Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A dramatic decline in suicides: Back from the edge,2014,410,8889,, Official suicides: Unnatural deaths,2014,410,8889,, Suicide in America: An awful hole,2015,411,8919,, Trying to prevent suicide,2015,411,8921,,Kirwin Assisted suicide is wrong,2016,412,9001,,Masdeu Bello: A small act of national suicide in Peru,2016,412,9016,, Suicide: The saddest trend,2016,412,8983,, Suicide in Japan: Deep in the woods,2016,412,8970,, Suicide is a disease,2018,414,9096,,Walder-Biesanz The sorrows of Werther: Suicide is born of despair. Suicide prevention is far from hopeless,2018,414,9093,,