Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Non-medical use of prescription drugs among Mississippi youth: Constitutional psychological and family factors,2012,37,12,1382-1388,Tull Trait-based affective processes in alcohol-involved "risk behaviors",2012,37,11,1230-1239,Simons The criteria for causation of alcohol in violent injuries based on emergency room data from six countries,2005,30,1,103-113,Borges DWI prevention: profiles of drinkers who use designated drivers,2001,26,2,155-166,Harding Sociodemographic characteristics and drinking locations of convicted drunken drivers,1988,13,1,119-122,Snow Coping strategies reasons for driving and the effect of self-monitoring in drinking-driving situations,1988,13,1,97-100,Rosenberg Reasons for drinking among problem drinker-drivers: client and counselor reports during treatment,1984,9,4,391-394,Snowden Reasons for drinking among DWI arrestees,1982,7,4,423-426,Marlatt Comparison of DWI offenders with non-DWI individuals on the MMPI-2 and the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test,2003,28,5,971-977,Cavaiola DUI recidivism: a comparison of Mexican Americans and whites in a northern California county,2003,28,5,963-969,Bond Self-efficacy and motivation for controlling drinking and drinking/driving: an investigation of changes across a driving under the influence (DUI) intervention program and of recidivism prediction,2000,25,2,229-238,Wells-Parker Multidimensional subtypes and treatment outcome in first-time DWI offenders,2000,25,2,167-181,Rounsaville Stages of change and self-efficacy for controlling drinking and driving: a psychometric analysis,1998,23,3,351-363,Wells-Parker Personality traits and behaviors of alcohol-impaired drivers: a comparison of first and multiple offenders,1992,17,5,407-414,Wells-Parker Measuring accuracy of self-reported vehicular offences and blood alcohol concentration levels among whites and Mexican Americans mandated to drinking driver programs,2004,29,6,1163-1169,Bond Self-reported driving behaviour and attitudes towards driving under the influence of cannabis among three different user groups in England,2005,30,3,619-626,Terry Comparison of drug use and psychiatric morbidity between prostitute and non-prostitute female drug users in Glasgow Scotland,2005,30,5,1019-1023,Gilchrist Factors associated with former smokers among female adolescents in rural Virginia,2005,30,1,167-173,Huebner The relationship of aggression to suicidal behavior in depressed patients with a history of alcoholism,2005,30,6,1144-1153,Sher Explaining the link between violence perpetration victimization and drug use,2005,30,6,1261-1266,Sussman Self-reported motivations to change and self-efficacy levels for a group of recidivist drink drivers,2005,30,6,1230-1235,Siskind National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign and school-based drug prevention: Evidence for a synergistic effect in ALERT Plus,2005,,,,Ellickson Do predisposing and family background characteristics modify or confound the relationship between drinking frequency and alcohol-related aggression? A study of late adolescent and young adult drinkers,2005,31,4,661-675,Wells Are depressed drinking/driving offenders more receptive to brief intervention?,2005,31,2,339-350,Stoduto Distal and proximal factors related to aggression severity among patients in substance abuse treatment: Family history alcohol use and expectancies,2005,31,5,845-858,Blow Lack of effect for decisional balance as a brief motivational intervention for at-risk college drinkers,2005,30,7,1425-1430,Collins Spirituality mindfulness and substance abuse,2005,30,7,1335-1341,Bowen Predictors of fighting attributed to alcohol use among adolescent drinkers,2005,30,7,1317-1334,Swahn Alcohol use disorder symptoms and risk-taking behavior as predictors of alcohol-related medical events among young adults treated in emergency departments,2005,30,9,1674-1689,Cornelius What came first major depression or substance use disorder? Clinical characteristics and substance use comparing teens in a treatment cohort,2005,30,9,1649-1662,Libby Sensation seeking and negative affectivity as predictors of risky behaviors: a distinction between occasional versus frequent risk-taking,2005,30,7,1449-1453,Desrichard Drinking location and risk of alcohol-impaired driving among high school seniors,1997,22,3,387-393,Wagenaar Facilitating youth self-change through school-based intervention,2005,30,9,1797-1810,Anderson Smoking seat-belt use and perception of health risks,1983,8,1,75-78,Eiser Smoking seat-belts and beliefs about health,1979,4,4,331-338,Eiser Over time relationships between early adolescent and peer substance use,2005,31,7,1211-1223,Simons-Morton Substance use and multiple victimisation among adolescents in South Africa,2005,31,7,1163-1176,Brook Methamphetamine use among young adults: Health and social consequences,2005,31,8,1469-1476,Baskin Gender differences in predictors of drinking behavior in adolescents,2006,31,10,1929-1938,Yeh Excessive drinking and other problem behaviours among 14-16 year old schoolchildren,2006,31,8,1424-1435,Best Incapacitated rape and alcohol use: A prospective analysis,2006,31,10,1820-1832,Martell Who drinks and why? A review of socio-demographic personality and contextual issues behind the drinking motives in young people,2006,31,10,1844-1857,Kuntsche Substance abuse amplifies the risk for violence in schizophrenia spectrum disorder,2006,31,10,1797-1805,Kirisci Relations among parental substance use violence exposure and mental health: The national survey of adolescents,2006,31,11,1988-2001,Resnick The influence of difficult temperament on alcohol-related aggression: Better accounted for by executive functioning?,2006,31,12,2169-2187,Parrott The consumption of alcohol by Australian adolescents: A comparison of revenue and expenditure,2006,31,10,1919-1928,Doran Alcohol and violence: Comparison of the psychosocial correlates of adolescent involvement in alcohol-related physical fighting versus other physical fighting,2006,31,11,2014-2029,Swahn Drinking game participation among college students: Gender and ethnic implications,2006,31,11,2105-2115,LaBrie Motives for drinking alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems among British secondary-school and university students,2006,31,12,2147-2157,Cox Defensively biased responding to risk information among alcohol-using college students,2006,32,1,158-165,Leffingwell Treatment of maternal addiction to prevent child abuse and neglect,1996,21,6,789-801,Peterson Binge drinking and health behavior in medical students,2006,32,3,505-515,Keller Substance abuse in Iranian high school students,2006,32,3,622-627,Mohammad Poorasl A campus-based motivational enhancement group intervention reduces problematic drinking in freshmen male college students,2006,32,5,889-901,LaBrie Characteristics of DUI recidivists: A 12-year follow-up study of first time DUI offenders,2006,32,4,855-861,Cavaiola Risk and protective factors for methamphetamine use and nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among young adults aged 18 to 25,2006,32,5,1003-1015,Herman-Stahl Validation of the Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire-Revised in an Adolescent Sample (DRSEQ-RA),2006,32,4,862-868,Hasking Epidemiological trends in drinking by age and gender: Providing normative feedback to adults,2006,32,5,967-976,Neighbors Predictors of drinking immediacy following daily sadness: An application of survival analysis to experience sampling data,2006,32,5,1054-1065,Hussong Individual-level interventions to reduce college student drinking: A meta-analytic review,2007,32,11,2469-2494,Carey Adolescent alcohol use and suicidal ideation: a nonrecursive model,2003,28,4,705-724,Grube Substance use and impulsive behaviors among adolescents with eating disorders,1996,21,2,269-272,Wiederman Inhalant use among antisocial youth: prevalence and correlates,1999,24,1,59-74,Howard Domestic violence and alcohol use: Trauma-related symptoms and motives for drinking,2007,32,6,1272-1283,Resick Suicide attempts among individuals with opiate dependence: The critical role of belonging,2007,32,7,1395-1404,Conner Explicit and implicit alcohol-related cognitions and the prediction of future drinking in adolescents,2007,32,7,1367-1383,Thush Early initiation of substance use and subsequent risk factors related to suicide among urban high school students,2007,32,8,1628-1639,Cho The relationship between depressed mood self-efficacy and affective states during the drinking driving sequence,2007,32,8,1714-1718,Stoduto Do personality characteristics and risk taking mediate the relationship between paternal substance dependence and adolescent substance use?,2007,32,9,1852-1862,Hesselbrock Acute opiate overdose in Tehran: The forgotten role of Opium,2007,32,9,1835-1842,Karbakhsh An acute post-sexual assault intervention to prevent drug abuse: Updated findings,2007,32,10,2032-2045,Resnick Rape blame as a function of alcohol presence and resistance type,2007,32,12,2766-2775,Maisto Impulsivity and expectancy in risk for alcohol use: Comparing male and female college students in Taiwan,2007,32,9,1887-1896,Wu Age of onset of smoking among alcohol dependent men attending substance abuse treatment after a domestic violence arrest,2007,32,10,2020-2031,Easton Predictors of alcohol use during the first year of college: Implications for prevention,2007,32,10,2062-2086,Barnett Does negative affect increase change readiness among college hazardous drinkers?,2007,32,10,2281-2285,Smith Predictors of motivation to change alcohol use among referred college students,2007,32,10,2358-2364,Murphy Measurement of baseline drinking behaviour in problem-drinking probationers drinking drivers and normal drinkers,1981,6,1,15-22,Brown The relationship of social context of drinking perceived social norms and parental influence to various drinking patterns of adolescents,1996,21,5,633-644,Treiman Frequency of heavy drinking and perceived peer alcohol involvement: Comparison of influence and selection mechanisms from a developmental perspective,2007,32,10,2211-2225,Sher Co-morbidity and cannabis use in a mental health trust in South East England,2007,32,10,2164-2177,O'gara Evaluating personal alcohol feedback as a selective prevention for college students with depressed mood,2007,32,12,2776-2787,Geisner Alcohol assessment using wireless handheld computers: A pilot study,2007,32,12,3065-3070,Bernhardt Drinking on the Premises in Norway: Young Adults' use of Public Drinking Places,2007,32,12,2737-2746,Lund Relative risks of adolescent and young adult alcohol use: The role of drinking fathers mothers siblings and friends,2007,33,1,1-14,Boomsma Alcohol in emerging adulthood: 7-year study of problem and dependent drinkers,2007,33,1,134-142,Matzger Premature mortality among males with substance use disorders,2007,33,1,156-160,Cornelius Implementing a screening and brief intervention for high-risk drinking in university-based health and mental health care settings: Reductions in alcohol use and correlates of success,2007,32,11,2563-2572,Martens Drinking before drinking: Pregaming and drinking games in mandated students,2007,32,11,2694-2705,Boyle Does sexual victimization predict subsequent alcohol consumption? A prospective study among a community sample of women,2007,32,12,2926-2939,Livingston Burnout and alcohol problems among urban transit operators in San Francisco,2003,28,1,91-109,Ragland Community prevention of alcohol problems,2000,25,6,843-859,Holder Hook 'em horns and heavy drinking: Alcohol use and collegiate sports,2007,32,11,2681-2693,Fromme Work stress and alcohol use: Examining the tension-reduction model as a function of worker's parent's alcohol use,2007,32,12,3114-3121,Moore Brief motivational intervention and alcohol expectancy challenge with heavy drinking college students: A randomized factorial study,2007,32,11,2509-2528,Erickson Indicated prevention for incoming freshmen: Personalized normative feedback and high-risk drinking,2007,32,11,2495-2508,Lewis Bullying and fighting among adolescents - Do drinking motives and alcohol use matter?,2007,32,12,3131-3135,Kuntsche Correlates of protective behavior utilization among heavy-drinking college students,2007,32,11,2633-2644,Walters Predicting violence among cocaine cannabis and alcohol treatment clients,2007,33,1,201-205,Wells Predicting functional outcomes among college drinkers: Reliability and predictive validity of the Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire,2007,32,11,2597-2610,Kahler A self-administered Timeline Followback to measure variations in underage drinkers' alcohol intake and binge drinking,2008,33,1,196-200,Collins Misperceptions of peer drinking norms in Canada: Another look at the "reign of error" and its consequences among college students,2007,32,11,2645-2656,Perkins Marijuana use risk perception and consequences: Is perceived risk congruent with reality?,2007,32,12,3026-3033,Neighbors Childhood characteristics associated with stage of substance use of American Indians: Family background traumatic experiences and childhood behaviors,2007,32,12,3142-3152,Libby When risk factors combine: the interaction between alcohol and smoking for aerodigestive cancer coronary heart disease and traffic and fire injury,2006,31,9,1522-1535,Rehm Validation of the Dutch version of the brief young adult alcohol consequences questionnaire (B-YAACQ),2009,34,5,411-414,Kahler Child and adolescent externalizing behavior and cannabis use disorders in early adulthood: An Australian prospective birth cohort study,2008,33,3,422-438,Jamrozik University students' perceptions of the alcohol campaign:,2008,33,2,366-372,McCabe The occurrence of cannabis use disorders and other cannabis-related problems among first-year college students,2008,33,3,397-411,Arria Perceptions of level of intoxication and risk related to drinking and driving,2008,33,4,605-615,Gustin Warsaw adolescent alcohol use in a period of social change in Poland: Cluster analyses of five consecutive surveys 1988 to 2004,2008,33,3,439-450,Okulicz-Kozaryn Media resistance skills and drug skill refusal techniques: What is their relationship with alcohol use among inner-city adolescents?,2008,33,4,528-537,Epstein Adverse childhood experiences and personal alcohol abuse as an adult,2002,27,5,713-725,Felitti Assessing DUI risk: Examination of the Behaviors and Attitudes Drinking and Driving Scale (BADDS),2008,33,7,853-865,Hupp Prepartying promotes heightened risk in the college environment: An event-level report,2008,33,7,955-959,LaBrie Workplace harassment stress and drinking behavior over time: Gender differences in a national sample,2008,33,7,964-967,Rospenda Pill-poppers and dopers: A comparison of non-medical prescription drug use and illicit/street drug use among college students,2008,33,7,934-941,Ford Understanding sport-related drinking motives in college athletes: Psychometric analyses of the Athlete Drinking Scale,2008,33,7,974-977,Martens Heavy episodic drinking and its consequences: The protective effects of same-sex residential living-learning communities for undergraduate women,2008,33,8,987-993,Lange Risk factors for alcohol use frequent use and binge drinking among young men who have sex with men,2008,33,8,1012-1020,Kipke Gender differences in drunk driving prevalence rates and trends: A 20-year assessment using multiple sources of evidence,2008,33,9,1217-1222,Schwartz The feasibility and effectiveness of a web-based personalised feedback and social norms alcohol intervention in UK university students: A randomised control trial,2008,33,9,1192-1198,Barkham Alcohol outcome expectancies and drinking to cope with social situations,2008,33,9,1162-1166,Ham Children taking risks: The association with cocaine and other drug use by young adulthood,2008,33,9,1154-1161,Anthony The longitudinal association between alcohol use and intimate partner violence among ethnically diverse community women,2008,33,9,1244-1248,Stuart Alcohol outcome expectancies and drinking motives mediate the association between sensation seeking and alcohol use among adolescents,2008,33,10,1344-1352,Urban Physical and relational aggression as predictors of drug use: Gender differences among high school students,2008,33,12,1507-1515,Sussman Risk for excessive alcohol use and drinking-related problems in college student athletes,2008,33,12,1546-1556,White Child abuse and neglect: Relations to adolescent binge drinking in the national longitudinal study of Adolescent Health (AddHealth) Study,2009,34,3,277-280,Heeren The relation between interpersonal violence and substance use among a sample of university students: Examination of the role of victim and perpetrator substance use,2009,34,3,316-318,Amaro How do sexual assault characteristics vary as a function of perpetrators' level of intoxication?,2009,34,3,331-333,Abbey Context effects and false memory for alcohol words in adolescents,2009,34,3,327-330,Dent The effects of alcohol and cue salience on young men's acceptance of sexual aggression,2009,34,4,386-394,Johnson Behavioral and social correlates of methamphetamine use in a population-based sample of early and later adolescents,2009,34,4,343-351,Biglan A new minimum legal drinking age (MLDA)? Some findings to inform the debate,2009,34,4,407-410,Sher Alcohol criteria endorsement and psychiatric and drug use disorders among DUI offenders: Greater severity among women and multiple offenders,2009,34,5,432-439,Bucholz Forcible drug-facilitated and incapacitated rape in relation to substance use problems: Results from a national sample of college women,2009,34,5,458-462,Resnick Childhood predictors of adolescent marijuana use: early sensation-seeking deviant peer affiliation and social images,2008,33,9,1140-1147,Hampson Adolescent ecstasy and other drug use in the National Survey of Parents and Youth: the role of sensation-seeking parental monitoring and peer's drug use,2008,33,7,919-933,Storr Sensation seeking and alcohol use: a meta-analytic review,2006,31,8,1383-1401,Hittner Behavioral characteristics related to substance abuse and risk-taking sensation-seeking anxiety sensitivity and self-reinforcement,2001,26,1,115-120,Wagner Sensation seeking and drinking game participation in heavy-drinking college students,2000,25,1,109-116,Cropsey Sensation seeking explains the relation between behavioral disinhibition and alcohol consumption,1991,16,3-4,123-128,Finn The effects of alcohol expectancy and sensation seeking on driving risk taking,1989,14,4,477-483,Wells-Parker Predictors of alcohol use prior to deployment in National Guard Soldiers,2009,34,8,625-631,Polusny Mental health and rape history in relation to non-medical use of prescription drugs in a national sample of women,2009,34,8,641-648,Resnick The impact of parental modeling and permissibility on alcohol use and experienced negative drinking consequences in college,2009,34,6-7,542-547,Turrisi Victimization from mental and physical bullying and substance use in early adolescence,2009,34,6-7,561-567,D'Amico Do school surroundings matter? 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control and depression,2010,35,3,201-208,Cottler Web-based alcohol prevention for incoming college students: A randomized controlled trial,2010,35,3,183-189,Barnett College students' perceptions of class year-specific drinking norms,2010,35,3,290-293,Neighbors Exploring productivity outcomes from a brief intervention for at-risk drinking in an employee assistance program,2010,35,3,194-200,Marlatt Biological markers of problem drinking in homeless patients,2010,35,3,260-262,Hesse Decision-making and facial emotion recognition as predictors of substance-use initiation among adolescents,2010,35,3,286-289,Ernst The motivational context for mandated alcohol interventions for college students by gender and family history,2010,35,3,218-223,Carey Exploring the boundary between health protective and hazardous drinking in a community cohort,2010,35,3,278-281,Barnes Project SUCCESS' effects on the substance use of alternative high school students,2010,35,3,209-217,Ringwalt Social desirability biases in self-reported alcohol consumption and harms,2010,35,4,302-311,Davis The relationship between risky alcohol consumption crime and traffic accidents in Australian rural communities,2010,35,4,359-362,Sanson-Fisher Sports-specific factors perceived peer drinking and alcohol-related behaviors among adolescents participating in school-based sports in Southwest Georgia,2010,35,3,235-241,Windle The relationship between alexithymia and alcohol-related risk perceptions: The moderating effect of general trauma in a college population,2010,35,4,363-366,Klanecky Disinhibited characteristics and binge drinking among university student drinkers,2010,35,3,242-251,Johnson Changes in ambivalence mediate the relation between entering treatment and change in alcohol use and problems,2010,35,4,367-369,Moos Event-level analyses of energy drink consumption and alcohol intoxication in bar patrons,2010,35,4,325-330,Thombs Path of socialization and cognitive factors' effects on adolescents' alcohol use in Taiwan,2011,36,8,807-813,Yen Making sense of alcohol experiences Young adolescents' accounts of alcohol-related critical incidents,2011,36,8,849-854,van Hoof Social network effects in alcohol consumption among adolescents,2010,35,4,337-342,Ali Whose opinion matters? The relationship between injunctive norms and alcohol consequences in college students,2010,35,4,343-349,Neighbors Development of the PTSD-alcohol expectancy questionnaire,2008,33,6,841-847,Brown The role of self-consciousness in the experience of alcohol-related consequences among college students,2008,33,6,812-820,Neighbors Behavioral couples therapy for comorbid substance use disorders and combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder among male veterans: an initial evaluation,2008,33,1,180-187,Murphy Use of commercial and social sources of alcohol by underage drinkers: the role of pubertal timing,2008,33,1,161-166,Rossow Drug and alcohol use among the Bedouin of the Negev: prevalence and psychosocial correlates,2008,33,1,143-151,Diamond Neurocognitive effects of alcohol hangover,2008,33,1,15-23,Adan Validation of the Drinking Context Scale (DCS-9) for use with non-adjudicated first-year college students,2010,35,5,510-512,Usdan Curiosity killed the cocktail? Curiosity sensation seeking and alcohol-related problems in college women,2010,35,5,513-516,Neighbors A longitudinal investigation of heavy drinking and physical dating violence in men and women,2010,35,5,479-485,Fromme Forced sexual intercourse suicidality and binge drinking among adolescent girls,2010,35,5,507-509,Temple Relationship of high school and college sports participation with alcohol tobacco and illicit drug use: A review,2010,35,5,399-407,Sussman Protective strategies: A mediator of risk associated with age of drinking onset,2010,35,5,486-491,Cronce Pre-teen alcohol use initiation and suicide attempts among middle and high school students: Findings from the 2006 Georgia Student Health Survey,2010,35,5,452-458,Swahn Measurement invariance of alcohol use motivations in junior military personnel at risk for depression or anxiety,2010,35,5,444-451,Brown Substance use and teen pregnancy in the United States: evidence from the NSDUH 2002-2012,2015,45,,218-225,Vaughn Perceptions of alcohol policy and drinking behavior: Results of a latent class analysis of college student drinkers,2010,35,6,628-631,Buettner Resident assistant and college students' perceptions of alcohol use,2010,35,6,640-643,Chen Attendance at alcohol-free and alcohol-service parties and alcohol consumption among college students,2010,35,6,572-579,Clark The unique contribution of attitudes toward non-alcoholic drinks to the prediction of adolescents' and young adults' alcohol consumption,2010,35,6,651-654,Poelen Child maltreatment alcohol use and drinking consequences among male and female college students: An examination of drinking motives as mediators,2010,35,6,636-639,Flett The intergenerational transference of alcohol use behaviour from parents to offspring: A test of the cognitive model,2010,35,7,714-716,Oei Long-term evaluation of drug abuse resistance education,1994,19,2,113-125,Ringwalt Development of the Stimulant Medication Outcome Expectancies Questionnaire for College Students,2010,35,7,726-729,Maisto Risk factors for young adult substance use among women who were teenage mothers,2009,34,5,463-470,Donovan Television-supported self-help for problem drinkers: a randomized pragmatic trial,2009,34,5,451-457,Kramer Differential drinking patterns of family history positive and family history negative first semester college females,2009,34,2,190-196,LaBrie The association between partner and non-partner aggression and suicidal ideation in patients seeking substance use disorder treatment,2009,34,2,180-186,Blow Substance use behaviors mental health problems and use of mental health services in a probability sample of college students,2009,34,2,134-145,Eisenberg Associations between body mass index and substance use disorders differ by gender: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,2009,34,1,51-60,Petry The association of ecstasy use and academic achievement among adolescents in two U.S. national surveys,2009,34,1,9-16,Martins Alcohol consumption in late-life--the first Brazilian National Alcohol Survey (BNAS),2008,33,12,1598-1601,Caetano Illicit drug use and marital satisfaction,2008,33,2,279-291,Cornelius The influence of acculturation on drug and alcohol use in a sample of adolescents,2007,32,12,2990-3004,Sussman A case-matched comparison of readmission patterns between primary methamphetamine-using and primary cocaine-using adolescents engaged in inpatient substance-abuse treatment,2007,32,12,3101-3106,Taylor Culture and environment as predictors of alcohol abuse/dependence symptoms in American Indian youths,2007,32,10,2253-2259,Stiffman Aggregation of adverse behaviors and its affecting factors among young military conscripts in Taiwan,2007,32,6,1302-1308,Lin Substance use disorder (SUD) morbidity versus number of parents with SUD,2007,32,4,661-674,Westermeyer Alcohol consumption sex and use of psychotropic substances among male Hong Kong-mainland China cross-border substance users,2007,32,4,686-699,Lam Cohort comparisons: social learning explanations for alcohol use among adolescents and older adults,2006,31,12,2268-2283,Preston Correlates of comorbid PTSD and drinking problems among sexual assault survivors,2006,31,1,128-132,Starzynski Effects of community substance abuse treatment services on clients' criminal arrests,2005,30,7,1459-1463,Ventura Gender and the tobacco-depression relationship: a sample of African American college students at a Historically Black College or University (HBCU),2005,30,7,1437-1441,Browne Predictors of substance use among homeless youth in San Diego,2005,30,6,1100-1110,Shillington Nonmedical use of prescription opioids among U.S. college students: prevalence and correlates from a national survey,2005,30,4,789-805,Knight Predicting alcohol and drug abuse in Persian Gulf War veterans: what role do PTSD symptoms play?,2005,30,3,595-599,Stafford Predictors of substance use over time among gay lesbian and bisexual youths: an examination of three hypotheses,2004,29,8,1623-1631,Hunter Five-year prospective prediction of marijuana use cessation of youth at continuation high schools,2004,29,6,1237-1243,Sussman Understanding hard-core drug use among urban Puerto Rican women in high-risk neighborhoods,2004,29,4,643-664,Canino Computer-mediated intervention to prevent drug abuse and violence among high-risk youth,2004,29,1,225-229,Schinke Smoking patterns symptoms of PTSD and depression: Preliminary findings from a sample of severely battered women,2003,28,9,1665-1679,Weaver Women's substance use and experiences of intimate partner violence: A longitudinal investigation among a community sample,2003,28,9,1649-1664,Leonard Relationship aggression and substance use among women court-referred to domestic violence intervention programs,2003,28,9,1603-1610,Stuart Smoking differences among African American Hispanic and White middle school students in an urban setting,2003,28,3,513-522,Murray Risk factors for suicide attempts among low-income women with a history of alcohol problems,1999,24,4,583-587,Kaslow Psychosocial correlates of nicotine dependence among men and women in the U.S. naval services,1999,24,4,521-536,Hourani Family history of alcohol abuse associated with problematic drinking among college students,2010,35,7,721-725,LaBrie Methods of "fake ID" obtainment and use in underage college students,2010,35,7,738-740,Sher Alcohol intake and its correlates in a transitional predominantly Muslim population in southeastern Europe,2010,35,7,706-713,Burazeri Exploring the role of positive and negative consequences in understanding perceptions and evaluations of individual drinking events,2010,35,8,764-770,Lewis Female veterans of the