking in the UK: anomalies in the data,2006,41,4,355-357,McMahon Telephone screening for hazardous drinking among injured patients seen in acute care clinics: feasibility study,2006,41,4,438-445,Graham Alcohol and illicit drug use among emergency room patients in the Netherlands,2006,41,5,553-559,Vitale 'I drink spirits to get drunk and block out my problems...' beverage preference drinking motives and alcohol use in adolescence,2006,41,5,566-573,Kuntsche The association between alcohol misuse and suicidal behaviour,2006,41,5,473-478,Brady Alcohol intoxication in childhood and adolescence,1995,30,1,5-12,Lamminpää Alcohol-related problems among adolescent suicides in Finland,1999,34,3,320-329,Henriksson Screening and brief intervention online for college students: The iHealth Study,2007,42,1,28-36,Saitz Impaired control and undergraduate problem drinking,2007,42,1,42-48,Fenton Alcoholism and homicide with respect to the classification systems of Lesch and Cloninger,2007,42,2,103-107,Biermann The relationship between exposure to alcohol advertising in stores owning alcohol promotional items and adolescent alcohol use,2007,42,2,143-149,Wang Alcohol and expectancy--ii. perceived sex differences in the role of alcohol as a source of aggression,1984,19,1,71-75,Crawford Differential trends in alcohol-related mortality: a register-based follow-up study in Finland in 1987-2003,2007,42,5,456-464,Makela Comparing alcohol consumption in central and eastern Europe to other European countries,2007,42,5,465-473,Rehm How do public health policies tackle alcohol-related harm: a review of 12 developed countries,2007,42,5,492-499,Crombie Trends in alcohol consumption in Singapore 1992-2004,2007,42,4,354-361,Lim Hazardous drinking in New Zealand sports people: level of sporting participation and drinking motives,2007,42,4,376-382,Ali Alcohol abuse among U.S. navy recruits who were maltreated in childhood,2007,42,44,370-375,Thomsen Drinking By Parents Siblings And Friends As Predictors Of Regular Alcohol Use In Adolescents And Young Adults: A Longitudinal Twin-Family Study,2007,42,4,362-369,Boomsma An alcohol strategy for England: the good the bad and the ugly,2004,39,5,377-379,Drummond Hospitalization and mortality succeeding drunk driving and risky driving,2003,38,3,281-286,Leifman Low educational performance is associated with drunk driving: a 31-year follow-up of the northern Finland 1966 birth cohort,2003,38,3,219-223,Jokelainen The effects of alcohol on head injury in the motor vehicle crash victim,2002,37,3,236-240,Hill Self-estimates of blood-alcohol concentration and ability to drive in a population of soldiers,2000,35,1,104-105,Wicki Harmful alcohol use in Goa India and its associations with violence: a study in primary care,2007,42,2,131-137,Patel Simple Advice for Injured Hazardous Drinkers: An Implementation Study,2007,42,5,430-435,Rodriguez-Martos The Influence of Parental Drinking Behaviour and Antisocial Personality Disorder on Adolescent Behavioural Problems: Results of the Greifswalder Family Study,2007,42,6,623-628,Barnow How do Quantities Drunk Per Drinking day and the Frequencies of Drinking those Quantities Contribute to Self-reported Harm and Positive Consequences?,2007,42,6,610-617,Makela Screening and Brief Intervention Targeting Risky Drinkers in Danish General Practice A Pragmatic Controlled Trial,2007,42,6,593-603,Beich Alcohol and road traffic accidents,1995,30,6,709-711,Mayou Do not change the numbers--clarify the message. The government review of the sensible drinking message: A Medical Council on Alcoholism view,1995,30,5,571-575, Treatment health promotion and alcohol controls and the decrease of alcohol consumption and problems in Ontario: 1975-1993,1995,30,3,337-343,Mann Characteristics of violent alcoholics,1994,29,4,451-457,Brismar Violent crime: the role of alcohol and new approaches to the prevention of injury,1994,29,1,5-10,Shepherd Frequency of alcohol-associated mandibular fractures in northern Finland in the 1980s,1992,27,2,189-193,Oikarinen Recidivism among drunken and drugged drivers in Norway,1996,31,6,609-611,Christophersen The frequency of alcoholisation among young people injured in accidents in France,1991,26,4,391-397,Delaunay Constructing public and political discourse on alcohol issues: towards a framework for analysis,2007,42,2,150-157,Hansen Banning glassware from nightclubs in Glasgow (Scotland): Observed impacts compliance and patron's views,2008,43,1,111-117,Forsyth The Impact of Alcopops on Adolescent Drinking: A Literature Review,2008,43,2,230-239,Metzner Comparison of a food-frequency questionnaire method and a quantity-frequency method to classify risky alcohol consumption in women,2008,43,2,223-229,Clemens A Longitudinal Study of Alcohol Use and Antisocial Behaviour in Young People,2008,43,2,204-214,West Alcohol Consumption Abstaining Health Utility and Quality of Life - A General Population Survey in Finland,2008,43,3,376-386,Poikolainen Acute alcohol use among patients with acute hip fractures: a descriptive incidence study in southeastern Finland,2006,41,3,345-348,Luthje Childhood and Current Determinants of Heavy Drinking in Early Adulthood,2008,43,4,460-469,Poikolainen Prevention of "Risky" Drinking among Students at a Brazilian University,2008,43,4,470-476,Kerr-Corrêa Alcohol Consumption in the Netherlands in the Last Decade: Sharp Decreases in Binge Drinking Especially Among Youngsters,2008,43,4,477-480,van de Goor Peer-Group and Price Influence Students Drinking Along with Planned Behaviour,2008,43,4,492-497,Myers Relationships Between Alcohol-Related Memory Association and Changes in Mood: Systematic Differences Between High- and Low-Risk Drinkers,2008,43,5,551-558,Kelly Mediators and moderators of parental alcoholism effects on offspring self-esteem,2008,43,4,481-491,Rangarajan Validation and Comparison of Alcohol-Screening Instruments for Identifying Hazardous Drinking in Hospitalized Patients in Taiwan,2008,43,5,577-582,Wu Patterns of Binge Drinking at An International Nightlife Resort,2008,43,5,590-594,Hesse Patterns of Alcohol Consumption and Related Behaviour in Great Britain: A Latent Class Analysis of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT),2008,43,5,590-594,Smith Alcohol Abuse Among English and French Psychiatric Referrals from Accident and Emergency Departments,2008,43,5,589,Sarfraz Cues that Signal the Alcohol Content of a Beverage and their Effectiveness at Altering Drinking Rates in Young Social Drinkers,2008,43,6,630-635,Terry The impact of supply reduction through alcohol management plans on serious injury in remote indigenous communities in remote Australia: a ten-year analysis using data from the Royal Flying Doctor Service,2008,43,1,104-110,Muller The effects of carbon dioxide in champagne on psychometric performance and blood-alcohol concentration,2003,38,4,381-385,Ridout Next day effects of a normal night's drinking on memory and psychomotor performance,2004,39,6,509-513,McKinney The effect of ethyl alcohol on the sensitivity of upper airway reflexes,1994,29,4,425-431,Murphy The Self-Rating of the Effects of Alcohol Questionnaire as a Predictor of Alcohol-Related Outcomes in 12-Year-Old Subjects,2008,43,6,641-646,Davis Alcohol Use and Patterns of Delinquent Behaviour in Male and Female Adolescents,2009,44,6,607-614,Klinteberg Association of Average Daily Alcohol Consumption Binge Drinking and Alcohol-Related Social Problems: Results from the German Epidemiological Surveys of Substance Abuse,2009,44,3,314-320,Kraus Impact of Alcohol Advertising and Media Exposure on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies,2009,44,3,229-243,Gordon Alcohol Poisoning in Belarus: A Comparison of Urban-Rural Trends 1990-2005,2009,44,3,326-331,Stickley Alcohol Consumption Behaviours and Social Mobility in Men and Women of the Midspan Family Study,2009,44,3,332-336,Watt Media coverage of celebrity DUIs: teachable moments or problematic social modeling?,2009,44,3,256-260,Gielen Alcohol Portrayal on Television Affects Actual Drinking Behaviour,2009,44,3,244-249,Hermans Validation of the Bayesian Alcoholism Test Compared to Single Biomarkers in Detecting Harmful Drinking,2009,44,4,398-402,Tabakoff Family bonding and adolescent alcohol use: moderating effect of living with excessive drinking parents,2006,41,4,464-471,Kuntsche The prevalence of alcohol intoxication in the night-time economy,2007,42,6,629-634,Shepherd The Neighborhood Alcohol Environment and Alcohol-Related Morbidity,2009,44,5,491-499,Farley Severity of Baseline Alcohol Use as a Moderator of Brief Interventions in the Emergency Department,2009,44,5,486-490,Blow How will alcohol sales in the UK be affected if drinkers follow government guidelines?,2009,44,5,523-528,Baumberg Hours and days of sale and density of alcohol outlets: impacts on alcohol consumption and damage: a systematic review,2009,44,5,500-516,Giesbrecht Clinical and genetic risk factors for suicide under the influence of alcohol in a Polish sample,2009,44,5,437-442,Blow An analysis of context and alcohol consumption in a group of criminal events,1986,21,4,389-395,Myers Multidisciplinary examinations of the 'causes' of crime: the case of the link between alcohol and violence,1986,21,3,237-240,Brain Some clinical and behavioural aspects of patients with alcohol dependence problems in Kuwait psychiatric hospital,1985,20,1,57-62,el-Islam Concentrations of carbohydrate-deficient transferrin in 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NAEQ,1994,29,6,687-690,McMahon Amino acid neurotransmitters in alcohol withdrawal,1994,29,6,643-647,Aliyev The Windsor Clinic Alcohol Withdrawal Assessment Scale (WCAWAS): investigation of factors associated with complicated withdrawals,1995,30,3,367-372,Metcalfe 'J-shaped' relationship between drinking during pregnancy and birth weight: reanalysis of prospective epidemiological data,1995,30,3,345-355,Abel Cue-exposure to alcohol-associated stimuli reduces autonomic reactivity but not craving and anxiety in dependent drinkers,1995,30,3,319-327,Brown Memory functioning in social drinkers: a study of event-related potentials,1995,30,3,303-310,Fox Hazardous Drinking Concepts Limits and Methods: Low Levels of Awareness Knowledge and Use in the Swedish Population,2011,46,5,638-645,Nilsen Medical screening and medical-psychological assessment as prerequisites for regranting of licenses: summary of recommendations,1996,31,6,605-607,Nickel