Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Postural stability in the elderly: a comparison between fallers and non-fallers,2004,33,6,602-607,Melzer Vitamin D supplementation improves neuromuscular function in older people who fall,2004,33,6,589-595,Dhesi Accident emergency or what?,2005,34,1,6-7,Currie Prevention of falls--a time to translate evidence into practice,2005,34,2,98-100,Close Patients with recurrent falls attending Accident and Emergency benefit from multifactorial intervention--a randomised controlled trial. trial,2005,34,2,162-168,Davison Hip protectors and hip fractures,1998,27,6,758-759,Jantti Adherence to hip protector use in elderly people requiring domicilary care is greater in fallers than non-fallers,2000,29,5,459,Jones The other side of hip protectors,2000,29,2,186,Becker Proximal femoral fracture while wearing correctly applied hip protectors,2000,29,1,85-86,Kurrle Hip protectors improve falls self-efficacy,2000,29,1,57-62,Kurrle Hip protectors in aged-care facilities: a randomized trial of use by individual higher-risk residents,2001,30,6,477-481,Kurrle Assistive technology in elderly care,2001,30,6,455-458,Miskelly The promise and challenge of providing assistive technology to older people,2001,30,6,439-440,Lansley Purity pragmatism and hip protector pads,2001,30,6,431-432,Campbell Setting up a specialised service for falls and fracture prevention,2003,32,5,471-472,Naganathan Randomised controlled trial of hip protectors for the prevention of second hip fractures,2003,32,4,442-444,Birks Fire fatalities in elderly people,1996,25,3,214-216,Squires Accidents involving older people: A review of the literature,1995,24,4,346-365,Lilley Difficulties encountered in hospital falls prevention research,2005,34,3,311,Hill Fear of falling limiting activity in young-old women is associated with reduced functional mobility rather than psychological factors,2005,34,3,281-287,Martin Driving cessation in patients attending a memory clinic,2005,,,,Lawlor Prevention of falls--a time to translate evidence into practice,2005,34,5,533-534,Henry Re: Prevention of falls--a time to translate evidence into practice,2005,34,5,532-533,Brierley Tailored group exercise (Falls Management Exercise -- FaME) reduces falls in community-dwelling older frequent fallers (an RCT),2005,34,6,636-639,Skelton Development and initial validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I),2005,34,6,614-619,Hauer Streamlining assessment and intervention in a falls clinic using the Timed Up and Go Test and Physiological Profile Assessments,2005,34,6,567-571,Lord Motor vehicle collision injuries and sensory impairments of older drivers,1994,23,4,267-273,Koepsell A survey of attitudes and knowledge of geriatricians to driving in elderly patients,1999,28,1,53-57,McMurdo Can strategic and tactical compensation reduce crash risk in older drivers?,2000,29,6,517-521,De Raedt Systematic review of definitions and methods of measuring falls in randomised controlled fall prevention trials,2006,35,1,5-10,Jorstad Second hip fracture in elderly hip fracture patients: cost and effectiveness of fracture prevention treatment,2005,34,5,507-510,Siebzehner Reversal of diabetic peripheral neuropathy with phototherapy (MIRE) decreases falls and the fear of falling and improves activities of daily living in seniors,2006,35,1,11-16,Powell Use of the 'STRATIFY' falls risk assessment in patients recovering from acute stroke,2005,,,,Young 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring is unhelpful in the investigation of older persons with recurrent falls,2005,34,4,382-386,Davison Medical illnesses are more important than medications as risk factors of falls in older community dwellers? A cross-sectional study,2006,35,3,246-251,Woo Vitamin D supplementation and the prevention of fractures and falls: results of a randomised trial in elderly people in residential accommodation,2006,35,5,482-486,Morris Falls definition--reliability of patients' own reports,2006,35,4,450-451,Jones Health-protective behaviours and risk of fall-related hip fractures: a population-based case-control study,2006,35,5,491-497,Peel Postural orientation and equilibrium: what do we need to know about neural control of balance to prevent falls?,2006,35,Suppl 2,ii7-ii11,Horak The role of medical assessment and intervention in the prevention of falls,2006,35,Suppl 2,ii65-ii68,Swift Implementation of multifactorial interventions for fall and fracture prevention,2006,35,Suppl 2,ii60-ii64,Robertson Home environment risk factors for falls in older people and the efficacy of home modifications,2006,35,Suppl 2,ii55-ii59,Lord Visual risk factors for falls in older people,2006,35,Suppl 2,ii42-ii45,Lord Falls in older people: epidemiology risk factors and strategies for prevention,2006,35,Suppl 2,ii37-ii41,Rubenstein Control of rapid limb movements for balance recovery: age-related changes and implications for fall prevention,2006,35,Suppl 2,ii12-ii18,Maki Drops and falls,2006,35,6,646,Khawaja Re: 'Falls definition validation',2006,36,1,111-112,Hauer A comparison of different balance tests in the prediction of falls in older women with vertebral fractures: a cohort study,2007,36,1,78-83,Morris Vitamin D supplementation and the prevention of fractures and falls,2007,36,2,232-233,Zeimer Injury prevention and rehabilitation for active older adults,2007,36,1,113,Dinan Multifactorial and functional mobility assessment tools for fall risk among older adults in community home-support long-term and acute care settings,2007,36,2,130-139,Close 'Faster counting while walking' as a predictor of falls in older adults,2007,36,4,418-423,Kressig Research on the prevention of fall injuries still makes prediction for practice difficult,2007,36,3,351-352,Jansson Application of the voluntary step execution test to identify elderly fallers,2007,36,5,532-537,Melzer Four years on: The impact of the National Service Framework for Older People on the experiences expectations and views of older people,2007,36,5,501-507,Iliffe Prevalence and correlates of fear of falling and associated avoidance of activity in the general population of community-living older people,2007,36,3,304-309,van Eijk The Short FES-I: a shortened version of the falls efficacy scale-international to assess fear of falling,2008,37,1,45-50,Hauer Rethinking individual and community fall prevention strategies: a meta-regression comparing single and multifactorial interventions,2007,36,6,656-662,Robertson Falls exercise interventions and reduced falls rate: always in the patient's interest?,2008,37,1,10-13,Biggs Epidemiology of balance and dizziness in a national population: findings from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing,2008,37,3,300-305,Guralnik The prevalence of elder abuse and neglect: a systematic review,2008,37,2,151-160,Cooper Rate of accidental falls in institutionalised older people with and without cognitive impairment halved as a result of a staff-oriented intervention,2008,37,3,306-310,De Lepeleire Predicting people with stroke at risk of falls,2008,37,3,270-276,Harris Falls risk-prediction tools for hospital inpatients. Time to put them to bed?,2008,37,3,248-250,Oliver The comparative ability of eight functional mobility tests for predicting falls in community-dwelling older people,2008,37,4,430-435,Lord The effect of bedrails on falls and injury: a systematic review of clinical studies,2008,37,4,368-378,Oliver Prognostic validity of the Timed Up-and-Go test a modified Get-Up-and-Go test staff's global judgement and fall history in evaluating fall risk in residential care facilities,2008,37,4,442-448,Lundin-Olsson The reliability and predictive accuracy of the falls risk for older people in the community assessment (FROP-Com) tool,2008,37,6,634-639,Day