Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Etwas Neues unter der Sonne: An ordinance suspending annulment calling for the legislator to cooperate (note to It. Const. Court ord. no. 207/2018 case Cappato),2018,21,3,711-724,Sorrenti The regulation on assisted suicide is now a 'law' (or to say it better a 'law-judgment') produced by the free invention by the constitutional court: Comment of judgment No. 242 of 2019,2019,22,3,633-649,Ruggeri The justifiable assisted suicide (rectius: Assistance in dying),2019,22,3,591-650,Colaianni The judicial epilogue of the cappato affair and the "subsidiary" role of the lawmakers in the regulation of the "ethically sensitive" issues,2019,22,3,609-631,Licastro