Moderating binge drinking: it is possible to change behaviour if you plan it in advance,1996,31,6,577-582,White Intervention against Excessive Alcohol Consumption in Primary Health Care: A Survey of GPs' Attitudes and Practices in England 10 Years On,2011,46,5,570-577,Christie Recent Heavy Alcohol Consumption at Death Certified as Ischaemic Heart Disease: Correcting Mortality Data from Kaunas (Lithuania),2011,46,5,614-619,Tamosiunas Impact of alcohol marketing on youth drinking,2011,46,4,506,Hastings Alcohol marketing and youth drinking: A rejoinder to the alcohol industry,2011,46,4,369-370,Gordon Alcohol consumption alcohol-related problems problem drinking and socioeconomic status,1999,34,1,78-88,Bongers Ethyl glucuronide--a marker of alcohol consumption and a relapse marker with clinical and forensic implications,1999,34,1,71-77,Seidl Alcohol consumption profile by time in middle-aged men: a longitudinal study based on three different diagnostic instruments,1999,34,1,65-70,Seppa Risky single-occasion drinking amongst young people--definition correlates policy and intervention: a broad overview of research findings,1999,34,1,3-14,Parrott Subjective Measures of Binge Drinking Suboptimal Subjective Health and Alcohol-Specific Hospitalizations Among Working-Aged Adults: A Prospective Cohort Study,2011,46,5,607-613,Paljarvi The Association between Social Determinants and Drunken Driving: A 15-Year Register-based Study of 81125 Suspects,2011,46,6,721-728,Haukka Socio-demographic Predictors of Dimensions of the AUDIT Score in a population sample of working-age Men in Izhevsk Russia,2011,46,6,702-708,Kiryanov Heavy Episodic Drinking in Europe: A Cross Section Study in Primary Care in Six European Countries,2011,46,5,600-606,Svab The Influence of Alcohol Intake and Alcohol Expectations on the Recognition of Emotions,2011,46,6,680-685,Walter Intervention by an alcohol health worker in an accident and emergency department,1998,33,6,651-656,Wright Sexual abuse and the subsequent development of alcohol problems,1998,33,6,592-601,Farmer The good practice of the police: an alternative approach in dealing with offenders who abuse/misuse alcohol,1998,33,1,73-77,Saunders The importance of family context in alcoholism,1998,33,1,37-41,Vaz-Serra Medico-legal aspects of alcohol drugs and criminality in Germany,1998,33,1,26-32,Sass Alcohol and criminal behaviour,1998,33,1,12-15,Poldrugo The Reproducibility of the Early Detection of Alcohol Consumption Test Using Split Samples Analyzed in Different Laboratories,2011,46,6,694-701,Bean Sliding limits to safe levels of drinking,1992,27,1,81-88,Fellows-Smith Conditioned Tolerance to the Effects of Alcohol on Inhibitory Control in Humans,2011,46,6,686-693,Higgs Patterns of drinking in Wales,1991,26,3,367-374,Nugent Alcoholic intake in a small rural village,1991,26,3,361-366,Tejera Comparison of questionnaire and biochemical markers to detect alcohol abuse in a West Indian population,1991,26,3,353-359,Valentino A community screening test for high alcohol consumption using biochemical and haematological measures,1991,26,3,337-346,Dunne Application of a three-compartment model to a study of the effects of sex alcohol dose and concentration exercise and food consumption on the pharmacokinetics of ethanol in healthy volunteers,1991,26,3,329-336,Wedel Adult women's drinking in Israel: a review of the literature,1991,26,3,277-283,Weiss Relative kindling effect of detoxification and non-detoxification admissions in alcoholics,1991,26,2,221-225,Lechtenberg Alcohol consumption patterns in a primary care population,1991,26,2,215-220,Schnoll The relationship between social skills and adolescent drinking,1991,26,2,207-214,Hover Alcohol consumption of patients with supraventricular tachyarrhythmias other than atrial fibrillation,1991,26,2,199-206,Kupari Alcohol-induced depression: involvement of serotonin,1991,26,2,155-159,Takada Do alcoholic beverages have an additional effect on the postprandial gastrin response in humans?,1991,26,2,121-124,Veenstra Alcohol consumption in young adults in the rural communities of Spain,1991,26,1,93-101,Álvarez A three-sample test of a masked alcohol screening questionnaire,1991,26,1,81-91,Fleming The effects of alcohol and other drugs on psychomotor performance and cognitive function,1991,26,1,71-79,Hindmarch The effect of fructose on alcohol metabolism and on the [lactate]/[pyruvate] ratio in man,1991,26,1,53-59,Smith Alterations in serotonin receptor subtypes in ethanol-dependent rats,1991,26,5-6,567-573,Ulrichsen Seek an effective treatment for addiction to alcohol,1991,26,5-6,651-653,Shirlaw Home detoxification from alcohol: its safety and efficacy in comparison with inpatient care,1991,26,5-6,645-650,Stockwell Family disruption in early life and drinking in young adulthood,1991,26,5-6,639-644,Power Effect of alcohol on blood levels of branched-chain alpha-keto acids in male Wistar rats,1991,26,5-6,597-603,Akamatsu Association of a haemoglobin-acetaldehyde adduct with questionnaire results on heavy drinkers,1991,26,5-6,519-525,Seppa The effect of chronic alcohol ingestion on whole body and muscle protein synthesis--a stable isotope study,1991,26,5-6,505-513,Peters 'Alcoholism'--disease learned disorder or just heavy drinking? A review of Professor Herbert Fingarette's book Heavy Drinking--the Myth of Alcoholism as a Disease,1991,26,5-6,499-503,Glatt The 'topping-up' effect: differences between low- and non-alcoholic lager on blood ethanol,1991,26,4,399-402,Peters Physical morbidity in patients admitted for detoxification from alcohol,1991,26,5-6,495-498,Gayford Dangerous jobs and heavy alcohol use in two national probability samples,1995,30,1,71-86,Leigh Severity of alcohol dependence in the East End of Glasgow,1995,30,1,67-70,Watson Diagnostic tests for alcohol consumption,1995,30,1,13-26,Saunders Letter from Russia: Child Abuse and Alcohol Misuse in a Victim,2011,46,6,734-736,Jargin Why Drivers Start Drinking and Driving--A Prospective Study Over a 6-Year Period in the GAZEL Cohort,2011,46,6,729-733,Chiron Ethnic differences in the consequences of alcohol misuse,1990,25,1,9-11,Clarke A discriminant analysis of severe alcohol consumption among older persons,1990,25,1,75-80,Morton Alcohol use and depressive symptoms among Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic Whites,1990,25,4,421-432,Burnam Estimation of the amount of alcohol ingested from a single blood alcohol concentration,1990,25,4,379-384,Wilkinson What's the harm in just a drink?,1990,25,2-3,287-291,Tittmar Neuroelectric processes in individuals at risk for alcoholism,1990,25,2-3,251-256,Begleiter Neuropathology of alcoholism,1990,25,2-3,207-216,Harper Interaction of ethanol with drugs hepatotoxic agents carcinogens and vitamins,1990,25,2-3,157-176,Lieber Alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase,1990,25,2-3,105-116,Li The effects of alcohol on the female brain: a neuropathological study,1990,25,5,445-448,Harper Teenage heavy drinkers: alcohol-related knowledge beliefs experiences motivation and the social context of drinking,1990,25,6,691-698,Foster Young people and drinking: results of an English national survey,1990,25,6,685-690,Foster Alcohol use and limitations in physical functioning in a sample of the Los Angeles general population,1990,25,6,673-684,Burnam Serum and urinary beta-hexosaminidase as markers of heavy drinking,1990,25,4,365-369,Kärkkäinen Accuracy of Self-Reported Drinking: Observational Verification of 'Last Occasion' Drink Estimates of Young Adults,2011,46,6,709-713,Livingston Alcohol and body weight,1984,19,4,355-356,Dunbar Some factors associated with compliance in the treatment of alcoholism,1984,19,4,303-307,Rees The beneficial consequences of the United Kingdom's declining per capita consumption of alcohol in 1979-82,1984,19,4,271-276,Kendell The impact of a changing alcoholic consumption pattern on the black population of South Africa,1984,19,4,267-269,Segal Alcohol and the young child,1984,19,2,173-175,Bradford The role of alcohol in unplanned pregnancy,1984,19,2,151-152,Lobb Response rates in British general population surveys of alcohol consumption: a comparison,1984,19,2,141-145,Crawford Alcohol consumption of undergraduates at Oxford University,1984,19,1,77-84,Anderson Alcohol and expectancy--I. Perceived sex differences in the effects of drinking,1984,19,1,63-69,Crawford Ethnicity and drinking in northern California: a comparison among whites blacks and Hispanics,1984,19,1,31-44,Caetano Alcohol and body weight,1984,19,1,1-6,Pratt Complaints about sleep in trauma patients in an emergency department in respect to alcohol use,2008,43,3,305-313,Neuner Hazardous alcohol drinking in the former Soviet Union: a cross-sectional study of eight countries,2008,43,3,351-359,McKee Stress alcohol metabolism and burn injury,1998,33,3,311-312,Badawy Stress and ethanol metabolism,1998,33,3,310,Mezey Normative Misperceptions about Alcohol Use in a General Population Sample of Problem Drinkers from a Large Metropolitan City,2012,47,1,63-66,Neighbors Student drinking habits,1998,33,5,552-553,Hannay Alcohol habits in Swedish women: observations from the population study of women in Gothenburg Sweden 1968-1993,1998,33,5,533-540,Allebeck Application of queueing theory with Monte Carlo simulation to the study of the intake and adverse effects of ethanol,1998,33,5,519-527,Wu Familial resemblance of alcohol consumption levels in Jewish families,1998,33,5,509-518,Friedlander The influence of habitual alcohol intake on breath-alcohol concentrations following prolonged drinking,1998,33,5,495-501,Wright Co-morbid depression and drinking outcome in those with alcohol dependence,1998,33,5,482-487,Davidson Stressors and alcohol consumption,2000,35,3,307-312,Garretsen Fetal alcohol syndrome: the origins of a moral panic,2000,35,3,276-282,Abel Readiness to change questionnaire: reliability study of its Spanish version,2000,35,3,270-275,Torralba Patterns of drinking in Thai men,2000,35,3,263-269,Saunders Do drinking surveys predict changes in population-based alcohol problem indicators?,2000,35,3,255-258,Mann Response to alcohol in daughters of alcoholics: a pilot study and a comparison with sons of alcoholics,2000,35,3,242-248,Schuckit Suicides of alcohol misusers and non-misusers in a nationwide population,2000,35,1,70-75,Lonnqvist Predictors of alcohol intake and heavy drinking in early adulthood: a 5-year follow-up of 15-19-year-old