Positional vertigo in a falls service,2008,37,5,585-588,Cohen Should elderly patients be screened for their 'falls risk'? Validity of the STRATIFY falls screening tool and predictors of falls in a large acute hospital,2008,37,6,702-706,Marsh The Winchester falls project: a randomised controlled trial of secondary prevention of falls in older people,2009,38,1,33-40,Harris The effects of usual footwear on balance amongst elderly women attending a day hospital,2008,38,1,62-67,Curran Falls in the elderly--the need for more access to chiropody,2009,38,1,127-128,Dindyal Poor vision accompanied with other sensory impairments as a predictor of falls in older women,2009,38,2,162-167,Sipilä The effect of bedrails on falls and injury,2009,38,1,129,O'Keeffe What do community-dwelling Caucasian and South Asian 60-70 year olds think about exercise for fall prevention?,2009,38,1,68-73,Skelton Development of the Falls Risk for Older People in the Community (FROP-Com) screening tool,2009,38,1,40-46,Day A multifactorial intervention for the prevention of falls in psychogeriatric nursing home patients a randomised controlled trial (RCT),2009,38,2,194-199,Dijcks Correlation of accelerometry with clinical balance tests in older fallers and non-fallers,2009,38,3,308-313,Cunningham The effect of bedrails on falls and injury,2009,38,3,355,Hanger Comparison of a fall risk assessment tool with nurses' judgement alone: a cluster-randomised controlled trial,2009,38,4,417-423,Meyer Falls and fear of falling: burden beliefs and behaviours,2009,38,4,423-428,Stevens The influence of fear of falling on gait and balance in older people,2009,38,4,435-440,Rikkert Elder abuse and neglect,2008,37,2,132-133,McAlpine Health conditions health symptoms and driving difficulties in older adults,2007,36,4,389-394,Tuokko Repeat falls and the recovery of social participation in the year post-hip fracture,2009,38,5,570-575,Magaziner Quality of life and longevity: a study of centenarians,1998,27,2,207-216,De Leo Community-based intervention to optimise falls risk management: a randomised controlled trial,2009,38,6,724-730,Straus Suicide and parasuicide in old age: a review,1978,7,4,201-209,Shulman The prevention of falls in a geriatric hospital,1980,9,3,181-185,Isaacs Accidents in a geriatric department,1979,8,3,196-198,Tinker Fracture of the femur in old age: A two-centre study of associated clinical factors and the cause of the fall,1978,7,1,2-15,Brocklehurst Are falls a manifestation of brain failure?,1978,7,Suppl,97-111,Isaacs Instability and falls in the elderly,1978,7,Suppl,92-96,Johnson Falls and disorders of postural balance,1978,7,Suppl,134-136,Stout A longitudinal study of falls in an elderly population II. Some circumstances of falling,1977,6,4,211-220,Ashley A longitudinal study of falls in an elderly population: I. Incidence and morbidity,1977,6,4,201-210,Ashley Fallers and non-fallers,1990,19,5,345-346,Campbell Fallers non-fallers and Poisson,1990,19,4,268-269,Evans Cardiac enzyme changes in elderly fallers,1990,19,3,207-211,Swain Circumstances and consequences of falls experienced by a community population 70 years and over during a prospective study,1990,19,2,136-141,Brown Outcome of falls in women: endogenous factors associated with fracture,1989,18,5,303-308,Eriksson Risk of imbalance in elderly people with impaired hearing or vision,1989,18,1,31-34,Gerson Muscle strength activity housing and the risk of falls in elderly people,1989,18,1,47-51,Cooper Falls by elderly people at home: prevalence and associated factors,1988,17,6,365-372,Morgan Bringing gait analysis out of the laboratory and into the clinic,1988,17,6,397-400,Klenerman Falls and fractures,1988,17,6,361-364,Evans Causes of ataxia in patients attending a falls laboratory,1988,17,5,355,Parker Impaired coagulation in accidental hypothermia of the elderly,1988,17,5,343-346,Breen Causes of ataxia in patients attending a falls laboratory,1988,17,2,94-102,Sharma An analysis of the nature of injury in fractures of the neck of the femur,1987,16,6,373-377,Dias Prospective study of restriction of activity in old people after falls,1987,16,3,189-193,Vellas Postural stability and Colles' fracture,1987,16,3,133-138,Vandervoort Posturography measuring instability in vestibular dysfunction in the elderly,1987,16,2,89-93,Norre Head injury in the elderly,1986,15,4,193-202,Roy Covert muscle injury in aged patients admitted to hospital following falls,1985,14,3,174-178,Green The relationship of postural sway in standing to the incidence of falls in geriatric subjects,1982,11,1,11-16,Fernie Clinical correlates of sway in old age--sensory modalities,1982,11,1,1-10,Robertson Falls in old age: a study of frequency and related clinical factors,1981,10,4,264-270,Campbell Factors associated with falls in the elderly: a community study,1981,10,3,141-146,Evans Review: abuse of elderly people in the domestic setting: a UK perspective,1993,22,1,65-69,Tinker Are elderly people at risk of falling taught how to get up again?,1993,22,4,294-296,Simpson Falling and perimenopausal women,1993,22,1,59-64,Torgerson Outcome of an integrated approach to the investigation of dizziness falls and syncope in elderly patients referred to a 'syncope' clinic,1993,22,1,53-58,Kenny Gait on a shoestring: falls and foot separation in Parkinsonism,1992,21,4,242-244,Dobbs Medications fallers and non-fallers,1992,21,3,226-227,Grimley Evans Medications and multiple falls in elderly people: the St Louis OASIS study,1991,20,6,455-461,Miller A randomized controlled trial of nursing home and long-stay geriatric ward care for elderly people,1991,20,5,316-324,Grant Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in relation to falls in an elderly population,1991,20,3,175-181,Lord Do older pedestrians have enough time to cross roads in Dublin? A critique of the Traffic Management Guidelines based on clinical research findings,2010,39,1,80-86,Kenny Validation of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International in fall-prone older persons,2010,39,2,259,Todd Moderate alcohol consumption in older adults is associated with better cognition and well-being than abstinence,2008,37,1,120-1; author reply 121,Crome Fear of falling: measurement strategy prevalence risk factors and consequences among older persons,2008,37,1,19-24,van Dijk The Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I). A comprehensive longitudinal validation study,2010,39,2,210-216,Lord Heat-related mortality in residents of nursing homes,2010,39,2,245-252,Becker Self-poisoning in older patients,2010,39,2,279,Prescott The FIM(R) instrument to identify patients at risk of falling in geriatric wards: a 10-year retrospective study,2010,39,3,326-331,Herrmann Level of dependency: a simple marker associated with mortality during the 2003 heatwave among French dependent elderly people living in the community or in institutions,2007,36,3,298-303,Golmard Psychosocial factors associated with fall-related hip fractures,2007,36,2,145-151,Peel Loss of partner and suicide risks among oldest old: a population-based register study,2004,33,4,378-383,Bille-Brahe A controlled trial of exercise by residents of old people's homes,1993,22,1,11-15,McMurdo Environmental hazards in the homes of older people,1997,26,3,195-202,Sanson-Fisher Epidemiology of proximal femoral fracture in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands),1993,22,4,285-288,Hernandez Functional profiles of healthy older persons,1994,23,1,34-39,Reuben Functional ability of patients to manage medication packaging: a survey of geriatric inpatients,1994,23,2,113-116,Ogle Educating nursing home staff on fracture prevention: a cluster randomised trial,2008,37,2,167-172,Stone Transportation and driving in longitudinal studies on