Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author
Risk of injury from acute alcohol consumption and the influence of confounders,2004,99,10,1262-1273,Watt
Two-chosen-one taxation: examining its potential effectiveness to reduce drinking initiation and heavy alcohol consumption in low- to middle-income countries,2012,107,8,1389-1390,Rehm
Effects of a multi-component responsible beverage service program on violent assaults in Sweden,2013,108,1,89-96,Paschall
Risk of injury after alcohol consumption from case-crossover studies in five countries from the America's,2013,108,1,97-103,Borges
Blood alcohol content (BAC)-negative victims in alcohol-involved injury incidents,2002,97,7,909-914,Smith
The occurrence and epidemiologic features of alcohol-related occupational injuries,1993,88,7,945-951,Kraus
Long‐term effects of a community‐based intervention: 5‐year follow‐up of 'Clubs against Drugs',2011,106,11,1997-2004,Wallin
The "WAM" score: sensitivity and specificity of a user friendly biological screening test for alcohol problems in trauma patients,1996,91,2,255-262,Jurkovich
Basing drug scheduling decisions on scientific ranking of harmfulness: False promise from false premises,2011,106,11,1886-1890,Caulkins
Commentary on Genberg et al. (2011): The structural vulnerability imposed by hypersegregated US inner‐city neighborhoods - a theoretical and practical challenge for substance abuse research,2011,106,11,1975-1977,Bourgois
Drinking patterns in mid-adolescence and psychosocial outcomes in late adolescence and early adulthood,2004,99,12,1529-1541,Fergusson
Teenage drinking and the onset of alcohol dependence: a cohort study over seven years,2004,99,12,1520-1528,Patton
Intoxicants and suicidal behaviour among adolescents: changes in levels and associations from 1992 to 2002,2005,100,1,79-88,Wichstrom
Reducing DUI among US college students: results of an environmental prevention trial,2005,100,3,327-334,Voas
Assessing the value of environmental prevention programmes in reducing driving under the influence (DUI) among college students,2005,100,3,269-270,Tunbridge
Can harm ratings be useful?,2011,106,11,1893-1894,Rossow
Scales and blinkers motes and beams - whose view is obstructed on drug scheduling?,2011,106,11,1895-1896,Room
Improved ranking of drugs on harmfulness can bring sense and order to a failed system,2011,106,11,1894-1895,Obot
Nutt et al.'s harm scales for drugs--room for improvement but better policy based on science with limitations than no science at all,2011,106,11,1891-1892,Fischer
Housewife or working mum--each to her own? The relevance of societal factors in the association between social roles and alcohol use among mothers in 16 industrialized countries,2011,106,11,1925-1932,Kuntsche
Children in fatal crashes: driver blood alcohol concentration and demographics of child passengers and their drivers,2002,97,11,1439-1448,Voas
Operation safe crossing: using science within a community intervention,2002,97,9,1205-1214,Voas
Tougher penalties for drink driving in Japan,2001,96,12,1866,Shimizu
Drink driving and criminal behaviours as risk factors for receipt of disability pension and sick leave: a prospective study of young men,1999,94,4,507-519,Upmark
The effect of drinking and driving interventions on alcohol-involved traffic crashes within a comprehensive community trial,1997,92,Suppl 2,S221-36,Voas
Situational norms for drinking and drunkenness: trends in the US adult population 1979-1990,1997,92,1,33-47,Greenfield
Drink-driving US style,1996,91,8,1239-1240,
The effect of a moderate dose of alcohol on the traffic hazard perception profile of young drink-drivers,1996,91,6,815-827,Deery
Meta-analysis helps to define the policy-relevance of drink driving research,1995,90,12,1593-4; discussion 1595-601,Hedlund
Inherent problems with meta-analysis,1995,90,12,1589-91; discussion 1595-601,Peck
The effects of expectancy and alcohol on cognitive-motor performance,1995,90,5,661-672,Millar
Drivers' differential perceptions of legal and safe driving consumption,1995,90,2,245-254,Guppy
High risk drinking settings: the association of serving and promotional practices with harmful drinking,1993,88,11,1519-1526,Lang
Behavioral measures of drinking: patterns from the Alcohol Interlock Record,2003,98,Suppl 2,13-19,Voas
Substance use and driving: the coexistence of risky and safe behaviors,2001,96,3,473-484,Pinsky
DUI risk screening instruments,2000,95,11,1709-1710,Voas
Comparing the predictive validity of DUI risk screening instruments: development of validation standards,2000,95,6,915-929,Wells-Parker
Communities mobilizing for change on alcohol (CMCA): effects of a randomized trial on arrests and traffic crashes,2000,95,2,209-217,Wagenaar
Behavioral monitoring of DUI offenders with the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Recorder,1999,94,12,1861-1870,Voas
The Alberta Interlock Program: the evaluation of a province-wide program on DUI recidivism,1999,94,12,1849-1859,Voas
Mandated AA attendance for recidivist drinking drivers: policy issues,1997,92,9,1133-1136,Speiglman
An evaluation of the effectiveness of alcohol treatment driver license actions and jail terms in reducing drunk driving recidivism in California,1997,92,8,989-997,DeYoung
Drinking and driving prevention in the community: program planning and implementation,1997,92,Suppl 2,S201-19,Voas
Media advocacy in community prevention: news as a means to advance policy change,1997,92,Suppl 2,S189-99,Holder
A community prevention trial to reduce alcohol-involved accidental injury and death: overview,1997,92,Suppl 2,S155-71,Voas
Predicting underage drinking and driving behaviors,1996,91,12,1843-1857,Voas
Problem drinking and high-risk driving: an analysis of official and self-reported drinking-driving in New York State,1993,88,2,219-228,Yu
The effects of drinking-driving laws: a test of the differential deterrence hypothesis,2003,98,11,1531-1536,Stoduto
Have the courts and the motor vehicle departments adequate power to control the hard-core drunk driver?,2001,96,12,1701-1707,Voas
Alcohol and intimate partner violence: when can we say that heavy drinking is a contributing cause of violence?,2005,100,4,422-425,Leonard
Drug driving among injecting drug users in Sydney Australia: prevalence risk factors and risk perceptions,2004,99,2,175-185,Kelly
A cross-national meta-analysis of alcohol and injury: data from the Emergency Room Collaborative Alcohol Analysis Project (ERCAAP),2003,98,9,1277-1286,Borges
Alcohol and casualties: comparison of county-wide emergency room data with the county general population,1995,90,3,343-350,Cherpitel
Alcohol and injuries resulting from violence: a review of emergency room studies,1994,89,2,157-165,Cherpitel
Alcohol and injuries: a review of international emergency room studies,1993,88,7,923-937,Cherpitel
Alcohol and violence-related injuries: an emergency room study,1993,88,1,79-88,Cherpitel
Marijuana use and car crash injury,2005,100,5,605-611,Ivers
Research on alcolock implementation in the European Union,2005,100,1,136,Vanlaar
Marijuana use and driver risks: the role of epidemiology and experimentation,2005,100,5,577-578,Fergusson
Saturday opening of alcohol retail shops in Sweden: an experiment in two phases,2005,100,6,767-776,Norstrom
Guardians and handlers: the role of bar staff in preventing and managing aggression,2005,100,6,755-766,Osgood
Relationships of drinking behaviour gender and age with reported negative and positive experiences related to drinking,2000,95,5,727-736,Mäkelä
Changes in the prevalence of alcohol use in rap song lyrics 1979-97,2005,100,9,1258-1269,Herd
The role of alcohol-specific socialization in adolescents' drinking behaviour,2005,100,10,1464-1476,Engels
Drinking pattern among adolescents with immigrant and Norwegian backgrounds: A two-way influence?,2005,100,10,1453-1463,Rossow
Reducing bias in telephone survey estimates of the prevalence of drug use: a randomized trial of telephone audio-CASI,2005,100,10,1432-1444,Turner
American Beverage Licensees attack Mothers Against Drunk Driving,2005,100,10,1389-1391,Toomey
Multisystemic therapy and neighborhood partnerships: reducing adolescent violence and substance abuse,2005,100,10,1564-1565,Holder
Requiring suspended drunk drivers to install alcohol interlocks to reinstate their licenses: effective?,2010,105,8,1422-1428,Fisher
New mexico's 1998 drive-up liquor window closure. study i: effect on alcohol-involved crashes,2004,99,5,598-606,Gruenewald
Remediation can only give what it has so do not ask too much,1995,90,12,1594-5; discussion 1595-601,Assailly
Pattern of drinking and fatal injury: a population-based follow-up study of Finnish men,2005,100,12,1851-1859,Poikolainen
Multi-level analysis of alcohol-related injury among emergency department patients: a cross-national study,2005,100,12,1840-1850,Rehm
Gender-specific mortality associated with alcohol consumption in Poland in transition,2005,100,12,1779-1789,Moskalewicz
The extent of the 'prevention paradox' in alcohol problems as a function of population drinking patterns,2006,101,1,84-90,Rossow
The role of alcohol and drugs in triggering criminal violence: a case-crossover study,2006,101,1,100-108,Hallqvist
Driving capacity of patients treated with methadone and slow-release oral morphine,2005,100,7,1027,Kopp
Local alcohol prohibition police presence and serious injury in isolated Alaska Native villages,2006,101,3,393-403,Gruenewald
Alcohol-attributable mortality and potential years of life lost in Canada 2001: implications for prevention and policy,2006,101,3,373-384,Rehm
Why not a statutory blood alcohol level for drinking in public places?,2006,101,4,609,Hawks
Childhood predictors of drunkenness in late adolescence among males: a 10-year population-based follow-up study,2006,101,4,512-521,Poikolainen
Ecological models of alcohol outlets and violent assaults: crime potentials and geospatial analysis,2006,101,5,666-677,Gruenewald
Trends in alcohol-related mortality in Sweden 1969-2002: an age-period-cohort analysis,2006,101,6,835-840,Rosen
A community action programme for reducing harmful drinking behaviour among adolescents: the Trelleborg Project,2006,101,6,813-823,Lindgren
Emergency room research on links between alcohol and violent injury,1998,93,8,1261-1262,Shepherd
Alcohol intake and severity of injuries on highways in Mexico: a comparative analysis,1998,93,10,1543-1551,Híjar-Medina
Anti-drink driving reform in Britain c. 1920-80,2010,105,9,1538-1544,Luckin
Acute alcohol use and the risk of non-fatal injury in sixteen countries,2006,101,7,993-1002,Borges
Alcohol use in families: a 15-year prospective follow-up study,2006,101,7,984-992,Sourander
Socio-environmental influences on adolescents' alcohol outcome expectancies: a prospective analysis,2006,101,7,971-983,Ellickson
The social costs of alcohol abuse in New Zealand,1997,92,11,1491-1505,Scuffham
Male drinking and violence-related injury in the emergency room,1998,93,1,103-112,Cherpitel
Estimates of harm associated with changes in Swedish alcohol policy: results from past and present estimates,2006,101,8,1096-1105,Osterberg
Volume of alcohol consumption patterns of drinking and burden of disease in the European region 2002,2006,101,8,1086-1095,Rehm
The role of alcohol and drugs in homicides in England and Wales,2006,101,8,1117-1124,Burns
The relationship between homicide and alcohol drugs and psychiatric disorder: some directions for prevention,2006,101,8,1071-1072,Graham
Drink driving and the regulates of drinking: when will governments learn?,2006,101,9,1228-1229,Homel
Alcohol-related injury and the emergency department: research and policy questions for the next decade,2006,101,9,1225-1227,Cherpitel
Alcoholic beverage choice risk perception and self-reported drunk driving: effects of measurement on risk analysis,1999,94,11,1735-1743,Greenfield
Diagnosis of alcohol dependence in epidemiological surveys: an epidemic of youthful alcohol dependence or a case of measurement error?,2006,101,Suppl 1,111-114,Caetano
Per capita alcohol consumption and sickness absence,2006,101,10,1421-1427,Norström
How many drinks does it take you to feel drunk? Trends and predictors for subjective drunkenness,2006,101,10,1428-1437,Midanik
A longitudinal study of social psychological and behavioural factors associated with drunken driving and public drunkenness,1997,92,4,447-457,Karlsson
Designer drugs as a cause of homicide,2006,101,11,1666-1667,Matsumoto
Are the adverse consequences of cannabis use age-dependent?,2002,97,9,1083-1086,Grenyer
A prospective study of mortality among drug misusers during a 4-year period after seeking treatment,2002,97,1,39-47,Stewart
Alcohol and suicide in 14 European countries,2001,96,Suppl 1,S59-75,Ramstedt
Suicide rates and alcohol consumption in the United States 1970-89,1995,90,8,1063-1075,Gruenewald
Alcohol consumption and suicide mortality by age among Finnish men 1950-1991,1996,91,1,101-112,Makela
Cannabis abuse and serious suicide attempts,1999,94,8,1155-1164,Beautrais
Drinking habits and disability retirement,2012,107,12,2128-2136,Lahelma
Balancing on the edge of death: suicide attempts and life-threatening overdoses among drug addicts,1999,94,2,209-219,Rossow
Suicidal intent in non-fatal illicit drug overdose,2000,95,1,85-93,Neale
The impact of alcohol beverage container warning labels on alcohol-impaired drivers drinking drivers and the general population in northern California,1994,89,12,1639-1651,Saltz
A time-series analysis of the impact of heavy drinking on homicide and suicide mortality in Russia 1956-2002,2006,101,12,1719-1729,Pridemore
Adolescent passengers of drunk drivers: a multi-level exploration into the inequities of risk and safety,2007,102,1,51-61,Asbridge
Do alcohol restrictions reduce suicide mortality?,2007,102,2,251-256,Wasserman
Trajectories of adolescent alcohol and cannabis use into young adulthood,2007,102,4,607 - 615,Patton
Alcohol and the preventive paradox: serious harms and drinking patterns,2007,102,4,571 - 578,Poikolainen
A Swedish alcohol ignition interlock programme for drink-drivers: effects on hospital care utilization and sick leave,2007,102,4,560 - 570,Bjerre
Methadone maintenance treatment: the balance between life-saving treatment and fatal poisonings,2007,102,3,406-412,Stenbacka
Alcohol and violence: use of possible confounders in a time-series analysis,2007,102,3,369-376,Bye
Harm minimization among teenage drinkers: findings from an ethnographic study on teenage alcohol use in a rural Danish community,2007,102,4,554-559,Curtis
Prevalence and socio-economic distribution of hazardous patterns of alcohol drinking: study of alcohol consumption in men aged 25-54 years in Izhevsk Russia,2007,102,4,544-553,Kiryanov
Adolescent salvia substance abuse,2007,102,5,823-824,Singh
Ethnic composition of schools affects episodic heavy drinking only in ethnic-minority students,2007,102,5,722-729,de Graaf
Cognitive impairment in Aboriginal people with heavy episodic patterns of alcohol use,2007,102,6,909-915,Cairney
Genetic and environmental influences on the relationship between peer alcohol use and own alcohol use in adolescents,2007,102,6,894-903,Harold
Substance use trends among active duty military personnel: Findings from the United States Department of Defense Health Related Behavior Surveys 1980-2005,2007,102,7,1092-1101,Hourani
Alcohol-specific rules personality and adolescents' alcohol use: a longitudinal person-environment study,2007,102,7,1064-1075,Engels
Brief alcohol intervention and alcohol assessment do not influence alcohol use in injured patients treated in the emergency department: a randomized controlled clinical trial,2007,108,8,1224 -1233,Yersin
Crystal methamphetamine use among young adults in the USA,2007,102,7,1102-1113,Hallfors
Alcohol and other drug use and the transition from riding to driving,2007,102,1,8-10,Voas
Stimulant effects of 34-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) 75 mg and methylphenidate 20 mg on actual driving during intoxication and withdrawal,2006,101,11,1614-1621,Ramaekers
The impact of later trading hours for hotels on levels of impaired driver road crashes and driver breath alcohol levels,2006,101,9,1254-1264,Stockwell
Trends in alcohol-related harms and offences in a liberalized alcohol environment,2006,101,2,232-240,Pledger
A comment on allowing Saturday sales in the Swedish retail monopoly,2005,100,7,1026,Holder
An investigation of the effect of privatization of retail sales of alcohol on consumption and traffic accidents in Alberta Canada,2005,100,5,662-671,Trolldal
Prevalence and patterns of alcohol use in the Australian workforce: Findings from the 2001 National Drug Strategy Household Survey,2007,102,9,1399 -1410,Harrison
Disabling the public interest: Alcohol strategies and policies for England,2004,99,9,1083-1089,Room
Alcohol consumption and fatal accidents in Canada 1950-98,2003,98,7,883-893,Skog
Population drinking and alcohol harm: what these Canadian analyses tell us,2003,98,7,865-866,Holder
Choosing a rational threshold for the definition of drunk driving: what research recommends,2002,97,10,1237-1238,Mann
Brief prevention for adolescent risk-taking behavior,2002,97,5,563-574,D'Amico
The costs of impaired driving in the United States,2001,96,12,1866-1867,
Study of 2708 heroin-related deaths in north-eastern Italy 1985-98 to establish the main causes of death,2001,96,8,1127-1137,Quaglio
Alcohol consumption and mortality rates from traffic accidents accidental falls and other accidents in 14 European countries,2001,96,Suppl 1,S49-58,Skog
The use of drinking places by gender age and ethnic groups: an analysis of routine drinking activities,2000,95,4,537-551,Gruenewald
Youth escaping limits on drinking: Binging in Mexico,2000,95,4,521-528,Voas
Cannabis use and public health: assessing the burden,2000,95,4,485-490,Babor
Reducing alcohol-related damage in populations: rethinking the roles of education and persuasion interventions,2007,102,9,1345 -1349,Giesbrecht
The monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) gene family function and maltreatment as predictors of destructive behaviour during male adolescent alcohol consumption,2007,102,3,389-398,Oreland
Using historical context to identify confounders mechanisms and modifiers in aggregate level studies of the relationship between alcohol consumption and violent crime,2007,102,3,348-349,Graham
Japan: alcohol today,2007,102,12,1849 -1862,Matsushita
Mortality in a sample of convicted drinking drivers,1993,88,5,643-647,Vingilis
Childhood and adolescent antecedents of substance use in adulthood,2002,97,7,833-844,Ensminger
Peril chance adventure: Concepts of risk alcohol use and risky behavior in young adults,1999,94,3,371-383,Leigh
Causes types and severity of injury among army soldiers hospitalized with alcohol comorbidity,2007,102,9,1411-1420,Bell
The effect of brief interventions on alcohol consumption among heavy drinkers in a general hospital setting,2007,102,11,1762-1770,McIntosh
Young Australians and alcohol: the acceptabllity of ready-to-drink (RTD) alcoholic beverages among 12-30-year-olds,2008,102,11,1740-1746,Copeland
Comparative toxicology of fatal heroin overdose cases and morphine positive homicide victims,2007,102,11,1793-1797,Darke
Suicidal behaviour and associated risk factors among opioid-dependent individuals: a case-control study,2007,102,12,1933-1941,Darke
The impact of later trading hours for hotels (public houses) on breath alcohol levels of apprehended impaired drivers,2007,102,10,1609-1617,Stockwell
Effects of home access and availability of alcohol on young adolescents' alcohol use,2007,102,10,1597-1608,Komro
Randomized sanctions to reduce re-offense among repeat impaired-driving offenders,2007,102,10,1618-1625,C'de Baca
Testing the validity of national drug surveys: comparison between a general population cohort and household surveys,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heron
Commentary on Agrawal et al. (2011): Assessing the impact of changes to diagnostic criteria on the estimated prevalence of alcohol use disorders in general population surveys,2011,106,11,1944-1945,Teesson
Equity considerations in the calculation of cost‐effectiveness in substance use disorder populations,2011,106,11,2047-2048,Gilmour
Meta-analysis of remedial interventions with drink/drive offenders: A useful clarification of what is and is not known,1995,90,12,1591-2; discussion 1595-601,McKnight
Settling old questions stimulating new ones,1995,90,12,1587-9; discussion 1595-601,Mann
Final results from a meta-analysis of remedial interventions with drink/drive offenders,1995,90,7,907-926,Wells-Parker
The language of industry: toward a definition of liquorspeak,1995,90,1,133-134,Wodak
Drug-related deaths between 1985 and 1992 examined at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Vienna Austria,1994,89,7,851-857,Risser
Population and high-risk approaches both necessary to reduce alcohol harm,1993,88,2,170-4; discussion 174-8,Anderson
Substance use risky behaviors and victimization among a US national adolescent sample,1994,89,2,175-182,Windle
The role of alcohol providers in prevention: an evaluation of a server intervention programme,1993,88,9,1195-1203,Single
Prevention of alcohol-related accidents in the community,1993,88,7,1003-1012,Holder
The Stockholm County programmes for accident and alcohol prevention and injury surveillance--initial experiences,1993,88,7,1013-1016,Andersson
Issues in cross-national comparisons of crash data,1993,88,7,959-967,Voas
Alcohol and accidents in Switzerland--a critical review,1993,88,7,969-982,Fahrenkrug
Effects of mass media communications on health and safety habits: An overview of issues and evidence,1993,88,7,983-996,Wilde
Punishment as a factor in preventing alcohol-related accidents,1993,88,7,997-1002,Ross
Behavioural correlates of alcohol intoxication,1993,88,1,25-35,Naranjo
The interaction between policy and research in the implementation of server training,1993,88,Suppl,105S-113S,Single
Random breath testing in Australia: getting it to work according to specifications,1993,88,Suppl,27S-33S,Homel
The geography of availability and driving after drinking,1996,91,7,967-983,Gruenewald
Risk functions for alcohol-related problems in a 1988 US national sample,1996,91,10,1427-37; discussion 1439-56,Caetano
Should people taking opioids for medical reasons be allowed to work and drive?,1996,91,11,1581-1584,Zacny
Drinking and driving: drinking patterns and drinking problems,1996,91,11,1637-1649,Gruenewald
Developing limits for driving under cannabis,2007,102,12,1910-1917,Smiley
Patterns of drinking in the UK Armed Forces,2007,102,11,1749-1759,Hotopf
Positive health-care effects of an alcohol ignition interlock programme among driving while impaired (DWI) offenders,2007,102,11,1771-1781,Bjerre
Hostility drinking pattern and mortality,2007,103,1,54 - 59,Grønbæk
Alcohol nightlife and violence: the relative contributions of drinking before and during nights out to negative health and criminal justice outcomes,2007,103,1,60 - 65,Hughes
Examining multi-level relationships between bars hostility and aggression: social selection and social influence,2007,103,1,66 - 77,Gruenewald
Commentary: Alcohol and violence -- A complex nexus of drinking environment and drinking pattern,2008,103,1,78-79,Holder
Rural-urban migration illicit drug use and hazardous/harmful drinking in the young Thai population,2008,103,1,91-100,Prince
Individual partner and relationship factors associated with non-medical use of prescription drugs,2010,105,8,1457-1465,Cornelius
Driving under the influence of cannabis: a 10-year study of age and gender differences in the concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol in blood,2008,103,3,452-461,Holmgren
Systematic review and meta-analyses of strategies targeting alcohol problems in emergency departments: interventions reduce alcohol-related injuries,2008,103,3,368-376,Sanson-Fisher
Assessing the validity of potential alcohol-related non-fatal injury indicators,2008,103,3,397 - 404,Langley
Alcohol outlet density and assault: a spatial analysis,2008,103,4,619-628,Livingston
How much can you drink before driving? The influence of riding with impaired adults and peers on the driving behaviors of urban and rural youth,2008,103,4,629-637,Leadbeater
The effects of self-administered alcohol-induced 'hangover' in a naturalistic setting on psychomotor and cognitive performance and subjective state,2005,100,11,1680-1689,Finnigan
The joint association of average volume of alcohol and binge drinking with hazardous driving behaviour and traffic crashes,2008,103,5,749-757,Galan
Workers' drinking patterns: the impact on absenteeism in the Australian work-place,2008,103,5,738-748,Harrison
The world of drinking: national alcohol control experiences in 18 countries,2008,103,5,721-725,Babor
Women's gender role orientation predicts their drinking patterns: a follow-up study of Czech women,2008,103,6,929 - 937,Csemy
Alcohol measurement methodology in epidemiology: recent advances and opportunities,2008,103,7,1082-1109,Greenfield
Cannabis use and later life outcomes,2008,103,6,969-976,Fergusson
Bringing alcohol on campus to raise money: impact on student drinking and drinking problems,2008,103,6,940-950,Voas
What did you drink yesterday? Public health relevance of a recent recall method used in the 2004 Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey,2008,103,6,919-928,Greenfield
A developmental approach to alcohol drinking behaviour in adulthood: a follow-up study from age 8 to age 42,2008,103,1,48-68,Lyyra
Childhood and adolescent predictors of early and middle adulthood alcohol use and problem drinking: the Columbia County Longitudinal Study,2008,103,1,36-47,Huesmann
Destiny matters: Distal developmental influences on adult alcohol use and abuse,2008,103,1,1-6,Schulenberg
Adolescent risk factors for adult alcohol use and abuse: stability and change of predictive value across early and middle adulthood,2008,103,1,84-99,Merline
Adolescent pathways to adulthood drinking: sport activity involvement is not necessarily risky or protective,2008,103,1,69-83,Eccles
Childhood and adolescent predictors of heavy drinking and alcohol use disorders in early adulthood: a longitudinal developmental analysis,2008,103,1,23-35,Egeland
Childhood and adolescent predictors of alcohol use and problems in adolescence and adulthood in the National Child Development Study,2008,103,1,7-22,Maggs
Socioeconomic status and problem alcohol use: the positive relationship between income and the DSM-IV alcohol abuse diagnosis,2008,103,7,1120-1130,Hasin
Alcohol outlet density and university student drinking: a national study,2008,103,7,1131-1138,Baxter
Community mobilization: evaluation of an environmental approach to local action,1997,92,Suppl 2,S173-87,Holder
Reducing youth alcohol drinking through a parent-targeted intervention: the Orebro Prevention Program,2008,103,10,1629-1637,Kerr
Density of alcohol outlets and teenage drinking: living in an alcogenic environment is associated with higher consumption in a metropolitan setting,2008,103,10,1614-1621,Huakau
Methamphetamine-related fatalities in Australia: demographics circumstances toxicology and major organ pathology,2008,103,8,1353-1360,Darke
Guidelines for research on drugged driving,2008,103,8,1258-1268,Walsh
Alcohol use trajectories among adults in an urban area after a disaster: evidence from a population-based cohort study,2008,103,8,1296-1307,Vlahov
Stress social support and problem drinking among women in poverty,2008,103,8,1283-1293,Jacobs
Comparing topiramate with naltrexone in the treatment of alcohol dependence,2008,103,12,2035-2044,de Andrade
Does sports participation during adolescence prevent later alcohol tobacco and cannabis use?,2009,104,1,138-149,Wichstrøm
Hospitalizations for opioid poisoning: a nation-wide population-based study in Denmark 1998-2004,2009,104,1,104-108,Jepsen
Age-period-cohort modelling of alcohol volume and heavy drinking days in the US National Alcohol Surveys: divergence in younger and older adult trends,2009,104,1,27-37,Greenfield
Does it matter where the drinking is when the object is getting drunk?,2009,104,1,10-1; disc,Livingston
Policy implications of the widespread practice of 'pre-drinking' or 'pre-gaming' before going to public drinking establishments: are current prevention strategies backfiring?,2009,104,1,4-9,Wells
The role of personality dispositions to risky behavior in predicting first-year college drinking,2009,104,2,193-202,Smith
Alcoholic beverage taxes prices and drinking,2009,104,2,191-192,Chaloupka
Effects of beverage alcohol price and tax levels on drinking: a meta-analysis of 1003 estimates from 112 studies,2009,104,2,179-190,Wagenaar
School-based alcohol education: results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial,2009,104,3,402-412,Hanewinkel
Homicide in Chicago from 1890 to 1930: prohibition and its impact on alcohol- and non-alcohol-related homicides,2009,104,3,355-364,Asbridge
How reliable and valid is the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS-4) for youth of various racial/ethnic groups?,2007,102,2,71-78,Vallone
Association of self-reported alcohol use and hospitalization for an alcohol-related cause in Scotland: a record-linkage study of 23183 individuals,2009,104,4,593-602,Robertson
Having fun and defying adults: speculations on why most young people ignore negative information on the dangers of drinking alcohol,2009,104,4,576-577,Skager
A computerized harm minimization prevention program for alcohol misuse and related harms: Randomized controlled trial,2009,104,4,564-575,Teesson
Examining the relationship between typical drinking behavior and 21st birthday drinking behavior among college students: Implications for event-specific prevention,2009,104,5,760 - 767,Lewis
Substance use and misuse in the aftermath of terrorism. A Bayesian meta-analysis,2009,104,6,894 - 904,DiMaggio
Measuring alcohol consumption--should the 'graduated frequency' approach become the norm in survey research?,2006,101,1,16-30,Graham
Diverse alcohol drinking patterns in 20 African countries,2009,104,7,1147-1154,Rossow
Binge drinking and depressive symptoms: a 5-year population-based cohort study,2009,104,7,1168-1178,Poikolainen
Differences in the measured alcohol content of drinks between black white and Hispanic men and women in a US national sample,2009,104,9,1503-1511,Patterson
A meta-analysis of marijuana cocaine and opiate toxicology study findings among homicide victims,2009,104,7,1122-1131,Kuhns
The importance of drinking frequency in evaluating individuals' drinking patterns: implications for the development of national drinking guidelines,2009,104,7,1179-1184,Picard
Alcohol industry sponsorship and hazardous drinking among sportspeople,2008,103,12,1961-1966,Kypri
Drugs and violent death: comparative toxicology of homicide and non-substance toxicity suicide victims,2009,104,6,1000-1005,Darke
Lifetime alcohol use abuse and dependence among university students in Lebanon: exploring the role of religiosity in different religious faiths,2009,104,6,940-948,Karam
Terrorist attacks and substance abuse,2009,104,6,905-906,Pollack
Smoking nicotine dependence and mental health among young adults: a 13-year population-based longitudinal study,2009,104,1,129-137,Pedersen
Acute risk of drug-related death among newly released prisoners in England and Wales,2008,103,2,251-255,Marsden
Methadone and impairment in apprehended drivers,2009,104,3,457-464,Mørland
The association between cannabis abuse and dependence and childhood physical and sexual abuse: evidence from an offspring of twins design,2008,103,6,990-997,Bucholz
Reducing cannabis-impaired driving: is there sufficient evidence for drug testing of drivers?,2007,102,12,1918-1919,Homel
Age- and gender-related differences in blood amphetamine concentrations in apprehended drivers: lack of association with clinical evidence of impairment,2007,102,7,1085-1091,Jones
