Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author On psychoanalytic interpretations of terrorism and suicide bombers,2005,39,2,165-192,Meneguz The vertigo of nothingness: Reflections on nostalgia of the sacred (1980),2006,40,3,335-354+339,Perlini Some reflections on the "Recommendations for suicide prevention",2013,47,4,657-672,Pellegrini Suicide prevention for psychoanalytic institutes and societies,2014,48,1,9-22,Kernberg Problems of drug research: The case of "Study 329",2015,49,4,589-594,Migone The Rebekka Freud riddle,2018,52,2,215-248,Romano Problems of prediction in psychiatry,2021,,4,623-646,Angelozzi Suicide prevention and access to lethal methods,2021,,2,265-268,Pompili The displacement hypothesis in suicide: Person and situation in psychopathology,2021,,2,247-264,Angelozzi Enduring relevance: An introduction to the clinical contribution of Kurt R. Eissler,2007,41,4,465-480,Garcia