Finnish adolescents,2001,36,1,85-88,Poikolainen Behavioural responses to elevated plus-maze and defensive burying testing: effects on subsequent ethanol intake and effect of ethanol on retention of the burying response,2001,36,1,48-58,Sandbak Social Norm Influences on Evaluations of the Risks Associated with Alcohol Consumption: Applying the Rank-Based Decision by Sampling Model to Health Judgments,2012,47,1,57-62,Wood Workplace Alcohol Testing Program by Combined Use of Ethyl Glucuronide and Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters in Hair,2012,47,2,127-132,Pragst Television and music video exposure and adolescent alcohol use while going out,2005,40,3,249-253,Van den Bulck Heavy drinking occasions and depression,2006,41,3,293-299,Poikolainen Self-reported Life Satisfaction and Alcohol use: A 15-year follow-up of Healthy Adult Twins,2012,47,2,160-168,Kaprio Patterns of Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence Predict Problem Use at Age 16,2012,47,2,169-177,Lewis A Volitional Help Sheet to Reduce Binge Drinking in Students: A Randomized Exploratory Trial,2012,47,2,156-159,Armitage Alcohol Consumption and Mortality Risks in the USA,2012,47,3,334-339,Rostron Assessing Self-Efficacy to Reduce One's Drinking: Further Evaluation of the Alcohol Reduction Strategies-Current Confidence Questionnaire,2012,47,3,312-316,Rosenberg Interactive Influences of Neighborhood and Individual Socioeconomic Status on Alcohol Consumption and Problems,2012,47,2,178-186,Karriker-Jaffe A Retrospective Analysis of the Nature Extent and Cost of Alcohol-Related Emergency Calls to the Ambulance Service in an English Region,2012,47,2,191-197,Duckett Comparison of Ethyl Glucuronide in Hair with Self-Reported Alcohol Consumption,2012,47,3,267-272,Hickman Home Drinking in the UK: Trends and Causes,2012,47,3,355-358,Foster A comparison of home detoxification and minimal intervention strategies for problem drinkers,1999,34,2,261,Lewis Does the concept of a standard drink apply to viticultural societies?,1999,34,2,153-160,Gual Association between preference for sweets and excessive alcohol intake: a review of animal and human studies,1999,34,3,386-395,Janowsky Behavioural features of alcohol-preferring rats: focus on inbred strains,1999,34,3,378-385,Overstreet Drinking pattern and alcohol-related medical disorders,1999,34,3,330-336,Wetterling A comparison of two retrospective measures of weekly alcohol consumption: diary and quantity/frequency index,1999,34,4,636-645,Sanson-Fisher Patterns of alcohol consumption in Bulgaria,1999,34,4,622-628,McKee Preventing injuries through interventions for problem drinking: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials,1999,34,4,609-621,Heitman A comparison of cognitive performance in binge versus regular chronic alcohol misusers,1999,34,4,601-608,Crowe Regret is what you get: the effects of manipulating anticipated affect and time perspective on risky single-occasion drinking,1999,34,4,590-600,White Acceptability of computerized self-report of alcohol habits: a patient perspective,1999,34,4,575-580,Timpka Reflections on alcohol and the young,1999,34,4,502-505,Paton Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin in a Driver's License Regranting Program,2012,47,3,253-260,Baten Changing Parental Behaviour to Reduce Risky Drinking Among Adolescents: Current Evidence and Future Directions,2012,47,3,349-354,Kypri Ethnic Drinking Cultures and Alcohol Use among Asian American Adults: Findings from a National Survey,2012,47,3,340-348,Mulia Patterns of alcohol consumption in the Seychelles Islands (Indian Ocean),1999,34,5,773-785,Bovet How would you label your own drinking pattern overall? An evaluation of answers provided by 181 high functioning middle-aged men,1999,34,5,767-772,Schuckit The development of alcohol consumption and problem drinking in Rotterdam 1980-1994: more problem drinking amongst the young and the middle aged,1999,34,5,733-740,Bongers Exploring young men's drinking using the AUDIT questionnaire,1999,34,5,672-677,Kelly Alcohol Hangover Symptoms and Their Contribution to the Overall Hangover Severity,2012,47,3,248-252,McKinney The effects of alcohol cue exposure on non-dependent drinkers' attentional bias for alcohol-related stimuli,2003,38,1,45-49,Cox Reward craving and withdrawal relief craving: assessment of different motivational pathways to alcohol intake,2003,38,1,35-39,Mann Alcohol-Related Injuries and Alcohol Control Policy in Lithuania: Effect of the Year of Sobriety 2008,2012,47,4,458-463,Kalediene Dutch and Norwegian Support of Alcohol Policy Measures to Prevent Young People from Problematic Drinking: A Cross-National Comparison,2012,47,4,479-485,van de Goor Translation problems of the Spanish version of the Readiness to Change Questionnaire,2002,37,1,100-101,Fisher Reliability and validity of the Dutch version of the Readiness to Change Questionnaire,2002,37,1,93-99,Schippers Teenage alcohol and intoxication debut: the impact of family socialization factors living area and participation in organized sports,2002,37,1,74-80,Foxcroft Emergency Department Visits Due to Alcohol Intoxication: Characteristics of Patients and Impact on the Emergency Room,2012,47,4,433-438,Desruelles The Epidemiology of Alcohol Consumption and Misuse among Chinese College Students,2012,47,4,464-472,Ji Factors Predicting Change in Frequency of Heavy Drinking Days among Alcohol-Dependent Participants in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC),2012,47,4,443-450,Duhig Alcohol Dependence Consumption of Alcoholic Energy Drinks and Associated Work Characteristics in the Taiwan Working Population,2012,47,4,372-379,Huang Enhancing the ICD System in Recording Alcohol's Involvement in Disease and Injury,2012,47,3,216-218,Room Everyday Everywhere: Alcohol Marketing and Social Media--Current Trends,2012,47,4,486-493,Nicholls Social Inequalities and Gender Differences in the Experience of Alcohol-Related Problems,2012,47,5,597-605,Graham Drinking Concordance and Relationship Satisfaction in New Zealand Couples,2012,47,5,606-611,Kypri Screening for Alcohol Use in Criminal Justice Settings: An Exploratory Study,2012,47,4,423-427,Shepherd Prevalence of problem drinking in a Venezuelan Native American population,2002,37,2,198-204,Seale Religious beliefs and practice and alcohol use in Thai men,2002,37,2,193-197,Conigrave Patterns of alcohol drinking in a population of young social drinkers: a comparison of questionnaire and diary measures,2002,37,2,187-192,Duka Novelty seeking and harm avoidance in relation to alcohol drinking in intact rats and following axon-sparing lesions to the amygdala and ventral striatum,2002,37,2,147-156,Johansson Reported levels of alcohol consumption and binge drinking within the UK undergraduate student population over the last 25 years,2002,37,2,109-120,Gill Caffeinated Alcohol Beverages: A Public Health Concern,2012,47,4,370-371,Attwood Suicide Attempts During Heavy Drinking Episodes Among Individuals Entering Alcohol Treatment in Warsaw Poland,2012,47,5,571-576,Ilgen Drinking less but greater harm: could polarized drinking habits explain the divergence between alcohol consumption and harms among youth?,2012,47,5,581-590,Andréasson 'You're less complete if you haven't got a can in your hand': alcohol consumption and related harmful effects in rural Australia: the role and influence of cultural capital,2012,47,5,624-629,Clifford Brain substrates of craving to alcohol cues in subjects with alcohol use disorder,2007,42,5,417-422,Park Adolescent drinking patterns across countries: associations with alcohol policies,2012,47,6,732-737,Kuntsche Association between frequency of heavy episodic drinking and self-reported consequences: a cross-sectional study in a Swedish population,2012,47,6,719-724,Johansson Relationship between price paid for off-trade alcohol alcohol consumption and income in England: a cross-sectional survey,2012,47,6,738-742,North The 5-item Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-5): an effective brief screening test for problem drinking alcohol use disorders and alcohol dependence,2013,48,1,68-73,Choi Changes in alcohol drinking patterns and their consequences among Norwegian doctors from 2000 to 2010: a longitudinal study based on national samples,2013,48,1,99-106,Aasland Average volume of alcohol consumed type of beverage drinking pattern and the risk of death from all causes,2006,41,6,664-671,Giles Brief interventions for at-risk drinking: patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness in managed care organizations,2006,41,6,624-631,Babor Trends in alcohol intake by education and marital status in urban population in Russia between the mid 1980s and the mid 1990s,2004,39,1,64-69,Marmot Drinking and drinking patterns and health status in the general population of five areas of China,2004,39,1,43-52,Hao Type of alcoholic beverage and high-risk drinking: how risky is beer drinking in Korea?,2004,39,1,39-42,Chung Alcohol licensing laws: proposals for changes in Scottish law,2004,39,1,2-7,Ritson Prognostic factors of 2-year outcomes of patients with comorbid bipolar disorder or depression with alcohol dependence: importance of early abstinence,2013,48,1,93-98,Farren Acceptability and effect of a community-based alcohol education program in rural Sri Lanka,2013,48,2,250-256,Dawson Per-capita alcohol consumption and all-cause male mortality in Australia 1911-2006,2013,48,2,196-201,Livingston Is the prevalence of driving after drinking higher in entertainment areas?,2013,48,3,356-362,Pechansky Correlation between shift-work-related sleep problems and heavy drinking in Japanese male factory workers,2013,48,2,202-206,Sakurai Drinking patterns and their predictive factors in CONTROL: a 12-month prospective study in a sample of alcohol-dependent patients initiating treatment,2013,48,2,189-195,Bertholet Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Indicators of Risky Alcohol-drinking Patterns,2013,48,2,207-214,Paljarvi Encouraging GP alcohol intervention: pilot study of change-orientated reflective listening (CORL),2004,39,2,146-149,McCambridge United Kingdom and United States healthcare providers' recommendations of abstinence versus controlled drinking,2004,39,2,130-134,Rosenberg Relationship between ethanol-induced changes in brain regional metabolism and its motor behavioural and cognitive effects,2004,39,1,53-58,Wang Alcohol Consumption and Mortality in Russia