ageing,2010,39,5,631-636,O'neill Risk of falls associated with antihypertensive medication: population-based case-control study,2010,39,5,592-597,Smith Physiological factors and medications as predictors of injurious falls by elderly people: a prospective population-based study,1996,25,1,29-38,Luukinen Predictors of fall-related injuries among community-dwelling elderly people with dementia,1996,25,1,22-28,Morikawa The costs and effects of early discharge in the management of fractured hip,1994,23,3,190-194,Shiell Exercise studies with elderly volunteers,1994,23,3,185-189,Skelton Case-control study of hazards in the home and risk of falls and hip fractures,1996,25,2,97-101,Cumming Does the 'Otago exercise programme' reduce mortality and falls in older adults?: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2010,39,6,681-687,Thomas The Whitehorse NoFalls trial: effects on fall rates and injurious fall rates,2010,39,6,728-733,Day A multicentre randomised controlled trial of day hospital-based falls prevention programme for a screened population of community-dwelling older people at high risk of falls,2010,39,6,704-710,Coupland Cost-effectiveness of a day hospital falls prevention programme for screened community-dwelling older people at high risk of falls,2010,39,6,710-716,Coupland Stop Delirium! A complex intervention to prevent delirium in care homes: a mixed-methods feasibility study,2011,40,1,90-98,Krishnan Does vitamin D stop inpatients falling? A randomised controlled trial,2007,36,5,507-513,Potter Making decisions about simple interventions: older people's use of walking aids,2007,36,5,569-573,Ebrahim Developing the KAMA instrument (knowledge and management of abuse),2003,32,3,286-291,Livingston The effect of education on knowledge and management of elder abuse: a randomized controlled trial,2002,31,5,335-341,Livingston Elder abuse,2002,31,5,329,Bennett 'Elder abuse': the case for greater involvement of geriatricians,1995,24,3,177-179,Vernon Multi-modal exercise programs for older adults,2007,36,4,375-381,Atlantis Driving safety: motivating messages,1999,28,3,329-330,Cox The effects of age and alcohol intoxication on simulated driving performance awareness and self-restraint,1999,28,1,59-66,Kovatchev Does place of residence influence hospital rehabilitation and assessment of falls and osteoporosis risk following admission with hip fracture?,2011,40,1,128-132,Burleigh Falls in the older population: a pilot study to assess those attended by London ambulance service but not taken to A and E,2002,31,6,488-489,Swift Driving anxiety and fear in young older adults in New Zealand,2011,40,1,62-66,Taylor Comparison of retrospective interviews and prospective diaries to facilitate fall reports among people with stroke,2011,40,2,277-280,Kunkel Exploring patterns of daily physical and sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling older adults,2011,40,2,205-210,Rochester Older people's recruitment sustained participation and adherence to falls prevention interventions in institutional settings: a supplement to the Cochrane systematic review,2011,40,4,430-436,Victor Reduced bone density of the hip in elderly patients with Parkinson's disease,1995,24,4,326-328,Taggart Predictors of nursing home placement and mortality of residents in intermediate care,1994,23,6,499-504,Lord Rate of falls and the correlates among elderly people living in an urban community in Japan,1994,23,4,323-327,Shibata Reduced visual acuity in elderly people: the role of ergonomics and gerontechnology,1997,26,5,339-344,Pinto Circumstances and consequences of falls in independent community-dwelling older adults,1997,26,4,261-268,Berg Randomized placebo-controlled trial of brisk walking in the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis,1997,26,4,253-260,Ebrahim Fear of falling and restriction of mobility in elderly fallers,1997,26,3,189-193,Vellas REM sleep behaviour disorder: a treatable cause of falls in elderly people,1997,26,1,43-44,Schwartz Injuries sustained by caregivers of disabled elderly people,1997,26,1,21-23,Brown Comfortable and maximum walking speed of adults aged 20-79 years: reference values and determinants,1997,26,1,15-19,Bohannon The costs and effects of early discharge in the management of fractured hip--a correction,1995,24,4,367,Shiell Mobility after proximal femoral fracture: the relevance of leg extensor power postural sway and other factors,1995,24,4,308-314,Evans Behavioural management of aggression in dementia: a randomized controlled trial,2001,30,2,141-145,Howard Falls-related self-efficacy is independently associated with quality-adjusted life years in older women,2011,40,3,340-346,Liu-Ambrose Associated factors with antipsychotic use in assisted living facilities: A cross-sectional study of 4367 residents,2011,40,3,368-375,Larrayadieu "Abuse of the elderly": a chapter in the World Report on Violence and Health. Edited by E. G. Krug et al. Geneva: World Health Organization 2002,2003,32,2,136,MacLennan Agitation and aggressiveness in elderly people at home,1999,28,2,237-238,Dartigues Detection of falls using accelerometers and mobile phone technology,2011,40,6,690-696,Lee Using a Smartphone while walking: a measure of dual-tasking ability as a falls risk assessment tool,2011,40,4,516-519,Yamada Gait gait variability and the risk of multiple incident falls in older people: A population-based study,2011,40,4,481-487,McGinley Long-term effect on mortality of a multicomponent cognitive behavioural group intervention to reduce fear of falling in older adults: a randomised controlled trial,2011,40,4,519-523,Rixt Zijlstra The hearing-aid battery: a hazard to elderly patients,1994,23,5,425-426,Strachan Aluminium in antacids and cooking pots and the risk of hip fractures in elderly people,1994,23,6,468-472,Klineberg Age-associated differences in sensori-motor function and balance in community dwelling women,1994,23,6,452-460,Lord Upper-extremity motor co-ordination of healthy elderly people,1995,24,2,108-112,Desrosiers Environmental hazards and hip fractures,1996,25,4,322-325,Parker New evidence on benzodiazepine use and falls: the time factor,1996,25,4,273-278,Patten The risks of hip fracture in older people from private homes and institutions,1996,25,5,381-385,Norton Falls presenting to the accident and emergency department: types of presentation and risk factor profile,1996,25,5,362-366,Kenny Cost analysis of fracture of the neck of femur,1995,24,3,185-189,Torgerson A mental-functional risk score for prediction of hip fracture,1996,25,6,439-442,Kanis Work and age,1972,1,2,81-87,Hearnshaw A method for measuring mental performance in the elderly and its use in a pilot clinical trial of meclofenoxate in organic dementia (preliminary communication),1972,1,2,74-80,Gedye Effect of resistance training on physical performance and fear of falling in elderly with different levels of physical well-being,2011,40,5,637-641,Yamada Ethnicity and falls in older men: low rate of falls in Italian-born men in Australia,2011,40,5,595-601,Naganathan Alcohol and mortality: is there a U-shaped relation in elderly people?,1998,27,6,739-744,Hein The effect of walking aids on exercise capacity and oxygenation in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,1998,27,6,703-706,Roomi Proximal femoral fracture: achievements and prospects,1998,27,6,667-670,Gibson Do exercise interventions designed to prevent falls affect participation in life roles? 