Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A justification of rational suicide in Thomas Hobbes,2019,35,135,115-131,Tenneriello A bioethical analysis of the constitutional court's decision on the cappato case,2019,35,133,93-98,Mori Act n. 219/2017 a year after its adoption and new scenarios opened by the constitutional court ruling 207/2018,2019,35,133,84-92,Borsellino "Cappato case" and the dignity to self-determine the death,2019,35,133,156-163,Cupelli Controversial issues on the end-of-life treatment: Analysis of the Italian constitutional court order no. 207 of 2018,2019,35,133,127-134,Bertolini End-of-life care and human rights,2019,35,133,119-126,Gallo Fase finale della vita tra libertà ed esigenze di protezione. Quali punti fermi?: A cura di Marilisa D'Amico Irene Pellizzone e Benedetta Liberali,2019,35,133,71-75,D'Amico The Italian constitutional court's preliminary order n. 207/2018: First insights on a "new right" of the patient in the end-of-life decisionmaking process,2019,35,133,135-141,Pizzetti The Italian constitutional court's decision n. 207/2018: A prudent (?) breach to assisted suicide,2019,35,133,142-149,Vimercati The long march to obtain the right to self-determination,2019,35,133,173-177,Welby Availability of life and right,2020,36,140,146-153,Fornero A new decisive step in dismantling hippocratism made by constitutional court's decision n. 242/19 on medically assisted suicide,2020,36,140,34-43,Mori End-of-life issues between philosophy and law,2020,36,140,126-132,Fiandaca Civiltà cattolica's Thesis on the Bill Concerning Medically Assisted Suicide is neither totally New nor is in Favor of such a Practice,2022,38,145,11-24,Mori Self-Determination at the End of Life. The Route ahead for Italy,2022,38,145,7-10,Zagrebelsky