Does childhood sexual abuse have an effect on young adults' nicotine disorder (dependence or withdrawal)? Evidence from a birth cohort study,2007,102,4,647-654,Najman
A case of late-onset dependence on cocaine and crack,2007,102,4,666-667,Kouimtsidis
Suicide alcohol and divorce; aspects of gender and family integration,1993,88,12,1659-1665,Rossow
Gender and alcohol consumption: patterns from the multinational GENACIS project,2009,104,9,1487-1500,Gmel
Alcohol and Russian mortality: a continuing crisis,2009,104,10,1630-1636,Leon
'I have no interest in drinking': a cross-national comparison of reasons why men and women abstain from alcohol use,2009,104,10,1658-1668,Graham
The spatial epidemiology of cocaine methamphetamine and 34-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) use: a demonstration using a population measure of community drug load derived from municipal wastewater,2009,104,11,1874-1880,Sudakin
From the publisher of "Alcohol issues INSIGHTS",1994,89,6,761-762,Steinman
Computer-delivered interventions to reduce college student drinking: a meta-analysis,2009,104,11,1807-1819,Carey
Comparative cardiac pathology among deaths due to cocaine toxicity opioid toxicity and non-drug-related causes,2006,101,12,1771-1777,Darke
Violent victimization and drug involvement among Mexican middle school students,2006,101,6,850-856,Ramos-Lira
Sri Lanka: alcohol now and then,2006,101,5,626-628,Samarasinghe
Isn't it time we found out more about what the heck happens around American liquor stores?,2006,101,5,619-620,Graham
Something about alcohol? Commentary on Haggård-Grann et al. (2006),2006,101,1,6-7,Graham
Sweden--is alcohol becoming an ordinary commodity?,2006,101,11,1543-1545,Norstrom
Public discourse on the benefits of moderation: implications for alcohol policy development,1993,88,4,459-465,Casswell
Alcohol consumption in homicide victims in the city of Sao Paulo,2009,104,12,1998-2006,Kahn
Alcohol control policies and alcohol consumption by youth: a multi-national study,2009,104,11,1849-1855,Grube
Conflict of interest declarations: could a 'traffic light' system work?,2009,104,11,1785-1786,West
Policy options for alcohol price regulation: the importance of modelling population heterogeneity,2010,105,3,383-393,Brennan
Suicide alcohol and divorce: a comment,1995,90,7,985-988,Lester
DSM‐IV to DSM‐5: The impact of proposed revisions on diagnosis of alcohol use disorders,2011,106,11,1935-1943,Heath
Alcohol and suicide in Denmark 1911-24--experiences from a 'natural experiment',1993,88,9,1189-1193,Skog
Alcohol and civil aviation,1993,88,7,953-958,Holdener
Societal norms and risk-taking behaviour: inter-cultural comparisons of casualties and alcohol consumption,1993,88,7,867-876,Giesbrecht
Risk factors for suicide and undetermined death among in-patient alcoholics in Scotland,1993,88,6,757-766,Kreitman
Effect of low and moderate doses of alcohol on driving hazard perception latency and driving speed,1993,88,4,527-532,West
Alcohol in home and leisure injuries,1993,88,7,939-944,Honkanen
Personal willingness to pay for prevention: evaluating the consequences of accidents as a basis for preventive measures,1993,88,7,913-921,Jones-Lee
The measurement of alcohol-related accidents,1993,88,7,907-912,Harford
Causal attributions in the explanation of alcohol-related accidents,1993,88,7,897-906,Pernanen
Methodological approaches and problems in research into alcohol-related accidents and injuries,1993,88,7,885-896,Rehm
Alcohol and non-traffic unintended injuries,1993,88,7,877-883,Hingson
Research on and prevention of alcohol-related trauma: phases patterns and issues,1993,88,7,861-866,Holder
Ethnic differences in drinking outcomes following a brief alcohol intervention in the trauma care setting,2010,105,1,62-73,Field
Randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavioural therapy for coexisting depression and alcohol problems: short-term outcome,2010,105,1,87-99,Connolly
A randomized controlled trial of an internet-based intervention for alcohol abusers,2009,104,12,2023-2032,Cunningham
The age-21 minimum legal drinking age: a case study linking past and current debates,2009,104,12,1958-1965,Nelson
Failure to reduce drinking and driving in France: a 6-year prospective study in the GAZEL cohort,2010,105,1,57-61,Chiron
Estimating driver risk using alcohol biomarkers interlock blood alcohol concentration tests and psychometric assessments: initial descriptives,2010,105,2,226-239,Allen
Evidence of a complex association between dose pattern and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and child behaviour problems,2010,105,1,74-86,Zubrick
Assessing New Zealand's Cannabis Legalization and Control Bill: prospects and challenges,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilkins
Suicide Alcohol and Divorce - a Comment,1995,90,7,985-986,Lester
A randomized trial to evaluate a management training program to prevent illegal alcohol sales,2008,103,3,405-13; discussion 414-5,Wagenaar
Increased drinking in a metropolitan city in China: a study of alcohol consumption patterns and changes,2008,103,3,416-423,Zhang
Conditional models accounting for regression to the mean in observational multi-wave panel studies on alcohol consumption,2008,103,1,24-31,Makela
Estimating regression to the mean and true effects of an intervention in a four-wave panel study,2008,103,1,32-41,Rehm
Retraining automatic action-tendencies to approach alcohol in hazardous drinkers,2010,105,2,279-287,Wiers
Community alcohol outlet density and underage drinking,2010,105,2,270-278,Gruenewald
A dose-response perspective on college drinking and related problems,2010,105,2,257-269,Gruenewald
Mechanisms of behavior change in alcoholics anonymous: does Alcoholics Anonymous lead to better alcohol use outcomes by reducing depression symptoms?,2010,105,4,626-636,Pagano
Internet-based prevention for alcohol and cannabis use: final results of the Climate Schools course,2010,105,4,749-759,Teesson
Comparative rates of violent crime among regular methamphetamine and opioid users: offending and victimization,2010,105,5,916-919,Darke
Three-year mortality and predictors after release: a longitudinal study of the first-time drug offenders in Taiwan,2010,105,5,920-927,Chen
Ambient temperature and risk of death from accidental drug overdose in New York City 1990-2006,2010,105,6,1049-1054,Vlahov
Alcohol misuse and juvenile offending in adolescence,1996,91,4,483-494,Fergusson
The relation between different dimensions of alcohol consumption and burden of disease: an overview,2010,105,5,817-843,Borges
Do maternal parenting practices predict problematic patterns of adolescent alcohol consumption?,2010,105,5,872-880,Mattick
Impairment due to cannabis and ethanol: clinical signs and additive effects,2010,105,6,1080-1087,Bramness
Trajectories of resilience over 25 years of individuals who as adolescents consulted for substance misuse and a matched comparison group,2010,105,7,1216-1225,Hodgins
Genetic and non-genetic influences on the development of co-occurring alcohol problem use and internalizing symptomatology in adolescence: a review,2009,104,7,1100-1121,Heron
Individual trajectories of substance use in lesbian gay and bisexual youth and heterosexual youth,2009,104,6,974-981,Friedman
A systematic review of work-place interventions for alcohol-related problems,2009,104,3,365-377,Sanson-Fisher
Longitudinal changes in methamphetamine and cocaine use in untreated rural stimulant users: racial differences and the impact of methamphetamine legislation,2008,103,5,800-808,Wright
Socio-economic status in childhood and later alcohol use: a systematic review,2007,102,10,1546-1563,Daniel
Crack cocaine trajectories among users in a midwestern American city,2007,102,9,1421-1431,Wang
Equity of access to treatment and barriers to treatment for illicit drug use in Australia,2007,102,6,958-969,Digiusto
The role of substance use in young adult divorce,2007,102,5,786-794,Ellickson
Do parents' marital circumstances predict young adults' DSM-IV cannabis use disorders? A prospective study,2006,101,12,1778-1786,Jamrozik
Who pays for the drinking? Characteristics of the extent and distribution of social harms from others' drinking,2004,99,9,1094-1102,Rossow
Cannabis and educational achievement,2003,98,12,1681-1692,Fergusson
Social dimensions of adolescent substance use,2001,96,3,445-458,Shepherd
Fiesta as tradition fiesta as change: ritual alcohol and violence in a Mexican community,2000,95,3,365-373,Pérez
The relationship between alcohol sales and assault in New South Wales Australia,1999,94,3,397-410,Weatherburn
Incidence of death and hospitalization from assault occurring in and around licensed premises: a comparative analysis,1996,91,7,985-993,Langley
Alcohol and suicide: a comparative analysis of France and Sweden,1995,90,11,1463-1469,Norstrom
Drug and alcohol use and family characteristics: a study among Brazilian high-school students,1995,90,1,65-72,Pinsky
The Cannabis Use Problems Identification Test (CUPIT): development reliability concurrent and predictive validity among adolescents and adults,2010,105,4,615-625,Copeland
Is 24/7 sobriety a good goal for repeat driving under the influence (DUI) offenders?,2010,105,4,575-577,DuPont
Using sensation seeking to target adolescents for substance use interventions,2010,105,3,506-514,Sargent
Predictors of hangover during a week of heavy drinking on holiday,2010,105,3,476-483,Hesse
A brief alcohol intervention for hazardously drinking incarcerated women,2010,105,3,466-475,Anderson
Moderators and mediators of two brief interventions for alcohol in the emergency department,2010,105,3,452-465,Rohsenow
Testing for cannabis in the work-place: a review of the evidence,2010,105,3,408-416,Stockwell
Socio-economic status predicts drinking patterns but not alcohol-related consequences independently,2010,105,7,1192-1202,Casswell
Commentary: addressing inequalities in alcohol problems: the marathon has only just begun,2008,103,8,1294-1295,Makela
A comment on Tomkins et al. (2007): what's wrong with these people's lives?,2007,102,4,510-511,Caetano
The structure and correlates of alcohol dependence: WHO collaborative project on the early detection of persons with harmful alcohol consumption--III,1993,88,12,1627-1636,Saunders
The introduction of dram shop legislation in the United States and the advent of server training,1993,88,Suppl,95S-103S,Saltz
Community-based research initiatives in prevention,1993,88,Suppl,83S-93S,Giesbrecht
Research affects public policy: the case of the legal drinking age in the United States,1993,88,Suppl,75S-81S,Wagenaar
Changes in access to and availability of alcohol in the United States: research and policy implications,1993,88,Suppl,67S-74S,Holder
The relevance of research to policy formulation: an Australian perspective,1993,88,Suppl,61S-65S,Kingdon
Influencing the labelling of alcoholic beverage containers: informing the public,1993,88,Suppl,53S-60S,Stockwell
Guarding the guardians: influencing the regulation of alcohol promotions in Australia,1993,88,Suppl,43S-51S,Saunders
The formulation of Australia's National Health Policy on Alcohol,1993,88,Suppl,19S-26S,Hawks
From large projects to case consultation--interaction of alcohol research and policy in Finland,1993,88,Suppl,143S-150S,Osterberg
Lessons to be learnt from Poland's attempt at moderating its consumption of alcohol,1993,88,Suppl,135S-142S,Moskalewicz
Failures in alcohol policy: lessons from Russia Kenya Truk and history,1993,88,Suppl,129S-134S,Partanen
The interaction between research and policy--alcohol and general practice in the United Kingdom,1993,88,Suppl,121S-127S,Anderson
The policy-research interface: an insider's view,1993,88,Suppl,115S-120S,Secker
Prevalence of volatile solvent inhalation among junior high school students in Japan and background life style of users,1993,88,1,89-100,Fukui
The survival roles of children of alcoholics: their measurement and validity,1993,88,1,69-78,Braithwaite
The alcohol industry and other 'friends',1993,88,1,19-20,Hammersley
Patterns of alcohol consumption: beverage effects on gender differences,1993,88,1,133-138,Dawson
Why the alcohol industry sticks to facts action and commonsense rather than political rhetoric,1993,88,1,12-14,Mitchell
Stability and prevalence of drinking among young adults,1993,88,2,273-277,Harford
Effects of a saliva test pipeline procedure on adolescent self-reported alcohol use,1993,88,2,199-208,Wagenaar
The new temperance movement in the United States: what happened to macrostructural factors in alcohol problems?,1993,88,2,167-170,Pittman
ICD-10 harmful use of alcohol and the alcohol dependence syndrome: prevalence and implications,1993,88,3,413-420,Grant
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in a routine health examination of long-term unemployed,1993,88,3,363-368,Aasland
Brief interventions for alcohol problems: a review,1993,88,3,315-335,Tonigan
Alcohol suppressed anger and violence,2010,105,9,1580-1586,Norstrom
Visiting public drinking places in Oslo: an application of the theory of planned behaviour,1993,88,9,1215-1224,Traeen
Shop steward handling of alcohol-related problems,1993,88,9,1205-1214,Ames
Age group differences in response to treatment for problematic alcohol use,1993,88,10,1369-1375,Rice
Adverse consequences of lysergic acid diethylamide,1993,88,10,1327-1334,Abraham
The risk of alcohol,1993,88,11,1493-1508,Turner
The role of alcohol-related expectancies in the prediction of drinking behaviour in a simulated social interaction,1993,88,8,1111-1118,Knight
Drinking contexts and drinking problems among black and white women,1993,88,8,1101-1110,Herd
Alcohol-related problems among Aboriginal drinkers in the Kimberley region of Western Australia,1993,88,8,1091-1100,Hunter
Sex differences in morbidity among respondents classified as alcohol abusers and/or dependent: results of a national survey,1994,89,1,87-93,Chou
Mediators and moderators of young adults' drinking,1994,89,1,63-71,Fromme
Characteristics of men with alcoholic hallucinosis,1994,89,1,73-78,Schuckit
The post-repeal eclipse in knowledge about the harmful effects of alcohol,1993,88,6,729-744,Katcher
Safe drinking limits?,1994,89,2,235,Williams
Alcohol involvement in fatal traffic crashes in the United States: 1979-90,1994,89,2,227-233,Zobeck
Follow-up study of young attenders at an alcohol unit,1994,89,2,183-189,Doyle
The measurement of alcohol dependence and impaired control in community samples,1994,89,2,167-174,Lang
How to profit from sensible drinking,1994,89,3,351,Hawks
Consumption indicators of alcohol dependence,1994,89,3,345-350,Dawson
A systematic review of methamphetamine precursor regulations,2011,106,11,1911-1924,Bright
Controlled drinking research,1994,89,4,483-484,Sobell
Chronotype and personality factors in the daily consumption of alcohol and psychostimulants,1994,89,4,455-462,Adan
One-year incidence rate of major depression and other psychiatric disorders in 239 alcoholic men,1994,89,4,441-445,Schuckit
Comparison of six alcohol consumption measures from survey data,1994,89,4,425-430,Casswell
The effects of order of questions on reported alcohol consumption,1994,89,4,421-424,Harford
Variations in quantity-frequency measures of alcohol consumption from a general population survey,1994,89,4,413-420,Williams
Comparing usual quantity/frequency and graduated frequency scales to assess yearly alcohol consumption: results from the 1990 US National Alcohol Survey,1994,89,4,407-412,Midanik
Randomized response estimates for the purchase of smuggled liquor in Norway,1994,89,4,401-405,Holme
A comparison of alternative measures of alcohol consumption in the Canadian National Survey of alcohol and drug use,1994,89,4,395-399,Single
Is the association between drug use and delinquency weakening?,1994,89,12,1675-1681,Walsh
Suicide among drug addicts in Norway,1994,89,12,1667-1673,Rossow
The consistency of family and peer influences on the development of substance use in adolescence,1995,90,12,1647-1660,Hops
Young teenagers and access to alcohol in a Swiss canton: evidence from observational testing and from a telephone survey,1995,90,12,1619-1625,Muller
Potential consequences from possible changes to Nordic retail alcohol monopolies resulting from European Union membership,1995,90,12,1603-1618,Osterberg
The need to standardize methodology,1995,90,12,1595; discussion 1595-601,Nickel
UK Alcohol Treatment Trial: client-treatment matching effects,2008,103,2,228-238,
Risk of fatal overdose during and after specialist drug treatment: the VEdeTTE study a national multi-site prospective cohort study,2007,102,12,1954-1959,Hickman
Coping style mediates impact of stress on alcohol use: a prospective population-based study,2007,102,12,1890-1898,Garretsen
Behavioral economic analysis of cue-elicited craving for alcohol,2010,105,9,1599-1607,Monti
The influence of cultural orientation alcohol expectancies and self-efficacy on adolescent drinking behavior in Beijing,2010,105,9,1608-1615,Newman
US state alcohol sales compared to survey data 1993-2006,2010,105,9,1589-1596,Nelson
A tale of CIN--the Cannabis infringement notice scheme in Western Australia,2010,105,5,808-816,Lenton
Litigation and alcohol policy: lessons from the US Tobacco Wars,2009,104,Suppl 1,27-33,Mosher
Collateral damage from alcohol: implications of 'second-hand effects of drinking' for populations and health priorities,2010,105,8,1323-1325,Giesbrecht
Health outcomes associated with methamphetamine use among young people: a systematic review,2010,105,6,991-1002,Marshall
The importance of family management closeness with father and family structure in early adolescent alcohol use,2010,105,10,1750-1758,Williams
Initial habitual and compulsive alcohol use is characterized by a shift of cue processing from ventral to dorsal striatum,2010,105,10,1741-1749,Buhler
Predictors of injury-related and non-injury-related mortality among veterans with alcohol use disorders,2010,105,10,1759-1766,Blow
Psychological morbidity and route of administration among amphetamine users in Sydney Australia,1996,91,1,81-87,Darke
Drinking problems the matching hypothesis and a conclusion revised,1994,89,5,609-611,Taylor
The alcohol content of self-report and 'standard' drinks,1994,89,5,593-601,Lemmens
What if alcoholism had not been invented? The dynamics of American alcohol mythology,1994,89,5,517-20; discussion 521-9,Mulford
Mortality due to acute adverse drug reactions: opiates and cocaine in Barcelona 1989-93,1996,91,3,419-426,Brugal
Overdose among heroin users in Sydney Australia: II. responses to overdose,1996,91,3,413-417,Darke
Overdose among heroin users in Sydney Australia: I. Prevalence and correlates of non-fatal overdose,1996,91,3,405-411,Darke
Perceived workplace harassment experiences and problem drinking among physicians: broadening the stress/alienation paradigm,1996,91,3,391-403,Rospenda
Alcohol consumption in high school adolescents: frequency of use and dimensional structure of associated problems,1996,91,3,375-390,Lewinsohn
Gender differences in drinking behaviour in the Netherlands: convergence or stability?,1996,91,3,357-373,Swinkels
Moderating drinking by correspondence: an evaluation of a new method of intervention,1996,91,3,345-355,Kavanagh
Per capita alcohol consumption and total mortality: an analysis of historical data,1996,91,3,339-344,Norstrom
Public health consequences of the J-curve hypothesis of alcohol problems,1996,91,3,325-337,Skog
Suicide and overdose among opiate addicts,1996,91,3,321-323,Griffiths
Shades of grey: some observations on Sobell and Sobell's "Controlled drinking after 25 years: how important was the great debate?",1996,91,4,603-604,Ryder
Alcohol outlet policies and practices concerning sales to underage people,1996,91,4,589-602,Wagenaar
Alcohol and sexual victimization: a longitudinal study of Norwegian girls,1996,91,4,565-581,Pedersen
Selection bias in national surveys due to screening: implications from a county general population survey,1996,91,4,557-564,Caetano
Places and patterns of drug use in the Scottish dance scene,1996,91,4,511-521,Forsyth
Alcohol misuse and juvenile offending in adolescence: a response to the commentaries,1996,91,4,506-510,Fergusson
The substance use-delinquency nexus,1996,91,4,504-506,Giesbrecht
'Unraveling juvenile delinquency' revisited--cohort studies at risk,1996,91,4,502-504,Klingemann
Significant connections,1996,91,4,501-502,Shepherd
Explaining the link between problem drinking and delinquency,1996,91,4,498-500,Farrington
Comments on Fergusson et al.'s "Alcohol misuse and juvenile offending in adolescence",1996,91,4,495-498,Rutter
Alcohol policy and the public good: a good public debate,1996,91,4,477-481,Osterberg
Patterns in the institutional encounters of problem drinkers in a community human services network,1996,91,5,657-669,Tam
Black identity and drinking in the US: a national study,1996,91,6,845-857,Herd
Combining methods to identify new measures of women's drinking problems. Part I: The ethnographic stage,1996,91,6,829-844,Schmidt
Cultural orientation and adolescents' alcohol use in Zimbabwe,1996,91,6,807-814,Acuda
A view of alcohol policy and the public good from Turkmenistan,1996,91,6,775-778,Kerimi
Health society and alcohol,1996,91,6,749-752,Anderson
Alcohol in Hebridean culture: 16th-20th century,1995,90,2,277-288,Dean
Does Life Education's drug education programme have a public health benefit?,1995,90,2,205-215,Dunt
What would happen in the world if "sensible drinking" was adopted as a reasonable concept and advertised universally?,1995,90,2,169-171,Emblad
Patterns of drug use and risk-taking among injecting amphetamine and opioid drug users in Sydney Australia,1993,88,4,509-516,Darke
The origin of alcohol-related social norms in the Saami minority,1993,88,4,501-508,Larsen
Physical subjective and social availability: their relationship to alcohol consumption in rural and urban areas,1993,88,4,489-499,Scott
Modelling the interactions between alcohol crime and the criminal justice system,1993,88,4,477-487,Godfrey
The association between severity of DSM-III-R alcohol dependence and medical and social consequences,1993,88,5,631-642,Caetano
The tail of the alcohol consumption distribution,1993,88,5,601-610,Skog
The preventive paradox: a critical examination,1993,88,5,591-5; discussion 595-600,Sinclair
Abuse of codeine-containing cough syrups: a report from India,1997,92,12,1783-1787,Sharma
An evaluation of two primary care interventions for alcohol abuse among Mexican-American patients,1997,92,12,1705-1716,Burge
Commentary on Norström and Pape (2010): Unleashing the beast within? Suppressed anger and changes in drinking and fighting,2010,105,9,1587-1588,Graham
Validity of suspected alcohol and drug violations in aviation employees,2010,105,10,1771-1775,Rebok
Raves drugs and experience: drug use by a sample of people who attend raves in Western Australia,1997,92,10,1327-1337,Lenton
Musical preference as an indicator of adolescent drug use,1997,92,10,1317-1325,Barnard
The US prohibition experiment: myths history and implications,1997,92,11,1405-1409,Tyrrell
Unintentional drug overdose death trends in New Mexico USA 1990-2005: combinations of heroin cocaine prescription opioids and alcohol,2008,103,1,126-136,Landen
Soldiers behaving badly,2007,102,11,1760-1761,Lemmens
Longitudinal predictors of changes to illicit drug use among young Australian women,2007,102,11,1798-1803,Russell
Addiction sciences and its psychometrics: the measurement of alcohol-related problems,2007,102,11,1701-1710,Midanik
Mephedrone new kid for the chop?,2011,106,1,154-161,Schifano
Potential consequences of replacing a retail alcohol monopoly with a private licence system: results from Sweden,2010,105,12,2113-2119,Osterberg
Deliberate induction of alcohol tolerance: empirical introduction to a novel health risk,2010,105,10,1767-1770,Sher
Depressive mood suicide ideation and anxiety in smokers who do and smokers who do not manage to stop smoking after a target quit day,2010,105,12,2209-2216,Chen
Effects of restricting pub closing times on night-time assaults in an Australian city,2011,106,2,303-310,Jones
Motor vehicle collision fatalities involving alcohol and illicit drugs in Greece: the need for management protocols and a reassessment of surveillance,2010,105,11,1952-1961,Papadopoulos
Change talk sequence during brief motivational intervention towards or away from drinking,2010,105,12,2106-2112,Bertholet
Harsh physical punishment as a specific childhood adversity linked to adult drinking consequences: evidence from China,2010,105,12,2097-2105,Anthony
Which came first: the readiness or the change? Longitudinal relationships between readiness to change and drinking among college drinkers,2010,105,11,1899-1909,Collins
Who runs alcohol policy in Brazil?,2007,102,9,1502-1503,Laranjeira
To educate or not to educate: is that the question?,2007,102,9,1352-3; discussion 1354-5,Warner
Using neurobiology to reframe the need for alcohol policy interventions,2007,102,9,1351-2; discussion 1354-5,Trafton
The need for values: science and art in alcohol harm reduction,2007,102,9,1350-1; discussion 1354-5,Foxcroft
Industrial epidemics public health advocacy and the alcohol industry: lessons from other fields,2007,102,9,1335-1339,Babor
Substance use and violent death: a case for the 'too hard' basket?,2009,104,7,1063-1064,Darke
Over-serving patrons in licensed premises in Stockholm,2000,95,3,359-363,Andreasson
Alcohol-related harm and alcohol consumption in Moscow before during and after a major anti-alcohol campaign,1998,93,10,1501-1510,Nemtsov
Current directions in research on understanding and preventing intoxicated aggression,1998,93,5,659-676,Room
The circumstances and prevention of bar-glass injury,1998,93,1,5-7,Shepherd
Who are the new amphetamine users? A 10-year prospective study of young Australians,2007,102,8,1269-1279,Patton
Alcohol as a 'drug': a moral revolution,2007,102,8,1189; discussion 1192-3,Kleiman
When is alcohol just another drug? Some thoughts on research and policy,2007,102,8,1183-1188,Cook
A meta-analysis of alcohol toxicology study findings among homicide victims,2011,106,1,62-72,Kuhns
Commentary guidelines for research on drugged driving: a good first step,2008,103,8,1269-1270,Voas
The absence of evidence is not the same as evidence for absence!,2008,103,3,513-514,Skurtveit
Trajectory classes of heavy episodic drinking among Asian American college students,2010,105,11,1912-1920,Fromme
Cannabis and social welfare assistance: A longitudinal study,2011,106,9,1636-1643,Pedersen
Mexicans and alcohol: patterns problems and policies,2007,102,7,1041-1045,Medina-Mora
Innovative but insufficient? A response to Graham's commentary on 'alcohol suppressed anger and violence',2010,105,12,2219-2220,Pape
Per capita alcohol consumption and ischemic heart disease mortality in a panel of US states from 1950 to 2002,2011,106,2,313-322,Kerr
Brief alcohol interventions for mandated college students: comparison of face-to-face counseling and computer-delivered interventions,2011,106,3,528-537,Carey
Reduction in alcohol consumption and health status,2011,106,1,75-81,Chikritzhs
Why target early adolescents and parents in alcohol prevention? The mediating effects of self-control rules and attitudes about alcohol use,2011,106,3,538-546,Engels
What does science have to say?,1997,92,Suppl 1,S97-101,Moskalewicz
Can individually directed interventions reduce population-level alcohol-involved problems?,1997,92,1,5-7,Holder
Estimating changes in unrecorded alcohol consumption in Norway using indicators of harm,1998,93,10,1531-1538,Norstrom
A major contribution to improve the science policy discussion,1995,90,11,1451-1452,Mann
Preventive strategies for alcohol-related problems,1994,89,11,1491-1496,Ritson
Mandated AA attendance for recidivist drinking drivers: ideology organization and California criminal justice practices,1994,89,7,859-868,Speiglman
Heart and heed,1993,88,1,16-17,Gerstein
Can stand-alone computer-based interventions reduce alcohol consumption? A systematic review,2011,106,2,267-282,Murray
A randomized clinical trial of methadone maintenance for prisoners: findings at 6 months post‐release,2008,103,8,1333-1342,Gordon
Preference‐weighted health‐related quality of life measures and substance use disorder severity,2008,103,8,1320-1329,Booth
Alcohol screening and brief counseling in a primary care hypertensive population: a quality improvement intervention,2008,103,8,1271-1280,Nietert
Genetic approaches to addiction: genes and alcohol,2008,103,9,1414-1428,Ducci
Genetic and environmental contributions to nicotine alcohol and cannabis dependence in male twins,2008,103,8,1391-1398,Bucholz
The impact of alcohol use on depressive symptoms in human immunodeficiency virus‐infected patients,2008,103,9,1461-1467,Saitz
Adolescent cannabis users at 24 years: trajectories to regular weekly use and dependence in young adulthood,2008,103,8,1361-1370,Patton
Sexual orientation and adolescent substance use: questionable correlations,2008,103,8,1404-1405,Pape
Relationship between white matter volume and cognitive performance during adolescence: effects of age sex and risk for drug use,2008,103,9,1509-1520,Tzilos
Treating adolescent drug abuse: a randomized trial comparing multidimensional family therapy and cognitive behavior therapy,2008,103,10,1660-1670,Henderson
Ammonia release from heated ‘street’ cannabis leaf and its potential toxic effects on cannabis users,2008,103,10,1671-1677,Bloor
Will we ever find the genes for addiction?,2008,103,11,1768-1776,Buckland
Cannabis Use -- do we have solutions? A reply to Macleod,2008,103,9,1575,Lieb
The Mexican migration to the United States and substance use in northern Mexico,2009,104,4,603-611,Borges
Classification of abused inhalants,2009,104,6,878-882,Cottler
Governments as promoters of dangerous consumptions,2009,104,5,693-695,Orford
How to expand the 'sample size' of studies of drug market disruptions,2009,104,3,454-455,Caulkins
The holy grail of supply control: have we found the evidence?,2009,104,3,455-456,McKetin
The global diversion of pharmaceutical drugs,2009,104,3,347-354,Paoli
Dilemmas in harm minimization: a response to Fry and Irwin,2009,104,5,863-864,Weatherburn
The nanny New Zealand state?,2009,104,5,695-696,Samarasinghe
A taxometric study of alcohol abuse and dependence in a general population sample: evidence of dimensional latent structure and implications for DSM‐V,2009,104,5,742-751,Teesson
Candidate genes for cannabis use disorders: Findings challenges and directions,2009,104,4,518-532,Agrawal
Alcohol in Mayan Guatemala: consumption distribution production and composition of cuxa,2009,104,5,752-759,Rehm
Weakening of one more alcohol control pillar: a review of the effects of the alcohol tax cuts in Finland in 2004,2009,104,4,554-563,Makela
Can cocaine use be evaluated through analysis of wastewater? A nation‐wide approach conducted in Belgium,2009,104,5,734-741,Neels
Twelve‐Step affiliation and 3‐year substance use outcomes among adolescents: social support and religious service attendance as potential mediators,2009,104,6,927-939,Weisner
An analysis of cocaine powder in the Netherlands: content and health hazards due to adulterants,2009,104,5,798-805,Niesink
Ten years after the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS): assessing drug problems policies and reform proposals,2009,104,4,510-517,Reuter
Quality‐adjusted life years (qalys) and substance use disorders,2008,103,8,1331-1332,Booth
Science pseudoscience and the need for practical knowledge,2008,103,10,1752-1753,Gorman
Advancing the science of behaviour change: a plea for scientific reporting,2008,103,9,1409-1410,Abraham
Neural correlates of verbal learning in adolescent alcohol and marijuana users,2011,106,3,564-573,Tapert
The price of a drink: levels of consumption and price paid per unit of alcohol by Edinburgh's ill drinkers with a comparison to wider alcohol sales in Scotland,2011,106,4,729-736,Black