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Exploring prevalence and risk factors,2012,41,2,200-206,Tulner Association of executive function and performance of dual-task physical tests among older adults: analyses from the InChianti study,2006,35,6,619-624,Guralnik Inferior physical performance test results of 10998 men in the MrOS Study is associated with high fracture risk,2012,41,3,339-344,Barrett-Connor Good memory as a predictor of falls: fact or artefact,2012,41,3,404-408,Lord Falls incidence underestimates the risk of fall-related injuries in older age groups: a comparison with the FARE (Falls risk by Exposure),2012,41,2,190-195,Wijlhuizen The role of cognitive impairment in fall risk among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2012,41,3,299-308,Muir Older people's preferences regarding programme formats for managing concerns about falls,2012,41,4,474-481,Rixt Zijlstra Air-terminal stress and the older traveller,1999,28,2,236-237,Cox Residential status and risk of hip fracture,1999,28,2,135-139,Norton Patterns of self-reported health care use in injured and uninjured older adults,1999,28,3,316-318,Lindsay Hip fracture with correctly positioned external hip protector,1999,28,5,497,Oster Depression in older people after fall-related injuries: a prospective study,2003,32,1,88-94,Kempen Relationship between changes in depressive symptoms and unhealthy lifestyles in late middle aged and older persons: results from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam,2003,32,1,81-87,van Eijk Effects of physical training on the physical capacity of frail demented patients with a history of falling: a randomised controlled trial,2003,32,1,67-73,Toulotte An economic analysis of external hip protector use in ambulatory nursing facility residents,2003,32,1,47-52,Colón-Emeric A test to assess the mechanical power sustainable during everyday activities in older people,2003,32,1,31-36,Capodaglio Visual factors should be assessed in older people presenting with falls or hip fracture,2003,32,1,26-30,Abdelhafiz Growing knowledge about hip fracture in older people,2003,32,1,8-9,Qureshi Self-efficacy is independently associated with brain volume in older women,2012,41,4,495-501,Liu-Ambrose Changes in falls prevention policies in hospital in England and Wales,2013,42,1,106-109,Treml Gait impairment and falls in cognitively impaired older adults: an explanatory model of sensorimotor and neuropsychological mediators,2012,41,5,665-669,Lord Depressive symptoms in addition to visual impairment reduced strength and poor balance predict falls in older Taiwanese people,2012,41,5,606-612,Lord The effect of virtual reality gaming on dynamic balance in older adults,2012,41,4,549-552,Johnson Most older pedestrians are unable to cross the road in time: a cross-sectional study,2012,41,5,690-694,Mindell Community falls prevention for people who call an emergency ambulance after a fall: an economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial,2012,41,5,635-641,Coupland Are hip protectors correctly positioned in use?,2007,36,2,140-144,Minns Who should receive calcium and vitamin D supplementation?,2012,41,5,576-580,Milisen Inferior physical performance tests in 10998 men in the MrOS study is associated with recurrent falls,2012,41,6,740-746,Barrett-Connor Central nervous system medications and falls risk in men aged 60-75 years: the Study on Male Osteoporosis and Aging (SOMA),2013,42,1,121-124,Masud Low serum carotenoids and development of severe walking disability among older women living in the community: the women's health and aging study I,2007,36,1,62-67,Blaum Consequences of falling in older men and women and risk factors for health service use and functional decline,2004,33,1,58-65,Smit A randomised controlled comparison of different calcium and vitamin D supplementation regimens in elderly women after hip fracture: The Nottingham Neck of Femur (NONOF) Study,2004,33,1,45-51,Harwood Carbon monoxide poisoning: undetected by both patients and their doctors,2004,33,2,105-109,Harper Fear-related avoidance of activities falls and physical frailty. A prospective community-based cohort study,2004,33,4,368-373,Delbaere Frailty is the main predictor of falls in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation training,2004,33,1,84-85,Speciale The efficacy of a specific balance-strategy training programme for preventing falls among older people: a pilot randomised controlled trial,2004,33,1,52-58,Nitz Physical or psychological change? Which is the most important rehabilitation outcome for older people who fall?,2004,33,2,204-205,Simpson Patterns and determinants of alcohol consumption in people aged 75 years and older: results from the MRC trial of assessment and management of older people in the community,2004,33,2,170-177,Hajat Is ankle strength as important as vitamin D status in helping to prevent falls in winter?,2013,42,2,154-155,Macdonald Increased risk of hip fracture among older people using antidepressant drugs: data from the Norwegian Prescription Database and the Norwegian Hip Fracture Registry,2013,42,4,514-520,Engeland A pragmatic study of the predictive values of the Morse falls score,2013,42,4,462-468,Haines A framework for the assessment of community exercise programmes: a tool to assist in modifying programmes to help reduce falls risk factors,2013,42,4,536-540,Franklin Predicting outcome after hip fracture: using a frailty index to integrate comprehensive geriatric assessment results,2014,43,1,122-126,Johansen Osteoarthritis and falls in the older person,2013,42,5,561-566,Tan Could more than three million older people in England be at risk of alcohol-related harm? A cross-sectional analysis of proposed age-specific drinking limits,2013,42,5,598-603,Scholes The elimination half-life of benzodiazepines and fall risk: two prospective observational studies,2013,42,6,764-770,Muller How effective is the Trail Making Test (Parts A and B) in identifying cognitively impaired drivers?,2013,42,5,577-581,Dobbs New horizons in fracture risk assessment,2013,42,5,548-554,Aspray Grip strength and its determinants among older people in different healthcare settings,2014,43,2,241-246,Ritchie Inappropriate prescribing in older fallers presenting to an Irish emergency department,2014,43,1,44-50,McMahon Association of stressful life events with incident falls and fractures in older men: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study,2014,43,1,103-108,Marshall Sensorimotor and psychosocial determinants of 3-year incident mobility disability in middle-aged and older adults,2014,43,1,64-69,Metter Peripheral vestibular dysfunction is prevalent in older adults experiencing multiple non-syncopal falls versus age-matched non-fallers: A pilot study,2014,43,1,38-43,Bamiou Secular changes in at-risk drinking in Sweden: Birth cohort comparisons in 75-year-old men and women 1976-2006,2014,43,2,228-234,Waern Which factors are associated with fear of falling in community-dwelling older people?,2014,43,1,76-84,Iliffe The impact of first- and second-eye cataract surgery on injurious falls that require hospitalisation: A whole-population study,2014,43,3,341-346,Meuleners Epidemiology of lifetime fracture prevalence in England: A population study of adults aged 55 years and over,2014,43,2,234-240,Scholes A Stroop Stepping Test (SST) using low-cost computer game technology discriminates between older fallers and non-fallers,2014,43,2,285-289,Lord Assessment of sleep and circadian rhythm disorders in the very old: The Newcastle 85+ Cohort Study,2014,43,1,57-63,Collerton Development and validation of a fall-related impulsive behaviour scale for residential care,2013,42,6,754-758,Lord Older people's experiences of therapeutic exercise as part of a falls prevention service: Survey findings from England Wales and Northern Ireland,2014,43,3,369-374,Treml Effect of a multifactorial interdisciplinary intervention on risk factors for falls and fall rate in frail older people: a randomised controlled trial,2013,43,5,616-622,Cameron Increasing rates of pelvic fractures among older