since 2000: Are there any Changes Following the Alcohol Policy Changes Starting in 2006?,2013,48,2,222-230,Rehm Comparison of systematic versus targeted screening for detection of risky drinking in primary care,2013,48,2,172-179,Bendtsen The effectiveness of the 'What Do You Drink' web-based brief alcohol intervention in reducing heavy drinking among students: a two-arm parallel group randomized controlled trial,2013,48,3,312-321,Poelen Comparing alcohol mortality in tsarist and contemporary Russia: is the current situation historically unique?,2013,48,2,215-221,Stickley Alcohol outlet business hours and violent crime in New York state,2013,48,3,363-369,Denson Alcohol use during the Great Recession of 2008-2009,2013,48,3,343-348,McKee Ethyl glucuronide in scalp and non-head hair: an intra-individual comparison,2013,48,3,295-302,Pianta Prevalence and Patterns of Hazardous and Harmful Alcohol Consumption Assessed Using the AUDIT among Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal,2013,48,3,349-355,Roberts Evaluating the effects of the introduction of off-sale alcohol outlets on violent crime,2013,48,3,370-374,Gorman Intergenerational transmission of drinking motives and how they relate to young adults' alcohol use,2013,48,4,445-451,Mares Reduction of drinking in problem drinkers and all-cause mortality,2013,48,4,509-513,Rehm A 26-year follow-up study of heavy drinking trajectories from adolescence to mid-adulthood and adult disadvantage,2013,48,4,452-457,Lintonen Interoceptive awareness tension reduction expectancies and self-reported drinking behavior,2013,48,4,472-477,Schmidt Is youth violence temporally related to alcohol? A time-series analysis of binge drinking youth violence and total alcohol consumption in Sweden,2013,48,5,598-604,Landberg Rape consent and intoxication: a legal practitioner's perspective,2013,48,4,384-385,Stone Breath alcohol estimation training: behavioral effects and predictors of success,2013,48,4,396-401,Neiberg Effects of a persistent binge drinking pattern of alcohol consumption in young people: a follow-up study using event-related potentials,2013,48,4,464-471,Corral Relationship between blood alcohol concentration and observable symptoms of intoxication in patients presenting to an emergency department,2013,48,4,386-389,Kloss Who is not drinking less in Sweden? An analysis of the decline in consumption for the period 2004-2011,2013,48,5,592-597,Ramstedt Alcohol policy changes and trends in adolescent drinking in Finland from 1981 to 2011,2013,48,5,620-626,Lintonen Alcohol outlet density and violence: the role of risky retailers and alcohol-related expenditures,2013,48,5,613-619,Pridemore The impact of cutting alcohol duties on drinking patterns in Hong Kong,2013,48,6,720-728,Kim Alcohol moods and male-female differences: daily interactive voice response over 6 months,2014,49,1,60-65,Helzer Longitudinal prediction of divorce in Russia: The role of individual and couple drinking patterns,2013,48,6,737-742,Leon Blood ethanol levels of non-abstinent Japanese alcoholic men in the morning after drinking and their ADH1B and ALDH2 genotypes,2014,49,1,31-37,Matsushita 'Something's Brewing': The Changing Trends in Alcohol Coverage in Australian Newspapers 2000-2011,2014,49,3,336-342,Livingston Alcohol marketing in televised English professional football: A frequency analysis,2014,49,3,343-348,Graham Alcohol 'pre-loading': A review of the literature,2014,49,2,213-226,Ferguson Psychological changes and cognitive impairments in adolescent heavy drinkers,2014,49,2,182-186,Wiers Changes in the relationship between volume of consumption and alcohol-related problems in Sweden during 1979-2003,2014,49,3,308-316,Landberg Multidisciplinary Examinations of the "Causes" of Crime: The Case of the Link Between Alcohol and Violence,1986,21,3,237-240,Brain The impact of brief alcohol interventions in primary healthcare: A systematic review of reviews,2014,49,1,66-78,Newbury-Birch Executive Cognitive Gunctions as Mediators of Alcohol-Related Aggression,1998,33,1,47-54,Giancola Alcohol and Criminal Behavior,1998,33,1,12-15,Poldrugo Why adolescents are at risk of misusing alcohol and gambling,2014,49,2,165-172,Noel Adolescents' use of alcohol tobacco and illicit drugs in relation to prenatal alcohol exposure: Modifications by gender and ethnicity,2014,49,2,143-153,Pfinder Impact of alcohol use on inhibitory control (and vice versa) during adolescence and young adulthood: A review,2014,49,2,173-181,López-Caneda Lead us not into temptation: Adolescence and alcohol policy in Europe,2014,49,2,126-127,Hope Contribution of time of drinking onset and family history of alcohol problems in alcohol and drug use behaviors in Argentinean college students,2014,49,2,128-137,Pilatti Looking into the glass: Glassware as an alcohol marketing tool and the implications for policy,2014,49,3,317-320,Stead Adolescent alcohol use: Risks and consequences,2014,49,2,160-164,Marshall Risky alcohol use among migrant women in entertainment venues in China,2014,49,3,321-326,Operario Genetic and environmental interplay in risky drinking in adolescents: a literature review,2014,49,2,138-142,Guerrini Can alcohol lead to inhibition or disinhibition? Applying alcohol myopia to animal experimentation,2005,40,5,373-378,MacDonald Alcohol intoxication reduces impulsivity in the delay-discounting paradigm,2003,38,2,151-156,MacDonald A critical review of pharmacoeconomic studies of acamprosate,2005,40,5,422-430,Poldrugo Measuring and reporting the concentration of acetaldehyde in human breath,1995,30,3,271-285,Jones Exploring structural relationships between blood alcohol concentration and signs and clinical assessment of intoxication in alcohol-involved injury cases,2014,49,4,417-422,Bond An observational study of young adults' drinking groups--II. Drink purchasing procedures group pressures and alcohol consumption by companions as predictors of alcohol consumption,1985,20,4,445-457,Aitken Evaluating the stress-buffering role of alcohol consumption: variation by type of event and type of symptom,1985,20,4,391-401,Neff Performance of female alcoholics on neuropsychological testing,1985,20,4,379-386,Acker The dangers of correlation of mean alcohol consumption with other variables over time,1985,20,3,347-349,Duffy Risk of fatal alcohol poisoning by marital and occupational status,1985,20,3,329-332,Vuori Psychological impairment in alcoholics,1985,20,2,243-249,Spence Alcohol abuse in the Old Testament,1985,20,1,69-76,Seller Assessment of genetic predisposition to alcoholism in male alcoholics,1985,20,1,63-68,Volicer Age-related differences in blood ethanol parameters and subjective feelings of intoxication in healthy men,1985,20,1,45-52,Neri Alcohol and work: 'policies' are not enough,1985,20,1,1-3,Tether Alcohol-related problems in a Swedish community,1985,20,1,27-29,Kristenson Acceptance of controlled drinking among treatment specialists of alcohol dependence in Japan,2014,49,4,447-452,Maesato The impact of policy changes on consumer behaviour and alcohol consumption in Scania Sweden 1999-2005,2014,49,5,572-578,Stafstrom Alcohol use among female sex workers and male clients: an integrative review of global literature,2010,45,2,188-199,Li Alcohol consumption and risky drinking patterns in Malaysia: findings from NHMS 2011,2014,49,5,593-599,Mutalip Investigating underage youth access to alcohol in Switzerland: inventory of modes of access and association with youth characteristics,2014,49,5,586-592,Kuendig Alcohol consumption and psychological distress among U.S. Anglos Hispanics and Blacks,1986,21,1,111-119,Neff Contrasting binge and continuous alcoholic drinkers using demographic and drinking history variables,1986,21,1,105-110,Connors When alcoholics drink aftershave: a study of nonbeverage alcohol consumers,1986,21,3,285-294,Liskow Effects of ethanol on social behaviour directed towards male intruders by lactating Swiss mice,1986,21,3,241-245,Brain The impact on consumption of selling wine in grocery stores,1986,21,3,233-236,Smart Determination of habitual alcohol intake from a panel of blood chemistries,1986,21,2,199-205,Massey Transplacental alcohol intoxication,1986,21,2,163-166,Beattie Alcoholism mortality rate in Japan,1986,21,2,159-162,Imaizumi Racial differences in alcohol sensitivity,1986,21,1,93-104,Chan Alcohol screening and brief interventions for offenders in the probation setting (SIPS trial): a pragmatic multicentre cluster randomized controlled trial,2014,49,5,540-548,Phillips Factors associated with young adult alcohol abuse,1987,22,2,181-192,Koch-Hattem Acculturation and attitudes toward appropriate drinking among U.S. Hispanics,1987,22,4,427-433,Caetano Heavy alcohol drinking and related symptoms in a population study of urban men,1987,22,4,419-426,Bergman Alcohol problems of the elderly,1987,22,4,415-417,Atkinson Drinking motivation and the causes of alcoholism: an overview of the problem and a multidisciplinary model,1987,22,3,301-311,Segal Drinkwatchers--description of subjects and evaluation of laboratory markers of heavy drinking,1987,22,2,147-154,Barrison Serum ferritin as a marker of alcohol consumption in working men,1987,22,1,75-77,Chick Declining trends in alcohol consumption among Swedish youth-does the theory of collectivity of drinking cultures apply?,2014,49,6,681-686,Livingston Perceptions of drinkers and abstainers in a sample of Scottish adults,1988,23,1,7-16,Crawford Alcoholic women in treatment: the question of stigma and age,1988,23,6,507-514,Gomberg Alcohol and social influence: female yielding to male and female group pressure,1988,23,6,501-505,Gustafson The impact of alcohol ingestion on the orthopaedic and accident service,1988,23,5,415-419,Owen Self-reported expected effects of a moderate dose of alcohol by college women,1988,23,5,409-414,Gustafson Biphasic effects of alcohol drinking on methamphetamine metabolism in man,1988,23,5,351-357,Tomita Central and peripheral haemodynamic changes after alcohol ingestion,1988,23,3,211-216,Hartling Acute effects of alcohol on power distribution between man and woman,1988,23,4,323-329,Gustafson A community survey of alcohol consumption,1988,23,4,315-322,Farrow The prediction of habitual alcohol use from alcohol related expectancies and personality,1988,23,4,305-314,Matthews Assessing alcohol consumption in general practice patients--a comparison between questionnaire and interview (findings of the Medical Research