The acute effects of caffeinated versus non-caffeinated alcoholic beverage on driving performance and attention/reaction time,2011,106,2,335-341,Winter
Opioid dependence latent structure: two classes with differing severity?,2011,106,3,590-598,Degenhardt
Primary care-based intervention to reduce at-risk drinking in older adults: a randomized controlled trial,2011,106,1,111-120,Barry
Declared and undeclared substance use among emergency department patients: a population-based study,2006,101,5,706-712,Smith
Types of drinkers and drinking settings: An application of a mathematical model,2011,106,4,749-758,Saltz
Exploring the emergence of alcohol use disorder symptoms in the two years after onset of drinking: findings from the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health,2011,106,3,555-563,McBride
Do graphic health warning labels have an impact on adolescents’ smoking‐related beliefs and behaviours?,2008,103,9,1562-1571,White
Old enough for a beer? Compliance with minimum legal age for alcohol purchases in monopoly and other off‐premise outlets in Finland and Norway,2008,103,9,1468-1473,Rossow
Youth exposure to alcohol use and brand appearances in popular contemporary movies,2008,103,12,1925-1932,Sargent
Genetic and environmental contributions to the diversity of substances used in adolescent twins: a longitudinal study of age and sex effects,2008,103,10,1744-1751,Iacono
Visiting America: notes from an alcohol‐focused study tour made in 1961,2008,103,12,1939-1947,Edwards
Longitudinal study of parental movie restriction on teen smoking and drinking in Germany,2008,103,10,1722-1730,Sargent
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water: a response to pape (2008),2008,103,8,1405,Friedman
No reason for optimism: the expected impact of commitments in the European Commission's Alcohol and Health Forum,2008,103,10,1588-1592,de Bruijn
Is alcohol the only cause of alcohol‐related mortality?,2008,103,10,1754-1755,Nemtsov
Trade and health: how World Trade Organization (WTO) law affects alcohol and public health,2008,103,12,1952-1958,Baumberg
Risk and speed of transitions to first alcohol dependence symptoms in adolescents: a 10‐year longitudinal community study in Germany,2008,103,10,1638-1647,Rehm
The performance of elements of a ‘level of response to alcohol’‐based model of drinking behaviors in 13‐year‐olds,2008,103,11,1786-1792,Heron
Randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing compared with drug information and advice for early intervention among young cannabis users,2008,103,11,1809-1818,McCambridge
Why do alcohol outlets matter anyway? A look into the future,2008,103,10,1585-1587,Gruenewald
Dilemmas in harm minimization,2009,104,3,335-339,Weatherburn
Salbutamol inhaler misuse: a persisting problem?,2008,103,11,1907,Boland
Early‐onset depressive disorders predict the use of addictive substances in adolescence: a prospective study of adolescent Finnish twins,2008,103,12,2045-2053,Kaprio
Culture‐bound concepts of addiction—still a potent influence,2008,103,12,1948-1949,Kalant
Portrayal of alcohol consumption in films— does it influence?,2008,103,12,1933-1934,Ray
The effects of magic in medical epidemiology,2008,103,11,1905-1907,Stockwell
Harm reduction is a good label for a criterion all drug programs should meet,2009,104,3,341-342,Maccoun
Outlet density: a new frontier for tobacco control,2009,104,1,2-3,Cohen
Ketamine use cognition and psychological wellbeing: a comparison of frequent infrequent and ex‐users with polydrug and non‐using controls,2009,104,1,77-87,Curran
Alcohol advertising movies and adolescents,2008,103,12,1935-1936,Bhana
Alcohol portrayals in movies: now we know they're there what next?,2008,103,12,1934-1935,Jones
The absurdity of the use of ‘alcohol abuse’,2009,104,1,155,Marjot
Exposure to alcohol use in movies: future directions,2008,103,12,1937-1938,Dal Cin
Substance use disorder among older adults in the United States in 2020,2009,104,1,88-96,Gfroerer
Harm reduction—an ethical imperative,2009,104,3,342-343,Van beek
Changes in women's use of illicit drugs following imprisonment,2009,104,2,215-222,Plugge
Randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention for problematic prescription drug use in non‐treatment‐seeking patients,2009,104,1,109-117,Bischof
On speed. The many lives of amphetamine,2008,103,12,2068,McKetin
Genes environment and psychopathology: understanding the causes of psychiatric and substance use disorders,2008,103,12,2069-2070,Ducci
Introduction to the issue—the alcohol industry and alcohol policy,2009,104,,1-2,Drummond
Alcohol industry and alcohol policy—the challenge ahead,2009,104,,3-5,Casswell
The global alcohol industry: an overview,2009,104,,6-12,Jernigan
The alcohol industry and trade agreements: a preliminary assessment,2009,104,,13-26,Zeigler
Alcohol research and the alcoholic beverage industry: issues concerns and conflicts of interest,2009,104,,34-47,Babor
Drug use and perceived treatment need among newly sentenced prisoners in England and Wales,2009,104,2,243-247,Stewart
Harm reduction is now the mainstream global drug policy,2009,104,3,343-345,Wodak
Computer‐based psychological treatment for comorbid depression and problematic alcohol and/or cannabis use: a randomized controlled trial of clinical efficacy,2009,104,3,378-388,Lewin
Problematic heroin use incidence trends in Spain,2009,104,2,248-255,Suelves
Pathways to cannabis abuse: a multi‐stage model from cannabis availability cannabis initiation and progression to abuse,2009,104,3,430-438,Neale
Modeling the genetic and environmental association between peer group deviance and cannabis use in male twins,2009,104,3,420-429,Neale
Impact of US and Canadian precursor regulation on methamphetamine purity in the United States,2009,104,3,441-453,Callaghan
Further clear examples of the need for more reasonable conclusions and critiques about prevention,2009,104,1,154-155,Spoth
[Commentary] THE CLINICAL UTILITY OF GENETIC TESTS,2009,104,1,127-128,Munafò
The familial aggregation of cannabis use disorders,2009,104,4,622-629,Merikangas
Parental alcohol dependence and the transmission of adolescent behavioral disinhibition: a study of adoptive and non‐adoptive families,2009,104,4,578-586,Iacono
Dilemmas in harm minimization: a response to my critics,2009,104,3,345-346,Weatherburn
Engaging the values‐based ethical dilemmas in harm minimization: a response to weatherburn,2009,104,5,862-863,Fry
Drug misuse: psychosocial interventions,2009,104,4,676-677,Bergmark
Promoting self‐change from addictive behaviors: practical implications for policy prevention and treatment,2009,104,4,677,Tucker
Fragmented intimacy: addiction in a social world,2009,104,4,677-678,Walker
Adolescent inhalant use abuse and dependence,2009,104,7,1185-1192,Howard
Gene–environment interactions and alcohol use and dependence: current status and future challenges,2009,104,6,907-914,Engels
A review of the clinical pharmacology of methamphetamine,2009,104,7,1085-1099,Dyer
Urinary ethyl glucuronide (EtG) and ethyl sulphate (EtS) assessment: valuable tools to improve verification of abstention in alcohol‐dependent patients during in‐patient treatment and at follow‐ups,2009,104,6,921-926,Weinmann
Do the 10 uk suicides among those taking the smoking cessation drug varenicline suggest a causal link?,2009,104,5,864-865,Stapleton
Addictions autonomy and so much more: a reply to caplan,2009,104,6,1053-1054,Buchman
Mortality among opiate users: opioid maintenance therapy age and causes of death,2009,104,8,1356-1362,Gossop
Meta‐analyses and the search for specific and common mediators of substance misuse intervention effects [Commentary],2009,104,5,716-717,Finney
Bayes' Theorem to estimate population prevalence from Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores,2009,104,7,1132-1137,Kypri
Unrecorded alcohol: a threat to public health?,2009,104,6,875-877,Rehm
The continuing conundrum of craving,2009,104,10,1618-1619,Tiffany
Exposure of children and adolescents to alcohol advertising on Australian metropolitan free‐to‐air television,2009,104,7,1157-1165,Fielder
Feasibility and validity of low‐budget telephonic follow‐up interviews in routine outcome monitoring of substance abuse treatment,2009,104,7,1138-1146,van den Brink
A common standard for conflict of interest disclosure in addiction journals,2009,104,11,1779-1784,Babor
Sexual orientation substance use behaviors and substance dependence in the United States,2009,104,8,1333-1345,McCabe
Recanting of life‐time inhalant use: how big a problem and what to make of it,2009,104,8,1373-1381,Martino
Older adults' alcohol consumption and late‐life drinking problems: a 20‐year perspective,2009,104,8,1293-1302,Moos
National and international aspects of doing harm reduction better,2009,104,9,1452-1453,Des Jarlais
The longitudinal association between multiple substance use discrepancies and marital satisfaction,2009,104,7,1201-1209,Cornelius
A social network perspective on heroin and cocaine use among adults: evidence of bidirectional influences,2009,104,7,1210-1218,Bradshaw
Temperance alcohol and the American evangelical: a reassessment,2009,104,7,1075-1084,Warner
Socio‐demographic risk factors for alcohol and drug dependence: the 10‐year follow‐up of the national comorbidity survey,2009,104,8,1346-1355,Kessler
Drug trafficking: time to abolish the death penalty,2009,104,8,1267-1269,Marsden
[Commentary] COMMENTS ON SURVEYING ALCOHOL IN AFRICA,2009,104,7,1155-1156,Michalak
Reactivity to alcohol assessment measures: an experimental test,2009,104,8,1305-1310,Walters
A Bayesian model for estimating the effects of drug use when drug use may be under‐reported,2009,104,11,1820-1826,C'de Baca
Timing of first alcohol use and alcohol dependence: evidence of common genetic influences,2009,104,9,1512-1518,Bucholz
Test–re‐test reliability of DSM‐IV adopted criteria for 34‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) abuse and dependence: a cross‐national study,2009,104,10,1679-1690,Cottler
A comparison of drug overdose deaths involving methadone and other opioid analgesics in West Virginia,2009,104,9,1541-1548,Paulozzi
Australian universities' open door policies on alcohol industry research funding,2009,104,10,1765-1767,Kypri
2008—Lithuania's year of sobriety: alcohol control becomes a priority of health policy,2009,104,7,1259,Veryga
Cognitive functioning in substance abuse and dependence: a population‐based study of young adults,2009,104,9,1558-1568,Kaprio
Employment‐based abstinence reinforcement as a maintenance intervention for the treatment of cocaine dependence: a randomized controlled trial,2009,104,9,1530-1538,DeFulio
Changes in per capita alcohol sales during the partial privatization of British Columbia's retail alcohol monopoly 2003–2008: a multi‐level local area analysis,2009,104,11,1827-1836,Holder
Anxiety and depression among abstainers and low‐level alcohol consumers. The Nord‐Trøndelag Health Study,2009,104,9,1519-1529,Mykletun
Vested interests addiction research and public policy,2010,105,1,4-5,Babor
Preventing growth in amphetamine use: long‐term effects of the Midwestern Prevention Project (MPP) from early adolescence to early adulthood,2009,104,10,1691-1699,Riggs
[Commentary] ALCOHOL ADVERTISING REGULATION: WHERE TO FROM HERE?,2009,104,7,1166-1167,Jernigan
‘Between pain and nothing I choose nothing’: trauma post‐traumatic stress disorder and substance use,2009,104,10,1607-1609,Mills
Preventing heavy alcohol use in adolescents (PAS): cluster randomized trial of a parent and student intervention offered separately and simultaneously,2009,104,10,1669-1678,Engels
Disclosure in the best interests of science? Or moral crusade?,2009,104,11,1787-1788,Davies
First positive reactions to cannabis constitute a priority risk factor for cannabis dependence,2009,104,10,1710-1717,Fergusson
The alcohol industry and public interest science,2010,105,2,191-198,Babor
Long‐suffering or prolonged suffering? Time matters,2009,104,8,1429-1430,Hillhouse
Vested Interests in Addiction Research and Policy
-- Alcohol policies out of context: drinks industry supplanting government role in alcohol policies in sub‐Saharan Africa,2010,105,1,22-28,Bakke
Supporting the need for rigorous enforceable disclosure policies for scientific journals,2009,104,11,1788-1789,Sass
Do Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations indicate recent use in chronic cannabis users?,2009,104,12,2041-2048,Huestis
Content of ecstasy in the Netherlands: 1993–2008,2009,104,12,2057-2066,Vervaeke
Cost‐effectiveness of interventions to prevent alcohol‐related disease and injury in Australia,2009,104,10,1646-1655,Doran
Extending drug ethno‐epidemiology using agent‐based modelling,2009,104,12,1991-1997,Bammer
Time for precautionary action on alcohol industry funding of sporting bodies,2009,104,12,1949-1950,Kypri
The challenge of external validity in policy‐relevant systematic reviews: a case study from the field of substance misuse,2010,105,1,136-145,Pearson
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to illicit drug use and mental disorders: what is ‘Global Burden of Disease 2005’ and why does it matter?,2009,104,9,1466-1471,Whiteford
Acute alcohol impairs conditioning of a behavioural reward‐seeking response and inhibitory control processes—implications for addictive disorders,2009,104,12,2013-2022,Loeber
Cannabis and crime: findings from a longitudinal study,2010,105,1,109-118,Pedersen
Urine tested positive for ethyl glucuronide after trace amounts of ethanol,2009,104,12,2007-2012,Weinmann
Conflicts of interest. A golden standard to generalize in addiction research,2010,105,2,199-200,Gual
If cannabis caused schizophrenia—how many cannabis users may need to be prevented in order to prevent one case of schizophrenia? England and Wales calculations,2009,104,11,1856-1861,Lewis
What neurobiology cannot tell us about addiction,2010,105,5,780-789,Kalant
Wanted: a broader view of alcohol studies,2010,105,2,202-203,Heath
Commentary on Cobiac et al. (2009): How to use science to improve alcohol policy?,2009,104,10,1656-1657,Rehm
Prevention programs in the 21st century: what we do not discuss in public,2010,105,4,578-581,Holder
Continuities and changes in self‐change research,2010,105,9,1510-1518,Klingemann
The abuse potential of the synthetic cannabinoid nabilone,2010,105,3,494-503,Ware
The dimensionality of alcohol use disorders and alcohol consumption in a cross‐national perspective,2010,105,2,240-254,Borges
Social integration in young adulthood and the subsequent onset of substance use and disorders among a community population of urban African Americans,2010,105,3,484-493,Green
Drug prevention programmes for young people: where have we been and where should we be going?,2010,105,10,1688-1695,Midford
Commentary on Hickman et al. (2009): The place of risk in drug policies,2009,104,11,1862-1863,Rehm
More alcohol dependence than abuse in rural china,2009,104,12,2118-2119,Guo
Exposure to cannabis in popular music and cannabis use among adolescents,2010,105,3,515-523,Kraemer
Understanding prevention research as a form of pseudoscience,2010,105,4,582-583,Gorman
Thinking outside the box: a necessary course for the future of alcohol research,2010,105,5,805-806,Meyer
Just the facts: trade agreements do not undermine alcohol policy,2010,105,1,174-175,Cressy
Reducing sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol for patients in substance abuse treatment,2010,105,1,100-108,Doyle
Vested Interests in Addiction Research and Policy
Poisonous partnerships: health sector buy‐in to arrangements with government and addictive consumption industries,2010,105,4,585-590,Rossen
Predicting life‐time and regular cannabis use during adolescence; the roles of temperament and peer substance use: the TRAILS study,2010,105,4,699-708,Verhulst
Commentary on Ware and St Arnaud‐Trempe (2010): Nabilone abuse in Canada? Nature provides an effective prevention program,2010,105,3,504-505,Bouchard
The death penalty for drugs is a violation of international human rights law; efficacy—whether real or imagined—provides no excuse,2009,104,12,2119,Lines
Commentary on Morgan et al. (2010): Ketamine abuse: first medical evidence of harms we should confront,2010,105,1,134-135,De la Torre
Commentary on Borges et al. (2010): Cross‐national dimensionality of alcohol use disorders,2010,105,2,255-256,Hasin
Drug classification: science politics both or neither?,2010,105,7,1146-1149,Kalant
Genetic and environmental influences on cannabis use initiation and problematic use: a meta‐analysis of twin studies,2010,105,3,417-430,Boomsma
How much alcohol do you buy? A comparison of self‐reported alcohol purchases with actual sales,2010,105,4,649-654,Ramstedt
Who drinks how much less with which price policy? A rich feast for policy discussion,2010,105,3,394-395,Livingston
Dangers of banning spice and the synthetic cannabinoid agonists,2010,105,2,373,Hammersley
How ideology shapes the evidence and the policy: what do we know about cannabis use and what should we do?,2010,105,8,1326-1330,Hickman
Long‐term effects of alcohol policies: an economic perspective,2010,105,3,395-397,Van baal
Brief alcohol intervention: time for translational research,2010,105,6,960-961,Kaner
What neurobiology tells us about addiction,2010,105,5,793-795,Iguchi
Commentary on Pedersen and Skardhamar (2010): Does cannabis use predict non‐drug offending?,2010,105,1,119-120,Farrington
Mobile phone addiction: a point of issue,2010,105,2,373-374,Choliz
Characteristics and comorbidity of drug and alcohol‐related emergency department presentations detected by nursing triage text,2010,105,5,897-906,Conigrave
Human sex differences in d‐amphetamine self‐administration,2010,105,4,727-731,Rush
The effect of image complexity on attentional bias towards alcohol‐related images in adult drinkers,2010,105,5,883-890,Fillmore
Alcohol price policies: connecting science to practice,2010,105,3,398-399,Wagenaar
Beyond tax: the need for research on alcohol pricing policies,2010,105,3,397-398,Chaloupka
Raising the bar: preventing aggression in and around bars pubs and clubs,2010,105,1,179,Clapp
Effects of a community intervention to reduce the serving of alcohol to intoxicated patrons,2010,105,6,1032-1040,Holmila
How globalization and market innovation challenge how we think about and respond to drug use: ‘Spice’ a case study,2010,105,6,951-953,Griffiths
Premature adoption and dissemination of prevention programmes,2010,105,4,583-584,Andréasson
Alcohol consumption and drinking problems among older adults,2010,105,3,568-569,Schutte
The effects of binge drinking on college students' next‐day academic test‐taking performance and mood state,2010,105,4,655-665,Winter
Sensitivity/specificity of alcohol amounts in seniors,2010,105,3,568,Friedmann
Mindfulness‐based treatments for co‐occurring depression and substance use disorders: what can we learn from the brain?,2010,105,10,1698-1706,Potenza
Commentary on Britton et al. (2010): The dangers of declining drink,2010,105,4,646-647,Chikritzhs
Mental disorders as risk factors for substance use abuse and dependence: results from the 10‐year follow‐up of the National Comorbidity Survey,2010,105,6,1117-1128,Kessler
The epidemiology of cannabis use and cannabis‐related harm in Australia 1993–2007,2010,105,6,1071-1079,Mattick
Commentary on Jackson (2010): Step by step ‐ the developmental course from first drink to dependence or treatment among adolescents,2010,105,3,450-451,Darkes
Meeting the challenges for research and practice for brief alcohol intervention,2010,105,6,963-964,Moyer
Estimating the number of alcohol‐attributable deaths: methodological issues and illustration with French data for 2006,2010,105,6,1018-1029,Rey
Interventions for disorder and severe intoxication in and around licensed premises 1989-2009,2011,106,4,706-713,Brennan
A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and domestic violence,2011,106,5,919-925,Livingston
Increasing U.S. Mortality Due to Accidental Poisoning: The Role of the Baby Boom Cohort,2011,106,4,806-815,Miech
Toward a National Model for Managing Impaired Driving Offenders,2011,106,7,1221-1227,Voas
Commentary on Kypri et al. (2011): Fighting the good fight against alcohol-related violence: one bar or one hour at a time?,2011,106,2,311-312,Stockwell
Borderline personality disorder and persistently elevated levels of risk in 36-month outcomes for the treatment of heroin dependence,2007,102,7,1140-1146,Teesson
Recent life problems and non-fatal overdose among heroin users entering treatment,2005,100,2,168-175,Neale
The impact of borderline personality disorder on 12-month outcomes for the treatment of heroin dependence,2005,100,8,1121-1130,Teesson
Male drugs-related deaths in the fortnight after release from prison: Scotland 1996-99,2003,98,2,185-190,Bird
Cannabis use and psychosocial adjustment in adolescence and young adulthood,2002,97,9,1123-1135,Swain-Campbell
Sedative use and misuse in the United States,2002,97,5,555-562,Goodwin
Alcohol abuse and suicidal behaviour in young and middle aged men: differentiating between attempted and completed suicide,1999,94,8,1199-1207,Rossow
Characteristics of women with alcohol and other drug problems: findings of an Australian national survey,1996,91,8,1141-1150,Hall
Prevention strategies and alcohol policy,1995,90,4,515-524,Norstrom
Relationships of measures of alcohol consumption with alcohol-related problems in multiple studies: a research synthesis from the collaborative alcohol-related longitudinal project,1994,89,9,1143-1156,Leino
Peer substance involvement modifies genetic influences on regular substance involvement in young women,2010,105,10,1844-1853,Bucholz
Alcohol's harm to others: reduced wellbeing and health status for those with heavy drinkers in their lives,2011,106,6,1087-1094,Huckle
Commentary on Marshall et al. (2010): Are long‐term negative health consequences of methamphetamine use important to youth?,2010,105,6,1003-1004,Rawson
Using the internet to research hidden populations of illicit drug users: a review,2010,105,9,1557-1567,Miller
Meta‐analysis of drug‐related deaths soon after release from prison,2010,105,9,1545-1554,Marsden
What economics can contribute to the addiction sciences,2010,105,7,1156-1163,Caulkins
Seeing America—diary of a drug‐focused study tour made in 1967,2010,105,6,984-990,Edwards
Policy options for alcohol price regulation: response to the commentaries,2010,105,3,400-401,Brennan
Legal highs and the challenges for policy makers,2010,105,10,1685-1687,Winstock
The implicit rules of evidence‐based policy analysis updated,2010,105,8,1335-1336,Maccoun
Estimating harmful effects of cannabis and use for policy makers shifting from one mistake to the next?,2010,105,8,1334-1335,Wittchen
Commentary on Rey et al. (2010): How to improve estimates on alcohol‐attributable burden?,2010,105,6,1030-1031,Rehm
Commentary on Hall (2010): The difference a word makes ‐ a short history of ‘prohibition’,2010,105,7,1174-1175,Courtwright
A renewed call for action on alcohol policy,2010,105,5,767-768,Marsden
Rediscovering MDMA (ecstasy): the role of the American chemist Alexander T. Shulgin,2010,105,8,1355-1361,Benzenhöfer
Continuous categorical and mixture models of DSM‐IV alcohol and cannabis use disorders in the Australian community,2010,105,7,1246-1253,Teesson
Changes in alcohol consumption and beverage preference among adolescents after the introduction of the alcopops tax in Germany,2010,105,7,1205-1213,Kraus
Is there a causal linkage between cannabis use and increased risks of psychotic symptoms?,2010,105,8,1336-1337,Fergusson
Science and non‐science in uk drug policy,2010,105,7,1154,Nutt
Drug prevention programs for young people are a good investment,2010,105,10,1696-1697,Toumbourou
Computer‐delivered interventions for alcohol and tobacco use: a meta‐analysis,2010,105,8,1381-1390,Copeland
Substance use and common child mental health problems: examining longitudinal associations in a British sample,2010,105,8,1484-1496,Goodman
Commentary on Müller et al. (2010): Tax policy on alcopops ‐ advances and limitations,2010,105,7,1214-1215,Wagenaar
Alcohol policy in South Africa: a review of policy development processes between 1994 and 2009,2010,105,8,1340-1345,Parry
Commentary on Huckle et al. (2010): Those confounding facts of lifestyle,2010,105,7,1203-1204,Bloomfield
Commentary on Alati et al. (2010): The importance of childhood predictors in the development of alcohol use,2010,105,5,881-882,Van der vorst
Proximity to the US–Mexico border: a key to explaining geographic variation in US methamphetamine cocaine and heroin purity,2010,105,10,1785-1798,Maxwell
Alcohol dependence and anxiety increase error‐related brain activity,2010,105,11,1928-1934,Verkes
Withdrawal symptoms in abstinent methamphetamine‐dependent subjects,2010,105,10,1809-1818,London
Elevated overdose mortality rates among First Nations individuals in a Canadian setting: a population‐based analysis,2010,105,11,1962-1970,Kerr
Victimization and substance use disorders in a national sample of heterosexual and sexual minority women and men,2010,105,12,2130-2140,McCabe
Prevalence and correlates of DSM‐IV alcohol abuse and dependence in Australia: findings of the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing,2010,105,12,2085-2094,Teesson
‘Alcohol less is better’ project: outcomes of an Italian community‐based prevention programme on reducing per‐capita alcohol consumption,2011,106,1,102-110,Bagnardi
High alcohol consumption in middle‐aged adults is associated with poorer cognitive performance only in the low socio‐economic group. Results from the GAZEL cohort study,2011,106,1,93-101,Gueguen
Paternal incarceration and trajectories of marijuana and other illegal drug use from adolescence into young adulthood: evidence from longitudinal panels of males and females in the United States,2011,106,1,121-132,Roettger
Common and drug‐specific genetic influences on subjective effects to alcohol tobacco and marijuana use,2011,106,1,215-224,Hopfer
The ‘grass ceiling’: limitations in the literature hinder our understanding of cannabis use and its consequences,2011,106,2,238-244,Hine
Mortality among regular or dependent users of heroin and other opioids: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of cohort studies,2011,106,1,32-51,Degenhardt
An anti‐inflammatory as a recreational drug in brazil,2011,106,1,225,Opaleye
Commentary on Milloy et al. (2010): The stark reality of overdose mortality among indigenous peoples—a(nother) plea for action,2010,105,11,1971-1972,Wilkes
Is there an epidemiological paradox for illicit drugs?,2011,106,2,248-249,Andréasson
Meta‐analysis is no substitute for theory,2011,106,2,247-248,Hammersley
Moving beyond the grass ceiling,2011,106,2,246-247,Patton
Commentary on Kuhns et al. (2011): Drinks and death – alcohol and the homicide victim,2011,106,1,73-74,Darke
The glass ceiling on evidence of cannabis related harms – flawed or just false?,2011,106,2,249-251,Copeland
Questionable conclusions on cannabis and crime,2011,106,2,449-450,Rossow
Commentary on Grey et al. (2011): Does methadone maintenance therapy adversely affect bone mass?,2011,106,2,355-356,Nakchbandi
Methamphetamine addiction: biological foundations psychological factors and social consequences,2011,106,2,456-457,Zweben
The grassy knoll . . . and an elephant,2011,106,2,251-252,Hine
Joint effects of alcohol use smoking and body mass index as an explanation for the alcohol harm paradox: causal mediation analysis of eight cohort studies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Makela
Alcohol marketing research: the need for a new agenda,2011,106,3,466-471,Meier
Effects of alcohol portrayals in movies on actual alcohol consumption: an observational experimental study,2011,106,3,547-554,Engels
Differentiating new cannabis use from residual urinary cannabinoid excretion in chronic daily cannabis users,2011,106,3,499-506,Gorelick
New approaches to alcohol marketing research,2011,106,3,473-474,Saffer
Do alcohol portrayals in movies and commercials directly affect consumption?,2011,106,3,472-473,Engels
Alcohol marketing research agenda—let us look at how the industry maintains its hegemony,2011,106,3,476-477,Casswell
Advertising research—calls for an even more ambitious agenda?,2011,106,3,477-479,Meier
Non-suicidal self-injury by intravenous application of nicotine in a patient with borderline personality disorder resulting in substance dependence,2011,106,6,1186-1187,Schonfeldt-Lecuona
Overestimation of Peer Drinking: Error of Judgment or Methodological Artefact?,2011,106,6,1078-1084,Davies
Drug Violations and Aviation Accidents: Findings from the U.S. Mandatory Drug Testing Programs,2011,106,7,1287-1292,Rebok
Environmental factors in drinking venues and alcohol‐related harm: the evidence base for European intervention,2011,106,,37-46,Hughes
Indicators of alcohol consumption and attributable harm for monitoring and surveillance in European Union countries,2011,106,,4-10,Rehm
Science and alcohol policy: a case study of the EU Strategy on Alcohol,2011,106,,55-66,Anderson
Do infrastructures impact on alcohol policy making?,2011,106,,47-54,König
Epidemiology and alcohol policy in Europe,2011,106,,11-19,Rehm
Building a pan‐European alcohol policy research competence,2011,106,,v-vi,Room
A new AMPHORA: an introduction to the project Alcohol Measures for Public Health Research Alliance,2011,106,,1-3,Gual
Reflections on science and the governance of alcohol policy,2011,106,,67-70,Gual
The role of alcohol in the Russian mortality crisis,2011,106,11,1957-1965,Norström
A systematic comparison of the global comparative risk assessments for alcohol,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shield
Effects of a brief alcohol intervention addressing the full spectrum of drinking in an adult general population sample: a randomized controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bischof
The Prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders among Nighttime Weekend Drivers,2011,106,7,1251-1260,Romano
The Role of Person-Environment Interactions in Increased Alcohol Use in the Transition to College,2011,106,6,1104-1113,Fromme
Mortality among HIV-infected intravenous drug addicts in Stockholm in relation to methadone treatment,1995,90,5,711-716,Fugelstad
Hair analysis for drug testing--where is it leading?,1994,89,3,297-299,Howard
Addiction Research Centres and the Nurturing of Creativity. Substance abuse research in a modern health care centre: the case of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health,2011,106,4,689-697,Mann
The association between spending on methamphetamine/amphetamine and cannabis for personal use and earnings from acquisitive crime among police detainees in New Zealand,2011,106,4,789-797,Sweetsur
Inverse association of the obesity predisposing FTO rs9939609 genotype with alcohol consumption and risk for alcohol dependence,2011,106,4,739-748,Wojnar
Residual neurocognitive features of long‐term ecstasy users with minimal exposure to other drugs,2011,106,4,777-786,Halpern
Modelling the adverse effects associated with ecstasy use,2011,106,4,798-805,Montgomery
The effects of a large reduction in alcohol prices on hospitalizations related to alcohol: a population‐based natural experiment,2011,106,4,759-767,Makela
Alcohol control policy: evidence‐based medicine versus evidence‐based marketing,2011,106,4,852-853,Braillon
Impact on alcohol‐related mortality of a rapid rise in the density of private liquor outlets in British Columbia: a local area multi‐level analysis,2011,106,4,768-776,Holder
Commentary on Black et al. (2011): Minimum pricing of alcohol – a solution whose time has come,2011,106,4,737-738,Donaldson
Responsibility for crime and injury when drunk,1997,92,9,1183-1188,Bergman