OEF/OIF conflict: Concordance of PTSD symptoms and substance misuse,2010,35,7,655-659,Baker Identification prevention and treatment revisited: individual-focused college drinking prevention strategies 1999-2006,2007,32,11,2439-2468,Larimer Alcohol-related image priming and aggression in adolescents aged 11-14,2010,35,8,791-794,Brown Using the bioecological model to predict risk perception of marijuana use and reported marijuana use in adolescence,2010,35,8,795-798,Heffer Psychophysiological reactivity to emotional picture cues two years after college students were mandated for alcohol interventions,2010,35,8,786-790,White Social skills and depression in adolescent substance abusers,1993,18,1,9-18,Bukstein Demographic psychosocial and behavioral differences in samples of actively and passively consented adolescents,1993,18,1,51-56,Flay Relationship among social and intrapersonal risk alcohol expectancies and alcohol usage among early adolescents,1993,18,2,127-134,Webb The relationship between reasons for drinking alcohol and alcohol consumption: an interactional approach,1993,18,6,659-670,Scott Personality risk for alcoholism covaries with hangover symptoms,1993,18,4,415-420,Earleywine The effectiveness of same-sex versus opposite-sex role models in advertisements to reduce alcohol consumption in teenagers,1994,19,1,69-82,Bochner Adult children of alcoholic or mentally ill parents: alcohol consumption and psychological distress in a tri-ethnic community study,1994,19,2,185-197,Neff The malleability of injunctive norms among college students,2010,35,11,940-947,Carey A personality-based description of maturing out of alcohol problems: Extension with a Five-Factor model and robustness to modeling challenges,2010,35,11,948-954,Sher Predicting the initiation of substance abuse in Iranian adolescents,2007,32,12,3153-3159,Vahidi Do patient intervention ratings predict alcohol-related consequences?,2007,32,12,3136-3141,Mello Alcohol use partner type and risky sexual behavior among college students: Findings from an event-level study,2007,32,12,2940-2952,Brown Predictors of cannabis use in men with and without psychosis,2007,32,12,2879-2887,Green Personalizing the alcohol-IAT with individualized stimuli: relationship with drinking behavior and drinking-related problems,2007,32,12,2852-2864,Wiers Single-session expectancy challenge with young heavy drinkers on holiday,2007,32,12,2865-2878,Wiers Relationships among self-report assessments of craving in binge-drinking university students,2007,32,12,2811-2818,Rosenberg Are all drug addicts impulsive? Effects of antisociality and extent of multidrug use on cognitive and motor impulsivity,2007,32,12,3071-3076,Gonzalez Delinquency as a mediator of the relation between negative affectivity and adolescent alcohol use disorder,2007,32,12,2747-2765,Tarter Effectiveness of social norms media marketing in reducing drinking and driving: A statewide campaign,2010,35,10,866-874,Perkins Drinking at European universities? A review of students' alcohol use,2010,35,11,913-924,Kuntsche A step beyond - The relevance of depressed mood and mastery in the interplay between the number of social roles and alcohol use,2010,35,11,1013-1020,Gmel Italian validation of the drinking motives questionnaire revised short form (DMQ-R SF),2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuntsche Predictors of neuropsychological impairment in alcoholics: antisocial versus nonantisocial subtypes,1996,21,1,21-27,Longabaugh Sexual victimization and hazardous drinking among heterosexual and sexual minority women,2010,35,12,1152-1156,Wilsnack Event-level associations between affect alcohol intoxication and acute dependence symptoms: Effects of urgency self-control and drinking experience,2010,35,12,1045-1053,Simons Social influences on young adults' alcohol consumption: norms modeling pressure socializing and conformity,1996,21,2,187-197,Knibbe Female PCP-using jail detainees: proneness to violence and gender differences,1996,21,2,155-172,Fishbein Addictive behavior of older adults,1996,21,3,331-348,Graham Associations between drug use and deviant behavior in teenagers,1996,21,3,291-302,Ellickson History of sexual abuse and obesity treatment outcome,1996,21,3,283-290,Clark The influence of gender expectancy and partner beverage selection on (meta)perceptions in a "blind" dating situation,1996,21,3,273-282,Corcoran Hangover moderates the association between personality and drinking problems,1993,18,3,291-297,Earleywine Morphine and human aggression,1993,18,3,263-268,Taylor In search of an alternative placebo: estimating alcohol content of nonalcoholic light and regular beer,1993,18,3,259-262,Corcoran Fascism and the eye of the beholder: a reply to J. S. Searles on the controlled intoxication issue,1993,18,3,239-251,Wallace An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to sorority alcohol consumption,2008,33,4,538-551,LaBrie Psychometric evaluation of the five-factor Modified Drinking Motives Questionnaire--Revised in undergraduates,2007,32,11,2611-2632,Stewart Efficacy of counselor vs. computer-delivered intervention with mandated college students,2007,32,11,2529-2548,Barnett Behavioral economic approaches to reduce college student drinking,2007,32,11,2573-2585,Barnett Social norms and alcohol consumption among intercollegiate athletes: the role of athlete and nonathlete reference groups,2007,32,11,2657-2666,Martin Anxiety sensitivity distress tolerance and discomfort intolerance in relation to coping and conformity motives for alcohol use and alcohol use problems among young adult drinkers,2010,35,12,1144-1147,Zvolensky Can parents prevent heavy episodic drinking by allowing teens to drink at home?,2010,35,12,1105-1112,Windle Immediate reductions in misperceived social norms among high-risk college student groups,2010,35,12,1094-1101,LaBrie Early temperament propensity for risk-taking and adolescent substance-related problems: A prospective multi-method investigation,2010,35,12,1148-1151,Steinberg History of reported sexual or physical abuse among long-term heroin users and their response to substitution treatment,2011,36,1-2,55-60,Krausz Personality and motivational correlates of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems among excessive drinking university students,2011,36,1-2,87-94,Cox Adolescent bullying victimisation and alcohol-related problem behaviour mediated by coping drinking motives over a 12month period,2011,36,1-2,6-13,Conrod Is nonmedical prescription opiate use a unique form of illicit drug use?,2011,36,1-2,79-86,White Negative mood implicit alcohol-related memory and alcohol use in young adults: The moderating effect of alcohol expectancy,2011,36,1-2,148-151,Young Social networks and alcohol use among nonstudent emerging adults: A preliminary study,2011,36,1-2,47-54,Collins Beyond the "Binge" threshold: heavy drinking patterns and their association with alcohol involvement indices in college students,2008,33,2,225-234,Read Is gender relevant only for problem alcohol behaviors? An examination of correlates of alcohol use among college students,2008,33,2,359-365,Harrell Does gender moderate associations among impulsivity and health-risk behaviors?,2008,33,2,252-265,Stoltenberg The differential impact of relational health on alcohol consumption and consequences in first year college women,2008,33,2,266-278,LaBrie Similarities and bi-directional influences regarding alcohol consumption in adolescent sibling pairs,2007,32,9,1814-1825,Engels The theory of planned behavior and binge drinking: assessing the impact of binge drinker prototypes,2007,32,9,1753-1768,Armitage Problematic alcohol and cannabis use among young adults: the roles of depression and discomfort and distress tolerance,2007,32,9,1957-1963,Schmidt Substance use and abuse among older youth in foster care,2007,32,9,1929-1935,Vaughn The incidence and characteristics of violent men in substance abuse treatment,1998,23,5,573-586,Brown A comparative analysis of methamphetamine use: black gay and bisexual men in relation to men of other races,2008,33,1,83-93,Halkitis Reasons for nonresponse in a web-based survey of alcohol involvement among first-year college students,2008,33,1,206-210,Lange Culturally specific adaptation of a prevention intervention: an international collaborative research project,2007,32,8,1565-1581,Thompson Adolescent alcohol use trajectories: Predictors and subsequent problems,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romelsjö The relationship between alcohol expectancies and drinking restraint in treatment seeking alcohol dependent patients,2007,32,7,1461-1469,Young Parental alcohol use alcohol-related problems and alcohol-specific attitudes alcohol-specific communication and adolescent excessive alcohol use and alcohol-related problems: An indirect path model,2011,36,3,209-216,Engels Ups and downs of alcohol use among first-year college students: Number of drinks heavy drinking and stumble and pass out drinking days,2011,36,3,197-202,Lee Alcohol problems in young adults transitioning from adolescence to adulthood: The association with race and gender,2011,36,3,167-174,Hesselbrock Early life exposure to violence and substance misuse in adulthood-The first Brazilian national survey,2011,36,3,251-255,Caetano Readiness to change and post-intervention drinking among Hispanic college students living on the US/Mexico border,2011,36,3,183-189,Blume Broad social motives alcohol use and related problems: Mechanisms of risk from high school through college,2011,36,3,222-230,Fromme Using daily drinking data to characterize the effects of a brief alcohol intervention in an emergency room,2011,36,3,248-250,Apodaca Childhood bullying behaviors at age eight and substance use at age 18 among males. A nationwide prospective study,2011,36,3,256-260,Moilanen Concurrent validity of the CAGE questionnaire. The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study,2011,36,4,302-307,Mykletun Drinking motives protective behavioral strategies and experienced consequences: Identifying students at risk,2011,36,3,270-273,Larimer Psychosocial correlates of adolescent marijuana use: Variations by status of marijuana use,2011,36,4,404-407,Simons-Morton College students' use of cocaine: Results from a longitudinal study,2011,36,4,408-411,Arria Incremental validity of college alcohol beliefs in the prediction of freshman drinking and its consequences: A prospective study,2011,36,4,333-340,Osberg Characterizing binge drinking among U.S. military Veterans receiving a brief alcohol intervention,2011,36,4,362-367,Cucciare A dual process account of adolescent and adult binge drinking,2011,36,4,341-346,Rooke Early adolescent cognitions as predictors of heavy alcohol use in high school,2011,36,5,448-455,Andrews Drinking and driving among immigrant and US-born Hispanic young adults: Results from a longitudinal and nationally representative study,2011,36,4,381-388,Prado Defending girlfriends buddies and oneself: Injunctive norms and male barroom aggression,2011,36,4,416-420,Wells Depression and heavy drinking occasions: A cross-sectional general population study,2011,36,4,375-380,Aalto Protective behavioral strategies mediate the effect of drinking motives on alcohol use among heavy drinking college students: Gender and race differences,2011,36,4,354-361,LaBrie Comorbidity of generalized anxiety disorder and alcohol use disorders among individuals seeking outpatient substance abuse treatment,2010,35,1,42-45,Smith Pathological gambling gender and risk-taking behaviors,2004,29,6,1231-1235,Martins Development of the drug abuse screening test for adolescents (DAST-A),2000,25,1,57-70,Grilo Lifetime comorbidity of alcohol dependence in women with bulimia nervosa,1997,22,4,437-446,Joyce Delinquency and family problems in incarcerated adolescents with and without a history of inhalant use,1996,21,4,537-542,Waite Psychoactive substance use: some associated characteristics,1995,20,4,549-554,Ardila Characteristics of alexithymia and eating disorders in college women,1994,19,4,373-380,Clopton Injunctive norms for alcohol-related consequences and protective behavioral strategies: Effects of gender and year in school,2011,36,4,347-353,Carey One-time or repeat offenders? An examination of the patterns of alcohol-related consequences experienced by college students across the freshman year,2011,36,5,508-511,Mallett Predictors of alcohol-related outcomes in college athletes: The roles of trait urgency and drinking motives,2011,36,5,456-464,Martens The relationship between coping strategies alcohol expectancies drinking motives and drinking behaviour,2011,36,5,479-487,Hasking Perceived risk associated with ecstasy use: A latent class analysis approach,2011,36,5,551-554,Falck Using personalized feedback to reduce alcohol use among hazardous drinking college students: The moderating effect of alcohol-related negative consequences,2011,36,5,539-542,Saitz "This would be better drunk": Alcohol expectancies become more positive while drinking in the college social environment,2011,36,8,890-893,LaBrie Electronic screening and brief intervention for risky drinking in Swedish university students - A randomized controlled trial,2011,36,6,654-659,Nilsen Association of cigarette smoking with drug use and risk taking behaviour in Irish teenagers,2011,36,5,547-550,Morgan The associations between early alcohol use and suicide attempts among adolescents with a history of major depression,2011,36,5,532-535,Swahn Motivation to change alcohol use and treatment engagement in incarcerated youth,2011,36,6,674-680,Barnett Aggression and hostility in substance abusers: the relationship to abuse patterns coping style and relapse triggers,1995,20,5,555-562,Smith Correlates of problem drinking among drug-using incarcerated women,1995,20,3,359-369,El-Bassel Non-medical use of prescription drugs in a national sample of college women,2011,36,7,690-695,Resnick A comparison sample validation of "your workplace": an instrument to measure perceived alcohol support and consequences from the work environment,1997,22,5,711-722,Rice Initial and experimental stages of tobacco and alcohol use during late childhood: relation to peer parent and personal risk factors,1997,22,5,685-698,Jackson Inconsistencies in adolescents' self-reports of initiation of alcohol and tobacco use,1997,22,5,613-623,Drop The influence of personality cognition and behavior on perceptions and metaperceptions following alcoholic beverage selection in a dating situation,1997,22,5,577-585,Corcoran The Inventory of Drinking Situations (IDS) in current drinkers with different degrees of alcohol problems,1997,22,4,557-565,Victorio-Estrada Selective processing of visual alcohol cues in abstinent alcoholics: an approach-avoidance conflict?,1997,22,4,509-519,Field Measuring excessive alcohol use in college drinking contexts: the Drinking Context Scale,1997,22,4,469-477,O'Hare Client perceptions of incest and substance abuse,1997,22,4,447-459,Janikowski Self-directed hostility and family functioning in normal-weight bulimics and overweight binge eaters,1997,22,3,367-375,Friedman Decisional balance and stage of change for adolescent drinking,1997,22,3,339-351,Migneault Effects of alcohol and expectancy on self-disclosure and anxiety in male and female social drinkers,1997,22,3,305-314,Schippers Alcohol effects on the facial expressions of anxiety patients undergoing a panic provocation,1997,22,2,275-280,Anderson Are psychosocial factors related to smoking in grade-6 students?,1997,22,2,169-181,Pederson Spousal violence and cognitive functioning among men recovering from multiple substance abuse,1997,22,1,127-130,Schafer Alcohol expectancies: effects of gender age and family history of alcoholism,1997,22,1,115-125,Davis The utility of novelty seeking harm avoidance and expectancy in the prediction of drinking,1997,22,1,93-106,Whitman The effect of drink familiarity on tolerance to alcohol,1997,22,1,45-53,Roberts Cognitive and situational factors predict alcoholic beverage selection,1995,20,4,525-532,Corcoran Fake ID ownership in a US sample of incoming first-year college students,2011,36,7,759-761,Walters Longitudinal pathways of victimization substance use and delinquency: Findings from the National Survey of Adolescents,2011,36,7,682-689,Resnick Alcohol use and negative consequences among active duty military personnel,2011,36,6,608-614,Bray Social influence predictors of alcohol use among New York Latino youth,1994,19,4,363-372,Epstein Effects of nicotine abstinence and menstrual phase on task performance,1994,19,4,357-362,Pomerleau The association between earlier age of first drink disinhibited personality and externalizing psychopathology in young adults,2010,35,5,414-418,Finn "Youthful epidemic" or diagnostic bias? Differential item functioning of DSM-IV cannabis use criteria in an Australian general population survey,2010,35,5,408-413,Teesson An item response theory analysis of DSM-IV criteria for hallucinogen abuse and dependence in adolescents,2010,35,3,273-277,Wu Childhood trauma and health outcomes in adults with comorbid substance abuse and mental health disorders,2010,35,1,68-71,Grella Adverse childhood events as risk factors for substance dependence: Partial mediation by mood and anxiety disorders,2010,35,1,7-13,Gelernter Behavioral family counseling for substance abuse: a treatment development pilot study,2010,35,1,1-6,Fals-Stewart PTSD contributes to teen and young adult cannabis use disorders,2010,35,2,91-94,Cornelius The social context of cannabis use: relationship to cannabis use disorders and depressive symptoms among college students,2009,34,9,764-768,Arria Social anxiety and alcohol consumption: the role of alcohol expectancies and reward sensitivity,2009,34,9,730-736,Hasking Marijuana discontinuation anxiety symptoms and relapse to marijuana,2009,34,9,782-785,Moos Emerging adult outcomes of adolescent psychiatric and substance use disorders,2009,34,10,800-805,Adlaf The long and the short of treatments for alcohol or cannabis misuse among people with severe mental disorders,2009,34,10,852-858,Kay-Lambkin Sleep architecture in adolescent marijuana and alcohol users during acute and extended abstinence,2009,34,11,976-979,Tapert Gender moderation and social developmental mediation of the effect of a family-focused substance use preventive intervention on young adult alcohol abuse,2009,34,6-7,599-605,Mason Cannabis use and delinquent behaviors in high-school students,2009,34,2,187-189,Chabrol Trauma-related risk factors for substance abuse among male versus female young adults,2009,34,4,395-399,Resnick Situational and respondent-level motives for drinking and alcohol-related aggression: a multilevel analysis of drinking events in a sample of Canadian university students,2009,34,3,264-269,Wells It does the job: Young adults discuss their malt liquor consumption,2006,31,9,1559-1577,Collins Differences in impulsivity and sensation seeking between early- and late-onset alcoholics,2006,31,2,298-308,Hulstijn Reliability of the Impulsive-Premeditated Aggression Scale (IPAS) in treated opiate-dependent individuals,2007,32,3,655-659,Conner The underlying role of aggressivity in the relation between executive functioning and alcohol consumption,2007,32,4,765-783,Giancola A gender specific psychometric analysis of the early trauma inventory short form in cocaine dependent adults,2005,30,4,847-852,Hyman Differential effects of past-year stimulant and sedative drug use on alcohol-related aggression,2005,30,8,1535-1554,Parrott Adolescent alcohol use disorders predict adult borderline personality,2005,30,9,1709-1724,Cornelius Challenges and opportunities of group therapy for adolescent substance abuse: a critical review,2005,30,9,1765-1774,Kaminer Childhood adversity and poor mothering: consequences of polydrug abuse use as a moderator,2005,30,5,1061-1064,Newcomb The frequency and impact of violent trauma among pregnant substance abusers,1998,23,2,257-262,Kingree Alcohol outcome expectancies and coping styles as predictors of alcohol use in young adults,1998,23,1,17-22,McKee Predicting personality pathology among adult patients with substance use disorders: effects of childhood maltreatment,1998,23,6,855-868,Stein Vulnerability to peer influence: A moderated mediation study of early adolescent alcohol use initiation,2011,36,7,729-736,Colder Hurt people who hurt people: Violence amongst individuals with comorbid substance use disorder and post traumatic stress disorder,2011,36,7,721-728,Teesson Sexual abuse and smoking among college student women,2004,29,2,245-251,De Von Figueroa-Moseley Domestic violence in women with PTSD and substance abuse,2004,29,4,707-715,Najavits Statistical definition of relapse: case of family drug court,2004,29,4,685-698,Haack Partner violence impacts the psychosocial and psychiatric status of pregnant drug-dependent women,2004,29,5,1029-1034,Svikis Alcohol-consumption behaviors and risk for physical fighting and injuries among adolescent drinkers,2004,29,5,959-963,Guerrero Adverse childhood events substance abuse and measures of affiliation,2004,29,6,1177-1181,Robertson The effects of diazepam (valium) and aggressive disposition on human aggression: an experimental investigation,2002,27,2,167-177,Taylor Conflict resolution style as an indicator of adolescents' substance use and other problem behaviors,2002,27,4,633-648,Colsman Interpersonal conflict tactics and substance use among high-risk adolescents,2003,28,5,979-987,Dent Assessment of lifetime physical and sexual abuse in treated alcoholics. Validity of the Addiction Severity Index,2003,28,5,871-881,van den Brink Common predictors of cigarette smoking alcohol use aggression and delinquency among inner-city minority youth,2003,28,6,1141-1148,Griffin Association between substance use personality traits and platelet MAO activity in preadolescents and adolescents,2003,28,8,1507-1514,Eensoo The relationship between drug abuse and sexual performance among women on methadone. Heightening the risk of sexual intimate violence and HIV,2003,28,8,1385-1403,El-Bassel Multisystemic therapy: a treatment for violent substance-abusing and substance-dependent juvenile offenders,2003,28,9,1731-1739,Randall Drinking personality and bar environmental characteristics as predictors of involvement in barroom aggression,2003,28,9,1681-1700,Collins Perpetration of partner violence: Effects of cocaine and alcohol dependence and posttraumatic stress disorder,2003,28,9,1587-1602,Parrott The association between alcohol use and intimate partner violence: Linear effect threshold effect or both?,2003,28,9,1575-1585,Schumacher Intimate partner violence and substance use: a longitudinal day-to-day examination,2003,28,9,1555-1574,Fals-Stewart Drugs of abuse and the elicitation of human aggressive behavior,2003,28,9,1533-1554,Hoaken Childhood trauma as a correlate of lifetime opiate use in psychiatric patients,2000,25,5,797-803,Marzuk Women's condom use assertiveness and sexual risk-taking: effects of alcohol intoxication and adult victimization,2008,33,9,1167-1176,Norris The association of current stimulant use with demographic substance use violence-related social and intrapersonal variables among high risk youth,1999,24,6,741-748,Sussman Development and validation of the Alcohol Identity Implicit Associations Test (AI-IAT),2011,36,9,919-926,Shaffer Inhalant use initiation among U.S. adolescents: Evidence from the National Survey of Parents and Youth using discrete-time survival analysis,2011,36,8,878-881,Nonnemaker Adverse consequences of student drinking: The role of sex social anxiety drinking motives,2011,36,8,821-828,Zvolensky "Man-ing" up and getting drunk: The role of masculine norms alcohol intoxication and alcohol-related problems among college men,2011,36,9,906-911,Lee The association of alcohol and family problems in a remote indigenous Australian community,2003,28,4,761-767,Kelly Parental monitoring protects against the effects of parent and adolescent depressed mood on adolescent drinking,2017,75,,7-11,Spirito Predictors of physical assault victimization: Findings from the National Survey of Adolescents,2011,36,8,814-820,Resnick "Partier" self-concept mediates the relationship between college student binge drinking and related adverse consequences,2011,36,8,855-860,Serras Alcohol and drug use among patients presenting to an inner-city emergency department: A latent class analysis,2011,36,8,793-800,Blow Personality risk for alcoholism and alcohol expectancies,1994,19,5,577-582,Earleywine Identifying video game addiction in children and adolescents,1994,19,5,545-553,Fisher Alcohol expectancies and adolescent drinking: differential prediction of frequency quantity and intoxication,1994,19,5,521-529,Grube The effects of alcohol expectancy and alcohol beliefs on anxiety and self-disclosure in women: do beliefs moderate alcohol effects?,1994,19,5,509-520,Schippers An instrument to assess adolescent alcohol involvement,1994,19,6,655-665,Presley Differences in Asian and white drinking: consumption level drinking contexts and expectancies,1995,20,2,261-266,O'Hare Alcohol expectancies and changes in beer consumption of first-year college students,1995,20,2,225-231,Johnson Expectancies for drinking and excessive drinking among Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites,1996,21,4,491-507,Marin Predicting onset of drinking in a community sample of adolescents: the role of expectancy and temperament,1996,21,4,473-480,Killen Perception of friends' use of alcohol cigarettes and marijuana among urban schoolchildren: a longitudinal analysis,1996,21,5,615-632,Iannotti Measurement of alcohol and tobacco availability to underage students,1996,21,5,585-595,Wagenaar The relationship of counselor and peer alliance to drug use and HIV risk behaviors in a six-month methadone detoxification program,1995,20,3,395-405,Schwartz Alcohol policy support among mandated college students,2011,36,10,1015-1018,Carey The role of executive function in bridging the intention-behaviour gap for binge-drinking in university students,2011,36,10,1023-1026,Mullan Using the theory of planned behaviour and prototype willingness model to target binge drinking in female undergraduate university students,2011,36,10,980-986,Mullan To drink or not to drink: Motives and expectancies for use and nonuse in adolescence,2011,36,10,972-979,Anderson Alcohol violence and the alcohol myopia model: Preliminary findings and implications for prevention,2011,36,10,1019-1022,Giancola Selected impulsivity facets with alcohol use/problems: The mediating role of drinking motives,2011,36,10,959-964,Curcio History of alcohol or drug problems current use of alcohol or marijuana and success in quitting smoking,1999,24,1,149-154,Hall Familial risk for alcoholism and hangover symptoms,1999,24,1,121-125,Earleywine The relationship among self-efficacy expectancies severity of alcohol abuse and psychological benefits from drinking,1999,24,1,87-98,Skutle Substance refusal skills in a population of adolescents diagnosed with conduct disorder and substance abuse,1999,24,1,37-46,Van Hasselt Use and correlates of protective drinking behaviors during the transition to college: Analysis of a national sample,2011,36,10,1008-1014,Walters Coping motives as a mediator of the relationship between sexual coercion and problem drinking in college students,2011,36,10,1001-1007,Kaysen A prospective examination of the relationships between PTSD exposure to assaultive violence and cigarette smoking among a national sample of adolescents,2011,36,10,994-1000,Resnick Life goals and alcohol use among first-year college students: The role of motives to limit drinking,2011,36,11,1083-1086,Palfai Substance misuse and psychiatric comorbidity: an overview of the OPCS National Psychiatric Morbidity Survey,1998,23,6,909-918,Taylor Epidemiological evidence about the relationship between PTSD and alcohol abuse: the nature of the association,1998,23,6,813-825,McFarlane The mood-induced activation of implicit alcohol cognition in enhancement and coping motivated drinkers,2008,33,4,565-581,Wiers Cocaine use associated with increased suicidal behavior in depressed alcoholics,1998,23,1,119-121,Cornelius Gender differences in the effect of job stressors on alcohol consumption,1998,23,1,101-107,Roxburgh Social anxiety alcohol expectancies and drinking-game participation,1998,23,1,65-79,Hamilton A prospective evaluation of the relationship between reasons for drinking and DSM-IV alcohol-use disorders,1998,23,1,41-46,Hasin Pathological personality traits among patients with absent current and remitted substance use disorders,2011,36,11,1087-1090,Grilo Validation of a nine-dimensional measure of drinking motives for use in clinical applications: The desired effects of drinking scale,2011,36,11,1052-1060,Doyle Parental problem drinking predicts implicit alcohol expectancy in adolescents and young adults,2011,36,11,1091-1094,Klein Alcohol-involved assault: Associations with posttrauma alcohol use consequences and