Council's general practice research framework study on lifestyle and health),1988,23,6,441-450,Cutler Alcohol and crime,1988,23,6,435-439,Hore Interpreting trends in alcohol consumption and alcohol related damage,1988,23,3,193-202,Skog Society's response to alcohol consumption and problem development,1988,23,4,253-257,Hore Factors associated with pre-drinking among nightclub patrons in the city of São Paulo,2014,50,1,95-102,Sanchez Disaster and alcohol-related mental problems-from reports 3 years after the Niigata-Chuetsu Earthquake,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i8,Kim Alcohol-related problems after hanshin awaji earthquake,2014,49,Suppl 1,i8,Aso P-73an investigation of addictions (substances and behaviors) in a community sample,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i68,Van der Linden Altered cingulate-hippocampal synchrony correlate with aggression in adolescents with internet gaming disorder,2014,49,Suppl 1,i67-i68,Lee The association between internet addiction and aggression/impulsiveness in adolescents,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i67,Choi Preliminary results of pattern of alcohol metabolism among driving under the influence of alcohol offenders: association between alcohol metabolism alcohol use behaviour and other psychosocial variables,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i57,Kinoshita Alcohol-related problems among volunteer firefighters in a disaster area hit by a huge earthquake,2014,49,Suppl 1,i55,Matsushita P-7inadequate use of alcohol drinking increased the medical costs and economic burden among Japanese,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i54,Okamura P-2production distribution and consumption of untaxed alcohol in phayao province,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i53,Thaikla Relations among diagnostic criteria items of alcohol dependence in the ICD-10,2014,49,Suppl 1,i49,Higuchi Suicide attempts suicidal ideation and depression among Japanese patients with alcohol dependence: a report from the Japan collaborative clinical study on alcohol dependence (jcsa),2014,49,Suppl 1,i49,Matsushita Or06-1neurological symptoms dependence and behavior changes associated with khat chewing in jazan region kingdom of saudi arabia,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i43,Ismail International trends over time in the prevalence of alcohol use and alcohol-related harm: what is the evidence for the closing gender gap?,2014,49,Suppl 1,i43,Chapman Binge drinking influences the cerebral processing of affective voices in young adults,2014,49,Suppl 1,i39,Maurage Reinforcement expectancies as predictors of drinking problems among soldiers: use of the alcohol effects questionnaire (AEFQ) in the French army,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i38,Mayet Psychiatric comorbidity among in-patients with alcohol use disorders,2014,49,Suppl 1,i38,Tansupasiri Predictors of insomnia severity among alcohol dependent patients,2014,49,Suppl 1,i37-i38,Brower Sy40-1neuropeptides as therapeutic targets for drug-seeking,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i33-i34,Ryan Definition and evidence for harm reduction,2014,49 Suppl 1,Suppl 1,i30,Wodak Situation and countermeasures for prescription drug abuse in Thailand,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i3,Assanangkornchai Bending the curve of opioid analgesic abuse in the United States,2014,49 Suppl 1,,i3,Dart Meth induced psychosocial disasters: from opiates to methamphetamines in iran,2014,49,Suppl 1,i22,Noroozi Are there any benefits from reducing alcohol consumption?,2014,49,Suppl 1,i19-i20,Alho New educational intervention is effective for reducing drunk driving,2014,49,Suppl 1,i18-i19,Itoh Brief intervention for alcohol problems at community alcohol counselling center in Korea,2014,49,Suppl 1,i18,Lee USA issues on prescription opioids,2014,49,Suppl 1,i15,Dart Are carbohydrate-deficient transferrin assays useful for the detection of recurrent 'binge drinking' in children with an alcohol intoxication in the emergency department?,2014,49,6,635-638,van der Lely Alcohol drinking and pro-drinking practices in parents of Hong Kong adolescents,2014,49,6,668-674,Lam Screening for alcohol related problems in the antenatal clinic; an assessment of different methods,1989,24,1,21-30,Murray-Lyon Alcohol consumption and the perceived situational appropriateness of consuming different types of alcoholic beverages,1989,24,5,479-488,Klein Patterns of alcohol use among university students in Spain,1989,24,5,465-471,Queipo Mechanisms of alcohol tolerance,1989,24,3,251-252,Hoffman Determinations of ethanol acetaldehyde and acetate in blood and urine during alcohol oxidation in man,1989,24,2,101-108,Muto Is 'disease model' an appropriate term to describe the alcohol dependence syndrome?,1989,24,6,509-512,Gorman Alcohol and the young,1989,24,3,213-215,Schipperheijn Binge drinking in adolescents: a review of neurophysiological and neuroimaging research,2014,49,2,198-206,Kornreich Exposure of children and adolescents to alcohol marketing on social media websites,2014,49,2,154-159,Marteau Alcohol screening and brief intervention for adolescents: the how what and where of reducing alcohol consumption and related harm among young people,2014,49,2,207-212,Drummond Underage access to online alcohol marketing content: a YouTube case study,2014,50,1,89-94,Barry Alcohol consumption among the over 50s: international comparisons,2014,50,1,1-10,Meier Alcohol consumption hospitalization and medical expenditure: a large epidemiological study on the medical insurance system in Japan,2014,50,2,236-243,Yasumura Drinking patterns and victimization among male and female students in Mexico,2014,50,2,226-235,Winter Accuracy of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for detecting problem drinking in 18-35 year-olds in England: method comparison study,2014,50,2,244-250,Foxcroft Development of a real-time repeated-measures assessment protocol to capture change over the course of a drinking episode,2015,50,2,180-187,Luczak Can motivational interviewing in emergency care reduce alcohol consumption in young people? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,50,2,107-117,Kohler Adolescent alcohol use and binge drinking: an 18-year trend study of prevalence and correlates,2015,50,2,219-225,von Soest Acute stress increases voluntary consumption of alcohol in undergraduates,2015,50,2,213-218,Magrys Prevalence of major depressive disorder among spouses of men who use alcohol in a rural community in central Sri Lanka,2015,50,3,328-332,Ariyasinghe Inconsistency in reporting abstention and heavy drinking frequency: associations with sex and socioeconomic status and potential impacts,2015,50,3,333-345,Connor Alcohol's harm to others' well-being and health: a comparison between Chile and Australia,2015,50,3,346-351,Dussaillant Screening and brief intervention for substance misuse: does it reduce aggression and HIV-related risk behaviours?,2015,50,3,302-309,Mertens Age period and cohort effects on time trends in alcohol consumption in the Swedish adult population 1979-2011,2015,50,3,319-327,Room Consumption of alcoholic energy drinks is associated with work-related injury or disease among manual workers in Taiwan,2015,50,4,458-462,Huang Alcohol Outcome Expectancies and Regrettable Drinking-Related Social Behaviors,2015,50,4,393-398,Katz Understanding the role of context-specific drinking in neglectful parenting behaviors,2015,50,5,542-550,Freisthler Personality and Alcohol Expectancies Discriminate Alcohol Consumption Patterns in Female College Students,2015,50,4,385-392,Pilatti Alcohol consumption athlete identity and happiness among student sportspeople as a function of sport-type,2015,50,5,617-623,O'Brien Alcohol consumption in healthy OPRM1 G allele carriers and its association with impulsive behavior,2015,50,4,379-384,Pfeifer Alcohol control policies in 46 African countries: opportunities for improvement,2015,50,4,470-476,Babor Temporal patterns of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related road accidents in young Swiss men: seasonal weekday and public holiday effects,2015,50,5,565-572,Gmel Patterns of alcohol consumption in Yunnan Province of China: which measure is optimal?,2015,50,5,579-587,Cai Suicide self-mutilation and delirium tremens,2015,50,4,377-378,Chick Racial/ethnic disparities in the risk of injury related to the frequency of heavy drinking occasions,2015,50,5,573-578,Cherpitel Alcohol-related road accidents and holiday,2015,50,6,716,Wiwanitkit Risk factors measured during medical school for later hazardous drinking: a 10-year longitudinal nationwide study (NORDOC),2015,51,1,71-76,Tyssen Serotonin and dopamine candidate gene variants and alcohol- and non-alcohol-related aggression,2015,50,6,690-699,Soyka Mortality risk in alcoholic patients in Northern Italy: comorbidity and treatment retention effects in a 30-year follow-up study,2015,51,1,63-70,Morandi Does a change over all equal a change in all? Testing for polarized alcohol use within and across socio-economic groups in Germany,2015,50,6,700-707,Kraus The use of the internet for prevention of binge drinking among the college population: a systematic review of evidence,2015,50,5,526-535,Branscum The alcohol hangover--a puzzling phenomenon,2008,43,2,124-126,Verster Impulsivity as a multifaceted construct related to excessive drinking among UK students,2015,51,1,77-83,Morgan Measuring alcohol consumption in population surveys: a review of international guidelines and comparison with surveys in England,2015,51,1,84-92,Lewis Prediction of long-term outcomes in young adults with a history of adolescent alcohol-related hospitalization,2015,51,1,47-53,Kraus What role do changes in the demographic composition play in the declining trends in alcohol consumption and the increase of non-drinkers among Swedish youth? A time-series analysis of trends in non-drinking and region of origin 1971-2012,2015,51,2,172-176,Svensson The Weakness of Stern Alcohol Control Policies,2015,51,1,93-97,Poikolainen Demographic risk factors for alcohol-related aggression in and around licensed venues,2015,51,2,196-200,Zinkiewicz Recent trends in alcohol outlet density distances from educational institutions and sales campaigns in Chiang Mai Municipality (Metropolitan) Thailand: should we be worried for our youths?,2015,51,2,210-214,Likhitsathian Adult