Unintended consequences and professional ethics: criminalization of alcohol and tobacco use by youth and young adults,1997,92,9,1159-1164,Wolfson
Ethics of alcohol policy in a saturated society,1997,92,9,1117-1122,Sulkunen
Buying research,1997,92,9,1077-1079,Lemmens
The Self-Rating of the Effects of alcohol (SRE) form as a retrospective measure of the risk for alcoholism,1997,92,8,979-988,Schuckit
Liquor outlets and prevention policy: the need for light in dark corners,1997,92,8,925-930,Stockwell
Industry and science,1997,92,8,1035,Gillman
High- and low-dose alcohol-related expectancies and the differential associations with drinking in male and female adolescents and young adults,1997,92,7,871-888,Sergeant
Altering alcohol price by ethanol content: results from a Swedish tax policy in 1992,1997,92,7,859-870,Gruenewald
Concepts of drugs: differences in conceptual structure across groups with different levels of drug experience,1997,92,7,847-858,Fabricius
Mood and cognitive effects of +/-34-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA 'ecstasy'): week-end 'high' followed by mid-week low,1997,92,7,821-831,Curran
Alcohol policy and aviation safety,1997,92,7,793-804,Cook
Access to alcohol from licensed premises during adolescence: a longitudinal study,1997,92,6,737-745,Casswell
Drinking the majority fallacy cognitive dissonance and social pressure,1997,92,6,729-736,Mäkelä
Treating grouped data as continuous in alcohol consumption measures,1997,92,6,667-672,Berry
Summing up: lessons from a comprehensive community prevention trial,1997,92,Suppl 2,S293-301,Voas
Application of local policy to prevent alcohol problems: experiences from a community trial,1997,92,Suppl 2,S285-92,Holder
Use of spatial models for community program evaluation of changes in alcohol outlet distribution,1997,92,Suppl 2,S273-83,Gruenewald
Community prevention and alcohol retail access,1997,92,Suppl 2,S261-72,Gruenewald
Preventing sales of alcohol to minors: results from a community trial,1997,92,Suppl 2,S251-60,Grube
Are reconstructed self-reports of drinking reliable?,1997,92,5,601-606,Tonigan
The effects of physical attractiveness on gaining access to alcohol: when social policy meets social decision making,1997,92,5,597-600,McCall
Alcohol and aviation,1997,92,5,539-555,Cook
Alcohol misuse prevention for young people: a systematic review reveals methodological concerns and lack of reliable evidence of effectiveness,1997,92,5,531-537,Foxcroft
Solitary drinking: a risk factor for alcohol-related problems?,1997,92,3,303-312,Demers
Where treatment and prevention merge: the need for a broader approach,1997,92,Suppl 1,S133-6,Heather
Place of work communities and municipalities,1997,92,Suppl 1,S127-32,Ritson
Alcohol use and a safe environment,1997,92,Suppl 1,S117-20,Holder
Alcohol and health: individual and population perspectives,1997,92,Suppl 1,S109-15,Rehm
The role of non-governmental organizations,1997,92,Suppl 1,S103-8,Craplet
Population level policies on alcohol: are they still appropriate given that "alcohol is good for the heart'?,1997,92,Suppl 1,S81-90,Casswell
Alcohol policy and the public good,1997,92,Suppl 1,S73-9,Edwards
Trends in alcohol production trade and consumption,1997,92,Suppl 1,S61-6,Walsh
The economics of alcohol,1997,92,Suppl 1,S55-9,Lehto
Lost productivity and costs to society,1997,92,Suppl 1,S49-54,Godfrey
Alcohol Europe and the developing countries,1997,92,Suppl 1,S43-8,Saxena
Alcohol and European transformation,1997,92,Suppl 1,S33-S41,Simpura
Why has alcohol consumption declined in countries of southern Europe?,1997,92,Suppl 1,S21-31,Gual
Inequality deprivation and alcohol use,1997,92,Suppl 1,S13-20,Marmot
Alcohol the individual and society: what history teaches us,1997,92,Suppl 1,S7-11,Room
Health Society and Alcohol,1997,92,Suppl 1,S3-6,Anderson
Life-time problem drinking and psychiatric co-morbidity among Ontario women,1997,92,2,183-196,Ross
An Australian profile on the use of cocaine,1997,92,2,173-182,Hando
Harm reduction not alcohol consumption reduction,1995,90,11,1550-1551,Pittman
Are males actually heavier drinkers than females?,1995,90,11,1547-1550,Lo
Heavy drinking in the restaurant business: the role of social modelling and structural factors of the work-place,1995,90,11,1487-1495,Aasland
The economic costs of alcohol-related absenteeism and reduced productivity among the working population of New Zealand,1995,90,11,1455-1461,Casswell
A critique of chapter 3: "Individual drinking and degree of risk",1995,90,11,1450-1451,Batel
Alcohol policy and the public good: a Chinese view,1995,90,11,1448-1450,Wei
Alcohol policy and the dilemma of Africa,1995,90,11,1445-1447,Ikuesan
The AUDIT questionnaire: choosing a cut-off score. Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test,1995,90,10,1349-1356,Saunders
Nitrous oxide and the terminology of 'abuse' and 'use',1995,90,9,1265-1266,Zacny
Caffeine and psychomotor performance: a reply to James,1995,90,9,1261-1265,Smith
The harmful effects of drugs as perceived by the Spanish public,1995,90,8,1113-1116,Álvarez
Alcohol and suicide--the Portuguese experience,1995,90,8,1053-1061,Skog
Loss of control and inability to abstain: the measurement of and the relationship between two constructs in male alcoholics,1995,90,8,1025-36; discussion 1037-51,McCrady
The prevalence and risk factors associated with abusive or hazardous alcohol consumption in 16-year-olds,1995,90,7,935-946,Fergusson
Ritanserin a central 5-HT2 antagonist in heavy social drinkers: desire to drink alcohol intake and related effects,1995,90,7,893-905,Naranjo
Associations between drinking motives and changes in adolescents' alcohol consumption: A full cross-lagged panel study,2011,106,7,1270-1278,Kuntsche
Alcohol education in licensed premises using brief intervention strategies,1998,93,3,385-398,Reilly
Alcohol-Related Negative Consequences among Drinkers around the World,2011,106,8,1391-1405,Greenfield
Misinterpretation of published results,1994,89,6,756-761,Duffy
Alcohol use in the service industry,1994,89,6,733-741,Larsen
Social network social support and heavy drinking in elderly men--a population study of men born in 1914 Malmö Sweden,1994,89,6,725-732,Hanson
Drinking in California: theoretical and empirical analyses of alcohol consumption patterns,1994,89,6,707-723,Gruenewald
The ability of young people to purchase alcohol without age identification in northeastern Minnesota USA,1994,89,6,699-705,Wagenaar
Alcohol policies--in poverty and in wealth,1994,89,6,643-6; discussion 647-56,Samarasinghe
Just say "no" to alcohol abuse and misuse,1994,89,7,787-789,Wodak
Impulsivity in abstinent early- and late-onset alcoholics: differences in self-report measures and a discounting task,2006,101,1,50-59,Hulstijn
Bad nights or bad bars? Multi-level analysis of environmental predictors of aggression in late-night large-capacity bars and clubs,2006,101,11,1569-1580,Wells
'You're one up because you haven't had a drink': bar staff intoxication and violence,2005,100,6,729-730,Room
Drinking patterns drinking contexts and alcohol-related aggression among late adolescent and young adult drinkers,2005,100,7,933-944,Wells
Effects on criminal violence of different beverage types and private and public drinking,1998,93,5,689-699,Norstrom
Blame and punishment for intoxicated aggression: when is the perpetrator culpable?,1998,93,5,677-687,Rehm
Exploring the nature of the relationship between child sexual abuse and substance use among women,1998,93,6,865-875,Copeland
Sexual abuse and alcoholism in a female population,1998,93,9,1365-1373,Allebeck
The relationship between childhood sexual abuse and alcohol abuse in women--a case-control study,1998,93,12,1787-1798,Mullen
Impact of liking for advertising and brand allegiance on drinking and alcohol-related aggression: a longitudinal study,1998,93,8,1209-1217,Casswell
Alcohol-related violence: the impact of drinking pattern and drinking context,1996,91,11,1651-1661,Rossow
The state's "sharp line between the sexes": women alcohol and the law in the United States 1850-1980,1996,91,8,1211-1229,Nicolaides
Personal and familial characteristics of resilient sons of male alcoholics,1996,91,8,1161-1177,Tremblay
Shattered childhood: a key issue in suicidal behavior among drug addicts?,2001,96,2,227-240,Rossow
Gender differences in the impact of families on alcohol use: A lagged longitudinal study of early adolescents,2011,106,8,1427-1436,Toumbourou
Similar profile of cognitive impairment and recovery for Aboriginal Australians in treatment for episodic or chronic alcohol use,2011,106,8,1419-1426,Cairney
Causes of death of patients with substance dependence: a record-linkage study in a psychiatric hospital in Taiwan,2001,96,5,729-736,Tsai
Emotional wellbeing and violence among social and solitary risky single occasion drinkers in adolescence,2004,99,3,331-339,Gmel
Weekend effects on binge drinking and homicide: the social connection between alcohol and violence in Russia,2004,99,8,1034-1041,Pridemore
Alcohol poisonings drinking behavior and violence in Russia: a reply to Rossow,2004,99,10,1356-1358,Pridemore
An extraordinarily interesting article: comments on Fillmore and Weafer,2004,99,10,1251-2; discussion 1252-4,Homel
Disinhibition impulse control arousal and gender: understanding the mechanisms of alcohol's effects on aggression,2004,99,10,1250-1; discussion 1252-4,Graham
From the ecological to the individual and back again,2004,99,10,1249-50; discussion 1252-4,Gruenewald
Effects of concurrent use of alcohol and cocaine,2002,97,7,773-783,Pennings
Aggression involving alcohol: relationship to drinking patterns and social context,2003,98,1,33-42,Wells
Characteristics of non-respondents in a US national longitudinal survey on drinking and intimate partner violence,2003,98,6,791-797,Caetano
The yin and yang of alcohol intoxication: implications for research on the social consequences of drinking,2003,98,8,1021-1023,Graham
Alcoholism and schizophrenia,2000,95,11,1613-1618,Soyka
Local and global alcohol supply: economic and geographic models of community systems,2000,95,Suppl 4,S537-49,Gruenewald
Evaluating theories of alcohol-related aggression using observations of young adults in bars,2000,95,6,847-863,West
Inhalant use among urban American Indian youth,1999,94,1,83-95,Howard
Young wet and wild? Associations between alcohol intoxication and violent behaviour in adolescence,1999,94,7,1017-1031,Rossow
Community-based alcohol counselling: a randomized clinical trial,2002,97,11,1449-1463,Bowman
Commentary on Kuhns et al. (2011): Drinks and death – alcohol and the homicide victim,2011,106,1,73-74,Darke
The relative efficacy of two levels of a primary care intervention for family members affected by the addiction problem of a close relative: a randomized trial,2009,104,1,49-58,Velleman
Commentary on Livingston (2011): Alcohol outlets and domestic violence - acute effects and the social ecology of neighborhoods may both contribute to the relationship,2011,106,5,926-927,Leonard
Addiction and dependence in DSM-V,2011,106,5,866-867,O'Brien
Emphasizing interpersonal factors: an extension of the Witkiewitz and Marlatt relapse model,2009,104,8,1281-1290,Hunter‐Reel
Addiction research centres and the nurturing of creativity: The Swiss Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Problems. Past present and future,2009,104,5,699-704,Kuntsche
Commentary on Kanayama et al. (2009): The normalization of steroid use,2009,104,12,1979-1980,Monaghan
Abuse-deterrent extended-release oxycodone and risk of opioid-related harm,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fazel
Helping the female partners of men abusing alcohol: a comparison of three treatments,2001,96,10,1497-1508,Young
Benzodiazepine misuse by illicit drug misusers,2001,96,2,333-336,Seivewright
The long-term effect of a population-based lifestyle intervention on smoking and alcohol consumption. The Inter99 Study - a randomized controlled trial,2015,110,11,1853-1860,Toft
Alcohol and homicide: a cross‐cultural comparison of the relationship in 14 European countries,2001,96,1s1,77-92,Rossow
Adverse outcomes of alcohol use in adolescents,2001,96,10,1485-1496,Bowes
The prevalence of alcohol cigarette and illicit drug use in a stratified sample of English adolescents,2001,96,4,637-640,Shepherd
Non‐response in alcohol and drug surveys: a research topic in need of further attention,2001,96,11,1541-1545,Caetano
Why does research have so little impact on American drug policy?,2001,96,3,373-376,Reuter
The relationship of average volume of alcohol consumption and patterns of drinking to burden of disease: an overview,2003,98,9,1209-1228,Rehm
DSM-IV to DSM-5: The impact of proposed revisions on diagnosis of alcohol use disorders,2011,106,11,1935-1943,Heath
The challenge of distinguishing high-volume and frequent risky drinking,2011,106,6,1046-1047,Dawson
Oxycodone poisoning: not just the 'usual suspects',2011,106,6,1035-1036,Darke
Risky single occasion drinking research: The four stages of enlightenment,2011,106,6,1050-1051,Rehm
Evaluating theories of alcohol‐related aggression using observations of young adults in bars,2000,95,6,847-863,Wells
Local and global alcohol supply: economic and geographic models of community systems,2000,95,12s4,537-549,Gruenewald
Alcoholics Anonymous Attendance Decreases in Impulsivity and Drinking and Psychosocial Outcomes over 16 Years: Moderated-Mediation from a Developmental Perspective,2011,106,12,2167-2177,Moos
Ethics of alcohol policy in Brazil: Why it is possible to be independent when we sit at the same table with the alcohol industry,2008,103,5,854-855,de Andrade
A hard act to follow: assessing the consequences of licensing reform in England and Wales,2007,102,2,177-180,Hadfield
A safe sensible and social AHRSE: New Labour and alcohol policy,2007,102,10,1515-1521,Anderson
Anticipating problem alcohol use developmentally from childhood into middle adulthood: what have we learned?,2008,103,s1,100-108,Zucker
Corticolimbic dysregulation and chronic methamphetamine abuse,2007,102,,5-15,London
Development of the treatment outcomes profile,2008,103,9,1450-1460,Marsden
Does subtle screening for substance abuse work? A review of the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI),2007,102,1,41-50,Miller
Drug abuse and responsible fathering: a comparative study of men enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment,2008,103,2,269-283,Rounsaville
Drug withdrawal cocaine and sedative use disorders increase the need for mechanical ventilation in medical patients,2008,103,9,1500-1508,Balster
Drugs in Afghanistan: Opium Outlaws and Scorpion Tales,2007,102,11,1842,Edwards
Identifying drunkenness in the night‐time economy,2007,102,3,377-380,Shepherd
Long‐term effects of the Focus on Families project on substance use disorders among children of parents in methadone treatment,2008,103,12,2008-2016,Catalano
Risk factors for drug dependence among out-patients on opioid therapy in a large US health-care system,2010,105,10,1776-1782,Boscarino
Reductions in alcohol and cocaine use following a group coping intervention for HIV-positive adults with childhood sexual abuse histories,2010,105,11,1942-1951,Hansen
The limits of science,2010,105,7,1150-1151,Reuter
Psychological mediators of bupropion sustained‐release treatment for smoking cessation,2008,103,9,1521-1533,Shiffman
Sexual orientation and adolescent substance use: a meta‐analysis and methodological review,2008,103,4,546-556,Morse
Staff attitudes towards working with drug users: development of the Drug Problems Perceptions Questionnaire,2007,102,2,206-215,Watson
Testing mechanisms of action for intensive case management,2008,103,3,469-477,McVeigh
The importance of social networks in their association to drug equipment sharing among injection drug users: a review,2007,102,11,1730-1739,Platt
The social production of hepatitis C risk among injecting drug users: a qualitative synthesis,2008,103,10,1593-1603,Rhodes
The spatial ecology of alcohol problems: niche theory and assortative drinking,2007,102,6,870-878,Gruenewald
Treating pregnant women dependent on opioids is not the same as treating pregnancy and opioid dependence: a knowledge synthesis for better treatment for women and neonates,2008,103,9,1429-1440,Winklbaur
Access to alcohol outlets and harmful alcohol consumption: A multilevel study in Melbourne Australia,2011,106,10,1772-1779,Jolley
Reducing the legal blood alcohol concentration limit for driving in developing countries: A time for change? Results and implications derived from a time series analysis (2001-2010) conducted in Brazil,2011,106,12,2124-2131,Kahn
Randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol use in hospitalized Taiwanese men,2011,106,5,928-940,Liu
Impaired conditional reasoning in alcoholics: a negative impact on social interactions and risky behaviors?,2011,106,5,951-959,Ermer
The relationship between alcohol consumption patterns and injury,1999,94,11,1719-1734,Stockwell
Addiction and dependence in DSM‐V,2011,106,5,866-867,O'Brien
Risky single‐occasion drinking: bingeing is not bingeing,2011,106,6,1037-1045,Rehm
Between symbols and technicalities – a concept of binge drinking,2011,106,6,1047-1048,Moskalewicz
Language‐use disorder: comment on dsm‐v's proposed ‘addiction and related disorders’ and charles o'brien's ‘addiction and dependence in dsm‐v’,2011,106,5,878-879,Courtwright
A commentary on ‘addiction and dependence in dsm‐v’,2011,106,5,873-874,Meyer
Risky single drinking occasions or acute alcohol intoxications?,2011,106,6,1048-1049,Gual
Botswana alcohol policy and the presidential levy controversy,2011,106,5,898-905,Pitso
Commentary on Livingston (2011): Alcohol outlets and domestic violence – acute effects and the social ecology of neighborhoods may both contribute to the relationship,2011,106,5,926-927,Leonard
International use of screening tools that measure ‘standard drinks’: whose standard?,2011,106,5,1022-1023,Fink
What is the purpose of diagnosing addiction or dependence and what does this mean for establishing diagnostic criteria?,2011,106,5,863-865,West
Musings on new australian guidelines for reducing the risk from single occasion drinking,2011,106,6,1049-1050,Chikritzhs
Clarifying the relationship between alcohol and depression,2011,106,5,915-916,Conner
Overestimation of peer drinking: error of judgement or methodological artefact?,2011,106,6,1078-1084,Davies
Alcohol use disorders and depression – the chicken or the egg?,2011,106,5,916-918,Flensborg‐madsen
Childhood exposure to alcohol and adolescent drinking patterns,1994,89,8,1007-1016,Fergusson
Alcohol in the mass media and drinking by adolescents: a longitudinal study,1994,89,10,1255-1263,Casswell
Current concepts of ethanol dependence,1994,89,11,1397-1412,Littleton
Alcohol consumption alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. The United States as an example,1994,89,11,1357-1365,Grant
Alcohol policies--in poverty and in wealth,1995,90,3,440; author reply 441-2,Wallack
Comments on the European alcohol action plan,1995,90,4,583,Winstanley
The Svalbard study 1988-89: a unique setting for validation of self-reported alcohol consumption,1995,90,4,539-544,Nilssen
The costs of the detrimental effects of alcohol abuse have grown faster than alcohol consumption in Finland,1995,90,4,525-537,Salomaa
The risk of harm to oneself from drinking Canada 1989,1995,90,4,499-513,Room
The J-curve causality and public health,1995,90,4,490-2; discussion 493-8,Skog
The "unhealthy abstainers" question is still important,1995,90,4,488-90; discussion 493-8,Shaper
Analyzing the balance of risk,1995,90,4,484-5; discussion 493-8,Duffy
Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality,1995,90,4,481-4; discussion 493-8,Anderson
Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality,1995,90,4,471-480,Rehm
Alcohol in eastern Europe: market prospects prevention puzzles,1995,90,4,467-470,Simpura
Comment on 'US alcohol consumption abuse and dependence',1995,90,6,848,Marjot
Drunkenness among police detainees,1995,90,6,793-803,Pearson
Intoxication and hazardous use of alcohol: results from the 1992 Finnish Drinking Habits Study,1995,90,6,785-792,Holmila
Alcohol licensing system changes and alcohol consumption: introduction of wine into New Zealand grocery stores,1995,90,6,773-783,Langley
Sex under the influence of alcohol among Norwegian adolescents,1996,91,7,995-1006,Traeen
A comment on science and the alcohol beverage industry,1996,91,7,1063-1064,Tongue
Work-site variation in managerial drinking,1996,91,7,1007-1017,Lee
The role of coping in relapse crisis outcome: a prospective study of treated alcoholics,1996,91,8,1101-1113,Annis
Cough mixture misuse in Hong Kong--an emerging psychiatric problem?,1996,91,9,1375-1378,Lam
Aftercare telephone contacts with problem drinkers can serve a clinical and research function,1996,91,9,1359-1364,Sobell
How does young people's alcohol consumption change during the transition to early adulthood? A longitudinal study of changes at aggregate and individual level,1996,91,9,1345-1357,Pape
Alcohol consumption in Switzerland 1987-93: adjusting for differential effect of assessment techniques on the analysis of trends,1996,91,9,1335-1344,Rehm
The epidemiology of alcohol use in Australian women: findings from a national survey of women's drinking,1996,91,9,1325-1334,Fleming
The changes in the social class distribution of moderate and high alcohol consumption and of alcohol-related disabilities over time in Stockholm County and in Sweden,1996,91,9,1307-1323,Romelsjö
The analysis of policy: understanding the process of policy development,1996,91,9,1265-1270,Ryder
Alcohol abuse and suicide: a 40-year prospective study of Norwegian conscripts,1995,90,5,685-691,Rossow
New beverages new drinking contexts? Signs of modernization in Finnish drinking habits from 1984 to 1992 compared with trends in the European Community,1995,90,5,673-683,Simpura
Withdrawal and dependency symptoms among adolescent alcohol and drug abusers,1995,90,5,627-635,Stewart
The Örebro prevention program revisited: A cluster-randomized effectiveness trial of program effects on youth drinking,2011,106,12,2134-2143,Bodin
Alcohol use heavy episodic drinking and subsequent problems among adolescents in 23 European countries: Does the prevention paradox apply?,2012,107,1,71-80,Romelsjö
Alcohol and suicide--beyond the link at the individual level,1996,91,10,1413-1416,Rossow
Prediction of results from correspondence treatment for controlled drinking,1996,91,10,1539-1545,Kavanagh
Changing society changing drinking: solitary drinking as a non-pathological behaviour,1996,91,10,1505-1516,Demers
Teenagers and alcohol misuse in the United States: by any definition it's a big problem,1996,91,10,1489-1503,Ellickson
The effectiveness and safety of methadone maintenance,1996,91,11,1727-1729,Ward
Overview of studies on drinking patterns and consequences,1996,91,11,1663-1674,Bondy
Temporal drinking patterns and variation in social consequences,1996,91,11,1623-1635,Dawson
On the emerging paradigm of drinking patterns and their social and health consequences,1996,91,11,1615-1621,Bondy
The New Zealand Rugby Injury and Performance Project: alcohol use patterns within a cohort of rugby players,1996,91,12,1865-1868,Waller
Fatal heroin 'overdose': a review,1996,91,12,1765-1772,Darke
An examination of next-day hangover effects after a 100 mg/100 ml dose of alcohol in heavy social drinkers,1998,93,12,1829-1838,Finnigan
An analysis of alcohol policy in Hungary. Who is in charge?,1998,93,12,1815-1827,McKee
IQ in adolescence and later risk of alcohol-related hospital admissions and deaths - 37 year follow-up of Swedish conscripts,2012,107,1,89-97,Hemmingsson
Attacking overdose on the home front,1999,94,2,205-6; discussion 207,Darke
Alcohol consumption problem drinking abstention and disability pension award. The Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT),2012,107,1,98-108,Mykletun
Methamphetamine users show greater than normal age‐related cortical gray matter loss,2011,106,8,1474-1483,Fein
Alcohol‐related negative consequences among drinkers around the world,2011,106,8,1391-1405,Greenfield
A systematic and methodological review of interventions for young people experiencing alcohol‐related harm,2011,106,8,1406-1418,Shakeshaft
Socio‐economic determinants of drugged driving - a register‐based study,2011,106,8,1448-1459,Haukka
How healthy are the police? A survey of life-style factors,1998,93,11,1729-1737,Heather
Comparison of the frequency and enjoyability of pleasant events in cocaine abusers vs. non-abusers using a standardized behavioral inventory,1998,93,11,1669-1680,Higgins
Acute opiate overdose: characteristics of 190 consecutive cases,1998,93,10,1559-1565,Cook
Alcohol-related words are distracting to both alcohol abusers and non-abusers in the Stroop colour-naming task,1998,93,10,1539-1542,Cox
Science and alcohol policy at the local level: a respectful partnership,1998,93,10,1467-1473,Holder
The relation between HPA axis activity and age of onset of alcohol use,2012,107,2,312-322,Huizink
The Distribution of Alcohol Consumption and the Prevention Paradox in Brazil,2012,107,1,60-68,Caetano
Sample selection bias in the emergency room: an examination of the role of alcohol in injury,1998,93,1,113-129,Gruenewald
Clinical significance of Cloninger's classification in a sample of alcoholic Spanish men,1998,93,1,93-101,Santo-Domingo
Ivan Bratt: the man who saved Sweden from prohibition,1998,93,1,17-25,Nycander
Drinking behaviour among men and women in China: The 2007 China Chronic Disease and Risk Factor Surveillance,2011,106,11,1946-1956,Wu
Subjective measures of binge drinking and alcohol-specific adverse health outcomes: A prospective cohort study,2012,107,2,323-330,Poikolainen
It is time for low-risk drinking goals to come out of the closet,2011,106,10,1715-1717,Sobell
Age differences in diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV alcohol dependence among adults with similar drinking behavior,2012,107,2,331-338,Kraus
The association between the incidence of emergency department attendances for alcohol problems and assault incidents attended by police in New South Wales Australia 2003-2008: a time series analysis,2012,107,3,549-556,Weatherburn
Surveying the range and magnitude of alcohol's harm to others in Australia,2011,106,9,1603-1611,Livingston
Intoxicated workers: findings from a national Australian survey,2011,106,9,1623-1633,Pidd
Age moderates non‐genetic influences on the initiation of cannabis use: a twin‐sibling study in Dutch adolescents and young adults,2011,106,9,1658-1666,Boomsma
The relationship between serious injury and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in fatal motor vehicle accidents: BAC = 0.01% is associated with significantly more dangerous accidents than BAC = 0.00%,2011,106,9,1614-1622,Phillips
Reaching out towards cannabis: approach‐bias in heavy cannabis users predicts changes in cannabis use,2011,106,9,1667-1674,Wiers
Commentary on Pidd et al. (2011): Booze and drugs on the job - zeroing in on the industries at risk,2011,106,9,1634-1635,Moodie
Commentaries on Pedersen (2011): DOES CANNABIS CAUSE POVERTY TOO? MOVING BEYOND THE MALEVOLENCE PARADIGM,2011,106,9,1644-1645,Reinarman
Commentary on Laslett et al. (2011): Alcohol‐related collateral damage and the broader issue of alcohol's social costs,2011,106,9,1612-1613,Babor
Reply to reinarman: the social harms of cannabis,2011,106,9,1645-1646,Pedersen
Patterns of alcohol consumption and related problems in the general population of Greece,1995,90,1,73-85,Madianos
Regional differences in drinking among Finnish adolescents,1995,90,1,57-64,Karvonen
A profile of Chinese alcoholics in Singapore,1995,90,1,51-56,Kua
Do alcohol pharmacokinetics in women vary due to the menstrual cycle?,1995,90,1,23-30,Lammers
Controlled evaluation of a general practice-based brief intervention for excessive drinking,1995,90,1,119-132,Heather
A comment on 'Just say "no" to alcohol abuse and misuse',1995,90,1,133,Owen
Brief interventions in routine health care: a population‐based study of conversations about alcohol in Sweden,2011,106,10,1748-1756,Nilsen
The social norms of birth cohorts and adolescent marijuana use in the United States 1976-2007,2011,106,10,1790-1800,Li
Cocaine‐related attentional bias following trauma cue exposure among cocaine dependent in‐patients with and without post‐traumatic stress disorder,2011,106,10,1810-1818,Tull
Access to alcohol outlets and harmful alcohol consumption: a multi‐level study in Melbourne Australia,2011,106,10,1772-1779,Jolley
Determining the relative importance of the mechanisms of behavior change within Alcoholics Anonymous: a multiple mediator analysis,2012,107,2,289-299,Stout
Commentary on Terry-McElrath & O'Malley (2011): Bad sport-exorcizing harmful substances and other problems,2011,106,10,1866-1867,O'Brien
A longitudinal study of substance use and violent victimization in adulthood among a cohort of urban African Americans,2012,107,2,339-348,Ensminger
Evidence of things unseen: causality and confounding in path models of youth substance use,2008,103,2,320-321,Pollack
From the can to the coffin: deaths among recently released prisoners,2008,103,2,256-257,Darke
Randomized controlled trial of the effects of completing the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test questionnaire on self-reported hazardous drinking,2008,103,2,241-248,McCambridge
Web-based self-help for problem drinkers: a pragmatic randomized trial,2008,103,2,218-227,Cuijpers
Drinking expectancies and motives: a genetic study of young adult women,2008,103,2,194-204,Sher
About smoke and mirrors: the alcohol industry and the promotion of science,2008,103,2,175-178,Caetano
Changes in volume of drinking after changes in alcohol taxes and travellers' allowances: results from a panel study,2008,103,2,181-191,Room
Outcomes from a randomized controlled trial of a multi-component alcohol use preventive intervention for urban youth: project northland Chicago,2008,103,4,606-618,Perry
Paradoxical increase of positive answers to the Cut-down Annoyed Guilt Eye-opener (CAGE) questionnaire during a period of decreasing alcohol consumption: results from two population-based surveys in Ile-de-France 1991 and 2005,2008,103,4,598-603,Kovess-Masféty
Associations between work stress alcohol consumption and sickness absence,1998,93,2,231-241,Vasse
Alcohol consumption and mortality. III. Studies of female populations,1998,93,2,219-229,Allebeck
Alcohol consumption and mortality. II. Studies of male populations,1998,93,2,205-218,Allebeck
Alcohol consumption and mortality. I. Characteristics of drinking groups,1998,93,2,183-203,Allebeck
The "improved" public house 1870-1950: the key to civilized drinking or the primrose path to drunkenness?,1998,93,2,173-181,Greenaway
The relationship between ethnicity gender and alcohol consumption: a strategy for testing competing models,1998,93,4,583-588,Johnson
Changing behavioural pattern of drug users in Hong Kong 1991-1995,1998,93,4,541-548,Lee
The efficacy of methadone maintenance interventions in reducing illicit opiate use HIV risk behavior and criminality: a meta-analysis,1998,93,4,515-532,Marsch
The relationship between parental separation in childhood and problem drinking in adulthood,1998,93,4,505-514,Power
Positive responses to televised beer advertisements associated with drinking and problems reported by 18 to 29-year-olds,1998,93,5,749-760,Casswell
Experience of non-fatal overdose among heroin users in Adelaide Australia: circumstances and risk perceptions,1998,93,5,701-711,Darke
Historical perspectives on the shifting boundaries around youth and alcohol. The example of pre-industrial England 1350-1750,1998,93,5,641-657,Warner
Psychiatric co-morbidity suicidal behaviour and suicidal ideation in alcoholics seeking treatment,1998,93,6,889-894,Wetterling
Drinking patterns psychosocial characteristics and alcohol consequences,1998,93,7,1079-1090,Kunz
