Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Mummified remains in the field of forensics. The comparison of a 19th century case report with current cases,2019,3,2,99-104,Ventura The interpretation of suicide in the work of Enrico Morselli,2019,3,2,83-85,Badino The Italian legislator's silence on physician-assisted suicide: legal and bioethical implications,2021,5,2,1-9,Bonsignore A law on the end of life emerging from ideological conflicts,2022,6,1,,Ciaccia End-of-Life in Italy: Critical and Bioethical Aspects of the Bill on Physician-Assisted Suicide,2022,6,Special issue 1,,Cipolloni Assisted suicide and new issues: the Ethics Committees,2023,7,1,,Bonsignore