adults: The Netherlands 1986-2011,2014,43,5,648-653,Hartholt Rapid increase in fall-induced cervical spine injuries among older Finnish adults between 1970 and 2011,2014,43,4,567-571,Parkkari Does the falls efficacy scale international version measure fear of falling: a reassessment of internal validity using a factor analytic approach,2014,43,4,559-562,Hill Reactive stepping behaviour in response to forward loss of balance predicts future falls in community-dwelling older adults,2014,44,1,109-115,Kerr The assessment of gait and mobility in the elderly,1979,8,4,261-267,Edholm A prospective study of fractured proximal femur: factors predisposing to survival,1979,8,4,246-250,Evans Alcohol consumption and physical functioning among middle-aged and older adults in Central and Eastern Europe: Results from the HAPIEE study,2014,44,1,84-89,Pikhart Equipping tomorrow's doctors for the patients of today,2014,43,4,442-447,Masud Specifying ICD9 ICPC and ATC codes for the STOPP/START criteria: a multidisciplinary consensus panel,2014,43,6,773-778,Joling Hip fracture among the elderly in a mixed urban and rural population,1984,13,2,111-119,Bach The physical and mental health of nonagenarians,1987,16,1,19-24,Jensen Much more medicine for the oldest old: trends in UK electronic clinical records,2014,44,1,46-53,Melzer Studies of gait and mobility in the elderly,1981,10,3,147-156,Edholm Physical therapies for improving balance and reducing falls risk in osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review,2014,44,1,16-24,Tan Effects of vertical and side-alternating vibration training on fall risk factors and bone turnover in older people at risk of falls,2014,44,1,115-122,Masud Polypharmacy including falls risk-increasing medications and subsequent falls in community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults,2014,44,1,90-96,Kenny Distance to retail stores and risk of being homebound among older adults in a city severely affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake,2014,44,3,478-484,Hirai The predictive value of gait speed and maximum step length for falling in community-dwelling older persons,2014,44,2,294-299,Olde Rikkert Sports injuries in elderly athletes: a three-year prospective controlled study,1989,18,4,263-270,Jarvinen Alcohol consumption by elderly people: a general practice survey,1991,20,2,120-123,Haines Changes in gait performance over several years are associated with recurrent falls status in community-dwelling older women at high risk of fracture,2014,44,2,287-293,Sanders Deliberate falls in the elderly,1987,16,2,123-124,Mulley Cognitive motor interference for preventing falls in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,2014,44,2,205-212,Liu Fatal traumatic brain injury in older adults in Austria 1980-2012: an analysis of 33 years,2014,44,3,502-506,Brazinova Recent syncope and unexplained falls are associated with poor cognitive performance,2014,44,2,282-286,Boyle Weather warnings predict fall-related injuries among older adults,2014,44,3,403-408,Buckeridge Economic modelling of a public health programme for fall prevention,2014,44,3,409-414,Sherrington The impact of a home-based walking programme on falls in older people: the Easy Steps randomised controlled trial,2015,44,3,377-383,Lord Predicting speed at traffic lights-the problem with static assessments of frailty,2015,44,2,180-181,Jones Resident-to-resident physical aggression leading to injury in nursing homes: a systematic review,2015,44,3,356-364,Ranson AF is associated with self-reported syncope and falls in a general population cohort,2015,44,4,598-603,van der Velde Fear of falling is common in patients with type 2 diabetes and is associated with increased risk of falls,2015,44,4,687-690,Bruce Falls research: stumbling or striding?,2015,44,3,350-352,Clarke Patterns in health-related behaviours and fall injuries among older people: a population-based study in Stockholm County Sweden,2015,44,4,604-610,Laflamme Randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of community group and home-based falls prevention exercise programmes on bone health in older people: the ProAct65+ bone study,2015,44,4,573-579,Iliffe Return to the ED and hospitalisation following minor injuries among older persons treated in the emergency department: predictors among independent seniors within 6 months,2015,44,4,624-629,Worster Combined resistance and balance-jumping exercise reduces older women's injurious falls and fractures: 5-year follow-up study,2015,44,5,784-789,Kannus Bilateral humeral fractures secondary to seizure in an older patient: the case for vigilance amidst vulnerability,2015,44,5,902-903,Power Secular trends in frailty: a comparative study of 75-year olds born in 1911-12 and 1930,2015,44,5,817-822,Frandin Falls and fractures 2 years after acute stroke: the North Dublin Population Stroke Study,2015,44,5,882-886,Moore Pain and falls and fractures in community-dwelling older men,2015,44,6,973-979,Barrett-Connor Predictive performance of four frailty measures in an older Australian population,2015,44,6,967-972,Russell Association between hand-grip strength and depressive symptoms: Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcomes in Aizu Cohort Study (LOHAS),2015,44,4,592-598,Takegami Yoga-based exercise improves balance and mobility in people aged 60 and over: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,45,1,21-29,Tiedemann Race and fall risk: data from the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS),2016,45,1,120-127,Agrawal Hearing and vision impairment and the 5-year incidence of falls in older adults,2016,45,3,409-414,Mitchell High serum adiponectin levels predict incident falls among middle-aged and older adults: a prospective cohort study,2016,45,3,366-371,Nagatomi Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,45,3,345-352,Iliffe Association of mobility limitations with incident disability among older adults: a population-based study,2016,45,6,812-819,Wang What are frailty instruments for?,2015,44,4,545-547,Rockwood How older persons explain why they became victims of abuse,2016,45,5,696-702,Mysyuk New opioid analgesic use and the risk of injurious single-vehicle crashes in drivers aged 50-80 years: a population-based matched case-control study,2016,45,5,628-634,Laflamme Older people remain on blood pressure agents despite being hypotensive resulting in increased mortality and hospital admission,2016,45,6,783-788,Morrissey Smallest worthwhile effect of exercise programs to prevent falls among older people: estimates from benefit-harm trade-off and discrete choice methods,2016,45,6,806-812,Rose Prevalence and associated factors of elder mistreatment: a cross sectional study from urban Nepal,2016,45,5,609-613,Yadav Effects of WiiActive exercises on fear of falling and functional outcomes in community-dwelling older adults: a randomised control trial,2016,45,5,621-627,Kwok A longitudinal comparative study of falls in persons with knee arthroplasty and persons with or at high risk for knee osteoarthritis,2016,45,6,794-800,Riddle Prevalence and risk factors for falls in older men and women: the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing,2016,45,6,789-794,Gale Diabetes mellitus and risk of falls in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,45,6,761-767,Zhang Effectiveness of medication withdrawal in older fallers: results from the Improving Medication Prescribing to reduce Risk Of FALLs (IMPROveFALL) trial,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lips The relative temporal sequence of decline in mobility and cognition among initially unimpaired older adults: results from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging,2016,46,3,445-451,Studenski Interventions for preventing