The economic costs of alcohol tobacco and illicit drugs in Canada 1992,1998,93,7,991-1006,Rehm
Comparison of intranasal methamphetamine and d-amphetamine self-administration by humans,2012,107,4,783-791,Foltin
The long-term effectiveness of universal selective and combined prevention for alcohol use during adolescence: 36-month outcomes from a cluster randomized controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conrod
Prevalence of alcohol problems among emergency room patients in Thailand,1998,93,8,1231-1239,Skipper
Czech men's drinking in changing political climates 1983-93: a three-wave longitudinal study,1998,93,8,1219-1230,Csémy
Patterns of alcohol cigarette and illicit drug use in English adolescents,1998,93,8,1199-1208,Sutherland
Should alcohol consumption measures be adjusted for gender differences?,1998,93,8,1137-1147,Graham
Use of alcohol to cope with tension and its relation to gender years in medical school and hazardous drinking: a study of two nation-wide Norwegian samples of medical students,1998,93,9,1341-1349,Ekeberg
Alcohol and all-cause mortality in Europe 1982-1990: a pooled cross-section time-series analysis,1998,93,9,1335-1340,Rehm
Images and realities of alcohol,1998,93,9,1305-1312,Sulkunen
Mediterranean mysteries: mechanisms of declining alcohol consumption,1998,93,9,1301-1304,Simpura
The assessment of alcohol expectancies in school children: measurement or modification?,2000,95,5,737-746,Sergeant
Effects of low-dose alcohol exposure on simulated merchant ship handling power plant operation by maritime cadets,2000,95,5,719-726,Siegel
Cognitive impairment among methadone maintenance patients,2000,95,5,687-695,Darke
Alcohol screening and brief intervention: dissemination strategies for medical practice and public health,2000,95,5,677-686,Babor
The effect of mode of data collection and of non-response on reported alcohol consumption: a split-sample study in Switzerland,2000,95,1,123-134,Gmel
Effects of using recommended coping strategies on drinking outcome following a brief intervention,2000,95,1,115-122,Sanchez-Craig
Prevalence of alcohol problems among elderly patients in a university hospital,2000,95,1,107-113,Ganry
Alcohol and homicide: a cross-cultural comparison of the relationship in 14 European countries,2001,96,Suppl 1,S77-92,Rossow
Alcohol and mortality: methodological and analytical issues in aggregate analyses,2001,96,Suppl 1,S5-17,Norstrom
Alcohol consumption and overall accident mortality in 14 European countries,2001,96,Suppl 1,S35-47,Skog
Per capita alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality in 14 European countries,2001,96,Suppl 1,S113-28,Norstrom
Time for reform: proposals for the modernization of our licensing laws,2001,96,2,335-336,McNeill
Revising the preventive paradox: the Swiss case,2001,96,2,273-284,Muller
Geographical injecting locations among injecting drug users in Sydney Australia,2001,96,2,241-246,Darke
A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Brief Intervention for Illicit Drugs Linked to the Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in clients recruited from primary health care settings in four countries,2012,107,5,957-966,Babor
Young people's beliefs about the harmfulness of alcohol cannabis and tobacco for mental disorders: Findings from two Australian national surveys of youth,2011,107,4,838-847,Reavley
Effects of paternal drinking conduct disorder and childhood home environment on the development of alcohol use disorders in a Thai population,2002,97,2,217-226,Saunders
Gender and ethnic differences in smoking drinking and illicit drug use among American 8th 10th and 12th grade students 1976-2000,2003,98,2,225-234,Schulenberg
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol use: a population-based study in Hong Kong,2003,98,2,215-224,Janghorbani
A multilevel analysis of change in alcohol consumption in Québec 1993-98,2003,98,2,205-213,Demers
The prevalence and correlates of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) overdose among Australian users,2003,98,2,199-204,Dillon
Concomitant drugs of misuse and drug using behaviours associated with fatal opiate-related poisonings in Sheffield UK 1997-2000,2003,98,2,191-197,Oliver
Interventions to prevent substance use and risky sexual behaviour in young people: a systematic review,2011,107,4,733-747,Haw
An increased risk of motor vehicle accidents after prescription of methadone,2011,107,5,967-972,Engeland
Alcohol expectancies and drinking in different age groups,2004,99,2,215-227,Leigh
Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol,2004,99,2,161-164,Rossow
TV advertising of alcohol is not in the interests of public health: comments on Ellickson et al. (2005),2005,100,2,258-259,Casswell
Does alcohol advertising promote adolescent drinking? Results from a longitudinal assessment,2005,100,2,235-246,McCaffrey
Unintentional methadone-related overdose death in New Mexico (USA) and implications for surveillance 1998-2002,2005,100,2,176-188,Landen
Russia: alcohol yesterday and today,2005,100,2,146-149,Nemtsov
Reducing non-fatal overdoses among heroin users as an all-of-society challenge,2005,100,2,141-142,Zador
Comments on Rossow & Romelsjo (2006). The prevention paradox,2006,101,2,295-6; author reply 296-7,Gmel
Comments on Rossow & Romelsjo (2006). Dispelling illusions about the prevention paradox,2006,101,2,294-5; author reply 296-7,Treno
Enforcing the minimum drinking age: state local and agency characteristics associated with compliance checks and Cops in Shops programs,2006,101,2,223-231,Foley
Ethyl sulphate: a direct ethanol metabolite reflecting recent alcohol consumption,2006,101,2,204-211,Wurst
Many important alcohol problems are widely dispersed: comment on Skog (2006),2006,101,2,163-165,Room
Understanding the prevention paradox: drinkers and drinking. A comment on Skog (2006),2006,101,2,162-163,Treno
A 'perfect storm' in developing countries: economic growth and the alcohol industry,2006,101,2,149-152,Caetano
Social demography of alcohol-related harm to children in Australia,2012,107,6,1082-1089,Room
Interactive Effects of Approach Motivational Intensity and Alcohol Cues on the Scope of Perceptual Attention,2012,107,6,1074-1080,Hicks
Multi-Level Analysis of Alcohol-Related Injury and Drinking Pattern: Emergency Department Data from 19 Countries,2012,107,7,1263-1272,Borges
Psychosocial therapeutic interventions for volatile substance use: a systematic review,2012,107,2,278-288,MacLean
SILK ROAD: EBAY FOR DRUGS: The journal publishes both invited and unsolicited letters,2012,107,3,683,Barratt
Beer à No-Go: Learning to stop responding to alcohol cues reduces alcohol intake via reduced affective associations rather than increased response inhibition,2012,107,7,1280-1287,Houben
Women ending marriage to a problem drinking partner decrease their own risk for problem drinking,2012,107,8,1453-1461,Cornelius
Alcohol taxation policy in Thailand: implications for other low- to middle-income countries,2012,107,8,1372-1384,Rehm
Young people's overestimation of peer substance use: an exaggerated phenomenon?,2012,107,5,878-884,Pape
Physiological arousal and sensation-seeking in female fruit machine gamblers,1999,94,3,425-430,Coventry
Predictors of change in alcohol consumption among Frenchmen of the GAZEL study cohort,1999,94,3,385-395,di Orio
Alcohol policy and the young adult: establishing priorities building partnerships overcoming barriers,1999,94,3,357-369,Mosher
Reducing risks associated with drinking among young adults: promoting knowledge-based perspectives and harm reduction strategies,1999,94,3,353-355,Giesbrecht
Inhalant use and delinquent behavior among adolescents: a comparison of inhalant users and other drug users,1999,94,4,555-564,Fendrich
Factors associated with adolescent use of doping agents: anabolic-androgenic steroids,1999,94,4,543-553,Kindlundh
Public opinions on alcohol policy issues: a comparison of American and Canadian surveys,1999,94,4,521-531,Giesbrecht
Self-reported overdose among injecting drug users in London: extent and nature of the problem,1999,94,4,471-478,Williamson
The prevention paradox revisited,1999,94,5,751-757,Skog
Reciprocal relations between stressors and drinking behavior: a three-wave panel study of late middle-aged and older women and men,1999,94,5,737-749,Schutte
'When you were drinking' vs. 'in the past 12 months': the impact of using different time frames in clinical and general populations,1999,94,5,731-736,Weisner
An experimental study of the effect of prior alcohol consumption on a simulated gambling activity,1999,94,5,697-707,Dickerson
Patterns of alcohol consumption and social consequences. Results from an 8-year follow-up study in Switzerland,1999,94,6,899-912,Rehm
Drunkenness feeling the effects and 5+ measures,1999,94,6,887-897,Midanik
Alcohol-related mortality as a function of socio-economic status,1999,94,6,867-886,Mäkelä
Alcohol consumption in a national sample of the Russian population,1999,94,6,857-866,Rose
Not much to ask for really! The introduction of standard drink labelling in Australia,1999,94,6,801-811,Hawks
Activation of alcohol-related associative networks by recent alcohol consumption and alcohol-related cues,1999,94,7,1033-1041,Glautier
Lifetime tobacco alcohol and other substance use in adolescent Minnesota twins: univariate and multivariate behavioral genetic analyses,1999,94,7,981-993,McGue
Future directions in opioid overdose,1999,94,7,978-980,White
More on opioid overdose,1999,94,7,976-977,Camí
Heroin overdose: new directions for research,1999,94,7,975-976,Zador
Fatal opioid toxicity--a clinical perspective,1999,94,7,974-975,Henry
Heroin overdose is often the truer description,1999,94,7,973-974,Tagliaro
Mechanisms of fatal opioid overdose,1999,94,7,961-972,White
Drink illicit drugs and unsafe sex in women,1999,94,8,1209-1218,Green
Accidental overdose among injecting drug users in Dorset UK,1999,94,8,1179-1189,Bennett
Comments on Her et al.'s "Privatizing alcohol sales and alcohol consumption evidence and implications",1999,94,8,1141-1153,
Privatizing alcohol sales and alcohol consumption: evidence and implications,1999,94,8,1125-1139,Giesbrecht
Drinking habits and prevalence of heavy drinking among primary health care outpatients and general population,1999,94,9,1371-1379,Aalto
Exploring the dose-response relationship between alcohol consumption and the risk of several alcohol-related conditions: a meta-analysis,1999,94,10,1551-1573,Corrao
The use of acute and preventative medical services by a general population: relationship to alcohol consumption,1999,94,10,1523-1532,Cryer
Brief intervention for alcohol use in pregnancy: a randomized trial,1999,94,10,1499-1508,Goetz
Heavy alcohol consumption and marital status: disentangling the relationship in a national study of young adults,1999,94,10,1477-1487,Power
Alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems: Chinese experience from six area samples 1994,1999,94,10,1467-1476,Wei
Opioid overdose: an international perspective,1999,94,11,1745-1746,Donoghoe
The Kettil Bruun Society: an international forum for social and epidemiological research on alcohol,1999,94,11,1621-1624,Room
Narratives of recovery from addictive behaviours,1999,94,12,1837-1848,Koski-Jännes
Reinforcing subjective and psychomotor effects of sevoflurane and nitrous oxide in moderate-drinking healthy volunteers,1999,94,12,1817-1828,Zacny
Associations between self-reported illness and non-drinking in young adults,2012,107,9,1612-1620,Shelton
The association between drinking motives and alcohol-related consequences - room for biases and measurement issues?,2012,107,9,1580-1589,Kuntsche
Why don't northern American solutions to drinking and driving work in southern America?,2012,107,7,1201-1206,Pechansky
Drug misuse and suicide: a tale of two services,2000,95,2,175-177,Appleby
Is alcohol really good for the heart?,2000,95,2,173-174,Fillmore
Illicit drug-related harm during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: implications for public health surveillance and action,2003,98,1,97-102,Jorm
Supply control and harm reduction: lessons from the Australian heroin 'drought',2003,98,1,83-91,Makkai
Attentional bias and addictive behaviour: automaticity in a gambling-specific modified Stroop task,2003,98,1,61-70,Boyer
A randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention after alcohol-related facial injury,2003,98,1,43-52,Shepherd
Does family history of alcohol problems influence college and university drinking or substance use?: A meta-analytic review,2012,107,10,1774-1785,Carey
The long and winding road to cannabis legalization,2012,107,5,872-873,van Ours
The effects of drug abuse prevention at school: the 'Healthy School and Drugs' project,2002,97,1,67-73,Cuijpers
Effects of depression and social integration on the relationship between alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality,2002,97,1,29-38,Rehm
Average volume of alcohol consumption patterns of drinking and mortality among young Europeans in 1999,2002,97,1,105-109,Rehm
Scandalous decisions: explaining shifts in UK medicinal cannabis policy,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamilton
Alcohol's involvement in recurrent child abuse and neglect cases,2012,107,10,1786-1793,Room
Medicinal THC (dronabinol) impairs on-the-road driving performance of occasional and heavy cannabis users but is not detected in Standardized Field Sobriety Tests,2012,107,10,1837-1844,Jeffery
Mediational Relations between 12-step Attendance Depression and Substance Use in Patients with Comorbid Substance Dependence and Major Depression,2012,107,11,1974-1983,Brown
Estimating prevalence of problematic drug use: comments on Frischer et al,2002,97,3,359-360,Corkery
Factors associated with non-fatal heroin overdose: assessing the effect of frequency and route of heroin administration,2002,97,3,319-327,Regidor
Automatic Processes in At-Risk Adolescents: The role of Alcohol-Approach Tendencies and Response Inhibition in Drinking Behavior,2012,107,11,1939-1946,Wiers
Alcohol and tobacco consumption: what is the role of economic security?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bentley
Lifetime Drinking Course of Driving-While-Impaired Offenders,2012,107,11,1947-1956,Skipper
Achieving international progress on alcohol and traffic safety,2012,107,7,1210-1211,Mann
Developing countries ignore drinking and driving problems at their own peril,2012,107,7,1209-1210,Obot
The advocacy factor: the importance of grassroots movements in support of DWI policies,2012,107,7,1208-1209,Pinsky
Acute alcohol effects on impulsivity: Associations with drinking and driving behavior,2012,107,12,2109-2114,McCarthy
Prevalence of alcohol and other drugs in fatally injured drivers,2013,108,1,104-114,Li
Sequence of Alcohol Involvement from Early Onset to Young Adult Alcohol Abuse: Differential Predictors and Moderation by Family-Focused Preventive Intervention,2012,107,12,2137-2148,Mason
Effects on criminal violence of different beverage types and private and public drinking,1998,93,5,689-699,Norström
Self-harm substance use and psychological distress in the Australian general population,2013,108,1,211-220,Tait
London audit of drug-related overdose deaths: characteristics and typology and implications for prevention and monitoring,2007,102,2,317-323,Hickman
Controlled study of brief personalized assessment-feedback for drinkers interested in self-help,2007,102,2,241-250,Cunningham
The role of childhood risk factors in initiation of alcohol use and progression to alcohol dependence,2007,102,2,216-225,Heath
Early drinking and the development of alcoholism: a commentary on Sartor et al. (2007),2007,102,2,188-9; discussion 189-90,McGue
Road to alcohol dependence: a commentary on Sartor et al. (2007),2007,102,2,185-7; discussion 189-90,Sher
The implications of recent findings on the link between cannabis and psychosis,2007,102,2,173-176,Pollack
Delay discounting and the alcohol Stroop in heavy drinking adolescents,2007,102,4,579-586,Field
Discrepancies in estimates of prevalence and correlates of substance use and disorders between two national surveys,2007,102,4,623-629,Grucza
A prospective study of learning memory and executive function in new MDMA users,2013,108,1,136-145,Gouzoulis-Mayfrank
Are the 1976-1985 birth cohorts heavier drinkers? Age-period-cohort analyses of the National Alcohol Surveys 1979-2010,2013,108,6,1038-1048,Greenfield
Living in proximity of a bar and risky alcohol behaviours: A longitudinal study,2013,108,2,320-328,Kawachi
Measuring average alcohol consumption: the impact of including binge drinks in quantity-frequency calculations,2006,101,12,1711-1718,Brewer
South of the border: a legal haven for underage drinking,2002,97,9,1195-1203,Voas
Web-based alcohol intervention for Māori university students: double-blind multi-site randomised controlled trial,2013,108,2,331-338,Horton
A record-linkage study of drug-related death and suicide after hospital discharge among drug-treatment clients in Scotland 1996-2006,2013,108,2,377-384,Bird
Canadian heroin supply and the Australian 'heroin shortage',2006,101,11,1667-1668,Degenhardt
Anthropology and addiction: an historical review,2012,107,10,1747-1755,Singer
Missed and inconsistent classification of current drinkers: results from the 2005 U.S National Alcohol Survey,2013,108,2,348-355,Midanik
Dating and substance use in adolescent peer networks: a replication and extension,2013,108,3,638-647,Kreager
Gender differences in the presence of drugs in violent deaths,2013,108,3,547-555,Rogers
Brief interventions for hazardous drinkers delivered in primary care are equally effective in men and women,2004,99,1,103-108,Ballesteros
The efficacy of single-session motivational interviewing in reducing drug consumption and perceptions of drug-related risk and harm among young people: results from a multi-site cluster randomized trial,2004,99,1,39-52,McCambridge
Gender gender role and brief alcohol interventions,2004,99,1,3-4,Hodgson
Confounding and studies of 'moderate' alcohol consumption: the case of drinking frequency and implications for low-risk drinking guidelines,2013,108,9,1534-1543,Saitz
Problematic computer game use among adolescents younger and older adults,2013,108,3,592-599,Festl
The mediating role of alcohol-related memory associations on the relation between perceived parental drinking and the onset of adolescents' alcohol use,2013,108,3,526-533,Mares
Early life socioeconomic position and later alcohol use: birth cohort study,2013,108,3,516-525,Lewis
Prospective correlates of drinking cessation: variation across the life course,2013,108,4,712-722,Grant
Swedish alcohol consumption on the threshold of modernity: legislation attitudes and national economy c. 1775-1855,2013,108,2,265-274,Enefalk
Alcohol consumption in Russia: is monitoring health conditions in the Russian Federation (RLMS) trustworthy?,2004,99,3,386-387,Nemtsov
Barking up the wrong tree: a comment on McBride et al. (2004),2004,99,3,295-6; discussion 296-8,Anderson
Harm minimization in school drug education: a commentary on McBride et al. (2004),2004,99,3,293-4; discussion 296-8,Hamilton
A well-conducted study but some caveats: comments on McBride et al. (2004),2004,99,3,292-3; discussion 296-8,Hill
Harm minimization in school drug education: final results of the School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP),2004,99,3,278-291,Midford
High rates of midazolam injection and associated harms in Bangkok Thailand,2013,108,5,944-952,Hayashi
A randomized study of cell phone technology to reinforce alcohol abstinence in the natural environment,2013,108,5,900-909,Petry
Drinking pattern and mortality in middle-aged men and women,2004,99,3,323-330,Tjønneland
Alcohol - a universal preventive agent? A critical analysis,2013,108,12,2051-2057,Fekjaer
Drink driving in Hong Kong: The competing effects of random breath testing and alcohol tax reductions,2013,108,7,1217-1228,Kim
Global alcohol exposure estimates by country territory and region for 2005 - a contribution to the Comparative Risk Assessment for the 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study,2013,108,5,912-922,Gmel
Commentary on Green & Clark (2013): 'I don't believe the effects of that picture will ever wear off' - film narratives as instigators of smoking drinking and other worrisome behaviour,2013,108,3,485-486,Room
Randomized clinical trial examining the incremental efficacy of a 90-minute motivational alcohol intervention as an adjunct to standard batterer intervention for men,2013,108,8,1376-1384,Stuart
Alcohol in Brazil: recent public health aspects,2004,99,4,524,Laranjeira
Cannabis and psychosis: how important is the link?,2004,99,4,513-5; author reply 515,Atakan
Cannabis and psychosis: two kinds of limitations which attach to epidemiological research,2004,99,4,512-3; author reply 515,Fergusson
The psychotogenic effects of cannabis use: challenges in reducing residual uncertainties and communicating the risks,2004,99,4,511-2; author reply 515,Hall
Prediction of alcohol-related harm from controlled drinking strategies and alcohol consumption trajectories,2004,99,4,498-508,White
Comparison of three models of alcohol craving in young adults: a cross-validation,2004,99,4,482-497,Lang
Cannabis use and the risk of later schizophrenia: a review,2004,99,4,425-430,Cuijpers
Adolescent drinking level and adult binge drinking in a national birth cohort,2005,100,4,543-549,Jefferis
South Africa: alcohol today,2005,100,4,426-429,Parry
Increased risk of alcohol and drug use among children from deployed military families,2013,108,8,1418-1425,Ramirez
Population drinking and drink driving in Norway and Sweden: an analysis of historical data 1957-89,2013,108,6,1051-1058,Rossow
Characteristics circumstances and toxicology of sudden or unnatural deaths involving very high range alcohol concentrations,2013,108,8,1411-1417,Torok
Shared risk: who engages in substance use with American homeless youth?,2013,108,9,1618-1624,Tucker
The contributions of value-based decision-making and attentional bias to alcohol-seeking following devaluation,2013,108,7,1241-1249,Field
The effect of legal bans on poison control center contacts regarding 'legal highs',2013,108,7,1348-1349,Loeffler
Patterns of drug use in fatal crashes,2013,108,8,1428-1438,Romano
Commentary on Kerr et al. (2013): The 'French Paradox' versus binge drinking,2013,108,6,1049-1050,Lanzmann-Petithory
The collectivity of drinking cultures: is the theory applicable to African settings?,2013,108,9,1612-1617,Rossow
Impacts of the minimum legal drinking age legislation on in-patient morbidity in Canada 1997-2007: a regression-discontinuity approach,2013,108,9,1590-1600,Callaghan
Alcohol consumption and self-reported (SF12) physical and mental health among working aged-men in a typical Russian city: A cross sectional study,2013,108,11,1905-1914,Saburova
Alcohol-related biases in selective attention and action tendency make distinct contributions to dysregulated drinking behaviour,2013,108,10,1758-1766,Wiers
Drinking motives moderate the impact of predrinking on heavy drinking on a given evening and related adverse consequences - An event-level study,2013,108,10,1747-1755,Kuntsche
Are we near a limit or can we get more safety from vehicle alcohol interlocks?,2013,108,4,657-658,Voas
Robert F. Borkenstein: an appreciation,2003,98,3,371,Voas
Experience and knowledge of young people regarding illicit drug use 1969-99,2000,95,8,1225-1235,Pearl
Commentary on Kim et al. (2013): Drink driving in Hong Kong-a response,2013,108,7,1229,Gifford
Availability of convenience stores and adolescent alcohol use in Taiwan: a multilevel analysis of national surveys,2013,108,12,2081-2088,Chen
Driving under the influence (DUI) among patients in opioid maintenance treatment (OMT). A registry-based national cohort study,2013,108,11,1954-1961,Skurtveit
Reducing intoxication among bar patrons: some lessons from prevention of drinking and driving,2014,109,5,693-698,Wells
Multiple behavioural impulsivity tasks predict prospective alcohol involvement in adolescents,2013,108,11,1916-1923,Fernie
The impact of hazardous drinking on suicide among working-age Russian males: An individual-level analysis,2013,108,11,1933-1941,Pridemore
Commentary on Romano & Pollini (2013): Stopping drug-impaired driving and alcohol-impaired driving-synergy not competition,2013,108,8,1439-1440,Dupont
Commentary on Stuart et al. (2013): Domestic violence and interventions to reduce alcohol use,2013,108,8,1385-1386,Day
Estimates of economic gain from addiction treatment are only as good as the data: comments on McCollister & French,2004,99,1,131,Howell
The impact of a national alcohol policy on deaths due to transport accidents in Russia,2013,108,12,2112-2118,Pridemore
Genetic and environmental influences on the ages of drinking and gambling initiation: Evidence for distinct etiologies and sex differences,2014,109,2,323-331,Heath
Trend analysis and modelling of gender-specific age period and birth cohort effects on alcohol abstention and consumption level for drinkers in Great Britain using the General Lifestyle Survey 1984-2009,2014,109,2,206-215,Holmes
Engagement with the criminal justice system among opioid dependent people: Retrospective cohort study,2013,108,12,2152-2165,Degenhardt
Commentary on Callaghan et al. (2013): Minimum legal drinking age laws protect high school students from both crashes and alcohol abuse,2013,108,9,1601-1602,Voas
Abounding confounding,2013,108,9,1549-1552,Klatsky
How do we formulate low-risk drinking guidelines if zero consumption is lowest risk?,2013,108,9,1547-1548,Stockwell
Significance of frequency patterns in 'moderate' drinkers for low-risk drinking guidelines,2013,108,9,1545-1547,Wannamethee
The impact of confounding and alcohol consumption patterns on the calculated risks of alcohol-related diseases,2013,108,9,1544-1545,Shield
Causes of death in a cohort treated for opioid dependence between 1985-2005,2014,109,1,90-99,Randall
Altered cingulate and insular cortex activation during risk-taking in methamphetamine dependence: Losses lose impact,2014,109,2,237-247,Paulus
Commentary on Kuntsche & Labhart (2013): When and why does pre-gaming occur?,2013,108,10,1756-1757,Borsari
Studying harm from others' illicit drug use-can stigma really be avoided?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramstedt
An Experimental Intervention with Families of Substance Abusers: One-Year Follow-Up of the Focus on Families Project,1999,94,2,241-254,Catalano
Explaining the Link Between Problem Drinking and Delinquency,1996,91,4,498-501,Farrington
Alcohol Abuse and Crime: A Fixed-Effects Regression Analysis,2000,95,10,1525-1536,Fergusson
Associations Between Drug Use and Behavioral Repertoire in Urban Youths,1996,91,4,523-534,Anthony
"Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency" Revisited: Cohort Studies at Risk,1996,91,4,502-504,Klingemann
Effects on Criminal Violence of Different Beverage Types and Private and Public Drinking,1998,93,5,689-699,Norstroem
Effects on Criminal Violence of Different Beverage Types and Private and Public Drinking,1998,93,5,689-699,Norström
Alcohol and Sexual Victimization: A Longitudinal Study of Norwegian Girls,1996,91,4,565-582,Pedersen
Fiesta as Tradition Fiesta as Change: Ritual Alcohol and Violence in a Mexican Community,2000,95,3,365-373,Perez
Alcohol-Related Violence: The Impact of Drinking Pattern and Drinking Context,1996,91,11,1651-1662,Rossow
Testing Causal Hypotheses About Mechanisms in Comorbidity,1996,91,4,495-498,Rutter
Signifigant Connections,1996,91,4,501-502,Shepherd
Drinking context-specific associations between intimate partner violence and frequency and volume of alcohol consumption,2013,108,12,2102-2111,Todd
Tobacco use disorder and the risk of suicide mortality,2014,109,1,155-162,Blow
Increased population drinking is not always associated with increased number of drink driving convictions,2013,108,12,2221-2223,Christophersen
Harms to 'others' from alcohol consumption in the minimum unit pricing policy debate: A qualitative content analysis of UK newspapers (2005-2012),2014,109,4,578-584,Wood
Effects of the local alcohol environment on adolescents' drinking behaviors and beliefs,2014,109,3,407-416,Paschall
Testing A Social Ecological Model Of Alcohol Use: The California 50 City Study,2014,109,5,736-745,Lascala
fMRI response to alcohol pictures predicts subsequent transition to heavy drinking in college students,2014,109,4,585-595,Pearlson
Alcohol and tobacco use among maltreated and non-maltreated adolescents in a birth cohort,2014,109,4,672-680,Najman
Facing temptation in the bar: Counteracting the effects of self-control failure on young adults' ad lib alcohol intake,2014,109,5,746-753,Otten
Intimate partner violence victimization and alcohol consumption in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,109,3,379-391,Watts
Use of Silk Road the online drug marketplace in the UK Australia and the USA,2014,109,5,774-783,Barratt
A randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of a brief cannabis universal prevention program among adolescents in primary care,2014,109,5,786-797,Blow
The closure of the Silk Road: What has this meant for online drug trading?,2014,109,4,517-518,Roxburgh
Does methamphetamine use increase violent behaviour? Evidence from a prospective longitudinal study,2014,109,5,798-806,Najman
Mortality from diseases conditions and injuries where alcohol is a necessary cause in the Americas 2007-09,2014,109,4,570-577,Gawryszewski
Reply to Norström (2014): The social epidemiology of alcohol and suicide-the struggle to formulate debate and test social theory in the context of epidemiology and public health journals,2014,109,2,191-192,Pridemore
Commentary on Pridemore (2014): Drinking and suicide in Russia-strong evidence of a strong link,2014,109,2,189-190,Norström
Cannabis controversies: How genetics can inform the study of comorbidity,2014,109,3,360-370,Agrawal
Usefulness of indirect alcohol biomarkers for predicting recidivism of drunk-driving among previously convicted drunk-driving offenders: results from the Recidivism Of Alcohol-impaired Driving (ROAD) study,2014,109,1,71-78,Delanghe
Drinking in social groups. Does 'groupdrink' provide safety in numbers when deciding about risk?,2014,109,6,913-921,Abrams
A systematic review of the epidemiology of unrecorded alcohol consumption and the chemical composition of unrecorded alcohol,2014,109,6,880-893,Lachenmeier
Association among different measures of alcohol use across adolescence and emerging adulthood,2014,109,6,894-903,Leadbeater
The declining trend in Swedish youth drinking: Collectivity or polarization?,2014,109,9,1437-1446,Norström
The collectivity of changes in alcohol consumption revisited,2014,109,9,1447-1455,Rossow
Commentary on Voas et al. (2011): drug-free roadways - can we get there from here? Steps to reducing drugged driving in the United States,2011,106,7,1228-1229,Gil Kerlikowske
A critical first assessment of the new pre-market approval regime for new psychoactive substances (NPS) in New Zealand,2014,109,10,1580-1586,Wilkins
Non-medical use of prescription opioids and prescription opioid-related harms: why so markedly higher in North America compared to the rest of the world?,2014,109,2,177-181,Fischer
Commentary on Bosker et al. (2012): Driving under the influence of cannabinoids,2012,107,10,1845-1846,Bramness
Individual psychomotor impairment in relation to zopiclone and ethanol concentrations in blood--a randomized controlled double-blinded trial,2012,107,5,925-932,Gustavsen
Substance dependence and non-dependence in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD): can an identical conceptualization be achieved?,2006,101,Suppl 1,48-58,Saunders
The contribution of research to Australian policy responses to heroin dependence 1990-2001: a personal retrospection,2004,99,5,560-569,Hall