expectancies,2011,36,11,1076-1082,Desai Incarcerated adolescents' attributions for drug and alcohol use,1992,17,3,227-235,McKay Reactivity to alcohol-relevant beverage and imaginal cues in alcoholics,1992,17,3,209-217,Smith Personal and parental problem drinking: effects on problem-solving performance and self-appraisal,1992,17,3,191-199,McCaffrey Alcoholism politics and bureaucracy: the consensus against controlled-drinking therapy in America,1992,17,1,49-62; discussion 63-93,Peele Reliability of self-reported alcohol consumption before and after December,1992,17,2,179-184,Midanik Alcohol expectancies social and environmental cues as determinants of drinking and perceived reinforcement,1992,17,2,167-177,Fromme Co-occurrence of substance abuse with conduct anxiety and depression disorders in juvenile delinquents,1992,17,4,379-386,Forehand Adequacy of recall of drinking patterns and event occurrences associated with natural recovery from alcohol problems,1992,17,4,347-358,Vuchinich Relapse among alcoholics with phobic and panic symptoms,1992,17,1,9-15,Hatsukami Self-regulation as a buffer of the relationship between parental alcohol misuse and alcohol-related outcomes in first-year college students,2011,36,12,1309-1312,Kelley Effects of an alcohol intervention on drinking among female college students with and without a recent history of sexual violence,2011,36,12,1325-1328,Amaro Adolescent personality profiles neighborhood income and young adult alcohol use: A longitudinal study,2011,36,12,1301-1304,Boomsma Alcohol dependence symptoms among recent onset adolescent drinkers,2011,36,12,1160-1167,Rose Drinking patterns and risk behaviors associated with combined alcohol and energy drink consumption in college drinkers,2011,36,12,1133-1140,Stockwell Early onset of delinquency and the trajectory of alcohol-impaired driving among young males,2011,36,12,1154-1159,Welte Predictors of partying prior to bar attendance and subsequent BrAC,2011,36,12,1341-1343,Shillington The Obsessive Compulsive Cocaine Scale: Assessment of factor structure reliability and validity,2011,36,12,1223-1227,Hall The potential cost-effectiveness of general practitioner delivered brief intervention for alcohol misuse: Evidence from rural Australia,2011,36,12,1191-1198,Doran The role of smoking expectancies in the relationship between PTSD symptoms and smoking behavior among women exposed to intimate partner violence,2011,36,12,1333-1336,Sullivan College students' evaluations of alcohol consequences as positive and negative,2011,36,12,1148-1153,Maggs Drinking at college parties: Examining the influence of student host-status and party-location,2011,36,12,1365-1368,Slesnick Construct validity evidence for the interpretation of drinking restraint as a response conflict,1991,16,3-4,139-150,Bensley Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire tension reduction scale as a predictor of alcohol consumption in a stressful situation,1991,16,3-4,129-137,Corcoran Issue of statistical power in comparative evaluations of minimal and intensive controlled drinking interventions,1991,16,1-2,83-87,Hall Patient-treatment matching for alcoholic men in communication skills versus cognitive-behavioral mood management training,1991,16,1-2,63-69,Abrams Combined use of alcohol and nicotine gum,1991,16,1-2,1-10,Mintz Alcohol content variation in the assessment of alcohol consumption,1991,16,6,555-560,Martin Familial and personal drinking histories and measures of competence in youth,1991,16,6,453-465,Johnson Differences and similarities in development of drinking behavior between alcoholic offspring of alcoholics and alcoholic offspring of non-alcoholics,1991,16,5,341-347,Jouriles Gender differences in using alcohol to cope with depression,1991,16,5,315-327,Berger Detection of alcohol problems in a hospital setting,1991,16,5,223-233,McCrady Cue reactivity in alcohol abusers: stimulus specificity and extinction of the responses,1991,16,5,211-221,White Cognitive impairment among alcoholics: impact on drink refusal skill acquisition and treatment outcome,1991,16,5,265-274,Smith Drinking to enhance and to cope: A daily process study of motive specificity,2011,36,12,1174-1183,Wild Mediators of the relationship between religiousness/spirituality and alcohol problems in an adult community sample,2011,36,12,1317-1320,Drerup Parent-teen communication and pre-college alcohol involvement: A latent class analysis,2011,36,12,1357-1360,Abar Differential prevalence of alcohol use among 2-year and 4-year college students,2011,36,12,1353-1356,Pasch Associations between binge and heavy drinking and health behaviors in a nationally representative sample,2011,36,12,1240-1245,Frueh Parental involvement protects against self-medication behaviors during the high school transition,2011,36,12,1246-1252,Hussong Alcohol consumption: biochemical and personality correlates in a college student population,1995,20,1,93-103,Reyes Parent-child closeness affects the similarity of drinking levels between parents and their college-age children,1995,20,1,61-67,Jung An empirical classification of drinking patterns among alcoholics: binge episodic sporadic and steady,1995,20,1,23-41,McCrady Influence of family disharmony and parental alcohol use on adolescent social skills self-efficacy and alcohol use,1995,20,1,127-135,Webb Self and peer perceptions of childhood aggression social withdrawal and likeability predict adult substance abuse and dependence in men and women: A 30-year prospective longitudinal study,2011,36,12,1267-1274,Schwartzman Assessment and modification of alcoholics drinking behavior in controlled laboratory settings: a cautionary note,1976,1,4,299-303,Wilson The influence of the perceived home drug environment on college student drug use,1976,1,4,293-298,Bowker Group differences in attitudes towards alcoholism,1976,1,4,281-286,Caddy The Banff Skiism Screening Test: an instrument for assessing degree of addiction,1977,2,2-3,81-82,Marlatt The Rand report: a brief critique,1977,2,2-3,141-150,Crawford The effect of modeling and disclosure of experimenter's intent on drinking rate of college students,1977,2,2-3,135-139,DeRicco The reported evaluation of alcoholism treatments 1968-1971: a methodological review,1977,2,1,63-74,Crawford Social influences on human ethanol consumption in an analogue situation,1978,3,3-4,253-259,Sobell Environmental influences on drinking by college students in a college pub: behavioral observation in the natural environment,1978,3,2,117-121,Nathan Alcoholic drinking topography as a function of solitary versus social context,1978,3,1,39-41,Foy Effects of peer majority on drinking rate,1978,3,1,29-34,DeRicco Self-reported alcohol and nicotine use and the ability to control occipital EEG in a biofeedback situation,1978,3,1,13-18,DeGood Implications of acquired changes in tolerance for the treatment of alcohol problems,1978,3,1,51-55,Sobell Methodological considerations in alcohol research with human subjects,1978,3,3-4,243-251,Connors A comparison of questionnaire and self-monitored reports of alcohol intake in a nonalcoholic population,1979,4,4,409-413,Uchalik A retrospective study of drunkenness-associated changes in the self-depictions of a large sample of male outpatient alcoholics,1979,4,4,373-381,MacAndrew The influence of setting on drinking behaviors: the laboratory vs the barroom,1979,4,4,339-344,Maxwell Alcohol abuse among veterans: the importance of demographic factors,1979,4,4,323-330,Boscarino Some correlates between cigarette smoking and alcohol use,1979,4,3,269-273,Adesso Public policy and alcohol related damage: media campaigns or social controls,1979,4,1,83-89,Whitehead Significant others as corroborative sources for problem drinkers,1979,4,1,67-70,Miller Estimating blood alcohol concentration: two computer programs and their applications in therapy and research,1979,4,1,55-60,Miller Modeling as a determinant of alcohol consumption: effect of subject sex and prior drinking history,1979,4,1,47-54,Marlatt Influence of social setting and social drinking stimuli on drinking behavior,1980,5,3,235-240,Maxwell Normal drinkers' alcohol consumption as a function of conflicting motives induced by intellectual performance stress,1980,5,2,171-178,Sobell Effects of ethanol and tobacco on auditory vigilance performance,1980,5,2,153-158,Tong Follow-up results of a behavior modification program for juvenile drug addicts,1980,5,1,49-57,de Jong Random assignment to abstinence or controlled drinking in a cognitive-behavioral program: short-term effects on drinking behavior,1980,5,1,35-39,Sanchez-Craig Alcoholics Anonymous: an empirical outcome study,1980,5,4,359-370,Alford Alcoholic beverages and their placebos: an empirical evaluation of expectancies,1980,5,4,313-328,Keane Isolating the effects of ethnicity on drinking behavior: a multiple classification analysis of barroom attendance,1980,5,4,307-312,Boscarino Learning to drink: adolescents and alcohol,1980,5,4,277-283,Stumphauzer Social modeling as a determinant of drinking behavior: implications for prevention and treatment,1981,6,3,233-239,Marlatt Expectations and substance abuse: does basic research benefit clinical assessment and therapy?,1981,6,3,221-231,Wilson A social learning rationale and suggestions for behavioral treatment with American Indian alcohol abusers,1981,6,1,75-81,Bornstein Pharmacological control of alcohol consumption: tactics for the identification and testing of new drugs,1981,6,3,261-269,Cappell Tolerance to ethanol and treatment of its abuse some fundamental issues,1981,6,3,197-204,Cappell Use of licit and illicit substances among adolescents in Brazil - A national survey,2012,37,10,1171-1175,Caetano Does neuropsychological test performance predict resumption of drinking in posttreatment alcoholics?,1990,15,3,297-307,Parsons Principal components analysis of the inventory of drinking situations: empirical categories of drinking by alcoholics,1990,15,3,265-269,Baker Influences of sensation seeking gender risk appraisal and situational motivation on smoking,1990,15,3,209-220,Zuckerman Personality risk and alcohol consumption: a latent variable analysis,1990,15,2,183-187,Finn Behavioral self-control strategies for deliberately limiting drinking among college students,1990,15,2,119-128,Werch Heavy drinking and its correlates in young men,1990,15,1,95-103,Hall Identification of nonalcoholic and alcoholic beers: effects of consumption practices and beer brand,1990,15,1,89-93,Earleywine Alcohol cue reactivity and ad lib drinking in young men at risk for alcoholism,1990,15,1,29-46,Sher Differences between white and black youth who drink heavily,1990,15,5,455-460,Ringwalt Determinants of neuropsychological impairment in antisocial substance abusers,1990,15,5,431-438,Beattie Alcohol-related cognitions: do they predict treatment outcome?,1990,15,5,423-430,Greenfield Using the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire-Adolescent Form to predict college drinking: long versus short forms,1990,15,6,567-572,Rather Alcohol expectancies and social anxiety in male and female undergraduates,1990,15,6,561-566,O'Hare Predicting drinking outcome: demography chronicity coping and aftercare,1990,15,6,553-559,Donovan The alcohol use inventory as predictor of drinking by male heavy social drinkers,1982,7,4,387-395,Rohsenow Attitudes age and sex as correlates and predictors of alcohol consumption among 14- to 17-year-olds in New Zealand,1982,7,4,333-345,Stacey Social anxiety daily moods and alcohol use over time among heavy social drinking men,1982,7,3,311-315,Rohsenow The generality of the stimulus-binding hypothesis across drinking behavior and task performance in alcoholics,1982,7,3,303-306,Sullwold The combined effects of alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking on critical flicker frequency,1982,7,3,251-259,Leigh Abstinence and abusive drinking among affiliates of Alcoholics Anonymous: are these the only alternatives?,1982,7,2,199-202,Ogborne Children of alcoholics during the recovery process: alcoholic and matched control families,1982,7,2,155-163,Billings The validity of self-reports in alcoholism research,1982,7,2,123-132,Polich Control over interpersonal evaluation and alcohol consumption in male social drinkers,1982,7,2,113-121,Rohsenow Social influences on alcohol consumption by black and white males,1982,7,1,87-91,Watson Comparison of two techniques to obtain retrospective reports of drinking behavior from alcohol abusers,1982,7,1,33-38,Sobell Ways of problem solving as predictors of relapse in alcohol dependent male inpatients,2012,37,1,131-134,Demirbas Race-specific associations between trauma cognitions and symptoms of alcohol dependence in individuals with comorbid PTSD and alcohol dependence,2012,37,1,47-52,Foa Alcohol and drug use by alcohol and drug abusers when incarcerated: clinical and research implications,1983,8,1,89-92,Sobell Alcohol use in television programming: effects on children's behavior,1983,8,1,19-22,Fairbank Patterns of substance abuse in pathological gamblers undergoing treatment,1983,8,4,425-428,Russo Addictive behaviors and life problems before and after behavioral treatment of problem drinkers,1983,8,4,403-412,Miller Drinking problems of alcoholics: correspondence between self and spouse reports,1983,8,4,369-373,Leonard Predictors of relapse: interaction of drinking-related locus of control and reasons for drinking,1983,8,3,273-276,Donovan A residence hall tavern as a collegiate alcohol abuse prevention activity,1983,8,2,105-108,Ward Sampling bias due to consent procedures with adolescents,1983,8,4,433-437,Severson Sensation seeking reinforcement and student drug use,1983,8,3,243-252,Galizio Predicting university undergraduates' binge-drinking behavior: A comparative test of the one- and two-component theories of planned behavior,2012,37,1,92-101,Elliott Reasons for drinking: motivational patterns and alcohol use among college students,1984,9,2,185-188,McCarty Factors affecting the perception of intoxication: dose tolerance and setting,1984,9,2,111-120,Maisto The MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale: severity of alcohol abuse and parental alcoholism,1984,9,1,99-102,Sher Salivation to drinking cues in alcohol abusers: toward the validation of a physiological measure of craving,1984,9,1,91-94,Pomerleau Noise and task induced distraction effects on information processing: sex differences in smokers and non-smokers,1984,9,1,79-84,Knott Menstrual cycle tolerance and blood alcohol level discrimination ability,1984,9,1,67-77,Nathan A comparison of cessation strategies for the outpatient alcoholic,1984,9,1,103-109,Hannon Drinking and creativity: objective and subjective effects,1984,9,4,395-399,Lang The development of a restrained drinking scale: a test of the abstinence violation effect among alcohol users,1984,9,4,365-371,Ruderman Problem drinkers' goal choice and treatment outcome: a preliminary study,1984,9,4,357-364,Ansari Stability of drinking prior to alcoholism treatment,1984,9,4,329-333,Stout Alcohol's effects on self-awareness,1984,9,4,323-328,Wilson Covariation among health-related behaviors,1984,9,3,315-318,Stacy Verbal impairment in alcoholics,1984,9,3,287-290,Parker Memory associations between negative emotions and alcohol on the lexical decision task predict alcohol use in women,2012,37,1,60-66,Smith Personality and alcohol use: The role of impulsivity,2012,37,1,102-107,Shin A randomized controlled trial to test the efficacy of an online parent-based intervention for reducing the risks associated with college-student alcohol use,2012,37,1,25-35,Donovan A risk profile of elite Australian athletes who use illicit drugs,2012,37,1,144-147,Thomas Identifying subtypes of dual alcohol and marijuana users: A methodological approach using cluster analysis,2012,37,1,119-123,Mello Family functioning of out-of-treatment cocaine base paste and cocaine hydrochloride users,2008,33,7,866-879,Hayden Canobra Enhancing prediction of inhalant abuse risk in samples of early adolescents: a secondary analysis,2008,33,7,895-905,Crano The influence of attitudes acculturation and gender on substance use for Mexican American middle school students,2008,33,7,949-954,Kircher Asking patients about their drinking. A national survey among primary health care physicians and nurses in Sweden,2008,33,2,301-314,Nilsen Difficulties in emotion regulation and impulse control in recently abstinent alcoholics compared with social drinkers,2008,33,2,388-394,Sinha Psychophysiological reactivity to alcohol advertising in light and moderate social drinkers,1998,23,2,267-274,Levin Alcohol and marijuana use among rural youth: interaction of social and intrapersonal influences,1998,23,3,379-387,Epstein Alcohol consumption in university students: the role of reasons for drinking coping strategies expectancies and personality traits,1998,23,3,371-378,Clark The effect of electronic surveillance on alcohol misuse and everyday behavior,1998,23,3,281-301,Magneberg Survey of drug and alcohol use by lesbian women in New Zealand,1998,23,4,543-548,Howden-Chapman Fear of negative evaluation and gender interact to predict alcoholic beverage preference,1998,23,4,509-515,Corcoran Verbal expectancies and performance after alcohol,1998,23,4,489-496,Millar Reliability and validity of the Cocaine Selective Severity Assessment,1998,23,4,449-461,Alterman Impulsivity and alcohol consumption in young social drinkers,2012,37,2,217-220,Marczinski Patterns of alcohol dependence in Thai drinkers: A differential item functioning analysis of gender and age bias,2012,37,2,173-178,Srisurapanont Executive functioning and alcohol binge drinking in university students,2012,37,2,167-172,Parada Associations between behavioral disinhibition and cocaine use history in individuals with cocaine dependence,2012,37,10,1185-1188,Brady Using the Drinking Expectancy Questionnaire (revised scoring method) in clinical practice,2011,37,2,198-204,Li Self-medication or social learning? A comparison of models to predict early adolescent drinking,2012,37,2,179-186,Brown Social skills expectancies and drinking in adolescents,1998,23,5,587-599,Gaffney Brief interventions for risk consumption of alcohol at an emergency surgical ward,2000,25,3,471-475,Rönnberg Drug use and drinking among students in 36 countries,2000,25,3,455-460,Smart Alcohol use and intimate relationships in adolescence: when love comes to town,2000,25,3,435-439,Engels The predictive utility of drinking refusal self-efficacy and alcohol expectancy: a diary-based study of tension reduction,2000,25,3,415-421,Oei Occupational attainment smoking alcohol intake and marijuana use: ethnic-gender differences in the CARDIA study,2000,25,3,399-414,Braun Cultural social and intrapersonal factors associated with substance use among alternative high school students,2000,25,1,145-151,Grunbaum Modulating effect of alcohol use on cocaine use,2000,25,1,117-122,Magura Expectancies for alcohol to affect tension and anxiety as a function of time,2000,25,1,93-98,Thuras Perceived invulnerability and cigarette smoking among adolescents,2000,25,1,71-80,Sussman Addictive behaviors and depression among African Americans residing in a public housing community,2000,25,1,45-56,Williams Using interactive voice response technology and timeline follow-back methodology in studying binge eating and drinking behavior: different answers to different forms of the same question?,2000,25,1,1-11,Goodman Interest in different forms of self-help in a general population sample of drinkers,2001,26,1,91-99,Cunningham Co-occurrence of alcohol and cigarette use among adolescents,2001,26,1,63-78,Welte A family study of homeland Korean alcohol use,2001,26,1,101-113,Johnson The dimensionality and measurement properties of alcohol outcome expectancies across Hispanic national groups,2011,37,3,327-330,Caetano Do drinking motives mediate the association between sexual assault and problem drinking?,2012,37,3,323-326,Kaysen Parental relationship satisfaction in French young adults associated with alcohol abuse and dependence,2011,37,3,313-317,Melchior Alcohol-related sexual consequences during the transition from high school to college,2012,37,3,256-263,Barnett Alcohol expectancies and social self-efficacy as mediators of differential intervention outcomes for college hazardous drinkers with social anxiety,2012,37,3,248-255,Tran Readiness to change drinking and negative consequences among Polish SBIRT patients,2012,37,3,287-292,Bond Stimulant use trajectories and the longitudinal risk of heavy drinking: Findings from a rural population-based study,2012,37,3,269-272,Booth Authoritative parenting style and adolescent smoking and drinking,2011,37,3,353-356,Piko Initiation and persistence of alcohol use in United States Black Hispanic and White male and female youth,2012,37,3,299-305,Masyn Examining the influence of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) program on alcohol-related outcomes in five communities surrounding Air Force bases,2012,37,4,513-516,Spera Awareness of independence of events and erroneous perceptions while gambling,2004,29,2,399-404,Benhsain Evaluation of an alternative methodology for investigating leadership and binge drinking among sorority members,2004,29,2,381-388,Plucker Positive and negative consequences of alcohol consumption in college students,2004,29,2,311-321,Park Prospective association of peer influence school engagement drinking expectancies and parent expectations with drinking initiation among sixth graders,2004,29,2,299-309,Simons-Morton Developing discrepancy within self-regulation theory: use of personalized normative feedback and personal strivings with heavy-drinking college students,2004,29,2,281-297,Carey A brief readiness to change drinking algorithm: concurrent validity in female VA primary care patients,2005,30,2,389-395,Kivlahan Test-retest reliability of a lifetime drug use questionnaire,2005,30,2,361-368,Czermak Retrospective use of alcohol and other substances by college students: psychometric properties of a new measure,2005,30,2,337-342,Windle The relationship of proximal normative beliefs and global subjective norms to college students' alcohol consumption,2005,30,2,315-323,Glanz Memory executive cognitive function and readiness to change drinking behavior,2005,30,2,301-314,Schmaling Daily patterns of alcohol cigarette and marijuana use in adolescent smokers and nonsmokers,2005,30,2,271-283,George Substance use in young adults: associations with personality and gender,2005,30,2,259-269,Collins Binge drinking in university students: A test of the cognitive model,2005,30,2,203-218,Oei Confirmatory factor analysis of the Brazilian version of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised (DMQ-R),2011,37,4,524-527,Cooper Poor adjustment to college life mediates the relationship between drinking motives and alcohol consequences: A look at college adjustment drinking motives and drinking outcomes,2012,37,4,379-386,LaBrie Personality and alcohol metacognitions as predictors of weekly levels of alcohol use in binge drinking university students,2012,37,4,537-540,Spada Co-occurring marijuana use is associated with medication nonadherence and nonplanning impulsivity in young adult heavy drinkers,2012,37,4,420-426,O'Malley Nicotine dependence use of illegal drugs and psychiatric morbidity,2006,31,9,1722-1729,Jurado Prevention profiles: Understanding youth who do not use substances,2006,31,9,1593-1606,Prochaska Who is the typical college student? Implications for personalized normative feedback interventions,2006,31,11,2120-2126,Lewis Recent drinking consequences motivation to change and changes in alcohol consumption over a three month period,2006,31,2,331-338,Schmaling Asthma inhaler misuse and substance abuse: a random survey of secondary school students,2006,31,2,278-287,McCabe Reducing heavy drinking in college males with the decisional balance: analyzing an element of Motivational Interviewing,2006,31,2,254-263,LaBrie Gender differences in prevalence of drug use among high risk adolescents in Israel,2006,31,2,355-358,Isralowitz Attitude changes among emergency department triage staff after conducting routine alcohol screening,2006,31,2,191-202,Johansson Social impressions while drinking account for the relationship between alcohol-related problems and social anxiety,2012,37,4,533-536,Matthews Positive alcohol expectancies mediate the influence of the behavioral activation system on alcohol use: A prospective path analysis,2012,37,4,435-443,Read Ten-year stability and variability drinking patterns and impairment in community youth with diagnostic orphan status of alcohol dependence,2012,37,4,399-406,Lieb Very young adolescents and alcohol: Evidence of a unique susceptibility to peer alcohol use,2011,37,4,414-419,Patton Impulsivity is not always associated with student drinking: A moderation study of impulsivity and drinking by positive alcohol expectancies,2011,37,4,556-560,Carlson Illuminating the relationship between bullying and substance use among middle and high school youth,2012,37,4,569-572,Haye Radliff Patterns of alcohol use and sexual behaviors among current drinkers in Cape Town South Africa,2012,37,4,492-497,Carey The delinquency-drug relationship: The influence of social reputation and moral disengagement,2012,37,4,577-579,Passini Global sleep quality as a moderator of alcohol consumption and consequences in college students,2012,37,4,507-512,LaBrie Ethnicity specific norms and alcohol consumption among Hispanic/Latino/a and Caucasian students,2012,37,4,573-576,Neighbors Patterns of drinking-related protective and risk behaviors in college student drinkers,2011,37,4,449-455,Turrisi Estimates and influences of reflective opposite-sex norms on alcohol use among a high-risk sample of college students: Exploring Greek-affiliation and gender effects,2011,37,5,596-604,LaBrie A national study of risk and protective factors for substance use among youth in the child welfare system,2012,37,5,641-650,Landsverk The separate and interactive effects of drinking motives and social anxiety symptoms in predicting drinking outcomes,2012,37,5,674-677,Clerkin The impact of retirement on the drinking patterns of older adults: A review,2012,37,5,587-595,Sacco Positive drinking consequences among hazardous drinking college students,2012,37,5,663-667,Schmidt College students' self-reported reasons for playing drinking games,1999,24,2,279-286,Hamilton Expectancies and other psychosocial factors associated with alcohol use among early adolescent boys and girls,1999,24,2,229-238,Saylor Metacognition and substance use,1999,24,2,167-174,Toneatto Self-control in relation to problem drinking and symptoms of disordered eating,1999,24,3,439-442,Williams One-year prospective prediction of marijuana use cessation among youth at continuation high schools,1999,24,3,411-417,Sussman The relationship of positive and negative alcohol expectancies to patterns of consumption of alcohol in social drinkers,1999,24,3,359-369,Oei Overlapping addictions and self-esteem among college men and women,1999,24,4,565-571,Dodd Dose-effect relationship between overdose mortality and prescribed methadone dosage in low-threshold maintenance programs,1999,24,4,559-563,Coutinho Alcohol cue reactivity and private self-consciousness among male alcoholics,1999,24,4,543-549,Bradizza Alcohol administration methodology 1994-1995: what researchers do and do not report about subjects and dosing procedures,1999,24,4,509-520,Breslin Psychiatric severity and behavior change in alcoholism: the relation of the transtheoretical model variables to psychiatric distress in dually diagnosed patients,1999,24,4,481-496,DiClemente The effects of alcohol and alcohol expectancies on subjective reports and physiological reactivity: a meta-analysis,1999,24,5,633-647,Schare Concordance of use of alcohol and other substances among older adult couples,1999,24,6,839-856,Braun Route of cocaine administration: patterns of use and problems among a Brazilian sample,1999,24,6,815-821,Ferri Gambling and alcohol use among youth: influences of demographic socialization and individual factors,1999,24,6,749-767,Welte Meta-analysis of the association between ecstasy use and risky sexual behavior,2012,37,7,790-796,Hittner Do normative perceptions of drinking relate to alcohol use in U.S. Military Veterans presenting to primary care?,2012,37,7,776-782,Cucciare Stressful events personality and mood disturbance: gender differences in alcoholics and problem drinkers,2003,28,1,171-187,King Preventing underage drinking: a "roll of the dice",2003,28,1,29-38,Glanz School spirits: alcohol and collegiate sports fans,2003,28,1,1-11,Wechsler Dimensions of impulsivity among heavy drinkers smokers and heavy drinking smokers: Singular and combined effects,2012,37,7,871-874,Ray Drinking motives as mediators of the impulsivity-substance use relation: Pathways for negative urgency lack of premeditation and sensation seeking,2012,37,7,848-855,Lynam Validation of the delinquent activities scale for incarcerated adolescents,2012,37,7,875-879,Stein Prevalence social contexts and risks for prepartying among ethnically diverse college students,2012,37,7,803-810,LaBrie How universal are social influences to drink and problem behaviors for alcohol use? A test comparing urban African-American and Caribbean-American adolescents,2002,27,1,75-86,Botvin Childhood temperament and adult alcohol habits: a prospective longitudinal study from age 4 to age 36,2002,27,1,63-74,Wennberg Rational decision perspectives on alcohol consumption by youth. Revising the theory of planned behavior,2002,27,1,35-47,Kuther College students' self-reported reasons for why drinking games end,2002,27,1,145-153,Johnson Psychosocial characteristics at age 10; differentiating between adult alcohol use pathways: a prospective longitudinal study,2002,27,1,115-130,Andersson Pick your poison: Stimuli selection in alcohol-related implicit measures,2012,37,8,990-993,Kaysen Do angry women choose alcohol?,2012,37,8,908-913,Noel From Animal House to Old School: A multiple mediation analysis of the association between college drinking movie exposure and freshman drinking and its consequences,2012,37,8,922-930,Osberg Sex differences amongst dependent heroin users: Histories clinical characteristics and predictors of other substance dependence,2011,36,1-2,27-36,Degenhardt Suicidal ideation and drinking to cope among college binge drinkers,2012,37,8,994-997,Gonzalez Risk profiles among adolescent nonmedical opioid users in the United States,2012,37,8,974-977,Wu Assault related substance use as a predictor of substance use over time within a sample of recent victims of sexual assault,2012,37,8,914-921,Resnick Rash impulsiveness and reward sensitivity in relation to risky drinking by university students: Potential roles of frontal systems,2012,37,8,940-946,Lyvers The association between non-medical prescription drug use depressive symptoms and suicidality among college students,2012,37,8,890-899,Zullig Alcohol-related social problems among Mexican Americans living in U.S.