Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Replication study of "Visual fixation on the thorax predicts bystander breathing detection in simulated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest",2024,7,1,,Pedrotti Evaluation of a 90-minute school-based resuscitation course with 340 middle school students - a multicenter intervention study,2024,7,1,,Keil Evaluation of a 2-day first aid course including basic resuscitation with 1268 primary school children aged 6-13 years - a multicenter intervention study,2023,6,1,1-15,Keil Perspective of need for first aid education in Bulgarian schools,2023,6,1,61-69,Baleva Exploring medical students' self-reported confidence and willingness administering basic life support (BLS) following peer-led training in the context of COVID-19,2023,6,1,81-94,Mears First aid training in remote borderline communities in Armenia,2023,6,1,16-18,Khudoyan