binge drinking: childhood sexual abuse gender and the role of adolescent alcohol-related experiences,2015,51,2,136-141,Herrenkohl Alcohol dependence co-occurring conditions and attributable burden,2015,51,2,201-209,Perry Brief intervention in the emergency department among Mexican-origin young adults at the US-Mexico border: outcomes of a randomized controlled clinical trial using promotores,2015,51,2,154-163,Bond Association of Alcohol Consumption with Perception of Attractiveness in a Naturalistic Environment,2015,51,2,142-147,Attwood Alcohol use-related problems among a rural Indian population of West Bengal: an application of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT),2015,51,2,215-223,Rai The effectiveness of message framing and temporal context on college student alcohol use and problems: a selective e-mail intervention,2015,51,1,106-116,Wood Prevalence of hazardous drinking among UK 18-35 year olds; the impact of a revision to the AUDIT cut score,2015,51,3,281-282,Patton Association between young Australian's drinking behaviours and their interactions with alcohol brands on Facebook: results of an online survey,2015,51,4,474-480,Jones Personality predictors of drinking outcomes in depressed alcohol-dependent patients,2015,51,3,296-301,Mulder Adverse childhood experiences and alcohol consumption in midlife and early old-age,2015,51,3,331-338,Bell Prevalence and correlates of hazardous drinking among female sex workers in 13 Mexican cities,2015,51,4,450-456,Patterson Alcohol use disorders in primary health care: what do we know and where do we go?,2015,51,4,422-427,Wojnar Is specialized integrated treatment for comorbid anxiety depression and alcohol dependence better than treatment as usual in a public hospital setting?,2015,51,4,402-409,Teesson Prevalence clinical characteristics and risk factors for non-recording of alcohol use in hospitals across Europe: the ALCHIMIE Study,2016,51,4,457-464,Stauber Alcohol consumption in Vietnam and the use of 'standard drinks' to measure alcohol intake,2016,51,2,186-195,Srikanth Harms to adults from others' heavy drinking in five Indian states,2016,51,2,177-185,Jernigan Prevalence and trends in alcohol dependence and alcohol use disorders in Japanese adults; results from periodical nationwide surveys,2016,51,4,465-473,Osaki Association between alcohol sports sponsorship and consumption: a systematic review,2016,51,6,747-755,Brown Longitudinal effects of acculturation on alcohol use among Vietnamese and Cambodian immigrant women in the USA,2016,51,6,702-709,Johnson The role of specific alcohol-related problems in predicting depressive experiences in a cross-sectional national household survey,2016,51,6,655-663,McBride Identification of key items regarding personality environment and life events to assess risk and resilience factors for harmful alcohol drinking in adolescents,2016,51,6,710-715,Flor Inhibitory performance predicting drinking behaviours among young adults,2016,51,6,677-683,Rosselli Evaluation of TLR4 inhibitor T5342126 in modulation of ethanol-drinking behavior in alcohol-dependent mice,2016,51,5,541-548,Roberts A randomized controlled trial of extended brief intervention for alcohol-dependent patients in an acute hospital setting,2016,51,5,584-592,Gilmore Exposure to online alcohol marketing and adolescents' drinking: a cross-sectional study in four European countries,2016,51,5,615-621,Engels Italian credit mobility students significantly increase their alcohol intake risky drinking and related consequences during the study abroad experience,2016,51,6,723-726,Aresi Underestimating the alcohol content of a glass of wine: the implications for estimates of mortality risk,2016,51,5,609-614,O'Neill Persuading people to drink less alcohol: the role of message framing temporal focus and autonomy,2016,51,6,727-733,Sparks Distinct classes of negative alcohol-related consequences in a national sample of incoming first-year college students: a latent class analysis,2016,51,5,602-608,Walters Women and men admitted for alcohol intoxication at an emergency department: alcohol use disorders substance use and health and social status 7 years later,2016,51,5,567-575,Bertholet Early life health trauma and social determinants of lifetime abstention from alcohol,2016,51,5,576-583,Lown Reductions in alcohol craving following naltrexone treatment for heavy drinking,2016,51,5,562-566,Kranzler Overview of the genetics of alcohol use disorder,2016,51,5,507-514,Tawa Readiness to change predicts drinking: findings from 12-month follow-up of alcohol use disorder outpatients,2016,52,1,65-71,Bertholet Trends in alcohol use among adolescents from 2000 to 2011: the role of socioeconomic status and depression,2016,52,1,95-103,Kaltiala-Heino Distribution characteristics and combined effect of polymorphisms affecting alcohol consumption behaviour in the Hungarian general and Roma populations,2016,52,1,104-111,Adany Time delays in transdermal alcohol concentrations relative to breath alcohol concentrations,2016,52,1,35-41,Dougherty A systematic review of the impact of exposure to internet-based alcohol-related content on young people's alcohol use behaviours,2016,51,6,763-771,Tait Continuous abstinence during early alcohol treatment is significantly associated with positive treatment outcomes independent of duration of abstinence,2016,52,1,72-79,Strain Impact of financial incentives on alcohol consumption recording in primary health care among adults with schizophrenia and other psychoses: a cross-sectional and retrospective cohort study,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nazareth Internet support for dealing with problematic alcohol use: a survey of the Soberistas online community,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sinclair Does the tail wag the dog? Abstainers alcohol dependence heavy episodic drinkers and total alcohol consumption,2016,52,1,80-83,Poikolainen Using alcohol unit-marked glasses enhances capacity to monitor intake: evidence from a mixed-method intervention trial,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Memon Does industry-driven alcohol marketing influence adolescent drinking behaviour? A systematic review,2016,52,1,84-94,Kaner Effect of screening and advising on alcohol habits in Sweden: a repeated population survey following nationwide implementation of screening and brief intervention,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lundin The association between health changes and cessation of alcohol consumption,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cho Assertive community treatment for people with alcohol dependence: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2016,52,2,234-241,Drummond Alcohol-related visits to US emergency departments 2001-2011,2017,52,1,119-125,Pines Measuring time spent caring for drinkers and their dependents,2017,52,1,112-118,Room Alcohol consumption and binge drinking in young men as predictors of body composition changes during military service,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Niemela Typology and dynamics of heavier drinking styles in Great Britain: 1978-2010,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brennan Relationship between emotional processing drinking severity and relapse in adults treated for alcohol dependence in Poland,2017,52,3,311,Glass Screening for at-risk alcohol consumption in primary care: a randomized evaluation of screening approaches,2017,52,3,312-317,Drummond Feasibility of studying a brief intervention to help Chinese villagers with problem alcohol use after an earthquake,2017,52,4,472-476,Ali Are changes in alcohol consumption among Swedish youth really occurring 'in concert'? A new perspective using quantile regression,2017,52,4,487-495,Lundin Use of psychoactive medication in short- and long-term abstainers from alcohol,2017,52,4,447-452,Perney Associations between personality and drinking motives among abstinent adult alcoholic men and women,2017,52,4,496-505,Oscar-Berman Price elasticity of alcohol demand in India,2017,52,3,390-395,Kumar Risky drinkers underestimate their own alcohol consumption,2017,52,4,516-517,Gual Heavy drinkers and the potential impact of minimum unit pricing-no single or simple effect?,2017,52,6,722-729,Chick Personalized digital interventions showed no impact on risky drinking in young adults: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2017,52,6,671-676,Foxcroft Testing the efficacy of alcohol labels with standard drink information and national drinking guidelines on consumers' ability to estimate alcohol consumption,2018,53,1,3-11,Vallance A commentary on the limits of alcoholic beverage policies,2017,52,6,706-714,Allamani You wouldn't sober you shouldn't drunk: a behavioural change approach to changing attitudes and responses to unwanted sexual attention in pubs and clubs,2017,52,6,737-745,Wood The science of absent evidence: is there such thing as an effective responsible drinking message?,2018,53,1,26-30,Albery Environmental context influences visual attention to responsible drinking messages,2018,53,1,46-51,Albery Evaluation of alcohol screening and community-based brief interventions in rural western Kenya: a quasi-experimental study,2018,53,1,121-128,Atwoli Susceptibility to alcohol hangovers: not just a matter of being resilient,2018,53,3,241-244,Brookhuis Communicating messages about drinking,2018,53,1,1-2,Hassan The effect of brief interventions for alcohol among people with comorbid mental health conditions: a systematic review of randomized trials and narrative synthesis,2018,53,3,282-293,Drummond Proscriptive vs. Prescriptive health recommendations to drink alcohol within recommended limits: effects on moral norms reactance attitudes intentions and behaviour change,2018,53,3,344-349,Pavey Judgement of breath alcohol concentration levels among pedestrians in the night-time economy-a street-intercept field study,2018,53,3,245-250,Roskruge Alcohol use in adolescence and later working memory: findings from a large population-based birth cohort,2018,53,3,251-258,Heron Effectiveness of mass media campaigns to reduce alcohol consumption and harm: a systematic review,2018,53,3,302-316,Stead Self-reported knowledge correct knowledge and use of UK drinking guidelines among a representative sample of the English population,2018,53,4,453-460,Buykx Commentary on 'Communicating messages about drinking': using the 'big legal guns' to