-Mexico border and non-border areas,2012,37,8,998-1001,Caetano Measuring college students' motives behind prepartying drinking: Development and validation of the prepartying motivations inventory,2012,37,8,962-969,LaBrie Development and initial validation of a measure of motives for pregaming in college students,2012,37,9,1038-1045,Read Volition and alcohol-risk reduction: the role of action orientation in the reduction of alcohol-related harm among college student drinkers,2002,27,2,309-317,Palfai Identification with drinking predicts increases in drinking behaviors (but not vice versa),2020,116,,e106796,Lindgren Trends in cannabis views and use among American adults: intersections with alcohol consumption 2002-2018,2021,116,,e106818,Vaughn The Hispanic Americans Baseline Alcohol Survey (HABLAS): the association between acculturation birthplace and alcohol consumption across Hispanic national groups,2012,37,9,1029-1037,Caetano Protective factors of substance use in youth subcultures,2012,37,9,1063-1067,Reijneveld Genetic and nonshared environmental factors affect the likelihood of being charged with driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI),2012,37,12,1377-1381,Beaver The Great Recession somatic symptomatology and alcohol use and abuse,2012,37,9,1019-1024,Rospenda Examining factorial structure and measurement invariance of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)-18 among drug users,2010,35,1,23-29,Booth Longitudinal changes in drug use severity and physical health-related quality of life among untreated stimulant users,2009,34,11,959-964,Booth Illicit use of pharmaceutical opioids among young polydrug users in Ohio,2009,34,8,649-653,Wang Respondent-driven sampling in the recruitment of illicit stimulant drug users in a rural setting: findings and technical issues,2007,32,5,924-937,Falck Prevalence and correlates of current depressive symptomatology among a community sample of MDMA users in Ohio,2006,31,1,90-101,Falck Crack-cocaine use and health status as defined by the SF-36,2000,25,4,579-584,Wang Neighborhood safety as a correlate of tobacco use in a sample of urban pregnant women,2012,37,10,1132-1137,Nelson Shared genetic contributions to early-onset drinking and drinking to cope motives,2012,37,10,1176-1180,Prescott Negative urgency problem drinking and negative alcohol expectancies among members from one First Nation: A moderated-mediation model,2012,37,11,1285-1288,Spillane The influence of paternal and maternal drinking patterns within two-partner families on the initiation and development of adolescent drinking,2012,37,11,1248-1256,van der Vorst The role of heavy episodic drinking and hostile sexism in men's sexual aggression toward female intimate partners,2012,37,11,1264-1270,Parrott The effect of alcohol on body size discrepancy and self-awareness in young women,2007,32,10,2340-2344,Maisto The role of adolescent social disinhibition expectancies in moderating the relationship between psychological distress and alcohol use and misuse,2007,32,2,282-295,Cable Heavy nicotine and alcohol use in alcohol dependence is associated with D2 dopamine receptor (DRD2) polymorphism,2007,32,2,310-319,Young Gender differences in adolescents' responses to themes of relaxation in cigarette advertising: Relationship to intentions to smoke,2007,32,2,205-213,Shadel The misuse of Ambien among adolescents: prevalence and correlates in a national sample,2012,37,12,1389-1394,Ford When is it appropriate to address patients' alcohol consumption in health care-national survey of views of the general population in Sweden,2012,37,11,1211-1216,Nilsen The relationship between alcohol use and cigarette smoking in a sample of undergraduate college students,2007,32,3,449-464,Shillington Coping motives negative moods and time-to-drink: Exploring alternative analytic models of coping motives as a moderator of daily mood-drinking covariation,2012,37,12,1371-1376,Jackson Sexually-related expectancies for alcohol use and marijuana use among juvenile detainees,2007,32,9,1936-1942,Kingree Development of a comprehensive measure to assess clinical issues in dual diagnosis patients: The Substance Use Event Survey for Severe Mental Illness,2006,31,12,2249-2267,Bellack The problem of binge drinking among Italian university students: a preliminary investigation,2006,31,12,2328-2333,Laghi Comparing electronic-keypad responses to paper-and-pencil questionnaires in group assessments of alcohol consumption and related attitudes,2006,31,12,2334-2338,LaBrie When children of problem drinkers grow old: does the increased risk of mental disorders persist?,2006,31,12,2284-2291,Cuijpers Acculturation status and heavy alcohol use among Mexican American college students: investigating the moderating role of gender,2006,31,12,2188-2198,Horton The Acute Hangover Scale: A new measure of immediate hangover symptoms,2007,32,6,1314-1320,Rohsenow Primary alcohol versus primary drug use among adolescents: an examination of differences,2006,31,11,2080-2093,Slesnick GHB use among gay and bisexual men,2006,31,11,2135-2139,Halkitis The role of social drinking motives in the relationship between social norms and alcohol consumption,2012,37,12,1335-1341,Hasking Latent class analysis of college women's Thursday drinking,2012,38,1,1407-1413,Messman-Moore How does the Brief CEOA match with self-generated expectancies in mandated students?,2012,38,1,1414-1417,Carey Drinking and driving in southeastern Brazil: Results from a roadside survey study,2012,38,1,1442-1447,Laranjeira Drinking consequence types in the first college semester differentially predict drinking the following year,2012,38,1,1464-1471,Read An experimental test of an alcohol expectancy challenge in mixed gender groups of young heavy drinkers,2004,29,1,215-220,Wiers Discriminating reinforcement expectancies for studying from future time perspective in the prediction of drinking problems,2004,29,1,181-190,Earleywine A cognitive model of binge drinking: the influence of alcohol expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy,2004,29,1,159-179,Oei Alcohol problem recognition as a function of own and others' perceived drinking,2004,29,1,143-157,Grube Self-generated alcohol outcomes in 8th and 10th graders: exposure to vicarious sources of alcohol information,2004,29,1,3-16,Dent Measurement of alcohol craving,2013,38,2,1572-1584,Feeney Event-specific risk and ecological factors associated with prepartying among heavier drinking college students,2012,38,3,1620-1628,LaBrie The effects of employment among adolescents at-risk for future substance use,2012,38,3,1616-1619,D'Amico Self-determination perceived approval and drinking: Differences between Asian Americans and Whites,2012,38,3,1656-1662,Neighbors Parents' and students' reports of parenting: which are more reliably associated with college student drinking?,2012,38,3,1699-1703,Mallett Differences in the prevalence rates and correlates of alcohol use and binge alcohol use among five Asian American subpopulations,2012,38,3,1816-1823,Lee Beyond personality: Experimental investigations of the effects of personality traits on in situ alcohol consumption in social and solitary drinking contexts,2012,38,3,1635-1638,Kuntsche Project Reduce: Reducing alcohol and marijuana misuse: Effects of a brief intervention in the emergency department,2012,38,3,1732-1739,Mello Pressure and help seeking for alcohol problems: Trends and correlates from 1984 to 2005,2012,38,3,1740-1746,Greenfield The impact of elevated posttraumatic stress on the efficacy of brief alcohol interventions for heavy drinking college students,2012,38,3,1719-1725,Murphy Drinking motives for self and others predict alcohol use and consequences among college women: The moderating effects of PTSD,2012,38,3,1831-1839,Kaysen Female alcohol consumption motivations for aggression and aggressive incidents in licensed premises,2012,38,3,1844-1851,Caulfield Evaluation of the criterion and predictive validity of the Alcohol Reduction Strategies-Current Confidence (ARS-CC) in a natural drinking environment,2013,38,4,1940-1943,Rosenberg Can you say no? Examining the relationship between drinking refusal self-efficacy and protective behavioral strategy use on alcohol outcomes,2013,38,4,1898-1904,LaBrie Risky drinking in the older population: A comparison of Florida to the rest of the US,2013,38,4,1894-1897,Fleming Self-estimation of blood alcohol concentration: A review,2012,38,4,1944-1951,Aston Substance use among women receiving post-rape medical care associated post-assault concerns and current substance abuse: Results from a national telephone household probability sample,2012,38,4,1952-1957,Resnick Self-consciousness as a moderator of the effect of social drinking motives on alcohol use,2013,38,4,1996-2002,Neighbors Semester and event-specific motives for alcohol use during spring break: associated protective strategies and negative consequences,2012,38,4,1980-1987,Lewis Binge drinking among adolescents in Russia: Prevalence risk and protective factors,2012,38,4,1988-1995,Ruchkin Do adolescent delinquency and problem drinking share psychosocial risk factors? A literature review,2012,38,4,2003-2013,Mak A field investigation of perceived behavioral control and blood alcohol content: A pattern-oriented approach,2013,38,4,2080-2083,Geller Alcohol use among Mexican American U.S.-Mexico border residents: Differences between those who drink and who do not drink in Mexico,2013,38,4,2026-2031,Caetano A cluster randomized trial on the effects of a parent and student intervention on alcohol use in adolescents four years after baseline; no evidence of catching-up behavior,2012,38,4,2032-2039,van den Eijnden Prior substance abuse and related treatment history reported by recent victims of sexual assault,2012,38,4,2074-2079,Resnick A randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of two active conditions of a brief intervention for heavy college drinkers,2013,38,4,2094-2101,Larimer Risky drinking and its detection among medical students,2013,38,5,2115-2118,Seppä Are they all the same? An exploratory categorical analysis of drinking game types,2013,38,5,2133-2139,LaBrie North American Indigenous adolescent substance use,2013,38,5,2103-2109,Whitbeck Longitudinal associations between attitudes towards binge drinking and alcohol-free drinks and binge drinking behavior in adolescence,2013,38,5,2110-2114,Spijkerman The uniqueness of negative urgency as a common risk factor for self-harm behaviors alcohol consumption and eating problems,2013,38,5,2158-2162,Cyders Validation of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire (DMQ) in older adults,2013,38,5,2196-2202,Komiti Implicit drinking identity: Drinker+me associations predict college student drinking consistently,2013,38,5,2163-2166,Neighbors Depressive symptoms are a vulnerability factor for heavy episodic drinking: A short-term four-wave longitudinal study of undergraduate women,2012,38,5,2180-2186,Mushquash Alcohol use military sexual trauma expectancies and coping skills in women veterans presenting to primary care,2014,39,2,379-385,Borsari Women's motivators for seeking treatment for alcohol use disorders,2013,38,6,2236-2245,McCrady Trauma histories substance use coping PTSD and problem substance use among sexual assault victims,2013,38,6,2219-2223,Ullman Perceived risk associated with tobacco alcohol and cannabis use among people with and without psychotic disorders,2013,38,6,2246-2251,Lewin Reasons for not drinking and perceived injunctive norms as predictors of alcohol abstinence among college students,2013,38,7,2261-2266,Neighbors Protective behavioral strategies for reducing alcohol involvement: A review of the methodological issues,2013,38,7,2343-2351,Carey Participation in opioid substitution treatment reduces the rate of criminal convictions: Evidence from a community study,2013,38,7,2313-2316,Sokero Intimate partner violence outcomes in women with PTSD and substance use: a secondary analysis of NIDA Clinical Trials Network "Women and Trauma" Multi-site Study,2013,38,7,2325-2332,Cohen Dimensions of disinhibited personality and their relation with alcohol use and problems,2013,38,7,2352-2360,Finn The impact of pregaming on subsequent blood alcohol concentrations: An event-level analysis,2013,38,8,2374-2377,Barry Attention and recognition memory bias for alcohol-related stimuli among alcohol-dependent patients attending residential treatment,2013,38,3,1687-1690,Klein "Who gets in?" Recruitment and screening processes of outpatient substance abuse trials,2004,29,2,389-398,Evans Psychometric properties and concurrent validity of the CRAFFT among Norwegian adolescents. Ung@hordaland a population-based study,2013,38,10,2500-2505,Skogen Alcohol misuse alcohol-related risky behaviors and childhood adversity among soldiers who returned from Iraq or Afghanistan,2014,39,2,414-419,Wilk Enforcement following 0.08% BAC law change: Sex-specific consequences of changing arrest practices?,2013,38,10,2506-2512,Schwartz Characterizing high school students who play drinking games using latent class analysis,2013,38,10,2532-2540,Horton Dopamine receptor (D4) polymorphism is related to comorbidity between marijuana abuse and depression,2013,38,10,2555-2562,Bobadilla Testing the effects of e-mailed personalized feedback on risky alcohol use among college students,2013,38,10,2563-2567,Correia Perceived drinking norms among black college students: The race of reference group members,2013,38,10,2586-2588,Martin Exploring relationships between facets of self-esteem and drinking behavior among diverse groups of young adults,2013,38,10,2581-2585,Neighbors Co-occurring mental health and alcohol misuse: Dual disorder symptoms in combat injured veterans,2014,39,2,392-398,Galarneau Parental monitoring and alcohol use among Mexican students,2013,38,10,2601-2606,Winter Suicide and other-cause mortality among heroin users in Taiwan: A prospective study,2013,38,10,2619-2623,Gossop Influence from friends to drink more or drink less: A cross-national comparison,2013,38,11,2675-2682,Gmel Young adults' trajectories of ecstasy use: A population based study,2013,38,11,2667-2674,Najman Normative perceptions and past-year consequences as predictors of subjective evaluations and weekly drinking behavior,2013,38,11,2625-2634,Read Substance use over the military-veteran life course: An analysis of a sample of OEF/OIF veterans returning to low-income predominately minority communities,2014,39,2,449-454,Golub The role of behavioral inhibition and behavioral approach systems in the associations between mood and alcohol consequences in college: A longitudinal multilevel analysis,2013,38,11,2772-2781,Read The influence of depressed mood on action tendencies toward alcohol: The moderational role of drinking motives,2013,38,12,2810-2816,Palfai Cannabis dependence cognitive control and attentional bias for cannabis words,2013,38,12,2825-2832,Wiers Interactive effects of drinking history and impulsivity on college drinking,2013,38,12,2860-2867,Lynam Social influence on temptation: Perceived descriptive norms temptation and restraint and problem drinking among college students,2013,38,12,2918-2923,Neighbors Expressive writing as a brief intervention for reducing drinking intentions,2013,38,12,2913-2917,Neighbors Student drinking patterns and blood alcohol concentration on commercially organised pub crawls in the UK,2013,38,12,2924-2929,Hughes A person-centered approach to understanding negative reinforcement drinking among first year college students,2013,38,12,2937-2944,Pearlson Sport-related achievement motivation and alcohol outcomes: An athlete-specific risk factor among intercollegiate athletes,2013,38,12,2930-2936,Martens Personality cognition and hazardous drinking: Support for the 2-Component Approach to Reinforcing Substances Model,2013,38,12,2945-2948,Dawe Suicidal ideation in Veterans misusing alcohol: Relationships with insomnia symptoms and sleep duration,2014,39,2,399-405,Oslin The association between alcohol use and long-term care placement among older Canadians: A 14-year population-based study,2014,39,1,219-224,Caetano Perceptions of partner drinking problems regulation strategies and relationship outcomes,2013,38,12,2949-2957,Neighbors An experimental study on the effects of peer drinking norms on adolescents' drinker prototypes,2014,39,1,85-93,Prinstein Drinking motives as moderators of the effect of ambivalence on drinking and alcohol-related problems,2014,39,1,133-139,Neighbors Problem solving styles among people who use alcohol and other drugs in South Africa,2014,39,1,122-126,Stein Effects of caffeinated vs. non-caffeinated alcoholic beverage on next-day hangover incidence and severity perceived sleep quality and alertness,2014,39,1,329-332,Rohsenow Normative feedback for parents of college students: Piloting a parent based intervention to correct misperceptions of students' alcohol use and other parents' approval of drinking,2014,39,1,107-113,LaBrie Characteristics and drinking patterns of veterans with alcohol dependence with and without post-traumatic stress disorder,2014,39,2,374-378,Arias An Acute Post-Rape Intervention to Prevent Substance Use and Abuse,2003,28,9,1701-1715,Resnick A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Substance Abuse Prevention: One-Year Follow-Up,1990,15,1,47-63,Botvin Caffeinated alcohol consumption profiles and associations with use severity and outcome expectancies,2014,39,1,308-315,Lau-Barraco I think I can't: Drink refusal self-efficacy as a mediator of the relationship between self-reported drinking identity and alcohol use,2014,39,2,461-468,Neighbors Stage of Change and Smoking Cessation Outcomes Among Adolescents,2004,29,5,935-940,Horn Evaluating the Lions-Quest "Skills for Adolescence" Drug Education Program: First-Year Behavior Outcomes,2002,27,4,619-632,Eisen Adolescent Nicotine Dependence and Smoking Cessation Outcomes,2003,28,4,769-776,Horn The Effects of Trauma History Gender and Race on Alcohol Use and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in a College Student Sample,2003,28,9,1631-1647,Marx Demographic and Social Adjustment Characteristics of Patients with Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Dependence: Potential Pitfalls to PTSD Treatment,2003,28,9,1717-1730,Foa PTSD Symptom Severity as a Predictor of Cue-Elicited Drug Craving in Victims of Violent Crime,2003,28,9,1611-1629,Kilpatrick Evaluating Two Self-Help Interventions for Smokeless Tobacco Cessation,2000,25,3,465-470,Severson Project EX: Outcomes of a Teen Smoking Cessation Program,2001,26,3,425-438,Dent Acute alcohol use temporally increases the odds of male perpetrated dating violence: A 90-day diary analysis,2014,39,1,365-368,Stuart Event-level analysis of antecedents for youth violence: Comparison of dating violence with non-dating violence,2014,39,1,350-353,Blow The use of caffeinated alcoholic beverages among underage drinkers: Results of a national survey,2014,39,1,253-258,Jernigan Impulsivity and drinking motives predict problem behaviours relating to alcohol use in university students,2014,39,1,289-296,Jones Self and partner alcohol-related problems among ACOAs and non-ACOAs: Associations with depressive symptoms and motivations for alcohol use,2014,39,1,211-218,Kelley Attachment and alcohol use amongst athletes: The mediating role of conscientiousness and alexithymia,2014,39,2,487-490,Castanier Drink refusal self-efficacy and implicit drinking identity: An evaluation of moderators of the relationship between self-awareness and drinking behavior,2014,39,1,196-204,Neighbors Resistance to peer influence moderates the relationship between perceived (but not actual) peer norms and binge drinking in a college student social network,2017,80,,47-52,Clark A cross-lagged panel model examining protective behavioral strategies: Are types of strategies differentially related to alcohol use and consequences?,2014,39,2,480-486,LaBrie Self-regulation and alcohol use involvement: A latent class analysis,2014,39,1,146-152,Dvorak Impulsivity and alcohol-related risk among college students: Examining urgency sensation seeking and the moderating influence of beliefs about alcohol's role in the college experience,2014,39,1,159-164,LaBrie Dependent heroin use and associated risky behaviour: The role of rash impulsiveness and reward sensitivity,2014,39,1,71-76,Loxton Gender history of alcohol use and number of drinks consumed predict craving among drinkers in a field setting,2014,39,1,354-357,Lisman A test of the efficacy of a brief web-based personalized feedback intervention to reduce drinking among 9th grade students,2014,39,1,231-238,Turrisi Characteristics and treatment interests among individuals with substance use disorders and a history of past six-month violence: Findings from an emergency department study,2014,39,1,265-272,Blow Maternal and peer influences on drinking among Latino college students,2014,39,1,246-252,Mallett The use of alcohol mixed with energy drinks and experiences of sexual victimization among male and female college students,2014,39,1,259-264,Snipes Protracted impairment of impulse control under an acute dose of alcohol: A time-course analysis,2013,39,11,1589-1596,Fillmore Sport participation and alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review of longitudinal studies,2014,39,3,497-506,Faulkner Do offenders and victims drink for different reasons? Testing mediation of drinking motives in the link between bullying subgroups and alcohol use in adolescence,2014,39,3,713-716,Kuntsche Psychometric properties of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale in patients with gambling disorders hypersexuality and methamphetamine dependence,2013,39,11,1640-1645,Cyders Do adolescent drug use consequences predict externalizing and internalizing problems in emerging adulthood as well as traditional drug use measures in a Hispanic sample?,2014,39,3,644-651,Baezconde-Garbanati Typology of alcohol users based on longitudinal patterns of drinking,2014,39,3,607-621,Velicer Web-based intervention to change perceived norms of college student alcohol use and sexual behavior on Spring Break,2014,39,3,600-606,Neighbors Sexual assault drinking norms and drinking behavior among a national sample of lesbian and bisexual women,2014,39,3,630-636,Kaysen Approach-avoidance pattern of visual attention in hazardous drinkers with ambivalence,2014,39,3,669-676,Lee Alcohol consumption in young adults: The role of multisensory imagery,2014,39,3,721-724,Feeney Patterns of drug and alcohol use associated with lifetime sexual revictimization and current posttraumatic stress disorder among three national samples of adolescent college and household-residing women,2014,39,3,684-689,Resnick Binge drinking and marijuana use among menthol and non-menthol adolescent smokers: Findings from the Youth Smoking Survey,2014,39,3,740-743,Azagba Alcohol consumption and social network ties among adolescents: Evidence from Add Health,2014,39,5,918-922,Ali Self-change among Spanish speakers with alcohol and drug use disorders in Spain and the United States,2014,39,1,225-230,Sobell Effects of heavy drinking on executive cognitive functioning in a community sample,2014,39,1,345-349,Leonard Implicit alcohol cognitions in risky drinking nicotine users with and without co-morbid major depressive disorder,2013,39,4,797-802,Hagman The nature and correlates of young women's peer-directed protective behavioral strategies,2014,39,5,1000-1005,Armstrong Longitudinal trajectories of sensation seeking risk taking propensity and impulsivity across early to middle adolescence,2014,39,11,1580-1588,Macpherson The contribution of emotional maltreatment to alcohol dependence in a treatment-seeking sample,2014,39,5,949-958,Neuner The DrugCheck Problem List: a new screen for substance use disorders in people with psychosis,2011,36,9,927-932,Saunders Correlates of occasional cigarette and marijuana use: are teens harm reducing?,1999,24,2,251-266,Smith Parenting under the influence: The effects of opioids alcohol and cocaine on mother-child interaction,2014,39,5,897-900,Slesnick Moderating effects of positive parenting and maternal alcohol use on emerging adults' alcohol use: Does living at home matter?,2014,39,5,869-878,Mallett The Spanish version of the Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire (B-YAACQ): A Rasch Model analysis,2014,39,5,842-847,Kahler Physical abuse is associated with HIV-related drug risk,2014,39,5,965-968,Anderson Examination of a short version of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale,2014,39,9,1372-1376,Cyders Protective behavioral strategies mediate problem-focused coping and alcohol use in college students,2014,39,6,1033-1037,Stephens Preliminary evidence for normalization of risk taking by modafinil in chronic cocaine users,2014,39,6,1057-1061,Canavan Impulsivity-related cognition in alcohol dependence: Is it moderated by DRD2/ANKK1 gene status and executive dysfunction?,2014,39,11,1663-1669,Noble Alcohol use drinking consequences and sensitivity to social cues among college women,2014,39,6,1106-1112,Vik Associations between substance use post-traumatic stress disorder and the perpetration of violence: a longitudinal investigation,2014,39,6,1075-1080,Teesson Temporal associations between substance use and delinquency among youth with a first time offense,2014,39,6,1081-1086,D'Amico Compulsive use of Internet-based sexually explicit media: adaptation and validation of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS),2014,39,6,1126-1130,Schrimshaw The role of personality variables in drinking game participation,2014,39,7,1159-1162,Correia Relationships between neuropsychological and psychopathological dimensions in male alcoholics,1985,10,4,365-372,Tarter Alcohol and aggression in a group interaction,1985,10,1,97-101,Pihl Factors related to psychosocial barriers to drug treatment among Chinese drug users,2014,39,8,1265-1271,Hao How alike are young non-drinkers former-drinkers low-risk drinkers and hazardous drinkers?,2014,39,8,1258-1264,de Visser The development of a brief self-report questionnaire to measure 'recent' Rash Impulsivity: A preliminary investigation of its validity and association with recent alcohol consumption,2014,39,11,1597-1605,Powell Adult social roles and alcohol use among American Indians,2014,39,9,1357-1360,Eitle Impulsive action and impulsive choice across substance and behavioral addictions: Cause or consequence?,2014,39,11,1632-1639,Grant A new method of cannabis ingestion: the dangers of dabs?,2014,39,10,1430-1433,Earleywine Body mass index and regular smoking in young adult women,2010,35,11,983-988,Heath Alcoholism associated risk factors and harsh parenting among fathers: Examining the role of marital aggression,2010,35,6,541-548,Leonard A Rasch analysis of the Harm Reduction Self-Efficacy Questionnaire in Portugal,2014,39,10,1500-1503,Delgado Drinking to reach the top: Young adults' drinking patterns as a predictor of