Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production concerning suicide in children from 1985 to 2005,2007,25,2,40-62,Palacios-Espinosa Psychometric characteristics of the CES-D scale in adolescents of San Juan de Pasto (Colombia),2012,30,2,328-340,Villalobos-Galvis Perception of early parental care in mental health consultants with attempt and suicidal ideation,2014,32,3,403-417,Varela Profiling Chilean suicide note-writers through content analysis,2016,34,3,517-528,Ceballos-Espinoza Functional Measurement in the Field of Empirical Ethics,2021,39,3,,Mullet Factors Related to Suicide Risk in University Students from Honduras,2022,40,1,,Landa-Blanco Association between Psychological Discomfort and Age Sex Work Study Zone of Residence in Uruguayan Young People,2023,41,3,,Santos