block alcohol health warning labels,2018,53,3,333-336,Room Changing collective social norms in favour of reduced harmful use of alcohol: a review of reviews,2018,53,3,326-332,Anderson Treatment for alcohol dependence in primary care compared to outpatient specialist treatment-a randomized controlled trial,2018,53,4,376-385,Andréasson Patient satisfaction as a moderator of risky alcohol consumers' attitude towards screening and brief intervention: a cross sectional survey,2018,53,4,403-407,Fankhaenel Survey estimates of changes in alcohol use patterns following the 2012 privatization of the Washington liquor monopoly,2018,53,4,470-476,Greenfield The mutual relationship between men's drinking and depression: a 4-year longitudinal analysis,2018,53,5,597-602,Chung A systematic review of the efficacy of alcohol interventions for incarcerated people,2018,53,4,412-425,Newbury-Birch Dual trajectories of depression/anxiety symptoms and alcohol use and their implications for violence outcomes among drug-using urban youth,2018,53,6,659-666,Walton Alcohol screening and brief intervention in police custody suites: pilot cluster randomised controlled rrial (AcCePT),2018,53,5,548-559,Brennan Seeking help for harm from others' drinking in five Asian countries: variation between societies by type of harm and by source of help,2018,53,6,667-673,Room Chinese women's drinking patterns before and after the Hong Kong alcohol policy changes,2018,53,4,477-486,Lau Sex differences in the association between heavy drinking and behavioral distress tolerance and emotional reactivity among non-depressed college students,2018,53,6,674-681,Cassano The dangerous pattern of concurrent use of alcohol and cocaine among drunk-drivers of northeast Italy,2018,53,6,735-741,Montisci Quantifying the nature and extent of children's real-time exposure to alcohol marketing in their everyday lives using wearable cameras: children's exposure via a range of media in a range of key places,2018,53,5,626-633,Stanley Fathers' alcohol consumption and long-term risk for mortality in offspring,2018,53,6,753-759,Landberg Women's self-perceived similarity to their mother and associations with patterns of alcohol misuse over 20 years,2018,53,6,707-715,Wilsnack Brief intervention among Mexican-origin young adults in the emergency department at the USA-Mexico border: examining the role of patient's preferred language of intervention in predicting drinking outcomes,2018,53,6,728-734,Woolard Patterns in reduction or cessation of drinking in Australia (2001-2013) and motivation for change,2019,54,1,79-86,Livingston Dynamic features of problematic drinking: alcohol use disorder latent classes across ages 18-64,2019,54,1,97-103,Lanza Can suicide attempt be related to problem drinking: cohort study,2019,54,1,104-111,Adomaitiene Healthcare utilisation morbidities and alcohol use monitoring prior to alcoholic psychosis diagnosis,2019,54,2,131-138,Orton Individual and social factors related to trajectories of blackouts among underage drinkers in the emergency department,2019,54,4,370-377,Ilgen Does self-reported or behavioral impulsivity predict subjective response to low-dose alcohol?,2019,54,2,180-187,Leeman The methanol poisoning outbreaks in Iran 2018,2019,54,2,128-130,Ostadtaghizadeh Plus ça change plus c'est la même chose: a review of recent alcohol policy developments in Europe,2019,54,2,123-127,Rice Dose-response relative risk of injury from acute alcohol consumption in 22 countries: are women at higher risk than men?,2019,54,4,396-401,Cherpitel The development of video messages to reduce binge drinking: focus group results,2019,54,3,295-301,Duckworth Alcohol Hangover: Underlying Biochemical Inflammatory and Neurochemical Mechanisms,2019,54,3,196-203,Lingford-Hughes Effectiveness of workplace intervention for reducing alcohol consumption: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,54,3,264-271,Yuvaraj Problems with methanol poisoning outbreaks in iran,2019,54,3,338,Banagozar Mohammadi Timeline followback self-reports underestimate alcohol use prior to successful contingency management treatment,2019,54,3,258-263,Kaplan The role of sex and age on pre-drinking: an exploratory international comparison of 27 countries,2019,54,4,378-385,Kuntsche Has the relationship between alcohol consumption and alcohol-related risky behaviour changed in Australia? An exploratory study,2019,54,3,331-337,Livingston Impact of personal alcohol consumption on aspects of medical student alcohol-related competencies,2019,54,3,325-330,Sinclair Social inequalities in harmful drinking and alcohol-related problems among Swedish adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Landberg Correlates of reduced alcohol consumption among a sample of young Australians,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dietze Alcohol use disorder and comorbid depression: a randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of supportive text messages in aiding recovery,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,McLoughlin Historical persistence of alcohol-induced mortality in the Russian Federations: legacy of early industrialization,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kozlov An exploration of the impact of non-dependent parental drinking on children,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacKintosh From age 4 to 8 children become increasingly aware about normative situations for adults to consume alcohol,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuntsche Disentangling the relationship between self-esteem and problematic alcohol use among college students: evidence from a cluster analytic approach,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quaglino Perceptions of alcohol health warning labels in a large international cross-sectional survey of people who drink alcohol,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Winstock Adverse Childhood Experiences are Associated with High-Intensity Binge Drinking Behavior in Adulthood and Mediated by Psychiatric Disorders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jung Alcohol sponsorship and esports: reinforcing the need for legislative restrictions on alcohol sponsorship,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chambers Alcohol intoxication and suicide by hanging in Poland,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goniewicz Nurse-delivered screening and brief intervention among college students with hazardous alcohol use: a double-blind randomized clinical trial from India,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kamal Breathalyser-based eHealth data suggest that self-reporting of abstinence is a poor outcome measure for alcohol use disorder clinical trials,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nyberg Effects of evaluative conditioning on implicit evaluation of alcohol and drinking behaviors: a direct replication,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chatard The decline in alcohol consumption in Russia from 2006 to 2017: do birth cohorts matter?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Radaev Change in the relationship between drinking alcohol and risk of violence among adolescents and young adults: a nationally representative longitudinal study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor Inclusion of cannabis users in alcohol research samples: screening in screening out and implications,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ray Alcohol consumption by older New York City residents: the need for new policies to address misuse,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weisz New methanol poisoning outbreaks in iran following COVID-19 pandemic,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Delirrad Evaluation of alcohol industry action to reduce the harmful use of alcohol: case study from Great Britain,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Why is per capita consumption underestimated in alcohol surveys? Results from 39 surveys in 23 European countries,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moskalewicz Racial/ethnic disparities in the relationship of alcohol-related injury and perceived driving under the influence from hours of exposure to high blood alcohol concentration: data from four US national alcohol surveys (2000-2015),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cherpitel Perceived gender match and accepting alcohol offers from peers in emerging adulthood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson What we talk about when we talk about binge drinking: towards an integrated conceptualization and evaluation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beaunieux Ashamed and alone-risk factors for alcohol craving among depressed emerging adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keough Alcoholics Anonymous and 12-Step Facilitation Treatments for Alcohol Use Disorder: a distillation of a 2020 Cochrane Review for clinicians and policy makers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Humphreys Gender differences in alcohol treatment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bilberg Early adolescent binge drinking increases risk of psychopathology in post-9/11 veterans and mild traumatic brain injury exacerbates symptom severity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McGlinchey Effects of question type and order when measuring peak consumption of risky drinking events,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston State alcohol policies binge drinking prevalence socioeconomic environments and alcohol's harms to others: a mediation analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenfield Gender-specific drinking contexts are associated with social harms resulting from drinking among Australian young adults at 30 years,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Najman Psychosocial interventions for reducing suicidal behaviour and alcohol consumption in patients with alcohol problems: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haber Characteristics and effectiveness of alcohol website age gates preventing underage user access,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barry Examining the prospective associations between mindfulness facets and substance use in emerging adulthood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keough Trait impulsivity impedes maturing