status within natural drinking groups,2014,39,10,1510-1515,Wells The relationship between child abuse and negative outcomes among substance users: Psychopathology health and comorbidities,2014,39,10,1522-1527,Koenen Cocaine use among adolescents: longitudinal associations with social context psychopathology and use of other substances,1986,11,3,263-273,Newcomb Inhalant abuse and heroin addiction: a comparative study on 574 opiate addicts with and without a history of sniffing,1986,11,2,93-104,Kindermann The reliability of a timeline method for assessing normal drinker college students' recent drinking history: utility for alcohol research,1986,11,2,149-161,Sobell Does televised drinking influence children's attitudes toward alcohol?,1986,11,1,67-70,Coulter Reports of paternal alcoholism: reliability across siblings,1986,11,1,25-30,Sher Alcohol and drug use among "street" adolescents,1986,11,2,201-205,Johnson Gender differences in acute psychomotor cognitive and pharmacokinetic response to alcohol,1987,12,4,345-356,Brick A utility analysis of drinking,1987,12,3,269-273,Critchlow Correlates of alcohol consumption: sex age and expectancies relate differentially to quantity and frequency,1987,12,3,235-240,Marlatt The measurement of substance use among adolescents: when is the 'bogus pipeline' method needed?,1987,12,3,225-233,Perry Problem behavior theory and adolescent alcohol use,1987,12,2,189-193,Stacy Adolescent drug use in a behavioral matrix: a confirmation and comparison of the sexes,1987,12,2,103-112,Hundleby Restrained drinking: risk factor for problems with alcohol?,1987,12,1,73-77,Curry A latent growth curve analysis of alcohol-use specific parenting and adolescent alcohol use,2014,39,12,1701-1705,Colder Cannabis-related impairment: the impacts of social anxiety and misconceptions of friends' cannabis-related problems,2014,39,12,1746-1749,Buckner Problem gambling and family violence: prevalence and patterns in treatment-seekers,2014,39,12,1713-1717,Harvey Are experiences of sexual violence related to special needs in patients with substance use disorders? A study in opioid-dependent patients,2014,39,12,1691-1694,Verthein Typology of driving-under-the-influence (DUI) offenders revisited: Inclusion of DUI-specific attitudes,2014,39,12,1779-1783,Fujita Revisiting the rationale for social normative interventions in student drinking in a UK population,2014,39,12,1823-1826,John Alcohol use impulsivity and the non-medical use of prescription stimulants among college students,2014,39,12,1798-1803,Murphy Violent offending severity among injecting drug users: examining risk factors and issues around classification,2014,39,12,1773-1778,Torok Reasons for consumption and heavy caffeine use: generalization of a model based on alcohol research,1988,13,2,209-214,Graham Adolescent drug use and intention to use drugs: concurrent and longitudinal analyses of four ethnic groups,1988,13,2,191-195,Newcomb Effects of alcohol conditioning and expectancy on a visuo-motor integration task,1988,13,1,73-77,Newlin Alcohol use and health behavior lifestyles among U.S. women: the behavioral risk factor surveys,1988,13,1,61-71,Hogelin Changes in cognitions for social drinkers in a naturalistic setting,1988,13,1,45-49,Oei Coping with the temptation to drink,1988,13,1,1-9,Gesten Interference of expectancy and attention demanding tasks on alcohol intoxication,1988,13,3,285-289,Masur Brain-based origins of change language: A beginning,2014,39,12,1904-1910,Houck Harmful alcohol use as a predictor of intimate partner violence during the transition to parenthood: Interdependent and interactive effects,2014,39,12,1890-1897,Woodin Alcohol Cognitive Bias Modification training for problem drinkers over the web,2014,40C,,21-26,Wiers Peer influences on alcohol expectancies in early adolescence: A study of concurrent and prospective predictors in Taiwan,2014,40C,,7-15,Liu Social anxiety and heavy situational drinking: coping and conformity motives as multiple mediators,2014,40C,,77-83,Buckner Daily marijuana use and suicidality: the unique impact of social anxiety,2012,37,4,387-392,Schmidt Direct and indirect links between parenting styles self-concealment (secrets) impaired control over drinking and alcohol-related outcomes,2014,40C,,102-108,Patock-Peckham Causal pathways between impulsiveness cocaine use consequences and depression,2014,41C,,1-6,Ledgerwood PTSD-related alcohol expectancies and impulsivity interact to predict alcohol use severity in a substance dependent sample with PTSD,2014,41C,,41-45,Schumacher Internet addiction disorder and problematic use of Google Glass™ in patient treated at a residential substance abuse treatment program,2014,41C,,58-60,Klam Alcohol myopia and sexual abdication among women: Examining the moderating effect of child sexual abuse,2014,41C,,72-77,Norris Alcohol use and its relationship to other addictive and preventive behaviors,1989,14,4,459-464,Bausell "Cravings" are ambiguous: ask about urges or desires,1989,14,4,443-445,Kozlowski Evidence for two paths of alcohol use onset in adolescents,1989,14,4,399-408,Flay Self concept and drinking problems of college students raised in alcohol-abused homes,1989,14,2,225-227,Rearden Alcohol use among university females: relationship to eating disordered behavior,1989,14,2,181-185,Lundholm Early detection of harmful alcohol consumption: comparison of clinical laboratory and self-report screening procedures,1989,14,2,139-157,Babor Modification of the balanced-placebo design for use at high blood alcohol levels,1989,14,1,91-97,Pihl Cognitive and behavioral features of adolescent coping in high-risk drinking situations,1989,14,1,43-52,Brown An examination of the tension reduction hypothesis: the relationship between anxiety and alcohol in college students,1989,14,6,649-654,Kalodner Autonomic and subjective responses to alcohol stimuli with appropriate control stimuli,1989,14,6,625-630,Li Psychopathy aggression and family history in male veteran substance abuse patients: a factor analytic study,1989,14,5,565-570,Moss Familial and personality correlates of alcohol-related problems,1989,14,5,537-543,Schroeder Relationship between alcohol expectancies and length of abstinence among Alcoholics Anonymous members,1989,14,5,531-536,Sherman Biases in relapse attributions made by alcoholics and their wives,1989,14,5,513-522,O'farrell Prevalence and correlates of smoking status among veterans affairs primary care patients with probable major depressive disorder,2014,39,3,538-545,Rubenstein A comparison of motivations for use among users of crack cocaine and cocaine powder in a sample of simultaneous cocaine and alcohol users,2014,39,3,699-702,Pakula Analysis of baseline by treatment interactions in a drug prevention and health promotion program for high school male athletes,2005,30,5,1001-1005,Mackinnon Parents' and students' perceptions of college alcohol risk: the role of parental risk perception in intentions to communicate about alcohol,2014,42C,,114-118,LaBrie Sexual assault related distress and drinking: the influence of daily reports of social support and coping control,2014,42C,,108-113,Kaysen Prepartying drinking games and extreme drinking among college students: a daily-level investigation,2014,42C,,91-95,Fairlie Understanding the service needs of assault-injured drug-using youth presenting for care in an urban Emergency Department,2014,41C,,97-105,Blow Frequency of drinking games participation and alcohol-related problems in a multiethnic sample of college students: Do gender and ethnicity matter?,2014,41C,,112-116,Bersamin Drowning the pain: intimate partner violence and drinking to cope prospectively predict problem drinking,2014,41C,,152-161,Neighbors Longitudinal family effects on substance use among an at-risk adolescent sample,2014,41C,,185-191,D'Amico Violence and non-violence-related injuries and alcohol in women from developed and developing countries: A multi-site emergency room study,2014,41C,,252-255,Cherpitel Alcohol use among reserve-dwelling adult First Nation members: use problems and intention to change drinking behavior,2014,41C,,232-237,Kahler A field investigation of the effects of drinking consequences on young adults' readiness to change,2014,41C,,162-168,Lisman Blood alcohol concentration is negatively associated with gambling money won on the Iowa gambling task in naturalistic settings after controlling for trait impulsivity and alcohol tolerance,2014,41C,,129-135,Lyvers Alcohol mixed with energy drinks are robustly associated with patterns of problematic alcohol consumption among young adult college students,2014,41C,,136-141,Snipes Less than meets the eye: Reappraising the clinical relevance of attentional bias in addiction,2014,44,,43-50,Field Brief web-based intervention for college students with comorbid risky alcohol use and depressed mood: does it work and for whom?,2014,42C,,36-43,Turrisi Changes in gender and racial/ethnic disparities in rates of cigarette use regular heavy episodic drinking and marijuana use: ages 14 to 32,2014,41C,,218-222,Lanza Normative perceptions of non-medical stimulant use: Associations with actual use and hazardous drinking,2014,42C,,51-56,Geisner Geographical distribution of alcohol-attributable mortality in Chile: a Bayesian spatial analysis,2014,42C,,207-215,Kaufman Context counts: solitary drinking explains the association between depressive symptoms and alcohol-related problems in undergraduates,2014,42C,,216-221,O'Connor Mediators of interpersonal violence and drug addiction severity among methamphetamine users in Cape Town South Africa,2014,42C,,167-171,Beckham Is being mindful associated with reduced risk for internally-motivated drinking and alcohol use among undergraduates?,2014,42C,,222-226,O'Connor The role of intolerance of uncertainty in terms of alcohol use motives among college students,2014,42C,,162-166,McLeish Normative misperceptions about alcohol use in the general population of drinkers: a cross-sectional survey,2014,42C,,203-206,West Relationship of impulsivity and depression during early methamphetamine withdrawal in Han Chinese population,2014,43C,,7-10,Zhang Alcohol and energy drink use among adolescents seeking emergency department care,2014,43C,,11-17,Blow Decision making about alcohol use: the case for scientific convergence,2014,44,,23-28,Goldman Beyond risky alcohol use: screening non-medical use of prescription drugs at National Alcohol Screening Day,2014,43C,,25-27,Correia Chronic non-fatal datura abuse in a patient of paranoid schizophrenia: a case report,2014,43C,,39-41,Khess Binge drinking and the risk of suicidal thoughts plans and attempts,2014,43C,,42-49,Glasheen The effects of responsible drinking messages on attentional allocation and drinking behaviour,2014,44,,94-101,Albery Implicit alcohol-relaxation associations in frequently drinking adolescents with high levels of neuroticism,2015,45C,,8-13,Wiers Gender differences in the associations of gambling activities and suicidal behaviors with problem gambling in a nationally representative French sample,2015,45C,,45-50,Husky Network support treatment for alcohol dependence: gender differences in treatment mechanisms and outcomes,2015,45C,,87-92,Tennen Alcohol expectancies in young children and how this relates to parental alcohol use,2015,45C,,93-98,Lichtwarck-Aschoff Habit doesn't make the predictions stronger: implicit alcohol associations and habitualness predict drinking uniquely,2015,45C,,139-145,Norris Cognitive performance in a placebo-controlled pharmacotherapy trial for youth with marijuana dependence,2015,45C,,119-123,Baker Drinking goal choice and outcomes in a web-based alcohol intervention: results from VetChange,2015,42,,63-68,Keane Blunted feedback processing during risk-taking in adolescents with features of problematic Internet use,2015,45C,,156-163,Crowley The impact of campus traditions and event-specific drinking,2015,45C,,180-183,Buckner Qualitatively and quantitatively evaluating harm-reduction goal setting among chronically homeless individuals with alcohol dependence,2015,45C,,184-190,Collins Motivations substance use and other correlates amongst property and violent offenders who regularly inject drugs,2015,45C,,207-213,Burns Alcohol abstinence or harm-reduction? Parental messages for college-bound light drinkers,2015,46C,,10-13,LaBrie Gender as a moderator of the relationship between preparty motives and event-level consequences,2015,45C,,263-268,LaBrie Young adults who mix alcohol with energy drinks: typology of risk-taking behaviour,2015,45C,,252-258,Bruno Measuring alcohol-related consequences and motives among students attending historically black colleges and universities,2015,46C,,5-9,Correia Health service utilization of heroin abusers: A retrospective cohort study,2015,45C,,281-286,Chien Explaining the frequency of alcohol consumption in a conflict zone: Jews and Palestinians in Israel,2015,46,,31-38,Hobfoll Adolescent heavy drinkers' amplified brain responses to alcohol cues decrease over one month of abstinence,2015,46,,45-52,Brown Longitudinal trajectories of marijuana use from adolescence to young adulthood,2015,45,,301-308,Mermelstein Childhood exposure to a parental suicide attempt and risk for substance use disorders,2015,46,,70-76,Vaughn Positive affective states and alcohol consumption: the moderating role of trait positive urgency,2015,47,,17-21,Dinc Testing a model of caffeinated alcohol-specific expectancies,2015,47,,38-41,Lau-Barraco Measurement invariance of alcohol instruments with Hispanic youth,2015,46,,113-120,Caetano Women's drinking decisions in sexually risky situations: effects of a low level of intoxication,2015,47,,61-65,Maisto A web-based health promotion program for adolescent girls and their mothers who reside in public housing,2014,39,4,757-760,Schwinn Belief incongruence and the intention-behavior gap in persons with at-risk alcohol use,2015,48,,5-11,John The impact of defensiveness and incident reactions on post-sanction drinking behaviors among mandated students,2015,48,,19-24,Lewis Difficulties in emotion regulation and problem drinking in young women: The mediating effect of metacognitions about alcohol use,2015,48,,30-35,Dragan When abuse primes addiction - Automatic activation of alcohol concepts by child maltreatment related cues in emotionally abused alcoholics,2015,48,,62-70,Neuner The green eyed monster in the bottle: relationship contingent self-esteem romantic jealousy and alcohol-related problems,2015,49,,52-58,Neighbors Maternal risk taking on the balloon analogue risk task as a prospective predictor of youth alcohol use escalation,2015,49,,40-45,Lejuez Methamphetamine: here we go again?,2011,36,12,1168-1173,Maxwell Differential segmentation responses to an alcohol social marketing program,2015,49,,68-77,Gullo Alcohol use severity and depressive symptoms among late adolescent Hispanics: testing associations of acculturation and enculturation in a bicultural transaction model,2015,49,,78-82,Vaughan Effects of 21st birthday brief interventions on college student celebratory drinking: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,50,,13-21,Grant The interactive effect of paternal problem drinking and maternal problem drinking on adolescent internalizing problems,2015,50,,70-73,Ohannessian The effect of cross-border mobility on alcohol and drug use among Mexican-American residents living at the U.S.-Mexico border,2015,50,,28-33,Borges Drinking patterns of alcohol intoxicated adolescents in the emergency department: a latent class analysis,2015,50,,51-59,Kriston Gender differences in the developmental trajectories of multiple substance use and the effect of nicotine and marijuana use on heavy drinking in a high-risk sample,2015,50,,6-12,Zimmerman Mood & alcohol-related attentional biases: new considerations for gender differences and reliability of the visual-probe task,2015,50,,1-5,Simons Friend or foe: personal use and friends' use of protective behavioral strategies and spring break drinking,2015,50,,96-101,Lewis Distress tolerance in social versus solitary college student drinkers,2015,50,,89-95,Vik Separate dimensions of anxiety differentially predict alcohol use among male juvenile offenders,2015,50,,144-148,Chassin Patterns of use of other drugs among those with alcohol dependence: associations with drinking behavior and psychopathology,2015,50,,192-198,Chen Quantifying alcohol consumption: self-report transdermal assessment and prediction of dependence symptoms,2015,50,,205-212,Simons Adverse childhood experiences and substance use among Hispanic emerging adults in Southern California,2015,50,,199-204,Baezconde-Garbanati The utility of collateral student drinking reports: evidence from a biomarker study,2015,50,,213-216,Fendrich Non-medical use of psychoactive drugs in relation to suicide tendencies among Chinese adolescents,2015,51,,31-37,Juan Trajectories of risk behaviors across adolescence and young adulthood: the role of race and ethnicity,2017,76,,1-7,Bartlett A latent profile analysis of drinking motives among heavy drinking college students,2015,51,,100-105,Martens Parental monitoring and family relations: associations with drinking patterns among male and female Mexican students,2015,51,,143-151,Winter Moderation mediation - or even both? School climate and the association between peer and adolescent alcohol use,2015,51,,120-126,Hanewinkel A confirmatory factor aAnalysis of the Protective Behavioral Strategies Scale among OEF/OIF veterans,2015,51,,127-130,Martens A social network analysis approach to alcohol use and co-occurring addictive behavior in young adults,2015,51,,72-79,Goodie Evaluating the accuracy of alcohol expectancies relative to subjective response to alcohol,2015,51,,197-203,Corbin Impact of residential schooling and of child abuse on substance use problem in Indigenous Peoples,2015,51,,184-192,Collin-Vézina Economic stressors and alcohol-related outcomes: exploring age cohort differences,2015,51,,193-196,Rospenda Association between protective behavioral strategies and problem drinking among college students in the Republic of Korea,2015,51,,171-176,Park All physical activity may not be associated with a lower likelihood of adolescent smoking uptake,2015,51,,177-183,Rodriguez Trajectories and correlates of reasons for abstaining or limiting drinking during adolescence,2015,52,,1-7,Jackson A new paradigm for credibly administering placebo alcohol to underage drinkers,2015,52,,22-27,Colby The role of social drinking factors in the relationship between incapacitated sexual assault and drinking before sexual activity,2015,52,,28-33,George An experimental test of assessment reactivity within a web-based brief alcohol intervention study for college students,2015,52,,66-74,Helzer Friends in low places: the impact of locations and companions on 21st birthday drinking,2015,52,,52-57,Neighbors Drinking norms readiness to change and gender as moderators of a combined alcohol intervention for first-year college students,2015,52,,75-82,Geisner Predictors of involvement in the juvenile justice system among psychiatric hospitalized adolescents,2008,33,7,942-948,Cropsey Developmental trajectories of adolescent cannabis use and their relationship to young adult social and behavioural adjustment: A longitudinal study of Australian youth,2015,53,,11-18,Patton Sexual revictimization PTSD and problem drinking in sexual assault survivors,2015,53,,7-10,Ullman Understanding sibling influence on adolescents' alcohol use: social and cognitive pathways,2015,53,,1-6,Maggs Trajectories of alcohol use and consequences in college women with and without depressed mood,2015,53,,19-22,LaBrie Longitudinal investigation of interpersonal trauma exposure and alcohol use trajectories,2015,53,,67-73,Dick I like people who drink like me: perceived appeal as a function of drinking status,2015,53,,125-131,Neighbors Direct and indirect effects of alcohol expectancies through drinking motives on alcohol outcomes among students in Vietnam,2015,52,,115-122,Knibbe Beyond pre-loading: understanding the associations between pre- side- and back-loading drinking behavior and risky drinking,2015,53,,146-154,Ferris Momentary affect and risky behavior correlates of prescription drug misuse among young adult dating couples: an experience sampling study,2015,53,,161-167,Papp Does drinking refusal self-efficacy mediate the impulsivity-problematic alcohol use relation?,2015,53,,181-186,Talley Impact of incarceration on rates of methadone use in a community recruited cohort of injection drug users,2015,46,,1-4,Hayashi Craigslist versus print newspaper advertising for recruiting research participants for alcohol studies: Cost and participant characteristics,2015,54,,24-32,Agrawal Do outcomes after behavioral couples therapy differ based on the gender of the alcohol use disorder patient?,2015,54,,46-51,Schumm Examining the effects of drinking and interpersonal protective behaviors on unwanted sexual experiences in college women,2015,54,,40-45,Mallett Getting the party started - alone: solitary predrinking mediates the effect of social anxiety on alcohol-related problems,2015,55,,19-24,O'Connor Drinking abstinence and academic motives: relationships among multiple motivational domains and alcohol use in college students,2015,55,,1-4,Anderson The moderating role of dysphoria in the relationship between intrusions and alcohol use,2015,55,,5-14,Capone Social roles among recruits in Switzerland: do social roles relate to alcohol use and does role change have an impact?,2015,54,,59-63,Gmel Regulation strategies mediate associations between heavy drinking and relationship outcomes in married couples,2015,54,,64-69,Rodriguez Which women are missed by primary health-care based interventions for alcohol and drug use?,2015,55,,32-37,Wilsnack A dangerous cocktail: alcohol consumption increases suicidal ideations among problem gamblers in the general population,2016,55,,50-55,Wohl Different digital paths to the keg? How exposure to peers' alcohol-related social media content influences drinking among male and female first-year college students,2016,57,,21-29,LaBrie Alcohol mixed with energy drink: use may be a consequence of heavy drinking,2016,57,,55-61,Thombs Social anxiety and alcohol-related impairment: the mediational impact of solitary drinking,2016,58,,7-11,Buckner Informing alcohol interventions for student service members/veterans: normative perceptions and coping strategies,2016,57,,76-82,Borsari A daily process examination of episode-specific drinking to cope motivation among college students,2016,57,,69-75,Tennen Normative perceptions of alcohol-related consequences among college students,2016,58,,16-20,Leffingwell Negative urgency mediates the relationship between childhood maltreatment and problems with alcohol and cannabis in late adolescence,2016,56,,1-7,Wardell Caffeinated and non-caffeinated alcohol use and indirect aggression: the impact of self-regulation,2016,58,,53-59,Lau-Barraco Reducing alcohol-related aggression: effects of a self-awareness manipulation and locus of control in heavy drinking males,2016,58,,31-34,Gallagher Day-to-day variations in high-intensity drinking expectancies and positive and negative alcohol-related consequences,2016,58,,110-116,Lee Testing an affective judgment model of distress tolerance in college heavy drinkers,2016,58,,100-103,Seo The impact of motives-related feedback on drinking to cope among college students,2016,58,,68-73,Stephens Alcohol issues prior to training in the United States Air Force,2016,58,,142-148,Talcott Psychometric validation of measures of alcohol expectancies retrospective subjective response and positive drinking consequences for use with adolescents,2016,58,,182-187,Krishnan-Sarin Associations between childhood trauma and non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs,2015,43,,83-88,Hayashi Do my peers approve? Interest in injunctive norms feedback delivered online to college student drinkers,2016,58,,188-193,Carey Assessment of motivation to control alcohol use: the motivational thought frequency and state motivation scales for alcohol control,2016,59,,1-6,May The intergenerational transmission of problem gambling: the mediating role of parental psychopathology,2016,59,,12-17,Thomas Variations in parental monitoring and predictions of adolescent prescription opioid and stimulant misuse,2015,45,,14-21,Crano Similarities and differences in alcohol trajectories: testing the catch-up effect among biracial Black subgroups,2016,60,,13-17,Goings Context matters: Student-perceived binge drinking norms at faculty-level relate to binge drinking behavior in higher education,2016,59,,89-94,McAlaney Precocious transitions and long-term heroin use outcomes: a longitudinal study of gang-affiliated Mexican-American males,2016,60,,48-52,Valdez Pre-drinking motives in Canadian undergraduate students: confirmatory factor analysis of the Prepartying Motivations Inventory and examination of new themes,2016,60,,42-47,Lafreniere Impulsiveness and trait displaced aggression among drug using female sex traders,2016,60,,24-31,Pedersen Childhood adversities and risk for problematic alcohol use,2016,59,,65-71,Hardt Utility of the Athlete Drinking Scale for assessing drinking motives among high school athletes,2016,60,,18-23,Martin Validation of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised across US and Portuguese college students,2016,60,,58-63,Martin Acute subjective response to alcohol as a function of reward and punishment sensitivity,2016,60,,90-96,McCarthy Past year non-medical opioid use and abuse and PTSD diagnosis: interactions with sex and associations with symptom clusters,2016,58,,167-174,Homish Neurocognitive psychiatric and substance use characteristics in opioid dependent adults,2016,60,,137-143,Arnsten Do drinking motives distinguish extreme drinking college students from their peers?,2016,60,,213-218,Anderson Investigating heterogeneity in violent offending liability among injection drug users from a developmental perspective,2016,60,,165-170,Torok Moderators of implicit and explicit drinking identity in a large US adult sample,2016,60,,177-183,Lindgren Examining a social reaction model in the prediction of adolescent alcohol use,2016,60,,160-164,Lewis Associations between problematic gaming and psychiatric symptoms among adolescents in two samples,2016,61,,8-15,Sofia Academic physicians' and medical students' perceived barriers toward bystander administered naloxone as an overdose prevention strategy,2016,61,,40-46,Van Wert What do preschoolers know about alcohol? Evidence from the electronic Appropriate Beverage Task (eABT),2016,61,,47-52,Zucker Examining daily variability in willingness to drink in relation to underage young adult alcohol use,2016,61,,62-67,King Reducing drinking to cope among heavy episodic drinking college women: secondary outcomes of a web-based combined alcohol use and sexual assault risk reduction intervention,2016,61,,104-111,Gilmore Trends in older adult nonmedical prescription drug use prevalence: results from the 2002-2003 and 2012-2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health,2016,60,,219-222,McCabe Impulsivity and risk for prescription opioid misuse in a chronic pain patient sample,2016,60,,184-190,Tragesser Associations between the group processes of bullying and adolescent substance use,2016,62,,6-13,Hides A latent profile analysis of drinking patterns among nonstudent emerging adults,2016,62,,14-19,Lau-Barraco Social anxiety and alcohol-related sexual victimization: a longitudinal pilot study of college women,2016,61,,117-120,White Childhood sexual abuse and two stages of cigarette smoking in African-American and European-American young women,2016,60,,131-136,Bucholz Use of benzylglycinamide by a HIV-seropositive polysubstance user: the changing pattern of novel psychoactive substance use among youths,2016,60,,53-57,Girardi History of abuse and risky sex among substance users: the role of rejection sensitivity and the need to belong,2016,62,,73-78,Lechner Childhood cigarette and alcohol use: negative links with adjustment,2016,62,,122-128,Maggs Validation of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire - Revised in six European countries,2016,62,,91-98,Scholz Mixing alcohol with artificially sweetened beverages: prevalence and correlates among college students,2016,62,,79-82,Lau-Barraco Sensation seeking and executive deficits in relation to alcohol tobacco and marijuana use frequency among university students: value of ecologically based measures,2016,62,,135-144,Mills Adequate sleep moderates the prospective association between alcohol use and consequences,2016,63,,23-28,Carey Psychographic characteristics tobacco and alcohol use in a sample of young adults on the U.S./México border,2016,63,,12-18,Cooper Alcohol misuse in emerging adulthood: association of dopamine and serotonin receptor genes with impulsivity-related cognition,2016,63,,29-36,Gullo Web-based self-help intervention reduces alcohol consumption in both heavy-drinking and dependent alcohol users: a pilot study,2016,63,,63-71,Souza-Formigoni Perceived risk for severe outcomes and drinking status among drug users with HIV and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV),2016,63,,57-62,Hasin Prevalence correlates and patterns of heroin use among young adults in the United States,2016,63,,74-81,Masho A text message intervention for alcohol risk reduction among community college students: TMAP,2016,63,,107-113,Barnett Are young men who overestimate drinking by others more likely to respond to an electronic normative feedback brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol use?,2016,63,,97-101,Bertholet Age moderates the association of depressive symptoms and unhealthy alcohol use in the National Guard,2016,63,,102-106,Acion Perceived risk of heroin use among nonmedical prescription opioid users,2016,65,,218-223,Weiss The interplay between trauma substance abuse and appetitive aggression and its relation to criminal activity among high-risk males in South Africa,2016,64,,29-34,Seedat Does one day of drinking matter? 