Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author From the dreamwork of secession to orgies mysteries theatre,2009,52,3,263-282,Blau Hedda's silences: Beauty and despair in Hedda Gabler,2013,56,4,434-456,Moi "last in a long line of literary kleptomaniacs": Intertextuality in Sarah Kane's 4.48 psychosis,2013,56,3,374-398,Diedrich "wall street lays an egg": Financial Drama and the 1933 Banking collapse in Archibald MacLeish's Panic: A drama of industrial crisis (1935) 1,2013,56,3,327-351,Currell Politics pathology suicide and social fates: Tony Kushner's the Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Capitalism and Socialism with a Key to the Scriptures,2016,59,2,231-248,Gullette The "atmos-Feeling" of resurrection: Feeling black (Not Slave) in black arts movement drama,2019,62,4,483-501,Crawford