elder abuse: applying findings of a new Cochrane review,2016,46,3,346-348,Choo Danish register-based study on the association between specific antipsychotic drugs and fractures in elderly individuals,2016,46,2,258-264,Torp-Pedersen A prospective study of the association between orthostatic hypotension and falls: definition matters,2016,46,3,439-445,Pearce Fear of falling and its association with life-space mobility of older adults: a cross-sectional analysis using data from five international sites,2017,46,3,459-465,Freeman Seasonal ambient changes influence inpatient falls,2017,46,3,513-517,Magota Interaction of obstructive sleep apnoea and cognitive impairment with slow gait speed in middle-aged and older adults,2017,46,4,653-659,Shin Interventions to prevent or reduce the level of frailty in community-dwelling older adults: a scoping review of the literature and international policies,2017,46,3,383-392,Ashe Effectiveness of an intervention to prevent frailty in pre-frail community-dwelling older people consulting in primary care: a randomised controlled trial,2017,46,3,401-407,Serra-Prat A longitudinal comparative study of falls in persons with knee arthroplasty and persons with or at high risk for knee osteoarthritis,2018,47,2,318,Riddle Validation of two risk-prediction models for recurrent falls in the first year after stroke: a prospective cohort study,2017,46,4,642-648,Williams The growing challenge of major trauma in older people: a role for comprehensive geriatric assessment?,2017,46,5,709-712,Banerjee A multidisciplinary intervention to prevent subsequent falls and health service use following fall-related paramedic care: a randomised controlled trial,2017,46,2,200-207,Lord Timed Up and Go predicts functional decline in older patients presenting to the emergency department following minor trauma,2017,46,2,214-218,Emond The association of orthostatic hypotension with falls-an end to the debate?,2017,46,4,540-541,Frith New horizons in design for autonomous ageing,2017,46,1,11-17,van der Cammen Increased postural sway during quiet stance as a risk factor for prospective falls in community-dwelling elderly individuals,2017,46,6,964-970,Nordström A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective associations between alcohol consumption and incident frailty,2018,47,1,26-34,Iliffe Potential risk factors among individuals with recurrent and injurious falls recruited to the Malaysian Falls Assessment and Intervention Trial (MYFIT),2017,46,Suppl 1,i32-i34,Tan Measurement of lying and standing blood pressure in hospital as part of a falls prevention programme for older people,2017,46,Suppl 1,i1-i22,Martin Evaluation of a multidisciplinary exercise and educational programme for older people in a day hospital setting,2017,46,Suppl 1,i1-i22,Kumar Characteristics of fall recurrence: results of the Malaysian Falls Assessment and Intervention Trial (MYFAIT),2017,46,Suppl 1,i32-i34,Tan The effect of complex interventions on supporting self-care among community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,47,2,185-193,Wong Interventions to prevent and reduce excessive alcohol consumption in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,47,2,175-184,Brayne Outcomes of Mobilisation of Vulnerable Elders in Ontario (MOVE ON): a multisite interrupted time series evaluation of an implementation intervention to increase patient mobilisation,2018,47,1,112-119,Straus The effect of perindopril on postural instability in older people with a history of falls-a randomised controlled trial,2018,47,1,75-81,Abboud Z-drugs and risk for falls and fractures in older adults-a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,47,2,201-208,Perlman Scaffolding and working together: a qualitative exploration of strategies for everyday life with dementia,2018,47,2,303-310,Kelly Development and validation of Visual Impairment as a Risk for Falls Questionnaire,2018,47,3,444-450,Labreche Cognitive behavioural therapy for fear of falling and balance among older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,47,4,520-527,Ng Reducing falls in older adults recently discharged from hospital: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,47,4,512-519,Haines Exploration of older people's perceptions of behavioural factors associated with falls,2018,47,5,734-740,Pope New horizons in fall prevention,2018,47,4,492-498,Lord Drinking in later life: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies exploring older people's perceptions and experiences,2019,48,1,134-146,Kaner Temporal trends in impairments of physical function among older adults during 2001-16 in Sweden: towards a healthier ageing,2018,47,5,698-704,Fratiglioni The prevalence of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults an exploration of differences between studies and within definitions: a systematic review and meta-analyses,2019,48,1,48-56,Phillips The impact of first- and second-eye cataract surgery on motor vehicle crashes and associated costs,2019,48,1,128-133,Meuleners Enhancing our understanding of drinking in later life: qualitative data refreshes parts that other data cannot reach,2019,48,1,3-5,Fudge Interventions to improve adherence to exercise therapy for falls prevention in community-dwelling older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,48,2,185-195,Galvin Effects of a falls prevention exercise programme on health-related quality of life in older home care recipients: a randomised controlled trial,2019,48,2,213-219,Liu-Ambrose Podiatry interventions to prevent falls in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,48,3,327-336,Menz Quality improvement strategies to prevent falls in older adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis,2019,48,3,337-346,Majumdar Service organisation for people with dementia after an injurious fall: challenges and opportunities,2019,48,3,454-458,Shaw Controlled trial of balance training using a video game console in community-dwelling older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Montero-Alía Long-term effect of community-based continence promotion on urinary symptoms falls and healthy active life expectancy among older women: cluster randomised trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jutai Fits faints falls and funny turns: cost and capacity savings in Queensland from the accelerated transient attack pathway initiative (ATAP),2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Graves Resource use for older people hospitalised due to injury in a Canadian integrated trauma system: a retrospective multicenter cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clement The role of attentional focus on walking efficiency among older fallers and non-fallers,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Young Potentially serious alcohol-medication interactions and falls in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kenny A modelling-based economic evaluation of primary-care-based fall-risk screening followed by fall-prevention intervention: a cohort-based Markov model stratified by older age groups,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Franklin Seasonal pattern of single falls and recurrent falls amongst community-dwelling older adults first applying for long-term care services in Hong Kong,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fong Age and the distribution of major injury across a national trauma system,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bouamra Implementation of the best practice guidelines on geriatric trauma care: a Canadian perspective,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tze Linking early life risk factors to frailty in old age: evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Odden Alcohol consumption in later life and reaching longevity: the Netherlands Cohort Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,van den Brandt Health and social care providers' perspectives of older people's drinking: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaner A decade of geriatric traumatic brain injuries in Finland: population-based trends,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luoto Gender-specific risk for late-life suicide in rural China: a case-control psychological autopsy study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jia Impact of pain on reactive balance and falls in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sturnieks Preventative strategies and interventions to improve outcomes during heatwaves,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mulkerrin Walking in humans: how much brain function is needed?