21st birthday drinking predicts subsequent drinking and consequences,2016,64,,57-61,Lewis Do causes of stress differ in their association with problem drinking by sex in Korean adolescents?,2016,64,,62-69,Park Nonmedical use of prescription drugs and related negative sexual events: prevalence estimates and correlates in college students,2016,65,,258-263,Muraven The relationship between nonmedical use of prescription stimulants executive functioning and academic outcomes,2016,65,,250-257,Weyandt Factors associated with early marijuana initiation in a criminal justice population,2016,64,,82-88,Cropsey Overestimation of close friend drinking problems in the prediction of one's own drinking problems,2016,64,,107-110,Cohen Understanding older problem drinkers: the role of drinking to cope,2016,64,,101-106,Judd The eCHECKUP TO GO for High School: impact on risk factors and protective behavioral strategies for alcohol use,2016,64,,93-100,Doumas Adolescents' future orientation and nonmedical use of prescription drugs,2016,65,,269-274,Stoddard An introduction to body vandalism: What is it? Who does it? When does it happen?,2016,64,,89-92,Neighbors Differences in alcohol use patterns between adolescent Asian American ethnic groups: representative estimates from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2002-2013,2016,64,,154-158,Johnson Alcohol perceptions and behavior in a residential peer social network,2016,64,,143-147,Barnett Desire thinking as a predictor of craving and binge drinking: a longitudinal study,2016,64,,118-122,Albery Effects of depressive symptoms and coping motives on naturalistic trends in negative and positive alcohol-related consequences,2016,64,,129-136,Barnett PTSD alcohol dependence and conduct problems: distinct pathways via lability and disinhibition,2016,64,,185-193,Simons Associations between PTSD and intimate partner and non-partner aggression among substance using veterans in specialty mental health,2017,64,,194-199,Chermack Drinking motives and PTSD-related alcohol expectancies among combat veterans,2016,64,,217-222,McDevitt-Murphy Self-reported attentional and motor impulsivity are related to age at first methamphetamine use,2016,65,,7-12,Ray Beverage-specific patterns of 5+ alcoholic drink consumption by young adults in the U.S,2016,65,,19-24,Terry-McElrath Facebook dethroned: revealing the more likely social media destinations for college students' depictions of underage drinking,2016,65,,63-67,LaBrie Do individuals higher in impulsivity drink more impulsively? A pilot study within a high risk sample of young adults,2016,65,,147-153,Talley Smartphone-based support system (SoberDiary) coupled with a Bluetooth breathalyser for treatment-seeking alcohol-dependent patients,2016,65,,174-178,Kuo Is the deliberate self-induction of alcohol tolerance associated with negative alcohol outcomes?,2016,65,,98-101,Sher Evaluations of alcohol consequences moderate social anxiety risk for problematic drinking,2016,65,,131-136,O'Connor Early life predictors of alcohol-related attitudes among 11-year-old never drinkers,2016,66,,26-32,Maggs College student marijuana involvement: perceptions use and consequences across 11 college campuses,2016,66,,83-89,Dvorak Disentangling development of sensation seeking risky peer affiliation and binge drinking in adolescent sport,2016,66,,60-65,Barber Parent and peer pathways linking childhood experiences of abuse with marijuana use in adolescence and adulthood,2016,66,,70-75,Herrenkohl One of these things is not like the others: testing trajectories in drinking frequency drinking quantity and alcohol-related problems in undergraduate women,2016,66,,66-69,Stewart The curvilinear effects of sexual orientation on young adult substance use,2016,66,,108-113,Conner Psychiatric disorders suicidal ideation and sexually transmitted infections among post-deployment veterans who utilize digital social media for sexual partner seeking,2016,66,,96-100,Potenza Drinking motives and alcohol outcome expectancies as mediators of the association between negative urgency and alcohol consumption,2016,66,,101-107,Neighbors Combat experience and problem drinking in veterans: exploring the roles of PTSD coping motives and perceived stigma,2016,66,,90-95,Marshall The impact of sleep and psychiatric symptoms on alcohol consequences among young adults,2016,66,,138-144,Borsari Moving the house party to the lab: a call for experimental studies on drinking games,2016,67,,18-19,Zamboanga The role of perceived injunctive alcohol norms in adolescent drinking behavior,2016,67,,1-7,D'Amico Assessment reactivity: a randomized controlled trial of alcohol-specific measures on alcohol-related behaviors,2016,67,,44-48,Miller Racial differences in the link between alcohol expectancies and adolescent drinking,2016,67,,34-37,Zapolski Self-concept mediate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and abstinence motivation as well as self-efficacy among drug addicts,2017,68,,52-58,Lu Do romantic partners influence each other's heavy episodic drinking? Support for the partner influence hypothesis in a three-year longitudinal study,2017,69,,55-58,Leonard Attentional bias to alcohol stimuli predicts elevated cue-induced craving in young adult social drinkers,2017,70,,14-17,Erblich Simultaneous use of alcohol with methamphetamine but not ecstasy linked with aggression among young adult stimulant users,2017,70,,27-34,Najman Characterizing users of new psychoactive substances using psychometric scales for risk-related behavior,2017,70,,72-78,van Laar The intervening role of urgency on the association between childhood maltreatment PTSD and substance-related problems,2017,69,,98-103,Price Family history density of substance use problems among undergraduate college students: associations with heavy alcohol use and alcohol use disorder,2017,71,,1-6,Fendrich Marijuana and other substance use among male and female underage drinkers who drive after drinking and ride with those who drive after drinking,2017,71,,7-11,Ehrlich Not all drinking events are the same: exploring 21st birthday and typical alcohol expectancies as a risk factor for high-risk drinking and alcohol problems,2017,70,,97-101,Geisner No evidence of compensatory drug use risk behavior among heroin users after receiving take-home naloxone,2017,71,,104-106,Comer Descriptive drinking norms in Native American and non-Hispanic White college students,2017,72,,45-50,Pearson Resolving an identity crisis: implicit drinking identity and implicit alcohol identity are related but not the same,2017,72,,41-44,Lindgren Energy drink and alcohol mixed energy drink use among high school adolescents: association with risk taking behavior social characteristics,2017,72,,93-99,Siciliano The impact of military service and traumatic brain injury on the substance use norms of Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers and their spouses,2017,72,,51-56,Homish Putting multisite college alcohol research into context: a call to assess the drinking culture on college campuses,2018,77,,291-292,Martin Drinking motives and alcohol consumption behaviors among young French people,2017,72,,120-125,Loose Drug use among transgender people in Ontario Canada: disparities and associations with social exclusion,2017,72,,151-158,Bauer Trait mindfulness and protective strategies for alcohol use: implications for college student drinking,2017,73,,16-21,Leffingwell No association between HIV status and risk of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Vancouver Canada,2016,60,,8-12,Hayashi Text messaging as an adjunct to a web-based intervention for college student alcohol use: a preliminary study,2017,73,,63-66,Palfai A time-varying effect model of the dynamic association between alcohol use and consequences over the first two years of college,2017,73,,57-62,Barnett Positive expectancies mediate the link between race and alcohol use in a sample of Native American and Caucasian college students,2017,73,,53-56,Looby Prescription opioids prior to injection drug use: comparisons and public health implications,2017,65,,224-228,Al-Tayyib Daily sleep quality affects drug craving partially through indirect associations with positive affect in patients in treatment for nonmedical use of prescription drugs,2017,65,,275-282,Cleveland Trajectories of positive alcohol expectancies and drinking: an examination of young adults in the US and Sweden,2017,73,,74-80,Berglund In the process of drinking to cope among college students: an examination of specific vs. global coping motives for depression and anxiety symptoms,2017,73,,94-98,Pearson Predicting heavy episodic drinking using an extended temporal self-regulation theory,2017,73,,111-118,Mullan Beyond face-to-face individual counseling: a systematic review on alternative modes of motivational interviewing in substance abuse treatment and prevention,2017,73,,216-235,Jiang Current suicidal ideation in treatment-seeking individuals in the United Kingdom with gambling problems,2017,74,,33-40,Potenza Binge-drinking and non-partner aggression are associated with gambling among Veterans with recent substance use in VA outpatient treatment,2017,74,,27-32,Chermack Patterns of high-intensity drinking among young adults in the United States: a repeated measures latent class analysis,2017,74,,134-139,Terry-McElrath Longitudinal pathways from unconventional personal attributes in the late 20s to cannabis use prior to sexual intercourse in the late 30s,2017,74,,148-152,Pahl Motivations for reducing alcohol consumption: an international survey exploring experiences that may lead to a change in drinking habits,2017,75,,40-46,Winstock Translation and psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the College Alcohol Problems Scale,2017,75,,36-39,McCabe Acculturative stress as a moderator of the effect of drinking motives on alcohol use and problems among young adults,2017,75,,85-94,Foster Child maltreatment and age of alcohol and marijuana initiation in high-risk youth,2017,75,,64-69,Arria Insomnia moderates the association between alcohol use and consequences among young adult veterans,2017,75,,59-63,Carey Trajectories of alcohol use in the UK military and associations with mental health,2017,75,,130-137,Rona Associations between adverse childhood experiences student-teacher relationships and non-medical use of prescription medications among adolescents,2017,68,,30-34,Borowsky Examining the link between nonmedical use of sedatives tranquilizers and pain relievers with dispositions toward impulsivity among college students,2017,69,,8-13,Talley The effects of rurality on substance use disorder diagnosis: a multiple-groups latent class analysis,2017,68,,24-29,Pack Examining the link between cocaine binging and individual social and behavioral factors among street-based cocaine users,2017,68,,66-72,Jutras-Aswad Prescription drug monitoring programs nonmedical use of prescription drugs and heroin use: evidence from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health,2017,69,,65-77,Ali Prevalence and correlates of fentanyl-contaminated heroin exposure among young adults who use prescription opioids non-medically,2017,68,,35-38,Marshall Explicit drinking identity and alcohol problems: the mediating role of drinking to cope,2017,76,,88-94,Neighbors Early alcohol use with parental permission: psychosocial characteristics and drinking in late adolescence,2017,76,,82-87,Colder Goal commitment predicts treatment outcome for adolescents with alcohol use disorder,2017,76,,122-128,Burke Incremental predictive validity of the Addiction Severity Index psychiatric composite score in a consecutive cohort of patients in residential treatment for drug use disorders,2017,76,,201-207,Hesse Perception of intoxication in a field study of the night-time economy: blood alcohol concentration patron characteristics and event-level predictors,2017,76,,195-200,Miller Drinking to cope with depression mediates the relationship between social avoidance and alcohol problems: a 3-wave 18-month longitudinal study,2017,76,,182-187,Stewart Ethanol-induced autonomic responses and risk taking increase in young adults with a positive family history of alcohol problems,2017,76,,174-181,Pilatti Recent cannabis use among veterans in the United States: results from a national sample,2017,76,,223-228,Ilgen The association between multidimensional feminine norms binge drinking and alcohol-related problems among young adult college women,2017,76,,243-249,Corbin How acceptable are intoxicated behaviors? Discrepancy between personal versus perceived approval,2017,76,,258-264,Carey What's the harm? Alcohol and marijuana use and perceived risks of unprotected sex among adolescents and young adults,2017,76,,281-284,Rheingold Solitary drinking is associated with specific alcohol problems in emerging adults,2017,76,,285-290,O'Connor Change in college students' perceived parental permissibility of alcohol use and its relation to college drinking,2017,76,,275-280,Maggs Implicit and explicit internalized stigma: relationship with risky behaviors psychosocial functioning and healthcare access among people who inject drugs,2017,76,,305-311,von Hippel Depressive symptoms ruminative thinking drinking motives and alcohol outcomes: a multiple mediation model among college students in three countries,2017,76,,319-327,Pearson Effects of a stand-alone web-based electronic screening and brief intervention targeting alcohol use in university students of legal drinking age: a randomized controlled trial,2017,77,,81-88,Heidenreich Efficacy and outcomes of a mobile app targeting alcohol use in young people,2017,77,,89-95,Hides Smoking and drinking behaviors of military spouses: findings from the millennium cohort family study,2017,77,,121-130,Trone When the party continues: impulsivity and the effect of employment on young adults' post-college alcohol use,2017,77,,114-120,Wang Organizational downsizing and alcohol use: a national study of U.S. workers during the Great Recession,2017,77,,107-113,Frone Predictors of short-term change after a brief alcohol intervention for mandated college drinkers,2017,77,,152-159,Carey Delivering normative feedback to heavy drinking college students via text messaging: a pilot feasibility study,2018,83,,175-181,Barnett Relationship between empathic processing and drinking behavior in project MATCH,2017,77,,180-186,Witkiewitz Predictors of heroin abstinence in opiate substitution therapy in heroin-only users and dual users of heroin and crack,2017,77,,210-216,Heidebrecht The impact of the legalization of recreational marijuana on college students,2017,77,,255-259,Jones A detailed examination of the longitudinal associations between individual and team sports and alcohol use,2017,78,,15-21,Poulin An examination of heavy drinking depressed mood drinking related constructs and consequences among high-risk college students using a person-centered approach,2017,78,,22-29,Varvil-Weld Prospective prediction of arrests for driving under the influence from relationship patterns with family and friends in adolescence,2017,78,,36-42,Dishion Assessment of alcohol intake: retrospective measures versus a smartphone application,2018,83,,35-41,Hester Social discomfort moderates the relationship between drinking in response to negative affect and solitary drinking in underage drinkers,2017,78,,124-130,Bachrach To drink or to drink less? Distinguishing between effects of implementation intentions on decisions to drink and how much to drink in treatment-seeking individuals with alcohol use disorder,2018,83,,64-71,Bickel Thinking while drinking: fear of negative evaluation predicts drinking behaviors of students with social anxiety,2017,78,,160-165,Capron Trends and key correlates of prescription opioid injection misuse in the United States,2017,78,,145-152,Jones Understanding sexual assault risk perception in college: associations among sexual assault history drinking to cope and alcohol use,2017,78,,178-186,Norris Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and substance use among young adults: a latent class analysis,2017,78,,187-192,Shin Overdose and adverse drug event experiences among adult patients in the emergency department,2018,86,,66-72,Blow The effects of alcohol hangover on future drinking behavior and the development of alcohol problems,2017,78,,209-215,Tapert Mobile phone sensors and supervised machine learning to identify alcohol use events in young adults: implications for just-in-time adaptive interventions,2018,83,,42-47,Chung Momentary assessment of impulsive choice and impulsive action: reliability stability and correlates,2018,83,,130-135,McCarthy Early-onset tobacco use and suicide-related behavior - a prospective study from adolescence to young adulthood,2017,79,,32-38,Korhonen Parents' concordant and discordant alcohol use and subsequent child behavioral outcomes,2017,79,,81-85,Leonard Social and situational characteristics associated with adolescents' drinking at party and non-party events,2018,83,,148-153,Lipperman-Kreda Daily conformity drinking motivations are associated with increased odds of consuming alcohol mixed with energy drinks,2017,79,,102-106,Lau-Barraco Guilt-proneness is associated with the use of protective behavioral strategies during episodes of alcohol use,2017,79,,120-123,Bruno Trauma exposure and heavy drinking and drug use among college students: identifying the roles of negative and positive affect lability in a daily diary study,2017,79,,131-137,Sullivan Transitions into young adulthood: extent to which alcohol use perceived drinking norms and consequences vary by education and work statuses among 18-20year olds,2017,79,,107-112,Lewis An event- and network-level analysis of college students' maximum drinking day,2017,79,,189-194,Clark E-cigarette use dual use of e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes and frequency of cannabis use among high school students,2017,79,,166-170,Azagba Age at drinking onset age at first intoxication and delay to first intoxication: assessing the concurrent validity of measures of drinking initiation with alcohol use and related problems,2017,79,,195-200,Morean Difficulties in emotion regulation in treatment-seeking alcoholics with and without co-occurring mood and anxiety disorders,2017,80,,6-13,Stasiewicz Influence of military sexual assault and other military stressors on substance use disorder and PTS symptomology in female military veterans,2017,80,,28-33,Maguen The relative strength of attitudes versus perceived drinking norms as predictors of alcohol use,2017,80,,39-46,Carey Alcohol-induced blackouts subjective intoxication and motivation to decrease drinking: prospective examination of the transition out of college,2018,80,,89-94,Fromme Translating transdermal alcohol monitoring procedures for contingency management among adults recently arrested for DWI,2018,83,,56-63,Fell Associations between coping and marijuana use in a nationally representative sample of adolescents in the United States,2018,80,,130-134,Johnson Drinking to cope mediates the relationship between depression and alcohol risk: different pathways for college and non-college young adults,2018,80,,116-123,Anderson Working memory moderates the association between perceived norms and heavy episodic drinking among college students,2018,81,,46-49,Palfai The emerging marijuana retail environment: key lessons learned from tobacco and alcohol retail research,2018,81,,26-31,Freisthler Measuring adolescent drinking-refusal self-efficacy: development and validation of the Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy Questionnaire-Shortened Adolescent version (DRSEQ-SRA),2018,81,,70-77,Gullo Profiles of childhood adversities in pathological gamblers - a latent class analysis,2018,81,,60-69,Schäfer Race/ethnicity and racial group composition moderate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based relapse prevention for substance use disorder,2018,81,,96-103,Bowen Examining parental monitoring as a moderator of the relationship between depressed mood and alcohol use and problems,2018,81,,117-124,Mallett Impulsivity-related traits college alcohol beliefs and alcohol outcomes: examination of a prospective multiple mediation model among college students in Spain Argentina and USA,2018,81,,125-133,Read Perceived vulnerability moderates the relations between the use of protective behavioral strategies and alcohol use and consequences among high-risk young adults,2018,81,,150-156,Lewis Risk of alcohol use disorder among South African university students: the role of drinking motives,2018,82,,44-49,Young Population-level predictions from cannabis risk perceptions to active cannabis use prevalence in the United States 1991-2014,2018,82,,101-104,Anthony Shame mediates the relationship between depression and addictive behaviours,2018,82,,94-100,Keough Adolescent precursors of young adult drinking motives,2018,82,,151-157,Windle Mixed methods formative evaluation of a collaborative care program to decrease risky opioid prescribing and increase non-pharmacologic approaches to pain management,2018,86,,138-145,Bair Trends in female and male drunken driving prevalence over thirty years: triangulating diverse sources of evidence (1985-2015),2018,84,,7-12,Schwartz Parents' drinking motives and problem drinking predict their children's drinking motives alcohol use and substance misuse,2018,84,,40-44,Albery Mindfulness buffers the effects of cue-induced craving on alcohol demand in college drinkers,2018,84,,53-56,Erblich Methodological factors as a potential source of discordance between self-report and behavioral measures of impulsivity and related constructs,2018,84,,126-130,Pearlson Testing a motivational model of delivery modality and incentives on participation in a brief alcohol intervention,2018,84,,131-138,Neighbors Poor mental health peer drinking norms and alcohol risk in a social network of first-year college students,2018,84,,151-159,Barnett Familial alcohol supply adolescent drinking and early alcohol onset in 45 low and middle income countries,2018,84,,178-185,Patton Predicting risky health behaviors 35 years later: are parents or teacher's reports of childhood behavior problems a better judge of outcomes?,2018,84,,255-262,Stuart Gender- and age-varying associations of sensation seeking and substance use across young adulthood,2018,84,,271-277,Schulenberg Alcohol consequences not quantity predict major depression onset among first-year female college students,2018,85,,70-76,Buka Polydrug use patterns risk behavior and unmet healthcare need in a community-based sample of women who use cocaine heroin or methamphetamine,2018,85,,94-99,Lorvick Psychometric evaluation of the Drinking Refusal Self-Efficacy Scale - Revised with college students in the United States,2018,85,,100-106,Madson Suicidal ideation among adults with a recent sexual assault: prescription opioid use and prior sexual assault,2018,85,,120-124,Gilmore Borderline personality disorder features and drinking cannabis and prescription opioid motives: differential associations across substance and sex,2018,87,,46-54,Tragesser The revised four-factor motivational thought frequency and state motivation scales for alcohol control,2018,87,,69-73,Andrade Alcohol expectancy profile in late childhood with alcohol drinking and purchasing behaviors in adolescence,2018,87,,55-61,Liu Frequent solitary drinking mediates the associations between negative affect and harmful drinking in emerging adults,2018,87,,115-121,Keough Immigrant paradox? Generational status alcohol use and negative consequences across college,2018,87,,138-143,Maggs Perceived peer norms and alcohol use among college students in China,2018,87,,144-150,Windle Hazardous drinking has unique relationships with implicit and explicit drinking identity,2018,87,,155-161,Lindgren Reprint of Trends and key correlates of prescription opioid injection misuse in the United States,2018,86,,24-31,Jones Elementary and middle school predictors of high school drinking problems and maladaptive coping,2018,87,,177-182,Smith Alcohol-related problem behaviors among Latin American immigrants in the US,2018,87,,206-213,Vaughn Substance use disorders and sexual behavior; the effects of alcohol and drugs on patients' sexual thoughts feelings and behavior,2018,87,,231-237,Blaauw Exposure to drinking mediates the association between parental alcohol use and preteen alcohol use,2018,87,,244-250,Kuntsche Social anxiety and drinking game behaviors among Australian university students,2018,88,,43-47,Zamboanga Parental drinking and characteristics of family life as predictors of preschoolers' alcohol-related knowledge and norms,2018,88,,92-98,Kuntsche Affect and alcohol: the moderating role of episode-specific drinking motives,2020,110,,e106521,Tennen Age of alcohol use initiation and psychiatric symptoms among young adult trauma survivors,2018,88,,150-156,Amstadter Suicidal attempts among patients with substance use disorders who present with suicidal ideation,2018,89,,5-9,Fernandez-Montalvo Epidemiology of hallucinogen use in the U.S. results from the National epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions III,2018,89,,35-43,Lev-Ran Motivations for alcohol use to intoxication among young adult gay bisexual and other MSM in New York City: the P18 Cohort Study,2018,89,,44-50,Halkitis Sex differences in the impact of secondhand harm from alcohol on student mental health and university sense of belonging,2018,89,,57-64,Thompson Very early drinking: event history models predicting alcohol use initiation from age 4 to 11 years,2018,89,,121-127,Maggs Key personality traits and alcohol use disorder symptoms in first and second year college students: detangling antecedent from consequence,2018,89,,178-187,Samek Willingness as a mediator of the effects of personality on alcohol-related consequences between the first and second years of college: a longitudinal prospective study,2018,89,,172-177,Mallett The relationship between parental heavy drinking and non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Vancouver Canada,2018,89,,224-228,Hayashi Investment in drinking identity is associated with alcohol consumption and risk of alcohol use disorder,2018,89,,256-262,Lindgren Indirect and moderated effects of parent-child communication on drinking outcomes in the transition to college,2018,90,,1-9,Fromme The effects of a brief meaning in life intervention on the incentive salience of alcohol,2018,90,,107-111,Ostafin Alcohol-specific social comparison as a moderator of the norms-behavior association for young adult alcohol use,2018,90,,92-98,Lewis Social cohesion depression and substance use severity among young men: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses from a Swiss cohort,2020,110,,e106510,Gmel Maltreatment attachment and substance use in adolescence: direct and indirect pathways,2018,90,,196-203,Moretti The role of drinking motives and perceived controllability of events in the association between college women's sexual assault victimization and binge drinking,2018,90,,210-216,Amstadter Childhood maltreatment and alcohol use in young adulthood: the role of self-regulation processes,2018,90,,241-249,Wills Hookah use among Russian adolescents: prevalence and correlates,2018,90,,258-264,Sussman Leisure activity participation in relation to alcohol purchasing and consumption in adolescence,2018,90,,294-300,Liu Psychometric properties of a Chinese version of the Brief Young Adult Alcohol Consequences Questionnaire (B-YAACQ),2018,90,,389-394,Kahler How much does your peer group really drink? Examining the relative impact of overestimation actual group drinking and perceived campus norms on university students' heavy alcohol use,2018,90,,409-414,Neighbors Concurrent treatment of substance use disorders and PTSD using prolonged exposure: a randomized clinical trial in military