Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Quand l'ami(e) vient à mourir..,2006,31,2,83-93,Bourdet-Loubère Ça serait si bien de savoir..,2008,38,1,64-70,Dumont Harcèlements en milieu scolaire,2009,45,4,82-90,Catheline De la fonction porte-parole du corps dans l'agir des adolescentes d'aujourd'hui,2013,61,4,60-69,Perret The dismay of parents with transgender children,2016,69,1,75-82,Hefez Couples suffering from psychic disorders who want to have a child: what form of care can be offered?,2018,79,3,51-61,Vacheron Some effects of the lockdown on a psychoanalytic family therapy: Limitation of psychomotor agitation and the emergence of depressive effects,2020,87,3,50-59,Knera-Renaud