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kressig Effects of an intervention to reduce fear of falling and increase physical activity during hip and pelvic fracture rehabilitation,2020,49,5,771-778,Becker General and central obesity operate differently as predictors of falls requiring medical care in older women: a population-based cohort study in Spain,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rodriguez-Artalejo The Clinical Frailty Scale predicts adverse outcome in older people admitted to a UK major trauma centre,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thompson The Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale (IconFES) in community-dwelling older people-a longitudinal validation study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lord Environmental hazards increase the fall risk among residents of long-term care facilities: a prospective study in Shanghai China,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jiang STOPPFall (Screening Tool of Older Persons Prescriptions in older adults with high fall risk): a Delphi study by the EuGMS Task and Finish Group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cherubini 'Real world' effectiveness of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme: an implementation study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Iliffe Association between everyday walking activity objective and perceived risk of falling in older adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker Differential risk of falls associated with pain medication among community-dwelling older adults by cognitive status,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Silver Book II: an international framework for urgent care of older people in the first 72 hours from illness or injury,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ellis Fall with acute traumatic central cord syndrome in an older patient,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fougère New horizons in falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lipsitz Effects of gait adaptability training on falls and fall-related fractures in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ryg The frequency and impact of undiagnosed benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in outpatients with high falls risk,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barr Efficacy of exercise-based interventions in preventing falls among community-dwelling older persons with cognitive impairment: is there enough evidence? An updated systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harmer Traumatic brain injuries among veterans and the risk of incident dementia: a systematic review & meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brémault-Phillips Post-hospital falls incidence and risk factors among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fong Chronic pain and circumstances of falls in community-living older adults: an exploratory study,2022,51,1,afab261,Leveille Linking health service utilisation and mortality data-unravelling what happens after fall-related paramedic care,2022,51,1,,Lord 'It is designed for everybody to find their own level and to improve themselves'; views of older people and instructors of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme,2022,51,2,,Logan Protective or harmful? A qualitative exploration of older people's perceptions of worries about falling,2022,51,4,afac067,Young Mobility screening for fall prediction in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA): implications for fall prevention in the decade of healthy ageing,2022,51,5,afac095,Raina Correction to: 'It is designed for everybody to find their own level and to improve themselves'; views of older people and instructors of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme,2022,51,5,afac091,Logan Research priorities for prehospital care of older patients with injuries: scoping review,2022,51,5,afac108,Sampson Economic evaluation of the e-Health StandingTall balance exercise programme for fall prevention in people aged 70 years and over,2022,51,6,afac130,Lord The effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions including outdoor mobility on older adults' physical activity endurance outdoor mobility and falls-related self-efficacy: systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,51,6,afac120,Martin Recent fall and high imminent risk of fracture in older men and women,2022,51,6,afac141,Cummings Fall prevention in older people: past present and future,2022,51,6,afac105,Lord Prescribing cascades: we see only what we look for we look for only what we know,2022,51,7,afac138,Rochon Effectiveness of exergaming-based interventions for mobility and balance performance in older adults with Parkinson's disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,2022,51,8,afac175,Luximon Annual risk of falls resulting in emergency department and hospital attendances for older people: an observational study of 781081 individuals living in Wales (United Kingdom) including deprivation frailty and dementia diagnoses between 2010 and 2020,2022,51,8,afac176,Fry Correction to: Longitudinal associations between falls and future risk of cognitive decline the Motoric Cognitive Risk syndrome and dementia: the Einstein Ageing Study,2022,51,8,afac128,The editors Medication reviews and deprescribing as a single intervention in falls prevention: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,51,9,afac191,Montero-Odasso World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative,2022,51,9,afac205,Logan Editorial: the World Falls Guideline,2022,51,10,afac229,Harwood How to tackle the global challenge of falls?,2022,51,11,afac264,van der Velde A realist evaluation of a multifactorial falls prevention programme in care homes,2022,51,12,afac263,Logan Protective responses of older adults for avoiding injury during falls: evidence from video capture of real-life falls in long-term care,2022,51,12,afac273,Cusimano Asymptomatic orthostatic hypotension and risk of falls in community-dwelling older people,2022,51,12,afac295,Finucane The minimal important change for measures of balance and postural control in older adults: a systematic review,2022,51,12,afac284,Low Fall-related health service use in Stepping On programme participants and matched controls: a non-randomised observational trial within the 45 and Up Study,2022,51,12,afac272,Lord Injurious falls before during and after dementia diagnosis: a population-based study,2022,51,12,afac299,Wang Are falls a manifestation of brain failure? Revisited 40 years later [editorial],2023,52,1,afac321,Montero-Odasso Comparison of falls and cost-effectiveness of the group versus individually delivered Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE) program: final results from the LiFE-is-LiFE non-inferiority trial,2023,52,1,afac331,Becker