Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Life events and parasuicides in hospital Kuala Lumpur Malaysia,2011,7,2,45-52,Maniam Helium gas inhalation as a suicide technique,2018,14,1,65-67,Singh Effectiveness of community-based mental health education programs on mental health issues awareness level among students in Jordan,2019,15,,54-59,Abojaradeh Profiles of deliberate and accidental self harmers admitted in hospitals in Malaysia Project Report (PRODASH),2019,15,3,81-88,Ahmad The psychological impact and functional disability of patients with acne vulgaris in hospital Serdang Malaysia: A cross sectional analysis,2019,15,2,56-61,How Improvement of trigeminal neuralgia after massage therapy and dry needling,2020,16,,81-83,Omar Correlation between stress anxiety and depression with sleep quality of COVID-19 patient treated in isolation ward,2021,17,,128-131,Batong Rates and Profiles of Self-Harm Presenting to Malaysian General Hospitals: Data from the Ministry of Health in 2011,2017,,,39-45,Ruziana Masiran Effectiveness of community-based mental health education programs on mental health issues awareness level among students in Jordan,2019,,,54-59,Ala-M.-Abojaradeh Improvement of Trigeminal Neuralgia after Massage Therapy and Dry Needling,2020,,,81-83,Wan-Adnan-Wan-Omar Helium Gas Inhalation as a Suicide Technique,2018,,,65-67,Sarjit-Singh