veterans,2018,90,,369-377,Foa Outcomes associated with adolescent marijuana and alcohol use among urban young adults: a prospective study,2016,53,,155-160,Johnson In the eye of the drinker: drinking motives influence the effectiveness of conditioning implicit alcohol attitudes,2018,92,,24-27,Noel Female informant-reports of male romantic partners' alcohol problems predict escalations in dyadic conflict in heterosexual couples,2018,92,,102-107,Stewart Drinking to keep pace: a study of the moderating influence of extraversion on alcohol consumption similarity in drinking buddy dyads,2018,92,,69-75,Stewart Transitions in drinking behaviors across the college years: a latent transition analysis,2018,92,,108-114,Mallett Which behavior change techniques help young adults reduce binge drinking? A pilot randomized clinical trial of 5 text message interventions,2019,92,,161-167,Chung The impact of sexual self-concept ambiguity on alcohol approach bias and consumption,2018,92,,155-160,Sher Substance use off and on school grounds: a California statewide comparison between different groups of homeless students and nonhomeless students,2018,92,,141-147,Benbenishty "..that warm feeling that [alcohol] gave me was what I interpreted love would feel like..." Lived experience of excessive alcohol use and care proceedings by mothers in the family justice system in the UK,2018,92,,186-193,Gilchrist Faster escalation from first drink to first intoxication as a risk factor for binge and high-intensity drinking among adolescents,2019,92,,199-202,Terry-McElrath Physical and psychosocial factors associated with psychostimulant use in a nationally representative sample of French adolescents: specificities of cocaine amphetamine and ecstasy use,2018,92,,208-224,Céline Alcohol-related protective behavioral strategies as a mediator of the relationship between drinking motives and risky sexual behaviors,2019,93,,1-8,Pearson Substance use and suicidal ideation among child welfare involved adolescents: a longitudinal examination,2019,93,,39-45,McRoy Replication of factors related to blackout incidence in U.S. high school students: a brief report,2019,93,,104-107,Zamboanga Endorsement of the "firewater myth" affects the use of protective behavioral strategies among American Indian and Alaska Native students,2019,93,,78-85,Gonzalez Does the association between substance use and sexual risk behaviors among high school students vary by sexual identity?,2019,93,,122-128,Lowry Sleep-related functional impairment as a moderator of risky drinking and subsequent negative drinking consequences in college students,2019,93,,146-153,Park Prescription painkiller misuse and the perceived risk of harm from using heroin,2019,93,,141-145,Bao Alcohol-related effects of post-9/11 discrimination in the context of the great recession: race/ethnic variation,2019,93,,154-157,Rospenda Longitudinal assessment of heavy alcohol use and incapacitated sexual assault: a cross-lagged analysis,2019,93,,198-203,Carey What you think and where you drink: context alcohol outcome expectancies and drinking behavior,2019,93,,225-232,Zamboanga A tutorial on individual participant data meta-analysis using Bayesian multilevel modeling to estimate alcohol intervention effects across heterogeneous studies,2019,94,,162-170,Walters Alcohol misuse and separation from military service: a dyadic perspective,2020,110,,e106512,Pflieger Knowledge of low-risk drinking and its relationship with a reduction in alcohol consumption: results from six waves of an Australian national survey,2019,95,,172-177,Islam A quasi-experimental evaluation of partnerships for success's impact on community-level ethanol and prescription drug poisoning rates,2019,95,,220-225,Morgan-Lopez Psychiatric comorbidity among first-time and repeat DUI offenders,2019,96,,1-10,Nelson Heavy episodic drinking in late adolescents: the role of theory of mind and conformity drinking motives,2019,96,,18-25,Laghi Associations among simultaneous and co-occurring use of alcohol and marijuana risky driving and perceived risk,2019,96,,39-42,Lee Depression and anxiety symptoms are related to problematic smartphone use severity in Chinese young adults: fear of missing out as a mediator,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elhai Understanding profiles of student binge drinking and eating: the importance of motives,2019,96,,148-155,Adams Impulsivity moderates the effect of social anxiety on in-lab alcohol craving,2019,97,,70-76,O'Connor Direct and indirect associations between perception of childhood trauma and suicidal ideation through emotion dysregulation in males who use heroin,2019,98,,e106011,Khosravani Crack users and violence. What is the relationship between trauma antisocial personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder?,2019,98,,e106012,Carolina Maria Motta Stoffel Online personalized feedback intervention for cannabis-using college students reduces cannabis-related problems among women,2019,98,,e106040,Neighbors Who cares if college and drinking are synonymous? Identification with typical students moderates the relationship between college life alcohol salience and drinking outcomes,2019,98,,e106046,Neighbors Alcohol demand moderates brief motivational intervention outcomes in underage young adult drinkers,2019,98,,e106044,Colby The associations between deployment experiences PTSD and alcohol use among male and female veterans,2019,98,,e106032,Gradus Why are caffeinated alcoholic beverages especially risky?,2019,98,,e106062,Ham Alcohol use and consequences in matriculating US college students by prescription stimulant/opioid nonmedical misuse status,2019,98,,e106026,Schepis Past-year opioid misuse and suicide attempt are positively associated in high suicide risk veterans who endorse past- year substance use,2019,99,,e106064,Stanley A framework for integrating young peers in recovery into adolescent substance use prevention and early intervention,2019,99,,e106080,Paquette Development and initial validation of the alcohol-induced blackout measure,2019,99,,e106079,Carey Adult substance use as a function of growth in peer use across adolescence and young adulthood in the context of ADHD: findings from the MTA,2019,99,,e106106,Hoza A systematic review of event-level measures of risk-taking behaviors and harms during alcohol intoxication,2019,99,,e106101,Bruno Prevalence of binge drinking and its association with mental health conditions and quality of life in Singapore,2019,100,,106114,Subramaniam Understanding women's feelings about safety and hazards of street drinking in London through interpretative phenomenological analysis,2019,99,,e106042,Moss Can temporal self-regulation theory and 'sensitivity to reward' predict binge drinking amongst university students in Australia?,2019,99,,106069,Mullan Does it work and does it last? Effects of social and drinking behavior on same- and next-day mood,2019,100,,e106111,Lee Identifying patterns of alcohol use among secondary school students in Canada: a multilevel latent class analysis,2019,100,,e106120,Leatherdale Post-sexual assault cigarette smoking: findings from a randomized clinical trial of a video-based intervention,2019,100,,e106121,Resnick Daily patterns of substance use and violence among a high-risk urban emerging adult sample: Results from the Flint Youth Injury Study,2019,101,,e106127,Zimmerman Psychometric properties of the Persian versions of the Positive Alcohol Metacognitions Scale (Persian-PAMS) and the Negative Alcohol Metacognitions Scale (Persian-NAMS) in alcohol-dependent individuals,2019,101,,e106113,Khosravani Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Italian version of the fear of missing out scale in emerging adults and adolescents,2019,102,,e106179,Casale Sex differences in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and opioid misuse among adults with chronic pain,2019,102,,e106156,Zvolensky I drink alone: mechanisms of risk for alcohol problems in solitary drinkers,2019,102,,e106147,Corbin Alcohol trajectories among biracial black subgroups: testing the intermediate substance use hypothesis,2019,101,,e106006,McGovern The influence of posttraumatic stress disorder and recurrent major depression on risk-taking propensity following trauma script exposure among patients with substance use disorders,2019,102,,e106181,Tull Transition from nonuse to use of alcohol or binge drinking among adolescents: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial,2019,102,,e106159,Sanchez Hazardous drinking and clinical correlates among suicidal patients receiving psychiatric inpatient care at military medical settings,2019,102,,e106178,Ghahramanlou-Holloway High-intensity drinking by parental status: differences by age and sex,2019,102,,e106180,Patrick Perceived descriptive norms for alcohol use among tribal college students: relation to self-reported alcohol use consequences and risk for alcohol use disorder,2019,102,,106158,Duran Predictive cues and spatial attentional bias for alcohol: manipulations of cue-outcome mapping,2019,103,,e106247,Figner Substance use stressful life events and mental health: a longitudinal study among homeless women in Madrid (Spain),2019,103,,e106246,Vázquez Risk and protective effects of social networks on alcohol use problems among Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers,2019,103,,e106244,Johnson Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms relationship quality and risky alcohol use among trauma-exposed students,2019,102,,e106216,Amstadter Trends in college students' alcohol nicotine prescription opioid and other drug use after recreational marijuana legalization: 2008-2018,2019,102,,e106212,Kerr Pregnant women's history of childhood maltreatment and current opioid use: the mediating role of reflective functioning,2019,102,,e106134,Stuart Paternal and maternal prescription opioid use and misuse: general and specific risks for early adolescents' substance use,2019,103,,e106248,Capaldi Using machine learning to model problematic smartphone use severity: the significant role of fear of missing out,2019,103,,e106261,Elhai Mindfulness training for clinically elevated social anxiety: the impact on peak drinking,2019,104,,e106282,Heimberg A latent profile analysis of social anxiety and alcohol use among college students,2019,104,,e106284,Madson Situational context and motives of alcohol use among graduate student drinkers,2019,104,,e106267,Arria Influencing college students' normative perceptions of protective behavioral strategies: a pilot randomized trial,2019,104,,e106256,Leffingwell Disconcerting levels of alcohol use among Venezuelan immigrant adolescents in the United States,2019,104,,e106269,Vaughn Exploring pathways to substance use: a longitudinal examination of adolescent sport involvement aggression and peer substance use,2020,104,,e106316,Zucker Driving under the influence of alcohol: findings from the NSDUH 2002-2017,2020,108,,e106439,Vaughn Psychosocial functioning among college students who misuse stimulants versus other drugs,2020,105,,e106290,Hussong Continuum beliefs are associated with higher problem recognition than binary beliefs among harmful drinkers without addiction experience,2020,105,,e106292,Albery Negative alcohol-related consequences experienced by young adults in the past 12 months: Differences by college attendance living situation binge drinking and sex,2020,105,,e106320,Terry-McElrath Personalized feedback tempers weekend increases in alcohol use among nonstudent emerging adult drinkers,2020,105,,e106332,Lau-Barraco Complex cannabis use patterns: Associations with cannabis consequences and cannabis use disorder symptomatology,2020,105,,e106329,Jackson Cross-domain correlates of cannabis use disorder severity among young adults,2019,93,,212-218,Gilman Age of first use current marijuana use and driving after use among Canadian high school students,2019,90,,329-333,Asbridge International differences in patterns of cannabis use among youth: prevalence perceptions of harm and driving under the influence in Canada England & United States,2019,90,,171-175,Hammond Alcohol-related cognitive mechanisms underlying adolescent alcohol use and alcohol problems: outcome expectancy self-schema and self-efficacy,2020,105,,e106349,Feng Prevalence and motives for drugged driving among emerging adults presenting to an emergency department,2018,78,,80-84,Blow Illicit drug use by mothers and their daughters in Australia: a comparison of two generations,2020,106,,e106321,Williams Posttraumatic stress alcohol use severity and alcohol use motives among firefighters: the role of anxiety sensitivity,2020,106,,e106353,Vujanovic Effect of fear of victimization on hazardous alcohol drinking tobacco and marijuana use among university students: a tale of two sexes,2020,106,,e106355,Couture Electronic nicotine delivery system use is related to higher odds of alcohol and marijuana use in adolescents: meta-analytic evidence,2020,105,,e106325,Hershberger Using a smartphone while walking: the cost of smartphone-addiction proneness,2020,106,,e106346,Fredette Emotion regulation dynamics predict substance use in high-risk adolescents,2020,106,,e106374,Neale Is problematic Internet use associated with alcohol and cannabis use among youth? A systematic review,2020,106,,e106331,Dufour Child maltreatment and substance-use-related negative consequences: longitudinal trajectories from early to mid adolescence,2020,106,,e106365,Thorvaldsson Cannabis use subsequent other illicit drug use and drug use disorders: a 16-year follow-up study among Swedish adults,2020,106,,e106390,Lundin Latent classes of lifetime drug use disorder in national epidemiological survey on alcohol and related conditions - III,2020,106,,e106379,Sacco Goal commitment evolution in a Spanish adolescent sample with cannabis use disorder,2020,107,,e106388,Flores Changes in alcohol use and heavy episodic drinking in U.S. Women of childbearing-age and peripartum between 2001-2002 and 2012-2013,2020,107,,e106389,Le Strat Pain intensity alcohol use motives and alcohol use among firefighters: the moderating role of pain-related anxiety,2020,107,,e106415,Zvolensky Changes in alcohol use PTSD hyperarousal symptoms and intervention dropout following veterans' use of VetChange,2020,107,,e106401,Rubin Change in implicit alcohol associations over time: moderation by drinking history and gender,2020,107,,e106413,Wiers Fear of missing out and problematic social media use as mediators between emotional support from social media and phubbing behavior,2020,107,,106430,Fang History of sexual assault past-year alcohol use and alcohol-related problems in American Indian adolescents,2020,108,,e106441,Spillane The conditional association of problematic drinking with suicidal ideation by alcohol expectancies,2020,108,,e106436,Stuart Depressive symptoms predict smoking cessation in a 20-year longitudinal study of adult twins,2020,108,,e106427,Korhonen Intoxicated bystanders' alcohol expectancies and valuations and the ability to detect risk in a potential sexual assault,2020,108,,e106423,Ham Not by associations alone: the role of contextual factors individual differences and propositional learning in the malleability of implicit alcohol attitudes,2020,108,,e106460,Noel Drinking motives mediate the associations between urgency and hazardous/harmful alcohol use among moderate-to-heavy drinking men who have sex with men (MSM),2020,110,,106520,Palfai Evaluating alcohol demand craving and depressive symptoms among women in alcohol treatment,2020,109,,e106475,Abrantes Effects of couple conflict on alcohol craving: does intimate partner violence play a role?,2020,109,,e106474,Flanagan Examining protocol compliance and self-report congruence between daily diaries and event-contingent ecological momentary assessments of college student drinking,2020,110,,e106471,Hultgren Understanding alcohol-specific antecedents among Chinese vocational school adolescents,2020,110,,e106483,Zhang Intrapersonal and interpersonal pathways linking 21st birthday celebration beliefs intentions and drinking behavior,2020,110,,e106526,Neighbors College alcohol beliefs and negative alcohol-related consequences: a moderated mediation model of enhancement drinking motives and restricted eating,2020,110,,e106541,Bravo What's drugs got to do with it? Examining the relationship between drug onset and duration with criminal outcomes in an African American cohort,2020,110,,e106539,Ensminger Utility of digital respondent driven sampling to recruit community-dwelling emerging adults for assessment of drinking and related risks,2020,110,,e106536,Chandler Sex differences in driving under the influence of cannabis: the role of medical and recreational cannabis use,2020,110,,e106525,Lopez-Quintero Self-medicating low mood with alcohol use: Examining the role of frequency of alcohol use quantity consumed and context of drinking,2020,111,,e106557,McBride Post-college changes in the association between drinking motives and drinking-related problems,2020,111,,e106568,Tennen Profiles of motivations for responsible drinking among college students: a self-determination theory perspective,2020,111,,e106550,Field Consumer perceptions of 'legal' and 'illegal' cannabis in US states with legal cannabis sales,2020,112,,e106563,Hammond Cannabis norm perceptions among Canadian university students,2020,112,,e106567,Wild Unplanned vs. planned drinking: event-level influences of drinking motives and affect,2020,112,,e106592,Merrill Evaluating the influences of major depression and posttraumatic stress disorder on trauma and alcohol cue reactivity,2020,112,,e106596,Mermelstein Specific emotion-regulation processes explain the relationship between mindfulness and self-compassion with coping-motivated alcohol and marijuana use,2020,112,,e106590,Wisener Predictors of receptivity to an alcohol intervention among mandated students,2020,112,,e106605,Carey Heightened healthcare utilization & risk of mental disorders among Veterans with comorbid opioid use disorder & posttraumatic stress disorder,2020,112,,e106572,Marx Curvilinear associations between sexual orientation and problematic substance use behavioural addictions and mental health among young Swiss men,2020,112,,e106609,Gmel Longitudinal changes in alcohol use and binge-drinking among young-adult college students: analyses of predictors across system levels,2020,112,,e106619,Windle Protective behavioral strategies and alcohol outcomes: impact of mood and personality disorders,2020,112,,e106615,Bertholet Social network heavy drinking moderates the effects of a brief motivational intervention for alcohol use among injured patients,2020,112,,e106594,Field Characterizing the role of impaired control over alcohol in associations of impulsive personality traits with alcohol use as a function of depressive disorder,2020,112,,e106633,Pollock Parent's psychopathological profiles and adolescent offspring's substance use disorders,2020,112,,e106611,Essau Intersection of familial risk and environmental social control on high-risk drinking and alcohol dependence in a US national sample of adults,2020,113,,e106668,Greenfield Experimental tasks of behavioral risk taking in alcohol administration studies: a systematic review,2020,113,,e106678,Haas Low prevalence of risk drinking in adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum problems,2020,113,,106671,Gillberg Profiles of lifetime substance use are differentiated by substance of choice affective motivations for use and childhood maltreatment,2020,113,,e106710,Baskin-Sommers Social interaction anxiety and perceived coping efficacy: mechanisms of the association between minority stress and drinking consequences among sexual minority women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaysen Measurement invariance of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale across Black and White adults with cocaine use disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nich Opioid misuse during late adolescence and its effects on risk behaviors social functioning health and emerging adult roles,2020,113,,e106696,Stein Fun/intoxication pre-drinking motives lead indirectly to more alcohol-related consequences via increased alcohol consumption on a given night,2020,114,,e106749,Kuntsche Predictors of substance use in a clinical sample of youth seeking treatment for Trauma-related mental health problems,2020,114,,e106742,McCart Drinking and alcohol-related problems among at-risk adolescents: the role of protective behavioral strategies,2020,114,,e106746,Bobrowski Impacts of childhood adversity forms and drinker self-schema on undergraduate drinking behaviors and depression,2020,114,,e106756,Feng Difficulties regulating positive and negative emotions in relation to coping motives for alcohol use and alcohol problems among hazardous drinkers,2020,115,,e106781,Zvolensky Modified drinking motives questionnaire-revised: psychometric validation in a psychiatric sample of young adults with predominantly polysubstance use,2020,114,,e106753,Abrantes Craving management: exploring factors that influence momentary craving-related risk of cannabis use among young adults,2020,115,,e106750,Larimer Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and problematic alcohol use: the explanatory role of drinking motives,2020,115,,e106734,Zvolensky Distinct paths to alcohol problems: impacts of childhood maltreatment attachment insecurity and interpersonal problems,2020,115,,e106780,Simons Homegrown perceptions about the medical use and potential abuse of CBD and THC,2020,115,,e106799,McFadden Longitudinal associations between team sport participation and substance use in adolescents and young adults,2020,116,,e106798,Bélanger Drinking games among university students in five countries: participation rates game type contexts and motives to play,2021,119,,e106940,McInnes Bidirectional associations between alcohol use and intimate partner violence and sexual assault victimization among college women,2021,116,,e106833,Ullman Treatment retention and abstinence of patients with substance use disorders according to addiction severity and psychiatry comorbidity: a six-month follow-up study in an outpatient unit,2021,117,,e106832,Roncero Effect of trauma-related stress after alcohol consumption on perceived likelihood of negative consequences and willingness to drive,2021,117,,e106836,Metrik A latent class analysis of cannabis use products in a general population sample of adolescents and their association with paranoia hallucinations cognitive disorganisation and grandiosity,2021,117,,e106837,Lynskey Examining the differential effects of latent impulsivity factors on substance use outcomes in African American men,2021,117,,e106847,Kogan What is binge drinking? Insights from a network perspective,2021,117,,e106848,Billieux Adverse childhood experiences and problematic smartphone use among college students: findings from a pilot study,2021,117,,e106869,Rogers Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the parental rules toward adolescent drinking questionnaire: two factors are better than the original one,2021,117,,e106855,Koning Adolescents who solely engage in online sexual experiences are at higher risk for compulsive sexual behavior,2021,118,,e106874,Amichai-Hamburger Gambling in patients with major depressive disorder is associated with an elevated risk of suicide: insights from 12-years of nationwide inpatient sample data,2021,118,,e106872,Trivedi Binge drinking before and after a COVID-19 campus closure among first-year college students,2021,118,,e106879,Patrick Differential psychopathological profile of male intimate partner violence perpetrators depending on problematic alcohol use,2021,118,,e106887,Fernandez-Montalvo The association between type of trauma level of exposure and addiction,2021,118,,e106889,Lev-Ran Examining parental permissiveness toward drinking and perceived ethnic discrimination as risk factors for drinking outcomes among Latinx college students,2021,118,,e106900,Romano Does alcohol-related desire thinking predict in-the-moment drinking behaviours?,2021,118,,e106899,Albery A longitudinal examination of alcohol cessation and academic outcomes among a sample of Canadian secondary school students,2021,118,,e106882,Leatherdale Sleep and alcohol use among young adult drinkers with insomnia: a daily process model,2021,119,,e106911,McCrae All in the family: parental substance misuse harsh parenting and youth substance misuse among juvenile justice-involved youth,2021,119,,e106888,Bosk Shyness and susceptibility to social influence: stronger concordance between norms and drinking among shy individuals,2021,119,,e106922,Young Pre-deployment personality traits predict prescription opioid receipt over 2-year post-deployment period in a longitudinal cohort of deployed National Guard soldiers,2021,119,,e106919,Erbes Longitudinal predictors of problematic alcohol use in adolescence: a 2-year follow-up study,2021,120,,e106952,Wasserman Development of individuals' own and perceptions of peers' substance use from early adolescence to adulthood,2021,120,,e106958,Dodge The association between intended drinking contexts and alcohol expectancies in college students: a daily diary study,2021,120,,106967,Lee Distress tolerance and subsequent substance use throughout high school,2021,120,,106983,Black Psychometric properties of the short UPPS-P scale in adolescents: gender age invariance and validity among italian youth,2021,120,,106987,Donati Cannabis and mental health: prevalence of use and modes of cannabis administration by mental health status,2021,121,,106991,Hammond Psychosocial predictors of substance use in adolescents and young adults: longitudinal risk and protective factors,2021,121,,106985,Cummins Major depressive symptoms and escalation of drinking among new drinkers in the United States: variations across sex and age groups,2021,122,,e107017,Edwards Changes in cannabis use modes among Canadian youth across recreational cannabis legalization: data from the COMPASS prospective cohort study,2021,122,,e107025,Leatherdale Time-varying associations of alcohol and cannabis use with intimate partner violence for black and white young women,2021,122,,e107033,Chung Severity of substance use as an indicator of suicide risk among U.S. military veterans,2021,122,,e107035,Norman Substance use screening and rates of treatment referral among justice-involved youth,2021,122,,e107036,Kemp Changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic among American veterans,2021,122,,107052,Pedersen Demographic risk factors for co-occurring suicidality and cannabis use disorders: findings from a nationally representative United States sample,2021,122,,e107047,Zajac Testing daily-level drinking and negative consequences as predictors of next-day drinking cognitions,2021,122,,e107042,Lewis Young adult cannabis use disorder treatment admissions declined as past month cannabis use increased in the U.S.: an analysis of states by year 2008-2017,2021,123,,e107049,Mennis Beyond internalizing and externalizing symptoms: the association between body disconnection and the symptoms of internet gaming disorder,2021,123,,e107043,Schimmenti Gaming to cope: applying network analysis to understand the relationship between posttraumatic stress symptoms and internet gaming disorder symptoms among disaster-exposed Chinese young adults,2021,124,,e107096,Elhai Age-specific rates of onset of cannabis use in Mexico,2021,122,,e107038,López-Méndez Age-related trends in cannabis use in Australia. Findings from a series of large nationally representative surveys,2021,123,,e107059,Connor Constructing and negotiating boundaries of morally acceptable alcohol use: a discursive psychology of justifying alcohol consumption,2021,123,,e107057,Kent Associations between simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use and next-day negative affect among young adults: the role of sex and trait anxiety,2021,123,,107082,Lanza Approach and avoidance alcohol inclinations in heavy drinking college students: an ecological momentary assessment study,2021,123,,e107080,Schlauch The buffering role of higher romantic relationship satisfaction on the association of hazardous drinking with PTSD and depression symptoms among female military service members/veterans,2021,123,,e107081,Blais Age-varying time trends in cannabis- and alcohol-related risk perceptions 2002-2019,2021,124,,e107091,Waddell Emotion-based decision-making as a predictor of alcohol-related consequences in college students,2021,124,,e107083,Mallett The "alcoholic other": harmful drinkers resist problem recognition to manage identity threat,2021,124,,e107093,Albery State lockdown policies mental health symptoms and using substances,2021,124,,e107084,Bruckner Self-reported perceived negative consequences of marijuana use among U.S. young adult users 2008-2019,2021,124,,e107098,Terry-McElrath Examining changes in drinking motives and their influence on drinking behaviors among