Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide in anti-psychiatry and in psychoanalysis,2008,11,3,392-404,Correa Suicide in aging,2009,12,4,636-649,Côrte Suicide and society - A comparative study of Durkheim and Marx,2009,12,4,698-713,Rodrigues Weaponization of the body and politicization of death,2009,12,1,71-98,Movahedi From the senselessness of suicidal gestures to the signifying condensation of suicide,2012,15,4,766-780,André The therapist is affected: Hermeneutics as a clinical position,2013,16,1,147-153,Bulcão Suicide and melancholy: Following in the tracks of the first psychoanalytic elaborations,2016,19,2,287-302,Massa The obscene place of suicide,2016,19,1,43-56,de Carlos The role of artistic production in psychosis: The case of yayoi kusama,2020,23,2,418-442,Raone Religiosity and mental suffering experiences of users of the Brazilian public healthcare system,2021,24,1,115-139,Oliveira Risco de suicídio é preocupação de agência dos EUA nos testes clínicos de drogas contra obesidade: gordos resistem a emagrecer conta artigo,2008,11,2,265-266,Teixeira Suicídio na envelhecescência,2009,12,4,636-649,Côrte Suicídio e sociedade: um estudo comparativo de Durkheim e Marx,2009,12,4,698-713,Rodrigues