Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicidal Death By Xylazine and Ketamine Mixed Intoxication,2019,28,2,49-51,Ravikumar Suicide by multiple methods-a case report of complex suicide,2019,28,1,22-25,Kachare Trends of suicidal hanging in western Mumbai region,2019,28,1,6-10,Sonawane Incidental finding of corrosive acid poisoning in a case of hanging,2021,30,1,66-68,Sharma A Case Report of Dyadic Death with Husband as a Perpetrator,2022,31,1,101-104,Zanjad A Profile of Suicidal Deaths-A Prospective Study,2022,31,1,48-53,Bansude Fatal Tracheal Perforation in Self-Inflicted Stab Injury to Neck with a Pair of Scissors - A Case Report,2022,31,2,93-96,Devnath Profile of Poisoning Cases in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Tamil Nadu South India - A 4 Year Retrospective Study,2022,31,1,54-60,Sangeetha A suicide claimed as a homicide-role of medical evidence to untie,2023,32,1,106-109,Sanjeev