heavy drinkers during their first year of college,2021,124,,e107099,Carey Prospective effects of loneliness on frequency of alcohol and marijuana use,2021,124,,e107115,Hasin Moral injury and cannabis use disorder among Israeli combat veterans: the role of depression and perceived social support,2021,124,,e107114,Feingold Pre-game drinking among young adults and its association with positive and negative alcohol consequences,2021,124,,e107120,Linden-Carmichael Co-use among confidants: an examination of polysubstance use and personal relationships in southeastern Nebraska,2021,124,,e107116,Smith Simultaneous use of marijuana and alcohol: potential prevention targets among young adults who use alcohol,2021,124,,e107118,Oesterle Craving and emotional responses to trauma and cannabis cues in trauma-exposed cannabis users: influence of PTSD symptom severity,2021,125,,e107126,Barrett Prevalences of and characteristics associated with single- and polydrug-involved U.S. emergency department visits in 2018,2021,125,,107158,Scholl A psychometric assessment of the Brief Situational Confidence Questionnaire for Marijuana (BSCQ-M) in juvenile justice-involved youth,2021,125,,e107154,Hernandez Alcohol consumption and associations with sociodemographic and health-related characteristics in Germany: a population survey,2021,125,,e107159,Garnett Assessing parents' motives for talking about alcohol with their emerging adult children,2021,125,,e107155,LaBrie Predictors of suicide attempts in male UK gamblers seeking residential treatment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turner The moderating effects of alcohol use with and without parent permission on alcohol risk communication in early adolescence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Colder Posttraumatic stress and substance use among military veterans: associations with distress intolerance and anxiety sensitivity,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vujanovic Comparisons of injection and non-injection opioid use among Black people in methadone treatment: a pilot in Detroit,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arfken Healthcare utilization and psychiatric and physical comorbidities before suicide mortality in patients with methamphetamine use disorder: a nationwide case-control study,2021,126,,e107192,Tsai Disparities in years of potential life lost to drug-involved overdose deaths in South Carolina,2021,126,,e107181,Brady Parental problem gambling and child wellbeing: systematic review and synthesis of evidence,2021,126,,e107205,Lucas Latent class analysis of drinking game consequences among college drinkers,2021,126,,107203,Correia Associations between modes of cannabis use in daily life with concurrent and longitudinal hazardous use and consequences,2021,126,,e107208,Ansell Intimate partner violence as a predictor of substance use outcomes among women: a systematic review,2021,127,,e107214,Dichter Quantifying cannabis problems among college students from English and Spanish speaking countries: cross-cultural validation of the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test-Revised (CUDIT-R),2021,127,,e107209,Pilatti Daily-level analysis of drinking intensity and acute physical consequences,2022,128,,e107246,Patrick Mental health and drinking to cope in the early COVID period: data from the 2019-2020 US National Alcohol Survey,2022,128,,e107247,Greenfield Cannabis use as a predictor and outcome of positive and negative affect in college students: an ecological momentary assessment study,2022,128,,e107221,Sznitman Does childhood maltreatment increase the subsequent risk of problematic smartphone use among adolescents? A two-wave longitudinal study,2022,129,,e107250,Lei Do the effects of parent-based alcohol interventions depend on college residence? A short communication,2022,129,,e107257,LaBrie Validity and usefulness of the short form of the Drinking Motives Questionnaire Revised (DMQ-R SF) among patients with schizophrenia,2022,129,,e107251,Dervaux Social networking site use and alcohol use behaviors among adolescents: a latent profile analysis,2022,129,,e107261,Litt Prevalence and use of cannabis products and routes of administration among youth and young adults in Canada and the United States: a systematic review,2022,129,,e107258,Hammond A dyadic examination of alcohol use and intimate partner aggression among women in same-sex relationships,2022,129,,e107262,Kelley Classifying risky cannabis involvement in young adults using the Marijuana Consequences Questionnaire (MACQ),2022,129,,107236,Read Meaning in life and stress-related drinking: a multicohort study of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,129,,107281,Garcia Assessing alcohol use in situ: correlates of self-report vs. objective alcohol consumption,2022,129,,e107278,Chaney Validating a brief screening measure for early-onset substance use during adolescence in a diverse nationwide birth cohort,2022,129,,e107277,Corbin Multiple diverse drinking trajectories among sexual minority women: unique and joint prediction by minority stress and social influence risk factors,2022,129,,e107273,Kaysen Psychometric properties of CAST for early detection of problematic cannabis use in Spanish adolescents,2022,129,,e107288,Rial Do symptoms of depression and anxiety contribute to heavy episodic drinking? A 3-wave longitudinal study of adult community members,2022,130,,e107295,Stewart Adverse childhood experiences and past 30-day cannabis use among middle and high school students: the protective influence of families and schools,2022,130,,e107280,Lensch Alcohol intoxication and sexual risk intentions: exploring cultural factors among heavy drinking women,2022,131,,107314,George Lockdown bottoms up? Changes in adolescent substance use across the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,131,,e107326,Ellis Adolescents' and young adults' perceptions of risks and benefits differ by type of cannabis products,2022,131,,e107336,Delucchi Effective prevention programming for reducing alcohol-related harms experienced by first year college students: evaluation of the expectancy challenge alcohol literacy curriculum (ECALC),2022,131,,e107338,Dunn Global comparisons of responses to alcohol health information labels: a cross sectional study of people who drink alcohol from 29 countries,2022,131,,e107330,Foxcroft Use of protective behavioral strategies and blackout experience among mandated college students,2022,132,,e107340,Carey Association between empathy and drinking among a community sample of heavy drinkers: sex differences and neural correlates,2022,132,,e107346,Witkiewitz What's sleep got to do with it? Longitudinal associations between insomnia PTSD and alcohol use among U.S. Veterans,2022,132,,e107358,Pedersen The association between level of personality organization and problematic gaming: anxiety depression and motivations for playing as mediators,2022,132,,e107368,Musetti Examining the impact of early college experiences on the cumulative number of alcohol-related consequences,2022,132,,e107357,Mallett Development of an individualized procedure to induce reward-related impulsivity and evaluating its impact on drinking control,2022,133,,107378,Gullo Delta-8 THC use in US adults: sociodemographic characteristics and correlates,2022,133,,e107374,Hasin Prevalence and correlates of driving under the influence of stimulants: evidence from a national sample,2022,132,,107364,Vaughn Substance use related violent deaths among racial/ethnic groups in the United States,2022,133,,e107384,Mowbray Examining the influence of rurality on frequency of cannabis use and severity of consequences as moderated by age and gender,2022,133,,e107385,Cunningham Event-level associations among minority stress coping motives and substance use among sexual minority women and gender diverse individuals,2022,134,,e107397,Kaysen Age sex and race-varying rates of alcohol use cannabis use and alcohol and cannabis co-use in veterans vs. non-veterans,2022,134,,e107418,Doran A latent class approach to understanding longitudinal sleep health and the association with alcohol and cannabis use during late adolescence and emerging adulthood,2022,134,,e107417,D'Amico The effect of alcohol use disorder symptom and recovery narratives on problem-recognition: a randomized online trial,2022,134,,e107426,Sander Cannabis use for sleep aid among high school students: concurrent and prospective associations with substance use and sleep problems,2022,134,,e107427,Park A trauma model of substance use: elaboration and preliminary validation,2022,134,,e107431,Starcevic The moderating role of sex and self- teacher- and father-reported ADHD hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms on the association between early adolescent internalizing symptoms and substance use,2022,135,,e107437,Boivin Examining the relationship between alcohol consumption psychological distress and COVID-19 related circumstances: an Australian longitudinal study in the first year of the pandemic,2022,135,,e107439,Livingston Cannabis and alcohol co-use: the effects of intensity of cannabis use among heavy drinkers,2022,135,,e107443,Ray Unravelling reciprocal effects among young adults' binge drinking stress and anticipated regret,2022,135,,e107432,Loxton Exposure to interpersonal stigma enhances the effectiveness of a culturally adapted personalized normative feedback alcohol intervention for sexual minority women,2022,135,,e107453,LaBrie Prevalence of heavy episodic drinking and alcohol use disorder diagnosis among US college students: results from the national Healthy Minds Study,2022,135,,e107452,Lipson An exploration of multivariate symptom clusters of cannabis use disorder in young adults,2022,135,,e107465,Finn Does the relationship between alcohol retail environment and alcohol outcomes vary by depressive symptoms? Findings from a U.S. survey of Black Hispanic and White drinkers,2022,136,,e107463,Kerr Psychological reactance and adolescent cannabis use: the role of parental warmth and monitoring,2022,136,,e107466,Crano Internalizing and externalizing subtypes of alcohol misuse and their relation to drinking motives,2022,136,,e107461,Dick Capturing the bigger picture: a gestalt of general and alcohol-specific social media usage during the transition to college as a predictor of first-year alcohol use and consequences,2022,136,,e107472,LaBrie Where do heavy drinking college students experience alcohol consequences and where are they perceived to be normative?,2022,136,,e107474,Carey Online racism depressive and anxiety symptoms coping-related drinking motives and alcohol use severity among Black Latina/o/x and Asian emerging adults,2022,136,,e107468,Keum Adverse childhood experiences and alcohol related negative consequence among college student drinkers,2022,136,,e107484,Benjamin Elixir of love or venom of violence: when does a drinking event result in couple intimacy or couple conflict?,2022,136,,e107488,Leonard Race- and university-specific norms associated with alcohol use among Black college students,2022,136,,e107487,Gilmore Posttraumatic stress symptoms and substance use among college students: exploring interactions with sleep quality and assigned sex,2022,136,,e107482,Larimer Development and initial validation of an MDMA/Ecstasy motives assessment,2022,136,,e107494,Haug Examining the influence of adolescent : provider alliance on youth hazardous drinking: findings from a randomized controlled trial,2022,136,,e107499,Bryan Taking alcohol from one's parents' home without permission as a risk factor for greater alcohol and marijuana use during the transition into college,2022,137,,e107502,LaBrie Occasion-level investigation of playing drinking games: associations with cognitions situational factors alcohol use and negative consequences among adolescents and young adults,2022,137,,e107497,Lewis Perceptions about THC and CBD effects among adults with and without prior cannabis experience,2022,137,,e107508,Barrett Changes in alcohol beliefs mediate the effects of a school-based prevention program on alcohol use among Brazilian adolescents,2022,137,,e107522,Sanchez Collateral consequences of the school-to-prison pipeline: adolescent substance use and developmental risk,2022,137,,e107524,Russell The developmental unfolding of substance use disorder symptoms and academic achievement in the transition into and out of college,2022,137,,e107530,Samek Impaired control over drinking predicts changes in alcohol-related consequences over and above alcohol use and facets of impulsivity,2022,137,,e107534,Patock-Peckham Preloading exit intoxication related to energy drink usage and gender differences within night-time entertainment districts for young people,2022,137,,e107533,Devilly Maximizing the use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) as a two-step screening tool,2022,137,,e107521,Zvolensky Who's at greatest risk? Latent profiles of alcohol and cannabis use and related consequences among college students,2022,137,,e107536,Looby Cannabis-related problems and social anxiety: the roles of sex and cannabis use motives updated,2022,137,,e107528,Buckner Pre-drinking motives are directly associated with alcohol-related consequences even after adjusting for alcohol use on a given night: a consequence-specific analysis,2022,137,,e107526,Kuntsche Recreational cannabis legalization alters associations among cannabis use perception of risk and cannabis use disorder treatment for adolescents and young adults,2022,138,,e107552,Mennis Assessing the prevalence and risk factors of marijuana use in adults with disabilities,2022,138,,e107559,Kitsantas Self-compassion buffers the internalized alcohol stigma and depression link in women sexual assault survivors who drink to cope,2022,138,,e107562,Abrantes Analysis of participant-rated feasibility and acceptability of an online theory-based pre-drinking behavioural intervention,2022,138,,e107568,Caudwell Alcohol use among Australian parents during the COVID-19 pandemic - April-2020 to May 2021,2022,138,,e107561,Youssef Prom graduation and parties: alcohol use and normative perceptions among high school seniors during specific events,2022,138,,e107569,Larimer Polysubstance use among young adults and differences in negative alcohol-related sexual experiences,2022,138,,e107571,McCabe What pandemic? A multisite study of drinking motives and drinking games participation among college students during a pandemic (COVID-19) academic year,2022,138,,e107560,Zamboanga The association between student loan debt and perceived socioeconomic status and problematic drinking and mental health symptoms: a preliminary investigation,2022,139,,e107576,Neighbors The efficacy of cue exposure therapy on alcohol use disorders: a quantitative meta-analysis and systematic review,2022,139,,e107578,Deluca Early-onset prescription drug misuse in Indiana youth,2022,139,,e107594,Parker Causes of alcohol-attributable death and associated years of potential life lost among LGB and non-LGB veteran men and women in Veterans Health Administration,2022,139,,e107587,Shipherd Coping strategies as mediating mechanisms between adolescent polysubstance use classes and adult alcohol and substance use disorders,2022,139,,e107586,Connell Driving under the influence of cannabis alcohol and illicit drugs among adults in the United States from 2016 to 2020,2023,140,,e107614,Bohnert The perceived impact that alcohol policy could have on Brazilian and British students' pre-drinking behaviour,2023,140,,e107618,Hughes It's not just drinking but where you drink: a daily diary study of drinking venue effects on sexual activity with new partners,2023,140,,e107607,Testa Cannabis use among adolescents and emerging adults who use e-cigarettes: findings from an online national U.S. sample,2023,140,,e107620,Chaffee Adult use of highly-potent Δ9-THC cannabis concentrate products by U.S. state cannabis legalization status 2021,2023,140,,e107617,Hasin Associations between blackout drinking and self-reported everyday cognition among young adults,2023,141,,e107653,Miller The nomological network of drinker identity: a scoping review,2023,141,,e107654,Finn Impulsivity masculine norms and patron pre-drinking levels in Queensland,2023,141,,e107642,Coomber Induced negative affect's impact on self-reported cannabis use expectancies and problems,2023,141,,e107652,Earleywine The socio-ecological context of U.S. college student drinking: a latent class analysis,2023,141,,e107666,Wall Alcohol and cannabis co-use in a national sample of U.S. adults ages 30-80,2023,142,,e107663,Tucker Co-occurring suicidal ideation and alcohol-related problems: an intersectional analysis of Native American and White adults with minoritized sexual identities,2023,142,,e107674,Zajac Social anxiety and alcohol consumption: the role of social context,2023,143,,e107672,Bresin Network analysis of reasons for and against changing alcohol use among veterans engaged in a web-based intervention for hazardous drinking and PTSD symptoms,2023,143,,e107689,Keane Longitudinal associations between descriptive and injunctive norms on college drinking,2023,143,,e107692,Neighbors Cannabis retailer marketing strategies and regulatory compliance: a surveillance study of retailers in 5 US cities,2023,143,,e107696,Cavazos-Rehg The effects of alcohol and marijuana co-use patterns on intimate partner aggression perpetration,2023,143,,e107691,Parrott Alcohol-induced blackouts among college student drinkers: a multilevel analysis,2023,143,,e107706,Mallett Emotion dysregulation factors associated with problematic smartphone use severity: the mediating role of fear of missing out,2023,143,,e107708,Elhai Predictors of methamphetamine use in a longitudinal birth cohort,2023,144,,e107714,Boden Association between mobile phone addiction chronotype and nonsuicidal self-injury among adolescents: a large-scale study in China,2023,144,,e107725,Yu Epilogue to the special issue on predrinking and drinking game behaviors among adolescents and young adults in the United States and across the globe: problems to be addressed in future predrinking research,2023,144,,e107732,Kuntsche High potency cannabis use mental health symptoms and cannabis dependence: triangulating the evidence,2023,144,,e107740,Curran Prologue to the special issue on predrinking and drinking game behaviors among adolescents and young adults in the United States and across the globe: definitions and overview of prevalence rates,2023,144,,e107731,Zamboanga Latent profiles of cannabis use protective behavioral strategies and health beliefs in college students,2023,144,,e107747,Noel Validation of a Bayesian learning model to predict the risk for cannabis use disorder,2023,146,,e107799,Boden Emotion dysregulation in relation to cannabis use and mental health among young adults,2023,144,,e107757,Secades-Villa Testing the cannabis gateway hypothesis in a national sample of Spanish adolescents,2023,144,,e107751,Secades-Villa An agenda for research to transform care for cannabis use disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bonar Reasons for not drinking among young adults with simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use: a latent class analysis applied to daily diary data,2023,145,,e107780,Wilkinson Profiles of alcohol and cannabis protective behavioral strategies use across two large multi-site college student samples of concurrent alcohol and cannabis users,2023,146,,e107789,Pearson Canada's cannabis legalization and adult crime patterns 2015-2021: a time series study,2023,146,,e107813,Asbridge Associations between problematic internet use life satisfaction and deliberate self-harm among Chinese adolescents: a multi-centered longitudinal study,2023,147,,e107808,Li Driving under the influence of cannabis and alcohol: evidence from a national sample of young drivers,2023,147,,e107816,Vaughn Low levels of fitting in on campus moderates the relationship between enhancement drinking motives and drinks per week among college students,2023,147,,e107831,Barnett A remote brief intervention plus social media messaging for cannabis use among emerging adults: a pilot randomized controlled trial in emergency department patients,2023,147,,e107829,Bonar Cannabis use in context: relations among impulsive personality traits context and cannabis problems,2023,147,,e107841,Corbin Driving under the influence of cannabis versus alcohol: a mixed-methods study examining perceptions and related risk behaviors among US and Israeli adults,2023,148,,e107843,Berg Screening for cannabis use disorder among young adults: sensitivity specificity and item-level performance of the Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test - Revised,2023,148,,e107859,Wardell Subjective evaluations of alcohol-involved sexual experiences over time among heavy-drinking college students: comparisons across gender,2023,148,,e107863,Merrill Evaluating age-related disparities in cannabis-related problems among LGBT+ versus non-LGBT+ adults,2023,148,,e107861,Hasin Measurement invariance of the Marijuana Motives Measure among men and women using Stop Cannabis App,2023,148,,e107866,Rochat Anxiety as a predictor of the age of initiation of tobacco and cannabis use in adolescents and young adults,2023,148,,e107876,Messiah Determinants of prescription opioid misuse among Black Americans: evidence from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health,2023,149,,e107890,Ford Profiles of fear of missing out and their social media use among young adults: a six-month longitudinal study,2023,149,,e107899,Liu Behavioral economic analysis of legal and illegal cannabis demand in Spanish young adults with hazardous and non-hazardous cannabis use,2023,149,,e107878,Mackillop College students' prescription drug misuse over time and links with their mental health and well-being,2023,149,,e107895,Kouros The association between alcohol use and sexual assault victimization among college students differs by gender identity and race,2023,149,,e107892,Orchowski Predictors of morning cannabis use among young adults: between- and within-person associations from 24 consecutive months of data,2023,149,,e107908,Lee Sharpen the focus on chemsex,2023,149,,e107910,Billieux Age-related patterns in high-risk alcohol and cannabis use and their associations with positive and negative affect in young adulthood,2023,150,,e107909,Fleming Prevalence and correlates of positive parental attitudes towards cannabis use and use intention in Australia during 2016 and 2019,2023,150,,e107917,Hides Psychiatric and substance use disorders among adults over age 50 who use cannabis: a matched cohort study using electronic health record data,2023,150,,e107927,Pedula Contexts of social alcohol and cannabis use among sexual minority cisgender women and gender diverse individuals: event-level differences in alcohol and cannabis use patterns based on the sexual orientations and gender identities of substance use companions,2023,151,,e107935,Kaysen The company you keep: the neglected role of affiliating with delinquent friends in the development of the cannabis-violence link,2023,151,,e107939,Potvin Corrigendum to "Predictors of morning cannabis use among young adults: Between- and within-person associations from 24 consecutive months of data" [Addict. Behav. 124 (2024) 107908],2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Mixed method examination of alcohol and suicidality among actively suicidal adults who engage in heavy episodic drinking,2023,151,,e107938,Gilmore The independent and joint effect of socioeconomic status and multiracial status on the prevalence and frequency of substance use and depression among U.S. adolescents,2024,151,,e107953,Lopez-Quintero Life-course accumulated cannabis use and recent cannabis-related problems in the Washington Panel Survey,2024,152,,e107957,Greenfield Evaluating distress as a moderator of the relationship between drinking identity and hazardous drinking during the post-college transition,2024,152,,e107955,Wiers The intergenerational continuity of alcohol use in a population sample,2024,152,,e107954,Boivin Associations between frequency of exposure to peer-generated alcohol-related posts and alcohol use within a social network of college students,2024,152,,e107956,Barnett Distal and proximal risk factors of problematic cannabis use associated with psychotic-like experiences,2024,152,,e107978,Girard Cannabis advertising impacts on youth cannabis use intentions following recreational legalization in Canada: an Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) study,2024,153,,e107981,Noël Problematic social media use in childhood and adolescence,2024,153,,e107980,Elhai Longitudinal associations between adult-supervised drinking during adolescence and alcohol misuse from ages 25-31 years: a comparison of Australia and the United States,2024,153,,e107984,Toumbourou Prevalence and correlates of alcohol use among the elderly in the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) cohort study,2024,153,,e108001,Galusha A daily-level examination of willingness to pregame blackout and hook up across drinking days: associations with respective behavioral outcomes among adolescents and young adults,2024,153,,e108004,Lewis Can we predict adolescent cannabis use? A Bayesian semi-parametric approach to project future trends,2024,154,,e108009,Ter Bogt Differentiating action from inaction: longitudinal relations among impulsive personality traits internalizing symptoms and drinking behavior,2024,154,,e108019,Corbin Latent profile analysis of college students' alcohol and cannabis co-use patterns after recreational cannabis legalization,2024,154,,e108021,Snyder A text message intervention aimed at nurturing peer outreach to help meet drinking limit goals: a remote pilot randomized trial in non-collegiate young adults,2024,154,,e108020,Lee Characterizing alcohol cue reactive and non-reactive individuals with alcohol use disorder,2024,155,,e108028,Ray Examining within-person associations between alcohol and cannabis use and hooking up among adolescents and young adults in the United States,2024,155,,e108040,McCabe Clinician perspectives on adolescent cannabis-related beliefs and behaviors following recreational cannabis legalization,2024,156,,e108046,Sterling Examining the daily reciprocal relations between alcohol abstinence self-efficacy and drinking among non-treatment seeking individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD),2024,156,,e108068,Schlauch The feasibility and acceptability of a brief intervention for clients of substance use services experiencing symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder,2014,39,6,1094-1099,Baker Reasons for multiple tobacco product and cannabis co-use among Texas young adults,2024,156,,e108063,Chen Electronic interventions in primary care to address substance use: a systematic review,2024,156,,e108073,Torrens Depression screening outcomes among adolescents young adults and adults reporting past 30-day tobacco and cannabis use,2024,156,,e108076,Halpern-Felsher Gambling disorder in minority ethnic groups,2023,136,,107475,Grant Prevalence of cannabis use disorder and medical card possession in U.S. military veterans: Results from the 2019-2020 National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study,2021,120,,e106963,Norman Treatment outcomes in individuals diagnosed with comorbid opioid use disorder and Posttraumatic stress disorder: A review,2021,122,,e107026,Sofuoglu Exploring the mediating role of methamphetamine use in the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and attempted suicide,2021,123,,e107060,Chen Understanding pathways to e-cigarette use across sexual identity: A multi-group structural equation model,2021,114,,e106748,Doxbeck The relationship between alcohol and cannabis use with nonsuicidal self-injury among adolescent inpatients: Examining the 90 days prior to psychiatric hospitalization,2021,114,,e106759,O'Brien Predicting problematic pornography use among male returning US veterans,2021,112,,e106647,Shirk Clinical and psychosocial characteristics of substance-dependent pregnant women with and without PTSD,2001,26,3,469-474,Jones Smoking in psychiatric inpatients: association with working status diagnosis comorbid substance abuse and history of suicide attempts,2009,34,10,815-820,Eytan A procedure that differentiates unintentional from intentional overdose in opioid abusers,2012,37,1,127-130,Wines Clinical characteristics of veterans with gambling disorders seeking pain treatment,2019,95,,160-165,Kraus Concurrent Alcohol and Opioid Use Among Harm Reduction Clients,2020,100,,e106027,Winstanley Cannabis use trajectories over time in relation to minority stress and gender among sexual and gender minority people,2024,157,,e108079,Neilands Disproportionate increase in cannabis use among people with serious psychological distress and associations with psychiatric service use in the United States 2009-2019,2024,157,,e108095,Lê Cook