Patterns of recreational drug use at dance events in Edinburgh Scotland,2001,96,7,1035-1047,Gregory
Unexpected adverse childhood experiences and subsequent drug use disorder: a Swedish population study (1995-2011),2014,109,7,1119-1127,Sundquist
Heavy episodic drinking and deliberate self-harm in young people: a longitudinal cohort study,2014,109,6,930-936,Rossow
Multiple hospital presentations by adolescents who use alcohol or other drugs,2002,97,10,1269-1275,Sprivulis
Association between stricter alcohol advertising regulations and lower hazardous drinking across European countries,2014,109,10,1634-1643,Brugal
Are alcohol policies associated with alcohol consumption in low-and middle-income countries?,2014,109,7,1081-1090,Greenfield
Trends in non-drinking among Australian adolescents,2014,109,6,922-929,Livingston
Commentary on Barratt et al. (2014): Steps towards characterizing online anonymous drug marketplace customers,2014,109,5,784-785,Christin
The importance of action: government flaws could mean marketing opportunities for private companies,2014,109,5,701-702,Pantani
An early evaluation of implementation of brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol use in the U.S. Veterans Health Administration,2014,109,9,1472-1481,Williams
The impact of alcohol on clinical outcomes in established psychosis: a longitudinal study,2014,109,8,1297-1305,Barrowclough
Commentary on Sims et al. (2014) and Langley et al. (2014): Mass media campaigns require adequate and sustained funding to change population health behaviours,2014,109,6,1003-1004,Wakefield
A better path to progress on drunk driving,2014,109,6,877-878,Hurley
A 0.05 BAC limit in the United States: an important challenge for policy health and safety,2014,109,6,875,Sheehan
Response to commentaries on 0.05 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit,2014,109,6,878-879,Voas
Conversation with Robert Voas,2013,108,5,865-873,Voas
An argument for prioritizing drivers above the current illegal limit in the United States,2014,109,6,875-877,Talpins
Who under-reports their alcohol consumption in telephone surveys and by how much? An application of the Yesterday Method in a national Canadian substance use survey,2014,109,10,1657-1666,Zhao
Alcohol industry sponsorship and hazardous drinking in UK university students who play sport,2014,109,10,1647-1654,Kypri
"High" risk? A systematic review of the acute outcomes of mixing alcohol with energy drinks,2014,109,10,1612-1633,Lubman
The effectiveness of a 0.05 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for driving in the United States,2014,109,6,869-874,Voas
No polarization in youth drinking in Stockholm county: response to Hallgren,2014,109,8,1385-1386,Norström
Youth alcohol polarization effects in regional but not national data,2014,109,8,1384-1385,Hallgren
Favourite alcohol advertisements and binge drinking among adolescents: A cross-cultural cohort study,2014,109,12,2005-2015,Sargent
Alcohol tax pass-through across the product and price range: do retailers treat cheap alcohol differently?,2014,109,12,1994-2002,Brennan
Adolescent alcohol use: a reflection of national drinking patterns and policy?,2014,109,11,1857-1868,Casswell
Hazardous birthday drinking among young people: population-based impacts on emergency department and in-patient hospital admissions,2014,109,10,1667-1675,Callaghan
Re-examining the theory about the collectivity of changes in alcohol consumption,2014,109,9,1397-1398,Rehm
Cocaine's fall and marijuana's rise: questions and insights based on new estimates of consumption and expenditures in US drug markets,2014,110,5,728-736,Caulkins
Commentary on Degenhardt et al. (2014): cohort studies enhance the picture of drug-related deaths,2014,109,1,100-101,Fugelstad
Commentary on Degenhardt et al. (2014): Regional variation in the global burden of disease attributable to opioid dependence-where do the data come from and does population size matter?,2014,109,8,1334-1335,Grella
Commentary on Degenhardt et al. (2014): Access to opioid substitution therapy in prison is not enough-the crucial role of post-release retention in preventing drug-related harms,2014,109,8,1318-1319,Stoove
Commentary on Degenhardt et al. (2013): Specific effect of adolescent cannabis use on anxiety - tentative explanations,2013,108,1,134-135,Huizink
Commentary on Kelty & Hulse (2012): is the comparison of mortality between patients prescribed implanted or oral naltrexone an unbiased and unconfounded comparison?,2012,107,10,1825-1826,Degenhardt
Commentary on Mehta et al. (2012): Natural history of injecting drug use,2012,107,2,359-360,Degenhardt
What are the policy implications of the evidence on cannabis use and psychosis?,2010,105,8,1332-1333,Degenhardt
The global diversion of pharmaceutical drugs series,2009,104,3,333-334,Degenhardt
Projecting the impact of changes in cannabis use upon schizophrenia in England and Wales: the role of assumptions and balance in framing an evidence-based cannabis policy,2007,102,4,515-6; discussion 516-8,Anthony
Avoiding simplistic interpretations: comment on Degenhardt et al. 2005,2005,100,7,923-4; discussion 930-2,Tyndall
Learning from uncommon events: comment on Degenhardt et al. 2005,2005,100,7,921-2; discussion 930-2,Jaffe
The co-morbidities of cannabis use: a comment on Degenhardt et al,2001,96,12,1861-1863,Fergusson
What happens when people discontinue taking medications? Lessons from COMBINE,2014,109,12,2044-2052,O'Malley
Genetic influences on alcohol-related hangover,2014,109,12,2027-2034,Piasecki
Alcohol expectancies in childhood: change with the onset of drinking and ability to predict adolescent drunkenness and binge drinking,2014,110,1,71-79,Fitzgerald
Patterns of change in implementation of state alcohol control policies in the United States 1999-2011,2014,110,1,59-68,Nelson
Commentary on O'Brien et al. (2014): Refuting arguments against a ban on alcohol sport sponsorship,2014,109,10,1655-1656,de Bruijn
Response to Jernigan & Ross (2014): alcohol advertising and hazardous drinkers,2014,109,10,1645-1646,Brugal
Commentary on Bosque-Prous et al. (2014): Alcohol advertising and older adults,2014,109,10,1644-1645,Jernigan
Familial factors associated with development of alcohol and mental health comorbidity,2014,110,2,248-257,Najman
Anabolic androgenic steroids and violent offending: confounding by polysubstance abuse among 10365 general population men,2014,110,1,100-108,Långström
Differences in subjective response to alcohol in heavy and light drinking Chinese men versus Caucasian American men,2014,110,1,91-99,Hao
'Wide Awake Drunkenness'? Investigating the association between alcohol intoxication and stimulant use in the night-time economy,2014,110,2,356-365,Jenkinson
Effects of anxiety sensitivity on alcohol problems: evaluating chained mediation through generalized anxiety depression and drinking motives,2014,110,2,260-268,Schmidt
High-frequency drug purity and price series as tools for explaining drug trends and harms in Victoria Australia,2014,110,1,120-128,Ritter
What has research over the past two decades revealed about the adverse health effects of recreational cannabis use?,2014,110,1,19-35,Hall
Alcohol in the second half of life: Do usual quantity and frequency of drinking to intoxication increase with increased drinking frequency?,2014,110,2,308-314,Brunborg
Acute alcohol use among suicide decedents in 14 U.S. states: impacts of off-premise and on-premise alcohol outlet density,2014,110,2,300-307,Caetano
Driving under the influence as a turning point? A register-based study on financial and social consequences among first-time male offenders,2014,110,3,471-478,Kivivuori
Relative risk of injury from acute alcohol consumption: modeling the dose-response relationship in emergency department data from 18 countries,2014,110,2,279-288,Borges
Fortune or foe: the fatal harm caused by a gambling disorder,2014,109,12,2135,Tse
Commentary on Morgenstern et al. (2014): As channels for alcohol marketing continue to increase so will alcohol marketing receptivity and youth drinking,2014,109,12,2016-2017,Jones
Vested interests in addiction research and policy. Alcohol brand sponsorship of events organizations and causes in the United States 2010-2013,2014,109,12,1977-1985,Jernigan
Yet another dimension of the ineffectiveness of supply-side interventions in illegal drug markets,2014,109,12,1968-1969,Mejia
Commentary on Devries et al. (2014): a roadmap for future research,2014,109,3,392-393,Abbey
Commentary on Ort et al. (2014): What next to deliver on the promise of large scale sewage-based drug epidemiology?,2014,109,8,1353-1354,Hall
Alcohol intoxication in the context of major public holidays sporting and social events: a time-series analysis in Melbourne Australia 2000-2009,2013,108,4,701-709,Livingston
The relationship between alcohol taxes and binge drinking: evaluating new tax measures incorporating multiple tax and beverage types,2014,110,3,441-450,Nelson
Rethinking the debate on drinking and driving laws in São Paulo: response to the letter by Volpe and Fantoni,2014,110,3,539-540,Cherpitel
Re-analysing traffic-related mortality in São Paulo,2014,110,3,538,Volpe
Commentary on Lundholm et al. (2015): what came first the steroids or the violence?,2015,110,1,109-110,Dunn
Health promotion interventions and policies addressing excessive alcohol use: a systematic review of national and global evidence as a guide to health-care reform in China,2015,110,Suppl 1,68-78,Babor
Drinking experience uncovers genetic influences on alcohol expectancies across adolescence,2015,110,4,610-618,Raine
Factors associated with over-serving at drinking establishments,2015,110,4,602-609,Rossow
Alcohol consumption in adolescent homicide victims in the city of Johannesburg South Africa,2015,110,4,595-601,Swart
New alcohol policies appear to have reduced traffic casualties in Chile,2015,110,2,369-370,Zitko
The harmful dysfunction model of alcohol use disorder: revised criteria to improve the validity of diagnosis and prevalence estimates,2015,110,6,931-942,Wakefield
Long-term mortality remission criminality and psychiatric comorbidity of heroin dependence: 11 year findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study,2015,110,6,986-993,Teesson
Personality negative affect coping and drinking alone: a structural equation modeling approach to examine correlates of adolescent solitary drinking,2015,110,5,775-783,Chung
Developmental progression to early adult binge drinking and marijuana use from worsening versus stable trajectories of adolescent ADHD and delinquency,2015,110,5,784-795,Hechtman
The impact of extended closing times of alcohol outlets on alcohol-related injuries in the nightlife areas of Amsterdam: a controlled before-and-after evaluation,2015,110,6,955-964,Buster
Is there a link between per capita alcohol consumption and youth drinking? A time-series analysis for Sweden in 1972-2011,2015,110,6,967-974,Norström
The impact of friends on young adults' drinking over the course of the evening-an event-level analysis,2015,110,4,619-626,Kuntsche
The concentration of the global alcohol industry and its penetration in the African region,2015,110,4,551-560,Babor
Economic crisis and changes in drug use in the Spanish economically-active population,2015,110,7,1129-1137,Benavides
Are the Public Health Responsibility Deal alcohol pledges likely to improve public health? An evidence synthesis,2015,110,8,1232-1246,Petticrew
We know too little about demand: comments on 'cocaine's fall',2015,110,5,738-739,Weatherburn
The rise of marijuana and the fall of cocaine in the United States: for better for worse?,2015,110,5,737-738,Kerr
Effectiveness of a selective intervention program targeting personality risk factors for alcohol misuse among young adolescents: results of a cluster randomized controlled trial,2015,110,7,1101-1109,Conrod
The effects of liquor licensing restriction on alcohol-related violence in NSW 2008-2013,2015,110,10,1574-1582,Tusell
Fatal opioid poisoning: a counterfactual model to estimate the preventive effect of treatment for opioid use disorder in England,2015,110,8,1321-1329,Marsden
Transition probabilities for four states of alcohol use in adolescence and young adulthood: what factors matter when?,2015,110,8,1272-1280,Purshouse
Ecological evidence that affect and perceptions of drink effects depend on alcohol expectancies,2015,110,9,1432-1442,Sher
Evidence of harm from late night alcohol sales continues to strengthen,2015,110,6,965-966,Kypri
Hair drug testing in the new Brazilian regulation to obtain professional driver's licence: no parallel to any other law enforcement in the world,2015,110,7,1207-1208,Andreuccetti
The effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions delivered by community pharmacists: randomised controlled trial,2015,110,10,1586-1594,McCambridge
Cumulative and recent psychiatric symptoms as predictors of substance use onset: does timing matter?,2013,108,12,2119-2128,Koenen
Adolescents from affluent city districts drink more alcohol than others,2015,110,10,1595-1604,von Soest
Social networks and substance use among at-risk emerging adults living in disadvantaged urban areas in the southern United States: a cross-sectional naturalistic study,2015,110,9,1524-1532,Cheong
Response to commentaries,2012,107,7,1211-1213,Pechansky
Commentary on Bodin & Strandberg (2011): Scepticism publication bias and a grain of salt--do we already know how to evaluate prevention programmes?,2011,106,12,2144-2145,Pechansky
Impulsivity age of first alcohol use and substance use disorders among male adolescents: a population based case-control study,2008,103,7,1198-1205,Pechansky
Is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder associated with illicit substance use disorders in male adolescents? A community-based case-control study,2007,102,7,1122-1130,Pechansky
Mexico's methamphetamine precursor chemical interventions: impacts on drug treatment admissions,2010,105,11,1973-1983,Maxwell
Articles on statistical techniques are much needed,2001,96,11,1680,Maxwell
Alcohol and the heart: good and bad news,1994,89,3,259-261,Douds
Impacts of New Zealand's lowered minimum purchase age on context-specific drinking and related risks,2015,110,11,1757-1766,Huckle
Alcohol attributable fraction for injury morbidity from the dose-response relationship of acute alcohol consumption: emergency department data from 18 countries,2015,110,11,1724-1732,Borges
Licit and illicit substance use among people who inject drugs and the association with subsequent suicidal attempt,2015,110,10,1636-1643,Renaud
Is 'age at first drink' a useful concept in alcohol research and prevention? We doubt that,2015,111,6,957-965,Rossow
Internet-based brief intervention for young men with unhealthy alcohol use: a randomized controlled trial in a general population sample,2015,110,11,1735-1743,Bertholet
Predictors of comorbid poly-substance use and mental health disorders in young adults - a latent class analysis,2015,111,1,156-164,Alati
The effect of alcohol outlets sales and trading hours on alcohol-related injuries presenting at emergency departments in Perth Australia from 2002 to 2010,2015,110,12,1901-1909,Chikritzhs
Liberal alcohol legislation: does it amplify the effects among Swiss men of person-related risk factors on heavy alcohol use?,2015,110,11,1746-1756,Gmel
Relating off-premises alcohol outlet density to intentional and unintentional injuries,2015,111,1,56-64,Cameron
Does parental drinking influence children's drinking? A systematic review of prospective cohort studies,2015,111,2,204-217,Rossow
Does promoting parents' negative attitudes to underage drinking reduce adolescents' drinking? The mediating process and moderators of the effects of the Örebro prevention program,2015,111,2,263-271,Koutakis
The association between alcohol outlet density and alcohol use among urban and regional Australian adolescents,2015,111,1,65-72,Livingston
Drinking and mortality: long-term follow-up of drinking-discordant twin pairs,2015,111,2,245-254,Rose
The economic downturn probably reduced violence far more than licensing restrictions,2015,110,10,1583-1584,Shepherd
Impact of treatment for opioid dependence on fatal drug-related poisoning: a national cohort study in England,2015,111,2,298-308,Hickman
Enforcement uniquely predicts reductions in alcohol-impaired crash fatalities,2015,111,3,448-453,Johnson
Being the victim of violence during a date predicts next-day cannabis use among female college students,2015,111,3,492-498,Stuart
Clinical risk factors for death after release from prison in Washington State: a nested case control study,2015,111,3,499-510,Binswanger
Project QUIT (Quit Using Drugs Intervention Trial): a randomized controlled trial of a primary care-based multi-component brief intervention to reduce risky drug use,2015,110,11,1777-1790,Afifi
Commentary on Cherpitel et al. (2015): Improving global estimates of alcohol-attributable injury,2015,110,11,1733-1734,
The Brazilian 'Cracolândia' open drug scene and the challenge of implementing a comprehensive and effective drug policy,2015,111,4,571-573,Laranjeira
Temporal changes in alcohol-related mortality and morbidity in Australia,2015,111,4,626-634,Lloyd
Drug-related behaviors independently associated with syphilis infection among female sex workers in two Mexico-US border cities,2010,105,8,1448-1456,Patterson
Evaluating the potential impact of a reformulated version of oxycodone upon tampering non-adherence and diversion of opioids: the National Opioid Medications Abuse Deterrence (NOMAD) study protocol,2015,110,2,226-237,Degenhardt
Mortality among individuals accessing pharmacological treatment for opioid dependence in California 2006-10,2015,110,6,996-1005,Hser
Commentary on Lovatt et al. (2015): Lay and standard alcohol epidemiology-rival approaches or the beginnings of a dialogue?,2015,110,12,1920-1921,Kneale
The rejection of cannabis legalization in New Zealand: issues with the Cannabis Legalization and Control Bill or wider concerns?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilkins
The burden of disease attributable to cannabis use in Canada in 2012,2015,111,4,653-662,Popova
Validity of the alcohol purchase task: a meta-analysis,2015,111,5,806-816,Bornovalova
Assessing elements of a family approach to reduce adolescent drinking frequency: parent-adolescent relationship knowledge management and keeping secrets,2015,111,5,843-853,Perra
Meta-analysis on the effectiveness of alcohol screening with brief interventions for patients in emergency care settings,2015,111,5,783-794,Verthein
Trajectories of drinking urges and the initiation of abstinence during cognitive-behavioral alcohol treatment,2015,111,5,854-865,McCrady
A micro-temporal geospatial analysis of medical marijuana dispensaries and crime in Long Beach California,2016,111,6,1027-1035,Freisthler
Impacts of drinking-age legislation on alcohol-impaired driving crimes among young people in canada 2009-2013,2016,111,6,994-1003,Asbridge
Commentary on Pierce et al. (2016): Raising the bar of addiction treatment-first do no harm,2016,111,2,309-310,Banta-Green
Commentary on Rossow et al. (2016): Early days yet in the cycle from peer to parent drinking as influences on adolescent alcohol involvement,2016,111,2,218-219,Donovan
Gabapentin misuse abuse and diversion: a systematic review,2016,111,7,1160-1174,Havens
A successful high visibility enforcement intervention targeting underage drinking drivers,2016,111,7,1196-1202,Johnson
Spatial patterns of arrests police assault and addiction treatment center locations in Tijuana Mexico,2016,111,7,1246-1256,Strathdee
The effects of cannabis intoxication on motor vehicle collision revisited and revised,2016,111,8,1348-1359,Elvik
One size should not fit all so use the right tool for the job,2016,111,10,1729-1731,Carey
Better options than self-report of consumption,2016,111,10,1727-1728,Andréasson
Should we revisit the 'Age at First Drink' concept in alcohol research?,2016,111,6,970-971,Alati
The usefulness of 'age at first drink' as a concept in alcohol research and prevention,2016,111,6,968-970,Hingson
Questions about the validity of the binge or heavy drinking criterion have implications for more than just treatment evaluation,2016,111,10,1731-1732,Havard
Estimating under- and over-reporting of drinking in national surveys of alcohol consumption: identification of consistent biases across four English-speaking countries,2016,111,7,1203-1213,Livingston
Influence of Islam and the globalized alcohol industry on drinking in Muslim countries,2016,111,10,1715-1716,Assanangkornchai
Is it time for a more ambitious research agenda for decreasing alcohol-related harm among young adults?,2016,111,9,1531-1532,Bradley
Gender-specific effects of comorbid depression and anxiety on the propensity to drink in negative emotional states,2016,111,8,1366-1375,Frye
Clinical provision of improvised nasal naloxone without experimental testing and without regulatory approval: imaginative shortcut or dangerous bypass of essential safety procedures?,2016,111,4,574-582,Day
Risk of heavy drinking among sexual minority adolescents: Indirect pathways through sexual orientation-related victimization and affiliation with substance-using peers,2016,111,9,1599-1606,Marshal
The burden of alcohol use disorders in U.S. Military veterans: results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study,2016,111,10,1786-1794,Arias
Alcohol-attributed disease burden in four Nordic countries: a comparison using the Global Burden of Disease Injuries and Risk Factors 2013 study,2016,111,10,1806-1813,Diderichsen
Evaluating the public health impacts of legalizing recreational cannabis use in the USA,2016,111,10,1764-1773,Lynskey
Drinking and driving in Brazil: same problem same loophole,2016,111,7,1308-1309,Hyder
Governmental standard drink definitions and low-risk alcohol consumption guidelines in 37 countries,2016,111,7,1293-1298,Humphreys
Developing a social practice-based typology of British drinking culture in 2009-2011: implications for alcohol policy analysis,2016,111,9,1568-1579,Brennan
A framework for evaluating the public health impact of e-cigarettes and other vaporized nicotine products,2016,112,1,8-17,Levy
We still question the utility and validity of the binge/heavy drinking criterion,2016,111,10,1733-1734,Witkiewitz
Alcohol and marijuana use trajectories in a diverse longitudinal sample of adolescents: examining use patterns from age 11 to 17,2016,111,10,1825-1835,D'Amico
Reverse engineering a 'responsible drinking' campaign to assess strategic intent,2016,111,6,1107-1113,Chikritzhs
Can human rights standards help protect children and youth from the detrimental impact of alcohol beverage marketing and promotional activities?,2016,112 Suppl 1,,117-121,Chapman
Behavioral economic indicators of drinking problem severity and initial outcomes among problem drinkers attempting natural recovery: a cross-sectional naturalistic study,2016,111,11,1956-1965,Chandler
Adolescent cannabis use and repeated voluntary unprotected sex in women,2016,111,11,2012-2020,Bucholz
Selection biases in observational studies affect associations between 'moderate' alcohol consumption and mortality,2016,112,2,207-214,Xuan
The commercial use of digital media to market alcohol products: a narrative review,2016,112 Suppl 1,,21-27,Jernigan
Response: Cannabis intoxication recent use and road traffic crash risks,2016,111,8,1495-1498,Elvik
Risk for involvement in road traffic crash during acute cannabis intoxication,2016,111,8,1492-1495,Gjerde
The party effect: prediction of future alcohol use based on exposure to specific alcohol advertising content,2016,112,1,63-70,Sargent
Understanding trends in Australian alcohol consumption-an age-period-cohort model,2016,111,9,1590-1598,Livingston
Finding success in failure: using latent profile analysis to examine heterogeneity in psychosocial functioning among heavy drinkers following treatment,2016,111,12,2145-2154,Witkiewitz
Gambling and violence in a nationally representative sample of UK men,2016,111,12,2196-2207,King
Prescription opioid poisoning across urban and rural areas: identifying vulnerable groups and geographic areas,2016,112,1,103-112,Galea
European longitudinal study on the relationship between adolescents' alcohol marketing exposure and alcohol use,2016,111,10,1774-1783,Engels
Drug use data drug use theories and drug use policies in the United States: a combinatorial lack of connections,2015,110,5,739-740,Des Jarlais
A socio-cultural view of trends in drug use indicators,2015,110,5,740-741,Golub
High-intensity drinking by underage young adults in the United States,2016,112,1,82-93,Terry-McElrath
Essential/precursor chemicals and drug consumption: impacts of US sodium permanganate and Mexico pseudoephedrine controls on the numbers of US cocaine and methamphetamine users,2016,111,11,1999-2009,Callaghan
Alcohol marketing and youth alcohol consumption: a systematic review of longitudinal studies published since 2008,2016,112 Suppl 1,,7-20,Jernigan
Evaluating the impact of a national naloxone programme on ambulance attendance at overdose incidents: a controlled time series analysis,2016,112,2,301-308,Robinson
Commentary on de Bruijn et al. (2016): Effective alcohol marketing policymaking requires more than evidence on alcohol marketing effects-research on vested interest effects is needed,2016,111,10,1784-1785,O'Brien
Questioning the validity of the 4+/5+ binge or heavy drinking criterion in college and clinical populations,2016,111,10,1720-1726,Witkiewitz
Association between trajectories of buprenorphine treatment and emergency department and in-patient utilization,2016,111,5,892-902,Gordon
Effectiveness of Scotland's National Naloxone Programme for reducing opioid-related deaths: a before (2006-10) versus after (2011-13) comparison,2016,111,5,883-891,Bird
The effect of liquor licensing restrictions on assault: a quasi-experimental study in Sydney Australia,2016,112,2,261-268,Kypri
The protective effects of moderate drinking: lies damned lies and… selection biases?,2016,112,2,218-219,Bell
Drinking with mixed-gender groups is associated with heavy weekend drinking among young adults,2016,112,3,432-439,Kuntsche
Pharmaceutical sales of pseudoephedrine: the impact of electronic tracking systems on methamphetamine crime incidents,2016,112,3,468-474,Chamlin
A momentary exposures analysis of proximity to alcohol outlets and risk for assault,2017,112,2,269-278,Wiebe
A school-based program for tobacco and alcohol prevention in special education: effectiveness of the modified 'Healthy School and Drugs' intervention and moderation by school subtype,2016,112,3,533-543,Pieterse
Fatal acute poisonings in Australian children (2003-2013),2016,112,4,627-639,Drummer
Concurrent polysubstance use in a longitudinal study of U.S. youth: associations with sexual orientation,2016,112,4,614-624,Corliss
Drug-caused deaths in Australian medical practitioners and health-care professionals,2016,112,3,486-493,Drummer
Alcohol consumption during adolescence is associated with reduced grey matter volumes,2016,112,4,604-613,Laukkanen
Cannabis use during treatment for alcohol use disorders predicts alcohol treatment outcomes,2016,112,4,685-694,Metrik
Coverage of alcohol consumption by national surveys in South Africa,2016,112,4,705-710,Probst
Testing bidirectional associations among emotion regulation strategies and substance use: a daily diary study,2016,112,4,695-704,Sullivan
Commentary on Morgenstern et al. (2017): party-themed advertisements and initiation of alcohol consumption,2017,112,1,71-72,Morojele
Positive and negative affectivity as risk factors for heavy drinking in the second half of life: a prospective cohort study,2016,112,5,801-807,Brunborg
Adolescent drinking - a touch of social class?,2016,112,5,792-800,Rossow
Understanding the alcohol harm paradox: an analysis of sex- and condition-specific hospital admissions by socioeconomic group for alcohol-associated conditions in England,2016,112,5,808-817,Brennan
Acute alcohol effects on set-shifting and its moderation by baseline individual differences: a latent variable analysis,2016,112,3,442-453,Sher
Alcohol use among fatally injured victims in São Paulo Brazil: bridging the gap between research and health services in developing countries,2016,112,4,596-603,Cherpitel
Passengers at risk: a multi-level analysis of the decision to travel with a drunk driver,2017,112,6,1013-1024,Nazif
Selection bias and relationships between alcohol consumption and mortality,2017,112,2,220-221,Saitz
Does exposure to opioid substitution treatment in prison reduce the risk of death after release? A national prospective observational study in England,2017,112,8,1408-1418,Hickman
Unintended impact of using different inclusion cut-offs for males and females in intervention trials for hazardous drinking,2017,112,5,910-911,Cunningham
Associations between substance use disorders and suicide or suicide attempts in people with mental illness: a Danish nationwide prospective register-based study of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia bipolar disorder unipolar depression or personality disorder,2017,112,7,1250-1259,Nordentoft
Trajectories of risky drinking around the time of statutory retirement: a longitudinal latent class analysis,2017,112,7,1163-1170,Kawachi
Substance use disorders and the risk of suicide mortality among men and women in the US Veterans Health Administration,2017,112,7,1193-1201,Ilgen
Lifetime risk of mortality due to different levels of alcohol consumption in seven European countries: implications for low-risk drinking guidelines,2017,112,9,1535-1544,Room
Binge drinking and family history of alcoholism are associated with an altered developmental trajectory of impulsive choice across adolescence,2017,112,7,1184-1192,Nagel
Correlates of alcohol consumption on heavy drinking occasions of young risky drinkers: event versus personal characteristics,2017,112,8,1369-1377,Room
Alcohol use from adolescence through early adulthood: an assessment of measurement invariance by age and gender,2017,112,8,1495-1507,Russell
Coping mediates the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy for alcohol use disorder among outpatient clients in Project MATCH when dependence severity is high,2017,112,9,1547-1557,Maisto
Cannabis use and crash risk in drivers,2017,112,7,1315,Li
Response to Li et al. (2017): Cannabis use and crash risk in drivers,2017,112,7,1316,Elvik
Associations between childhood maltreatment and non-medical use of prescription drugs among Chinese adolescents,2017,112,9,1600-1609,Xu
Making visible the politics and ethics of alcohol policy research,2017,112,8,1490-1494,Moore
Commentary on Rehm et al. (2017): Composition of alcoholic beverages-an under-researched dimension in the global comparative risk assessment,2017,112,6,1002-1003,Lachenmeier
Non-medical use of prescription opioids is associated with heroin initiation among US veterans,2017,112,4,727-728,Luo
Alcohol marketing and youth drinking in Asia,2017,112,8,1508-1509,Room
A cluster-randomised controlled trial evaluating the effects of delaying onset of adolescent substance abuse on cognitive development and addiction following a selective personality-targeted intervention program: the Co-Venture trial,2017,112,10,1871-1881,Conrod
The effectiveness of an intervention to reduce alcohol-related violence in premises licensed for the sale and on-site and consumption of alcohol: a randomised controlled trial,2017,112,11,1898-1906,Sivarajasingam
Adolescents' exposure to paid alcohol advertising on television and their alcohol use: exploring associations over a 13-year period,2017,112,10,1742-1751,Room
The impact of normative perceptions on alcohol consumption in military veterans,2017,112,10,1765-1772,Neighbors
Commentary on Halonen et al. (2017): pondering the latent class trajectories of retiring older adults,2017,112,7,1171-1172,Emiliussen