out of problem drinking among socially anxious undergraduates,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stewart The frequency and content of discussions about alcohol use in primary care and application of the chief medical officer's low-risk drinking guidelines: a cross-sectional survey of general practitioners and practice nurses in the UK,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Critchlow Does alcohol hangover affect emotion regulation capacity? Evidence from a naturalistic cross-over study design,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fairchild Changes in the price of alcohol and effect on youth drinking and in different socio-economic groups,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramstedt Differential alcohol use disparities by sexual identity and behavior among high school students,2020,ePub,v,ePub,Beach Support for alcohol policies in marginalized populations,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenfield Participation in drinking games and predrinking among university students in Argentina Australia Canada and New Zealand,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zamboanga Alcohol use by women in Serbia-a first report,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lugonja Do brief alcohol interventions reduce driving after drinking among college students? A two-step meta-analysis of individual participant data,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walters Drinking and neighborhood contexts of alcohol's harms from others,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenfield Alcohol hangover across the lifespan: impact of sex and age,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bruce Limited evidence of associations between executive functioning and alcohol involvement in UK adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Underage adolescents' reactions to adverts for beer and spirit brands and associations with higher risk drinking and susceptibility to drink: a cross-sectional study in the UK,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vohra Minimizing assessments of alcohol advertising in the Six Nations Rugby Championship,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Houghton Response to Houghton's letter: 'Minimizing assessments of alcohol advertising in the Six Nations Rugby Championship',2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barker Levels of parental drinking in the presence of children: an exploration of attitudinal correlates,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Room The impact of increasing the minimum legal drinking age from 18 to 20 years in Lithuania on all-cause mortality in young adults-an interrupted time-series analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston Exposure to parental alcohol use is associated with adolescent drinking even when accounting for alcohol exposure of best friend and peers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zucker The role of parental control and support in declining adolescent drinking: a multi-level study across 30 European countries,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston Racial/ethnic and gender differences in risk of injury and life-course drinking patterns: data from US national alcohol surveys,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cherpitel Corrigendum to: A comparison between ecological momentary assessment and the adapted-quick drinking screen: alcohol mixed with energy drinks,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alford Correction to: Incorporating social networks and event-specific information in a personalized feedback intervention to reduce drinking among young adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neighbors Incorporating social networks and event-specific information in a personalized feedback intervention to reduce drinking among young adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neighbors Preferences for delivering brief alcohol intervention to risky drinking parents in children's social care: a discrete choice experiment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smart Longitudinal correlates of increased alcohol use among adolescents and young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,St Sauver Alcohol addiction: one entity or different entities? A DSM-4-based attempt toward a geographicization of alcohol addiction and abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bravi Neighborhood contexts and alcohol use disorder among Mexican Americans living in the US-Mexico border region,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cherpitel How and what are Indians drinking? Findings from the National Family Health Survey,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Balhara The effect of SBIRT on harmful alcohol consumption in the community health centers of Shanghai China: a randomized controlled study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Maladaptive emotion socialization as a risk factor for the development of negative urgency and subsequent problem drinking,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Harmful drinking phenotype in a large Dutch community sample,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hogenelst Suicidality and alcohol use as predictors of future suicidal behavior in college students,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eisenberg Compassion fatigue compassion satisfaction burnout and alcohol use among dental hygienists,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boyd Race differences in the association between binge drinking and treatment among first-time justice-system-impacted youth,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steinberg Relationship between alcohol co-ingestion and clinical outcome in pesticide self-poisoning: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eddleston Negative but not positive alcohol-related consequences tend to occur above the heavy episodic drinking threshold: a daily study of young adult heavy drinkers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Merrill Trends in public awareness and knowledge of drinking guidelines: a representative population survey in England 2016-2022,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holmes Urine drug tests indicate higher prevalence of combined alcohol and cocaine use compared to alcohol together with cannabis or amphetamine-a possible link to cocaethylene,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Helander The nature and extent of outdoor alcohol marketing in Wellington New Zealand: a longitudinal audit and spatio-temporal analysis of outdoor alcohol marketing,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chambers Impact of alcohol home delivery and other methods of obtaining alcohol in young adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rosenthal Examining the predictive potential of depressed mood and alcohol misuse on risky driving,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Psychometric properties of the German Penn Alcohol Craving Scale,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kornhuber Relationship between drinking risk and preferences for helping resources among emerging adults living in disadvantaged communities in the Southeastern United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chandler Characterizing Twitter chatter about temporary alcohol abstinence during "Dry January",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barry Response to letter to the editors regarding 'a meta-regression of trial features predicting the effects of alcohol use disorder pharmacotherapies on drinking outcomes in randomized clinical trials: a secondary data analysis',2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ray Discrimination gender dysphoria drinking to cope and alcohol harms in the UK trans and non-binary community,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davies Adolescent social isolation increases binge-like alcohol drinking in male but not female high-alcohol-preferring mice,2024,59,2,agae006,Chester An assessment of beliefs about mental health care among community-based adults with severe untreated alcohol use disorder,2024,59,4,,Conner How frequently is alcohol advertised on television in Canada? A cross-sectional study,2024,59,3,,Potvin Kent Keeping you connected or keeping you addicted? Weekly use of social media platforms is associated with hazardous alcohol use and problem gambling among adults,2024,59,3,agae024,Oksanen Alcohol to-go sales policies at on-premise drinking establishments near large public US universities during the COVID-19 pandemic,2024,59,3,,Barry A confirmatory factor analysis of a revised motives for playing drinking games (MPDG-33) scale among university students in the United States,2024,59,3,agae027,Zamboanga Educational inequalities and alcohol-related consequences in Brazil,2024,59,3,agae030,Demarco IQ in high school as a predictor of midlife alcohol drinking patterns,2024,59,4,agae035,Palka Effectiveness of a self-help guide during a temporary alcohol abstinence challenge: a randomized controlled trial,2024,59,4,,Mathijssen Alcohol dependence and misuse in elderly suicides,2003,38,3,249-254,Waern Drinking contexts coping motive simultaneous cannabis use and high-intensity drinking among adults in the United States,2024,59,4,agae038,Greenfield Baclofen Self-Poisoning in the Era of Changing Indication: Multicentric Reports to a French Poison Control Centre,2017,52,6,665-670,Le Roux From childhood trauma to alcohol use disorder severity - significance of depressive symptoms and expectations towards analgesic effects of alcohol,2024,59,4,agae041,Wojnar Relationship between alcohol intake based on daily smartphone-reported consumption and PEth concentrations in healthy volunteers,2024,59,4,,Lydersen Neural responses to reward threat and emotion regulation and transition to hazardous alcohol use,2024,59,4,,Gowin A rapid literature review of the effect of alcohol marketing on people with or at increased risk of an alcohol problem,2024,59,4,agae045,Leonardi-Bee Individualized treatment effects of a digital alcohol intervention and their associations with participant characteristics and engagement,2024,59,5,agae049,Bendtsen Needs of female outpatients with alcohol use disorder: data from an Italian study,2024,59,5,agae054,Fattore