Big data-big opportunity,2023,52,1,afac262,Close Remote collection of physical performance measures for older people: a systematic review,2023,52,1,afac327,Witham The 'Bermuda Triangle' of orthostatic hypotension cognitive impairment and reduced mobility: prospective associations with falls and fractures in the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing,2023,52,2,afad005,Cunningham Adverse childhood experiences and frailty in later life: a prospective population-based cohort study,2023,52,2,afad010,Oude Voshaar A prospective analysis examining frailty remission and the association with future falls risk in older adults in England,2023,52,2,,Pendleton Alcohol use and drinking patterns in Swedish 85 year olds born three decades apart - findings from the Gothenburg H70 study,2023,52,3,,Skoog Eight-year longitudinal falls trajectories and associations with modifiable risk factors: evidence from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA),2023,52,3,,Romero-Ortuno Household wealth neighbourhood deprivation and frailty amongst middle-aged and older adults in England: a longitudinal analysis over 15 years (2002-2017),2023,52,3,,Sinclair Gait and falls in cerebral small vessel disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,52,3,,Camicioli Predicting future falls in older people using natural language processing of general practitioners' clinical notes,2023,52,4,,van der Velde Why should clinical practitioners ask about their patients' concerns about falling?,2023,52,4,afad057,Hauer Reconsidering frailty from a human and social sciences standpoint: towards an interdisciplinary approach to vulnerability,2023,52,5,afad064,Pabjan A systematic review and meta-analysis of the measurement properties of concerns-about-falling instruments in older people and people at increased risk of falls,2023,52,5,afad055,Todd Fall-risk-increasing drugs in older patients: the role of guidelines and GP-centred health care in Germany,2023,52,5,afad071,Altiner Does frailty status predict outcome in major trauma in older people? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,52,5,afad073,Gladman Single and combined use of fall-risk-increasing drugs and fracture risk: a population-based case-control study,2023,52,6,afad079,Guthrie Physical activity and injurious falls in older Australian women: adjusted associations and modification by physical function limitation and frailty in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health,2023,52,6,,Naganathan The use of the World Guidelines for Falls Prevention and Management's risk stratification algorithm in predicting falls in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA),2023,52,7,,Romero-Ortuno The perceived control model of falling: developing a unified framework to understand and assess maladaptive fear of falling,2023,52,7,,Young A qualitative study exploring the experiences and needs of people living with young onset dementia related to driving cessation: 'It's like you get your legs cut off',2023,52,7,afad109,Pachana Predicting mortality risk after a fall in older adults using health care spending patterns: a population-based cohort study,2023,52,8,,Mortensen Prediction of injurious falls in older adults using digital gait biomarkers extracted from large-scale wrist sensor data,2023,52,9,afad179,Lord Correction to: Guidelines for falls in older adults medication reviews and deprescribing as a single intervention in falls prevention: a systematic review and meta-analysis AND world guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative,2023,52,9,afad188, Preventable deaths involving falls in England and Wales 2013-22: a systematic case series of coroners' reports,2023,52,10,afad191,Song Correction to: World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: a global initiative,2023,52,10,afad199,The editors Fall risk stratification of community-living older people. Commentary on the world guidelines for fall prevention and management,2023,52,10,afad162,Greene Measures of attributes of locomotor capacity in older people: a systematic literature review following the COSMIN methodology,2023,52,Suppl 4,iv44-iv66,Mikton Imminent fall risk after fracture,2023,52,10,afad201,Wyers When physical activity increases risk of injurious falls: right activity right person right time,2023,52,11,afad209,Skelton We should be screening for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) in all older adults at risk of falling: a commentary on the World Falls Guidelines,2023,52,11,afad206,Whitney Critical features of multifactorial interventions for effective falls reduction in residential aged care: a systematic review intervention component analysis and qualitative comparative analysis,2023,52,11,afad185,Crotty Cholinesterase inhibitors and falls syncope and injuries in patients with cognitive impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,52,11,afad205,Lee Older adults' knowledge and perception of fall risk and prevention: a scoping review,2023,52,11,afad220,Rein Reply to 'Seasonal ambient changes influence inpatient falls' Magota et al,2021,50,6,e7-e8,Smolensky Exercise for falls prevention in aged care: systematic review and trial endpoint meta-analyses,2023,52,12,,Hill Digital technologies to prevent falls in people living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment: a rapid systematic overview of systematic reviews,2024,53,1,,Knapp Syncope in older adults: challenges approach and treatment,2024,53,2,afad245,van der Velde Topic evolution before fall incidents in new fallers through natural language processing of general practitioners' clinical notes,2024,53,2,afae016,van der Velde New horizons in frailty identification via electronic frailty indices: early implementation lessons from experiences in England and the United States,2024,53,2,,Callahan Development and external validation of the eFalls tool: a multivariable prediction model for the risk of ED attendance or hospitalisation with a fall or fracture in older adults,2024,53,3,afae057,Humphrey Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital episodes for falls and fractures associated with new-onset disability and frailty in England: a national cohort study,2024,53,4,afae071,Morriss Effects of medication management in geriatric patients who have fallen: results of the EMMA mixed-methods study,2024,53,4,afae070,Iglseder Effectiveness of dance interventions for falls prevention in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,53,5,,Beyer Chronic pain bereavement and overdose in a depressed elderly woman,2002,31,3,218-219,Strain Inappropriate prescribing in older people: not only a patient safety issue but an avoidable source of environmental harm,2024,53,6,afae119,Lertxundi Determinants influencing the implementation of multifactorial falls risk assessment and multidomain interventions in community- dwelling older people: a systematic review,2024,53,7,afae123,Milisen Towards an explanation for 'unexplained' dizziness in older people,2024,53,7,afae137,Bronstein Strategies to improve end-of-life decision-making and palliative care following hip fracture in frail older adults: a scoping review,2024,53,7,afae134,Bérubé The use of natural language processing for the identification of ageing syndromes including sarcopenia frailty and falls in electronic healthcare records: a systematic review,2024,53,7,afae135,Cooper A systematic review of fall prediction models for community-dwelling older adults: comparison between models based on research cohorts and models based on routinely collected data,2024,53,7,,van Schoor Multimorbidity clusters potentially superior to individual diseases for stratifying fracture risk in older people: a nationwide cohort study,2024,53,7,afae164,Vestergaard