Commentary on Ostergaard et al. (2017): Evidence of an association between cannabis use and suicide in subjects with bipolar disorder,2017,112,7,1260-1261,Bartoli
Association between elementary school personality and high school smoking and drinking,2017,112,11,2043-2052,Smith
Ready willing and able: the role of cannabis use opportunities in understanding adolescent cannabis use,2017,112,11,1973-1982,Andreas
Rates characteristics and circumstances of methamphetamine-related death in Australia: a national 7 year study,2017,112,12,2191-2201,Darke
The relationship between different dimensions of alcohol use and the burden of disease--an update,2017,112,6,968-1001,Room
Hospitalizations costs and outcomes associated with heroin and prescription opioid overdoses in the United States 2001-12,2017,112,9,1558-1564,Mukamal
Risk factors for severe respiratory depression from prescription opioid overdose,2018,113,1,59-66,Vlahov
Childhood traumatic experiences and the association with marijuana and cocaine use in adolescence through adulthood,2018,113,1,44-56,Cottler
Are alcohol-related disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual youth decreasing?,2017,112,11,1931-1941,Russell
All drinking is not equal: how a social practice theory lens could enhance public health research on alcohol and other health behaviours,2018,113,2,206-213,Meier
Moving alcohol prevention research forward-Part I: Introducing a complex systems paradigm,2018,113,2,353-362,Barry
The stability of baseline-defined categories of alcohol consumption over the adult life course: a 28-year prospective cohort study,2018,113,1,34-43,Knott
Barriers to access to opioid medicines for patients with opioid dependence: a review of legislation and regulations in eleven central and eastern European countries,2017,112,6,1069-1076,Radbruch
Substance use outcomes of patients served by a large US implementation of Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT),2017,112,,43-53,Bray
Will growth in cryptomarket drug buying increase the harms of illicit drugs?,2018,113,5,789-796,Barratt
Associations between substance use disorders and suicide mortality risk should be adjusted for tobacco use disorder,2017,112,11,2066,Legleye
Using Bayes factors to evaluate evidence for no effect: examples from the SIPS project,2018,113,2,240-246,Coulton
Non-medical use of psychoactive prescription drugs is associated with fatal poisoning,2018,113,3,464-472,Haukka
A developmental-based motivational intervention to reduce alcohol and marijuana use among non-treatment-seeking young adults: a randomized controlled trial,2018,113,3,440-453,Anderson
Commentary on White et al. (2017): Adolescent drinking and exposure to advertising-behaviour does not occur in a social vacuum,2017,112,10,1752-1753,Weier
Sexual identity differences in high-intensity binge drinking: findings from a US national sample,2018,113,4,749-758,Russell
Associations between methadone maintenance treatment and crime: a 17-year longitudinal cohort study of Canadian provincial offenders,2018,113,4,656-667,Moniruzzaman
Commentary on Moore et al. (2017): Focus on policies rather than programmes to address alcohol-related violence,2017,112,11,1907-1908,Kypri
Should soccer and alcohol mix? Alcohol sales during the 2014 World Soccer Cup games in Brazil,2012,107,10,1722-1723,Caetano
The alcohol industry and the World Cup in Brazil,2014,109,7,1213-1214,Pinsky
Cryptomarkets systemic violence and the 'gentrification hypothesis',2018,113,5,797-798,Martin
Hair testing: an ineffective DUI strategy in Brazil,2018,113,2,374-376,de Carvalho
A new resource for examining and responding to the contexts of alcohol-related harm,2018,113,2,216-217,Giesbrecht
Commentary on Marsden et al. (2017): While epidemiological studies can help to identify areas of overdose risk we need more focused hypothesis-driven trials to inform clinical intervention strategies,2017,112,8,1419-1420,Kidd
Efficacy of a web-based intervention with and without guidance for employees with risky drinking: results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial,2018,113,4,635-646,Riper
What is the real distribution of methamphetamine-related causes of death?,2017,112,12,2202-2203,Chen
Commentary on Witkiewitz et al. (2017): Abstinence or moderation-a choice for whom and why?,2017,112,12,2122-2123,Storbjörk
Alcohol-related harm in emergency departments: a prospective multicentre study,2018,113,4,623-632,Fatovich
Advancing alcohol research and treatment: contentions and debates about treatment intensity goals and outcomes in the 1970s and 1980s,2018,113,6,1149-1154,Allsop
Addiction research centres and the nurturing of creativity: the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR) Melbourne: a decade on,2018,113,3,568-574,Livingston
Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol (CMCA): secondary analyses of an RCT showing effects of community organizing on alcohol acquisition by youth in the Cherokee Nation,2018,113,4,647-655,Wagenaar
Estimating the drink driving attributable fraction of road traffic deaths in Mexico,2018,113,5,828-835,Borges
Response to Kypri's commentary on Moore: red tape the limitations of policy and a science of prevention,2018,113,3,576-577,Moore
Social practice theory and the study of how we drink,2018,113,2,217-219,Meier
Trends in alcohol-related mortality in East and West Germany 1980 to 2014: age period and cohort variations,2018,113,5,836-844,Kraus
Adolescents' alcohol use and strength of policy relating to youth access trading hours and driving under the influence: findings from Australia,2018,113,6,1030-1042,Room
Correction to: 'The effects of cannabis intoxication on motor vehicle collision revisited and revised' (2016),2018,113,5,967-969,Elvik
A reciprocal effects analysis of cannabis use and perceptions of risk,2018,113,6,1077-1085,Grucza
Corrected US opioid-involved drug poisoning deaths and mortality rates 1999-2015,2018,113,7,1339-1344,Ruhm
Alcohol pattern of drinking and all-cause mortality in Russia Belarus and Hungary: a retrospective indirect cohort study based on mortality of relatives,2018,113,7,1252-1263,Bobak
Trajectory classes of cannabis use and heavy drinking among rural African American adolescents: multilevel predictors of class membership,2018,113,8,1439-1449,Windle
Immediate effects on adult drinkers of exposure to alcohol harm reduction advertisements with and without drinking guideline messages: experimental study,2018,113,6,1019-1029,Slater
"Are the times a-changin"? Trends in adolescent substance use in Europe,2018,113,7,1317-1332,Raitasalo
The impact of codeine re-scheduling on misuse: a retrospective review of calls to Australia's largest poisons centre,2016,111,10,1848-1853,Buckley
Commentary on Egerton-Warburton et al. (2018): Alcohol-related injury in the emergency department and the alcohol attributable fraction,2018,113,4,633-634,Cherpitel
Attempts to reduce alcohol intake and treatment needs among people with probable alcohol dependence in England: a general population survey,2018,113,8,1430-1438,Drummond
Perception of physical attractiveness when consuming and not consuming alcohol: a meta-analysis,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sayette
Are changes in drinking related to changes in cannabis use among Swedish adolescents? A time series analysis for the period 1989-2016,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramstedt
Sexual-orientation differences in alcohol use trajectories and disorders in emerging adulthood: results from a longitudinal cohort study in the United States,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Silvestre
Commentary on Salloum et al. (2018): Rethinking adolescent cannabis use and risk perception,2018,113,6,1086-1087,Mackie
Commentary on White et al. (2018): Decrease in adolescent drinking linked to direct and indirect effect of alcohol control policies,2018,113,6,1043-1044,Casswell
Reducing the standard serving size of alcoholic beverages prompts reductions in alcohol consumption,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Field
Texting to Reduce Alcohol Misuse (TRAM): main findings from a randomized controlled trial of a text message intervention to reduce binge drinking among disadvantaged men,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Petrie
Estimating mental health impacts of alcohol's harms from other drinkers: using propensity scoring methods with national cross-sectional data from the U.S,2018,113,10,1826-1839,Greenfield
After how many drinks does someone experience acute consequences? Determining thresholds for binge drinking based on two event-level studies,2018,113,12,2235-2244,Livingston
Multi-level analysis of alcohol-related injury societal drinking pattern and alcohol control policy: emergency department data from 28 countries,2018,113,11,2031-2040,Cherpitel
Intra- and extra-familial influences on alcohol and drug misuse: a twin study of gene-environment correlation,2001,96,9,1307-1318,Stein
Women's role in the rise in drinking in Australia 1950-1980: an age-period-cohort analysis of data from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study,2018,113,12,2194-2202,Livingston
Trends and characteristics of naloxone therapy reported to U.S. poison centers,2018,113,12,2309-2315,Ait-Daoud
Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality in older adults in Spain: an analysis accounting for the main methodological issues,2019,114,1,59-68,Rodriguez-Artalejo
How should we set consumption thresholds for low risk drinking guidelines? Achieving objectivity and transparency using evidence expert judgement and pragmatism,2019,114,4,590-600,Brennan
How dependent is the alcohol industry on heavy drinking in England?,2018,113,12,2225-2232,Brennan
Indexing the "dark side of addiction": substance-induced affective symptoms and alcohol use disorders,2019,114,1,139-149,Ehlers
Gendered violence & overdose prevention sites: a rapid ethnographic study during an overdose epidemic in Vancouver Canada,2018,113,12,2261-2270,Kerr
The social location of harm from others' drinking in ten societies,2019,114,3,425-433,Room
Commentary on Stanesby et al. (2018): the importance of social change and trends in understanding increases in women's drinking in post-WWII Australia,2018,113,12,2203-2204,Wilkinson
Addressing substance misuse: a missed opportunity in suicide prevention,2019,114,3,387-388,Morley
The interactive effects of perceived peer drinking and personality profiles on adolescent drinking: a prospective cohort study,2019,114,3,450-461,Hides
Assessing the impact of alcohol taxation on rates of violent victimization in a large urban area: an agent-based modeling approach,2019,114,2,236-247,Cerdá
Estimating alcohol-attributable fractions for injuries based on data from emergency department and observational studies: a comparison of two methods,2019,114,3,462-470,Cherpitel
Commentary on Rege et al. (2018): Naloxone reports to US poison centers highlight overdose prevention opportunities,2018,113,12,2316-2317,Oliva
A prospective study of alcohol involvement and the dual-systems model of adolescent risk-taking during late adolescence and emerging adulthood,2019,114,4,653-661,Friedman
Self-wise Other-wise Streetwise (SOS) training an intervention to prevent victimization in dual diagnosis patients: results from a randomized clinical trial,2019,114,4,730-740,van den Brink
Changes over time in marijuana use deviant behavior and preference for risky behavior among U.S. adolescents from 2002-2014: testing the moderating effect of gender and age,2019,114,4,674-686,Keyes
How competent are people who use opioids at responding to overdoses? Qualitative analyses of actions and decisions taken by lay first-responders during overdose emergencies,2019,114,4,708-718,Comer
Alcohol consumption and hospitalization burden in an adult Italian population: prospective results from the Moli-sani study,2019,114,4,636-650,Mukamal
Young cohorts of Russians drink less: age-period-cohort modelling of alcohol use prevalence 1994-2016,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Radaev
Low-risk drinking guidelines: a pragmatic approach to health promotion?,2019,114,4,605-607,Griffiths
Monitoring emerging prescription-drug related harms: a comment on Cairns et al. (2018)-in reply,2019,114,3,572-573,Buckley
Monitoring emerging prescription-drug related harms: a comment on Cairns et al. (2018),2019,114,3,571-572,Lubman
Traffic fatalities within US states that have legalized recreational cannabis sales and their neighbours,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall
Is the association between maternal alcohol consumption in pregnancy and pre-school child behavior and emotional problems causal? Multiple approaches for controlling unmeasured confounding,2019,114,6,1004-1014,Røysamb
Reporting of alcohol as a contributor to death in Australian national suicide statistics and its relationship to post-mortem alcohol concentrations,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buckley
Intimate partner violence in emerging adulthood and subsequent substance use disorders: findings from a longitudinal study,2019,114,7,1264-1273,Williams
Acceleration of drinking pace across the evening among frequently drinking young adults in the Netherlands,2019,114,7,1295-1302,Kuntsche
State alcohol policies taxes and availability as predictors of adolescent binge drinking trajectories into early adulthood,2019,114,7,1173-1182,Haynie
Drinking guidelines and the need for evidence beyond the epidemiological,2019,114,4,607-608,Brennan
The association between residential relocation and reincarceration among drug dependent former prisoners,2019,114,8,1389-1395,Kirk
Decomposing social inequalities in alcohol consumption in Germany 1995 - 2015: an age-period-cohort analysis,2019,114,8,1359-1368,Kraus
Associations of child and adolescent anxiety with later alcohol use and disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies,2019,114,6,968-982,Heron
Feasibility of a mail-in self-administered dried blood spot collection method in national population-based alcohol surveys in the U.S,2019,114,7,1303-1308,Zemore
A risk model for addictive behaviors in adolescents: interactions between personality and learning,2019,114,7,1283-1294,Smith
Alcohol-induced blackouts at age 20 predict the incidence maintenance and severity of alcohol dependence at age 25: a prospective study in a sample of young Swiss men,2019,114,9,1556-1566,Bertholet
Cannabis use as a risk factor for causing motor vehicle crashes: a prospective study,2019,114,9,1616-1626,Mann
A systematic review of research on adolescent solitary alcohol and marijuana use in the United States,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mason
Comparing alcohol taxation throughout the European Union,2019,114,8,1489-1494,Meier
Mortality among people with regular or problematic use of amphetamines: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Degenhardt
Polygenic risk for alcohol misuse is moderated by romantic partnerships,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rose
The collectivity of British alcohol consumption trends across different temporal processes: a quantile age-period-cohort analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meier
Risky driving behaviours among stimulant drug users and the role of aggression: findings from a national survey,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hart
Does child maltreatment predict alcohol use disorders in young adulthood? A cohort study of linked notifications and survey data,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mills
Alcohol control policy and changes in alcohol-related traffic harm,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Passmore
The decline in youth drinking in England - is everyone drinking less? A quantile regression analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Codeine use and harms in Australia: evaluating the effects of re-scheduling,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown
New psychoactive substances (NPS) in the Netherlands: occurrence in forensic drug samples consumer drug samples and poisons center exposures between 2013-2017,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hunault
Identifying an accurate self-reported screening tool for alcohol use disorder: evidence from a Swiss male population-based assessment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gmel
Contextual characteristics of adults' drinking occasions and their association with levels of alcohol consumption and acute alcohol-related harm: a mapping review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meier
Taiwanese drink driving,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tunbridge
Problem drinking wellbeing and mortality risk in Chinese men: findings from the China Kadoorie Biobank,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bian
Which adolescent factors predict alcohol misuse in young adulthood? A co-twin comparisons study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Viken
Components evaluation of a web-based personalised normative feedback intervention for alcohol use among college students: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial with a dismantling design,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gaume
Reply to Beckson: "Cannabis crashes and blood: challenges for observational research" (Beckson 2019),2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacDonald
Commentary on Lane & Hall (2019): Trafficking and highway-safety challenges in US states that have legalized recreational cannabis sales and their neighbors,2019,114,5,857-858,Hawken
Cannabis use depression and self-harm: phenotypic and genetic relationships,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Breen
Effect of alcohol use disorders and alcohol intake on the risk of subsequent depressive symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peng
Patterns of alcohol consumption in 16 cohorts of Australian young adults aged 15-24 between 2001 and 2016,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Impact of opioid dose escalation on the development of substance use disorders accidents self-inflicted injuries opioid overdoses and alcohol and non-opioid drug-related overdoses: a retrospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li
Commentary on Rehm et al. (2019): Alcohol control policy and changes in alcohol-related traffic harm,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jasilionis
Development of a computerized adaptive substance use disorder scale for screening and measurement: the CAT-SUD,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alegria
Modelling the effects of alcohol pricing policies on alcohol consumption in subpopulations in Australia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
The interactive effect of location alcohol consumption and non-traffic injury,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Room
Relationships between US state alcohol policies and alcohol outcomes: differences by gender and race/ethnicity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenfield
The overall effect of parental supply of alcohol across adolescence on alcohol-related harms in early adulthood - a prospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mattick
Evaluating the causal impact of individual alcohol licensing decisions on local health and crime using natural experiments with synthetic controls,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brennan
Drinking risk varies within and between Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander samples: a meta-analysis to identify sources of heterogeneity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Room
World Health Organization risk drinking level reductions are associated with improved functioning and are sustained among patients with mild moderate and severe alcohol dependence in clinical trials in the United States and United Kingdom,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Malley
Trends and age period and cohort effects for marijuana use prevalence in the 1984-2015 US National Alcohol Surveys,2018,113,3,473-481,Kerr
Importance of a standard unit dose for cannabis research,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Volkow
The association between recreational cannabis commercialization and cannabis exposures reported to the US National Poison Data System,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shi
Deterring driving under the influence of cannabis,2015,110,11,1697-1698,Huestis
Incidence of assault in Sydney Australia through 5 years of alcohol trading hour restrictions: controlled before-and-after study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Drunk dangerous and delusional: how legal concept-creep risks overcriminalization,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Child
Alcohol sales to underage adolescents: an unobtrusive observational field study and evaluation of a police intervention,2000,95,9,1373-1388,Hart
Medical marijuana laws and driving under the influence of marijuana and alcohol,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá
Tramadol use and public health consequences in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mojtabai
The theory of collectivity of drinking cultures: how alcohol became everyone's problem,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Associations between solitary drinking and increased alcohol consumption alcohol problems and drinking to cope motives in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Creswell
Trends in marijuana use in two Latin-American countries: an age period and cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá
A life-time of hazardous drinking and harm to health among older adults: findings from the Whitehall II prospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ng Fat
A life-course theory exploration of opioid-related maternal mortality in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cleveland
Prevalence and description of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) use in the United States: a cross-sectional study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dart
Similar countries similar factors? Studying the decline of heavy episodic drinking in adolescents in Finland Norway and Sweden,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raitasalo
Commentary on Shi & Liang (2020): Has cannabis legalization increased acute cannabis-related harms?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall
Estimated televised alcohol advertising exposure in the past year and associations with past 30-day drinking behavior among American adults: results from a secondary analysis of large-scale advertising and survey data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Avery
Commentary on Kypri & Livingston (2020): Alcohol trading hour restrictions reduce assault incidence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Foulds
Unemployment from stable downsized and closed workplaces and alcohol-related mortality,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martikainen
Polysubstance use and association with opioid use disorder treatment in the US Veterans Health Administration,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blow
Cannabis use disorder trajectories and their prospective predictors in a large population-based sample of young Swiss men,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gmel
Moving forwards with the standard THC unit,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lorenzetti
Telephone-based motivational interviewing enhanced with individualised personality-specific coping skills training for young people with alcohol-related injuries and illnesses accessing emergency or rest/recovery services: a randomized controlled trial (QuikFix),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hides
Developmental patterns of tobacco product and cannabis use initiation in high school,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kirkpatrick
Response to Humphreys and Hall; reducing the risks of distortion in cannabis research,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamilton
Characteristics and circumstances of death related to the self-administration of ketamine,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Darke
Methadone-related deaths among youth and young adults in Sweden 2006-2015,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bremberg
Alcohol and drug problems among Australian homicide offenders,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mazerolle
Prices alcohol use initiation and heavy episodic drinking among Chilean youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chaloupka
Alcohol policy in Chile: a systematic review of policy developments and evaluations,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pemjean
Slow associative learning in alcohol dependence and the alcohol cue exposure treatment paradox,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Glautier
Predictors of transitions across stages of alcohol use and disorders in an adult population with heterogeneous ethnic restrictions regarding drinking,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Benjet
The pub and the people. A worktown study by mass observation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacGregor
Legal cannabis-what's in it?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cousijn
Commentary on Niederdeppe et al. (2020): Alcohol marketing exposure regulation should apply to all,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldnadel Monteiro
Assessment of the impact of implementation of a zero-blood alcohol concentration law in Uruguay on moderate/severe injury and fatal crashes: a quasi-experimental study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá
Association of vaping-related lung injuries with rates of e-cigarette and cannabis use across US states,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Friedman
Familial factors may not explain the effect of moderate-to-heavy cannabis use on cognitive functioning in adolescents: a sibling-comparison study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown
Does intentional asphyxiation by strangulation have addictive properties?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chater
Carfentanil and the rise and fall of overdose deaths in the United States,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burke
Trends in cannabis use and attitudes towards legalization and use among Australians from 2001-2016: an age-period-cohort analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Commentary on Raitasalo et al. (2020): Looking beyond the borders-what else is driving the decline in adolescent alcohol consumption?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Regulating cannabis retail for public health over private profit,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lenton
Reefer Madness: an undeserved classic movie,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall
Adolescent income and binge drinking initiation: prospective evidence from the MyLife study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,von Soest
Text messaging interventions for reducing alcohol consumption among risky drinkers: systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bendtsen
Does correctional supervision of amphetamine users reduce the risk of re-offending?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weatherburn
Evaluating the effectiveness of the smartphone app Drink Less compared with the NHS alcohol advice webpage for the reduction of alcohol consumption among hazardous and harmful adult drinkers in the UK at six-month follow-up: protocol for a randomised controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hickman
Acknowledging and monitoring the costs of seriously regulating cannabis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smart
Minimum THC unit pricing: an opportunity for harm reduction,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lynskey
Washington's liquor license system and alcohol-related adverse health outcomes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kerr
Age-based preferences for risk communication in the fentanyl era: "A lot of people keep seeing other people die and that's not enough for them.",2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walley
Applying Bayesian cognitive models to decisions to drive after drinking,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCarthy
Effect of a 1-year short message service in detoxified alcohol-dependent patients (CAPS): a multi-centre open-label randomised controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,John
Heterogeneities in administration methods among cannabis users by use purpose and state legalization status: findings from a nationally representative survey in the US 2020,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shi
Cross-country differences in age trends in alcohol consumption among older adults: a cross-sectional study of individuals aged 50 years and older in 22 countries,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keyes
A cluster randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of the school-based drug prevention programme #Tamojunto2.0,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caetano
Characteristics of oxycodone-related ambulance attendances: analysis of temporal trends and the effect of reformulation in Victoria Australia from 2013-2018,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith
Concurrent validity of the Alcohol Purchase Task for measuring the reinforcing efficacy of alcohol: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mackillop
An N-of-1 study of daily alcohol consumption following Minimum Unit Pricing implementation in Scotland,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson
Changes in the incidence of assault after restrictions on late-night alcohol sales in New Zealand: evaluation of a natural experiment using hospitalization and police data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davie
Availability of medical cannabis dispensaries and cannabis abuse/dependence-related hospitalizations in California,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Freisthler
Evaluating the effects of the Licensing Act 2003 on the characteristics of drinking occasions in England & Wales: a theory of change-guided evaluation of a natural experiment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meier
Sex-specific risk profiles for suicide among persons with substance use disorders in Denmark,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá
Effects of a multi-component alcohol prevention intervention at sporting events: a quasi-experimental control group study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holder
Alcohol policy and gender: a modelling study estimating gender-specific effects of alcohol pricing policies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brennan
Trends in cannabis use among adults with children in the home in the United States 2004-2017: Impact of state-level legalization for recreational and medical use,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodwin
Opioid use disorder and overdose among youth following an initial opioid prescription,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hadland
Attributable fractions for substance use in relation to crime,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhao
Policy influence and the legalized cannabis industry: learnings from other addictive consumption industries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adams
Trends in MDMA-related mortality across four countries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roxburgh
