Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Major depressive disorder in neuroimaging: What is beyond fronto-limbic model?,2019,15,1,37-43,Lai Biomarkers in panic disorder,2020,16,3,167-178,Lai Clinical profile of mortality among chronic schizophrenic patients: A local pilot survey in iran,2020,16,2,127-131,Shafti Psychiatric manifestations of ehlers-danlos syndrome in adolescents: A case report and literature review,2020,16,4,288-291,Shirk Psychiatric patients with a serious mental illness and a recent history of violent behavior: An exploration of developmental clinical cognitive and demographic characteristics,2020,16,2,110-118,Del Pozzo Clinical case of organic pseudopsychopathic disorder in a teenager in terms of differential diagnostics with childhood schizophrenia,2021,17,1,57-64,Darin Analysis of Suicidal Behavior and Chronicity of Depressive Symptoms in the Presence of Hypovitaminosis D,2022,18,1,60-69,Sougey Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Suicide in Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review,2022,18,1,36-45,Bernardo