Evaluating the effects of two alcohol reduction counseling interventions on intimate partner violence perpetration: secondary analysis of a three-arm randomized controlled trial among Vietnamese men with HIV,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maman
All-cause and suicide mortality among people with methamphetamine use disorder: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tsai
Mortality in the Americas from 2013 to 2015 resulting from diseases conditions and injuries which are 100% alcohol-attributable,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gawryszewski
Associations between social media usage and alcohol use among youths and young adults: findings from Understanding Society,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cable
Hazardous and harmful alcohol use in the Northern Territory Australia: the impact of alcohol policy on critical care admissions using an extended sampling period,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bailey
Evaluation of monitoring youth exposure to alcohol advertising on cable television United States 2016-2019,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,White
Does drinking modify the relationship between men's gender-inequitable attitudes and their perpetration of intimate partner violence? A meta-analysis of surveys of men from seven countries in the Asia Pacific region,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Graham
Illegal drug market responses to state recreational cannabis laws,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meinhofer
Can novel "swift-certain-fair" programs work outside of pioneering jurisdictions? An analysis of 24/7 Sobriety in Montana USA,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kilmer
A man can only be truly known in drunkenness and war. An anthropological perspective on alcohol use during the Portuguese Colonial War,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Calado
Call to restore funding to monitor youth exposure to alcohol advertising [letter],2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Petticrew
Impacts of Canada's cannabis legalization on police-reported crime among youth: early evidence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Asbridge
Mortality in substance-induced psychosis: a register-based national cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nordentoft
Overestimation of alcohol consumption norms as a driver of alcohol consumption: a whole-population network study of men across eight villages in rural southwestern Uganda,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perkins
Ecological momentary assessments of nighttime drinking among California adolescents: bases for informing nighttime preventive interventions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mair
Efficacy of brief intervention for harmful and hazardous alcohol use: a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies from low middle-income countries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sarkar
Declining drinking among adolescents: are we seeing a denormalisation of drinking and a normalisation of non-drinking?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Alcohol use disorder and non-fatal suicide attempt: findings from a Swedish National Cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moscicki
Risky decision-making as an antecedent or consequence of adolescent cannabis use: findings from a two-year longitudinal study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gonzalez
Effects of a minimal-guided online intervention for alcohol misuse in Estonia: a randomized controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riper
Trajectories of alcohol misuse among the UK Armed Forces over a 12-year period,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rona
Mortality among persons who inject drugs: a prospective cohort followed over three decades in Baltimore Maryland USA,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vlahov
Pharmaceutical opioid poisonings in Victoria Australia: rates and characteristics of a decade of emergency department presentations across nine pharmaceutical opioids,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lubman
Cognitive style and drinking to cope: a prospective cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewis
Concurrent validity of an Estimator of Weekly Alcohol Consumption (EWAC) based on the Extended AUDIT,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holmes
Association between discontinuing chronic opioid therapy and newly diagnosed substance use disorders accidents self-inflicted injuries and drug overdoses within the prescribers' health care system: a retrospective cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li
The International Cannabis Toolkit (iCannToolkit): a multidisciplinary expert consensus on minimum standards for measuring cannabis use,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Laar
Exploring the implementation of public involvement in local alcohol availability policy: the case of alcohol licensing decision-making in England,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dixon
Tracking the decline in Australian adolescent drinking into adulthood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
The global nature of declining adolescent drinking,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alasuutari
The geography of sobriety checkpoints and alcohol-impaired driving,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiebe
The longer-term impacts of trading restrictions on alcohol related violence: insights from New South Wales Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sarafidis
We need convincing data to support a public health approach to cannabis regulation,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jesseman
Coordinating cannabis data collection globally: policy implications,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Volkow
Normalization of non-drinking and implications for alcohol epidemiology,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rossow
Evidence on the acute and residual neurocognitive effects of cannabis use in adolescents and adults: a systematic meta-review of meta-analyses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dumais
Young people's alcohol use is still strongly related to social inclusion,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kolind
Set-up of a population-based model to verify alcohol abstinence via monitoring of the direct alcohol marker phosphatidylethanol 16:0/18:1,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stove
The effects of cannabis and alcohol on driving performance and driver behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caird
The impact of changes in COVID-19 lockdown restrictions on alcohol consumption and drinking occasion characteristics in Scotland and England in 2020: an interrupted time-series analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meier
Alcohol demand as a predictor of drinking behavior in the natural environment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCarthy
Risk of self-harm or suicide associated with specific drug use disorders 2004-2016: a population-based cohort study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yip
Functional connectivity in the central executive network predicts changes in binge drinking behavior during emerging adulthood: an observational prospective study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bates
Cannabis legalization and traffic injuries: exploring the role of supply mechanisms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá
The association between recreational cannabis legalization commercialization and cannabis attributable emergency department visits in Ontario Canada: an interrupted time-series analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tanuseputro
The impact of road safety policies in a deregulated alcohol tax environment in Hong Kong: a 15-year time series analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leung
Using ecological momentary assessment and a portable device to quantify standard tetrahydrocannabinol units for cannabis flower smoking,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trull
Unknown risks of psychosis and addiction with delta-8-THC: a call for research regulation and clinical caution,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Evins
Exponential growth of drug overdose poisoning and opportunities for intervention,2022,117,5,1200-1202,Burke
Commentary on Skulberg et al.: Naloxone administration-finding the balance,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roxburgh
Age-based differences in quantity and frequency of consumption when screening for harmful alcohol use,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Recurrent risk of hospitalization among older persons with problematic alcohol use: a multiple failure-time analysis with a discontinuous risk model,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCarty
Commentary on Chai et al: Drug use self-harm suicide and use of registry data in epidemiological research,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hesse
Does recreational cannabis legalization change cannabis use patterns? Evidence from secondary school students in Uruguay,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá
Common and distinguishing genetic factors for substance use behavior and disorder: an integrated analysis of genomic and transcriptomic studies from both human and animal studies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen
Assessing the impacts of alcohol outlets on crime as a natural experiment: agglomeration churning and spatial effects,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ponicki
Growing alcohol use preceding death by suicide among women compared with men: age-specific temporal trends 2003-18,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaplan
Frequency of adolescent cannabis smoking and vaping in the United States: trends disparities and concurrent substance use 2017-19,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá
Recreational cannabis legalization and transitions in cannabis use: findings from a nationally representative longitudinal cohort in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhu
Risk of non-fatal suicide attempt in individuals with substance use disorder: the roles of aggregate genetic liability and environmental exposures in a Swedish population-based cohort,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sundquist
Domestication of drinking: a survey study of changes in types of drinking occasions during periods of increasing and decreasing alcohol consumption in the 2000s in Finland,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lintonen
Definition Matters: Assessment of tolerance to the effects of alcohol in a prospective cohort study of emerging adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Swift
Commentary on Gruenewald et al.: 'Even one more license may be "too many"'?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morrison
Response to Bahji et al: Limitations of the available evidence that restrict our interpretation of the transition from cannabis to opioid use,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mills
Posttraumatic stress disorder strengthens the daily associations between emotion dysregulation and substance use: a micro-longitudinal study of community women experiencing intimate partner violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sullivan
Adolescent substance use and high school noncompletion: exploring the nature of the relationship using a discordant twin design,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heath
Commentary on Lange et al.: Acute alcohol use before suicide-is it contributing to an increase in suicide rates in the United States?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kolves
Commentary on Gunadi et al.: Opportunities to design more policy-relevant evaluations of non-medical cannabis legalization,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jernigan
Predicting severe alcohol use disorders in primary care using number of heavy drinking days,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weisner
Rapid changes in illegally manufactured fentanyl products and prices in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caulkins
Commentary on Rivera-Aguirre et al.: What are the effects of cannabis legalization on youth use? It may depend on what you mean by 'legalization',2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dilley
Sex-specific incidences and risk profiles of suicide mortality in people with alcohol dependence in Taiwan,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen
Validating transdermal alcohol biosensors: a meta-analysis of associations between blood/breath-based measures and transdermal alcohol sensor output,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fairbairn
The relationship between age at first drink and later risk behaviours during a period of youth drinking decline,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
The iCannTookit: a consensus-based flexible framework for measuring contemporary cannabis use,2022,117,9,2558-2560,van Laar
Adolescent cannabis use in the context of legalization laws in Chile,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Contreras
Adolescent and adult time trends in US hallucinogen use 2002-19: any use and use of ecstasy LSD and PCP,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hasin
Rates characteristics and toxicology of cocaine-related deaths in Australia 2000-2021,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Darke
The who and how of attentional bias in cannabis users: associations with use severity craving and interference control,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cousijn
Age period and cohort effects on alcohol-related risky behaviours in Australia from 2001 to 2016,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Concurrent validity of the marijuana purchase task: a meta-analysis of trait-level cannabis demand and cannabis involvement,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Metrik
Association between jail-based methadone or buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder and overdose mortality after release from New York City jails 2011-2017,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lim
Effects of text message interventions with different behavior change techniques on alcohol consumption among young adults: a 5-arm randomized controlled trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chung
On the duration of cannabis effects and the presence of THC in the body,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bramness
Safety in solitude? Competing risks and drivers of solitary drug use among women who inject drugs and implications for overdose detection,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park
Alcohol-specific inhibition training in patients with alcohol use disorder: a multicenter double-blind randomized clinical trial examining drinking outcome and working mechanisms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiers
Effectiveness of a French mass media campaign in raising knowledge of both long-term alcohol-related harms and low-risk drinking guidelines and in lowering alcohol consumption,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guignard
Effect of a Veterans Health Administration mandate to case review patients with opioid prescriptions on mortality among patients with opioid use disorder: a secondary analysis of the STORM Randomized Control Trial,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frakt
Estimating child maltreatment cases that could be alcohol-attributable in New Zealand,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huckle
Association between genetic risk of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality under different alcohol policy conditions: evidence from the Finnish alcohol price reduction of 2004,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martikainen
Increase in cannabis-related emergency department presentations in the period immediately before legalization requires explanation [letter],2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smyth
How should policy makers regulate the tetrahydrocannabinol content of cannabis products in a legal market?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall
Associations of recreational cannabis dispensaries' availability storefront signage and health benefit signs with cannabis use: findings from a representative adult sample in California United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Han
The predictive validity of the Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) for moderate-to-high risk cannabis methamphetamine and opioid use after release from prison,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Preen
Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol: a scoping review and commentary,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olsson
Response to Smyth & McCarron: Increases in cannabis-attributable emergency department visits during different phases of the pre and post legalization period are multifactorial,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tanuseputro
Casino accessibility and suicide: a county-level study of 50 US states 2000 to 2016,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morrison
Poisonings from hydrocarbon inhalant misuse in Australia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berling
Seasonal weekly and other cyclical patterns in deaths due to drug poisoning in England and Wales,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Strang
High 'n' dry? A comparison of cannabis and alcohol use in drivers presenting to hospital after a vehicular collision,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davis
Is minimum unit pricing for alcohol having the intended effects on alcohol consumption in Scotland?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holmes
The effect of recreational cannabis legalization on rates of traffic injury in Canada,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cusimano
An overlooked effect: domestic violence and alcohol policies in the night-time economy,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston
Strictly regulated cannabis retail models with state control can provide lessons in how jurisdictions can regulate THC,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pardal
Peer- and web-based interventions for risky drinking among US National Guard members: Mission Strong randomized controlled trial,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Blow
Alcohol's harm to others in 2021: who bears the burden?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jenkinson
Use of the BACtrack Skyn alcohol biosensor: practical applications for data collection and analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leeman
Identifying and describing trajectories of alcohol use frequency and binge drinking frequency among those age 15-30 in a national cohort of U.S. adolescents: a group-based trajectory modeling approach,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weuve
A narrative systematic review of the gender inclusivity of measures of harmful drinking and their psychometric properties among transgender adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dermody
All-cause and cause-specific mortality in individuals with an alcohol-related emergency or hospital inpatient presentation: a retrospective data linkage cohort study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Degenhardt
Prevalence of cannabis use among young adults in Sweden comparing Randomized Response Technique with a traditional survey,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramstedt
Drinking motives personality traits life stressors - identifying pathways to harmful alcohol use in adolescence using a panel network approach,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiers
Increase in educational inequalities in alcohol-related mortality in Spain during a period of economic growth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Regidor
Commentary on Han & Shi: The presence of recreational cannabis dispensaries and storefront marketing activities in residential neighborhoods-recent evidence for associations with individual cannabis use,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livne
ABC-training as a new intervention for hazardous alcohol drinking: two proof-of-principle randomized pilot studies,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wiers
Commentary on Galanis et al.: When age could make the difference-let's not sweep violence under the keyboard,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luquiens
The implementation and public health impacts of cannabis legalization in Canada: a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall
Estimating alcohol-attributable injury deaths: a comparison of epidemiological methods,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Naimi
The impact of cannabis legalization and decriminalization on acute poisoning: a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buckley
Non-fatal overdose risk associated with prescribing opioid agonists concurrently with other medication: Cohort study conducted using linked primary care secondary care and mortality records,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Webb
How to interpret studies on the impact of legalizing cannabis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zobel
Commentary on Allaf et al.: Comparing countries with different legal cannabis markets can inform on the impact of regulating product type and potency,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Craft
Alcohol use in multiracial American youth compared with monoracial youth: a meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park
Can counter-advertising dilute marketing effects of alcohol sponsorship of elite sport: a field experiment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wakefield
Association between substance-induced psychosis and suicide attempt: a Danish nation-wide register-based study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nordentoft
Neurophysiological error processing and addiction self-awareness correlates of reduced insight in cannabis use disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moeller
New perspectives on how to formulate alcohol drinking guidelines,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wells
Does the decline in Swedish adolescent drinking persist into early adulthood?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramstedt
Risk of suicidal behavior as a function of alcohol use disorder typologies: a Swedish population-based study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sundquist
Community exposure to armed conflict and subsequent onset of alcohol use disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kessler
In the balance: No new diagnosis needed in addition to opioid use disorder to study harms associated with long-term opioid therapy,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Compton
Cannabis use disorder and adverse cardiovascular outcomes: a population-based retrospective cohort analysis of adults from Alberta Canada,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stein
Trends and projection in the proportion of (heavy) cannabis use in Germany from 1995 to 2021,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kraus
Drug overdose risk with benzodiazepine treatment in young adults: comparative analysis in privately and publicly insured individuals,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cerdá
Cannabidiol does not attenuate acute delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced attentional bias in healthy volunteers: a randomised double-blind cross-over study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fusar-Poli
Does a local Alcohol Health Champion programme have a measurable impact on health and crime outcomes? A natural experiment evaluation of Communities in Charge of Alcohol (CICA) based on triangulation of methods,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Parrott
An evaluation of naloxone transit for opioid overdose using drones: a case study using real-world coroner data,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodair
Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on road traffic accidents in Scotland after 20 months: an interrupted time series study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fitzgerald
Using the Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test to predict substance-related hospitalisation after release from prison: a cohort study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Preen
How research and policy can shape driving under the influence of cannabis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McCarthy
Does nitrous oxide addiction exist? An evaluation of the evidence for the presence and prevalence of substance use disorder symptoms in recreational nitrous oxide users,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cousijn
Alcohol initiation before age 15 predicts earlier hazardous drinking: a survival analysis of a 7-year prospective longitudinal cohort of Australian adolescents,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newton
The unacceptability of evidence on acceptable risks,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holmes
A descriptive coronial study of heroin toxicity deaths in Australia 2020-2022: characteristics toxicology and survival times,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Darke
Socio-economic inequalities in smoking and drinking in adolescence: assessment of social network dynamics,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Lenthe
An on-line school-based substance use harm reduction programme: the Illicit Project randomized controlled trial results,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newton
New perspectives on how to formulate alcohol drinking guidelines: response to commentaries,2024,119,1,26-27,Wells
Trends in hallucinogen-associated emergency department visits and hospitalizations in California USA from 2016 to 2022,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lembke
Understanding the differential effect of local socio-economic conditions on the relation between prescription opioid supply and drug overdose deaths in US counties,2023,118,6,1072-1082,Cerdá
Alcohol use alcohol use disorder and heavy episodic drinking in the Eastern Mediterranean region: a systematic review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shadloo
Longitudinal examination of alcohol demand and alcohol-related reinforcement as predictors of heavy drinking and adverse alcohol consequences in emerging adults,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murphy
The association between alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality: an umbrella review of systematic reviews using lifetime abstainers or low-volume drinkers as a reference group,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Canfell
Changes in delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) concentrations in cannabis over time: systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,116,5,1000-1010,Elsohly
Associations between child maltreatment and hospital admissions for alcohol and other substance use-related disorders up to 40 years of age: Results from the Childhood Adversity and Lifetime Morbidity study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnautovska
Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing (MUP) on alcohol sales after 3 years of implementation in Scotland: a controlled interrupted time-series study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robinson
Harm from the drinking of people you know: a range of effects from different relationships,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jenkinson
Web-based intervention for young adults experiencing anxiety and hazardous alcohol use: study protocol for an 18-month randomized controlled trial,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Slade
Incident psychotic experiences following self-reported use of high-potency cannabis: results from a longitudinal cohort study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heron
A retrospective study of the characteristics and toxicology of cases of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)- and psilocybin-related death in Australia,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hall
Psychosis in a methadone-substituted patient during interferon-alpha treatment of hepatitis C,2000,95,7,1101-1104,Schafer
Changes in self-reported cannabis use in the United States from 1979 to 2022,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caulkins
Letter in response to Burke et al. (2020): Trends in opioid use disorder and overdose among opioid-naive individuals receiving an opioid prescription in Massachusetts from 2011 to 2014,2020,115,8,1591-1593,Kertesz
Crafting effective regulatory policies for psychedelics: what can be learned from the case of cannabis?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marsden
Mortality and negative outcomes of opioid use and opioid use disorder: a 6-year follow-up study,2022,117,7,2059-2066,Mojtabai
Risk of neuropsychiatric and cardiovascular adverse events following treatment with varenicline and nicotine replacement therapy in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink: a case-cross-over study,2021,116,6,1532-1545,Gunnell
The emergence of nitazenes on the Irish heroin market and national preparation for possible future outbreaks,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kavanagh
Para-fluorofentanyl: coincidence or intentional?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sprague
Behavioural correlates of alcohol intoxication,1993,88,1,31-41,Naranjo
Adolescent emergency department presentations with alcohol- or other drug-related problems in Perth Western Australia,2001,96,7,1059-1067,Robertson
Joint heavy use of alcohol cigarettes and coffee and the risk of suicide,2001,96,8,1214-1215,McBride
Needle fixation the drug user's perspective: a qualitative study,2001,96,7,1049-1058,Arnold
The relationship between suicide and heroin overdose among methadone maintenance patients in Sydney Australia,2001,96,10,1443-1453,Darke
Use of anabolic steroids and associated health risks among gay men attending London gyms,2002,97,2,195-203,Sherr
The shifting pattern of cause-specific mortality in a cohort of human immunodeficiency virus-infected and non-infected injecting drug users,2008,103,4,651-659,Hernández-Aguado
Circumstances of death of opioid users being treated with naltrexone,2019,114,11,2000-2007,Darke
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Classifying national drinking patterns in Europe between 2000 and 2019: a clustering approach using comparable exposure data,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shield
Young adults with a history of substance use disorder experienced more negative mental health social and economic outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic period,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oesterle
Young adult retail purchases of cannabis product category preferences and sales trends in California 2018-21: differences compared with older adults,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Timberlake
Cannabis policy bundles and traffic fatalities in the American States over time,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richardson
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